



供应链练习题单选题1. 【录入供应商信息】中设置核准状况,下列选项中不属于核准状况选项的是?A. 不准交易B. 尚待核准C. 已核准D. 暂停交易2. 以下哪项不是【录入供应商信息】的交易对象分类?A. 地区B. 国家C. 供应商分类D. 路线页脚内容13. 允许供应商分批交货在哪设置A. 设置共用参数B. 录入供应商信息C. 设置采购单据性质D. 录入采购单4. 【录入供应商信息】中的“交货评级”、“质量评级”是由什么单据更新的?A. 供应商ABC分析表B. 供应商评级C. 供应商供货统计表D. 更新供应商月统计信息5. 【录入供应商信息】中的“ABC等级”由什么单据更新?A. 供应商ABC分析表页脚内容2B. 供应商评级C. 客户ABC分析表D. 更新供应商月统计信息6. 【录入供应商信息】中有采购人员的设置,采购人员的职务分类需要设置为?A. 业务B. 物管C. 仓管D. 采购7. 需要新增采购单别,应到下列哪支作业中去新增?A. 录入采购单B. 录入供应商信息C. 设置库存交易单据性质页脚内容3D. 设置采购单据性质8. 如果采购单单据的编码方式为流水号,则流水号最多可达几位数A. 8B. 9C. 11D. 129. 在采购管理子系统里,做进价管控有何意义?A. 避免采购人员以高价格购买材料,控制材料成本在一定范围B. 避免采购人员购买的材料数量大于实际需求C. 防止市场材料价格上涨D. 以上皆是页脚内容410. 【录入供应商料件价格】里的数量以上指的是?A. >B. >=11. 【采购管理子系统】中,下面选项中业务流程正确的是?A. 请购单—维护请购信息—采购单—进货单B. 采购单—进货单—维护请购信息—请购单C. 请购单—进货单—采购单--维护请购信息D. 采购单-请购单-进货单-退货单12. 如果请购单的来源是“订单转请购”,则该张请购单是通过以下哪张单据生成?A. 从BOM自动生成请购单B. 从订单自动转成采购单C. 从订单自动转成请购单页脚内容5D. 库存再补货建议表13. 想实现请购分购,应在哪支作业实现?A. 请购单B. 采购单C. 维护请购信息D. 进货单14. 以下关于采购单的说明,正确的是?A. 手动录入采购单的时候,在单身的请购单单号、单别字段可开窗选择前置单据请购单B. 可通过采购单实现向一家供应商购买多个商品C. 在一张采购单里可实现向多家供应商购买多个产品D. 可以从BOM自动生成采购单页脚内容615. 以下哪张报表可通过采购单查看采购单对应的进货单或退货单的明细信息?A. 供应商预计进货表B. 供应商采购交货状况表C. 料件历史进货记录表D. 料件历史进货记录汇总表16. 进货单里哪个数量是影响库存数量增加的?A. 进货数量B. 验收数量C. 计价数量D. 破坏数量17. 进货单里的“验退码”何时被勾选?A. 退货单审核后页脚内容7B. 退回验退件审核后C. 销退单审核后D. 进货单验收后18. 以下关于退货单的说明中,错误的是?A. 退货单的类型有退货和折让B. 退货会使库存减少、应付账款减少C. 折让不影响库存和应付账款D. 折让不影响库存,应付账款减少19. 采购管理子系统中下列那个单据的审核可能会影响库存量?A. 采购单B. 请购单C. 核价单D. 退货单页脚内容820. 关于采购价格的管理,以下说明中,错误的是?A. “供应商核价”可手动在【录入供应商料件价格】中直接输入,也可由单据性质是更新核价的单据审核回写B. “供应商核价”可手动在【录入供应商料件价格】中直接输入,不可由单据性质是更新核价的单据审核回写C. “最近进价”由进货单回写到【录入品号信息】中最近进价字段D. “标准进价”在【录入品号信息】中标准进价字段上手工输入21. 采购单价的取价顺序在哪里设置?A. 在【基本信息子系统】的【设置共用参数】的【设置进销存参数】页签下B. 在【录入供应商料件价格】里C. 在【录入供应商信息】里D. 在【录入品号信息】里页脚内容922. 在采购管理子系统里如何对进价进行管控?A. 在【设置采购单据性质】勾选对单据性质勾选“进价控制”B. 在【录入品号信息】里勾选“进价控制”C. 要同时在【设置采购单据性质】和【录入品号信息】里勾选“进价控制”D. 在【设置共用参数】里设置“进价控制”23. 若采购单价为1000,单价上线率为10%,则最高采购单价为多少?若采购数量为200,超收率为10%,则最大可进货量为多少?A. 1000;220B. 900;200C. 1100;220D. 1010;21024. 一般企业销售循环流程为?页脚内容10A. 报价单->客户订单->订单变更单->销货单->销退单B. 客户订单->订单变更单->销货单->出货通知单C. 报价单->客户订单->订单变更单->销退单->销货单D. 客户订单->报价单->订单变更单->销货单->销退单25. 在【销售管理子系统】中,什么时候会用到“总公司付款”的功能?A. 对于任何客户都需使用“总公司付款”的功能B. 主要针对一些有分公司的客户,他们采用分公司进货,总公司付款的机制C. 对于一些多次进货然后总的来付款的客户D. 以上皆是26. 【录入客户信息】中的交易对象分类方式在何处设置好才可在该作业中开窗选择?A. 设置共用参数B. 录入交易对象分类方式页脚内容11C. 设置基本参数D. 录入品号信息27. 【录入客户信息】中的“销售评级”由什么单据更新?A. 销售分析报表B.客户ABC分析表C. 业务员ABC分析表D. 产品ABC分析表28. 茂盛公司的信用控制方式为按公司参数控制,那该家客户的信用超额处理方式、检查比率在哪设置?A. 录入客户信息B. 设置信用控制参数C. 信用额度检查表D. 录入公司信息页脚内容1229. 客户信用检查范围中的“未开票销货金额”指的是以下哪项?A. 已开立订单未开立销货单的金额B. 已开立销货单未开销售发票的金额C. 已开立销售发票未开立收款的金额D. 已开立支票但未兑现的金额30. 通过何支作业可查看客户的信用额度情况?A. 信用额度检查表B. 录入客户信息C. 销售分析报表D. 客户销货明细表31. 如果在订单的条款里,有要求客户茂盛公司第一次下订单时,必须先支付一定比率的订金,那么这个字段在下订单之前可在何支作业中设置?页脚内容13A. 设置共用参数B. 录入公司信息C. 录入客户信息D. 录入报价单32. 客户的定价顺序在何处设置?A. 设置共用参数B. 录入客户信息C. 设置订单单据性质D. 录入公司信息33. 【录入客户信息】中的“最近交易“由什么单据更新回写?A. 由最近的一笔销退单B. 由最近的一笔销货单C. 由最近的一笔订单页脚内容14D. 由最近的一笔出货通知单34. 假设说成功集团对某家客户的信用控制是按照成功集团的参数来管控的,那该客户的信用额度控制方式为?A. 按客户信息控制B. 按公司参数控制C. 信用额度不控制D. 信用额度必须控制35. 在【销售管理子系统】中,“更新核价”功能有何意义?A. 设定单据是否可以更新“录入客户商品价格”B. 设定单据是否可以更新“录入报价单”中的商品价格C. 设定单据是否可以更新“录入客户订单”中的商品价格D. 以上皆否页脚内容1536. 【录入客户订单】中付款条件默认来自哪里?A. 录入付款条件B. 录入客户信息C. 设置公用参数D. 订单单据性质37. 以下哪个单据在设置单别的时候需要设置报废单的单别?A. 订单B. 出货通知单C. 销货单D. 销退单38. 接到客户茂盛公司的订单,需购买数码相机-SX系列1000PCS,在录入销货单时,管控输入的销货数量是否可以超过订单的数量,且按照超交率做销货数量上限的管控,应在何处设置?页脚内容16A. 录入客户信息B. 设置订单单据性质-订单C. 设置订单单据性质-销货单D. 录入品号信息-业务39. 以下关于【录入客户商品价格】的说明,错误的是?A. 【录入客户商品价格】中的“上次销货日”由客户最近一次购买品号的日期,由销货单审核后回写B. 【录入客户商品价格】作业中的“生效日”不允许空白C. 【录入客户商品价格】中的品名、规格、计价单位不可以修改规格可改D. 【录入客户商品价格】作业中的“失效日”可以空白,空白表示输入的这个单价永远有效40. 什么情况下,销货单在复制前置单据的时候来源选项为报价单、出货通知单、借出单?页脚内容17A. 订单没有审核B. 订单没有保存C. 订单已自动结束D. 启用了出货通知单41. 【录入出货通知单】上的“实际出货数量”是由什么单据审核更新的?A. 订单B. 报价单C. 销货单D. 销退单42. 哪些单据可以设置超限放行?A. 报价单B. 出货通知单C. 销退单页脚内容18D. 订单变更单43. 以下关于销售模块订单结束码的说明,错误的是?A. “N:未结束“表示该张订单没有全数交货,可能只交了一部分B. “N:未结束“表示该张订单尚未开始交货,一个都没有交C. “Y:自动结束“表示已全数交货D. “y:指定结束“表示人为通过“订单变更单”或“结束订单”对该订单进行指定结束。

AA.供应链 B.合作伙伴 C.联盟组织 D.供应链管理2. 供应链管理的英文简写为:()。
CA. SSTB. SCC. SCMD. CIMS3. 供应链管理目的:()。
AA. 既提高服务水平又降低物流总成本B. 在于提高服务水平C. 在于降低物流总成本D. 以上答案都不是4. 供应链特征中不包含的因素有( C )。
