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每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。



1.What does the woman mean?
A.Sally is sometimes late for work・
B.Sally a I ways es to work on time.
C.Sally a I ways es to work late t han her ・
2.What sport does the woman Ii ke best?
A.How to stay hea I thy.
B. How to lose we i gh t・
C. How to
keep a good diet・
3.How much d i d the speakers pay for the repa i rs on the i r house?
A.250 do I I ars ・
B. 500 dol lars ・
C. 1,000 dol lars.
4.What' s the room Ii ke accord i ng to the woman?
A.It faces the sea・
B.It' s on the second fIoor・
C.It' s not far from the garden・
5.Where does the man pI an to go?
A.Tot he c i nema ・
B. Tot he Na tion al Zo o.
C. To the
Nat ionaI Park.
第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22. 5分)

6.What does the man fi rstly want to buy for his eIder sister?
A.An art B・ Some car toon C・ A clock ・
pa i n ting. toys.
7.What wiI I they do tomorrow?
A.Buy a c I ock・
B.Go to the shopping ma I I.
C.Attend the man' s s i ster' s wedd i ng・

8.What type of movie is Mad Doctor BrowrR
A.Viol ent film.
B. Funny film.
9.When wi I I the two speakers arrive at the cinema?
A. At 6:00,
B. At 8:00.

10.Where are the two speakers now?
A. On Lincoln
B. On Ma i n Street・
Street. C. On First
11 ・ How wi I I the woman go to Bums Park?
A. By bus・B・ Take a tax i ・
12.How many blocks should the woman waIk before he es
A. Two.
B. Three.

13.What happened to the woman?
A.She quarre Ied with her husband・
B.She d i vorced her husband・
C.She didn' t love her husband・
14.What' s the reason for the woman and her husband T s
C. Sad film.
C. At 7:30.
C. On foot.
to Lincoln Street?
C. Five.
quarre I thi s time?
A. She broke a lot of things.
B.She sa i d d i rty words to her husband・
C.She turned off the puter di rectly・
15.How i s the woman fee Ii ng now accord i ng to the dialogue?
A.Angry. C. Impu I s i ve (冲
B.Calm. 动).
16. What s the better way to the woman to get along with husband?
A. PI ay puter games together.
B.Force him to make an apo I ogy.
C.Give him respect when staying with his fr iends.

17.What does the speaker mainly d i scuss?
A. The history of cola.
B.Soft-dr i nk product i on.
Using cola as a drug.
18.How was co I a original Iy so Id?
A. As a soft dr i nk. C・ As a cook i ng
B. As a med i c i ne. oil.
19.Why d i d the speaker mention John S・Pamberton?
A.He sold cola to doctors・
B.He was drugs tore c I erk ・
C.He developed cola as a drug・
20.How was the drug made into a soft dr ink?
A.By heating it.
B.By adding soda water.
C・ By mixing it with spec i a I oils・

