





课程内容:1. 基础词汇:教授学生烹饪厨房中的常用词汇,如食材、调料、厨具等。

2. 短语和表达:教授学生烹饪厨房中的常用短语和表达方式,如烹饪步骤、口味描述、烹饪技巧等。

3. 情景对话:通过模拟厨房工作场景,让学生进行角色扮演,提高他们的实际应用能力。

4. 阅读理解:提供烹饪相关的英文文章或食谱,让学生进行阅读理解练习。

5. 听力训练:播放烹饪相关的英文音频材料,让学生进行听力训练。

教学方法:1. 讲授法:教师讲解烹饪厨房英语的基本知识和技巧。

2. 情景模拟法:通过模拟厨房工作场景,让学生进行角色扮演和实际操作。

3. 小组讨论法:组织学生进行小组讨论,分享烹饪经验和技巧。

4. 角色扮演法:让学生扮演不同角色,进行情景对话练习。

5. 阅读理解法:提供烹饪相关的英文文章或食谱,让学生进行阅读理解练习。

6. 听力训练法:播放烹饪相关的英文音频材料,让学生进行听力训练。

教学评估:1. 课堂参与度:评估学生在课堂上的参与度和积极性。

2. 情景对话表现:评估学生在情景对话中的表现和语言运用能力。

3. 阅读理解能力:评估学生对烹饪相关英文文章或食谱的理解能力。

4. 听力理解能力:评估学生对烹饪相关英文音频材料的理解能力。

5. 实际操作能力:评估学生在模拟厨房工作场景中的实际操作能力。

教学资源:1. 烹饪相关的英文文章或食谱。

2. 烹饪相关的英文音频材料。

3. 模拟厨房工作场景的道具和设备。

4. 烹饪相关的图片和视频资料。

教学进度:1. 第一周:教授基础词汇和短语,进行情景对话练习。

2. 第二周:教授烹饪步骤和口味描述,进行阅读理解练习。

3. 第三周:教授烹饪技巧和食材知识,进行听力训练。

烹饪实用英语Unit 6- lesson1

烹饪实用英语Unit 6- lesson1
Look and Study Dialogue Reading Further Study
Unit 6
Lesson 1
A. Match the English with the Chinese.
( )A CV is needed when you apply for a job. ( )He majors in culinary art. ( )The executive chef is good at culinary art. ( )Thank you for giving me this opportunity to
Look and Study Dialogue Reading Further Study
Unit 6
Lesson 1
Howard (H)即将毕业。他正在接受餐厅行政总厨Smith (S) 的面试。 H: Yes. I had the course of English for Culinary Art in my second year in the school and I took a part-time job in Apple Bees, an American restaurant during summer vacation. S: Can you describe your personality? H: OK. I am an easy-going person and I like team work. I am patient and energetic. I can work very hard and I am a quick learner. S: Sound great. Then, what are your disadvantages? H: Well, I haven’t had any full-time job, so I need to gain more experience. S: OK. That’s all. Thank you for your time, Howard. You’ll take a basic cooking test, if you pass the interview. And we will inform you as soon as possible. H: Thank you very much. Mr. Smith. Good-bye.


Put a tea spoon into the glass and pour some boiling water into the glass to warm it up2. Pour a shot of whiskey into the glass. Pour in the coffee up to within 15mm (1.5cm) from the top. Put in the two spoons of sugar and stir until all the sugar has dissolved. Place the spoon onto the rim of coffee cup, face up with the cream in a small jug, and pour cream onto the spoon. The cream will flow over the edge of the spoon and rest on top of the coffee. What should be left with is a glass of black coffee with a white collar about 10mm (1cm) deep3.
Ingredients: _______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
B. The following pictures show the procedure for making Chinese chicken. Match the pictures with the procedure.



烹饪英语教案(续表)理论课教案(续表)(续表)(首页)课堂教学安排(续表)理论课教案(首页)课堂教学安排(续表)理论课教案(首页)课堂教学安排(续表)理论课教案(首页)课堂教学安排(续表)Ask some questions:Do you like meat?What meat words do you rememberStep2. PartA:Meat&Poultry.Show students some pictures about Meat&Poultry. to impress students the key words by showing pictures. Step3. The teacher reads thenew words, followed by the students.Skim through all the picture in the text.Ask students to read the words.Step4:to make students understand the details of the sentences .Remember the useful verbs of processing vegetables.English Terms of Processing Meatslice the meat 将肉切片mince the meat 将肉切碎mash the meat 将肉捣烂dice the meat 将肉切丁fillet the meat 将肉切柳bone the meat 将肉去骨skin the meat 将肉去皮rinse the meat 涮肉Step4.Vocabulary ExplanationStep5.Homework:Recite the words and expressions.理论课教案(首页)课堂教学安排(续表)理论课教案(首页)课堂教学安排(续表)理论课教案(首页)课堂教学安排(续表)理论课教案(首页)课堂教学安排(续表)主要教学内容及步骤Step1. Lead-inActivity1. Greetings and Free-talkingCan you speak out some words you had drank before?Then I will show students some pictures and ask students what are they/ they know how to read it?Step2. Give 2 minutes to read passage quickly. Learn and master new words, phrases and sentence patterns.2.Explain some main phrases and sentence patternsEnglish terms of processing eggsfry eggs 煎鸡蛋scramble eggs 炒鸡蛋boil eggs 煮鸡蛋poach eggs 水煮荷包蛋Step3. Do some exercisesCheck the answer: Ask a team student to answer one by one.Step4:to make students understand the details of the sentences.Remember the useful verbs of processing vegetables.Individual, pair and group work to make every理论课教案(首页)课堂教学安排(续表)理论课教案(首页)课堂教学安排(续表)理论课教案(首页)课堂教学安排(续表)理论课教案(首页)课堂教学安排(续表)理论课教案(首页)课堂教学安排(续表)2. What do you recommend? 你推荐什么菜呢?3. We will serve it 15 minutes later .我们会15分钟后上菜。



