skin effect




肌肤效应集肤效应(skin effect)又叫趋肤效应,表皮效应,当交变电流通过导体时,电流将趋于导体表面流过,这种现象叫集肤效应。















化妆新版英文 (2)

化妆新版英文 (2)

Starting with the Basics: Whole Face Brushes
• When a woman begins her makeup routine, the first step is applying base makeup to the entire face. This includes in order, premier, foundation, conclear (遮瑕膏), powder and blush. In professional makeup application ,each of these products is applied using a different brush or sponge for optimal effect. However, most women do not use all of these products and, if they do, they tend to cross the types of brushes used to save time and money, which is perfectly acceptable. However, it is prudent to at least cover the use of the two most popular types of makeup brush from this category: the foundation brush(粉底刷) and the blush brush(腮红刷). •
Even if you buy the most expensive cosmetics, you still need the right tools to have picture-perfect make-up. We have put together a list of must-have make-up tools that every woman should own.



When describing someones face as round and smooth,one can approach the task by focusing on several aspects of facial features and the overall impression it gives.Heres how you might write an essay about such a person:Title:The Round and Smooth Face of Mr.SmithIntroduction:In the diverse tapestry of human faces,some stand out for their unique characteristics.Mr. Smith is one such individual whose round and smooth visage has become a topic of conversation and admiration among his acquaintances.Body Paragraph1:Facial FeaturesMr.Smiths face is characterized by its roundness,which is a result of his full cheeks and wellrounded jawline.His cheeks,plump and rosy,give him a youthful appearance that belies his age.The roundness is complemented by the smoothness of his skin,which is free from blemishes and wrinkles,a testament to his good health and perhaps a hint of diligent skincare.Body Paragraph2:The Impact of His Facial FeaturesThe combination of roundness and smoothness in Mr.Smiths face creates an impression of approachability and kindness.His face is often the first thing people notice about him, and it invites them to engage in conversation.This has undoubtedly helped him in his professional life,where first impressions are crucial.Body Paragraph3:Personal Attributes Reflected in His FaceBeyond the physical,Mr.Smiths face also reflects his personality.His round and smooth face is often a canvas for his warm smile,which reaches his eyes and makes him appear genuinely friendly and trustworthy.This has endeared him to many,making him a popular figure in his community.Body Paragraph4:The Significance of Facial AppearanceIn a world where appearances can influence perceptions,Mr.Smiths round and smooth face has played a significant role in shaping how others view him.It serves as a reminder that our physical attributes can sometimes be an asset,opening doors to opportunities and fostering connections.Conclusion:In conclusion,Mr.Smiths round and smooth face is more than just a physical attribute it is a symbol of his approachable nature and a testament to the importance of first impressions.As we navigate our social interactions,it is a gentle reminder that our facescan speak volumes about who we are,even before we utter a single word.This essay provides a detailed description of Mr.Smiths facial features,the impact they have on others,and how they reflect his personal attributes.It also touches on the broader significance of facial appearance in social interactions.。




解释集肤效应(skin effect)又叫趋肤效应,当交变电流通过导体时,电流将集中在导体表面流过,这种现象叫集肤效应。

















skin effect定义在计算导线的电阻和电感时,假设电流是均匀分布于他的截面上。




temperaturejumpto5filesprompt. 5thpresstemperaturecontrolbutton⑧,
1Acousticvibrationsbeautyprinciple Eachperson'sfacehasatleastthreemillionpores,whilecleansingliquid andhandsonlycleanskinsurface,itisdifficulttoremovetheoilpores,Only cleanouttheporesoftheoilresidue,cantheskinrecoverfromthedeep clean.Lessonslearned46yearsspecializesinskincareexperience,the wholedevelopmentprocessguidedbyskinspecialists,combinedwithour advancedengineerstosonicmicro-vibrationtechnology,fittingfaceof intelligentdesign,nodeadcomprehensivecleanyourskin.8600timesper minute,high-frequencyvibration,Vibrateoutofdeepporesoilanddeep c l ea ne v e r yp o re .Po re sl i g h t w e i g h tt ra n s pa re n t ,d e l i cates k i ns m o ot h ,o n ce againchangetheskinmorethroughcleanliness. 2HotandcoldBeautyPrinciple Ajapanprofessorattheuniversityshowsthatwhenskinreachs42℃ temperaturehelpstoproduceHSPproteins,repairskincellsandstrengthen theskinelasticity,andpreventtheformationofwrinkles.Theicehotbeauty bar,hot42℃nursingcanhelpexpandthepores,makedeepcleaning convenient.Whilefrozennursingcaninstantlyreceivefineskinpores,lock themoistureoftheskinindeepskin,letyoucontinuewarmandfrozencare. Pe o p l ePa yatte n t i o ntot h eb ea u t yi sv e r yi n te re ste di n4 2 ℃i ceh ota l te r n ate beauty.This42℃icehotbeautybar,thetemperaturerange6℃to42℃.The feelingofwarmprocessingandiceprocessingcancontinue.Beautymuscle magictomaketheskinbecomesmoothandfullofelasticity.6℃and42℃ icehotalternaterestoreskinfirmnessandelasticity.Icehotalternatecare musclecanpromoteskinforrapidexpansionandcontractionmovement, thebeautyofthismildmusclemovement,helpstostimulatetheskin's bloodcirculation,speedupthemetabolismofskin;Inadditiontoeffective repelblackrimoftheeyeandsimpleeyewrinkles.Moregreatlyincreaseskin t ra n s pa re n c y,e v e nw i t h o u tm a ke u p,t h es k i na l s oh a sc r y sta ls h i n e .By acousticvibrationtopromotecompactsoothingeffect.



