Navigator 导航系统指南屏幕说明书
Guidance ScreenThe guidance screen offers an alternative way to view your route information. Many of the icons and screen features are similar to those on the map screen. While driving to your destination, press the MAP/GUIDE button to switch to the guidance screen. The guidance screen shows you:Milestone to Destination – the position of the small circular icon shows your trip progress. As you get closer to your destination, the indicator will approach “DEST.”Vehicle Heading – the black portion of the compass symbol indicates north. NOTE:• The map and voice guidance in unverified areas differ from those in verified areas.• Current maneuvers and those within 1000 feet will show on the Countdown bar, indicating the distance until the next maneuver.Guidance Screen Legend51)50)51)51)CURRENT STREET/AUDIO INFOCurrent Street (see page 6)(When audio information is displayed, touchAUDIO INFO. to display the current street name.) (see page 50)Driving to Your Destination50Navigation SystemDriving to Your DestinationDistance and Time to DestinationWhen you select a destination, the distance to the destination is the actual road distance of the calculated route, and “not as the crow flies.” When viewing a list of destinations (points of interest), such as restaurants, the distance is “as the crow flies” (see Sort by Distance to Travel on page 35).The displayed time to destination may differ from the actual travel time because the time is calculated based on the posted road speed data and your current speed. If part of your route includes unverified roads, the “distance” and “time to go” for that portion is estimated using 25 mph as an average speed.Direction ListWhen you press the MAP/GUIDEbutton on the guidance screen, thedisplay changes to:NOTE:• The map and voice guidance inunverified areas differ from those inverified areas. See Unverified AreaRouting on page 81.•Only maneuvers that occur atfreeway exits or contain freeway exitinformation will show the exit infoicon (“i” icon) on the right end of theitems in the direction list. If no exitinfo icon is shown on the list, the ExitInfo. is grayed out.You can see the directions list and thedistance to each maneuver. Press theMAP/GUIDE button to return to themap screen.You can scroll through the direction listby screen or by using the scroll bar, orone instruction at a time, using thejoystick.Navigation System 51。
Q:如需要对本产品进行正版验证? A:请登录 的[产品正版验证]专区进行正
Q:如需要进行系统升级? A:请登陆凯立德官方网站 的产品中心,
5 手势命令的使用
使用手势命令可快速实现如下功能,如“地图放大”、“地图缩小”、 “增大音量”、“减小音量”、 “去单位”、“回家”、“返航”。
竖直向上画一条直线 放大地图比例尺。
Q:凯立德移动导航系统只是用来导航的么? A:使用凯立德移动导航系统,不仅可以用来导航,还可以使用其中
的“智能周边检索”功能,来查找更多您想去的地方,例如餐厅、 酒店、加油站等等。具体操作如下:
Q:如果对凯立德我有其它问题要咨询? A:请致电凯立德客户服务电话:400-886-0118
1 快速入门
第一步 启动系统 点击功能列表中移动导航系统图标,启动系统。
第二步 自动定位出发地
第三步 设定目的地
GPS 自动搜索卫星,自动定位出发 以将深圳市“世界之窗”设定为目
导航仪接收到 3 颗或 3 颗以上卫星 信号时系统将自动定位当前所在地 为出发地 。
模拟导航.......................................................................... 13 查看行程说明 .................................................................. 14 取消导航路径 .................................................................. 14 记录行驶轨迹 .................................................................. 14 停止记录轨迹 .................................................................. 14 常用地点.......................................................................... 14 返航.................................................................................. 15
一、说明本图片和文字实例来源于本人制作的2012年4月18日凯立德春季高清完美懒人包版C1567-M7A06-2821J0A,下载地址http://gg.ma/download_6064818.html1、进入Navione目录2、将DATA1.ZIP减压,将POI_DATA、NAVIMAP.CLD、NAVICODE.CLD、NAVIGDC.CLD、NAVIDIST.CLD、NAVIPOI.CLD复制到NaviOne3、将DATA2.ZIP减压,将NAVIBG.CLD复制到NaviOne4、将DATA3.ZIP减压,将CAMERA.CLD、NAVIROAD.CLD、NAVILID.CLD、NAVINOTI.CLD 复制到NaviOne5、删除DATA1、DATA2、DATA3目录和DATA1_ZIP.IDX,DATA2_ZIP.IDX,DATA3_ZIP.IDX6、进入POI-DATA目录,我只保留RDCRS43.CLD(湖南省)和POI-1.CLD(不能删除)。
20B0 2150 21F0 2290 2330 23D0 2470 2510 26F0
//是否将激活信息写到 HWINFO.cld 文件中
为 0:否,为 1:是
为 0:用 16 位色,为 1:用 24 为色
为 0:简体输入,为 1:繁体输入
100 米显示小路
0x34b0h (0 为禁用,1 为开启)
(0 为禁用,1 为开启) (模拟器未能使用,真机测试也不一定能够使用,怀疑少某个文 0x3550 h 件或者程序)
TMC 功能
0x3910h (0 为禁用,1 为开启) 需主程序支持 TMC 功能
为 0:否;为 1:是
为 0:否;为 1:是
为 0:不删除,为 1:删除
