RKNN Toolkit 快速上手指南说明书
福州瑞芯微电子股份有限公司密级状态:绝密( ) 秘密( ) 内部( ) 公开(√ )RKNN Toolkit快速上手指南(技术部,图形显示平台中心)文件状态:[ ] 正在修改[√] 正式发布当前版本:V1.3.0作者:饶洪完成日期:2019-12-23审核:卓鸿添完成日期:2019-12-23福州瑞芯微电子股份有限公司Fuzhou Rockchips Semiconductor Co . , Ltd(版本所有,翻版必究)更新记录版本修改人修改日期修改说明核定人V0.9.9 饶洪2019-03-25 初始版本卓鸿添V1.0.0 饶洪2019-05-08 同步RKNN-Toolkit-V1.0.0修改内容卓鸿添V1.1.0 饶洪2019-06-28 1.同步RKNN-Toolkit-V1.1.0修改内容2.新增Windows/MacOS/ARM64等平台的快速上手指南卓鸿添V1.2.0 饶洪2019-08-21 同步RKNN-Toolkit-V1.2.0修改内容卓鸿添V1.2.1 饶洪2019-09-26 同步RKNN-Toolkit-V1.2.1修改内容卓鸿添V1.3.0 饶洪2019-12-23 同步RKNN-Toolkit-V1.3.0修改内容卓鸿添目录1主要功能说明 (1)2系统依赖说明 (3)3UBUNTU平台快速上手 (4)3.1环境准备 (4)3.2安装RKNN-T OOLKIT(以P YTHON3.5为例) (4)3.3运行安装包中附带的示例 (5)3.3.1在PC上仿真运行示例 (5)3.3.2在RK1808上运行示例 (7)4WINDOWS平台(PYTHON3.6)快速上手指南 (9)4.1环境准备 (9)4.2安装RKNN-T OOLKIT (10)4.3运行安装包中附带的示例 (11)5MAC OS X平台(PYTHON3.6)快速上手指南 (14)5.1环境准备 (14)5.2安装RKNN-T OOLKIT (14)5.3运行安装包中附带的示例 (15)6ARM64平台(PYTHON3.5)快速上手指南 (17)6.1环境准备 (17)6.2安装RKNN-T OOLKIT (17)6.3运行安装包中附带的示例 (18)7参考文档 (21)1 主要功能说明RKNN-Toolkit是为用户提供在PC、RK3399Pro、RK1808、TB-RK1808 AI计算棒或RK3399Pro Linux开发板上进行模型转换、推理和性能评估的开发套件,用户通过提供的python接口可以便捷地完成以下功能:1)模型转换:支持Caffe、TensorFlow、TensorFlow Lite、ONNX、Darknet、Pytorch、MXNet模型转成RKNN模型,支持RKNN模型导入导出,后续能够在硬件平台上加载使用。
matlab遗传算法优化神经网络权值教程第4章nnToolKit神经网络工具包4.1 nnToolKit简介神经网络工具包是基于MATLAB神经网络工具箱自行开发的一组神经网络算法函数库可在MATLAB环境下均独立运行,也可打包成DLL组件,直接被VB、VC、C++ 、C#、JAVA或其他支持COM的语言所调用本工具包中增加了一些MATLAB中没有的神经网络算法,如模糊神经网络、小波神经网络、遗传神经网络算法等4.2nnToolKit函数库4.2nnToolKit函数库4.2nnToolKit函数库例4-1 对ch4\nnToolKit工具箱\lmnet文件夹中文件(input_para1.txt和output_para1.txt)提供的专家样本数据进行网络训练。
%此为BP网络训练程序function retstr =LmTrain(ModelNo,NetPara,TrainPara,InputFun,OutputFun,DataDir)NNTWARN OFFretstr=-1;ModelNo=‘1’;NetPara(1)=7;Ne tPara(2)=1;NetPara(3)=6;NetPara(4)=10;4.2nnToolKit函数库4.2nnToolKit函数库例4-2 输入一组测试样本数据,对例4-1训练的网络模型进行仿真%此为一仿真程序%首先读入权域值参数function retdouble =LmSimu(ModelNo,NetPara,SimulatePara,InputFun,OutputFun,DataDir)NNTWA RNOFF%%%% 输入参数赋值开始 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 这部分代码主要是方便用户调试用ModelNo=‘1’;NetPara(1)=7;4.2nnToolKit函数库4.2nnToolKit函数库例4-3 对ch4\nnToolKit工具箱\sofm文件夹中的数据文件(input_para1.txt)进行自组织特征映射网络训练,以便实现对其数据进行分类。
二、TCPNetKit的安装和配置1. 下载TCPNetKit软件包,并解压到指定目录。
2. 打开终端,进入TCPNetKit的安装目录。
3. 执行命令"make"进行编译。
4. 执行命令"make install"进行安装。
5. 在项目中引入TCPNetKit的头文件,并链接TCPNetKit的库文件。
三、TCPNetKit的基本使用1. 创建TCP客户端使用TCPNetKit创建TCP客户端非常简单,只需调用相应的函数即可。
```cTCPClient *client = TCPClientCreate();TCPClientConnect(client, "", 8000);```2. 发送和接收数据使用TCPNetKit发送和接收数据非常方便。
```cTCPClientSend(client, "Hello, Server!", strlen("Hello, Server!"));char buffer[1024];int length = TCPClientReceive(client, buffer, sizeof(buffer));```3. 关闭连接在完成通信后,需要关闭TCP连接。
nnToolKit用户操作手册(VC++6.0环境下调用)用户操作手册信息1序言1.1 软件概述nnToolKit 神经网络工具包是2NSOFT 依托MATLAB 神经网络工具箱自行开发的一组神经网络算法函数库,并打包成DLL组件,这些组件作为独立的COM对象,可以直接被Visual Basic、Visual C++ 或其它支持COM的高级语言所引用。
1.2 定义,缩写及术语1.3 联系我们感谢您选择广州万友人工智能软件有限公司的软件产品,在系统的安装和使用过程中如果遇到问题,请填写附录中的问题报告表格,通过如下的方式与我们联系,我们将为您提供周到满意的服务:主页:电话:传真: Email:service@通信地址:2 操作说明2.1 工具包函数1、LmTrain(ModelNo,NetPara,TrainPara,InputFun,OutputFun,DataDir)描述:Levenberg-Marquardt动量项法神经网络训练函数2、LmSimu(ModelNo,NetPara,SimulatePara,InputFun,OutputFun,DataDir)描述:Levenberg-Marquardt动量项法神经网络仿真函数3、PtrnTrain(ModelNo,NetPara,TrainPara,InputFun,OutputFun,DataDir)描述:基于L-M算法的模式识别神经网络训练函数4、PtrnSimu(ModelNo,NetPara,SimulatePara,InputFun,OutputFun,DataDir)描述:引入了竞争层的神经网络仿真函数5、SofmTrain(ModelNo,NetPara,TrainPara,DataDir)描述:自组织特征映射模型(SOM)网络训练函数,一种无教师的聚类算法6、SofmSimu(ModelNo,NetPara,SimuData,DataDir)描述:自组织特征映射模型(SOM)网络仿真函数,实现自动分类7、FitSimu(ModelNo,NetPara,SeqData,TargetData,DataDir)描述:基于最小二乘多项式曲线插值函数8、FitPoly(ModelNo,NetPara,SeqData,TargetData,DataDir)描述:基于最小二乘多项式曲线拟合函数9、FitForecast(ModelNo,InputData,DataDir)描述:时序数据预测函数10、FitDrawpic(ModelNo,NetPara,SeqData,TargetData,DataDir)描述:数据图形显示函数2.2 使用说明LmNet PF神经网络通用平台用到Levenberg-Marquardt算法,该算法在工具包中主要提供了两个函数:LmTrain和LmSimu函数,分别对应神经网络训练和仿真操作,下面将针对具体案例,详细介绍其使用方法。
neural network training(nntraintool) 的使用说明
neural network training(nntraintool) 的使用说明`nntraintool` 是一个MATLAB 中用于神经网络训练的工具。
以下是使用`nntraintool` 的一般步骤:1. 在MATLAB 中加载数据集并创建神经网络模型。
2. 使用`nntool` 命令打开`nntraintool` 工具:```matlabnntool```3. 在`nntraintool` 界面中,选择要训练的神经网络模型。
如果之前已经在MATLAB 中创建了模型,则可以从下拉菜单中选择该模型。
