


NYSE Listing Standards(纽交所挂牌标准) (纽交所挂牌标准)
CRITERIA(指标) (指标) Distribution 股权分布) (股权分布) REQUIREMENTS(要求) (要求) Round-Lots Holders(持有100股以上的股东人数) Public Shares(公众持股数) Public Market Value(公众持股市值) Standard 1 -Earnings(标准 1 -利润指标) 利润指标) ( 利润指标 Aggregate Pre-tax Income for last 3 years(经调整的税前净利润总和) 5000(人) 2.5M(2 Fees3 首次挂牌费用) (首次挂牌费用) Unlimited with Shares (股数无限制) Additional Listing Fees4 增发挂牌费用) (增发挂牌费用)
1. For new entities with a parent or affiliated company listed on the NYSE(适用于纽交所已上市公司的关联公司) 2. The total fees of Listing Fees and Annual Fees in a Calendar Year are capped at $500,000.(每年上市费用和年费之和最大不超过50万美元) 3. The minimum and maximum Listing Fees applicable the first time an issuer lists a class of common shares are $125,000 and $250,000, respectively, which amounts include the special charge of $50,000.(发行人首次发行某一类股票,包括5000美元特别费用在内的入市费用最低不小于12.5万美元,最高不超过25万美元) 4. When determining Listing Fees for the listing of additional shares of a class of previously listed securities, calculations are made at each level of the schedule up to and including the last level applicable to the number of shares being listed. The total Listing Fee equals the sum of the amounts calculated at each level of the schedule.(某类股票 增发挂牌费采用超额累计算法,且纳入计算的股票数量包括该类股票首次发行数量)


法规/ 法规/标准编 中文名称 号 21CFR1 21CFR70 70.3 70.5 总则 着色剂总则 定义 着色剂使用的一般限定 标准化食品和新药中的 70.1 着色添加剂 70.11 70.19 相关物质 清单 Related substances. Fees for listing. Color additives in standardized foods and new drugs. General Regulations Colors General Definitions. General restrictions on use of color additives. 英文名称
-4-[(4-甲基)硫醇]偶 1,3,5-benzenetriol. 氮]-1,3,5-间苯三酚 16,23-Dihydrodinaphtho[2,3-a:2′,indolo [2,3-c] carbazole-5,10,15,17,22,24-hexone. N,N′-(9,10-二氢 N,N′-(9,10-Dihydro-9,10-dioxo-1,5-anthracenediyl)
73.1001 物稀释液 73.101 73.1015 73.1025 73.103 73.107 73.1075 73.1085 73.1095 73.11 氧化铝(干氢氧化铝) 铬-钴-氧化铝 柠檬酸铁铵 胭脂树橙提取物 碳酸钙 斑蝥黄 焦糖 β-胡萝卜素
胭脂虫提取物; 胭脂洋红 Cochineal extract; carmine. 叶绿素钾钠铜 (叶绿素盐 Potassium sodium copper chloropyhllin





第一:1.1 亚马逊Vine服务概述简要介绍亚马逊Vine服务的基本情况,包括服务的目的、特点以及对卖家和消费者的影响。

1.2 研究目的明确本文的研究目的,即通过对亚马逊Vine服务收费规则的解析,帮助卖家全面了解该服务的成本和操作方式。

第二:Vine会员费用2.1 会员资格详细说明Vine会员的资格要求,包括对卖家的资格要求和其他参与条件。

2.2 会员费用结构解析Vine会员的费用结构,包括会员费用的计费方式、周期等信息。

第三:参与Vine服务的费用3.1 产品资格介绍参与Vine服务的产品资格要求,确保卖家了解其产品是否符合Vine服务的参与条件。

3.2 参与费用详细解析参与Vine服务的费用,包括产品参与费用和其他可能的附加费用。

第四:Vine服务中的退款政策4.1 退款条件说明在Vine服务中,卖家在何种条件下可以获得退款,以及退款的流程和要求。

4.2 退款政策的变更解析Vine服务中的退款政策是否会根据亚马逊的政策变更而发生变化,以便卖家做好应对和调整。

第五:Vine服务的运作机制5.1 评价过程详细介绍Vine服务中产品评价的具体过程,包括会员如何获取、评价的内容等。

5.2 评价效果探讨Vine服务对产品评价的影响,以及卖家可以通过该服务获得的额外优势。

第六:案例分析6.1 成功案例通过具体案例分析,展示某些卖家如何成功利用Vine服务获取更多产品评价,提高产品的信任度和销售量。

6.2 失败案例分析一些未成功利用Vine服务的案例,探讨失败的原因和教训,为其他卖家提供经验教训。

第七:未来发展趋势7.1 服务优化展望亚马逊Vine服务的未来,探讨服务可能的优化和改进方向。

美国联邦法规21CFR第114部分 酸化食品

美国联邦法规21CFR第114部分 酸化食品

美国联邦法规21CFR第114部分酸化食品A分部总则114.3定义114.5现行良好生产操作规范114.10 人员B-D分部(保留)E分部生产和过程控制114.80 杀菌和控制114.83 杀菌工艺规程的制订114.89杀菌工艺规程的偏差114.90 方法学F分部记录和报告114.100记录A分部总则114.3定义下列定义适用于本部分:(a)“酸性食品”指天然PH4.6或更低的食品.(b) “酸化食品”指加有酸或酸性食品的低酸性食品;这些食品包括有,但并不局限于豆类、黄瓜、卷心菜、朝鲜蓟、花菜、布丁、辣椒、热带水果和鱼类。






(c) “批号”指用某一代号表示一个阶段内所生产的产品。

(d) “低酸性食品”指除酒精饮料外,最终平衡PH值大于4.6和水分活性(Aw)大于0.85的食品。


(e) “热力杀菌工艺规程”指加工者在食品制造条件下所选用的热力杀菌工艺条件以便达到和保持食品不允许有害于公共卫生的微生物生长。


(f) “必须”用于阐明强制性的要求。

(g) “应当”用于阐明建议性或咨询性方法或确认所建议的设备。

(h) “水分活度”(Aw)是对产品内游离水分的估量;亦即物质的水蒸汽压力除以同温度下纯水蒸汽压力所得的商。

114.5 现行良好操作规范114.10 114.80 114.83 114.89 和114.100以及本章110部分的标准适用于确定某一酸化食品是否属于掺杂产品:(1) 根据法令(21U.S.C.342 a.3)章节号402(a)(3)----在不适宜条件下生产的食品,或(2) 根据法令(21U.S.C.342 a.4)章节号402(a)(4)----在不卫生的条件下进行预处理、包装或保存的食品。



《质量与认证》2018 ·11 27
印度发布关于强化碘盐标签上印有“+ F” 标志要求的指示
印度食品安全标准管理局(F S S A I)日前发布消息,《2006年食 品安全标准法》第16(5)节关于碘盐(当用碘强化时)免于标签 上印有“+ F”标志的指示。印度宪报公布的2018年8月2日第11/03 / Reg / Fortification / 2014号通知书,其中规定了食品强化标准。这些 标准规定在食品标签上要带有强化食品“+”标志,普通食盐在没有 加碘的情况下不能出售给消费者。自2005年以来,这一规定是强制 性的。鉴于上述情况,为了区分碘化盐和双重强化盐,印度食品安 全标准管理局决定碘化盐不要求带有强化食品“+ F标志”,“+ F 标志”仅用于碘强化时的食盐。
韩国修改《食品的标 准及规格》
韩国食品安全处(M F D S)近 日发布了第2018-395号公告,拟 修改《食品的标准及规格》的部 分内容,其主要内容如下:修改 食品原料的分类;修改豆芽中6苄氨基腺嘌呤的农药残留限量标 准;新设定及修改农产品中溴氰 菊酯、敌草快、苯醚甲环唑等118 种农药的残留限量标准;随着农 产品中二氯吡啶酸的农药残留限 量标准的新设,新设定其相关试 验方法。
沙特SASO公布 IECEE认可证书最新 适用范围
沙特阿拉伯标准、计量和质 量机构(S A S O)近日向沙特阿 拉伯各海关口岸通报了最新的 I E C E E认可证书适用范围,涉及 电动水泵(3500W及以下)、移 动电话设备、移动设备的充电器 (连接电线或不连接电线的电插 头)、移动设备的车载充电器、 移动电话的无线充电器、移动电 话电池、移动电源、笔记本电脑 和平板设备、智能手表、智能手 环、电视及显示屏、洗碗机、无 线耳机、笔记本电脑充电器(电 源适配器)等产品。8月1日起, 沙特I E C E E认证已进入第二阶 段,上述产品,申请人需提交有 效的C B测试报告和证书(包含国 家差异)以及其他相关资料。




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什么是IEN?IEN号也就是货物在英国进口申报时生成的一个清关流水号,全称是Import Entry Number。