FD0 1070 1110 11B0 1250 12F0 1390 1430 14D0 1570 1610 16B0 1750 17F0 1890 1B10 1BB0
1C50 1CF0 1D90 1E30 1ED0 1F70 2010
是否需要 TTS,
=0:不需要,=1 需要
Байду номын сангаас地图初始 x位置
地图初始 y位置
carlson sw 全站点 3 用户手册说明书
USER MANUALRevision: A2October 23th, 2020 v3Product OverviewThe BRx7 receiver is powered by the Athena RTK technology. The BRx7Audio Speaker5/8” Mounting holethe door as shown in Figure 2‐3.Figure 2‐6: Installing BRx7 on a tribrachFigure 2‐7: Range pole installationFigure 2‐8: External power connectorFigure 2‐9: 7‐pin diagnostic connector Figure 2‐10: Record folderlf you want this network to automatically connect, select the Connect automatically check box before pushing the Connect button. lf not, clickThe lnformation tab contains device and module information and current software and firmware versions.The Download tab allows you to log and review multiple data files from the on‐board memory of the device.Install New FirmwareThis feature allows you to update the menu application software. Once the correct software is selected under the Choose File browser, the Upload File button initiates the update procedure and re‐starts the BRx7 device. GNSS RegistrationGNSS Registration displays the expiration date of various subscription features on the BRx7.The Atlas expiration date will be displayed under this field. ln addition, the ability to update the BRx7 with new subscriptions is available under the AuthCode field. Type the new Atlas code and the device will automatically update.Radio Channel: Select a channel from the channel table provided by your dealer. The frequency, bandwidth, and transmit power (base only) is shown next to the channel.Radio Mode: The BRx7 supports PacCrest protocols (GMSK and 4FSK modulation), Satel protocols, and Trimtalk protocols. For a full list of protocols, with descriptions (FEC, Scrambling, over the air link rate, and modulation), please refer to Appendix C.The part numbers for the 5‐pin cable are as follows: BRx7 5‐pin cableslf configuring NTRIP for a Rover, click Get Mountpoint to generate a list of available mountpoints.WARNING: lf the BRx7 has not yet established an internet connection via the Internal GSM modem, the Get Mountpoint button will not operate. You can configure the APN settings while using TCP/IP so that an internet connection is established.To download the log, click the Download tab.All logs stored on the BRx7 internal hard drive will display.Multiple logs can be downloaded or deleted at one time by selecting the box next to each of the logs and clicking Package or Delete Selected. Satelliteslf you wish to exclude a specific satellite, select the Don’t track checkbox next to that satellite in the list.。
目录一、系统功能简介 (1)二、系统启动 (1)三、地图画面按键功能说明和基本操作 (2)1 主要按键功能说明 (2)2快捷操作 (4)2.1地图缩放 (4)2.2地图漫游 (5)2.3地图视图模式快速切换 (5)2.4快速查看GPS信息 (5)2.5快速设置音量 (6)2.6快速指定目的地、出发地 (6)2.7快速存入地址簿 (7)2.8查看行程说明 (10)四、系统主要功能 (10)1 地图视图设置 (11)1.1 地图正北 (11)1.2 图随车转 (12)1.3 鸟瞰方式 (12)2 路径规划 (13)3 地址簿管理 (14)3.1查看 (15)3.3删除 (23)3.4编辑 (23)3.5导入 (24)3.6导出 (26)4路径管理 (27)4.1行程说明 (27)4.2模拟行驶 (28)4.3取消路径 (28)5轨迹管理 (29)5.1导航 (30)5.2回放 (31)5.3删除 (31)5.4改色 (32)5.5改名 (32)5.6浏览 (33)5.7导出 (34)5.8导入 (34)6 辅助功能 (36)6.1调整车头方向 (36)6.2GPS信息 (37)6.3版本信息 (37)7系统参数 (38)7.1画面设置 (38)7.2语音设置 (42)7.4搜索条件设置 (43)7.5地址簿提示设置 (45)7.6超速设置 (45)7.7GPS设置 (46)7.8系统初始化 (48)8关闭导航系统 (49)9查找 (49)9.1默认检索 (50)9.2交叉路口检索 (53)9.3先前目的地 (55)9.4智能周边检索 (56)9.5按当前光标位置设定 (58)9.6分类检索 (59)9.7地址簿检索 (61)9.8城市中心检索 (62)9.9国家级景点检索 (64)六、在路径导引过程中画面的显示模式 (65)七、语音提示 (66)1 交叉路口或出入口的语音提示 (66)2 高架路、高速公路的语音提示 (67)3 接近目的地及经由地时语音提示 (67)4 随时语音提示 (67)免责声明 (68)一、系统功能简介凯立德移动导航系统是一种运行于车载导航仪、便携式导航仪和智能手机等移动智能设备上的应用软件系统,它是利用GPS卫星信号接收器将移动智能设备位置进行精确自主定位,并显示在导航电子地图上,用户设定目的地后,系统会自动计算出一条最佳路径,同时在行进过程中会有自动语音提示,帮助用户安全、快捷地到达目的地。
凯立德手机导航软件v3.02最新版下载说明0907凯立德, 手机, 软件, 导航, 下载新数据、新引擎、新功能、新设计、全新地图,凯立德手机导航软件将再次引领新一轮的手机导航流行风潮。
此次更新后的软件版本将广泛的适用于Symbian S60V3、Windows Mobile 5.0/6.0/6.1及以上系统且具备GPS导航功能的大部分手机和部分Linux导航手机。
相比众多的PC和PND (便携式自导航系统)导航软件几百元甚至上千元的导航费用来说可谓是为用户极大的节约了使用费用。
