计算机英语lesson 6 v2

目录Lesson 1: Outer Hardware 计算机外部硬件Lesson 2: Hardware on the Inside 计算机内部硬件Lesson 3: Bits & Bytes 位与字节Lesson 4: Storage 存储器Lesson 5: Programs 程序Lesson 6: Operating Systems 操作系统Lesson 7: Files & Folders 文件与文件夹Lesson 8: The Windows Desktop Windows桌面Lesson 9: Knowing Your System 了解你的计算机系统Lesson 10: Computer Care & Safety 计算机的维护附录(一)著名公司及其商标名附录(二)常见硬件名和设备名附录(三)著名软件名附录(四)重要电脑英语及其缩写附录(五)网络英语附录(六)计算机常用键及指令Lesson 1: Outer HardwareTake a look at the computer in front of you. No, not justthe screen. Look at all of the other parts. Do you knowwhat they are? Do you know what they do? If youalready know - great! Give yourself a big pat on theback! But if you don't know about all the gadgetssurrounding your computer, then read on and find out!The BasicsLets start with the center of any computer system. Do you seesomething shaped like a box nearby? It will have a power switchand a light or two. It should also have a place or places to insertdisks. This is the case that houses all of the important computercomponents. If it stands up tall, it is a tower case. If it sits flat, itis a desktop case. Ask your parents to let you look at the backof the computer (never do this without permission, becausethere is a lot of dangerous electricity back there!). You will seelots of cords and cables coming out of the back of the case andgoing to other computer parts like the monitor.Your computer case probably has a place to insert floppy disks or CDs. These are called the floppy disk drive and the CD-ROM. The floppy disk drive reads information from a very thin disk that is inside a flat, square plastic case. You can also write information to these disks and 'save' it. CD-ROM is short for Compact Disk - Read Only Memory. A compact disk is a shiny, circular disk that stores information. A CD-ROM can only read information from the disk. Many new computers have a CD-RW (RW stands for ReWrite) instead of a CD-ROM. CD-RW allows you to write information to the disk as well as read from it. Also, some new computers have a DVD (Digital Video Disk) drive instead of a CD-ROM or CD-RW. A DVD looks just like a CD, but it holds much more information. You can watch movies, listen to music, or play computer games from DVDs. One important thing to know is that you can play CDs in a DVD player, but you cannot play DVDs in a CD player! Input DevicesThere are several ways to get new information or input into a computer. The two most common ways are the keyboard and the mouse. The keyboard has keys for characters (letters, numbers and punctuation marks) and special commands. Pressing the keys tells the computer what to do or what to write. The mouse has a special ball that allows you to roll it around on a pad or desk and move the cursor around on screen. By clicking on the buttons on the mouse, you give the computer directions on what to do. There are other devices similar to a mouse that can be used in its place. A trackball has the ball on top and you move it with your finger. A touchpad allows you to move your finger across a pressure sensitive pad and press to click.Other types of input devices allow you to put imagesinto the computer. A scanner copies a picture ordocument into the computer. There are severaltypes of scanners and some look very different, butmost look like a flat tray with a glass pane and a lidto cover it. You can input photographs into acomputer with a digital camera. Photos are takenwith the camera away from the computer and storedon a memory chip. Then the camera is plugged intothe computer, so that the images can bedownloaded. Another input device is a graphics tablet. A pressure sensitive pad is plugged into the computer. When you draw on the tablet with the special pen (never use an ink pen or pencil!), the drawing appears on the screen. The tablet and pen can also be used like a mouse to move the cursor and click.Output DevicesOutput devices display information in a way that you can understand. The most common output device is a monitor. It looks a lot a like a TV and houses the computer screen. The monitor allows you to 'see' what you and the computer are doing together.Speakers are output devices that allow you to hearsound from your computer. Computer speakers arejust like stereo speakers. There are usually two ofthem and they come in various sizes.A printer is another common part of a computersystem. It takes what you see on the computerscreen and prints it on paper. There are two types of printers. The inkjet printer uses inks to print. It is the most common printer used with home computers and it can print in either black and white or color. Laser printers run much faster because they use lasers to print. Laser printers are mostly used in businesses. Black and white laser printers are the most common, but some print in color, too.Words and phrasescomputer ☜❍☐◆♦☜ n.计算机cursor/ ☜♦☜/ n.光标desktop / ♎♏♦♦☐ n.桌上型电脑trackball / ♦❑✌♌●n.标运动球desktop case / ♏♓♦/ n.卧式主机touchpad /♦✈♦☞☐✌♎/ n.触盘screen /♦❑♓⏹/ n.屏幕image / ♓❍♓♎✞ n.映像monitor / ❍⏹♓♦☜/ n.显示器scanner / ♦✌⏹☜/ n.扫描仪mouse /❍♋◆♦/ n.鼠标picture / ☐♓♦☞☜ / n.图像keyboard / ♓♌♎/ n.键盘document / ♎◆❍☜⏹♦/n.文档printer / ☐❑♓⏹♦☜/ n.打印机digital camera / ♎♓♎✞♓♦●✌❍☜❑☜/ 数码相机basic / ♌♏♓♦♓n.基础download /daun●☜◆♎/ n.下载tower case / ♦♋◆☜n.竖式机箱graphics tablet/ ♈❑✌♐♓♦ ♦✌♌●♓♦ / 图形输入板floppy disk / ♐●☐♓ ♎♓♦软件output device / ♋◆♦☐◆♦♎♓♋♓♦/ 输出设备floppy disk drive /♎❑♋✋/ 软(磁)盘驱动器speaker / ♦☐♓☜/扬声器save /♦♏♓/ vt. 保存inkjet printer/ ♓☠♎✞♏♦ ☐❑♓⏹♦☜喷墨打印机input / ♓⏹☐◆♦/ n.输入laser printer/ ●♏♓☜ ☐❑♓⏹♦☜ 激光打印机device /♎♓♋♓♦/ n.设备character / ✌❑♓♦☜/n.字符BASIC Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code 初学者通用符号指令码CD Compact Disc 光盘CD_ROM compact disc read_only memory 光盘驱动器CD-RW ReWrite 可擦写光盘DVD Digital Video Disk 数字化视频光盘DVD drive 数字化视频光盘驱动器Lesson 2: Hardware on the InsideComputers are made of many electronic components or parts. These components each have a special job and they all work together to make your computer operate. Some components are hidden inside the computer, where you can't see them. Others can be seen partly from the outside.Power It Up!Every computer needs a power supply, to take electricity from your house and convert it into a current that works for your computer. The electrical cord that comes out of your computer, comes out of the power supply. When it is plugged into the wall, electricity travels from the electrical wires in your house into the computer's power supply. When your computer is turned on, the power supply allows the converted electricity to travel to other components inside the computer.CircuitsThe motherboard gets its name because it is like a motherto all of the other circuit boards. Found at the bottom of adesktop case or the side of a tower case, the motherboard isthe largest circuit board and has many smaller boardsplugged into it. It holds all of the most important parts of thecomputer.On the motherboard, you