Unit 5 views for discussion

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Summary of the Views
Scholars and Writers Their Views
Thomas Carlyle
Mark Twain
Thorstein Veblen
Dress is the foundation of the society. The power of human beings lies in his apparel and titles. (The clothes are very important to is, for they are the heaven’s kindliest gift to man. Clothes can command the respect of the whole world.) People spend a lot of money buying dress to have respectable appearance because the need of dress is often a spiritual one. The modern trend to dress casually reflects loss of oneness of self or individual wholeness. People should be dressed up on formal occasions.
Thorstein Veblen
--U.S. economist , His major works: The Theory of Leisure Class
Charles Reich
American Writer His book:
The Greeting of American
Charles A. Reich, professor of law, associated with Yale University and the University of San Francisco, is best known as the author of The Greening of America. His most recent book Opposing the System speaks of a "system" that is running the show-not democracy, not self-government, but a combination of power, using the levers of government under a corporate hegemony, to control our ideas, our research, our culture, what's produced, what's done to whom-all in a major fundamental departure from the basis on which America was founded. As a matter of fact, free enterprise and democracy are themselves the object of attack.
Thorstein Veblen
而不是为了御寒保暖,这种极其平凡的情况是没有人会 否认的。如果我们在服装上没有能达到社会习惯所决定 的标准,就会感到局促不安,这种感觉的敏锐程度,大 概是没有别的方面的感觉可以比得上的。人们在浪费的 消费方面为了力求保持认为适当的那个标准,有时候宁 可在享受上或生活必需品方面忍受很大的困苦,这种情 形在多数消费项目中都在所难免,但在服装方面表现得 格外显著,因此在严寒时节为了力求显得漂亮,宁可穿 得单薄些,这已是司空见惯的事。在现代社会;有关服 装的各种用品的商业价值所含的绝大部分成分是它的时 新性和荣誉性,而不是它对穿衣服的人的身体上的机械 效用。服装的需要主要是“高一层的”或精神上的需要。
2. Any man may be in good spirits and good
Mark Twain 1835-1910
(pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
American writer, journalist, and humorist, who won a worldwide audience for his stories of youthful adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Sensitive to the sound of language, Twain introduced colloquial speech into American fiction. In Green Hills of Africa, Ernest Hemingway wrote: "All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn..."
Statements on clothes
1. Clothes and manners do not make the
man; but when he is made, they greatly improve his appearance. HENRY WARD BEEHER, Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit
3 What are the differences in views about
the roles and functions of dress among Reich, Lewis and Veblen? Reich: Uniformity and rigid rules for dressing up are an encumbrance (累赘) to modem people who emphasize individualism in dress. Lewis: People should wear formal dress on formal occasions. Veblen: People spend a lot of money on dress to look respectable in appearance as the need of dress is spiritual and social rather than physical or biological.
Unit Five
Views for discussion
Thomas Carlyle
Scottish-born British historian and
essayist who was leading figure in the Victorian era. Carlyle's collected works (1974) comprises 30 volumes. In the age which put faith in legislation, Carlyle believed in a leader, a hero, whom people must recognize and worship. In his famous work ON HEROES AND HERO WORSHIP (1841) his examples ranged from Mohammed to Shakespeare and Dr. Johnson.
C. S. Lewis (1898-1963) British scholar and writer
Mark Twain

衣不蔽体,尔将何如,人将何如?驻而思之,便惊觉: 不着衣,一无所是。衣服、不仅使人之所以为人,衣即人 也。无衣,人即零,即空,即无所为,亦无所是。 头衔者,换言之,尽人事,亦可谓之衣。蔽其微,壮其 貌。然则,观其内在,实无可逾芸芸也。冠冕之尊,可一 顾六合,使万民来朝。设若无傍于衣冠,九五亦混迹于走 卒。至于尊严,不足道也。 素带一百姓,禽兽抵十千。官带世人重,世人亦惨然。 帝王将相,愚公迂侯。凡所衣冠衔位者,世人莫不来称, 俯首垂揖。由此,无衣加身,衔不鼎力。 人,生之也谬乎?难道其闲来无事造物乎?难道短自尊 乎?小子愚见,于人于己,吾之畏已殆也。 现惟一法门挽狂澜——衣也。兴崇升义之衣,弥足珍贵 之礼,得善其身之器。衣也误世人,予人以尊严。无此高 峨带,枉存天地间。斯衣者,仁慈也,洪恩也,伟岸也, 弥也珍也。衣者,能令不名之人,为司晨之君;能令天下 侧目,吾亦仰首。思其能,衣衣罢。

Tom Sawyer (1881) The Prince And The Pauper (1881) 《王子与贫儿》 Life On The Mississippi (1883) Huckleberry Finn (1884) The Tragedy Of Pudd'head Wilson (1884) 《傻瓜 威尔逊》 Personal Recollections Of Joan Of Arc (1885) 《格兰特回忆录》 A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (1889) 《在亚瑟王朝的康涅狄克州的美国佬》 Following The Equator can be given by a man of his own littleness than disbelief in great men." (Heroes and Hero Worship)
Calvinism: The religious doctrines of John Calvin, emphasizing the omnipotence of God and the salvation of the elect by God's grace alone. 卡尔文主义:约翰· 卡尔文的宗教教义,强调上帝是万能的,以及仁慈上帝对人 的救赎作用
2 Do you think Mark Twain would agree
with Thomas Carlyle that dress is the foundation of society? Why or why not? Probably yes, Carlyle believes that society functions on the role of human beings dressed properly. Mark Twain believes that men without clothes are beasts and powerless.
Clarles Reich C. S. Lewis
1 How do you understand that "dress is
the foundation of society"? a) Dress is a reflection of popular fashion, fad, taste and ideologies. b) Dress mirrors the development of science and technology. c) Dress reflects economic stratification (分层) of society. d) Dress embodies personalities.