

《网络安全技术》试题 C卷(含答案)

《网络安全技术》试题 C卷(含答案)

2022~2023学年第一学期期末考试《网络安全技术》试题 C卷(适用班级:×××× )一、单项选择题(30小题,每题1分,共30分).1、按照ISO安全结构文献定义,网络安全漏洞是()A.软件程序BUGB.网络硬件设备缺陷C.成破坏系统或者信息的弱点D.络病毒及网络攻击2、《中华人民共和国网络安全法》什么时间正式施行?()A.2016年11月17日B.2017年6月1日C.2017年11月17日D.2016年6月1日3、P2DR安全模型是指策略(Policy)、防护(Protection)和响应(Response),还有()A.检测(Detection)B.破坏(Destroy)C.升级(Update)D.加密(Encryption)4、网络管理员对WWW服务器进行访问控制、存取控制和运行控制时,可在()文件中配置。

A. httpd.onfB. lilo.confC. inetd.confD.resolv.conf5、关于SSL的描述中,错误的是( )A.SSL运行在端系统的应用层与传输层之间B. SSL可以对传输的数据进行加密C.SSL可在开始时协商会话使用的加密算法D.SSL只能用于Web系统保护6、计算机病毒可以使整个计算机瘫痪,危害极大,计算机病毒是()。

A.一种芯片 B.一段特制的程序C.一种生物病毒D.一条命令7、病毒最先获得系统控制的是它的()。

A.引导模块B.传染模块C.破坏模块D.感染标志模块8、MD5消息摘要算法可以产生多少位散列值?( )A.32B.64C.128D.2569、下面关于病毒的描述不正确的是()。

A.病毒具有传染性B.病毒能损坏硬件C.病毒可加快运行速度D.带毒文件长度可能不会增加10、系统引导型病毒主要修改的中断向量是()A.INT 10H B.INT 13H C.INT 19H D.INT 21H11、身份鉴别是安全服务中的重要一环,以下关于身份鉴别的叙述不正确的是()A. 身份鉴别是授权控制的基础B. 身份鉴别一般不用提供双向认证C. 目前一跟般采用基于对称密钥或公开密钥加密的方法D. 数据签名机制是实现身份鉴别的重要机制12、数据保密性安全服务的基础是()A. 数据完整性机制B.数字签名机制C. 访问控制机制D. 加密13、一个报文的端到端传递内OSZ模型的()A. 网络层负责处理B. 传输层负责处理C.会话层负责处理D. 表示层负责处理14、PPTP客户端使用()A. TCP协议建立连接B. UDP协议建立连接C.L2TP协议建立连接D. 以上皆不是15、传输保护的网络采用的主要技术是建立在()A. 可靠的传播服务基础上的安全套接字层SSL协议B. 不可靠的传输服务基础上的S-HTTP协议C. 不可靠的传输服务基础上的S-HTTP协议D. 不可靠的传输服务基础上的安全套接字层SSL协议16、802.11使用的无线频段为()A.400MHz和800MHzB.800MHz和1800MHzC.2.4GHz和5GHzD.5GHz和8GHz17、下列无线频段、覆盖方式选择中,错误的有()A.选择2.4G频段作为AP模式时,要比5G频段覆盖性能强近1倍B.2.4G频段的信道分布中,任意相邻区域使用无频率重叠的频点,如:1、6、13频点C.可适当调整发射功率,避免跨区域同频干扰D.覆盖方式采用蜂窝式部署方式,实现无交叉频率重复使用18、现在防火墙中,最常用的技术是()A. 代理服务器技术B. 状态检测包过滤技术C. 应用网关技术D. NAT技术19、异常检测的优点不包括()A. 较少依赖特定的主机操作系统B. 能够检测出新的网络攻击C. 对越权访问行为的检测能力较强D. 技术相当成熟20、从安全属性对各种网络攻击来进行分类,截获攻击是针对()A. 对称密码技术B. 可用性技术C. 完整性技术D. 真实性技术二、多项选择题(5题,每小题3分,共15分)1、DOS按照攻击目标分类可以分为()A.节点型B. 网络连接型C. 服务器型D.网络应用型2、《中华人民共和国密码法》将密码规定为:()A.技术B.产品C.服务D.数字3、暴力破解可分为:()A.纯粹式暴力破解B.字典式暴力破解C.数字型暴力破解D.组合型暴力破解4、数字签名有两种:()A.加密和解密B.直接数字签名C.有仲裁的数字签名D.PGP数字签名5、PIX防火墙的提供了4种管理访问模式()A.非特权模式B. 特权模式C. 配置模式D. 监控模式E.接口模式三、填空题(每空1分,共15分)1.异构环境的数据库安全策略有 _______ 、 _______ 、和 _______ 。



小学三年级下册英语第三单元期中试卷(答案和解释)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题2分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Which of these animals is a mammal?A. FishB. BirdC. TigerD. Turtle2.Which of these is a type of drink?A. WaterB. ChairC. SpoonD. Plate3.Which of these is a tool?A. SpoonB. PlateC. HammerD. Chair4.Which of these is a number?A. SevenB. CarC. BookD. Chair5.Jack is going to the zoo with his family. He is excited to see the __________ because they are his favorite animals. He also wants to see the __________ because they are very big. After visiting the animals, Jack goes to the __________ to have lunch. He eats a sandwich and drinks some __________.6.I ______ (not/know) where my keys are. I ______ (look) for them everywhere, but I ______ (not/find) them yet. I hope I ______ (find) them soon.7.My school has a library with many books. I visit the library every week to borrow books. My favorite books are about space and animals. I love reading stories about planets, stars, and different creatures.8.Anna and Jack are building a sandcastle at the beach. Anna is using a __________ to dig and shape the sand, while Jack is collecting small __________ to decorate the castle. They add a little __________ to the sand to make it stick better. When they finish, they step back and look at their beautiful __________. It’s the biggest sandcastle they’ve ever made!9.Which of these is a color?A. YellowB. PlateC. TableD. Spoon10.What do we use to write on paper?A. PenB. PlateC. SpoonD. Knife11.We are studying plants in science class. Today, we learned that plants need sunlight, __, and air to grow. Our teacher showed us how to plant a __ in a small pot. We also learned how to water it and make sure it gets enough __. I can’t wait to see my plant grow taller over the next few weeks!12.My grandmother ______ (live) in a small house by the river. Every summer, we______ (visit) her and spend a week together. Last summer, we ______ (go) fishing in the river, and my brother ______ (catch) a big fish. It ______ (be) a very happy time, and we all ______ (look) forward to visiting her again.13.What is the opposite of "fast"?A. SlowB. QuickC. RapidD. Steady14.This morning, I __________ (1) to the library after breakfast. I __________ (2) a book about animals. It __________ (3) very interesting. I __________ (4) for an hour, then I __________ (5) to the café to meet my friends. We __________ (6) coffee and__________ (7) a good time.15.On my birthday last year, I __________ (invite) all my friends to a party. We__________ (play) games, __________ (eat) cake, and __________ (dance) to music. It __________ (be) the best birthday I __________ (ever) have. Everyone __________ (enjoy) the party very much.16.Tom __________ (go) to the library every weekend. He __________ (read) books about history and science. Last weekend, he __________ (borrow) a book about dinosaurs. Tom __________ (like) dinosaurs very much, and he __________ (want) to bea paleontologist when he __________ (grow) up.17.What is the opposite of "high"?A. TallB. LowC. HeavyD. Light18.Which of these is a school subject?A. soccerB. scienceC. paintingD. running19.Lily is very creative. She loves to draw and paint. Today, she is working on a picture of a beautiful __________ (1). She carefully draws the outline of the tree and then adds __________ (2) to make the tree look realistic. Lily uses her favorite color, green, tocolor the leaves, and brown for the __________ (3). After finishing the tree, Lily adds some __________ (4) in the background to make her picture look like a forest. Finally, she draws a bright __________ (5) in the sky.20.Which color is a banana?A. RedB. YellowC. GreenD. Blue21.John __________ (be) very good at math. He __________ (always / get) high marks in math tests. Yesterday, he __________ (solve) a difficult problem in class. His teacher __________ (be) so impressed that she __________ (give) him a sticker.22.My name is Lily. I __________ (be) a student. I __________ (study) in a big school. Every morning, I __________ (get) up at 7:00 and __________ (have) breakfast at 7:30. After that, I __________ (go) to school by bus. I __________ (like) my school because it __________ (be) very clean and beautiful.23.Lily is in the living room with her family. They are playing a board game. Lily moves her __________ across the board and lands on a square. Her brother moves his piece and takes a __________. The game is very fun, and they all enjoy it.24.Next week, we __________ (have) a class trip to the museum. We __________ (visit) the art exhibition and __________ (learn) about famous artists. Our teacher__________ (tell) us that we __________ (bring) a notebook to take notes. I __________ (be) very excited about the trip.25.I usually ______ (go) to school by bus, but today I ______ (walk) because the bus ______ (not/come). When I ______ (arrive) at school, my friends ______ (wait) for me. We ______ (have) a good time together. After school, we ______ (decide) to go to the library.26.Which animal lives in water?A. DogB. FishC. CatD. Bird27.Which of these is a transportation?A. AirplaneB. ChairC. PencilD. Dog28.Which of these animals is a kind of fish?A. SharkB. DogC. ElephantD. Bird29.How do you say "谢谢" in English?A. GoodbyeB. HelloC. Thank youD. Sorry30.John is in the classroom. He opens his __________ (1) and takes out a __________ (2). The teacher asks him to read a __________ (3) from the __________ (4). Afterward, he writes the answer on the __________ (5).31.Anna is in the park. She is walking her dog. The dog runs __________ and Anna has to run after it. The dog finally stops near a __________ and Anna gives it some__________ as a treat. Anna feels very __________ because she loves her dog.32.Today, we are going to the __ to buy some fruits. My mom likes to buy __ and __, while I like __ and __. After shopping, we will go to the __ to get some ice cream. My favorite flavor is __.33.I ______ (see) a movie with my friends yesterday. It ______ (be) a funny movie, and we all ______ (laugh) a lot. After the movie, we ______ (eat) dinner at a restaurant. I ______ (have) pizza, and my friends ______ (choose) pasta.34.What is the opposite of "old"?A. TallB. YoungC. SmallD. Big35.Which one is the largest animal on Earth?A. ElephantB. WhaleC. GiraffeD. Lion36.My family is going to the __________ next holiday. We will visit __________ and see many __________. I am very excited because I like __________. My brother likes __________ and my sister likes __________. We will take lots of __________ and buy __________ as souvenirs. At night, we will stay in a __________ and have __________ for dinner. I think this trip will be very __________.37.Which of these is a shape?A. SquareB. SpoonC. DogD. Chair38.Which animal is known for being very slow?A. RabbitB. SnailC. LionD. Cheetah39.My family enjoys visiting new places. Last weekend, we went to a ______. It was very ______, and we saw many interesting things, such as ancient ______ and old paintings. After the visit, we had lunch at a ______ nearby.40.Which animal is known for its roar?A. DogB. LionC. ElephantD. Tiger41.Which of these animals can fly in the sky and is often seen in the morning or evening?A. ElephantB. BirdC. LionD. Snake42.Which of these is a number?A. SevenB. DogC. CarD. Chair43.Which of these is a drink?A. WaterB. CarC. TableD. Book44.What is the opposite of "hard"?A. SoftB. TallC. FastD. Slow45.Which of these is used for writing?A. KnifeB. PenC. SpoonD. Plate46.My friend __________ (be) very good at drawing. She __________ (draw) a beautiful picture yesterday. After she __________ (finish) her picture, she __________ (show) it to me, and I __________ (think) it was amazing!47.It’s 8:00 a.m., and my brother ______ (already/get) up. He ______ (eat) his breakfast and ______ (prepare) his school bag. I ______ (still/sleep), but I ______ (wake) up soon.48.Molly is drawing a picture of her favorite animal. She uses a __________ to draw the outlines, and then she colors it with __________ and __________. Molly loves to draw animals because they are so interesting and beautiful. She plans to hang her drawing on the __________ in her room.49.Which of these animals lives in the water?A. DogB. ElephantC. DolphinD. Tiger50.We are going to the zoo tomorrow. We will see many animals, such as lions, tigers, elephants, and pandas. I am most excited to see the pandas because they are so cute! (答案及解释)。