3Manual OverviewThe manual is divided into the following sections:System OverviewThe navigation system applies this location,direction, and speed information to the maps and calculates a route to thedestination you enter. As you drive to that destination, the system provides map and voice guidance.The navigation system is easy to use. The locations of many places of business and entertainment are already entered in the system. You can select any of them as a destination by using the touch screen or voice control.There are several ways to enter adestination, such as by point of interest (POI), by address, by phone number, and by selecting it from the map. The last 50destinations are saved for reuse at a later date. The system also allows you to store a home address to simplify returning home from your destination.Accessories PrecautionsIf you have rear window tintinginstalled, be aware that if the tint has metallic properties, it can seriously degrade or prevent GPS reception. This is because the GPS antenna is located under the rear window beneath the package tray.Y our navigation system is a highly-sophisticated location system with voice control that uses satellites and a mapdatabase to show you where you are and to help guide you to a desired destination.If you plan to install electroniccomponents such as vehicle location devices, remote starters, additional amplifiers, or other audio components ensure that they are not located near the navigation control unit in the trunk, or near the navigation display in the dash. Signal noise emanating from these devices can cause intermittent disruption of the navigation system.•that discusses the controls and how to communicate with the system.•address or locate a point of interest (POI).•explanation of the map features,guidance, and cautions.••System Set-up - How to set up and tailor the system for your personal use and add Personal Addresses.The back of this manual contains:•Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)•Getting Started - A basic introduction Entering a Destination - How to enter an Driving to your Destination – An Information Features - Trip Computer,V oice Help, Calendar, and Calculator.•Troubleshooting Guide Glossary of Terms •V oice Command ListThe navigation system receives signals from the global positioning system (GPS),a network of 24 satellites in orbit around the earth. By receiving signals from several of these satellites, the navigation system can determine the latitude, longitude, and elevation of your vehicle. In addition, a a gyroscopic yaw sensor and a vehicle speed sensor in your vehicle keep track of the direction and speed of travel at all times.4Important Safety InformationThe navigation system can distract your attention from the road if you focus on the screen or operate the system’s controls while driving.Enter as much information as possible into the system before you begindriving, or when the vehicle is stopped.Then, as you drive, listen to the audio instructions and use voice commands when possible.While driving, do not look at the screen or operate the system controls for more than a second or so at a time, and only after deciding you can do so safely.Pull to the side of the road if you need more time to look at the screen or operate the controls.The navigation system is designed to provide route information to help you reach your destination. However, this route guidance may sometimes conflict with current road conditions such as street closures, road construction,detours, and out-of-date map data.Additionally, the system itself has certain limitations (see page 65).Therefore, you must verify the audio and visual route information provided by the system by carefully observing the roadway, signs and signals, etc. If you are unsure, proceed with caution.Always use your own good judgment,and obey traffic laws while driving.Map OverviewYour navigation system has two kinds of streets: verified (dark colored) and unverified (light colored). Thedifferences between the two types of streets are contrasted in the followingchart.Introduction“Verified” Road5When displayedStreet color Map QualityRouting differences CautionsGuidance voice Time and distance “to go”Verified streets (dark colored)These roads are found within metropolitan areas, and include interstate freeways and major roads connecting cities.Shown on daytime map screen as black or red, such