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Title: Accounting information system issues of FMS
Material Source: Integrated Manufacturing Systems Author: Ram S. Sriram
In recent years, multinational organizations have been significantly changing their manufacturing strategies.Because of the challenges posed by changing market factors and global-level competitive pressures, organizations have been showing greater interest in flexible anizations believe that switching to flexible automation such as flexible manufacturing systems (FMS), computerintegrated manufacturing (CIM),and computer-aided design (CAD) will bring greater benefits in the form of improved prod uctivity, customer satisfaction, and larger market share.As Jack Meredith[1] states “high technology, combined with robots, computers, and automated machinery, seems to finally allow the long-hoped-for production wonders of virtually individual product customization, immediate response to demand, high quality, and outstanding performance,all at minimal cost”. To some extent, statements like this are supported by facts. For example, Ingersoll engineers report that firms implementing FMS, on an average,enjoy a 40 per cent reduction in production time, a 30 percent reduction in production workers, and a 12 per cent reduction in cost per piece, in addition to an increase of 30 percent in machine utilization[2].
However, adopting flexible automation like FMS is not without problems. Often FMS creates new information needs and demands a modified approach to collecting information.These modified approaches often conflict with existing management practices. An example of this would be accounting practices. Several articles point out the limitations of traditional cost measurements in the current technological environment. After briefly explaining FMS, this article examines how FMS creates new information needs within an organization and how the accounting information system can address some of these needs and help management function effectively in the new manufacturing environment.
Flexible automation
Flexible manufacturing automation can be implemented both in process-type and assembly-type manufacturing industries. Flexible automation involves, in varying degrees,computerizing the manufacturing operation through computer-control systems such as industrial robots,numerical control machines, and grouped machine centres(MC) controlled by a central computer. Process automation is more common in chemical and other
processing industries while assembly automation is more common in automobile and other job shops.The extent of flexible automation may vary from a few numerical control machines to automating the entire assembly line.
The basic component of FMS is numerically controlled machine tooling. The machine tools are run and controlled by a computer. The software instructions from the computer control and direct tool movement, cutting speed, movement of parts and inventory, and many other operations normally controlled by an operator in a traditional manufacturing operation. The software conveys instructions to different machines following a predetermined scheduling sequence.Therefore minimal manual handling of materials and jobs is required.Also, the computer collects data on items such as process time, number of units produced and inventory usage, that is useful for planning, scheduling, and monitoring production. The programmable nature of FMS enhances the operations of t he firm’s existing electrical,electronic and mechanical systems by combining several operations and by reducing time and human error[3]. Unlike a traditional job shop, an FMS job shop requires fewer operators. The operating staff consists mainly of load/unload operators, tool setters and set-up operators. Other supporting staff include computer operators, programmers, system analysts, and maintenance technicians.
New information needs
In the USA, flexible automation, like FMS, gained importance because it allowed organizations to achieve the twin objectives of efficiency and quality. FMS provides organizations with the ability to introduce new product lines (at a reasonable cost), a wider product range, improve product quality with no rejects or defects and control inefficiencies in production (see Table I for a profile of FMS).With proper planning, FMS organizations can reduce inventory levels and save space, insurance and storage costs. At the same time, they can improve quality because of faster feedback loops and improved overview of products and processes[5].However, FMS does not ensure automatic success. Success results only when the organization makes suitable changes in its organizational set-up, particularly its information system.
The need to reorganize the information system is important for two reasons. First, the monetary investment in FMS is significant. However, the direct and indirect benefits of FMS, like reduced inventory cost, reduced product cost and improvements in product quality, customer satisfaction and competitiveness, accrue only over a long time. Because achievement of these benefits is important to the goals of an organization, the information system should monitor and report on these benefits. Second, in traditional organizations, financial and accounting measurements are geared more towards short-term external financial
reporting. However, FMS demands a long-term and strategic orientation of information reporting. Therefore, the information system must develop new criteria to measure and report on the long-term strategic performance of the organization.
Changing the accounting and financial reporting systems
Accounting is one of the important information subsystemswhere the impact of FMS is greatest. This is because, in most organizations, the accounting information system measures and reports short-term information on tangible costs and benefits that are easy to quantify. Traditional accounting practices are often ill-suited to measuring the intangible and long-term benefits of FMS, which are subject to a high degree of uncertainty and variability.These measurement issues are exacerbated because FMS increases the level of automation and changes the factory layout.
Impact of increased automation
The increase in the level of automation shifts production expenses from direct to indirect and capital costs. In turn, the increase in indirect and capital costs increases overhead costs, owing to costs of automated equipment,engineering and design, and restructuring the factory floor.Indirect labour costs increase owing to maintenance expenses,expenses towards supervision, software/system development costs, and cost of training a skilled workforce. On the other hand, direct labour costs decrease because of fewer machine operators and reduced machine set-up time.The shifts in the cost mix make the traditional overhead cost-allocation bases (e.g. direct labour) less suitable and require new allocation bases (e.g. machine hours)[6]. Because of the increased importance given to product development and design activities along with production activities, FMS organizations are reconsidering their traditional cost measures and are experimenting with new cost analyses and control techniques such as transformation cost, activitybased costing, and target costing.
