实用:防爆【不包括tnt】:/gamerul e mobGrie fing false服务器:/ping 输完后出现Pi ng!时间的间隔就是你和服务器的<延时越久出现延时越高>/registe r 密码#注册账号/login 密码#登陆账号/money #查看金钱/sethome #设置自己的家/home #回到自己设置的家/spawn #传送到出生点/back #回到上一次传送点(例如死后回尸体处)[private] #上锁/getpos#显示坐标/setwarp [warp点] #设置公共传送点/warp [warp点] #传送到指定传送点/tpa <玩家ID> #请求传送到玩家player所在位置/tpahere <玩家ID> #请求玩家pla yer传送到自己所在位置/tpaccep t #接受玩家传送的请求/tpdeny#拒绝玩家传送的请求/kit tools #获取石制工具一套/mcstats #查看技能等级/mcc #列出所有技能详情/mcmmo #RPG插件帮助页我的世界玩家,生命,家类指令/setspaw n 设置家/home 回家heal - 补指定的血health- 设置生命值noclip- 穿墙模式fly - 飞行模式jump - 瞬移到鼠标所指的地方我的世界坐标类指令p - 显示当前坐标pos 现在玩家的坐标reach - 玩家到指定地方return- 传送到之前传送的地方tele - 传送到此坐标useport al - 传送到地狱listway points - 列出所有路径点set <名字> - 在这世界标记一个路径点rem - 删除指定路点我的世界伤害类指令damage- 关闭或者开启伤害,即无敌waterda mage - 开关潜水伤害falldam age - 开关高空落下伤害firedam age - 开关火的伤害*mobdama ge - 怪物不会给你伤害我的世界物品,修改物品类指令i <物品代码> [数量] - 刷东西/unlimit ed物品代码-给予自己无限的某物品instant mine - 开关即时采矿(采矿无延迟)destroy [all] - 破坏当前的东西(背包) defuse[all] - 拆弹(拆除已经点燃了的TNT炸药)dropsto re - 在身边创建一个储物dupe [all] - 复制东西duplica te [all] - 复制手上的东西并丢出来grow [all] - 让立即小麦成长removed rops [all] - 删掉地上物品repair[all] - 修复当前物品耐久我的世界环境类指令killnpc [all] - 杀死周围全部N PC 或者叫杀了附近所有除自己外的活体生物*freeze- 冻结怪物explode [范围] - 设置一个地方爆炸(在自家慎用)ext [all] - 一样是熄灭火music [音量] - 播放音乐timesch edule> - 设定一段时间段,让世界永远保持在这段时间之间/weather storm/sun time -改变天气,雷雨或晴天world - 世界情报我的世界程序,指令类bind <命令> {命令关键字} - 设置一键命令clear - 清空控制台help [COMMAND] - 命令列表/帮助reset - 恢复默认设置difficu lty - 设置游戏难度我的世界权限表指令admin:领地的全权管理权限,仅能给与某玩家contain er:是否能使用箱子,发射器等bucket:设置是否能使用桶ignite:点火的权限piston:活塞是否能使用build:建造权限(包括destr oy和pla ce)destroy:毁坏权限place:放置权限emove:进入权限tp:传送权限use:使用权限(工作台,炉子等) subzone:是否能设置子空间tnt:设置tnt是否有效creeper:设置JJ怪是否有效(设置F 的话JJ怪就废了)damage:设置领地内是否能造成伤害(不能防止被挤死)monster s:设置是否刷新怪物animals:设置是否刷新动物firespr ead:火是否能蔓延flow:液体流动,包括water flow和l avaflo wwaterfl ow:水的流动lavaflo w:岩浆流动healing:设置是否能恢复生命pvp:设置是否能pv p/back 回到死亡的位置/xpshopbuyleve l 数字(等级) 用钱买经验点/tp 玩家名字传送到该玩家OP指令/gamemod e 玩家姓名给某玩家更换游戏模式/sethome设置家/back 回到死亡点/home 回到家/ban 玩家名字封IP/kick 玩家名字T出玩家/setspaw n 设置出生点/whiteli st add 玩家名字添加白名单/whiteli st remove玩家名字移除白名单/op 玩家名字给某人op命令方块指令:/give 你的名字137 1能得到命令方块,在里面输死亡不掉落: /gamerul e keepInv entory true防爆: /gamerul e mobGrie fing False 重设出生点:/spawnpo int @a补充:我的世界中命令方块是一个神奇的东西,做一些机器中都要它。
基本合成合成后合成前输入»输出使用介绍木材 木头用作建筑材料,可以制作成许多东西物品。
棍子 木材可以合成火把,箭头,标志,梯子,围栏, 处理工具和武器。
物品合成台木材创建3x3的合成台炉 鹅卵石可以冶炼矿物。
板石头 木材 鹅卵石 砂岩 砖 石砖用于长的楼梯。
在顶部放上同样的砖块, 将创建一个正常大小的双板块,木头半砖也可以放火。
楼梯木材 砖 鹅卵石 石砖 幽冥砖用于紧凑型楼梯。
雪块 雪球作为建筑材料使用。
粘土块 粘土用于存储粘土球,或作为建筑材料使用。
砖(块) 粘土砖作为建筑材料使用。
石砖 石头作为建筑材料使用。
块合成合成以后名称 合成物品名称输入»输出使用介绍斧头棍子+木材或 鹅卵石或 铁或 黄金或 钻石用于砍木材相关的块,比手工快。
除了【木头半砖】镐棍子+木材或鹅卵石或 铁或黄金或 钻石用来挖矿石块,矿石,石头制品。
铲子棍子+木材或 鹅卵石或 铁或黄金或 钻石用于挖泥土,草,沙,砾石,粘土块和雪比 手快。
锄头棍子+木材或 鹅卵石或 铁或黄金或 钻石用于耕地,农场必用。
打火机 铁+大=打火石制造火,发光桶 铁用来【存放和运输】水,熔岩和牛奶。
2015年9月3日,在接近一年的努力后,正式版正式登场!=====材质介绍=====缩写:IT-Project简称:ITP英文全名:ImmaculaTe Project中文全名:完美无暇支持版本:1.7.x(x为任意数字)材质分辨率:64x/128x简介:这是一款定向于顶尖现代建筑材质而设计的材质包。
2015年5月1日,IT-Project alpha 0.1版本正式发布,首登贴吧平台。
2015年7月1日,IT-Project alpha 0.2版本正式发布,首登MCBBS论坛。
2015年9月3日,IT-Project 正式版发布!首登MCBBS论坛。
IT-project的前身——T-project材质包,基本是以著名材质Sortax Fenver(也就是俗称“舒服细腻材质”)为基础修改而成的。
如果喜欢请点击一个赞留下一个好评,你的支持就是我们最大的动力~!=====制作成员=====制作人:Flashtt,冰蓝提案:冰蓝,MAX KIM,买个金表,Flashtt,康乾盛世,11,se菌,菠萝叔,可可,婴垣帝凤,Endfish。
材料准备:1. 木板:选择一块适当大小的木板作为垃圾桶的底面和侧面。
2. 木条:准备几根宽度和长度相同的木条作为垃圾桶的支撑材料。
3. 手工具:锯子、打磨机、电钻、螺丝刀等。
步骤一:准备底面和侧面1. 根据垃圾桶的大小,使用锯子将木板锯成一个圆形或方形的底面。
2. 确定垃圾桶的高度,然后用锯子将一块木板锯成相应的高度,这将成为垃圾桶的侧面。
步骤二:制作支撑架1. 将木条按照垃圾桶的直径或边长剪成相同的长度。
2. 使用电钻在木条上钻孔,然后将木条固定在底面上形成一个圆形或方形的框架,可以使用螺丝和螺母来加固。
步骤三:固定侧面板1. 使用螺丝刀将侧面板固定在支撑架上,保证侧面板与底面板之间紧密连接。
2. 可以在侧面板上钻孔,然后使用螺丝或钉子将侧面板固定在支撑架上,以增加结构稳定性。
步骤四:修整和涂装1. 使用打磨机将垃圾桶的边缘进行修整,使其更加光滑。
2. 根据个人喜好,可以选择对木材进行涂漆或油漆,以提高垃圾桶的美观度和耐久性。
3. 如果使用油漆进行涂装,要注意选择环保无毒的油漆,并确保在通风良好的地方进行操作。
幼儿园手工制作垃圾桶教程幼儿园手工制作垃圾桶教程材料:1. 半透明的塑料瓶(500毫升或1000毫升大小)2. 彩色纸或彩色卡纸3. 剪刀4. 胶水或双面胶5. 彩色笔或彩色油画棒6. 尺子步骤:1. 准备一个干净的塑料瓶作为垃圾桶的主体。
2. 使用彩色纸或彩色卡纸进行装饰。
3. 在垃圾桶的上方和下方各剪一个圆形口。
4. 在垃圾桶上添加一些额外的装饰。
5. 最后,使用胶水或双面胶将彩色纸或卡纸固定在塑料瓶上。
我的发明环保垃圾桶英语作文Eco-Friendly Waste Bin: A Revolutionary Invention for Sustainable Waste Management.In the face of escalating environmental concerns and the pressing need for sustainable waste management solutions, the invention of the eco-friendly waste bin emerges as a beacon of hope. This groundbreaking innovation harnesses cutting-edge technologies and sustainable materials to transform the way we handle and dispose of waste, promoting a greener and more responsible approach to waste management practices.Innovative Design for Enhanced Waste Segregation.The eco-friendly waste bin boasts a meticulously engineered design that enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of waste segregation at the source. It comprises multiple compartments, each designated for a specific category of waste, such as recyclables, organicwaste, and general waste. The distinct compartments are clearly labeled and easily accessible, encouraging users to diligently separate their waste and contribute to the circular economy by diverting valuable materials from landfills.Smart Sensors for Real-Time Waste Monitoring.Incorporating state-of-the-art