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⼀、挂断电话的表达1、Is there anything else I can do for you? 还有什么事可以帮忙的吗?2、向对⽅家⼈问 0⼀、挂断电话的表达
1、Is there anything else I can do for you? 还有什么事可以帮忙的吗?
Say hello to your family.
=Say hello to your folks.
How are your folks?你家⼈好吗?
Have you ever meet my folks?你见过我⽗母吗?
I will make sure he gets your message.我⼀定会转达您的话。
Nice talking to you.很⾼兴跟您通话。
1、Congratulations on your promotion.恭喜你升职了。
Congratulations on your graduation.恭喜你毕业了。
Thank you,but I have a lot to learn yet.但我还有很多要学习的地⽅。
Thank you,you flatter me.谢谢你,您过奖了。
Thank you,I am just very lucky.我只是⽐较幸运⽽已。
Thank you for saying so,it's very nice of you。
2、It slipped my mind我忘了.
=Oh,I forgot.
=I didn't think it right away.我⼀时没想起来。
=I'm so forgetful these days.我最近很健忘。
3、He is not available right now,he'll be back in a few minutes.
4、I don't get it我不懂,没弄明⽩
5、I'll get it.(想要负责做某事)让我来做吧。
Let me get it for you 。
6、Bring your appetite.带着你的⾷欲来吧。
A:Would you like to come to my house for dinner? 想到我家⼀起⽤晚餐吗?
=Would you be interested in dinner with me at my home?
B: That would be great/fatastic. should I bring anything?太棒了,我应该带些什么吗?
A: No,just bring your appetite。
7、I'll be in touch.我会跟你联络
A:It was very nice talking to you,can I give you a call sometime?
B:Sure,I think you have my phone number,right?
A:Yes,do you want to have my number too?
A:I will be in touch.
8、There is no doubt about it.毫⽆疑问,对对⽅观点的赞同
A:Should I take the job?我应该做这个⼯作吗?
B:There is no doubt about it.
9、Opportunity seldom rings twice机会稍纵即逝。
Chocolate is the most delicious dessert in the world.巧克⼒是世界上吃的甜点。
Chocolate does the most damage to a girl's figure.巧克⼒对⼥孩⼦的⾝材会造成很⼤的破坏。
10、Could you spare a minute ?能占⽤你⼀点时间吗?
spare sb's life饶某⼈⼀条狗命
spare tyre 备⽤胎
1、I wonder if (我想知道···)不知是否,请求他⼈的⽤语,间接问句,if+陈述句
Could you do me a favor?
=I wonder if you could do me a favor.
I wonder if you like rock music.
A:I wonder if it is possible for me to be your student? 我是否可以做你的学⽣呢?
B:I welcome anyone who is willing to learn. 我欢迎任何热爱学习的⼈
=Anyone who loves study will be welcomed.
2.How to say? ···该怎么说(讲)
=How do you say?你怎么说··?
How do you say apple in Chinese?苹果的中⽂怎么说?
How would you express the word?
How do you say "how about date" in French?
= How do you say date in French?
Search me。
in a nice way委婉的表达
How do you say "I don't want to see you any more"in a nice way?
3.What woulg you like to···? 所问和所答的主语⼀定是物和事
What would you like to eat tonight?
What would you like to do about this problem?关于这个问题你打算怎么处理?
What would you like to do with your friends?with + sb
What would you like to do on labor's day?
What would you like to give your Mom for her birthday?
What would you like to do on sunday?
I would go fishing.
What would you like to make with this leftover rice?
Let's make fried rice.
4. How much will it cost to ··?···要多少钱?
=How much does it cost?
=How much is it?
How much will it cost to buy lifeinsurance?投保寿险要多少钱呢?How much will it cost to get my car repaired?
How much will it to cost to fix my watch? 修表要多少钱呢?
I'll have to take a look and see 我要看看
5.Would it be possible for ··to···?能不能
for + you ,COD:货到付款=cash on delivery
Would it be possible for you to send the goods to me COD? Would it be possible for you to stop smoking here?
Would it be possible for you to use your cellphone?
=Would it be possible to use your cellphone?
Would it be possible (for you) to finish the work by tomorrow?。