An Overview of Theoretical Foundations of Computer-Aided English Writing
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An Overview of Theoretical Foundations of Computer-Aided English Writing
Zhi Jiang Liu,Zi Yu Liu
Guangxi Normal University
The practice of Computer-Aided Language Learning(CALL) in foreign language writing classes is justified by certain concepts in education.From both the cognitive and social perspectives, some theories have been forwarded in seeking to explain the bene⁃fits of writing teaching in Computer-Aided Language Learning en⁃vironment.Among them the following three theories are more in⁃fluential:the cognitive writing process theory,the constructivism-based learning theory and the collaborative learning theory.In fact,the three theoretical foundations for the instruction of college English writing in Computer-Aided Language Learning environ⁃ment are supplemental or to some extent,overlap each other.
1.Cognitive Writing Process Theory
In general,there are mainly two approaches concerning the teaching of writing,namely product approach,which focuses on the form and the end-result or product of writing,and process ap⁃proach,which puts an emphasis on the process or stages of writ⁃ing.As the research into learning process advances,people begin to view learning as a dynamic process which involves both the con⁃struction of knowledge by oneself and the interaction with the rest of the world.In light of writing,people also come to an agreement that writing should not be viewed as“solitary activity…without the possibility of interaction or the benefit of feedback,for itself makes the act of writing difficult.”(Byrne,1998:89). Generating ideas,also Computer-Aided Language Learning brainstorming,is to help writers tap their long-term memory and generate a variety of ideas pertinent to the writing topic.Focusing deals with the overall purpose of writing the article.Structuring is about deciding the outline which will guide you to present ideas in a logical way.The above three stages are conducted before the actual writing of an article,thus they form the prewriting stage which may include such activities as group discussion,brainstorm⁃ing the writing topic and the like.Drafting,the beginning of the actual writing,is to put the writer’s thought into written words for readers to read.Multiple drafts are produced with each influenced by feedback from teachers and peers.Evaluating develops in the reformulation and feedback activities,with checklists are em⁃ployed in each feedback which focuses on content,structural orga⁃nization and language of drafts for amendment.Reviewing is standing back from the draft and looking it from the comprehen⁃sive perspectives to check whether it is satisfactory essay.
To sum up,the stage-based,collaborative process writing practice enables students to focus firstly on expressing and com⁃municating their ideas without fear of form,and later polish their writing with the aid of peers or teachers.Attempting to capture the recursive,not linear,nature of writing(Raimes,1985),the cogni⁃tive writing process theory breaks down the whole writing task in⁃to its small constituent parts.In this way,writing may be seemed less daunting and more manageable to EFL writers.Furthermore, the writer-reader interactions will likely lead to a friendly-orient⁃ed atmosphere for writers to express their real thought so as to pro⁃duce writings that are substantial in content.
2.Constructivism-Based Learning Theory Constructivism is a theory about how people learn.It stands in contrast to mechanical conceptions of thinking and action,and emphasizes the learner’s role in constructing meaning,which is opposed to simple transmission from teacher to student(Duffy& Cunningham,1996).Constructivist approach to learning empha⁃sizes the learners’active participation in authentic,challenging projects that may involve their peer classmates,teachers and ex⁃perts in the learning community,where students are center of learning and the teachers or experts serve as the guides,monitors, helpers,tutors and facilitators.Students who are engaged in active learning construct knowledge by constant negotiation and then creation of meaning,instead of just reproducing what is transmit⁃ted to them.People learn best when they construct their own un⁃derstanding in a positive way.
The rapid development of computer technology has great im⁃plications for the constructivist approach to language education, which offers a tremendous amount of information,channels for cre⁃ativity and development,online environment for synchronous and