Thank you! you!
进口配额( 进口配额(Import quotas) )
• 一国政府在一定时间内,对于某些商品一定时期 一国政府在一定时间内, 内的进口数量或金额,事先加以规定的限额。 内的进口数量或金额,事先加以规定的限额。超 过规定限额的不准进口。 过规定限额的不准进口。 • 类型:绝对配额(absolute quotas) 类型:绝对配额( 关税配额( 关税配额(tariff-rate quotas) )
非自动许可 (non-automatic licensing) )
• 在对进口商品有数量限制或只有经过明确授权才 能允许进口时, 能允许进口时,通常会用到非自动许可 • 例:为了保护敏感产业和战略产业,马来西亚对 为了保护敏感产业和战略产业, 部分商品实施非自动进口许可管理,所有重型建 部分商品实施非自动进口许可管理, 筑设备进口须经国际贸易和工业部批准, 筑设备进口须经国际贸易和工业部批准,在马来 西亚当地企业无法生产的情况下方可进口。 西亚当地企业无法生产的情况下方可进口。 ——中国驻东盟国家使馆商务参赞谈双边合作 ——中国驻东盟国家使馆商务参赞谈双边合作
绝对配额( 绝对配额(absolute quotas)
• 绝对配额是将特定时期内进口商品的数量限制在 特定的水平。 特定的水平。
• 例1:墨西哥今年糖产量遭到干旱破坏,将导致其向美国 :墨西哥今年糖产量遭到干旱破坏, 的出口下降。因糖价高昂且供应存在不确定性,该国将考 的出口下降。因糖价高昂且供应存在不确定性, 虑在下一榨季发放额外的糖进口配额。 虑在下一榨季发放额外的糖进口配额。该进口配额将保证 下一榨季前三个月的消费量。 下一榨季前三个月的消费量。 • 例2: 2月21日,日本经济产业省公布了 : 月 日 日本经济产业省公布了2005年紫菜进口 年紫菜进口 配额方案,取消了对进口紫菜原产国的限制, 配额方案,取消了对进口紫菜原产国的限制,将进口紫菜 国别配额改为全球配额,进口紫菜配额总量为4亿张 亿张。 国别配额改为全球配额,进口紫菜配额总量为 亿张。这 标志着自2005年起,中国紫菜可以进入日本市场。 年起, 标志着自 年起 中国紫菜可以进入日本市场。




I’d like to confirm that your company has made two banquet bookings in our restaurant.2.请问有多少人来参加宴会吗?May I know how many people will be at the banquet?3.您要预定几桌饭菜?How many tables would you like?4.您想尝尝我们的招牌菜吗?Would you like to try our house specialty?5.请问以谁的名字预订?In whose name was the reservation made?6.我们晚餐营业时间是下午5点到晚上10点。

We serve dinner from 5 p.m. until 10 p.m.7.对不起,我们餐厅14日晚餐的餐位已经订满了。

I am sorry, sir. Our restaurant is fully booked on the 14th.8.餐食通常从左侧服务,酒水通常从右侧服务。

Plated food is usually served from the left. Beverages are usually served from the right.9.订餐有人均100元、150元和180元三种标准,您想要订哪一种?For set menus, the expenses per head range from RMB 100 yuan, RMB 150 yuan to RMB 180 yuan. Which would you prefer?10.三百人用餐的收费是15,000元,不含酒水饮料。

The charge for a 300-person-dinner party is RMB 15,000 yuan, excluding beverages.11.欢迎光临我们餐馆。



《现代厨房管理》教学大纲课程名称:现代厨房管理英文名称:The manegement of kitchen 课程代码:051381 学分:2总学时:28 先修课程:开课对象:烹饪工艺与营养专业一、课程的性质、目的与任务现代厨房管理是烹饪工艺与营养专业的一门重要的专业基础课。