铸造专业英语词汇.Abating退火Abrasion磨损Abrasive paper砂纸Abrasive wheel砂轮Accessory附件,活块Acicular ferrite针状铁素体Acid refractory酸性耐火材料Acid-proof cast iron/acid-resistance casting/ acid resisting cast iron耐酸铸件Acid slay酸性渣Active clay有效粘土AFS fineness美国铸造学会型砂粒度Agitator搅拌机(型砂试验)Agitation搅拌Air blower鼓风机Air drain出气口(浇注系统)Air pollution control大气污染控制Air tightness气密性Air vent出气孔Allowance余量,津贴,补助,宽容Alloying agent合金元素Alloying component合金成分Anti-rust防锈Argon氩气Atomization雾化,喷雾Atomizer test雾化试验(检验金属表面油脂)Attack侵蚀Attack polishing method侵蚀抛光法Automatic charging自动加料Automatic de-sprueing自动切除冒口Automatic molding自动造型Automatic pouring device自动浇注装置Automatic sand plant 自动化砂处理装置Baked core干砂芯Balance天平/余额Ball feeder球状冒口Ball hardness布氏硬度Ball hardness testing machine布氏硬度机Ball mill球磨机Band/belt conveyer皮带输送机Band/belt elevator皮带斗式提升机Bar bend test试棒抗弯试验Base底,基础Base line基线Base plate底板Base sand原砂Basic碱性的,基本的Batch mill/batch sand mixer混砂机Beader pearlite珠光体Bed charge/coke底焦Belt grinder带式磨光机Bending strength抗弯强度Bentonite膨润土Binder粘结剂Bituminous coal dust/black dust煤粉Black short冷脆Black skin黑皮,铸皮Blank毛胚,下料Blast鼓风,送风Blast capacity风量Blast fan离心式鼓风机Blast hole风口Blast intensity鼓风强度Blast pressure gage风压表Blast regulator风量调节器Blast volume风量Bleed缺肉,台箱跑火Blender混砂机,搅拌机Blind feeder/head暗冒口Blind roaster马弗炉Blind scab起痂Blister皮下气泡Blow down停炉Boiling point沸点Bond粘结剂,合同Bond clay造型粘土Bond strength粘结强度Bottom door炉底们Bottom drop打炉Breaking-in带肉Brinell hardness布氏硬度Brittleness脆性Brittle fracture脆性断口,脆性断裂B type graphite B型石墨Buffing抛光Buffing machine抛光机Bunker料斗CE carbon equivalent碳当量Carbide碳化物carbon dioxide二氧化碳carbon monoxide一氧化碳carbon pick-up增碳carburetter增碳剂,汽化器case hardening表面硬化case gate内浇口casting alloy铸造合金casting defect/casting flaw铸造缺陷casting design铸造设计casting equipmentcasting ladle浇包casting lap铸造冷隔casting leakage铸造渗漏casting plan铸造方案casting property铸造性能casting rate浇注速度casting skin铸皮,黑皮casting strain铸造(内应力)变形casting stress铸造应力casting surface表皮casting technique铸造工艺/技术cast integral test bar单铸试棒caulk腻缝,抿灰Celsius thermometer摄氏温度计Cementite渗碳体,碳化铁Center gate中心浇口Center line中心线Chain hoist手动葫芦Charging加料Charger加料机Charging material炉料/批料Chilled cast iron冷铁Chill element促白口元素Chilling action激冷作用Chilling tendency白口倾向Chrysanthemum graphite菊花状石墨Cinder inclusion夹渣Cinder notch出渣口Clay washer洗砂机Clockwise rotation顺时针方向Clowhole/contraction cavity锁孔Cold box process冷芯盒制芯法Cold lap/cold shut冷隔Collapsibility/lubricate溃散性Consistency稠度,浓度,一致性Continuous desulfurization连续脱硫Contamination污染Conveyor belt输送带,传送带Cooling agent冷却剂Cooling curve冷却曲线Cooling effect冷却作用Cooling rate冷却速度Core砂芯Core box Coremaking制芯Coresetter下芯机Cover覆盖剂Cross gate横浇道Crush掉砂Cupola冲天炉Cupola drop打炉Cupola lining炉衬Cupola spout出铁槽Cut-off machine切割机Damper减震器Damping capacity/effect减震能力/效果Datum face/line基准面/线Deadhead冒口废料Deburring打毛刺Defect index废品率Deformation变形Density密度Degreaser脱脂剂Degree of graphitization石墨化程度Dimensional stability尺寸稳定性Descale除锈,除氧化皮Decaling除锈,除氧化皮Design drawing设计图Deslag扒渣Destructive testing/inspection破坏性试验/检验Desulfuration/desulphurization脱硫Desulfurizer脱硫剂Detection检查,摊伤Die cavity型腔,模腔Differential hardening/heating/quenching 局部硬化/加热/淬火Diffuse扩散Dilatant膨胀Dilute稀释,冲淡Dimensional error/tolerance尺寸误差/公差Direction l solidification顺序凝固,定向凝固Dirt/dirt inclusion夹渣Disintegration溃散,崩解,分解Disk feeder圆盘给料机Dislocation位错Displacement位移/置换Dissipation heat散热Distorted patter模变形Distortion变形,扭曲Divorced pearlite粒状珠光体Down runner/gate/downright直浇口Ductile iron球墨铸铁Duff煤粉Durability耐用性,耐久性Dust catcher集尘器elastic deformation弹性变形Elementary analysis元素分析Elevator提升机Elongation延伸率,延长Endurance耐用性,持久度Endurance limit疲劳极限Energy loss能量损失Environment contamination环境污染Environmental control 污染控制Equilibrium平衡Eutectic共晶体,恭晶的Examination performance/result考试成绩Fading衰退Failure stress破坏应力Feather毛刺,羽毛Feeding effect补缩效果Feeding gate内浇口Feed/feeder head(=riser)/feeding head冒口Ferric铁Ferric carbide渗碳体,碳化铁Ferrite铁素体Ferromanganese锰铁Ferromolybdenum钼铁Ferrosilicon硅铁Fettle铲除炉壁渣子File锉刀Filter paper/screen滤纸/网Fin毛刺Final machining精加工Fine silt粉尘Finished allowance加工余量Finished surface加工面Fire brick耐火砖Fire cracking热裂Fire resistance耐火性Fire waste烧损Fixture夹具Flake form片状Flake graphite片状石墨Flaking off(=spalling)剥落Flash point闪点Flaw detection探伤Floatation漂浮Flowability/fluidity流动性Flow-chart流程图Fluid contraction液态收缩Flushing流渣Fold冷隔Foreign substance杂质Forging锻造Forklift叉车Free carbide游离碳化物Free cementite游离渗碳体Free ferrite游离铁素体Freeting/fritting烧结Frictional coefficient摩擦系数Front slagging炉前出渣Galvanizing电镀Gas blow/hole气孔Gas blowhole气孔Gaseous diffusion气体扩散Gassy melt含气金属液Gas tightness气密性Gate area浇口面积Gating=gating system浇口,浇口系统Gating design浇口设计Gating proportion/ratio浇口比Gauge=gage表,计,规Globular cementite/pearlite粒状渗碳体/珠光体Grain-boundary segregation晶界偏析Grain fineness distribution粒度分布Graphite floatation石墨漂浮Graphitization 石墨化Green compression strength湿压强度Gray/grey cast iron灰铁Grinding打磨,磨制Grinding wheel砂轮Heat loss热损失Heat stress热应力Heat-treating/heat treatment热处理Heating effect热效应Heavy casting大型铸件/厚壁铸件Heavy-walled厚壁的Holding furnace保温炉Hot tear/pool热裂Hydraulic jack液压千斤顶Hydrogen氢Hyxagonal screen六角筛Impact hardness/toughness冲击硬度/韧性Impermeability气密性,不渗透性Impression压痕,型腔,凹腔Impurity杂质Included slag夹渣Indigeous graphite析出石墨Induction感应Inoculant孕育剂Inoculation fade孕育衰退Inside diameter内经Instantaneous ladle inoculation/stream inoculation瞬时浇包孕育Insulation绝缘,隔离Internal porosity内缩松Internal shrinkage内部缩孔Internal stress内应力Inverse chill反白口Inverted chill反白口Iron carbide渗碳体,碳化铁Iron-coke ratio铁焦比Jack千斤顶Jet test喷射试验(侧电镀层厚度)Job rate生产定额Knock-off head易割冒口Knockout落砂,出芯Knop钮,电钮Labile不稳定的Labor-intensive area强劳动(力)区Ladle浇包Lamellar pearlite/laminate pearlite片状珠光体Late inoculation/post inoculation二次孕育Laying out设计Leaker浇漏,漏铁水lift truck叉车Light casting小铸件,薄壁铸件Liquidus液相线Locating point/surface基准点/面Loss on ignition烧损Lower limit下限Luster光泽Machinability切削性能Machine allowance加工余量Machining机械加工Macrograph宏观Magnetic flaw detection磁力探伤Magnetic field磁场Magnetic-particle inspection磁粉探伤Magnetic powder inspection磁粉探伤Magnification放大倍数,放大倍率Manganese 锰Margin tolerance极限公差Mass production大量生产Matrix hardness机体硬度Mean diameter/stress平均直径/应力Mean value中间值Mechanical allowance加工余量Mechanical property机械性能Meltableness可溶性Melting溶解Melting capacity/condition/efficiency熔化率/状况/效率Melting point熔点Metal graphic microscope金相显微镜Metallic charge to coke ratio铁焦比Metallic pattern金属模Metallograph金相图片Metallographic examination金相检验Metallographic laboratory金相试验室Metallographic microscope金相显微镜Metallographic specimen金相磨片Metallurgy冶金学Metal material金属材料Microanalysis微量分析,显微分析Microlug球化率怀素测定试帮Micron微米Mismatch错模Misrun缺肉,浇不到Modulus of elongation延伸率Molding line造型线Natural gas天然气Nodularization球化Nodularizer球化剂Notch brittleness缺口脆性Off-dimension尺寸不合格(常指铸件)Off-gage尺寸不合格(常指型芯)Offset错位,偏置Operation life使用期限,寿命Outer inspection/visual inspection外观检验Outlet出口,排出口Oxidation氧化Oxide ferric氧化铁,三氧化二铁Partial hardening/local hardening局部淬火Parting face分型面,分模面Pattern plate模板Patter spray脱模液Pattern taper/patter draft拔模斜度Pearlite珠光体Permeability test透气性试验Phosphide磷共晶,磷化物Physical property物理性能Pig iron生铁Pin hole针孔Pitted skin麻面(铸造缺陷)Plastic binder树脂粘结剂Plastic deformation塑性变形Plate feeder圆盘给料机Plating电镀Polishing抛光Porous casting不致密铸件,多孔铸件Post inoculation二次孕育Premature freezing过早凝固Premium casting保质量逐件,优质逐件Preset program预定计划,预定程序表Pressure atmosphere大气压Pressure feeder加压冒口Production capacity生产能力Protective gloves劳保手套Prototype casting试生产铸件Push-off推出,顶出Quench aging淬火时效Radiator散热器,散热片,暖气片Radioactive element放射性元素Rare earth稀土Rare gas惰性气体Rat多肉Reamer铰刀Reclamation再生,回用Red brittleness=hot brittleness热脆性Reducibility还原能力Reduction in area断面收缩Refractoriness耐火性Refractory property耐久性能Regulator调节器Reinforcement加固Rejected casting不合格铸件Resin树脂Returns回炉料Reverse chill反白口Revolving table feeder圆盘给料机Rimhole皮下气泡Riser冒口Rockwell hardness洛氏硬度Rosette graphite菊花状石墨Roughing粗加工’Roughness粗糙度Rounding倒角Roust inhibitor防锈剂Runner gate横浇道Runner system浇注系统Running and feeding system浇冒口系统Rust prevention防锈Rustless steelSafety and industrial gloves劳动保护手套Safety factor安全系数Safety goggle护目镜Safety precaution安全措施Sample inspectionSampling取样Sand blister砂眼Sand blow气孔Sand buckle起皮、夹砂Sand burning粘砂Sand-conditioning system砂处理系统Sand control型砂控制Sand core砂芯Sand cut冲砂Sand defects型砂造成的(铸造)缺陷Sand drop掉砂Sand explosion砂眼Sand fineness砂子平均粒度Sand flowability型砂流动性Sand mill/sand mixer/sand mixing machine /sand muller混砂机Sand mold砂型Sand shakeout落砂Sand wash冲砂Scab铸痂Scar凹痕Semi-finished product半成品Sensitivity敏感性Separate cast test bar=cast integrate test bar单铸试棒Shakeout落砂/落砂机Shaking conveyer震动输送机Shift班次Short-run浇不满Short run casting浇不足铸件,缺肉铸件(未浇满)Shrink hole收缩、锁孔Shrinkage porosity缩松Shrinkage strain收缩变形Shrinkhead冒口Sintering烧结Size tolerance尺寸公差Slagging-off除渣/扒渣Solidification contraction/shrinkage凝固收缩Solid-liquid interface固液相交界面Solidus/solidus curve/solidus line固相线Solution concentration溶液浓度Sonic inspection听声检验Specific weight比重Spectroanalysis光谱分析Spherical graphite球状石墨Spheroidal iron=ductile iron球墨铸铁Spheroidization球化Spindle主轴Spotting point基准点Steam tight test/air tight test气密性试验Sticker/rat多肉Straightening校正Strength test强度试验Stress应力Stress relief应力消除Subskin blowhole/subsurface blow hole/ sub-surface blister 皮下气孔Superficial cementation表面渗碳Super heating过热Supersaturation过饱和Surface finish表面光洁度Surface folding冷隔Surface roughness表面粗糙度Swell胀砂Tap hole出渣口Telltale定位标记Tenacity/tensile strength抗拉强度/韧性Tensile testing machineTension-active element反球化元素、干扰元素Test bar试棒Test block试块Test piece试样Test specimen试样/试棒/试块Thermal balance热平衡Thermal conductivity导热系数,导热性Thermaldeformation/dilatometer/expansion/fatigue热变形/膨胀仪//膨胀/疲劳Tightness紧密度,致密度Tolerance公差Tooling point基准点Tuyere gate风眼Ultimate极限Upper limit上限Vacuum treatment真空处理Ventilating system/device/equipment通风系统/装置/设备Venting quality透气性Vibratory feeder震动给料机Vibratory shakeout machine=vibratory shakeout震动落砂机Visual examination/inspection外观检验Wash冲砂Washer洗砂机Wearability/wear resistance耐磨性Wrinkle皱皮Yield strength屈服强度Zero defect casting无缺陷铸件Zinc锌最新铸造标准应用手册(机械工业出版社)(铸造专业词汇)Foundry terminologyfoundry founding casting铸造foundry technology铸造工艺casting铸件sand casting process型砂铸造special casting process特种铸造fluidity流动性mold-filling capacity充型能力gas absorption吸气undercooling,supercooling过冷degree of undercooling过冷度nucleation成核homogeneous nucleation 自发成核heterogeneous nucleation非自发成核solidification range凝固温度范围directional solidification定向凝固solidification contraction凝固收缩liquid contraction液态收缩solid contraction 固态收缩solidification time凝固时间free contraction自由收缩hindered contraction受阻收缩shrinkage铸件线收缩率contraction stress收缩应力thermal stress热应力transformation stress相变应力casting stress铸造应力residual stress残留应力metallic raw material金属原物料pig iron生铁ferro-alloy铁合金foundry returns回炉料master alloy中间合金foundry coke铸造焦炭metallurgical coke冶金焦炭fixed carbon固定碳flux熔剂degassing flux除气熔剂covering flux覆盖熔剂refining flux精炼熔剂refractoriness耐火度firebrick耐火砖fireclay耐火黏土silica brick硅砖grain magnesite镁砂molding