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Table of Contents
1. 华人学者管理科学与工程协会主席陈方若教授致辞 (2)
Greeting from Professor Fangruo Chen, Conference Chair (2)
2. 内蒙古大学经济管理学院院长郭晓川教授致辞 (3)
Greeting from Dean Xiaochuan Guo of School of Economics and Management, Inner Mongolia Univ (3)
3. 会议学术委员会成员 (4)
Conference Program Committee (4)
4. 会议组织委员会成员 (5)
Conference Organizing Committee (5)
5. 最佳论文评委会成员 (5)
Best Paper Competition Committee (5)
6. 分论坛主席 (6)
Session Chairs (6)
7. 大会议程 (7)
Conference Program (7)
8. 特邀主旨演讲嘉宾介绍 (11)
Keynote Speakers (11)
9. 圆桌论坛嘉宾介绍 (13)
Panel Discussion (13)
10. 青年学者研讨会 (16)
Young Scholars Colloquium (16)
11. 分论坛专题报告与议程 (19)
Session Agenda (19)
12. 分论坛报告的详细分组 (20)
Session Abstracts (20)
13. 地图与交通路线 (43)
Maps and Traffic Route (43)
The Seventh International Annual Conference of CSAMSE 1
Greeting from Prof. Fangruo Chen,
Founding President of CSAMSE, Conference Chair
Dear Conference Participants:
Welcome to the seventh annual conference of the Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE)!
This year’s conference will take place at the Inner Mongolia University School of Economics and Management. The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region stretches thousands of miles along the northern edge of China, and its area is the third largest provincial-level subdivision in the country. The region is rich in natural resources such as grasslands, forests, coal, natural gas, and rare earth. It has more than ¼ of the world’s coal reserves, and is considered to have the largest usable wind power capacity in China. It is therefore quite fitting that the theme of our conference is “Resources, Technology, and Sustainable Development.” How to deploy the natural resources in an efficient and sustainable manner is a big question facing Inner Mongolia, and it is also a research area that has attracted an immense amount of interest in the field of Management Science and Engineering (MSE). As you can see from the conference program, we have devoted a significant part of the conference to the dialogue between practitioners from the region and MSE scholars on issues related to resource utilization and preservation. We hope this dialogue will stimulate both practice and research in this important area.
This year we have an unprecedented number of invited sessions on a wide range of research topics. Through these sessions, and a few research tutorials, the conference provides a platform for MSE scholars from around the world to learn from each other and to forge collaborative relationships. To help young scholars succeed in publishing their work in top international journals, we offer a “Young Scholars Colloquium,” where experienced journal editors and researchers will discuss the hows, the whys, and the whats in the publication process.
So as you can see, we have much in store for you. There should be something for everybody at the conference!
The CSAMSE Association is grateful to the School of Economics and Management, Inner Mongolia University, for hosting the conference this year. We gratefully acknowledge sponsorships from the National Natural Science Foundation of China and from the China Business Initiative of the Jerome A. Chazen Institute of International Business at the Columbia Business School. Finally, we are indebted to the Program Committee, the Organizing Committee, the Best Paper Award Committee, the Invited Session Chairs, and all the speakers and participants for their enthusiasm and effort.
Wish you have a great time in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia!
Warm regards,
Founding President, CSAMSE
July 16, 2014
Dr. Fangruo Chen is the Founding President of CSAMSE and MUTB Professor of
International Business at Columbia Business School, Columbia University. Dr.
Chen’s main research area is supply chain management. He has published
extensively in the field’s top academic journals. His research addresses critical issues
in production distribution planning, procurement, supplier management, and supply
2 华人学者管理科学与工程协会第七次国际年会
chain coordination via information sharing and contracting.
The Seventh International Annual Conference of CSAMSE 3
4 华人学者管理科学与工程协会第七次国际年会
Greeting from Prof. Xiaochuan Guo,
Dean of School of Economic and Management, Inner Mongolia University, Co-Chair
Dear Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome to the Seventh Annual Conference of the Chinese Scholars Association in Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE).
