外贸单证 名词解释

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1.信用证(Letter of Credit,L/C):开证银行应申请人的要求并按其指示向第三方开立的载有一定金额的,在一定的期限内凭符合规定的单据付款的书面保证文件。

2.汇票(Bill of Exchange/Postal Order/Draft):由出票人签发的,要求付款人在见票时或在一定期限内,向收款人或持票人无条件支付一定款项的票据。

3.商业发票(Commercial Invoice):出口方向进口方开列发货价目清单,是买卖双方记账的依据,也是进出口报关交税的总说明。

4.领事发票(Consular Invoice):由进口国驻出口国的领事出具的一种特别印就的发票,是出口商根据进口国驻在出口地领事所提供的特定格式填制,并经领事签证的发票。


5.形式发票(Proforma Invoice)是一种非正式发票,是卖方对潜在的买方报价的一种形式。


6.保险单(Insurance Policy),俗称大保单,由于背面载有保险合同双方之间权利和义务等内容的保险条款,是一种最广泛使用的和独立的保险单据。


7.保险凭证(Insurance Certificate),俗称小保单,是一种简化的保险凭证。




8.联合凭证Combined Insurance Certificate,是一种更为简化的保险单据,一般用于港澳地区中资银行开立的信用证项下的业务。


9.投保单(Insurance Slip):进出口企业向保险公司对运输货物进行投保的申请书,也是保险公司据以出立保险单的凭证,保险公司在收到投保单后即缮制保险单。

10.预约保险单(Open Policy):保险公司承保被保险人在一定日期内发运的以CIF条件成交的大批量的出口货物或以FOB和CFR条件成交的进口货物使用的保险单。


11.进出口货物报关单(Customs Declaration Form)是指进出口货物收发货人或其代理人,按照海关规定的格式对进出口货物的实际情况做出书面申明,以此要求海关对其货物按适用的海关制度办理通关手续的法律文书。

12.航空运单(Air Waybill,简称AWB)是指航空运输公司及其代理人签发给托运人表示已收货物并接受托运的货物收据。

13.商品检验Commodity inspection:是指在国际货物买卖中,对卖方交付给买方货物的质量、数量和包装等项目进行检验,以确定合同的标的物是否符合买卖合同规定。


14.质量检验证书(Inspection Certificate of Quality), 是证明进出口商品质量规格的证明文件,具体证明进出口商品的质量规格是否符合买卖合同或有关规定。

15.温度检验证书(Inspection Certificate of Temperature)是证明出口冷冻商品温度的证书。


16.进出口贸易合同(Sales Contract) 又称契约或合约,是进口出口双方当事人依照法律通过协商就各自的在贸易上的权利和义务所达成的具有法律约束力的协议。

17.装箱单(Packing List)是发票的补充单据,它列明了信用证(或合同)中买卖双方约定的有关包装事宜的细节,便于国外买方在货物到达目的港时供海关检查和核对货物。

18.提单Bills of Lading (B/L),是指用以证明海上货物运输合同和货物已经由承运人接收或者装船,以及承运人保证据以交付货物的单证。


19.原产地证明书A Certificate of Origin (often abbreviated to C/O or COO):出口商应进口商要求而提供的、由公证机构或政府或出口商出具的证明货物原产地或制造地的一种证明文件。


20.一般原产地证书(Certificate of Origin或CO)是我国出口产品在进口国/地区享受正常关税(最惠国)待遇的证明文件,进口国海关往往据此对进口货物实施管理和征税、确定是否准予放行,实施数量限制、实施反倾销等。

21.普惠制(Generalized System of Preferences或GSP),即普遍优惠制度,是发达国家给予发展中国家出口制成品或半制成品(包括某些初级产品)的一种普遍的、非歧视的、非互惠的关税优惠制度。


23.商品检验Commodity inspection:指在国际货物买卖中,对卖方交付给买方货物的质量、数量和包装等项目进行检验,以确定合同的标的物是否符合买卖合同规定。



