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A-or dng to Office Party of mass ie nu — inpa cie actv - s e d groupof u“ arrangement* unis main le ..................... ... .as w orkes Shag a tmes ia>y leiue, due tohmsef e velmitd,onlputt his”e cn.entaii ear nig of ex perence to., and eveyne common wthea nig echange purpose s e w e fule dee .U. — a nd ng mass l ne of ............ ... d pay of mass ie, do ma ses wo* fol o —、mai nfrom four a aspe cS told: a, a nd f ulawaeesspay of mass ieon paclce a*.- of mjr mea nig Partys 8 major diSt i Ciropo_ d to fcs on the partys adv need natue ad puiy, i n the lay, wt"ragmatc a . nd —nfor the pepe" - the main cne nt .......................... of t he ,.“ ma — " ne a nd e. — inai pra cie. Ths scmraie XI Jinping aspayGeeaSecetay a ndadereto s trCy a dmisei nghe party stegghe nthe party's major — csi n is in l ne wt h Ie public execains a nd stegghe nig t he const., on of earni ngoriee
- vie i nnovain of Maxis pa" major— plyment, i s te importat meaue tld<a nce t I egea—use ....... of sca lsmwt CCinnsecalcei sis. Fist cay out tepays ma- l I e in e_iain pra ctc, wa s - ryng 8 of the paty si ■ lummon a po-wekl force fr rralzigtI e gea efveaton ofke .... Chi ................ neenainthe Chinse de-of ur—t ne Ids Pa" mote "tgc - plyme ng ......... scalsm wtCCie - caace" csprrse ns two 100yar g "namel y by 200 China s gros domest c product ad per caia ♦ ncme of u I a a nd ruale s- nts i ■■ on t he ba ss of double cmpee the buidi ........ ng of a w+ ol s”- te mi dde of ts cetuy i nta pr oseous dlmocat c cvlzld a nd hamoni oos Soc- moden county, a nd on ths ba ss the Cinse de_ of ealzi I g te gea euenatonofteChi—e naton. 8 C.ngr -sof the par y, Ccmrrde XI J r.e— dy - pounedt I e Chie - drem. T he ba Chinsede—, s t ........ he
nnlinalp.sei y naiona reVtlzt on, t he ha ppine — of te pe opl e CCia importat to foll I w is tlee pChia Roa d, cary forwa d the srt ad chhsi on ste ngt of ^Cina . dram drems of the pe opl eof CCi I a butdeemi nnd cnfience e nha nce lel a>e nes, a ci e-e sel rea nce to bu d a stonger CCina, cvi lizaion, ham ony beaut, Chia , CCina Chia Statgic conce pin of Chia wa s 8 the sii of the e .ricment a nd deelpmet of te pay, cnscie ni—y s udy te CCi I Ise dram, lad ng peope t o had to rral>e the Chi nee dram, mas e ducaton a ctvtls i n -pth "e fuddmeta stat ng poit ad eding poi nt. Steghe n te e _cain of the par* ma — lne , hel psttanthecoleciecnncioosne — of te unity of the lay ad the peope pay I gteCCie - drem i del Igicabae sC.mme " oZedng stesm tat pates soud hhae "cm monlaguage"soiaitcuntrismushhae "uiy ofwi".Hity ha
(1)边边边公理:三边对应相等的两个三角形全等(边边边”或SSS h
(3)角边角公理:两个角和它们的夹边分别对应相等的两个三角形全等(角边角”或A SA ”)。
(4)角角边定理:有两角和其中一角的对边对应相等的两个三角形全等(角角边”或A AS ”)。
A-or dng to Office Party of mass ie nu — inpa cie acU e d groupof u“ arrangement* unis main le ...................... .. des w orkes Shag a - as laly lei ue, due to hmsef eve lmitd, onl put t his ”e cncentaal ear nig of ex perence t -y and -yone common wtearnig echange purpose s e w e fule dee pu. — a nd ng mass l ne of ........................... dpay of mass ie, do ma ses wo* fol o — gmai nfrom four a aspe cS told : a, a nd Ul awaeesspay of mass ie on paclce a*.- of mjr mea nig Partys 8 major diSt I Clropoie d to fcs on the pa" adv need natue ad puiy, i n the lay, w ・"r,m- a nd -nfor the pepe" - the main cne nt of the ,.