计算机辅助设计008 序列号和激活码
计算机辅助设计008 序列号和激活码随着计算机辅助设计软件的普及和应用,序列号和激活码的重要性日益凸显。
一、序列号和激活码的概念1. 序列号(Serial Number):是软件或设备的唯一身份标识,由数字或字母组成。
2. 激活码(Activation Code):是用于激活软件或设备的一组字符序列。
二、序列号和激活码的作用1. 合法性验证:序列号和激活码是软件或设备的合法使用凭证,通过序列号和激活码可以验证软件或设备的合法性,保障用户权益和软件制造商的权益。
2. 安全性保障:通过序列号和激活码可以确保软件或设备的安全性和稳定性,防止盗版和非法复制,保护用户的个人信息和隐私。
3. 版本升级:一些软件或设备需要输入正确的序列号和激活码才能进行版本升级或功能开启,序列号和激活码是用户享受更多功能和服务的前提。
三、序列号和激活码的获取方式1. 购物正版软件或设备:最直接的获取序列号和激活码的方式是通过购物正版软件或设备,正版软件或设备通常会附带唯一的序列号和激活码,用户可以在购物后直接使用。
2. 冠方渠道获取:一些软件或设备的冠方全球信息站提供序列号和激活码的查询和获取服务,用户可以通过冠方渠道向软件或设备制造商获取合法的序列号和激活码。
3. 授权经销商获取:授权经销商拥有正版软件或设备的授权销售权,用户可以通过授权经销商渠道购物正版软件或设备并获取正规的序列号和激活码。
Delft3D-MATLAB Interface to MATLAB for flexibility in visualisation and data analysisUser ManualAugust, 2004User Manual Delft3D-MATLABPublished and printed by:WL | Delft Hydraulicsmain officeRotterdamseweg 185p.o. box 1772600 MH DelftThe Netherlandstelephone +31 15 285 85 85fax +31 15 285 85 82internet info@wldelft.nlwww http://www.wldelft.nlFor support contact:e-mail: +31 15 285 85 55fax: +31 15 285 85 82Copyright© 2004 WL | Delft HydraulicsAll rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form by print, photo print, photo copy, microfilm or any other means, without written permission from the publisher: WL | Delft Hydraulics.2004 Delft3D-MATLAB Contents August, User Manual Version 2.07Contents1Introduction...........................................................................................................1–11.1Version information...................................................................................1–11.2Compatibility.............................................................................................1–11.3List of major changes.................................................................................1–12Low level routines.................................................................................................2–12.1Open NEFIS file VS_USE........................................................................2–12.2Display information of groups and elements VS_DISP............................2–22.3Get data from a NEFIS file VS_LET/VS_GET........................................2–52.4Determine the type of a NEFIS file VS_TYPE........................................2–82.5Find group to which element belongs VS_FIND.....................................2–92.6Find differences between two NEFIS files VS_DIFF................................2–93High level routines................................................................................................3–13.1DRAWGRID..............................................................................................3–13.2THINDAM................................................................................................3–33.3TRIRST......................................................................................................3–63.4WLDEP......................................................................................................3–63.5WLGRID...................................................................................................3–83.6XYVELOC................................................................................................3–83.7QPREAD.................................................................................................3–103.8QPFOPEN................................................................................................3–123.9QPFILE....................................................................................................3–134QUICKPLOT functionality.................................................................................4–15References..............................................................................................................5–12004 Delft3D-MATLAB Introduction August,2.07 User Manual Version 1IntroductionThe MATLAB interface for Delft3D has been developed to expand the flexibility in theprocessing of Delft3D data in general and of NEFIS data files in particular. The interfaceconsists of three parts:•First, low level routines to access data stored in NEFIS files. The routines aredescribed in the second chapter of this manual. A thorough knowledge of theDelft3D system is required.•Second, high level routines to access the data. These functions support a pre-defined(but extensive) set of spatial data stored in the NEFIS files. Routines for reading andwriting flow restart files, grid and depth files are also provided. These routines aredescribed in Chapter 3.•Third, a graphical user interface for basic plotting. The QUICKPLOT interface isdescribed in Chapter 4.All functions are provided in source code. The routines described in chapters three and fourcan be used as examples for development of other routines.1.1Version informationThis manual describes the functionality of Delft3D-MATLAB interface version 2.07.00 andlater versions with minor revisions.1.2CompatibilityThe routines have been tested for compatibility with the Windows versions of MATLAB 5.3(R11), 6.5 (R13) and 7.0 (R14). Due to restrictions in the MEX (i.e. MATLAB sharedlibrary) files used, the toolbox is only available for MATLAB 6.0 and later on Linux.1.3List of major changesVersion Changes2.07.00 Update of QUICKPLOT interface to match standalone version 2.07.00 ofDelft3D-QUICKPLOT2.05.00 Update of QUICKPLOT interface to match standalone version 2.05.00 ofDelft3D-QUICKPLOTDelft3D-MATLAB Low level routines August, 20042.07 User Manual Version 2Low level routinesA set of MATLAB files has been created to access NEFIS files from within MATLAB. Thefollowing functions have been implemented:vs_use open NEFIS filevs_disp display information of groups and elements contained in a NEFIS filevs_let/vs_get get data from a NEFIS filevs_type determine type of a NEFIS filevs_find find group to which an element belongsvs_diff find differences between two NEFIS filesIf no NEFIS file is specified when using the commands vs_disp, vs_let, vs_get,vs_type, and vs_find the last opened NEFIS is used. The commands are discussed belowin more detail.Remark:•Spatial data sets are stored in the NEFIS file with the M and N dimensions reversed.2.1Open NEFIS file VS_USEPurposeOpen/scan NEFIS fileSyntaxNfs=VS_USE(FileName)DescriptionNfs=VS_USE(FileName) opens a NEFIS file where the filename is the name of either thedefinition or the data file, and returns a handle Nfs to the file, which must be used whencalling the other commands. When no filename is specified, the command will ask for one.The vs_use command scans the structure of the definition and data files; this will takesome time. MATLAB can store the structure information in a file with the same name base(as indicated by filename) and extension <*.mat>, and read that information when the file isre-opened a next time. This used to be the default behaviour but is now optional: use optionusemat. The old option nomat is still accepted and overrules usemat. If changes were madeto the <*.def> and/or <*.dat> files, you should add refresh as additional argument to preventreading the existing mat-file. The addition of the argument quiet as last argument reads thefile structure without showing the wait bar. When the option debug is used a fileAugust, 2004 Low level routines Delft3D-MATLABManual Version2.07 User<vs_use.dbg> is created in the default temporary directory, containing information on thereading of the data structure from the NEFIS file.The returned Nfs can be interpreted as a file handle as used in all programmingenvironments for file access. However, it is not an integer but a structure containing theinternal structure of the NEFIS file.Example» Nfs=vs_useNfs =FileName: 'I:\OCTOPUS\sbod_gf3.66_tot\output\TS11520000\com-d16'DatExt: '.dat'DefExt: '.def'Format: 'b'gNames: [21x368 char ]gData: [21x27 double]eNames: [89x112 char ]eData: [89x11 double]2.2Display information of groups and elementsVS_DISPPurposeDisplay NEFIS file contents.SyntaxVS_DISP(Nfs)Output=VS_DISP(Nfs)VS_DISP(Nfs,[])Output=VS_DISP(Nfs,[])VS_DISP(Nfs, GroupName)Output=VS_DISP(Nfs, GroupName)Output=VS_DISP(Nfs, GroupName,[])Output=VS_DISP(Nfs,GroupName,ElementName)DescriptionVS_DISP(Nfs) lists all group names, group elements, and all group and element propertieslike the <disp stat> command of the Viewer Selector.VS_DISP(Nfs,[]) lists group names, group dimensions, and number of elements per grouponly. This can be used as a short summary of the file contents.Output=VS_DISP(Nfs) and Output=VS_DISP(Nfs,[]) return a char matrix containing thenames of the groups.Delft3D-MATLAB Low level routines August, 20042.07 User Manual VersionVS_DISP(Nfs, GroupName) lists all group elements, and all element properties like the<disp GroupName> command of Viewer Selector.Output=VS_DISP(Nfs, GroupName) returns a char matrix containing the names of theelements of the group.Output=VS_DISP(Nfs, GroupName,[]) gives detailed data about the specified groupcontained in the Nfs structure. The information includes group data name, cell name,definition name, number of elements, dimensions, and the offsets within the NEFIS file atwhich locations data of the group are stored.Output=VS_DISP(Nfs,GroupName,ElementName) gives detailed data about the specifiedelement contained in the Nfs structure. The information includes element description, unitand size.Examples» vs_disp(Nfs)Groupname:BOTNT Dimensions:(1)No attributesNTBOT INTEGER * 4 [ - ] ( 1 )Number of bottom fields in group BOTTIMGroupname:BOTTIM Dimensions:(24)No attributesTIMBOT INTEGER * 4 [ TSCALE] ( 1 )Communication times bottom fields rel. to referencedate/timeDP REAL * 4 [ M ] ( 98 62 )Bottom depth in bottom points, positive downwardsand so on …» vs_disp(Nfs,[])BOTNT (1) - No attributes, 1 element(s).BOTTIM (24) No attributes, 2 element(s).PARAMS (1) - No attributes, 8 element(s).GRID (1) - No attributes, 16 element(s).SPECPOINTS (1) - No attributes, 4 element(s).BOUNDCNST (1) - No attributes, 8 element(s).KENMCNST (1) - No attributes, 3 element(s).INITBOT (1) - No attributes, 4 element(s).ROUGHNESS (1) - No attributes, 3 element(s).TEMPOUT (1) - No attributes, 4 element(s).com-version (1) - No attributes, 3 element(s).KENMNT (1) - No attributes, 1 element(s).KENMTIM (1) - No attributes, 3 element(s).CURNT (1) - No attributes, 1 element(s).CURTIM (1) - No attributes, 7 element(s).DWQTIM (1) - No attributes, 5 element(s).TAUTIM (1) - No attributes, 1 element(s).INITI (1) - No attributes, 1 element(s).TRANNT (1) - No attributes, 2 element(s).BOUNDMOR (1) - No attributes, 1 element(s).TRANSTIM (1) - No attributes, 11 element(s).» Output=vs_disp(Nfs) %or Output=vs_disp(Nfs,[])Output =August, 2004 Low level routines Delft3D-MATLABManual2.07 User VersionBOTNTBOTTIMPARAMSGRIDSPECPOINTSBOUNDCNSTKENMCNSTINITBOTROUGHNESSTEMPOUTcom-versionKENMNTKENMTIMCURNTCURTIMDWQTIMTAUTIMINITITRANNTBOUNDMORTRANSTIM» vs_disp(Nfs,'BOTTIM')Groupname:BOTTIM Dimensions:(24)No attributesTIMBOT INTEGER * 4 [ TSCALE] ( 1 )Communication times bottom fields rel. to referencedate/timeDP REAL * 4 [ M ] ( 98 62 )Bottom depth in bottom points, positive downwards» Output=vs_disp(Nfs,'BOTTIM')Output =TIMBOTDP» Output=vs_disp(Nfs,'BOTTIM',[]) % get group informationOutput =Name: 'BOTTIM'GroupDatOffset: 8560DefName: 'BOTTIM'GroupDefOffset: 12728CellName: 'BOTTIM'CellDefOffset: 12660CellNByte: 24308CellNElm: 2NDim: 1VarDim: 1SizeDim: 24OrderDim: 1Attrib: [1x1 struct]» Output=vs_disp(Nfs,'BOTTIM','DP') % get element informationDelft3D-MATLAB Low level routines August, 20042.07 User Manual VersionOutput =GrpNname: 'BOTTIM'ElmName: 'DP'ElmQuantity: ''ElmUnits: '[ M ]'ElmDescription: 'Bottom depth in bottom points, positivedownwards'ElmDefOffset: 12496NDim: 2SizeDim: [98 62]TypeVal: 5NByteVal: 4NByte: 243042.3Get data from a NEFIS file VS_LET/VS_GETPurposeRead data from file (groups as columns or cells).Syntax[Data,Succes]=VS_LET(Nfs, GroupName,GroupIndex,ElementName,ElementIndex)[Data,Succes]=VS_GET(Nfs, GroupName,GroupIndex,ElementName,ElementIndex)DescriptionData=VS_LET(Nfs, GroupName,GroupIndex,ElementName,ElementIndex)Data=VS_GET(Nfs, GroupName,GroupIndex,ElementName,ElementIndex)These commands read the requested element from the specified group from the specifiedfile. The GroupIndex should be a 1x N cell array, where N equals the number of dimensionsof the group. Each element of the cell array should contain either 0 (zero) or the indices ofthe cells that should be read. The 0 means that all cells should be read. The ElementIndexshould be a 1x M cell array, where M equals the number of dimensions of the element.Again, each element of the cell array should contain either 0 (zero) or the indices of theelements that should be read, where 0 means that the complete dimension should be read.When the option debug is used a file <vs_let.dbg> is created in the default temporarydirectory, containing information on the reading of the data from the NEFIS file.The command VS_LET reads all data in one big matrix, using the first dimensions for thegroups and the last dimensions for the elements. The command vs_get returns a matrixcontaining the data if data from only one group is read, and a cell array of matrices whendata from more than one group is read.An additional output option succes [Data,Succes]=...indicates whether the data has beenread successfully.August, 2004 Low level routines Delft3D-MATLABManual Version2.07 UserWhen the GroupIndex and/or ElementIndex are skipped all fields of the group/element areselected. When no GroupName or ElementName is specified or when an error isencountered while interpreting the input a graphical user interface is presented to enter theselection. To help new users to get acquainted to the command line syntax of the VS_GETand VS_LET routines, the command line `-cmdhelp' option is provided. When used, theroutine does not actually load the data, but it displays the command line equivalent of theselection that you have made in the user interface.ExamplesFor example: To read from the depth data the first 10 rows (and of those rows all columns)of the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th time steps, you should type:» Data=vs_let(Nfs,'BOTTIM',{1:2:10},'DP',{1:10 0});which returns a 5x10x62 matrix; or» Data=vs_get(Nfs,'BOTTIM',{1:2:10},'DP',{1:10 0})Data =[10x62 double][10x62 double][10x62 double][10x62 double][10x62 double]Indicating that a 5 x 1 cell array is returned, each cell containing one bottom field (10 x 62data points). Character strings are contained in cell arrays. The most common cases ofreading from are:Data=vs_get(Nfs,'BOTTIM',{0},'DP',{0 0})Read all bottom data completely. Group/Element indices containing only zeros don’t have tobe specified. So, the following is also accepted:Data=vs_get(Nfs,'BOTTIM','DP')Data=vs_get(Nfs,'BOTTIM',{0},'DP',{n 0}), orData=vs_get(Nfs,'BOTTIM','DP',{n 0})Read cross-section n at all time stepsData=vs_get(Nfs,'BOTTIM',{t},'DP',{0 0}), orData=vs_get(Nfs,'BOTTIM',{t},'DP')Read the bottom at time step t. This will return a 10 x 62 matrix if vs_get is used, and a1x10x62 matrix if vs_let is used.Data=vs_get(Nfs,'BOTTIM',{0},'DP',{n m}), orData=vs_get(Nfs,'BOTTIM','DP',{n m})User Manual Version 2.07WL | Delft Hydraulics 2–7Read the variation of the bottom at indicated (n,m )-point. If this is followed by aData=[Data{:}]; command to convert the cell array containing single values into a vector; it can be replaced byData=vs_let(Nfs,'BOTTIM','DP',{m n})which gives that result immediately and is faster.When besides the Nfs no further arguments are used (or when no element name is specified), an interface will appear asking for the other arguments. Adding the string ‘quiet’ as last parameters will suppress the wait bar during loading. When ‘*’ is specified as element name all elements of the group are returned; if an element index is specified it is ignored. Example:Data=vs_let(Nfs,'BOTTIM',{1:2:10},'*')returnsData =TIMBOT: [5x1 double] DP: [5x10x62 double]andData=vs_get(Nfs,'BOTTIM',{1:2:10},'*')returns the data of five time stepsData =5x1 struct array with fields: TIMBOT DPTo assist the novice user with the syntax of the VS_LET and VS_GET commands a help functionality has been added to these functions which allows the interactive generation of command lines. This functionality is activated by supplying ‘-cmdhelp’ as one of the input arguments. For instance:» vs_let -cmdhelpresults after the following data has been entered in the user interfaceVersion 2.07 User Manual2–8 WL | Delft Hydraulicsin the following output stringData=vs_let(NFStruct,'BOTTIM',{[ 1:2:9 ]},'DP',{[ 1:10 ],0});You can copy this string into a text editor for use in a script. As indicated above, variations on the syntax are allowed. The following line is also validData=vs_let('BOTTIM',{1:2:9},'DP',{1:10,1:73});The result will be exactly the same provided that the variable NFStruct in the first command line contains the information of the last opened NEFIS file.2.4 Determine the type of a NEFIS fileVS_TYPEPurposeShow type of NEFIS file.SyntaxType=VS_TYPE(Nfs)DescriptionThe function returns the type of the loaded NEFIS file. Currently the following NEFIS files are detected: ‘Delft3D-com’, ‘Delft3D-trim’, ‘Delft3D-trih’, ‘Delft3D-trid’ ‘Delft3D-tram’, ‘Delft3D-trah’, ‘Delft3D-botm’. Other NEFIS files will return ‘unknown’. For example:Example» Type=vs_type(Nfs)User Manual Version 2.07WL | Delft Hydraulics 2–9Type =Delft3D-com2.5 Find group to which element belongsVS_FINDPurposeFind elements in a NEFIS file.SyntaxGroups=VS_FIND(Nfs, ElementName)DescriptionThe function returns a list of group names containing the specified element. For example the element ‘TIMCUR’ occurs in several groups of the com-file:Example» Groups=vs_find(Nfs,'TIMCUR')Groups =KENMTIM CURTIM DWQTIM2.6 Find differences between two NEFIS files VS_DIFFPurposeCompare NEFIS file contents and find differences in groups, elements and data.SyntaxVS_DIFF(Nfs1,Nfs2)DescriptionThe function analyses the specified NEFIS files for differences. The analyses searches first for differences in the contained groups. If it finds differences it stops, if not it continues to search for differences in the elements, element properties, and element data.Version 2.07 User Manual2–10 WL | Delft HydraulicsExampleThe following comparison between two com-files, of which the first was obtained by a restart run from the second one, indicates• differences in the water and sediment transport data fields;• a difference in the group properties of the BOTTIM group (which is caused by oneadditional depth field); and• differences in the ‘RUNTXT’ and ‘SIMDAT’ texts.» vs_diff(Nfs,Nfs2)Comparing NEFIS files ...File 1: I:\OCTOPUS\sbod_gf3.66_tot\output\TS11520000\com-d16 File 2: I:\OCTOPUS\sbod_gf3.66_tot\output\TS11160000\com-d16Data of element NTBOT of group BOTNT differ. Group properties differ for: BOTTIMData of element QU of group CURTIM differ. Data of element QV of group CURTIM differ. Data of element S1 of group CURTIM differ.Data of element TIMCUR of group CURTIM differ. Data of element U1 of group CURTIM differ. Data of element V1 of group CURTIM differ.Data of element TIMCUR of group DWQTIM differ. Data of element KFU of group KENMTIM differ. Data of element KFV of group KENMTIM differ. Data of element TIMCUR of group KENMTIM differ. Data of element TAUMAX of group TAUTIM differ. Data of element TSEDB of group TRANSTIM differ. Data of element TSEDE of group TRANSTIM differ. Data of element TTXA of group TRANSTIM differ. Data of element TTYA of group TRANSTIM differ.Data of element RUNTXT of group com-version differ. Data of element SIMDAT of group com-version differ. ... comparison finished.User Manual Version 2.07WL | Delft Hydraulics 3–13High level routinesAlthough the low level routines provide access to all data in the NEFIS files, obtaining auseful, consistent data set can be difficult. For instance, to plot a 2D vector field you have to combine the information stored at about seven locations in the Delft3D communication file. Therefore, a number of high level routines has been provided to simplify the plotting and data retrieval operations. Routines are provided for plotting a grid (with grid number labels), plotting thin dams and inactive velocity points, and retrieving data to plot velocity vectors. Functions are also provided for reading and writing Delft3D-RGFGRID grid files, Delft3D-QUICKIN depth files, and Delft3D-FLOW restart files.3.1 DRAWGRIDPurposePlot the morphological grid.SyntaxDRAWGRID(NFStruct)[X,Y]=DRAWGRID(NFStruct); DRAWGRID(X,Y)DescriptionDRAWGRID(NFStruct) where NFStruct is the structure obtained from the VS_USE command. The function adds the morphological grid (that is, the user-defined grid) to the current axes. <trim-*>, <tram-*>, <botm-*>, and <com-*> files are supported. The morphological grid equals the grid specified in the input file; the bed level points are specified on the grid line crossings.[X,Y]=DRAWGRID(NFStruct) returns the X and Y co-ordinates, but it does not actually draw the morphological grid.DRAWGRID(X,Y) draws the user specified grid in the current axes.This function accepts a number of optional arguments, which consist of property - value pairs similar to those use by the MATLAB SET command:DRAWGRID(…,'optionname1',optionval1,'optionname2',optionval2,…) The supported options areVersion 2.07 User Manual3–2 WL | Delft Hydraulics• 'color'The value can be an RGB-triplet, a colour character ('r','g','b','c','m','y','k','w'), or the string 'ortho' for colouring based on the orthogonality of grid, 'msmo' for the M-smoothness of grid, 'nsmo' for the N-smoothness of grid • 'm1n1'[N M] number of grid point(1,1). Useful when plotting only part of the grid. • 'fontsize'The size of the font used for grid numbering (default 4) • 'gridstep'Label step used for grid numbering (default 10). For instance, 5 will number every fifth grid line. If grid step is [], grid lines are not labelled. • 'thicklength'Length of ticks in axes co-ordinates or ‘auto’ (default) • 'parent'The axes handle in which to plot grid (default the current axes, gca ) • 'clipzero'By default co-ordinate pairs of (0,0) are clipped. Set to 'off' to plot co-ordinates at (0,0))Example» G=wlgrid('read','D:\wl\delft3d\tutorial\flow\f33\f33.grd')G =X: [14x21 double] Y: [14x21 double] Enclosure: [15x2 double]FileName: 'D:\wl\delft3d\tutorial\flow\f33\f33.grd'» drawgrid(G.X,G.Y,'fontsize',8,'gridstep',4) » set(gca,'dataaspectratio',[1 1 1])Figure 3-1Grid layout from the Friesian Tidal Inlet modelUser Manual Version 2.07WL | Delft Hydraulics 3–33.2 THINDAMPurposePlot dams, weirs and vanes.SyntaxTHINDAM(NFStruct,T)THINDAM(NFStruct,T,'3D')THINDAM(XCOR,YCOR,UDAM,VDAM) THINDAM('xyw',XDAM,YDAM,WDAM) THINDAM(..., 'PropertyName',PropertyValue) H=THINDAM(...) [X,Y]=THINDAM(...) [X,Y ,M,N]=THINDAM(...) [X,Y ,Z]=THINDAM(...)