4. 设置训练参数:-Epochs(迭代次数):设置训练迭代的次数。
每个epoch 表示将所有训练样本都用于训练一次。
- Learning Rate(学习率):控制权重和偏差调整的速度。
- Momentum(动量):控制权重更新的惯性,有助于跳出局部最小值。
- Validation Checks(验证检查):设置多少个epoch 进行一次验证,用于监控训练过程的性能。
- Performance Goal(性能目标):设置期望的训练误差。
5. 点击"Train" 按钮开始训练。
`nntraintool` 将显示每个epoch 的训练进度和性能曲线。
6. 在训练过程中,你可以使用`nntraintool` 提供的功能来监视训练进度和性能。
7. 训练完成后,你可以保存已训练的神经网络模型,以便后续使用。
以上是使用`nntraintool` 的基本步骤。
此外,MATLAB 官方文档提供了更详细的说明和示例,可以帮助你更深入地了解如何使用`nntraintool` 进行神经网络训练。
VB调用nnToolKit神经网络工具包实现混合编程 调用nnToolKit 5.2.3 VB调用nnToolKit神经网络工具包实现混合编程
系统运行时,为何报下图所示的错误? 系统运行时,为何报下图所示的错误? 1、神经网络工具包未能正确安装。平台安装到最后时会出现一个DOS界面 (用户如果直接关掉该安装界面,将致使神经网络工具包未能安装),如 果是第一次安装,用户一般只需选择默认安装即可(回车操作),如果 以前安装过,请选择覆盖操作; 2、多次安装工具包时未能将以前的应用删除掉从而导致。如果是这种 情况,请将以前的安装过程中产生的相应文件夹(bin及toolbox)及文 件删除掉,再重新安装工具包,安装过程中最好选择默认安装; 3、系统中曾安装多个MATLAB的不同版本,如同时安装有MATLAB6.5, MATLAB7.0,则要求修改环境变量的配置信息; 4、未正确配置环境变量
VB调用nnToolKit神经网络工具包实现混合编程 调用nnToolKit 5.2.3VB调用nnToolKit神经网络工具包实现混合编程
2、在工程 中引用 nnToolKit库 nnToolKit库 点击菜单 “Project/R eferences”, eferences , 加载 nnToolKit类 nnToolKit类 型库。 型库。
2管理M文件 管理M 点击"Add File"按钮或 从"Project" 菜单中选择" Add File…" 选项,将已调 试好的神经网 络相关函数 (LmTrain.m、 LmSimu.m等) 加入到项目中。
创建nnToolKit COM组件 nnToolKit的 5.2.1 创建nnToolKit的COM组件
VB调用nnToolKit神经网络工具包实现混合编程 调用nnToolKit 5.2.3 VB调用nnToolKit神经网络工具包实现混合编程
第四课 MATLAB NN工具箱 人工神经网络理论及应用 教学课件
Net对象属性(shǔxìng):函数属性 (shǔxìng)
定义了在权值调整,初始化,性能计算或训 练时采用的算法
adaptFcn:权值/阈值(yùzhí)调整 initFcn:初始化权值/阈值(yùzhí) performFcn:性能指标函数 trainFcn:训练函数信号处理
w (k 1 ) w (k ) Δ (k w 1 )
训练函数(hánshù):traingdm 演示 :nnd12mo
MATLAB BP算法: 学习(xuéxí)速率 可变BP
(k1) k kd ine c c((k k))
J(k1)J(k) J(k1)J(k)
训练(xùnliàn)函数:traingdx 演示 :nnd12vl
25 训练周期
net.trainParam.time inf 最多训练时间
Net对象(duìxiàng)属性:权值/阈 值
基于权值和阈值属性的访问方式(fāngshì): IW 输入权值; LW 网络层权值; b 阈值(输入层+网络层)
支持以下 (yǐxià)NN模型:
感知器 BP网络 RBFN网络 竞争型网络 自组织网络 反响网络
NARX网络 (wǎngluò)
自定义网络 (wǎngluò)
MATLAB NN工具箱功能 (gōngnéng)
NNET 5.0含近200个工具箱函数,包括 (bāokuò):
பைடு நூலகம்Δ(k w ) g (k) 0
vc使用方法VC 使用方法。
VC 是一款功能强大的集成开发环境,可以帮助开发者进行C/C++ 程序的开发。
本文将介绍 VC 的基本使用方法,帮助初学者快速上手。
1. 安装 VC。
首先,你需要从官方网站下载 VC 的安装包,并按照提示进行安装。
安装完成后,打开 VC,你将看到一个简洁的界面,包括菜单栏、工具栏、编辑区和输出区。
2. 创建新项目。
在 VC 中,你可以创建新项目来进行开发。
在弹出的对话框中,选择项目类型(如控制台应用程序、Windows 桌面应用程序等),填写项目名称,点击“确定”即可创建新项目。
3. 编写代码。
VC 提供了丰富的代码编辑功能,包括代码高亮、自动补全、代码折叠等,可以大大提高编码效率。
4. 调试程序。
VC 提供了强大的调试功能,可以帮助你快速定位和解决程序中的 bug。
5. 构建和运行程序。
6. 其他功能。
除了上述基本功能外,VC 还提供了许多其他功能,如版本控制、性能分析、代码重构等,可以帮助你更好地进行程序开发和维护。
通过本文的介绍,相信你已经对 VC 的基本使用方法有了一定的了解。
当然,VC 还有很多其他功能和技巧等待你去探索和学习。
希望本文能够帮助你快速上手 VC,并顺利进行 C/C++ 程序的开发工作。
例如,在vc++中配置的包含⽬录和库⽬录有什么⽤?vc++中已经存在有包含⽬录和库⽬录的配置,为什么在C/C++和链接器还有附加包含⽬录和附加依赖项的配置,两者间有什么区别?没有兴趣阅读全⽂的可以直接看总结1. VC++下的包含⽬录、库⽬录包含⽬录:寻找#include<xxxx.h>中的xxxx.h的搜索⽬录库⽬录:寻找.lib⽂件的搜索⽬录2. 附加包含⽬录、附加库⽬录、附加依赖项1附加包含⽬录:在这⾥列出了想要搜索并使其可⽤的“包含”⽬录。
这告诉链接器在哪⾥查找库(即,要查找的⽬录)3附加依赖项:在此明确指定要包含的 .lib ⽂件。
⽤法⼀般来说,如果你使⽤ #2,你⼏乎肯定也需要使⽤ #3。
#3 告诉链接器要链接哪个库,#2 告诉链接器在哪⾥可以找到该库。
截图3. VC++下的包含⽬录、库⽬录和附加包含⽬录、附加库⽬录、附加依赖项的区别微软的定义VC++ Directories: Include Directories1. this value is inherited from the INCLUDE Windows environment variable which is defined outside of Visual Studio2. environment variables can be: global to the computer or have user level scope3. The INCLUDE and LIB environment variables are created when the Microsoft Windows SDK is installed with Visual Studio.C/C++: Additional Include Directories1. is a project level setting... you will have to define this value for every project in your solution2. this value can be persisted to source control分析最初的VC++⽬录对应于Microsoft Windows的SDK,它的变量也是Windows的环境变量(PATH),⽽C/C++中的设置不是设置环境变量,它是设置命令⾏参数的,只针对当前⼯程。
如何用C++在TensorFlow中训练深度神经网络_光环大数据培训很多人都知道 TensorFlow 的核心是构建在 C++之上的,但是这种深度学习框架的大多数功能只在 Python API 上才方便使用。
当我写上一篇文章的时候,我的目标是仅使用 TensorFlow 中的 C++ API 和 CuDNN 来实现基本的深度神经网络(DNN)。
注意,使用外部操作(exotic operations)训练神经网络是不可能的,你面临的错误最有可能就是缺少梯度运算。
目前我正在试图将 Python 上的梯度运算迁移到 C++上。
在本文中,我将展示如何使用 TensorFlow 在 C++上构建深度神经网络,并通过车龄、公里数和使用油品等条件为宝马 1 系汽车进行估价。
目前,我们还没有可用的 C++优化器,所以你会看到训练代码看起来不那么吸引人,但是我们会在未来加入的。
本文章遵从TensorFlow 1.4 C++ API 官方指南:https:///api_guides/cc/guide代码 GitHub:https:///theflofly/dnn_tensorflow_cpp安装我们会在 C++中运行 TensorFlow 框架,我们需要尝试使用已编译的库,但肯定有些人会因为环境的特殊性而遇到麻烦。
从头开始构建 TensorFlow 将避免这些问题,同时确保使用的是最新版本的 API。
