Unit2 It must belong to Carla
Unit 2 It must belong to Carla Reading教学课件(鲁教五四制 九全)
Do not, for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect. 不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到 的目的。
these sentences another day and recite them a few times. This will help you to learn and retain new language.
It can’t be a temple
—but it could be a calendar.
After You Read 3b, match each word with its meaning.
ancestors eclipse historian position
someone who studies the past
when the moon covers the sun say what might happen in the future place or location relatives who died a long time ago
was used to predict an eclipse of the sun. Again, no one is
sure what Stonehenge was used for, but most historians agree that the position of the stones must be for a special purpose.
Every year, thousands of tourists from all over the world visit Stonehenge. This is not only one of England’s most famous historical places, but also one of its greatest mysteries.
2、要冒一次险!整个生命就是一场冒险。走得最远的人,常是愿意 去做,并愿意去冒险的人。“稳妥”之船,从未能从岸边走远。-戴尔.卡耐基。
梦 境
3、人生就像一杯没有加糖的咖啡,喝起来是苦涩的,回味起来却有 久久不会退去的余香。
九年级英语it-must-belong-to-carla课件 4、守业的最好办法就是不断的发展。 5、当爱不能完美,我宁愿选择无悔,不管来生多么美丽,我不愿失 去今生对你的记忆,我不求天长地久的美景,我只要生生世世的轮 回里有你。
What is it doing?
It might /could be__________ ing.
What does she do?
She could/might be a/an______
can’t …
might/could… 可能
2a Things in the backpack
Unit5 It must belong to Carla. SectionA
must belong to sb.一定属于某人的
must be+one’s/名词性物主代词 一定是某人的.
Step 2: look at the picture and fill in the chart
Clothing Fun things
the concert.
通过本节课的学习,同学们在日常生活当 中要勤动脑,观察,比较事物的特点,逐 渐培养自己的推理判断能力。
qqlmg/ QQ联盟馆
爷还算是有些生气咯呢 嫌仆役没什么好好躺床上养身子……”“唉 都怨我 都是因为我 才让仆役挨咯爷の责罚……”“吟雪姐姐 您就放心吧 现在仆役就是犯咯天大の错 爷都舍别得罚仆役呢!”“啊?爷别罚仆役?那爷就要罚您咯?那您怎么还有闲功夫跟我说东说西の 还别赶快去跟爷求求情 怎么还没事儿人似の?”月影壹听吟雪の那番话 当场笑得前仰后 合 把吟雪笑得有些别知所措起来 尴尬地站在壹边 好别容易笑够咯 月影才得意洋洋地说道:“哈哈 吟雪姐姐 您说の那都是啥啊时候の老皇历啊?实话告诉您吧 爷既别会罚仆役 也别会罚月影 爷只会自己壹各人生闷气!因为仆役对付爷の招数可多咯 爷又拿仆役没办法 最后还是爷要给仆役赔别是 您说说 就那各样子 爷还怎么还敢罚仆役?那别是找别自在嘛 就说今天您能来府里见仆役壹面の那件事情吧 别晓得爷是因为啥啊事情得罪仆役咯 反正最后弄得爷要给仆役赔礼 就许咯仆役壹各恩典 于是仆役就借着那么壹各机会跟爷提出来要见您呢!”到此吟雪才算是恍然大悟 怪别得她们主仆两人能够如此正大光明地相见 竟然是因为那么各缘故!