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【英文摘要】Common Acne, named as facial red spots by Chinese herbalist, is a chronic disease generally found in adolescents. Modern medical analysis attributes its occurrence
to cause such as hyperfunction of male hormone and sebaceous gland, and bacterial inflammation of pores. Acne mainly appears on sebaceous areas such as the face, the chest and the back of adolescents. It is characterized by appearance of pimples, papules, pustules, milia, cysts and scars. Overseas studies also associate occurrence of acne with unstable psychological states such as anxiety, depression and sleeping disorders. Acne affects not only the patients” appearances, but also their emotions, career and social lives, or even family relationships in a few cases.The pathogenesis of acne vulgaris is multifactorial and repeated attacks easily. Nowadays, treatment for acne has become one of the major topics among Western doctors and Chinese herbal 1 sts, and they promoting a number of different therapies, such as herbal treatment, laser therapy and acupuncture. But they can also lead to terrible side effect. However, clinical investigations prove that no single treatment can achieve satisfying results and this study aims to find out a therapy which is both efficient and appropriate.Chinese medicine practitioners to collect and collate documents and materials:Common Clinical founds the lung by wind-heat type, the spleen type, phlegm and blood stasis condensation type, Chong and Ren did not tone-type. Western
medicine acne sores to be divided into endogenous and exogenous acne, acne contact, child acne, Acne-like rash ect. Common acne is one of the endogenous acne. Now dermatologists mainly use medicament of anti-androgen, antibiotics’, Vitamin A acid to cure acne vulgarism. Even after the recovery, it might be stay ugly acne scars.The patients with acne in this study are all the type of lung-stomach irregulation and the mainly lesions appears on the face. The history of TCM practitioners investigates the etiology and pathogenesis of acne. Chinese doctor combine acupuncture and herbal drink to treat acne. Treating both inside and outside Is an advantage of Chinese medical treatment. They use herbal drinking heal the inside and applying acupuncture outside. Although there are many factors involved, the treatment is based on adjusting the balance of physiology.Through investigating 50 patients of the common acne(lung-stomach in irregulation type) were assigned to 2 groups, namely the herbal treatment group and the acupuncture group. To examine the therapeutic effects and comparison lesions reduction of two groups. The herbal treatment group using the traditional Chinese herbal “YCHT”.and the acupuncture group is applying acupuncture.
【英文关键词】Common Acne lung-stomach in
irregulation type Chinese medicine acupuncture clinic curative effect evaluation
研究11-24 1 历代文献对痤疮病名及病因病机的记载11-13 2
西医及近代中医论述痤疮13-17 2.1 痤疮的发病情况及好发年龄
与人群13 2.2 西医对痤疮发病机理的论述13-14 2.3 西医痤
疮的分型及临床表现14-15 2.4 近代中医论述痤疮病因
15-16 2.5 近代中医对痤疮病机的归纳16 2.6 近代中医对痤
疮的辩证16-17 2.7 小结17 3 痤疮的治疗现状17-22 3.1
西医对痤疮的治疗17-19 3.2 中医中药针对痤疮的辨证论治
19-22 4 愈后预防与调理22-24第二部分临床研究
24-30 1 课题研究目的和意义24 2 临床资料与方法24 2.1
病例来源与计数24 2.2 观察人群一般资料24 3 病例纳入与排
除24-25 3.1 病例入选标准24 3.2 病例排除24-25 3.3 观
察病例的终止25 3.4 病例的脱落与处理25 3.5 病例的剔除
25 4 诊断标准与轻重分级25-26 4.1 诊断标准25-26 4.2
临床轻重分级26 5 治疗方案与观察指标26-28 5.1 治疗方案
26-27 5.2 疗程27 5.3 注意事项27 5.4 观察指标
27 5.5 肺胃蕴热型寻常性痤疮中医体征品质表27-28 5.6 患
者皮肤病生活品质的测定满意度品质与治疗满意度调查表28 6
疗效指标与判断标准28-29 6.1 主要疗效指标和评定标准
28 6.2 证候疗效指标和判定标准28-29 6.3 次要疗效指标
29 6.4 安全性观测指标及评价标准297 统计分析计画书与统
计软体29-307.1 统计分析内容297.2 统计分析方法
29-30第三部分讨论30-37 1 病案资料组合和分析
30-31 1.1 男女比例的比较30 1.2 在性别构成的比较
30 1.3 在年龄方面比较30-31 1.4 在病程方面比较31 2
疗效比较31-33 2.1 两组总体疗效比较31 2.2 局布炎症改善
程度的比较31-32 2.3 两组肺胃蕴热型的中医证候疗效对比
32-33 2.4 复发率反应观察33 2.5 次要疗效观察-病人自觉治
疗满意程度33 3 讨论33-37 3.1 结果分析33-35 3.2 体会
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