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主动式管理 Active Management
Calmar ⽐率 Calmar Ratio
Sharpe⽐率 Sharpe Ratio
Sortino⽐率 Sortino Ratio
⼊息基⾦ Income Fund
⼦基⾦ Baby Funds/Underlying Funds
已调整风险回报 Risk-adjusted Return
互惠基⾦ Mutual Fund
公积⾦计划 Pension Plan
分散投资 Diversification
主要经纪 Prime Broker
可换股债券套戥 Convertible Bond Arbitrage
另类投资 Alternative Investment
市场中⽴ Market Neutral
平均成本效益 Dollor-cost Averaging
再投资 Reinvestment
合并套戥 Merger Arbitrage
地区基⾦ Regional Fund
如计划为伞⼦基⾦ Umbrella Fund
有限责任 Limited Liability
⾃愿性供款 Voluntary Contributions
⾏业/主题基⾦ Sector/Theme Fund
价值型管理 value
均衡基⾦ Balanced Funds
投资年期 Time Horizon
投资组合 Portfolio
投资顾问 Investment Adviser
杠杆 Leverage/Gearing
杠杆借贷⽐率 Leverage Ratio
每⽇估值 Daily Valuation
每年回报 Annual Return
供款 Contribution
受压 / 濒临破产的证券 Distressed Securities
定息⼯具套戥 Fixed Income Arbitrage
定息基⾦ Fixed-income Fund
承受风险能⼒ Risk Tolerance
注册地 Domicile
沽空 Short Selling
波幅 Volatility
股份 Share
股息分派 Dividened Distributions
股票基⾦ Equity Fund
表现费 Performance Fees
阿尔法系数 Alpha
⾮认可基⾦ Unauthorised Fund
信托⼈ Trustee
保本对冲基⾦ Capital Guaranteed Hedge Funds 封闭式基⾦ Closed-end Fund
界定利益计划 Defined Benefit Plan
界定供款计划 Defined Contribution Plan
相关系数 Correlation
重⼤事件主导的投资 Event Driven/Special Situations ⾸次认购费 Front-end Fee
套戥 Arbitrage
效率前缘 Efficient Frontier
⾼收益 High Yield
基⾦公会 HKIFA
基⾦经理 Fund Manager
基⾦销售⽂件 Prospectus
基准 Benchmarks
被动式管理 Passive Management
离岸基⾦ Offshore Fund
跌幅 Maximum Drawdown
揣测时机 Market Timing
期货管理型基⾦ Managed Futures
短仓 /淡仓 Short Position
跌势差 Downside Deviation
雇主供款 Employer Contribution
雇员供款 Employee Contribution
新⾼价 High-On-High Basis
新兴市场 Emerging Markets
新兴市场基⾦ Emerging Markets Fund
管理费 ManagemantFee
增长和收⼊基⾦ Growthand Income Fund
严格评估 Due Diligence
买⼊价 Bid Price
买卖差价 Bid-offer Spread
传统基⾦ Traditional Fund
债券基⾦ Bond Fund
单⼀对冲基⾦ Single Strategy Hedge Fund
单位 Unit
单位信托基⾦ Unit Trust
卖出价 Offer Price
奖励费 Incentive Fees
对冲 Hedge
对冲基⾦ Hedge Fund
对冲基⾦的基⾦ Fund Of Hedge Funds (FoHFs)
对冲基⾦指引 Hedge Funds Guidelines
开放式基⾦ Open-end Fund
强制性供款 Mandatory Contributions
强积⾦ Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme-MPF
总回报 Total Return
标准差 Standard Deviation
毕苏期权定价模式 Black-Scholes
环球宏观 Macro Funds
环球基⾦ Global Fund
绝对回报 Absolute Return
认可基⾦ Authorised Funds
认沽期权 Put Option/Put
认股权证基⾦ Warrant Fund
认购期权 Call Option/Call
证券借出 Stock Lending
贝他系数 Beta
资产分配 Asset Allocation
资产净值 NetAsset value-NAV
赎回 Redemption
赎回通知期 Redemption Notice Period
赎回费 Redemption Fee
赎回费 / 买⼊费 Redemption Price / Bid Price
进取型的投资管理 Aggressive Growth
进取型增长基⾦ Aggressive Growth Fund
长 / 短仓持股 Long/Short Equity
长仓 / 好仓 / 持货 Long Position
预设回报率 Hurdle Rate
CAC-40 Index 法国巴黎CAC-40指数
Dow Jones industrial average(DJIA)道琼斯⼯业指数
Frankfurt DAX Index 德国法兰克福DAX指数
London's FTSE 100 英国伦敦⾦融时报指数
NASDAQ,National Association of Securities Deal Automated Quotations 那斯达克英Nikkei Index ⽇经指数
NYSE,New York Stock Exchange 纽约证券交易所
Paris Bourse 巴黎证券交易所
the Russell 2000 拉塞尔2000指数
the Standard and Poor's 500 标准普尔500指数英
a bear market熊市
a bull market⽜市
bench mark指标
blue chip绩优股
bonus share 红股英
component index成份指数
convertible bond可转换债券
core / non-core assets 核⼼/⾮核⼼资产
corporate bond 企业债券
debt-for-equity swap 债权转股权英
deceptive accounting 虚假帐务
earning report 业绩报表
financial irregularities /improprieties ⾦融违规⾏为
financial reorganization ⾦融重组
financial statement 财务报表英
fund custodian bank 基⾦托管银⾏
fund manager 基⾦经理/管理公司
high-tech sector⾼科技板块
income statement 损益表
industrial stock⼯业股票英
inflate profits 虚报盈利
listed company / delisted company 上市公司/被摘牌的公司
record high (股票指数)创历史新⾼
red chips红筹股
return on equity股本回报率英
share, equity, stock 股票、股权
bond, debenture, debts 债券
negotiable share 可流通股份
convertible bond 可转换债券
treasury /government bond 国库券/政府债券英
corporate bond 企业债券
closed-end securities investment fund 封闭式证券投资基⾦open-end securities investment fund 开放式证券投资基⾦fund manager 基⾦经理/管理公司
fund custodian bank 基⾦托管银⾏英
market capitalization 市值
p/e (price/earning) ratio 市盈率
mark-to-market 逐⽇盯市
payment versus delivery 银券交付
clearing and settlement 清算/结算英
commodity/financial derivatives 商品/⾦融衍⽣产品
put / call option 看跌/看涨期权
margins, collateral 保证⾦
rights issue/offering 配股
bonus share 红股英
dividend 红利/股息
ADR(American Depository Receipt)美国存托凭证/存股证GDR(Global Depository Receipt) 全球存托凭证/存股证retail / private investor 个⼈投资者/散户
institutional investor 机构投资者英
broker/dealer 券商
proprietary trading ⾃营
insider trading/dealing 内幕交易
market manipulation 市场操纵
IPO(Initial Public Offering)新股/初始公开发⾏
merger and acquisition收购兼并
the big board ⼤盘
the ups and downs of the stock market股市⾏情treasury/government bond 国库券/政府债券英
Wall Street华尔街
windfall profit暴利英。