[X,Y ,BOTTOM,TOP]=THINDAM(...)[X,Y ,BOTTOM,TOP,M,N]=THINDAM(...)DescriptionTHINDAM(NFStruct,T) plots the KFU/V (drying/flooding) dams for time step T if T>0. It plots the KCU/V thin dams if T==0 (default if T is not specified). The function supports <trim-*> and <com-*> files.THINDAM(NFStruct,T,'3D') same as above but now the dams will be plotted as 3D surfaces based on the bottom and water level information in the specified NEFIS file, <trim-*> or <com-*> file.THINDAM(XCOR,YCOR,UDAM,VDAM) plots the specified U and V dams on the specified grid. The XCOR and YCOR represent the bottom points. Valid entries for UDAM and VDAM are:• matrix of same size as XCOR/YCOR with a 1 representing a dam and a 0 indicatingno dam.• D x 2 matrix specifying the N, M co-ordinates of the dams• D x 4 matrix specifying the begin/end N, M co-ordinates of the dams like in theDelft3D input files.THINDAM('xyw',XDAM,YDAM,WDAM,...) plots dams with their centre at specified (XDAM,YDAM) locations with specified width/length WDAM. This function is useful for non-grid oriented dams.Version 2.07 User Manual A 3D effect can be added to these user-specified dams by specifying bottom and top levelsusing THINDAM(..., 'bottom',<bottom_args>, 'top',<top_args>). It plots the dams as 3Dsurfaces with specified top and bottom elevations. The elevation data should be specifiedwith positive direction up. Additional supported options are:•'angle',<angle_args>The dams/vanes are rotated to match the specified angle in degrees with respect tothe positive X-axis (positive angle in anti-clockwise direction).•'color',<color_args>The dams are coloured using the specified data.•'thickness',<thickness_args>The thickness of the dams is specified (default 0).Valid entries for all options are:• a constant, uniform value for all dams• a matrix of same size as XCOR/YCOR containing data in the depth points.• a matrix of same size as XCOR/YCOR containing data in the water level points. To distinguish this entry from the former you need to add the string 'H' or 'S' as an extraargument after the matrix. For example THINDAM(... ,'top',ELEVMATRIX,'H', ...)indicates that the top level of the dams are derived from the specified data in waterlevel points (the value will be used uniformly along each elementary dam).•two matrices of same size as XCOR/YCOR containing data in the U and V points.•two D x s arrays specifying the property of the individual dams. If the array is D x 1 the value is constant along each elementary dam. If the array is D x 2 the first valueis taken for the dam end with lowest (N,M) while the second elevation for the damend with highest (N,M). The first array specifies the elevation for dams in Udirection the second array for dams in the V direction. For example THINDAM(...,'top',ELEVU,ELEVV, ...). This option cannot be used in combination with option 1for the UDAM and VDAM entries. The number of values should match the numberof dam records/elementary dams.If a colour data field has been specified, there are a few more options available:•‘shape’,<type>The dam shape: ‘dam’ (default) or ‘rhombus’.•‘drawdams’,<onoff>Flag to draw dams. Can be set to ‘on’ (default) or ‘off’.•‘drawlabels’,<onoff>Flag to draw the colour values as text labels. Can be set to ‘on’ or ‘off’ (default).•‘labelformat’,<format>Defines the format for displaying the values (default ‘%g’)•‘fontsize’,<size>Defines the size of the labels.If the 'xyw' syntax is used, then valid entries for the options are• a constant (uniform value for all dams), and3–4 WL | Delft Hydraulics。
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Nastran Solver Reference Manual
Delft3D-RGFGRID Generation and manipulation of curvilinear grids for FLOW and WAVEUser ManualNovember, 2006User Manual Delft3D-RGFGRIDPublished and printed by:WL | Delft Hydraulicsmain officeRotterdamseweg 185p.o. box 1772600 MH DelftThe Netherlandstelephone+31 15 285 85 85fax+31 15 285 85 82internet info@wldelft.nlwww http://www.wldelft.nlFor support 15 285 85 55fax:+31 15 285 85 82Copyright 2006 WL | Delft HydraulicsAll rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form by print, photo print, photo copy, microfilm or any other means, without written permission from the publisher: WL | Delft Hydraulics.Delft3D-RGFGRID Contents November, 2006 User Manual Version 4.13 Contents1Introduction.......................................................................................................1–11.1Name and specifications of the program..................................................1–11.2Manual versions and revisions................................................................1–11.3Typographical conventions......................................................................1–11.4Changes with respect to previous versions...............................................1–22Introduction to Delft3D-RGFGRID..................................................................2–13Getting started..................................................................................................3–13.1Overview of Delft3D..............................................................................3–13.2Starting Delft3D.....................................................................................3–13.3Getting into Delft3D-RGFGRID.............................................................3–23.4Exploring some menu options.................................................................3–53.5Exiting RGFGRID-GUI.........................................................................3–93.6Adjusting dimensions for RGFGRID-GUI...............................................3–94General operation..............................................................................................4–14.1General program operation instructions...................................................4–14.2Key stroke functions...............................................................................4–25Menu options.....................................................................................................5–15.1File menu...............................................................................................5–15.2Co-ordinate System menu.......................................................................5–35.3Operations menu....................................................................................5–45.4View menu...........................................................................................5–105.5Edit menu.............................................................................................5–155.5.1Edit Polygon............................................................................5–16 WL | Delft Hydraulics iNovember, 2006Contents Delft3D-RGFGRID Version 4.13User Manual5.5.2Edit Splines.............................................................................5–175.5.3Edit Grid.................................................................................5– Mode..............................................................................5– Mode..............................................................................5– Mode...............................................................................5– Mode.............................................................................5–205.5.4Edit DD Boundaries.................................................................5–215.5.5Edit Internal Boundaries..........................................................5–225.5.6Edit Colourtable......................................................................5–225.6Add, subtract, delete menu...................................................................5–235.7Settings menu.......................................................................................5–255.8Develop menu......................................................................................5–295.9Help menu...........................................................................................5–296Tutorial.............................................................................................................6–16.1Harbour.................................................................................................6–16.1.1Co-ordinate system....................................................................6–16.1.2Open a land boundary................................................................6–16.1.3Define splines............................................................................6–26.1.4Generate grid from splines.........................................................6–26.1.5Zoom in and out........................................................................6–36.1.6Refine grid.................................................................................6–36.1.7Fit grid boundary to land boundary............................................6–46.1.8Check grid orthogonality............................................................6–56.1.9Orthogonalise grid.....................................................................6–66.1.10Check other grid properties........................................................6–76.1.11Completion................................................................................6–7ii WL | Delft HydraulicsDelft3D-RGFGRID Contents November, 2006 User Manual Version 4.136.2Grid design polygon................................................................................6–86.3Grid design samples..............................................................................6–106.4Paste passive grid to grid......................................................................6–116.5Multi-domain grids and DD boundaries.................................................6–117Curvilinear spherical co-ordinates....................................................................7–17.1Why use curvilinear spherical co-ordinates..............................................7–17.2Definition of Cartesian and spherical co-ordinates...................................7–37.3When to use spherical co-ordinates.........................................................7–37.4How to use spherical co-ordinates...........................................................7–47.4.1Co-ordinate system menu...........................................................7–47.4.2Changing metric.........................................................................7–57.4.3Co-ordinate conversion...............................................................7–57.4.4Display......................................................................................7–77.5Monotonous co-ordinates......................................................................7–108RGFGRID in the ArcMap environment............................................................8–19References.........................................................................................................9–1AppendicesA File formats......................................................................................................A–1A.1Land boundary <*.ldb>.........................................................................A–1A.2Spline-grid <*.spl>................................................................................A–1A.3Grid <*.grd>.........................................................................................A–2A.4Grid enclosure <*.enc>..........................................................................A–2A.5Graphics file, <*.tek>............................................................................A–2A.6Boundary definition <*.bdd>.................................................................A–3 WL | Delft Hydraulics iiiNovember, 2006Contents Delft3D-RGFGRID Version 4.13User ManualA.7Domain decomposition <model_id.ddb>................................................A–3A.8Colour table <*.hls>..............................................................................A–3B Initialisation file................................................................................................B–1iv WL | Delft HydraulicsDelft3D-RGFGRID Introduction November, 2006 User Manual Version 4.13 1Introduction1.1Name and specifications of the programTitle:Delft3D-RGFGRIDDescription:Delft3D-RGFGRID is a program for generation and manipulationof curvilinear grids for Delft3D-FLOW and Delft3D-WA VE. Theco-ordinate system may be Cartesian or spherical.Delft3D-FLOW is a simulation program for hydrodynamic flowsand transports in 2 and 3 dimensions, see (WL | Delft Hydraulics,2006a). One of the wave modules in Delft3D-WA VE is SWANwhich is a wave energy simulation package, see (Delft Universityof Technology, 2000).Special facilities: sketch of coarse grid using splinessmooth refinement moduleorthogonalisation modulegrid property assessmentvarious grid manipulation optionsgrid design by bathymetry or polygon controlCartesian or spherical co-ordinatescoupling of multi-domain gridsdynamic memory allocation1.2Manual versions and revisionsA manual applies to a certain release of the related numerical program. This manual appliesto Delft3D-RGFGRID version 4.15.01.The manual version number and its release date are given in the page header. Revisions to (apart of) this manual will be indicated by a version number followed by the revision numberseparated by a dot. So, version 4.12.02 is the second revision of version 4.12 of that page,section or chapter. The version number is increased when the entire manual is upgraded.1.3T ypographical conventionsThroughout this manual, the following conventions help you to distinguish between thedifferent elements of the text to help you learn about the Delft3D-RGFGRID grid generationprogram.WL | Delft Hydraulics1–1November, 2006Introduction Delft3D-RGFGRID Version 4.13User Manual 1–2WL | Delft Hydraulics ExampleDescription Grid and bathymetrySelect Grid programTitle of a window or sub-window.Sub-windows are displayed in the Delft3D window and can not be moved.SaveItem from a menu, title of a push button or the name of a user interface input field.Upon selecting this item, a related action will be executed.In case of an input field you are supposed to enter input data of the required format and in the required domain.<\tutorial\rgfgrid\harbour><harbour2.spl>Directory names, filenames, and pathnames are expressed between smaller than, <, and larger than, >, signs. For the Linux environment a forward slash (/) is used instead of thebackward slash (\) for PCs.“27081999”Data to be typed by you into the input fields are displayed between double quotes.Selections of menu items, option boxes etc. are described as such: for instance ‘select Save and go to the next window’.delft3d-menuCommands to be typed by you are given in the font Courier New, 10 points.(m/s)Units are given between brackets.1.4Changes with respect to previous versionsDelft3D-RGFGRID Introduction November, 2006 User Manual Version 4.13WL | Delft Hydraulics1–3November, 2006Introduction Delft3D-RGFGRID Version 4.13User Manual Blank page1–4WL | Delft HydraulicsDelft3D-RGFGRID Introduction to Delft-RGFGRID November, 2006 User Manual Version 4.13 2Introduction to Delft3D-RGFGRIDThe purpose of the Delft3D-RGFGRID program is to create, modify and visualiseorthogonal, curvilinear grids for the Delft3D-FLOW module.Curvilinear grids are applied in finite difference modelling to provide a high grid resolution inthe area of interest and a low resolution elsewhere, thus saving computational effort.Grid lines may be curved along land boundaries and channels, so that the notorious 'stair case'boundaries, that may induce artificial diffusion, can be avoided.Curvilinear grids should be smooth in order to minimise errors in the finite differenceapproximations. Finally, curvilinear grids for Delft3D-FLOW have to be orthogonal, whichsaves some computationally expensive transformation terms. Extra effort in the model set-upphase, results in faster and more accurate computations.Co-ordinate systemsThe grid system used in RGFGRID can be either Cartesian (in metres) or spherical (indecimal degrees). Cartesian co-ordinates can be displayed on a screen directly, just using ascale factor. Spherical co-ordinates can be displayed on screen as plane co-ordinates or asprojected co-ordinates. Plane co-ordinates on screen give distortion in the polar direction.Depending on the type of projection, projected co-ordinates have no distortion in distance andangles. For this reason a stereographic projection is used in RGFGRID.At the start of the program, you have to select a co-ordinate system. The co-ordiinates of allobjects (land boundary, grid, samples,, etc., are then in the selected co-ordinate system. Whenopening objects, RGFGRID will not check the co-ordinate system of the imported data. Atthis moment this is the responsibility of the user.ConsiderationsDelft3D-RGFGRID is designed to create grids with minimum effort, fulfilling therequirements of smoothness and orthogonality. The program allows for an iterative gridgeneration process, starting with a rough sketch of the grid by splines. Then, the splines aretransformed into a grid, which can be smoothly refined by the program. Whenever necessary,you can orthogonalise the grid in order to fulfil the Delft3D-FLOW requirement oforthogonality.V arious grid manipulation options are provided in order to put the grid lines in the rightposition with the right resolution. For instance, a grid line can be 'snapped' to a landboundary. The surrounding grid smoothly follows. More detail is brought into the grid afterevery refinement step.November, 2006Introduction to Delft-RGFGRID Delft3D-RGFGRID Version 4.13User Manual Existing grids may be modified or extended using this program. Grids can be locally refinedby insertion of grid lines. The resulting local 'jump' in grid sizes can be smoothed by a so-called 'line smoothing'.Bathymetry data can be displayed on the screen, so that internal gullies can be taken intoaccount while drawing the design grid. Existing model grids can be opened and displayed onthe screen, while creating new grids to be pasted later to the original. Before each modification or edit action, the grid is saved to the so-called 'previous state' grid. Pressing Escafter an edit action, or selecting Operations,Undo, copies the previous state grid back to thegrid. If desired, the previous state grid can be displayed together with the actual grid.Grid properties such as smoothness, resolution, orthogonality etc, can be displayed to checkthe grid quality. Graphical output can easily be created in various formats.Delft3D-RGFGRID Getting started November, 2006 User Manual Version 4.13 3Getting started3.1Overview of Delft3DThe Delft3D program suite is composed of a set of modules (components) each of whichcovers a certain range of aspects of a research or engineering problem. Each module can beexecuted independently or in combination with one or more other modules. The informationexchange between modules is provided automatically by means of a so-called communicationfile; each module writes results required by another module to this communication file andreads from this file the information required from other modules. Other, module-specific, filescontain results of a computation and are used for visualisation and animation of results.Delft3D is provided with a menu shell through which you can access the various modules. Inthis chapter we will guide you through some of the input screens to get the look-and-feel ofthe program. In Chapter 6 you will learn to generate a grid.3.2Starting Delft3DTo start Delft3D:On an MS Windows platform: select Delft3D in the Applications menu or click on the Delft3D icon on the desktop.On Linux and UNIX machines: type delft3d-menu on the command line.Next the title window of Delft3D is displayed, Figure 3-1:Figure 3-1 Title window of Delft3DNovember, 2006Getting started Delft3D-RGFGRID Version 4.13User Manual After a short while the main window of the Delft3D-MENU appears, Figure 3-2.Figure 3-2 Main window Delft3D-MENUWhether or not you may use specific Delft3D modules and features depends on the licensefile you have. For now, only concentrate on exiting Delft3D-MENU, hence:Select Exit.The window will be closed and you are back in the Windows Desk Top screen for PCs or onthe command line for Linux and UNIX workstations.Remark:In this and the following chapters several windows are shown to illustrate the presentation of Delft3D-MENU and Delft3D-RGFGRID. These windows are grabbed from the PC-platform. For Linux and UNIX workstations the content of the windows is the same, butthe colours may be different. On the PC-platform you can set your preferred colours byusing the Display Properties.3.3Getting into Delft3D-RGFGRIDTo continue restart the menu program as indicated in Section 3.2.Select Grid in the main window, see Figure 3-2.Next the selection window for Grid and bathymetry is displayed, see Figure 3-3.Delft3D-RGFGRID Getting started November, 2006 User Manual Version 4.13Figure 3-3 Selection window for Grid and bathymetryNote that in the title bar the current directory is displayed, in our case <c:\delft3d>.Before continuing with any of the selections of this Grid and bathymetry window, you mustselect the directory in which you are going to prepare grids:Click Select working directory.Next the Select working directory window, Figure 3-4, is displayed (your current directorymay differ, depending on the location of your Delft3D installation).Figure 3-4Select working directory windowNovember, 2006Getting started Delft3D-RGFGRID Version 4.13User ManualBrowse to the <Tutorial> sub-directory of your Delft3D Home-directory.Enter the <rgfgrid> directory.Enter the <harbour> sub-directory and close the Select working directory window by clicking OK, see Figure 3-5.Figure 3-5Select working directory window to set the working directory to <rgfgrid\harbour>Next the Grid and bathymetry window is re-displayed, but now the changed currentworking directory is displayed in the title bar, see Figure 