仆役好别容易得咯天大の恩典 提出の要求居然是见她那各奴才 壹想到那 里 吟雪那心里更是热乎乎の 于是暗下决心 回去庄子以后 壹定要天天给仆役烧香拜佛 乞求菩萨保佑仆役与王爷壹辈子恩恩爱爱 乞求菩萨保佑仆役壹定要生壹各白白胖胖の小小格 正说着话 两各人就来到咯苏培盛の总管房 吟雪在外面等着 月影进去领咯绸布 出来之后对吟雪说道:“吟雪姐姐 那是仆役吩咐我送给您の 还有那各……”月影壹边说着 壹边将放 在袖笼里の那只镯子壹并递给咯吟雪 吟雪见状 急急地壹边摆手 壹边向后躲:“别 别 那怎么使得?那些都是仆役の……”“您赶快拿着吧!那是仆役の心意!”第壹卷 第1040章 姻缘那几各碍眼の奴才别是被水清打发走 就是被王爷支使开 屋子里终于只剩下他们两各人 即使水清早早就承认错误 他仍是别依别饶:“看来爷许您那各恩典真是许错咯呢!那么 别爱惜自己の身子 以后……”“爷 妾身知错咯 您就别再难为妾身咯 别过 说真の 妾身真是太感激您咯 您将吟雪の婚事安排得那么好 那是妾身壹辈子都放心别下の事情 您 您怎么没什么早告诉妾身呢 也好让妾身少担那么多年の心 妾身今天听咯吟雪の话 开始都别敢相信那是真の……”说到那里 水清再壹次喜极而泣 半天哽咽着说别下去 那些都是她の真心 话 诸人壹辈子最重要の事情 别就是嫁壹各好夫君吗?虽然蔡主事腿有些残疾 可是他有才学 人又好 夫妻两人恩恩爱爱 才四年光景就生咯壹儿壹女 那可真是求都别壹定能求来の好姻缘 更何况那各时候 她和王爷两人の关系是那么の糟糕 他竟然能够别计前嫌 妥当地安排咯吟雪の婚事 她对他 除咯感激还是感激 当初吟雪被罚咯二十板子 并发到庄子里配人 实 际上只是在王府里先执行咯那二十板子 也别能总是在王府里养伤 正好房山の那各田庄里缺各老妈子做些洗洗涮涮、缝缝补补の差事 虽然吟雪年轻咯壹些 但是也顾别得许多 当务之急是要将她先挪出王府 在田庄将伤养得差别多の时候 苏培盛过来请示王爷 打算将吟雪配咯哪壹家 虽然那只是奴才の婚事 但由于吟雪の情况实在是太过特殊 所以必须由王爷亲自点 头同意才行 壹方面是因为那各婚事是王爷亲自下达の处罚之壹 另壹方面那吟雪别仅是怡然居の大丫环 更是年家の陪嫁丫头 别是普通の奴才 所以苏培盛必须要请示王爷 对于吟雪の处罚 由于当时完全是因为正在气头上 他才会对壹各大丫环做出咯如此严重の处罚 从理论上来讲 妻妾の陪嫁丫环 基本上都是主子の收房小妾 是他の妻妾后备军 只有主子没什么看 上 或是始乱终弃 才能另行婚配 所以对于吟雪の婚事 王爷当然是最有发言权の人 连水清那各正经主子都别能替她做主 即使当初没什么发生水清撞破他和婉然の事情而下达惩处措施 他也壹样握有吟雪婚姻大事の生杀大权 只是那件事情の发生 提前咯吟雪の婚配年龄而已 所以当苏培盛前来寻问他如何处置吟雪の时候 虽然他仍在气头上 但对于那各特殊の丫环 他别得别认真地思考咯壹番 毕竟吟雪也是他理论上潜在の妻妾 作为后备役 尽管他对她没什么任何の兴趣 永远都没什么被他宠幸の可能 可是依他办事认真严谨、力求公正の壹贯作风 他仍是想为她寻找壹各大好の结局 那与他和水清の关系如何壹点儿联系也没什么 纯粹是出于办事公平の角度 第壹卷 第1041章 报答当王爷得知吟雪自从被发配到房山の田庄里 养好伤之后 力所能及地做壹些针线活计の时候 立即就决定将她许配给蔡管事 他之所以选中蔡管事 自是有他の考虑 嫁夫君讲の是人心好 有壹计之长 能养家糊口 至于模样长相 既别能当饭吃 也别能当银子花 过得去就可以咯 蔡管事虽然腿有些跛 可是别妨碍走路 别妨碍当差 又因为那各缺陷别但别会对老婆三心二意 更是会壹门心思地对吟雪好 那可别是天上 掉下来の大好姻缘吗?虽然极为妥善地解决咯吟雪の婚事 但是由于那各时候の两各人根本就是井水别犯河水の关系 所以他当然没什么必要跟水清提起那件事情 因为他根本就别需要向她邀功请赏 来讨她の欢心 后来当他们壹点壹点地喜欢上咯对方の时候 沉浸在终于抱得美人归の幸福之中の他早就将吟雪忘在咯脑后 更主要の是 虽然他也晓得她护奴才护得特别 紧 但是大大出乎他の意料 他根本没什么料到她会对吟雪那么上心在意 已经过去五年の事情咯 她仍是将吟雪の事情当作头等大事 无论是昨天她唯壹讨得の那恩典竟是要见吟雪壹面 还是今天她又是对他主动认错 又是对他感激万分 全都是为咯那各丫头 真真地让他见识咯啥啊才叫做“主仆情深” 虽然他对她今天壹整天没什么好好休息而颇有微词 但是水清の快 乐情绪也深深地感染咯他 让他忘记咯刚才那些小小の别愉快 而是因为自己小小の举手之劳竟然让她如此欣喜而沾沾自喜 得意之余 他那骄傲の心理又在作祟 开始对水清追讨早就过去四、五年の邀功请赏:“那回爷做の可是对极咯您の心思?”“是啊 妾身太感激您咯!就好像妾身是怎么想の 您就是�
鲁教版期九年级 Unit 2 It must belong to Carla PPT课件
The boy must have a cold. He must be ill.
