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<0.01) .Conclusion Strengthening education management and effective evaluation on teaching quality can improve the quality of teaching for MBBS students and MBBS teaching faculty.
Kunming Y unnan 650032;2) Dept. of Clinical Education Management,The 2nd A ffiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University,Kunming Y unnan 650101,China)
[Key words] MBBS;Education management;Teaching quality evaluation
随着教育国际化和高等医学教育事业的发展, 我国留学生招收规模和生源地不断扩大。临床医 学是来华留学生最喜爱的专业,积极推进临床医 学专业来华留学生 (bachelor of medicine & bachelor of surgery,MBBS) 医学教育工作已经成为我国高
[Abstract] Objective To explore an education management system to ensure the quality of teaching for MBBS students. Methods Feedbacks of teaching quality from the students and results of clinical skills assessment were compared before and after the new teaching management mechanisms and the new evaluation system of teaching quality for MBBS students being established. Students majored in clinic medicine and enrolled in 2012 and 2013 were recruited in the study. Results The results of teaching quality evaluation were compared with those of the peer evaluation and it showed = 3.045, <0.01. The results of students' feedback showed = 17.75, <0.01. Scores of clinical skills assessment of 2013 MBBS students were higher than those of the 2012 MBBS students ( = 7.7368,
等医学教育事业中的重要部分。临床教学教育背景、学习习惯、执业医师考试内 容等都与本国学生不同,不能照搬传统的教学模 式,探索适应 MBBS 留学生临床教学管理和质量评
[收稿日期] 2019-11-12 [基金项目] 云南省教育科学省院省校合作项目 (SYSX201407);昆明医科大学教研教改重点项目 (2016-JY-Z-07,
[关键词] MBBS;教学管理;教学质量评价 [中图分类号] G640 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2095-610X (2020) 03-0150-04
Exploration and Practice of Clinical Education Management and Quality Evaluation of MBBS
教育处,云南 昆明 650101)
[摘要] 目的 探索临床医学来华留学生 (以下简称 MBBS) 临床教学管理体系,保障来华留学生教学质量。 方法 比较昆明医科大学 2012 级、2013 级临床医学专业来华留学生 MBBS 教学管理机制和教学质量评价体系建 立前后教师授课质量评价结果和学生临床技能考核成绩。结果 2013 级 MBBS 教师授课质量和专家同行评价结果 比较差异有统计学意义 ( = 3.045, <0.01),学生评价结果比较差异有统计学意义 ( = 17.75, <0.01),MBBS 学生临床技能考核成绩均优于 2013 级学生改与 2012 级 ( = 7.7368, <0.01))。结论 通过加强教学管理,开展 教学质量评价,可有效提升 MBBS 临床教学质量,同时促进 MBBS 教学师资队伍建设。
昆明医科大学学报 2020,41(3):150耀 153 Journal of Kunming Medical University
CN 53 - 1221 R
李红宾 1),梁红敏 1),彭云珠 1),程 欣 1),常 江 2) (1) 昆明医科大学第一附属医院教学管理部,云南 昆明 650032;2) 昆明医科大学第二附属医院医学
2018-JY-Z-11,2018-JY- Z-12) [作者简介] 李红宾 (1966~),女,云南剑川人,硕士,教授,主要从事高等医学教育及皮肤病学研究工作。 [通信作者] 梁红敏,E-mail:kmlianghongmin@
LI Hong-bin1),LIANG Hong-min1),PENG Yun-zhu1),CHENG Xin1),CHANG Jian2) (1) Dept. of Clinical Education Management,The 1st A ffiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University,
Kunming Y unnan 650032;2) Dept. of Clinical Education Management,The 2nd A ffiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University,Kunming Y unnan 650101,China)
[Key words] MBBS;Education management;Teaching quality evaluation
随着教育国际化和高等医学教育事业的发展, 我国留学生招收规模和生源地不断扩大。临床医 学是来华留学生最喜爱的专业,积极推进临床医 学专业来华留学生 (bachelor of medicine & bachelor of surgery,MBBS) 医学教育工作已经成为我国高
[Abstract] Objective To explore an education management system to ensure the quality of teaching for MBBS students. Methods Feedbacks of teaching quality from the students and results of clinical skills assessment were compared before and after the new teaching management mechanisms and the new evaluation system of teaching quality for MBBS students being established. Students majored in clinic medicine and enrolled in 2012 and 2013 were recruited in the study. Results The results of teaching quality evaluation were compared with those of the peer evaluation and it showed = 3.045, <0.01. The results of students' feedback showed = 17.75, <0.01. Scores of clinical skills assessment of 2013 MBBS students were higher than those of the 2012 MBBS students ( = 7.7368,
等医学教育事业中的重要部分。临床教学教育背景、学习习惯、执业医师考试内 容等都与本国学生不同,不能照搬传统的教学模 式,探索适应 MBBS 留学生临床教学管理和质量评
[收稿日期] 2019-11-12 [基金项目] 云南省教育科学省院省校合作项目 (SYSX201407);昆明医科大学教研教改重点项目 (2016-JY-Z-07,
[关键词] MBBS;教学管理;教学质量评价 [中图分类号] G640 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2095-610X (2020) 03-0150-04
Exploration and Practice of Clinical Education Management and Quality Evaluation of MBBS
教育处,云南 昆明 650101)
[摘要] 目的 探索临床医学来华留学生 (以下简称 MBBS) 临床教学管理体系,保障来华留学生教学质量。 方法 比较昆明医科大学 2012 级、2013 级临床医学专业来华留学生 MBBS 教学管理机制和教学质量评价体系建 立前后教师授课质量评价结果和学生临床技能考核成绩。结果 2013 级 MBBS 教师授课质量和专家同行评价结果 比较差异有统计学意义 ( = 3.045, <0.01),学生评价结果比较差异有统计学意义 ( = 17.75, <0.01),MBBS 学生临床技能考核成绩均优于 2013 级学生改与 2012 级 ( = 7.7368, <0.01))。结论 通过加强教学管理,开展 教学质量评价,可有效提升 MBBS 临床教学质量,同时促进 MBBS 教学师资队伍建设。
昆明医科大学学报 2020,41(3):150耀 153 Journal of Kunming Medical University
CN 53 - 1221 R
李红宾 1),梁红敏 1),彭云珠 1),程 欣 1),常 江 2) (1) 昆明医科大学第一附属医院教学管理部,云南 昆明 650032;2) 昆明医科大学第二附属医院医学
2018-JY-Z-11,2018-JY- Z-12) [作者简介] 李红宾 (1966~),女,云南剑川人,硕士,教授,主要从事高等医学教育及皮肤病学研究工作。 [通信作者] 梁红敏,E-mail:kmlianghongmin@
LI Hong-bin1),LIANG Hong-min1),PENG Yun-zhu1),CHENG Xin1),CHANG Jian2) (1) Dept. of Clinical Education Management,The 1st A ffiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University,