material造型材料sand砂washed-out sand水洗砂silica sand硅砂natural sand天然砂artificial sand人工砂naturally clay-bonded sand天然粘土砂olivine sand橄榄石砂chromite sand硌铁矿砂zircon sand锆砂carbon sand炭粒砂sharp sand精硅砂red sand红砂chamotte sand熟料砂binder粘结剂clay粘土inorganic binder无机粘结剂organic binder有机粘结剂kaolin高岭土bentonite膨润土sodium bentonite钠基膨润土calcium bentonite钙基膨润土activated bentonite活化膨润土drying oil干性油no bake binder自硬粘结剂(冷硬粘结剂)thermosetting resinbinder热固树脂粘结剂oil based binder油类粘结剂water glass binder,sodium silicate binder水玻璃粘结剂lignin liquor纸浆残液synthetic fat binder合脂粘结剂水玻璃模数sodium silicate modulus附加物additives发热剂exothermic mixture分型剂(脱模剂)parting agent;stripping agent 固化剂(硬化剂)hardener悬浮剂suspending agent涂料coating 型砂制备(砂处理)sand preparation混砂sand mixing;sand mulling型砂(造型混合料)molding sand芯砂(造芯混合料)core sand合成砂synthetic sand自硬砂self-hardening sand水玻璃砂sodium silicate-bonded sand覆模砂precoated sand烂砂泥(麻泥)loam调匀砂temper sand面砂facing sand背砂(填充砂)backing sand单一砂unit sand含泥量clay content含水量(水分,湿度)moisture content 旧砂floor sand枯砂(焦砂)burnt sand废砂waste sand热砂hot sand松砂aeration,sand-cutting筛分(筛析)screen analysis旧砂处理sand reconditioning旧砂再生sand reclamation沉降分选elutriation,decantation型砂试验sand testing透气性permeability流动性flowability型砂强度sand strength湿强度green strength干强度dry strength耐用性(复用性)durability砂型(芯)硬度mold hardness热变形hot deformation残留强度retained strength热强度hot strength韧性toughness发气率(发气速度)gas evolution rate发气性(发气量)gas evolution吸湿性moisture absorption落砂性knock-out capability溃散性collapsibility胶质价colloid index破碎指数shatter index热气流烘砂装置hot pneumatic tube drier 混砂机sand muller,sand mixer松砂机aerator,sand cutter冷却提升机cooling elevator,coolevator 筛砂机riddle磁力滚筒magnetic separator旧砂再生设备sand reclamation气力输送装置pneumatic tube conveyor铸铁cast iron铸铁石墨形态morphology of graphite in cast iron灰铸铁(灰口铸铁)gray cast iron白口铸铁white cast iron麻口铸铁mottled cast iron共晶度degree of saturation碳当量carbon equivalent片状石墨flake graphite初生石墨primary graphite孕育铸铁inoculated cast iron球墨铸铁spheroidal graphite cast iron,nodular graphite iron,ductile iron球状石墨spheroidal graphite,nodular graphite 可锻铸铁(马铁)malleable cast iron黑心可锻铸铁black heart malleable cast iron珠光体可锻铸铁pearlitic malleable cast iron铁素体可锻铸铁ferritic malleable cast iron白心可锻铸铁white heart malleable cast iron团絮石墨tempered graphite冷硬铸铁(激冷铸铁)chilled iron耐磨铸铁wear resisting cast iron耐热铸铁heat resisting cast iron耐酸铸铁acid resisting cast iron高硅铸铁high silicon cast iron蠕墨铸铁vermicular cast iron,compacted graphite cast iron 蠕虫状石墨vermicular graphite合金铸铁alloy cast iron铸钢cast steel碳素铸钢carbon cast steel低合金铸钢low alloy cast steel高锰钢high manganese steel铁素体钢ferritic steel青铜bronze铅青铜lead bronze铝青铜aluminum bronze黄铜brass铝铜合金aluminum-copper alloy铝镁合金aluminum-magnesium alloy铝硅合金aluminum-silicon alloy镁合金magnesium alloy轴承合金(减摩合金)bearing metal,antifrictional metal巴氏合金Babbitt metal 钛合金titanium alloy熔化(熔炼)melting重熔remelting炉料charge熔化率melting rate炉料计算charge calculation双联熔炼duplexing元素烧损(元素烧损率)melting losses of various chemical elements熔炼损耗(烧损)total melting loss还原气氛reducing atmosphere氧化气氛oxidizing atmosphere惰性气体inert gas碱度index of basicity碱性渣basic slag酸性渣acid slag精炼refining遗传性heredity风口比tuyere ratio有效高度effective height送风强度blast intensity预热送风hot blast底焦coke bed层焦coke split隔焦buffer coke charge炉衬furnace lining碱性炉衬acid lining棚料bridging熔池bath吸碳carbon pick-up焦铁比iron coke ratio出渣deslagging打炉cupoladrop氧化熔炼法oxidizing melting 不氧化熔炼法dead melting 真空熔炼vacuum refining熔渣slag沉渣sludge浮渣dross,cinder氧化期oxidizing stage还原期blocking stage还原渣reducing slag氧化渣oxidizing slag白渣white slag脱氧deoxidation扒渣slagging-off脱碳decarburization脱硫desulphurization脱磷dephosphorization增碳recarburizing脱氧剂deoxidizer挥发损耗volatilizing losses静置stewing,holding吹氮nitrogen flushing冲天炉cupola水冷冲天炉water-cooled cupola热风冲天炉hot blast cupola湿法除尘器wet cap炉缸cupola well前炉forehearth冲天炉加料机cupola charging machine爬式加料机ship hoist电磁配料称electro-magnetic weighing balancer 电磁盘electromagnetic chuck电弧炉direct arc furnace感应电炉electric induction furnace电渣炉electroslag furnace电磁搅拌electromagnetic agitation浇包ladle摇包shaking ladle底浇包bottom pouring ladle保温炉holding furnace坩呙炉crucible furnace孕育inoculation多孔塞法porous plug process变质modification墨化剂graphitizer过热superheating石墨球化处理nodularizing treatment of graphite碳当量仪eutectometer三角试块wdge test-piece真空除气vacuumdegassing浇注pouring 保护气氛浇注pouring under controlled atmosphere浇注速度pouring rate浇注温度pouring temperature浇注时间pouring time浇注位置pouring position型内孕育inmold inoculation压铁weight点冒口teeming捣冒口pumping补炉patching炉龄campaign铸造工艺设计mold design铸造工艺装备设计foundry tools design铸造工艺图foundry molding drawing铸件图drawing of rough casting起模斜度pattern draft收缩余量shrinkage allowance工艺补正量molding allowance加工余量machining allowance吃砂量mo9ld thickness补贴pad分型负数joint allowance铸件尺寸公差dimensional allowance of casting 铸件重量公差weight allowance of casting铸件加工基准面reference face for machining of casting铸件表面粗糙度surface roughness of casting浇注系统(浇口)gating system,running system 封闭式浇注系统chocked running system,pressurized gating system 半封闭式浇注系统enlarged runner system开放式浇注系统unchecked running system,non-pressurized gating system浇口盆(外浇口)pouring basin浇口杯pouring cup浇口塞blanking-off plug直浇道sprue直浇道窝sprue base横浇道runner筛网芯(滤网芯)strainer core内浇道ingate离心集渣浇注系统whirl gate,dirt trap system 顶注式浇注系统top gating system底注式浇注系统bottom gating system阶梯式浇注系统step gating system雨淋浇口shower gate缝隙浇口slot gate压边浇口lip runner,kiss runner牛角式浇口horn gate热结hot spot冒口riser,feeder head冒口效率riser efficiency明冒口open riser暗冒口bland riser侧冒口(边冒口)side riser压力冒口pressure riser大气压力冒口atmospheric riser发气压力冒口(气弹冒口)gas-delivered pressure riser 透气砂芯pencil core冒口径riser neck冒口根riser pad保温冒口套heat insulating feeder sleeve发热冒口套exorhermic feeder sleeve补缩距离feeding distance,feeding zone易割冒口knock-off head易割片(易割芯片)washburn core铸造工艺装备foundry tools and equipment模样(铸模、模)pattern母模master金属模metal pattern骨架模skeleton pattern石膏模plaster pattern塑料模plaslicn pattern整体模one-piece pattern分开模parted pattern,split pattern活块loose piece模板pattern plate模底板pattern mounting plate单面模板single face pattern plate双面模板match plate放样(伸图)hot dimensional drawing缩尺(模样工缩尺)shrinkage rule,pattern-maker’srule芯盒core box脱落式芯盒troughed core box下芯量具core setting scale 下芯夹具core jig烘芯板core dryingplate砂箱flask,molding box箱带(箱挡)flask bar,cross bar脱箱snap flask套箱mold jacket套销hollow pin,stubpin造型molding型腔mold cavity7.1.3铸型mold砂型sand mold上箱cope,top part下箱drag,bottom part手工造型hand molding机器造型machine molding自动化造型automatic molding分型面mold joint有箱造型flask molding两箱造型two-part molding三箱造型three-part molding不平分型面stepped joint无箱造型flaskless molding脱箱造型removable flask molding地坑造型pit molding刮板造型sweep molding抛砂造型impeller ramming组芯造型core assembly molding假箱造型oddside molding微振压造型vibratory squeezing molding 高压造型high pressure molding湿砂型green sand mold干砂型dry sand mold砂型烘干mold drying干砂型(干型)dry sand mold表面烘干型skin dried mold烂砂泥型loam mold砂床bed过渡角transition angle吊砂cod砂钩lifter负亚造型vacuum molding液态砂造型fluid sand molding漏砂pattern stripping 填砂molding-filling 紧实ramming 震实jolt ramming压实squeezing ramming 紧实度degree of ramming 二氧化碳法造型2CO process自硬砂造型self-hardening sand molding 塞砂tucking 刮砂strike-off造型生产线molding line 刷水swabbing 扎出气孔venting排气道venting channel 修型patching冷铁densener ,chill 外冷铁surface densener 内冷铁internal densener 验型(验箱)trial closing合型(合箱、组型)mold assembling ,closing造芯(制芯)core making 芯(芯子)core芯骨core rod ,core scab 油砂芯oil sand core预制砂embeded core ,ram up core 芯头core print 芯座core print芯头斜度core print taper 芯头间隙core print clearance 壳芯shell core 烘芯core baking 通气蜡线vent wax冷芯盒法cold box process 热芯盒法hot box process 芯撑chaplethand tools of molding 压勺heart and spoon 提钩cleaner双头铜勺doubleended radius sleeker 镘刀trowel 造型机molding machine压实造型机squeezing molding machine震击台bumper振动台vibrating table微振压实造型机vibratory squeezer 震实造型机jolt molding machine高压造型机high pressure molding machine射压造型机shooting and squeezing molding machine多触头造型机equalizing piston squeezer 抛砂机sand slinger 起模机drawing machine 射芯机core shooter 击芯机core extruder铸型输送机mold conveyor 落砂shake-out 除芯decoring喷砂清理sand blasting 抛丸清理shot blasting 水力清砂hydraulic blast 水砂清砂hydraulic blast 清理cleaning 清砂cleaning火焰表面清理scarfing 清铲chipping化学清砂chemical cleaning 精整dressing and finishing 落砂机knock-out machine 抛丸清理机shot blast machine 清理滚筒tumbling barrel抛丸落砂清理设备shot blast reclaiming equipment悬挂式磨轮swing frame grinder 矫正coining焊补repair welding 参补impregnation 金属型铸造permanent mold casting 金属型metal mold 金属芯metal core覆砂金属型sand-lined metal mold 排气赛venting plug 排气槽air vent 龟裂heat checking金属型铸造机gravity die casting machine 压力铸造die-casting 压铸型die-casting die动型moving die定型fixed die合型力clamping force压室pressure chamber鹅颈管gooseneck分流器spreader顶杆ejector pin溢流槽overflow well压射冲头injection piston压射比压injection pressure压射速度injection speed保压时间dwell time真空压铸vacuum die casting冲氧压铸pore-free die casting双冲头压铸acurad die casting压铸机die casting machine冷室压铸机cold chamber die casting machine 热室压铸机hot chamber die casting machine 镶铸法insert process离心铸造true centrifugal casting半离心铸造semi-centrifugal casting离心浇注centrifugal pressure casting双金属离心铸造bimetal centrifugal casting 离心铸造机centrifugal casting machine失模铸造lost pattern casting熔模铸造fusible pattern molding压制熔模fusible pattern injection压型pattern die熔模fusible pattern盐模salt pattern蜡模wax-pattern模组pattern assembly熔模涂料slurry面层涂料investment precoat撒砂stuccoing脱蜡dewaxing培烧sintering壳型制造shell molding结壳时间investing time结壳温度investing temperature硬化温度curing temperature硬化时间curing time陶瓷型制造ceramic slurry灌浆paste pouring喷烧torch firing低压铸造low-pressure diecasting 充型压力mold filling pressure保压压力dwell pressure升液管stalk真空吸铸suction casting差压铸造counter-pressure casting实型铸造full mold process泡沫塑料模Styrofoam pattern磁型铸造magnetic shot molding process凝壳铸造slush casting石膏型造型plaster molding连续铸造continuouscasting铸件检验inspection of casting铸件质量分析quality analysis of casting铸件外观质量visual quality of casting铸件内在质量internal quality of casting铸件使用性能service ability of casting单铸试块separated test bar of casting附铸试块test lug缺陷铸件defective casting废品reject无损检验(无损探伤)nondestructive inspection 破坏性试验destructivetesting飞翅(飞边)joint flash毛刺veining抬型(抬箱)cope raise,raised mold胀砂swell冲砂erosion,cut,wash掉砂drop,crush外渗物(外渗豆)sweat气孔blowhole针孔pinhole缩孔shrinkage缩松dispersed shrinkage疏松(显微缩松)porosity,microshrinkage冷裂cold cracking热裂hot tearing热处理裂纹heat treatment crack白点(发裂)flake冷隔cold shut,cold lap浇注断流interrupted pour鼠尾rat-tail沟槽buckle夹砂结疤(夹砂)scab机械粘砂(渗透粘砂)metal penetration 化学粘砂(烧结粘砂)burn-on表面粗糙rough surface皱皮elephant skin缩陷depression浇不到misrun未浇满poured short跑火run-out,bleeding型漏(漏箱)run-out,bleeding损伤(机械损伤)damage拉长exaggeration of dimension超重over-weight变形distortion,warping错型(错箱)shift错芯core shift偏芯(漂芯)core raised,corelift夹杂物inclusion冷豆cold shot内渗物(内渗豆)internal sweat渣气孔scum,slag-blow hole砂眼sand inclusion亮皮pearlite layer菜花头cauli-flowering石墨漂浮carbon flotation石墨集结kish graphite spot组织粗大open grain structure偏析segregation硬点hard spot反白口inverse chill球化不良under-nodularizing球化衰退degradated spheroidisation 脱碳decarburization。