as interstate freeways.The database vendor has verified these streets.Information like turn restrictions, average speed, and whether it is a one way street have been gathered and used when creating your route to a destination.While driving to your destination, the displayed route line is solid blue. The system provides voice and map guidance to your destination.There are no pop up boxes urging extra caution during a route. However, because roads constantly change, you are urged to use common sense, and always obey posted traffic restrictions.V oice guidance issues maneuvers such as “In a half mile make a right turn.”The time and distance “to go”, displayed while en-route to a destination, is based on the average speed and distance for the roads used for your route.Unverified streets (light colored)These roads are found in rural areas, and typically include residential streets away from the center of a town.Shown on the daytime map screen as light brown.Your route line is either a blue dotted “vector line”, or a dashed pink/blue line. See the Set-up section “unverified routing” for information on selecting this option, and the routing differences.Regardless of whether the user chooses route guidance, there are cautionary screens before and during the route urging the user to be extra cautions, and obey all traffic restrictions. See the Unverified Routing on page 39.The suffix “if possible” is added to each guidance maneuver.For example: “In a half mile make a right turn, if possible.” Because the average speed of these roads is not known, the time and distance “to go” is based on a fixed average speed of 25 mph for these roads.These streets have not been verified by the database vendor. The system does not contain information about one-way streets, turn restrictions, or the road’s average speed. They are shown on the map for reference and can have errors in map location, naming, and address range.。
以输入"TPYS"为例,系统自动推荐"太平洋(601099,股吧)数码广场",点击即可进入下一级菜单界面。(Tips:这里有个小技巧,点击键盘收缩/展开按钮可对结果进行快速筛选。)凯立德导Βιβλιοθήκη 系统界面介绍凯立德系统界面
目录目录一、什么是「凯立德导航助手」 (2)二、导航助手的获取与安装 (2)三、导航助手的注册与登录 (3)四、设备的连接 (4)五、管理我的设备 (5)六、设备的升级 (5)升级步骤一 下载安装 (5)升级步骤二 确认设备信息 (9)升级步骤三 购买激活码 (10)七、设备的备份/还原 (12)八、地址簿与轨迹的上传/下载 (12)九、导航助手的设置 (13)设置菜单一 (13)设置菜单二 (14)凯立德凯立德导航导航导航助助手教程教程感谢您使用「凯立德导航助手」,请您仔细阅读本教程,这将有助于您更熟练的使用导航助手,体验到更为专业的凯立德导航服务。
二、导航助手的获取与安装从凯立德家园/tempDown/KLDdhzs.exe 下载「凯立德导航助手」安装文件。
9、打开导航仪 —— 进入设置选项 —— 导航设置 —— 导航软件路径 —— 选择存储卡内DSA-P57文件夹中的DSA.EXE文件 —— 保存退出。
11、打开导航仪 —— 运行GPS功能,此时屏幕应该显示为DSA善领驾驶系统
12、选择DSA驾驶系统主页面右下角的系统设置 —— 其他设置 —— 端口设置 —— 将GPS端口号和波特率更改为步骤5中记录下的端口号和波特率 —— 设置虚拟端口号为COM9,与步骤7中设置的一样 —— 保存退出
5、再次开启导航仪 —— 运行GPS功能 —— 白屏,左上角或屏幕中间位置开始测试导航仪系统参数,包括:屏幕分辨率、端口号、波特速率 —— 当屏幕数字静止时(通常会显示扫描已完成),记下相应数据备用。
7、将地图存储卡重新连接电脑 —— 进入NaviOne文件夹 —— 进入NaviResFile文件夹 —— 运行kld_conf文件 —— 配置文件选择NaviOne\NaviResFile\NaviConfig.dll —— 将端口设置为COM9,波特率为刚才扫描检测到的波特率。其他数据尽量不要更改。
13、再次运行导航仪的GPS功能,此时会进入DSA驾驶系统主页面 —— 这个页面可以更改,有多个自带的个内置页面可供选择 —— 同样,汽车品牌图标也可通过点击任意更改成自己喜欢的厂家图标 —— 运行屏幕中下方的导航选项 —— 此时进入凯立德3D导航。
Navigator GPS导航系统说明书
AAccessing the Address Book List (75)Add to Today’s Destinations......40, 44 Adding Destinations to the List.. (40)Address..............................21, 22, 76 Address Book .....................21, 41, 75 Address Book PIN.. (79)Advanced (33)Auto Daylight Saving Time (92)Auto Service (32)Auto Time Zone by GPS (93)Avoid Streets (63)BBack to Current Route (64)Banking (32)Basic Settings (91)Breadcrumbs.......................18, 58, 89 Brightness.. (72)By Address (22)By Address Book (41)By Go Home (42)By Intersection (26)By Map Input (36)By Places (31)By Previous Destinations (39)By Today’s Destinations (40)C Calculator (70)Calendar.................................. 17, 68CANCEL button (10)Cancel Current Route (64)Category.................................. 31, 77CD Voice Commands (128)Change Method (45)Change Routing Method........... 45, 63Change State............................ 22, 27Changing the DVD (102)Changing the Route (61)Changing the Routing Method (45)Changing Your Destination (64)City................................... 22, 27, 37City Vicinity (34)Climate Control Commands (126)Clock Adjustment (92)Color (93)Community (32)Continental USA (38)Contrast (74)Convert(Unit) (70)Correct Vehicle Position (90)Coverage Areas (103)Current Location...................... 