iso 1183塑料.非泡沫塑料的密度测定方法...
塑料行业ISO标准大全ISO 899:1993 塑料—蠕变行为的测定ISO 1183:1987 塑料—非泡沫塑料密度和相对密度的测定方法ISO 1210/IEC 60695-11-10: 3)塑料—小火焰接触水平和垂直试样燃烧行为的测定ISO 1628:1991 塑料—粘数和极限粘数的测定ISO 2818:1994 塑料—机加工法试样的制备ISO 3146: 4) 塑料—半结晶聚合物熔融行为(熔融温度或熔融范围)的测定ISO 3167:1993 塑料—多用途试样的制备和使用ISO 4589:1996 塑料—燃烧性的测定ISO 8256:1990 塑料—拉伸冲击强度的测定ISO 10350:1993 塑料—可比数据的获得和表示—单点数据ISO 11542:1994 塑料—超高分子量聚乙烯(PE-UHMW)模塑和挤出材料IEC 60093:1980 电绝缘材料表面电阻率和体积电阻率的测定方法IEC 60112:1979 在湿润环境下固体绝缘材料耐漏泄系数测定比较推荐试验方法IEC 60243:1988固体绝缘材料的电气强度试验方法IS0 59 塑料—酚醛模塑料一丙酮溶解物的测定。
IS0 308 塑料-酚醛模塑材料-丙酮溶解物的测定(未模塑材料的表观树脂含量)。
IS0 383 实验的玻璃仪器-可互换的磨砂锥形接头。
IS0 565 试验筛-编织金属丝布,孔板和电沉积板-开孔的标准尺寸。
IS0 599 塑料-聚酰胺-沸腾甲醇萃取物质的测定。
IS0 1773 实验的玻璃仪器-烧瓶(细颈)。
IS0 1873 塑料-聚丙烯和聚丙烯共聚物IS0 1875 塑料-增塑醋酸纤维素一乙醚萃取物的测定。
ISO 294:1996 塑料—热塑性塑料材料的注塑ISO 468:1982 表面粗糙度--参数及其值和规定要求的通则ISO 1622:1994 塑料--聚苯乙烯(PS)模塑和挤出材料ISO 1872:1993 塑料--聚乙烯(PE)模塑和挤出材料ISO 1873:1995 塑料--聚丙烯(PP)模塑和挤出材料ISO 2580:1990 塑料--丙烯腈/丁二烯/苯乙烯(ABS)模塑和挤出材料ISO 2897:1990 塑料--抗冲击聚苯乙烯(SB)模塑和挤出材料ISO 4613:1993 塑料--乙烯/乙酸乙烯酯(E/VAC)模塑和挤出材料ISO 4894:1990 塑料--苯乙烯/丙烯腈(SAN)共聚物模塑和挤出材料ISO 6402:1990 塑料--抗冲击丙烯腈/苯乙烯(ASA,AES,ACS)模塑和挤出材料ISO 6507:-1) 塑料--金属材料--维氏硬度试验ISO 7391:-2) 塑料--聚碳酸酯模塑和挤出材料ISO 8257:-3) 塑料--聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)模塑和挤出材料ISO 8986:1993 塑料--聚丁烯(PB〕模塑和挤出材料ISO 9988:1991 塑料--聚甲醛(POM)模塑和挤出材料ISO 10366:1993 塑料--甲基丙烯酸甲酯/丙烯腈/丁二烯/苯乙烯(MABS)模塑和挤出材料ISO 62:1999 塑料—吸水性的测定ISO 75:1993 塑料—负荷变形温度的测定ISO 178:1993 塑料—弯曲性能的测定ISO 179:1993 塑料—简支梁冲击强度的测定ISO 291:1977 塑料—状态调节和试验的标准环境ISO 293:1986 塑料—热塑性材料的压塑试样ISO 294:1995 塑料—热塑性材料的注塑试样ISO 306:1994 塑料—热塑性塑料--维卡软化温度的测定(VST)ISO 489:1983 塑料—透明塑料折光指数的测定ISO 527:1993 塑料—拉伸性能的测定ISO 899:1993 塑料—蠕变行为的测定ISO 1133:1997 塑料—热塑性塑料熔体质量流动速率(MFR)和熔体体积流动速率(MVR)的测定ISO 1183:1987 塑料—非泡沫塑料密度和相对密度的测定方法ISO 1210:1992 塑料—小火焰接触水平和垂直试样燃烧行为的测定ISO 1622:1994 塑料-聚苯乙烯(PS)模塑和挤出材料ISO 2561:1974 塑料—气相色谱法聚苯乙烯残留苯乙烯单体的测定ISO 2818:1994 塑料—机加工法试样的制备ISO 3167:1993 塑料—多用途试样ISO 4589:1996 塑料—燃烧性的测定ISO 8256:1990 塑料—拉伸冲击强度的测定IEC 93:1980 电绝缘材料表面电阻率和体积电阻率的测定方法IEC 112:1979 在湿润环境下固体绝缘材料耐漏泄系数测定比较推荐试验方法IEC 243:1988 固体绝缘材料的电气强度试验方法IEC 250:1969 测定电气绝缘材料在工频、音频、射频(含米波长)下介电常数和介质损耗因数的推荐试验方法IEC 296:1982 用于变压器及开关设备的未使用过的矿物绝缘油规范IEC 1006:1991 测定电绝缘材料玻璃化转变温度的试验方法ISO/CD 16152 塑料—聚丙烯二甲苯可溶物的测定ISO 6252:1992 塑料-恒拉伸变形法耐环境应力开裂(ESC)的测定ISO 1874:1992 塑料—聚酰胺(PA)模塑和挤出材料ISO 7792:1997 塑料—热塑性聚酯(TP)模塑和挤出材料ISO/TR 9080:1992 液体输送用热塑性塑料管材—用于测定热塑性塑料管材长期静液压强度的静液压应力破坏数据的外推方法ISO 12162:1995 热塑性塑料压力管材管件用材料ISO 11357:2002 塑料—差示扫描量热法(DSC)ISO11443:1995 毛细管流变仪和狭缝口模流变仪测定塑料的流变性IS0 6427-1982(E) 塑料——能用有机溶剂萃取的物质量的测定 (常规方法)。
塑料密度计◐Density : 密度【物性项目】●Density (密度)在t℃物質単位体積之質量。
◎Specific volume (比体积)密度の逆数。
【単位】[格纳単位] g/cm3[他の単位] 1 lb/ft3 =1.60185 E(01) kg/m31 lb/in3 = 2.76799 E(04) kg/m31 kg/m3 = 1 E(-03) g/cm3[SI単位系] kg/m3 g/cm3【测定规格】ASTM D1505-98 标准塑料密度测定使用密度梯度技术ASTM D792-98 标准塑料密度和比重(相对密度)测定使用位移置换法ISO 1183-3(1999) 测定非多孔性塑料密度 Part 3: 气体 pyknometer 方法ISO 1675(1985) 塑料--液体树脂—由pyknometer方法测定密度JIS K 7112(1999) 塑料、非発泡塑料的密度和比重的测定方法:测定非多孔性塑料密度和相对密度的方法 ; ISO 1183(1987)【测定条件】测定温度は必须条件结晶部、非晶部の区别(crystal/amorphous/overall/unknown)は必须条件。
【関連用語】Apparent density (見掛け密度)見掛け密度; 在材料中,平常存在有通気性和不通気性的空隙,依據双方包含材料的試料的体積,用此質量之除後的値。
(ISO, JIS)Bulk density (かさ密度)粉末、ペレット、か粒などの見掛け密度。
Specific gravity (比重)絶対比重ともいい、同じ温度における同体積の水に対する物質の一定体積の質量の比。
Lorentz-Lorenz equation (Density-Refractive Index relation) (ローレンツ-ローレンスの式(密度と屈折率の関係)。
PTI 保證耐漏電起痕 指數 Proof tracking index的縮略語。試驗方法本身與CTI相 同。目前,對每一個耐壓值從0到5進行分級。PTI與CTI 的不同之處在於: CTI改變施加的電壓,求得材料的最 大耐壓值,從而決定起痕指數。而PTI所試驗的電壓是一 個點,只表示該點是否能耐受住電壓。換言之,假設PTI 為150V,則說明該材料的漏電起痕性能耐受到150V,而 且實際中可能比該值還高。另一方面,由於CTI求的是最 大耐壓值,不會具有大於標注值的實力。 High voltage arc tracking rate的縮略語。表示單位 時間內痕跡行進的距離。以數值分級,數值越小,行進 速度就越慢。
描述:鏡面光澤度是光被某種材料反射時反射光強度的量度。光澤度可以是 材料所固有的, 也可以是成型過程或表面網紋的結果。光澤度也受風蝕 和表面腐蝕等環境因素的影響。 測試:光澤度的測量, 通常以某種標準為參考給定反射角(20o,60o或85o). 將光澤計的角度調試成適當的角度, 量好口徑, 並與光澤計中給定的標 準相比較。將光度計置於試樣上, 讀取數據。
2、介電強度ASTM D149 IEC 80243
單位厚度承受的最大電壓, 表示為伏特每單位厚度。物質的介電強度越
大, 它作為絕緣體的品質越好。
3、表面電阻率/體積電阻率ASTM D257, IFC60093
1、塑膠的拉伸性能ASTM D638, D882,
D1708 ISO 27
拉伸到中斷點時的伸長程度。 拉伸試驗可 產生應力-應變圖,這張圖可用於確定拉伸
astm 标准中密度测定
1. ASTM D792:这是一种用于测定透明和不透明液体运动粘度的标准试验方法,同时也用于计算动态粘度。
2. ASTM D1505:这种方法使用密度梯度法来测定物质的密度。
3. ASTM D4883:这种方法使用超声波来测定聚乙烯的密度。
4. ASTM D1298-17:这是一种使用比重计法测定原油和液体石油产品的密度、相对密度或API重力的标准试验方法。
5. ASTM D792、ISO 1183、GB/T1033:这些方法分别用于测定无空洞外型或挤压成型的非泡沫塑料和粉末,片状和颗粒密度。
塑料塑料.非泡沫塑料的密度测定方法.部分1:浸渍法、液体比重瓶法和滴定法内容:1前言2标准参考文献3专业术语与定义4测试环境5方法5.1 方法A--浸渍法5.2 方法B--液体比重瓶法5.3 方法C--滴定法6 空气浮力的修正7 测试报告附录A (标准)适合方法C的液体系统前言:ISO (国际标准组织)是国际范围内的国家联邦组织,(ISO 本身的成员)。
国际标准的版本是通过ISO 技术委员会执行的。
国际组织,政府组织和非政府组织,通过ISO 参与工作,ISO 与IEC紧密合作制定相关电子技术标准。
ISO1183-1是由ISO/TC 61 技术委员会准备,塑料,物理化学性能,小组委员会SC5 。
ISO 1183取消了下面几个部分,代替了ISO 1183:1987,进行了相关技术修正。
ISO 1183包括下列几部分,塑料.非泡沫塑料的密度测定方法.--第一部分浸渍法,液体比重瓶法,滴定法。