will find several expansion cards.Each of these cards has a special purpose. The sound cardcontains special circuits for operating the computer's sound.The video card handles graphics that are displayed on themonitor. There are also expansion cards for other computercomponents including the drives and ports.The modem is an expansion card that allows computers to talk to each other. A modem plugs the computer in to a phone or cable line so that information can be transferred between computers. Current modems can run up to 56,000 bits per second. Don't know what a bit is? Don't worry, we'll get to that in a later lesson :)The brain of a computer is the CPU or CentralProcessing Unit. Like a brain, it controls informationand tells other parts what to do. The type of CPU in acomputer also determines how fast that computer canoperate. A CPU generates lots of heat, so there isusually a small fan nearby to cool it down.A very important computer component is the BIOS chip.BIOS stands for Basic Input Output System. In verysimple terms, the BIOS chip wakes up the computerwhen you turn it on and reminds it what parts it has and what they do.RAM & ROMHave you ever heard the terms RAM and ROM?These two terms sound very similar and can easilybe confused by beginners. However, understandingwhat they mean and what they do can help you toremember.RAM stands for Random Access Memory. RAMchips will remember what you tell them and can evenchange to remember new information. But, when thecomputer is turned off, RAM forgets everything youtold it. This is why it is so important to save your work on a computer - if the computer gets turned off, RAM will lose all of your work!ROM stands for Read Only Memory. ROM is good at remembering, but cannot change it's mind. It holds information that is built into it. ROM is like reading a library book - lots of information is there, but you can't change it (because you never write in a library book). RAM, on the other hand, is more like a journal - you can write information into the journal. But if you change your mind, you can erase and write in new information.PortsPorts are the places on the outside of the computer case where you plug in hardware. On the inside of the case, they are connected to expansion cards. The keyboard, mouse, monitor, and printer all plug into ports. There are also extra ports to plug in extra hardware like joysticks, gamepads, scanners, digital cameras and the like. The ports are controlled by their expansion cards which are plugged into the motherboard and are connected to other components by cables - long, flat bands that contain electrical wiring.Disk DrivesDisk drives read information off of storage disks. The three most common disk drives are the hard drive, floppy disk drive and CD-ROM. In lesson 1, you learned a bit about the latter two, which are usually installed inside the front of your computer case so thatyou can get to them from the outside to load the software. The hard drive, however is hidden inside the computer because the disks are not meant to be removed. Information that you save on your computer is stored on these hard disks. You can learn more about storage disks in Lesson 4: Storage; but first, check out Lesson 3 to learn about bits and bytes.Words and Phrasescomponent / ☜❍☐☜◆⏹☜⏹♦/ n.组件power supply/ ☐♋◆☜ ♦☜☐●♋♓/ n.电源circuit / ♦☜♓♦/ n.电路motherboard /♊❍✈❆☜♌♎/n.主板expansion /♓♦☐✌⏹☞☜⏹ / n.扩充sound card /♦♋◆⏹♎ ♎/声卡video card / ♓♎♓☜◆ ♎视频卡drive /♎❑♋✋n.驱动器port / ☐♦ n.端口modem / ❍☜◆♎☜❍/ n.调制解调器chip /♦☞♓☐/ n.芯片joystick / ♎✞♓♦♦♓/ n.操纵杆gamepads /♈♏♓❍☐✌♎ / n.游戏手柄scanner / ♦✌⏹☜/ n.扫描仪cable / ♏♓♌●/ n.导线disk drive /♎♓♦ ♎❑♋✋/磁盘驱动器hard drive /♒♎ ♎❑♋✋硬驱动器storage / ♦♦❑♓♎✞/n.存储器floppy disk drive / ♐●☐♓♎♓♦ ♎❑♋✋/ 软盘驱动器CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器BIOS Basic Input/Output System 基本输入/输出系统RAM Random Access Memory 随机存储器ROM Read Only Memory 只读存储器Lesson 3: Bits & BytesDid you know that all of the information that travels through your computer is based on two commands? It's true. The only data that a computer can understand is on and off. But, the millions of combinations of those two commands given in series are what make a computer work.Binary CodeRemember the power supply that is inside yourcomputer and how it sends electricity to all of thecomponents? That electricity is what creates an onsignal. The memory chips inside your computer aredivided into thousands of tiny compartments calledbits. Each bit has an electronic switch or gate. Onmeans the gate is open and letting electricity gothrough. The computer reads on or open switches asa number 1. Closed gates are off because the electricity is blocked and cannot get through. The computer reads off bits as 0. It is by grouping these bits together to form a series of 1/0 commands, that data is formed. Eight bits are grouped together to form a byte. In this group of eight, there are 256 possible combinations of 1/0. The grouping of 1/0 within a byte is called Binary Code.Here's an example of the Binary Code in action: Whenyou type the letter A on your keyboard, electricalsignals are sent from the keyboard to the CPU. TheCPU turns the signals into binary code. Then, thecomputer reads the code and sends it on to the monitorto display the letter A.KB, MB & GBYou may have seen these abbreviations many times before. Do you know what they mean?∙KB = kilobyte = about 1,000 (one thousand) bytes, (1024 or 2^10)∙MB = megabyte = about 1,000,000 (one million) bytes, (1,048,576 or 2^20) ∙GB= gigabyte = about 1,000,000,000 (one billion) bytes (1,073,741,824 or 2^30)As you can see, these abbreviations stand for a specific number of bytes. And each byte holds 8 bits capable of forming 256 combinations of 1/0. Wow!The number that comes before one of these abbreviations represents the computer's memory capacity. For example, if a computer has 64MB of RAM that means that the computer can handle 64,000,000 (64 million) bytes of random access memory (that's 64,000,000 microscopic 8-bit panels). Hard disk space is also measured in bytes. So, a 15GB hard drive has 15,000,000,000 (15 billion) bytes for storing memory.Look at your keyboard. Each character key is represented by a number that is held in a single byte. Remember how the letter A is sent to the CPU to be translated into binary code? The numerical value of the uppercase letter A is 65. That number 65 is represented in one byte - a combination of 1 and 0 or on and off switches. The computer cannot understand letters, so it translates them into numbers that are represented by patterns of on and off. To get an idea of how much on/off data a computer can store, just imagine pressing one key one billion times! How long would it take? If you pressed the key 5 times per second, it would take you over 6 years of continuously typing to reach 1 billion keystrokes equal to 1GB of memory! And many computers today can store over 20GB of memory on their hard disks! Incredible! So, the next time your computer is taking a long time to load a web page, think of how fast it really is going!Words and phrasesbit /♌♓♦/ n.