“ ma — " ....... ne a nd e. — ina pra cie. Ths s cmrade XI Ji npi ng as pay Geea Secetay a nd adere to strCy a dmisei nghe party steghe n the pays major — CSl n is in l ne wt h Ie public execains a nd stegghe nig t he const., on of earni ngoriee - vie i nnovain of Maxis pa" major — plyment, i s te mportat meaue tld<a nce t I e gea — use of sca lsmwt CCinnsecalceisis. Fist cay out te pays ma- l I e in e_iain pra ctc, wa s - r yng 8 of the paty si ■ ..lummon a po-welkl force fr rralzig t I e gea efveaton ofke Chi nee nain the Chinse de -of urget ne Ids Pa" ... m ote ,atgc - plyme ng scal sm wtCCie - caace" csprrse ns two 100yar g ♦* namel y by 200 China s gros domest c product ad per caia ♦ ncme of u I a a nd ruale s- nts i ■■ on t he ba ss of double cmpee the buidi ng of a w ・ ol scety he mi dde of ts ceuy i nt a pr oseous d —ocat c cvlzld a nd hamoni oos Soc- moden county, a I d on t hs ba ss the Cinse de_ of ealzi I g te gea euenat on of te Chi —e naton. 8 C.nge- of the par y, Ccmrrde XI J r.e — dy - poune. t I e Chie - drem. T he ba Chinse de —, s t he nainal prsei y naina revt ■〜 . ha ppine - of te pe opl e CCia I w is t lee p Chia Roa d, - ry for — d the srt ad chhsi on ste ngtof CCia , dram drems of the pe opl e of CCi I a but deemi nnd cnfience e nha nce m l —e nes, a ci e<e sefrea... nce to bu ld a stonger CCina, c-i lizain, ham ony beaut, Chia , CCina Chia Statgc conce pin of Chia wa s 8 the sii of the e .ricment a nd deelopmet of te pay, cnsce ni —y s udy te CCinnse dram, lad ng pe ople tl had t or — <e the Chi nee dram, mas e ducain a ctvlis i n . budoeta statng poit ad edig Steghe n te e parys m-s lne ....... , hel ps ttan t he colecie cnncioosne - of te uniy of the 1ay ad the people pay I g te CCie - drem i del .gica bae s C.mme M oZedng stesld tat pa - s sould h — "cm monlag uage" sciait cuntris mus h — "uh of wil". Hity ha s
口一aa 『找央边一AS* 巳知网为(
-171 —* A AS
L 倍长中线法二二翻折、旋转法:m 友等特殊国硝法。
1.如图,已知 AD=AE,AB=AC.求证:BF=FC
ABC 中,AB=AC ,延长 AB 至ij D,使BD=AB ,取AB 的中点 E,连接
CD 和 CE.求证:CD=2CE
4:已知:如图,A 、D 、B 三点在同一条直线上, AADC 、A BDO 为等腰三角形, AO 、BC 的大小关系和位置关
三餐做全 ,的证造 「
「找央用一 £4左
—► A5A
2:已知:如图, // CD
DE LAC , BF ±AC ,垂足分别为
A-or dng to Office Party of mass ie nu — inpa cie actv - s e d groupof u“ arrangement* unis main le ........................ .as w orkes Shag a tmes ia>y lei ue, due to hmsef eve lmitd, onl put t his ”e cn.entaii ear nig of ex perence to., and eveyne common wthea nig echange purpose s e w e fule dee .U. — a nd ng mass l ne of .......... d pay of mass ie, do ma ses wo* fol o —、mai nfrom four a aspe cS told: a, a nd ul awaeesspay of mass ie on paclce a*.- of mjr mea nig Partys 8 major diSt i Ciropo_ d to fcs on the partys ad need natue ad puiy, i n the lay, wt"ragmatc a nd —nfor the pepe" - the main cne nt of the ,.“ ma — " ne a nd e. — inai pra cie. Ths s cmraie XI Ji npi ng as pay Geea Secetay a nd adere to strCy a dmisei nghe party stegghe n the party's major — csi n is in l ne wt h Ie public execains a nd stegghe nig t he const., on of earni ngoriee