Thank you all for joining us in Hohhot. We are indeed pleased and honored to have so many leading researchers and outstanding entrepreneurs from all over the world here with us. The annual conference of CSAMSE, always connecting theories to practices, is now the most internationalized conference in this field in China. It not only serves as the platform for the theory and practice interaction, enlightenment and promotion, but also plays a constructive role in promoting the development of management science and engineering. Hopefully the conference will inspire all participants to think more about the contemporary trends and insights of this field in the world, particularly in China, which may lead to new and practicable discovery.
As a proud sponsor of CSAMSE, Inner Mongolia University is the earliest comprehensive university ever established in the ethnic regions of China, which is under the joint supervision of the Ministry of Education of China and the People’s Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. School of Economics & management (SEM), formerly the department of economics, was founded in 1978. After 30 years of development, SEM covers not only the theory of economics but applied economics, business administration and management science and engineering. SEM has two disciplines: economics and management, and 6 faculties: theoretical Economics, Applied Economics, Business and Administration, Management Science, Finance and Accounting. Focusing on the research of ethnic minority and resource-rich areas, SEM has built up several academic research teams and has become a senior talent base of economics and management to the western region of China.
Thanks for the consistent effort of the international program committee and the organizing committee, under the leadership of Professor Fangruo Chen, the 2014 annual conference of CSAMSE convenes here as scheduled. With a large number of participants, we are sure that this conference will be a memorable, highly educational, and “not-to-be-missed” event. In closing, we truly value your participation and support for this conference. Thank you so much for coming and for your attention. Thank you!
Best regards,
Xiaochuan Guo 郭晓川
Dean of School of Economics and Management, Inner Mongolia University July 25, 2014
Dr. Xiaochuan Guo is the Dean and Professor of School of Economics and Management, Inner Mongolia University. He is the Director of the economy of
energy and strategic management research center
The Program Committee for the Seventh International Annual Conference
Gerard P. Cachon(Editor inChief, Management Science) University of Pennsylvania
Fangruo Chen (Chair) Columbia University
Guoqing Chen Tsinghua University
Jian Chen Tsinghua University
Lihua Chen Peking University
Rachel Chen University of California at Davis
Jim Dai Georgia Institute of Technology
Marshall L. Fisher University of Pennsylvania
Stephen C. Graves (Editor in Chief, M&SOM) Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Xiaochuan Guo (Co-Chair) Inner Mongolia University
Jay Bal The University of Warwick
Yong Jiang Aichi University
Lode Li Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
Xindan Li Nanjing University
Yijun Li National Natural Science Foundation of China Zhongfei Li Sun Yat-Sen University
Michael L.Pinedo New York University
Ananth Raman Harvard University
George Shanthikumar Purdue University
Kalyan Singhal(Editor in Chief,POM) University of Baltimore
Jeannette Song Duke University
Richard Steinberg London School of Economics
David D. Yao Columbia University
Fuqiang Zhang Washington University in St. Louis
Hanqin Zhang National University of Singapore
Jiawei Zhang New York University
Wei Zhang Tianjin University
Xiande Zhao CEIBS
Shaohui Zheng HKUST
Yusheng Zheng Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
Yong-Pin Zhou University of Washington at Seattle
The Seventh International Annual Conference of CSAMSE 5
The Organizing Committee of the Seventh International Annual Conference
Fangruo Chen(Chair) Columbia University
Mei Xue(Co-Chair) Boston College