位byte /♌♋♓♦/ n.字节command / ☜❍⏹♎n.指令binary / ♌♋♓⏹☜❑♓/a.二进位的binary code / ♌♋♓⏹☜❑♓ ☜◆♎/ 二进制码memory chip/ ❍♏❍☜❑♓ ♦☞♓☐存储芯片KB kilobyte / ♓●☜◆♌♋♓♦/ 千字节MB megabyte/ ❍♏♈☜♌♋♓t/ 兆字节GB gigabyte / ♈♋✋♈☜♌♋♓♦/ 千兆字节Lesson 4: StorageThe purpose of storage in a computer is to hold data or information and get that data to the CPU as quickly as possible when it is needed. Computers use disks for storage: hard disks that are located inside the computer, and floppy or compact disks that are used externally.Hard DisksYour computer uses two types of memory: primary memorywhich is stored on chips located on the motherboard, andsecondary memory that is stored in the hard drive. Primarymemory holds all of the essential memory that tells yourcomputer how to be a computer. Secondary memory holds theinformation that you store in the computer.Inside the hard disk drive case you will find circular disks thatare made from polished steel. On the disks, there are manytracks or cylinders. Within the hard drive, an electronicreading/writing device called the head passes back and forthover the cylinders, reading information from the disk or writinginformation to it. Hard drives spin at 3600 or more rpm(Revolutions Per Minute) - that means that in one minute, thehard drive spins around over 3600 times!Today's hard drives can hold a great deal of information -sometimes over 20GB!Floppy DisksWhen you look at a floppy disk, you'll see a plastic case thatmeasures 3 1/2 by 5 inches. Inside that case is a very thinpiece of plastic (see picture at right) that is coated withmicroscopic iron particles. This disk is much like the tape insidea video or audio cassette. Take a look at the floppy diskpictured. At one end of it is a small metal cover with arectangular hole in it. That cover can be moved aside to showthe flexible disk inside. But never touch the inner disk - youcould damage the data that is stored on it. On one side of thefloppy disk is a place for a label. On the other side is a silvercircle with two holes in it. When the disk is inserted into the diskdrive, the drive hooks into those holes to spin the circle. Thiscauses the disk inside to spin at about 300 rpm! At the sametime, the silver metal cover on the end is pushed aside so thatthe head in the disk drive can read and write to the disk.Floppy disks are the smallest type of storage, holding only 1.44MB.How Hard and Floppy Disks WorkThe process of reading and writing to a hard or floppy disk is done with electricity and magnetism. The surfaces of both types of disks can be easily magnetized. The electromagnetic head of the disk drive records information to the disk by creating a pattern of magnetized and non-magnetized areas on the disk's surface. Do you remember how the binary code uses on and off commands to represent information? On the disk, magnetized areas are on and non-magnetized areas are off, so that all information is stored in binary code. This is how the electronic head can both write to or read from the disk surface.It is very important to always keep magnets away from floppy disks and away from your computer! The magnets can erase information from the disks!Compact DisksInstead of electromagnetism, CDs use pits (microscopic indentations) and lands (flat surfaces) to store information much the same way floppies and hard disks use magnetic and non-magnetic storage. Inside the CD-Rom is a laser that reflects light off of the surface of the disk to an electric eye. The pattern of reflected light (pit) and no reflected light (land) creates a code that represents data.CDs usually store about 650MB. This is quite a bit more than the 1.44MB that a floppy disk stores. A DVD or Digital Video Disk holds even more information than a CD, because the DVD can store information on two levels, in smaller pits or sometimes on both sides.Uses of Floppy DisksYou might wonder: If all the information is stored safely inside my computer, why would I need to store it outside? There are several reasons why portable storage is so important.Floppies make it possible to backup important information in case it is lost by the computer. Do you remember in Lesson 2, we talked about RAM and ROM? RAM loses its memory each time the computer is turned off, but ROM keeps information stored even when the computer is not turned on. Well, sometimes computers have problems that can cause them to crash. No, that doesn't mean they jump off the desk and smash on the floor ;-). A crash is something that happens inside the computer's circuits and can make it forget things. Some crashes can even make ROM forget everything! Having important information backed up on disks will allow you to put it back into your computer's memory. Backup disks can save you lots of time and headaches!Disks also allow information to be transferred between different computers. Let's say that you are working on a project using a computer at the library, but you don't finish it by closing time. There's your project sitting in the computer. How do you get it home to finish it on your computer? You write the information to a disk, take it home and upload the information into your computer from the disk. What an easy way to transfer information!Uses of Compact DisksThe most common use for compact disks (aside from playing music) is storage of software programs. When you purchase a computer game, the program that tells your computer how to run the game is stored on a CD. You move the program into your computer's memory by installing it. Some programs are transferred completely into your computer's hard drive. However, many programs are very large and would take up lots of memory space on your hard drive. To keep that from happening, these programs are designed to only upload part of the program onto your computer. The rest of the program stays on the software. The program cannot be run from your computer unless you have the CD in the disk drive so that RAM can read the rest of the program from it.With the introduction of CD-RW (disk drives that can write to compact disks as well as read from them), CDs can now be used for storage much like floppies. Using aCD-RW, computer data can be backed up to a CD. All kinds of information that was too large to fit on floppy disks can now be saved on CD. Many people store music files or family photos on CD.Words and Phrasesdata / ♎♏♓♦☜/ n.数据primary memory/ ☐❑♋♓❍☜❑♓ ❍♏❍☜❑♓/ 主存储器hard disk /♒♎ ♎♓♦/ 硬盘secondary memory/ ♦♏☜⏹♎☜❑♓ ❍♏❍☜❑♓/ 辅助存储器floppy disk / ♐●☐♓ ♎♓♦/ 软盘cylinder / ♦♓●♓⏹♎☜/n.柱面head /♒♏♎/ n.磁头pit ☐♓♦/ n.凹点land /●♋⏹♎/ n.平面crash / ❑✌☞/ a.