--第二部分密度梯度管法--第三部分气体比重瓶法塑料.非泡沫塑料的密度测定方法.部分1:浸渍法、液体比重瓶法和滴定法警告—使用ISO1183 可能包括材料,操作或仪器的危险。
1 范围ISO 1183规定了非泡沫塑料的密度测定的3种方法.非泡沫塑料存在的形式可以使紧密无空隙的模具,挤压的对象,或粉末,薄板,颗粒。
5、测试步骤: 5.1 样品数量:在 10g 左右,精确到 0.1mg
5.2 介质温度 23 ±2℃
5.3 测试程序:
5.3.1 先检查电子天平的水平。
5.3.2 打开电子天平 ON/OFF 开关,等显示屏出现 0.000g 时进行下一步操作。
5.3.3 选定介质,一般用水或无水乙醇。
5.3.4 测量水的温度,并输入温度。
编号 版本 页码 制定日期
PK-C-003 A/0
1/1 2023/5/22
1 目的:
2 范围:
3 职责:
4、测试标准: ISO1183-1
5.3.5 把所测的样品放在称重杆的上部称出干重,精确到 0.1mg。
5.3.6 把所测的样品放在称重杆的下部称出湿重,精确到 0.1mg,试样上端距液面不小于 10mm
5.3.7 介质密度=(干重-湿重)/体积用公式 密度=干重*介质密度/(干重-湿重)
5.3.8 测完后,把各个配件放回原处,关掉天制定
1. ASTM D1505-18: 这是美国材料与试验协会(ASTM)制定的标准,用于测量聚乙烯塑料的密度。
2. ISO 1183-1: 这是国际标准化组织(ISO)发布的标准,用于测量塑料密度的方法,其中包括聚乙烯。
3. GB/T 1033-2008: 这是中国国家标准,用于测量塑料密度的方法,其中也包括聚乙烯。
Reference number ISO 1183-1:2004(E)© ISO 2004INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 1183-1First edition 2004-02-01Plastics — Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics — Part 1:Immersion method, liquid pyknometer method and titration methodPlastiques — Méthodes de détermination de la masse volumique des plastiques non alvéolaires —Partie 1: Méthode par immersion, méthode du pycnomètre en milieu liquide et méthode par titrageCopyright International Organization for Standardization--``,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 1183-1:2004(E)PDF disclaimerThis PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobe's licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area.Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below.© ISO 2004All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester.ISO copyright officeCase postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11Fax + 41 22 749 09 47E-mail copyright@Web Published in Switzerland--``,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ii © ISO 2004 – All rights reserved Copyright International Organization for StandardizationISO 1183-1:2004(E)© ISO 2004 – All rights reservediii Contents PageForeword............................................................................................................................................................iv 1 Scope......................................................................................................................................................1 2 Normative references ...........................................................................................................................1 3Terms and definitions (2)4 Conditioning..........................................................................................................................................25 Methods..................................................................................................................................................3 5.1 Method A — Immersion method..........................................................................................................3 5.2 Method B — Liquid pyknometer method............................................................................................5 5.3 Method C — Titration method..............................................................................................................6 6Correction for buoyancy in air (7)7 Test report..............................................................................................................................................8 Annex A (informative) Liquid systems suitable for use in Method C (9)Copyright International Organization for Standardization --``,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 1183-1:2004(E)iv © ISO 2004 – All rights reservedForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.ISO 1183-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 61, Plastics , Subcommittee SC 5, Physical-chemical properties .Together with the other parts (see below), this part of ISO 1183 cancels and replaces ISO 1183:1987, which has been technically revised.ISO 1183 consists of the following parts, under the general title Plastics — Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics :Part 1: Immersion method, liquid pyknometer method and titration method Part 2: Density gradient column method Part 3: Gas pyknometer methodCopyright International Organization for Standardization --``,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 1183-1:2004(E)© ISO 2004 – All rights reserved1Plastics — Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics —Part 1:Immersion method, liquid pyknometer method and titration methodWARNING — The use of this part of ISO 1183 may involve hazardous materials, operations or equipment. This part of ISO 1183 does