

英文小说赏析 Eat--Pray--Love-恋爱祈祷与美食

英文小说赏析 Eat--Pray--Love-恋爱祈祷与美食
Eat Pray Love
————Elizabeth Gilbert
lizabeth Gilbert who is an American author.
The memoir records Liz's trip in Italy,India and Indonesia.
• Face up with pain instead of avoiding it.
Balance is not letting anybody love you. Less than you love yourself.
Most of all, to face and forgive some very difficult realities about yourself, then the truth will not be withheld from you.
Better to live your own life imperfectly than to imitate someone else's perfectly."
• Both pleasure and pain should be regarded as a part of our life .
After divorce,Liz began to travel for selfdiscovery.
Italy ("Eat")
Liz worked hard at Italian language. make new friends and enjoy Italian food. began to enjoy life.
India ("Pray")



16本值得永世珍藏的英文小说1. The Lovely Bones By Alice Sebold; 400 pages《可爱的骨头》,艾丽斯·西伯德著(400页)Because Susie made us trust -- and cry for -- a ghost.推荐理由:(女主人公)苏西让我们信任一缕孤魂,并为之哭泣。

In Sebold's first novel, The Lovely Bones, she has crafted a gripping tale of tragedy. Part detective story, part family drama, part meditation on what lies beyond, The Lovely Bones is a page-turner in the most literary sense.《可爱的骨头》是西伯德的处女作,讲述了一个扣人心弦的悲剧故事。



2. Gone Girl By Gillian Flynn; 422 pages《消失的爱人》,吉莉安·弗琳著(422页)Because Flynn nails an age-old fear: Do we really know the people closest to us? 推荐理由:费琳在这本书中一针见血,点出人们由来已久的恐惧——我们真的了解同我们最亲密的人吗?As the story unfolds in precise and riveting prose, readers will find they are being manipulated by the unreliable narrator Nick. Still, even one notices this, searching for the missing pieces is half the thrill of this wickedly absorbing tale.在精准而又引人入胜的文字描述下故事情节渐渐展开,读者们将意识到自己正被不可靠的叙述者尼克牵着鼻子走。

Eat Pray Love

Eat Pray Love
起初你的爱慕对象会给你带来如梦幻般醉人的、你连想都不敢想的东西,和情感的兴奋剂,带给你如 狂风暴雨般的爱和激情。很快你开始渴望近乎痴迷地渴望那种关注,如同上瘾一般. 当你的爱慕对象开始对你不再那么上心时,你开始变得郁郁寡欢、神经质、更别提那个让你深陷其 中的人,必然对他怨恨不已,然而现在在你眼中已看不到美好的事物了。 该死的他,过去他为你付出一切,一无所求。 接下来,你发现瘦弱的自己在角落里发抖,心里依旧期许着只要能再一次拥有那种被关注被关怀的 感觉,为此甚至不惜出卖自己的灵魂;同时现在你的爱慕对象被你排挤。 他看着你如同你们从不认识。讽刺的是,你却不能责备他,我的意思是,你自己看看自己吧,一团
LIZ:In the end, I’ve come to believe in something I call “The Physics of the Quest.” A force in nature governed by laws as real as the laws of gravity. The rule of Quest Physics goes something like this: If you'er brave enough to leave behind everything familiar and comforting, whic can be anything. From your house to bitter, old resentments, and set out on a trust-seeking journey. Either externally or internally, and if you are truly willing to regard everything that happens to you on that journey as a clue; and if you accept everyone you meet along the way as a teacher; and if you are prepared, most of all to face and forgive some very difficult realities about yourself, then the truth will not be withheld from you. I can’t help but believe it, given by my experience. I decided on my word. It means: “Let’s cross over.” 最终,我开始相信我称之为“寻求物理学”的理论,这是一种跟万有引力一样真实的自然 界的力量。寻求物理学的法则是这样的: 如果你有足够的勇气,放弃所有熟悉安心的事物,这些可以是任何事物。 这包括你的家,或是累积在心里的积怨,开始一段寻求真相的旅程。 无论是內在还是外在,如果你真的愿意把所有的经历看做一种启示 ; 如果你把所有遇見的人都当成导师; 最重要的是,如果你准备好了去面对,去原谅那部份并不讨喜的自我。 那么沒人可以阻止你了解真相-----生命的真相。 通过自身的经历,我不禁开始相信这一法则。我找到了我的关键词。它的意思是: “Let’s cross over.”