紧急的rpm revolutions per minute 转数/分Lesson 5: ProgramsProgrammingIn Lesson 3, you learned that all of the information thattravels through your computer is stored on bits as either anon or off signal. Using bits and bytes in differentcombinations to represent a code is known asprogramming. These codes allow the computer tounderstand instructions. Computer programmers arepeople who write these codes to create programs. There areeven programming languages that make it easier, so thatthese people don't have to remember all the bit or bytecombinations. Programming allows people and computersto communicate more easily.Computer ProgramsA program is a set of instructions that tells the computer how to perform a specific task. For example, your favorite computer game is a program. In order for your computer to know how to play that game, you (or your parents) must first install the program from the game software - usually a CD. Installing the program means that you are copying the program or instructions that are stored on the CD on to your computer's hard drive. Programs can also be downloaded from the internet directly to your hard drive.Many programs (especially games) are very large and would take up lots of memory space on your hard drive. To keep that from happening, these programs are designed to only copy part of the program onto your computer. The rest of the program stays on the software. The program cannot be run from your computer unless you have the disk in the disk drive so that RAM can read the rest of the program from it.Other programs install completely on your hard drive, so that they can be used without running the CD. This is very helpful with programs that are designed to help the user perform a specific task, such as typing a letter or creating a birthday card. Having the program run without the CD, frees up the CD-ROM drive in case you might need to run a clip art CD to add some pizzazz to your creation!Types of ProgramsThere are many different types of programs for the computer. They are grouped according to the tasks that they perform. Here are some very common types of programs and some examples of their uses:∙Word processing - letter writing, essays, writing stories∙Database - address books, mailing lists∙Spreadsheets - storing financial information∙Research - encyclopedias, informational programs∙Entertainment - games, music/video programs∙Education - skill practice games, tutorials, how-to programs∙Desktop Publishing - creating birthday cards, newsletters, etc.Programs do much of the work for us, when we perform taskson the computer. The program instructs the computer in alanguage that it understands. Think of how hard it would be todictate a story for someone else to type if that other personspoke a foreign language! You could learn that person'slanguage, but that could take years. The easiest way wouldbe to have a translator. Programs are like translators thatallow people to work with computers without learning thecomputer's language.Words and Phrasesprogram / ☐❑☜◆♈❑✌❍/ n.编程programming / ☐❑☜◆♈❑✌❍♓☠/ n.程序设计computer programmer / ☜❍☐◆♦☜ ☐❑☜◆♈❑✌❍☜/ 计算机程序设计器programming language / ☐❑☜◆♈❑✌❍♓☠ ●✌☠♈♦♓♎✞/ 编程语言install /♓⏹♦♦●/ vt.安装word processing ♦☜♎ ☐❑☜◆♦♏♦♓☠/ 字处理database/ ♎♏♓♦☜♌♏♓♦/ n.数据库spreadsheet ♦☐❑♏♎☞♓t/ n.电子表格research /❑♓♦☜♦☞/ n.研究entertainmentent /☜♦♏♓⏹❍☜⏹♦ / n.娱乐education/ ♏♎◆☎✆♏♓☞☜⏹/ n.教育desktop publishing / ♎♏♦♦☐ ☐✈♌●♓☞♓☠/桌面排版系统Lesson 6: Operating SystemsWhat is an Operating System?The most important program on any computer is theOperating System or OS. The OS is a largeprogram made up of many smaller programs thatcontrol how the CPU communicates with otherhardware components. It also makes computerseasier to operate by people who don't understandprogramming languages. In other words, operatingsystems make computers user friendly.Do you remember ROM (Read Only Memory) and RAM (Random Access Memory) from Lesson 2? ROM and RAM are very important to the OS. Part of a computer'soperating system is built into ROM. That part containsthe most essential programs that the computer needsin order to run correctly. The ROM operating systemis also known as the BIOS (Basic Input OutputSystem). You may remember from Lesson 2 that theBIOS is responsible for waking up the computer whenyou turn it on to remind it of all the parts it has andwhat they do.The operating system also contains other programsthat are important, but not essential to making the computer run. The part of the operating system that contains these programs is stored on a computer's hard drive and is booted to RAM whenever the computer is turned on. This part of the operating system is known as DOS which stands for D isk-basedO perating S ystem.Types of Operating SystemsDifferent computer manufacturers use different operating systems. Apple has specific operating systems for its line of Macintosh computers. When IBM released their Personal Computer or PC back in the early 1980's, they did not get a copyright on it, which allowed many other companies to build similar computers that wereIBM-compatible; in other words, they used the same operating system as the IBM PC. There are different operating systems available for PCs, but the most common is Windows, which was developed by a company named Microsoft. Windows is similar to the Macintosh operating system, because it also uses a mouse and a GUI (Graphical User Interface) that uses graphics or pictures to help the user navigate within the computer system.There are several versions of Windows (95, 98, NT, 2000), just as there are several versions of Macintosh operating systems (System 7, System 8). Operating systems are constantly being improved or upgraded as technology advances. When a company thinks that their operating system has been advanced enough from the one already on the market, they release their new version for sale. Users can thenpurchase the new version and upgrade the part of the operating system that is stored on the hard drive. The ROM OS is not affected by the upgrade. Upgrading an operating system can have several advantages, such as simplifying tasks and navigation. However, there can be disadvantages, too. Many Windows 95 users upgraded to Windows 98 and discovered that many of their older programs would no longer run within the new operating system.The Computer RevolutionThe introduction of the Macintosh OS and the later introduction of Windows played a large part in making computers accessible to so many people. The user-friendly interfaces of both operating systems made it easier for people with no computer training to learn to use these amazing machines. Other machines, such as typewriters and payroll calculators quickly became a thing of the past, as computers became so easy to use and so affordable.Words and Phrasesoperating system / ☐☜❑♏♓♦♓☠ ♦✋♦♦☜❍/ 操作系统graphics/ ♈❑✌♐♓♦/ n.图解user friendly / ◆☜ ♐❑♏⏹♎●♓/ 用户友好upgraded/ ✈☐♈❑♏♓♎♓♎/ n.升级DOS Disk-based Operating System 磁盘操作系统GUI Graphical User Interface 图形用户界面。
计算机英语Unit 6

