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Worker The wind _i_s__b_l_o__w__i_n_g__s__t_r_o_n__g_l_y____. The wind i_s__m___a_k__in__g__e__le__c_t_r_i_c_i_t_y___.
Hello, I am working at home. After I wash the clothes, I usually use the strong wind to dry the clothes. How powerful it is! I like the strong wind!
Make and say
Make and say
Let’s do it!
Draw a circle and cut it out.
pause button
Draw eight lines and cut along them.
Pin it to a pencil.
Make and say
Friendly wind
Beautiful wind
Terrible wind Powerful wind
Why is the wind friendly?
No colour No shape No smell
It is
equal to
pause button
pause button
Friendly wind
Beautiful wind
Terrible wind Powerful wind
Listen and think
Let’s listen to the farmer.
Children, I have a windmill, too. This is my windmill. It is very big. The wind is blowing strongly. The windmill is watering the crops. The wind is very powerful!
Friendly wind
Beautiful wind
Terrible wind Powerful wind
Watch and say
Why is the wind beautiful?
The birds __a_re__fl_y_in_g_/__d_a_n_ci_n_g_/_s_in__gi_n_g__h_a_p_p_il_y___.
Friendly wind
Beautiful wind
Terrible wind Powerful wind
Watch and think
Why is the wind terrible?
Read and say
The wind is around us. The wind helps us a lot. But not all kinds of wind are good. When the terrible wind is coming, it is bringing a huge storm in the sky. The very big wind is making damages to people and houses. Sometimes it blows people away.
Imitate and enjoy
Why is the wind beautiful?
The birds _a_r_e_f_ly_i_n_g_/_d_a_n_c_i_n_g_/_s_in_g_in__g_h_a_p_p_i_ly____.
The windmill is moving _g_e_n_t_ly_/_s_o_f_tl_y_.
Read and fill
Hello, everyone. I am a worker in an electricity factory. The wind can help us work. We all like the strong wind. The strong wind can make electricity.
Listen and think
Why is the wind powerful?
Let’s listen to them.
Help people a lot
Read and fill
Hi. I come from the village. I work in the farm. I like the strong wind. Look! The wind is blowing strongly. It is helping the windmills to water my crops.
The windmill is moving _g_e_n_t_l_y/__so_f_t_ly_.
What can you see ?
The children _a_re__f_ly_i_n_g_t_h_e_ir_k_i_te_s_h__a_p_p_il_y.
The sunflowers __a_re__m__o_v_in_g_/_d_a_n__ci_n_g_/_s_in_g_i_n_g_/_sm__il_in_g__h_a_p_p_il_y__.
bring a huge storm
Read and say
Patterns for you
The wind__i_s_b_lo_w__in_g__te_r_r_ib_l_y___. It is_m__ak_i_n_g_d_a_m__a_g_e_s _to__p_e_o_p_le_a_n_d__h_o_u_s_e_s _.
make damages
Read and say
Patterns for you
_T_h_e__w_i_n_d_i_s_b_lo_w__in_g_t_e_r_r_ib_l_y_____. _I_t_is__b_lo_w_i_n_g_p_e_o_p_l_e_a_w_a_y________.
blow people away
pause button
_B_ri_n_g_a__h_u_ge__s_t_or_m__ ___M_a_k_e__d_a_m_a_g_e_s__ _B_l_ow__p_e_o_p_le__a_w_a_y__
Read and say
Patterns for you
The wind is blowing__t_er_r_i_b_ly____. It is bringing___a_h_u_g_e_s_t_o_rm_____.
This is our windmill. It’s red/blue.... The wind is blowing gently/strongly. The windmill is moving slowly/quickly.
Can you show us your windmill?
Attention! one minute for each small group
The sunflowers _a_r_e_m__o_v_in_g_/__d_a_n_c_in_g_/_s_i_n_g_in_g_/_s_m_i_li_n_g_h_a_p_p_i_ly___.
The children _a_re__f_ly_in_g__th_e_i_r_k_it_e_s_h_a_p_p_i_ly__. pause
Patterns for you
The wind is blowing__s_t_r_o__n_g__l_y_____. The wind is _h_e__l_p_i_n__g__w__i_n_d__m___il_l_s__t_o__w__a_t_e__r__t_h_e__c__r_o_p__s__.
happily equal
Why is the wind beautiful? Why is the wind friendly?
strongly terribly
Why is the wind powerful? Why is the wind terrible?
beautiful pictபைடு நூலகம்res meet it easily
help people a lot make damages
Make 3 sentences at least to describe different kinds of wind.
Complete an email to the wind to make friends with it.
Discuss and write
Patterns for you
Do you like the wind? Why?
In order to make friends with the wind better, what can we say to it?
pause button
The wind is coming
Housekeeper T__h__e__w__i_n_d__i_s__b__l_o_w__i_n__g__s_t_r_o__n_g__ly______. _T_h__e__w__i_n__d__i_s__d_r_y__i_n_g__t_h__e__c_l_o__t_h_e__s___.
pause button
Module 4 The Natural World
Unit 10 Wind Period 4 Different kinds of wind
Look and say
What kinds of wind do you know?
quick slow gentle strong
Look and say