• 賴• 分享”蔣勳:過得像個人,才能看到美”
谢谢聆听! 敬请指正!
• 特暢銷全球700多萬本,銷售36國版權,美 國銷量超過260萬本,暢銷書排行榜冠軍
• 作者內心自我追尋的旅程,擁有生命的獨 特片刻,描述常常結合外在現象呼應內在 世界,或是以譬喻,甚至擬人化的方式描 述感受,不僅特別又充滿了畫面,引起讀 者許多共鳴
• 書名: Eat, Pray, Love
• 例1:第一次祈禱, p.20-21 • 例2:抑鬱和寂寞, p.59-60 • 例3: 增胖, p.134 • 例4:靈修, p. 156 • 例5:與賴爺的對話, p.289-290 • 例6:治療師大姐(p.328)和她女兒(p.329)
• 和新好男人裴利貝的交往與對話(…請自己讀)
• 忙碌的您可曾靜下心看看您的心跟上了嗎? 想想這是您要的生活嗎?如何過得更好?如 何身心平衡?理想與現實平衡?
• 對應作者旅行的三個國家特色和她的變化 在義大利(Italy)品味美食 2.pray: 在印度(India)靈修,祈禱 在印尼(Indonesia)峇里島與尊重生 命和神靈的藥師賴爺相處,遇見重要的“他”
• 三個 I 開頭的國家預示了“自我發現的旅程”
• 文筆流暢,描述細膩,人物個性鮮明,情 節有趣又深具啟發意義

美食 祈祷 爱恋

美食  祈祷   爱恋

影片:Eat Pray and Love (中文名:美食、祈祷和恋爱)上映时间:2010年主演:Julia Roberts(茱丽娅.萝卜茨)已观看次数:3次Sometimes to lose balance for love is part of living balanced life.有时候,为爱失去平衡也是生命的一部分---题记。

感言:比起1990年上映的pretty woman(风月俏佳人)里年轻而又紧致的大嘴美女主角茱丽娅,20年的时间,足够岁月有痕到如今眼角的皱褶与满身心的苍老。

好在本色演出弥补了心路历程片的缺憾、整个色调沉浸在一位离异单身大龄女Liz Gilbert,在经历一段情感破产后,寻觅自我意义最终找到平衡自我解脱的过程。




以下内容不是原创,略有改动:300多年前的David Hartley说“我们一直都生活在一个靠共鸣去感知,交流,寻觅的世界中”那些玄之又玄的契合,心与心的震颤,灵魂和灵魂的交融。


每天看着各种各样的视频,打着不同的游戏,却仍旧抱怨无聊,我不是不能理解这种感受,有很多人提到过,也想放弃一切,去改变自己的生活,>>>>但是“我们踏上旅程,常常不是明白要去哪里,而是为了寻找一个方向”“用一个词来形容你的城市吧” --或者我们正在找一个适合自己的词语的途中。



英语口语天天向上:以牙还牙1.C'mon, he's right. Tit for tat.【翻译】拜托,他说得对,以眼还眼。

【解说】今天的句子选自万能滴《老友记》C'mon [口语]come on的缩约词,表示“拜托,快来”,tit for tat 以牙还牙,针锋相对2. We humans are pretty good at communicating with sounds other than words. But how much of this is hard-wired, and how much do we pick up from others?【翻译】相比起用文字,我们还是比较擅长用声音交流。

但这些声音中有多少是我们天生懂得发出的,又有多少是我们后天学习而来的呢?【解说】今天的句子选自文章《欢呼声是后天学来的(双语有声)》hard-wired (生理和心理特征)固有的,根深蒂固的pick up 捡起;获得;收拾3. I had actively participated in every moment of the creation of this life. So why didn't I see myself in any of it?【翻译】为了创造现在的生活,我已全心全意地投入了,为何在其中我却找不到自我?【解说】今天的句子选自电影《美食、祈祷和恋爱 Eat Pray Love 》participate in 参加;分享 (近义词:take part in , go through , partake in)米有特别难读的单词,大家注意语音语调哈。