Chatting on QQ
A: QQ is one of the most widely used chat software. Using it we can chat with
others. As long as others online, you can see him immediately, and you can talk to many people at the same time.
B: Phone calls, email or sending messages?
A: Oh no, it should be QQ.
B: QQ? What is QQ?
A: QQ is software based on Internet IM.
B: Then what can we do with it?
credibility [ˌkredəˈbɪləti] n. 可靠性,可 信性
circulation [ˌsə:kjuˈleiʃən] n. 流通,循环, 传播 advantage [ədˈvɑ:ntidʒ] n. 有利条件,优势
reputation [ˌrepjuˈtei ən] n. 名气,名 声, 名誉 necessary ['nesisəri] adj. 必要的,必需的
business ['biznis] n.交易,生意 register [ˈredʒistə] v. 注册的,登记过的, 已挂号的
service [ˈsɜːvɪs] n.(提供技术或帮助的)服 务
registration [ˌredʒɪˈstreɪʃən] n. 登记,注 册,挂号
extraordinary [iksˈtrɔ:dnəri] adj. 意想不到 的,不平常的

Unit 6 Section 2 Passage A
• algorithm • data structure • character • table • list • stack • queue • tree • array • node • LIFO • tail
• FIFO • hierarchy • vertex • edge • push • set • record • retrieval • element • multi-dimensional
• List
A list is a sequential data structure, i.e. a collection of items accessible one after another beginning at the head and ending at the tail. It can be stored in an array or as a sequence of linked nodes.
between the data. We can store the objects in real life into computer in the form of data information by using it. It really can help us write efficient programs. May be you will study this course next semester.
• Mr. Wu: Right. Requirements analysis is just the first step of
software engineering, and the designing, encoding and testing are just as important. You can refer to a lot of relevant infore’ll come to a systematic introduction in our future lessons. Go ahead with your website design contest. You can turn to me if you have any more questions.
计算机专业英语Lesson 6

Although this list contains both name and position, it does not tell you which
managers are responsible for which workers and so on. If you want your
A collection of items in which only the earliest added item may be accessed. Basic operations are add (to the tail) or enqueue and delete (from the head) or dequeue. Delete returns the item removed. Also known as “first in, first out” or FIFO.
A collection of items in which only the most recently added item may be removed. The latest added item is at the top. Basic operations are push and pop. Often top and is Empty are available, too. Also known as “last in, first out” or LIFO.
database to represent the relationships between management and employees at
ABC, a tree diagram is a much better structure for showing the work
计算机专业英语Unit 6

Learning Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to:
1. describe the development of sound card in English orally.
2. identify different types of multimedia in English.
3. explain how to install a Webcam in English .
Know about: Text, Audio, Graphics, Animation
Lቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱstening & Speaking
1. Listen to the following passage and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.
images elements selection sound software modify application site video create programs multimedia
There is a tremendous selection of software that can be used to create the multimedia elements to be included in a multimedia application or Web site . Typically this process involves several programs, such as graphics software to create or modify the images , animation software to create animated elements , and audio- and video-editing software to create finished sound and video clips.

CHAPTER 619. SYSTEM UNIT (P150)The system unit, also known as the system cabinet, is a container that houses most系统单元该系统的单位,又称系统机柜,是一个容器,里面大部分构成一个计算机系统的电子元件。
微型计算机中,有四种基本类型:桌面系统的单位,笔记本电脑系统的单位,平板电脑系统的单位,掌上电脑系统的单位2. SYSTEM BOARD (P153)The system board is also known as the motherboard. The system board is the系统板也被称为主板。
21. (P154)Sockets provide a connection point for small specialized electronic parts called套接字提供了一个小的芯片专门的电子零件的连接点。
22. MICROPROCESSOR (P155)In a microcomputer system, the central processing unit (CPU) or processor is 在微机系统中,中央处理单元(CPU)或处理器包含一个单一的芯片上称为微处理器。

Chapter 6
Software Engineering
在图6-1中展示了软件的生命周期。这个图说明了一个事实:一旦软件开发 完成,它就进入了使用和修改的循环,并且这个循环将在软件生命期的剩 余时间中不断进行。这样的模式对机器制造的产品而言也是很普通的。不 同之处在于,对于其他产品,软件工程中的修改阶段要被更精确地称作修 理或者维护阶段,因为其他产品由于部件的磨损会有从使用到修改的过程。
计算机专业英语 6-7
Chapter 6
Software Ee as a Whole
Regardless of why software enters the modification phase, the process requires that a person (often not the original author) study the underlying program and its documentation until the program, or at least the pertinent part of the program, is understood. Otherwise, any modification could introduce more problems than it solves. Acquiring this understanding can be a difficult task even when the software is well-designed and documented. In fact, it is often within this phase that a piece of software is finally discarded under the pretense (too often true) that it is easier to develop a new system from scratch than to modify the existing package successfully