小学上册英语第三单元综合卷(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The ______ helps us learn about science.2. A gas can be liquefied under ______ pressure.3.阅读短文,选择正确答案。

Good morning! My name is Lin Hui. I'm a student. I'm tall and thin. I have glasses. My family has four people. They are my parents,my sister and me. My mother is thin and friendly. She is a nurse. My father is tall and strong. He is a taxd driver. My sister is quiet love my family.4.The ancient Egyptians used ________ for record-keeping.5. A whale is the largest _______ in the ocean.6.The scientific study of matter and its changes is called _______.7.The capital of Italy is _______.8.The city of Nur-Sultan is the capital of _______.9.The _____ (土壤) should be rich and full of nutrients.10.The _____ (小狗) loves to chase its tail.11.My mom is my _______ because she supports me.12.The chemical formula for methanol is ______.13.Knowing when to ______ your plants is important for their health. (知道何时浇水对植物的健康很重要。



程序2 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
(5) 08是正确的整型常量。
(6) 设变量定义为 char s[ ]= “hello”则数组s中有6个元素。
(7) 若x是单精度实型变量,表达式(x=10/4)的值是2.5。
(8) 若变量已正确定义,表达式x=y=1符合C语言语法。
#include <stdio.h>
void sort( (26) )
{ int i, k, m, t;
for(i=0; i<n-1; i++) {
for (m=i+1; m<n; m++)
if ( (27) ) k=m;
#define M(x,y) x/y
printf( “%d”, M(10,2+3));
A)2 B)2.0 C)5 D)8
(15)已知字符’c’的ASCII码为99,语句printf(“%d,%c”, ‘c’, ‘c’+1);的输出为 。
int f (int n)
{ static int k, s;
n- -;
for(k=n; k>0; k- -)
return s;
void main()
{ int k;
struct line
{ int num;
struct line *next;
void main()
{ int k;
struct line *p, *head;
for(k=10; k>0; k--) {

2022年幼儿教师资格证考试《综合素质》能力测试试题C卷 附解析

2022年幼儿教师资格证考试《综合素质》能力测试试题C卷 附解析







A.开普勒B.哥白尼C.第谷D.牛顿4、“生旦净末丑”是京剧的行当,其中“净”是( )。





A.强制劝退B.批评教育C.开除学籍D.收容教育9、《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010--2020年)》在谈到“促进公平”的工作方针时,提出教育公平的重点是促进义务教育均衡发展和( )。







正确答案:(1). 安全第一原则2.建设工程施工企业以建筑安装工程造价为计提依据,其中,矿山工程的提取费用为()正确答案:(1). 2.5%3.危害和整改难度较小的事故隐患,发现后能够在3日内排除,或者无需停止使用相关设施设备、停产停业即可排除的隐患,为()级事故隐患。

正确答案:(1). 三4.依据《安全生产培训管理办法》,生产经营单位主要负责人和安全生产管理人员以欺骗、贿赂等不正当手段取得安全合格证,除撤销其相关证书,处()罚款。

正确答案:(1). 3000元以下5.竣工验收应当在工程建设项目全部完成并满足一定运行条件后()内进行。

正确答案:(1). 一年6.《国务院安委会办公室关于实施遏制重特大事故工作指南构建双重预防机制的意见》的总体思路,准确把握安全生产的特点和规律,坚持()。

正确答案:(1). 风险预控、关口前移7.特种作业操作资格证书有效期为()年,全国范围内有效。

正确答案:(1). 6年8.《企业安全生产责任体系五落实五到位规定》中关于五到位的说法不正确的是()。

正确答案:(1). 安全生产到位9."根据国外的经验与研究成果,事故应急处置全体撤离疏散的情况下,疏散的优先顺序是(),最后全部撤离。

①禁止无关人员进入即将疏散撤离的地区与场所②应急关键人员之外的所有人员③居民与群众④工作人员中的非关键人员(包括媒体人员)"正确答案:(1). ①-③-②-④10.拆除工程在施工前,应对施工作业人员进行()。