sensors, this waste bin takes waste monitoring to a whole new level. The sensors continuously gather data on the fill levels of each compartment and transmit it wirelessly to a central monitoring system. This real-time monitoring capability empowers waste management teams with valuable insights into waste generation patterns, enabling them to optimize waste collection routes, reduce unnecessary trips, and minimize the environmental impact associated with waste transportation.Intelligent Compaction System for Reduced Waste Volume.Equipped with an intelligent compaction system, theeco-friendly waste bin effectively reduces the volume of waste generated. The compaction mechanism operates automatically when the fill level of a compartment reaches a predetermined threshold, compressing the waste to create more space for additional waste. This feature significantly extends the capacity of the waste bin, reducing the frequency of collection and minimizing the number of waste disposal trips required.Renewable Energy Source for Sustainable Operation.Harnessing the power of renewable energy, the eco-friendly waste bin incorporates solar panels or kinetic energy generators to power its operations. These sustainable energy sources eliminate the need fortraditional power outlets, ensuring the waste bin's self-sufficiency and reducing its environmental footprint. The waste bin can continue to operate seamlessly even in remote locations or during power outages, ensuring uninterrupted waste management services.Durable and Eco-Friendly Materials for ExtendedLifespan.Crafted from durable and eco-friendly materials, the waste bin is designed to withstand the rigors of daily use while minimizing its environmental impact. The materials used in its construction are carefully selected to ensure longevity, resistance to corrosion and wear, and compliance with the highest standards of environmental sustainability. By utilizing recycled materials and biodegradable polymers, the waste bin contributes to reducing waste accumulation and promoting a circular economy.Benefits of the Eco-Friendly Waste Bin.The invention of the eco-friendly waste bin offers numerous benefits that contribute to sustainable waste management practices:Enhanced Waste Segregation: The multiple compartments and clear labeling promote responsible waste segregation, diverting recyclable and organic materials from landfills and supporting the circular economy.Optimized Waste Collection: Real-time waste monitoring enables efficient waste collection routes, reducing unnecessary trips, fuel consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions.Reduced Waste Volume: The intelligent compaction system minimizes waste volume, extending the capacity of the waste bin and reducing the frequency of collection.Sustainable Operation: The incorporation of renewable energy sources ensures self-sufficiency and minimizes the environmental impact of the waste bin's operation.Durability and Sustainability: The use of durable and eco-friendly materials ensures a long lifespan and compliance with the highest standards of environmental sustainability.Adoption and Impact.The adoption of eco-friendly waste bins in residential,commercial, and public spaces has the potential to significantly transform waste management practices. By promoting responsible waste segregation, optimizing waste collection, and reducing waste volume, these innovative waste bins foster a more sustainable and environmentally conscious approach to waste management.The widespread use of eco-friendly waste bins can contribute to:Reduced Landfill Waste: By diverting recyclables and organic waste from landfills, eco-friendly waste bins reduce the strain on landfill capacity and extend their lifespan.Increased Recycling and Composting: The clear labeling and ease of use encourage users to actively participate in recycling and composting programs, increasing the recovery and reuse of valuable materials.Improved Air and Water Quality: Minimizing waste accumulation and diverting organic waste from landfillsreduces the release of harmful gases and leachates, improving air and water quality.Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Optimized waste collection routes and reduced waste volume contribute to lower fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, mitigating climate change impacts.Conclusion.The invention of the eco-friendly waste bin represents a major breakthrough in sustainable waste management. Its innovative design, smart features, and eco-friendly materials empower users to actively participate in waste reduction and diversion, promoting a circular economy and reducing the environmental impact of waste disposal. The adoption of eco-friendly waste bins on a large scale has the potential to transform waste management practices, creating a more sustainable and environmentally responsible future.。