计算机专业英语教程(第4版)译文6.2《计算机专业英语教程》(第4版)6.2 Carrier Frequencies and Multiplexing载波频率和多路复用@ Computer networks that use a modulated carrier wave to transmit data are similar to television stations that use a modulated carrier wave to broadcast video.modulated 已调制的使用调制载波发送数据的计算机网络和利用调制载波广播视频信息的电视台相类似。
The similarities provide the intuition needed to understand a fundamental principle:similarity 相似性intuition 直观这一相似性给理解下述基本原理提供了启示:Two or more signals that use different carrier frequencies can be transmitted over a single medium simultaneously without interference.signal 信号simultaneously 同时地interference 干扰两个或多个使用不同载波频率的信号可以在单一介质上同时传输而互不干扰。
@ To understand the principle, consider how television transmission works.为理解这一原理,考虑(有线)电视传输是如何工作的。
Each television station is assigned a channel number on which it broadcasts a signal.channel 频道每个电视台都分配一个频道号,它在该频道上广播信号。
Computer English Unit 6 Database(计算机英语 第六单元 数据库)

Unit 6 Database第六单元:数据库Section A:课文A:Database Overview数据库概览I. Introduction一、引言Data storage traditionally used individual, unrelated files, sometimes called flat files.数据存储传统上是使用单独的没有联系的文件,这些文件有时称为平面文件。
In the past, each application program in an organization used its own file.在过去,一个机构中的每个应用程序都使用自己的文件。
In a university,for example, each department might have its own set of files: 例如,在一个大学中,每个部门都可能有其自己的文件集:the record office kept a file about the student information and their grades, the financial aid office kept its own file about students that needed financial aid to continue their education,the scheduling office kept the names of the professors and the courses they were teaching, the payroll department kept its own file about the whole staff (including professors), and so on.档案办公室保存着关于学生信息和学生成绩的文件;经济资助办公室保存着其自己的关于需要经济资助以继续学业的学生的文件;调度办公室保存着教授的姓名和他们所教的课程;工薪发放部门保存着其自己的关于全体教职员工(包括教授)的文件,等等。

三、课程内容本课程主要包括以下几个部分:1. 电脑的基本构成电脑主要由硬件和软件两部分组成。
2. 电脑的工作原理电脑的工作原理可以简单分为输入、处理、输出三个步骤。
3. 电脑的基本操作学生将学习电脑的基本操作方法,包括开机、关机、使用鼠标、键盘等。
4. 电脑在学习中的应用电脑在学习中有着很大的应用价值,学生将学习如何使用电脑进行文字处理、制作幻灯片、查找资料等。
5. 电脑在娱乐中的应用电脑也可以用于娱乐,学生将学习如何使用电脑观看电影、听音乐、玩游戏等。
中职计算机专业英语教学课件Lesson 6Operating System

Lesson 6 Operating System
An operating system is an essential part of a computer which performs three major functions: managing resources, providing a user interface, and running application. It manages and controls the activities of the computer.
1. Computer 小常识。 集成电路 (IC)
这是一种由许多相互联结的电路元件(如晶体管和电阻)所组 成的器件,该器件被制造在单个的硅晶体芯片或其他半导体材料的 芯片上。集成电路可按其所包含的元件的数量加以分类: 小规模集成电路 (SSI): 少于10个电路元件 中规模集成电路 (MSI): 10~100个电路元件 大规模集成电路 (LSI) : 100~5 000个电路元件 甚大规模集成电路(VLSI):5 000~50 000个电路元件 超大规模集成电路 (SLSI): 50 000~100 000个电路元件 极大规模集成电路 (ULSI): 大于100 000个电路元件
3.First, they allow computer users to develop and execute programs in a convenient environment. 首先,它们能让电脑用户在一个 舒适的环境里建立和执行程序。 allow 在这里的意思是“允许,让”, 例如: Allow me to remark. 让我说一句。 Allow 还有以下意义及用法: ① 承认如: We must allow that he is a good student. 我们必须承认他是 一个好学生。 ② 给与,允许如:She allows her son four dollars a week for books. 她 每星期给她儿子4美元买书。

— 7—
6.1 Computer Network Summary
each other on the LAN must use the same upper-level communication protocol. Although single LAN is geographically limited, (to a department or an office building, for example) separate LAN can be connected to form larger networks. Similar LANs are linked by bridges, which act as transfer points between networks; dissimilar LANs are linked by gateways, which both transfer data and convert it according to the protocols used by the receiving network.
— 5—
6.1 Computer Network Summary
Network software consists of protocols, or rules by which processes can communicate. Protocols can be either connectionless or connection-oriented. Most networks support protocol hierarchies, with each layer providing services to the lower layers. Protocol stacks are typically based either on the OSI model or the TCP/IP model. Both of these have network, transport, and application layers, but they differ on the other layers.
新编计算机英语教程chapter 06

2. Supplimentary Reading
• I. User Interaction with a Database Program • II. Motion Capture software: Cortex
3. Grammer:语态
• 语态是动词的一种形式,它表示主语和 谓语的不同关系。语态有两种(主动语态 和被动语态)。主动语态表示句子的主语 是谓语动作的发出者,被动语态表示主 语是谓语动作的承受者,即,主动语态 句子中的宾语,在被动语态中做句子的 主语。由于被动语态句子的主语是谓语 动作的承受者,故只有及物动词才会有 被动语态。
4. A interface presents a screen output with fields to be filled in by users is called a(n) A. form. B. query. C. table. D. report. 5. A. B. C. D. 6. A. B. C. D. All of the following are examples of database management software, except: Adobe Photoshop Microsoft Excel Microsoft Office Front Page 2003 Macromedia Authorware Specialized graphic programs used for editing digital photographs are called multimedia authoring programs. blogs. digital scanners. image editors.
英语第二册第三版课件Unit 6 lesson 2