Mark Twa in left schooI when he was twe I ve・ He had little school educa t ion but had to I i ve ・ He made mi I I ions of do I I ars by wr i ting whose rea I name was Samue I Langhorne Clemens, but he i s better known a I I over the wor Id as Mark Twain, his penname・
Mark Twa i n was bor n in 1835 and he was not a hea I thy bab y. In fac t, he was not expec ted to live t hrough the f i rst win ter. But with h i s mot
her * s tender care, he managed to survive・ As a boy, he caused much trouble for his parents.
After h i s fat her ' s dea th i n 1847, Mark Twa i n bega n to work for a pr i nt er, who on I y prov i ded him w i th food and c I oth i ng. The n, he worked as a pr i nt er, a r i ver-boat pi Iot (领航员)and later joined the army. But shortly after that he became a miner. Dur ing this per iod, he
started to wr ite short stories・ Afterwards he became a full一time wr i ter.
In 1870, Mark Twain got married・ In the years that fol lowed he wrote many books incIuding Tom Sawyer in 1876, and Huckleberry Finn in 1884, which made him famous, and brought him a great fortune.
Unfor tunat e I y, Mark Twa in got into deb ts i n bad investments (投
资) and he had to wr i te I arge numbers of st ories to pay t hese deb ts. In 1904, his wife died and then three of thei r chiIdren passed away.
At the age of 70, h i s ha i r was pIetely white. He bought many white
suits and neckties. He wore nothing but white from head to foot unti I his death on Apr i I 21, 1910. (260 words)
21・ Mark Twain left schooI at 12 to ________________
A. wr i te stories
B. join the army
C.make a Ii ving
D. work as a pr i nter
u 1 eM £ 工noqe S ^USAS S UIMO | |OJ . j.o 」op 」o iq3j J sqi s 门叫从•乙乙 p|noo | pies Asq £ •psiuje| e SJSM Asq^. ue|d Am s^usued Aiu p|0^ | usq/^
op o 工 psq.ueM | ^.eqM MOU ”
j.|dsujiq ueiu ssd|9iuoq e Suiqo^eM uddq peq sssoons s ;4 u 1
eM £ ”」瑚
a SVjJOM S 0 qiesp s ;4 u1eM £
引 a
马! 1 s 4!酗丄怦w V 小口!工isaq
冲sq p|noM SuI MO | |oj. 沖戶qoI MM
•兀 Sui^.ui Jd S!H B g
・ ・s4.udiu4.sdAu 1 s\[]・()
心!山勺 siH a •S >|JOM sin V
^Asuoui j.o sq.o | pue siuej. u 1 eMj^ ”」工q 塔no 」q 工PI (M £乙
9 $p $q 4e 'o a 9 4p 4q 4o 4e 0 9 9 p 佗・g 9 $p g 'q p p
jsq.1 JA \ siui||nj. e se 3u 1 >|JOA \ Q
Aujje oq 工 Suiuiof p JSU iiu e se 3u 1 >|JOA \ O
工0|!d ieoq-j9A 1 J e se 3u 1 >|JOA \ q Jd^u 1 Jd e se 3u 1 >|JOA \ -
e 冋! I be putting myseI
f in danger, takin
g a box to a homeless person at
night! But I knew, i n my deep heart, that I v/ou Id be safe ・ They watched as I added warm gloves, a heavy bIanket …into a box until it was full! Then, I put a Chr i s tmas card on top. It said, “Eve n t hough we hard I y know each ot her, I wan t to wi sh you a Merry Chr i st mas! ” I put ten on e~do liar bills inside it as we I I ・
pooj.」o §uiq4.0|0 UIJBM q4,i A \ uiiq A\es JSASU
”upq JQA i J dqq. uo “2)|oqs” e ui 8|qeiJ0j.
pue p| oo A JQA SBM 工|
My fat her insis ted he wen t t here with me as it was 10 pm on Chr i s tmas
Eve. I said he could dr i ve me but he had to stay in the car. He agreed・
I I took the box and wa I ked to wards hi s "house"・ I called, "Sir,
I have a Chr i stmas box for you!n
"*Go away!” he shouted.
"Sir,” I repea ted.
"Go away!M he shouted angr iIy.
Why?M I asked him.
He wa I ked over and I saw two of the mos t beau ti ful, gentle, b I ue eyes I have ever seen・
'"Merr y Christmas!” I said.
'•Why are you doing this?” he asked.
suop ueq^- P!BS JSI sea si q.i
sno 1 uno A 」o/\ ・Q
psq. 1 oxa A JSA
pas 1jduns
Aq psoe| ddj q.ssq ueo u psiiije|e M pjOM psu 1 | jspun oq 丄 ・g 乙
(spJOM 乙厶乙)•工戶 | 1 pue pe(]
05 ・QJOIU A UB ui 1 q Suiqo^eM Aq IUI q (^^•••^}) ssej jeqius 04.工UPM 工 upi p | -
p|oS q4.iM ps 1 1 1 j. seM 工! I | xoq sqq. ps 1 J jeo dq pue ssAs s 1 q oq. suieo sjes| •xoq sqq. uiiq QAeS | 工eq 工 a pies | U 'QUJ 04.丿o 工工eiu
noA osneosg … ^.eqq. suspesj | 194. oq. s 1
sqq. Su 14.1 JM u 1 asodund s joq^ne oq 丄 ・g 乙
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•工」ni| §u 1 sq UJOJJ . jsq^ej. s iq 工09工o 」d o 工 ps^-UBM osneosg •Q • peq 1 ddj. o 工 ueiu sss | suioq sqq.工UPM 工 upip s sneosg
• peq seM ueiu sss | suioq sq^. pdAd 1 | sq ssneosg
• SAejq seM sq SAOJC ! oq. ps^ueM ssneosg 乙 jeo oq 工 u 1 Aeq.s oq. jsq^ej. s 1 q joqq. nm "工 P!P MM
psiuioddesip 0
ps1 JJOM poses 1 d *y
B ・ poverty is the mother of heaI th
C ・ where there i s a will, there i s a way
D. a willing he I per does not wa it until he i s asked
The plan: turn Mars into a b I ue wor I d with st reams and gree n fields, and t hen f i I I it with crea tures (生耳勿)from the ear th.
Th i s i dea may sound I i ke some thing from a sc i ence f ict i on (科幺 7小 说),but it is actuaI Iy being taken seriously by many researchers ・ This sugges ts the fut ure for the "red plane t” will be the ma i n to pic for
conference hosted by NASA (美国宇航局)
astrobiology (太空生物学).“Now, with scient ists explor ing the rea I ity, we can ask what are the reaI possibiIities of changing Mars.
Most scientists agree that Mars couId be turned into a little earth,
although much time and money wouId be needed to achieve this goaI ・
discussion at an international
this week. Lead i ng researchers as we I I a s scienee f iction writers wi I I attend the event.
Turning Mars into a little earth has Iong been a topic in scienee fiction, sa i d Dr MichaeI Meyer, NASA* s senior scientist for
But many exper ts are shocked by the i dea ・"We are des troy i ng our own wor I d at an unbe I i evab I e speed and now we are ta I k i ng about ru i n i ng another pIanet, " said Paul Murdin from the Institute of Astronomy, Cambr idge, UK.
Over the past months, scient ists have bee increasingly conf ident ・ They wi I I f i nd Martian life forms・ Europe and Amer ica's robot exp Iorers have found proof that water, mixed with soil, exists in Iarge amounts on the p I ane t・
29. The passage i s about __________ ・
A.Mars supporting Ii fe
B. find ing water i n the Mars
C. a p I a n t urning Mars into a little earth
D. the n ecess i ty
of changing Mars
30. Those who agree to turn Mars into a little earth ____________
A.are short of confidence
B.will gain the support of NASA
C・ are asking for advice on how to carry it out
D. reaIize that it' s not easy to achieve thei r goaI
31・ What' s Pau I Murdin* s attitude to the pI an?
A.He is for the idea・
B. He is active in the idea.
C.He is against the idea・D・ He doesn' t care about it.
32.What can we know about the scientists from the I ast paragraph?
A.They have no idea about the pI an・
B.They wiI I find Martian lives very soon.
C.They may achieve thei r goaIs some day.
D.They have found much proof of Martian Iives・
Long March exhibit
The Shanghai History Museum is putting on an exhibition to mark the 60th anniversary of the Long March・ On show are more than 220 photos and 40 it ems that exp lain with pic tures how the mun i s t Red Army drew back from its besieged(被围困的)bases in Jiangxi Provinee and fought its way to northern Shaanx i Prov i nee in the mid-1930s・ Exp I anations are a I I i n Chinese・
The show wiI I end on November 20.
Time: 10:00 am-4:00 pm
Address: 1286 Hongqiao Road
Admission: 8 yuan for Chinese /15 yuan for foreigners
Thai elephants
Eigh t e I ephan ts from Tha i I a nd are entert a i n i ng v i s i tors at Changfeng Park by r iding bikes, playing basketball, ba Ianc i ng on a beam, danci ng and blowing a mouthorgan・ PeopIe are encouraged to have a tug-of-war (拔河比赛)w ith the anima I s or I ie on the ground and have the elephants wa Ik over them. The elephants give three shows a day at 9:30 am, 3:30 pm and 8:00 pm and there i s an add i ti onal show at I :30 pm at weekends・ The show wiI I end on November 15.
Address: 189 Daduhe Road
Admission: 30-40 yuan
Daneing dolphins
Dolphins jumping from the water to touch a ba I I, sway ing thei r bodies to mus ic, k i ss i ng peop I e and do i ng math by tapp i ng the i r tails have made the dolphinar ium(海豚馆)in Peace Park an attraction for chi Idren. Sea
I s and sea Ii ons a I so perform・
Hours: 10:30 am, 4:00 pm, and 7:30 pm
Admission: 20 yuan for adults and 10 yuan for chiIdren.
33.If you go to visit the Long March exhibit with an Austral ian, how much
wi I I you pay a Itogether for the admi ss ion (入场费)?
A.16 yuan.
B.23 yuan. C・ 30 yuan. D. 20 yuan.
34.At the exhibition, you wiI I see _________ ・
A. books on the Long March
B・ many things Ieft by the Red Army
C・ many articles wr i tten by famous wr i ters
D.many photos and pictures about the Long March
35.The dolphinar ium i n Peace Park i s a ha I I where you can see _________ ・
A.only sea Is perform
B.only dolphins perform
C.only sea Is and sea lions perform
D.not only do I phi ns but a I so sea Is and sea I ions perform