首先,你需要安装bazel 构建工具,这里有安装方法:在 OSX 上 brew 就足够了:brew install bazel你需要从 TensorFlow 源文件开始构建:mkdir /path/tensorflowcd /path/tensorflowgit clone https:///tensorflow/tensorflow.git随后你需要进行配置,如选择是否使用 GPU,你需要这样运行配置脚本:cd /path/tensorflow./configure现在我们要创建接收 TensorFlow 模型代码的文件。
虽然原理说起来简单,可做起来却颇不顺利,先后遇到了一系列问题:一、无法识别编译器我最初使用的软件版本是matlab R2009a及vc2008,首先遇到的第一个问题是在matlab中使用mbuild -setup命令对matlab compile进行配置时,出现了如下结果:Please choose your compiler for building standalone MATLAB applications:Would you like mbuild to locate installed compilers [y]/n? y[1] Lcc-win32 C 2.4.1 in D:\PROGRA~1\matlab\r2008b\sys\lcc[0] None简单来说就是无法识别已安装的VC2008的编译器。
后来通过在Matlab中文论坛中查阅相关资料,用如下方法解决了该问题:>> mbuild -setupPlease choose your compiler for building standalone MATLAB applications:Would you like mbuild to locate installed compilers [y]/n? nSelect a compiler:[1] Lcc-win32 C 2.4.1[2] Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0[3] Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2003[4] Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1[5] Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express[6] Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1[0] NoneCompiler: 6The default location for Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 compilers is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0,but that directory does not exist on this machine.Use C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 anyway [y]/n? nPlease enter the location of your compiler: [C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0]D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0Please verify your choices:Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1Location: D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0Are these correct [y]/n? y按照别人的说法,出现这一问题的原因有两个:一是先安装MATLAB再安装Visual Studio;二是Visual Studio没有安装在默认路径。
nn.multiheadattention使用示例nn.MultiheadAttention使用示例深度学习领域中,自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing,NLP)是一个热门的研究方向。
为了更好地处理这类任务,谷歌的深度学习框架PyTorch 提供了nn.MultiheadAttention模块。
1. 模块介绍nn.MultiheadAttention是PyTorch中用于实现多头注意力机制的模块。
2. 使用示例为了更好地理解nn.MultiheadAttention的使用方法,我们以文本分类任务为例来进行说明。
2.1 载入数据集首先,我们需要载入文本数据集,将其转换成PyTorch可以处理的形式。
我们可以使用torchtext 库来进行数据预处理和加载。
pythonimport torchfrom torchtext.legacy import datafrom torchtext.legacy import datasets# 定义使用的文本字段text_field = data.Field(tokenize='spacy', lower=True)# 下载IMDB数据集train_data, test_data = datasets.IMDB.splits(text_field)# 构建词汇表text_field.build_vocab(train_data, max_size=10000,vectors="glove.6B.100d")# 创建数据迭代器train_iterator, test_iterator = data.BucketIterator.splits( (train_data, test_data), batch_size=32,device=torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"))2.2 定义模型然后,我们需要定义一个包含nn.MultiheadAttention模块的文本分类模型。
总结一下,最主要的是要完成下面几个步骤:1、同时安装.netframwork与MCR(matlab compile runtime)。
这个在装完 与matlab以后,前面2个组件也就安装好了。
虽然matlab help中只是说推荐,但一般的应用中,只是进行一部分函数的调用,而不是去取得整个运行结果。
4、生成一个实例,并对.net组件所输出的结果进行数据类型的转换,以符合.net 编程环境中对数据类型的要求,这个在以前我已经讲过,这里就不再多说了。
c#与matlab混合编程图解using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;using System.Runtime.InteropServices;namespace ConsoleApplication1{class Program{static void Main(string[] args){Program p = new Program();p.MatlabTest();Console.WriteLine("按任意键退出...");Console.ReadKey();}/// <summary>/// 测试C# matlab调用/// </summary>private void MatlabTest(){Console.WriteLine("正在载入matlab for .NET库......"); DotNetTest.DotNetTestclass dt = newDotNetTest.DotNetTestclass();Console.WriteLine("完成......");Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------");// 多项式int demention = 3;double[] dd = new double[demention];dd[0] = 1;dd[1] = 4;dd[2] = 6;//.Arrays.MWArray d =// .Arrays.MWNumericArray.MakeSpar se(// 1, demention,.Arrays.MWArrayComplexity.Real, demention);.Arrays.MWNumericArray d = (.Arrays.MWNumericArray)dd;Console.WriteLine("开始计算多项式:[{0}] ......",d.ToString());// 存储计算结果.Arrays.MWArray h;// 调用matlab函数计算h = dt.myroots(d);// 取得实部Array real =((.Arrays.MWNumericArray)h).ToArray(MathWorks.MAT .Arrays.MWArrayComponent.Real);string realpart = "实部列表:";foreach (double i in real){realpart += i + "\t";}// 取得虚部Array imaginary =((.Arrays.MWNumericArray)h).ToArray(MathWorks.MAT .Arrays.MWArrayComponent.Imaginary);string imaginarypart = "虚部列表:";foreach (double i in imaginary){imaginarypart += i + "\t";}Console.WriteLine(realpart);Console.WriteLine(imaginarypart);// 打印结果Console.WriteLine("计算结果:");Console.WriteLine(h.ToString());}}}C#与Matlab混合编程的几种方式1. 通过从Matlab的*.m文件中生成C语言版本的DLL具体过程:1) 在Matlab中写好一个m文件(比如一个简单的加法函数myplus.m);2) 使用Matlab的mbuild -setup选择编译器,我机器上的编译器有两个LCC 和VC2008(注意如果使用做应用的话,建议编译器选VC2008,否则C#中会告诉你DLL找不到Entry Point)3) 在命令行中使用mcc -B csharedlib:mypluslib myplus.m (如果是多个M文件,接着往后写),等待几十秒之后会生成若干文件(*.c, *.h, *.dll等), 其中.h文件中有导出的函数原型。