19, 59Current Position....................... 36, 76Current Street (6)Customer Assistance (100)DDatabase Limitations (99)Delete Previous Destination (80)Deleting Waypoints (63)Destination ........................ 21, 44, 50Destination Icon (54)Destination Map (46)Detailed Coverage Areas ...... 103, 107Detour (63)Direct Route (45)Direction List (50)Display (73)Driving to Your Destination (44)EEasy Route (45)Edit Avoid Area (86)Edit Waypoint Search Area (88)Edit/Delete Address (78)Editing Today’s Destination List (40)Emergency (32)Entering a Destination (21)Entering Address Book (76)Entering the Security Code (95)132Entering the Street Number (26)Entering Your Schedule (69)Error Message (119)Exit Info (51)FFind Place Commands (125)Frequently Asked Questions (112)GGetting Started (10)Global Commands (123)Glossary (120)Go Home..................................21, 42 Go Home PIN...........................42, 80 Going Off the Route (58)GPS Initialization (96)Guidance Mode (89)Guidance Prompts.....................47, 74 Guidance Screen .. (49)HHome Address (78)Hotel/Motel (Lodging) (32)IIcon Bar (56)INFO button ............................ 10, 66 Information (66)Information Screen Voice Commands (128)Intersection.............................. 21, 26J Joystick (11)KKey to Zagat Ratings (71)Keyboard Layout (91)LLandmark Icons (54)Leisure (32)Lodging (Hotel/Motel) (32)MMap Color (93)Map Coverage (103)Map Input................................ 21, 36Map Legend....................... 18, 48, 68Map Matching (96)Map Orientation (53)Map Scale (52)Map Screen........................ 18, 46, 48MAP/GUIDE button................. 10, 49Maximize Freeways (45)MENU button .......................... 10, 21Menu Color (94)Message (69)Microphone (12)Minimize Freeways (45)Minimize Toll Roads (45)NName ................................ 31, 35, 76NAVI BACK button (12)NAVI Talk button (12)Navigation Display Commands (124)Navigation General Commands (123)OOff-road Tracking .................... 58, 89On-Screen Commands (130)On-Screen Commands Assist (130)On-Screen Keyboard (15)133PPC Card (102)Personal Information (75)Phone Number....................31, 35, 77 PIN Number.. (79)Place Name ..............................33, 35 Place Name by Keyword.. (33)Places.................................21, 31, 77 Previous Destinations....21, 39, 77, 80RRadio Voice Commands (127)Read List..................................32, 68 Recalculation. (81)Reporting Errors (100)Rerouting (81)Restaurant (32)Route ...........................44, 46, 58, 61 Routing & Guidance (81)Routing Method (45)SSave Current (59)Schedule (69)Schedule List (69)Screen............................................11Search Waypoint on Route.. (61)Security Code (95)Selecting the City..................... 22, 27Selecting the State or Province.. 22, 27Selecting the Street................... 24, 29SET UP button (11)Setup Screen (first) Commands (129)Shopping (33)Show Icons on the Map (54)Sort by Distance to Travel (33)Split Screen Guidance (51)State.................................. 22, 27, 37 Street....................................... 24, 29System Controls (10)System Function Diagram (20)System Information (91)System Initialization (95)System Limitations (97)System Set-up (72)System Start-up (16)TTemperature Voice Commands (127)Time Adjustment (93)Title (69)Today’s Destination List (40)Today’s Destinations................ 21, 40 Travel.. (33)Trip Computer (66)Troubleshooting (119)UUnit Conversion (70)Units (mile or km) (91)Unverified Area Routing........... 82, 83Unverified streets (7)Update DVD (101)User Name (80)Using the Voice Control System (13)VVehicle (89)Verified streets (7)View Routes (45)Voice (91)Voice Command Help (67)Voice Command Index (123)Voice Control Basics (12)Voice Recognition Feedback (91)Voice Recognition, Improving (13)Volume (72)WWaypoints ............................... 61, 88134ZZOOM buttons (11)135。
在导航过程中或者模拟导航过程中,当车标经过“天安门广场”的一段距离范围内(该距离范围可以设置,请参阅3.10 ),可以听到“您辛苦了”的语音提示。
在导航过程中或者模拟导航过程中,当车标经过“天安门广场”的一段距离范围内(该距离范围可以设置,请参阅3.10 ),可以听到“慢行”的语音提示。