A.动态性B.面向用户需求C.静态性D.交叉性5. 供应链不仅是一条连接供应商到用户的物料链、信息链、资金链,而且是一条( )。
DA.加工链B.运输链C.分销链D.增值链6. 商流是货物所有权的转移过程,是在供货商与消费者之间进行的( )流动。
AA.双向B.价值C.单向D.信息7. 供应链是一个网链结构,由围绕( )的供应商、供应商的供应商和用户、用户的用户组成。
DA.主要B.最终用户C.一级D.核心企业8. 以最低的成本将原材料转化成零部件和成品,并尽量控制供应链中的库存和运输成本,这种供应链属()。
CA. 平衡的供应链B. 反应型供应链C. 有效型供应链D. 稳定的供应链9. 选择恰当的供应链战略对企业发展非常重要,在客户市场需求稳定,且生产的产品相对成熟的情况下,哪种供应链更能发挥竞争优势:()。
DA. 响应型供应链B. 拉动式供应链C. 动态的供应链D. 效率型供应链10. 基于相对稳定、单一的市场需求而形成的供应链,我们称为()。
AA. 稳定的供应链B. 动态的供应链C. 平衡的供应链D. 倾斜的供应链11. 在市场变化加剧情况下,若供应链成本增加,库存增加、浪费增加时,企业不能在最优状态下运作,此时的供应链是:()。
DA. 稳定供应链B. 反应供应链C. 平衡供应链D. 倾斜供应链12. 当企业订购的产品数量大、竞争激烈时,合作伙伴选择最适宜的方法是()。

第一章课后习题答案一、判断题SCP:分别指市场结构(Structure ),市场行为(Conduct),市场绩效(Performance)。
哈佛学派认为. 市场结构(Structure ),市场行为(Conduct),市场绩效(Performance)之间存在着必然的联系.並建立了SCP分析框架來分析行业与企业的发展情況P5三、简答题1答:分析汽车供应链结构简图:(1)汽车行业全球供应链的形成与发展在激烈的市场竞争中,汽车制造业是一个复杂程度和集成度非常高的行业,汽车制造业需要懂得合作与共享,并且在不同的环节有着不同的侧重点,满足不同客户需求,不断完善汽车产业全球价值链的分工体系,才能在激烈的市场中成为佼佼者。

供应链管理习题集目录第一章 (2)单选 (2)判断题 (3)第二章 (4)单选题 (4)判断题 (5)第三章 (7)单选题 (7)判断题 (8)第四章 (9)单选题 (9)判断题 (10)第五章 (12)单选题 (12)判断题 (13)第六章 (14)单选题 (14)判断题 (15)第一章单选1.随着企业之间的竞争不断加剧,物流管理已成为()A.第一利润源泉B. 第二利润源泉C. 第三利润源泉D.以上都不对2.()是指,将物流概念侧重于同商品销售有关的一些物流活动,流通领域中只包含商品实体从供方到需方的转移。
A.广义物流B.狭义物流C.综合物流D. 以上都不对3.在社会生活中,企业作为经济实体为社会提供产品或服务,在生产产品或提供服务过程中形成的物品实物运动,即()A.狭义物流B.广义物流C.企业物流D.社会物流4.()是企业为实现产品销售,组织产品送达到用户或市场的外部物流A.供应物流B.生产物流C.销售物流D.回收物流5.商流通过交易关系解决生产与消费的()A.社会间隔问题B.场所间隔问题C.时间间隔问题D.交易间隔问题6.()是物流系统和物流活动中最活跃的因素A.物B.人C.信息D.资金7.企业将原有的非核心业务外包出去,自己集中资源发展核心能力,通过共同的市场利益和业务与相关企业结成战略联盟,这就是所谓的()运作模式A纵向一体化B横向一体化C横向合作联盟D以上都不对8. 供应链不仅是一条联结供应商到用户的物料链、信息链、资金链,而且是一条()A加工链B运输链C分销链D增值链9.一条供应链上必定存在一个(),通过供应链的有效运作使物流、信息流、价值流达到最优化。

A)营销管理B)过程管理C)客户状态管理D)客户成本管理答案:B解析:4.[单选题]某省跨海大桥项目,在招标文件中明确规定提交投标文件截止时间为2019年3月8日上午8点30分,开标地点为建设单位十一楼大会议室,有甲乙丙丁戊五家单位参与投标,根据《中华人民共和国招标投标法》规定,下列说法正确的是( ) 。
A)开标时间是2019年3月8日上午8点30分之后的某一时间B)可以临时改变开标地点C)开标由该建设单位主持D)开标时仅要邀请丙单位参加答案:C解析:5.[单选题]为保证供应商有序备料及生产,除( )外,原则上经各方确认或审定的供应计划不予调整,确需调整要严格履行审批程序。
A)环网柜B)柱上开关C)开关站D)用户内部答案:D解析:7.[单选题]各级物资部门组织开展年度需求计划预测数据滚动更新,提高年度需求计划及( )实际开展情况的关联性和契合度。
A)项目B)工程进度C)里程碑D)工作进度答案:A解析:《国家电网有限公司物资计划管理办法》第5章第38条8.[单选题]不论及时制、VIM还是联合控制库存,这一切都需要有功能强大的( )来支持:这也是现代供应链最根本的特征之一,是整个供应链管理业务的神经系统。

供应链管理习题供应链管理习题一、选择题1、下列选项中,对于供应链描述正确的是哪一项? A. 供应链是连接供应商、制造商、仓库和配送中心的网状结构 B. 供应链是连接供应商、制造商、销售商和最终用户的网状结构 C. 供应链是连接供应商、销售商、银行和最终用户的网状结构 D. 供应链是连接供应商、制造商、银行和最终用户的网状结构答案:A2、下列选项中,不属于供应链管理中的主要功能的是哪一项? A. 物流管理 B. 库存管理 C. 订单管理 D. 会计核算答案:D3、下列选项中,对于供应链管理中库存管理的主要策略哪一项描述错误? A. 库存分类管理是一种常见的库存管理策略 B. 安全库存是一种常见的库存管理策略 C. 零库存是一种库存管理策略 D. 综合库存管理是一种库存管理策略答案:D4、下列选项中,对于供应链管理中物流管理的主要功能哪一项描述错误? A. 订单处理 B. 货物运输 C. 库存管理 D. 产品设计答案:D5、下列选项中,对于供应链管理中订单管理的主要功能哪一项描述错误? A. 订单接收 B. 订单处理 C. 订单跟踪 D. 产品销售答案:D二、简答题6、什么是供应链管理?其主要目标是什么?答案:供应链管理是指通过协调和管理与供应链相关的各个环节,实现整个供应链的高效运作和整体利益最大化。


AA.供应链 B.合作伙伴 C.联盟组织 D.供应链管理7. 集成化的供应链管理模式强调的是以满足客户需求为核心的集成思想。
ABCA.作业回路B.策略回路C.性能评价回路D.绩效评价回路8. 供应链管理的基本思想包括:()。
ABCEA.系统的思想B.协调的思想C.合作的思想D.非核心竞争力的思想E.顾客服务的思想9. 一套完整的供应链战略应该包括()等基本内容。
ABCD1. 供应链不协调的原因包括:()。
ABDA.供应链成员之间目标上的不一致B.供应链与外部环境之间的信息不对称C.供应链成员决策方法的不一致D.供应链内部成员之间的信息不对称2. 导致供应链中出现需求放大现象的原因主要有:()。
ABCDEA.需求预测修正B. 产品定价销售策略C.批量订购三、判断题1. 供应链是一种复杂的网联结构。
×1. 当供应链的各节点企业只根据来自其相邻的下级企业的需求信息进行生产或供应决策时,需求信息的不真实性会沿着供应链逆流而上,使订货量产生了逐级放大。
√2. 造成长鞭效应的系统原因可以在不改变供应链结构的前提下解决。
×16. 供应链下游企业在制定生产计划时应该尽量帮助供应企业达到最优产量。


7.以下关于供应链的叙述中,不正确的是( )。

专科物流专业《供应链管理》练习题姓名学号班级练习题一1. 供应链运行绩效的评估()A.涉及到的是供应链上的部分企业 B.涉及到了供应链上所有的企业;C.只涉及到核心企业 D.只与上下游企业之间有关系。
2.下列不属于供应链环境管理下的库存问题的是( )A、侧重于优化单一的库存成本B、供应链的战略与规划问题C、供应链的运作问题D、信息类问题3。
计划期 B。
成熟期 D.衰退期4。
A. 宏观物流 B。
社会物流C. 微观物流D.企业物流6。
更好的为顾客服务 B。
降低了费用C. 生产计划准确D.增加了收入7、下列不是供应链特性的是()A.供应链是交错链状的网络结构。
8、属于多级库存优化与控制的方法有( )A。
减少成本 B。
A.最强的一环 B。
所有环节 D。
建立战略合作关系的第一步必须明确战略关系对于企业的必要性,企业必须评估潜在的( )A、利益与风险B、成本与风险C、资金与风险D、投资与风险11。
下列不属于供应链环境管理下的库存问题的是()A、侧重于优化单一的库存成本B、供应链的战略与规划问题C、供应链的运作问题D、信息类问题12.供应链管理中提到的客户主要是指( )A、只是指最终的消费者B、与企业内部的部门无关C、可以指代供应链上的每个相关企业和部门D、只指代渠道分销员13.对于供应链下库存管理的方法,以下说法正确的是()A、联合库存管理比供应商管理库存的方式更优越B、制造商管理库存体现了战略供应商联盟的新型合作企业合作关系C、联合库存管理体现了战略供应商联盟的新型企业合作关系D、自动库存补充方法体现了战略供应商联盟的新型企业合作关系14。