正确答案:(1). 安全技术交底11.企业应急预案要与()的应急预案保持衔接,并定期演练。

正确答案:(1). 当地政府12.从事故的定义可以知道,意外事件出现后并没有实际发生人身伤害或财产损失,这种意外事件________。



小学六年级上册英语第3单元期末试卷(答案和解释)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题2分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Which one is not a fruit?A. AppleB. BananaC. CarrotD. Orange2.Which of these animals can swim?A. DogB. FishC. BirdD. Cat3.Which of these is a kind of fruit juice?A. Orange juiceB. MilkC. TeaD. Coffee4.What do we use to draw?A. PencilB. SpoonC. KnifeD. Plate5.Which animal has a trunk?A. LionB. ElephantC. GiraffeD. Zebra6.Which of these is a time of day?A. MorningB. JanuaryC. SunD. September7.How many legs does a dog have?A. FourB. TwoC. SixD. Three8.Which one is used to eat?A. ForkB. SpoonC. KnifeD. Plate9.I ______ (not/finish) my homework yet. I ______ (plan) to finish it after dinner.10.Which sentence uses the correct subject pronoun for the word "Tom"?A. He is playing football.B. She is playing football.C. They is playing football.D. I is playing football.11.What do we call the red fruit that is often found on a sandwich?A. BananaB. OrangeC. TomatoD. Apple12.My friend _______ (invite) me to his birthday party last Saturday. We _______ (play) games, _______ (sing) songs, and _______ (eat) a lot of cake. It _______ (be) a fun party, and I _______ (give) him a nice gift.13.Which one is used to clean the floor?A. KnifeB. BroomC. ForkD. Plate14.Which one is a fruit?A. BananaB. CarrotC. PotatoD. Onion15.Which one is a vegetable?A. BananaB. AppleC. CarrotD. Grape16.How do we say "你好" in English?A. GoodbyeB. HelloC. Thank youD. Sorry17.Which one is used for writing?A. TableB. PenC. ChairD. Book18.Which animal is known for its long neck?A. ElephantB. GiraffeC. LionD. Dog19.Which of these is a time of day?A. MarchB. SummerC. MorningD. Table20.Which of these is a transport vehicle?A. AirplaneB. CupC. SpoonD. Pencil21.What do we use to write?A. PenB. SpoonC. KnifeD. Plate22.Which is a primary color?A. GreenB. OrangeC. BlueD. Purple23.What do we use to eat pasta?A. KnifeB. ForkC. SpoonD. Plate24.Which of these is used for writing?A. PenB. PlateC. SpoonD. Bag25.What is the opposite of "up"?A. DownB. FastC. HeavyD. Tall26.Every day, I ______ (walk) to school. I ______ (leave) my house at 7:30 a.m. and ______ (arrive) at school at 8:00 a.m. Yesterday, I ______ (leave) a bit late and ______ (miss) the bus. I ______ (run) to school and ______ (arrive) just in time.27.Which one is a day of the week?A. JanuaryB. SundayC. DecemberD. Summer28.What is the past tense of "go"?A. GoedB. WentC. GoingD. Gone29.What do we use to write?A. SpoonB. PenC. PlateD. Shoe30.Which of the following is a color?A. DogB. RedC. EatD. Run31.Which one is a type of transportation?A. BicycleB. SpoonC. TableD. Shoe32.Which of these is a musical instrument?A. GuitarB. SpoonC. ChairD. Plate33.Which of these is a form of transportation?A. CarB. TableC. ChairD. Book34.Which of these is a part of the day?A. EveningB. CarC. ShoeD. Apple35.What is the name of the planet we live on?A. MarsB. EarthC. VenusD. Jupiter36.Which of these is a body part?A. HandB. ShoeC. TableD. Chair37.What is the opposite of "fast"?A. SlowB. QuickC. HardD. Strong38.We ______ (be) very excited because today ______ (be) my birthday. My parents ______ (buy) a big cake, and we ______ (invite) all of our friends. The party ______ (start) at 3:00 PM, and everyone ______ (sing) birthday songs. It ______ (be) a very fun day!39.Which animal is the largest?A. LionB. ElephantC. TigerD. Whale40.Which of these is used to clean the floor?A. BroomB. PlateC. ForkD. Knife41.This morning, I woke up early to watch the sunrise. The sky was full of beautiful __.I went outside with my camera to take some pictures. My brother came outside too and showed me a beautiful __ he found in the garden. We decided to go for a walk to the nearby __. The weather was perfect, and we had a wonderful time.42.Which one is used to write?A. SpoonB. PencilC. PlateD. Cup43.What do we use to cut paper?A. KnifeB. ScissorsC. SpoonD. Plate44.I ______ (not understand) the question in class today, so I ______ (ask) my teacher for help. She ______ (explain) it again, and I ______ (get) it this time. After class, I______ (go) to the library to read more about the topic. I ______ (find) some helpful books and ______ (feel) much more confident.45.How old are you?A. Im fine.B. Im 10 years olD.C. Im from ChinA.D. I like basketball.46.This afternoon, I am going to the library to borrow a book. I will choose a storybook because I enjoy reading about adventures. After I finish the book, I will return it to the library and choose another one.47.Which sentence uses the adverb of frequency correctly?A. I always eat breakfast in the morning.B. I eat always breakfast in the morning.C. Always I eat breakfast in the morning.D. I eat breakfast in the always morning.48.Which of these is a month?A. JanuaryB. SunC. SummerD. Tuesday49.Which of these is a shape?A. BookB. CircleC. ChairD. Table50.Which one is the opposite of "happy"?A. SadB. AngryC. ExcitedD. Nervous(答案及解释)。

《 现代物流管理 》高职期末考试试卷C 内含答案2021年 教师自主编辑

《 现代物流管理  》高职期末考试试卷C 内含答案2021年 教师自主编辑





一、单选题(共10小题,10分,每小题1 分)1、订货点采购方法适合哪类货物的采购()A、采购提前期不变的货物B、独立需求的货物C、相关需求的货物D、采购提前期变化很大的货物2、对象物所有权转移的活动称为()。

A、物流B、商流C、信息流D、资金流3、有关条码以下说法错误的是()A、条码一般表示的是物品的编码信息B、条码是一种使用不同长度的“空”和“条”按一定规则排列组成的图形符号C、目前在物流和快递行业使用最广泛的条码类型是一维Code39码D、条码扫描器的基本工作原理是发光并对接收到的反射信号进行识别4、()是指促进销售、方便使用为目的的包装A、工业包装B、运输包装C、商业包装D、通用包装5、配送是面向()服务A、起点用户B、终点用户C、中间用户D、中间厂家6、运输提供了物品位移和()的职能A、短期储存B、简单加工C、信息流转D、增值服务7、流通加工满足用户的需求,提高服务功能,成为()的活动A、一般加工B、附加加工C、必要附加加工D、高附加值8、重型货架每层载重量在()A、600kg以上B、500kg以上C、1000kg以上D、800kg以上9、下面有关集中采购和分散采购说法错误的是()A、集中采购易于稳定和供应商的关系,实现有效的长期合作B、分散采购权力分散,不利于采购成本的有效降低C、集中采购决策层次高,不易产生暗箱操作D、分散采购难以适应零星、地域性及紧急采购状况10、在经济合理区域范围内,根据客户要求,对物品进行拣选、加工、包装、分割、组配等作业,并按时送达指定地点的物流活动是()A、发货B、送货C、集运D、配送二、多选题(共 10小题,20分,每小题2分)1、下列说法错误的是()A、配送中心可以通过改善订单处理的流程,使订单处理的周期缩短B、配送就是简单的“配货”加“送货”。



计算机⽹络C卷及参考答案计算机⽹络试卷C 卷考试⽅式:闭卷考试时间:120分钟卷⾯总分:100分⼀、单项选择题(本题共20题,每题2分,共40分)1. 如果对⼀座办公⼤楼内各个办公室中的计算机进⾏联⽹,那么这个⽹络属于()A. WANB. LANC. MAND. PAN 2. TCP/IP 体系结构中与OSI 参考模型的1、2层对应的是() A. ⽹络接⼝层B. 传输层C. 互联⽹层D. 应⽤层 3.下列关于⽹络层的描述中,正确的是()A. 基本数据传输单位是帧B. 主要功能是提供路由选择C. 完成应⽤层信息格式的转换D. 提供端到端的传输服务 4. 在计算机⽹络中常⽤bps 表⽰信道的带宽。

bps 指的是() A. ⽐特每秒B. 字节每秒C. 字每秒D. 位每时5.假定某信道受奈⽒准则限制的最⾼码元速率为2000波特。


()A. 8000b/sB. 16000b/sC. 32000b/sD. 640000b/s 6. 若将主机和路由器的快速以太⽹⼝直接连接,则需要使⽤的⽹络传输媒介是()A. 控制线B. 平⾏线C. 交叉线D. 光纤 7. 使得所有⽤户在同⼀时间占⽤不同的频带宽度传送计算机数据的复⽤技术是()A. CDMAB. WDMC. TDMD. FDM8. 若PPP 的数据段中出现⽐特串“010********”,则⽐特填充后的输出为()A. 010*********B. 010*********C. 010*******D. 010*********9. 以太⽹交换机建⽴转发表时使⽤的是帧中的()A.⽬的物理地址B.⽬的IP地址C.源物理地址D. 源IP地址10. VLAN在现代组⽹技术中占有重要地位。