3-6.Figure 3-6 Current working directoryRemark:In case you want to start a new project for which no directory exists yet, you can selectin the Select working directory window to create a new folder.In this Getting started we want to create a grid and anticipate that the maximum dimensionswill be less than 1000 x 1000, i.e. 1000 grid cells in both directions. See Section 3.6 on howto adjust dimensions.Click RGFGRID in the Grid and bathymetry window, see Figure 3-3.Next Delft3D-RGFGRID starts and the main window is displayed, see Figure 3-7.Delft3D-RGFGRID Getting started November, 2006 User Manual Version 4.13Figure 3-7 Main window of Delft3D-RGFGRIDIn the lower-left corner of the status bar, RGFGRID gives additional operational information,see Figure 3-8.User selections (at start-up RGFGRID will be in the Edit - Splines mode).Operational instructions (for the Edit - Splines mode it is ‘Insert a point’).X and Y co-ordinates of the current cursor position.Co-ordinate system:Cartesian or Spherical.Distance (in meter) to a user-defined anchor point point (only displayed when the anchor is activated).Figure 3-8 Operational information displayed in the lower-left part of the main window3.4Exploring some menu optionsFirst, set the co-ordinate system to the system you want to work in. Since we are going towork in the Cartesian co-ordinate system:On the Co-ordinate System menu select Use Cartesian Co-ordinates, see Figure 3-10.November, 2006Getting started Delft3D-RGFGRID Version 4.13User ManualFigure 3-9 Co-ordinate System menu, Use Cartesian Co-ordinatesTo open a land boundary:On the File menu select Open Land Boundary, see Figure 3-10Figure 3-10 File menu, Open Land BoundaryNext the Open window is displayed, see Figure 3-11.Figure 3-11 File Open windowIn the current directory one (1) land boundary file is present.Select <harbour1.ldb> and click Open to open the land boundary file.orDouble click on < harbour1.ldb> to open this file.Click the world globe in the tool bar to set the zoom area to the extent of the land boundary.Delft3D-RGFGRID Getting started November, 2006 User Manual Version 4.13 To create a spline, click with the left-mouse to define spline-points. To finish the currentspline click with the right-mouse. Click left to start with the next spline. The result may looklike in Figure 3-12.Figure 3-12 Example of a spline gridTo delete an entire spline, select in the tool bar and click one of the supporting points ofthe spline to be deleted. Select and click a spline point to delete this single point.To move a single point of a spline, select or press R, click the point and click again at thenew location.Now we delete this spline grid:On the AddSubDel menu, select Delete Splines, see Figure 3-13Figure 3-13 Menu AddSubDel, Delete SplinesWe will continue with an existing splines file, so:On the File menu, select Open Splines.Select <harbour2.spl>.November, 2006Getting started Delft3D-RGFGRID Version 4.13User ManualFigure 3-14 Spline grid from tutorial file <harbour2.spl>On the Operations menu, select Change Splines into Grid.This operations transforms the spline grid into a grid and at the same time refines it 5 times inboth directions, see Figure 3-15. The refinement factors can be set in the Settings menu,Change Parameters.Figure 3-15 Result of Operation Change Splines into GridTo save the grid:On the File menu, select Save Grid.The Save As window opens, see Figure 3-16.Delft3D-RGFGRID Getting started November, 2006 User Manual Version 4.13Figure 3-16Save As window to save filesType ‘’harbour00’’ and click Save to save your grid.Y ou will be back in the main window of Delft3D-RGFGRID.3.5Exiting RGFGRID-GUITo exit the RGFGRID GUI:Select Exit in the File menu.Y ou will be back in the Grid and bathymetry window, see Figure 3-3.Click Return to return to the main window of Delft3D-MENU, Figure 3-2.Click Exit.The window is closed and the control is returned to the desk top or the command line.In this Getting Started session you have learned to access the Delft3D-RGFGRID GUI, toopen splines and to generate and save a grid file.We encourage new users next to run the tutorial described in Chapter 6.3.6Adjusting dimensions for RGFGRID-GUIIf the actual dimensions of a file are larger than the maximum dimensions of RGFGRID, thenyou have to adjust the pre-defined dimensions.There are 2 ways to view the maximum dimensions:On the Settings menu, select Actual and Maximum Data Dimensions.Press F2.November, 2006Getting started Delft3D-RGFGRID Version 4.13User Manual In the window opened, scroll to the section ‘Actual and Maximum Dimensions of Data’, seeFigure 3-17.Figure 3-17History window with actual and maximum dimensionsThe following maxima can be set by you:Number of grid points in M-directionNumber of grid points in N-directionNumber of points in a land boundary fileNumber of sample pointsThe maximum dimensions are contained in the system file <rgfgrid.dim>, located in the<%D3D_HOME%\w32\rgfgrid\default> directory. The contents of the file is like:1000 1000 250000 250000* First number in line 1 : Maximum number of grid points in M-direction* Second number in line 1: Maximum number of grid points in N-direction* Third number in line 1 : Maximum number of points in land boundary* Fourth number in line 1: Maximum number of sample pointsIf you are going to work on an existing grid that is too big, look for its dimensions on the lineafter the ‘Coordinate System’ line in the <*.grd> file, see Figure 3-18, to set the maximum accordingly.Delft3D-RGFGRID Getting started November, 2006 User Manual Version 4.13Figure 3-18 Example of a <*.grd> file with dimensions 14 by 21To change one or more maxima, select Settings RGF in the Grid and bathymetry selection window, see Figure 3-3.Next, select Dimensions, see Figure 3-19.Figure 3-19 Selection window for Report and settings for RGFGRIDThen <rgfgrid.dim> is opened with Notepad.Change the maxima to your needs and save the file.The saved file will reside on the current working directory. Each time you start RGFGRID inthis directory, the <rgfgrid.dim> file in this folder will be used.If you want your changes to be applicable for each RGFGRID session,regardless theworking directory, then you have to move the changed <rgfgrid.dim> file to the<%D3D_HOME%\w32\rgfgrid\default> directory.November, 2006Getting started Delft3D-RGFGRID Version 4.13User Manual Blank pageDelft3D-RGFGRID General operation November, 2006 User Manual Version 4.13 4General operation4.1General program operation instructionsThe main menu bar is positioned at the top of the screen.Help instructions NOT YET IMPLEMENTED Press the F1 key for help functionalities. The help window behaves like any normal fileviewer, apart from some features that have been added for convenience. Mostly, when youhave pressed F1, the help window will start at the desired point in the help file. The cursorscrolling control allows scrolling through this file, because the horizontal cursor positiongoverns the speed at which vertical scrolling is performed. This can be at chapter, section,subsection or normal text speed. Furthermore, the Tab-key toggles between a keyword menuand the complete text. Choose the desired keyword in the keyword menu, and press the Tabkey again. The corresponding help text will immediately appear on the screen. A searchfunction, key F7 has been added, that searches forward for the required text item. Leave helpby pressing the Esc key.HistoryPress the F2 key to obtain information on the actions you have done so far. E.g. check thenames of files that have been opened earlier. In fact, the ‘history’ is a display of what hasbeen written by the program in the file <rgfgrid.dia>. The ‘history’ is also used as the generalcommunication bulletin from the program to the user. So, if you have requested informationon certain items, e.g. volumes and areas, then this information is first written to the file<rgfgrid.dia>, after which the ‘history’ is invoked. Rename the file after your session if youwant to keep the results for reference.Print screenPress Ctrl-P or select in the tool bar to obtain the print window for a hardcopy of thecurrent screen.File menuThe file-menu is the standard Open and Save as window. The file mask depends on the typeof data that you want to open or save. Y ou can change the directory by navigating through thefolders.。
Delft3DIntegrated3D modelling framework forflows,sed-iment transport,waves,water quality,morphologi-cal developments and ecology in coastal,river,lake and estuarine areasInstallation ManualVersion:4.00Revision:9281December10,2009Installation Manual Delft3DPublished and printed by:DeltaresRotterdamseweg185p.o.box1772600MH DelftThe Netherlandstelephone:+31883358585fax:+31883358582e-mail:info@deltares.nlwww:http://www.deltares.nlFor support c 2009DeltaresAll rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced in any form by print, photo print,photo copy,microfilm or any other means,without written permission from the publisher:Deltares.Delft3D Installation Manual Contents December20094.00.9281Contents1A guide to this manual11.1Introduction (1)1.2Manual version and revisions (2)1.3Typographical conventions (2)2Introduction32.1Contents CD,dongle and licensefile (3)2.2General definitions (3)2.3Overall structure for Delft3D (4)3FLEXnet installation73.1Installing FLEXnet on Windows (7)3.1.1Checklist before starting the installation (7)3.1.2Installation (8)3.1.3Functionality of the installation configurations (14)3.1.4How to add licensefiles (15)3.2Installing on Linux (16)4Frequently asked questions for FLEXnet174.1FAQ’s on Winodws (17)4.1.1Error on client:Server node is down or not responding,although serverlogfile looksfine (17)4.1.2My server client licensing system is not running properly (18)4.1.3When I start Delft3D,I get a“Cannot read dongle”error (21)4.1.4Which installation configuration do I need? (22)4.1.5Old Delft3D versions and USB dongles (22)4.1.6Linux versions and USB dongles (22)4.1.7“Can notfind licensefile”error (23)Deltares iiiDecember2009 4.00.9281Contents Delft3DInstallation Manual4.1.8Order in which licensefiles are accessed (23)4.1.9Running a license server with licensefiles for Delft3D version3.23.04or lower generates errors (24)4.1.10Restarting vendor daemons on a license Server (25)4.2FAQ’s on Linux (27)5Installing Delft3D on Windows295.1Checklist before starting the installation (29)5.2Software (29)5.3Manuals and release notes (32)6Installing Delft3D on Linux356.1Differences with a Windows installation (35)6.2Before starting the installation (35)6.3Start of the installation (36)6.3.1Installation of MATLAB Compiler Runtime (36)6.3.2Installation of the dongle driver (39)6.3.3Installation of Delft3D (39)6.4Software protection and security tool FLEXnet (41)6.4.1FLEXnet software and tools used (41)6.4.2FLEXnet license manager (41)6.4.3Manual edit the server licensefile (42)6.4.4Manual start of the FLEXnet license daemon (42)6.4.5Manual stop of the FLEXnet license daemon (43)6.5User environment (43)6.5.1Checking the Delft3D environment variables (43)6.6Manuals and release notes (43)6.7Example scripts to run modules outside the MENU (44)6.8How to remove an existing Delft3D installation (44)7Frequently asked questions for Delft3D457.1Authorisation error for specific module or functionality (45)7.2Module termination with unclear message (46)8Installing Tutorials478.1Installing Tutorials on Windows (47)iv DeltaresDelft3D Installation Manual Contents December20094.00.92818.2Installing Tutorials on Linux (48)A Examples of server licensefiles51A.1For Delft3D version3.24.00and higher (51)A.1.1M&S functionality (51)A.1.2No M&S functionality anymore (53)A.2For Delft3D version3.23.10and lower (53)A.2.1M&S functionality (53)A.2.2No M&S functionality anymore (54)B Examples of standalone licensefiles57B.1For Delft3D version3.24.00and higher (57)B.1.1M&S functionality (57)B.1.2No M&S functionality anymore (58)B.2For Delft3D version3.23.10and lower (58)B.2.1M&S functionality (58)B.2.2No M&S functionality anymore (59)C Example of a logfile63 Deltares vDecember2009 4.00.9281Contents Delft3DInstallation Manualvi DeltaresDelft3D Installation Manual A guide to this manual December20094.00.9281Chapter1A guide to this manual1.1IntroductionDeltares has developed a unique,fully integrated modelling framework for a multi-disciplinary approach and3D computations for coastal,river,lake and estuarine areas.It can carry out simulations offlows,sediment transports,waves,water quality,morphological developments and ecology.It has been designed for experts and non-experts alike.The Delft3D framework is composed of several modules,grouped around a mutual interface,while being capable to interact with one another.This manual describes how to install the software,including the License Manager.Chapter2:Introduction,provides specifications of the software supplied.Chapter3:FLEXnet installation contains two major sections.One for installation on Windows,which gives installation instructions how to install the Delft Hydraulics Software License Manager on a Windows OS,and one for installation on Linux with instruction how to install the Delft Hydraulics Software License Manager on LinuxChapter4:Frequently asked questions for FLEXnet,gives an overview of commonly received questions and solutions given.Chapter5:Installing Delft3D on Windows,explains the installation of Delft3D,the manuals and release notes on a Windows OS.Chapter6:Installing Delft3D on Linux,explains the installation of Delft3D,the man-uals and release notes on a Linux OS.Chapter7:Frequently asked questions for Delft3D,gives an overview of problems and solutions related to Delft3D.Chapter8:Installing Tutorials,explains how to install the examples described in the User Manuals.The appendices contain example licensefiles.Deltares1December2009 4.00.9281A guide to this manual Delft3DInstallation Manual1.2Manual version and revisionsA manual applies to a certain release of the related numerical program.This manual applies to Delft3D version3.28.00.The manual version number and its release date are given in the page header.Revisions to(a part of)this manual will be indicated by a version number followed by the revision number separated by a dot.So,version3.05.02is the second revision of version3.05of that page, section or chapter.The version number is increased when the entire manual is upgraded. 1.3Typographical conventionsThroughout this manual,the following conventions help you to distinguish between different elements of text to help you learn about Delft3D-DIDO.Example DescriptionWaves Boundaries Title of a window or sub-window.Sub-windows are displayed in the Module window and cannot be moved.Windows can be moved independently from the Module window,such as the Visualisation Area window.Save Item from a menu,title of a push button or the name ofa user interface inputfield.Upon selecting this item(click or in some cases doubleclick with the left mouse button on it)a related actionwill be executed;in most cases it will result in displayingsome other(sub-)window.In case of an inputfield you are supposed to enter inputdata of the required format and in the required domain.<\tutorial\wave\swan-curvi> <siu.mdw>Directory names,filenames,and path names are expressed between angle brackets,<>.For the Linux and UNIX environment a forward slash(/)is used instead of the backward slash(\)for PCs.“27081999”Data to be typed by you into the inputfields are displayedbetween double quotes.Selections of menu items,option boxes etc.are describedas such:for instance‘select Save and go to the nextwindow’.delft3d-menu Commands to be typed by you are given in the fontCourier New,10points.[m/s][-]Units are given between square brackets when used nextto the formulae.Leaving them out might result inmisinterpretation.2DeltaresDelft3D Installation Manual Introduction December20094.00.9281Chapter2Introduction2.1Contents CD,dongle and licensefileFor the installation on a Microsoft Windows PC we have provided you with a CD containing:•<setup.delft3d.exe>,this is the Delft3D set-up program to install the License Manager, Delft3D,the User Manuals and the Release Notes•<setup.delft3d.tutorial.exe>,this is the set-up program to install the Delft3D Tutorials used in the User ManualsBoth set-up programs will guide you through the required steps needed for the installation.When installing the Delft Hydraulics Software(DHS)License Manager,you are asked to specify a licensefile.Thisfile,<delft3d dongle-id.lic>has been sent to you by email and is locked to a specific(FLEXid)dongle.Together with the CD we have provided you with a USB dongle(a FLEXid serialised hardware key).The number on the dongle(dongle-id)is part of the licensefilename.This dongle should be plugged in when using Delft3D.Remarks:•More than1licensefile may use the same dongle.•When installing the License Manager and Delft3D the dongle should not be plugged in into your computer.2.2General definitionsWe distinguish two types of PC installations:•on a Server System,including a number of Client PCs for which the Delft3D environ-ment definition should be set up locally,•on a standalone PC.For the installation on Linux we use so-called tarfiles and an“installation”script,a self-explaining installation procedure.Deltares3December2009 4.00.9281Introduction Delft3DInstallation Manual2.3Overall structure for Delft3DOn both PC and Linux systems we use a similar directory structure to define the Delft3D package set-up.Delft3D will be installed in the“installation”directory.This installation directory can be anywhere on the system and it can have any name.Remark:•Directory names may not contain blanks.In this directory and its sub-directories the Delft3D package will be installed.In this docu-ment the parent directory will be referred to as the“Delft3D home”directory.The name of this directory is stored in an environment variable named<D3D HOME>.For the definition of the installation directory you should consult your system manager.For each platform we defined an architecture name and this architecture name is stored in the environment variable<ARCH>.Examples of architecture names are:•win32:Microsoft Windows systems•intel:Linux systemsThe directory structure for all Delft3D modules is defined starting with the<Delft3D home> directory,followed by the architecture name and the names of the modules.For example for the Delft3D-WAQ module this means:•%D3D HOME%\%ARCH%\waq for Microsoft Windows systems.•$D3D HOME/$ARCH/waq for Linux systems.The following modules constitute the Delft3D package.•Delft3D-FLOW•Delft3D-WAVE•Delft3D-WAQ•Delft3D-SED•Delft3D-ECO•Delft3D-PART•Delft3D-RGFGRID•Delft3D-QUICKIN•Delft3D-GPP•Delft3D-QUICKPLOTAdditional Delft3D modules are:4DeltaresDelft3D Installation Manual Introduction December20094.00.9281•Delft3D-TRIANA•Delft3D-NESTHD•Delft3D-TIDE•Delft3D-DIDO•Delft3D-NESTWQ•Delft3D-GISVIEW•Delft3D-MATLABFinally Delft3D is delivered with the Delft3D-MENU program.Whether or not you are authorised to use a module is configured in the licensefile.December2009 4.00.9281Introduction Delft3DInstallation ManualDelft3D Installation Manual FLEXnet installation December20094.00.9281Chapter3FLEXnet installation3.1Installing FLEXnet on Windows3.1.1Checklist before starting the installation1.Before starting the installation you need to make sure that you have available thelicensefile(s)and/or the hardware key that you need to license your application.These items have been provided to you by Deltares.Both items can be requested at the Delft Software Helpdesk,but probably you have already received them together with the delivery of the installation CD.The licensefile is generated by Deltares on basis of the dongle’s serial number or the ethernet address of the concerning PC.Below you see a picture of a USB dongle.In certain license arrangements,a dongle can not be supplied by Deltares.In that case the license validation is not based upon a dongle but upon the ethernet number of your PC network adapter(the so called MAC Address).Create a temporary directory,for instance on the d-drive.Store the provided licensefile(s)in this directory.Remark:•The licensefiles may not be stored temporarily in the root(for instance d:\).2.Also you need to be aware which type of installation you want to perform.There are3types of installation:•Local,ClientThis installation supports the licensing on a single computer(stand-alone)andsupports the licensing for a concurrent user,using a license Server in the network.•Server and ClientThis‘Server and Client’installation is done when using a local license server ona ing the license manager in this way has the advantage that theworkstation can be approached by‘Remote Desktop’,which is not possible/allowedwhen using a stand-alone(node locked)license.December2009 4.00.9281FLEXnet installation Delft3DInstallation Manual•Server onlyWith this option a service withfloating licenses is installed on a server.When you have received an Evaluation License,you need to perform a‘Local,Client’instal-lation.When you have received a Single Computer Personal License,you need to perform a‘Local, Client’installation.When you have received a Network Server License,you need to perform a‘Server only’installation on your server and a client installation on all the computers of the concurrent users of Deltares software.The server installation needs to be performed before any client installation.Remark:•When the License Manager is already installed as part of another(Deltares)software package,then you only need to add the licensefile(s).See3.4how to add licensefiles.3.1.2InstallationDuring the installation of Deltares’software you have to install the licensing software.This section guides you step-by-step through this installation process.Note:Do not connect the dongle to the computer before the installation of the License Manager is completed.First install the License Manager,and after that connect the dongle.Welcome windowFigure3.1:Software license Welcome windowThe Welcome window depicts the general information about the License Manager.This window will only be visible if DS Flex(the Delft Software License Manager)is started stand-alone.When the Delft Software License Manager installation is started as part of an other installation,the Welcome window will be omitted.Delft3D Installation Manual FLEXnet installation December20094.00.9281•Click Next to continuePrevious installationIn case there is already a version of the License Manager installed,the following screen will appear.Figure3.2:Setup detected a previous installation windowThe type of installation mentioned depends on the type of the current installation.The current installation will be removed before installing the new version.