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Supply Chain Management, 5e (Chopra/Meindl)Chapter 18 Sustainability and the Supply Chain18.1 True/False Questions1) A focus on sustainability allows a supply chain to better serve more conscious customers while often improving supply chain performance.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1Topic: 18.1 The Role of sustainability in a Supply ChainAACSB: Ethical Understanding & Reasoning AbilitiesLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design2) A focus on sustainability allows a supply chain to better serve more conscious customers while often reducing supply chain performance.Answer: FALSEDiff: 2Topic: 18.1 The Role of sustainability in a Supply ChainAACSB: Ethical Understanding & Reasoning AbilitiesLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design3) Walmart started its focus on sustainability as a defensive move given the beating it was taking from environmental activists.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2Topic: 18.1 The Role of sustainability in a Supply ChainAACSB: Ethical Understanding & Reasoning AbilitiesLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design4) Customers have usually backed up words about the importance of sustainability with a willingness to pay more for sustainable products.Answer: FALSEDiff: 2Topic: 18.1 The Role of sustainability in a Supply ChainAACSB: Ethical Understanding & Reasoning AbilitiesLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design5) Hardin (1968) described the t ragedy of the commons as a dilemma arising when the common good does not align perfectly with the good of individual entities.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1Topic: 18.2 The Tragedy of the CommonsAACSB: Ethical Understanding & Reasoning AbilitiesLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design6) Hardin (1968) described the t ragedy of the commons as a dilemma arising when the common good aligns perfectly with the good of individual entities.Answer: FALSEDiff: 2Topic: 18.2 The Tragedy of the CommonsAACSB: Ethical Understanding & Reasoning AbilitiesLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design7) The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a United Nations body that has been assessing global warming since 1990, has written that even though most of the buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has come from the United States and Western Europe, it is poorer countries that are closer to the equator that are likely to pay the biggest price.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1Topic: 18.2 The Tragedy of the CommonsLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design8) In reality, there are no actions in a supply chain that improve both sustainability and supply chain surplus.Answer: FALSEDiff: 1Topic: 18.3 Key Metrics for SustainabilityAACSB: Analytic SkillsLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design9) For most firms, the extent of direct emissions is typically only a small fraction of the extent of indirect emissions in the supply chain.Answer: TRUEDiff: 3Topic: 18.3 Key Metrics for SustainabilityLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design10) Facilities often offer the best opportunity to simultaneously improve the environmental and financial performance through innovation.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1Topic: 18.4 Sustainability and Supply Chain DriversLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design18.2 Multiple Choice Questions1) The factors driving an increased focus on sustainability can be divided into three distinct categories. Which of the following is not one of these categories?A) Increasing revenue for sustainability initiativesB) Making the world more sustainableC) Attracting customers who value sustainabilityD) Reducing risk and improving the financial performance of the supply chainAnswer: ADiff: 1Topic: 18.1 The Role of sustainability in a Supply ChainLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design2) Most concrete action has been observed primarily when a focus on sustainabilityA) increases revenue for sustainability initiatives.B) makes the world more sustainable.C) attracts customers who value sustainability.D) reduces risk and improving the financial performance of the supply chain.Answer: DDiff: 2Topic: 18.1 The Role of sustainability in a Supply ChainLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design3) Much less success for sustainability initiatives has been driven byA) increased revenue for sustainability initiatives.B) customer demand.C) attracted customers who value sustainability.D) reduced risk and improving the financial performance of the supply chain.Answer: BDiff: 1Topic: 18.1 The Role of sustainability in a Supply ChainLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design4) Almost 40 percent of ________ could be achieved at negative marginal costs, meaning that investing in these options would generate positive economic returns over their lifecycle.A) greenhouse gas abatementB) fuel consumption initiativesC) increased customer baseD) improved company reputationAnswer: ADiff: 1Topic: 18.1 The Role of sustainability in a Supply ChainLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design5) Unilever, the Dutch-British consumer goods giant has invested significant effort to help emerging economies such as Brazil and India wrestle with poverty, water scarcity and climate change. The company sees ________ of its sales and the majority of its growth coming from emerging economies.A) almost 25%B) almost 50%C) almost 60%D) almost 75%Answer: BDiff: 3Topic: 18.1 The Role of sustainability in a Supply ChainAACSB: Dynamics of the Global EconomyLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design6) Walmart reduced its energy consumption byA) adding skylights for natural light.B) reducing packaging.C) milk jug redesign.D) better transportation routing of trucks.Answer: ADiff: 3Topic: 18.1 The Role of sustainability in a Supply ChainLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design7) There are major barriers to an increased focus on sustainability listed in the textbook. Which of the following is not one of these?A) Customers' unwillingness to pay a premium for green productsB) Insufficient return on investmentC) Difficulty of implementing sustainable programsD) Difficulty evaluating sustainability across a product life cycleAnswer: CDiff: 3Topic: 18.1 The Role of sustainability in a Supply ChainLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design8) In the short to medium term, an improved focus on sustainability provides benefits thatA) are shared but costs that may be local to a firm.B) are local to firms but a cost that is global.C) are shared and costs that are global.D) are local and costs that are global.Answer: ADiff: 3Topic: 18.1 The Role of sustainability in a Supply ChainAACSB: Reflective Thinking SkillsLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design9) ________ is a mechanism that constrains the aggregate emissions by creating a limited number of tradeable emission allowances, which emission sources must secure and surrender in proportion to their emissions.A) Command-and-controlB) Cap-and-tradeC) Cap-and-controlD) Emissions taxAnswer: BDiff: 2Topic: 18.2 The Tragedy of the CommonsLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design10) Metrics that would typically be in corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports wouldcontainA) revenue.B) social.C) environmental.D) Both B and CAnswer: DDiff: 2Topic: 18.3 Key Metrics for SustainabilityLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design11) From an environmental perspective, there are four important categories that all firms should measure and report. Which of the following is n ot one of these?A) Water consumptionB) CO2 emissionsC) Energy consumptionD) Waste generationAnswer: BDiff: 2Topic: 18.3 Key Metrics