属于同⼀VLAN中的两台主机()A. 必须连接在同⼀交换机上B. 可以跨越多台交换机C. 必须连接在同⼀集线器上D. 可以跨越多台路由器11. 以太⽹在数据传输时使⽤的特殊的协议是()A. DIX Ethernet V2B. CSMA/CAC. 802.3标准D. CSMA/CD12. 下假定IP地址为201.14.78.65,且⼦⽹掩码是255.255.255.224,则该IP所在⼦⽹是()A. 通过什么技术,可以使得使⽤专⽤IP地址的主机可以和因特⽹中的其他主机通信()A. VPNB. NATC. RARPD. ARP14. 若⼀台主机从⼀个⽹络转移到另⼀⽹络,下列正确的是()A. 必须改变它的IP地址和MAC地址B. 必须改变它的IP地址,但不需改动MAC地址C. 必须改变它的MAC地址,但不需改动IP地址D. MAC地址、IP地址都不需改动15. 如果⽬的⽹络未列在路由器的路由表中,路由器可能会()A. 发送ARP请求以确定所需的下⼀跳地址B. 将数据报转发到ARP表所⽰的下⼀跳C. .将数据报转发到源地址所⽰的接⼝D. 将数据报从默认路由所指定的接⼝发出。



小学三年级上册英语第三单元期中试卷(答案和解释)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题2分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Which one is a day of the week?A. CarB. MondayC. AppleD. Fish2.Which of these animals is a bird?A. DogB. FishC. ParrotD. Elephant3.Which one is an animal?A. DogB. TableC. PenD. Car4.I have a pet dog named Max. He is very playful and loves to run in the yard. Every morning, I take him for a walk in the __. He likes to sniff around and greet other dogs. After the walk, we come back home, and I give him som e __ for breakfast. He’s always excited when it’s time to eat!5.Every Saturday, I help my parents clean the house. I sweep the floor and dust the furniture. My brother cleans the windows, and my sister takes out the trash. After cleaning, we have lunch together. I enjoy helping because it makes our house look nice and clean.6.My father ______ (teach) me how to ride a bike last weekend. At first, I ______ (be)a little scared. But after practicing for an hour, I ______ (feel) more confident. Now, I______ (ride) my bike every day after school.7.Which of these is used to brush teeth?A. SpoonB. ForkC. ToothbrushD. Knife8.Which one is the correct spelling?A. RecieveB. ReceiveC. RecciveD. Receve9.Which of these is an animal that lives in the ocean?A. DogB. FishC. LionD. Elephant10.I love reading books. My favorite books are about __ because I like learning new things about the world. Last week, I read a book about the solar system and how the __ moves around the sun. It was very interesting. I can’t wait to read more books about space!11.Which one is a correct sentence?A. She can plays piano.B. She can play piano.C. She can playing piano.D. She can play the piano.12.What do we use to open a door?A. KeyB. SpoonC. PlateD. Knife13.Which of these is a number?A. DogB. SevenC. ChairD. Spoon14.What is the opposite of "hard"?A. SoftB. TallC. HotD. Cold15.My father ______ (work) in a bank. He ______ (leave) for work early in the morning. This morning, he ______ (get) up at 6:00, but he ______ (be) late for work because his car ______ (break) down. He ______ (take) the bus instead.16.Which of these is a famous landmark in Italy?A. Statue of LibertyB. ColosseumC. Big BenD. Pyramids17.Which one is a color?A. GreenB. DogC. ChairD. Table18.Which one is a holiday?A. ChristmasB. MondayC. SummerD. April19.If you are in a classroom and the teacher is speaking, what should you do?A. Talk loudlyB. Listen quietlyC. Leave the roomD. Play with toys20.What is the first letter of the English alphabet?A. AB. BC. CD. DA. HatB. GlovesC. ShoesD. Scarf22.Every day, we walk to school. It is only a __ walk from my house to school. On the way, I like to see the __ on the trees and the __ flying in the sky. My little brother enjoys looking at the __ on the sidewalk.23.Your family is having dinner, and you are talking about your day. Which of the following is a polite way to tell a story?A. Interrupt others while they are speakingB. Wait for your turn to speak and tell your story calmlyC. Shout loudly so everyone can hear youD. Ignore others and only focus on your own story24.My grandmother loves gardening, and she has a beautiful garden in her backyard. There are many flowers, such as roses, daisies, and __. She also grows vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, and __. Every time I visit her, I help water the plants and pick some fresh __ for lunch.25.Peter usually ______ (go) to school by bus. But yesterday, he ______ (decide) to walk because the weather ______ (be) so nice. He ______ (leave) home early, but when he ______ (arrive) at school, he ______ (realize) that he ______ (forget) his homework.26.Which animal is known for its stripes?A. ElephantB. GiraffeC. TigerD. Lion27.Which of these is a drink?A. CakeB. WaterC. AppleD. Banana28.Which of these animals can swim?A. ElephantB. KangarooC. FishD. Dog29.How many legs does a dog have?A. FourB. ThreeC. TwoD. Five30.When we talk about something that happened regularly in the past, we use the past simple tense. This tense helps describe actions that are no longer happening in the present. For example, you might say "I visited my grandparents every weekend." Which of the following sentences uses the past simple tense correctly?A. I will visited my grandparents every weekend.B. I visits my grandparents every weekend.C. I visited my grandparents every weekend.D. I visit my grandparents every weekend.A. CalendarB. ClockC. BookD. Eraser32.Which one is the opposite of "up"?A. DownB. SideC. LeftD. Right33.What do we call a baby cat?A. PuppyB. KittenC. CalfD. Lamb34.I ______ (love) learning English because I ______ (be) good at it. Yesterday, I______ (read) a storybook in English, and I ______ (understand) most of it. My teacher ______ (be) proud of me.35.The cat is ___ the table.A. underB. onC. inD. over36.Which one is used for cleaning teeth?A. ToothbrushB. PlateC. ForkD. Spoon37.Which of these is a pet animal?A. TigerB. LionC. DogD. Elephant38.What is the opposite of "dark"?A. LightB. TallC. SmallD. Heavy39.In the evening, my family and I like to watch TV together. We often watch movies or funny shows. After the show, w e talk about what happened in the story. It’s a relaxing way to end the day.40.Which one is a number?A. SevenB. PlateC. SpoonD. Knife41.Which of these is a kind of weather?A. CloudB. ChairC. TableD. Spoon42.What do we use to cut paper?A. ScissorsB. PencilC. EraserD. Brush43.What do you need to read a book?A. PenB. PaperC. GlassesD. Shoes44.Which of these is a type of tree?A. PineB. SpoonC. CarD. Chair45.Which of these is used to watch TV?A. SpoonB. RemoteC. ForkD. Knife46.Which one is a time of the day?A. MorningB. ChairC. AppleD. Dog47.Which of these is a day of the week?A. SundayB. SummerC. JanuaryD. Morning48.My family ______ (celebrate) my birthday last weekend. We ______ (have) a big party at home. Many of my friends ______ (come), and we ______ (play) games and ______ (sing) songs. My parents ______ (give) me a wonderful present, and I ______ (feel) very happy.49.What do we use to cut food?A. KnifeB. ForkC. SpoonD. Plate50.What do we use to clean our teeth?A. SoapB. ToothbrushC. TowelD. Comb(答案及解释)。

食品安全管理员业务知识考核试题C卷 含答案

食品安全管理员业务知识考核试题C卷 含答案

市(区县) 姓名 单位 ………密……….…………封…………………线…………………内……..………………不……………………. 准…………………答…. …………题…食品安全管理员业务知识考核试题C 卷 含答案注意事项:1、考试时间:90分钟,本卷满分为100分。



一、单选题(本大题共45小题,每小题1分,共45分)1、农产品生产企业、农民专业合作经济组织未建立或者未按照规定保存农产品生产记录的,或者伪造农产品生产记录的,责令限期改正;逾期不改正的,可以处( )罚款。

A.二千元以下B.二千元以上一万元以下C.五千元以下D.二千元以上二万元以下 2、柠檬黄可以在( )。

A.所有食品品种中使用B.限定的食品品种中任意使用C.限定的食品品种中按限量使用D.所有食品品种中按标准规定的最低限量使用3、食品处理区内应设置足够数目的洗手设施,其位置应设置在( )。