21第14卷 第10期 2012 年 10 月辽宁中医药大学学报JOURNAL OF LIAONING UNIVERSITY OF TCMVol. 14 No. 10 Oct .,2012普济消毒饮(《东垣试效方》)之功效为清热解毒,疏风散邪。






1 痤疮案李某,男,28岁。









方药:普济消毒饮治疗面部皮肤病经验周宝宽,周探(沈阳皇姑协和中医门诊部,辽宁 沈阳 110036)摘 要:目的:总结普济消毒饮化裁治疗面部皮肤病经验。




关键词:普济消毒饮;面部皮肤病;医案中图分类号:R751 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-842X (2012) 10- 0021- 02收稿日期:2012-01-13作者简介:周宝宽(1955-),男,辽宁沈阳人,主任医师,医学博士、经济学博士,研究方向:中医药防治皮肤病。

CIRCALOK 6037 BLACK产品说明说明书

CIRCALOK 6037 BLACK产品说明说明书

USA SAFETY DATA SHEET3000000017461. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONProduct name: CIRCALOK 6037 BLACK Product Use/Class:Epoxy ResinLORD Corporation 111 LORD DriveCary, NC 27511-7923 USATelephone: 814 868-3180Non-Transportation Emergency: 814 763-2345 Chemtrec 24 Hr Transportation Emergency No.800 424-9300 (Outside Continental U.S. 703 527-3887)EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/20/20162. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONGHS CLASSIFICATION:Skin corrosion/irritation Category 2Serious eye damage/eye irritation Category 2A Skin sensitization Category 1Germ cell mutagenicity Category 2 Carcinogenicity Category 2Specific target organ systemic toxicity (single exposure) Category 3Specific target organ systemic toxicity (repeated exposure) Category 1 Lungs, Respiratory system Hazardous to the aquatic environment - chronic hazard Category 2GHS LABEL ELEMENTS:Symbol(s)Signal WordD ANGERHazard StatementsCauses skin irritation.Causes serious eye irritation.May cause an allergic skin reaction. Suspected of causing genetic defects. Suspected of causing cancer. May cause respiratory irritation.Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure.(Lungs, Respiratory system) Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.Precautionary Statements PreventionObtain special instructions before use.Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood. Wear protective gloves/eye protection/face protection. Use personal protective equipment as required. Do not breathe dust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/spray. Wash thoroughly after handling.Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.Contaminated work clothing should not be allowed out of the workplace.Avoid release to the environment.ResponseCall a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell.Specific treatment (see supplemental first aid instructions on this label).IF INHALED: Remove to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water.If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention.IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do.Continue rinsing.Take off contaminated clothing and wash before reuse.Collect spillage.StorageStore in a well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed.Store locked up.Disposal:Dispose of contents/container in accordance with waste/disposal laws and regulations of your country or particular locality.Other Hazards:This product contains component(s) which have the following warnings; however based on the GHS classification criteria of your country or locale, the product mixture may be outside the respective category(s).Acute: May be absorbed through the skin in harmful amounts. Significant overexposure to n-butyl glycidyl ether by the inhalation route is unlikely under most ambient conditions due to its low volatility. However, vapors, aerosols, and mists may be formed during some applications such as heating or applications of uncured material on largesurface areas. Harmful if swallowed. Ingestion is not an expected route of entry in industrial or commercial uses.Chronic: Prolonged or repeated contact may result in dermatitis. IARC has designated carbon black as Group 2B - inadequate evidence for carcinogenicity in humans, but sufficient evidence in experimental animals. In 2006 IARC reaffirmed its 1995 finding that there is "inadequate evidence" from human health studies to assess whether carbon black causes cancer in humans. Further, epidemiological evidence from well-conducted investigations has shown no causative link between carbon black exposure and the risk of malignant or non-malignant respiratory disease inhumans.3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Name CAS Number RangeEpoxy resin PROPRIETARY25 - 30%Epoxy resin PROPRIETARY 1 - 5%N-Butyl glycidyl ether2426-08-6 1 - 5%Carbon black1333-86-40.1 - 0.9%Alkyl (C12-14)glycidyl ether68609-97-20.1 - 0.9%Any "PROPRIETARY" component(s) in the above table is considered trade secret, thus the specific chemical and its exact concentration is being withheld.4. FIRST AID MEASURESFIRST AID - EYE CONTACT: Flush eyes immediately with large amount of water for at least 15 minutes holding eyelids open while flushing. Get prompt medical attention.FIRST AID - SKIN CONTACT: Flush contaminated skin with large amounts of water while removing contaminated clothing. Wash affected skin areas with soap and water. Get medical attention if symptoms occur.FIRST AID - INHALATION: Move person to fresh air. Restore and support continued breathing. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get immediate medical attention.FIRST AID - INGESTION: If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Call a physician or poison control center immediately for further instructions. Never give anything by mouth if victim is rapidly losing consciousness, unconscious or convulsing.5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESSUITABLE EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Foam, Water FogUNSUITABLE EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Not determined for this product.SPECIFIC HAZARDS POSSIBLY ARISING FROM THE CHEMICAL: Keep containers tightly closed. Closed containers may rupture when exposed to extreme heat. Use water spray to keep fire exposed containers cool. During a fire, irritating and/or toxic gases and particulate may be generated by thermal decomposition or combustion.SPECIAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND PRECAUTIONS FOR FIRE-FIGHTERS: Wear full firefighting protective clothing, including self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). If water is used, fog nozzles are preferable.6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESPERSONAL PRECAUTIONS, PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT, AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: Avoid contact. Avoid breathing vapors. Use appropriate respiratory protection for large spills or spills in confined area.ENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONS: Do not contaminate bodies of water, waterways, or ditches, with chemical or used container.METHODS AND MATERIALS FOR CONTAINMENT AND CLEANUP: Keep non-essential personnel a safe distance away from the spill area. Notify appropriate authorities if necessary. Avoid contact. Before attempting cleanup, refer to hazard caution information in other sections of the SDS form. Scoop spilled material into an appropriate container for proper disposal. (If necessary, use inert absorbent material to aid in containing the spill).7. HANDLING AND STORAGEHANDLING: Keep closure tight and container upright to prevent leakage. Avoid skin and eye contact. Wash thoroughly after handling. Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood. Empty containers should not be re-used. Use with adequate ventilation.STORAGE: Store only in well-ventilated areas. Keep container closed when not in use.INCOMPATIBILITY: Amines, acids, water, hydroxyl, or active hydrogen compounds.8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONCOMPONENT EXPOSURE LIMITChemical Name ACGIH TLV-TWA ACGIH TLV-STELOSHA PEL-TWAOSHA PEL-CEILINGSkinEpoxy resin N.E.N.E.N.E. N.E.N.A.Epoxy resin N.E.N.E.N.E. N.E.N.A.N-Butyl glycidyl ether 3 ppm N.E.270 mg/m350 ppmN.E.S Carbon black 3 mg/m3N.E. 3.5 mg/m3 N.E.N.A.Alkyl (C12-14)glycidyl ether N.E.N.E.N.E. N.E.N.A.N.A. - Not Applicable, N.E. - Not Established, S - Skin DesignationEngineering controls: Sufficient ventilation in pattern and volume should be provided in order to maintain air contaminant levels below recommended exposure limits.PERSONAL PROTECTION MEASURES/EQUIPMENT:RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Use a NIOSH approved air-purifying organic vapor respirator if occupational limits are exceeded. For emergency situations, confined space use, or other conditions where exposure limits may be greatly exceeded, use an approved air-supplied respirator. For respirator use observe OSHA regulations (29CFR1910.134) or use in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of your country or particular locality.SKIN PROTECTION: Use neoprene, nitrile, or rubber gloves to prevent skin contact.EYE PROTECTION: Use safety eyewear including safety glasses with side shields and chemical goggles where splashing may occur.OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Use disposable or impervious clothing if work clothing contamination is likely. Remove and wash contaminated clothing before reuse.HYGIENIC PRACTICES: Wash hands before eating, smoking, or using toilet facility. Food or beverages should not be consumed anywhere this product is handled or stored. Wash thoroughly after handling.9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESTypical values, not to be used for specification purposes.ODOR: No VAPOR PRESSURE: N.D.APPEARANCE: Black VAPOR DENSITY: Heavier than Air PHYSICAL STATE: Viscous liquid LOWER EXPLOSIVE LIMIT: Not ApplicableFLASH POINT:≥ 201 °F, 93 °CUPPER EXPLOSIVE LIMIT: Not ApplicableSetaflash Closed CupBOILING RANGE: 100 - 169 °C EVAPORATION RATE: Not Applicable AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE:N.D.DENSITY: 2.3 g/cm3 - 19.10 lb/gal DECOMPOSITION TEMPERATURE:N.D. VISCOSITY, DYNAMIC: N.D.ODOR THRESHOLD: N.D.VISCOSITY, KINEMATIC: N.D.SOLUBILITY IN H2O: Insoluble VOLATILE BY WEIGHT: 0.02 %pH: N.A.VOLATILE BY VOLUME: 0.04 %FREEZE POINT: N.D. VOC CALCULATED: 0 lb/gal, 0 g/l COEFFICIENT OF WATER/OILN.D.DISTRIBUTION:LEGEND: N.A. - Not Applicable, N.E. - Not Established, N.D. - Not Determined10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYHAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Hazardous polymerization will not occur under normal conditions. STABILITY: Product is stable under normal storage conditions.CONDITIONS TO AVOID: High temperatures.INCOMPATIBILITY: Amines, acids, water, hydroxyl, or active hydrogen compounds.HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, aldehydes11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEXPOSURE PATH: Refer to section 2 of this SDS.SYMPTOMS:Refer to section 2 of this SDS.TOXICITY MEASURES:Chemical Name LD50/LC50Epoxy resin Oral LD50: Rat11,400 mg/kgEpoxy resin GHS LD50: rat> 15,000 mg/kgGHS LD50: rabbit23,000 mg/kgN-Butyl glycidyl ether Oral LD50: Rat2,050 mg/kgDermal LD50: Rat> 2,150 mg/kgInhalation LC50: Rat2590 ppm/4 hCarbon black Oral LD50: Rat> 15,400 mg/kgDermal LD50: Rabbit> 3 g/kgGHS LC50 (vapour): Acute toxicity point estimate55 mg/lAlkyl (C12-14)glycidyl ether Oral LD50: Rat17,100 mg/kgGerm cell mutagenicity: Category 2 - Suspected of causing genetic defects.Components contributing to classification: N-Butyl glycidyl ether.Carcinogenicity: Category 2 - Suspected of causing cancer.Components contributing to classification: N-Butyl glycidyl ether.Reproductive toxicity: No classification proposed12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONECOTOXICITY:Chemical Name EcotoxicityEpoxy resin N.D.Epoxy resin Fish: Oncorhynchus mykiss2 mg/l96 h semi-staticInvertebrates: Daphnia magna1.8 mg/l48 h StaticPlants: Selenastrum capricornutum11 mg/l72 h StaticN-Butyl glycidyl ether N.D.Carbon black N.D.Alkyl (C12-14)glycidyl ether N.D.PERSISTENCE AND DEGRADABILITY:Not determined for this product.BIOACCUMULATIVE: Not determined for this product.MOBILITY IN SOIL: Not determined for this product.OTHER ADVERSE EFFECTS: Not determined for this product.13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDISPOSAL METHOD: Disposal should be done in accordance with Federal (40CFR Part 261), state and local environmental control regulations. If waste is determined to be hazardous, use licensed hazardous waste transporter and disposal facility.14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONUS DOT RoadDOT Proper Shipping Name: Environmentally hazardous substances, liquid, n.o.s.DOT Hazard Class: 9SECONDARY HAZARD: NoneDOT UN/NA Number: 3082Packing Group: IIIEmergency Response Guide Number: 171For US DOT non-bulk road shipments this material may be classified as NOT REGULATED. For the most accurate shipping information, refer to your transportation/compliance department regarding changes inpackage size, mode of shipment or other regulatory descriptors.IATA CargoPROPER SHIPPING NAME: Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s.DOT Hazard Class: 9HAZARD CLASS: NoneUN-NUMBER: 3082PACKING GROUP: IIIEMS: 9LIMDGPROPER SHIPPING NAME: Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s.DOT Hazard Class: 9HAZARD CLASS: NoneUN-NUMBER: 3082PACKING GROUP: IIIEMS: F-AThe listed transportation classification applies to IATA Cargo and IMDG non-bulk shipments. It does not address regulatory variations due to changes in package size, mode of shipment or other regulatory descriptors for your countryor particular locality. For the most accurate shipping information, refer to your transportation/compliance department.15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONU.S. FEDERAL REGULATIONS: AS FOLLOWS:SARA SECTION 313This product contains the following substances subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR part 372.:NONETOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ACT:INVENTORY STATUSThe chemical substances in this product are on the TSCA Section 8 Inventory.EXPORT NOTIFICATIONThis product contains the following chemical substances subject to the reporting requirements of TSCA 12(B) if exported from the United States:NONE16. OTHER INFORMATIONUnder HazCom 2012 it is optional to continue using the HMIS rating system. It is important to ensure employees have been trained to recognize the different numeric ratings associated with the HazCom 2012 and HMIS schemes.HMIS RATINGS - HEALTH: 2* FLAMMABILITY: 1 PHYSICAL HAZARD: 0* - Indicates a chronic hazard; see Section 2Revision: New GHS SDS FormatEffective Date: 09/20/2016DISCLAIMERThe information contained herein is, to the best of our knowledge and belief, accurate. However, since the conditions of handling and use are beyond our control, we make no guarantee of results, and assume no liability for damages incurred by use of this material. It is the responsibility of the user to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations.。