对于环保垃圾桶的创造感英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Amazing Invention of the Eco-friendly Trash CanHi everyone! Today, I want to tell you about something really cool and important - the eco-friendly trash can! It's an amazing invention that helps us take care of our planet and keep it clean. Let me share with you why I think it's so great!First of all, the eco-friendly trash can is special because it can sort our trash for us. You know, we have different types of waste like paper, plastic, glass, and food scraps. Normally, we have to separate them into different bins ourselves. But with theeco-friendly trash can, we just need to put all our trash inside and it will automatically sort them out. Isn't that fantastic? It saves us so much time and makes recycling much easier!Not only does it sort our trash, but the eco-friendly trash can also has a composting feature. Do you know what composting is? It's a way to turn food scraps and other organic waste into nutrient-rich soil. The trash can has a special compartment where it collects all the food scraps. Then, it uses a special process toturn them into compost. This compost can be used in gardens to help plants grow. It's like magic! We can reduce waste and help plants at the same time.Another amazing thing about the eco-friendly trash can is that it has a smart sensor. This sensor can detect when the trash can is full and needs to be emptied. It sends a signal to the garbage collectors, so they know when to come and collect the trash. This helps make the whole process more efficient and prevents overflowing bins. We don't want litter to be scattered around, right?The eco-friendly trash can is not only good for the environment, but it's also fun to use! It has a colorful design with pictures and symbols to show us which items go where. It's like a game to match the trash to the right compartment. It's like a puzzle that teaches us about recycling in a playful way. I think it's a great way to learn and be responsible for our environment.In conclusion, the eco-friendly trash can is an incredible invention that makes recycling easier, helps us create compost, and keeps our surroundings clean. It's a win-win situation for us and the planet! I hope more eco-friendly trash cans will be available everywhere, so we can all do our part in protecting the Earth. Remember, every little action counts!That's all for today, my friends. Let's start using theeco-friendly trash can and make a difference together! Thank you for listening.篇2The Amazing Invention of Eco-Friendly Trash BinsHi everybody! Today, I want to tell you about an incredible invention called eco-friendly trash bins. These special bins are not just ordinary garbage cans, but they are designed to help protect our environment and make the world a better place. I am super excited to share this with you, so let's get started!Do you know what happens to our trash when we throw it away? Well, most of it ends up in landfills, which are huge areas where garbage is buried in the ground. This is not good for the environment because it takes a long time for the trash to decompose and it can release harmful gases into the air. But with eco-friendly trash bins, things are different!These amazing bins are made from special materials that can be recycled. That means instead of throwing everything away, we can separate our garbage and put it in the right bin. For example, we can put plastic bottles in one bin, paper in another, and foodwaste in a different one. This way, the materials can be reused to make new things instead of being wasted.But wait, there's more! Eco-friendly trash bins also have a special feature called a composting system. You might be wondering, what is composting? Well, it's a process where organic waste, like fruit peels and vegetable scraps, is turned into nutrient-rich soil. This soil can then be used to grow plants and flowers. Isn't that amazing?The composting system in these bins is like a mini garden. It has layers where the organic waste goes, and with the help of worms and bacteria, it breaks down into compost. This compost is full of nutrients that help plants grow big and strong. So instead of throwing away our food waste, we can turn it into something useful!Not only are these eco-friendly trash bins good for the environment, but they also teach us about the importance of recycling and taking care of our planet. They come with fun and colorful labels that show us which items go in each bin. We can learn about different materials and how they can be recycled. It's like a game of sorting!Imagine a world where every home, school, and park has eco-friendly trash bins. We would be reducing the amount ofwaste that goes into landfills and helping to conserve our natural resources. It's a small step, but if everyone does their part, it can make a big difference.So, my friends, let's start using eco-friendly trash bins and encourage others to do the same. Remember, we have the power to protect our environment and make it a better place for future generations. Together, we can create a cleaner and greener world!I hope you enjoyed learning about eco-friendly trash bins. Let's be superheroes for the planet and start using them today. Thank you for listening!