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1. circumstance
- 单词释义:情况;环境;境遇。

- 单词用法:可作可数名词,常用搭配有“under the circumstances”(在这种情况下),“in the circumstances”(既然这样)等。

- 近义词:situation, condition。

- 短语搭配:circumstance of birth(出生环境)。

- 双语例句:I'm in a difficult circumstance right now. It's like being trapped in a maze, and I don't know which way to turn. 我现在处于一个困难的处境。


- Another example: You should consider the circumstances before making
a decision. It's not like choosing a candy, you can't just pick randomly.


2. circle
- 单词释义:圆;圈子;循环。

- 单词用法:作名词时表示圆形物体或人群等形成的圈;作动词时表示环绕、盘

- 近义词:round, cycle。

- 短语搭配:in a circle(围成一圈),circle of friends(朋友圈子)。

- The plane circled above the airport. Oh my god, it made me so nervous, as if it was a vulture hovering over its prey. 飞机在机场上空盘旋。


3. circuit
- 单词释义:电路;巡回;环道。

- 单词用法:可指电子电路,也可表示如赛车的环形赛道等,还可用于表示按一定路线的巡回活动。

- 近义词:route, loop。

- 短语搭配:electric circuit(电路),circuit breaker(断路器)。

- 双语例句:The electrician is checking the circuit. He's like a detective looking for clues in a mystery case. 电工正在检查电路。


- They are running a racing circuit. Woohoo! It's so exciting, like a wild adventure on wheels. 他们正在跑赛车环道。


4. circular
- 单词释义:圆形的;循环的;通告的。

- 单词用法:作形容词时描述形状为圆形或者具有循环特征的事物;作名词时表示通告、传单等。

- 近义词:round, cyclic。

- 短语搭配:circular motion(圆周运动),circular letter(通函)。

- 双语例句:The table has a circular top. It looks so elegant, like a full moon sitting right there in the room. 这张桌子有一个圆形的桌面。


- They sent out a circular about the new policy. Ugh, it's like they're throwing a pebble into a pond, creating ripples of information. 他们发出了


5. circulate
- 单词释义:循环;传播;流通。

- 单词用法:既可以用于描述液体、气体等的循环流动,也可表示消息、观念等的传播。

- 近义词:spread, distribute。

- 短语搭配:circulate among(在……中流传)。

- 双语例句:Blood circulates throughout our body. Isn't it amazing?
It's like a superhighway for all the nutrients and oxygen to travel. 血液在我们体内循环。


- Rumors started to circulate in the school. Oh no! It was like a wildfire spreading uncontrollably. 谣言开始在学校里传播。


6. circus
- 单词释义:马戏团;马戏表演;喧闹的场面。

- 单词用法:可指表演马戏的团体或马戏表演本身,也可形容热闹、混乱的场景。

- 近义词:carnival, fair。

- 短语搭配:go to the circus(去看马戏)。

- 双语例句:We went to the circus last night. It was a blast! There were acrobats flying through the air like birds. 我们昨晚去看马戏了。


- The party turned into a circus. Holy cow! People were running around everywhere, like a bunch of crazy monkeys. 聚会变成了一场闹剧。


7. circumference
- 单词释义:圆周;周长。

- 单词用法:通常用于数学或描述圆形物体边缘的长度。

- 近义词:perimeter。

- 短语搭配:circumference of a circle(圆的周长)。

- 双语例句:We measured the circumference of the tree trunk. It was thicker than I expected. What a big old tree! It's like an ancient giant standing there. 我们测量了树干的周长。



- Calculate the circumference of this circular pool. Hmm, it's not that easy, but it's like unlocking a secret code about the shape. 计算这个圆形水池的周长。


8. circumvent
- 单词释义:规避;绕过;包围。

- 单词用法:常指巧妙地避开规则、障碍等。

- 近义词:avoid, bypass。

- 短语搭配:circumvent the law(规避法律)。

- 双语例句:Some people try to circumvent the traffic rules. Shame on them! It's like trying to cheat in a game where everyone else is playing
fair. 有些人试图规避交通规则。


- The hikers circumvented the dangerous area. Phew! They were smart, like soldiers avoiding an enemy's ambush. 徒步旅行者绕过了危险区域。


9. circumspect
- 单词释义:谨慎的;小心的;周到的。

- 单词用法:用于形容人在做事情或做决策时小心谨慎、考虑周全。

- 近义词:prudent, cautious。

- 短语搭配:be circumspect in(在……方面谨慎)。

- 双语例句:He is always circumspect when dealing with money matters. Good for him! It's like walking on a tightrope, one wrong step and you could fall. 他在处理金钱问题时总是很谨慎。


- Be circumspect in choosing your friends. After all, they can influence your life a great deal. It's not like picking clothes, you can't just change them easily. 选择朋友时要谨慎。



10. circumscribe
- 单词释义:限制;约束;在周围画线。

- 单词用法:可表示给某事或某人划定界限,限制其发展或活动范围。

- 近义词:limit, restrict。

- 短语搭配:circumscribe one's activities(限制某人的活动)。

- 双语例句:Don't let others circumscribe your dreams. Oh come on! Your dreams are like balloons, they should be able to fly high. 不要让别人限制你的梦想。


- The fence circumscribes the garden. Well, it gives the garden a clear boundary, like a frame around a beautiful picture. 围栏圈定了花园。


11. circumstantial
- 单词释义:依照情况的;详细的;偶然的。

- 单词用法:可用于形容证据是基于情况推断的,也可表示描述详细的情况。

- 近义词:detailed, incidental。

- 短语搭配:circumstantial evidence(间接证据)。

- 双语例句:The police had only circumstantial evidence at first. Oh dear, it's like building a house with only half of the bricks. 警方起初只有间接证据。