Using method of the cream:1、Under the match with beauty salon to do once every other day, and after ten empresses do once every week; Every morning and evening do each once. Y ou just need to put the right amount cream in your face until it will be completely absorbed.2、Using method of breast cup: Depurating breast and matching with the beauty salon special skill. 疗效作用:一、养颜紧肤皮肤是身体最大的器官,就像是每个人所拥有的一件最宝贝的贴身衣服,是负责执行防止细菌及其它有害物质进入人体并同时具备吸收、呼吸、排泄、感觉、调节体温及合成维生素D 等重要功能。



Curative effect and function:一、keep the skin tight and beautifulThe skin is a biggest organ of body, and it is the most precious personal clothes of everyone’s own. It is responsible for a performance to keep germ and other harmful materials from getting into a human body combining to have absorption and breathe, excrete, feeling, regulate body temperature and synthesize the important function of the vitamin D etc. in the meantime. “Beauty Building” cream is to synthesize a layer of natural protection film by the outside epidermis, attain constringency pore during the period of using, and dispel the carry line of face, nose, and eyes etc. It will make the skin tight, delicate, pure white, improve the sensitive type skin, and raise the callous anti- sensitive degree.二、丰胸美疗霜专为乳房偏小、松弛、乳晕黑暗的女性精心设置的佳品。

Perron Rigot 美容沙龙价目表说明书

Perron Rigot 美容沙龙价目表说明书

MANUAL TANNINGSienna X Manual T an45 mins £38Sienna X Exfoliation & Manual T an60 mins£50MALE GROOMINGPerron Rigot waxingPrices fromChest 30 mins £17Abdomen15 mins £17Chest & Abdomen 30 mins £28Upper Back 15 mins £17Lower Back15 mins £17Full Back (inc top of arms) 30 mins £31Eyebrow 15 mins £12Nostrils & Ears 15 mins £16.50Underarms15 mins £13.50Nostrils/Ears/Brows Package30 mins£26HANDS & FEETMen’s Hand & Nail Care 30 mins £25Gents Full Pedicure45 mins£39.50AWARD WINNING SALONWe welcome both male and female clients and all our massage, body and skin treatments are suitable for both. We kindly request that in order to offer all our clients a peaceful and relaxing experience that mobile phones are kept on silent and that calls are not taken during your visit. Children under the age of 14 are not permitted for health and safety requirements unless by prior arrangement.Please see our website for our terms and conditions, other treatment variations, full treatment descriptions, limited edition promotions. Pricing is indicative & correct at time of press. Management reserve the right to make changes as appropriate.GENEO+ COMBINED OXYGEN & MICRODERMABRASION FACIALSRejuvenate and refresh skin, tighten and contour – perfect for anti-ageing, skin rejuvenation and problem skin.GENEO+ Super Facial & Radio Frequency 60 mins £90GENEO+ Microdermabrasion Facial 30 mins£78GENEO+ Radio Frequency Skin tightening only30 mins£60ADV ANCED & AESTHETIC TREATMENTSAdvanced aesthetic facial treatments that use products and technologies to provide optimal skin results and reduced downtime. T o treat skin rejuvenation, problem skin and pigmentation and as an alternative to traditional toxins and fillers. Consultation required.Prices fromMesoesthetic Skin Peels £120Dermaplaning £70Classic Skin Needling£180M-PEN Skin Needling Pen/Mesotherapy£150MASSAGE & BODY TREATMENTSSwedish Full Body Massage 55 mins £55Swedish Back Massage 25 mins £33Swedish 1/2 Body Massage 40 mins £42Hot Stone Back Massage 25 mins £39Hot Stone Full Body Massage 55 mins £60Hot Lava Shell Back Massage 25 mins £44Hot Lava Shell Full Body Massage 55 mins £80Indian Head Massage 25 mins £33Deep Tissue Massage 25 mins £35Deep Tissue Massage 35 mins £46Reflexology55 mins £60Dermalogica Back Facial 45 mins£53Luxury Body Treatments45 mins from £60ADD Face/Scalp/Extra time to any Swedish or hot stoneTO BOOKT. ***********E. **********************.ukBOOK ONLINE 24/7 on ourwebsite or via our app mySPAapp studio8beauty studio8beautyltdLash Tint* 15 mins £16 Lash & Brow* Tint 30 mins £24 Lash Lift & Tint* 60 mins £49 Patch T est required 24-48 hours prior to treatment for tinting& perming.*Eye makeup/mascara/contact lens must be removed priorto appointmentTHREADINGBrows 15 mins £12 Lip & Brow 30 mins £23 Upper Lip or Chin 15 mins £13 Sides 15 mins £13 Full Face (brows/sides/lip/chin) 45 mins £33LASH EXTENSIONSLondon Lash Pro Classic - individual lashesInitial Set 90 mins £7714 day Infill 30 mins £3321 day Infill 45 mins £50Studio 8 applied Lash Removalwith same day application* 15 mins £15Other Salon Applied Lashes* 15 mins £20*Please request at time of bookingLondon Lash Pro Russian LashesInitial Set Russian 120 mins £9814 day Infill 30 mins £4821 day Infill 45 mins £60Contact us to find out about our glue sensitivity patch testfor lash extensions.Eye makeup/mascara/contact lens must be removed priorto appointment.Brow TreatmentsHenna Brow Art -Full Brow Make over 45 mins £38.50Brow Lamination 60 mins £50WAXINGPerron Rigot Waxing Prices fromDERMALOGICA FACIALSReal Products | Real Treatments | Real ResultsTreatments delivered by qualified and experienced professionalskincare experts.Powerful treatments that work with the skin and not againstit to deliver amazing results with reduced or zero redness ordown time. Great for anti-ageing, breakouts and congestion orto brighten and rejuvenate skin. Supercharged with electricaltechnology for even deeper cleansing, deeper productpenetration and even more powerful results.The perfect facial to start your personal skincare journey.Consultation and advice combined with a facial:Dermalogica Skin Fit Facial 60 mins £70DERMALOGICA PROFESSIONALEXPERT STRENGTH FACIALST ake your skincare journey to the next level with our advancedprofessional treatments that cleverly use a sensory experiencecombined with powerful products and technology for ultimateresults.PROSkin60 Facial 60 mins £80PROSkin30 Facial 30 mins £40ProPower Peel** 30 mins £98**includes peel aftercare skin kitSTUDIO 8 GIFT CARDSThe perfect gift for a friend or family.Available in salon and online, from £20.。

Modeling the skin effect using efficient conductio

Modeling the skin effect using efficient conductio

专利名称:Modeling the skin effect using efficientconduction mode techniques发明人:Roberto Suaya,Salvador Ortiz申请号:US12151074申请日:20080502公开号:US20080276207A1公开日:20081106专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:Described herein are embodiments of methods for extracting various high frequency parameters for a circuit design. In one exemplary embodiment, circuit design information indicating at least a geometric layout of conductors in the circuit design and adesired frequency of operation for the circuit design is received. Conduction modes representing distribution functions for currents in the conductors at the desired frequency of operation are defined. A conduction mode matrix including matrix elements based on the defined conduction modes is generated. Values for one or more matrix elements are computed by decomposing integrands for calculating the matrix elements into simplified terms that are less computationally intensive than the integrands and computing the values of the simplified terms. The values for the one or more matrix elements can be stored (e.g., on one or more computer-readable media).申请人:Roberto Suaya,Salvador Ortiz地址:Meylan FR,Buenos Aires AR国籍:FR,AR更多信息请下载全文后查看。



Rope skipping,a popular form of exercise,is known for its numerous health benefits, such as improving cardiovascular health,enhancing coordination,and boosting mood. However,like any physical activity,it can also have potential downsides if not performed with proper care.Here are some of the potential harms associated with rope skipping:1.Knee Injuries:Jumping repeatedly can put stress on the knees,especially for individuals who are overweight or have preexisting knee conditions.Over time,this can lead to issues such as patellar tendinitis or runners knee.2.Ankle Sprains:The quick movements and landings involved in rope skipping can result in ankle sprains if the foot rolls or lands awkwardly.Proper footwear and technique are essential to minimize this risk.3.Shin Splints:This condition,medically known as medial tibial stress syndrome,can occur due to the repetitive impact on the shinbone.Its more common in those who increase their activity level too quickly.4.Lower Back Pain:Poor form while jumping rope can lead to strain on the lower back muscles.Maintaining a straight posture and engaging the core can help reduce this risk.5.Hand and Wrist Injuries:Incorrect handling of the rope can cause strain or injury to the hands and wrists.This includes conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis.6.Overuse Injuries:As with any repetitive motion,overuse injuries are possible.These can range from minor aches and pains to more serious conditions like stress fractures.7.Impact on Joints:The impact from landing after each jump can contribute to the wear and tear of joints,particularly in individuals with a history of joint problems.8.Breathing Difficulties:For those with respiratory issues,the intensity of rope skipping can exacerbate breathing difficulties,especially if the exercise is performed without proper warmup and cooldown.9.Skin Irritation:The constant friction from the rope against the skin can cause irritation, especially for those with sensitive skin.10.Eye Injuries:Although rare,there is a risk of eye injury if the rope accidentally hits the face during the exercise.To mitigate these potential harms,its important to:Warm up and cool down properly to prepare and recover the muscles.Use appropriate footwear to provide support and cushioning.Practice correct form and technique to distribute the impact evenly.Gradually increase the intensity and duration of rope skipping sessions to avoid overuse injuries.Stay hydrated and maintain a balanced diet to support overall health and recovery. Consult with a healthcare professional or fitness trainer if you have any concerns or preexisting conditions.By being mindful of these potential downsides and taking the necessary precautions,rope skipping can remain a fun and effective way to stay fit and healthy.。