Xiaochuan Guo(Co-Chair) Inner Mongolia University
Michael Pinedo New York University
Yongpin Zhou Unviersity of Washington at Seattle
Fuqiang Zhang Washington University in St. Louis
Rachel Chen University of California at Davis
Jianer Zhou Boston Collge
Longfei He Tianjing University
Juan Li Nanjing University
Fenglian Du Inner Mongolia University
Guixia Qian Inner Mongolia University
Qifeng Zhang Inner Mongolia University
Best Paper Competition Committee
Fangruo Chen Columbia University (Chair)
Rachel Chen University of California, Davis
Leon Chu University of Southern California
Guoming Lai University of Texas, Austin
Michael Pinedo New York University
Jeannette Song Duke University
Richard Steinberg London School of Economics
Fugee Tsung Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Guohua Wan Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Yaozhong Wu National University of Singapore
Hanqin Zhang National University of Singapore
Shaohui Zheng Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Xiaona Zheng Peking University
Yong‐Pin Zhou University of Washington
6 华人学者管理科学与工程协会第七次国际年会
The session Chairs of the Seventh International Annual Conference of
Invited Session Chairs:
Richard Steinberg London School of Economics
Lei Lei Rutgers Business School ‐ Newark and New Brunswick, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Shengbin Wang North Carolina A&T State University
Helen Yangfang Zhou Singapore Management University
Joseph Leung New Jersey Institute of Technology
Bo Chen Fudan University
Fugee Tsung The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Rachel Chen University of California at Davis
Fuqiang Zhang Washington University
Session chairs:
Xiaohang Yue University of Wisconsin‐Milwaukee
Mike Pinedo NYU Stern Business School
Ying Wei Jinan University
Tong Wang National University of Singapore
Bin Liang Inner Mongolia University
Liu Yang University of International Business Economics
Guixia Qian Inner Mongolia University
Longfei He Tianjin University
Fenglian Du Inner Mongolia University
The Seventh International Annual Conference of CSAMSE 7
8 华人学者管理科学与工程协会第七次国际年会
Program of the Seventh International Annual Conference of the CSAMSE
第零天 The zero day
会议注册 Conference Registration 8:00am-22:00pm 入住内蒙古锦江国际大酒店 Check in
Inner Mongolia Jinjiang International Hotel 2014年7月25日 July 25, 2014
Inner Mongolia Jinjiang International Hotel Cafeteria
第一天 The first day
时间 Time
事件Event 主题和演讲者 Title & Speaker
7:45-8:00 am 乘车前往会场 Transfer
锦江国际大酒店大厅 Lobby of Jinjiang International Hotel
8:00-8:30 am 会议注册Conference Registration
8:30-8:45 am
开幕式 Opening Ceremony
内蒙古大学校长致辞Speech given by President of Inner Mongolia University 大会主席陈方若教授致辞 Prof. Fangruo Chen Speech 主题: 投资者对运营的理解和影响 Topics: Understanding and Influencing Operations as an Investor 8:45-9:45 am
主旨演讲 I Keynote speech I 演讲者: Ananth Raman 教授,哈佛商学院 Speaker : Prof. Ananth Raman Harvard Business School
The Status and Future of Chinese Medium and Small-Sized Banks
9:45-10:20 am
Keynote speech II
Speaker: Dr. Kaijun Guo ,the Chairman Assistant of Baoshang Bank and
President of Beijing Oriental Sinology Institution
2014年7月26日July 26 st , 2014
10:20-10:50 am
所有参会代表 All attendees 集体合影Taking photo
茶歇Coffee break
9th Conference Room,
the academic conference
center, Inner Mongolia Unversity
The Seventh International Annual Conference of CSAMSE 9
Topics : Some reflections and observations on research and publishing 10:50-11:50am
主旨演讲III Keynote speech III
演讲者:Stephen C. Grave 教授,MIT, M&SOM 主编
Speaker : Prof Stephen C. Graves, The Abraham J. Siegel Professor of Management Science at MIT, M&SOM Editor-in-Chief 主题:资源型产业可持续成长模式
Topics : The Sustainable Growth Model of Resource-Based Industries 11:50-12:30 pm
主旨演讲Ⅳ Keynote speech Ⅳ
演讲者:郭晓川 博士,内蒙古大学经济管理学院教授、院长
Speaker : Dr. Xiaochuan Guo, Dean & Prof. of Inner Mongolia University
12:30-2:00 pm
午餐 Lunch & Break
Restaurant at 1st floor of
Taolihu Hotel
主题: 资源型企业商业模式创新——以内蒙古民丰薯业有限公司为例
Topics : Business Model Innovation of Resource-Based Enterprises—a Case study of Inner Mongolia MinFeng Potato Co.,Ltd.
