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Graduate School
Visa for Non-local Students (Taught Programmes)
The Immigration Ordinance of Hong Kong stipulates that non-local students must obtain a valid visa to study in Hong Kong. Part-time students who are in possession of other valid visa are advised to consult the Immigration Department of the HKSAR on whether or not they are required to apply for student visa for studying in Hong Kong. Please refer to
/doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/en/contact-us.html for contacts of the Immigration Department. Non-local students who cannot present a valid visa at the time of registration will not be allowed to register. As it may take months to obtain the visa, please start your application immediately.
Important note on collection and dispatch of visa label
As stipulated by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR, a visa label will normally valid for three months upon collection and students are required to enter Hong Kong with the visa label within the three-month period. In view of the above policy of the Immigration Department of HKSAR, the University will collect visa labels and dispatch them to non-local students around six weeks prior to their admission date, even though the Immigration Department of HKSAR may have approved the visa application before that.
Students from the Chinese Mainland or Taiwan
The Graduate School will act as the sponsor for your application of student visa. Please send the following documents in one parcel to the Graduate Division of your Programme. Addresses of Divisions can be found from the homepage of the Graduate School (/doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/gss/course.php). If your parcel is late or any of the documents is missing or incomplete, your application will be delayed, which may result in failure in obtaining a visa on time. Please DO NOT include documents or payments not related to your visa application in the parcel, as it will delay our processing of your application.
- Students from the Chinese mainland please submit documents no. 1 – 6
- Students from Taiwan please submit documents no. 1 – 7
- Students from Taiwan taking part-time programme are also required to submit document no. 8
- Students from Macau please submit documents no. 1 – 6 and 9
- Students taking part-time programmes please ALSO submit documents no. 10 – 13
No. Documents
required Remarks
1. “Application for Visa Sponsorship” A blank form is attached for your completion
2. Form
IMPORTANT: Before completing the form, please read the ‘Guide Book for Entry for Study in Hong Kong’ at
/doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/en/services/hk-visas/study/guidebook.html Blank form of the Immigration Department is attached for your use.
Note: If you intend to bring with you any accompanying dependants, please submit a separate application directly to the Immigration Department by downloading Form ID 997 “Application for Entry for Residence as Dependants in Hong Kong”from the Immigration’s website at
/doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/en/forms/forms/id997.html
You may refer to the following link for more information on dependant visa application:
/doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/en/services/hk-visas/dependents.html Please note that your dependant visa application will NOT be handled by the Graduate School. If we have received any dependant visa application, the application materials will be returned to you for handling.
3. A clear copy of your identity card (front and back) and a copy of your
passport/travel document, if you have one The text and the photo on the copy must be clear and legible. For passport/travel document, please copy the pages with your personal particulars, photo, passport validity, signature and re-entry visa held (if any).
4. A copy of the Admission Notification
5. Evidence of your financial standing to prove that you will be able to
support your studying and living in Hong Kong, e.g., a clear copy of bank statements, savings account passbooks or tax receipts If the financial proof belongs to a person who will support you financially, please also provide:
- proof of relationship between you and that person,
e.g. birth certificate, marriage certificate
- an undertaking signed by that person that s/he will support you financially
6. Please settle the visa handling fee(HK$400) by credit card at
https:///doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/OnlineApp/login.aspx (Please select
“Visa status checking/ change visa address”) or enclosing a bank draft
(銀⾏本票) for HK$400 for the visa handling fee, payable to “The Chinese University of Hong Kong” or “⾹港中⽂⼤學”. Once the application is processed, the handling fee is not refundable.
The following is required for students from Taiwan ONLY
7. A copy of your household registration in Taiwan (台灣⼾籍影印本) Copy of the front and the back pages are required
The following is also required for students from Taiwan taking part-time programme
8 A copy of notarized declaration of identity for visa purpose Students have to affix the student visa label on the
original notarized declaration of identity for visa purpose
in order to enter Hong Kong
The following is required for students from Macau ONLY
9. A copy of your Macau identity card Copy of the front and the back pages are required
The following are required from non-local students taking PART-TIME programmes ONLY
10. Plan of your travel to and how between Hong Kong and your
residence Holders of part-time student visa are not allowed to stay in Hong Kong through the whole normative study period. Thus, please provide information on how you will travel between Hong Kong and your residence.
11. Explanation on why you select to study the Programme at this
University instead of programmes in your home country
12. An undertaking that you will depart Hong Kong after you complete the
programme The undertaking must be signed and the signature should be the same as that on other forms.
13. Support letter from your current employer, if applicable A letter should be issued from your current employer, if applicable, indicating their support to your part-time
studies in Hong Kong
Students from Overseas
You may submit your application together with the checklist via the Graduate School as mentioned above for students from the Chinese mainland or Taiwan. Please follow the same instructions given on page 1.
