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Social work is a profession that is guided by a set of ethical principles and moral values. 社会工作是一门受道德原则和道德价值观指导的职业。
Social workers are required to adhere to a code of ethics that outlines their responsibilities and obligations to clients, colleagues, the profession, and society as a whole. 社会工作者被要求遵守一套职业道德准则,概述了他们对客户、同事、职业及整个社会的责任和义务。
These ethical requirements are essential for upholding the integrity and professionalism of the social work profession. 这些道德要求对于维护社会工作职业的诚信和专业性至关重要。
One of the fundamental ethical requirements in social work is the commitment to promoting social justice and equality. 社会工作中一个基本的道德要求是致力于促进社会公正和平等。
Social workers are expected to challenge discrimination and oppression and advocate for the rights and needs of marginalized and vulnerable populations. 社会工作者应该挑战歧视和压迫,倡导边缘化和弱势群体的权利和需求。
This ethical responsibility requires social workers to actively work towards dismantling systemic barriers and addressing structural
inequalities within society. 这种道德责任要求社会工作者积极努力消除系统性障碍,并解决社会结构中的不平等问题。
Another ethical requirement in social work is the commitment to respecting the dignity and worth of each individual. 社会工作中的另一个道德要求是尊重每个个体的尊严和价值。
Social workers are expected to uphold the autonomy and self-determination of their clients while providing support and assistance. 社会工作者应该在提供支持和援助的同时维护客户的自主权和自决权。
This ethical principle emphasizes the importance of treating individuals with compassion, empathy, and understanding, regardless of their background or circumstances. 这一道德原则强调了无论个人背景或情况如何,都要以同情、同情心和理解对待个人的重要性。
Furthermore, social workers are required to maintain confidentiality and privacy in their professional relationships with clients. 此外,社会工作者需要在与客户的专业关系中保持保密和隐私。
This ethical requirement is essential for building trust and rapport with clients and ensuring their confidentiality is protected. 这种道德要求对于建立与客户的信任和融洽关系,并确保他们的保密权得到保护是至关重要的。
Social workers must exercise discretion and caution when sharing
sensitive information and only do so when it is necessary and appropriate. 当分享敏感信息时,社会工作者必须谨慎行事,并只在必要和适当的情况下才分享。
In addition, social workers are expected to engage in ongoing professional development and self-reflection to ensure they are providing the highest standard of care for their clients. 此外,社会工作者应该进行持续的专业发展和自我反思,以确保他们为客户提供最高水准的关怀。
This ethical requirement emphasizes the importance of staying current with best practices, relevant research, and emerging trends in the field of social work. 这一道德要求强调了与社会工作领域的最佳实践、相关研究和新兴趋势保持步调的重要性。
It also encourages social workers to critically evaluate their work and seek opportunities for growth and improvement. 它还鼓励社会工作者对自己的工作进行批判性评估,并寻求成长和改进的机会。
Last but not least, social workers are ethically obligated to advocate for the well-being and empowerment of their clients. 最后但同样重要的是,社会工作者在道德上有责任倡导客户的幸福和赋权。
This involves actively promoting the rights and interests of individuals and groups, and working towards creating a more just and equitable society. 这包
Social workers are tasked with identifying systemic barriers and working towards systemic change to improve the lives of those they serve. 社会工作者的任务是识别系统性障碍,并努力实现系统性变革,改善所服务人员的生活。
This ethical imperative reflects the core values of social work, which are centered around promoting social justice, equality, and human rights. 这一道德迫切需求反映了社会工作的核心价值观,围绕促进社会公正、平等和人权而展开。