三、理论教学内容和基本要求第一章现代厨房管理概述[教学内容]1现代厨房生产运作特点2 现代厨房生产要求3 现代厨房管理任务[教学重点]现代厨房生产运作特点。



第二章厨房组织机构[教学内容]1 厨房组织机构设置2 厨房岗位职责3 厨房相关部门的沟通联系[教学重点]厨房组织机构设置,厨房岗位职责。



第三章厨房人力资源管理[教学内容]1 厨房人员配备2 厨房人员招聘与培训3 厨房员工评估与激励[教学重点]确定厨房人员的数量与方法,招聘与培训的程序与方法。






广西经贸职业技术学院旅游系烹饪工艺与营养专业鲁老师分享绝对经典厨房英语KITCHEN ENGLISH9、肉类和冷切肉MEAT&COLD CUTBeef Blade牛肩肉Beef Bone牛骨Beef Brisket牛胸Beef Flank牛腩Beef Marrow牛骨髓Beef OX-Tail牛尾Beef OX-Tongue牛舌Beef Rib Eye牛肉眼Beef Rib Prime带骨肉眼Beef Rump牛霖Beef Shank牛腱Beef Sirloin西冷Beef Tenderloin牛柳Beef OX-Tripe牛肚Veal Loin小牛外腰肉Veal Rack小牛架Veal Shank小牛膝骨Pork Belly五花肉/三层肉Pork Chop猪排Pork Feet猪手Pork trotter猪蹄Pork Fillet豬里脊Pork Intestine豬大腸Pork Kidney豬腰Pork Knuckle豬肘Pork Liver豬肝Pork Lung豬肺Pork Neck豬脖肉Pork thigh猪肚(大)Pork belly猪肚(小)Pork Shoulder前肩肉Pork Spare Rib肋排Suckling Pig乳猪Lamb Leg羊腿Lamb Rack羊架Lamb Shank羊膝Lamb Shoulder羊肩Lamb Tenderloin羊柳Goat山羊Venison鹿肉Crocodile鳄鱼肉Kangaroo袋鼠肉Rabbit兔子肉Snake蛇Hare野兔Frog青蛙Bull frog牛蛙Wurst德国肉肠Bacon培根Chorizo Sausage西班牙腊肠Coppa Ham意大利干脖肉Frankfurters Sausage法兰克福香肠Hot Dog Sausage热狗肠Lyoner Sausage里昂肠Salami萨拉米Mushroom Sausage蘑菇冷切肠Napoli Salami那普勒斯萨拉米Salami nostrano那斯诺萨拉米Bresaola意大利风干牛肉Salami milano米兰风味萨拉米Spianata italiana斯比那塔萨拉米Pepperoni意大利萨拉米Prosciutto意大利风干火腿Turkey Ham火鸡肠10、家禽和蛋Poultry&EGGChicken鸡Chicken Breast鸡胸Chicken Wing鸡翅Chicken Spring春鸡Duck Breast鸭胸Duck Gizzard鸭胗Goose鹅Goose Liver鹅肝Goose Web鵝掌Pigeon鴿子Quail鵪鶉Turkey火鸡Game Pheasant野鸡Game Woodcock山鶋Ostrich鸵鸟肉Hen母鸡Partridge石鸡Duckling仔鸭Sparrow麻雀Salted Duck Egg咸鴨蛋Preserved Duck Egg皮蛋Pigeon Egg鴿蛋Quail Egg鵪鶉蛋11、调料CONDIMENTBaking Powder泡打粉Baking Soda食粉Barbecue Sauce烧烤汁Corn Starch鷹粟粉Cranberry Sauce Jelly火鸡酱Curry Paste油咖喱Mayonnaise蛋黄酱Shrimp Paste蝦醬Fish Sauce魚露Hoisin Sauce海鮮醬Horseradish Sauce辣根醬Mango Chutney芒果酱Meat Tenderizer嫩肉粉M S G味精Mustard Dijon大藏芥茉Oyster Sauce蠔油Tabasco辣椒仔Peanut Butter花生酱Relish Hamburger漢堡醬Relish Hot Dog熱狗醬Salt盐Satay Sauce沙爹醬Chicken Powder雞粉Tomato Ketchup蕃茄沙司Bacon bits烟肉碎Croutons面包丁Tomato Paste茄膏Worcestershire Sauce急汁Cream忌廉Sour Cream酸忌廉Whipping Cream淡忌廉Yoghurt酸奶Coconut Milk椰奶Full Cream全脂鮮奶Skimmed Milk脫脂牛奶Jam果醬Miso Aka味噌Kimchi韩国泡菜Anchovy Sauce鯷魚汁Seaweed海带Soy Sauce酱油Soy Bean Paste豆瓣醬Tempura Batter Mix天婦羅炸粉Ginseng人参Essence香精Unpolished Rice薏米Wasabi芥辣Mirin味淋Olive橄榄Caper水瓜柳Cocktail Onion雞尾洋蔥Pickled Gherkins酸黄瓜Sauerkraut酸椰菜Sweet Pickle甜黄瓜Gravy(Brown stock)(demi glace)烧汁Caster Sugar细白砂糖Cube Sugar方糖Granulated Sugar砂糖Icing Sugar糖粉Muscovado Sugar黑糖Brown Sugar黄糖Sweetener Equal减肥糖Corn Syrup玉米糖浆Glucose Syrup葡萄糖浆Golden Syrup黄糖浆Maple Syrup枫叶糖浆Invert Syrup转化糖浆Maltose麦芽糖All Bran全麥維Coco Pop可可米Corn Flakes粟米片Frosties香甜粟米片Honey Graham蜜果圈Raisin Bran提子麥維Rice