协调者: 郭晓川 博士,内蒙古大学经济管理学院教授、院长
Moderator: Dr. Xiaochuan Guo, Dean & Prof. of Inner Mongolia University 2:00-3:20 pm
圆桌论坛 I Panel discussion I
参与嘉宾 Panelists:
郑渝生 教授,长江商学院
Prof. Yusheng Zheng, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business 万国华 教授,上海交通大学
Prof. Guohua Wan, Shanghai Jiaotong University 卢文兵 董事长,内蒙古民丰薯业有限公司
Mr. Wenbin Lu, Chairman of Inner Mongolia MinFeng Potato Co.,Ltd.
3:20-3:40 pm
茶歇 Coffee break 主题: 蒙餐工业化运营与管理
Topics : Industrialized Operation and Management of Mongolian Food Industries 协调者: 付伟 副教授,内蒙古大学经济管理学院
Moderator: Associate Prof. Wei Fu, School of Economics and Management at IMU
3:40-5:00 pm
圆桌论坛 II Panel discussion II
参与嘉宾 Panelists:
赵道致 教授,天津大学管理与经济学部
内蒙古大学经管楼116 Room 116 of SEM Inner Mongolia University
10 华人学者管理科学与工程协会第七次国际年会
Prof. Daozhi Zhao, Department of Management and Economics at Tianjin University
梁玉堂 教授,合肥工业大学
Prof. Joseph Y-T. Leung, Hefei University of Technology 王海峰 董事长,内蒙古大牧场食品有限责任公司
Mr. Haifeng Wang, Chairman of Inner Mongolia BIGPASTURE Co., Ltd.
5:00-5:20 pm
茶歇 Coffee break
Prof. Fuqiang Zhang (张付强) Washington University in St. Louis Prof. Rachel Chen (陈蓉), University of California, Davis 5:20-6:50 pm
青年学者研讨会 Young Scholars Colloquium
特邀嘉宾Special invited guests :
Fangruo Chen, Columbia University (Chair) Stephen C. Grave, MIT
Michael Pinedo, Leonard N. Stern School of Business, NYU. Ananth Raman, Harvard Business School
内蒙古大学经管楼116 Room 116 of SEM Inner Mongolia University
6:50-7:15 pm
乘车到晚宴地点Transfer & Break
7:20-9:00 pm
最佳论文颁奖典礼及欢迎晚宴 Best Paper Award Ceremony & Welcome Banquet
主持人:陈方若 博士,哥伦比亚大学商学院教授、CSAMSE 创始人、主席
Host: Dr. Fangruo Chen, MUTB Professor of Columbia Business School, Columbia University, Founding President of CSAMSE
楼宴会厅 The Banquet Hall, 2nd
Floor, Jinjiang International Hotel
第二天The second day
事件Event 主题Title
8:10-8:30 am 乘车前往会场 Transfer
Lobby of Jinjiang International Hotel 8:30-10:10 am 分报告 Session Tutorial 1
Invited Session1, Invited Session2, Invited Session4, Session10
10:10-10:30 am 茶歇Coffee break
2014年7月27日July 27st , 2014
分报告 Session
Tutorial 2
Invited Session3, Invited Session6, Session11, Session12
SEM of Inner Mongolia University
1112:10-2:00 pm
午餐Lunch & Break 内蒙古大学桃李湖一楼餐厅 Restaurant at 1st floor of Taolihu Hotel 2:00-3:40 pm
分报告 Session Invited Session5, Invited Session7, Session13, Session14, Session15 3:40-4:00 pm
茶歇 Coffee break 4:00-5:40 pm
分报告 Session Invited Session8, Invited Session9, Session16, Session17 内蒙古大学经管楼 SEM of Inner Mongolia University 5:40-6:00pm
乘车前往锦江国际酒店 Transfer 内蒙古大学经管楼西门 The west gate of SEM Building 6:00-9:30 pm 晚餐Dinner 内蒙古锦江国际大酒店自助餐厅 Inner Mongolia Jinjiang International
Hotel Cafeteria
The location of sessions is on page 17
12 华人学者管理科学与工程协会第七次国际年会
Keynote Speakers
Ananth Raman
Ananth Raman is UPS Foundation Professor of Business Administration at Harvard
Business School in Boston.