How do you stay true to yourself when you' re surrounded by fr iends or fami I y that have an opinion on every thing you do? It' s not easy! 36 Here are 4 tips which can he I p you I i ve a dynamic (精力充沛的)life.
Stay t rue to yourself by I ist en i ng to the on I y opinions that rea I I y matter—your own and those from people who be Iieve i n and encourage you・Deep down you know yourseIf better than anybody eIse・
Don' t fear people
38 The reason most peopIe don' t take risks, or Iive on the edge is the fear of what others might think of them・ If you want to live the I ife you truIy deserve, you must give up the need to be I iked by everybody.
VaIue yourseIf and your choices
When you do, others wi I I too. Own the choices you make in your I ife・39 When you be I i eve i n yourse If, inti ot hers will bel ieve in y ou too. Show conf i dence i n your choices, and wha t you st and for whe ther ot hers agree or not.
Focus on appreciation
No matter what the c i rcumstances are, there i s a I ways something to be grateful for・Al I successfuI peopIe ask, “What am I grateful for? How can I improve my situation and use t hese to ugh ti mes to inspire ot hers? M 40 These steps, if app I ied, wi I I he Ip you transform your peace of mind, Iifestyle, and productivity.
A.Focus on your own talents and strengths
B.Never let others? opinions guide your choices
C.Treat every person as they are important・
D.When you doubt yourself, others wiI I doubt you.
E・ Stay fear less in everything you wiI I have to do.
F・ Be t hankfu I to life and be he I pfu I to ot hers, and you' I I I ead a successfuI Ii fe.
G. However, there are great possibi I ities that you can Iead the I ife you reaI Iy want・
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白