not purport to address all of the safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this part of ISO 1183 to establish appropriate health and safety practices and to determine the applicability of any regulatory limitations prior to use.1 ScopeThis part of ISO 1183 specifies three methods for the determination of the density of non-cellular plastics in the form of void-free moulded or extruded objects, as well as powders, flakes and granules. Method A: Immersion method , for solid plastics (except for powders) in void-free form.Method B: Liquid pyknometer method , for particles, powders, flakes, granules or small pieces offinished parts. Method C: Titration method , for plastics in any void-free form.NOTE This part of ISO 1183 is applicable to pellets as long as they are void-free. Density is frequently used to follow variations in physical structure or composition of plastic materials. Density may also be useful in assessing the uniformity of samples or specimens. Often the density of plastic materials will depend upon the choice of specimen preparation method. When this is the case, precise details of the specimen preparation method will have to be included in the appropriate material specification. This note is applicable to all three methods.2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 31-3, Quantities and units — Part 3: MechanicsISO 291:1997, Plastics — Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing ISO 472:1999, Plastics — VocabularyCopyright International Organization for Standardization --``,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 1183-1:2004(E)2© ISO 2004 – All rights reserved3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 472 and the following apply. 3.1 massquantity of matter contained in a bodyNOTEIt is expressed in kilograms (kg) or grams (g).3.2apparent massmass of a body obtained by measuring its weight using an appropriately calibrated balanceNOTEIt is expressed in kilograms (kg) or grams (g).3.3density ρthe ratio of the mass m of a sample to its volume V (at the temperature t ), expressed in kg/m 3, kg/dm 3 (g/cm 3) or kg/l (g/ml)NOTEThe following terms, based upon ISO 31-3, are given here for clarification.Table 1 — Density termsTerm Symbol Formulation UnitsDensityρ m /Vkg/m 3kg/dm 3 (g/cm 3) kg/l(g/ml) Specific volume ν V /m (= 1/ρ) m 3/kgdm 3/kg (cm 3/g) l/kg(ml/g)4 ConditioningThe test atmosphere shall be in accordance with ISO 291. In general, conditioning specimens to constanttemperature is not required, because the determination itself brings the specimen to the constant temperature of the test.Specimens which change in density during the test to such an extent that the change is greater than the required accuracy shall be conditioned prior to measurement in accordance with the applicable material specification. When changes in density with time or atmospheric conditions are the primary purpose of the measurements, the specimens shall be conditioned as described in the material specification and, if no material specification exists, then as agreed upon by the interested parties.Copyright International Organization for Standardization --``,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 1183-1:2004(E)© ISO 2004 – All rights reserved35 Methods5.1 Method A — Immersion method5.1.1 Apparatus5.1.1.1 Analytical balance or instrument specifically designed for measurement of density , accurate to 0,1 mg.NOTE An automatically operating instrument may be used. The calculation of density may be done automatically using a computer. Immersion vessel : a beaker or other wide-mouthed container of suitable size for holding the immersion liquid. Stationary support , e.g. a pan straddle, to hold the immersion vessel above the balance pan. Thermometer , graduated at 0,1 °C intervals, covering the range 0 °C to 30 °C. Wire (if required), corrosion-resistant, of diameter not greater than 0,5 mm, for suspending specimens in the immersion liquid. Sinker , of suitable mass to ensure complete immersion of the specimen, for use when the density of the specimen is less than that of the immersion liquid. Pyknometer , with a side-arm overflow capillary, for determining the density of the immersion liquid when this liquid is not water. The pyknometer shall be equipped with a thermometer graduated at 0,1 °C intervals from 0 °C to 30 °C. Liquid bath , capable of being thermostatically controlled to within ± 0,5 °C, for use in determining the density of the immersion liquid. 