Ananth Raman, UPS Foundation Professor of Business Logistics, specializes in
operations management. He teaches courses in supply chain management, service
operations, and the investor's perspective on operations to MBA students and
executive participants. He teaches a doctoral course on operations management at
Harvard Business School, and serves as primary thesis advisor for multiple doctoral
He is co-director of a multi-year research project (the "Consortium for Operational
Excellence in Retailing") to study retail operations, supply chain, and merchandising practices. Over 30 retailers from the United States, Japan and Europe have participated in this study. The project involves researchers from a number of universities including the Harvard Business School and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
He has consulted with, and been responsible for management education programs for executives in, a number of companies. His research on forecasting and inventory planning has been implemented at multiple companies.
Raman has a Bachelor of Technology degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, an M.B.A. from the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, and a Ph.D. from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.
Ananth Raman 教授, UPS 基金会商业物流教授,专注于运营管理,主要教授MBA 课程:供应链管理、服务运营和投资者视角的运营管理,博士课程:运营管理(哈佛商学院)。
Kaijun Guo
Kaijun Guo is the Chairman Assistant of Baoshang Bank and President of Beijing
Oriental Sinology Institution
Dr. Kaijun Guo holds the office of President of Beijing Oriental Sinology Institution and
the Chairman Assistant of Baoshang Bank. Before he joined Baoshang Bank, he was the
senior researcher on strategy management in the Head Office of China Construction
Bank, Research Department. Kaijun Guo got his Ph.D degree in Management in
Liverpool John Moores University. Organizational change is his main research field. Dr.
Guo has created an Organizational Patterning Theory within the field of Organizational
Change Theory, and has published his monograph titled ‘Understanding Organizational Fitness—The Case of China’.
郭博士获得英国Liverpool John Moores 大学管理学博士学位,在组织变革研究领域造诣颇深。
现为国际系统科学协会会员(ISSS ),中国管理科学学会会员,中国技术管理协会理事会顾问(CAMOT ),中国经济协会会员(英国)(CEA );泰国Ramkhamhaeng 大学兼职教授,硕士生导师;清华大学继续教育学院兼职教授;北京科技大学兼职教授,硕士生导师;昆明理工大学客座教授;内蒙古科技大学兼职教授,硕士生导师。
The Seventh International Annual Conference of CSAMSE 13
Stephen C. Graves
Stephen C. Graves is the Abraham J. Siegel Professor of Management Science at
Dr.Graves received his A.B. and M.B.A. from Dartmouth College and completed
his Ph.D. in operations research from the University of Rochester. He teaches
classes in supply chain planning and design, and in mathematical modeling and
analysis, as applied to manufacturing, supply chains and distribution systems. His
primary research interests are in the design and planning of manufacturing systems
and supply chains; recent efforts have considered supply-chain optimization, the
evaluation of manufacturing flexibility and various tactical issues arising in
e-retailing. He has authored over 60 refereed papers and is the co-editor of two handbooks: Logistics of Production and Inventory and Supply Chain Management: Design, Coordination and Operation. Graves has served on several editorial boards for journals in operations management and management science, and is currently the editor-in-chief of Manufacturing & Services Operations Management, the INFORMS journal for operations management. He has conducted industry-based research projects with numerous companies, including AT&T, IBM, Monsanto, Eastman Kodak, , Intel, General Motors, Boeing, Teradyne and Staples. He has been a member of the Board of Advisors to Optiant and Invistics, and the chief science advisor to JDA Software. He has been selected as an INFORMS Fellow, a MSOM Fellow and a POMS Fellow.
