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来自c inc设计机构的美国设计师莫可·库柏在看到这璧山美景时也很惊讶,一直不停的感叹,并表示这里带给他很多创作灵感,也让他对重庆的区县有了进一步的了解。
“Pe rcep tion o f Chongq ing”, c o-he ld b y the In fo rm a tion O ffice o f Chongq ing Munic ipa l Gove rnm en t and Chongq ing Educa tion Comm ission, was kicked o ff on the m o rning o f Sep tem be r 29. 40 fo reign friend s from 10 d iffe ren t coun tries,in c lud ing fo re ign c onsu la r o ffic ia ls in Chongq ing, sen io r o ffic ia ls o f loca l fo reign en te rp rises and ove rseas studen ts,who w ill be invited du ring the fo llow ing 3 m on ths fo r a visit to 15 d istric ts and coun ties to exp e rience a who le new Chongq ing w ith rap id deve lopm en t. Le t them know m o re abou t Chongq ing's econom ic soc ia l deve lopm en t and loca l cond itions and custom s, p rom o te cu ltu ra l exchanges and en rich their life in Chongq
Although it was raining on tha t day, the fo re ign friend s we re still fu ll o f en thusiasm and expec tan t abou t Bishan.The op en ing ce rem ony o f “Pe rcep tion o f Chongq ing” was he ld a t Hushang Ho te l in Bishan, the stand ing comm ittee m em be rs o f Bishan coun ty, depu ty head o f Bishan Coun ty Li Wenyong, the m iniste r o f Prop agand a Depa rtm en t Yang Hong jun,d epu ty d irec to r o f the in fo rm a tion o ffice Duan Laiq ing, pa rtic ip a ted in this ce rem ony.
Fo reign friend s visited Nanhe pa rk and Wen ti squa re, they ap p rec ia ted the fresh and g race fu l new Bishan g reen island d istric t, Bishan tunne l and a new Binan rive r, the beau ty o f Nanhe Pa rk. The Consu l Atta c he o f Consu la te Gene ra l o f Ph ilip p ines in Chongq ing Ms.Lo lita V Ba lansag to ld us tha t this is he r assitan t's hom e town, she has been a lways wan ted to com e he re.Bishan is m o re like a c ity,she even wan ted to buy house he re.The gene ra l m anage r o f Le Me rid ien Ho te l Tim o thy adm ired the fasc ina tion o f Bishan, “T his is m y first tim e com ing to Bishan, bu t is abso lu te ly no t the last tim e, peop le from a ll ove r the wo rld shou ld com e to such a good p lace to look a t it.”
One o f the studen t from Po rtuga l fe lt it is a deve loped c ity, the rive r is ve ry c lea r and beau tifu l su rround ings. He hoped to com e back again one day.
The p e rfo rm ance b y Pan Q ihui, a m aste r o f m in ia tu re ca rving a t Wenm iao Tem p le is the high ligh t o f the trip.His wonde rfu l pe rfo rm ance deep ly a ttrac ted the fo reign guests.They w e re su rp rised tha t so
m any cha rac te rs and vivid designs a re cu rved on such tiny ob jec ts.Eve ryone was exc lam a to ry abou t the extensive and p ro found Ch inese cu ltu re.
Afte r tha t,fo reign friend s tou red the g reen d ragon lake,beautiful m ou tain and lake, luxu rian t vegeta tion,they we re a ll su rp rised by the am azing view again.The senio r a rchitec t M iko le from c inc design consu ltan t com pany said tha t he go t a lo t o f insp ira tions from Bishan, and he has fu rthe r unde rstand ing o f Chongq ing's coun ties. A few o f Russian g irls we re a lso cha rm ed w ith the b lue hills and g reen stream s he re, they sta rted to sing Russian songs which is a hap p y end ing fo r the trip to Bishan.。