A 、处理区入口处 B 、处理区的角落C 、处理区出口处D 、方便从业人员的区域4、生产经营的食品中不得添加下列哪种物质:( )。

A 、药品B 、既是食品又是药品的中药材C 、食品防腐剂D 、天然食用色素5、下列关于凉菜配制的要求中,表述错误的是( )。

A 、专间内应当由专人加工制作,非操作人员不得擅自进入专间。

B 、专间内应使用专用的设备、工具、容器,用前应消毒,用后应洗净并保持清洁。

C 、供配制凉菜用的蔬菜、水果等食品原料,未经清洗处理干净的,不得带入凉菜间。

D 、小学、特殊教育学校、托幼机构的食堂不得制售凉菜,职业学校、普通中等学校、大学食堂内可制售凉菜。

6、对发现可能存在不安全的食品,企业应组织相关人员进行分析评估,同时填写《食品安全风险分析记录表》,书面报告( )。

A.企业负责人 B.监督部门 C.乡镇街道 D.食安办7、大多数细菌都能在( )范围内快速生长繁殖,因此这个温区被称为“危险温度带”。



小学上册英语第3单元期末试卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The __________ (山区) offers great hiking trails.2.We have ___ (pizza/pasta) for dinner.3.My friend is a ______. He collects stamps.4.The ______ of an element is determined by the number of protons.5.I like to run in the _____ (公园).6.The ______ helps us learn about wildlife.7.I drink _____ (水) every day.8.The ancient Romans built _______ to honor their leaders. (雕像)9. A skunk’s spray can smell really ______ (臭).10.I want to grow a ________ that smells nice.11.What is the capital of Bermuda?A. HamiltonB. St. George'sC. Somerset VillageD. Dockyard答案:a12.What is the main source of light for Earth?A. StarsB. MoonC. SunD. Fire答案: C13.The __________ (历史的传承渠道) ensure continuity.14.The capital of Chile is __________.15. A _______ can grow in small spaces.16.I like to read ______ books in my free time.17.Atoms are held together by strong _____.18.My favorite _____ (fruit) is banana.19.What do we call the study of human societies and cultures?A. SociologyB. PsychologyC. AnthropologyD. History答案:C. Anthropology20.I have a toy _______ that can change colors.21.My family has a ______ (小狗) named Max. He is very ______ (忠诚).22.__________ are used in the food industry for preservation.23.The _______ (Black Panther Party) was formed to address racial injustice.24. A __________ is a famous site for rock formations.25.What is the tallest mountain in the world?A. K2B. Mount EverestC. KilimanjaroD. Denali答案:B26.The _____ (水分) is essential for plant health.27. A ______ (猴子) can swing from branch to branch.28.The scientist, ______ (科学家), studies how plants grow.29.The ________ (病虫害) can harm plants.30.The atomic weight of an element is measured in ______.31.I want to ______ (explore) new places.32.My friend has a ______ (猫咪) that likes to play with yarn.33.She is wearing a pretty ___. (hat)34.What do rabbits like to eat?A. MeatB. GrassC. FishD. Bread答案: B35. A shark is a powerful ________________ (捕食者).36.The capital of the Solomon Islands is __________.37. A deer uses its keen sense of smell to detect ________________ (危险).38.The country famous for its olive trees is ________ (希腊).39.My dad loves to be called ______ during family gatherings. (我爸爸喜欢在家庭聚会上被称为。



小学三年级上册英语第3单元期末试卷(答案和解释)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题2分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Which one is a vegetable?A. TomatoB. OrangeC. BananaD. Apple2.Which of these is an animal that lives in water?A. DogB. ElephantC. FishD. Cat3.Which of these is a primary color?A. OrangeB. BlueC. PurpleD. Green4.Which of these animals is a mammal?A. FishB. BirdC. DogD. Reptile5.What do you call a baby cat?A. PupB. KittenC. CalfD. Lamb6.Which one is the correct sentence?A. He don’t like pizzA.B. He doesn’t like pizzA.C. He not like pizzA.D. He no like pizzA.7.Which of these is a day of the week?A. JanuaryB. MondayC. WinterD. Christmas8.How many fingers do humans have?A. 5B. 6C. 8D. 109.What is the opposite of "hot"?A. ColdB. WarmC. HighD. Large10.Which one is a fruit?A. AppleB. CarrotC. LettuceD. Onion11.Which of these is a vehicle?A. AppleB. CarC. BookD. Chair12.What time is it if the clock shows 12:00?A. 6 oclockB. 12 oclockC. 3 oclockD. 9 oclock13.What is the name of the animal that says meow?A. DogB. CowC. CatD. Pig14.Which of these animals can fly?A. DogB. CatC. BirdD. Fish15.I ______ (see) my friend Sarah at the park yesterday. She ______ (play) with her dog. We ______ (decide) to join her, so we ______ (start) playing soccer together. It ______ (be) a lot of fun!16.Which one is a shape?A. CircleB. SpoonC. TableD. Chair17.What do we use to write on a board?A. PencilB. MarkerC. PenD. Paper18.She __ going to the park.A. isB. areC. amD. be19.What do you call a baby dog?A. KittenB. PuppyC. CalfD. Foal20.Which one is a body part?A. HeadB. SpoonC. ChairD. Plate21.Which one is the opposite of "hot"?A. ColdB. WarmC. SweetD. Sour22.Which one is a body part?A. EarB. KnifeC. PlateD. Spoon23.Which of these is a transport vehicle?A. TrainB. TreeC. StoneD. Cup24.Yesterday, I ______ (go) to the zoo with my family. We ______ (see) many animals, including monkeys, lions, and elephants. I ______ (take) a lot of photos and we ______ (have) a picnic near the lake. It ______ (be) a fun day, and we ______ (enjoy) it very much.25.What do we use to brush our teeth?A. ToothbrushB. SpoonC. PlateD. Knife26.Which of these is a season?A. SummerB. DecemberC. MorningD. Night27.What do you wear on your head?A. ShoesB. HatC. GlovesD. Pants28.Which of these is a number?A. OneB. ChairC. TableD. Spoon29.What is the opposite of "hot"?A. coldB. bigC. slowD. happy30.Which of these is used for cleaning the floor?A. MopB. KnifeC. PlateD. Cup31.He has _______ cat.A. aB. anC. theD. some32.My sister loves to play the ______. She practices every day, and she is getting better at it. She can play simple ______ now, and she is working on learning new songs. I’m very proud of her because she is very ______.33.I always ______ (brush) my teeth before bed. Last night, I ______ (brush) my teeth twice because I ______ (eat) a lot of candy.34.Which of these is a weather condition?A. RainB. BookC. PlateD. Spoon35.Which of these is a country?A. FranceB. SpoonC. ChairD. Table36.What do we use to cut paper?A. ScissorsB. ForkC. KnifeD. Spoon37.We are going to the zoo tomorrow. We will see many animals, such as lions, tigers, elephants, and pandas. I am most excited to see the pandas because they are so cute!38.We ______ (have) a test yesterday. I ______ (study) for the test all week. When I ______ (take) the test, I ______ (feel) confident.39.What do you use to cut paper?A. ScissorsB. KnifeC. SpoonD. Fork40.My family likes to travel. Last summer, we went to the beach. The weather was __ and the sea was very blue. We swam in the ocean, built sandcastles, and collected seashells. In the evening, we watched the sunset and had a picnic on the beach. It was a wonderful trip.41.Which one is the correct spelling?A. SpagettiB. SpaghetiC. SpaghettiD. Speghetti42.Which of these is a time of day?A. MorningB. ChairC. SpoonD. Hat43.This is __________ dog.A. myB. IC. heD. she44.We ______ (watch) a movie last night. It ______ (be) a funny comedy, and we______ (laugh) a lot. My dad ______ (buy) some popcorn, and we ______ (eat) it while watching the film. After the movie, we ______ (talk) about our favorite parts and ______ (decide) to watch it again soon.45.How many legs does a cat have?A. 2B. 4C. 6D. 846.Which of these is a drink?A. appleB. milkC. carD. chair47.Which one is the largest animal on Earth?A. ElephantB. WhaleC. LionD. Tiger48.Which month comes after January?A. MarchB. FebruaryC. AprilD. December49.She _____ a nice dress.A. haveB. hasC. hadD. having50.Which of these is a drink?A. BreadB. MilkC. PlateD. Book(答案及解释)。