Krispies卜卜米Square Raisin提子麥粒Quick Instant Oats即食燕麥片Quick White Oats快熟麥片Alpen瑞士营养麦片Anchovy銀魚柳Baked Bean焗豆Jalapeno Pepper墨西哥辣椒Palm Heart棕榈心Guacamole牛油果酱Potato chips炸薯条French fries炸薯条Mashed potato土豆泥12、厨房用具KITCHENWARECart手推车Trolley平板车Tray不锈钢盘Cover盖子Mill磨碎器Induction Warmer电磁炉Knife刀Spatula抹刀Baller挖球器Scissors剪刀Cutting Board菜板Plastic Cutting Board塑料菜板Carving Fork切台叉Paring Knife去皮刀Decorating Knife雕刻刀Sharpening Steel磨刀棒Meat Tenderize肉锤Film保鲜膜Foil锡箔纸Measuring Cup量杯Measuring Spoon量勺Thermometer温度计Kitchen bowl多用盆Squeeze dispenser挤瓶japan漆器china瓷器Order rack挂墙纸插Order pin单插Turner solid锅铲Grill turner扒铲Turner perforated有孔铲Scoop物料铲Weight scale称Bell传菜钟Whisk打蛋器Egg divider分蛋器Egg cutter切蛋器Solid bowl码斗Funnel漏斗Funnel cone锥形漏斗Grater檫床Scale scraper鱼鳞刨Potato puree press薯蓉压Wok中式炒锅Fry pan单柄煎锅Non-stick fry pan不粘锅Sauce pan汁锅Stockpot汤锅Pressure cooker高压锅Strainer过滤筛Colander过滤器Can opener开罐器Ladle炒勺(长柄勺)Skimmer漏勺Ice cream冰淇淋勺Bamboo sticker竹签Safety glove防切手套Oven glove耐高温手套Wire shelf货架Dredger筛粉器Bone saw骨锔Copper pot铜锅GN containers储物盒GN lids储物盖GN containers perforated带孔储物盒Dishwashing racks洗碟筐Insulated container保温箱Tote box周转箱Mould模具Spatula plastic塑料刮刀Nozzle裱花嘴Icing bag裱花袋Silicone baking paper耐高温胶垫Brush毛刷Mixing bowl拌料盆Chopsticks筷子Toothpick牙签Earthen pot砂锅Stove炉灶Work table工作台Sugar thermometer比重计Plastic masks转印纸Condiment dispenser调味盒Cocktail shaker调酒器Corkscrew开瓶器Water heater热水器Ice machine制冰机Blender搅拌机(打碎)Mixer搅拌机(混合)Food processor蔬菜加工机Juice extractor榨汁机Slicer切片机Oven烤箱Microwave oven微波炉Rice cooker电饭锅Toaster土司机Waffle baker华夫饼炉Refrigerated cart冷藏车Warmer cart保温车Combi-steamers联合蒸烤箱Chillier冷冻箱Tilting frying pan大型煎锅Refrigerator冰箱Mincer绞肉机Salamander上火扒炉Grill扒板Deep fried油炸炉13、其他OTHERBlanching飞水Boiling煮Poaching煮蛋Steaming蒸Deep fry深炸Shallow fry浅炸Panfry炒(油多)Saute炒(油少)Grill扒Roast烤(油)Baking烤(干)Braising炖Stewing烩Gratinaing焗Glazing收汁Marinated腌制Canned高温蒸(罐头)Smoking烟熏Sliced片Shredded丝Chopped碎Diced丁Mashed捣碎Ground磨碎Block块Sweet甜Sour酸Salty咸Fresh鲜Spicy(hot)辣Numb麻Tart涩Fishy腥Bitter苦Fragrant香Raw(uncooked)生的Rare一成Medium rare三成Medium五成Medium well七成Well done全熟Peel果皮里层Zest果皮外层Raising agents蓬松剂Whey powder乳清粉Modifier改良剂Flavouring香味剂Specialties特产Expiry date保质期Production date生产日期Shelf life保存期限Ventilative通风Ingredient配料Cholesterol胆固醇Sodium钠Carbohydrate碳水化合物Dietary fiber膳食纤维Protein蛋白质Vitamin维生素Calcium钙Iron铁Boiled egg煮蛋(带壳)Fried egg煎蛋Poached egg煮蛋(不带壳)Omelet egg蛋包Scrambled egg炒蛋Sunny side up单面箭蛋Over easy双面箭蛋Small小Medium中Large(big)大Local本地的Imported进口的Hard硬的Soft软的Frozen冷冻Plain纯净的Dry干的Fresh新鲜的Dry products干货Buffet自助餐A la carte零点Breakfast早餐Lunch午餐Dinner晚餐Contact heat传导Convection对流Radiation辐射。


