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[摘要] 目的 探讨贵阳市老年人群维生素 D 水平及与老年性疾病的相关性遥 方法 收集 2013 年 4 月耀2维生素 D 检查的老年患者资料袁共 5913 例袁检测患者血清 25-羟维生素 D3遥
检测结果分为维生素 D 缺乏尧不足尧正常情况袁按临床诊断分组袁分为高血压组尧心力衰竭组尧脑卒中组尧糖尿病组
及健康对照组 5 组袁结合临床资料进行回顾性分析袁探讨贵阳市老年人群维生素 D 水平及与老年性疾病的相关
性遥 结果 25-羟维生素 D3 平均水平为 20.797 ng/mL袁其中 25-羟维生素 D3 缺乏渊约20 ng/mL冤3137 例袁占 53.03%曰
维生素 D3 不足渊20 ng/mL约D3约30 ng/mL冤1722 例袁占 29.13%曰维生素 D3 正常渊跃30 ng/mL冤1054 例袁占 17.84%遥 健康
正常对照组维生素 D3 水平显著高于血压组尧心力衰竭组尧脑卒中组和糖尿病组渊P约0.05冤袁而高血压组尧心力衰竭
组尧脑卒中组尧糖尿病组在血清 圆缘渊韵匀冤阅 水平上无统计学差异渊孕跃园援园缘冤袁高血压组尧心力衰竭组尧脑卒中组尧糖尿
病组不同严重程度间的血清 圆缘渊韵匀冤阅 水平具有统计学差异渊孕约园援园缘冤袁病情严重程度越高袁血清 圆缘渊韵匀冤D 水平越
低袁血清 圆缘渊韵匀冤阅 水平与高血压尧心力衰竭尧脑卒中尧糖尿病等老年性疾病存在负相关渊P约0.05冤遥 结论 贵阳市
老年人维生素 D 水平显著低于正常袁老年人群维生素 D 水平与老年性疾病明显相关袁适量补充维生素 D 有可能
[关键词] 维生素 D曰老年性疾病曰老年人曰相关性
[中图分类号] R181.3曰R759
[文献标识码] A
[文章编号] 1673-9701渊2020冤01-0004-04
Correlation between vitamin D levels and senile diseases in the elderly in Guiyang
LIU Taozhen1 W A NG Limin2 DENG Y i1 SHI Lan1 ZENG Xiaoqiong1 LI Y amin1 DING Jiaxiu1 1.Department of Geriatrics, Guiyang First People's Hospital, Guiyang 550002, China; 2.Outpatient Department, Guiyang First People's Hospital, Guiyang 550002, China [Abstract] Objective To investigate the relationship between vitamin D levels and senile diseases in the elderly in Guiyang. Methods A total of 5913 elderly patients who underwent vitamin D examination in Guiyang First People's Hospital from April 2013 to June 2019 were enrolled. The serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 test results were divided into vitamin D deficiency, lack and normality. According to the clinical diagnosis, the patients were divided into hyperten鄄 sion group, heart failure group, stroke group, diabetes group and healthy control group. The clinical data were retro鄄 spectively analyzed. The relevance of vitamin D level and senile diseases in the elderly in Guiyang was explored. Re鄄 sults The average level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 was 20.797 ng/mL, of which there were 3137 cases of 25-hydroxyvi鄄 tamin D3 deficiency (<20 ng/mL), accounted for 53.03%; 1722 cases of vitamin D3 insufficiency (20 ng/mL<D3<30 ng/mL), accounted for 29.13%; and 1054 cases of normal vitamin D3 (>30 ng/mL), accounted for 17.84%. The level of vitamin D3 in healthy normal control group was significantly higher than that in hypertension group, heart failure group, stroke group and diabetes group (P<0.05). There were no significant differences in serum 25(OH)D levels between the hyper鄄 tension group, the heart failure group, the stroke group, and the diabetes group (P>0.05). Serum 25 (OH)D levels were statistically different between different severity in the hypertension group, the heart failure group, the stroke group, and the diabetes group (P<0.05). The higher the severity of the disease, the lower the serum 25(OH)D level. There was a neg鄄 ative correlation between the serum 25(OH)D level and senile diseases such as hypertension, heart failure, stroke and diabetes (P<0.05). Conclusion Vitamin D levels in the elderly in Guiyang are significantly lower than normal. Vitamin D levels in the elderly are significantly associated with senile diseases. Appropriate vitamin D supplementation may be an effective means of preventing and treating senile diseases [Key words] Vitamin D; Senile diseases; Elderly; Relevance
窑论 著窑
中国现代医生 2020 年 1 月第 58 卷第 1 期
贵阳市老年人群维生素 D 水平及与老年性疾病的 相关性研究
刘淘真 1 王立敏 2 邓 毅 1银 史 兰 1 曾晓琼 1 李亚民 1 丁家秀 1 1.贵阳市第一人民医院老年医学科袁贵州贵阳 550002曰2.贵阳市第一人民医院门诊部袁贵州贵阳 550002