小学下册英语第3单元期末试卷(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The _____ (阳台) can be a great place for potted plants.2.What do you call a person who plays a musical instrument?A. MusicianB. ArtistC. DancerD. Composer答案:A3.The manatee is a gentle _______ (巨兽).4.I enjoy ______ (solving) puzzles.5. A sound that is too high or too low may not be ______.6.My brother is older than _______ (我哥哥比_______大).7.This ________ (玩具) helps me connect with others.8. A ______ (药草) garden can be beneficial for health.9. A butterfly starts as a ______ (幼虫).10. A _______ (小猴子) is very curious and playful.11.The __________ (花匠) knows how to care for plants.12.Cleopatra was the last active ruler of the ________ dynasty.13.The weather is ________ (晴朗) today.14.I have _______ (很多) friends at school.15. d chloride combine to make _______. (盐) Solubili16.I like to play with my friends in the ______ (公园). We have a lot of ______ (乐趣).17.The clouds look _____ (fluffy/thin).18.Recycling helps reduce waste and conserve _____.19.I like to play with my ________ (玩具名称) at the beach.20.The __________ (种子的发芽) process is fascinating.21.What is the sum of 7 and 5?A. 10B. 11C. 12D. 13答案:d22.I like to ______ (参与) in academic clubs.23.I enjoy reading ______ (小说) before bedtime. It helps me relax.24. A ______ is a geological feature that can provide insights into history.25. A polar molecule has a positive and negative ______.26.I love to _______ (参观) historical sites.27.Indicators help us determine whether a solution is _____ or basic.28. A neutral solution has a pH of ______.29.The _____ (季节) changes affect how plants grow.30. A combustion reaction requires ______.31.The ice cream is ___. (melting)32. A chemical reaction that can be reversed is called a ______ reaction.33.What is the name of the plant that grows in water?A. CactusB. Aquatic PlantC. TreeD. Grass答案:B34.The vegetables are _____ (fresh/old) at the market.35.The __________ is a well-known location for art galleries.36.The ________ was a significant turning point in the fight for freedom.37.The baby is _______ (smiling).38. A ________ is small and furry.39.How many hours are there in a day?A. 12B. 24C. 36D. 48答案: B40.The chemical formula for boron trifluoride is _____.41.Many plants have __________ (不同的) colors.42.The capital city of Nigeria is __________.43.The ________ was a famous leader who united the Mongol tribes.44.What do you call the sound a sheep makes?A. GrowlB. BleatC. RoarD. Quack答案: B45. A molecule of oxygen consists of _______ atoms.46.We go ______ (购物) for groceries every week.47.We walk to school ___. (together)48.Deserts receive very little ________.49.I love to watch the ______ (雷电) during a storm.50.The ______ (生物多样性) is essential for healthy ecosystems.51. A process that involves the absorption of energy is called an ______ process.52.We can _______ a picnic by the lake.53.What do we call a place where you can see wild animals?A. ZooB. AquariumC. FarmD. Circus答案:A54.My toy _____ can move its arms and legs.55. A ________ (植物特性研究) reveals adaptations.56.What is the name of the famous musician known for his "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band"?A. Elvis PresleyB. The BeatlesC. Michael JacksonD. Bob Dylan 答案: B57.The chemical formula for potassium permanganate is ______.58.My cousin is a ______. She loves to play with dogs.59.My ________ (玩具名称) is a reflection of my personality.60.The process of extracting metal from ore is called ______.61.What is the primary ingredient in a smoothie?A. IceB. FruitC. YogurtD. All of the above答案: D62.The first telephone was invented in _______.63.My friend is __________ (志向明确).64.The ________ is a joyous little animal.65. A __________ (花丛) can attract many different insects.66.The soup is ___. (hot)67.The ______ helps us learn about theater.68.The __________ is essential for maintaining balanced ecosystems.69.The _____ (fish/bird) is swimming.70.The _______ is home to various creatures.71.Climbing plants can grow on ______ (墙壁).72.What is the name of the famous rock formation in Arizona?A. Grand CanyonB. Monument ValleyC. Antelope CanyonD. Sedona Red Rocks答案: A. Grand Canyon73.What do you call the main character in a story or play?A. ProtagonistB. AntagonistC. Supporting characterD. Narrator答案:A74.The first human to orbit the Earth was ______ (尤里·加加林).75.What type of animal is a goldfish?A. MammalB. BirdC. ReptileD. Fish答案:D76.My sister is a _____ (演员) who participates in community theater.77.My dad teaches me how to ______ (骑自行车). I am learning to balance and pedal.78.We play ______ (滑板) at the park.79.We made a ________ from leaves.80.My sister is my best _______ who is always ready to help.81. A ________ (植物观察报告) documents findings.82.My mom is a fantastic __________ (谈话者).83.The ancient Egyptians believed in the afterlife and were buried with ________ (财宝).84.The ferret is very playful and likes to ______ (打滚).85. A __________ is a place where you can see the stars.86.The phone is ________ ringing.87.The chemical formula for neptunium dioxide is _____.88.At night, I like to look at the _______ (天体). They are beautiful and _______ (形容词).89.I enjoy painting ________ (水彩画) in art class.90.The capital city of Saint Kitts and Nevis is __________.91.This is my ______. She works at the hospital.92.The water is ________ in the pool.93.I enjoy visiting the ________ (自然历史博物馆).94.In ________, the Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg.95.The __________ (科技进步) have changed the course of history.96.I want to _____ (去) the zoo.97.My cousin is very __________ (善于沟通).98.The chemical symbol for krypton is ______.99.The sun is shining ___ (bright/dim).100.I want to ________ (lead) a team.。



小学上册英语第三单元期末试卷(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1. A _______ can help visualize the concept of thermal energy.2.My mom is cooking ________ for dinner.3.My friend is __________ (非常创新).4.The chemical formula for magnesium chloride is ______.5. A reaction involving the transfer of electrons is called a ______ reaction.6.The _____ (植物细胞) are unique to plants.7.The sun is shining ________ today.8.The ______ (果实) of a plant can be eaten or used for seeds.9.The playground is full of ______.10.The __________ is a large area of frozen ocean. (北冰洋)11.The process of condensation occurs when a gas turns into a _______.12. A _______ (海豚) is very intelligent.13.My grandma is my favorite _______ who tells stories.14.The _____ (植物变化) can signal environmental shifts.15.I enjoy reading ________ (故事书) before I go to sleep. My favorite book is abouta ________ (小女孩) and her adventures.16.The _______ (山羊) bleats softly.17.The ________ (computer) is powerful.18.I like _____ (ice cream).19.His favorite movie is a ________.20.The _____ can also be seen during the day.21. A chemical reaction can produce ______, gas, and heat.22.The __________ is a large area of wetlands.23.My ______ is an artist who paints beautiful pictures.24.I believe that friendship is one of the most ________ (重要的) things in life.25.The main gas given off by decomposing matter is __________.26.What do we call the large body of fresh water?A. OceanB. RiverC. LakeD. Sea答案:C27.My hamster loves to burrow into its ______ (垫料).28.Koalas eat _______ leaves.29.Substances that speed up chemical reactions without being consumed are called ________.30.The bread is _____ (fresh/stale).31.I have a _____ (拼图游戏) of an animal that I love to complete. 我有一个我喜欢完成的动物拼图游戏。



小学下册英语第3单元真题试卷[有答案]考试时间:80分钟(总分:100)A卷一、综合题(共计100题共100分)1. 选择题:How many legs does a spider have?A. SixB. EightC. FourD. Ten2. 选择题:Which holiday involves carving pumpkins?A. ChristmasB. HalloweenC. ThanksgivingD. New Year’s3. 填空题:My favorite season is __________ because of the colorful leaves. (秋天)4. 填空题:My dad loves to watch __________. (电影)5. 听力题:The candy is ______ (sweet) and colorful.6. 填空题:A _____ (鱼群) swims together.7. 听力题:A ______ is a small, flying insect.8. 听力题:The city of Singapore is the capital of _______.9. 听力题:In a chemical reaction, substances are called _______.10. 填空题:The seahorse swims in a ______ (海洋).11. 选择题:What do we call a period of ten years?A. CenturyB. DecadeC. YearD. Millennium12. 选择题:What do you call the large area of flat land with few trees?A. DesertB. PlainsC. MountainD. Valley13. 听力题:Salt is made from the combination of sodium and ______.14. 选择题:What is 10 + 5?A. 12B. 14C. 15D. 16答案: C15. 填空题:The octopus can taste with its ______ (触手).16. 选择题:What is the primary purpose of a library?A. Store foodB. Provide booksC. Offer classesD. Display art答案:B17. 听力题:The capital of Georgia is _______.18. topography) describes the shape and features of land. 填空题:The ____19. 填空题:The _____ (兔子) has long ears and a fluffy tail.20. 听力题:My mom enjoys organizing ____ (family events).21. ers are favored for their vibrant ______ and ability to attract visitors. (某些花因其鲜艳的颜色和吸引游客的能力而受到青睐。