5.1.2 Immersion liquidUse freshly distilled or deionized water or another suitable liquid containing not more than 0,1 % of a wetting agent to help in removing air bubbles. The liquid or solution with which the specimen comes into contact during the measurement shall have no effect on the specimen.The density of immersion liquids other than distilled water need not be measured provided they are obtained from an accredited source and are accompanied by certificate. 5.1.3 SpecimensSpecimens may be in any void-free form except for powder. They shall be of a convenient size to give adequate clearance between the specimen and the immersion vessel and should preferably have a mass of at least 1 g.When cutting specimens from larger samples, proper equipment shall be used to ensure that the characteristics of the material do not change. The surface of the specimen shall be smooth and free from cavities to minimize the entrapment of air bubbles upon immersion in the liquid, otherwise errors will be introduced.5.1.4 Procedure5.1.4.1 Weigh the specimen in air while suspended with a wire of maximum diameter 0,5 mm. Weigh specimens of mass less than or equal to 10 g to the nearest 0,1 mg. Weigh those of mass greater than 10 g to the nearest 1 mg. Record the mass of the specimen.Copyright International Organization for Standardization --``,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 1183-1:2004(E)4© ISO 2004 – All rights reserved5.1.4.2 Immerse the specimen, still suspended by the wire, in the immersion liquid (5.1.2), contained in the immersion vessel ( on the support ( The temperature of the immersion liquid shall be 23 °C ± 2 °C (or 27 °C ± 2 °C). Remove any adhering air bubbles with a fine wire. Weigh the immersed specimen to the nearest 0,1 mg.If the measurement is carried out in a temperature-controlled room, the temperature of the whole apparatus, including the immersion liquid, shall be within the range 23 °C ± 2 °C (or 27 °C ± 2 °C). If necessary, determine the density of immersion liquids other than water as follows. Weigh the pyknometer ( empty and then containing freshly distilled or deionized water at a temperature of 23 °C ± 0,5 °C (or 27 °C ± 0,5 °C). Weigh the same pyknometer, after cleaning and drying, filled with the immersion liquid [also at a temperature of 23 °C ± 0,5 °C (or 27 °C ± 0,5 °C)]. Use the liquid bath ( to bring the water and immersion liquid to the correct temperature. Calculate the density ρIL , in grams per cubic centimetre, of the immersion liquid at 23 °C (or 27 °C), using the equation:ILIL W Wm m ρρ=× (1)wherem IL is the mass, in grams, of the immersion liquid; m W is the mass, in grams, of the water;ρW is the density, in grams per cubic centimetre, of water at 23 °C (or 27 °C). Calculate the density ρS , in grams per cubic centimetre, of the specimen at 23 °C (or 27 °C), using the equation:S,A IL S S,A S,ILm m m ρρ×=− (2)wherem S,A is the apparent mass, in grams, of the specimen in air;m S,IL is the apparent mass, in grams, of the specimen in the immersion liquid;ρILis the density of the immersion liquid at 23 °C (or 27 °C), in grams per cubic centimetre, as stated by the supplier or determined as specified in specimens having a density less than that of the immersion liquid, the test may be performed in exactly the same way as described above, with the following exception: a sinker of lead or other dense material is attached to the wire, such that the sinker rests below the liquid level, as does the specimen, during immersion. The sinker may be considered as a part of the suspension wire. In this case, the upthrust exerted by the immersion liquid on the sinker shall be allowed for by using the following equation, rather than Equation (2), to calculate the density of the specimen:S,A ILS S,A K,IL S+K,ILm m m m ρρ×=+− (3)wherem K,ILis the apparent mass, in grams, of the sinker in the immersion liquid;m S+K,IL is the apparent mass, in grams, of the specimen and sinker in the immersion liquid.Copyright International Organization for Standardization --``,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 1183-1:2004(E)© ISO 2004 – All rights reserved 5The bouyancy of the suspension wire in air is normally considered to be negligible, but for correction for air bouyancy see Clause 6. Perform the test on a minimum of three specimens and calculate the mean result to three decimalplaces.5.2 Method B — Liquid pyknometer method5.2.1 Apparatus5.2.1.1 Balance , accurate to 0,1 mg. Stationary support (see Pyknometer (see Liquid bath (see Dessicator , connected to a vacuum system. 5.2.2 Immersion liquid As specified in 5.1.2. 