篇3The Amazing Invention of Eco-friendly Trash BinsHi everyone! Today, I want to tell you about an amazing invention that is helping our planet in a big way. It's called the eco-friendly trash bin! These special bins are not just ordinary garbage cans; they are designed to protect our environment and make the world a better place. Let's learn more about them!First of all, do you know what "eco-friendly" means? It means something that is good for the environment. In the case of thesetrash bins, they are made from recycled materials, like plastic bottles and old newspapers. By using recycled materials, we can reduce the amount of waste that goes into landfills and help to save our natural resources.But that's not all! These eco-friendly trash bins have some super cool features that make them even more special. One of the coolest things about them is that they have separate compartments for different types of waste. There are sections for paper, plastic, glass, and even organic waste like food scraps. This makes it easier for us to sort our trash and recycle the right things.The bins also have sensors that can detect when they are full. When the bin is almost full, it sends a signal to the waste management company, letting them know that it needs to be emptied. This helps to prevent overflowing bins and keeps our streets clean and tidy.Another amazing feature of these trash bins is that they are solar-powered. They have small solar panels on top that convert sunlight into energy. This energy is used to power the sensors and the compacting mechanism inside the bins. It's like magic! By using solar power, we can reduce our reliance on electricity and help to reduce pollution.Now, let me share with you some of the benefits of these eco-friendly trash bins. Firstly, they help to reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfills. When we recycle our trash, we can reuse materials and save energy. This means less pollution and a healthier planet for us to live in.Secondly, these bins help to keep our environment clean. By sorting our waste and putting it in the right compartments, we can ensure that it gets recycled properly. This prevents pollution and helps to protect our natural habitats and wildlife.Lastly, these trash bins are a great way to teach us about the importance of taking care of our planet. When we see these bins in our schools and neighborhoods, it reminds us to be responsible and make environmentally friendly choices. We can inspire others to do the same and create a greener future together.In conclusion, the invention of eco-friendly trash bins is truly amazing. They are not only helpful in keeping our environment clean, but they also teach us valuable lessons about the importance of recycling and taking care of our planet. So let's start using these bins and make a difference in the world. Together, we can create a cleaner and greener future for everyone.篇4The Wonderful Invention of the Eco-Friendly Trash CanHello everyone! Today, I want to tell you about an amazing invention that helps protect our environment – the eco-friendly trash can. It's so cool!Do you know what a trash can is? It's a container where we throw away things we don't need anymore. But the eco-friendly trash can is much more than just a regular trash can. It has special features that make it good for our planet.Firstly, the eco-friendly trash can is made from recycled materials. That means instead of cutting down more trees or using up new resources, we can reuse old materials to make new trash cans. This helps to save our precious forests and reduces the amount of waste in our landfills.But wait, there's more! The eco-friendly trash can also has separate compartments for different types of waste. For example, there's a section for paper, another for plastic, and one for food waste. This makes it easier for us to recycle and keeps different kinds of trash from mixing together. It's like having a mini recycling center right in our homes or schools!What's really cool is that the eco-friendly trash can has a smart sensor. It can detect when we're about to throw something away and opens automatically. This helps to prevent germs from spreading because we don't have to touch the lid with our hands. It's like magic!But why stop there? The eco-friendly trash can also has a built-in compactor. What's a compactor, you ask? Well, it's a special device that squishes the trash inside, making it smaller and taking up less space. This means we can fit more trash in the can before it needs to be emptied. It's like having a minitrash-crusher!Oh, and did I mention that the eco-friendly trash can has a solar panel on top? Yes, it uses the power of the sun to charge its batteries. That means it doesn't need electricity from the grid, which helps to reduce our carbon footprint. It's like having a trash can that runs on sunshine!I think the eco-friendly trash can is an amazing invention because it helps us take care of our planet. By using recycled materials, separating different types of waste, and reducing the amount of space trash takes up, we can make a big difference in protecting the environment.So, the next time you see an eco-friendly trash can, remember how awesome it is and use it properly. Let's all do our part to keep our planet clean and green!That's all for today. I hope you enjoyed learning about the eco-friendly trash can. Remember, small actions can make a big impact!Keep being eco-friendly and take care of our beautiful Earth. Bye-bye!