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1 In my room, I have many _________ (玩具), like dolls and _________ (拼图).
2 How many wheels does a bicycle have?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
答案: B. 2
3 The _____ (星星) guide sailors.
4 The butterfly flutters around the ______.
5 Nitrogen makes up most of the ______.
6 The process of crystallization involves forming __________ from a solution.
7 The Earth has layers, including the ______ and the mantle.
8 A ________ (植物爱好者) enjoys gardening.
9 What is the name of the device used to see small things?
A. Microscope
B. Telescope
C. Binoculars
D. Magnifying Glass
10 A strong acid has a pH closer to ______.
11 I like to ______ (参加) motivational workshops.
12 What is the capital of Sweden?
A. Oslo
B. Stockholm
C. Copenhagen
D. Helsinki
13 What is the name of the largest known exoplanet?
A. WASP-17b
B. HD 100546 b
C. Kepler-16b
D. HD 209458 b
14 The cake is ___. (sweet)
15 I like to feed _______ (小鸟) outside.
16 A flamingo stands on one ________________ (腿).
17 What is the term for a plant that lives for more than two years?
A. Annual
B. Biennial
C. Perennial
D. Seasonal
18 Which holiday is celebrated on December 25th?
A. Halloween
B. Thanksgiving
D. New Year
19 The _____ (老鹰) soars high in the sky, searching for food. 老鹰在天空中翱翔,寻

20 biome) of the tundra is characterized by permafrost. The ____
21 I enjoy making ______ (手工艺品) with my mom. We create beautiful things together.
22 How many players are there in a soccer team?
A. 9
B. 10
C. 11
D. 12
23 The __________ (历史的教育工具) enhance learning.
24 What do we call the top of a tree?
A. Trunk
B. Leaf
C. Branch
D. Canopy
答案: D
25 I play with my toy _______ every weekend.
26 History is often recorded in __________. (书籍)
27 What do you call a person who designs clothes?
A. Tailor
B. Designer
D. Stylist
答案: B
28 What do we call the time of year when leaves fall from trees?
A. Spring
B. Summer
C. Autumn
D. Winter
29 The ________ (生态研究成果) inform policies.
30 The tortoise is slower than the ________________ (兔子).
31 The zebra's stripes help it blend into ______ (环境).
32 The __________ (历史的连接) link us to our roots.
33 The __________ (历史的连接) fosters unity.
34 The _______ (猪) is often found on farms.
35 The _______ (鸵鸟) runs very fast.
36 What do we call the person responsible for a classroom?
A. Principal
B. Teacher
C. Student
D. Parent
37 The __________ (时间的流逝) influences how history is remembered.
38 A ________ (骆驼) can go for days without water.
39 The concept of biodiversity highlights the variety of ______ in ecosystems.
40 What is the primary gas that plants take in during photosynthesis?
A. Oxygen
B. Nitrogen
C. Carbon Dioxide
D. Hydrogen
答案: C
41 What is the name of the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci?
a. The Scream
b. Starry Night
c. Mona Lisa
d. The Last Supper
42 What do we call a young hawk?
A. Eyas
B. Chick
C. Kit
D. Calf
答案:A. Eyas
43 The __________ (水源) is crucial for irrigation.
44 The _____ (moon/sun) is bright.
45 We need to ______ (clean) our room.
46 Which season is the coldest?
A. Spring
B. Summer
C. Fall
D. Winter
47 A __________ is an area where people gather for events.
48 The _____ (狼) howls at the moon at night.
49 The _____ (草原) is vast.
50 She is a friendly ________.
51 The cake is ________ and sweet.
52 I like to collect ______ (rocks) from the beach.
53 The __________ in summer is often very hot and dry. (天气)
54 The restaurant serves _____ (breakfast/lunch).
55 A solution with a pH greater than is called a ______.
56 The chemical formula for potassium hydrogen phthalate is _____.
57 The teacher is _____ (kind/mean).
58 What is the name of the famous artist known for his paintings of water lilies?
A. Monet
B. Picasso
C. Van Gogh
D. Renoir
答案: A. Monet
59 A ____(charity event) raises funds for causes.
60 A _______ can measure the temperature of water in a container.
61 What is the first month of the year?
A. December
B. January
C. February
D. March
62 What do we call the process of a liquid turning into a solid?
A. Melting
B. Freezing
C. Evaporating
D. Condensing
答案: B
63 In _____ (印度尼西亚), you can find many islands.
64 Planting native species can enhance the ecological ______ of an area. (种植本地物种可以增强一个地区的生态多样性。

65 y of Versailles ended _______. (第一次世界大战) The Trea
66 In a battery, chemical energy is converted into ________ energy.
67 A ________ (海峡) connects two larger bodies of water.
68 Did you hear the _____ (小鸟) singing in the morning?
69 I can ___ (see/hear) you.
70 A chemical property describes how a substance _____ with others.
71 The capital of Tajikistan is ________ (杜尚别).
72 What do we call the process of dividing a cell into two daughter cells?
A. Mitosis
B. Meiosis
C. Cell division
D. Cytokinesis
73 The element that is essential for plant growth is _______.
74 My aunt, ______ (我的阿姨), is an excellent baker.
75 The ______ is important for clean air.
76 An aquifer is a layer of rock that can hold ______.
77 The rabbit is ______ (eating) a carrot.
78 How many legs does a spider have?
A. Six
B. Eight
C. Ten
D. Twelve
79 The alligator's powerful jaws can crush bones and ________________ (肉).
80 What is the capital of Japan?
A. Beijing
B. Seoul
C. Tokyo
D. Bangkok
81 What is the name of the fairy tale character who lost her shoe?
A. Snow White
B. Cinderella
C. Sleeping Beauty
D. Little Red Riding Hood
82 The first successful vaccine for smallpox was developed in ______ (18世纪).
83 ts can ______ (适应) to pollution. Some pla
84 What do you call the art of folding paper into shapes?
A. Painting
B. Origami
C. Sculpting
D. Drawing
85 The __________ of a fish can help it steer while swimming.
86 The ________ is a special plant.
87 __________ are used in the production of glass.
88 What is the capital of Russia?
A. Moscow
B. St. Petersburg
C. Kiev
D. Minsk
89 My brother plays the ____ (cello) in the orchestra.
90 What is the capital city of Japan?
A. Tokyo
B. Beijing
C. Seoul
D. Bangkok
91 The ________ was a treaty that established new governance.
92 My _______ (狗) loves to chase balls.
93 A reaction that releases energy is called an ______ reaction.
94 I love to ______ (参与) in educational programs.
95 I have a ______ (collection) of stickers.
96 What is the capital of Japan?
A. Beijing
B. Seoul
C. Tokyo
D. Bangkok
97 The ________ was a major crisis in the Cuban Missile Crisis.
98 A __________ is a type of reaction that occurs in the presence of oxygen.
99 What is the opposite of "truth"?
A. Honesty
B. Lie
C. Fact
D. Reality
答案: B
100 What do you call the force that opposes motion?
A. Gravity
B. Friction
C. Magnetism
D. Inertia