BP神经网络C语言代码 可以直接VC++上运行
return sum*(Maxout[0]-Minout[0]+1)+Minout[0]-1; //数据反归一化,回来到原来的值 }
void writeNeuron() {
FILE *fp1; int i,j; if((fp1=fopen("neuron.txt","w"))==NULL) {
//输入数据归一化处理 for (i = 0; i < In; i++)
for(j = 0; j < Data; j++) d_in[j][i]=(d_in[j][i]-Minin[i]+1)/(Maxin[i]-Minin[i]+1);
//输出数据归一化处理 for (i = 0; i < Out; i++)
return 0;
//测试数据 1
for (i = 0; i < Neuron; ++i) for (j = 0; j < Out; ++j){ fprintf(fp1,"%lf ",v[j][i]); }
fclose(fp1); }
void trainNetwork() {
int i,c=0;
for (i = 0; i < Data; ++i)
void computO(int var) //var 为某一个样本数据 {
int i,j; double sum,y; for (i = 0; i < Neuron; ++i) 个神经元的值 {
nn.multiheadattention使用示例 -回复
1. 什么是多头注意力机制?在介绍nn.MultiheadAttention之前,我们先简单介绍一下多头注意力机制。
2. nn.MultiheadAttention的基本用法PyTorch提供了内置的nn.MultiheadAttention模块,用于实现多头注意力机制。
我们可以通过以下代码示例来演示nn.MultiheadAttention的基本用法:import torchimport torch.nn as nn# 定义输入的维度embed_dim = 256# 创建一个MultiheadAttention实例multihead_attn = nn.MultiheadAttention(embed_dim,num_heads=8)# 构造输入数据,假设有batch_size个样本,每个样本的序列长度为seq_len,特征维度为embed_dimbatch_size = 32seq_len = 10input_tensor = torch.randn(seq_len, batch_size, embed_dim)# 将输入传入MultiheadAttention,并获取输出output_tensor, _ = multihead_attn(input_tensor, input_tensor, input_tensor)# 查看输出的形状print(output_tensor.shape)在这个示例中,我们首先创建了一个nn.MultiheadAttention的实例,指定了输入数据的维度embed_dim和注意力头的数量num_heads。
NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit RN-06722-001 _v11.1说明书
Release Notes for CUDA 11.1Table of ContentsChapter 1. CUDA Toolkit Major Components (1)Chapter 2. CUDA 11.1 Release Notes (4)2.1. CUDA Toolkit Major Component Versions (4)2.2. General CUDA (6)2.3. CUDA Tools (7)2.3.1. CUDA Compilers (7)2.3.2. CUDA Developer Tools (7)2.4. CUDA Libraries (8)2.4.1. cuFFT Library (8)2.4.2. cuSOLVER Library (8)2.4.3. CUDA Math Library (8)2.5. Deprecated Features (9)2.6. Resolved Issues (9)2.6.1. General CUDA (9)2.6.2. CUDA Tools (10)2.6.3. cuBLAS Library (10)2.6.4. cuFFT Library (11)2.7. Known Issues (11)2.7.1. cuFFT Library (11)List of TablesTable 1. CUDA 11.1 Component Versions (4)Table 2. CUDA Toolkit and Compatible Driver Versions (5)Chapter 1.CUDA Toolkit MajorComponentsThis section provides an overview of the major components of the NVIDIA® CUDA® Toolkit and points to their locations after installation.CompilerThe CUDA-C and CUDA-C++ compiler, nvcc, is found in the bin/ directory. It is built on top of the NVVM optimizer, which is itself built on top of the LLVM compiler infrastructure.Developers who want to target NVVM directly can do so using the Compiler SDK, which is available in the nvvm/ directory.Please note that the following files are compiler-internal and subject to change without any prior notice.‣any file in include/crt and bin/crt‣include/common_functions.h, include/device_double_functions.h, include/ device_functions.h, include/host_config.h, include/host_defines.h, andinclude/math_functions.h‣nvvm/bin/cicc‣bin/cudafe++, bin/bin2c, and bin/fatbinaryToolsThe following development tools are available in the bin/ directory (except for Nsight Visual Studio Edition (VSE) which is installed as a plug-in to Microsoft Visual Studio, Nsight Compute and Nsight Systems are available in a separate directory).‣IDEs: nsight (Linux, Mac), Nsight VSE (Windows)‣Debuggers: cuda-memcheck, cuda-gdb (Linux), Nsight VSE (Windows)‣Profilers: Nsight Systems, Nsight Compute, nvprof, nvvp, ncu, Nsight VSE (Windows)‣Utilities: cuobjdump, nvdisasmLibrariesThe scientific and utility libraries listed below are available in the lib64/ directory (DLLs on Windows are in bin/), and their interfaces are available in the include/ directory.