篇5The Awesome Eco Bins That Are Saving Our Planet!Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm a 4th grader at Oakwood Elementary School. Today I want to tell you all about the coolest, most awesome invention that is helping to save the environment and make our planet a better place to live. Are you ready? It's the eco-friendly garbage bin!I know, I know...a garbage bin doesn't sound that exciting. But trust me, these aren't just any ordinary trash cans. Eco bins are specially designed to reduce waste, prevent litter, and protect nature. How awesome is that?Let me start by telling you why we need eco bins in the first place. You see, for a long time people have just been throwing away their trash into whatever garbage can or dumpster they could find. A lot of that trash ends up in landfills or gets blown around by the wind and ends up polluting our parks, beaches, forests, and oceans. Yuck!All that trash is really bad for the environment. It can hurt plants, animals, and ecosystems. Plastic bottles, bags, and packaging don't decompose very quickly, so they stick around for many years contaminating the soil and water. Some animals even mistake plastic for food and can get really sick after eating it. That's just horrible.On top of that, many landfills are overflowing because people produce so much trash every day. We're running out of places to put all of our garbage! And producing new plastic products from oil just leads to more pollution and wastes a lot of precious natural resources.That's why we need to reduce, reuse, and recycle as much as possible. By throwing away less stuff and reusing containers, we can cut down a lot on waste. But even when we do have trash to discard, eco bins can help make sure it gets properly disposed of in a way that's good for nature.So how exactly do these awesome eco bins work? Well, they're specially designed with separate compartments to allow you to easily sort your trash into categories like plastic, metal, paper, glass, food waste, and general waste. That way, the recyclable items get diverted to a proper recycling facility instead of just getting thrown out.Many eco bins even have instructions printed right on them to show you what types of materials go in each compartment. No more guess work! My school recently got a bunch of new eco bins installed on campus and in the cafeteria. The general trash compartment is the smallest one because that's the stuff we want to minimize. The recycling sections are much bigger to encourage us to recycle as much as possible.But it gets even cooler than that! A lot of the newer eco bins are made partly or entirely out of recycled plastic themselves. By reusing existing plastic instead of making new products from oil, it closes the recycling loop and reduces environmental impact. Some are even made from recycled metal or wood too. Super neat, right?Many eco bins also have neat features like attached bottle openers, compost compartments for collecting food scraps, or solar-powered compacting mechanisms to flatten and condensethe contents. They're practically little recycling plants all on their own!Another awesome thing about eco bins is that they're built to be really durable and weatherproof so they can stand up to the elements outdoors for a long time. Some are even designed with heavy bases so they won't get blown over by strong winds. And a lot of them have those neat swinging lid-tops that make it easy to toss your stuff in without having to touch the bin. No more getting your hands all yucky!I could keep going on and on about the cool features, but I think you get the general idea. Eco bins make it super simple and convenient for everyone to properly sort their recyclables and minimize waste, all while being made from sustainable materials themselves. It's a total win-win!Thankfully, more and more schools, parks, beaches, businesses, and communities are starting to replace their old regular trash cans with these awesome eco bin stations. My city has a goal of eventually installing them everywhere that waste gets produced - stores, restaurants, street corners, you name it. The more people get used to properly sorting their recyclables, the better! It's such an easy and effective way for everyone to do their part.I even overheard my parents talking about getting an eco bin for our house too. They're available for purchase at