- vie i n novain of Maxis pa" major — plyment, i s te importat meaue tld<a n ce t I e gea — use of sca lsmwt CCinnsecalceisis. Fist cay ou tepays ma- l I e in e_iain pra ctc, wa s - ryng 8 of the paty si ■lummon a poweul force fr rralzigt . I e gea e,—atonof、e Chi nee nain the Chinse de -of ur—t ne Ids Pa" mote ,a、c ― plyme ng scal sm wtCCie - caace" csprrse ns two 100yar g "namel y by 200 China s gros domest c product ad per caia ♦ ncme of u I a a nd ruale s- nts i ■■ on t he ba ss of double cmpee the buidi................... ng of a w+ ol s”- te mi dde of ts cetuy i nta pr oseous dlmocat c cvlzld a nd hamoni oos Soc- moden county, a nd on ths ba ss the Cinse de_ of ealzi I g te gea euenat on of te Chi —e naton. 8 C.nge- of the par y, Ccmrrde XI J r.e—dy - pounedt .................. I e Chie - drem. T he ba Chinse de—, s t he
nnlinalp.sei y naiona reVtlzt on, t he ha ppinels of te pe opl e CCia importat to foll ow s to kle p Chia Roa d, cary forwa d the srt ad chhsi on ste ngt of ^Cina . dram drems of the pe opl eof CCi I a butdeemi nnd cnfience e nha nce lel a>e nes, a ci e-e sel rea nce to bu ld a stonger CCina, cvi lizaion, ham ony beaut, Chia , CCina Chia Statgic conce pin of Chia wa s 8 the sii of the e .ricment a nd deelopmet of te pay, cnscie ni—y s udy te CCi I Ise dram, lad ng people t o had to relive the Chi nee dram, mas e ducaton a ctvtls i n -pth "e fuddmeta stat ng poit ad eding poi nt. Steghe n te e _cain of the par* ma - lne , hel ps ttan t he colecie cnncioosne Is of te unity of the lay ad the people play I g te CCie - drem i del I gica bae s C.mme " oZedng stesm tat pates soud hhae "cm monlag uage" soiait cuntris mus hhae "uiy of wi". Hity ha
5如图,已知△ ABC为等边三角形,延长BC至ij D,延长BA到E,并且使AE=BD ,连接
CE、DE.求证:EC=ED 小
N - 7
1—一日 c
6.在△ ABC中,AD为BC边上的中线.求证:AD< ] (AB+AC) ▲
,且AO平分/ BAC.求
1、如果a、b表示两个负数,且avb,则 .......................... ().
a , a 1 1
(A) - > 1 (B) — <1 (C) 一〈—(D)abv1
b b a b
2、a、b是有理数,下列各式中成立的是......................... ().
(A)若 | a | 丰 |b|,则awb (B)若a2>b2,则a>b
(C)若awb,则I a I w |b| (D)若a>b,则a2>b2
3、| a | + a的值一定是....................................... ( ).
4、若不等式(a+1)x> a+1的解集是xv 1,则a必满足............. ().
(A)a<0 (B)a>- 1 (C)av 1 (D)a<- 1
5、若由xvy可得到ax>ay,应满足的条件是...................... ().
(A) a > 0 (B) a< 0 (C)a> 0 (D)a<0
nainal prsei y naina revt ■〜 ha ppine - of te pe opl e CCia I w is t lee p Chia Roa d, - ry for — d the srt ad chhsi on ste ngtof CCia , dram drems of the pe opl e of CCi I a but deemi nnd cnfience e nha nce m l —e nes, a ci e<e sOr — nce to bu ld a stonger CCina, c-i lizain, ham ony beaut, Chia , CCina Chia Statgc conce pin of Chia wa s 8 the sii of the e .ricment a nd deelopmet of te pay, cnsce ni —y s udy te CCinnse dram, lad ng pe ople tl had t or — — the Chi nee dram, mas e ducain a ctvlis i n budoeta stat ng poit ad edig Steghe n te e parys m-s lne , hel ps ttan t he colecie cnncioosne - of te uniy of the 1ay ad the people pay I g te CCie - drem i del .gica bae s C.mme M oZedng stesld tat pa - s sould h — "cm monlag uage" sciait cuntris mus h — "uh of wil". Hity ha s
按1km 计).某人乘这种出租车从甲地到乙地共支付车费 19元,设此人从甲地到乙地经过
的路程是xkm,那么x 的最大值是 ................................. (
). (A)11 (B)8 (C)7
有解,则k 的取值范围是 ............ (
x > k
(C)kv 2
(D)1 < k< 2
x + 9 < 5x +1, , 一 八一
…,一,. 一 一
的解集是x>2,则m 的取值范围是(
x > m +1
a b
1 b
一 .......... 9、对于整数a, b, c, d,定义
=ac —bd,已知1< <3,贝Ub+d 的值为.
d c
d 4
10、如果一a2x>—a2y(aw 0).那么 x y.
............ 3-2x ...........
11、若x 是非负数,则-1 < --------的解集是
12、已知(x —2)2+ I 2x —3y —a | =0, y 是正数,则a 的取值范围是 . 13、6月1日起,某超市开始有偿 提供可重复使用的三种环保购物袋,
2元和3元,这三种环保购物袋每只最多分别能装大米 3千克、5千克和8千克.6月7日, 小星和爸爸在该超市选购了 3只环保购物袋用来装刚买的 20千克散装大米,他们选购的 3
只环保购物袋至少应付给超市 元.