资料来源:Integrated Manufacturing Systems 作者:Ram S. Sriram
Manual Accounting Versus Computerized Accounting
Proceedings of International Conference on Accounting Education Reform and Development Conference —James
As many professional accountants and auditors state - accounting is a language of business which is accepted in all developed and developing countries. Every company applies accounting because it is generally accepted that companies have to reveal certain financial and management information to the government and public users and of course because accounting is indispensable tool in business decision-making process. With the development of information technologies there were developed many computer products (software) that make accounting as easy as ABC for those who uses them. From this point accounting can be divided into two basic categories:those which apply manual accounting and those which prefer computerized accounting systems. This paper is targets the main features of manual and computerized accounting, their benefits and shortcomings, and their comparison.
From the accounting theory it is known that accounting cycle includes the following steps: journalizing the transactions, posting them to ledger accounts, preparing trial balance, making adjustment entries, preparing adjusted to end-of-period trial balance , preparing financial statements and appropriate disclosures, journalizing and posting the closing entries, and preparing after-closing trial balance at last. From the first look it is not very difficult and it is so indeed, but when there are thousands or millions of transactions the situation dramatically changes. Lots of transactions that must be processed in the accounting cycle make this process routine and even a little mistake or inaccuracy can cause all the cycle from the very beginning in order to find and correct the mistake. So as to shed some light on the matter lets examine accounting cycle more thoroughly. Every transaction (event that change the financial resources or obligations of the company) must be recognized, classified and documented; in addition there must be corresponding accounts identified and changed. The transactions are recorded in appropriate journals (general journal, sales journal etc) with transaction data, affected accounts? titles, debit and credit of each affected account and explanation specified in
the journal record. The above procedure is used for each transaction. All the journal records must be posted to the ledger on a periodic basis (daily or weekly), which is a group of accounts put together and classified (assets, liabilities, revenue, expenses and equity) ? in other words general ledger summarizes all the transactions within a period of time. In addition there is a subsidiary ledger can be used, which is a more detailed source, where individual items comprised (inventory, accounts payable and accounts receivable). General ledger contains controlling accounts which summarize the content of subsidiary ledger. At the end of accounting period with the help of general ledger there is a trial balance calculated to make sure that debit and credit are in balance (if they are not equal it means that there is an error somewhere). Then there must be appropriate adjustments made like depreciation and income tax expenses, adjusted records posted to the ledger and adjusted trial balance calculated. After this there are financial statements should be prepared, which include balance sheet, income statement, statement of retained earnings and statement of cash flows. Then journal entries of temporary accounts are closed to permanent accounts and posted to the ledger, and at last after-closing trial balance can prepared.
In order to stay on top companies have to analyze the performance of all organizational cells (starting from unskilled workers and operating personnel, and finishing with top managers and other key personnel) and discover all the deviations from the plan, their causes, and finally companies? management has to take corresponding measures to avoid such deviations in the future. These procedures are called internal controls and include the following five elements: control environment, risk assessment, monitoring, information and communication, which are assessed separately and put together a single rate of organization's performance. Control environment means the way of organization's internal control? which manager controls the employees, how and whom does that manager reports next about the plan performance etc. Risk assessment implies measures to determine all the potential risks in advance, their causes, probabilities and counter-measures to avoid and manage them; how can those risks influence company's performance and financial state; how to minimize the costs of facing financial risks etc. Monitoring implies quality control of company's operations and personnel. Information and communication element means the control over communication flow and the quality of information flow within the
organization in order to minimize the time of communication and information losses. Internal control procedures allow to keep companies? assets from dissipation and control productivity and usefulness of all departments.
Let's return to the main issue of the paper. Manual accounting implies that employees perform the whole accounting cycle manually on a periodic basis: they calculate trial balances, journalize transactions, prepare financial statement reports and other routines. Of course it takes much time, resources and effort in large organizations. Computerized accounting implies that the only thing that employees do is recording transactions into the computer which processes the other steps of accounting cycle automatically or by a request. But this is a very simplified view on the computerized accounting because transaction is a complex category which includes not only sales or acquisitions, but depreciation, premiums and wages calculation, dividends etc. So computers provide accurate calculations and smart reports but it takes much time, resources and effort too and it ' s difficult to assess which accounting type is more fast and economic. If manual accounting requires qualified accountants to keep a record of business transactions, computerized requires accountants which can use specific software and thus they cost more. Computer software calculates faster but it does not know what you need until you can clearly explain what exactly you need. In addition good computerized accounting system can cost thousands and even millions dollars, depending on the complexity and the size of organization. Computerized accounting provides better internal control report system for any given period of time (computer can control thousands indicators simultaneously and create notifications to the appropriate departments or workers if some indicators do not correspond to the normal state), while manual control takes more time.
Among the advantages of manual accounting there are: comparatively cheap workforce and resources, reliability, independence from machines, skilled workers availability; the disadvantages include: reduced speed, increased effort of accountants, relatively slower internal control reporting, routine work and some others.Among the main advantages of computerized accounting there are: high speed and mobility of reporting, reliability, no routine work, increased accuracy, internal control system of increased productivity, easy back up and restoration of records; the disadvantages include: extremely high
costs on developing, introducing and using the system, special trainings for personnel, increased personnel costs, dependence on machines etc.Obviously both computerized and manual accounting have advantages and disadvantages but they perform the same task, and the final result is the same. The main differences between them are the costs , speed and mobility. Thus small and medium businesses usually prefer manual accounting without detriment to quality while large corporations apply complex accounting systems which cost millions dollars but the effect from their application exceeds all the expectations.
就像很多专业的会计师和审计师的国家 ,在所有发达国家和发展中国家,会计是被接受的一种商业语言。