I was a new teacher, and I gave an honest mark on the students‘ work・ In Brain- s 41 , the grades were awfuI Iy low・ He couIdn- t read his
own handwr iting. But he was a 42 student・ He di scussed aduIt subjects with near I y adult unders tanding ・ His v/ork i n no way ref I ec ted (反映)hi s 43 .
I had v/orr i ed myse I f sick over Bra in' s mot her i ng to see me. So when Brain* s mot her ent ered the room, my palms (手掌)were 44 ・ I was pIetely unprepared for her kisses on both my cheeks・ "I came to thank you, n she said, surpr ising me beyond speech・45 me, Brain had bee
a d i fferent person. She ta I ked of how he 46 me, he had begun to make f r i ends, and for the f i rst time in his t we I ve years, he had 47 spe nt an afternoon at a friend' s house・ She wanted to teI I me how 48 she was for the se I f-respec t I had deve I oped i n her son. She k i ssed me aga in and I eft ・
I sat, surpr i sed, for about ha I f an hour, 49 what had just happened・How d i d I make such a I ife-changing d i fference to that boy without 50 knowing it? What I finally came to 51 was one day, when some students v/ere 52 performa nces i n fro nt of the c I ass ・ Jeanne spoke 53 , and to encourage her to raise her voice, I said, "Speak
up. Brain isthe expert on this・ He is the 54 one you have to convince, and he can? t hear you in the 55 of the room・n That was it. From that day on, Simon had sat up 56 , paid more attention, smi led more, and
became happ y. And it was a I I because he 57 to be the I as t kid in the I ast row・ The boy who most needed 58 was the one who took the I ast seat that day.
111aught me the most 59 I esson over the years of my teach i ng career,
and I* m thankfuI that it came ear
and pos i
A smaI I k i ndness
i ndeed make a 60 .
41. A. case B. mind C. opinion D. cond i tion
42. A. ord i nary B. br ight C・ cur ious D. generous
43. A. abiIity B. courage C・ feelings D. dream
44. A. shak i ng B. sweating C. c lapp i ng D. waving
45. A. Because of B. In spite of C. Apart from D. In favor of
46. A. loved B. impressed C. pleased D. cr itici zed
47. A. graduaI I y B. stead i I y C. recently D. obviously
48. A. de Ii
B. grateful
C. respectful
D. pa i nfu I
49. A. imagining B. wonder i ng C. observing D. regretting
50. A. a I so B. even C. a I ways D. still
51. A. expect B. accept C. be I ieve D. remember
52. A. wr iting B. mak i ng C. editing D. speak i ng
53. A. s iI ent Iy B. firmly C. calmly D. quietly
54. A. I ucky B. lonely C. very D. likely
55. A. entrance B. middle C. front D. back
56. A. stra i
B. higher C・ lower D. smoother
57. A. i ntended B. c I aimed C. attempted D. happened
58. A. change B. pra i se C. thanks D. visits
59.A, difficult B. I iveIy C. valuable D. enjoyabIe
60. A. living B. difference C. effect D・breakthrough