图2-4选择图标步骤1 点击【确定】保存步骤2中所做的更改设置。
2. 删除被保存的地址操作步骤如下:步骤1 点击【功能】>【地址簿】,选择需删除的地址所在组别,如“休闲娱乐”,点击【查看】,进入地址簿分组管理界面,如图 2-5所示:图2-5“休闲娱乐”地址簿分组管理步骤2 选择需要删除的地址,如“天安门广场”。
如图 2-6所示:图2-6确认删除提示框选择【确认】,则选中的地址被删除;选择【取消】,则中断删除操作。
IntroductionManual OverviewThe manual is divided into the following sections:•Getting started - A basic introduction that discusses the controls and how tocommunicate with the system.•Entering a Destination - How to enter an address or locate a point of interest(POI).•Driving to your Destination – An explanation of the map features,guidance, and cautions.•Information Features - Trip Computer, V oice Help, Calendar, and Calculator.•System Set-up - How to set up and tailor the system for your personal use and add Personal Addresses.The back of this manual contains:•Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)•Troubleshooting Guide•Glossary of Terms•V oice Command List System OverviewYour navigation system is a highly-sophisticated location system with voicecontrol that uses satellites and a mapdatabase to show you where you are and tohelp guide you to a desired destination.The navigation system receives signalsfrom the global positioning system (GPS),a network of 24 satellites in orbit aroundthe earth. By receiving signals from severalof these satellites, the navigation systemcan determine the latitude, longitude, andelevation of your vehicle. In addition, agyroscopic yaw sensor and a vehicle speedsensor in your vehicle keep track of thedirection and speed of travel at all times.The navigation system applies this location,direction, and speed information to themaps and calculates a route to thedestination you enter. As you drive to thatdestination, the system provides map andvoice guidance.The navigation system is easy to use. Thelocations of many places of business andentertainment are already entered in thesystem. You can select any of them as adestination by using the touch screen orvoice control.There are several ways to enter adestination, such as by point of interest(POI), by address, by phone number, andby selecting it from the map. The last 50destinations are saved for reuse at a laterdate. The system also allows you to store ahome address to simplify returning homefrom your destination.Accessories PrecautionsIf you have rear window tintinginstalled, be aware that if the tint hasmetallic properties, it can seriouslydegrade or prevent GPS reception. Thisis because the GPS antenna is locatedunder the rear window beneath the rearshelf.If you plan to install electroniccomponents such as vehicle locationdevices, remote starters, additionalamplifiers, or other audio componentsensure that they are not located near thenavigation control unit in the trunk,or near the navigation display in thedash. Signal noise emanating fromthese devices can cause intermittentdisruption of the navigation system.Important Safety Information The navigation system can distract your attention from the road if you focus on the screen or operate the system’s controls while driving.Enter as much information as possible into the system before you begin driving, or when the vehicle is stopped. Then, as you drive, listen to the audio instructions and use voice commands when possible.While driving, do not look at the screenor operate the system controls for morethan a second or so at a time, and onlyafter deciding you can do so safely.Pull to the side of the road if you needmore time to look at the screen oroperate the controls.The navigation system is designed toprovide route information to help youreach your destination. However, thisroute guidance may sometimes conflictwith current road conditions such asstreet closures, road construction,detours, and out-of-date map data.Additionally, the system itself hascertain limitations (see page 65).Therefore, you must verify the audioand visual route information providedby the system by carefully observingthe roadway, signs and signals, etc. Ifyou are unsure, proceed with caution.Always use your own good judgment,and obey traffic laws while driving.Map OverviewYour navigation system has two kindsof streets: verified (dark colored) andunverified (light colored). Thedifferences