for SustainabilityAACSB: Reflective Thinking SkillsLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design12) In the context of greenhouse gas emission, the GHG protocol initiative defines three levels of scope. The following scope is referred to as direct emissions.A) This scope refers to emissions from GHG sources that are owned or controlled by the reporting entity.B) This scope refers to indirect emissions from grid-sourced electricity and other utility services of heat, steam and cooling.C) This scope refers to the inclusion of other indirect emissions coming from sources such as the production of purchased materials, outsourced activities, contractor owned vehicles, waste disposal, and employee business travel.D) This scope refers to the corporate responsibility for direct discharging of emissions into public water systems.Answer: ADiff: 3Topic: 18.3 Key Metrics for SustainabilityAACSB: Reflective Thinking SkillsLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design13) A(n) ________ measure of performance is more effective at capturing sustainability improvement.A) scopeB) relativeC) absoluteD) statisticalAnswer: BDiff: 2Topic: 18.3 Key Metrics for SustainabilityLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design14) In the context of greenhouse gas emission, the GHG protocol initiative defines levels of scope. This level refers to emissions from GHG sources that are owned or controlled by the reporting entity.A) Scope 1B) Scope 2C) Scope 3D) Scope 4Answer: ADiff: 3Topic: 18.3 Key Metrics for SustainabilityLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design15) In the context of greenhouse gas emission, the GHG protocol initiative defines levels of scope. This level refers to the inclusion of other indirect emissions coming from sources such as the production of purchased materials, outsourced activities, contractor owned vehicles, waste disposal, and employee business travel.A) Scope 1B) Scope 2C) Scope 3D) Scope 4Answer: CDiff: 3Topic: 18.3 Key Metrics for SustainabilityLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design16) In the context of greenhouse gas emission, the GHG protocol initiative defines levels of scope. This level refers to indirect emissions from grid-sourced electricity and other utility services of heat, steam and cooling.A) Scope 1B) Scope 2C) Scope 3D) Scope 4Answer: BDiff: 3Topic: 18.3 Key Metrics for SustainabilityLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design17) In the context of greenhouse gas emission, direct emissions areA) controlled by the reporting entity.B) created through waste disposal.C) come from utility based services.D) come from employee based travel.Answer: ADiff: 3Topic: 18.3 Key Metrics for SustainabilityLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design18) In the context of greenhouse gas emission, indirect emissions would NOT includeA) purchased materials.B) outsourced activities.C) contractor owned vehicles.D) all of the aboveAnswer: DDiff: 1Topic: 18.3 Key Metrics for SustainabilityAACSB: Reflective Thinking SkillsLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design19) In the textbook, a detailed analysis by Abbott indicated that their indirect emissions were about ________ times their direct emissions.A) 1 to 5B) 6 to 14C) 15 to 19D) 20 to 22Answer: BDiff: 2Topic: 18.3 Key Metrics for SustainabilityLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design20) The disadvantage of using a(n) ________ measure is that a drop in supply chain sales and production (for example in a downturn) will show an improved absolute measure of energy consumption even though the company may not have changed anything.A) scopeB) relativeC) absoluteD) statisticalAnswer: CDiff: 3Topic: 18.3 Key Metrics for SustainabilityLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design21) A(n) ________ measure of performance is more effective at capturing improvement.A) scopeB) relativeC) absoluteD) statisticalAnswer: BDiff: 3Topic: 18.3 Key Metrics for SustainabilityLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design22) ________ tend to be significant consumers of energy and water and emitters of waste and greenhouse gases and thus offer significant opportunities for profitable improvement.A) EmployeesB) Production processesC) FacilitiesD) VehiclesAnswer: CDiff: 2Topic: 18.4 Sustainability and Supply Chain DriversLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design23) According to its 2011 CSR report, ________ has designed and opened a viable store prototype that is up to 25 to 30 percent more energy efficient and produces up to 30 percent fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to the 2005 baseline.A) StarbucksB) TJ MaxxC) WalmartD) KmartAnswer: CDiff: 2Topic: 18.4 Sustainability and Supply Chain DriversLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design24) Walmart has worked to convert ________ at its stores from a cost to a profit generator.A) energy usageB) waste generationC) water consumptionD) reduced packagingAnswer: BDiff: 2Topic: 18.4 Sustainability and Supply Chain DriversLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design25) Walmart reported that in California, over ________ percent of waste has been diverted from landfills and made into something else that produces revenue.A) 25B) 40C) 60D) 80Answer: DDiff: 2Topic: 18.4 Sustainability and Supply Chain DriversLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design26) ________ has worked hard to reuse heat energy from boilers in its production process and reduce its total water footprint.A) WalmartB) Coca-ColaC) IBMD) StarbucksAnswer: BDiff: 2Topic: 18.4 Sustainability and Supply Chain DriversLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design27) ________ who worked with their equipment supplier, Siemens VAI, to create a new production process that cut costs and emissions by using local iron ore that was of lower quality but cheaper.A) WalmartB) Coca-ColaC) PoscoD) StarbucksAnswer: CDiff: 2Topic: 18.4 Sustainability and Supply Chain DriversLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design28) What type of inventory is one of the most damaging from a sustainability perspective?A) Raw materialsB) Work in processC) Finished goodsD) LandfillAnswer: DDiff: 1Topic: 18.4 Sustainability and Supply Chain DriversAACSB: Reflective Thinking SkillsLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design29) The sustainability damage from landfill additives comes in which form?A) Potential energy lostB) Materials lostC) Terrible smellD) Both A and BAnswer: DDiff: 1Topic: 18.4 Sustainability and Supply Chain DriversLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design30) ________ can be used to assess the environmental impacts associated with a product's life from cradle to grave.A) CRMB) SRMC) LCAD) MRPAnswer: ADiff: 3Topic: 18.4 Sustainability and Supply Chain DriversLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design31) ________ reduced the amount of harmful phosphates in laundry and dish detergents in the Americas region by 14.5 percent in 2011 with a goal of reaching a reduction of 70 percent.A) WalmartB) BASFC) 3MD) Proctor & GambleAnswer: ADiff: 3Topic: 18.4 Sustainability and Supply Chain DriversLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design32) ________ has always worked hard to design products that can be shipped flat to achieve high volume and weight density during transportation. As a result, the company not only lowers its transportation costs, it also reduces emissions and energy use.A) WalmartB) IKEAC) 3MD) Proctor & GambleAnswer: BDiff: 3Topic: 18.4 Sustainability and Supply Chain DriversLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design33) The presence of lead paint in some of its most popular toys forced ________ to recall hundreds of thousands of toys sold between April and July of 2007.A) WalmartB) HasbroC) MattelD) RemcoAnswer: CDiff: 2Topic: 18.4 Sustainability and Supply Chain DriversLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design34) ________ continues to be one of the biggest challenges to improved supply chain sustainability.A) Good informationB) Waste generationC) Water consumptionD) Reducing packagingAnswer: ADiff: 2Topic: 18.4 Sustainability and Supply Chain DriversAACSB: Reflective Thinking SkillsLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design35) Walmart implemented a web-based scorecard that evaluated the packaging of each product along nine metrics which includedA) cube utilization.B) distance traveled.C) recycled content.D) Both A and CAnswer: DDiff: 2Topic: 18.4 Sustainability and Supply Chain DriversLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design36) This company has not hit its targets for the use of renewable energy because these sources have higher costs compared to other sources of energy. In general, the public has not been willing to pay for the added costs.A) WalmartB) IKEAC) IBMD) 3MAnswer: ADiff: 1Topic: 18.4 Sustainability and Supply Chain DriversLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design37) Guide and Van Wassenhove (2009) describe three scenarios where a supply chain may handle returns. Which is n ot one of these?A) Product needs repairingB) Product can be recycledC) Product needs efficient transportation to landfillD) Product can be remanufacturedAnswer: CDiff: 1Topic: 18.5 Closed Loop Supply ChainsAACSB: Reflective Thinking SkillsLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design38) These two companies have also set aggressive targets for their suppliers to improve overall supply chain sustainability.A) Walmart and IKEAB) IBM and 3MC) Mattel and HasbroD) Apple and StarbucksAnswer: ADiff: 1Topic: 18.4 Sustainability and Supply Chain DriversLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design39) McDonough and Braungart (2002) discuss the importance of ________ design if we are to truly limit the landfill inventory generated by a supply chain.A) cradle to graveB) cradle to cradleC) manageable sustainabilityD) recyclable contentAnswer: BDiff: 2Topic: 18.4 Sustainability and Supply Chain DriversLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design40) The goal of every supply chain should be to track itsA) landfill inventory.B) transportation utilization.C) water consumption.D) packaging materials.Answer: ADiff: 2Topic: 18.4 Sustainability and Supply Chain DriversAACSB: Reflective Thinking SkillsLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design18.3 Essay Questions1) Discuss the role of sustainability supply chains.Answer: This is a general question and many answers would suffice in answering it. Answers should be similar to the following comments.Each supply chain is only a small part of the world it resides in. Ultimately the health andsurvival of every individual depends on the health of the world around us. It is thus important to expand the goal of a supply chain beyond the interests of its participants (which the supply chain surplus represents) to others that may be affected by supply chain decisions. It is in this context that the 21st century has seen a growing focus on sustainability. The focus on sustainability has increased as large countries like Brazil, China and India have grown. On the one hand, the growth of emerging markets is improving global living standards in a way that perhaps has not happened before in human history. On the other hand, this growth puts pressure on resources and the environment in a way that has also never happened before. It has become increasingly clear that if supply chains do not become much more sustainable than they have been in the past, the world's resources and environment cannot sustain this level of growth.Diff: 2Topic: 18.1 The Role of sustainability in a Supply ChainAACSB: Reflective Thinking SkillsLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design2) Discuss