•Click Next to continueChoose ConfigurationThe Choose Configuration Options window allows the selection of the kind of configura-tion used for the Delft Software License Manager.The default is‘Local,Client’or the option which was used when installing the previous version.The possible options are:1.Local,ClientThis installation supports the licensing on a single computer(stand-alone)and supports the licensing for a concurrent user,using a license Server in the network2.Server and ClientThis server and client installation is done when using a local license server on a ing the license manager in this way has the advantage that the workstation can be approached by‘Remote Desktop’,which is not possible/allowed when using a stand-alone(node locked)license.3.Server OnlyWith this option a service withfloating licenses is installed at a separate license server.•In order to continue,select the desired option and press the Next button.December2009 4.00.9281FLEXnet installation Delft3DInstallation ManualFigure3.3:Choose Configuration Options windowChoose Destination FolderFigure3.4:Choose Destination Folder windowUsing this window,you can select where the Delft Software License Manager will be installed. Use the Browse option to change the default folder.It is common practice to use the default folder.•Click Next to continueInstall the License FileThe Install the License File window allows the selection of the desired licensefile.This file will be copied to the Delft Software License Manager Installation directory when the installation isfinished the extension of the licensefile will be changed to<∗.lic>.Delft3D Installation ManualFLEXnet installation December20094.00.9281Figure3.5:Install the License File window1.Click Next to continueIf Yes was selected,the Specify License File Location window is shown.Specify License File LocationFigure3.6:Specify License File Location windowThis window is used to specify the exact location of the licensefile.Press the Locate License File button and browse to the directory containing the licensefile and select the requiredfile. Remark:•If you are provide with more than one licensefile,see the section about how to add or update licensefiles.December2009 4.00.9281FLEXnet installation Delft3DInstallation ManualAfter selecting a licensefile you get the following window:Figure3.7:Specify License File Location windowWhen you are installing the Delft Software License Manager on/as a server,you will get the following window.Here you can agree with FLEXnet being activated as a service.It is common practice to do so.Figure3.8:Install FLEXnet as an OS services window1.Click Next to continue.Start installationThe configuration of the installation is now done.•Click InstallDelft3D Installation ManualFLEXnet installation December20094.00.9281Figure3.9:Start Installation windowNow the installation will start.A progress bar is displayed showing the steps of the installation Delft Software License Manager Installation progressFigure3.10:Progressbar windowThis window shows the progress of the installation of the Delft Software License Manager. Just be patient,because the installer has to check some system settings.If you cancel the installation,the license manager will not work properly and because of that the Deltares-programs will not recognize the licenses.At the completion of the installation the following screen will be shown.However if the Delft Software License Manager Installation has been started by a Deltares-program,this window does not appear.December2009 4.00.9281FLEXnet installation Delft3DInstallation ManualFigure3.11:Installation Finish windowThis means that the Delft software License Manager has been installed successfully.•The installation procedure can be exited by pressing the Finish button.Mounting the dongleAlways install the License Manager before connecting the dongle.When the License Manager has been installed.The dongle can be connected to the computer.Now your are ready to use Deltares software3.1.3Functionality of the installation configurationsLocal,Client configurationWhen adding a licensefile using the Add License File tool,the licensefile is copied to the <DS Flex>directory;no license server is started.Server Only configurationWhen adding a licensefile using the Add License File tool,the licensefile is copied to the <DS Flex>directory.Also a license server is started.When the operating system supports this,a service is defined that starts the license server at start-up.The license Server computer can also be used as a Client computer.This means that Delft3D can run on the license Server. Combining standalone and client configurationWhen it is required that standalone licenses can be run on a Client computer,the Client computer should have a standalone configuration.This way all licensefiles that are added with the Add License File tool are copied to the local<DS Flex>directory.The Client computer willfind the license Server because it is defined in the licensefile.Please noteDelft3D Installation Manual FLEXnet installation December20094.00.9281that when thefiles on the license Srver are updated,they need to be updated on the Client computer as well.Changing the license configurationIf you want to change the license configuration,you need to de-install the License Manager software and re-install it choosing the new configuration.De-installing the License Manager software can be done via the Add or Remove Programs menu(see Start–Settings–Control Panel).It can be reinstalled using the Delft3D installer software.3.1.4How to add licensefilesA licensefile can be added or updated using the Add License File tool,see Figure3.12:Figure3.12:Installation Add License File toolNext the Specify License File Location window appears,see Figure3.13.Figure3.13:Specify License File Location window for Server only and Local,ClientconfigurationClick Locate License File and browse to the licensefile to add or update,see Figure3.14. Click Open,next the Specify License File Location window is displayed again.Press Next to continue,a progress window appears,see Figure3.15.When the window disappears the licenefile is copied to the desired location.December2009 4.00.9281FLEXnet installation Delft3DInstallation ManualFigure3.14:Locate License File windowFigure3.15:Progress window when installing the licensefile3.2Installing on LinuxDelft3D Installation Manual Frequently asked questions for FLEXnet December20094.00.9281Chapter4Frequently asked questions for FLEXnet4.1F AQ’s on Winodws4.1.1Error on client:Server node is down or not responding,althoughserver logfile looksfineI have configured my license Server and the server log does not contain any errors.When I start my application on the Client PC,I get the error:Server node is down or not respondingThe client application needs to connect to the license daemon and vendor daemon processes that are running on the Server.You need to check if there is afire wall configured on the Server that blocks the connection to these processes.In the FLEXnet server logfile the port numbers that are used by the license daemon lmgrd and the vendor daemons lmwldelft,dwldelft and dhsdelft are reported.14:53:18(lmgrd)-----------------------------------------------14:53:18(lmgrd)Please Note:14:53:18(lmgrd)14:53:18(lmgrd)This log is intended for debug purposes only.14:53:18(lmgrd)In order to capture accurate license14:53:18(lmgrd)usage data into an organized repository,14:53:18(lmgrd)please enable report e Macrovision’s14:53:18(lmgrd)software license administration solution,14:53:18(lmgrd)FLEXnet Manager,to readily gain visibility14:53:18(lmgrd)into license usage data and to create14:53:18(lmgrd)insightful reports on critical information like14:53:18(lmgrd)license availability and usage.FLEXnet Manager14:53:18(lmgrd)can be fully automated to run these reports on14:53:18(lmgrd)schedule and can be used to track license14:53:18(lmgrd)servers and usage across a heterogeneous14:53:18(lmgrd)network of servers including Windows NT,Linux14:53:18(lmgrd)and UNIX.Contact Macrovision at14:53:18(lmgrd) for more details on how to14:53:18(lmgrd)obtain an evaluation copy of FLEXnet Manager14:53:18(lmgrd)for your enterprise.December2009 4.00.9281Frequently asked questions for FLEXnet Delft3DInstallation Manual14:53:18(lmgrd)14:53:18(lmgrd)-----------------------------------------------14:53:18(lmgrd)14:53:18(lmgrd)14:53:18(lmgrd)Done rereading14:53:18(lmgrd)FLEXnet Licensing(v10.1.3)started on WL06008(IBM PC)(2/17/2006)14:53:18(lmgrd)Copyright(c)1988-2004by Macrovision Corporation.All rights reserved.14:53:18(lmgrd)US Patents5,390,297and5,671,412.14:53:18(lmgrd)World Wide Web:14:53:18(lmgrd)License file(s):C:\Program Files\DS_Flex\delft3d.8-5E700060C1CF.lic C:\Program Files\DS_Flex\delf 14:53:18(lmgrd)lmgrd tcp-port850014:53:18(lmgrd)Starting vendor daemons...14:53:18(lmgrd)Started dhsdelft(pid1660)14:53:18(lmgrd)Started dwldelft(pid4012)14:53:18(dwldelft)Server started on WL06008for:Delft3D14:53:18(dwldelft)D3D_FLOW14:53:18(dhsdelft)Server started on WL06008for:DHS_Delft3D14:53:18(dhsdelft)DHS\_Delft3D_FLOW14:53:18(lmgrd)dwldelft using TCP-port124514:53:19(lmgrd)dhsdelft using TCP-port1249In this example you need to make sure that the port numbers used by the license Server,dhsdelft(1249)and the vendor daemon dwldelft and lmgrd(in the session that is shown inthe logfile:1245and8500)are available and can be reached by the Client computer.To specify the port numbers that are used by the license Server and the vendor daemon,youcan modify the licensefile:SERVER WL06008FLEXID=8-5E700060C1CF TCP:8500VENDOR dhsdelft"C:\Program Files\DS_Flex\dhsdelft.exe"PORT=8550VENDOR dwldelft"C:\Program Files\DS_Flex\dwldelft.exe"PORT=8570(See also the FLEXnet end-user guide pg.106,107.)You need to check in thefirewall configuration if these ports can be reached.If you arerunning Windows XP Server SP2,be aware that afire wall is installed automatically.4.1.2My server client licensing system is not running properlyCheck if the Server is running properlyFirstly you need to check if the license Server supports all the licensing features that youexpect it to support.You can do this by inspecting the<Flex WL.log>file in the<DS Flex>directory on theServer.In thisfile you willfind the licensefiles that are read by the license Server process(<lmgrd.exe>)and a list of features that are supported.If not all licensefiles are listed in the logfileCheck if the‘service configuration’of the license Server is correct•Start lmtools by activating‘Start–Programs–Delft Hydraulics–DHS License Manager–lmtools’.Delft3D Installation Manual Frequently asked questions for FLEXnet December20094.00.9281•Go to the Config Services tab.•Check if the Path to the licensefile contains only the<DS Flex>directory and no specific licensefile,see Figure4.1.Figure4.1:lmtools:Config Services tabIf you have edited the path to the licensefile,you should save the service and stop and start the license Server.Stopping and starting the license Server can be done with the Start/Stop/Reread tab,see Figure4.2.Figure4.2:lmtools:Start/Stop/Reread tabNow you can check the logfile again and see if all licensefiles and features are logged in the logfile.December2009 4.00.9281Frequently asked questions for FLEXnet Delft3DInstallation ManualAll licensefiles?Have all the licensefiles in the<DS Flex>directory been added with the Add License Filetool that can be found under‘Start–Programs–Delft Hydraulics–DHS License Manager–AddLicense File’?This can be diagnosed by inspecting thefirst two lines in the licensefiles.When they looklike:SERVER SERVER_NAME FLEXID=9-23EE9563TCP:8500VENDOR dhsdelft DHSDELFT_DAEMONit has not been processed by the Add License File tool;when thefirst two lines look like:SERVER WL06008FLEXID=9-23EE9562TCP:8500VENDOR dhsdelft"C:\Program Files\DS_Flex\dhsdelft.exe"then the licensefile has been processed by the Add License File tool.It has replaced thestring“SERVER NAME”with the actual server name,in this example“WL06008”and ithas replaced the string“DHSDELFT DAEMON”with the actual path to the vendor daemon,in this example<C:Program FilesDS Flexdhsdelft.exe>.Iffiles are found that have not been processed with the Add License File tool,remove themfrom the<DS Flex>directory and add them with the Add License File tool.Now stop and start the license Server,see Figure4.2,and inspect the logfile of the licenseServer.All thefiles should be logged in the logfile.If not all features that you expect can be found in the logfileMake sure that all the licensefiles that you have received from Deltares have been addedwith the Add License File tool.Restart the Server if necessary.If the logfile reports a hostId error14:38:28(dhsdelft)Wrong hostid on SERVER line for license file:14:38:28(dhsdelft)C:\Program Files\DS_Flex\delft3d.9-23EE9562.lic14:38:28(dhsdelft)SERVER line says FLEXID=9-23EE9562,hostid is(Can’t get hostid of type15[Cannot read dongle: 14:38:28(dhsdelft)Invalid hostid on SERVER lineYou can also use lmtools to check if the USB dongle is recognised by the computer.You can start lmtools and activate the System Settings tab,see Figure4.3.In the FLEXIDbox,the dongle number of the USB dongle should be visible:Step ICheck if the dongle is inserted in the USB port of the computer.If the dongle is not inserted in the USB port,insert the dongle and check if lmtools reportsthe dongle now.Step II。
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.cn/topic_973849_1.htmlHypermesh问题求助贴汇总和解答1.请教哪位高手知道怎么把PROE图导入HYPERMESH方法有很多,一是可以把模型直接导入hm里面,通过import 选择geo 再import即可,如果你的破衣文件版本比较低的话;二是可以将破衣文件另存为为stp或者igs格式,再在hm里面打开,这种方法比较常用和可靠,无论是你的破衣文件的版本有多高,它正常情况下(只要文件不是很大)都能打开。
2. HYPERMESH导入IGS模型出错我用PRO/E建的模型,保存为IGS的文件,在HYPERMESH中导入的时候就会说产生一个分割错误,是否保存模型,确定后就说文件保存在,退出HYPERMESH。
3. hyperMesh中的单元类型请问HyperMesh中梁单元都有那些类型,怎样定义梁单元的截面属性.在帮助文件能查找吗?图片:有很多类型:比如下面的图片那么多吧。
在帮做里面能找到相关的资料,输入h,然后在索引里面输入beam即可找到相关内容4. HM划分好的网格如何检查质量并对应自动修改?请教各位,我在HM里面画好的网格,但是很多单元质量不符合后续处理的要求,提交模拟分析的时候老是报错,请问哪个命令可以自动找出这些问题网格,并自动修复,我是HM 最菜的菜鸟,烦请解释的说的详细些!方法:先将不很你要求的网格找出来——————F10,检查你要求的质量,save failed。
5. 兼容性问题CATIA做出来的图能不能导入hypermesh9.0里分隔,如果能分完格的图能否用abaqus6.9分析?可以。
下面是tc2007的安装过程:如下图,要选择安装2层或4层结构.下图是选择安装两层结构.以下还应该选择上“Business Modeler IDE”,这个是用来定制一些属性页面使用的。
Pawword is “richware”,是用户登陆系统的密码以下取值为默认取值。
窗口中的文字描述如下:新建配置配置名称:Product Installation,ID:prod功能部件安装:FMS 客户端缓存安装:Teamcenter File Services安装:Teamcenter Rich Client 2-tier安装:Teamcenter Foundation安装:IIOP Servers安装:VC 2005 Redistributable安装:FMS Server Cache安装:NX UG IntegrationTCFS 服务端口: 1560名称: tcfs2操作系统用户用户: BRISERVER2\infodba配置TC_DATATC_DATA 路径:C:\UGS\Teamcenter\tcdata新建数据目录数据库引擎选择数据库服务器: BRIServer2服务: prod端口: 1521数据库用户: infodba清空数据库:是填充数据库:是卷指定卷名: volume1卷位置: C:\UGS\Teamcenter\volume1临时卷设置临时卷目录(Windows): C:\Temp\transientVolume_infodba 临时卷目录(UNIX): /tmp/transientVolume_infodba默认站点Web 服务器Web 服务器主机:BRIServer2Web 服务器端口:8080Web 应用程序名:tcFlex 许可证客户端flex.envsetting: 28000@BRIServer2Teamcenter 管理用户用户: infodbaFSC 服务服务器ID:FSC_BRIServer2_infodba读缓存目录:$HOME\FSCCache读缓存大小(MB):10写缓存目录:$HOME\FSCCache写缓存目录:10FSC 日志文件:C:\UGS\Teamcenter\Tc2007\logs\$FSC_ID.logFSC 服务:连接FSC 服务:连接: http,4544,;FSC 服务:FCC 默认设置Windows 缓存目录:$HOME\FCCCacheUNIX 缓存目录:/tmp/$USER/FCCCache全读缓存最大大小(MB):1000全写缓存最大大小(MB):1000最大段读缓存大小(MB):3000没有FCC 默认站点FSC 服务:其他站点FSC 服务:其他组站点FSC 部署模型FSC 模型: 简单模型TcServer 字符编码设置TcServer 字符编码设置:GBKIIOP 服务器设置服务器激活模式:NORMAL连接端口:1572服务器配置文件夹:C:\UGS\Teamcenter\Tc2007\iiopserversTcServer:C:\UGS\Teamcenter\tcdata,TcData,;FCC 设置FMS_HOME 设置: FMS_HOME 的推荐值C:\UGS\Teamcenter\Tc2007\fccFMS HTTP 代理:falseFMS HTTPS 代理:falseFCC 父项http://BRIServer2:4544/, 0, lan胖客户端设置运行时临时文件夹:C:\UGS\Teamcenter\Tc2007\portal\temp联机帮助不配置联机帮助胖客户端两层结构设置胖客户端Web 服务器:最后出成功画面运行tc之后,并登陆之后(使用infodba/infodba)登陆,将nx图标显示在菜单上。
Delft3D-GISVIEW Presentation of results in a GIS User ManualPart of Hydro-Morphodynamics Version:1.04Revision:1542318May2011User Manual Delft3D-GISVIEWPublished and printed by:DeltaresRotterdamseweg185p.o.box1772600MH DelftThe Netherlandstelephone:+31883358273fax:+31883358582e-mail:info@deltares.nlwww:http://www.deltares.nlFor support screen pictures shown in this manual were produced during the development stages and may differ from the actual productCopyright©2011DeltaresAll rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced in any form by print, photo print,photo copy,microfilm or any other means,without written permission from the publisher:Deltares.Delft3D-GISVIEW User Manual Contents May20111.04.15423Contents1A guide to this manual11.1Introduction (1)1.2Typographical conventions (1)2Introduction to Delft3D-GISVIEW32.1Short description of the program functionality (3)2.2Installing the program (4)3Getting started53.1Starting Delft3D-GISVIEW/ArcMap (5)3.2Quitting the program (6)4Describing the user interface74.1Introduction (7)4.2Get results (7)4.3View results (9)4.4View vectors (10)5Remarks13 References15Deltares iiiMay2011 1.04.15423Contents Delft3D-GISVIEWUser Manualiv DeltaresDelft3D-GISVIEW User Manual A guide to this manual May20111.04.15423Chapter1A guide to this manual1.1IntroductionIn order to make this manual more accessible,a brief description of the contents of each of the chapters will be given here.This manual describes the operation of Delft3D-GISVIEW.Chapter2:Introduction to Delft3D-GISVIEW,a short overview of the program and the general functionality is given.Chapter3:Getting started,it is described how to start and quit the program,together with thefirst steps using the program.Chapter4:Describing the user interface,provides a detailed description of the User Interface.Chapter5:Remarks,gives some remarks about this application.1.2Typographical conventionsThroughout this manual,the following conventions in text formats help you to distinguish between different types of text elements.Example DescriptionWaves Boundaries Title of a window or sub-window.Sub-windows are displayed in the Module window and cannot be moved.Windows can be moved independently from the Module window,such as the Visualisation Area window.Deltares1May2011 1.04.15423A guide to this manual Delft3D-GISVIEWUser ManualExample DescriptionSave Item from a menu,title of a push button or the name ofa user interface inputfield.Upon selecting this item(click or in some cases doubleclick with the left mouse button on it)a related actionwill be executed;in most cases it will result in displayingsome other(sub-)window.In case of an inputfield you are supposed to enter inputdata of the required format and in the required domain.<\tutorial\wave\swan-curvi> <siu.mdw>Directory names,filenames,and path names are expressed between angle brackets,<>.For the Linux and UNIX environment a forward slash(/)is used instead of the backward slash(\)for PCs.“27081999”Data to be typed by you into the inputfields are displayedbetween double quotes.Selections of menu items,option boxes etc.are describedas such:for instance‘select Save and go to the nextwindow’.delft3d-menu Commands to be typed by you are given in the fontCourier New,10points.[m/s][-]Units are given between square brackets when used nextto the formulae.Leaving them out might result inmisinterpretation.2DeltaresDelft3D-GISVIEW User Manual Introduction to Delft3D-GISVIEW May20111.04.15423Chapter2Introduction to Delft3D-GISVIEW2.1Short description of the program functionalityThe program Delft3D-GISVIEW makes it possible to show results from Delft3D programs in the GIS environment of ArcMap R O(a product of ESRI R O ArcGIS R O suite).So Delft3D results are shown into maps1.The program is a so-called extension of ArcMap and thus is used within ArcMap(and not as a stand-alone program).Delft3D-GISVIEW is a postprocessing program of Delft3D and belongs to the visualisation tools.Figure2.1shows the suite of Delft3D programs.It is supposed that you are familiar with the ArcMap program as well with the calculation results(e.g.paramters)of the Delft3D programs.Till now,files of the type Communicationfile,Hydrodynamic mapfile,Waves mapfile, Sediment transport mapfile can be used.From thesefiles you can select parameters,times and layers,which is done in the same way as in the program Delft3D-GPP.After this selection a dataset is composed and shown in the GIS.The underlying result data is transformed into GIS data(a shapefile)and is presented and available as a layer in ArcMap.1ArcMap,ESRI,ArcGis,ArcMap are trade marks of ESRI Inc.,Redlands,California,USA.They are used in the manual because of the close relation of the program Delft3D-GISVIEW and the ESRI program ArcMap.Figure2.1:System architecture of Delft3DDeltares3May2011 1.04.15423Introduction to Delft3D-GISVIEW Delft3D-GISVIEWUser ManualSo you have all possibilities of ArcMap to classify the results,to print resulting maps,etc.2.2Installing the programInstalling the program is part of the installation of the Delft3D program suite.It is described in the manual that is supplied with these software.As a result of the installation,the program becomes a known extension of ArcMap.Its toolbar(the user interface)is available and active in the user interface of ArcMap.The toolbar is named”GISPlugins”.The program uses environment variables,which are set by the Delft3D installation.This new toolbar is used by each Delft3D program,which can be run in the ArcMap envi-ronment.In the left part of the toolbar you can choose the program you want to work with from a drop down menu.Remark:•Delft3D should be installed after ArcMap.4DeltaresDelft3D-GISVIEW User Manual Getting started May20111.04.15423Chapter3Getting started3.1Starting Delft3D-GISVIEW/ArcMapBecause of Delft3D-GISVIEW is an ArcMap extension you start ArcMap from an icon on your desktop,or via the Start menu.Then Delft3D-GISVIEW can be used by a specific toolbar.The toolbar is named”GISPlugins”.In order to work with Delft3D-GISVIEW,the resultfiles of a Delft3D calculation should be available.It is supposed you have the knowledge to activate or de-activate toolbars.As you know, ArcMap stores the latest user interface including the visible toolbars.So the next time it comes up with this user interface,you have composed.Figure3.1shows a user interface of ArcMap.You see the toolbar containing the text “Delft3D-GISVIEW4.01.01.This is a drop-down list to choose the Delft3D program you want to work with in ArcMap.Sofirst you start to select Delft3D-GISVIEW.Then the next step is to read a resultfile,by clicking on the menu Get results.Then click on item Add layer from Delft3D resultfiles.Afile selection box will come up.Navigate to a directory and choose a resultfile.A new window pops up andchoose a parameter,a time and a layer.use the button Add to add your selection to the atribute the OK button,and as a result you will see a new layer in the map.Now the results can be classified in the map.At the right side of the menus in the toolbar youfind some bottons to get quick access for some commands.Move the mouse cursor slowly over the button,to see which command it is.This is just a short description,and Chapter4describes detailed the user interface. Remarks:Deltares5May2011 1.04.15423Getting started Delft3D-GISVIEWUser ManualFigure3.1:User interface of ArcMap•When you are clicking commands or buttons of the toolbar of Delft3D-GISVIEW,you have access to the program Delft3D-GISVIEW.