2022年下半年司法考试(试卷三)考前练习试题C卷 附答案

2022年下半年司法考试(试卷三)考前练习试题C卷 附答案












小学下册英语第三单元真题试卷(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The fall of the Roman Empire happened in _____.2.Fire requires fuel, oxygen, and ______.3.The __________ (历史的艺术作品) tell stories of the past.4. A _____ is a group of stars that forms a pattern.5.What is the name of the famous wizarding school in Harry Potter?A. HogwartsB. DurmstrangC. BeauxbatonsD. Ilvermorny答案: A6.The __________ (历史的印记) leaves a legacy.7.What is the name of the princess in "Frozen"?A. ArielB. BelleC. ElsaD. Moana答案:C8.What do you call the process of water turning into vapor?A. CondensationB. EvaporationC. PrecipitationD. Collection答案: B9.What do we call a person who studies the behavior of animals?A. EthologistB. BiologistC. ZoologistD. Ecologist答案: A10.The ________ (invitation) is for a party.11.I call my friend’s dog __________. (狗狗的名字)12.I enjoy _____ (reading/writing) stories.13.We have ___ (gym/music) class next week.14. A __________ is a flat area of land near a large body of water.15. A _____ (植物历史) can provide context for their importance.16.What is the capital of Spain?A. BarcelonaB. MadridC. ValenciaD. Seville答案: B17.My brother is a __________ (程序员).18.The chemical symbol for calcium is _______.19.I want to ________ (encourage) others.20.The ________ has a loud voice.21.I learned about different _____ (植物类型) in science class.22.The _____ (紫罗兰) blooms in spring.23.The Earth's surface is constantly changing due to erosion and ______.24. A cactus can survive in very _______ places.25.Certain plants provide ______ (营养) for livestock.26.What is the capital of Jamaica?A. KingstonB. Montego BayC. Ocho RiosD. Mandeville答案:A.Kingston27.Our neighbor has a ______ (马) for riding.28.I like to read stories about ________ and their adventures.29.The _____ (摄影机) takes pictures.30.The capital of Equatorial Guinea is ________ (马拉博).31.What do you call the place where you go to see animals in the wild?A. ZooB. SafariC. FarmD. Aquarium答案:B32.I write my name with a _____ (铅笔).33.The _____ is the center of our solar system.34.My sister loves to wear __________ (漂亮的衣服).35.The snow is _______ (falling) gently.36.I have a ______ for school. (schedule)37.We have a ______ (丰富的) experience in school.38.What is 5 + 5?A. 8B. 9C. 10D. 11答案:c39.My mom enjoys _______ (动词) on weekends. 她总是很 _______ (形容词).40.The _______ (Wright brothers) are credited with inventing the first airplane.41.The process of breaking down glucose is called ______.42.My sister loves fashion and wants to be a __________ (设计师).43.My brother is good at ____ (drawing) cartoons.44.Many people enjoy ______ (种植) flowers in their gardens.45.They are _____ (dancing) to music.46. A ______ is a chemical change that produces gas.47. A _______ (小花猫) loves to play with string.48.My favorite ice cream is ______.49.The _______ attracts various pollinators.50.My brother likes to learn about ____ (technology).51.I enjoy cooking with my mom. We make delicious ______ (晚餐) together.52.I enjoy ______ (与同龄人社交).53.There are many __________ (桥) connecting the cities.54.I love reading fiction books. My favorite book is __________.55.cultural identity) shapes community values. The ____56.My teacher gives us ________ (奖励) for good behavior. I always try to do my best so I can get a ________ (星星).57.The singer has a ______ (beautiful) voice.58.We will go _____ the zoo tomorrow. (to)59.What do we call the time before noon?A. AfternoonB. NightC. MorningD. Evening答案: C. Morning60. A parrot can mimic sounds it hears from its ______ (主人).61. A planet's _____ is the path it takes around the sun.62. (Globe) Theatre was associated with William Shakespeare. The ____63.The children are _____ in the classroom. (talking)64.She is wearing a ___ (yellow/blue) hat.65.My _____ (大伯) is very funny.66.Certain plants can tolerate ______ and require less care. (某些植物可以耐旱,并且需要较少的护理。



小学下册英语第3单元测验卷[有答案]英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is 11 - 7?A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 52. A ______ reaction absorbs heat from the surroundings.3.I like to ________ (explore) new ideas.4. A nuclear reaction changes the nucleus of an _______.5.I like to write ______ (剧本) for skits with my classmates. It’s a fun way to collaborate creatively.6.The goldfish swims in circles in its _________. (鱼缸)7. A ______ has a unique way of moving.8.What is the capital of Qatar?A. DohaB. Al RayyanC. Al KhorD. Lusail9.The __________ (历史的研究) continues to evolve.10.The color of an object depends on the ______ (wavelength) of light it reflects.11.Which part of the body helps us to see?A. EarsB. EyesC. NoseD. Hands12.The __________ (历史的交错) illustrates complexity.13.The _____ (cake/pie) is delicious.14.What do we call a group of stars forming a pattern?A. GalaxyB. ConstellationC. ClusterD. Nebula答案:B15. A rabbit can make great ______ (宠物).16. (Declaration) of Independence was signed in 1776. The ____17.My mom makes _____ for dinner. (pasta)18.I believe in the importance of empathy. Understanding how others feel helps us build strong connections. I practice empathy by __________ when talking to friends.19.Planting flowers can beautify our _____ (社区).20.They like to ________ on weekends.21. A _______ (马) can be very strong.22.We have a ________ (festival) every year.23.What is the main ingredient in salad?A. RiceB. LettuceC. PastaD. Bread答案:B24.The ancient Romans built roads that connected __________ (城市).25.The bird sings a beautiful _______ (鸟儿唱着美丽的_______).26.The ________ (交通) in big cities can be very busy.27. A physical change does not produce a new ______.28.What is the value of 10 + 2 5?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 8答案:B29.We are studying ______ (math) this year.30.The __________ (历史的多维性) enhances complexity.31.The rabbit has big, floppy _________. (耳朵)32.The ______ (树木的) roots spread wide underground.33. A __________ is a famous destination for birdwatching.34.What is the name of the fairy tale character who is a princess and falls asleep for 100 years?A. Snow WhiteB. RapunzelC. Sleeping BeautyD. Cinderella答案:C35.My favorite animal is a ______ (狗) that likes to play fetch.36.The __________ (全球化) has connected cultures.37.My sister enjoys learning about ____ (animals).38.What do you call the shape of a football?A. CubeB. SphereC. OvalD. Triangle39.What do you use to cut paper?A. GlueB. ScissorsC. TapeD. Ruler40.I love to eat ________.41.What do we call the daily news on television?A. MovieB. ShowC. NewsD. Documentary答案:C42.The ____ has a slender body and is often found in the grass.43.What is the name of the famous detective created by Arthur Conan Doyle?A. Sherlock HolmesB. Hercule PoirotC. Sam SpadeD. Miss Marple答案:A Sherlock Holmes44.The _____ (章鱼) has eight arms and lives in the ocean.45.I have a _____ (玩具枪) for dress-up.46.The bear catches fish in the _________. (河流)47.The __________ is a famous coastal city.48.The candy is ______ (sweet) and colorful.49.I have a special ______ (盒子) where I keep all my treasures. It is very ______ (珍贵).50.Which of these is a form of transportation?A. BicycleB. ChairC. TableD. Bed答案:A51.My favorite memory from last summer was __________. I had so much fun because __________. I hope to create more memories like that in the future!52.My favorite subject is __________. (数学)53. A ________ (猫) likes to chase after mice and can be very playful.54.of the Berlin Wall occurred in __________ (1989). The Fren55.The children are _____ in the classroom. (talking)56.I love to play with my _________ (玩具洗衣机) and pretend to do laundry.57.The flowers are ______ in the garden. (blooming)58. A kitten loves to play with ______ (线球).59.I like to ___ in the garden. (help)60.How many legs does an octopus have?A. SixB. EightC. TenD. Twelve61.My dad is a _____ (工程师) involved in construction.62.What do you call a young female elephant?A. CalfB. JuniorC. PupD. Kid答案:A63.The capital of Estonia is _______.64.What fruit is typically associated with keeping the doctor away?A. BananaB. OrangeC. AppleD. Grape答案:C65.My teacher’s name is ____.66.I want to _____ (travel/stay) home this summer.67.The __________ (南美洲) is home to the Amazon Rainforest.68.The __________ (生态友好) practices promote health.69.The symbol for nickel is _____.70.The owl uses its ______ (耳朵) to locate prey.71.I often eat dinner with my ____.72.The periodic table organizes elements by their __________.73.What do you call a baby cat?A. PuppyB. KittenC. CubD. Calf74.My dad used to play with _________ (火车模型) when he was a kid.75.I can ______ (进行) research effectively.76.The __________ can be used to classify different types of rocks.77.The _______ (兔子) has a fluffy tail.78.What do you call a person who plays golf?A. GolferB. PlayerC. AthleteD. Sportsperson答案:A79.The ______ is known for her creativity.80.The _____ (birch) tree has white bark.81.What is the name of the famous playwright from England?A. Mark TwainB. William ShakespeareC. Ernest HemingwayD. F. Scott Fitzgerald82. A solution with a pH of is considered ______.83.The book is ___. (interesting)84.The chemical formula for lithium hydroxide is _____.85.The capital of Ireland is __________.86.The __________ (历史的叙述者) play crucial roles in shaping narratives.87. A ______ (绿色植物) can improve air quality indoors.88.The __________ (历史的传递方式) influence understanding.89.Gandhi is known for leading India to ________ from British rule.90.The _____ (computer/book) is on the desk.91.The chemical symbol for scandium is ______.92.We have a toy ________ (商店名称) in our town.93.I like _____ (playing) the piano.94.The ancient Romans excelled in ________ and cultural contributions.95.I can draw with my toy ________ (玩具名称).96.The ______ helps with the production of hormones in the body.97.I saw a ________ climbing a tree yesterday.98.geomorphology) studies landforms and their processes. The ____99.How many sides does a cube have?A. FourB. FiveC. SixD. Seven100. A _______ can flourish in various conditions.。