4. And don't be thinking it's an accident or some optical illusion. It's destiny.【翻译】不要以为这是巧合或者是眼花,这是命运。

20条鼓舞人心的语录 带你走向真正幸福人生

20条鼓舞人心的语录 带你走向真正幸福人生



--圣雄·甘地(Mahatma Gandhi)2对大多数人来说,他们认定自己有多幸福,就会有多幸福。

--亚伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln )3人们总是将生活弄颠倒。



”- -玛格丽特·杨(Margaret Young)4我们总是忘记这一点:快乐不是得到我们所没有的,而是认识并感恩我们所拥有的。

--弗雷德里克(Frederick Keonig )5我决定在每个情境中保持愉悦与快乐,因为我已学到,我们大部份的不快乐及不幸都不是取决于环境,而是我们的人格特质。

–马莎?华盛顿(Martha Washington)6真正的快乐来自于做好某事的喜悦和创造新事物的热情。

--安东尼·圣艾修伯《小王子》(Antoine de Saint-Exupery)7我们最大的幸福并非取决于我们现在所处的生活条件,而是得自于心无愧,身体健康,追求自由--托马斯·杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson)8生活的快乐在于思想的品质,因此要控制好自己的思想,务必做到:勿耽于违背品行与良知的行为。

--马可·奥里利乌斯(Marcus Aurelius)9幸福的途径只有一条,那就是不去担忧我们的意志力无法控制的事情。

-- 爱比克泰图斯(Epictetus)10真正的幸福是享受现在,不焦虑将来。

pray的用法 -回复

pray的用法 -回复




一、pray作为动词1. pray的基本含义是指通过祈祷与神明沟通,表达自己的心愿、感谢或忏悔等。

例如,我们可以说"I pray every night before going to bed."(我在睡觉前每天都祷告。


2. pray还可以表示请求或祈求。

例如,我们可以说"I pray you help me in this difficult situation."(我请求你在这个困难的情况下帮助我。


3. pray也可以指望、渴望或希望某事发生。

例如,我们可以说"I pray for good weather on our wedding day."(我希望在我们的婚礼那天天气晴朗。


二、pray的常见用法1. pray for sth./sb.:表示为某事或某人祈祷。

例如,我们可以说"We should pray for peace in the world."(我们应该为世界和平祈祷。

)这个句子中的pray for表示为世界和平祈祷。

2. pray to sb./sth.:表示向某个神明或某事物祈祷。

例如,我们可以说"She prayed to God for guidance."(她向上帝祈求指引。

)这个句子中的pray to表示向上帝求助。

3. pray with sb.:与某人一起祈祷。

例如,我们可以说"We gathered in the church and prayed with the congregation."(我们聚集在教堂里与教众一起祷告。


同-culate:线路圆的(circula-→circular)才循环(circulate),只有可(cal~谐音)靠才计算(calculate)。善于表达(articulate)有艺术(art),投机(speculate) 特别(spec-→special)靠推断(speculate)。
exist exit串记:没有出路(exit)那能生存(exist生活、存在)。
dust dusk desk串记:放学是黄昏(dusk),书桌(desk)落灰尘(dust)。



轻松学习英语口语句子(29)1.Every word in Italian is like a truffle. A magic trick.【翻译】意大利语的每一个单词都如同松露。


【解说】今天的句子选自电影《美食、祈祷和恋爱 Eat Pray Love 》truffle n. 松露trick n. 诡计;恶作剧;窍门;花招大家注意tr-的发音哦。

另外,学个短语:None of your tricks! [口语] 不上你的鬼当!别耍花招!2. They say medicine is as much an art as a science. But sometimes it seems more like a mystery.【翻译】据说,医学同科学一样是一门艺术。


【解说】今天的句子选自《科学60秒》节目,这里They say = It is said 据说;人们说大家记住as much… as… 的用法哈。

3. Okay. It just seems a little cart before the horse.【翻译】好吧,只是有点本末倒置。

【解说】今天的句子选自电影《孩子们都很好 The Kids Are All Right (2010)》put the cart before the horse 本末倒置,舍本逐末,前后颠倒,倒果为因大家记住这个用法哈4. You're a nice guy and all, but you're not really my type.【翻译】你是人不错,不过不是我喜欢的类型。