- He gave a circumstantial account of the accident. Wow, he really told every little detail, like a storyteller painting a vivid scene. 他详细地叙述了事故的经过。


12. circumambulate
- 单词释义:绕行;巡行;婉转打探。

- 单词用法:表示绕着某物行走或进行巡查等动作,也可表示委婉地询问某事。

- 近义词:walk around, patrol。

- 短语搭配:circumambulate the building(绕着建筑物行走)。

- 双语例句:The monks circumambulate the temple every morning. How peaceful! It's like they are hugging the sacred place with their footsteps. 和尚们每天早晨绕着寺庙行走。


- She tried to circumambulate the topic to get more information. Clever girl! It's like dancing around a maypole, getting closer and closer to the center. 她试图婉转打探这个话题以获取更多信息。


13. circumflex
- 单词释义:抑扬符号;弯曲的;有声调符号的。

- 单词用法:在语言学中表示元音上的音调符号,也可形容弯曲的形状。

- 近义词:curved, bent。

- 短语搭配:circumflex accent(抑扬音符号)。

- 双语例句:In French, some vowels have a circumflex. It makes the pronunciation a bit tricky, like a hidden trap for language learners. 在法语中,一些元音有抑扬音符号。


- The circumflex shape of the river is really beautiful. Look at it!
It's like a gentle curve drawn by nature's hand. 这条河弯曲的形状真的很美。


14. circumlocution
- 单词释义:迂回说法;累赘的话;遁词。

- 单词用法:用于形容说话或写作时使用冗长、绕弯子的表达方式。

- 近义词:verbiage, periphrasis。

- 短语搭配:avoid circumlocution(避免迂回说法)。

- 双语例句:His speech was full of circumlocution. Oh my, it was like a long and winding road with no end in sight. 他的演讲充满了迂回说法。


- Try to express your idea directly and avoid circumlocution. Seriously, it's not a maze where you need to take a thousand turns to get to the point. 试着直接表达你的想法,避免迂回说法。


15. circumnavigate
- 单词释义:环航;绕行;迂回。

- 单词用法:通常指环绕地球或岛屿等进行航行,也可表示绕开某个地区或问题等。

- 近义词:sail around, go around。

- 短语搭配:circumnavigate the globe(环球航行)。

- 双语例句:Magellan was the first to circumnavigate the globe. What an amazing feat! It's like flying around the world without wings. 麦哲伦是第一个环球航行的人。


- We decided to circumnavigate the busy city center to avoid the
traffic. Smart move! It's like finding a backdoor to get to your
destination faster. 我们决定绕开繁忙的市中心以避免交通拥堵。


16. circumvallate
- 单词释义:用城墙围住;设防。

- 单词用法:主要用于描述用围墙或类似的防御设施来包围一个区域。

- 近义词:enclose, fortify。

- 短语搭配:circumvallate a town(用城墙围住一个城镇)。

- 双语例句:In the old days, they used to circumvallate their cities for protection. How cool is that? It's like building a huge shield around your home. 在过去,他们常常为了保护而用城墙围住他们的城市。


- They are planning to circumvallate the construction site. Well, it will keep out unwanted visitors, like a bouncer at a club. 他们正计划用围墙围住建筑工地。


17. circumventricular
- 单词释义:室周的。

- 单词用法:在医学领域,用于描述与脑室周围有关的结构或现象。

- 近义词:near the ventricle。

- 短语搭配:circumventricular organs(室周器官)。

- 双语例句:The doctor is studying the circumventricular area. It's such a complex part of the body. It's like exploring a mysterious land within our own selves. 医生正在研究室周区域。



- Circumventricular organs play important roles in regulating body functions. Who would have thought? It's like small but powerful engines
driving the whole system. 室周器官在调节身体功能方面起着重要作用。


18. circumfuse
- 单词释义:围绕;充溢;四散。

- 单词用法:可表示液体、光线等围绕某物或者充满某个空间。

- 近义词:surround, fill。

- 短语搭配:circumfuse with(充满……)。

- 双语例句:The warm light circumfuses the room. Ah, it creates such a cozy atmosphere, like a warm hug from the sun. 温暖的灯光充满了房间。


- Water circumfused the island after the flood. Oh no! It was like the island was drowning in a sea of water. 洪水过后水围绕着岛屿。


19. circumjacent
- 单词释义:周围的;邻接的;围绕着的。

- 单词用法:用于形容某个事物周围或与之相邻接的其他事物。

- 近义词:surrounding, adjacent。

- 短语搭配:circumjacent area(周边地区)。

- 双语例句:The circumjacent trees provide shade for the house. How nice! It's like having natural umbrellas around your home. 周围的树木为房子提供阴凉。


- They explored the circumjacent mountains. It was an adventure! It's like stepping into a wonderland right next to your doorstep. 他们探索了周边的山脉。


20. circumscribeable
- 单词释义:可限制的;可约束的。

- 单词用法:用于表示某事或某人具有能够被限制或约束的性质。

- 近义词:restrainable, limit - able。

- 短语搭配:a circumscribeable problem(一个可限制的问题)。

- 双语例句:This is a circumscribeable situation. We can control it. Yeah! It's not like a wild beast that can't be tamed. 这是一个可限制的情况。



- A circumscribeable task is easier to handle. Don't you think? It's like having a small box that you can put things neatly inside. 一个可限制的任务更容易处理。