14、试用m 表示出不等式(5—m)x> 1 — m 的解集
2 4x 3x -7,
16、解不等式组 」6x -3 >5x -4, 3x -7 <2x -3.
17、适当选择a 的取值范围,使1.7vxva 的整数解:
(1) x 只有一个整数解; (2) x 一个整数解也没有.
A-or dng to Office Party of mass ie nu — inpa cie actv - s e d groupof u“ arrangement* unis main le . .as w orkes Shag a tmes ia>y lei ue, due to hmsef eve lmitd, onl put t his ”e cn.entaii ear nig of ex perence to., and eveyne common wthea nig echange purpose s e w e fule dee .U. — a nd ng mass l ne of .. d pay of mass ie, do ma ses wo* fol o —、mai nfrom four a aspecS told : a, a nd ul awaeesspay of mass ie on paclce a*.- of mjr mea nig Partys 8 major diSt i Ciropo_ d to fcs on the partys ad n eed natue ad puiy, i n the lay, wt"ragmatc a nd —nfor the pepe" - the main cne nt of the ,.“ ma — " ne a nd e. — inai pra cie. Ths s cmraie XI Ji npi ng as pay Geea Secetay a nd adere to strCy a dmisei nghe party stegghe n the party's major — csi n is in l ne wt h Ie public execains a nd stegghe nig t he const., on of earni ngoriee
- vie i nnovain of Maxis pa" major — plyment, i s te importat meaue tld<a nce t I e gea — use of sca lsmwt CCinnsecalceisis. Fist cay ou tepays ma- l I e in e_iain pra ctc, was - ryng 8 of the paty si ■ lummon a poweul force fr rralzigt I e gea e ,—atonof 、e Chi nee nain the Chinse de -of ur —t ne Ids Pa" mote ,a 、c ― plyme ng scal sm wtCCie - caace" csprrse ns two 100yar g "namely by 200 China s gros domest c product ad per caia ♦ ncme of u I a a nd ruale s- nts i ■■ on t he ba ss of double cmpee the buidi ng of a w+ . o l s”- te mi ddeof ts cetuy i nta pr oseous dlmocat c cvlzld a nd hamoni oos Soc- moden county, a nd on ths ba ss the Cinse de_ of ealzi I g te gea euenaton of te Chi —e naton. 8 C.nge- of the par y, Ccmrrde XI J r.e — dy - pounedt I e Chie - drem. T he ba Chinse de —, s t.. h e
nnlinalp.sei y naiona reVtlzt on, t he ha ppinels of te pe opl e CCia importat to foll ow s to kle p Chia Roa d, cary forwa d the srt ad chhsi on ste ngt of ^Cina . dram drems of the pe opl eof CCi I a butdeemi nnd cnfience e nha nce lel a>e nes, a ci e-e sel rea nce to bu ld a stonger CCina, cvi lizaion, ham ony beaut, Chia , CCina Chia Statgic conce pin of Chia wa s 8 the sii of the e .ricment a nd deelopmet of te pay, cnscie ni —y s udy te CCi I Ise dram, lad ng people t o had to relive the Chi nee dram, mas e ducaton a ctvtls i n -pth "e fuddmeta stat ng poit ad eding poi nt. Steghe n te e _cain of the par* ma - lne , hel ps ttan t he colecie cnncioosne Is of te unity of the lay ad the people play I g te CCie - drem i del I gica bae s C.mme " oZedng stesm tat pates soud hhae "cm monlag uage" soiait cuntris mus hhae "uiy of wi". Hity ha
18、已知 A=2x2+3x+2, B=2x 2
—4x — 5,试比较 A 与
B 的大小.
A-or dng to Office Party of mass ie nu — inpa cie acU e d groupof u“ arrangement* unis main le des w orkes Shag a - as l aly lei ue, due to hmsef eve lmitd, onl put t his ”e cncentaal ear nig of ex perence t-y and -yone common wtearnig echange purpose s e w e fule dee pu. — a nd ng mass l ne of ........... ... d pay of mass ie, do ma ses wo* fol o — gmai nfrom four a aspe cS told : a, a nd Ul awaeesspay of mass ie on paclce a*.- of mjr mea nig Partys 8 major diSt I Clropoie d to fcs on the pa" adv need (A) mW 2
(B) m> 2 (C) mw 1 (D)m>1
一 1 1 2
15、x -2[x ^(x-1)] ::3(x -1).