【解说】选自电影《绯闻计划 Easy A》,一部青春爱情喜剧片。


You're not my type,大家记住这个用法了吗?5. Y ou can struggle through life in an attempt to create the perfect path, but the truth is you will always wonder if it could have been better.【原句】你可以奋斗一生,试图创造完美的人生之路,但事实是你总是怀疑是否原本有更好的路可以走。


The movie focuses on Gilbert's journey of self﹣discovery around the world, after her divorce.
Along the way, she enjoys Italy's cuisine(Eat), discovers India's spirituality(Pray)and finds her true love in Indonesia(Love).!! Julia Roberts plays the role of Elizabeth Gilbert.
5.﹣______ I cover my mouth and nose when I cough,mom?
﹣Yes,you should.Otherwise,it's bad for people around you.()
6.﹣Who is ______ at math,Mike or Eric?
IMDB rating: 5.7/10
Miss Potter is a 2006 biographical drama movie that describes the life of Beatrix Potter, a natural scientist, writer and illustrator, mostly children's books.



























I'm Liz Gilbert. I'm writing a magazine article on Bali.
00:01:41,615 --> 00:01:43,226
I wanted to meet a medicine man.
00:01:43,226 --> 00:01:45,489
I have this for you.
00:03:15,237 --> 00:03:19,173
坚定地踩在地上 就像你有四条腿
Keep grounded so it's like you have four legs.
00:03:19,173 --> 00:03:21,479
00:01:16,307 --> 00:01:18,794
大家猜猜 这些难民和黛博拉
So guess what all these people wanted to talk about...
00:01:18,794 --> 00:01:21,505
我这位心理学家朋友 谈得最多的是什么
I proofread all of her manuscripts.
00:03:57,107 --> 00:03:58,918
My wife is very, very beautiful,
00:03:58,918 --> 00:04:00,509



吃你没商量读后感100字英文回答:After reading the book "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert, I have to say that it has left a deep impression on me. The book tells the story of the author's journey to find herself and discover the true meaning of life. It is a memoir filled with emotions, self-reflection, and spiritual exploration.One thing that really resonated with me was theauthor's quest for self-discovery. Throughout the book, Gilbert takes the readers on a journey through different countries and cultures, as she tries to find herself and understand her own desires and needs. This made me reflect on my own life and the importance of taking the time to listen to our inner voice and follow our passions.Another aspect of the book that I found intriguing was the author's exploration of spirituality. Gilbert delvesinto various spiritual practices and beliefs, from meditation in India to prayer in Italy. This made merealize the importance of finding our own spiritual path and connecting with something greater than ourselves.Furthermore, the book is filled with vivid descriptions of food and the joy of eating. Gilbert's descriptions of Italian cuisine, in particular, made my mouth water. It made me appreciate the simple pleasures in life and the importance of savoring every moment.In addition, the author's writing style is engaging and relatable. She uses humor and wit to convey her experiences and emotions, making the book a joy to read. It felt like I was having a conversation with a friend, sharing stories and insights.Overall, "Eat, Pray, Love" is a thought-provoking and inspiring book that encourages readers to embrace self-discovery, spirituality, and the joy of living. It reminds us to listen to our hearts, follow our passions, and appreciate the simple pleasures in life.中文回答:读完《吃,祈祷,恋爱》这本书后,我不得不说它给我留下了深刻的印象。






旅行英语书目English:Some recommended travel books for English speakers include "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert, which follows the author's journey of self-discovery through Italy, India, and Indonesia. "Into the Wild" by Jon Krakauer tells the fascinating and tragic story of Christopher McCandless, who embarked on a solo journey into the Alaskan wilderness. For those interested in travel memoirs, "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed details the author's transformative hike along the Pacific Crest Trail. "The Great Railway Bazaar" by Paul Theroux is a classic travelogue that recounts the author's epic train journey across Europe and Asia. Lastly, "In Patagonia" by Bruce Chatwin is a captivating exploration of the remote and rugged region of Patagonia in South America.中文翻译:一些推荐给英语读者的旅行书籍包括《爱· 祈祷· 恋爱》(Eat, Pray, Love) 由伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特(Elizabeth Gilbert)著,讲述了作者在意大利、印度和印尼的自我发现之旅。