使人美丽的最重要的品质英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Most Important Quality for BeautyWhat makes someone truly beautiful? Is it perfectly sculpted facial features, a slim and toned physique, or radiant glowing skin? While these physical attributes may catch our eye at first glance, true beauty lies much deeper than mere appearances. In my opinion, the most important quality that makes someone beautiful is their character - the kindness, compassion, and inner grace that shines through their words and actions.From a young age, we're bombarded with images and messages from the media telling us what the "ideal" beauty standards are. Tall and slender models adorn the covers of magazines. Celebrities with seemingly flawless looks are idolized and admired. Social media influencers promote all sorts of beauty products and procedures, promising to help us achieve physical perfection. In this constant barrage of unrealistic expectations, it's easy to lose sight of what real beauty truly means.As I've grown older and wiser, I've come to realize that physical attractiveness is fleeting and superficial. Looks inevitably fade with age, while inner qualities become more radiant and captivating over time. A person can have the most striking features, but if their heart is filled with selfishness, cruelty, or arrogance, any outward beauty quickly loses its luster.On the other hand, I've encountered individuals who may not fit conventional beauty standards, but their warmth, humor, and genuine kindness instantly make them glow with an inner radiance that is truly breathtaking. These are the people who leave a lasting impression, not for their physical appearances, but for the light they bring into the world through their positive energy and compassionate souls.True beauty comes from within – it's the sparkle in someone's eyes when they talk about a topic they're passionate about, the gentle way they treat others with respect and empathy, and the strength of character they display in difficult times. It's the ability to make others feel valued, seen, and understood, regardless of their own looks or social status.One of the most beautiful qualities a person can possess is kindness – extending compassion and generosity to others without expecting anything in return. A kind heart that seeks touplift and support those around them is far more attractive than any fleeting physical attribute. True beauty comes alive through simple acts of kindness, whether it's offering a listening ear to a friend in need, volunteering time to help those less fortunate, or treating strangers with patience and understanding.Another essential quality of inner beauty is authenticity – the courage to unapologetically embrace one's true self without trying to conform to societal pressures or expectations. True beauty shines when someone is comfortable in their own skin, confident in their unique quirks and imperfections, and unafraid to express their genuine thoughts and emotions. It's a rare and captivating quality that draws others in and inspires them to live more authentically themselves.Compassion is also a hallmark of true beauty – the ability to empathize with others, to see the world through different perspectives, and to approach life with a sense of understanding and non-judgment. A compassionate heart recognizes the inherent worth and dignity in all human beings, regardless of their backgrounds or circumstances. It's a quality that fosters deeper connections, breaks down barriers, and promotes a more just and inclusive world.As I've learned and grown, I've come to appreciate that true beauty has little to do with physical appearance and everything to do with the qualities that reside within one's heart and soul. It's the kindness, authenticity, compassion, and inner grace that make someone truly radiant and captivating, far more than any superficial physical attribute could ever achieve.In a world that often prioritizes shallow beauty standards, it's crucial that we redefine what it means to be beautiful. We must celebrate and uplift those who embody the qualities of kindness, empathy, and inner strength, for these are the traits that truly matter and endure long after physical beauty fades.True beauty is not a fleeting trend or a superficial ideal – it's a lifelong journey of cultivating inner qualities that make us better humans and contribute positively to the world around us. It's the ability to touch lives, inspire others, and leave a lasting legacy of kindness and compassion.So, let us embrace a new definition of beauty – one that values character over appearances, inner grace over physical perfection, and the radiance that comes from living authentically and treating others with kindness and respect. For in the end, it is these enduring qualities that truly make someone beautiful, both inside and out.篇2The Most Important Quality for BeautyEveryone wants to be beautiful, but what truly makes a person beautiful? Is it flawless skin, striking features, or a slim figure? While physical attributes certainly play a role, I believe the most important quality for true beauty comes from within - and that is having a kind heart.From a young age, we are bombarded with messages from society and the media about what constitutes beauty. Advertisements, movies, and social media constantly show us images of seemingly perfect people with slim bodies, symmetrical faces, and trendy styles. Growing up, I certainly felt the pressure to look a certain way in order to be considered beautiful. I remember wishing I had straighter hair, clearer skin, or a different body type.However, as I've grown older and wiser, I've come to realize that true beauty radiates from the inside out. Someone can be incredibly gorgeous on the outside, but if they have an ugly personality or treat others poorly, then their outer beauty becomes tarnished and unappealing. Conversely, someone who may not fit traditional beauty standards can still bebreathtakingly beautiful if they have a kind soul that shines through.There are so many examples throughout history and in the present day of people who embody true beauty through their kindness, compassion, and care for others. Look at someone like Princess Diana, who used her public platform to advocate for the underprivileged and bring awareness to important causes. Her warm smile, emotional generosity, and empathy for those suffering made her one of the most beloved public figures of her time. Or consider Malala Yousafzai, who has bravely fought for girls' education rights in Pakistan, nearly sacrificing her life in the process. Her resilience, courage, and unwavering commitment to equality and human rights is awe-inspiring.Closer to home, I've witnessed true beauty in everyday people as well. My elderly neighbor, Mrs. Johnson, may have wrinkled skin and gray hair, but her warm hugs, pleasing demeanor, and willingness to help anyone in need make her one of the most beautiful people I know. Or my best friend Sara, who was born with a facial disfigurement yet carries herself with such confidence and treats everyone - no matter their appearance - with respect. These people may not grace the cover ofmagazines, but their kind hearts and beautiful souls more than make up for any perceived physical flaws.Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with wanting to look attractive on the outside and taking pride in your physical appearance. However, I think we often get caught up in an unrealistic and heavily photoshopped version of beauty that is virtually unattainable for most. Instead of obsessing over the latest beauty trend or must-have cosmetic product, I believe we should focus more on cultivating beauty from within.Having a kind, compassionate, and giving spirit makes someone infinitely more beautiful than mere cosmetic enhancement or genetic luck ever could. A beautiful heart shines through in the way someone treats others, the generosity they show, and the positive impact they make on the world around them. These are the qualities that give someone an irresistible, radiant glow that cannot be replicated or faked.As I continue to grow and mature, I strive to be a kind, caring, and ethical person above all else. Yes, I still have insecurities about my appearance and work on self-love, but I know that the most important thing is to be a good person who uplifts others. I try to live by the famous Audrey Hepburn quote: "For attractivelips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people."If I can make the world a kinder, more compassionate place through my words and actions, then I will be truly beautiful. If my kindness and empathy leave a positive impact on others' lives, then I will have achieved true beauty far greater than any supermodel or pop culture icon. Outer beauty is fleeting and subjective, but inner beauty lasts forever and shines brighter than any cosmetic product ever could.So to any young person out there feeling insecure about their looks or struggling with self-confidence, please know that your kindness, compassion, empathy, and virtue make you truly beautiful. Focus on becoming the best person you can be, and your inner light will outshine any perceived flaws or societal beauty standards. Be generous with your heart and spirit, and you will radiate true beauty infinitely more meaningful and resilient than physical attributes. Beauty may catch the eye, but kindness captures the heart - and that is the most important and lasting kind of beauty there is.篇3The Most Important Quality for BeautyWhat truly makes a person beautiful? This is a question that has been debated for centuries, with different cultures and individuals having their own perspectives and ideals. As a student, I have had the opportunity to explore this topic from various angles, considering different philosophical, psychological, and sociological viewpoints. Through my studies and personal reflections, I have come to believe that the most important quality for true beauty lies not in physical appearance, but rather in the cultivation of inner qualities that radiate outward and touch the lives of those around us.Physical beauty, while often celebrated and admired, is ultimately fleeting and subjective. Society's standards of attractiveness are constantly shifting, influenced by trends, media representations, and cultural biases. What is considered beautiful in one era or region may be viewed differently in another. Moreover, physical beauty is temporary, fading with time and the natural processes of aging. While taking care of one's physical health and appearance is certainly important, placing too much emphasis on superficial traits can lead to unhealthy obsessions, low self-esteem, and a shallow understanding of true beauty.True beauty, in my opinion, emanates from within – from the qualities that shape our character, our actions, and our impact on the world around us. One of the most beautiful qualities a person can possess is kindness. A kind heart, coupled with empathy and compassion, has the power to transform lives and create ripples of positivity that extend far beyond the individual. A person who exhibits kindness in their interactions, who seeks to understand and support others, and who uses their words and actions to uplift those around them, radiates a beauty that transcends physical appearance.Another quality that contributes to true beauty is integrity. A person of integrity lives by a strong moral code, upholds their principles, and demonstrates honesty and authenticity in their words and actions. They are not swayed by societal pressures or fleeting trends but instead remain true to their values and beliefs. This unwavering commitment to personal integrity commands respect and admiration, as it reflects a depth of character and strength of conviction that is truly beautiful.Intellectual curiosity and a love of learning are also qualities that contribute to true beauty. A person who actively seeks knowledge, embraces new perspectives, and continuously strives to expand their understanding of the world around them,exhibits a beauty that transcends the physical realm. Their thirst for knowledge and their willingness to challenge their own beliefs and biases are traits that inspire others and foster personal growth and development.Beyond these qualities, true beauty also manifests itself in the way we treat others and contribute to the greater good. A person who dedicates themselves to service, whether through volunteering, advocacy, or acts of selflessness, displays a beauty that radiates from their actions and touches the lives of those around them. Their commitment to making a positive impact on the world, often at personal sacrifice, is a testament to their character and the depth of their compassion.Of course, cultivating these inner qualities is not always easy. It requires conscious effort, self-reflection, and a willingness to confront our own flaws and biases. However, the pursuit of true beauty is a journey that enriches not only our own lives but also the lives of those around us. By focusing on developing our character, our empathy, our integrity, and our commitment to service, we can cultivate a beauty that is lasting, meaningful, and truly transformative.In conclusion, while physical appearance may initially attract attention, true beauty lies in the qualities that shape ourcharacter, our actions, and our impact on the world around us. Kindness, integrity, intellectual curiosity, and a commitment to service are qualities that radiate a beauty that transcends the superficial and touches the lives of others in profound ways. As students and as individuals, it is our responsibility to cultivate these qualities within ourselves and to celebrate and appreciate true beauty in all its forms.。



目 录中文论著摘要 (1)英文论著摘要 (4)英文缩略语表 (8)第一章 前 言 (9)一、课题研究背景 (9)二、研究内容 (12)三、本文研究目的与意义 (14)第二章 壳聚糖纳米粒水凝胶的制备及工艺优化 (15)一、实验仪器与材料 (15)二、实验方法 (16)三、实验结果 (20)四、讨论 (25)五、小结 (25)第三章 壳聚糖纳米粒水凝胶的表征及抗菌性能研究 (27)一、实验仪器与材料 (27)二、实验方法 (28)三、实验结果 (30)四、讨论 (34)五、小结 (34)第四章 壳聚糖纳米粒水凝胶促伤口愈合的细胞学评价 (36)一、实验仪器与材料 (36)二、实验方法 (37)三、实验结果 (42)四、讨论 (47)五、小结 (48)第五章 壳聚糖纳米粒水凝胶促伤口愈合药效学研究 (49)一、实验仪器与材料 (49)二、实验方法 (49)三、实验结果 (50)四、讨论 (53)五、小结 (53)第六章 结 论 (55)参考文献 (56)在学期间科研成绩 (61)致谢 (62)个人简介 (63)·中文论著摘要·壳聚糖纳米粒水凝胶的制备及其对皮肤伤口修复的研究目的临床上创面感染大多采用抗生素,抗菌药物,造成感染难以控制,并且没有促进伤口愈合的功能,而一般用于伤口愈合的敷料并不具备抗菌能力,所以一种具备优良抗菌效果的促伤口愈合敷料显得尤为重要。

本课题的目的是以壳聚糖纳米粒(CS NPs)和海藻酸钠为原料制备一种促进伤口愈合的抗菌敷料。


方法以壳聚糖、多聚磷酸钠为原料,采用离子交联法制备壳聚糖纳米粒,以海藻酸钠、壳聚糖纳米粒、氯化钙为原料,制备壳聚糖纳米粒水凝胶(CS NPs loaded CaAlg hydrogel),并根据壳聚糖纳米粒释放情况进行处方优化。







余甘子养发精油【使作方法】:1、取适量“印度养发师余甘子养发精油”抹于头皮或发梢,并充分按摩;2、建议配合印度“养发师”海娜粉系列产品使用效果更佳;3、本产品适宜任何发质和人群作为护理和保养之用;India" hair division" of Phyllanthus emblica hair oilOrigin: India specifications: 50mlIndia Phyllanthus emblica - hair Detox products St.Orange is the world recognized the most nutritious natural health: contains 12 vitamins, 18 kinds of amino acids, 16 kinds of macro and trace elements, rich, organic acids, phenols and other beneficial substances, the small molecules of tannins, phenolic natural active substances can enter the body through theskin microcirculation to antibiotic, oxygen free radicals, accelerating the metabolism, detoxification liver, anti-cancer, anti-cancer properties. The germinal, anti-dropping, UFA, anti hair acidification effect is extremely remarkable, can improve the hair, aging resistance.Phyllanthus emblica hair oil [ main ingredients ]: India orange oil, wild camellia seed oil etc.[ ]: role in hair needed for various mineral elements, providing nutrition to hair, strong hair roots, reduce hair loss, dry, bifurcation phenomenon, can improve immunity of scalp, strengthen hair anti-aging ability.Phyllanthus emblica hair oil [ method ] make:1, take just the right amount of" India hair stylist of Phyllanthus emblica hair oil" spread it on the scalp or hair, and fully massage;In 2, suggested that India" hair stylist" Henna powder series products with better results;In 3, this product is suitable for any hair and population as the care and maintenance of;。