many hardware stores and online retailers if your community doesn't provide them. A home eco bin would be perfect for helping my family cut back on the trash we send to the landfill each week. We're trying to be a lot more environmentally conscious.I don't know about you, but I want to do everything I can to take care of the Earth and make sure it stays healthy and beautiful for years and years to come. We only have one planet, so we'd better treat it right! By using eco-friendly bins to reduce waste and increase recycling, we're all helping to cut back on pollution, conserve resources, and protect the environment. Plants, animals, and future kids like me will be really grateful.Eco bins are just such an amazingly awesome invention, don't you think? Well, that's my take anyway. I'm just a 4th grader, but I feel so passionate about doing my part to go green and keep our planet clean and safe. Using eco bins is one simple way that I, and all of you, can step up and start making a real difference.What do you think? Will you start using an eco-friendly bin at home, school, or work? Let's all pitch in together and help make the world a little bit better! Earth Day may only come oncea year, but protecting the environment has to be a full-time job. We've got this!篇6The Amazing Invention of Eco-friendly Trash CansHello everyone! Today, I want to tell you about an incredible invention that is making our world a cleaner and greener place to live in. It's none other than the amazing eco-friendly trash cans!You might be wondering, "What's so special about these trash cans?" Well, let me explain. These trash cans are not like the ordinary ones we see every day. They are specially designed to help protect our environment and reduce pollution.Firstly, these eco-friendly trash cans are made from recycled materials. Instead of using new plastic or metal, they are created from old materials that have been given a new life. By using recycled materials, we can save valuable resources and reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.Secondly, these trash cans have different compartments for sorting recyclable and non-recyclable items. You know how important it is to separate paper, plastic, glass, and metal, right? Well, these special trash cans make it easier for us to do that. Bysorting our waste properly, we can ensure that recyclable items are sent to recycling centers, where they can be turned into new products.But wait, there's more! These eco-friendly trash cans are also equipped with sensors that can detect when they are full. When the trash can is about to overflow, it sends a signal to the waste management team, letting them know that it needs to be emptied. This helps to prevent overflowing trash cans, which can lead to littering and attract pests.Another great thing about these trash cans is that they have solar panels on top. These panels collect energy from the sun and use it to power the sensors and other electronic components of the trash can. Isn't that amazing? By using solar power, we can reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and help combat climate change.Now, you might be thinking, "How can I contribute to this wonderful invention?" Well, it's simple! We can start by being responsible and mindful of how we dispose of our waste. Always remember to separate recyclable and non-recyclable items and put them in the right compartments of the trash can. Also, try to reduce the amount of waste you produce by reusing items, such as plastic bottles or paper bags, whenever possible.In conclusion, eco-friendly trash cans are an incredible invention that is helping to protect our environment. They are made from recycled materials, have compartments for sorting waste, use sensors to prevent overflowing, and harness the power of the sun. Let's all do our part in taking care of our planet by using these special trash cans and being responsible in our waste disposal habits. Together, we can make a difference!I hope you enjoyed reading about the amazing invention of eco-friendly trash cans. Remember, even as young students, we have the power to contribute to a cleaner and greener future. Let's start today!。
《我的世界》新⼿⼊门图⽂攻略 《我的世界》怎么玩?新⼿玩家初⼊游戏时会遇到各种各样的问题,从合成到怪物打法等等,其复杂程度令⼤家觉得难以上⼿,今天⼩编带来“z h a n g s h e n x”分享的《我的世界》新⼿⼊门图⽂攻略,助⼤家迅速脱新! 模式与界⾯ 进⼊之后稍等,即可看到如下画⾯ 左下⾓是版本号。
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视频设置:如果电脑配置不佳,建议把声⾳全部关闭后,视频设置为 能见度影响到视野所能看见的区块(c h u n k s)的个数(后⾯介绍)。