此外卖家需要注意的是,卖家商品货件如果是正常通过海关的话,这个IEN 承运商方面肯定是有的话,4月1号之前创建的货件,不用填。









亚马逊北美站-美甲类热门选品美甲灯商品热卖属性:关键词:Quick Drying/Low Heat&Painless/Portable&Compact/no harm to your eyes/Auto-Sensing/Power Saving/No noise建议价格范围:15~30甲油胶商品热卖属性关键词:Longer Lasting/Healthyingredient/Low smell/Easy Application/Faster Drying/Environment-friendly建议价格范围:~4/pc眉眼装眉妆:使用场景:打造日常妆容,勾勒眉型,晕染眉色,令妆容效果更立体热销产品举例:眉笔、染眉膏、眉粉消费者关注点:成分天然、着色效果、妆容持久、防水抗汗、容易卸除、多种颜色可供选择等热销月份:全年热销站点:北美、欧洲、日本价格参考区间:5-20美元产业带:浙江、广东进入门槛:有一定门槛眼妆:使用场景:用于日常及派对眼部妆容,打造多彩绚丽的眼部妆容效果消费者关注点:1.配色丰富、使用友好、适合多种场合;2.紧跟当季潮流;3.创新美观的包装和外观容易吸引消费者产生购买;4.品牌以及KOL在购买决策中具有较强的影响力;5.使用感及实用效果,要求易着色、不脱妆且容易卸除。

眉眼类热门选品眼影商品热卖属性关键词:LAST LONG TIME/WIDELY USE/SOFT AND SMOOTH/MATTE AND SHIMMER COLORS 建议价格范围:~9.99睫毛贴商品热卖属性关键词:easy to apply and remove/No glue and nomess/long-lasting/waterproof/REUSABLE/EASY-TO-USE建议价格范围:~25.99/3pairs亚马逊北美站-假发类热门选品假发帽商品热卖属性关键词:尼龙材质/One Size fit all/柔软/轻薄/易清洗/使用简单/弹性强建议价格范围:~4.99女士假发商品热卖属性关键词:材质好/耐热/不伤皮肤/易于清洗/柔软/方便穿戴建议价格范围:11.99~19.99接发商品热卖属性关键词:颜色多/材质好/可调节长度/不易打结/易于清洗/发色亮建议价格范围:13.99~39.99(受数量和材质的影响)假发商品热卖属性关键词:材质好/颜色日常/效果自然/发网透气性好/触感柔软/耐高温/易戴易卸建议价格范围:15~20亚马逊北美站-脸部皮肤护理热门选品除黑头粉刺针商品热卖属性关键词:MULTI-FUNCTIONAL/ANTI-ALL ERGICelectroplated needle and stainless steel/anti-slip handle/conveniently packed建议价格范围:~7.99去黑头仪商品热卖属性关键词:POWERFUL&PORE VACUUM SUCTION/easily adjust suctionlevel/functional heads/RECHARGEABLE&POR TABLE建议价格范围:20~30蒸脸仪使用场景:对于十分关注皮肤保养的年轻爱美人士以及上班族,蒸脸器是一款很受欢迎的护肤与减压产品消费者关注点:水雾颗粒度细腻程度、蒸发速度、水雾散开的角度、是否有噪音、充电是否方便、外观热销月份:全年热销站点:日本价格参考区间:4000-7000日元产业带:广州、深圳、上海、金华、武汉进入门槛:有较低门槛给卖家的建议:1.水雾散开的角度要更加扩散开来,让使用者不必费力就可以使脸部与水雾接触到。



Description (描述) 库存单位(SKU)由字母或数字 组成,是用于标识商品的唯一 编码。 配送网络库存单位(FNSKU)是 亚马逊为其运营中心储存并配 送的商品分配的唯一编码。 亚马逊商品编码(ASIN)由10 个字母或数字组成,是用于标 识商品的唯一编码。ASIN 由 亚马逊
分配。您可以在商品详 情页面找到商品的ASIN。 商品的名称。
亚马逊运营中心内某个SKU处 于不可售状况的商品数量。 亚马逊运营中心内某个 SKU 目 前正在进行内部处理(如取 件、包装和配送或留作测量、 取样
等)的商品数量。 入库货件或亚马逊运营中心内 某个SKU的商品总数量:(亚 马逊物流总数量)=(亚马逊 库存数 量)+(亚马逊物流入 库处理数量)+(亚马逊物流 入库发货数量)+(亚马逊物 流入库接收数量)
10Leabharlann 550.23105
管理亚马逊库存报告 FBA Manage Inventory 字段定义
Field Name (字段名) sku fnsku
product-name ([商品名称]) condition ([状况]) your-price ([您的价格])
mfn-listing-exists ([卖家自配送商品]) mfn-fufillable-quantity ([卖家自配送可售数量]) afn-listing-exists ([亚马逊物流商品]) afn-warehouse-quantity ([亚马逊库存数量]) afn-fufillble-quantity ([亚马逊物流可售数量]) afn-unsellable-quantity ([亚马逊物流不可售数量]) afn-reserved-quantity ([亚马逊物流预留数量]) afn-total-quantity ([亚马逊物流总数量]) per-unit-volume ([单位商品体积]) afn-inbound-working- quantity ([亚马逊物流入库处理数 量]) afn-inbound-shipped- quantity ([亚马逊物流入库发货数 量]) afn-inbound-receiving- quantity ([亚马逊物流入库接收数 量]) afn-future-supply-buyable ([FBA未来可购买供货])




一、几种计算租金费用的方式租仓库的时候,网站上提供了几种计算费用的方式:第一种是仓库的租金是每平方英尺的价格+NNN (地税/各类税收)+杂费(停车费,修草坪的费用等)+水电费用。

第一手房东一般是NNN lease比较多。

第二种是FS lease:Full Service,这个价格就包含了所有的杂费。

二手房东Full service的多些。


一般来说很久没租出去的仓库,才会算一个Full Service的价格,这时候就可以讨价还价。









租仓库的时候会有很多floor plan,美国人的公司会很喜欢办公室多,然后存储区域小。

但是对于电商来说,可能更喜欢open office,作为老板来说,可以监督员工,而且节约办公室。





亚马逊佣金类目表亚马逊平台手续费referral fee-产品类别佣金-Amazon commission美国站产品类别手续费:Product Type(类别)Referral Fee Percentage(手续费)Amazon Kindle(Kindle系列产品)15%Automotive Parts and Accessories(汽车零配件)12%Baby Products (excluding baby apparel)(婴儿用品不包括婴儿服饰)15%Books(书籍)15%Camera and Photo(相机周边)8%Consumer Electronics(消费电子产品)8%Electronics Accessories(电子产品周边配件)· 15% for the portion of the item price and any gift wrap charges paid by the buyer, up to $100 (with a minimum referral fee of $1.00*);(≤100美金,收取15%手续费,最低收取1美金)· and· 8% for any portion of the item price and any gift wrap charges paid by the buyer, greater than $100 (大于100美金,收取8%手续费)Entertainment Collectibles(娱乐收藏品)· 20% for the portion of the item price and any gift wrap charges paid by the buyer, up to $100 (with a minimum referral fee of $1.00);(≤100美金,收取20%手续费,最低收取1美金)· 10% for any portion of the item price and any gift wrap charges paid by the buyer, greater than $100 up to $1,000; (100-1000美金是10%的手续费)· and,· 6% for any portion of the item price and any gift wrap charges paid by the buyer, greater than $1,000(1000美金以上是6%的手续费)Home & Garden (including Pet Supplies)** (家居类包括宠物用品)15% Industrial & Scientific (including Food Service and Janitorial & Sanitation)(工业科学用品包括清洁卫生用品)12%Kindle Accessories(Kindle配件)25%Music(音乐制品)15%Musical Instruments(乐器)15%Office Products(办公用品)15%Personal Computers(个人电脑)6%Shoes, Handbags and Sunglasses(鞋字,包和眼睛)15%Software & Computer Games(软件和电脑游戏)15%Sporting Goods(运动用品)15%Sports Collectibles(运动收藏品)· 20% for the portion of the item price and any gift wrap charges paid by the buyer, up to $100 (with a minimum referral fee of $1.00);(≤100美金,收取20%手续费,最低收取1美金)· 10% for any portion of the item price and any gift wrap charges paid by the buyer, greater than $100 up to $1,000;(100-1000美金是10%的手续费)· and,· 6% for any portion of the item price and any gift wrap charges paid by the buyer, greater than $1,000(1000美金以上是6%的手续费)Tires & Wheels(轮胎和车轮)10%Tools & Home Improvement(工具)12%Toys(玩具)15%Unlocked Cell Phones(手机)8%Video & DVD(音像制品)15%Video Games(游戏)15%Video Game Consoles(游戏主机)8%Watches(手表)15%Any Other Products(其他产品)15%* $1.00 minimum does not apply to sellers who pay a $0.99 per item fee.(针对已付0.99美金上架费的非专业卖家,不需要最低收取1美金手续费)** The Home & Garden store includes seasonal Lawn and Garden products such as Pool Supplies, Landscaping Equipment and Supplies, Snow Removal Equipment, and Generators.Note:如果产品是media products【Media products consist of Books, Music, Video, DVDs, Video Game Consoles, and Software and Computer Game products】那么这个手续费referral fee 只是按照产品价格的百分比来算,但是media products 产品还会收取一个固定的variable closing fee.如果产品是Non-media products【国内卖家99.99%的产品类型】那么这个手续费referral fee就是产品价格+运费+其他一些乱七八糟的费用总和的一个百分比。