中国中医英文介绍Traditional Chinese Medicine ("TCM") is an integral part of Chinese culture. It hasmade great contributions to the prosperity of China. Today both of TCM and western medicine are being used in providing medical and health services in China. TCM, with itsunique diagnostic methods, systematic approach, abundant historical literature and materials, has attracted many attentions from the international community. TCM is wellrecognized for its remarkable effectiveness in off setting the side effect caused by the toxicand chemical treatment of cancer cases in the western medical system.In China, TCM is under the administration of State Administration of TCM and Pharmacology. TCM and its development are regulated. National strategies, law and regulations governing TCM are now in place to guide and promote the research and development in this promising industry.TCM is defined as a medical science governing the theory and practice of traditionalChinese medicine. It includes Chinese medication, pharmacology/herbalogy, acupuncture, massage and Qigong.Hospitals in China are classified as specialized in western medical system, TCM orboth. TCM is now available to 75% of the areas in China. TCM has been very effective inthe treatment of diseases such as cardio-cerebro-vascular, immunogenic, tumors, bone fracture, etc. Scientific research and clinic experiments in TCM are continuously progressing. Successes have been made in many of the areas such as in circulating pathsof meridians; in Zheng-syndrome, in diagnostic indexes; in therapeutic principles, in healing emergency patients with shock, acute DIC, acute myocardial infarction and acuterenal failure. For treatment of bone fracture, method is adopted based on the theory of combination of mobilization and immobilization. Non-antibacterial compound prescriptions are used successfully in treatment of bacterial infection. In treatment of cancers, Fuzheng Guben compound prescriptions, though devoid of inhibitory effects oncancer cells, could cause the shrink of the mass of cancer. TCM provides a non-surgicalapproach to the treatment of acute abdomen.CuppingCupping the source ofCupping therapy is a valuable heritage of Chinese medicine, one in Chinese Han people to use a long time. Ge Hong Jin Dynasty medical scientist with the "elbow back-up emergency party" where there are angle method documented. The so-called angle methodis the use of hollowing out of the horns to pull abscess aspiration of foreign governing methods. Wang Tao of the Tang Dynasty "Taiwan Miyao," also describes the use of bamboo cupping to cure, such as in the text, said: "... ... take three fingers Daqing bamboo,long Cunban, a left section, no section of the first cut so thin like swords, cook the cheeseNumber of boiling, and heat out of cartridges, ink points according to the cage, a long time to break the corner cutter bombs, but also re-Kok, cook cheese, when a yellow andwhite Chishui, sub-a pus out, worm out there who count so Kok, so that out of evil thingsto do, is that is, except, when the head is also out as light. "angle from the above describedmethod and system of green bamboo cupping of view, China's Jin, Tang Cupping of theera has long been popular.Cupping a comfortable pull Bingti"Cupping" is the private sector is commonly known as cupping therapy, also knownas "pulling pipes" or "suction tube." It is the air tank with heat to exclude the use of negative pressure so that sorption in the skin, causing bleeding as a treatment method ofthe phenomenon. This treatment can be by cold dampness, dredge the meridians, dispelstasis, qi and blood circulation, reduces swelling, pain, diarrhea fever Sida has to adjustthe body's yin and yang balance, lifting of fatigue, enhance physical function to achievethe rousing, cure The purpose of the disease. Therefore, many diseases can be treated with cupping therapy. For example: middle-aged, bones and muscles ache common, according to the interpretation of traditional Chinese medicine mostly rheumatoid Suchis Life. Cupping Guankou cover their time in the affected area, you can slowly suck themoisture out of lesions, while promoting local blood circulation, to relieve pain, restorefunction, and consequently treatment of rheumatism, "Bi Tong" bones bitterness and sodoes not apply.Cupping can do it because of gas-blood circulation, expelling wind and cold-dispelling, reduces swelling, pain, so the back muscle strain, lumbar disc herniationhave a certain therapeutic effect. Dr. Lulu's briefing, fire can also be used in the body acupuncture points, the treatment of headache, dizziness, faces badly bruised, coughing, wheezing, abdominal pain and other illnesses, and more than fire can be implemented atthe same timeCupping Traditional Chinese Medicine on the principle:Chinese medicine, cupping can be opened to vent Cou science, rousing. Disease is caused by pathogenic factors of yin and yang of the body Piansheng partial decline, thebody movements of qi disorders, internal organs caused by blood disorders. When the body is affected by wind, cold, summer heat, wet, dry, fire, poison, trauma or internal injuries invasion blog, you can lead to dysfunctional organs, resulting in pathological product, such as congestion, qi, phlegm, Sushi, water turbid, Xiehuo and so on, these pathological product is pathogenic factors, through the meridians and acupoints to go channeling the body, against the indiscriminate air-stranded organs; deposition resistance in turn, eventually lead to all kinds of illnesses. Cupping resulting vacuum hasa strong pull of the suction force, pulling the suction force acting on the meridian points,it can be to open pores and make skin absorption congestion, so that the body's pathological product from the skin pores to suck out of the body, so that able to dredgethe meridian qi and blood, so that organs function to be adjusted to achieve the purposeof combating the disease. Chinese medicine, cupping can dredge meridians, adjust blood. Meridians have "blood-line, business yin and yang, Confucianism bones, Lee joint," the physiological functions, such as the meridians are not impeded General through the air,blood stagnation line, there may be skin, flesh, tendons, veins and joints dystrophy andatrophy, adverse , or blood do not wing, Six Hollow Organs were not delivered and so on.By cupping the skin, pores, meridians, acupuncture points of the suction pull the role ofanger can lead battalion Wei lost before a cloth, agitation meridians qi, Ru Yang organstissues and organs, very inviting fur, while virtual decline of the organs function to beexcited, smooth meridian, adjust the body's yin and yang balance so that blood can be adjusted so as to achieve fitness illnesses Liaoji purposes.Western medicine on the principle of cuppingModern medicine, cupping treatment tank role in the formation of negative pressure,so that local capillary congestion and even rupture, rupture of red blood cells, skin congestion, there own hemolysis, then produce a histamine histamine and classes of substances, with the body fluids of weeks Stream body, to stimulate the various organs, to enhance its functional activity, can improve the body's resistance. Modern medicine, cupping negative pressure stimulus, enabling the expansion of local blood vessels, promote blood circulation, improve congestive state, strengthen the metabolism, changesin nutritional status of local organizations to enhance the permeability of blood vessel wall and leukocyte phagocytic activity, enhance the body's physical and human immunity.Modern medicine, cupping pressure on local parts of the suction pull, can speed up theblood and lymph circulation, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, improving digestive function and promote. Speed up the muscle and internal organs on the Elimination of metabolite excretion.Cupping cans left spot, as well as the significance of colorCommon tank spots are flushing, purple or purplish black ecchymosis, small point-like purple rash, but also often accompanied by varying degrees of heat pain. Thesechanges in the skin are cupping therapy effect, and sustainable one to several days.Cupping, the tank spot, such as noticeable blisters, edema, and water vapor-like, indicating that patients with wet wet Sheng or because of the illness experience.Sometimes, after the blisters Secheng drawing blood red or black and red, indicatingthat the wet long illness folder pathological response to stasis.Cans dark red spot appears, Zihei or Dan dehydration phenomena, the micro-touchpain, and those who see the body heat, indicating that patients have a heat-toxin syndrome.Such as cans purple or purplish black spot appears, no Dan stasis and heat phenomena, indicating that there is congestion in patients with disease.Can spot-free skin color changes, do not touch the warm, multi-show patients Deficiency Syndrome.In case of micro-itching spot cans or there Piven, the wind's disease patients had more than that.Generally disease-free more than those who had no significant change in tank spot.About Our Massage ServicesMassage is the practice of soft tissue manipulation. It involves acting on the body and manipulating it with pressure. The masseur may use his hands, fingers, elbows, forearm,and even his feet to manipulate the tissue. Target tissues may include muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, joints, connective tissue, lymphatic vessels, or organs of thegastrointestinal system. In China, massage is widely practiced and taught in hospitals andmedical schools and is an essential part of primary healthcare.At Sam’s Massage Center, clients lie fully clothed on a massage table. If cupping on scraping treatments are requested, the area to be treated is exposed. Full body oilmassage requires partial disrobing. Blankets are available to keep the client warm shouldthe client feel cold during the massage.Chinese Medical Massage (Tui Na)Chinese Medical Massage is good if you are experiencing pain in one or more parts ofyour body, such as neck pain, lower back pain, shoulder pain, slipped discs, sciatic nervepain, stomach problems (such as indigestion, heartburn, or digestive problems), orintestinal problems. The masseur can give you an all-over massage and focus on specificareas with pain or do a treatment on the affected area. The masseur uses shiatsu, or acupressure, to relieve pain. The masseur may use his thumbs, palms, elbow, and forearmwhile performing the massage.Sam’s Therapeutic MassageSam’s Therapeutic Massage is a deep tissue, all-over body massage. The masseur uses his thumbs to apply pressure to pressure points in the body, then releases his thumb fromthe point. You may experience some pain during the application of pressure, but the endresult is that you will feel relief when the pressure is released.Deep tissue massage is designed to relieve severe tension in the muscles and connective tissue. This type of massage focuses on the muscles located below the surface of the top muscles. Deep tissue massage is recommended for clients who experience constant pain,are involved in heavy physical activity, or have sustained a physical injury.Special Woman’s MassageOur special woman’s massage concentrates on areas of special concern for woman. The massage consists of a medical massage with attention paid to the pelvic area and themuscles above the breasts.Oil MassageWe use aromatic essential oils and massage techniques similar to Swedish massage. Oil massage consists of broad, circular strokes with no pressure point or deep tissue massage techniques. Oil massage is soothing and a great way to feel relaxed and refreshed. We especially recommend oil massage if you have been having difficulty sleeping.Foot MassageOur foot massage is different from traditional Chinese foot massage in that we performthe massage while the client is recumbent. We do not soak the feet in water but apply hot,wet towels to the feet before starting the massage. We use an emollient cream to softenand moisturize the feet during the massage. The masseur uses reflexology techniques to pinpoint problem areas in your body and improve your health.。


美体丰胸,本方适合对身材要求较高的女性使用,现代研究发现,山药,葛根纤 维含量较高而几乎不含脂肪,服食后既有饱胀感又不会发胖,确实是减肥佳 品!
Today our speach is over.thank you for your listening!
preparation(制法): Washed clean black beans and steamed dried, and then steamed dried, repeated three times, to store backup, black beans with right amount water, simmer, boil into a paste, store and set aside
Uesage(用法): Eating it with an empty stomach when it is warm
Effect(功效): Beautiful body breast enhancement, it's own suitable for higher requirements for figure of women, modern research has found that Chinese yam, kudzu root fiber content is higher and almost no fat, after swallowing is both natural and won't get fat, is indeed a beautiful losing weight!
Effect(功效): Invigorate the circulation of expectorant and whitening raise colock beans make hair black prescription(乌发 黑豆方)