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我的世界give指令代码大全我的世界give指令代码大全2022minecraft:stone 石头minecraft:grass 草方块minecraft:dirt 泥土minecraft:cobblestone 圆石minecraft:planks 木板minecraft:sapling 树苗minecraft:bedrock 基岩minecraft:flowing_water 水minecraft:water 静态水minecraft:flowing_lava 岩浆minecraft:lava 静态岩浆minecraft:sand 沙子minecraft:gravel 沙砾minecraft:gold_ore 金矿石minecraft:iron_ore 铁矿石minecraft:coal_ore 煤矿石minecraft:log 木头minecraft:leaves 树叶minecraft:sponge 海绵minecraft:glass 玻璃minecraft:lapis_ore 青金石矿石minecraft:lapis_block 青金石块minecraft:dispenser 发射器minecraft:sandstone 沙石minecraft:noteblock 音符盒minecraft:bed 床minecraft:golden_rail 充能铁轨minecraft:detector_rail 探测铁轨minecraft:sticky_piston 粘性活塞minecraft:web 蜘蛛网minecraft:tallgrass 草丛minecraft:deadbush 枯死的灌木minecraft:piston 活塞minecraft:piston_head 活塞臂minecraft:wool 羊毛minecraft:piston_extension 移动的活塞臂minecraft:yellow_flower 蒲公英minecraft:red_flower 罂粟minecraft:brown_mushroom 棕色蘑菇minecraft:red_mushroom 红色蘑菇minecraft:gold_block 金块minecraft:iron_block 铁块minecraft:double_stone_slab 双石台阶minecraft:stone_slab 石台阶minecraft:brick_block 砖块minecraft:tnt TNTminecraft:bookshelf 书架minecraft:mossy_cobblestone 苔石minecraft:obsidian 黑曜石minecraft:torch 火把minecraft:fire 火minecraft:mob_spawner 刷怪箱minecraft:oak_stairs 橡木楼梯minecraft:chest 箱子Eminecraft:redstone_wire 红石线minecraft:diamond_ore 钻石矿石minecraft:diamond_block 钻石块minecraft:crafting_table 工作台minecraft:wheat 小麦minecraft:farmland 耕地minecraft:furnace 熔炉Eminecraft:lit_furnace 燃烧的熔炉Eminecraft:standing_sign 站立的告示牌minecraft:wooden_door 木门minecraft:ladder 梯子minecraft:rail 铁轨minecraft:stone_stairs 圆石楼梯minecraft:wall_sign 墙上的告示牌Eminecraft:lever 拉杆minecraft:stone_pressure_plate 石质压力板minecraft:iron_door 铁门minecraft:wooden_pressure_plate 木质压力板minecraft:redstone_ore 红石矿石minecraft:lit_redstone_ore 发光的红石矿石minecraft:unlit_redstone_torch 红石火把(未开启) minecraft:redstone_torch 红石火把(已开启) minecraft:stone_button 石质按钮minecraft:snow_layer 雪minecraft:ice 冰minecraft:snow 雪块minecraft:cactus 仙人掌minecraft:clay 粘土minecraft:reeds 甘蔗minecraft:jukebox 唱片机Eminecraft:fence 栅栏minecraft:pumpkin 南瓜minecraft:netherrack 地狱岩minecraft:soul_sand 灵魂沙minecraft:glowstone 萤石minecraft:portal 下界传送门minecraft:lit_pumpkin 南瓜灯minecraft:cake 蛋糕minecraft:unpowered_repeater 红石中继器(未开启) minecraft:powered_repeater 红石中继器(已开启) minecraft:stained_glass 染色玻璃minecraft:trapdoor 活板门minecraft:monster_egg 怪物蛋minecraft:stonebrick 石砖minecraft:brown_mushroom_block 棕色巨型蘑菇minecraft:red_mushroom_block 红色巨型蘑菇minecraft:iron_bars 铁栏杆minecraft:glass_pane 玻璃板minecraft:melon_block 西瓜片minecraft:pumpkin_stem 南瓜梗minecraft:melon_stem 西瓜梗minecraft:vine 藤蔓minecraft:fence_gate 栅栏门minecraft:brick_stairs 砖块楼梯minecraft:stone_brick_stairs 石砖楼梯minecraft:mycelium 菌丝minecraft:waterlily 睡莲minecraft:nether_brick 地狱砖块minecraft:nether_brick_fence 地狱砖栅栏minecraft:nether_brick_stairs 地狱砖楼梯minecraft:nether_wart 地狱疣minecraft:enchanting_table 附魔台minecraft:brewing_stand 酿造台minecraft:cauldron 炼药锅minecraft:end_portal 末地传送门minecraft:end_portal_frame 末地传送门框架minecraft:end_stone 末地石minecraft:dragon_egg 龙蛋minecraft:redstone_lamp 红石灯(未开启) minecraft:lit_redstone_lamp 红石灯(已开启) minecraft:double_wooden_slab 双木台阶minecraft:wooden_slab 木台阶minecraft:cocoa 可可果minecraft:sandstone_stairs 沙石楼梯minecraft:emerald_ore 绿宝石矿石minecraft:ender_chest 末影箱Eminecraft:tripwire_hook 绊线钩minecraft:tripwire 绊线minecraft:emerald_block 绿宝石块minecraft:spruce_stairs 云杉楼梯minecraft:birch_stairs 桦木楼梯minecraft:jungle_stairs 丛林楼梯minecraft:mand_block 命令方块minecraft:beacon 信标minecraft:cobblestone_wall 圆石墙minecraft:flower_pot 花盆minecraft:carrots 胡萝卜minecraft:potatoes 马铃薯minecraft:wooden_button 木质按钮minecraft:skull 生物头颅minecraft:anvil 铁砧minecraft:trapped_chest 陷阱箱Eminecraft:light_weighted_pressure_plate 轻质测重压力板minecraft:heavy_weighted_pressure_plate 重质测重压力板minecraft:unpowered_parator 红石比较器(未开启) minecraft:powered_parator 红石比较器(已开启) minecraft:daylight_detector 阳光传感器minecraft:redstone_block 红石块minecraft:quartz_ore 下界石英矿石minecraft:hopper 漏斗Eminecraft:quartz_block 石英块minecraft:quartz_stairs 石英楼梯minecraft:activator_rail 激活铁轨minecraft:dropper 投掷器Eminecraft:stained_hardened_clay 染色粘土minecraft:stained_glass_pane 染色玻璃板minecraft:leaves2 树叶(金合欢/深色橡木) minecraft:log2 木头(金合欢/深色橡木) minecraft:acacia_stairs 金合欢楼梯minecraft:dark_oak_stairs 深色橡木楼梯minecraft:slime 粘液块minecraft:barrier 屏障minecraft:iron_trapdoor 铁活板门minecraft:prismarine 海晶石minecraft:sea_lantern 海晶灯minecraft:hay_block 干草块minecraft:carpet 地毯minecraft:hardened_clay 硬化粘土minecraft:coal_block 煤炭块minecraft:packed_ice 浮冰minecraft:large_flowers 大型花minecraft:standing_banner 站立的旗帜minecraft:wall_banner 墙上的旗帜minecraft:daylight_detector_inverted 反向阳光传感器minecraft:red_sandstone 红沙石minecraft:red_sandstone_stairs 红沙石楼梯minecraft:double_stone_slab2 双红沙石台阶minecraft:stone_slab2 红沙石台阶minecraft:spruce_fence_gate 云杉木栅栏门minecraft:birch_fence_gate 白桦木栅栏门minecraft:jungle_fence_gate 丛林木栅栏门minecraft:dark_oak_fence_gate 深色橡木栅栏门minecraft:acacia_fence_gate 金合欢栅栏门minecraft:spruce_fence 云杉木栅栏minecraft:birch_fence 白桦木栅栏minecraft:jungle_fence 丛林木栅栏minecraft:dark_oak_fence 深色橡木栅栏minecraft:acacia_fence 金合欢栅栏minecraft:spruce_door 云杉木门minecraft:birch_door 白桦木门minecraft:jungle_door 丛林木门minecraft:acacia_door 金合欢木门minecraft:dark_oak_door 深色橡木门minecraft:end_rod 末地烛minecraft:chorus_plant 紫影植物minecraft:chorus_flower 紫影花minecraft:purpur_block 紫珀块minecraft:purpur_pillar 竖纹紫珀块minecraft:purpur_stairs 紫珀块楼梯minecraft:purpur_double_slab Purpur Double Slab minecraft:purpur_slab 紫珀块台阶minecraft:end_bricks 末地石砖minecraft:beetroots 甜菜种子minecraft:grass_path 草径minecraft:end_gateway 末地折跃门方块minecraft:repeating_mand_block 循环型命令方块minecraft:chain_mand_block 连锁型命令方块minecraft:frosted_ice 