the factors driving an increased focus on sustainability.Answer: First, they can be divided into three distinct categories:1. Reducing risk and improving the financial performance of the supply chain2. Attracting customers who value sustainability3. Making the world more sustainableMost action has been observed primarily when a focus on sustainability reduces risk for the supply chain and improves financial performance. Much less success has been driven by customer demand or the desire to make the world more sustainable. It is interesting to note that there is significant opportunity even if supply chains only focus on the areas that reduce risk and improve financial performance. Customers to this point have not been willing to pay extra for sustainable products as a whole even though many customers are environmentally sensitive. As such, macro policies may be one of the best options for improving the sustainability of all supply chains.Diff: 2Topic: 18.1 The Role of sustainability in a Supply ChainAACSB: Reflective Thinking SkillsLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design3) What are the challenges to greater sustainability posed by the tragedy of the commons? Answer: The tragedy of the commons is a dilemma arising when the common good does not align perfectly with the good of individual entities. Many actions that improve sustainability of a supply chain impose costs that are local (to an individual, a firm, supply chain or country) but provide common benefits that are more global. In contrast, a disregard for sustainability provides benefits that are local but costs that are shared globally. As a result, it can be difficult to encourage sustainability without some external pressure either in the form of a public mandate or economic incentive.Diff: 2Topic: 18.2 The Tragedy of the CommonsAACSB: Reflective Thinking SkillsLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design4) What are some metrics that can be used to measure sustainability for a supply chain? Answer: There are many metrics — both quantitative and qualitative — that can be used to measure sustainability in a supply chain. Some measures mentioned in the chapter include energy consumption, water consumption, greenhouse gas emission, and waste generation. It is important that these metrics be tracked across as wide a scope of the supply chain as possible. One measure discussed at length was that of landfill inventory. A qualitative measure of landfills would be the amount of undesirable odor created by the landfill inventory. A following quantitative measure is the loss of value for potential production or residential development due to the inherent odors.Diff: 2Topic: 18.3 Key Metrics for SustainabilityAACSB: Reflective Thinking SkillsLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design5) What are some opportunities for improved sustainability in various supply chain drivers? Answer: There are many drivers associated with improved sustainability for supply chains. Facilities can be redesigned to reduce both energy use and emissions. Products should be designed with a "cradle to cradle" philosophy to decrease landfill inventory and increase the reuse of material. Designing products to limit packaging and improve transportation density helps reduce costs as well as emissions during transportation. Given that any one firm is only a small fraction of a supply chains impact on the environment, it is critical that powerful players work with the extended supply chain to improve sustainability. Clearly defined standards for measurement and reporting of performance are important if sustainability is to improve across supply chains. Finally, a significant driver of improved sustainability will be customers' willingness to reward successful supply chains.Diff: 2Topic: 18.4 Sustainability and Supply Chain DriversAACSB: Reflective Thinking SkillsLearning Outcome: Compare common approaches to supply chain design。