第二章、烹饪原料生物学基础 第一节、烹饪原料的化学组成 烹饪原料从其化学组成来看,主要有水分、碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂类、维生素、色素、呈味和嗅感物质等。 在本节中我们将重点学习它们在烹饪食品中运用在学习过程中有比较多的内容在我们这本书中是没有的,希望 大家做好笔记。然而对它们的化学性质和物理性质将在我们以后的课程中有一门《食品化学》,到时有这方面的 专业老师为你们做更为系统和详细的讲解。 一、 烹饪原料中的水分 1、 由于水的沸点和熔点相当高。在 760 毫米汞柱时也就是在 101.32kPa 压力下为 100℃时沸腾气化。但在减压


教 学
烹饪原料和烹饪原料学的相关概念及烹饪原料的分类 重 点
教 学
烹饪原料和烹饪原料学的相关概念及烹饪原料的分类 难 点
课 型 A 讲授型、B 实验型、C 练习型、D 训练型、
E 培训型、F 演示型、G 参观型、H 其他
教学方法 A 课堂教学法、B 分组讨论法、C 综合演练法、 D 结合实物讲看法、E 学生相互讲解法、F 其他
B、对食品的风味起着重大作用,当结合水被强行与食品分离时,食品的风味和质量就会改变。 C、较稳定,不易结冰,不易改变,对形成食品的风味起着非常重要的作用,如果结合水被强行与原料 分离时如脱水干燥后,原料的风味和质地就会大大改变。 自由水:A、自由水对溶质起溶剂作用,当含量高时,容易被微生物利用,而且会引起酶促反应,因此对多汁的 组织(含大量自由水的新鲜水果、蔬菜、肉等)在冰冻时细胞结构容易被冰晶所破坏,解冻时使组织容易崩溃。 针对自由水能够被微生物所利用,从而引起原料的腐败变质。可通过降低原料的含水量、提高细胞的浓度来抑 制原料的腐败变质。 3、 烹饪原料中水分的变化对原料品质和菜肴质量的影响(见书 P10 面) 二、烹饪原料中的碳水化合物 1、糖类定义:亦称碳水化合物,是多羟基醛、多羟基酮以及他们的缩合物和某些衍生物的总称。 2、烹饪中常见的糖类 A、单糖;主要有葡萄糖和果糖两种。 B、寡糖:以蔗糖、麦芽糖等双糖最为常见。 C、多糖:烹饪中常见的多糖有淀粉、纤(xian)维素、果胶质、琼胶等。 3、蔗糖在烹饪中的变化和应用 A、水解反应:烹饪及食品工业中运用的转化糖多是由淀粉的水解反应而来,根据淀粉的水解程度的不同,在 糕点的制作中运用的淀粉产物主要有。糊精、淀粉糖浆、买芽糖浆、葡萄糖。它们能够提高改善甜度,松软可 口,并有爽口的香味。 B、重结晶现象:见书 C、无定型体的形成:见书 D、焦糖化反应:定义见书;这是烹饪中制造糖色,烹饪红烧类菜肴的依据。在商业上生产的三种类型的焦糖 色素,生产量最大的是耐酸焦糖色素,用于可乐类饮料;另一种是啤酒用焦糖色素,它的生产方法是加热含铵 离子的蔗糖溶液。第三种是焙(bei )烤食品用焦糖色素,是直接热解蔗糖而产生的焦糖色素。 4、淀粉在烹饪中的变化和运用(见书 P12 面) 三、烹饪原料中的蛋白质 1、蛋白质主要由碳、氢、氧、氮四种元素组成,大多数含硫,有些含有磷。蛋白质的基本构成为氨基酸,常见 的有 20 种左右。其中必须氨基酸有 9 种他们是异亮氨基酸、亮氨酸、赖氨酸、蛋氨酸、苯丙氨酸、苏氨酸、色 氨酸、缬(xie)氨酸、组氨酸。 2、烹饪原料中常见的蛋白质 烹饪中常见的蛋白质主要有动物蛋白质和植物蛋白质 A、 动物蛋白质:又可分 1 肉类蛋白质:可分为肌浆中的蛋白质、肌原纤维中的蛋白质和基质中的蛋白质三部分。 2 胶原和明胶:胶原是皮、骨、和结缔组织中的主要蛋白质;明胶是胶原分子热分解的产物。 3 乳蛋白质:可分成酪(lao)蛋白、乳清蛋白、脂肪球膜蛋白质。 B、 植物蛋白质:又可分 1 谷类蛋白质:谷类中蛋白质的含量一般在 10‰左右(小麦和大麦约含 13‰,大米和玉米约含 9‰)小麦蛋 白质一般可以分为麦胶蛋白、麦谷蛋白、清蛋白和球蛋白四类,其中麦胶蛋白和麦谷蛋白是小麦面粉调制 成团并决定面团性质的关键成分。 2 油料种子中的蛋白质:大豆、花生、棉籽、向日葵、及其他油料作物的种子中除了油脂以外还含有丰富的