5.2.3 SpecimensSpecimens of powders, granules or flakes shall be measured in the form in which they are received. The specimen mass shall be in the range of 1 g to 5 g. 5.2.4 Procedure5.2.4.1 Weigh the pyknometer ( empty and dry. Weigh a suitable quantity of the plastic material in the pyknometer. Cover the test specimen with immersion liquid (5.2.2) and remove all the air by placing the pyknometer in the desiccator ( and applying a vacuum. Break the vacuum and almost completely fill the pyknometer with immersion liquid. Bring it to constant temperature [23 °C ± 0,5 °C (or 27 °C ± 0,5 °C)] in the liquid bath ( and then complete filling exactly to the limit of the capacity of the pyknometer. Wipe dry and weigh the pyknometer with the specimen and immersion liquid. Empty and clean the pyknometer. Fill it with deaerated distilled or deionized water, remove any remaining air as above, and determine the mass of the pyknometer and its contents at the temperature of test. Repeat the process with the immersion liquid if an immersion liquid other than water was used, and determine its density as specified in Calculate the density ρS , in grams per cubic centimetre, of the specimen at 23 °C (or 27 °C), using the following equation:S ILS 12m m m ρρ×=−(4)wherem S is the apparent mass, in grams, of the specimen;m 1 is the apparent mass, in grams, of the liquid required to fill the empty pyknometer;Copyright International Organization for Standardization--``,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 1183-1:2004(E)6© ISO 2004 – All rights reservedm 2 is the apparent mass, in grams, of the liquid required to fill the pyknometer containing the specimen;ρIL is the density of the immersion liquid at 23 °C (or 27 °C), in grams per cubic centimetre, as stated bythe supplier or determined as specified in Perform the test on a minimum of three specimens and calculate the mean result to three decimalplaces.5.3 Method C — Titration method5.3.1 Apparatus5.3.1.1 Liquid bath (see Glass cylinder , of capacity 250 ml. Thermometer , graduated at 0,1 °C intervals, with a range suitable for measuring the test temperature used. Volumetric flask , capacity 100 ml. glass rod stirrer . Burette , capacity 25 ml, of a design which enables it to be kept in the liquid bath (, capable of dispensing 0,1 ml portions of liquid. 5.3.2 Immersion liquidsRequired are two miscible liquids of different densities. One shall have a density just below that of the test material and the other a density higher than that of the test material. Densities of various liquids are given in Annex A as a guide. If necessary, carry out a rapid preliminary test in a few millilitres of the liquid.The liquid with which the specimen comes into contact during the measurement shall have no effect on the specimen.5.3.3 SpecimensSpecimens shall be in a suitable void-free form. 5.3.4 Procedure5.3.4.1 By means of the volumetric flask (, accurately measure 100 ml of the less dense immersion liquid (see 5.3.2) into the clean, dry 250 ml glass cylinder ( Put the cylinder into the liquid bath ( controlled at 23 °C ± 0,5 °C (or 27 °C ± 0,5 °C). Place the pieces of the test specimen in the cylinder. They shall fall to the bottom and be free of air bubbles. Allow the cylinder and its contents to stabilize at the bath temperature, stirring at intervals.NOTE It is recommended that the thermometer ( be kept permanently in the liquid. This makes it possible to check that thermal equilibrium is attained at the time of measurement and, in particular, that the heat of dilution has been dissipated. When the temperature of the liquid is 23 °C ± 0,5 °C (or 27 °C ± 0,5 °C), add the more dense immersion liquid millilitre by millilitre from the burette ( Stir the liquid after each addition by means of the glass rod (, held vertically, and avoid producing air bubbles.After each addition of the more dense liquid and mixing, observe the behaviour of the pieces of test specimen.Copyright International Organization for Standardization --``,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---© ISO 2004 – All rights reserved7At first, they will fall rapidly to the bottom but, as more of the more dense liquid is added, their rate of fall will become slower. At this point, add the more dense liquid in 0,1 ml amounts. Note the total amount of more dense liquid added when the lightest pieces of specimen become suspended within the liquid, at the level to which they are brought by stirring, without moving up or down for at least 1 min. At this point in the titration, note the amount of more dense liquid required. The density of the liquid mixture at this point corresponds to the lower limit of the density of the