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1 目的Objective
The objective is to identify the products, to avoid the confusion of different products, and to ensure the traceability of the product creation process.
2 适用范围Applicable Scope
This is applicable to the label and trace of raw materials, accessory parts, semi-finished products and finished products.
3 职责Responsibility
3.1 制造部负责产品标识和可追溯性归口管理。
The Manufacturing Department is responsible for the administrative management of product labels and traceability.
3.2 制造部负责车间生产的产品标识、记录及可追溯性。
The Manufacturing Department is responsible for the labeling, recording and traceability of the products produced in workshop.
3.3 采购物流部负责仓库的产品标识、记录及可追溯性。
The Purchase & Logistics Department is responsible for the product labeling, recording and traceability in warehouse.
4 工作程序Work Procedures
4.1 标识方式及要求Labeling Mode & Requirement
4.1.1 标识方式采用记录、标签、标牌、零部件随行单等方式。
Use record, tag, nameplate and parts waybill to label the products.
4.1.2 每种产品的标识是唯一的,各部门按职责进行,而且标识应不影响下道工序对产品的正常使用。
Each type of product carries a unique label, and each department is required to accomplish the responsibilities. The label shall not affect the normal use of products at next process.
4.2 标识方法Labeling Methods
4.2.1 原材料、协配件标识Labeling of Raw Materials & Accessory Parts
a. 对原材料、协配件,仓库保管员应按产品包装物上的名称、规格(图号)、生产单位、数量、
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For raw materials and accessory parts, the warehouse administrator shall tag the labels in accordance with the name, specification (drawing No.), production unit, quantity and lot number indicated on product package, and store them by zone and make records.
b. 各生产班组到仓库领取原材料、协配件时,仓库保管员应按产品图号、名称、数量、批次号、
When the production teams is to requisition for raw materials and accessory parts from the warehouse, the ware house administrator shall use “Label Card” to label the products according to product drawing No., name, quantity, lot number, supply unit and requisition date. The workshop shall make records.
4.2.2 半成品标识Labeling of Semi-Finished Products
a. 制造部对各班组生产的半成品,应按产品图号、名称、数量、日期用<标识卡>作出标识,
The Manufacture Engineering Department shall, according to product drawing No., name, quantity and date, use “Label Card” to label the semi-finished products produced by the production teams and then make records.
b. 仓库保管员对入库半成品应按产品图号、名称、数量、日期及批次号等挂牌标识,作好入库
The warehouse administrator shall label incoming semi-finished products according to product drawing No., name, quantity, date and lot No., and then make incoming records.
4.2.3 成品标识Labeling of Finished Products
a. 经检验合格的成品,由工序操作员填写合格证、铭牌的有关内容,并按图纸要求粘贴合格证、
For acceptable finished products, the process operators shall fill in the certificate of inspection, and plaster the certificate and nameplates according to the drawing requirements, and then make records.
b. 包装后的成品,经测试合格后,由工序操作员把<合格证>贴于包装箱上,作好记录。
After the finished products are packaged and inspected to be acceptable, the process operators shall issue “Certificate of Inspection” and attach it on package boxes, and then
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make records. The inspectors shall make round inspection according to the inspection requirement and make records.
c. 合格成品入库,仓库保管员按包装物的图号、名称、数量、批次号分类存放挂牌标识,并记
For the warehousing of acceptable finished products, the warehouse administrator shall arrange the storage by categories and tag the labels, and then make records.
d. 成品出厂前,仓库保管员根据领料申请,填写产品出库单,并记录。
Before the finished products leave the factory, the warehouse administrator shall fill in the Release Sheet according to the Material Acquisition Sheet, and make records.
4.3 产品可追溯性Product Traceability
4.3.1 在需要对原材料进行追溯时,由仓库依据厂家提供的质量证明文件(合格证、分析原始记录、
The raw materials can be traced through the quality certificates (certificate of inspection, analysis of original records, material quality certificate, quality inspection report, etc) provided by the manufacturers and the “Product Incoming, Delivery & Receipt Registration Sheet” provided by the warehouse administrator.
4.3.2 在需要对半成品、协配件进行追溯时,半成品由《作业流程卡》上的批号、生产日期等进行追
The semi-finished products and accessory parts can be traced through the machining & operation records, inspection records, and warehouse administrator’s “Product Incoming, Delivery & Receipt Registration Sheet” and “Product Warehouse Certificate”.
4.3.3 未入库的成品需要追溯时,由各制造工程部依据成品合格证上的生产日期以及《装配检查记录》
The finished products prior to warehousing can be traced through the production date noted in finished product certificate, the inspector’s inspection & registration accounting book and the inspe ctor’s signature, which shall be carried out by the Manufacturing Department and coordinated by the Quality Department.
4.3.4 向顾客交付的产品,由质量部依据成品标识、批号、成品合格证上的生产日期以及生产记录、
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The products delivered to the customers can be traced through the ex-work date noted in finished product packaging certificate, the production date noted in finished product certificate, the product registration & accounting book, and the inspector’s signature, which shall be carried out by the Quality Department and coordinated by other relevant departments.
4.4 标识的移置和管理Relocation & Management of Labels
4.4.1 标识物移置后,各部门必须对标识物按职责重新进行标识,以保持产品可追溯性。
After the labels are relocated, relevant departments must prepare new labels, so as to maintain the product traceability.
4.4.2 若发现标识物不清或遗失时,由责任部门弄清情况后,按规定重新进行标识。
If the labels are unclear or lost, the responsible department shall investigate the case and prepare a new one as required.
4.4.3 标牌由使用单位负责申报,制造工程部统一组织制作,作好各类标牌的登记和标牌图样的统
The use department shall submit its request for labels, while the Manufacturing Department shall organize the fabrication, and register the labels and store the logos.
4.4.4 制造工程部每周负责对车间产品标识进行检查考核。
The Manufacturing Department shall check and evaluate the workshop product labels every week.
5 相关文件Specific Documents
5.1 AICQ/QP-1001-00 《检验和试验状态标识程序》
AICQ/QP-1001-00 “Inspection & Test Status Labeling Procedures”
5.2 AICQ/QP-1601-00 《质量记录的控制程序》
AICQ/QP-1601-00 “Quality Record Control Procedures”
6 质量记录
6.1 AICQ/QR-0801-01 《AICQ标识卡》
AICQ/QR-0801-01 “A ICQ L abel Card ”
6.2 AICQ/QR-0801-02 《AICQ合格证》
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AICQ/QR-0801-02 “AICQ Certificate”
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