全国中等职业技术学校通用教材(第二版)英语(第一册)The Johnson Family烟台风电技术技工学校牟振兰lesson 1The Johnson Family带来家务洗跑步总是,始终,永远整洁的,整齐的碗碟洗衣机买东西厨房runningalwaysbringhouseworkwashdishkitchentidywashing-machineshopping通常在一起,一同午睡中午,正午(12点)公园大街有时,时而约翰逊先生问题,困难,难题约翰逊一家约翰逊太太noonnapusuallytogethersometimesproblemPark StreetMr.JohnsonMrs.Johnsonthe JohnsonsQuestions1、What time do the children go to school?—At half past seven.2、What do the children do at night?—The children always do their lessons in their rooms at night.Try to find the phrases1、跑跑步2、把……准备好3、送……上学4、洗衣服5、在中午,在正午6、睡午觉7、做功课do some running get……ready take……to school do the washingat noontake a napdo one’s lessonsFill in the blanks(1)Mr. Johnson does some running ______ his wife gets their breakfast ready.(2)_____ he gets back, he always brings hismorning paper home.(3) While her husband is __ ____ and her childrenare __ ______, she does the housework.(4) She cleans the house while the washing-machine___ __________ for her.(5) The children always __ __ ___ at nine.WhileWhen at work at school does the washing go to bedMr. Johnson does some running while his wife getstheir breakfast ready. When he gets back,he alwaysbrings his morning paper home.一、while , when :当……的时候1、A+while+B :2、A+when+B :e.g.While he was reading , his wife was cooking.e.g.(1) We were singing when the teacher came in. (2) When they were walking, it rained.A 和B 同时发生A(B)正在进行中,B(A)突然发生Practice and consolidation : choose1. The parents watch TV _____ the children do their lessons.A. whileB. when 2. Someone knocked the door _____ they were having dinner.A. whileB. when A. whileB. whenShe cleans the house while the washing-machine does the washing for her.二、do + v-ing : 做某件事e.g.Practice and consolidation : complete the sentences1.She likes to _______________ (打扫卫生) in the morning.2. His father likes to _______________ ( 修修补补) .do the cleaning 打扫卫生do the washing-up 洗碗碟do the cooking 做饭do the painting 刷漆do some writing 写点儿东西do the mending 修修补补do the cleaning do the mendingSpecial difficultiesAt half past seven , Mr. Johnson goes to work and the children go to school.They always go to bed at nine.三、work, school, bed : (上)班,(上)学,(上)床e.g.Practice and consolidation : complete the sentences1.The children _____________ ( 去上学) every day.2. Her mother is _________ ( 在上班) now.at work at schoolgo to school at workRetellRetell the text according to the picturesGroup DiscussionDo your parents do physical exercisein the morning ? Why or why not ?1、life lies on exercise.(生命在于运动)2、Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body.(读书健脑,运动强身)3、Exercise is the key to open the door to health.(运动是打开健康之门的钥匙)Summary一、words and phrases二、special difficultiesHomeworkRefer to the text to write a passage.My school day。



Unit 1 kitchen Positions and Rules
Focus on Cooking Language
A: Who is that man?
larder chef pastry chef vegetable chef fish cook grill cook roast cook commis cook pantry man butcher steward
Pastry chef
Commissary chef
Steward manager
Chef de partie Demi chef de partie Commis Trainee
Stewarding Supervisor Stewarding Foreman Stewarding Staff
Unit 1 kitchen Positions and Rules
Start off
Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3
Unit 1 kitchen Positions and Rules
Unit 1 kitchen Positions and Rules
Start off
Activity 1 Do you know names of kitchen positions?
Hi, my name is John William. I’m an executive chef working in Garden Restaurant. I’ m in charge of kitchen management. I often work in my office. I love my job.
4. Don’t cross-contaminate

新职业英语_经贸英语Unit2 (1)

新职业英语_经贸英语Unit2 (1)

Unit 1Business Relations本单元结合国际经贸业务中的典型工作流程、工作场景,概述国际贸易中建立业务联系之后的一个重要环节——“背景调查”:●背景调查综述:介绍背景调查在国际贸易业务中的重要地位,以及调查所需要涉及的主要昂面和方法(Reading A),为进行实际调查工作提供方法指导;●布置调查任务:在建立业务联系之后,公司领导委托下属对潜在合作方进行调查(Listening & Speaking & Writing),学习如何以书面和口头形式布置工作任务;●搜集相关信息:下属通过各种方式了解前爱合作方信息,并在其过程中与相关人员进行讨论(Listening & Speaking),以熟悉背景调查报告所设计的主要内容和方法;●形成报告:提供报告的样本(Reading B & Writing),熟悉报告的各项内容。