test specimen.Add more of the more dense liquid until the heaviest pieces of specimen remain at a constant level within the liquid for at least 1 min. Note the amount of more dense liquid required.For each pair of liquids, establish the relationship between the amount of more dense liquid added and the density of the resulting mixture, and plot the relationship in the form of a graph.The density of the liquid mixture at each point on the graph can be determined by a pyknometer method.6 Correction for buoyancy in airWhere weighings are made in air, the values of the “apparent masses” obtained shall be corrected to compensate for the effect of the air buoyancy on the specimen and on any weights used. This will be the case if the accuracy of the results is to be between 0,2 % and 0,05 %. The true mass m T , in grams, is calculated using the equation:Air AirT APP S L 1m m ρρρρ=×+−(5) wherem APP is the apparent mass, in grams;ρAir is the density, in grams per cubic centimetre, of air (approximately 0,001 2 g/cm 3 at 23 °C and27 °C);ρS is the density, in grams per cubic centimetre, of the specimen at 23 °C (or 27 °C); ρLis the density, in grams per cubic centimetre, of the weights used.For improved accuracy, the dependence of the density of air on pressure and temperature can be taken into account:()Air 0,00131110,00367t ρ=×+×P(6)wheret is the test temperature, in degrees Celsius;P is the atmospheric pressure, in bars.Copyright International Organization for Standardization Reproduced by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--``,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---8© ISO 2004 – All rights reserved7 Test reportThe test report shall include the following information: a) a reference to this International Standard;b) all details necessary for complete identification of the material tested, including specimen preparationmethod and pretreatment, if applicable; c) the method used (A, B or C); d) the immersion liquid(s) used; e) the test temperature; f)the individual values and arithmetic mean of the density;g) a statement as to whether any buoyancy correction was made and, if so, what kind of correction.Copyright International Organization for Standardization Reproduced by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--``,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---© ISO 2004 – All rights reserved 9Annex A (informative)Liquid systems suitable for use in Method CWARNING — Some of the following chemicals may be hazardous.Table A.1 — Liquid systems for Method CSystemDensity rangeg/cm 3 Methanol/benzyl alcohol 0,79 to 1,05 Isopropanol/water0,79 to 1,00 Isopropanol/diethylene glycol 0,79 to 1,11 Ethanol/water0,79 to 1,00 Toluene/carbon tetrachloride0,87 to 1,60 Water/aqueous solution of sodium bromidea 1,00 to 1,41 Water/aqueous solution of calcium nitrate 1,00 to 1,60 Ethanol/aqueous solution of zinc chlorideb 0,79 to 1,70 Carbon tetrachloride/1,3-dibromopropane 1,60 to 1,99 1,3-Dibromopropane/ethylene bromide 1,99 to 2,18 Ethylene bromide/bromoform 2,18 to 2,89 Carbon tetrachloride/bromoform 1,60 to 2,89 Isopropanol/methylglycol acetate0,79 to 1,00a A density of 1,41 is equivalent to a mass fraction of about 40 % sodium bromide. bA density of 1,70 is equivalent to a mass fraction of about 67 % zinc chloride.The following may also be used in various mixtures: Density (g/cm 3)n -Octane 0,70 Dimethylformamide 0,94 Tetrachloroethane 1,60 Ethyl iodide 1,93 Methylene iodide3,33Copyright International Organization for StandardizationReproduced by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--``,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`-----``,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ICS 83.080.01Price based on 9 pages© ISO 2004 – All rights reservedCopyright International Organization for StandardizationReproduced by IHS under license with ISONo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSNot for Resale。
1. ASTM D1105-96(2018):用密度瓶法测定塑料和其他材料的密度。
2. ISO 1183:塑料--密度的测定--密度瓶法。
3. GB/T 1033.1-2008:塑料密度的测定。
4. JIS K 6535:塑料-密度的测定-密度瓶法。
ISO 1183密度不确定度报告
测量不确定度评定报告密度不确定度评定报告报告编号:UN-2018-04编制:薛亚勤日期:2018-07-11审批:日期宁波华众塑料制品有限公司实验中心密度不确定度评定报告一、概 述1. 测量方法:GB/T 1033.1-2008 塑料 非泡沫塑料密度的测定 第1部分 浸渍法、液体比重瓶法和滴定法,此次选用A 法检测。
评定方法:JJG1059-2012《测量不确定度评定与表示》; 2. 环境条件:温度23 °C ± 2 °℃,相对湿度50%±10%; 3. 测试试验设备:电子天平 JA2003上海天平仪器厂 ; 4. 被测对象:选取PC/ABS8250产品, GBT 标准注塑成型的样条;5. 测量过程:按照GB/T 1033.1-2008中规定温度23 °C ± 2 °C,湿度50%±10%的条件下预处理24h ,然后对样条进行5次测试。
二、数学模型式中: S ρ———23℃或27℃时试样的密度,g /cm3 ;,S A m ———试样在空气中的质量,g;IL ρ———23℃或27℃浸渍液的密度,g /cm3 ;,S IL m ———试样在浸渍液中的表观质量,g三、测量不确定度原因的确定根据浸渍法密度测试的原理分析,造成测试结果误差的因素主要有以下几项: ( 1) 测量重复性引入的不确定度; ( 2) 不同人员测量引入的不确定度; ( 3) 温度测量引入的不确定度; ( 4) 天平称量引入的不确定度。