‣cub (High performance primitives for CUDA)‣cublas (BLAS)‣cublas_device (BLAS Kernel Interface)‣cuda_occupancy (Kernel Occupancy Calculation [header file implementation])‣cudadevrt (CUDA Device Runtime)‣cudart (CUDA Runtime)‣cufft (Fast Fourier Transform [FFT])‣cupti (CUDA Profiling Tools Interface)‣curand (Random Number Generation)‣cusolver (Dense and Sparse Direct Linear Solvers and Eigen Solvers)‣cusparse (Sparse Matrix)‣libcu++ (CUDA Standard C++ Library)‣nvJPEG (JPEG encoding/decoding)‣npp (NVIDIA Performance Primitives [image and signal processing])‣nvblas ("Drop-in" BLAS)‣nvcuvid (CUDA Video Decoder [Windows, Linux])‣nvml (NVIDIA Management Library)‣nvrtc (CUDA Runtime Compilation)‣nvtx (NVIDIA Tools Extension)‣thrust (Parallel Algorithm Library [header file implementation])CUDA SamplesCode samples that illustrate how to use various CUDA and library APIs are available in the samples/ directory on Linux and Mac, and are installed to C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\CUDA Samples on Windows. On Linux and Mac, the samples/ directory is read-only and the samples must be copied to another location if they are to be modified.Further instructions can be found in the Getting Started Guides for Linux and Mac. DocumentationThe most current version of these release notes can be found online at http:///cuda/cuda-toolkit-release-notes/index.html. Also, the version.txt file in the root directory of the toolkit will contain the version and build number of the installed toolkit.Documentation can be found in PDF form in the doc/pdf/ directory, or in HTML form at doc/html/index.html and online at /cuda/index.html.CUDA-GDB SourcesCUDA-GDB sources are available as follows:‣For CUDA Toolkit 7.0 and newer, in the installation directory extras/. The directory is created by default during the toolkit installation unless the .rpm or .deb packageinstaller is used. In this case, the cuda-gdb-src package must be manually installed.‣For CUDA Toolkit 6.5, 6.0, and 5.5, at https:///NVIDIA/cuda-gdb.‣For CUDA Toolkit 5.0 and earlier, at ftp:///CUDAOpen64/.‣Upon request by sending an e-mail to mailto:***********************.Chapter 2.CUDA 11.1 Release NotesThe release notes for the CUDA Toolkit can be found online at /cuda/ cuda-toolkit-release-notes/index.html.2.1. CUDA Toolkit Major ComponentVersionsCUDA ComponentsStarting with CUDA 11, the various components in the toolkit are versioned independently.For CUDA 11.1, the table below indicates the versions:Table 1.CUDA 11.1 Component VersionsCUDA DriverRunning a CUDA application requires the system with at least one CUDA capable GPU and a driver that is compatible with the CUDA Toolkit. See Table 2. For more information various GPU products that are CUDA capable, visit https:///cuda-gpus.Each release of the CUDA Toolkit requires a minimum version of the CUDA driver. The CUDA driver is backward compatible, meaning that applications compiled against aparticular version of the CUDA will continue to work on subsequent (later) driver releases.More information on compatibility can be found at https:///cuda/cuda-c-best-practices-guide/index.html#cuda-runtime-and-driver-api-version.Note: Starting with CUDA 11.0, the toolkit components are individually versioned, and the toolkit itself is versioned as shown in the table below.Table 2.CUDA Toolkit and Compatible Driver VersionsFor convenience, the NVIDIA driver is installed as part of the CUDA Toolkit installation.Note that this driver is for development purposes and is not recommended for use inproduction with Tesla GPUs.For running CUDA applications in production with Tesla GPUs, it is recommended todownload the latest driver for Tesla GPUs from the NVIDIA driver downloads site at http:// /drivers.During the installation of the CUDA Toolkit, the installation of the NVIDIA driver may be skipped on Windows (when using the interactive or silent installation) or on Linux (by using meta packages).For more information on customizing the install process on Windows, see http:///cuda/cuda-installation-guide-microsoft-windows/index.html#install-cuda-software.For meta packages on Linux, see https:///cuda/cuda-installation-guide-linux/index.html#package-manager-metas2.2. General CUDA‣Added support for NVIDIA Ampere GPU architecture based GA10x GPUs GPUs (compute capability 8.6), including the GeForce RTX-30 series.‣Enhanced CUDA compatibility across minor releases of CUDA will enable CUDA applications to be compatible with all versions of a particular CUDA major release.‣CUDA 11.1 adds a new PTX Compiler static library that allows compilation of PTX programs using set of APIs provided by the library. See https:///cuda/ptx-compiler-api/index.html for details.‣Added the 7.1 version of the Parallel Thread Execution instruction set architecture (ISA).For more details on new (sm_86 target, mma.sp) and deprecated instructions, see https:// /cuda/parallel-thread-execution/index.html#ptx-isa-version-7-1 in the PTX documentation.‣Added support for Fedora 32 and Debian 10.3 Buster on x86_64 platforms.‣Unified programming model for:‣async-copy‣async-pipeline‣async-barrier (cuda::barrier)‣Added hardware accelerated sparse texture support.‣Added support for read-only mapping for cudaHostRegister.‣CUDA Graphs enhancements:‣improved graphExec update‣external dependencies‣extended memcopy APIs‣presubmit‣Introduced new system level interface using /dev based capabilities for cgroups style isolation with MIG.‣Improved MPS error handling when using multi-GPUs.‣ A fatal GPU exception generated by a Volta+ MPS client will be contained within the devices affected by it and other clients using those devices. Clients running on the other devices managed by the same MPS server can continue running as normal.‣Users can now configure and query the per-context time slice duration for a GPU via nvidia-smi. Configuring the time slice will require administrator privileges and the allowed settings are default, short, medium and long. The time slice will only be applicable toCUDA applications that are executed after the configuration is applied.‣Improved detection and reporting of unsupported configurations.2.3. CUDA Tools2.3.1. CUDA Compilers‣PTX Compiler is provided as a redistributable library.‣The following compilers are supported as host compilers in nvcc:‣GCC 10.0‣Clang CUDA Developer Tools‣For new features, improvements, and bug fixes in CUPTI, see the changelog.‣For new features, improvements, and bug fixes in Nsight Compute, see the changelog.‣Application replay for metric collection.2.4. CUDA Libraries2.4.1. cuFFT Library‣cuFFT is now L2-cache aware and uses L2 cache for GPUs with more than 4.5MB of L2 cache. Performance may improve in certain single-GPU 3D C2C FFT cases.‣After successfully creating a plan, cuFFT now enforces a lock on the cufftHandle.Subsequent calls to any planning function with the same cufftHandle will fail.‣Added support for very large sizes (3k cube) to multi-GPU cuFFT on DGX-2.‣Improved performance on multi-gpu cuFFT for certain sizes (1k cube).2.4.2. cuSOLVER Library‣Added new 64-bit APIs:‣cusolverDnXpotrf_bufferSize‣cusolverDnXpotrf‣cusolverDnXpotrs‣cusolverDnXgeqrf_bufferSize‣cusolverDnXgeqrf‣cusolverDnXgetrf_bufferSize‣cusolverDnXgetrf‣cusolverDnXgetrs‣cusolverDnXsyevd_bufferSize‣cusolverDnXsyevd‣cusolverDnXsyevdx_bufferSize‣cusolverDnXsyevdx‣cusolverDnXgesvd_bufferSize‣cusolverDnXgesvd‣Added a new SVD algorithm based on polar decomposition, called GESVDP which uses the new 64-bit API, including cusolverDnXgesvdp_bufferSize and cusolverDnXgesvdp. 2.4.3. CUDA Math Library‣Added host support for half and nv_bfloat16 converts to/from integer types.‣Added __hcmadd() device only API for fast half2 and nv_bfloat162 based complex multiply-accumulate.2.5. Deprecated FeaturesThe following features are deprecated in the current release of the CUDA software. The features still work in the current release, but their documentation may have been removed, and they will become officially unsupported in a future release. We recommend that developers employ alternative solutions to these features in their software.General CUDA‣Support for Ubuntu in IBM’s ppc64le platforms is deprecated in this release and will be dropped in a future CUDA release.CUDA Tools‣Support for VS2015 is deprecated. Older Visual Studio versions including VS2012 and VS2013 are also deprecated and support may be dropped in a future release of CUDA. CUDA Libraries‣The following cuSOLVER 64-bit APIs are deprecated:‣cusolverDnPotrf_bufferSize‣cusolverDnPotrf‣cusolverDnPotrs‣cusolverDnGeqrf_bufferSize‣cusolverDnGeqrf‣cusolverDnGetrf_bufferSize‣cusolverDnGetrf‣cusolverDnGetrs‣cusolverDnSyevd_bufferSize‣cusolverDnSyevd‣cusolverDnSyevdx_bufferSize‣cusolverDnSyevdx‣cusolverDnGesvd_bufferSize‣cusolverDnGesvd2.6. Resolved Issues2.6.1. General CUDA‣Fixed an issue that caused cuD3D11GetDevices() to return a misleading error code.