3. It was started in 1969 in the USA to establish a nationwide network to connect a handful of universities and contractors.
◆ locate 还可以表示“定位某物”“找到某物”或“查找” 等。而 situate 不具备此含义。
The police are trying to locate the missing man. 警方正设法查明那个失踪者的下落。
The young girl could not locate her lost book. 年轻姑娘找不到她丢失的书了。
Pictures add interest to walls. 相片给墙面增添了情趣。 “We must find a better way,” he added. 他接着说,“我们必须找到一个更好的方法。” ◆ 有时,increase 和 add 表达相同的意思时,表达方式却 不同。
We have added one million to our population.
establish & construct 建立
◆establish 的基本词义是“建立”“确立”“确定 ”。 construct 的基本词义是“建造”“构建”“构思”。这两个 词都主要用作及物动词。例如:
He has established himself in business. 他已经在商界确立了地位。
The populatg very fast. 地球上的人口增加得很快。

《计算机专业英语》课件第6章 (2)

Basic Cutting, Copying, and Pasting To cut text or a graphic, select the text or graphic in your document and choose Cut from the Edit menu, press Ctrl+X, or click the Cut button on the Standard toolbar. The text or graphic disappears from your document and is placed on the Clipboard. To copy text or a graphic, select the text or graphic in your document and choose Copy from the Edit menu, press Ctrl+C, or click the Copy button on the Standard toolbar.The selected text or graphic remains in your document, but a copy is placed on the Clipboard.
·To see the contents of an item, point to the button and wait for the ScreenTip to appear.
·To paste an item, move the insertion point to the location where you want the text to appear and click the item’s button on the Clipboard toolbar.

Computer Science in EnglishDesigned and Programmed ByJiang TongqiangMiao TianshunTeaching Assisted Courseware1Computer Science in EnglishChapter 6: Operating Systems2Chapter 6I. Pre-reading Questions1. What is an operating system?Reference Key:The operating system (OS), the most important system software component, consists of the master programs, called the supervisor, that controls the execution of application programs and acts as an interface between the user of a computer and the computer hardware.3Chapter 6I. Pre-reading Questions2. What are functions of operating system?Reference Key:An functions of operating system are consists of the file management, memory management, I/O management, the scheduler, and process management.4Chapter 6I. Pre-reading Questions3. How many operating systems do you know? Name at least four of them.Reference Key:Common operating systems used on microcomputer are DOS, Windows, OS/2, UNIX and Linux.5the most important system software component作the operating system的同位语,起进一步说明的作用。
《计算机英语》Unit 6