小学上册英语第3单元真题试卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1. A _____ (生物) helps to balance the ecosystem.2.The ________ (农业与生态整合) supports biodiversity.3. A goldfish swims in its ______ (鱼缸).4.My sister loves to _______ (动词) in her spare time. 她觉得很 _______ (形容词).5.Goldfish can be orange or _________. (白色)6.The _____ (花园) is blooming with flowers.7. A _____ is an area with many trees and animals.8.The North Star is also known as ______.9.I enjoy cooking with my family. We often make __________ together.10.I love to visit ______ (科技中心) to see the latest innovations. It’s fascinating to learn about advancements.11. A spider's web is an engineering marvel for catching ________________ (猎物).12. A ______ (青蛙) can change color to blend in.13.My cat likes to climb ______ (树).14.The chemical process of digestion involves breaking down _____.15.The _____ (市场) is busy with shoppers.16.The _____ (弹珠) are colorful and fun to play with.17.The ________ can glide on the water.18.The first known civilization was in __________ (美索不达米亚).19.She is a friendly ________.20.The __________ is the layer of the earth that is partially molten.21.The chemical symbol for magnesium is ______.22.The cake is ________ and delicious.23.The __________ (历史的内容) engages different audiences.24.We visit the ______ (艺术博物馆) for inspiration.25.I love playing ______ (户外游戏) with my friends after school. It’s a great way to relax and have fun.26.What is the name of the famous American author known for "The Catcher in the Rye"?A. J.D. SalingerB. F. Scott FitzgeraldC. Ernest HemingwayD. Mark Twain答案: A. J.D. Salinger27.My favorite sport is _______ (棒球).28.What is the capital of Denmark?A. CopenhagenB. OsloC. StockholmD. Helsinki答案:A29.What color is the sun?A. BlueB. YellowC. GreenD. Red答案:B30.Photosynthesis produces glucose and ______.31. A strong acid has a pH closer to _____.32.The chemical symbol for helium is ____.33.What do we call a person who writes poetry?A. PoetB. NovelistC. EssayistD. Journalist答案: A34.The __________ (全球问题解决) requires teamwork.35. A __________ is formed through the interaction of biotic and abiotic factors.36. A crab can be found in both salt and ________________ (淡水).37.I have a collection of _______ (书籍) at home.38.The ________ (植物演替) changes ecosystems.39.Metals are typically ______ conductors of electricity.40.What is your favorite ________?41.The fireflies are _______ (glowing) in the dark.42.The library has _____ (many/few) books.43.The cake is ________ and tasty.44.I _____ (play/learn) the guitar.45.The boiling point of a liquid is the temperature at which it changes to ______.46.The _____ (mallow) flower is quite pretty.47.The capital of Vietnam is __________.48.The pH of a neutral solution is _______.49.We are going to the ______ (mall) tomorrow.50.What is the name of the famous British author who wrote "1984"?A. Jane AustenB. Charles DickensC. George OrwellD. J.K. Rowling 答案:C51.__________ (材料科学) examines the properties and applications of substances.52.What is the name of the famous palace in France?A. Buckingham PalaceB. Palace of VersaillesC. Neuschwanstein CastleD. Schönbrunn Palace答案: B53.I love the sound of ______ (音乐) while studying. It helps me focus and feel______ (轻松).54.The ________ (土著文化) is fascinating to learn about.55. A ________ (花环) is made from fresh flowers.56.What is the capital of the Czech Republic?A. PragueB. BrnoC. OstravaD. Plzeň答案: A57.My sister loves to dance. She takes ________ (舞蹈课) every week and performs at ________ (表演).58.He likes to ___ (swim/run) in the pool.59.My uncle is a skilled __________ (工程师).60.My favorite sports team is _______ (名字). 它们的表现很 _______ (形容词).61.I think teamwork is essential. In group projects, I like to __________.62.The chemical symbol for iodine is ______.63.My sister has a pet ______ (猫) that follows her everywhere.64.I enjoy ______ in the winter.65.The _______ (猫) climbs the tree.66.I enjoy spending time outdoors. Nature is beautiful, and I love activities like__________ and __________. It’s refreshing to be surrounded by trees and fresh air.67. A chemical reaction often involves a change in ______.68.What do you call the process of making something less harmful?A. MitigationB. RegulationC. ConservationD. Protection答案:A69.The movie is very ________.70.Indicators help us determine whether a solution is _____ or basic.71.The atomic model describes the structure of an _____.72.The Sun rotates on its axis every ______ days.73.What is the capital of France?A. LondonB. ParisC. RomeD. Berlin答案:B74.The __________ can provide critical insights into environmental sustainability.75.The capital of Germany is __________.76.I like to ______ (参与) in sports events.77.I saw a ______ (蜗牛) on the sidewalk.78.The chemical symbol for sodium is ______.79.We have a ______ (大) celebration for our achievements.80.What type of tree produces acorns?A. PineB. OakC. MapleD. Birch答案:b81.My dad is ________ a car.82.The capital of Antigua and Barbuda is ________ (圣约翰).83.The __________ (历史的探索) continues to reveal new truths.84.The chemical symbol for calcium is _____.85. A __________ is a type of animal that can glide.86._____ (植物适应性) showcases nature's resilience.87.What do you call a young dog?A. CatB. PuppyC. KittenD. Cub答案: B88.The ______ (生态系统) relies on plants.89.The ______ is a layer of rock that lies directly beneath the Earth's surface.90. A saturated solution has reached its ______ point.91.Mahatma Gandhi led India to independence through ______ (非暴力) resistance.92.She sings a ___ (song).93.What is the term for a baby hedgehog?A. HogletB. PupC. KitD. Chick答案:a94.Butterflies go through _______ (变形) stages.95. A reaction that produces a gas and a solid is called a ______ reaction.96.The car is ___ (red/blue).97.The _____ (city/country) is big.98. A _____ is a region of space with a lot of stars.99.She is __________ a book now.100.The first person to run a mile in under four minutes was _______. (班尼斯特)。

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1、有动态记录的档案指(C )内有符合各类服务规范要求的相关服务记录的健康档案。

A 3个月
B 6个月
C 1年
D 2年
2、我省老年人健康管理服务的对象是( B )及以上常住居民。

A 55岁
B 60岁
C 65岁
D 70岁
案的年龄为( C )。

A 6个月
B 1周岁
C 2周岁D6周岁
息后,应于( B )天内到产妇家中进行产后访视。

A. 7
3~6个月期间减轻体重( B )较适宜?
A 1~5%
B 5~10%
C 10~15%
D 15~20%
6、对高血压患者采用分级管理,且要提供每年至少(C )次面对面随访。

A 2 次
B 3 次
C 4次
D 6次

( B )
8、下列哪项不属于接种后应当告知受种者或其家长、监护人的内容?( D )
A. 受种者在接种后留在接种现场观察30分钟。

B. 如出现异常反应,及时处理和报告。

C. 预约下次接种疫苗的种类、时间和地点。

D. 如未带接种证,请其回去自己补上接种记录
9、人感染H7N9禽流感属于( B )传染病。

10、卫生监督协管人员在职业卫生咨询指导中,对发现的可疑职业病患者要( D )。


2、儿童健康管理服务中,婴幼儿6~8、18、30 月龄时应分别进行1次血常规检测。

3、孕产妇健康管理服务中,孕24-28 周应进行妊娠期糖尿病筛查。



6、体质指数(BMI)的计算公式为:体重(kg)/ 身高的平方(m2)。



9、重性精神疾病患者管理每年至少随访4 次,每次随访应对患者进行危险评估。