•When clicking on the menus and tools of the ArcMap user interface,you are using ArcMap.3.2Quitting the programJust quit the ArcMap program to quit also Delft3D-GISVIEW.You can leave the program by selecting another Delft3D program(if available)in the drop down list of the toolbar.In this way you can get back to Delft3D-GISVIEW by selecting it again.6DeltaresDelft3D-GISVIEW User Manual Describing the user interface May20111.04.15423Chapter4Describing the user interface4.1IntroductionThe user interface of Delft3D-GISVIEW is the toolbar as shown in Figure4.1.The program Delft3D-GISVIEW has been selected from the drop down menu at the left side in this toolbar,as already mentioned in previous chapters.The toolbar has the menu Get results to read a resultfile of Delft3D.After all actions a layer (based on a shapefile)is added to the layers of the map.In this way you can add more layers from one ore more resultfiles of Delft3D to the map.The second menu Vectors can be used to view vectors from an already existing layer containing Delft3D results.This menu has two other items to change the size of the drawn vectors and to draw yes/no the vectorfield.For your convenience some often used menu items(commands)are also available as a button (the three buttons at the right side).When moving the mouse cursor slowly over these buttons you see the underlying command.4.2Get resultsThe menu Get results has the menu item Add layer from Delft3D resultfiing this command afile selection window comes up.In thisfile window you can navigate to a directory with resultfiles.Till now thefile types Communicationfile,Hydrodynamic mapfile,Waves mapfile,Sediment transport mapfile can be used(Deltares,2010,2008).Thefile window looks like Figure4.2.As you can see all knownfile types(<∗.dat>)can be shown and selected,or a specific known type can be shown and selected via the drop down list.After afile has been selected the following window comes up,see Figure4.3.With this window you make the selection of parameter,time and layer from Delft3D.Each selectionFigure4.1:Delft3D-GISVIEW toolbarMay2011 1.04.15423Describing the user interface Delft3D-GISVIEWUser ManualFigure4.2:File selection window to open Delft3D resultfilescan be added to a list and becomes an attribute of the layer in the map.Using your mouse cursor you can make a selection for parameter,time and layer,independent of each other.Selecting a parameter updates the list of available times and layers for that parameter.You can select more times by using the Shift or Control key.The Add button adds your selection to the list of attributes.You can remove one or all members of these list by the buttons Remove and Remove All.The attributes in the above window get a generated name,which is at the left side in the “Attribute”part.As you will see the names become the timestep Txxx and a description after it.These names become the attribute names of the layer in the map.Note that these attribute names must be different in one layer(shapefile),so they must different here in the“Attribute”part.This is especiallay important when you select both current magnitude and current direction to drawflow vectors.You can change this name by double clicking on it,type a new attribute name and confirm with the Enter key.You can use the F2key for the same purpose after selecting a row in the list of attributes. It is possible to compose a list of attributes for the layer(shapefile)in different ways.You can select a parameter at one layer and select several time steps.The attribute names are different(Txxx).You can select some parameters at different timesteps and at one ore more layers.Be aware that in this case attribute names at the left side may have the same name.Change this names into more meaningfull names.Using the OK button the resultfile is read to compose a dataset and this dataset is trans-formed into GIS data(a shapefile).The results now become a layer in ArcMap.These layers get names like D3D the table of contents(TOC)of ArcMap.From this moment,you have all the tools and possibilities of ArcMap to classify,colour,print etc theDelft3D-GISVIEW User Manual Describing the user interface May20111.04.15423Figure4.3:Selection window for parameter,time and layeratrtributes of this GIS-data.You can ask for attribute values by using the I-tool of ArcMap. The above actions including the OK button,can be performed several times and each time a new layer of the composed dataset is added to the map in ArcMap.Therefor it is also possible to put results of different resultfiles from Delft3D into separate layers(shapefiles)to the map.Using the Cancel button nothing happens and you go back to the map in ArcMap.Each selection of parameter,time and layer in the above window becomes an attribute value of the GIS data.The geometry of the Delft3D grid of course is added to the GIS data.For Delft3D-GISVIEW the curvilinear grid of the model is transformed into polygons in the GIS. Each polygon(cell)has attribute value(s).So you have the concept of the well-known shapefile,which has one geometry(shape)column and one ore more attribute columns.4.3View resultsAs described in Section4.2results become layers in ArcMap.These layers have a name like D3D results....From then on,you can use all the possibilities of ArcMap to classify (colour)the results,to see the attribute table,to see attribute values of a polygon(=cell)by using the I-tool etc.Even you can save these layers into your own shapefile by exporting the data.The geometry of the Delft3D results consist of polygons for each cell of the curvilinear grid. Each polygon has attribute values.May2011 1.04.15423Describing the user interface Delft3D-GISVIEWUser ManualTo show the grid only,choose the“Hollow”colour and a value for the outline width.4.4View vectorsVector values like current velocity are drawn by Delft3D-GISVIEW as arrows on the map. In order to be able to do this the following actions have to be done.Vector values are also attribute values of the GIS data.So add these data to the composed dataset.Read the actions in Section4.1and see thefigure in this paragraph.There you will see the parameters current mag(horiz)and current dir.(horiz)are added to the attributes list.Change their attribute names into convenient names if you add more velocities to this list.As mentioned in section4.2each attribute name must be unique.Use the OK button to add the composed dataset as a layer to the map.The layer(the dataset)may contain vector values as well as scalair values.Use from the Vector menu the command Draw vectors from the results layer or use the button.When using this command a result layer(named as D3D result...)must be the active layer.Now you get the following window to select the attribute name for magnitude and direction of the vector value.Eventually use I-tool or attribute table of ArcMap to know the atribute names.Use OK button and the vectors will be drawn.When using the Cancel button the state of the map does not change.It means when there are no vectors,you will see no vectors.When there are vectors drawn,these vectors are drawn again.Drawing yes or no vectors,if their values are selected as mentioned above,can be done byusing the button or the command Draw yes/no the vectors from the Vector menu.Note that each time just one vector belonging to a time and a Delft3D layer will be drawn. Of course you can select new attribute values for the vector,belonging to another time and/or Delft3D layer.When using the command Change vector scale of the menu Vectors,you get a property window about the vectors.See Figure4.4.You will see the map layer and the attributefields of the currently drawn vectors.Vectors will be drawn bij the program in such a way that the vector length is related to the size of the Delft3D grid cell.This makes the map has no overlapping vectors(arrows).Delft3D-GISVIEW User ManualDescribing the user interface May20111.04.15423Figure4.4:Vector properties windowHowever you can change the size of the arrows and the number of drawn arrows by clicking the command Change vector scale of the menu Vectors.The following window pops up.You see several properties related tot the vectors.You canfill in the last2properties.Vector scale in GIS A factor for the vector scale.The length of the vectors in the map becomes the factor multipied by the mininum cell diameter of the Delft3D grid and multiplied by their ing this vector scale you can draw the most suitable vectorfield in the between vector points Give the minimum gap(in pixels)on the screen between the start points of the vectors and this gap will be in all directions.So the number of drawn arrows can be reduced.The value0means that all vectors will be drawn.The gap is related to the screen and not to the map scale.So when zooming in you will see more arrows and when zooming out,less vectors.Note that the maximum size(value)of the vectors of all grid cells is given too.If you want to know the size(value)of the vector use the I-tool of ArcMap,which shows you the attribute values of a polygon(cell).May2011 1.04.15423Describing the user interface Delft3D-GISVIEWUser ManualDelft3D-GISVIEW User Manual Remarks May20111.04.15423Chapter5RemarksRemarks:•This version of Delft3D-GISVIEW uses an executable forfile selection and selecting parameters,times and layers from Delft3D calculations.All things go smoothly.How-ever,if you move the windows,the screen of ArcMap will not be refreshed.This will be improved in upcomming releases.•Do not use the parameter“Model grid”from the window as shown in paragraph4.2 Get Results.The program will crash.Instead use an attribute of the layer and the choose the“Hollow”colour and a value for the outline width.•You see the attribute m and n which are grid indices of the curvilinear grid used internally by Delft3D-FLOW.May2011 1.04.15423Remarks Delft3D-GISVIEWUser ManualDelft3D-GISVIEW User Manual References May20111.04.15423ReferencesDeltares,2008.Delft3D-WAVE User Manual.WL|Delft Hydraulics,Delft,The Netherlands, 3.03ed.7—,2010.Delft3D-FLOW User Manual.WL|Delft Hydraulics,Delft,The Netherlands,3.14 ed.7May2011 1.04.15423References Delft3D-GISVIEWUser Manual。
NVIDIA DALI DU-09049-001 _v0.12.0 Beta Release 安装指
Installation GuideTABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1. Overview (1)Chapter 2. DALI And NGC (2)Chapter 3. Installing DALI (3)3.1. Installing Prebuilt DALI Packages (3)3.1.1. Prerequisites (3)3.1.2. Binary Installation (3)3.2. Compiling DALI From Source (Bare metal) (4)3.2.1. Prerequisites (4)3.2.2. GitHub Installation (5) CMake Build Parameters (5)3.2.3. Installing Python Bindings (6)3.3. Compiling DALI from Source (Docker) (6)Chapter 4. Executing ResNet-50 Input Pipeline (7)Chapter 5. FFmpeg (8)Chapter 6. Uninstalling DALI (9)Deep learning applications require complex, multi-stage pre-processing data pipelines. Such data pipelines involve compute-intensive operations that are carried out on the CPU. For example, tasks such as: load data from disk, decode, crop, random resize, color and spatial augmentations and format conversions, are mainly carried out on the CPUs, limiting the performance and scalability of training and inference.In addition, the deep learning frameworks have multiple data pre-processing implementations, resulting in challenges such as portability of training and inference workflows, and code maintainability.NVIDIA Data Loading Library (DALI) is a collection of highly optimized building blocks, and an execution engine, to accelerate the pre-processing of the input data for deep learning applications. DALI provides both the performance and the flexibility of accelerating different data pipelines as a single library. This single library can then be easily integrated into different deep learning training and inference applications. Highlights of DALI are:‣Full data pipeline—accelerated from reading disk to getting ready for training/ inference.‣Flexibility through configurable graphs and custom operators.‣Support for image classification and segmentation workloads.‣Ease of integration through direct framework plugins and open source bindings.‣Portable training workflows with multiple input formats - JPEG, PNG (fallback to CPU), TIFF (fallback to CPU), BMP (fallback to CPU), raw formats, LMDB,RecordIO, TFRecord.‣Extensible for user specific needs through open source license.DALI is pre-installed in the NVIDIA GPU Cloud TensorFlow, PyTorch, and MXNet containers in version 18.07 and later.DALI can be installed either directly using a pre-built binary or by compiling the sources from GitHub.3.1. Installing Prebuilt DALI Packages3.1.1. PrerequisitesEnsure you meet the following minimum requirements:‣Linux x64‣NVIDIA Driver (384.xx or later driver releases) supporting CUDA 9.0 or later‣One or more of the following deep learning frameworks:‣MXNet 1.3 or later‣Version 1.3 from the Python package with the following command: pip install mxnet-cu90==1.3.0‣PyTorch 0.4‣TensorFlow 1.7 or later.3.1.2. Binary Installation‣To install the CUDA 9.0-based DALI build using pip, execute:$ pip install --extra-index-url https:///compute/redist/cuda/9.0 nvidia-dali‣To install the CUDA 10-based DALI build using pip, execute:$ pip install --extra-index-url https:///compute/redist/cuda/10.0 nvidia-daliStarting with DALI 0.6.1 the nvidia-dali package no longer contains prebuiltversions of the DALI T ensorFlow plugin, so you need to install the DALI T ensorFlowplugin for the currently installed version of T ensorFlow.‣To install the DALI TensorFlow plugin for the CUDA 9.0-based DALI build, execute:pip install --extra-index-url https:///compute/ redist/cuda/9.0 nvidia-dali-tf-plugin‣To install the DALI TensorFlow plugin for the CUDA 10-based DALI build, execute:pip install --extra-index-url https:///compute/ redist/cuda/10.0 nvidia-dali-tf-pluginInstalling the nvidia-dali-tf-plugin package will install nvidia-dali and itsdependencies if these dependencies are not already installed.The package tensorflow-gpu must be installed before attempting to installnvidia-dali-tf-plugin.The package nvidia-dali-tf-plugin strictly requires that nvidia-dali be of theexact corresponding version. Thus, installing the latest version of nvidia-dali-tf-plugin will replace any older nvidia-dali versions that are already installed, withthe latest version of nvidia-dali. T o work with older versions of DALI, provide theversion explicitly to the pip install command, as below:OLDER_VERSION=0.6.1pip install --extra-index-url https:///compute/redist nvidia-dali-tf-plugin==$OLDER_VERSION3.2. Compiling DALI From Source (Bare metal)3.2.1. PrerequisitesEnsure that you meet the below minimum requirements:‣Linux x64.‣GCC 4.9.2 or later.‣NVIDIA CUDA 9.0 (CUDA 8.0 compatibility is provided unofficially1) .‣nvJPEG library (This can be unofficially disabled1).‣protobuf version 2 or later (version 3 or later is required for TensorFlow TFRecord file format support).1Items marked unofficial are community contributions that are believed to work but not officially tested or maintained by NVIDIA.‣CMake 3.5 or later.‣FFmpeg 3.4.2 recommend using version 3.4.2 compiled with the instructions provided in this document.‣libjpeg-turbo 1.5.x or later (This can be unofficially disabled1).‣OpenCV 3 or later (OpenCV 2.x compatibility is provided unofficially1).‣liblmdb 0.9.x or later.‣One or more of the following deep learning frameworks:‣MXNet 1.3 or later‣Version 1.3 from the Python package with the following command: pip install mxnet-cu90==1.3.0‣PyTorch 0.4‣TensorFlow 1.7 or later.3.2.2. GitHub Installation1.Download the DALI source package from GitHub.git clone --recursive https:///NVIDIA/dalicd dali2.Create the build directory.mkdir buildcd buildpile DALI.a)To build DALI without LMDB support, issue the following command:cmake ..make -j"$(nproc)"b)To build DALI with LMDB support, issue the following command:cmake -DBUILD_LMDB=ON ..make -j"$(nproc)"c)To build DALI using Clang, issue the following command:Caution This build is experimental, meaning it is not maintained and testedlike the default configuration, therefore, it's not guaranteed to work. Werecommend using GCC for production builds.cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang ..make -j"$(nproc)" CMake Build ParametersYou can use the following optional CMake build parameters when configuring DALI: BUILD_PYTHONUse this parameter to build Python bindings. The default is ON.BUILD_TESTUse this parameter to include building the test suite. The default is ON.BUILD_BENCHMARKUse this parameter to include building benchmarks. The default is ON.BUILD_LMDBUse this parameter to build with support for LMDB. The default is OFF.BUILD_NVTXUse this parameter to build with NVTX profiling enabled. The default is OFF. BUILD_TENSORFLOWUse this parameter to build the TensorFlow plugin. The default is OFF. WERRORTreats all build warnings as errors. The default is OFF.BUILD_JPEG_TURBO(unofficial)Use this parameter to build with libjpeg-turbo. The default is ON.2BUILD_NVJPEG(unofficial)Use this parameter to build with nvJPEG. The default is ON.33.2.3. Installing Python BindingsIssue the pip install dali/python command to install Python bindings.3.3. Compiling DALI from Source (Docker)1.Ensure you installed the below prerequisites:‣Linux x64‣Docker. Follow the Docker installation guide here.2.Building Docker Image.Change directory (cd) into Docker directory and run ./ If needed, set the following environment variables:‣PYVER - Python version. Default is 2.7.‣CUDA_VERSION - CUDA toolkit version. Default is 10.‣NVIDIA_BUILD_ID - Custom ID of the build. Default is 1234.‣CREATE_RUNNER - Create Docker image with cuDNN, CUDA and DALI installed inside. It will create the Docker_run_cuda image, which needs to berun using nvidia-docker and DALI wheel in the wheelhouse directory under DALI/`. Default is NO.‣CREATE_WHL - Create a wheel also. Default is YES.2Items marked unofficial are community contributions that are believed to work but not officially tested or maintained by NVIDIA.3Items marked unofficial are community contributions that are believed to work but not officially tested or maintained by NVIDIA.After you’ve installed DALI, you can run a pre-configured, ResNet-50 model accelerated by DALI, on MXNet, PyTorch, and TensorFlow frameworks for image classification training. Each of the following samples offload image loading and augmentation operations onto GPUs.You can use Python toolchain from the command shell or Jupyter notebook to start the ResNet-50 training session.The DALI integrated ResNet-50 Python samples are located:‣MXNet‣PyTorch‣TensorFlowThis software uses code of FFmpeg licensed under the LGPLv2.1 and its source can be downloaded here.FFmpeg was compiled using the following command line:./configure \--prefix=/usr/local \--disable-static \--disable-all \--disable-autodetect \--disable-iconv \--enable-shared \--enable-avformat \--enable-avcodec \--enable-avfilter \--enable-protocol=file \--enable-demuxer=mov,matroska \--enable-bsf=h264_mp4toannexb,hevc_mp4toannexb./makeUninstall DALI.pip uninstall -y nvidia-daliDALI DU-09049-001 _v0.12.0 Beta Release | 9NoticeTHE INFORMATION IN THIS GUIDE AND ALL OTHER INFORMATION CONTAINED IN NVIDIA DOCUMENTATION REFERENCED IN THIS GUIDE IS PROVIDED “AS IS.” NVIDIA MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION FOR THE PRODUCT, AND EXPRESSL Y DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NONINFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Notwithstanding any damages that customer might incur for any reason whatsoever, NVIDIA’s aggregate and cumulative liability towards customer for the product described in this guide shall be limited in accordance with the NVIDIA terms and conditions of sale for the product.THE NVIDIA PRODUCT DESCRIBED IN THIS GUIDE IS NOT FAULT TOLERANT AND IS NOT DESIGNED, MANUFACTURED OR INTENDED FOR USE IN CONNECTION WITH THE DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, AND/OR OPERATION OF ANY SYSTEM WHERE THE USE OR A FAILURE OF SUCH SYSTEM COULD RESULT IN A SITUATION THAT THREATENS THE SAFETY OF HUMAN LIFE OR SEVERE PHYSICAL HARM OR PROPERTY DAMAGE (INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE, USE IN CONNECTION WITH ANY NUCLEAR, AVIONICS, LIFE SUPPORT OR OTHER LIFE CRITICAL APPLICATION). NVIDIA EXPRESSL Y DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR SUCH HIGH RISK USES. NVIDIA SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO CUSTOMER OR ANY THIRD PARTY, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOR ANY CLAIMS OR DAMAGES ARISING FROM SUCH HIGH RISK USES.NVIDIA makes no representation or warranty that the product described in this guide will be suitable for any specified use without further testing or modification. T esting of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed by NVIDIA. It is customer’s sole responsibility to ensure the product is suitable and fit for the application planned by customer and to do the necessary testing for the application in order to avoid a default of the application or the product. Weaknesses in customer’s product designs may affect the quality and reliability of the NVIDIA product and may result in additional or different conditions and/ or requirements beyond those contained in this guide. NVIDIA does not accept any liability related to any default, damage, costs or problem which may be based on or attributable to: (i) the use of the NVIDIA product in any manner that is contrary to this guide, or (ii) customer product designs.Other than the right for customer to use the information in this guide with the product, no other license, either expressed or implied, is hereby granted by NVIDIA under this guide. Reproduction of information in this guide is permissible only if reproduction is approved by NVIDIA in writing, is reproduced without alteration, and is accompanied by all associated conditions, limitations, and notices.TrademarksNVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, and cuBLAS, CUDA, cuDNN, cuFFT, cuSPARSE, DALI, DIGITS, DGX, DGX-1, Jetson, Kepler, NVIDIA Maxwell, NCCL, NVLink, Pascal, T egra, T ensorRT, and T esla are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the Unites States and other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.Copyright© 2019 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.。