• Part 2 Simulated Writing: Summary • Part 3 Listening and Speaking
– Dialogue: Installing Oracle Database Software
– Listening Comprehension: Data Mining – Dictation: Data Warehouse
1.1 Relational Database
1. Introduction
2. Contents
3. Terminology 4. Relations or Tables 5. Primary Keys 6. Foreign Key
7. Stored Procedures
8. Indices 9. Normalization 10.Relational Database Management Systems
1.1 Relational Database
• Complex Sentences
– Original: Foreign keys effectively use the values of attributes in the referenced relation to restrict the domain of one or more attributes in the referencing relation.
– ___1.OODBMS impacted on mainstream commercial data processing shortly after its emergence. – ___2.The term “object-oriented database system” first appeared in mid - 1980s. – ___3.OODBMS is integrated with the programming language while Relational DBMS projects maintain a clearer division between the database model and the application. – ___4.The emergence of open source object databases achieve a second growth period of OODBMS. – ___5.Programming languages can have database query capabilitie.
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第6课 编程语言基础
编程语言是人工语言设计用来明确表达可以被机器、特 别是计算机执行的运算。编程语言可以用来建立程序、 恰当地表达算法、自动执行信息的组织和操作任务并作 为与人交流的一种模式。 所有的编程语言都有一些原语“积木块”,这些程序块 描述了数据及应用于数据的处理或转换(如两数相加或 从一个集合中选择一个项目)。这些原语用语法和语义 规则定义,这些规则分别描述了它们的结构和意义。
张强华 司爱侠 编著
Lesson 6
Programming Language
New Words
New Words
New Words
New Words
artificial language batch process be accustomed to be capable of be essential to building block carry out commonly used algorithm context-free grammar fall into flow of execution 人工语言 批处理 习惯于 能够 对...必要的 积木 完成,实现,贯彻,执行 常用算法 上下文无关语法 掉进,陷入 执行流
许多语言经历了从无到有、改变以适应新的需求、与其他语言 结合、到最终废弃的过程。虽然他们也一直试图设计一个全用 途的“通用”计算机语言,但是人们并没有广泛认为他们填补 了这个角色。计算机语言的不同来自各语言所用的环境不同: • 程序范围从几个爱好者所编写的很小的脚本到数千程序员所 编写的巨型系统。 • 程序员范围从简单高于一切的新手到能够适应十分复杂情况 的专家。 • 程序必须平衡系统的速度、规模和简单性,从微型控制器到 超级计算机。 • 程序也可以一旦写成几代不改,也可以不断改变。 • 最后,程序员的任务可能完全不同:也许他们习惯用特定语 言讨论问题和表达问题。
编程语言与大部分其它人类语言的不同在于它们更精确、 更完备。当使用自然语言与其他人沟通时,作者和说话 者可以含混一点并出点错,并依然期望他们的意思可以 被对方理解。但是,比喻地说,计算机只能“告诉做什 么就做什么”,并不能“理解”程序员想写的代码。语 言定义、程序以及程序输入的结合必须完全指定当程序 执行时在该程序的控制范围内它们所产生的外部行为。 计算机程序也可以以批处理的方式执行,无须与人交互, 用户也可以在解释器的交互期输入命令。在这种情况下, “命令”只是进行一系列操作的程序。当语言被用来给 软件应用发命令时,它被叫做“脚本语言”。
因为计算机需要恰当定义的指令,所以许多编程语言有 一些按其语法和语义编写规范构成的语句。一些按规范 文档(如ISO标准)定义,而另一些有一个主要执行工 具(如Perl语言)。 最早的编程语言比计算机出现得还早,用来控制机器的 运行,如自动控制的织布机和乐器钢琴。已经创立了数 千种不同的编程语言——主要在计算机领域——而且每 年建立的越来越多。
Text A I. Complete the following sentences according to the information in the text. 1. an artificial language, a computer, create programs, information, human communication 2. syntax and semantics, instructions, a specification document, a dominant implementation 3. interaction between people, communicate instructions to machines 4. non-computational languages 5. a greater degree of precision and completeness 6. the complexity of the computer, do more computing 7. its syntax 8. the possible combinations of symbols, semantics 9. regular expressions, Backus-Naur Form 10. The static semantics, A type system
巴柯斯范式 超文本链接标识语言 结构l Standards Institute Backus Normal Form Hypertext Markup Language Structured Query Language
1. 定义 通常认为建立编程语言应具有以下重要特点: • 功能:编程语言是编写计算机程序的语言,它包括计算机执 行的某种计算或算法并可能控制像打印机、机器人等外部设 备。 • 目标:编程语言与自然语言不同,因为自然语言只用于人们 之间的交互,而编程语言还要允许人与机器之间指令交流。 一些编程语言用于一个设备对另一设备的控制。例如 PostScript语言常常由另一个程序建立来控制计算机的打印机 或显示器。 • 构造:编程语言可能包括定义和执行数据结构或控制执行流 的构造。 • 表达力:计算理论按照语言可以表达的计算将其分类。所有 图灵完备语言都可以执行同样的算法集合。ANSI/ISO SQL和 Charity都是非图灵完备语言但通常被叫做编程语言的例子。
formal grammar 形式语法 from scratch 从零开始,从无到有 interactive session 交互对话期 markup language 标识语言 natural language processor自然语言处理程序 null pointer 空指针 purely textual 纯文本的 regular expression 规则表达式 scripting language 脚本语言 separate entity 独立实体 take the position 认为 Turing complete 图灵完备 type theory 类型理论 undefined behavior 未定义的行为
这个语法指定了以下事项: • 一个expression是atom或list; • 一个 atom是numbe或symbol; • 一个number是一位或多位小数的完整序列,可以在前面加上 加号或减号; • 一个symbol是跟了0个或多个字母的字符(没有空格);并且 • 一个 list 是一对原括号,内部带有0个或多个expressions。 以下是按照这种语法成型的记号序列的例子:'12345', '()', '(a b c232 (1))' 并非所有语法正确的程序都是语义正确的。许多语法正确的程 序按照其语言规则来说是错的,并可能(这取决于语言规范极 其执行的稳定性)在转换或执行时出错。在有些情况下,这样 的程序可能会出现未定义的行为。即便一个程序就语言来说是 定义良好的,它还可能不符合编写人的意图。
3.5 核心库 大多数编程语言都有相应的核心库(有时也称为“标准库”,特别 是当它作为公开语言标准的一部分时),按照惯例可以对该语言的 全部操作有效。核心库通常包括常用算法定义、数据结构以及输入 和输出机制。 虽然设计者也许把一个语言的核心库当作一个独立的实体,但用户 通常把它看作为该语言的一部分。许多语言规范定义了全部操作都 可使用的核心库,并且在标准语言中这些核心库也许是必须的。语 言与其核心库之间的区别因语言不同而不同。实际上,某些语言是 精心设计的,不查阅该核心库,就不能描述某些语法结构的意义。 例如,在Java语言中,一串文字被定义为ng.String类的一个实 例。在Smalltalk语言中也一样,一个匿名函数表达式(一个“块”) 的构造了一个库BlockContext类的实体。相反,配置包含了多个相 关子集,足够把语言的其余部分构造为库宏,这样该语言的设计者 就不必说出语言的哪一部分必须作为语言构造来执行,而哪一部分 是作为库的一部分来执行。
3. 要素 3.1 语法 编程语言的表面的形式被认为是语法。大多数编程语言 都是纯文本的,它们使用的文本序列包括字、数字和标 点符号,与自然语言很相似。另一方面,有些编程语言 本质上更图形化,用符号之间的可见关系来指定程序。 语言的语法描述了符号之间各种可能的组合,构成了语 法正确的程序。这意味着符号组合意义是按照语义处理 的。因为大多数语言是文本语言,本文讨论文本语法。 编程语言语法通常用规则表达式(对于词汇结构)的组 合及巴柯斯范式(对于文法结构)来定义。下面是基于 Lisp语言的简单语法: (程序略)
3.2 静态语义 静态语义定义了难以按照标准语法形式来表达的有效文本的结 构约束。这些约束的最主要部分被类型系统所覆盖。 3.3 类型系统 类型系统定义了编程语言把值和表达式分成“类型”、处理这 些类型以及它们交互的方式。这通常包括对可以用语言构建的 数据结构的描述。使用形式数学设计和研究类型系统叫做“类 型理论”。 3.4 执行语义 一旦数据被指定,机器就必须执行对该数据的操作。语言的执 行语义定义了语言的各种构造怎样及何时产生程序行为。 例如,语义也可以通过表达式等于一个值或者用控制结构有条 件地执行语句来定义该策略。
在编程语言发展中的一个共有趋势是增加使用高级抽象解决问题 的能力。早期的编程语言与计算机硬件联系紧密。随着新编程语 言的开发,已经增加了让程序员表达更多的想法,而不仅仅是将 它们转换为硬件指令。因为程序员不再依赖计算机的复杂性,所 以他们的程序能够做得更多的运算而他们付出的努力较少。这就 使得他们在每个时间单位内可以编写更多的功能。 自然语言处理程序已经提出,作为消除需要特定编程语言的一个 途径。但是,这个目标依然遥远而其优点还在争论之中。Edsger Dijkstra认为,使用形式语言对防止使用无意义的构造是必要的, 并因其“愚蠢”而取消自然语言编程。同样,Alan Perlis对此观点 也嗤之以鼻。 根据网站对所用的各种方法的统计,截止2008年,最 活跃的11个编程语言是(按照字母顺序):C、C++、C#、 Java、 JavaScript、Perl、PHP、Python、Ruby、SQL及Visual Basic。