二、营销策略1. 产品发布与推广在亚马逊上,泳衣产品的发布和推广是非常重要的环节。



2. 价格战略在亚马逊平台上,泳衣产品的竞争较为激烈,因此在制定价格方面需要仔细分析市场行情和竞争对手,根据产品的质量、品牌和特色,进行合理的定价。


3. 客户服务亚马逊非常重视客户服务,因此在泳衣产品的运营中,需要注意产品的质量和售后服务。






CHAPTERS/ HEADING(HS CODES)DESCRIPTIONS01Live Animals, Birds’ Etc.02 Meat And Edible Meat Offal; Fresh, Chilled Or Frozen (Incl Pig Fat, Free Of Lean Meat, And Poultry Fat)0301 Live Fish0302 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled 0303 Fish, Frozen0304 Fish Fillets And Other Fish Meat Fresh, Chilled Or Frozen0305 Fish, Dried, Salted Or In Brine; Smoked Fish, Flours, Meals And Pellets Of Fish 0306 Crustaceans, Live, Fresh, Chilled, Frozen, Dried, Salted Or In Brine 0307 Molluscs, Live, Fresh, Chilled, Frozen, Dried, Salted Or In Brine0401 Milk And Cream, Not Concentrated Nor Containing Added Sugar Or Other Sweetening Matter 0402 Milk And Cream, Concentrated Or Containing Added Sugar Or Other Sweetening0403 Buttermilk, Curdled Milk And Cream, Yogurt, Kephir And Other Fermented Or Acidified Milk And Cream 0404 Whey; Products Consisting Of Natural Milk Constituents0405 Butter And Other Fats And Oils Derived From Milk; Dairy Spreads 0406 Cheese And Curd 0407 Hatching Eggs0408 Birds' Eggs, Not In Shell, And Egg Yolks 0409 Natural Honey0410 Other Edible Products Of Animal Origin0501 Human Hair, Unworked; Waste Of Human Hair0502 Pigs', Hogs' Or Boars' Bristles And Hair; Badger Hair And Other Brush Making Hair; Waste Of Such Bristles Or Hair0503 Horsehair And Horsehair Waste0504 Guts, Bladders And Stomachs Of Animals (Other Than Fish), Fresh, Chilled, Frozen, Salted, In Brine, Dried Or Smoked0505 Skins And Other Parts Of Birds, With Their Feathers Or Down, Feathers And Parts Of Feathers And Down0506 Bones And Horn-Cores0507 Ivory, Tortoise-Shell, Whalebone And Whalebone Hair, Horns, Antlers, Hooves, Nails, Claws And Beaks 0508 Coral And Similar Materials0509 Natural Sponges Of Animal Origin0510 Ambergris, Castoreum, Civet And Musk; Cantharides; Bile; Glands And Other Animal Products Used In The Preparation Of Pharmaceutical Products0511 Animal Products Not Elsewhere Specified Or Included; Dead Animals0601 Bulbs, Tubers, Tuberous Roots, Corms, Crowns And Rhizomes, Dormant, In Growth Or In Flower; Chicory Plants And Roots0602 Other Live Plants (Including Their Roots), Cuttings And Slips; Mushroom Spawn 0603 Cut Flowers And Flower Buds0604 Foliage, Branches And Other Parts Of Plants 0701 Potatoes 0702 Tomatoes0703 Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks And Other Alliaceous Vegetables 0704 Cabbages, Cauliflowers, Kohlrabi, Kale And Similar Edible Brassicas 0705 Lettuce (Lactuca Sativa) And Chicory (Cichorium Spp.),0706 Carrots, Turnips, Salad Beetroot, Salsify, Celeriac, Radishes And Similar Edible Roots 0707 Cucumbers And Gherkins 0708 Leguminous Vegetables 0709Other VegetablesCHAPTERS/ HEADING(HS CODES)DESCRIPTIONS0710Vegetables (Uncooked Or Cooked By Steaming Or Boiling In Water)0711 Vegetables Provisionally Preserved But Unsuitable In That State For Immediate Consumption. 0712 Dried Vegetables0713 Dried Leguminous Vegetables0714 Manioc, Arrowroot, Salep, Jerusalem Artichokes, Sweet Potatoes And Similar Roots And Tubers With High Starch Or Inulin Content0801 Coconuts, Brazil Nuts And Cashew Nuts 0802 Other Nuts0803 Bananas, Including Plantains0804 Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados, Guavas, Mangoes And Mangosteens 0805 Citrus Fruit 0806 Grapes0807 Melons (Including Watermelons) And Papaws (Papayas) 0808 Apples, Pears And Quinces0809 Apricots, Cherries, Peaches (Including Nectarines), Plums And Sloes 0810 Other Fruit0811 Fruit And Nuts, Whether Or Not Containing Added Sugar Or Other Sweetening Matter 0812 Fruit And Nuts, Provisionally Preserved0813 Other Fruits, Dried; Mixtures Of Nuts Or Dried Fruits Of This Chapter 0814 Peel Of Citrus Fruit Or Melons (Including Watermelons) 0901 Coffee 0902 Tea 0903 Mate 0904 Pepper 0905 Vanilla0906 Cinnamon And Cinnamon-Tree Flowers 0907 Cloves0908 Nutmeg, Mace And Cardamoms0909 Seeds Of Anise, Badian, Fennel, Coriander, Cumin Or Caraway; Juniper Berries 0910 Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric (Curcuma), Thyme, Bay Leaves, Curry And Other Spices 1001 Wheat & Meslin 1002 Rye 1003 Barley 1004 Oats 1005 Maize 1006 Rice1007 Grain Sorghum1008 Buckwheat, Millet And Canary Seed; Other Cereals 1101 Wheat Or Meslin Flour1102 Cereal Flours Other Than Wheat Or Meslin 1103 Cereal Groats, Meal And Pellets.1104 Cereal Grains Otherwise Worked, Except Rice Of Heading 10.06; Germ Of Cereals, Whole, Rolled, Flaked Or Ground.1105 Flour, Meal, Powder, Flakes, Granules And Pellets Of Potatoes. 1106 Flour, Meal And Powder Of Dried Leguminous Vegetables 1107 Malt1108Starches; Inulin.CHAPTERS/ HEADING(HS CODES)DESCRIPTIONS 1109 Wheat Gluten1201 Soya Beans1202 Ground-Nuts1203 Copra1204 Linseed1205 Rape Or Colza Seeds1206 Sunflower Seeds1207 Other Oils Seeds1208 Flours And Meals Of Oil Seeds Or Oleaginous Fruits1209 Seeds, Fruit And Spores1210 Hop Cones; Lupulin1211 Plants And Parts Of Plants1212 Locust Beans, Seaweeds And Other Algae, Sugar Beet And Sugar Cane 1213 Cereal Straw And Husks1214 Swedes, Mangolds, Fodder Roots, Hay, Lucerne (Alfalfa), Clover, Sainfoin, Forage Kale, Lupines, Vetches And Similar Forage Products1301 Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins And Oleoresins1302 Vegetable Saps And Extracts; Pectic Substances, Pectinates And Pectates; Agar-Agar And Other Mucilages And Thickeners1401 Vegetable Materials Of A Kind Used Primarily For Plaiting1402 Vegetable Materials Of A Kind Used Primarily As Stuffing Or As Padding 1403 Vegetable Materials Of A Kind Used Primarily In Brooms Or In Brushes1404 Other Vegetable Products1501 Pig Fat (Including Lard) And Poultry Fat1502 Fats Of Bovine Animals, Sheep Or Goats1503 Lard Stearin, Lard Oil, Oleostearin, Oleo-Oil And Tallow Oil1504 Fats And Oils And Their Fractions, Of Fish Or Marine Mammals1505 Wool Grease And Fatty Substances Derived Therefrom (Including Lanolin). 1506 Other Animal Fats And Oils And Their Fractions1507 Soya-Bean Oil And Its Fractions1508 Ground-Nut Oil And Its Fractions,1509 Olive Oil And Its Fractions1510 Other Oils And Their Fractions1511 Palm Oil And Its Fractions1512 Sunflower-Seed, Safflower Or Cotton-Seed Oil And Fractions Thereof1513 Coconut (Copra), Palm Kernel Or Babassu Oil And Fractions Thereof1514 Rape, Colza Or Mustard Oil And Fractions Thereof1515 Other Fixed Vegetable Fats And Oils (Including Jojoba Oil) And Their Fractions 1516 Animal Or Vegetable Fats And Oils And Their Fractions1517 Margarine; Edible Mixtures Or Preparations Of Animal Or Vegetable Fats Or Oils Or Of Fractions Of Different Fats Or Oils1518 Animal Or Vegetable Fats And Oils And Their Fractions, Boiled, Oxidised, Dehydrated, Sulphurised, Blown, Polymerised Etc1520 Glycerol1521 Vegetable Waxes (Other Than Triglycerides), Beeswax, Other Insect Waxes And Spermaceti1522 Degras; Residues Resulting From The Treatment Of Fatty Substances Or Animal Or Vegetable Waxes. 1601 Sausages & Similar Products1602 Other Prepared Or Preserved Meat, Meat Offal Or Blood.CHAPTERS/ HEADING(HS CODES)DESCRIPTIONS1603 Extracts And Juices Of Meat, Fish Or Crustaceans, Molluscs Or Other Aquatic Invertebrates. 1604 Prepared Or Preserved Fish; Caviar And Caviar Substitutes Prepared From Fish Eggs. 1605 Crustaceans, Molluscs And Other Aquatic Invertebrates 1701Cane Or Beet Sugar And Chemically Pure Sucrose1702 Other Sugars, Chemically Pure Lactose, Maltose, Glucose And Fructose, In Solid Form; Sugar Syrups Artificial Honey1703 Molasses Resulting From The Extraction Or Refining Of Sugar1704 Sugar Confectionery (Including White Chocolate), Not Containing Cocoa 1801 Cocoa Beans1802 Cocoa Shells And Other Cocoa Waste 1803 Cocoa Paste1804 Cocoa Butter, Fat And Oil1805 Cocoa Powder, Not Containing Added Sugar Or Other Sweetening Matter 1806 Chocolate And Other Food Preparations Containing Cocoa 1901 Malt Extract; Food Preparations Of Flour, Groats, Meal Etc 1902 Pasta1903 Tapioca And Substitutes Thereof1904 Prepared Foods Obtained By The Swelling Or Roasting Of Cereals Or Cereal Products 1905 Bread, Pastry, Cakes, Biscuits And Other Bakers' Wares2001 Vegetables, Fruit, Nuts And Other Edible Parts Of Plants, Prepared Or Preserved By Vinegar Or Acetic Acid2002 Tomatoes Prepared Or Preserved Otherwise Than By Vinegar Or Acetic Acid2003 Mushrooms And Truffles, Prepared Or Preserved Otherwise Than By Vinegar Or Acetic Acid 2004 Other Vegetables Prepared Or Preserved Otherwise Than By Vinegar Or Acetic Acid 2005 Other Vegetables Prepared Or Preserved Otherwise Than By Vinegar Or Acetic Acid 2006 Vegetables, Fruit, Nuts, Fruit-Peel And Other Parts Of Plants, Preserved By Sugar 2007 Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades, Fruit Or Nut Puree And Fruit Or Nut Pastes 2008 Other Fruit, Nuts And Other Edible Parts Of Plants Not Specified Elsewhere 2009 Fruit Juices2101 Extracts, Essences And Concentrates, Of Coffee, Tea Or Mate 2102 Yeasts; Prepared Baking Powders2103 Sauces And Preparations Therefore; Mixed Condiments And Mixed Seasonings; Mustard Flour And Meal And Prepared Mustard 