‣Fixed an issue that caused cuda_ipc_open to fail with CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE. (‣Fixed an issue that caused the nvidia-ml library to be installed in a different location from the one specified in pkg-config.‣Fixed an issue that caused some streaming apps to trigger CUDA safe detection.‣Fixed an issue that caused unexpectedly large host memory usage when loading cubin.‣Fixed an issue with the paths for .pc files in the CUDA SLES15 repo.‣Fixed an issue that caused warnings to be considered fatal when installing nvidia-drivers modules with kickstart.‣Resolved a memory issue when using cudaGraphInstantiate.‣Read-only OS_DESCRIPTOR allocations are now supported.‣Loading an application against the stub library now returns a helpful error message.‣The cudaOccupancy* API is now available even when __CUDA_ACC__ is not defined. 2.6.2. CUDA Tools‣When tracing graphs, grid/block dimensions showed in nvvp and nsight-sys were not always correct. This has been resolved.‣Fixed an issue that prevented profiling with nvprof without setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the lib64 folder.‣The Visual Profiler "Varying Register Count" graph's x-axis has changed from 65536 to 255 and the device limit is now 255.‣Added nvswitch init error checking improvements for DMA, MSI, and SOE.‣Improved detection and reporting of unsupported configurations.2.6.3. cuBLAS Library‣ A performance regression in the cublasCgetrfBatched and cublasCgetriBatched routines has been fixed.‣The IMMA kernels do not support padding in matrix C and may corrupt the data when matrix C with padding is supplied to cublasLtMatmul. A suggested work around is to supply matrix C with leading dimension equal to 32 times the number of rows whentargeting the IMMA kernels: computeType = CUDA_R_32I and CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32 for matrices A,C,D, and CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL4_4R2_8C (on NVIDIA Ampere GPUarchitecture or Turing architecture) or CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4 (on NVIDIA Ampere GPU architecture) for matrix B. Matmul descriptor must specify CUBLAS_OP_T on matrix B and CUBLAS_OP_N (default) on matrix A and C. The data corruption behavior was fixed so that CUBLAS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED is returned instead.‣Fixed an issue that caused an Address out of bounds error when calling cublasSgemm().‣ A performance regression in the cublasCgetrfBatched and cublasCgetriBatched routines has been fixed.2.6.4. cuFFT Library‣Resolved an issue that caused cuFFT to crash when reusing a handle after clearing a callback.‣Fixed an error which produced incorrect results / NaN values when running a real-to-complex FFT in half precision.2.7. Known Issues2.7.1. cuFFT Library‣cuFFT will always overwrite the input for out-of-place C2R transform.‣Single dimensional multi-GPU FFT plans ignore user input on the whichGPUs parameter of cufftXtSetGPUs() and assume that GPUs IDs are always numbered from 0 to N-1.NoticeThis document is provided for information purposes only and shall not be regarded as a warranty of a certain functionality, condition, or quality of a product. NVIDIA Corporation (“NVIDIA”) makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document and assumes no responsibility for any errors contained herein. NVIDIA shall have no liability for the consequences or use of such information or for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. This document is not a commitment to develop, release, or