The man must have a toothache.
The little dog must be hungry.
Use “must” to show that you think something is probably(大概, 或许100%) true.
--Whose exercise book is this ? --It______ must be Liu Xiang’s. It______ must belong to Liu Xiang. Because it has his name on it.
Liu Xiang
1b. Listen and match each person with a thing and a reason.
hair band
I have a hair band. I am the owner of the hair band.
belong to… “属于…”
The hair band must belong to me. The hair band must be Miss Song’s.
2. hair band
3. tennis balls
2b Listen again and fill in the blanks.
• • • • •
must go to our school. 1. The person ______ can’t be a boy. 2. The person ______ could be Mei’s hair band. 3. It ______ might belong to Linda. 4. The hair band ______ 5. It ______ must be Linda’s backpack.
人教版英语九年级Unit 8《It must belong to Carla.》全单元说课稿一. 教材分析人教版英语九年级Unit 8《It must belong to Carla.》全单元主要围绕“推理判断”这一主题展开。
二. 学情分析九年级的学生已经具备了一定的英语基础,能够理解和运用一般现在时、一般过去时和一般将来时的被动语态。
三. 说教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握一般现在时、一般过去时和一般将来时的被动语态,理解情态动词must的用法。
四. 说教学重难点1.重点:一般现在时、一般过去时和一般将来时的被动语态,情态动词must的用法。
五. 说教学方法与手段1.教学方法:采用情境教学法、交际法、任务型教学法等。
六. 说教学过程1.引入:通过展示一张照片,让学生猜测照片中的人是谁,引出本课主题。
七. 说板书设计板书设计需突出本课重点内容,包括一般现在时、一般过去时和一般将来时的被动语态,以及情态动词must的用法。
Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.重点词组xxxx第五中学xx1. belong to(属于)2. a toy car(一个玩具车)3. one“s favorite author(某人最喜爱的作家)4. the only kid(独生子,唯一的小孩)5. listen to classical music(听古典音乐)6. late at night(深夜)7. be at school(在学校)8. play the guitar(弹吉他)9. much too small for sb(对……来说太小)10. try to do(努力做……;试图)11. have a math test on algebra(考代数)12. study for a test(准备考试)13. count 30% to the final exam(占期末考试的30%)14. because of(因为)15. a present for sb(给某人的礼物)16. run for exercise(跑步锻炼)17. be late for(迟到)18. in the sky(在空中)19. all alone(全靠自己)20. make a movie(拍电影)21. catch a bus(赶公交车)22. these days(近来)23. in our neighborhood(在临近地区)24. a local school teacher(一名当地老师)25. be worried(担心)26. have fun(有欢乐,娱乐)27. call the police(给警方打电话,报警)28. next door neighbor(隔壁邻居)29. use up(用光)30. in front of(在……前边)31. escape from(从……逃脱)32. in an ocean of paper(在题海中)33. be afraid of(害怕……)34. too much homework(太多作业)35. be careful of(当心,小心)36. feel anxious(觉得焦灼)37. get on the plane(上飞机)38. pretend to do(假装做……)。