Unit ObjectivesAfter studying this unit, you are able to:●Understand what a business background report covers●Know how to conduct a business background report●Make phone calls for information regarding business background check●Write and answer emails for back ground information1.Warming-upTask 1Talk about what aspects should be covered in the business background check.Task 2Discuss with your classmates to arrange the above aspects in the order of priority.2.Reading ABackground InformationAbusiness background checkis a process that allowspotential customers,investors, and partners to become acquainted with pertinent information about thehistory of the company. At the same time, running a background check on a corporation will reveal or verify data about the current status of the business. This data includes financial data that would be important to know before investing in the company or entering into a partnership with the corporation.Conducting a business background check involves looking into a number ofdifferent types of public records in order to get a true picture of the history and present status of the company.Task 1Before reading the passage, see how much you know about business background check by answering the following questions.1. Why do companies need to conduct business background checks?Just as you don’t want to make friends with peo ple who might fool you, you want to enter into business with partners whom you can rely on. Business world is more complicated than personal life. There are news and stories widely spread that how a company has been framed by its partners and the consequence can be fatal. As a result, one must be careful about whom to cooperate with and be sure that the company is reliable. The most common way to do so is to conduct a business background check.2. What do you think is the most important part of a business background check?W ell, that is not an easy question. If I have to choose which part is the most important, I would like to choose “criminal records”. Nobody likes to do business with a company that has been sued many times or has been involved in business criminals. It is just too dangerous. Dealing with a small company or company with ill reference, one might run into the risk of poor goods or service quality, while working with a big company with criminal records, one might be dragged into lawsuits or put into prison.TextHow to Conduct Business Background ChecksThere are more and more news stories about companies that defraud investors of millions of dollars. Therefore, it is important to be certain that the company you are intending to establish a relation with is reputable and the usual practice to do so is to run a business background check. In order to do this, the following straightforward steps are recommended:投资者被某公司骗数百万美元的报道屡见不鲜。


terms of Documents Against Payment (D/P) or Documents Against Acceptance (D/A). In practice,
payment by collection should be accepted with much care. It is usually used when the financial
favorable to him or her but that the other party will also accept. To avoid
possible financial losses, both the seller and the buyer must understand
the various methods; otherwise, he or she may accept a method of
国际贸易中的支付方式有很多种。三种(sān zhǒnɡ)经常使用
Unit 5



Reading A
建立业务关系通常是公司开展业务的第一步,无论对于新公司 还是老公司都非常重要。对于前者,建立业务关系有助于开展业务 和确保其市场地位;对于后者,建立业务关系则能够使其扩大业务 量、增加营业额。 在国际贸易中,一个公司可以通过某些渠道获得关于潜在客户 的信息,如媒体广告、市场调查、业务关联、商会、国内外贸易交 易展览会或贸易代表团的互访等。国际贸易的买方与卖方之间通常 存在巨大的地理距离,这使买卖双方很难会面,所以通常的做法是 写信给潜在的或可能成为客户的伙伴来建立业务关系。此类信件通 常包括以下信息:
famous multinational companies in the world. Which ones are you familiar with? Please choose and talk about the companies and their products or services briefly.
Reading A
Establish Business Relations
Establishing business relations is usually the first step for a company to do business, and it is very important either for a new firm or an old one. For the former, it helps start business and secure its position on the market; for the latter, it enables the old firm to expand business and increase the turnover. In international business, there are some channels for a business to obtain information about potential customers, such as advertisements in the media, market survey, its business connections, chambers of commerce, trade fairs and exhibitions held both at home and abroad, or mutual visits by trade delegations and groups, etc. The generally enormous geographic distance between the buyer and the seller makes it hard for them to meet, so writing to a potential or prospective client for the establishment of business relations is a common practice. The following information is usually included in this kind of letter:

新职业英语1-基础篇-Unit 4

新职业英语1-基础篇-Unit 4
quality, color, shape, packaging, etc? • Price: Do I have any spare money right now? Is it a bargain
or is it too much money? • Brand: What brand is the best choice for my purchase? • After-sales service: Does it come with a warranty? • Shipment: How can it be sent to my house?
职业综合 英语 1
Unit 4 Product
ReadTeixnt Ag-3-2A
5 From the beginning, Starbucks set out to be a different kind of company, one that not only celebrated coffee and its rich tradition, but also brought a feeling of connection. 6 It’s just a moment in time—just one hand reaching over the counter to present a cup to another outstretched hand. But it’s a connection. We make sure everything we do honors that connection—from our commitment to serving the highest quality coffee in the world, to the way we engage with our customers and communities to do business responsibly.
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Artichoke朝鲜蓟Asparagus芦笋Bean Long长豆
Bean Sprout豆芽Beetroot红菜头Bok Choy白菜Broccoli西兰花Brussel Sprout孢子甘蓝Cabbage白菜Capsicum甜椒Carrot 胡萝卜Cauliflower花菜
Cress Water西洋菜Cucumber黄瓜Eggplant茄子
Tomato番茄Lentils扁豆Bitter Melon苦瓜
Kang Kong空心菜Okra秋葵Leek大葱
Lettuce Endive九芽生菜Lettuce Butter牛油生菜Lettuce Iceberg西生菜Lettuce Lollarosso红叶生菜Lettuce Radicchio红叶圆生菜Lettuce Romaine(COS)罗马生菜Lotus Root莲藕Mushroom Oyster蚝菇Mushroom Button 白蘑菇Mushroom Enoki金针菇Mushroom Shitake香菇Mushroom Chinese花菇Onion洋葱Shallot干葱Pea Snow荷兰豆
Potato土豆Potato Sweet地瓜Pumpkin老南瓜
Garbanzo雞心豆Choy sum菜心Baby corn玉米笋Horseradish辣根French bean四季豆Root mustard大头菜Amaranth紫苋菜Day lily黄花Tower gourd丝瓜Board bean蚕豆Fungus银耳Black fungus黑木耳Tomato Cherry小番茄Truffle松露Turnip白萝卜Bamboo竹笋Green Pea青豆Winter Melon冬瓜
Y am香芋Taro芋头Zucchini节瓜
Red Kidney Bean紅腰豆Ooba Leaf大叶(日本紫苏叶)
Apple苹果Apricot杏A vocado牛油果Banana香蕉Blackberry黑莓Blueberry蓝莓Raspberry桑莓Strawberry草莓Cherry樱桃Coconut椰子Dragon fruit火龙果Durian Fresh榴莲Grape葡萄Grapefruit西柚Guava番石榴Jackfruit菠萝蜜Kiwi fruit猕猴桃Lemon柠檬
Sugar cane甘蔗Melon Honey哈密瓜Melon Water西瓜Nectarine油桃Orange橙Mandarin桔子Papaya (PA WPA W)木瓜Passionfruit西番莲Peach桃子
Fig无花果Date枣Redcurrant加伦子Cranberry酸果Flowering crab apple海棠果Crab apple(haw)山楂Water caltrop菱角Wax apple莲雾
Capellini细意大利粉Farfalle蝴蝶粉Fettuccine宽蛋面Fusilli螺丝面Gnocchetti贝壳粉Lasagne千层面Lingue粗扁意大利面Penne直尖通粉Rigatoni大直通粉Spaghetti直圆意大利粉Macaroni弯通粉Pastina字母粉Tortellini意大利饺子(圆) Ravioli意大利饺子(方) Cappelletti飞碟粉Ruoti车轮粉Linguine扁意大利面Cannelloni面卷Squid Ink Spaghetti墨魚汁意粉Dumpling饺子New year cake年糕Glutinous rice cake糍粑Steamed corn bread窝窝头Fried dough twist麻花Fried bread油条Sesame seed cake烧饼Dried Rice Noodle干河粉Kway Teow河粉Rice V ermicelli米粉
V ermicelli粉丝Udon乌东面Wonton Skin云吞皮Laksa Mee新鲜粗米粉
5、干果和干水果NUT & Dried Fruit
Almond杏仁Cashew腰果Macadamia夏威夷果Hazelnut榛子Peanut花生Pecan Nut美国山胡桃Pine nut松籽Pistachio开心果Pumpkin Seed南瓜籽Sesame芝麻Sunflower Seed葵花子Walnut核桃
Raisin葡萄干Lotus Nut蓮子Chestnut粟子
Vinegar醋V inegar Balsamic意大利香醋V inegar Red Wine红酒醋Vinegar White Wine白酒醋Apple Cider苹果醋Vinegar-Malt麥芽醋V inegar-Tarragon他力根醋Ghee酥油Lard猪油Suet羊油
Oil- Cooking色拉油Oil- Olive Extra极品橄榄油
Oil- Sesame芝麻油Oil-Grape Seed葡萄籽油
Oil-Sunflower葵花籽油Oil-Walnut核桃油Oil Chilli 辣椒油Butter黄油Margarine植物黄油
Blue Cheese Danish蓝波芝士Camenbert Cheese金文不芝士Cheddar Cheese车打芝士Cottage Cheese乡村芝士
Cream Cheese忌廉芝士Grouda Cheese黄波芝士
Edam Cheese红波芝士Emmenthal Cheese大孔芝士
Feta Cheese飞达芝士Gouda Cheese小红波芝士
Goat Cheese夏弗若芝士Gruyere Cheese格鲁耶芝士Mascarpone Cheese马斯卡普芝士Mozzarella Cheese马苏里拉芝士Parmesan Cheese巴马臣芝士Ricotta Cheese瑞克达芝士
Brie Cheese必然芝士Gorgonzola Cheese意大利蓝芝士Fontina Cheese意大利果仁羊奶芝士Havarti Cheese丹麦哈瓦蒂芝士Percorino Romano意大利羊奶芝士Roquefort Cheese法国羊奶芝士Stilton Blue Cheese英国士刁頓芝士Foudu cheese放都芝士
Bel paese cheese贝培斯芝士
Y abby淡水小龙虾Shrimp小虾Bream鲷鱼
Salmon三文鱼Sardine沙丁鱼Sea Bass鲈鱼
Sea cucumber海参Grass carp fish草鱼Loach鱼楸
Shark鲨鱼Shark fin鱼翅Hairtail带鱼
Cuttlefish八爪鱼Carp鲤鱼Flounder比目鱼Mandarin fish桂鱼Perch河鲈鱼Rainbow trout彩虹鱼(虹鳟鱼)Silver carp fish鲢鱼Crucian鲫鱼Sea urchin海胆。