2104 Soups And Broths2105 Ice Cream And Other Edible Ice2106 Food Preparations Not Elsewhere Specified Or Included2201 Waters, Including Natural Or Artificial Mineral Waters And Aerated Waters2202 Waters, Including Mineral Waters And Aerated Waters, Containing Added Sugar Or Other Sweetening Matter Or Flavoured 2203 Beer Made From Malt2204 Wine Of Fresh Grapes, Including Fortified Wines 2205 Vermouth And Other Wine Of Fresh Grapes2206 Other Fermented Beverages (For Example, Cider, Perry, Mead); Mixtures Of Fermented Beverages And Mixtures Of Fermented Beverages And Non-Alcoholic Beverages 2207 Undenatured Ethyl Alcohol And Other Denatured Spirits2208 Undenatured Ethyl Alcohol Of An Alcoholic Strength By Volume Of Less Than 80 % Vol; Spirits, Liqueurs And Other Spirituous Beverages 2209 Vinegar And Substitutes For Vinegar 2620, 2621Slag, ash and residuesCHAPTERS/ HEADING(HS CODES)DESCRIPTIONS2301 Flours, Meals And Pellets, Of Meat Or Meat Offal, Of Fish Or Of Crustaceans, Molluscs Or Other Aquatic Invertebrates2302 Bran, Sharps And Other Residues2303 Residues Of Starch Manufacture And Similar Residues, Beet-Pulp, Bagasse And Other Waste Of Sugar Manufacture, Brewing Or Distilling Dregs And Waste2304 Oil-Cake And Other Solid Residues, Resulting From The Extraction Of Soya-Bean Oil 2305 Oil-Cake And Other Solid Residues, Resulting From The Extraction Of Ground-Nut Oil2306 Oil-Cake And Other Solid Residues, Resulting From The Extraction Of Vegetable Fats Or Oils 2307 Wine Lees; Argol2308 Vegetable Materials And Vegetable Waste, Vegetable Residues And By-Products 2309 Preparations Of A Kind Used In Animal Feeding 2401 Unmanufactured tobacco; tobacco refuse2403 Other manufactured tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes 2501 Salt (Including Table Salt And Denatured Salt)2510 Natural calcium phosphate, natural aluminum calcium phosphates and phosphate chalk2511 Natural barium sulphate (barytes); natural barium carbonate (witherite), whether or not calcined, otherthan barium oxide2519 Natural magnesium carbonate (magnesite);fused magnesia; dead-burned (sintered) magnesia, whether or not containing small quantities of other oxides added before sintering; other magnesium oxide, whether or not pure2701 Coal; briquettes, ovoids and similar solid fuels manufactured from coal 2702 Lignite, whether or not agglomerated, excluding jet2703 Peat (including peat litter), whether or not agglomerated2704 Coke and semi-coke of coal, of lignite or of peat, whether or not agglomerated; retort carbon2705 Coal gas, water gas, producer gas and similar gases other than petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons2707 Oils and other products of the distillation of high temperature coal tar; similar products in which the weight of the aromatic constituents exceeds that of the non-aromatic constituents 2710 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, crude 2711 Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons2712 Petroleum jelly; paraffin wax, micro-crystalline petroleum wax, slack wax, ozokerite, lignite wax, peat wax, other mineral waxes, and similar products obtained by synthesis or by other processes, whether or not coloured2713 Petroleum coke, petroleum bitumen and other residues of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals2801 Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine And Iodine2802 Sulphur, Sublimed Or Precipitated; Colloidal Sulphur 2803 Carbon2804 Other Non-Metals2805 Alkali Or Alkaline-Earth Metals; Rare-Earth Metals, Scandium And Yttrium; Mercury 2806 Hydrogen Chloride 2807 Sulphuric Acid; Oleum2808 Nitric Acid; Sulphonitric Acids2809 Diphosphorus Pentaoxide; Phosphoric Acid; Polyphosphoric Acids 2810 Oxides Of Boron; Boric Acids2811 Other Inorganic Acids And Other Inorganic Oxygen Compounds 2812 Halides And Halide Oxides2813 Sulphides Of Non-Metals; Commercial Phosphorus Trisul- Phide 2814 Ammonia2815Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic Soda); Potassium Hydroxide (Caustic Potash); Peroxides Of Sodium OrCHAPTERS/ HEADING(HS CODES)DESCRIPTIONSPotassium2816 Hydroxide And Peroxide Of Magnesium; Oxides, Hydroxides And Peroxides, Of Strontium Or Barium 2817 Zinc Oxide; Zinc Peroxide2818 Artificial Corundum; Aluminium Oxide; Aluminium Hydroxide2819 Chromium Oxides And Hydroxides2820 Manganese Oxides2821 Iron Oxides And Hydroxides; Earth Colours2822 Cobalt Oxides And Hydroxides; Commercial Cobalt Oxides2823 Titanium Oxides2824 Lead Oxides; Red Lead And Orange Lead2825 Hydrazine And Hydroxylamine; Other Inorganic Bases, Metal Oxides, Hydroxides And Peroxides2826 Fluorides; Fluorosilicates, Fluoroaluminates And Other Complex Fluorine Salts2827 Chlorides, Chloride Oxides And Chloride Hydroxides; Bromides And Bromide Oxides; Iodides And Iodide Oxides2828 Hypochlorites; Commercial Calcium Hypochlorite; Chlor- Ites; Hypobromites2829 Chlorates And Perchlorates; Bromates And Perbromates; Iodates And Periodates2830 Sulphides; Polysulphides2831 Dithionites And Sulphoxylates2832 Sulphites; Thiosulphates2833 Sulphates; Alums; Peroxosulphates (Persulphates)2834 Nitrites; Nitrates2835 Phosphinates (Hypophosphites), Phosphonates (Phosphites) And Phosphates; Polyphosphates2836 Carbonates; Peroxocarbonates (Percarbonates); Commercial Ammonium Carbonate Containing Ammonium Carbamate2837 Cyanides, Cyanide Oxides And Complex Cyanides 2838 Fulminates, Cyanates And Thiocyanates2839 Silicates; Commercial Alkali Metal Silicates2840 Borates; Peroxoborates (Perborates)2841 Alts Of Oxometallic Or Peroxometallic Acids2842 Other Salts Of Inorganic Acids Or Peroxoacids2843 Colloidal Precious Metals; Inorganic Or Organic Compounds Of Precious Metals, Whether Or Not Chemically Defined; Amalgams Of Precious Metals2844 Radioactive Chemical Elements And Radioactive Isotopes And Their Compounds 2845 Other Isotopes2846 Compounds, Inorganic Or Organic, Of Rare-Earth Metals, Of Yttrium Or Of Scandium Or Of Mixtures Of These Metals2847 Hydrogen Peroxide2848 Phosphides2849 Carbides2850 Hydrides, Nitrides, Azides, Silicides And Borides,2851 Other Inorganic Compounds; Liquid Air; Compressed Air; Amalgams 2852 Compounds, inorganic or organic, of mercury, excluding amalgams2853 Other inorganic compounds (including distilled or conductivity water and water of similar purity); liquid air (whether or not rare gases have been removed); compressed air; amalgams, other than amalgams of precious metals2936 Provitamins And Vitamins2901 Acyclic Hydrocarbons2902 Cyclic Hydrocarbons2903 Halogenated Derivatives Of HydrocarbonsCHAPTERS/ HEADING(HS CODES)DESCRIPTIONS2904 Sulphonated, Nitrated Or Nitrosated Derivatives Of Hydrocarbons2905 Acyclic Alcohols And Their Halogenated, Sulphonated, Nitrated Or Nitrosated Derivatives 2906 Cyclic Alcohols And Their Halogenated, Sulphonated, Nitrated Or Nitrosated Derivatives 2907 Phenols; Phenol-Alcohols2908Halogenated, Sulphonated, Nitrated Or Nitrosated Derivatives Of Phenols Or Phenol-Alcohols 2909 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, ether-alcohol- phenols, alcohol peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone peroxides (whether or not chemically defined), and their halogenated, sulponated, nitrated or nitrosated derivative2910 Epoxides, Epoxyalcohols, Epoxyphenols And Epoxyethers, With A Three-Membered Ring, And Their Halogenated, Sulphonated, Nitrated Or Nitrosated Derivatives2909 Ethers, Ether-Alcohols, Ether-Phenols, Ether-Alcohol- Phenols, Alcohol Peroxides, Ether Peroxides, Ketone Peroxides And Their Halogenated, Sulphonated, Nitrated Or Nitrosated Derivatives 2911 Acetals And Hemiacetals 2912 Aldehydes2913 Other Halogenated, Sulphonated, Nitrated Or Nitrosated Derivatives2914 Ketones And Quinones, And Their Halogenated, Sulphonated, Nitrated Or Nitrosated Derivatives 2915 Saturated Acyclic Monocarboxylic Acids And Their Anhydrides, Halides, Peroxides And Peroxyacids; Their Halo- Genated, Sulphonated, Nitrated Or Nitrosated Derivatives2916 Unsaturated Acyclic Monocarboxylic Acids, Cyclic Monocarboxylic Acids, Their Anhydrides, Halides, Peroxides And Peroxyacids; Their Halogenated, Sulphonated, Nitrated Or Nitrosated Derivatives 2917 Polycarboxylic Acids, Their Anhydrides, Halides, Peroxides And Peroxyacids; Their Halogenated, Sulphonated, Nitrated Or Nitrosated Derivatives2918 Carboxylic Acids With Additional Oxygen Function And Their Anhydrides, Halides, Peroxides And Peroxyacids; Their Halogenated, Sulphonated, Nitrated Or Nitrosated Derivatives2919 Phosphoric Esters And Their Salts, Including Lactophosphates; Their Halogenated, Sulphonated, Nitrated Or Nitrosated Derivatives2920 Esters Of Other Inorganic Acids Of Non-Metals (Excluding Esters Of Hydrogen Halides) And Their Salts; Their Halogenated, Sulphonated, Nitrated Or Nitrosated Derivatives 2921 Amine-Function Compounds2922 Oxygen-Function Amino-Compounds2923 Quaternary Ammonium Salts And Hydroxides; Lecithins And Other Phosphoaminolipids 2924 Carboxyamide-Function Compounds; Amide-Function Compounds Of Carbonic Acid2925 Carboxyimide-Function Compounds (Including Saccharin And Its Salts) And Imine-Function Compounds.2926 