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Solar Operated Pump
Take Your Solar Hot Water System Off The Grid!
Retrofit or an Upgrade to your new Solar Water Heating installation the 12 Volt DC Option will provide the ultimate in reliability and sustainablility.
Powered by small 10 Watt Photovoltaic Solar panels fitted on the roof next to your collector. Your solar water heating system is completely independent of mains power supply problems, and protected from overheating damage. The resulting system saves on carbon emissions from electricity generation and contributes to a sustainable energy future.
Solar PV (Photovoltaic) Systems
Sometimes confused with solar hot water, Solar P.V. is quite different.
At SAS & Trewartha’s Plumbing and Heating Ltd w e are able to assist and link in with other companies to install solar P.V. which is Solar electricity. This is a flat plate in or on the roof where the sun reacts with the special plates to generate electricity. Growing in popularity here in the UK and with convert ratios of 10%, the P.V. panel surface is larger than that of solar water.
The cost of this type of system is high and manufacturers currently advise that the payback period for solar
P.V systems is 40-80 years. Therefore we would suggest that this type of system is purely an energy consideration not a financial option. However, here at SAS & Trewartha’s Plumbing and Heating Ltd we envisage that future changes in Europe and government policies will greatly reduce the time of pay back. We are currently involved in project which we have been advised will have a payback period of only 14years.
If you are interested in such systems, please contact us – we will be pleased to put you in touch with companies specialising in this area.
Wind turbines are also available for domestic properties, for further details please contact us
第一章heat + electricity
photovoltaic thermal PV-T
PV-T is an integrated panel producing combined heat and electricity. With the correct systems design, it can provide 100% of both the electrical and heating requirements of a building.
Recommended for commercial and domestic customers aiming to achieve low or net zero carbon emissions in new build and renovation projects.
PV-T panels can be integrated into pitched roofs or surface mounted onto flat roofs. Installation costs are half the price of installing seperate Photovoltaic and Solar Thermal system. There are also no on-going running costs, for example, fuel for a Biomas boiler. They need exceptionally low maintenance due to the complete lack of moving parts.
PV-T panels produce better electrical yields over standard Photovoltaics (PV) due to temperature stabilisation in the PV element of the panel, resulting in a 25% increase over PV in British climates.
carb onfree group’s PV-T systems are full accredited by the German Solar Institute the TUV.
Photovoltaic-thermal System
Project investigator(s)
Dr Tin Tai CHOW [ Directory of Professional Expertise ]
Division of Building Science and Technology
Dr Chow has devised a photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) system that is not only capable of generating
electric power but also transforming the waste heat into thermal power. The PVT flat-plate
collectors are modishly designed and space-saving, making them ideal for the urban setting. The
innovative product uses an aluminum-alloy thermal absorber with modular flat-box cross-section
to replace the conventional sheet-and-tube design. In hot climate, the patented system has been
proved to be able to reduce space heat gain via the surface of a building by about 50%. The
payback period of Dr Chow's system is significantly shorter than that of a conventional one. On
campus, the novel technology is now powering a hot water system and an "exit sign" system in an
office block.
Dr CHOW, Tin Tai
BSc MSc (HK), MBA (CUHK), PhD (Strath.)
Principal Lecturer
Division of Building Science and Technology
Telephone :(852) 2788 7622
E-mail :bsttchow@.hk
Professional Expertise/Research Interests
1. Heating, Ventilating and Air-conditioning
2. Energy and Environment
3. Building Simulation Studies
4. Acoustical Assessment
5. Mechanical Services Systems
Consultancy/Professional Service Experience
Dr Chow has more than 10 years of industrial experience in mechanical and building services engineering consultancy, with practical experience in design, installation, site inspection and testing activities. He has more than 15 years of academic experience, with substantial contribution to applied research, publication, and specialist consultancy projects.
Technologies for Licensing
H ybrid Photovoltaic/Thermal Collector
Other Applied Research
P hotovoltaic-thermal System
US 12/468,950 Pending Solar Heat Absorbing Window
China 201910063405.6 Pending 混合式光電光熱收集器Hybrid Photovoltaic/Thermal
Simulation of a Photovoltaic/Thermal air heating System in the region of Patras, Greece
In the present investigation has been presented a theoretical analysis of a Hybrid Photovoltaic
Thermal (PV/T) air heating collector, so as to improve its output. Hybrid Photovoltaic Thermal
(PV/T) systems are structured as PV cells placed on the top of an absorbing plate that is connected
to an air duct or rater pipes. They differentiated by the heat recovery mediums (air and water)
which used to exploit the thermal gain in order to increase the performance of the photovoltaic
cells. The front side of the collector is either glazed or unglazed, while in the backside is either
insulated or filled with Phase Change Materials (PCM). This research aims to simulate the
electrical efficiency of a photovoltaic panel, the thermal efficiency of a conventional solar air
heater in order to compare them with the electrical and the thermal efficiency of a hybrid
photovoltaic thermal air heating collector. Results have been presented to compare the
performance of hybrid PV/T air heating collector with the efficiencies of the photovoltaic panel and the solar air heaters separately. Furthermore a comparison of the overall efficiency due to its surface has been done in order to leads more significant conclusions.
刊名:WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems
关键词:Photovoltaic Thermal Air Collector Solar collector Simulation
