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A Study on whether th e Description of Problem Texts,the Transparency
and the Decision Tree will Influence the Disjunction Effect
Yu Wen Yah Go ng gu
Sc ho ol o f P sy c h o l o g y in Beijing Normal U ni ve r si t y,N ew Main Building1418,Beijing Normal Un i v e r si t y,
Ha id ia n District,Beijing,100875,asenyw@sina.eom
Abstrac t:In thi s rese arch,We sugge sted that th e disjuncfion effec t o c c n r s not only when peo ple accept option X wh ile knowing t h e
result of event A and deny it whil e the result of event A is unk no w n.b u t a l so whe n people deny opti on X w hil e knowing t h e r esu lt of
unknown.Wc also i n v e st i g a te wh et he r t he d e s cr i p t io n of p ro b le m texts,
event A an d aceeDt it whil e th e re su lt o f event A is
disjunetion effect.We uSe the d e s c ri p t i on r e v i s e d by B aga ssi a n d Maechi in 2006,
transparency and the decision tree will af fe c t t h e
a nd the method of data a na l y si s p ro po s ed by Limbdin and Burdsal in 2007.It is suggested that t h e de s c r ip t i o n o f p ro
b le m texts won’t
aff ec t t he disjuncfion ef f e c t.T h e wa n sp ar en cy and th e decision tree will af fec t t h e disjunction effect.When the“Win”,“Lose'’,“Disjunction'’version presented at t h e same time,and the decision tree not presented,the disjunction effect w il l o ce n r.A I S O,t h e r e is
ge nd er difference in the choice o f risk-seeking an d r i sk—a v oi di n g behaviors.Male is more ri sk-se ek in g.
Keywords:The disjunction effect;Transparency;The decision tr e e;T he fl amin g ef fe cts




The E仃ect of A mbie nt Moods on Choice Deferral
X ie Jia(corresponding author)Li Xiaoming
Hun an Normal University,ChangSha,410081,xiejiajuzi@sina.corn
Abstrac t:A cho ice d ef e rr al r ef e rs to a situadon i n wh i c h al l in d i v id u a l c hoo ses not to choose fo r t he time b e i n g.T h i s includes t ak i n g
time to search for bet t er a l t er n a t iv e s,c h o o s in g not to
purchase any of a var i et y of options,or avoiding responsibility for the decision
altog ethe r.C urre ntly,rel atio nsh ip bet w e e n e motion and choice de f er r al is attracting more and more at t e n ti o n,b u t previous st u di e s
just focuse d o n ta s k-r e l at e d emoti ons,am bie nt moods rarely in volved.Oper ating th e co nf li ct an d in ducing d i f ie r e nt le vel s of
emotion,this study inv e s t ig a t e d the e ff e ct o f ambien t moo ds o n choice d e fe r r a l.T h e results showed that d if fe re nt emotion has
di ff er en t impact o n choice deferral,negative m o od increased th e ch oic e of t he ch oic e de fe r ra l a lt e rn at i ve.I n t h e high c o nf l ic t
c on
d i t i on,t h
e i n d i v i d u al take more ch oi ce—d e
f er ra l behavior.When a n ind iv i du al previously in a negative mood stat e,t he e ffe ct of
decision con fl ic t to the choic e d e fe rr a l w a s greater.
Ke yw or ds:De ci si on making;Choice deferral;Ambient moo ds;D eci si on c on fl ic t
冯霞冯成志(通讯作者) 苏州大学心理学系,苏州,215123,

本研究利用情感启动刺激通过两个实验探讨情感性错误归因范式(Affecfive Misattribution Paradigm,AMP)下,启动


Effects of StimuH Type and Awareness of Prime on Affective Priming Revealed by AMP
Feng X ia Feng Chengzhi(corresponding author)
De p a rt m en t of P s y c h o l o g y,S o o c h o w University,Suzhou,215123,psyfeng@gmail.corn Abstract:Misattribution re fer s to mistake a ll effect of o n e s o u y c e for t h e ef f ec t of another(Payne,Cheng,Govorun,&Stewart, 2005),and
it i s common in dai l y l i f e.Th e e xp eri me nt us ed a ff ec fi ve stimuli in t he A M P parad igm,and revealed t h e impact of
stimulus types and aw are ne ss o f p ri me O/1 a ff e c ti v e pr im in g b y t wo expe r im e nt s.
In experiment1,we use d e mot ion al Ch in es e wo rd s,no rma l p ic t u re s a n d face pict ur e s a s p r i m e s,t h e Heb rew w or ds a s neutral
ta rg et s.A ll t h e primes h ad the s a r e e extent valence(positive VS.negative).There a r e t h re e l ev el s o f SO A:lOOms,1500ms an d 5000ms b e tw e en th e prime and tar g et.T h e results showed that the valence of the three kinds of prime s could influence the evaluation
to the neutral targ et s s ig n if ic a nt ly u nd er all three SOA levels.It meant that t h e valence of th e prime co uld last for at le as t 5s,which i s not foun d in previ ous st u d i e s.
Only face pi ct u re s we r e u sed a s prim es in ex pe rim en t2.T he prime presented f o r 12ms to achieve the sumlim ina l priming,and t h e S OA ha d2l ev el s:601"ns a n d190ms.It w a s shown that th e ma i n e£f b ct of p ri m e Valen ce ex is t s;t he p r im e Va le nc e×S OA
in t e ra c ti o n Was si gn if ic an t.I n de ta il.th e valence of the prime only showed it s e髓ct at the sho r t er SO A and it dec ay ed wi廿l the
extension of SOA.
Keywords:Misattribut/on;Affective prime;Val en ce;SOA





Subliminal Affective Priming Efiect by Faces with Dif:ferent Arousal
Li Tiantian(corresponding author)Lv Yong
Aca de my of Psy ch o lo gy and Behavior,Tianjin Normal University,Tianjin300074,zitengyul2@163,corn
Ab s tr a ct:
Th e ex pe ri me nt st u d i e d subliminal affective primi ng e ff e ct by fa c e s wit ll different arousal by rati ng th e a r o u s a l of am b i g u o u s med ium aro us a l f a ce s p re ce de d by subliminal presented hi gh,m ed i um and lo w a r ou s a l pr im e f a ce s unde r0ms,200ms,

700ms five IS I condition s.The re sul ts showed血at whe n I S l w a s0ms,200ms,300ms and 500ms,participants showed a ro us al—co ns is t en t ch an ge s in af fe ct iv e r at in gs o f target face s.I n other words,larger ra t in g s c o r e we re found w im hi曲arousal faces than with lo w pr imes.But n o effects we Te present a t the longer lSl of700ms.Ther efore af fe c ti ve co n gr ue n cy e ff ec ts
we r e ob se rv ed onl y at the sh o r t ISI,when the IS I i s longer than500ms,the e ff ec ts wi ll be att e nu a t i o n o r disa ppe ar.Keywor ds:
Sub lim ina l affec ti ve p r i m in g;A r o u s a l;F a c e;I S I
郑全全1(通讯作者)徐沙2 浙江大学心理系,浙江杭卅
l市天目山路148号1qqzheng@zju.edu.CII2twtyjj jf@163.corn


研究二要求被试对研究一Str oop任务的视频进行观点采择,通过比较视频观点采择前后被试工作记忆容量的变化,考察自主