Nitrogen-Function Compounds 2927 Diazo-, Azo- Or Azoxy-Compounds2928 Organic Derivatives Of Hydrazine Or Of Hydroxylamine 2929 Compounds With Other Nitrogen Function 2930 Organo-Sulphur Compounds2931 Other Organo-Inorganic Compounds2932 Heterocyclic Compounds With Oxygen Hetero-Atom(S) 2933 Heterocyclic Compounds With Nitrogen Hetero-Atom(S) 2934 Nucleic Acids And Their Salts 2935 Sulphonamides2936 Provitamins And Vitamins, Natural Or Reproduced By Synthesis (Including Natural Concentrates), Derivatives Thereof Used Primarily As Vitamins, And Intermixtures2937 Hormones, Prostaglandins, Thromboxanes And Leukotrienes, Natural Or Reproduced By Synthesis; Derivatives And Structural Analogues Thereof, Including Chain Modified Polypeptides, Used Primarily As Hormones2938 Glycosides, Natural Or Reproduced By Synthesis, And Their Salts, Ethers, Esters And Other Derivatives2939Vegetable Alkaloids, Natural Or Reproduced By Synthesis, And Their Salts, EtherCHAPTERS/ HEADING(HS CODES)DESCRIPTIONS2940 Sugars, Chemically Pure, Other Than Sucrose, Lactose, Maltose, Glucose And Fructose; Sugar Ethers, Sugar Acetals And Sugar Esters, And Their Salts 2941 Antibiotics2942 Other Organic Compounds3001 Glands And Other Organs For Organo-Therapeutic Uses3002 Human Blood; Animal Blood Prepared For Therapeutic, Prophylactic Or Diagnostic Uses; Vaccines, Toxins, Cultures Of Micro-Organisms (Excluding Yeasts) And Similar Products3003 Medicaments Consisting Of Two Or More Constituents Which Have Been Mixed Together For Therapeutic Or Prophylactic Uses3004Medicaments (Excluding Goods Of Heading 30.02, 30.05 Or 30.06) Consisting Of Mixed Or Unmixed Products For Therapeutic Or Prophylactic Uses, Put Up In Measured Doses (Including Those In The Form Of Transdermal Administration Systems) Or In Forms Or Packings For Retail Sale3005 Wadding, Gauze, Bandages And Similar Articles (For Example, Dressings, Adhesive Plasters,Poultices), Impregnated Or Coated With Pharmaceutical Substances Or Put Up In Forms Or Packings For Retail Sale For Medical, Surgical, Dental Or Veterinary Purposes 3006 Other Pharmaceutical Goods3101 Animal Or Vegetable Fertilisers, Fertilisers Produced By The Mixing Or Chemical Treatment Of Animal Or Vegetable Products3102 Mineral Or Chemical Fertilisers, Nitrogenous 3103 Mineral Or Chemical Fertilisers, Phosphatic 3104 Mineral Or Chemical Fertilisers, Potassic3105 Mineral Or Chemical Fertilisers Containing Two Or Three Of The Fertilising Elements Nitrogen, Phosphorus And Potassium; Other Fertilisers3201 Tanning extracts of vegetable origin; tannins and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives3202 Synthetic organic tanning substances; inorganic tanning substances; tanning preparations, whether or not containing natural tanning substances; enzymatic preparations for pre-tanning.3203 Colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin (including dyeing extracts but excluding animal black), whether or not chemically defined;3204 Synthetic organic colouring matter, whether or not chemically defined; preparations as specified in Note 3 to this Chapter based on synthetic organic colouring matter; sythetic organic products of a kind used as fluorescent brightening agents or as luminophores, whether or not chemical defined 3205 Colour lakes; preparations based on colour lakes3301Essential Oils (Terpeneless Or Not), Including Concretes And Absolutes; Resinoids; ExtractedOleoresins; Concentrates Of Essential Oils In Fats, In Fixed Oils, In Waxes Or The Like, Obtained By Enfleurage Or Maceration; Terpenic By-Products Of The Deterpenation Of Essential Oils; Aqueous Distillates And Aqueous Solutions Of Essential Oils3302 Mixtures Of Odoriferous Substances And Mixtures (Including Alcoholic Solutions) With A Basis Of One Or More Of These Substances, Of A Kind Used As Raw Materials In Industry; Other Preparations Based On Odoriferous Substances 3303 Perfumes And Toilet Waters3304 Beauty Or Make-Up Preparations And Preparations For The Care Of The Skin (Other ThanMedicaments), Including Sunscreen Or Sun Tan Preparations; Manicure Or Pedicure Preparations 3305 Preparations For Use On The Hair3306 Preparations For Oral Or Dental Hygiene, Including Denture Fixative Pastes And Powders; Yarn Used To Clean Between The Teeth (Dental Floss), In Individual Retail Packages3307Pre-Shave, Shaving Or After-Shave Preparations, Personal Deodorants, Bath Preparations,Depilatories And Other Perfumery, Cosmetic Or Toilet Preparations, Not Elsewhere Specified Or Included; Prepared Room Deodorisers, Whether Or Not Perfumed Or Having Disinfectant Properties 3401Soap; organic surface-active products and preparations for use as soap, in the form of bars, cakes, moulded pieces or shapes, whether or not containing soap; organic surface-active products andpreparations for washing the skin, in the form of liquid or cream and put up for retail sale, whether or not containing soap; paper , wadding, felt and nonwovens, impregnated, coated or covered with soap or detergent3402Organic surface-active agents (other than soap); surface – active preparations, washing preparations (including auxiliary washing preparations) and cleaning preparations, whether or not containing soap,CHAPTERS/ HEADING(HS CODES)DESCRIPTIONS3405 Polishes and creams, for footwear, furniture, floors, coachwork, glass or metal, scouring pastes and powders and similar preparations (whether or not in the form of paper, wadding, felt, nonwovens, cellular plastics or cellular rubber, impregnated, coated or covered with such preparations) 3501 Casein, Caseinates And Other Casein Derivatives; Casein Glues3502 Albumins (Including Concentrates Of Two Or More Whey Proteins), Albuminates And Other Albumin Derivatives.3503 Gelatin (Including Gelatin In Rectangular (Including Square) Sheets, Whether Or Not Surface-Worked Or Coloured) And Gelatin Derivatives; Isinglass; Other Glues Of Animal Origin3504 Peptones And Their Derivatives; Other Protein Substances And Their Derivatives, Hide Powder, Whether Or Not Chromed3505 Dextrins And Other Modified Starches 3507 Enzymes; Prepared Enzymes3701 Photographic plates and film in the flat, sensitised, unexposed, of any material other than paper, paperboard or textiles; instant print film in the flat, sensitised, unexposed, whether or not in packs. 3707 Chemical preparations for photographic uses (other than varnishes, glues, adhesives and similarpreparations); unmixed products for photographic uses, put up in measured portions or put up for retail sale in a form ready for use.3802 Activated carbon; activated natural mineral products; animal black, including spent animal black 3808Insecticides, Rodenticides, Fungicides, Herbicides, Anti-Sprouting Products And Plant-GrowthRegulators, Disinfectants And Similar Products, Put Up In Forms Or Packings For Retail Sale Or As Preparations Or Articles (For Example, Sulphur-Treated Bands, Wicks And Candles, And Fly-Papers) 3809 Finishing Agents, Dye Carriers To Accelerate The Dyeing Or Fixing Of Dyestuffs And Other Products And Preparations (For Example, Dressings And Mordants), Of A Kind Used In The Textile, Paper, Leather Or Like Industries, Not Elsewhere Specified Or Included3812 Prepared rubber accelerators; compound plasticisers for rubber or plastics 3817 Mixed Alkylbenzenes And Mixed Alkylnaphthalenes3821 Prepared Culture Media For Development Of Micro-Organisms3822 Diagnostic Or Laboratory Reagents On A Backing, Prepared Diagnostic Or Laboratory Reagents Whether Or Not On A Backing; Certified Reference Materials3823 Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids; acid oils from refining; industrial fatty alcohols. 3825 Residual products of the chemical or allied industries 3926Contraceptives4011.61-4011.99Tyres of a kind used in agricultural & construction handling vehicles 4014.10 Male Condoms & Contraceptives4101 Raw Hides And Skins Of Bovine (Including Buffalo) Or Equine Animals 4102 Raw Skins Of Sheep Or Lambs 4103 Other Raw Hides And Skins4104 Tanned Or Crust Hides And Skins Of Bovine (Including Buffalo) Or Equine Animals, Without Hair On 4105 Tanned Or Crust Skins Of Sheep Or Lambs, Without Wool On4106Tanned Or Crust Hides And Skins Of Other Animals, Without Wool Or Hair On4107 Leather Further Prepared After Tanning Or Crusting, Including Parchment-Dressed Leather, Of Bovine (Including Buffalo) Or Equine Animals, Without Hair On4112 Leather Further Prepared After Tanning Or Crusting, Including Parchment-Dressed Leather, Of Sheep Or Lamb, Without Wool On4113 Leather Further Prepared After Tanning Or Crusting, Including Parchment-Dressed Leather, Of Other Animals, Without Wool Or Hair On4114 Chamois (Including Combination Chamois) Leather; Patent Leather And Patent Laminated Leather; Metallised Leather4115 Leather Further Prepared After Tanning Or Crusting, Including Parchment-Dressed Leather, Of Other Animals, Without Wool Or Hair On4301 Raw Furskins (Including Heads, Tails, Paws And Other Pieces Or Cuttings, Suitable For Furriers' Use), Other Than Raw Hides And Skins4302Tanned Or Dressed Furskins (Including Heads, Tails, Paws And Other Pieces Or Cuttings),。