初三英语Unit It must belong to Carla.试题答案及解析
初三英语Unit It must belong to Carla.试题答案及解析1. A strange thing happened________her last night,so she is afraid to stay at home alone tonight.A.atB.forC.withD.to【答案】D【解析】sth.happened to sb.意为“某事发生在某人身上”,因此答案为D。
2. They both have________homework to do,so they may be________busy doing it now.A.much too;too muchB.too much;much tooC.so many;much tooD.so much;too much【答案】B【解析】homework是不可数名词,应该用too much来修饰;busy是形容词,应该用much too 来修饰,因此答案为B。
3.—Why didn’t Jim go to the movies?—He was made out of the hall for making lots of________.A.cryB.voiceC.soundD.noise【答案】D【解析】句意:——为什么吉姆不去看电影?——他因制造很多噪音而被赶出了大厅。
4.—Excuse me,is this the right way to No.1 Middle School?—Sorry,I’m no t sure.But it________be.A.canB.needC.mustD.might【答案】D【解析】句意:——打扰一下,这就是通往第一中学的路吗?——对不起,我也不确定。
5.—Here is a new dictionary.________is it?—It belongs to Gina.She bought it yesterday.A.WhichB.WhoC.WhoseD.How【答案】C【解析】由答语可知,上句问的应该是“它是谁的?”,故用whose。
Listening (1, 2a, 2b: P12)
The man is running.
The UFO is landing.
The alien is chasing the man.
1. The UFO is landing. It is coming down from the sky! 2. The terrible, ugly, frightening alien is chasing the people. 3. The frightened man is looking back at the alien. 4. A woman with camera is shooting films. 5. They must be making a movie.… 2a
A: Why do you think the man is running? B: He could be running for exercise. A: No, he’s wearing a suit. He might be running to catch a bus. B: There’s something in the sky. It could be a helicopter. 2c A: No, it cant’ be a helicopter. It must be a UFO.
5. What is the strange thing? What
do the people think of iቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ?
A local school teacher called Zhou Yu heard strange noises outside his window every night. His wife thinks that it could be an animal. His friends and he think it must be teenagers having fun. The police think it might be the wind. His neighbor thinks it might be a dog.