Effects of Collagen Peptides from Walleye Pollock on BiologicalCharacteristics of Human Skin FibroblastsAbstractObjective:To observe the effect of collagen fillet peptides on the biological characteristics of human skin fibroblasts cultured in vitro.Methods:Human skin fibroblasts were cultured in vitro.Different concentrations of collagen peptides were added into the culture medium and divided into experimental control group and normal control group.The effect of collagen peptides on the proliferation of fibroblasts was detected by enzyme method.Annexin V/PI double color method was used to detect the effect of collagen peptide on fibroblasts.The expression of TGF-β1and SOD that was effected by Collagen peptides was detected by Elisa kit.The effect of collagen peptides on the synthesis of type I collagen in human skin fibroblasts was detected by western blot. The effect of collagen peptides on the migration of human skin fibroblasts was detected by scratch test.Results:1.The proliferation of human skin fibroblasts was examined by CCK-8kit after48hours of treatment with human fibroblasts at different concentrations of collagen peptides.The results showed that the proliferation rate of fibroblasts showed a dose-dependent effect after stimulation with collagen peptides.With the increase of collagen peptides concentration,the proliferation rate of the cells was also increased, which was significantly different from that of the blank control group(P<0.05).The The proliferation rate of fibroblasts was the fastest when the concentration of collagen peptides was25mg/ml.2.Cell apoptosis:cells were treated with Annexin-v-FITC/PI kit for25min/ml collagen peptide treatment for24h,and the effect of collagen peptide on human skin fibroblast apoptosis was pared with the blank control group, the apoptotic ratio of fibroblasts was significantly decreased(P<0.05).Collagen peptides could effectively promote the proliferation of human skin fibroblasts and inhibit the apoptosis of collagen cells,Fibroblasts secrete TGF-β1,SOD and other active factors (t=4.07,F=774.23,2100.63,P<0.05).Compared with the blank control group,themigration ability of collagen peptides group was enhanced(P<0.05).3.Elisa results:After stimulation with different concentrations of collagen peptides,the results showed that TGF-β1and SOD expression were increased in a dose-dependent manner,25mg/ml and 50mg/ml concentrations were significantly more significant than the blank control group (P<0.01),of which the most significant effect was50mg/ml.4.Scratch test:The results showed that the cell migration rate after collagen peptides was significantly increased (P<0.01).5.Western blot:The results showed that the expression of type I collagen in human skin fibroblasts after collagen peptides was increased(P<0.05).Conclusion: Collagen peptides has a good role in promoting cell proliferation,inhibiting cell apoptosis, enhancing cell migration ability and antioxidant protection,and can promote type I collagen synthesis,which may play an important role in wound healing.Graduate student:Wei Su(Human anatomy and tissue embryology)Directed by Prof.Yu-Jun XiaKeywords:collagen;skin;fibroblasts;cell proliferation;cell apoptosis目录引言 (1)材料与方法 (2)1实验细胞 (2)2实验用品与试剂 (2)3主要仪器 (3)4细胞培养 (3)5CCK-8法检测细胞增殖 (3)6Annexin-v-FITC/PI检测细胞凋亡率 (4)7Elisa检测SOD、TGF-β1的表达 (4)8划痕实验法检测细胞迁移率 (5)9Western Blot检测I型胶原蛋白的表达 (5)9.1细胞处理与分组 (5)9.2细胞上清和蛋白的提取 (5)9.3蛋白免疫印迹法检测 (6)10统计学处理 (7)结果 (8)1狭鳕鱼皮胶原蛋白肽对人皮肤成纤维细胞增殖的促进作用 (8)2胶原蛋白肽对人皮肤成纤维细胞凋亡的抑制作用 (9)3胶原蛋白肽对促进成纤维细胞分泌TGF-β1和SOD的作用 (10)4胶原蛋白肽对人皮肤成纤维细胞迁移率的作用 (10)5胶原蛋白肽对人皮肤成纤维细胞I型胶原蛋白表达的影响 (11)结论 (15)参考文献 (16)综述 (22)综述参考文献 (29)攻读学位期间的研究成果 (39)致谢 (40)学位论文独创性声明、学位论文知识产权权属声明 (41)引言引言胶原蛋白是在细胞外基质(ECM)以及骨和韧带中含量丰富的一种蛋白质。




那么你知道洗面奶用英语怎么说吗? 接下来跟着店铺来学习关于洗面奶的英语知识吧。

洗面奶的英语说法mildy washFacial Cleanser洗面奶相关英语表达卸装洗面奶 Comforting Cream Cleanser控油洗面奶 anti-oil facial cleaner洗面奶的英语例句1. This kind of facial cleanser can constringe and clean the pores of face.此款洗面奶能够收敛及清洁毛孔。

2. This kind of facial foam can clean and protect your skin.这种洗面奶不仅可以洁肤还可以护肤.3. Preferred to use strong bactericidal, cleaning effect, weak acid sunscreen face cream.首选用杀菌力强、清洁效果好、弱酸性的防晒洗面奶.4. Could you recommend a kind of cleansing milk to me?你能给我推荐一种洗面奶吗 ?5. This summer I prepare some facial cleansers for oil skin.这是今年夏季为油腻的肌肤准备的洗面奶.6. You should use cleansing milk to clean blocked pores.用洗面奶清洁被堵塞的毛孔.7. Could you recommend some kind of cleansing milk to me ?能介绍一下洗面奶吗 ?8. For best results , use with XIEHE Acne - Cleansing Gel.结合协和祛痘洗面奶使用效果更佳.9. Usage: Used as the gentle surface - active agent of cleansing foam, body shower foam , soft soap soap.主要用途: 洗面奶、沐浴露、洗手液、香皂中的温和表面活性剂.10. Often use the grandma a face to have side effect to the skin?经常使用洗面奶对皮肤有副作用吗 ?11. Wash your face with crushed apricot facial scrub for 10 minutes until red and raw.用杏仁精华的洗面奶洗脸10分钟,知道脸上发红,死皮完全去除.12. With blandly those who maintain wet function wash grandma, use next keep wet product.用温和的有保湿功能的洗面奶洗, 然后用保湿产品.13. This scrub helps improve skin tone, texture and clarity to reveal brighter, more radiant skin.此磨砂洗面奶能有效地调和肤色、和面纹,使肌肤更亮丽动人, 焕发光彩.14. You can a gentler, cream - based facial cleanser, and always remember to a thick moisture.你可以用比较柔和、霜状基础的洗面奶, 而且永远记得洗完脸后要擦上滋润型的保湿霜.15. It is said this kind of facial foam can treat acne very effectively.听说这个品牌有款去痘洗面奶效果不错.关于洗面奶的英语对话:Buy facial cleanser 购买洗面奶Jane: Hello, Miss! Where's the section of skin care?简:小姐,你好!护肤专区怎么走?Salesgirl: Over there. Just follow me.销售小姐:在那儿,跟我来吧。

Philips 系列 7000 电子剃须刀产品说明书

Philips 系列 7000 电子剃须刀产品说明书

Shaver series 7000SkinGlide RingsGentlePrecisionPRO BladesSmartClick precision trimmerS7370/12Smooth glide, sensitive shavePhilips’ no 1 on sensitive skin*The Philips series 7000 protects against the key signs of skin irritation. SkinGliderings with anti-friction coating enable the shaver to glide effortlessly across yourface. Its blades cut close and protect skin, even with 3-day stubble.Designed for maximum skin comfortSkinGlide rings with anti-friction coating for smooth glide5 direction flex heads follow contours with less pressureAquatec gives you a comfortable dry or refreshing wet shaveA close and smooth shaveBlades protect skin and cut close even with 3-day stubbleEasy to useIntuitive display with 1-level battery indicator50 minutes of cordless shavingShaver can be rinsed clean under the tapComes with a 2-year guaranteeGet the most out of your shaverSmartClick precision trimmer for mustache and sideburnsHighlightsSkinGlide ringsExperience a more comfortable shave with anti-friction SkinGlide rings coated with microspheres. Thousands of tiny glass-like rounded spheres reduce friction and surface resistance between the shaver and the skin.This gives the shaver a smooth, easy glide and helps protect against skin irritation.5-direction Dynamic Flex HeadsOur shaver heads flex easily in 5 directions,gently following all the contours of the face and neck. Less pressure is needed to shave closely and skin stress is minimized.GentlePrecision PRO bladesOur updated cutting system has skin protection technology, designed to only cut hair not skin.V shaped blades guide the skin away from the blades for a close smooth shave - even on 3-day stubble.1 level battery indicatorThe intuitive display shows relevantinformation, enabling you to get the bestperformance out of your shaver: 1-level battery indicator - cleaning indicator - battery low indicator - replacement head indicator - travel lock indicatorAquatec Wet & DryAdapt your shave routine to your needs. With the Aquatec Wet & Dry, you can go for a comfortable dry shave or a refreshing wet shave. You can shave with gel or foam even under the shower.50 minutes of cordless shavingThe energy-efficient, powerful lithium-Ion battery system gives you two convenient options: Charge it for an hour for up to 50minutes of shaving time, or a quick charge for one full shave. All Shaver series 7000 models are designed to operate only in cordless mode to ensure safety in wet environments.Built to lastWe back this Philips shaver with a 2-year guarantee. Our Series 7000 shavers are designed for performance and durability.Fully washable shaverSimply open the shaver head to rinse itthoroughly under the tap.iF DESIGN AWARD 2016Shaver series 7000iF DESIGN AWARD 2016Red Dot Award 2016: WinnerShaver series 7000Red Dot Award 2016:WinnerSpecificationsShaving PerformanceSkinComfort: SkinGlide Rings, SkinProtection System, AquaTec Wet & DryShaving system: GentlePrecisionPRO Blades Contour following: 5-direction DynamicFlex HeadsAccessoriesSmartClick: Precision trimmerPouch: Travel pouch PowerRun time: 50 min / 17 shavesCharging: 1 hour full charge, Quick charge 5min for 1 shaveBattery Type: Lithium-ionAutomatic voltage: 100-240 VMax power consumption: 5.4 WStand-by power: 0.15 WEase of useDisplay: 1 level battery indicator, Battery lowindicator, Cleaning indicator, Replace shavingheads indicator, Travel lock indicatorWet & Dry: Wet and dry useCleaning: Fully washableOperation: Cordless use, Unplug before useDesignHandle: Ergonomic grip & handlingFrame color: WhiteFront color: Tesla ocean blueService2-year guaranteeReplacement head: Replace every 2 yrs withSH70* Philips' no.1 on sensitive skin - compared to other Philipsshavers© 2019 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2019‑10‑20 Version: 8.4.1EAN: 08 71010 37334 54 。

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An abridged copy of this article appeared in Printed Circuit Design and Manufacturing, UP Media, in December, 2009 2010 UltraCAD Design, Inc.
Skin Effect
Douglas Brooks Ultracad Design, Inc Abstract: The skin effect is the tendency of high frequency current density to be highest at the surface of a conductor and then to decay exponentially toward the center. Skin effect is directly linked to Faraday’s Law and to inductance. The skin depth is a defined depth used to approximate the effective cross sectional area of a conductor when the skin effect is limiting that area. Skin depth is inversely proportional to the square root of the frequency. The frequency where the skin effect just starts to limit the effective cross sectional area of the conductor is called the crossover frequency, which is defined in this article. Background: The “Skin Effect” is the tendency of high frequency current to concentrate near the outer edge, or surface, of a conductor, instead of flowing uniformly over the entire cross sectional area of the conductor. The higher the frequency, the greater the tendency for this effect to occur. There are three possible reasons we might care about skin effect. The resistance of a conductor is inversely proportional to the cross sectional area of the conductor. If the cross sectional area decreases, the resistance goes up. The skin effect causes the effective cross sectional area to decrease. Therefore, the skin effect causes the effective resistance of the conductor to increase. The skin effect is a function of frequency. Therefore, the skin effect causes the resistance of a conductor to become a function of frequency (instead of being constant for all frequencies.) This, in turn, impacts the impedance of the conductor. If we are concerned about controlled impedance traces and transmission line considerations, the skin effect causes trace termination techniques to become much more complicated. If the skin effect causes the effective cross sectional area of a trace to decrease and its resistance to increase, then the trace will heat faster and to a higher temperature at higher frequencies for the same level of current. Cause: Most of us are familiar with Faraday’s Law (of magnetic induction.) Faraday’s Law is the fundamental principle behind EMI and crosstalk. It is also the fundamental principle behind a motor or a generator. Simply stated, Faraday’s Law says: A changing current in one wire causes a changing magnetic field that induces a current in the opposite direction in an adjacent wire. But here is the step that is not particularly intuitive. If a changing current in wire A can cause a changing magnetic field, and that changing magnetic field can induce a current in the opposite direction in an adjacent wire B, then that changing magnetic field can also induce a current in the opposite direction in wire A, itself. This is the fundamental nature of inductance. Consider a wire, A. Assume the current in wire A suddenly increases. At the very first instant of time, there is a changing magnetic field around A that induces a current in the reverse direction in A that cancels out the original current. The net change in current in A is zero. At the very next instant of time, the changing magnetic field around A begins to decay slightly, and a small amount of net current begins to flow. At the very next instant of time, the changing magnetic field decays a little more, and a little more net current begins to flow. This process continues during successive instants of time until the full increment of current is flowing along the wire. This is the nature of inductance and describes the effect of inductance on current flow. Suppose the process described above is interrupted. Let’s say that half way through the process the original current suddenly changes direction. Now the process starts all over again, but this time in the opposite direction. Every time the original current changes direction, the process starts over in the reverse direction. The number of times the original current changes direction each second is the frequency of the current. If the frequency is high enough, the full current never gets to flow across the entire cross section of the wire. Now, during this process, here is the question. During the period of time in which the magnetic field is decaying, where does the current flow? It flows where the