出该 植物 材 料最 初 状况 的相 关 信息 ;干燥 的 ,也
需要标 注 。
中美 贸易摩擦 : 草 甘膦报 喜 铜版纸堪忧
4 9 月2 曰,在 多次 做 美 国 产业 工 作 后 ,美 国 内 申请 人撤 回对华 草 甘膦 反倾 销 申请 ,这 是我 国 首 次 以此方 式 终 结 了美对 华 贸 易救 济案 件 。此 案 撤 诉维护 了我 国近 1 亿美 元 的草 甘 膦 出 口行业 利 0 益 。据美 国近 期 的反倾 销 实 践 ,该案 一 旦进 入 立
料 ; 二是 禁 止 使 用 类似 “ 0 1 的定 量 化 比例 2: ” 来表 示 一种 草 药鲜 重 与干 重 的 比例 ,或 者 用于 表
为主题 的会 议 ,并 吸 引 了4 多 家商 业 印刷 厂前 来 O
参加 。
本 次 活动 于 5 5 月 日和 6 日分别 在 芝 加 哥 绍姆 堡 万 豪酒 店a , 森 北美 公司 的总部 举行 ,业 内多 nJ , 位 知名 专 家 向广 大 听众介 绍 并现 场演 示 了如 何 降
国 商务 部还 拒 绝 了中 国铜 版纸 业 界 申请 行业 市 场
经济 地位 待遇 的要 求 。
现场 发 泡 材料 和 聚烯 烃卷 材 等保 护性 包 装 的需 求
美国草药产 品协会 修订提取物标签
日前 ,美 国草 药产 品协会 ( H A A P )修 订 了关 于 草药 成分 标 签 中对 “ 取物 ”一 词相 关 内容 说 提 明 的 贸 易规 定 。要 求 在今 年9 l 日前 遵 从 提 取 月 1
和 生产 制造业 的扩 张 。
案程 序 ,将 很 难取 得 好结 果 ,我 国草甘 膦 出 口企 业在 面 临常 年 反倾 销 调查 的 同时 ,还 将 丧 失大 量