Alt hough we' ve been 61 (de I i gh t) to have you as a n e i ghbor, we hope to settle some thing 62 bot hers us. In a word, it' s abo ut your dog
------ Cleo ・
We' ve ca I I ed severa I 63 (t ime) about Cleo' s ear I y morni ng bark i ng. It isdifficu It 64 (unders tand) why she barks every m inut e she * s out side. The ear I y morning bark i ng 65 (have) been d i sturbing us as v/e are often up a I I n igh t with the bab y. Besides, Cleo t ends to bark 66 average of six hours a day. This morning she started barking even before 5 o' cIock・That is too 67 (many) for us, consider ing how cIose the houses are ・We apprec i a te getting 68 (you) apo I ogi es and goodwi I I, 69 we hope that you can find out a good way of 70 (settle) the matter ・第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分) 第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。






My fat her and I st ayed at the South Lake Hotel for a week when we vi si t Beijing I as t month. It is i n the downtown area, but it is easy to go to anywhere from the hotel by pub Iic transport・ We Ii ved i n a fortably doubIe-room with a big bath. What I liked best were the free high-speed I nternet connection in the room. I checked my ema iI messages every day.
I a I so shared for my fr iends many photos tak ing in Be i j ing. The food was wonderfuI with reasonabIe pr ices, and we en joyed severaI I oca I d i sh ・
It is such great hotel that I would remend it to any fr iend of me who i s going to Bei jing・
Li Hua






Dear Heby,
X i ao Hua
1---5 BBCBA 6---10 CBBCB 11---15CBACC 16---20CABCB
21 ---- 25 CBAAB 26 ------- 30CADCD 31 ------- 35 CCBDD 36——40 GBEDF
41-45 ABABA 46-50 ACBBB 51-55 DBDCD 56-60 ADBCB
61・ delighted 62. that 63. ti mes 64. to understand 65. has
66. an 67. much 68. your
69. but 70. sett Ii ng
1 ・ v i s i t
----------- v
sited 2. but --- so/and
3. go to --- to 去掉
4. fortab Iy --- fortab Ie
5. were -- was
7・ tak i ng 1 aken
6. for -- with
8. d i sh d i shes 10. me -- mine.
9. such 后加 a
Dear Heby,
How' s everything going? I' m so de Iighted to have met you and bee fr iends with you. I miss you very much after you Ieft China and thus I am wr iting this letter to teI I you something about me.
I en tered senior high school i n Sep tember .The school i s very beau tiful and I fee I that the new I i fe i s very exc i ting and fu I I of cha I len ges ・ My teachers and c I assmates are a I I very k i nd・ I have dec i ded to try my best to learn a lot from them・ Of course, I wi I I a I so do more exercise to keep fit.
Give my best regards to your parents and I am Iooking forward to your visiting my schooI next year・
Yours, Xiao Hua。