天河公司拥有非常完善的产品体系:1.PCCAD系列软件:PCCAD5.0/6.0/6.5/7.0/7.1/2000/2002/2002XP/2004/2005/2006/2007版工程设计系统;2.TH-P3DM:部门级产品设计进程、数据及图档管理系统;3.THCAPP:通用计算机辅助工艺过程设计系统;4.TH-PDM:产品数据管理系统;5.TH-EDPS:通用数据处理系统;6.TH-EFC:通用公式计算器系统;7.THComRes:通用资源维护系统;8.THComDTS:通用数据转换工具;9.THComCode:通用编码系统;10. THPrintCenter:排图打印中心;11. THPCAD:天河工艺CAD;12. THsPartBuilder:系列化零件设计开发系统。
AutoDeskR 0.1.3 用户指南说明书
Package‘AutoDeskR’October12,2022Type PackageTitle An Interface to the'AutoDesk''API'PlatformDescription An interface to the'AutoDesk''API'Platform including the Authentication 'API'for obtaining authentication to the'AutoDesk'Forge Platform,Data Management'API'for managing data across the platform's cloud services,Design Automation'API'for performing automated tasks on designfiles in the cloud,ModelDerivative'API'for translating designfiles into different formats,sendingthem to the viewer app,and extracting design data,and Viewer for rendering2D and3D models(see<https://>for more information). Version0.1.3URL https:///paulgovan/autodeskrBugReports https:///paulgovan/autodeskr/issuesDepends R(>=2.10.0)License Apache License|file LICENSELazyData TRUEImports httr,jsonlite,shinyRoxygenNote6.0.1Suggests knitr,rmarkdownVignetteBuilder knitrNeedsCompilation noAuthor Paul Govan[aut,cre]Maintainer Paul Govan<************************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2017-07-1000:04:57UTCR topics documented:checkBucket (2)checkFile (3)12checkBucket checkPdf (3)downloadFile (4)getData (5)getMetadata (6)getObjectTree (6)getOutputUrn (7)getToken (8)makeBucket (9)makePdf (9)translateObj (10)translateSvf (11)uploadFile (12)viewer3D (13)viewerUI (13)Index15 checkBucket Check the Status of an App-Managed Bucket.DescriptionCheck the status of a recently created app-managed bucket using the Data Management API.UsagecheckBucket(token=NULL,bucket="mybucket")Argumentstoken A string.Token generated with getToken function with bucket:create,bucket:read, and data:write scopes.bucket A of the bucket.Defaults to mybucket.ValueAn object containing the bucketKey,bucketOwner,and createdDate.See Alsohttps:///en/docs/data/v2/overview/Examples##Not run:#Check the status of a bucket with the name"mybucket"resp<-checkBucket(token=myToken,bucket="mybucket")resp##End(Not run)checkFile3 checkFile Check the Status of a Translated File.DescriptionCheck the status of a recently translatedfile using the Model Derivative API.UsagecheckFile(urn=NULL,token=NULL)Argumentsurn A string.Source URN(objectId)for thefile.Note the URN must be Base64encoded.To encode the URN,see,for example,the jsonlite::base64_encfunction.token A string.Token generated with getToken function with data:read and data:write scopes.See Alsohttps:///en/docs/model-derivative/v2/overview/Examples##Not run:#Check the status of the translated"aerial.dwg"svf fileresp<-checkFile(urn=myEncodedUrn,token=myToken)resp##End(Not run)checkPdf Check the status of a PDF.DescriptionCheck the status of a recently created PDFfile using the Design Automation API.UsagecheckPdf(source=NULL,destination=NULL,token=NULL)4downloadFileArgumentssource A string.Publicly accessible web address of the input dwgfile.destination A string.Publicly accessible web address for the output pdffile.token A string.Token generated with getToken function with code:all scope.See Alsohttps:///en/docs/design-automation/v2/overview/Examples##Not run:mySource<-"/us/samplefiles/acad/visualization_-_aerial.dwg"myDestination<-"https:///folderview?id=0BygncDVHf60mTDZVNDltLThLNmM&usp=sharing"resp<-checkPdf(mySource,myDestination,token=myToken)resp##End(Not run)downloadFile Download afile locally.DescriptionDownload afile from the Forge Platform using the Model Derivative API.UsagedownloadFile(urn=NULL,output_urn=NULL,token=NULL)Argumentsurn A string.Source URN(objectId)for thefile.Note the URN must be Base64encoded.To encode the URN,see,for example,the jsonlite::base64_encfunction.output_urn A string.Output_urn retrieved via getOutputUrntoken A string.Token generated with getToken function with data:read and data:writescopes.ValueAn object containing the result,urn,and additional activity information.See Alsohttps:///en/docs/model-derivative/v2/overview/getData5 Examples##Not run:#Download the"aerial.dwg"png filemyEncodedOutputUrn<-jsonlite::base64_enc(myOutputUrn)resp<-downloadFile(urn<-myEncodedUrn,output_urn<-myEncodedOutputUrn,token=myToken) ##End(Not run)getData Get the Geometry Data for a File.DescriptionGet the geometry of an uploadedfile using the Model Derivative API.UsagegetData(guid=NULL,urn=NULL,token=NULL)Argumentsguid A string.GUID retrieved via the getMetadata function.urn A string.Source URN(objectId)for thefile.Note the URN must be Base64encoded.To encode the URN,see,for example,the jsonlite::base64_encfunction.token A string.Token generated with getToken function with data:read and data:write scopes.ValueAn object containing the geometry data for the selectedfile.See Alsohttps:///en/docs/model-derivative/v2/overview/Examples##Not run:#Get the geometry data for the"aerial.dwg"svf fileresp<-getData(guid<-myGuid,urn<-myEncodedUrn,token=myToken)##End(Not run)6getObjectTree getMetadata Get the Metadata for a File.DescriptionGet the metadata of an uploadedfile using the Model Derivative API.UsagegetMetadata(urn=NULL,token=NULL)Argumentsurn A string.Source URN(objectId)for thefile.Note the URN must be Base64encoded.To encode the URN,see,for example,the jsonlite::base64_encfunction.token A string.Token generated with getToken function with data:read and data:write scopes.ValueAn object containing the type,name,and guid of thefile.See Alsohttps:///en/docs/model-derivative/v2/overview/Examples##Not run:#Get the metadata for the"aerial.dwg"svf fileresp<-getMetadata(urn<-myEncodedUrn,token=myToken)myGuid<-resp$content$data$metadata[[1]]$guid##End(Not run)getObjectTree Get the Object Tree of a File.DescriptionGet the object tree of an uploadedfile using the Model Derivative API.UsagegetObjectTree(guid=NULL,urn=NULL,token=NULL)getOutputUrn7Argumentsguid A string.GUID retrieved via the getMetadata function.urn A string.Source URN(objectId)for thefile.Note the URN must be Base64encoded.To encode the URN,see,for example,the jsonlite::base64_encfunction.token A string.Token generated with getToken function with data:read and data:write scopes.ValueAn object containing the object tree for the selectedfile.thefile.See Alsohttps:///en/docs/model-derivative/v2/overview/Examples##Not run:#Get the object tree for the"aerial.dwg"svf fileresp<-getObjectTree(guid<-myGuid,urn<-myEncodedUrn,token=myToken)resp##End(Not run)getOutputUrn Get the Output URN for a File.DescriptionGet the output urn of a translatedfile using the Model Derivative API.UsagegetOutputUrn(urn,token)Argumentsurn A string.Source URN(objectId)for thefile.Note the URN must be Base64encoded.To encode the URN,see,for example,the jsonlite::base64_encfunction.token A string.Token generated with getToken function with data:read and data:write scopes.ValueAn object containing the result,urn,and additional activity information.8getTokenSee Alsohttps:///en/docs/model-derivative/v2/overview/Examples##Not run:#Get the output urn for the"aerial.dwg"obj fileresp<-getOutputUrn(urn<-myUrn,token=Sys.getenv("token"))resp##End(Not run)getToken Get a2-Legged Token for Authentication.DescriptionGet a2-legged token for OAuth-based authentication to the AutoDesk Forge Platform.UsagegetToken(id=NULL,secret=NULL,scope="data:write data:read")Argumentsid A string.Client ID for the app generated from the AutoDesk Dev Portal.secret A string.Client Secret for the app generated from the AutoDesk Dev Portal.scope A string.Space-separated list of required scopes.May be user-profile:read,data:read,data:write,data:create,data:search,bucket:create,bucket:read,bucket:update,bucket:delete,code:all,account:read,account:write,or a combination of these.ValueAn object containing the access_token,code_type,and expires_in milliseconds.See Alsohttps:///en/docs/oauth/v2/overview/Examples##Not run:#Get a2-legged token with the"data:read"and"data:write"scopesresp<-getToken(id=Sys.getenv("client_id"),secret=Sys.getenv("client_secret"),scope="data:write data:read")myToken<-resp$content$access_token##End(Not run)makeBucket9 makeBucket Make a Bucket for an App.DescriptionMake an app-based bucket for storage of designfiles using the Data Management API.UsagemakeBucket(token=NULL,bucket="mybucket",policy="transient")Argumentstoken A string.Token generated with getToken function with bucket:create,bucket:read, and data:write scopes.bucket A string.Unique bucket name.Defaults to mybucket.policy A string.May be transient,temporary,or persistent.ValueAn object containing the bucketKey,bucketOwner,and createdDate.See Alsohttps:///en/docs/data/v2/overview/Examples##Not run:#Make a transient bucket with the name"mybucket"resp<-makeBucket(token=myToken,bucket="mybucket",policy="transient")##End(Not run)makePdf Convert a DWG to a PDF.DescriptionConvert a publicly accessible DWGfile to a publicly accessible PDF using the Design AutomationAPI.UsagemakePdf(source=NULL,destination=NULL,token=NULL)10translateObj Argumentssource A string.Publicly accessible web address of the input dwgfile.destination A string.Publicly accessible web address for the output pdffile.token A string.Token generated with getToken function with code:all scope.See Alsohttps:///en/docs/design-automation/v2/overview/Examples##Not run:mySource<-"/us/samplefiles/acad/visualization_-_aerial.dwg"myDestination<-"https:///folderview?id=0BygncDVHf60mTDZVNDltLThLNmM&usp=sharing"resp<-makePdf(mySource,myDestination,token=myToken)##End(Not run)translateObj Translate a File into OBJ Format.DescriptionTranslate an uploadedfile into OBJ format using the Model Derivative API.UsagetranslateObj(urn=NULL,token=NULL)Argumentsurn A string.Source URN(objectId)for thefile.Note the URN must be Base64encoded.To encode the URN,see,for example,the jsonlite::base64_encfunction.token A string.Token generated with getToken function with data:read and data:writescopes.ValueAn object containing the result,urn,and additional activity information.See Alsohttps:///en/docs/model-derivative/v2/overview/translateSvf11 Examples##Not run:#Translate the"aerial.dwg"file into a obj fileresp<-translateObj(urn<-myEncodedUrn,token=myToken)##End(Not run)translateSvf Translate a File into SVF Format.DescriptionTranslate an uploadedfile into SVF format using the Model Derivative API.UsagetranslateSvf(urn=NULL,token=NULL)Argumentsurn A string.Source URN(objectId)for thefile.Note the URN must be Base64encoded.To encode the URN,see,for example,the jsonlite::base64_encfunction.token A string.Token generated with getToken function with data:read and data:write scopes.ValueAn object containing the result,urn,and additional activity information.See Alsohttps:///en/docs/model-derivative/v2/overview/Examples##Not run:#Translate the"aerial.dwg"file into a svf filemyEncodedUrn<-jsonlite::base64_enc(myUrn)resp<-translateSvf(urn=myEncodedUrn,token=myToken)##End(Not run)12uploadFile uploadFile Upload a File to an App-Managed Bucket.DescriptionUpload a designfile to an app-managed bucket using the Data Management API.UsageuploadFile(file=NULL,token=NULL,bucket="mybucket")Argumentsfile A string.File path.token A string.Token generated with getToken function with bucket:create,bucket:read, and data:write scopes.bucket A string.Unique bucket name.Defaults to mybucket.ValueAn object containing the bucketKey,objectId(i.e.urn),objectKey(i.e.file name),size,contentType(i.e."application/octet-stream"),location.and other content information.See Alsohttps:///en/docs/data/v2/overview/Examples##Not run:#Upload the"aerial.dwg"file to"mybucket"resp<-uploadFile(file=system.file("inst/samples/aerial.dwg",package="AutoDeskR"), token=myToken,bucket="mybucket")myUrn<-resp$content$objectId##End(Not run)viewer3D13 viewer3D Launch the Viewer.DescriptionLaunch the Viewer.Usageviewer3D(urn=NULL,token=NULL,viewerType="header")Argumentsurn A string.Source URN(objectId)for thefile.Note the URN must be Base64 encoded.To encode the URN,see,for example,the jsonlite::base64_encfunction.token A string.Token generated with getToken function with data:read scope.viewerType A string.The type of viewer to instantiate.Either"header"for the default viewer,"headless"for a viewer without toolbar or panels,or"vr"to enter We-bVR mode on a mobile device.See Alsohttps:///en/docs/viewer/v2/overview/Examples##Not run:#View the"aerial.dwg"file in the AutoDesk viewermyEncodedUrn<-jsonlite::base64_enc(myUrn)viewer3D(urn<-myEncodedUrn,token=myToken)##End(Not run)viewerUI UI Module Function.DescriptionUI Module Function.UsageviewerUI(id,urn=NULL,token=NULL,viewerType="header")14viewerUIArgumentsid A string.A namespace for the module.urn A string.Source URN(objectId)for thefile.Note the URN must be Base64 encoded.To encode the URN,see,for example,the jsonlite::base64_encfunction.token A string.Token generated with getToken function with data:read scope.viewerType A string.The type of viewer to instantiate.Either"header"for the default viewer or"headless"for a viewer without toolbar or panels.See Alsohttps:///en/docs/viewer/v2/overview/Examples##Not run:ui<-function(request){shiny::fluidPage(viewerUI("pg",myEncodedUrn,myToken))}server<-function(input,output,session){}shiny::shinyApp(ui,server)##End(Not run)IndexcheckBucket,2checkFile,3checkPdf,3downloadFile,4getData,5getMetadata,5,6,7getObjectTree,6getOutputUrn,4,7getToken,2–7,8,9–14makeBucket,9makePdf,9translateObj,10translateSvf,11uploadFile,12viewer3D,13viewerUI,1315。
J.D. Edwards World Source Company 企业一Xe解决方案建模器安装指南
EnterpriseOne XeSolution Modeler Install Guide PeopleBookSeptember2000J.D. Edwards World Source Company7601 Technology WayDenver, CO 80237Portions of this document were reproduced from material prepared by J.D. Edwards.Copyright J.D. Edwards World Source Company,2000All Rights ReservedSKU Xe EA AIJ.D. Edwards is a registered trademark of J.D. Edwards & Company. The names of all other products and services of J.D. Edwards used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of J.D. Edwards World Source Company.All other product names used are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.The information in this guide is confidential and a proprietary trade secret of J.D. Edwards World Source Company. It may not be copied, distributed, or disclosed without prior written permission. This guide is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of J.D. Edwards & Company and/or its subsidiaries. The software described in this guide is furnished under a license agreement and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the agreement. J.D. Edwards World Source Company uses automatic software disabling routines to monitor the license agreement. For more details about these routines, please refer to the technical product documentation.Table of ContentsInstalling the Solution ModelerConnecting the Solution Modeler to the Business Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Model Repository1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Opening the Business Process Model Repository5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Creating the Working Repository8OneWorld Xe (09/00)Solution Modeler InstallOneWorld Xe (09/00)1OneWorld Xe (09/00)To access English documentation updates, seehttps:///JDEContent/documentationcbt/overview/about_documentation_updates.pdf Installing the Solution ModelerThe J.D. Edwards Solution Modeler is a business process modeling tool that allows users to create a model of their business and to link tasks in the model directly to the associated OneWorld tasks. This tool is purchased separately from OneWorld, and is based on a special version of ProVision Workbench TM . The Modeler uses its builtĆin interoperability features to provide a seamless merging of the two technologies. Consequently, each Modeler task can be made to launch a OneWorld application or a windows executable.the Solution Modeler comes in two CDs, one that includes the Modeler application software and a second that includes a Business Process Model repository. To use the Solution Modeler, you must install the Solution Modeler and the model repository to your hard drive, then link the tool to the repository.Before you begin this procedure, complete the following tasks:Insert the Solution Modeler CD into the CD ROM drive on your workstation and follow the installation wizard to install the Solution Modeler on your desktop.Open Windows Explorer and copy the repository files from the repository CD to your computer.This document consists of the following tasks:-Connecting the Solution Modeler to the Business Process Model repository-Opening the Business Process Model repository-Creating the working repositoryConnecting the Solution Modeler to the Business Process Model RepositoryOnce you have installed the Modeler software and the Business Process Model repository, the next step is to link the two together.From the Menu bar, choose Repository, then Connect.On the Repository Connection Wizard, Ć Step 1 of 3, click the Browse button and select the directory where you placed the repository.3OneWorld Xe (09/00)To access English documentation updates, seehttps:///JDEContent/documentationcbt/overview/about_documentation_updates.pdf Click Next.The system begins searching for available repositories. It should find a single repository named either OneWorldXe Solution ModelsĆShared or BPMdata.On Repository Connection Wizard Ć Step 2 of 3, select the repository and click Next.Solution Modeler Install4OneWorld Xe (09/00)To access English documentation updates, seehttps:///JDEContent/documentationcbt/overview/about_documentation_updates.pdf On Repository Connection Wizard Ć Step 3 of 3, click Finish.The Solution Modeler connects to the repository. When the connection is complete, the application displays a message that you have successfully connected to the repository.Click OK.The Solution Modeler displays the repository in the Repository View window.Opening the Business Process Model RepositoryTo work with the models, complete the following procedure to open thenotebook within the repository.Solution Modeler Install6OneWorld Xe (09/00)To access English documentation updates, seehttps:///JDEContent/documentationcbt/overview/about_documentation_updates.pdf Double click the notebook named Process Models.The Repository will open and display in bold characters in the Repository View window. The Process Models notebook will open and the model will appear in the Model View window.The tool should start with the model + OneWorldxe Business Process Models" opened. If this is not the case, complete the following steps to open the model:7OneWorld Xe (09/00)To access English documentation updates, seehttps:///JDEContent/documentationcbt/overview/about_documentation_updates.pdf A.Close the current model by clicking on the x that is even with the Menu bar on upper right corner.B.In the Model Inventory window, expand the tree for Workflow Modeler.C.DoubleĆclick the model + OneWorldxe Business Process Models".The model will open in the Model Inventory window.Navigate through the model using the horizontal and vertical scroll bars.You can open any of the major process areas by selecting the down arrow on the process and then selecting Workflow Modeler".Solution Modeler Install8OneWorld Xe (09/00)To access English documentation updates, seehttps:///JDEContent/documentationcbt/overview/about_documentation_updates.pdf The model for that process opens along with the "+ OneWorldxe Business Process Models" as tabs across the bottom of the Modeler Window. Toggle between open models by clicking on the corresponding tabs.Creating the Working RepositoryThe OneWorld Business Process Models shipped with OneWorld are a set of standard solutions within OneWorld, and a pristine copy should be stored as a reference source for future development. Before modifying the models,therefore, it is important to create a copy to use as a working repository.To create the working repository:In the Repository View window, right click on the OneWorldXe Solution ModelsĆShared repository and select copy.9OneWorld Xe (09/00)To access English documentation updates, seehttps:///JDEContent/documentationcbt/overview/about_documentation_updates.pdf On Repository Copy Wizard Ć Step 1 of 3, Enter the directory name and path where the new repository will be created.The default path is C:\PVW33\DB\db0\. To associate the physical repository with the PVW repository ID, change the name of the physical repository to match the name of the repository ID. Change the default database folder "db0" to a more representative name such as "MyCompany" Repository.Press Next.On Repository Copy Wizard Ć Step 2 of 3, change the default name Repository" to the desired name.Solution Modeler Install10OneWorld Xe (09/00)To access English documentation updates, seehttps:///JDEContent/documentationcbt/overview/about_documentation_updates.pdf Click Next.On Repository Copy Wizard Step 3 of 3, click Finish and wait until the copy is complete. The program displays a message stating that the repository has been successfully created.Click OK. The new repository will appear in the Repository View.11OneWorld Xe (09/00)To access English documentation updates, seehttps:///JDEContent/documentationcbt/overview/about_documentation_updates.pdf The new repository is now ready to use. See the Solution Accelerator SuiteImplementation guide for information on how to work with models.Solution Modeler Install12OneWorld Xe (09/00)To access English documentation updates, seehttps:///JDEContent/documentationcbt/overview/about_documentation_updates.pdfIndexBBusiness Process Model Repository creating, 8opening, 5IInstalling the Process Model repository, 1OOneWorld Xe Solution Models-Shared, 3PProcess Model repository, 1 connecting to the Solution Modeler, 1 ProVision Workbench Tool (PVW), 1RRepository ID, 9SSolution Modelerconnecting to the repository, 1 Modeler Window, 8opening the business process model repository, 5setting up, 1OneWorld Xe (09/00)Solution Modeler InstallOneWorld Xe (09/00)。
