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1.1 什么是电化学
B. 广义 所电 与分 所 发化 电, 谓 生学 的是 电 现就 关研 化 象是 系究 学 的研 的物 即 科究 科质 是 学带 学或 化 。电 。化 学 界 学的 面 反一 上 应部
John O’M Bockris
1.1 What is Electrochemistry?
Electrochemistry is a branch of chemistry that studies chemical reaction which take place in a solution at the interface of an electron conductor (a metal or a semiconductor) and an ionic conductor (the electrolyte ), and which involve electron transfer between the electrode and the electrolyte or species in solution.
1833,M. Farady: Law of Electrolysis 1887,S.A. Arrhenius: Electrolytes 1889,W.H. Nernst: Nernst Equation 1923,P. Debye & E Huckel : Debye–Hü ckel theory 1924, Heyrovský: Polargraph 1936, A. Tiselius: Electrophoresis.
Science to study the relation between electric (electron) and chemical
reaction Science to study Electrochemical equilibrium (thermodynamic )&
electrochemical reaction rate (kinetics )
6. 7. 8.
Milestone of electrochemistry
1. 1791,L. Galvani, A. Volta: Battery
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
1807,H. Davy: Isolated Na & K metal from molten NaCl and KCl
John O’M Bockris
1.1 什么是电化学
1.1.2 电化学的发展
从宏观概念上升到微观结构与微观动力学的概念, 20世纪60后开 始出现,如量子电化学、微区电化学等。
1.2 电化学涉及的应用领域
电化学应用范围很广,远远超出化学领域。电化学的实 际应用大致可概括为:
1.1.1 电化学的定义
A. 狭义
研究带电界面上所发生现象的科学。 研究物质的化学性质或化学反应与电的关系的科学。
电、化学作用。 研究电化学平衡(热力学范畴)与电化学反应速度(动力学范畴)
1.1.4 国际电化学专业分会
(1)基础界面电化学;(2)电极与电解材料;(3)电分析 化学;(4)分子电化学;(5)电化学的能量转换;(6)腐 蚀、电沉积与表面处理;(7)工业电化学与电化学工艺;
电化学领域横跨纯自然科学(理学)和应用自然科学 (工程、技术)两大方面,而且各个领域都建立在共同的基 础理论电化学之上。
(1) Analytical Electrochemistry (2) Eletrochemical Materials Science (3)Eletrochemical Energy Conversion & Storage
(4) Bio-Electrochemistry
(5) Eletrochemical Process Engineering & technology (6) Molecular Electrochemistry (7) Physical Electrochemistry
/ 65 South Main Street, Building D Pennington, New Jersey 08534-2839, USA
CS was founded in 1902 as an international nonprofit, educational organization concerned with a broad range of phenomena relating to electrochemical and solid-state science and technology. The Electrochemical Society has more than 8,000 scientists and engineers in over 70 countries worldwide who hold individual membership, as well as roughly 100 corporations and laboratories that hold corporate membership. ECS’s objectives are: to advance the theory and practice of electrochemistry, solid-state science, and allied subjects; to encourage research and dissemination of knowledge in these fields; and to assure the availability of adequate training and education of fundamental and applied scientists and engineers in these fields. Born as the American Electrochemical Society in 1902, the Society’s name was changed to The Electrochemical Society in 1930 to more accurately reflect its international activities and membership. ECS has grown and continued to respond to the changing technical needs and interests of its members; and in 2000, adopted the official acronym of ECS, to encompass long tradition of advancing the theory and practice of both solid-state and electrochemical science and technology. ECS continues to disseminate information through individual membership, corporate membership, student services, technical journals, a quarterly news magazine, books, technical meetings, awards; and to provide networking contacts through ECS’s Divisions and Sections. Learn more about ECS history from the History Center. ECS bridges the gaps among academia, research, and engineering—bringing together scientists from around the world for the exchange of technical information. This unique blend provides an unparalleled forum for the integration of these areas of science and technology. The ECS Staff can provide support to you in learning more about ECS and its many activities.
研究载流子(电子、离子、空穴)在电化学体系(特别是在离子导 体和电子导体的相界面及其临界区域)中的传输和反应规律的科学。
1. 1 What is Electrochemistry? 1.1.1 Concept
The science to study the relations between chemical reaction energy and electrochemical energy and their relations
1.1 什么是电化学
1.1.2 电化学的发展
随着电化学的发展,电池、电解工业应运而生,反过来诞生了应用 电化学。
如电解质电化学、半导体电化学、生物电化学、材料电化学、纳米 电化学、腐蚀电化学、环境电化学等。
1. 2. 3. 4. 1791~1792年,L.伽伐尼、A.伏打用不同金属夹湿纸组成电堆,并提出起 电力和电池名称,这是化学电源的开端。 1807年,H.戴维用电解方法成功地从钠、钾、氢氧化物溶液中制备出金 属钠、钾。 1833年,M.法拉第提出法拉第电解定律,为电化学定量研究奠定了理论 基础。 1887年,S.A.阿伦尼乌斯提出电解质溶液的电离学说,揭示了电解质溶液 的本质。 19世纪下半叶,H.von亥姆霍兹和J.W.吉布斯给起电力 (今称电动势)以 严格明确的热力学定义。 1889 年,W.H.能斯特用热力学导出电池电动势与参与反应各组分浓度关 系的能斯特公式,该式为电化学重要理论之一。 1923 年,P.德拜和E.休克尔提出强电质稀溶液离子互吸理论,促进了电 化学在理论探讨和实验方法的发展。 1920年前后,F.哈伯研究了电解的过电位问题,为实用电化学和电极极化 提出了重要信息。
1.1.3 电化学的研究领域
电化学热力学是一门重要的边缘学科,它与固体物理学、 生物学、医学、电子学以及化学领域的其它学科有着密切的
如电分析化学、有机电化学、电催化、熔盐电化学、固体电解质电 化学、量子电化学、半导体电化学、腐蚀电化学、生物电化学、电化学
第一章 绪论
1.1 什么是电化学
1.2 电化学涉及的领域
1.3 本课程的学习要求
1.1 什么是电化学
The science to study the phenomenon occur at electron phase
Science to study the relation between electric (electron) and materialcs chemical properties and reactions