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美国即将实施新的野生动植物保护法(Lacey Act)相关出口企业需

美国即将实施新的野生动植物保护法(Lacey Act)相关出口企业需

美国即将实施新的野生动植物保护法(Lacey Act)相关出口企业需高度关注今年,美国农业部动植物检疫局(APHIS)再次修订了野生动植物保护法(Lacey Act),近期正与海关与边境保护局(CBP)、林业局等其他相关机构,共同推行实施该法规。




野生动植物保护法(Lacey Act)主旨是打击野生生物、鱼类及野生植物的非法贸易。










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SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGESFOR EXCHANGE SERVICESNYSE Arca EQUITIES: LISTING FEESADMINISTRATIVE FEESCompany Name or Symbol Change$2,500 Change in Par Value$2,500 Shareholder Rights Plans $2,500$250,000 MAXIMUM TOTAL FEES PAID BY AN ISSUER EACHYEAR1LISTING FEESmon stock, preferred stock, and warrants issued by domesticissuers:Aggregate total shares outstanding (TSO) at time of listing FeeUp to and including 30,000,000 $100,000 30+ million up to and including 50,000,000 $125,00050+ million $150,0002.Securities issued by foreign private issuers2 (but only to theextent shares are issued and outstanding in the U.S.):Total Shares Issued and Outstanding in U.S.Up to and including 30,000,000 $100,000 30+ million up to and including 50,000,000 $125,00050+ million $150,0003.Debt Instruments and Purchase Rights $2,5004.Additional classes of securities:mon Stock, when issuer has a class of $5,000common stock already listedb.Preferred Stock and Warrants, whether or not common stock is listed $100,000, $125,000 or $150,000 as in #1 above, depending on aggregate TSO5.Derivative Securities Products3a. Derivative Securities Products (with the exception of ManagedFund Shares and Managed Trust Securities)b. Managed Fund Shares and Managed Trust Securitiesc. In the case where a first time sponsor, managing owner, general partner or equivalent (collectively, the “Sponsor”) is listing a new Derivative Securities Product on the Exchange, the Sponsor will be charged a one time consultation fee in the amount of:Existing Sponsors who have previously issued any new Derivative Securities Product would not be charged the consultation fee. $7,500 $10,000$20,0006.Structured Products4These fees apply each time an issuer lists Structured Products, as well as to the subsequent listing of additional shares of such listed products. The Exchange treats each series of securities listed as Structured Products as a separate issue.Shares Outstanding FeeUp to 1 million $ 5,0001+ to 2 million 10,0002+ to 3 million 15,0003+ to 4 million 20,0004+ to 5 million 25,0005+ to 6 million 30,0006+ to 7 million 30,0007+ to 8 million 30,0008+ to 9 million 30,0009+ to 10 million 32,50010+ to 15 million 37,500in excess of 15 million 45,0007. Closed-End FundsThe Listing Fees set out in this section apply to equity securities of closed-end funds.This Listing Fee Schedule is applicable when a closed-end fund first lists a class of common stock, or first lists a class of preferred stock in a case where common stock is not already listed.Number of Securities Issued Total Listing FeeUp to and including 10 million $20,000Over 10 million up to and including 20 million $30,000Over 20 million $40,000Listing Fee Schedule for Listing of Additional SecuritiesIn the case of the following types of additional listings, Listing Fees are calculated on a per share basis for each class according to the Listing Fee schedule below:•At the time it first lists, a closed-end fund lists one or more classes of preferred stock or warrants in addition to a primary class of common stock or preferred stock;•Once listed, a closed-end fund lists additional shares of a class of previously listed securities; or•Once listed, a closed-end fund lists a new class of preferred stock or warrants.To the extent that an issuer lists more than one class of the same type of security, the class with the greatest number of shares issued will be deemed the primary class.When determining Listing Fees, calculations are made at each level of the schedule up to the last level applicable to the number of securities being listed. The total Listing Fee equals the sum of the amounts calculated at each level of the schedule. For examples of how Listing Fees are calculated, please see “Calculating Listing Fees” below.Number of Securities Issued Fee Per ShareUp to and including 2 million $0.01475Over 2 million up to and including 4 million $0.0074Over 4 million up to and including 300 million $0.0035Over 300 million $0.0019Limitations on Listing FeesFund Family Discount. If two or more closed-end funds from the same fund family list at approximately the same time, the Exchange will cap the collective Listing Fee for those funds at $75,000. The Exchange will consider funds from the same fund family to be listing at approximately the same time if an issuer provides notice that such funds will be listed as part of the same transaction. A fund family consists of closed-end funds with a common investment adviser or investment advisers who are "affiliated persons" as defined in Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.Limitation on Listing Fees for Additional Class of Common Shares. A closed-end fund that applies to list a new class of common shares in addition to its primary class will be charged a fixed Listing Fee of $5,000 in lieu of the per share schedule.Minimum Listing Fee for Subsequent Listing of Additional Securities. The minimum application fee for a subsequent listing of additional securities is $2,500. When listing additional securities, an issuer is billed Listing Fees in an amount equal to the greater of the $2,500 minimum supplemental listing application fee or the fee calculated on a per share basis. This applies to the listing of additional shares of an already listed equity security or to the listing of an additional class of equity security (other than a new class of common shares).Fee for Certain Changes. A $2,500 fee will apply to applications for changes that involve modifications to Exchange records, for example, changes of name, par value, title of security or designation.Application Fee for Technical Original Listings and Reverse Stock Splits. The Exchange applies a $15,000 application fee for a Technical Original Listing if the change in the issuer’s status is technical in nature and the shareholders of the original issuer receive or retain a share-for-share interest in the new issuer without any change in their equity position or rights. For example, a change in a closed-end fund’s state of incorporation or a reincorporation or formation of a holding company that replaces a listed closed-end fund would be considered a Technical Original Listing. The $15,000 application fee also applies to a reverse stock split.Maximum Listing Fee for Stock Splits and Stock Dividends. Listing fees on shares issued in conjunction with stock splits and stock dividends are capped at $150,000 per split or issuance.Maximum Listing Fee for Issuance of Additional Shares of a Listed Class. Listing Fees on the issuance of additional shares of an already listed class of stock are capped at $500,000 per transaction. This applies, for example, when shares are issued in conjunction with a merger or consolidation where a listed company survives, when there are subsequent public offerings of a listed security, or when there are conversions of convertible securities into a listed security.Discounts on Listing Fees. In the case of transactions such as a consolidation between two or more listed issuers that results in the formation of a new issuer, or a merger or consolidation between a listed issuer and an unlisted issuer that results in the unlisted issuer surviving or the creation of a new issuer, where at the conclusion of the transaction a previously unlisted issuer immediately lists, Listing Fees for that new issuer are calculated at a rate of 25% of total Listing Fees for each class of securities being listed (to the extent that total calculated listing fee for a class of common stock would be greater than $250,000, the calculation would be 25% of the $250,000 maximum for a new listing of common stock).No discount will be applied where a listed issuer survives the merger or consolidation, or inthe case of a backdoor listing (i.e. resulting from a merger, acquisition or consolidationwhich has the effect of circumventing the standards for original listing).Listing Fees for Pre-emptive Rights. Preemptive rights representing equity securities are not subject to a separate Listing Fee. As of the date that preemptive rights are exercised, Listing Fees will accrue on the securities issued and the issuer will be billed for those Listing Fees at the beginning of the following year.Calculating Listing FeesTreasury stock, restricted stock and shares issued in conjunction with the exercise of an over-allotment option, if applicable, are included in the number of shares a closed-end fund isbilled for at the time a security is first listed.The following are examples of how Listing Fees would be calculated by a closed-end fund in the case of an original listing and a subsequent additional issuance of common stock:Example A: A closed-end fund listing 50 million common shares in the context of an initial public offering or transfer from another market would pay total Listing Fees of $40,000.Example B: The same closed-end fund subsequently applies to list an additional 5 millionshares of common stock that are immediately issued. The closed-end fund will pay totalListing Fees of $17,500 for the subsequent listing. Since the closed-end fund already has 50 million shares outstanding, the Listing Fee for the additional 5 million shares is calculated ata rate of $0.0035 per share.TECHNICAL ORIGINAL LISTING FEE5$5,000Per Application (fixed charge) (securities other thanClosed-End Funds, Derivative Securities Productsand Structured Products)$2,500Per Application (fixed charge, which may include multipleIssues of securities) (Derivative Securities Products andStructured Products)For information about the technical original listing fee Applicable to Closed-End Funds, see under “Closed-End Funds” above.SUBSEQUENT LISTING OF ADDITIONALSECURITIES6Number of Securities Issued Fee Per Share7Up to and including 75 million $0.0048Over 75 million up to and including 300 million $0.00375Over 300 million $0.0019ANNUAL FEE(PAYABLE JANUARYIN EACH CALENDAR YEAR)8mon and Preferred Stock:Aggregate TSO FeeUp to and including 10 million $30,000 10+ million up to and including 100 million $30,000 plus $0.000375 per shareabove 10 million100+ million $85,0002.Each Additional Class of Common Stock9$20,000 or $0.000375 per share,whichever is greater3.Each Additional Class of Preferred Stock When theIssuer has a Class of Common or Preferred StockAlready Listed4.Each Class of Warrant5.Debt Instruments and Purchase Rights When theIssuer has a Class of Common or Preferred StockAlready Listed$5,000 or $0.000375 per share, whichever is greater $5,000 or $0.000375 per warrant, whichever is greater$5006.Derivative Securities Products:a. Derivative Securities Products (with the exception of Managed Fund Shares and ManagedTrust Securities):Number of Shares Outstanding (each issue) Annual FeeLess than 25 million $5,00025 million up to 49,999,999 $7,50050 million up to 99,999,999 $10,000100 million up to 249,999,999 $15,000250 million up to 499,999,999 $20,000500 million and over $25,000b. Managed Fund Shares and Managed Trust Securities:Number of Shares Outstanding (each issue) Annual FeeLess than 25 million $7,50025 million up to 49,999,999 $10,00050 million up to 