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1:Work instuctions 作业指导书 1.1 Avg score(100%) Subtotal(24) score Counts:(24)
N/A=X NO=0 VG=3
Yes=1 G=2
Are work instructions available at each process step (from Receiving/IQC through to Shipping) 是否每一道工序有适合的作业指导书? Word instruction under revision control and at current revision level 作业指导书有无版本控制并且是当前版本? The WI calls out current production part number and revision level 当前产品料号和版本号有无标明。

The WI calls out direct materials P/N,description,usage,and designator 直接物料的名称,料名,用法及制订者有无标明。

The WI calls out operation machine name ﹠ station number,machine progrom name ﹠revision,fixtures name/part number ﹠revision 有无标明使用设备的名称,站别,设备程序名称和版本,治具名 称及编号版本?
1.2 1.3 1.4
The WI calls out tools/gages with part number or name,indirect material with detailed 有无标明工具规格的名称或编号,有无标明辅助材料及他们的工 作条件?
1.7 1.8
The WI calls out work process/insruction for the station 每站别应标清其作业过程或作业指示。

The WI calls out highlights/special notes for the operation 每个作业应标清关键点和需特别留意的地方? Avg score(81%) Subtotal(17) score Count:(21)
N/A=X Yes=1 G=2 NO=0 VG=3
2:Operator 作业人员 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7
Is operator certified for operation 作业员是否经过考核? If operator is in training, verify adequate supervision 员工在培训时,是否有足够的监督管理? Ongoing program for re-certification of operators 是否有员工再认证程式? Is operation staffed per Work Instructions 每站别的员工是否依据作业指导书培训上岗? Is operation being performed per Work Intrutions 操作是否依据作业指导书而执行? Is the operator monitored for his/her performance 员工的工作表现是否被监控? Are operators logging and/or using SPC trained in the technique 作业人员有无统计技术训练? Avg score(82%) Subtotal(27) score Count:(33)
N/A=X NO=0
3:Materials 原物料

Yes=1 G=2 VG=3
Production materials for each operation specified in Work Instructions and uder AVL control 每道工序所使用的生产物料是否在作业指导书中规定,其生产厂 商在 AVL 中。

3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10
Verity production materials are revision controlled & current 确认物料是否受版本控制。

Handling & storage guidelines called out in Work Instructiono 搬运,储藏规范在作业指导书中是否标明。

Compliance with handling & storage guidelines documented 是否遵循搬运,储藏文件规定执行。

Scrap and nonconforming material is isolated from normal production 报废和不合格物料要与正常品隔离。

Material preparation operations documented and controlled 备料过程要文件化并要受控。

Controlled by an effective FIFO system 要有效的先进先出系统管控。

Verify traceability of materals 确认物料的可追溯性。

Self audit system to ensure correct material usage 有无确保正确物料被用的自我审查系统。

Materials are clearly marked/identified on line and storage area 生产线和仓库的物料要明确标示和区分。

A documented method exists to verify that Materials received fully conform to purchase order and specification requirements. 是否有文件确认和物料完全符合定单,规格。

Is there a formal procedure in place to notify customers of a material change 是否有正式的文件规定对工序更改要知会客户。

N/A=X Yes=1 G=2 NO=0 VG=3
4:Equipment-Tooling-Fixtures Avg score(83%) 设备、治工具 Subtotal(20) Count:(24) 4.1 There is an effective system in place for tracking equipment Calibration. 有无有效的系统去追踪设备的校验。

4.2 Preventive maintenance (PM) records and schedules, maintenance log. 有否保养记录,保养计划和保养流水记录。

4.3 4.4 4.5 Hour log maintained between PM’s, replacement, etc. 保养,换件等时间记录在案。

Tooling & fixtures identified by part number and revision. 工装治具有无编号,版本。

Operating procedure available at eath operation.


4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 Cycle count management/hour log for tooling. 工/夹具使用时要有寿命期限管理。

ECO/ECN tracking. ECO/ECN 的追踪。

Machine & tool capability studies performed and on fine. 有无进行设备,工装的性能分析并归档。

Repeatibility and Reproducibility studies conducted and results are available for all critical measurement equipment. 对所有关键的量测设备有进行重复性和再现性(GRR)分析。

6:Materials 原物料 6.1 Avg score(78%) Subtotal(14) score Count:(18)
N/A=X Yes=1 G=2 NO=0 VG=3
Effective SPC in place and closed loop corrective action is taken when out-of-control occurs. 有无有效的 SPC?失控时有无 CLCA? Control limits of control chart are reviewed on monthly basis. 是否每月有检讨控制图的控制线? Effective Continuous Improvement Process (CIP) in place. 品质持续改进是否有效进行? Quality acceptance/rejection criteria established for each process step. 每道工序是否有建立品质接受/拒受规范。

Effective quality inspection and measurement capability in place at. 每个检查站要具备有效的品质核对汇总和量测能力。

Evidence that operators receive quality feedback and are responsi. 要有证据表明作业员对他们的作业负责并收到品质反馈。

Self audit system in place and. 自检是否适当有效。

Avg score(67%) Subtotal(8) score Count:(12)
N/A=X Yes=1 G=2 NO=0 VG=3
6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7
7:Production Process-Flow 制造流程 7.1 7.2
Does layout prevent misrouting of product and minimize handling. 生产线布局是否以经济和减少搬运为原则。

Evaluate physical layout for proper line balance and potential bottlenecks. 有否评估生产线布局以减少瓶颈? Is flow of defective product documented. 不良品处理流程是否有文件规定? Is line stop criteria documented and enforced to prevent excessive buildup of defective product. 是否有停线标准并被有贯彻来防止不良品的。

Is Dell process flow documented. DELL 产品工艺流程是否有文件规定? Is there a formal procedure in place to notify customers of a process change?
7.3 7.4
7.5 7.6

有无程式保证当有制程变动时能通知到客户? 11:Packaging-Shipping Process Avg score(100%) 包装运输程序 Subtotal(6) Count:(6) 11.1 11.2 11.3 Procedure in place at packaging and shipping station. 包装工位有无文件规定? Proceduress are part number specific. 包装 SOP 是否按品名区分? Procedures comply with Customer (Dell) Packaging and Shipping spec. 包装是否符合 Customer(DELL)包装/出货规范? score
N/A=X Yes=1 G=2 NO=0 VG=3
TQM 体系不符合项稽查报告
日期 时间 不符合项内容描述 责任部门 /工序 负责人 签名 跟踪检查 员签名 备注