四、测量不确定分量的计算4.1测量不确定度的分析4.1.1测量重复性不确定度1μ计算 对样条进行测量,得到如下5组数据: 空气中质量/g 液体中质量/g 密度/g*cm -3平均值/g*cm-32.9651 0.3621 1.1391 1.13922.9698 0.3619 1.1388 2.9651 0.3616 1.1389 2.9680 0.3640 1.1398 2.9673 0.36311.1394,,,S A ILS S AS ILm m mρρ=-因此由测量重复性引入的不确定度 =0.00041 g/cm 34.1.2不同测试人员测量引入的不确定度2μ计算 安排不同的5人对样条进行测量,得到如下5组数据: 空气中质量/g 液体中质量/g 密度/g*cm -3平均值/g*cm-32.9656 0.3618 1.1390 1.13922.9670 0.3614 1.1387 2.9658 0.3638 1.1398 2.9637 0.3635 1.1398 2.9678 0.36101.1385因此由不同人员测量重复性引入的不确定度 =0.00061 g/cm 34.1.3温度测量引入的不确定度3μ计算根据I 标准中规定塑料密度测量的环境温度及浸渍液的温度为23 °C ± 2 °C,然而实际操作中,在此范围内浸泽液的密度会有较大差异,因此无法忽视温度波动对最终密度的影响。
塑料行业ISO标准大全ISO 899:1993 塑料—蠕变行为的测定ISO 1183:1987 塑料—非泡沫塑料密度和相对密度的测定方法ISO 1210/IEC 60695-11-10: 3)塑料—小火焰接触水平和垂直试样燃烧行为的测定ISO 1628:1991 塑料—粘数和极限粘数的测定ISO 2818:1994 塑料—机加工法试样的制备ISO 3146: 4) 塑料—半结晶聚合物熔融行为(熔融温度或熔融范围)的测定ISO 3167:1993 塑料—多用途试样的制备和使用ISO 4589:1996 塑料—燃烧性的测定ISO 8256:1990 塑料—拉伸冲击强度的测定ISO 10350:1993 塑料—可比数据的获得和表示—单点数据ISO 11542:1994 塑料—超高分子量聚乙烯(PE-UHMW)模塑和挤出材料IEC 60093:1980 电绝缘材料表面电阻率和体积电阻率的测定方法IEC 60112:1979 在湿润环境下固体绝缘材料耐漏泄系数测定比较推荐试验方法IEC 60243:1988固体绝缘材料的电气强度试验方法IS0 59 塑料—酚醛模塑料一丙酮溶解物的测定。
IS0 308 塑料-酚醛模塑材料-丙酮溶解物的测定(未模塑材料的表观树脂含量)。
IS0 383 实验的玻璃仪器-可互换的磨砂锥形接头。
IS0 565 试验筛-编织金属丝布,孔板和电沉积板-开孔的标准尺寸。
IS0 599 塑料-聚酰胺-沸腾甲醇萃取物质的测定。
IS0 1773 实验的玻璃仪器-烧瓶(细颈)。
IS0 1873 塑料-聚丙烯和聚丙烯共聚物IS0 1875 塑料-增塑醋酸纤维素一乙醚萃取物的测定。
ISO 294:1996 塑料—热塑性塑料材料的注塑ISO 468:1982 表面粗糙度--参数及其值和规定要求的通则ISO 1622:1994 塑料--聚苯乙烯(PS)模塑和挤出材料ISO 1872:1993 塑料--聚乙烯(PE)模塑和挤出材料ISO 1873:1995 塑料--聚丙烯(PP)模塑和挤出材料ISO 2580:1990 塑料--丙烯腈/丁二烯/苯乙烯(ABS)模塑和挤出材料ISO 2897:1990 塑料--抗冲击聚苯乙烯(SB)模塑和挤出材料ISO 4613:1993 塑料--乙烯/乙酸乙烯酯(E/VAC)模塑和挤出材料ISO 4894:1990 塑料--苯乙烯/丙烯腈(SAN)共聚物模塑和挤出材料ISO 6402:1990 塑料--抗冲击丙烯腈/苯乙烯(ASA,AES,ACS)模塑和挤出材料ISO 6507:-1) 塑料--金属材料--维氏硬度试验ISO 7391:-2) 塑料--聚碳酸酯模塑和挤出材料ISO 8257:-3) 塑料--聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)模塑和挤出材料ISO 8986:1993 塑料--聚丁烯(PB〕模塑和挤出材料ISO 9988:1991 塑料--聚甲醛(POM)模塑和挤出材料ISO 10366:1993 塑料--甲基丙烯酸甲酯/丙烯腈/丁二烯/苯乙烯(MABS)模塑和挤出材料ISO 62:1999 塑料—吸水性的测定ISO 75:1993 塑料—负荷变形温度的测定ISO 178:1993 塑料—弯曲性能的测定ISO 179:1993 塑料—简支梁冲击强度的测定ISO 291:1977 塑料—状态调节和试验的标准环境ISO 293:1986 塑料—热塑性材料的压塑试样ISO 294:1995 塑料—热塑性材料的注塑试样ISO 306:1994 塑料—热塑性塑料--维卡软化温度的测定(VST)ISO 489:1983 塑料—透明塑料折光指数的测定ISO 527:1993 塑料—拉伸性能的测定ISO 899:1993 塑料—蠕变行为的测定ISO 1133:1997 塑料—热塑性塑料熔体质量流动速率(MFR)和熔体体积流动速率(MVR)的测定ISO 1183:1987 塑料—非泡沫塑料密度和相对密度的测定方法ISO 1210:1992 塑料—小火焰接触水平和垂直试样燃烧行为的测定ISO 1622:1994 塑料-聚苯乙烯(PS)模塑和挤出材料ISO 2561:1974 塑料—气相色谱法聚苯乙烯残留苯乙烯单体的测定ISO 2818:1994 塑料—机加工法试样的制备ISO 3167:1993 塑料—多用途试样ISO 4589:1996 塑料—燃烧性的测定ISO 8256:1990 塑料—拉伸冲击强度的测定IEC 93:1980 电绝缘材料表面电阻率和体积电阻率的测定方法IEC 112:1979 在湿润环境下固体绝缘材料耐漏泄系数测定比较推荐试验方法IEC 243:1988 固体绝缘材料的电气强度试验方法IEC 250:1969 测定电气绝缘材料在工频、音频、射频(含米波长)下介电常数和介质损耗因数的推荐试验方法IEC 296:1982 用于变压器及开关设备的未使用过的矿物绝缘油规范IEC 1006:1991 测定电绝缘材料玻璃化转变温度的试验方法ISO/CD 16152 塑料—聚丙烯二甲苯可溶物的测定ISO 6252:1992 塑料-恒拉伸变形法耐环境应力开裂(ESC)的测定ISO 1874:1992 塑料—聚酰胺(PA)模塑和挤出材料ISO 7792:1997 塑料—热塑性聚酯(TP)模塑和挤出材料ISO/TR 9080:1992 液体输送用热塑性塑料管材—用于测定热塑性塑料管材长期静液压强度的静液压应力破坏数据的外推方法ISO 12162:1995 热塑性塑料压力管材管件用材料ISO 11357:2002 塑料—差示扫描量热法(DSC)ISO11443:1995 毛细管流变仪和狭缝口模流变仪测定塑料的流变性IS0 6427-1982(E) 塑料——能用有机溶剂萃取的物质量的测定 (常规方法)。
密度和相对密度ASTM D792, ISO 1183试验范围密度是单位体积物质的质量。
比重是在23°C下,一定体积物质的质量与相同体积去离子水质量之比. 比重和密度至关重要. 因为塑料是以每磅为基础售出的,而低密度或低比重意味着每榜重量含更多的材料或试验方法有两种基本的方法: 方法A和方法B. 更为普遍的是方法A, 可用于片材、棒型材料、管型材料和注塑颗粒中. 方法A 中, 将试样称量, 用小锤和金属丝使试样完全浸于23°C的蒸馏水中, 再次称量. 算出密度和比重.试样规格任何方便的规格都可使用.试验数据比重=a/[(a+w)-b]a =试样在空气中的质量b =试样和小锤(若被使用)在水中的质量w =完全浸没的小锤(若被使用)和部分浸没的金属丝质量密度(kg/m3)=比重×997.6吸水性(24小时/平衡)ASTM D570试验范围吸水性是用来确定在规定条件下被吸收的水的总量的. 影响吸水性的因素有: 塑料的类型、使用的添加剂、温度以及暴露时间.试验方法吸水性试验中, 将试样在规定温度的烘箱里烘干规定时间, 移至干燥器冷却, 冷却完毕后,立即称重. 将试样规定条件下浸于水中, 通常是在23°C下浸泡24小时或直到平衡. 将试样取出, 用lint free cloth 擦干, 称重.试样规格用直径2英寸, 0.25英寸厚的圆形试样试验数据吸水性用增重百分比来表示.吸水百分率=[(浸水后质量- 浸水前质量) / 浸水前质量] x 100透湿性ASTM E96试验范围本实验评价了半透性和渗透性试样的水蒸气透过能力. 透湿性的数据可被制造商和设计者所用, 在包装应用方面有着重要的意义.试验方法在实验杯中充满蒸馏水, 试样与水之间留有一个小缝隙(0.75" 到0.25"). 为了使水除了渗进试样外无其他损失,将试验杯密封起来. 称仪器的初始重量, 然后过一段时间, 称重一次, 直到结果接近线性. 为保证全部的重量损失是由于水蒸气渗进试样而造成的, 一定要谨慎.试验规格经常使用4×4英寸试样,因为试验需要与液体容器很好的吻合.试验数据重量-时间图或透湿百分率-时间图剥离试验ASTM D903, D1876, D3167试验范围剥离试验测量将粘合表面扯离试样时拉力的强度. 它对黏合剂、粘合带以及其他连接方法的评价有着重要的意义.试验方法测量试样的厚度, 将试样置于普通检验器的固定装置中. 用规定的速度拉试样, 直到试样的一部分或粘合层破坏为止. 破坏的类型分为内聚破坏、密着破坏和基质破坏.将两个6×1英寸的试样互相叠放, 并用黏合剂粘合在一起, 或者在中心.试验数据破坏类型-内聚破坏、密着破坏、基质破坏剥离强度摩擦系数ASTM D 1894试验范围本实验用于测定阻碍一个表面在另一个表面上滑动时的动态(运动)和静态(起始)抵抗力.试验方法将试样附于规定质量的滑块上, 使滑块在另一试样表面上以150mm/ 分钟的速度滑动. 测量使滑块开始运动(静态)和维持运动(动态)的力的大小.试样规格边长为64mm(2.5英寸)的方形试样作滑块, 254mm x 127mm (10 x 5 英寸)试样做第二个表面.试验数据静摩擦系数和动摩擦系数都可算出. 静摩擦系数等于初始力读数除滑块质量. 动摩擦系数等于当滑块速滑动时的平均拉力读数除于块质量. 所有质量单位均为克.维卡软化点ASTM D 1894试验范围维卡软化点是压头针在规定负荷下, 刺入试样1mm时的温度. 该温度反映了当一种材料在升温装置中使用时期望的软化点.