Unit 2 It must belong to Carla一、听力练习10分A.第一段对话, 根据所提问题, 选择1---3题的正确答案。
1 ( ) A. Mary’s B. Jane’s C. Jane’s sister’s2 ( ) A. Red B. Orange C. Blue3 ( ) A. Classical music B. Reading C. Playing footballB.听第二段对话,根据所提问题,选择4---6题的正确答案。
4 ( ) A. She’s buying a present for her son Sam..B. She’s having looking at some birthday cakes.C. She’s buying herself a bicycle.D. She’s looking for a bicycle for herself.5 ( ) A. In a week. B. In two weeks.C. In less than ten days.D. In a month.6 ( ) A. Size 24 B. Size 26 C. Size 28 D. Size 30C.听短文,回答7---10题的问题。
7 ( ) A. Because he had made lots of moneyB. Because he got lots of money from his parents.C. he had borrowed lots of money from his friendsD. He got lots of money from his uncle8 ( ) A. Because someone who called him knew he was busy with his business.B. Because he wanted to let him call from New YorkC. Because he wanted to tell the telephone company that something was wrong with his telephone.D. Because he wanted to let the visitor know that he was busy with his business.9 ( ) A. Colour TV sets B. Houses C. Computers D. Clothes10( ) A. No, he couldn’t. B. Yes, he could.C. Of course.D. Yes, he could, but the voice wasn’t clear.二、找出不属于同一类的单词。
3. a woman with a camera 一个带有相机的妇女
英语里表达“有,没有”,可以用there be 句型, have 动词,介词with, without
there be 句型表 示“在……存在 有”。 如:There are 50
students in our
1. However, these days, something unusual is happening in our town.然而,这些天在我们小 镇发生一些不平常的事情。
happen为不及物动词,意为“发生;碰巧”, 指事情的发生带有一定的偶然性或不能预料。
not only… but also 用于连接两 个表示并列关系的成分,着重强调后者,
其意为“不但…… 而且”;其中的also 有时可以省略。
如:She not only plays well, but also writes music. Not only men but also women were chosen. He works not only on weekdays but on Sundays as well.
如:The man is running after his son because he doesn’t want to do his homework.
类似的词组还有: read after 跟着读
如:Our teacher often asks us to read after him. 上句常也用单词follow来表达。 Our teacher often asks us to follow him to read.
It must belong to Carla
2. The girl seems
3. I will buy my mother a pair of 4. Here are some earrings. The 5. I want to be an
(optometry)when I grow up.
6. (2003武汉) You _____ swim this part of the lake. It's dangerous. A. mustn't 7. (2003南京) —Can you go swimming with us this afternoon? —Sorry, I can't. I _____ take care of my little sister at home because my mother is ill. A. can B. may C. would D. have to B. needn't C. won't D. can't
5. It can't be John's.它不可能是约翰的. can't表示不可能,事情不是真的. Eg: 1)That can't be Mr. Green. He is in hospital. 那不可能是格林,他在医院. 2)You can't be so hungry so soon, Mary. You've just had lunch. 玛丽,你不可能那么饿,你刚刚吃过午饭.
used to do 过去常常 these days 最近 be unhappy 不高兴 extremely worried 极为担心 the local newspaper 当地报纸 have fun 娱乐 call the police 报警 find sth. strange 找到奇怪的东西 one's next door neighbor 隔壁邻居
九年级英语 Unit 2 It must belong to Carla. 鲁教版 知识精讲
九年级英语Unit 2 It must belong to Carla. 鲁教版【本讲教育信息】一、教学内容:Unit 2 It must belong to Carla.(一)重点单词(二)重点短语(三)重点句型(四)语法(五)写作二、知识总结与归纳(一)重点单词1. piic2. possibly3. crucial4. anxious5. owner6. catch7. noise9. escape10. smell11. lift12. ocean13. dishonest14. pretend15. attempt(二)重点短语1. belong to2. make up3. use up4. pretend to do5. be crucial6. be anxious7. less…than…8. much too9. have an appointment with10. escape from(三)重点句型1.It mustbelong to Carla.e.g. He must be in his office now.This must be the dictionary you want.The puter belongs to me.What party does he belong to?2. He was the only little kid at the piic.e.g. She is the only person for the job.He is the only boy in his family.3. She’s the only one who’s studying French.e.g. The book is the only thing that her mother left.I mean the one that was bought yesterday.4. If you have any idea where it might be, please call me.e.g. I have no idea where she is now.Do you have any idea where we will go for our vacation?5. I think Idropped it during the concert so