25.受益人证明(Beneficiary’s Certificate / Statement / Declaration),也称作出口商证明(Exporter’s Certificate),是一种由信用证受益人根据信用证的相关条款出具的一份证明以证实已履行信用证规定的任务或达到信用证的要求。

26.装船通知Shipping Advice/Advice:也叫装运通知,主要指的是出口商在货物装船后发给进口方的包括货物详细装运情况的通知,其目的在于让进口商做好筹措资金、付款和接货的准备。

27.托运单(Shipping Note/Consignment Note/Booking Note of Export Cargo)是出口商做好出口货物准备后,在向海关申报前向承运人申请租船订舱的单据。



29.报关单(Customs Declaration Form)是指进出口收发货人或其代理人,按照海关提供的规定格式对进出口货物的信息做出书面申报,是海关根据相关法律规定办理货物放行的依据。



•In "plain English", L/C is a conditional bank guarantee of payment for supplied goods. ( "Conditional" means that to get paid you have to present the bank-guarantor with documents, which strictly comply with the terms and conditions specified in the L/C);
•The issuing bank is the primary liability for payment;
•A L/C stands independent of the sales contract (self-sufficient instrument);
•A L/C is purely business documents trading. (In letter of credit business, banks deal with documents and not with goods, services or other performances to which the documents may relate) (pure documentary transaction).
1.The Applicant and the Beneficiary negotiate terms and conditions of the L/C;
2.The Applicant applies to the Issuing Bank to issue the L/C;
3.The Issuing Bank issues the L/C and forwards it to the Advising Bank;
4.The Advising Bank checks the apparent authenticity of the L/C and advises the L/C to the Beneficiary;
5.The Beneficiary checks if the L/C complies with the commercial agreements and if all terms and conditions specified in the L/C can be satisfied and ships the goods;
6.The Beneficiary assembles the documents specified in the L/C, checks the documents for discrepancies with the L/C, draws the draft and presents the draft and the documents to the Advising Bank;
7.The Advising Bank bears the draft and the documents against terms and conditions of the L/C and forwards them to the Issuing Bank;
8.The Issuing Bank checks if the documents comply with the L/C and makes a payment immediately (if the L/C is available by sight) or on a certain date (if L/C is available by deferred payment)
III. Functions of L/C
1.For the Exporter
•L/C allows the exporter to significantly reduce the risk of non-payment for delivered goods, as in the case of presentation of fully credit conform documents by the seller, the issuing bank pays the agreed-upon amount independently of the importer.
2.For the Importer
•L/C helps the importer significantly reduce the risk connected with the seller not meeting its delivery obligations. The imported goods will be delivered in accordance with all the conditions specified in the letter of credit, and the agreed-upon documents will be received relatively quickly.
3.For the Issuing Bank
•(1) The issuing bank at the request and on the instructions of the applicant issues a letter of credit, it grants its credit, but not funds to the other party. By means of opening credit, issuing bank receives income of opening credit commission.
•(2) The issuing bank effects payment to the beneficiary and/or negotiating bank against presentation of documents which are complied with the terms and conditions of the credit, and it will release documents to the applicant against the latter’s making reimbursement to it.
4.For the Advising or Negotiating Bank
•(1) When drafts and/or documents are presented to the negotiating bank domiciled in the export country which believes issuing bank’s definite undertaking of payment written in the credit, the bank is willing to negotiate them and gives value to the beneficiary.
•(2) By means of negotiating documents, the negotiating bank gains income of examining documents charge.
•1. The seller requests a modification or amendment of questionable terms in the letter of credit;
•2. If the buyer and issuing bank agree to the changes, the issuing bank will change the letter of credit;
•3. The buyer's issuing bank notifies the seller's advising bank of the amendment; and
•4. The seller's advising bank notifies the seller of the amendment.。