内容:At 32 years old, Elizabeth Gilbert was educated, had a home, a husband, and a successful career as a writer. However, she was unhappy in her marriage and often spent the night crying on her bathroom floor. After separating from her husband and initiating a divorce, which hecontested, she embarked on a rebound relationship which continued for some time but did not work out, leaving her devastated and alone.Afterwards, while writing an article on yoga vacations in Bali, Gilbert met a ninth-generation medicine man who told her she would one day come back and study with him. After finalizing her difficult divorce, Gilbert spent the next year traveling around the world. The trip was paid for in advance with a book deal from the publisher.She spent four months in Italy, eating and enjoying life ("Eat"). She spent four months in India, finding her spirituality ("Pray"). She ended the year in Bali, Indonesia, looking for "balance" of the two and foundlove ("Love") in the form of a dashing Brazilian factory owner.作者简介Elizabeth M. Gilbert (born July 18, 1969) is an American novelist, essayist, short story writer, biographer, and memoirist. She is most known for her 2006 memoirs, Eat, Pray, Love, which as of December 2010, hasspent 199 weeks on the New York Times Best Seller list, and was also made into a film by the same name in 2010.The book’s Chinese edition--一辈子做女孩 did not grab my interest when I heard it for the first time. Because I guess it might be the kind of book which try it’s best to convince a girl o f some so called principles to behave more like a girl. Much to my surprise, I absolutely enjoyed its original edition. From the English title—eat pray love and the subtitle --one woman’s search for everything across Italy, India and Indonesia, we could find the slightly difference with the Chinese edition. Actually, the book is telling about a woman’s pursuit of worldly pleasure and spiritual devotion through traveling and meditation.At 32 years old, Elizabeth Gilbert was educated, had a home, a husband, and a successful career as a writer. However, she was unhappy in her marriage, did not want to have a child and often spent the night crying on her bathroom floor. After separating with her husband, she embarked on a rebound relationship which continued for some time butdid not work out, leaving her devastated and alone. To get a relief, she decided to have a gap year. Firstly, Liz went to Italy to hide herself fromthe failure of marriage, she was quite frustrated and puzzled of her futurelife. Thus she could only find her way out by eating all kinds of deliciouscuisines in Italy. Then, after finishing this sort of lower hierarchy of needs,she began to think deeper, about the truth of life. Then, she came to India,and learnt to meditate with Guru, figured out devotion and inner peace with her own experience. At last, in the paradise Bali, Liz eventually fell into a new relationship, and she managed to keep the balance between love and spirituality. The story is quite simple, but each place represents a kind of inner situation of Liz, which witnesses her growth on her way searching for the ultimate truth of life from tears to relief.Three things impressed me most when Liz was in Rome. As a person who has no resist to delicious food, I really envy the delicious cuisinesshe ate there. I remember as Luca Spaghetti’s birthday falls on Thanksgiving, they ate both American Thanksgiving roast turkey as well as Italy delicacy. The way she ate those spaghetti really makes me hungry. And at the party when they were giving their appreciation to life, one guy said he is so thankful for feeling scary because it is the first time he met a girl wh o makes him feel scared that she might left him first. It’s really a romantic confession, isn’t it? Another thing is that I got to learn the art of doing nothing from these Italian. Just like many modern people in thissociety today, we often spend our time to do everything in a rush way. We just ignored the beauty of doing nothing. Actually, the beauty of doingnothing is the goal of all our work, the final accomplishment for which we are mostly highly congratulated. The more exquisitely and delightfully w e can do nothing, the higher our life’s achievement. We don’t necessarily need to be rich in order to experience this, either.Because it’s the most common thing exists in everyone’s life.In India, Liz learned the way to get through hard times and she got to know the importance of controlling her thought. As her friend Richard told her, we need to learn how to select our thoughts just the same way we select what clothes we're going to wear every day. This is a power we can cultivate. If we want to control things in our life so bad, work on the mind. That's the only thing we should be trying to control. Drop everything else but that. If we can't learn to master our thinking, we're in deep trouble forever. Meditation really helps Liz a lot in finding out who she is and where she is going to. As for me, I’ve been meditate since I clearly got to know myself three years ago. Now I’m still on my way of living an inner balanced life. And I feel so grateful for what I own today, what is going to happen tomorrow, who appears in my life to do the whole life work with me. And I’m truly willing to regard everything that happens to me on my journey as a clue, and accept everyone I meet alone the way as a teacher. It’s much easier for me to understand Liz’sfrustration and I’m so pleased to see she finally find the way to keep balance. Just like Guru said to Liz, to find the balance we want, we mustkeep our feet grounded so firmly on the earth that it’s l ike we have fourlegs, instead of two. That way we can stay in the world. But we must stoplooking at the world through our head. We must look through our heart,instead.As for love, I got a brand new idea about soul mate. Almost everyone want to meet a true soul mate in order to be more secure about we are been loved in this world. We are not alone. And in desperate love we always invent the characters of our partners, demanding that they be what we need of them, and then feeling devastated when they refuse to perform the role we created in the first place. Maybe that’s why people’s relationship always ended up unhappily. People always think a soul mate is our perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows us everything that’s holding us back, the person who brings us to our own attention so we can change our life. A true soul mate is probably the most important person we’ll ever meet, because they tear down our walls and smack us awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? No. that’s too painful. Soul mates, they come into our life just to reveal another layer of ourselves to us, and then they leave. And we should thank God for it. Sometimes all we need to do to go away from an obsession is to accept the fact that we are obsessed with it. Admitthat it takes time to go away. Never be ashamed of expressing nice feelings. Never be overly cool to fake feelings, especially those that willhurt people. Let it be and it will finally fade away, no matter how intenseit used to be.From Liz, I got to know the significance of treasuring every singlemoment of our lives and making every minute count with our ownexperience. Our life is full of ups and downs. W e must always be prepared for riotous and endless waves of transformation. It is better to live our own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else’s life with perfection. Just as Liz, I would rather seize every moment and enjoy it than complain or regret all the time. She also told us the importance to think positively and act energetically. In her another meditation, her friend, Richard, said that, “Someday you’re going to look back on this moment of your life as such a sweet time of grieving. You’ll see that you were in mourning and your heart was broken, but your life was changing and you were in the best possible place in the world for it - in a beautiful place of worship, surrounded by grace. Take this time, every minute of it.” How beautiful and adorable these sentences are! It makes me feel so relaxed and renewed. I think it is not only a tourism memoir, but a spiritual bath as well.。


