deliver any Material (defined below), code, or functionality.NVIDIA reserves the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and any other changes to this document, at any time without notice. Customer should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.NVIDIA products are sold subject to the NVIDIA standard terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgement, unless otherwise agreed in an individual sales agreement signed by authorized representatives of NVIDIA and customer (“Terms of Sale”). NVIDIA hereby expressly objects to applying any customer general terms and conditions with regards to the purchase of the NVIDIA product referenced in this document. No contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document.VESA DisplayPortDisplayPort and DisplayPort Compliance Logo, DisplayPort Compliance Logo for Dual-mode Sources, and DisplayPort Compliance Logo for Active Cables are trademarks owned by the Video Electronics Standards Association in the United States and other countries.HDMIHDMI, the HDMI logo, and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC.OpenCLOpenCL is a trademark of Apple Inc. used under license to the Khronos Group Inc.TrademarksNVIDIA and the NVIDIA logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.Copyright© 2007-2020 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.NVIDIA Corporation | 2788 San Tomas Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95051。
神经网络工具箱nntool的使用方法这是根据我个人经验整理出来的关于如何使用nntool神经网络工具箱进行“数据训练”的方法:1. 在命令窗口键入nntool命令打开神经网络工具箱;2. 点击Import按钮两次,分别把输入向量和目标输出加入到对应的窗口([Inputs]和[Targets])中,有两种可供选择的加入对象(点击Import后可以看见),一种是把当前工作区中的某个矩阵加入,另一种是通过.mat文件读入;3. 点击[New Network]按钮,填入各参数:(以最常用的带一个隐层的3层神经网络为例说明,下面没有列出的参数表示使用默认值就可以了,例如Network Type为默认的BP神经网络);1) Input Range――这个通过点击Get From Input下拉框选择你加入的输入向量便可自动完成。
2) Training Function——最好使用TRAINSCG,即共轭梯度法,其好处是当训练不收敛时,它会自动停止训练,而且耗时较其他算法(TRAINLM,TRAINGD)少,也就是收敛很快(如果收敛的话),而且Train Parameters输入不多,也不用太多的技巧调整,一般指定迭代次数、结果显示频率和目标误差就可以了(详见下文)。
3) Layer 1 Number of Neurons——隐层的神经元个数,这是需要经验慢慢尝试并调整的,大致上由输入向量的维数、样本的数量和输出层(Layer2)的神经元个数决定。
4) Layer 1 Transfer Function——一般用TANSIG(当然也可以LOGSIG),即表示隐层输出是[-1,1]之间的实数,与LOGSIG相比范围更大。
5) Layer 2 Number of Neurons——输出层的神经元个数,对于两类问题,个数为1,取值分别为0和1,对于多类问题,个数为10,取值为等。
6) Layer 2 Transfer Function——如果是模式识别的两类(或者多类)问题,一般用LOGSIG,即表示输出层的输出是[0,1]之间的实数。
神经网络基础问题整理所选问题及解答大部分来源于/bbs/资料大部分为江南一纪收集整理对其他参与整理的版友(不一一列举)及资料的原创者一并表示感谢因江南对神经网络的理解也不是很多错误之处难勉请谅解有什么问题可以来/bbs/的『人工神经网络专区』交流***************************************************************** 1神经网络的教材哪本比较经典神经网络原理Simon Haykin ? 叶世?史忠植译神经网络设计神经网络书籍神经网络模型及其matlab仿真程序设计周开利(对神经网络工具箱函数及里面神经网络工具箱的神经网络模型的网络对象及其属性做了详细的论述,后者在神经网络理论与matlab7实现那本书里面是没有的)神经网络理论与matlab7实现(这本书对初学这入门还是挺不错的,看过了,就对matlab神经网络工具箱有教好的了解)神经网络设计(我认为这是一本很好的书,讲理论不是很多,看过之后就会对神经网络的原理有更好的了解)神经网络结构设计的理论与方法(这本书对提高网络的泛化能力的一些方法做了讲述,并且书后有程序,对网络结构的设计应该是挺有帮助的)摘自给初学matlab神经网络的一点建议/bbs/read.php?tid=1111&keyword=2 神经网络理论的发展与前沿问题神经网络理论的发展与前沿问题刘永?摘要系统地论述了神经网络理论发展的历史和现状,在此基础上,对其主要发展趋向和所涉及的前沿问题进行了阐述.文中还作了一定的评论,并提出了新的观点.关键词神经网络理论,神经计算,进化计算,基于神经科学和数学的研?查看原文/bbs/read.php?tid=5374&keyword=%C9%F1%BE%AD%CD%F8%C2%E73 神经网络的权值和阈值分别是个什么概念??权值和阈值是神经元之间的连接,将数据输入计算出一个输出,然后与实际输出比较,误差反传,不断调整权值和阈值假如p1=[1 1 -1]';p2=[1 -1 -1]';属于不同的类须设计分类器将他们分开这里用单层神经元感知器初始权值w=[0.2 0.2 0.3] b=-0.3输出a1 a2a1=hardlims(w*p1+b)a2=hardlims(w*p2+b)如果不能分开,还须不断调整w,b这里说明一下权值w 阈值b 而已简单地说,阈值也可以看作一维权值,只不过它所对应的那一维样本永远是-1(也有的书上说是1),这样就把输入样本增加了一维,更有利于解决问题./bbs/read.php?tid=6078&keyword=%C9%F1%BE%AD %CD%F8%C2%E74 神经网络归一化看了研学和ai创业研发俱乐部神经网络版及振动论坛部分帖子内容,对归一化做一下整理,冒昧引用了一些他人的观点,有的未列出其名,请谅解-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------关于神经网络归一化方法的整理由于采集的各数据单位不一致,因而须对数据进行[-1,1]归一化处理,归一化方法主要有如下几种,供大家参考:(by james)1、线性函数转换,表达式如下:y=(x-MinValue)/(MaxValue-MinValue)说明:x、y分别为转换前、后的值,MaxValue、MinValue分别为样本的最大值和最小值。
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1. nnToolKit简介
nnToolKit 神经网络工具包是基于 MATLAB 神经网络工具箱自行开发的一组神经网络算法函数库,其中的函数在MATLAB环境下均可独立运行,并可打包成DLL组件,这些组件作为独立的COM对象,可以直接被Visual Basic、Visual C++ 、C++ Builder或其它支持COM的高级语言所引用。
2. 编程实现
打开Viusal C++,新建一个MFC AppWizard[exe]单文档工程lm。
使用MFC ClassWizard,添加一个新类,选择From a type of library,在弹出的对话框中选中nnToolKit.dll。
手机报名链接:http:// /mobile/。