You may also submit your application forms together with the relevant supporting documents and travel documents in person to the nearest Chinese diplomatic and consular missions in your place of domicile.
If you need further information, please contact the Immigration Department by telephone [(852) 2824 6111], by fax [(852) 2877 7711] or through e-mail [enquiry@/doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk].
Holders of Dependant Visa or Employment Visa
Holders of dependant visa may study in Hong Kong full-time or part-time while holders of employment visa may only study part-time. Please send a copy of your dependant visa or employment visa to the Graduate School either by e-mail or by post as soon as possible and at least one month before the Admission Date, quoting your student ID number, name and programme on your copy.
By e-mail: gradschool@/doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk
By post: Graduate School
7/F, Yasumoto International Academic Park
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2 Dec 2014 [VisaSponsorship(TPg)_2 Dec 2014.doc]
Application for Visa Sponsorship
Part A: Particulars of Applicant
Name (in English)(in Chinese, if applicable)
Degree pursued
Study Programme Student ID No.
E-mail address:
Address of residence you intend to stay in Hong Kong
Please input your mailing address for receiving the student visa to the following website:
https:///doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/OnlineApp/login.aspx
1. Please be reminded that if no mailing address is found in the above system, your visa label will
NOT be sent out until you have inputted your mailing address.
2. If there is any change, you should update your mailing address in the above website. Otherwise, your
visa will be sent to a wrong place and you will have to submit your application AGAIN.
Part B: Pledge 承諾
I, the undersigned, hereby pledge that: 本⼈,即下述簽署⼈,謹此承諾:
(1) To abide by the laws of Hong Kong while
residing or studying here
(2) To be a student only at The Chinese University
of Hong Kong to undertake the Programme
(3) Not to take up any employment, whether paid or
unpaid, or establish or join in any business, in violation of my conditions of stay as stipulated by the Immigration Department of Hong Kong, or the related regulations as set by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (三)不從事任何違反⾹港⼊境事務處規定的
(4) To leave Hong Kong on the expiry of period of
stay granted by the Immigration Department of Hong Kong (四)在⾹港⼊境事務處批准的逗留期限屆滿
Signature of Applicant ____________________________ Date ________________________________
Graduate School
Checklist for Visa Application
Enclosed please find the following documents for my visa application:
(Please put a “ ” in the appropriate box)
□ 1. completed “Application for Visa Sponsorship” and “Form ID995A”
□ 2. clear copy of my identity card / passport/ travel document (front and back)
□ 3. copy of admission notification
□ 4. copy of my financial proof (e.g. bank statements, savings account passbooks or tax
□ 5. Visa handling fee has been settled by credit card /
a bank draft (銀⾏本票) for HK$400 for the visa handling fee is enclosed
□ 6. copy of my household registration in Taiwan (台灣⼾籍影印本)
(for students from Taiwan only)
□7. copy of my Macau identity card
(for students from Macau only)
□8. I have inputted my mailing address for receiving student visa at
https:///doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/OnlineApp/login.aspx
For Part-time non-local students, please also submit the following documents:
□ 1. plan of my travel to and how between Hong Kong and my residence
□ 2. explanation on why I select to study the Programme at the University
□ 3. undertaking that I will depart Hong Kong after I complete the programme □ 4. support letter from my current employer, if applicable
□ 5. copy of notarized declaration of identity for visa purpose
(for students from Taiwan taking part-time programme only)
Name of Applicant: _______________________
Student ID No.: _______________________
Study Programme: _______________________
Date: _______________________
(ID 997)
/doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/en/forms/forms/id997.html
For Accompanying Dependants, please download a separate application form [“Application for Entry for Residence as
Dependants in Hong Kong” (ID 997)] from the homepage of the Immigration Department at /doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/en/forms/forms/id997.html and submit it to the Immigraiton Department directly.
Graduate School Office
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
(ID 997)
/doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/en/forms/forms/id997.html
For Accompanying Dependants, please download a separate application form [“Application for Entry for Residence as
Dependants in Hong Kong” (ID 997)] from the homepage of the Immigration Department at
/doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/en/forms/forms/id997.html
and submit it to the Immigraiton Department directly. Graduate School Office
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
(ID 997)
/doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/en/forms/forms/id997.html
For Accompanying Dependants, please download a separate application form [“Application for Entry for Residence as Dependants in Hong Kong” (ID 997)] from the homepage of the Immigration Department at
/doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/en/forms/forms/id997.html
and submit it to the Immigraiton Department directly. Graduate School Office
The Chinese University of Hong Kong。