between the two types ofstreets are contrasted in the followingchart.Introduction“Verified” RoadIntroductionWhen displayed Street color Map QualityRouting differences CautionsGuidance voice Time and distance “to go”Verified streets (dark colored)These roads are found within metropolitan areas, and include interstate freeways and major roads connecting cities.Shown on daytime map screen as black or red, such as interstate freeways.The database vendor has verified these streets.Information like turn restrictions, average speed, and whether it is a one way street have been gathered and used when creating your route to a destination.While driving to your destination, the displayed route line is solid blue. The system provides voice and map guidance to your destination.There are no pop up boxes urging extra caution during a route. However, because roads constantly change, you are urged to use common sense, and always obey posted traffic restrictions.V oice guidance issues maneuvers such as “In a half mile make a right turn.”The time and distance “to go”, displayed while en-route to a destination, is based on the average speed and distance for the roads used for your route.Unverified streets (light colored)These roads are found in rural areas, and typically include residential streets away from the center of a town.Shown on the daytime map screen as light brown.These streets have not been verified by the database vendor. The system does not contain information about one-way streets, turn restrictions, or the road’s average speed. They are shown on the map for reference and can have errors in map location, naming,and address range.Your route line is either a blue dotted “vector line”, or a dashed pink/blue line. See the Set-up section “unverified routing” for information on selecting this option, and the routing differences.Regardless of whether the user chooses route guidance, there are cautionary screens before and during the route urging the user to be extra cautious, and obey all traffic restrictions. See the Unverified Routing on page 39.The suffix “if possible” is added to each guidance maneuver.For example: “In a half mile make a right turn, if possible.” Because the average speed of these roads is not known, thetime and distance “to go” is based on a fixed average speed of25 mph for these roads.User AgreementIn using this DVD “Satellite Linked Navigation System” (the “DVD”), which includes HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD. software, ALPINE ELECTRONICS, INC. software,NA VIGATION TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION database contents and INFO USA CORPORATION database contents (hereinafter referred to as “Licensors”), you are bound by the terms and conditions set forth below. By using your copy of the DVD, you have expressed your agreement to the terms and conditions of this agreement. You should, therefore, make sure that you read and understand the following provisions. If for any reason you do not wish to be bound by the terms of this agreement, please return the disk to your Acura dealer.•The DVD may not be copied,duplicated, or otherwise modified, inwhole or in part, without the expresswritten permission of the Licensors.•The DVD may not be transferred orsublicensed to any third party forprofit, rent or loan, or licensed forreuse in any manner.•The DVD may not be decompiled,reverse engineered or otherwisedisassembled, in whole or in part.•The DVD may not be used in anetwork or by any other manner ofsimultaneous use in multiplesystems.•The DVD is intended solely forpersonal use (or internal use wherethe end-user is a business) by theconsumer. The DVD is not to beused for commercial purposes.•The Licensors do not guarantee tothe customer that the functionsincluded in the DVD meet thespecific objectives of the user.•Licensor shall not be responsible forany damages caused by the use ofthe DVD to the actual user or to anythird party.•The warranty on the DVD shall notextend to an exchange or refund dueto misspelling, omission of letters, orany other cosmetic discrepancy inthe layout of the DVD.