霜冰minecraft:structure_block 结构方块minecraft:iron_shovel 铁锹minecraft:iron_pickaxe 铁镐minecraft:iron_axe 铁斧minecraft:flint_and_steel 打火石minecraft:bow 弓minecraft:arrow 箭minecraft:coal 煤炭minecraft:diamond 钻石minecraft:iron_ingot 铁锭minecraft:gold_ingot 金锭minecraft:iron_sword 铁剑minecraft:wooden_sword 木剑minecraft:wooden_shovel 木锹minecraft:wooden_pickaxe 木镐minecraft:wooden_axe 木斧minecraft:stone_sword 石剑minecraft:stone_shovel 石锹minecraft:stone_pickaxe 石镐minecraft:stone_axe 石斧minecraft:diamond_sword 钻石剑minecraft:diamond_shovel 钻石锹minecraft:diamond_pickaxe 钻石镐minecraft:diamond_axe 钻石斧minecraft:bowl 碗minecraft:mushroom_stew 蘑菇煲minecraft:golden_sword 金剑minecraft:golden_shovel 金锹minecraft:golden_pickaxe 金镐minecraft:golden_axe 金斧minecraft:string 线minecraft:feather 羽毛minecraft:gunpowder 火药minecraft:wooden_hoe 木锄minecraft:stone_hoe 石锄minecraft:iron_hoe 铁锄minecraft:diamond_hoe 钻石锄minecraft:golden_hoe 金锄minecraft:wheat_seeds 小麦种子minecraft:wheat 小麦minecraft:bread 面包minecraft:leather_helmet 皮革帽子minecraft:leather_chestplate 皮革外套minecraft:leather_leggings 皮革裤子minecraft:leather_boots 皮革靴子minecraft:chainmail_helmet 锁链头盔minecraft:chainmail_chestplate 锁链胸甲minecraft:chainmail_leggings 锁链护腿minecraft:chainmail_boots 锁链靴子minecraft:iron_helmet 铁头盔minecraft:iron_chestplate 铁胸甲minecraft:iron_leggings 铁护腿minecraft:iron_boots 铁靴子minecraft:diamond_helmet 钻石头盔minecraft:diamond_chestplate 钻石胸甲minecraft:diamond_leggings 钻石护腿minecraft:diamond_boots 钻石靴子minecraft:golden_helmet 金头盔minecraft:golden_chestplate 金胸甲minecraft:golden_leggings 金护腿minecraft:golden_boots 金靴子minecraft:flint 燧石minecraft:porkchop 生猪排minecraft:cooked_porkchop 熟猪排minecraft:painting 画minecraft:golden_apple 金苹果minecraft:sign 告示牌minecraft:wooden_door 木门minecraft:bucket 桶minecraft:water_bucket 水桶minecraft:lava_bucket 岩浆桶minecraft:minecart 矿车minecraft:saddle 鞍minecraft:iron_door 铁门minecraft:redstone 红石粉minecraft:snowball 雪球minecraft:boat 船minecraft:leather 皮革minecraft:milk_bucket 牛奶minecraft:brick 红砖minecraft:clay_ball 粘土minecraft:reeds 甘蔗minecraft:paper 纸minecraft:book 书minecraft:slime_ball 粘液球minecraft:chest_minecart 运输矿车minecraft:furnace_minecart 动力矿车minecraft:egg 鸡蛋minecraft:pass 指南针minecraft:fishing_rod 钓鱼竿minecraft:clock 钟minecraft:glowstone_dust 萤石粉minecraft:fish 生鱼minecraft:cooked_fish 熟鱼minecraft:dye 染料minecraft:bone 骨头minecraft:sugar 糖minecraft:cake 蛋糕minecraft:bed 床minecraft:repeater 红石中继器minecraft:cookie 曲奇minecraft:filled_map 地图minecraft:shears 剪刀minecraft:melon 西瓜片minecraft:pumpkin_seeds 南瓜种子minecraft:melon_seeds 西瓜种子minecraft:beef 生牛肉minecraft:cooked_beef 牛排minecraft:chicken 生鸡肉minecraft:cooked_chicken 熟鸡肉minecraft:rotten_flesh 腐肉minecraft:ender_pearl 末影珍珠minecraft:blaze_rod 烈焰棒minecraft:ghast_tear 恶魂之泪minecraft:gold_nugget 金粒minecraft:nether_wart 地狱疣minecraft:potion 药水minecraft:glass_bottle 玻璃瓶minecraft:spider_eye 蜘蛛眼minecraft:fermented_spider_eye 发酵蛛眼minecraft:blaze_powder 烈焰粉minecraft:magma_cream 岩浆膏minecraft:brewing_stand 酿造台minecraft:cauldron 炼药锅minecraft:eye_of_ender 末影之眼minecraft:speckled_melon 闪烁的西瓜minecraft:spawn_egg 刷怪蛋minecraft:experience_bottle 附魔之瓶minecraft:fire_charge 火焰弹minecraft:writable_book 书与笔minecraft:written_book 成书minecraft:emerald 绿宝石minecraft:item_frame 物品展示框minecraft:flower_pot 花盆minecraft:carrot 胡萝卜minecraft:potato 马铃薯minecraft:baked_potato 烤马铃薯minecraft:poisonous_potato 毒马铃薯minecraft:map 空地图minecraft:golden_carrot 金胡萝卜minecraft:skull 生物头颅minecraft:carrot_on_a_stick 胡萝卜钓竿minecraft:nether_star 下界之星minecraft:pumpkin_pie 南瓜派minecraft:fireworks 烟花火箭minecraft:firework_charge 烟火之星minecraft:enchanted_book 附魔书minecraft:parator 红石比较器minecraft:netherbrick 地狱砖minecraft:quartz 下界石英minecraft:tnt_minecart TNT矿车minecraft:hopper_minecart 漏斗矿车minecraft:prismarine_shard 海晶碎片minecraft:prismarine_crystals 海晶砂粒minecraft:rabbit 生兔肉minecraft:cooked_rabbit 熟兔肉minecraft:rabbit_stew 兔肉煲minecraft:rabbit_foot 兔子脚minecraft:rabbit_hide 兔子皮minecraft:armor_stand 盔甲架minecraft:iron_horse_armor 铁马铠minecraft:golden_horse_armor 金马铠minecraft:diamond_horse_armor 钻石马铠minecraft:lead 拴绳minecraft:name_tag 命名牌minecraft:mand_block_minecart 命令方块矿车minecraft:mutton 生羊肉minecraft:cooked_mutton 熟羊肉minecraft:banner 旗帜minecraft:spruce_door 云杉木门minecraft:birch_door 白桦木门minecraft:jungle_door 丛林木门minecraft:acacia_door 金合欢木门minecraft:dark_oak_door 深色橡木门minecraft:chorus_fruit 紫影果minecraft:popped_chorus_fruit 爆裂紫影果minecraft:beetroot 甜菜根minecraft:beetroot_seeds 甜菜种子minecraft:beetroot_soup 甜菜汤minecraft:dragon_breath 龙息minecraft:splash_potion 喷溅药水minecraft:spectral_arrow 光灵箭minecraft:tipped_arrow 药箭minecraft:lingering_potion 滞留药水minecraft:shield 盾牌minecraft:elytra 滑翔翅minecraft:spruce_boat 云杉船minecraft:birch_boat 白桦船minecraft:jungle_boat 丛林船minecraft:acacia_boat 金合欢船minecraft:dark_oak_boat 深色橡木船minecraft:record_13 13唱片minecraft:record_cat cat唱片minecraft:record_blockslocks唱片minecraft:record_chirp chirp唱片minecraft:record_far far唱片minecraft:record_mall mall唱片minecraft:record_mellohi mellohi唱片minecraft:record_stal stal唱片minecraft:record_strad strad唱片minecraft:record_ward ward唱片minecraft:record_11 11唱片minecraft:record_wait wait唱片。