文章类型模板英语作文英文回答:1. Autobiography。

An autobiography is a literary genre in which the author writes about their own life and experiences. Autobiographies can be written in a variety of styles, including narrative, chronological, and thematic. Some of the most famous autobiographies include _The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin_ by Benjamin Franklin, _The Story of My Life_ by Helen Keller, and _Long Walk to Freedom_ by Nelson Mandela.2. Biography。

A biography is a literary genre in which the author writes about the life of another person. Biographies can be written in a variety of styles, including narrative, chronological, and thematic. Some of the most famousbiographies include _The Life of Samuel Johnson_ by James Boswell, _The Life of Abraham Lincoln_ by Carl Sandburg, and _The Life of Mahatma Gandhi_ by Mahatma Gandhi.3. Memoir。



电影《一辈子做女孩》经典台词一种简单的禅修法“静坐微笑”.脸微笑, 心微笑, 好能量就来找你, 驱走脏能量.别太急, 别太费劲. 太严肃会让自己生病. 微笑能唤来好能量.——伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特《一辈子做女孩》心伤也不是坏事, 说明你曾经付出过.《美食、祈祷和恋爱》六种零故障心碎治疗法:维他命E, 睡眠充足, 摄取充足的水, 远离你原来所爱的人, 禅坐, 心中认定这是自己的命.——伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特《一辈子做女孩》有时候我希望你是迷失的小女孩, 能让我把你捞起来, 跟你说"来跟我住吧, 让我照顾你一辈子. "但你并不是迷失的小女孩, 你是有远大志向的职业女性. 你是完美的蜗牛:你把自己的家背在背上. 你应该永远抓住这种自由. 但我只想说一句--倘若你想要这个巴西男人, 你可以拥有他. 我已经是你的人.——伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特《一辈子做女孩》Smile with face. Smile with mind, Even smile in liver.《eat pray love》起初你情感的对象带给你如梦似幻般的感觉, 那种你连想都不敢想的轰轰烈烈的爱意和激情. 很快你开始像个充满渴求的瘾君子一样渴望那种殷勤. 当激情不再, 你变得心烦意乱,神经兮兮, 更别提你对那个毒贩子的怨恨了, 是他当初引你上瘾, 而如今他却不肯把上好的货卖给你. 该死的!他以前可是分文不收的.《eat pray love》And when I look into your eyes, I hear dolphins clapping.每次凝视你的眼, 我都听到海豚的拍手声.《eat pray love》Maybe you’re a woman in search of her word.或许你是一个正在寻找自己的关键词的女人.《eat pray love》Sometimes to lose balance for love is part ofliving balanced life.有时为爱失去平衡也是平衡生活的一部分.《eat pray love》我看着奥古斯都庙, 我想, 或许我的生活不会真的那么混乱不堪. 混乱的是这个世界, 给我们带来无人能够预期的变化. 奥古斯都庙告诫我, 切勿死守我是什么人、我代表什么、我属于谁, 或我曾想让自己有什么表现的固执想法. 昨天我对某人来说或许是壮丽的古迹, 这也是真的——但明天我可能就会成为烟火仓库. 即使在这座“永恒之城”中, 沉默的奥古斯都庙告诉我, 一个人始终必须为动荡骚乱的变化做好准备.——伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特《一辈子做女孩》这天晚上, 他仍是我的灯塔, 也同时是我的包袱. 不离开比离开更难以想象, 离开比不离开更不可能. 我不想毁了任何东西或任何人, 我只想从后门悄悄溜走, 不惹出任何麻烦或导致任何后果, 毫不停歇地奔向世界的尽头.——伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特《一辈子做女孩》在一个混乱失序灾祸连连充满诈骗的世界有时只能信赖美唯有卓越的才艺不会腐朽快乐无法降价求售——伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特《一辈子做女孩》我不断想起我姐姐在哺育第一胎时告诉过我的话:"生小孩就像在你脸上刺青, 做之前一定得确定你想这么做. "——伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特《一辈子做女孩》最终, 我开始相信我称之为“寻求物理学”的理论, 这是一种跟万有引力一样真实的自然界的力量. 寻求物理学的法则是这样的:如果你有足够的勇气抛开你所熟悉和让你安心的一切, 包括你的家、你的痛苦、你的怨念, 开始一段真理寻求之旅——外在的内在的都可以——如果你真的愿意把旅途中所经历的一切都看成一种暗示, 如果你把旅途中遇见的人都当成导师, 最重要的是, 如果你准备好去面对并原谅你身上并不讨喜的特质, 那么真理就不会离你太远. 通过自身的经历, 我不禁开始相信这一法则. 我找到了我的关键词. 它的意思是:“我们跨越过去吧!”《eat pray love》随着你出生带来的四兄弟:AngoPatih智慧, MaragioPatih友谊, BanusPaith能量, BanusPatihRagio诗歌. 在任何危急时刻, 皆可召唤四兄弟前来救援.——伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特《一辈子做女孩》Keep grounded so it’s like you have four legs. That way, you can stay in this world. Also, no looking at world through your head. Look through your heart instead. That way, you will know God.就像自己有四条腿一样脚踏实地. 那样的话, 你就能在这个世上安稳下来. 还有, 不要用脑子看待凡世, 要用心去看. 那样, 你才会了解上帝.《eat pray love》上瘾是每一个以迷恋为基础的爱情故事所具有的特征. 一开始, 你的爱情对象给你一剂令人陶醉的药, 你从不敢承认需要它——一剂强有力的爱情. 不久, 你开始渴望那种全副心思的关照, 就像任何毒瘾者如饥似渴的药瘾来袭一样. 不给药时, 你会立即病倒、发狂、衰竭……——伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特《一辈子做女孩》这公寓就像我的疗养院, 一间使我康复的收容所. 我把墙壁粉刷成我能找到的最温暖的颜色, 每个礼拜给自己买花, 仿佛去医院探望自己. 我的姐姐送我一个热水袋作乔迁礼物(让我无须独自睡在冷冰冰的床上), 让我每天晚上搁在心口上,好比护士照料运动伤害患者.——伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特《一辈子做女孩》瑜伽的即时任务是寻找结合—心与身之间, 个人与神明之间, 思想与思源之间, 老师与学生之间, 甚至我们自身与不易屈伸的邻人之间的结合.——伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特《一辈子做女孩》赖爷通过翻译对我说, “你必须变成这样. 你必须坚定地踩在地上, 就像你有四条腿, 而不是两条. 这样才可能待在世上. 但你不能透过脑袋看世界, 而要透过心去看才成. 如此才可能了解神. ”——伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特《一辈子做女孩》这些看上去很正常的人士在歌颂神, 这并未把我吓着, 反而让我觉得自己的灵魂随着吟唱轻盈飘升. 那天晚上我走回家时, 感觉空气穿透我, 好似我是一条在晾衣绳上迎风飘扬的干净的亚麻布, 好似纽约本身成了纸绢做成的城市——使我轻盈地跑过每一户人家的屋顶.——伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特《一辈子做女孩》我之所以不想再做这个男人的妻子, 涉及种种私人、伤心的原因, 难以在此分享. 我们的困境绝大部分涉及我的问题, 但也很大程度和他有关. 这并不奇怪, 毕竟婚姻中总是存在两个人——两张票, 两个意见, 两种互相矛盾的决定、欲求与限制.——伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特《一辈子做女孩》真正的智慧, 无论何时仅提供唯一可能的答案, 而那天晚上, 回床上去是唯一可能的答案.——伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特《一辈子做女孩》我相信我们彼此都惊恐地发现, 我们从世界上最了解彼此的两个人, 迅速成为史上最不理解对方的一对陌生人. 在这种陌生感的底层, 存在着糟透了的事实. 我们两人都在做对方意想不到的事情:他做梦也没想到我真的会离开他, 而我也从未料想过他会如此刁难我, 不让我走.——伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特《一辈子做女孩》通常, 我响应每一种宗教的超然神秘仪式. 只要哪个人说神不住在教条的经文中或遥远的天边宝座上, 而是与我们比邻而居, 比我们想象中更接近, 在我们的心中生息, 向来都令我屏息热切响应.——伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特《一辈子做女孩》。