•The right to use the disk shall expireeither when the user destroys theDVD or software, or when any of theterms of this agreement are violatedand the Licensors exercise the optionto revoke the license to use the DVDor software.User Agreement•The terms and conditions hereof apply to all subsequent users and owners as well as to the original purchaser.•The use of oil company logos in the display are for your information and convenience, and in no way implies any sponsorship, approval or endorsement of these companies, or their products. The logos are trademarks of their respective owners.The user shall indemnify and save harmless the Licensors, and their officers, employees and agents, from and against any claim, demand or action, irrespective of the nature of the cause of the claim, demand or action, alleging loss, costs, expense, damages or injuries (including injuries resulting in death) arising out of the use or possession of the DVD, data, or the Navigation Technologies Corporation e, duplication, or disclosure of this DVD by or on behalf of the United States government is subject to “Restricted Rights” as set forth at FAR 52.227-14, -19 or DFARS 252.227-7013, as applicable. Manufacturers are the Licensors, including HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD., 2-1-1 Minami Aoyama Minato-Ku Tokyo 107-8556 JAPAN., Alpine Electronics, Inc., 20-1 Yoshima Kogyodanchi, Iwaki, Fukushima 970- 1192 JAPAN., Navigation Technologies, 10400 W. Higgins Rd., Rosemont, IL 60018 and INFO USA CORPORATION, 5711South 86th Circle, Omaha, NE 68127.。
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8.8调整车标方向 54
8.9查看GPS信息 54
8.10版本信息 55
8.11地图视图 55
8.12查看激活信息 56
第九章 语音播报说明 58
附 录 输入法说明 59
有限保证 62
版权声明 63
第一章 系统的初次使用
* 轨迹记录、重放可实际导航,还可以和好友交换使用
* 自由设置新的兴趣点,还可以和好友交换使用
第七章 地址簿 39
7.1查看、管理地址 39
7.1.1查看地址 39
7.1.2添加新地址 39
7.1.3删除地址 41
7.1.4全删某组地址 41
7.1.5地址定位 41
7.1.6编辑地址 42
7.2组别管理 44
7.2.1添加新组 44
1.3 GPS设置
1.3.1 外接蓝牙设置(以多普达ppc为例)
1. 打开GPS蓝牙接收器。
2. 点击【开始】,在下拉菜单中点击【设置】,再点击【连接】:
3. 点击【蓝牙】图标,进入蓝牙设置画面,设置蓝牙,并使其为打开状态,点击【设备】,进入添加新设备画面:
1. 点击【凯立德移动导航系统】图标,进入导航系统,系统弹出激活系统画面,显示软件的【版本号】与机器的【设备特征码】。
③ 通过功能﹥路径规划(见第四章路径规划)设定目的地(还可设定经由地和回避地)。
7.2.2删除组别 45
7.2.3编辑组别名称 45
7.2.4导入地址 46
7.2.5导出地址 47
第八章 高级功能 48
8.1画面设置 48
8.2语音设置 50
8.3周边设施搜索范围 51
8.4搜索条件设置 51
8.5超速设置 52
8.6地址簿提示距离 53
3. 如果为网上激活,请登陆凯立德官方网站,进入“产品中心”的“会员激活”专区(或根据激活提示中的提示直接登陆网址:/Card/ActiveNo.htm),刮开快乐绿卡【授权码】的覆盖层获取用户【授权码】,在网站上正确的填写好【授权码】和【设备特征码】以及其它必填客服信息在线获取【激活码】。
图 标 含 义 说 明 表
标 号 含 义 标 号 含 义 1 指北针 11 音量 2 GPS状态 12 放大地图 3 地图比例尺 13 缩小地图 4 下一个转向方向和距离 14 将当前光标所在地点设为目的地 5 将驶入道路的名称 15 将当前光标所在地点设为出发地 6 离目的地剩余距离,点击可查看行程说明 16 将当前光标所在地点存入地址簿 7 GPS信号当前时间 17 光标所在点路名 8 查找兴趣点 18 返回导航地图画面 9 系统功能 19 查找周边设施 10 播报当前语音提示
7. 如需升级或咨询,请与经销商联系或拨打400-8860118。
8. 针对每一套硬件载体本公司仅提供一套产品和一个授权码,请您妥善保管和使用相关硬件。因硬件的丢失或故障原因而造成导航系统不可继续使用的,本公司概不负责。
9. 本套手册中所述内容仅作为介绍功能操作所用,因软件不断升级变化,实际使用中请以实物为准。
9. 接着在导航系统中设置GPS,以连接导航系统与GPS接收设备(只需在初次运行系统时需设置GPS,如果不更换GPS蓝牙接收设备,以后每次使用不再重新设置)。在地图画面上点击【功能】按钮,进入功能画面,点击【系统参数】图标,进入系统设置画面,点击【GPS设置】图标,进入GPS设置画面:
* 导航过程中智能纠错
* 超速提示
* 高速公路完全信息
1. 在汽车驾驶过程中,驾驶员必须确保汽车的安全行驶。切勿因查看导航系统影响了安全驾驶,这可能会导致严重的交通事故。严禁在驾车过程中操作此系统,并请遵守实际交通规则。
第二章 系统简介 9
2.1系统使用简介 9
2.1.1启动系统 9
2.1.2 快速入门 9
2.1.3关闭导航系统 10
2.2地图主界面 11
第三章 查找兴趣点 18
3.1高级检索 18
3.2先前目的地 20
3.3智能周边检索 21
3.4按当前光标位置设定 21
4. 规划路径和语音提示是系统根据电子地图计算的结果,驾驶人需根据实际道路情况行驶。
5. 操作时请您同时遵循相关硬件设备的操作规则和要求,否则会出现系统运行不正常或停止响应的情况,如果出现以上现象请关闭硬件设备(如智能手机、掌上电脑),并重新启动系统。
6. 请使存储卡如SD卡保持在可读写状态,否则无法使用存入地址簿、保存轨迹等功能。
第3步 接收信号定位。通常在室外需要几分钟接收到信号,图标显示接收卫星信号个数。同时屏幕显示当前所在区域地图,车标落在当前所在位置,系统默认当前所在位置为出发地。
第4步 设置目的地。有3种方法:
① 直接移动地图,把光标定位到目的地,点击【设定目的地】(2.2地图主界面)。
② 使用查找功能(见第三章查找兴趣点)设定目的地。
10. 请使用正版软件产品,否则本公司不提供任何售后服务,且保留追究一切侵权责任的权利。
目 录
第一章 系统的初次使用 1
1.1系统功能简介 1
1.2系统功能安装与激活 1
1.3 GPS设置 4
1.3.1 外接蓝牙设置(以多普达ppc为例) 4
1.3.2内置接收器 7
以下以 一个实例介绍激活过程。其中实例的
4. 点击【添加新设备】,开始搜索GPS,步骤如击【下一步】,进入输入密码画面,输入密码后(一般情况下连接密码初始值为0000,具体情况视该硬件厂家说明书而定。)。点击【下一步】进入设置画面:
6. 串行端口勾选后,点击【完成】,返回到设置画面:
第六章 轨迹管理 33
6.1保存轨迹 33
6.2轨迹导航 34
6.3轨迹管理 34
6.3.1轨迹模拟导航 34
6.3.2删除轨迹 35
6.3.3轨迹改色 35
6.3.4轨迹改名 36
6.3.5浏览轨迹 36
6.3.6导出轨迹 37
6.3.7导入轨迹 38
2. 如果为短信激活,点击进入快乐绿卡-授权卡短信激活说明画面:
“CLD D 1121112111211121 2324123456781235 2324123456781235 P1101CZF2 P1101CZF2”
3.5地址簿检索 22
3.6赛事场馆 23
3.7城市检索 25
3.8国家级景点检索 25
3.9交叉路口检索 26
3.10分类检索 27
第四章 路径规划 29
第五章 路径管理 30
5.1行程说明 30
5.2模拟行驶 31
5.3取消路径 31