Autodesk 合作伙伴 Web 服务 GetLicense 服务参考手册版本 3.0.18说明书
Revision HistoryContentsIntroduction 5 Overview (5)Supporting Resources (5)Intended Audience (5)Service Overview 6 Service Purpose (6)Service Endpoints 7 Staging (7)Production (7)Service Request & Response 8 Request (8)Response (9)Sample Requests / Responses 19 GetLicense by Serial Number (19)GetLicense with Multiple Serial Numbers and include Related Assets (20)GetLicense by Serial Number and Release (22)Generic Error (25)Formatting Standards 26 Error Messages 27 HTTP Status codes & errors (27)400 Bad Request errors (28)Appendix A: Serial Number Business Logic 29 Appendix B: Asset Status 31 Appendix C: New Fields in GetLicense v3 32TablesTable 1: Detailed JSON Request Structure (9)Table 2: Detailed JSON Response Structure (18)Table 3: HTTP Status Codes & Errors (27)Table 4: 400 Bad Request Errors (28)Table 5: Business Concepts (30)Table 6: Asset Status Descriptions (31)Table 7: New Fields in GetLicense v3 (32)FiguresFigure 1: Serial Number Business Logic (29)IntroductionOverviewThe Autodesk Partner Web Services platform is an automation solution for low-touch order placement by partners directly to Autodesk. This platform enables true B2B web service transactions between distribution partners and Autodesk.For partners to effectively implement Autodesk web services, partner developers should be familiar with RESTful web services, OAuth, and the JSON data-interchange format. Supporting ResourcesAutodesk Partner Developer Portal: The Autodesk Partner Developer Portal is a site for partner developers to build and test applications by subscribing to Autodesk Partner Web Services. The portal features a robust repository of service documentation, an ongoing conduit to the services to support partner teams, and a community to allow partner developers to share insights and information with each other. A partner administrator can invite and manage developers and keep track of all applications they create. Developers can learn and test services to help with application integration. For more information, please visit the Autodesk Partner Developer Portal.Authentication API Documentation: The Authentication API Documentation is intended to help partner developers understand and use the OAuth 2.0 industry-standard protocol for authorization required to use Autodesk Partner Web Services. The documentation provides basic information on web service integration and examples of developing a typical application. For more information, please visit the Autodesk Partner Developer Portal for the latest version of the API Authentication Guide.Intended AudienceThis guide is designed to teach architects, consultants, and developers about the Autodesk Partner Web Services platform, the onboarding process, and API implementation guidelines.Service OverviewService PurposeThe goals of version 3 of the GetLicense service are:•Enhance the response to provide more business value to partners.•Align with Partner Center Account search business visibility rules.•Make the service more efficient and scalable.Get License will be used by both VAD's and Reseller's to populate their own CRM systems, fulfill VAD to Reseller sales, and for customers to switch their subscriptions from one reseller to another.GetLicense Service is an informational service designed to return license information based on the inputs of serial number and/or product line code. Serial number is the mandatory input parameter and Product line code is optional. A participating distributor or reseller, as a part of their own business process, can submit to Autodesk a specific product serial number and have returned pertinent license information for that product.A single request message can ask for information about multiple serial numbers and up to 10 serial numbers can be served with a single request.As an improvement from previous versions of the service, version 3 more clearly identifies Industry Collections, allows to filter by release and/or to include/exclude the related assets.This service can be invoked by Distributors and Resellers. When invoked by a Non-Reseller of Record, the following fields will not be returned:•Reseller CSN•Contract Manager first name, last name, and email•Software Coordinator first name, last name, and emailPlease note that the service will return only License within the same GEO as the requesting party.Assets with status “Inactive” or “Returned” ARE NOT returned in the API Serv ice responseService Endpoints Staginghttps:///v3/license Productionhttps:///v3/licenseService Request & Response RequestThe following tables explain the schema for the Request of the GetLicense service.Please note that:•Bold denote objects and arrays•Cardinality: (M) Mandatory, (O) OptionalAutodesk® Partner WebServices GetLicense Service Reference Manual • 8* Please refer to https:///contents/files/user-guides/en/pws-api-authentication-guide.pdf for API Authentication details.ResponseThe following information represents the response schema for the GetLicense service.Please note that:Autodesk® Partner WebServices GetLicense Service Reference Manual • 9•Bold denote objects and arrays •Cardinality: (M) Mandatory, (O) OptionalSample Requests / Responses The following information are sample requests and responses to be used as reference. GetLicense by Serial NumberThe CSN should be the VAD or RoR of the serialNumber.GetLicense with Multiple Serial Numbers and include Related AssetsThe CSN should be the VAD or RoR of the serialNumbers.GetLicense by Serial Number and Release The CSN should be the VAD or RoR of the serialNumber.Generic ErrorFormatting StandardsUUID v4 – Unique, randomly generated stringhttps:///wiki/Universally_unique_identifier#Version_4_.28random.29 ISO 8601 – YYYY-MM-DD date format/iso/home/standards/iso8601.htmISO 639-1 – Two letter language code/iso/home/store/catalogue_tc/catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=22109 ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format – two letter country code form/iso/country_codesRFC 1480 – Common Format and MIME Type for Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Files https:///html/rfc4180Error MessagesHTTP Status codes & errorsThe following are all known HTTP status codes, error codes, and messages returned by the service due to a failure to authenticate, bad request, or exceeding maximum traffic allowed by the service.400 Bad Request errorsThe following are all error codes, messages, and the reason for error returned when the service produces a 400 Bad Request or 500 Internal Server Error response.Appendix A: Serial Number Business LogicFigure 1: Serial Number Business LogicTable 5: Business ConceptsAppendix B: Asset StatusAsset Status refers to one of five possible states of the associated license, being “active” assets the ones that a customer can use:* Please note that table above shows possible Asset status values, not Subscription statusAppendix C: New Fields in GetLicense v3。
Eaton EFGVS软件:Eaton消防站点监控和图形可视化软件许可安装指南说明书
DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATIONOF LIABILITYThe information, recommendations, descriptions and safety notations in this document are based on Eaton Corporation’s (“Eaton”) experience and judgment and may not cover all contingencies. If further information is required, an Eaton sales office should be consulted. Sale of the product shown in this literature is subjectto the terms and conditions outlined in appropriate Eaton selling policies or other contractual agreement between Eaton and the purchaser.THERE ARE NO UNDERSTANDINGS, AGREEMENTS, WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY, OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFICALL Y SET OUT IN ANY EXISTING CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. ANY SUCH CONTRACT STATES THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF EATON. THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BECOME PART OF OR MODIFY ANY CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES.In no event will Eaton be responsible to the purchaser or user in contract, in tort (including negligence), strict liability or other-wise for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damage or loss whatsoever, including but not limited to damage or loss of use of equipment, plant or power system, cost of capital, loss of power, additional expenses in the use of existing power facilities, or claims against the purchaser or user by its customers resulting from the use of the information, recommendations and descriptions contained here in. The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.EFGVS License installation guide Contents1. INITIAL KEY INSTALLATION (4)1.1 Obtain your Authentication Key (4)1.2 Contact Eaton (4)1.3 Installing your License Key (5)2. CHECKING YOUR EXISTING LICENSE (6)3. UPDATING YOUR LICENSE (7)Material code DescriptionEF-SITEMONITOR Monitoring software license without graphical visualisation maps including an EC0232interfaceEFGVS1-2Graphical visualisation software license 1-2 panels including an EC0232 interface EFGVS3-6Graphical visualisation software license up to 6 panels including an EC0232 interface EFGVS7-10Graphical visualisation software license up to 10 panels including an EC0232 interface EFGVS11-PLUS Graphical visualisation software license above 10 panels including an EC0232 interface EFGVS7-10-TCPIP Graphical visualisation software license up to 10 panels with TCP/IP InterlinkEFGVS11-PLUS-TCPIP Graphical visualization software license above 10 panels with TCP/IP Interlink EFGVS-DESIGN Graphical visualisation designer software license - no panel connectivityEFGVS-PREMIUMDESGN Graphical visualisation premium designer software license including an EC0232 interfaceEFGVS License installation guide1. Initial key installation1.1. Obtain your authentication keyAfter downloading the software from the Eaton website (/ fire-community), when you first run the Designer, Viewer or Site Monitor software variant, you will be prompted for a license key. The popup window will resemblethe following:Send to EatonAn important element here is the Authentication Key, which is an alpha-numeric sequence required by the Eaton employee to produce your eventual license key. This key is linked to a given computer and is automatically generated bythe computer.Before you contact Eaton, please ensure you have this key available, either written down on paper or displayed on your computer screen nearby. It should be noted that, every time you load the software, this key will change. This is normal and any of the Authentication Keys produced will still be acceptable by Eaton, providing they come from the same computer, were produced recently and that you pass other verification.1.2. Contact EatonThe next step is to contact Eaton to get a Site Reference and a License Key provided for the computer on which the software is installed. We suggest you send an email message to MVDO-Fire-T******************** with your license key request, including the Authentication Key mentioned in section 2.In order to accelerate the process, you should also provide the following information:•Y our company name and customer ID reference (on the order acknowledgment)•Y our company address •The order reference•The order date (format YYYY -MM-DD)•The order code(s) for the license(s) you have purchased with the quantity for each reference if several.•Site/Project nameIf your request is urgent, you can place a phone call to +44 (0)1302 303350.otee:N Note: If you have any question related to this section please contact your local Eaton representative who can liaise with our central technical support team. They will insure that your software license key is generated rapidly.1.3. Installing your license keyOnce you have received your actual License Key and Site Reference, you should enter them as shown below:Please ensure you enter the site reference and license key precisely in the same format you were provided. We recommend these are copied and pasted (from the email message) into the software if possible. Remember, it is OK if the Authentication Key is different from the one you sent to Eaton.When done, please click on Register and Continue . The software will now load and can be used.Received back from EatonClick when theKey is acceptedEFGVS License installation guide2. Checking your existing licenseIf you want to check the status of your existing license, you can do this by selecting the About option in the Help drop down menu. This is available in all three applications (Designer, Viewer and Site Monitor) and in the same location. On this screen, you will see your current license key along with other details about your license. Any time you contact Eaton regarding your current license, you will be asked for your license key. If you need to send your license key by email, you can selectthe key with your mouse like normal text and then copy and paste it into an email.EFGVS License installation guide3. Updating your LicenseIf your license expires, you will be automatically prompted for a new license key. However, if you request a new license key, or are issued with a new license, you can change your existing license key by selecting the Update License option in the Help drop down menu. This is available in all three applications (Designer, Viewer and Site Monitor) and in the same location. Similar to the method of installing your first license key, you will be provided a Site Reference and License Key by Eaton. Generally, you will need to provide Eaton with your current license key, soplease refer to the previous section on how to achieve this.Send to Eaton if requiredReceived back from EatonClick when theKey is acceptedEFGVS License installation guideEatonEMEA Headquarters Route de la Longeraie 7 1110 Morges, Switzerland© 2017 EatonAll Rights ReservedPrinted in UKPublication No. IB152003EN/CSSC-302 Pub Reference: PR214-212-500-01 May 2017Eaton is a registered trademark. All trademarks are propertyof their respective owners.。
1.1 伺服驱动器安装环境要求................................................................................................................................ - 1 -
.2 伺服驱动器安装.................................................................................................................................................. - 1 1.2.1 方向性..................................................................................................................................................... - 1 1.2.2 安装标准................................................................................................................................................. - 1 -
1.3 外形尺寸图(基座型).................................................................................................................................... - 2 第二章 功能概述............................................................................................................................................................ - 3 -
cad怎么安装64位的版本篇一:win8 64位系统安装AutoCAD_方法及步骤win8 64位系统安装AutoCAD_方法及步骤一直在用AutoCAD_,直到前几天弄了个新本本,预装的是64位Win8,发现_用不了了,下了个_,安装时出现vc_sp1和.net4.0出错,导致安装失败.经过N小时的百度,终于安装成功了,现写出来供参考.1. 官网下载AutoCAD___Simplified_Chinese_Win_64bit2. 下载注册机_f-autocad-kg__64,我是在这/soft/_0.html下载的3. 解压AutoCAD___Simplified_Chinese_Win_64bit英文目录下,至于为什么,我也不知道,百度大侠说的,我就怎么办了.4. 修改setup.ini文件,去掉安装vc_sp1和.net4.0的内容.因为Win8自带了.net4.0,我的机子上安装了VC++_,所以默认安装vc_sp1和.net4.0就会出错.5. 以管理员身份运行setup.e_e安装程序,这个比较简单.6. 安装完成后启动程序,直接点激活,运行注册机,输入申请码,获取注册码,就能激活了.百度上有人提示要断网,好像不行.因为我断网了,激活时要我连接网络. 注:不会改setup.ini的童鞋,请复制下面的内容替换原来的setup.ini.内容比较多,不想复制的童鞋,去下载AutoCAD_setup.ini,下载后记得要把名字改成setup.ini.[SETUP]PLATFORM=_64SETUP_CODE={D54FD_5-F651-4237-B57C-E423_40EAB6}TITLE=AcSetupRes.dll;1LOG=%tmp%\AutoCAD _ Setup.logEVALMSI=SetupRes\eval.msiPRIMARY_MSI=%platform%\acad\acad.msiSYSUPDATE=MSIRESOURCE_PATH=%lang%\SetupResLPMODE=NO_ADD_LPDEFAULTMEDIALANGUAGE=zh-CNDOCUMENT_LINK=/autocad-win-install-help-_-%setupuilang%DOCUMENT_FALLBACK_LINK=Docs\acad_install_help\inde_.htmlSYSTEMREQUIRE_LINK=/autocad-win-sys-reqs-_-%setupuilang%SYSTEMREQUIRE_FALLBACK_LINK=Docs\acad_sysreq\inde_.htmlSUPPORT_LINK=/autocad-win-readme-_-%setupuilang%SUPPORT_FALLBACK_LINK=Readme\readme.html_==================== Platform RequirementOSMAJVER=5OSMINVER=1SPMAJVER=2_==================== Install E_ecute UI SequenceE_E_SEQUENCE=ACAD;ADR_;NLM;CADM;SNAP;InventorFusion;ACFUSIONINSTALL_SEQUENCE=ADR_;NLM;CADM;SNAP;ACAD;InventorFusion;ACFUSIONUI_SEQUENCE=LaunchDlg;BeginDeploymentDlg;LicenseDlg;ProductInfoDlg;Pr oductSelectionDlg2;ACAD;InventorFusion;ADR_;CADM;SNAP;FullProgressDlg ;InstallCompleteDlg;DeploymentCompleteDlg;DeploymentFailedDlg_==================== UITOP_BANNER=SetupRes\TopBanner.pngLOADING_IMAGE=SetupRes\AutoCAD.pngBACKGROUND_IMAGE=SetupRes\AutoCAD.pngUI_MODE=_==================== Deployment InfoDEPLOYMENT_NAME=CLIENT_LOGGING=YES_==================== AdLMProdKey InfoADLM_CONFIG_FILE=Setup\AutoCADConfig.pitADLM_PIT_DLL=Setup\adlmPIT.dllADLM_VERSION=_.0.0.FADLM_TRIAL_DAYS=30_==================== Install InfoINSTALL_PATH=%ProgramFiles%\AutodeskCREATE_DESKTOP_SHORTCUT=YES_==================== Global MSI Properties[GLOBAL_MSI_PROPERTIES]_==================== ACAD[ACAD]PLATFORM=NATIVE_PREREQUISITE=IE;SSE2;DOTNET_;DOTNET4;DOTNET4LANG;DOTNET4KB2468871;VC REDIST_SP1_86;VCREDIST_SP1_64;VCREDIST_SP1_86;VCREDIST_SP1_64;DIREC T_;FaroSDK;MS_ML6;WMF95_64;CM_;CMILB_;SNAP_PREPOSTREQUISITE=ACAD_PSPACK;ADSYNCPRODUCT_NAME=AutoCAD? _PRODUCT_MESSAGE=AcSetupRes.dll;41PRODUCT_INSTALLED_INFO_MSG=AcSetupRes.dll;70PRODUCT_INSTALLED_INFO_URL=AcSetupRes.dll;71BACKGROUND_IMAGE=SetupRes\AutoCAD.pngEULA_PATH=eulaLOG=%tmp%\AutoCAD _ Install.logE_E_PATH=%platform%\acad\acad.msiE_E_PARAM=ACTION=INSTALLREMOVE_PATH=ROLLBACKABLE=YESUSE_E_TERNAL_UI=YESUSE_MEDIA=YESUI_SEQUENCE=InstallTypePage;ContentLocationPage;PathCustomizationPage ;AddAdditionalFilesPage;WorkstationSettingPage;ServicePackPageForDepl oy;ServicePackPageForInstall;InfoCenterCommCenterPage;OnlineResources PageMAINTENANCE_UI_SEQUENCE=OemPreinstallLicenseDlg;OemPreinstallProductI nfoDlg;MaintenanceDlg;AddRemoveFeaturesDlg;RepairDlg;MaintVerifyReady Dlg;FullProgressDlg;MaintCompleteDlg;MaintFailedDlgE_TRA_FEATURES=E_press_ToolsSUMMARY_FUNC=LoadSummary_ACADSUMMARY_SOURCE=SetupAcadUi.dllREADME_FILE=help\conte_thelp\readme.htm;AcSetupRes.dll;4LAUNCH_E_E=acad.e_eADMIN_INSTALL=YESE_TRA_FILES=acad;acad\_.icoDEPLOYMENTLANGUAGE=CANSPAN=1VC_FUNC=GetOSDisplayStringVC_SOURCE=Setup\AcSetup.dllVC_PARAM=2;4;/certified-hardware;/system-requi rementsVC_DESCRIPTION=Check Operate SystemLPMODE=MUIAVAILABLELANGUAGES=zh-CNDEFAULTMEDIALANGUAGE=zh-CN_==================== ACAD Language Pack[ACAD_LANGPACK]PRODUCT_NAME=AutoCAD? _ Language PackE_E_PATH=%platform%\%lang%\acad\AcadLP.msiE_E64_PATH=%platform%\%lang%\acad\AcadLP.msiADMIN_INSTALL=YESLOG=%tmp%\ACAD LangPack Install.log[ACAD_zh-CN]DISK_PROMPT=AcSetupRes.dll;_DISK_LABEL=acad__==================== ACAD Product Specific Pack[ACAD_PSPACK]PLATFORM=NATIVEPRODUCT_NAME=AutoCAD? _ Product Specific PackE_E_PATH=%platform%\%lang%\acad\AcadPS.msiE_E_PARAM=INSTALLSHORTCUTS=0ADMIN_INSTALL=YESLOG=%tmp%\ACAD PSPack Install.logLPMODE=MLD_ADRAVAILABLELANGUAGES=zh-CNDEFAULTMEDIALANGUAGE=zh-CN_==================== InventorFusion[InventorFusion]ALLOW_ADD_REMOVE=NO_PREREQUISITE=IE;DOTNET_;DOTNET4;DOTNET4LANG;DOTNET4KB2468871;VCREDIS T_SP1ATL_86;VCREDIST_SP1ATL_64;VCREDIST_SP1_86;VCREDIST_SP1_64;VCREDI ST_SP1_86;VCREDIST_SP1_64;DIRECT_;CM_;CMILB_SUBCOMPONENT=ACFUSIONPRODUCT_NAME=Autodesk? 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Fusion _PRODUCT_ICON=%platform%\InventorFusion\Application.icoPRODUCT_MESSAGE=InventorFusionUIRes.dll;6_3EULA_PATH=eulaLOG=%tmp%\Inventor Fusion _ Install.logE_E_PATH=%platform%\InventorFusion\InventorFusion.msiE_E64_PATH=%platform%\InventorFusion\InventorFusion.msiREADME_FILE=Help\Readme_INV_Fusion.htm;InventorFusionUiRes.dll;688 E_E_PARAM=EULAACCEPTED=1ACTION=INSTALLREMOVE_PATH=ROLLBACKABLE=NOREMOVE_PREV_VERSION=YESUSE_E_TERNAL_UI=YESUSE_MEDIA=YESUI_SEQUENCE=InstallTypePage;ServicePackPageForDeploy;ServicePackPageF orInstall PLATFORM=NATIVESUMMARY_FUNC=LoadSummary_ACADSUMMARY_SOURCE=SetupAcadUi.dllADMIN_INSTALL=YESE_TRA_FILES=acad;%platform%\InventorFusion\_.ico==================== AcFusion plug-in[ACFUSION]ALLOW_ADD_REMOVE=YESPRODUCT_NAME=Autodesk Inventor Fusion plug-in for AutoCAD _PRODUCT_ICON=%platform%\AcFusion\Application.icoPRODUCT_MESSAGE=InventorFusionUIRes.dll;6_8PREREQUISITE=InventorFusionLOG=%tmp%\AcFusionInstall.logE_E_PATH=%platform%\AcFusion\AcFusion.msiE_E64_PATH=%platform%\AcFusion\AcFusion.msiE_E_PARAM=ACTION=INSTALLREMOVE_PATH=ROLLBACKABLE=YESUSE_E_TERNAL_UI=YESMAINTENANCE_UI_SEQUENCE=MaintenanceDlg;AddRemoveFeaturesDlg;RepairDlg ;MaintVerifyReadyDlg;FullProgressDlg;MaintCompleteDlg;MaintFailedDlg SUMMARY_FUNC=LoadSummary_SimpleSUMMARY_SOURCE=SetupAcadUi.dllADMIN_INSTALL=YESAVAILABLELANGUAGES=zh-CNDEFAULTMEDIALANGUAGE=zh-CN=================POSTREQUISITE=ACFUSION_LANGPACKAVAILABLELANGUAGES=zh-CNDEFAULTMEDIALANGUAGE=zh-CNLPMODE=MLD_INVDEPLOYMENTLANGUAGE===================== AcFusion plug-in Language Pack[ACFUSION_LANGPACK]PRODUCT_NAME=Inventor Fusion plug-in for AutoCAD _ Language Pack E_E_PATH=%platform%\%lang%\AcFusion\AcFusionLP.msiE_E64_PATH=%platform%\%lang%\AcFusion\AcFusionLP.msiE_E_PARAM=SETUP=1篇二:将32位的CAD装在64位操作系统上的方法将32位的CAD装在64位操作系统上的方法1. 在网上下载一个64位支持包2. 解压64位支持包,里面有两个文件:acad.msi.Setup.ini,将这两个文件复制到CAD的安装包里,覆盖掉原来的两个同名文件3. 将CAD安装包里的文件夹zh-cn更名为en-us4. 在开始---控制面板---用户账号和家庭安全---用户账号---更改用户账号控制设置---把那从默认拉到〝从不通知〞,重启.5. 直接点击cad安装包里Acad.msi 安装Autocad6. 通过注册机算号激活篇三:Win7 64位 cad_.cad_+天正建筑_安装方法Win7 64位 cad_.cad_+天正建筑_安装方法Win7 64位系统安装cad_比较简单就不做解释了,不了解的直接百度吧.天正建筑8或9在win7 _64上一般只支持cad_-_版本.但cad_以上的版本加载外部参照实在太慢了,对于做景观的来说几乎不用,所以很多同事都停留在cad_这个版本上.按下面的步骤就可以在win7 64位系统上运行天正建筑_ for cad_._了.1. 安装天正建筑_ 32位版本.2. 从win_P电脑(已安装天正建筑_ 32位)复制tch_adokernel.dll,TGStart32.e_e到TARch9的目录下覆盖.可以删除tch_Adokernel.dll,TGStart64.e_e3. 修改注册表:Windows Registry Editor Version 5._[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Tangent\TArch\9.0] Location = d:\\Tangent\\TArch9 SetupLocation =[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Tangent\TArch\9.0\InitFlag] InitStart_ =dword:____InitStart_.1 =dword:____InitStart_.2 =dword:____[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Tangent\TArch\9.0\License] Mode =dword:____ Server =[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Tangent\TArch\9.0\Serial]No =he_:25,90,b7,b1,1e,81,e0,86,77,aa,c5,40,78,70,4b,7d 用记事本复制上面这些东东,保存后改后缀名为.reg,运行一下4. 这样运行TGStart32.e_e就能使用天正建筑+cad_了.右键TGStart32.e_e发送快捷方式到桌面,在桌面删除原有快捷方式,将TGStart32.e_e快捷方式改名为天正建筑_ for_.5. 打开天正建筑_ for_显示天正已经过期,并且没有左列的天正菜单.解决办法:第一步,操作〝天正建筑_完整版破解补丁〞;第二步,拷贝〝天正过期限制去除补丁1.0〞到天正建筑8或9的安装目录里,双击,运行,OK,出现ID号和需要注册码;第三步,打开〝天正8.0全系列注册机〞,将ID号复制粘贴到注册机界面的机器码,点击计算注册码,将生成的注册码复制粘贴到第二步的需要注册码处,完成.。