0.4x 0.9 0.03 0.02.x x-5
答案:1. 提示:先证AACD^AABE (SAS),再证A DBF 且A ECF (AAS)
BF=FC (全等三角形对应边相等)
2.先证A ABF0 A CDE (SAS),得到/ C=Z A , AB // CD (内错角相等两直线平行)
一BF=2 AC,且BF //AC 「. / ACB = / 2 又; AB=AC「. / ACB = / 3 「. /3 = Z2 在A CEB 与ACFB 中,
J Z3=Z 2
1cB=CB A CEB ACFB (SAS) z. CE=CF=2 CD (全等三角形对
J Z ADO= /CDB=90°
AO=BC, / OAD= / BCD (全等三角形对应边、对应角相等)
••• /AOD = /COE (对顶角相等)Z COE+Z OCE=90o.,. AO ± BC
5.过D点作DF // AC交BE于F点: △ ABC为等边三角形「. △ BFD为等边三角形
E EF=AC (已证)
t ZEAC=Z EDF (两直线平行,同位角相等)
L AE=FD (已证)
A-or dng to Office Party of mass ie nu —inpa cie acU e d groupof u“ arrangement* unis main le.......................... ... des w orkes Shag a - as laly lei ue, due to hmsef eve lmitd, onl put t his ”e cncentaal ear nig of ex perence t-y and -yone common wtearnig echange purpose s e w e fule dee pu. — a nd ng mass l ne of ............. ... d pay of mass ie, do ma ses wo* fol o — gmai nfrom four a aspe cS told: a, a nd Ul awaeesspay of mass ie o n paclce a*.- of mjr mea nig Partys 8 major diSt I Clropoie d to fcs on the pa" adv need natue ad puiy, i n the lay, w・"r,m- a nd -nfor the pepe" - the main cne nt of the ,.“ ma — " ne a nd e. — ina pra cie. ..... Ths . s cmrade XIJi npi ng as pay Geea Secetay a ndadereto strCy a dmisei nghe party steghe n the pays major — CSl n is in l ne wt h Ie public execains a nd stegghe nig t he const., on of earni ngoriee
- vie i nnovain of Maxis pa" major—plyment, i s .................. te .........mportat meaue tld<a nce tI e ...................... gea —use of sca lsmwt CCinnsecalcei sis. Fist cay out te pays ma- l I e in e_iain pra ctc, wa s - ryng 8 of the paty si ■ “mon a po-welkl force fr rralzig t ...I e gea efveaton ofke Chi nee nain the Chinse de -of urget ne Ids Pa" mote ,atgc - plyme ........ .. ng scal sm wtCCie - caace" csprrse ns two 100yar g ♦* namel y by 200 China s gros domest c product ad per caia ♦ ncme of u I a a nd ruale s- nts i ■■ on t he ba ss of double cmpee the buidi ng of a w・ ol scety he mi dde of ts ceuy i nt a pr oseous d—ocat c cvlzld a nd hamoni oos Soc- moden county, a I d on t hs ba ss the Cinse de_ of ealzi Igte gea euenat on of te Chi —e naton. 8 C.nge- of the par y, Ccmrrde XI J r.e— dy - poune. t I e Chie - drem. T he ba Chinse ................. de—, s t ......... he
nainal prsei y naina revt■〜 happine - of te pe opl e CCia ......................................... I w is t lee p Chia Roa d, - ry for— d the srt ad chhsi on ste ngtof CCia , dram drems of the pe opl e of CCi I a but deemi nnd cnfience e nha nce m l —e nes, a ci e<e sefrea nce to bu ld a stonger CCina, c-i lizain, ham ony beaut, Chia , CCina Chia Statgc conce pin of Chia wa s 8 the sii of the e .ricment a nd deelopmet of te pay, cnsce ni—y s udy te CCinnse dram, lad ng pe ople tl had t or —
<e the Chi nee dram, mas e ducain a ctvlis i n ......................................... budoeta stat ng poit ad edig Steghe n te e
parys m-s lne , hel ps ttan t he colecie cnncioosne - of te uniy of the
ay ad the people pay I g te CCie - drem i del .gica bae s C.mme M oZedng stesld tat pa - s sould h — "cm monlag .. uage" sciait cuntris mush— "uh of wil". Hity ha s
AAEC^A FED (SAS)「. EC=ED (全等三角形对应边相等)
9、_3 10、11、0 XM4 12、a 4 13、8
1 -m
14、当m<5时,x> --------
5 - m
1 -m
当m >5时,x < ---
5 - m
14、x :: 5 x<9 16、-1 :: x ::: 4
17、(1)2 二a _3 (2) 1.7 :二a _2
18、分三种情况讨论19、12 20、44人6间。