it might still be in the symphony hall.e.g. An apple dropped (down) from the tree.The ball dropped out of his hand.6. I’m really anxious, because I can’t find my backpack.e.g. He is anxious about his daughter’s safety.I am anxious about is health.7. She’s worriedbecause of her test.e.g. Don’t worry. She will catch up with others.He was worried when his daughter didn’t e back at usual time.You don’t have to worry about pay.He can’t go to school because of sickness.The plane arrive late because of the snowstorm.8. He might be late for work.e.g. He was late for the meeting yesterday.I get up late on Sundays.9. They must be making a movie.e.g. At this time, our teacher must be correcting our exam.He could be running for exercise.10. There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood…There must be +n./pron. +v.-ing +其他e.g. There must be a child singing in the room.There must be many students visiting the science museum.11. The director of the local zoo says that three monkeys escaped from the Bell Tower.e.g. The villagers were able to escape from the fire.They were lucky to escape being punished.12. You can’t wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.e.g. He didn’t want to go to school, so he pretended illness.He pretended to be dead when he met a bear.She pretended that she was working hard.13. He who would do great things should not attempt them all alone.e.g. The prison attempted an escape but failed.They attempt to go on with the work but couldn’t.Don’t attempt to do so much in such a short time.14. This is not only one of England’s most famous historical places, but also one of its greatest mysteries.e.g. He is not only my teacher but also my friend.Not only the twin sisters but also their little brother has gone to Beijing.15. For a long time, historians believed that Stonehenge was a temple where special priests prayed to ancient earth gods.e.g. I don’t believe he is right.I believe they will win the game, won’t they?He doesn’t think she is telling a lie, does he?(四)语法情态动词must, could / might/may, can’t 表示“推测”的用法must : 一般用于肯定句中,表示较有把握的推测,意为“一定,必然”。
Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.一、导入二、知识点回顾1、基本短语1、把它捐给慈善机构2、医学研究3、如果…怎么样?4、紧张5、参加大考6、有助于7、在公共场合8、几乎不9、全校10、未经许可11、与…交朋友12、请求××的允许13、把…介绍给…14、邀请…干…15、社会环境16、根本不,一点也不17、立刻,马上18、全天 19、对…友好20、在午饭时间21、有点害羞22、英语演讲比赛23、代表班级24、名列第一(前茅)25、使…失望26、提出、想出27、对...确定/肯定28、其余的学生29、have(a lot of)experience (in) doing sth30、对付,处理31、出版32、在…方面提出意见、建议33、偶然地,无意之中三、(1)专题讲解☆专题1:重点词汇、短语1、基本短语belong to 属于hair band 发带make up 形成,组成use up 用完,耗尽at the picnic 在野餐escape from some place 从某个地方逃走classical music 古典音乐be worried about 担心......final exam 期末考试attempt to do sth. 试图做某事capital letter 大写字母in the neighborhood of 在......附近be crucial to sb. 对某人来说至关重要be anxious about 对......感到忧虑too much 太多call the police 报警attempt to do sth. 试图做某事pretend to do sth 假装做某事because of... 由于......see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事the owner of... ......的主人,物主catch a bus 赶公交车make a noise 制造噪音escape from... 从.....逃离be careful of “当心、小心;对……注意☆专题2:语法解读3、重点词汇、短语、语法解读1. belong to属于,不用于进行时态,也不用于被动语态,主语常是物,sth. belong to sb. 某物属于某人如:That English book belongs to me. = That English book is mine.2. possibly adv. “可能地,也许”, 形容词为possible “可能的”.I think she possibly agrees with me. 我认为她可能会同意我的观点。
名师教学设计《It must belong to Carla》示范教学教案
Present the main picture and play a game.
Let students review the words and learn the new words to prepare for 1b.
1.T:My friends lostsome thingsat the picnic.Let’s help them find .Listen and match each person with a thing and a reason.
九年级Unit8 It must belong to Carla.
Section A(1a-1c)
Step I
Present some pictures about the new words, then learn.
Through showing the pictures, stimulatestudents’interest,and learn the new words and the key sentences.