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LICENSING CONDITIONSFor the Deltares Delft3D distribution (hereafter: Software), including the programs FLOW, MOR, WAVE, WAQ, SED, ECO, PART, RGFGRID, QUICKIN, DIDO, QUICKPLOT, Matlab Interface, GISVIEW, GPP, TIDE and TRIANA.====================================================READ THIS AGREEMENT====================================================THIS IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PROSPECTIVE USER, EITHER AN INDIVIDUAL OR AN ENTITY, (HEREAFTER: LICENSEE) AND STICHTING DELTARES HEREAFTER: DELTARES.THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED TO YOU ON THE SUSPENSIVE CONDITION THAT YOU ACCEPT THE FOLLOWING AGREEMENT.BY CLICKING THE <I AGREE> BUTTON:1. YOU EXPRESSELY DECLARE BEING AUTHORIZED TO ACT ON BEHALF OF LICENSEE FOR THE PURPOSES OF ACCEPTING THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT (HEREAFTER "LICENSE AGREEMENT");2. LICENSEE EXPRESSLY ACCEPTS THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT AND ACCEPTS TO BE LEGALLY BOUND BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED THEREEIN.A. Terms of delivery under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 for the following programs:Hydrodynamics and Morphodynamics1. deltares_hyd.exe (FLOW)2. flow2d3d.dll/so (FLOW and MOR)3. mormerge.exe (MOR)4. wave.exe (WAVE)5. datsel.exe (FLOW)6. lint.exe (FLOW)7. kubint.exe (FLOW)8. vs.exe (FLOW)9. (WAVE)Water Quality1. dlewaq1.exe2. delwaq1_lib.dll3. delwaq2. exe4. delwaq2_lib.dll5. bloom.spe6. bloom.d097. proc_def.dat8. proc_def.defB. General terms of delivery for software licensing for all other programs in this Software plus software services by Stichting Deltares.C. Beta testing terms, for the following functionality in this Software:1. Z-layer (FLOW, MOR, WAVE, WAQ, SED and ECO)2. Non-hydrostatic (FLOW)3. Surfbeat/roller model (FLOW)4. Bubble screen (FLOW)5. Trachytopes (FLOW)6. Vegetation Point Model (FLOW)7. Current Deflecting Wall (CDW) (FLOW)8. Floating structure (FLOW)9. Skewed weir (FLOW)10. Van Rijn (2007) - TRANSPOR2004 (MOR)11. Fluid mud (MOR)12. Dynamic dune height predictor (MOR)13. Avalanche - scour (MOR)14. Event parallel morphology simulation (FLOW and MOR)15. 1D-3D coupling (FLOW and WAQ)16. Parallel computing (MPI) (FLOW and WAQ)17. Domain decomposition (WAQ)18. Remote online visualization (FLOW)====================================================A. Terms of delivery for programs under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 3====================================================1. Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011.2. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version3.3. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.4. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this Software. If not, see </licenses/>.5. All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property ofStichting Deltares. All rights reserved.====================================================B. General terms of delivery for software licensing and software services by Stichting Deltares====================================================1. General1.1 These general terms of delivery (hereinafter: Terms) form an integral partof all offers by Stichting Deltares (hereinafter: Deltares) to provide software products and related documentation (hereafter: the Program) and/or related services and apply to all agreements between Deltares and buyers of its software products and/or related services (hereafter: User).1.2 The Program is exclusively intended for the use by skilled technicians, who have experience in the relevant field and who have sufficient knowledge of the properties, possibilities, limitations and the purpose of the Program.1.3 Deltares has the right to involve third parties in the execution of the agreement.1.4 Additions, alterations or deviations of or to these Terms or to an agreement between the parties must be in written form signed by the parties.1.5 If these Terms require a written notice, then this can also include notices in digital form, i.e. per fax or e-mail, unless the context indicates otherwise. The party that chooses to make use of an electronic medium has the burden of proof if the other party states that the electronically communicated statement was not received or not received correctly.1.6 In the event that any of these Terms are declared null and void or otherwise not binding, the unaffected terms will remain unimpaired. Deltares shall replace the ineffective term by a provision that, as far as is legally possible, approximates most closely the original provision.2. Delivery of Program2.1 Delivery of a Program takes place when User receives the Program including available documentation on a data carrier, or when a written notice is sent by Deltares to User that the Program is available for downloading by User.2.2 Deltares shall deliver the most recent stable version (at the time of delivery) of the Program.2.3 Exceeding a delivery period shall not entitle User to claim damages.3. Licences and intellectual property3.1 Unless stipulated otherwise in the offer, Deltares grants User a nonexclusive, non-transferable right to use the Program, for an indefiniteperiod of time and against payment of a one-time fee.3.2 The right of use is limited to User’s own use of the Program and to the number of agreed users as stipulated in the offer. User is not authorised to grant any sublicences to the Program to third parties, or in any other way to facilitate the use by third parties.3.3 User does not have the right to modify the Program.3.4 Except as allowed by applicable law, User may not, and may not authorize any third party to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Program in wholeor in part nor create any derivative works from the Program.3.5 Deltares is entitled to take technical measures to prevent unauthorized use of the Program. User shall not remove or have removed or circumvent suchtechnical provisions or devices intended for the prevention of unauthorized use of the Program.3.6 User acknowledges that the Program is confidential in nature and may contain trade secrets of Deltares. User will keep confidential all information from Deltares of which he may reasonably suspect that it is confidential information and will not disclose such information to third parties.3.7 To the best of Deltares’ knowledge and belief, the Program does not infringe any third party copyright or any other intellectual property. Any responsibility or liability of Deltares for claims, costs, expenses and/or consequential losses or damages resulting from or arising out of any infringement of intellectual property rights is excluded.3.8 In case of (i) an apparent risk or (ii) it is alleged or proven in legal proceedings that use of the Program infringes upon any intellectual property rights of third parties, Deltares has the right, in consultation with User, but at its sole discretion, to:a. take legal action for its own account; in this event, User is obliged toallow Deltares to join or intervene in the existing proceedings;b. reach a settlement for its own account;c. within the limits of the purpose of the Program, carry out repairs and/or alterations at its own expense until the alleged or proven infringement ceasesto exist and replace free of charge the copies of files and/or documentation causing the infringement; ord. terminate the agreement and return the licence-fee to User without any other right to compensation for User.If any of the situations as referred to above in (a) through (c) occur, Deltares has the right to impose certain (temporary) user-restrictions upon User so that the infringement, at least temporarily, does no longer exist, such without any rights to compensation for User.4. Maintenance and supportIn the event maintenance and support is agreed upon, then the following applies:4.1 Deltares at all times has the right, within the purpose of the Program, to modify later versions of Program with regard to its appearance, programming, arithmetical and/or functional properties at its sole discretion.4.2 Maintenance and support of the Program consists of:a. replacing the version of the Program in use by User by the most recent stable version;b. subject to article 5.2, repairing any errors in the Program that prevent the normal operation of the Program;c. updating available documentation and providing such updated documentation to User;d. providing support to User’s users concerning the operation of the Program, limited to the number of hours specified.4.3 Notwithstanding article 4.4, User is not obliged to follow the Deltares policy regarding new versions of the Program.4.4 Deltares is not obliged to provide maintenance and support with regard to versions older than one (1) year if more recent stable versions are available. 4.5 Deltares is not obliged to provide maintenance and support concerning the Program if User uses the Program in combination with hardware and/or operating systems that do not comply with the system requirements as indicated byDeltares.4.6 Deltares is under no obligation to notify User of modifications to the Program. Normally, modifications are apparent from the documentation (if available) supplied with a new version.5. Guarantees5.1 For up to three (3) months after the date of delivery, Deltares guarantees the functioning of the Program in conformity with the accompanying documentation, if available.5.2 If errors in the Program or the documentation that prevent the normal use of the Program become apparent during the term of guarantee or during the term of maintenance, and User has immediately informed Deltares thereof, Deltares shall, in consultation with User, but at its sole discretion:a. either at its own expense carry out repairs until the error is solved in such a way that normal use of the Program is possible and/or replace, free of charge, (part of) the Program and/or documentation containing the error with therepaired one; orb. terminate the agreement unilaterally and return the distribution-fee to User, without any other rights to compensation for User.5.3 The guarantee as stated in articles 5.1 and 5.2 is the only guarantee Deltares gives on the Program. Any other guarantee is explicitly excluded. Deltares specifically does not guarantee that under all circumstances correct results can be obtained with the Program and/or that the Program is fit for solving a technical engineering problem.5.4 In the event that, before the end of the term of guarantee as stated in article 5.1, a revised version of the Program is provided on the basis ofarticle 5.2 or 5.5, Deltares gives a guarantee on the new version until thelatest of either the expiration of the original guarantee or one month after delivery of the revised version.5.5 If, according to Deltares, it becomes apparent that use of the Program may cause damage, Deltares, in consultation with User, but at its sole discretion, has the right to:a. either, within the limits of the Program’s purpose, at its own expense carry out repairs and/or alterations until the risk of damage ceases to exist and/or replace free of charge (parts of) the Program or documentation;b. impose on User temporary or permanent restrictions concerning the use of the Program, so that the risk of damage no longer exists; orc. terminate the agreement and return the distribution-fee to User without any other rights to compensation for User.5.6 All guarantees are void if User (i) has altered the Program in any way, (ii) uses or has used the Program in combination with hardware and/or operating systems that do not comply with the system requirements as indicated byDeltares, or (iii) has failed to notify Deltares in writing of defects in the Program within one (1) week of their discovery or (iv) has not paid the amounts due.6. Liability6.1 User is at all times solely responsible for the use of the Program and the interpretation and use of the results obtained with the Program, and for the consequences that arise from using these results. Deltares is not liable for damage or other expenses of any kind by User or third parties (partially or wholly) due to the use of the Program and the interpretation and the use of the results generated by the Program. This includes without limitation damage or expenses that are (partially or wholly) the result of or connected with:a. defects in the Program;b. the temporary or permanent inability to use the Program, partly orcompletely, as a result of or in connection with defects in the Program or alleged or legally proven infringements upon any rights of third parties as a consequence of the use of the Program by User.6.2 User indemnifies Deltares against any third party claim for compensation regarding damages and expenses resulting from the use of the Program by User,the interpretation of the results and/or the use of these results.6.3 Deltares’ liability arising out of default, contract, negligence, tort, breach of any statutory duty or otherwise shall be limited to direct damages, with a maximum of the total amount paid by the User excluding ‘BTW’ (Dutch VAT) in the six (6) months prior to Deltares’ default. Direct damages in this context refers exclusively to:a. reasonable costs incurred by User to have the performance of Deltares comply with the terms of the agreement (this form of damage will not be compensated if the agreement is terminated by User);b. reasonable costs incurred to establish the cause and the amount of the damage, insofar this is related to direct damage as described within these Terms;c. reasonable costs incurred to prevent or reduce damages, insofar User shows that such costs have actually led to limitation of direct damages pursuant to these Terms.6.4 Deltares shall not be liable for indirect damages, including but not limited to loss of profit and revenues.6.5 Deltares’ liability as a result of default only arises after User has given Deltares notice of default. The notice of default shall be a written statement, which gives Deltares a reasonable time to perform its obligations.7. Application Service Providing (ASP)7.1 If the functionality of the Program is supplied on the basis of ASP(=Application Service Provision) at a distance by means of a WANconnection (WAN = Wide Area Network), delivery occurs upon the provision to User of username and password that provide access to the functionality of the Program.7.2 In the case of an agreement concerning the delivery of an ASP service, articles 2.1 en 3.1 do not apply. All other Terms apply equally to agreements concerning the delivery of ASP, unless the nature of the stipulation implies otherwise.7.3 Deltares will provide reasonable efforts to make functionality of the Program available for User during Deltares office hours (8:30 a.m. to 4:30p.m.). User will immediately notify Deltares in case functionality is not available. If non availability exceeds, or threatens to exceed, the duration of a calendar week, parties can make further arrangements concerning the use of the Program.7.4 Deltares will never be liable for User’s problems regardingtelecommunication facilities, for loss of or damage to data or for the consequences of the unavailability of the ASP service.8. TrainingIn case training is agreed upon, the following applies:8.1 Cancellation of participation by User shall take place in writing. Cancellation by User until six weeks before the start of the training is free of charge. In case of cancellation between three and six weeks before the start of the training, User shall pay 50% of the agreed training fee, after three weeks before the start of the training User shall pay the full training fee.8.2 Deltares reserves the right to cancel a course. In that case Deltares shall reimburse the paid training fee.8.3 If Deltares makes available any material related to training to User, User obtains a non-exclusive and non-transferrable right for its own use of the material. User is not authorised to copy or modify the material.9. Invoices and payment9.1 User shall pay invoices within thirty (30) days after the invoice date. In the event User exceeds the payment period, User shall pay both the statutory commercial interest and collection costs without notice of default being required. In case of non-payment, Deltares may suspend maintenance and support and may require security for future deliveries or services.9.2 Any complaint raised by User regarding (the amount of) an invoice does not postpone the obligation to pay.9.3 Deltares may require User to pay in advance.10. Rates10.1 The fees and rates stated in the offers and agreements are in Euros, exclusive of BTW and other government levies, and also exclusive of dispatch costs, transport costs, travel costs, packaging costs, installation costs, communication costs, cost of agents and brokers and other costs to enabledelivery of the Program to User unless the offer explicitly states otherwise. 10.2 Deltares can change the prices at it's sole discretion. Upon request User shall receive the then current price list.11. Transfer of rights11.1 User cannot transfer its rights and obligations arising from the agreement with Deltares to a third party.11.2 In case of a merger, transfer or division of User’s organisation thatresults in a different legal entity, User must obtain written permission from Deltares to transfer the agreement that it has with Deltares to this other legal entity. Deltares shall not unreasonably withhold such permission.12. Term and termination12.1 The user can accept the agreement by either returning an offer fromDeltares signed by User or by pressing the "I Agree" button during either an online purchase or the installation of the software..12.2 When User returns an offer from Deltares signed by User, the agreement is effective at the moment Deltares receives this signed offer, unless the returned offer deviates from the initial offer of Deltares. If the returned and signed offer deviates from the original offer, the agreement becomes effective at the date of the written confirmation of Deltares of the deviating offer that User signed.12.3 In the event maintenance and support is agreed upon, this is for a periodof one (1) year. Each year, the maintenance and support agreement is tacitlyextended for a period of one (1) year, unless one of the parties terminates the agreement by means of a registered letter to the other party at the latest one (1) month before the expiration date of the agreement. Termination for convenience before the end of the term of the maintenance and support agreement is not possible.12.4 Aside from what is determined elsewhere in these Terms, a party has theright to terminate the agreement for cause per registered letter:a. if the other party defaults in its performance of obligations arising fromthe agreement and continues to do so after proper default notice, in which the other party is given a reasonable term to fulfill its obligations.b. without any prior notice or notice of default being required, in the event that the other party applies for a suspension of payment or is granted a suspension of payment; files for bankruptcy or is declared insolvent; is liquidated or ceases to exist for reasons other than a merger (in which case article 11.2 applies); a considerable extent of the other party’s property or of the Program is seized, or if the other party is considered to be unable tofulfil the obligations arising from the agreement.12.5 In the event of termination of the agreement in accordance with article 12.3, all invoiced but yet unpaid sums shall immediately be due and payable. 12.6 In the event of termination of the agreement User shall immediately (i) cease all use of the Program, (ii) delete (all copies of) the Program from the hardware and (iii) return (all copies of) the Program and the accompanying documentation to Deltares.13. Disputes and applicable law13.1 Dutch law applies to all offers and agreements of which these Terms form part.13.2 All disputes arising from offers, agreements or subsequent agreements will in first instance be brought before the competent court in The Hague, including the presiding judge in injunction proceedings (‘Kort Geding’).====================================================C. Beta testing terms====================================================1. You acknowledge that the Beta Software is in a beta release stage and is fit for testing and research purposes only and is not fit for any other use.2. The Beta Software is provided "AS IS", without warranty of any kind. You acknowledge that Deltares is under no obligation to correct any bugs, defects,or errors in the Beta Software or to otherwise support or maintain the Beta Software.3. DELTARES MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE BETA SOFTWARE. IN NO EVENT SHALL DELTARES BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF SAVINGS, OR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES.4. We welcome and encourage you to provide feedback, comments and suggestionsfor improvements to the Software ("Feedback"). You may submit Feedback on our Delft3D open source community website ( is registered with the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce Haaglanden under number 41146461, as Foundation 'Stichting Deltares'. You can contact us under tel +31 88 335 85 50 or。