Stephen C. Graves 是麻省理工学院管理科学学院的Abraham J. Siegel 教授。
Graves 在达特茅斯学院获得文科学士和工商管理硕士学位,并且在罗切斯特大学完成了运筹学的哲学博士学位。
Xiaochuan Guo
Xiaochuan Guo is Professor of Management at Inner Mongolia University
Prof. Xiaochuan Guo is an Assistant to President of Inner Mongolia University, dean of
School of Economics and Management in Inner Mongolia University. He is also the
Director of Research Center for Energy Economy and Strategic Management, independent
board member of Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co., Ltd and other listed companies.
His main research areas are in strategic management, technological innovation
management, regional economy, corporate governance and organizations designing.
郭晓川 教授、博士生导师,内蒙古大学校长助理、经济管理学院院长。
经济与战略管理研究中心主任、中日GIS 区域经济与产业数据实验中心主任、SUCCESS 中心副主任。
14 华人学者管理科学与工程协会第七次国际年会
Panel Discussion I
Topic: Business Model Innovation of Resource-Based Enterprises—a Case study of Inner Mongolia MinFeng Potato Co., Ltd.
Moderator: Prof. Xiaochuan Guo, Inner Mongolia University 郭晓川教授,内蒙古大学
YuSheng Zheng
Yusheng Zheng is Professor of operation management at Cheung Kong Graduate
School of Business
Prof. Yusheng Zheng, Ph.D at Columbia University, deputy dean and Professor of
operation management at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, Professor at the
University of Pennsylvania's Wharton school, former deputy editor of “Operation and
management Research” and committee member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of
Management. The research areas are mainly concentrated in the inventory management,
supply chain management, manufacturing management, services management and
financial analysis model. Prof. Yu-sheng Zheng teach undergraduate, MBA and PhD
programs, has published more than 40 papers and provides consulting services for many famous international company.
主要研究领域主要集中在存货管理、供应链管理、制造业经营管理、服务业经营管理和财务分析模型,并教授本科、MBA 和博士课程。
Guohua Wan
Guohua Wan is Professor of Management Science at Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Guohua Wan is currently a Professor of Management Science and Associate Dean of the
School of Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He received his Ph.D. degree
from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and his MSc and BS degrees
from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Huazhong University of Science and
Technology, respectively. Before joining Antai College of Economics and Management
in 2007, he was teaching and doing research at Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology, University of Macau and New York University.
He currently serves as a Senoir Editor of Production and Operations Management (The flagship journal of POMS), Associate Editor of Journal of Operations Research Society of China (Springer) and Journal of Management Analytics (Taylor and Francis).
Production and Operations Management (POMS),Journal of the Operations Research Society of China (Springer),Journal of Management Analytics (Taylor and Francis),《系统管理学报》编委。
The Seventh International Annual Conference of CSAMSE 15
Wenbing Lu
Wenbing Lu is chairman of Inner Mongolia Minfeng Potato Co.,Ltd
Mr. Lu is chairman of Inner Mongolia Minfeng Potato Co.,Ltd, Chairman and CEO
of Inner Mongolia Tenggeli Investment Management Co., Ltd., EMBA of Renmin U
niversity of China. Mr. Lu joined MengNiu and became vice President and head of I
nvestment and Financing Division in 2002. He served as President of Inner Mongoli
a Little Sheep catering chain company, which earned more than 5 billion per year an
d becam
e “the best Chinese hot pot o
f China” under Mr. Lu’s leadership. He also bec
ame one of “CCTV 2008 China economic annual figures”. In 2012, Mr. Lu became t
he chairman of Inner Mongolia Minfeng Potato Co., Ltd.