试验方法将试样置于测定仪中, 并使压头距离试样边缘不小于1mm. 在试样上加10N或50N负荷, 把试样放进23°C的油浴中,以50或100°C每小时的速度提升油浴温度, 直到针头刺入试样1mm.试样规格测试试样的厚度应在3到6.5mm之间, 长度和宽度不小于10mm. 不能为了达到所需厚度而堆积3个以上的试样.维卡软化点试验测定了针头压入试样1mm时的温度.负荷变形温度(DTUL或HDT)ASTM D648, ISO 75试验范围热变形温度定义为标准试验条在一定负荷下, 其变形量达到规定值的温度.它规定了短程耐热性能. 不同材料的负荷热变形温度相互区别, 有的能在高温下承受小负荷; 有的在一个窄的温度范围内就会变形.试验方法将若干个实验条置于形变测定仪下, 并在每个样品上加0.45Mpa或1.80Mpa负荷. 将试样放进硅油浴中, 每分钟温度升高2°C, 直到形变量达到规定值: ASTM中0.25mm, ISO flatwise 0.32mm, edgewise 0.34mm试样规格ASTM中标准是5"×0.5"×0.25".ISO edgewise 试验中使用120mm×10mm×4mm 的矩形条.ISO flatwise 试验中使用80 mm×10mm×4mm 的矩形条.试验数据得出规定负荷和形变量下的温度.用TMA或膨胀计测线性热膨胀系数ASTM E831, D696 ISO 11359试验范围线性热膨胀系数用来确定某材料随温度的膨胀程度. 本试验用于设计目的, 也用于确定材料在热应力下是否会发生破裂. 理解相互接触的两种材料之间的相对膨胀/收缩特性, 对于成功的应用有着重大的意义.试验方法室温下, 将试样置于TMA的支架上, 并用探测器测定其高度. 将熔炉升高, 并调节温度使之低于所需温度20°C. 以一定的速率加热试样, 通常是10°C/分钟, 直到试样达到所需温度范围. 得出一个曲线. 或者, 可以使用膨胀计. 室温下. 将试样置于膨胀计中, 并将高度探测器调零, 仪器置于温度槽中, 测定试样从-30°C到+30°C的运动.使用TMA时, 试样长度介于2到10mm之间, 侧宽不应超过10mm. 试样的两端都应该平整. 使用膨胀计时,试样大约为25.5mm(0.5")宽×75mm(3")长.试验数据算出所需温度范围内的线性热膨胀系数。
一、聚氨酯基础材料执行标准1. ISO 1183-1:1998 塑料密度的测量该标准规定了测量塑料密度的方法,并定义了测量密度时所需的试验条件和设备要求。
2. ISO 17196:2013 聚氨酯原材料质量要求该标准规定了聚氨酯原材料的质量要求,包括原材料的化学成分、物理性质、外观、气味和粘度等方面的指标。
二、聚氨酯制品执行标准1. ASTM D3574:2017 泡沫材料的物理测试该标准规定了对于聚氨酯泡沫材料进行的物理测试方法,包括密度、压缩强度、拉伸强度、撕裂强度等方面的测试。
2. ASTM C1029:2017 用聚氨酯粘结剂固定墙体砖块的标准实施规程该标准规定了使用聚氨酯粘结剂固定墙体砖块的实施规程,包括材料的选用、准备、施工等方面的要求。
3. ISO 20340:2017 船用绝缘材料试验方法该标准规定了船用绝缘材料的试验方法,包括聚氨酯绝缘材料的物理力学性能、耐候性、化学稳定性等方面的测试。
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塑料塑料.非泡沫塑料的密度测定方法.部分1:浸渍法、液体比重瓶法和滴定法内容:1前言2标准参考文献3专业术语与定义4测试环境5方法5.1 方法A--浸渍法5.2 方法B--液体比重瓶法5.3 方法C--滴定法6 空气浮力的修正7 测试报告附录A (标准)适合方法C的液体系统前言:ISO (国际标准组织)是国际范围内的国家联邦组织,(ISO 本身的成员)。
国际标准的版本是通过ISO 技术委员会执行的。
国际组织,政府组织和非政府组织,通过ISO 参与工作,ISO 与IEC紧密合作制定相关电子技术标准。
ISO1183-1是由ISO/TC 61 技术委员会准备,塑料,物理化学性能,小组委员会SC5 。
ISO 1183取消了下面几个部分,代替了ISO 1183:1987,进行了相关技术修正。
ISO 1183包括下列几部分,塑料.非泡沫塑料的密度测定方法.--第一部分浸渍法,液体比重瓶法,滴定法。
--第二部分密度梯度管法--第三部分气体比重瓶法塑料.非泡沫塑料的密度测定方法.部分1:浸渍法、液体比重瓶法和滴定法警告—使用ISO1183 可能包括材料,操作或仪器的危险。
1 范围ISO 1183规定了非泡沫塑料的密度测定的3种方法.非泡沫塑料存在的形式可以使紧密无空隙的模具,挤压的对象,或粉末,薄板,颗粒。
--方法C滴定法,针对于任何形式的紧密无空隙的塑料注: ISO 1183这部分应用于颗粒状或者是无缝紧密的塑料,密度一般用于物理结构的变化或塑料材料的组成。
2 标准参考文献下列的是应用这个文件不可缺少的参考文件,对于过期的参考文献,只能用于版本的引用,对于未过期的参考文献,最近的参考文献的版本(包括修正)是适用的。
ISO31-3 量值与单位-第3部分:力学ISO291:1997 塑料,调节和测试用标准大气ISO472:1999 塑料词汇3 专业术语与定义具体术语见ISO472。
3.1 质量物质本身的重量注:单位为千克/kg 或克/g3.2 仪器质量物质本身的重量称重一般通过一个标准的容器保持平衡进行称重。
注:单位为千克/kg 或克/g3.3 密度ρ样品的质量与它的容积V之间的比率(在一定的温度t下),单位为kg/m3,kg/dm3(g/ cm3)或kg/l(g/ml)注:下列的术语是基于ISO 31-3的,在此说明下。
表1 密度术语4 测试环境测试的空气根据ISO291。
5 方法5.1 方法A -浸渍法5.1.1 仪器密度测量,天平或仪器具体的规定,精确到0.1mg。
注:需自动操作仪器,密度的计算由计算机自动获得。 浸入仪器一个烧杯,或者其他能够盛入浸入液体合适尺寸的宽口容器。 固定支撑例如:一个容器支架,将侵入容器固定在天平盘上。 温度计,最小刻度为0.1。
C。 金属丝(若需要),抗腐蚀,直径不大于0.5mm,能够将试样浸在浸入溶液中。 铅锤,合适的重量能够将试样完全浸在浸入溶液中,当试样的密度小于浸入溶液时使用。 比重瓶侧壁溢出压力,在浸入溶液不是水时,为了获取浸入液的密度,比重瓶应装有温度计,最小刻度为0.1。
C。 液浴,能够控制温度在±0.5。
5.1.2 浸入液使用即时配备的蒸馏水或去离子水或其他一些适合的液体包括不超过0.1%的润湿剂来帮助去除气泡。
5.1.3 试样试样除了粉末外,应为紧密无缝型。
5.1.4 步骤5.1.4.1 在空气中测量试样的重量,通过最大直径为0.5mm 的钢丝挂起。
测量样品质量小于等于10g ,最小单位为0.1mg 的。
测试样品质量大于等于10g 的,最小单位为 0.1mg 的,记录下样品的质量。 将试样浸入,仍然通过钢丝悬挂,浸在浸入液(5.1.2)中,包括浸入容器(与支撑架(。
C ±2。
C (或27。
C ±2。
C ).通过钢丝除去粘附着的气泡,测量浸过的试样,精确到0.1mg 。
C ±2。
C (或27。
C ±2。
C )。 若需要,测试浸入溶液的密度除了蒸馏水外。
C ±2。
C (或27。
C ±2。
C )温度下装有即时配备的蒸馏水或去离子水。
C ±2。
C (或27。
C ±2。
C )].通过液浴(将水与浸入液保持合适的温度。
计算密度ρIL ,,g/cm 3,浸入液的温度在23。
C (或27。
C ),使用下列方程:W WIL IL m m ρρ⨯= 式中:IL m 是浸入液的重量,单位为克.W m 为水的重量,单位为克。
W ρ为密度,单位为克每立方厘米,在水温23。
C (或27。
C )。 计算密度S ρ,单位为克每立方厘米,试样温度在23。
C (或27。
C ),使用下列方程:IL S A S IL A S S m m m ,,,-⨯=ρρ式中:A S m , 是仪器的质量,单位为克重,其中试样在空气中IL S m , 是仪器的质量,单位为克重,其中试样在浸入溶液中IL ρ 是试样在23。
C (或27。
C )时的密度,单位为克每立方厘米,一般由供应商所给或相关规定决定的,将5.1.4.3当试样的密度小于浸入液体的密度时,测试仍然按照上述的方法步骤进行,除了下列:引导的铅锤或是附在钢丝上其他密度较大的材料,在浸入过程中试样与铅垂在侵入液体下面的部分,铅垂也可以被认为是悬挂钢丝的一部分。
在这种情况下,由铅垂使得浸入溶液上升,试样密度的计算公式可以由下面的方程式获得,而不是方程式(2):IL k S IL K A S ILA S S m m m m ,,,,+-+⨯=ρρ式中:IL K m , 仪器的重量,单位克,其中铅垂在浸入液中;IL k S m ,+仪器的重量,单位克,其中试样与铅垂在浸入液中;钢丝悬挂在空气中的浮力一般忽略不计,但是对于空气浮力的修正见第6项。 最少测试3块面料,计算出三块面料的平均值,保留3位小数。
5.2 方法B --液体比重瓶法5.2.1 仪器5.2.1.1 天平 ,精确到0.1mg 、 固定支架(见5.1.1.3) 比重瓶(见5.1.1.7) 液浴(见5.1.1.8) 干燥剂,连到真空装置中。
5.2.2 浸入液具体规定见5. 试样粉末,颗粒,薄片试样需按照接收时的形式进行测试,样品的质量应该在1g-5g 之间。
5.2.4 步骤5.2.4.1 测量比重瓶(,比重瓶需要时干的,并且空的。
C ±0.5。
C (或27。
C ±0.5。
C )的液浴中(,将比重瓶充满直到容量瓶的限制。
将比重瓶擦干,称比重瓶,试样与浸入液体的重量。 倒空比重瓶,倒入脱氧蒸馏或去离子水,去除残留的空气,在一定的温度条件下测试比重瓶的重量。 若浸入液不是水的话,重复处理浸入液,并按照5.1.4.3处理其密度。 计算密度 ρs ,单位为克每立方厘米,试样在23。
C (或27。
C ),运用以下的方程式:21m m m IL S S -⨯=ρρ 式中:S m 是仪器的重量,单位为克,其中有试样的重量1m 是仪器的重量,单位为克,其中有空比重瓶装满液体的重量。
2m 是仪器的重量,单位为克,其中有比重瓶装满液体的重量,包括试样。
IL ρ 是浸入液体的密度在23。
C (或27。
C ),单位为克每立方厘米,按照相关规定一般由供应商决定将5. 取至少3块面料的测试结果计算平均值,保留3位小数。
5.3 方法C--滴定法5.3.1 仪器5.3.1.1 液浴 (见5.1.1.8) 玻璃量筒,容量250ml5.3.1.3 温度计,最小刻度为0.1。
C ,范围在测试温度范围内。容量瓶,容量为100ml5.3.1.5 平头玻璃棒搅拌5.3.1.6滴管,容量25ml,将其放在液浴中(,能够分配0.1ml的液体。