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• Happiness is a natural instinct.
• Don’t wait for someone to tell you how to be happy.
• Both pleasure and pain should be regarded as a part of our liflizabeth Gilbert
Eat Pray Love is a memoir of Elizabeth Gilbert who is an American author.
The memoir records Liz's trip in Italy,India and Indonesia and everything she acquired during the trip.
• Face up with pain instead of avoiding it.
• Not only seek spiritual transcendence , but also enjoy the secular pleasure.
Liz had a family , a considerate husband and a good job as an author in her 31 years of age.
However, she was unhappy in her marriage and often spent the night crying on her bathroom floor.
After divorce,Liz began to travel for self-discovery.
Italy ("Eat")
Liz worked hard at Italian language.She began to talk to herself,make new friends and enjoy Italian food. then she perked up and began to enjoy life.
She was eager to change her life , so she gave up everything she owned,including her money ,her house and her marriage.
Afterwards, while writing an article on yoga vacations in Bali, Liz met a ninthgeneration medicine man Ketut who told her that she would one day come back and study with him.
She visited Ketut again and learned to smile in mind as Ketut told her. She also fell love with Felipe there. In the end,Liz found the balance of life.
India ("Pray")
•Liz learned to pray in the meditation caves and come into her own hub of stillness. •She tried to find out the transcendental experience ,but she had difficulties getting her mind to sit still.Fortunately,she learned to let it go. •Finally , Liz succeeded in facing up to herself.