卢文兵,内蒙古民丰薯业有限公司董事长,内蒙古腾格里投资管理有限公司董事长总经理,中国人民大学EMBA 。
卢文兵曾加盟蒙牛,2002年成为蒙牛主管投融资和上市的副总裁,2007年卢文兵担任内蒙古小肥羊餐饮连锁公司总裁,他领导的“小肥羊”年收入超过50亿,成为“中国火锅第一股”,并获得2008CCTV 中国经济年度人物。
Panel Discussion II
Topics: Industrialized Operations and Management of Mongolian Food Industries
Fu Wei
Fu Wei is Associate Professor of Management Science at Inner Mongolia University
Fu Wei is director of Education Center for Professional Degree(MBA, MPAcc, MF), Inner
Mongolia University . He is a member of International Society for Production and
Operations Management (POMC), International Institute for Information Systems
(CNAIS) and China Management Science Society (CMSS).
付伟,内蒙古大学经济管理学院管理科学系 副教授。
内蒙古大学专业学位(MBA 、
MPAcc 、MF )教育中心主任,国际生产与运作管理学会(POMC )中国分会会员,
国际信息系统学会(CNAIS )中国分会会员,中国管理科学学会(CMSS )高级会员。
Daozhi Zhao
Daozhi Zhao is Professor of Management Science at Tianjin University.
Prof. Daozhi Zhao received his PhD at Nankai University. He is the director of Logistics
and Supply Chain Department, Tianjin University. He is also the director of Modern
Manufacturing and Logistics Institute, deputy head of the cooperation team of national
engineering master program, the standing director of China Logistics Association.
Management Science, EJOR,《系统工程理论与实践》,《系统工程
16 华人学者管理科学与工程协会第七次国际年会
Joseph Y-T. Leung
Joseph Y-T. Leung is the Cheung Kong Scholar of Hefei University of Technology
Prof. Joseph Y-T. Leung is the Cheung Kong Scholar of Hefei University of Technology,
and received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science of The Pennsylvania State Universit
y. He is also a Distinguished Professor at Computer Science Department of New Jersey I
nstitute of Technology. His research Interests are on Scheduling Theory, Real-Time Syste
ms , Operating Systems, Combinatorial Optimization, Computational Complexity, Desig
n and Analysis of Algorithms. More than 10 research projects being funded, including 3
National Science Foundation (NSF) funded projects in the past 5 years. Prof. Joseph Y-T.
Leung has published 154 academic papers in world-famous journals, such as "Operations Research", "Mathematics of Operations Research", "European Journal of the Operational Research”, and so on.
美国新泽西理工学院计算机系的Distinguished Professor 。
梁玉堂教授以生产调度为主要研究方向,并以此为基础拓展研究了运输配送路径优化、实时调度系统、竞争Agent 调度、供应链调度、订单调度等多个研究领域。
梁玉堂教授的研究工作受到了十几项科研项目的资助,其中近五年连续获得美国国家科学基金(NSF )资助项目 3 次。
围绕上述研究课题和研究方向,梁玉堂教授在《Operations Research 》、《Mathematics of Operations Research 》、《European Journal of Operational Research 》等国际著名期刊上发表学术论文154篇。
Haifeng Wang
Haifeng Wang is the chairman and CEO of Inner Mongolia Damuchang Food Co., Ltd.
Mr. Haifeng Wang received his MBA degree from School of Economics and
Management, Inner Mongolia University. He is the chairman and CEO of Inner
Mongolia Damuchang Food Co., Ltd. He is also the member of Tenth Youth
Federation of Inner Mongolia, member of Tongliao People's Congress and Chifeng
王海峰先生,内蒙古大学MBA 毕业。