99,999,999 $12,500100 million up to 249,999,999 $20,000250 million up to 499,999,999 $30,000500 million and over $40,0007. Structured ProductsAnnual Fees are based on the total number of securities outstanding per listed issue.Shares Outstanding FeeUp to 6 million $10,0006+ to 7 million 12,0007+ to 8 million 14,0008+ to 9 million 16,0009+ to 10 million 18,00010+ to 15 million 20,00015+ to 25 million 25,00025+ to 50 million 42,000in excess of 50 million 55,0008. Closed-End FundsAnnual Fee Schedule for Primary Listed SecurityThe following Annual Fee Schedule is applicable to a closed-end fund’s primary class of listed security (common stock, or preferred stock if no common stock is listed) and is equal to the greater of the minimum fee or the fee calculated on a per share basis:Per Share Rate $0.00093 per shareMinimum Fee $25,000Additional Classes of Listed Equity IssuesThe Annual Fee for equity issues other than the primary class of security listed is the greater of the minimum or the fee calculated on a per share basis:Per Share Rate $0.00093 per shareMinimum Fee $5,000To the extent that a closed-end fund has more than one class of common shares listed, the class with the greatest number of shares outstanding will be deemed the primary class of common shares. The same analysis is applicable where a closed-end fund has more than one class of preferred stock listed, but no class of common shares listed. Where a closed-end fund lists a class of common shares, as well as a class of preferred stock, Annual Fees on the preferred stock will be billed at the rate applicable to an additional class of preferred stock. Limitations on Annual FeesFund families that list between 3 and 14 closed-end funds will receive a 5% discount off the calculated Annual Fee for each fund listed, and those with 15 or more listed closed-end funds will receive a discount of 15%. No fund family shall pay aggregate Annual Fees in excess of $1,000,000 in any given year.In the case of transactions involving listed issuers (such as a consolidation between two or more listed issuers that results in the formation of a new issuer, or a merger or consolidation between a listed issuer and an unlisted issuer that results in the unlisted issuer surviving or the creation of a new issuer), where at the conclusion of the transaction a previously unlisted issuer immediately lists, Annual Fees will not be charged to that new issuer for the year in which it lists to the extent that the transaction concludes after March 31. To the extent that the transaction concludes on or before March 31 in any calendar year, however, the newly listing issuer will be charged pro rata Annual Fees from the date of listing to the end of the year.In addition, to the extent that a listed issuer is involved in a consolidation between two or more listed issuers that results in the formation of a new issuer, or a merger or consolidation between a listed issuer and an unlisted issuer that results in the unlisted issuer surviving or the creation of a new issuer, or a merger between two listed issuers where one listed issuer survives, and the transaction concludes on or before March 31 in any calendar year, the non-surviving listed issuer(s) will only be subject to pro rata Annual Fees for that year through the date of the conclusion of the transaction. To the extent that the transaction concludes after March 31, the non-surviving listed issuer(s) will be subject to full Annual Fees for that year.1The maximum total fees per year encompasses all Listing and Annual Fees incurred by an issuer for all issues listed in a calendar year. The maximum total fees per year does not apply to Derivative Securities Products, Structured Products or Closed-End Funds.217 CFR 240.3b-4.3For the purposes of this Schedule, the term “Derivative Securities Products” includes securities described in NYSE Arca Equities Rules 5.2(j)(3) (Investment CompanyUnits); 8.100 (Portfolio Depositary Receipts); 8.200 (Trust Issued Receipts); 8.201(Commodity-Based Trust Shares); 8.202 (Currency Trust Shares); 8.203(Commodity Index Trust Shares); 8.204 (Commodity Futures Trust Shares); 8.300(Partnership Units); 8.500 (Trust Units); 8.600 (Managed Fund Shares), and 8.700(Managed Trust Securities).4“Structured Products” are defined as securities listed under Rule 5.2(j)(1) (Other Securities), 5.2(j)(2) (Equity Linked Notes); Rule 5.2(j)(4) (Index-LinkedExchangeable Notes); Rule 5.2(j)(6) (Equity Index-Linked Securities, Commodity-Linked Securities, Currency-Linked Securities, Fixed Income Index-LinkedSecurities, Futures-Linked Securities and Multifactor Indexed-Linked Securities);Rule 5.2(j)(7) (Trust Certificates); Rule 8.3 (Currency and Index Warrants); and Rule8.400 (Paired Trust Shares).5 A Technical Original Listing would occur as a result of a change in state ofincorporation, reincorporation under the laws of same state, reverse stock split,recapitalization, creation of a holding company or new company by operation of law or through an exchange offer, or similar events affecting the nature of a listedsecurity. This fee applies if the change in the company’s status is technical in nature and the shareholders of the original company receive or retain a share-for-shareinterest in the new company without any change in their equity position or rights.6This fee is calculated starting at the rate applicable to the number of shares already listed and outstanding (including treasury stock and restricted stock), and applies tosubsequent issuances of common stock, preferred stock and warrants. These feesalso apply to foreign private issuers, but only to the extent securities are issued andoutstanding in the United States. This fee does not apply to Derivative SecuritiesProducts. The Listing Fee Schedule for Listing of Additional Shares for Closed-End Funds is set forth in Section 7 under "Listing Fees," above.7Issuers are subject to a minimum fee of $5,000 per application. These fees will be assessed as follows, subject to any maximum on fees paid by an issuer per year: To the extent that an issuer submits a supplemental listing application for shares that are immediately issued, such as in connection with a merger or acquisition, stock split or stock dividend, Listing Fees for those shares are billed at the time the supplementallisting application is processed. However, to the extent an issuer submits asupplemental listing application for shares that are not issued at the time of listing,such as for an equity compensation plan or for convertible securities where the listed securities will be issued over time, only the applicable minimum supplemental listing application fee will be billed at the time the supplemental listing application isprocessed. Listing Fees will accrue on these securities as of the date of issuance and the accrued Listing Fees will be billed at the beginning of the following year alongwith the issuer’s Annual Fees. These fees also apply to foreign private issuers, butonly to the extent securities are issued and outstanding in the United States, subject to any maximum on fees paid by an issuer per year. In addition, issuers which transfer their listing to the NYSE Arca Marketplace from the NYSE shall be subject to these fees.8Issues are subject to Annual Fees in the year of listing, pro-rated based on days listed that calendar year. The Annual Fees for Derivative Securities Products andStructured Products are billed in January for the forthcoming year.9For purposes of Annual Fee calculation when an issuer has multiple classes of common stock listed, NYSE Arca would assess the class of common stock with thehighest TSO the Annual Fee proposed above for listed issuers, that is, a minimumAnnual Fee of $30,000 for up to and including 10 million TSO plus, if applicable, aper share charge of $0.000375 on each share over 10 million up to and including 100 million TSO, subject to the $85,000 maximum Annual Fee per issue. For eachadditional class of common stock listed, NYSE Arca would assess Annual Fees asproposed above for additional classes, that is, an Annual Fee of $20,000 or$0.000375 per share listed, whichever is greater.Commentary:.01Foreign Private Issuers. Annual Fees also apply to foreign private issuers, but only to the extent securities are issued and outstanding in the United States. NYSE Arca will calculate the Annual Fee for foreign private issuers based on a four-quarter average of the securities issued and outstanding in the United States during the preceding year. The purpose of utilizing a four-quarter average is to recognize the possibility of flow-back and flow-in of securities to and from the home country market and more reasonably reflect the number of securities in the United States over the course of the year. To the extent that an issuer that is billed by NYSE Arca as a foreign private issuer has a change in status that requires the issuer to commence filing U.S. periodic and annual reports with the SEC during the course of a year, NYSE Arca will bill that issuer Listing and Annual Fees as a domestic issuer at the beginning of the first calendar year following the issuer’s change in status. An issuer that changes its status is not subject to new Listing Fees for worldwide securities already issued and outstanding..02Stock Splits and Stock Dividends. Listing Fees on shares issued in conjunction with stock splits and stock dividends are capped at $150,000 per split or issuance, subject to the $250,000 maximum on total fees paid each year by an issuer..03Mergers and Consolidations. In the case of transactions such as a consolidation between two or more listed issuers that result in the formation of a new issuer that immediately lists upon consummation of the consolidation, or a merger between a listed issuer and an unlisted issuer that results in the unlisted issuer surviving or the creation of a new issuer (which lists within 12 months from the consummation of the transaction), Listing Fees for that newly listed issuer will be 25% of the Listing Fee for each class of securities being listed, up to 25% of the maximum applicable to the issue(s) listed. No discount will be applied, however, where a listed issuer survives the merger or consolidation, or in the case of a backdoor (or “reverse”) merger.Transfer Listings. Issuers that transfer their listings from any other national.04securities exchange will not be subject to Listing Fees upon initial listing. This Listing Feewaiver will apply to all classes of securities. Such issuers, however, will be subject to Annual Fees and Fees for Subsequent Listing of Additional Securities. This listing fee waiver will have retroactive effect with respect to any securities listed on or after June 24, 2008. Securities transferring to NYSE Arca from NYSE Alternext US after the closing of the purchase of the American Stock Exchange LLC by NYSE Euronext (the “Merger”) will not be charged any prorated Annual Fee for the remainder of the year in which the Merger takes place. The fee waiver in the preceding sentence will be of no further effect if the closing of the Merger does not take place by March 31, 2009..05 Companies Listing Upon Emergence from Bankruptcy or that are Publicly-Traded but not Listed. Companies that list upon emergence from bankruptcy, or whose primary class of common stock is registered under the Exchange Act but not listed on a national securities exchange, will not be subject to Listing Fees upon initial listing.。