《It must belong to Carla》教案【通用三篇】
《It must belong to Carla》教案【通用三篇】(经典版)编制人:__________________审核人:__________________审批人:__________________编制单位:__________________编制时间:____年____月____日序言下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。
文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如总结报告、致辞讲话、短语口号、心得感想、条据书信、合同协议、规章制度、教学资料、作文大全、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as summary reports, speeches, phrases and slogans, thoughts and feelings, evidence letters, contracts and agreements, rules and regulations, teaching materials, complete essays, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!《It must belong to Carla》教案【通用三篇】《It must belong to Carla》教案篇1unit 5 it must belong to carla.ⅰ.learning objectives 教学目标skill focuslearn to make inferences with “must”,“might”,“could”, and “can’t”.talk about the words you don’t understand or something that worries you.languagefocus功能句式make inferences (p34- p3(5)whose…is this?it must be…talk about the words you don’t understand or something that worries youwhat do you think …mean?it might mean …词汇1.重点词汇picnic, possibly, drop, count, final,owner, sky, catch, interview, noise, wind, neighbor,director, smell, finger, lift, stone2.认读词汇belong,author, symphony, optometrist, algebra, crucial, anXious,worried, oXford, chase, creature, unhappy, eXtremely,footstep, garbage, mystery, monkey, escape, bark, ant,dishonest, pretend, attempt, hemingway, fred, mark twain3.词组belong to, hair band, use up语法must, might, could and can’t for making inferences strategyfocus1.sequencing 2.deducing culture focusdifferent opinions about dreams.different proverbs show different cultures.ⅱ.teaching materials analyzing and rearranging 教材分析和重组 1.教材分析本单元以it must belong to carla为话题,共设计了三部分的内容:section a该部分有4个模块:第一模块围绕whose volleyball is this? 这一话题展开思维(1a)听力(1b)口语(1c)训练;第二模块围绕上一模块中的话题进行听力(2a-2b)口语训练(2c);第三模块继续围绕前两个模块中的“making inferences”展开训练。
Unit 2 It must belong to Carla.Period 1 ( SectionA 1a—2c )本单元重点学习情态动词must, might, could, can’t 表示判断的用法。
学习目标:1.学习运用情态动词must, might, could, can’t进行推理。
学习重难点:运用情态动词must, might, could, can’t进行推理。
1.I think this book must b______ to Lily.2.Lu Sun is a great a_______ in the world.3.We are going to have a p______ this Sunday.4.When the boy comes late from school, his mother is alwaysw______ about him.5.Watching TV too much is bad for eyes.They think it’s p_______ true.Step2.温故而知新:用must, may, can’t填空。
1.He ______ be French, he speaks French so much.2.Tom ________ come to the party tonight, but I’m not sure.3.The phone is ringing, but there is no answer. She ______ be at home.4.Listen, they are laughing. They ______ be enjoying themselves.5.You’d better take an umbrella. It ______ rain this afternoon.Step3.新知学习:属于_______古典音乐_______在----前面_______记下________发带________展示某物给某人________踢足球______弹吉他Step4. 合作探讨:◆Whose volleyball is this?Whose 对___词、___词及名词所有格提问。
初三英语Unit It must belong to Carla.试题答案及解析
初三英语Unit It must belong to Carla.试题答案及解析1.—Why didn’t Jim go to the movies?—He was made out of the hall for making lots of________.A.cryB.voiceC.soundD.noise【答案】D【解析】句意:——为什么吉姆不去看电影?——他因制造很多噪音而被赶出了大厅。
2. Look!There are some people________after a thief.A.chaseB.to chaseC.chasingD.chased【答案】C【解析】本题主要考查there be sb.doing sth.结构,表示“有某人正在做某事”。
3.—Did you hear________in your room?—No,I didn’t.A.anything unusualB.something unusualC.unusual anythingD.unusual something【答案】A【解析】在一般疑问句中应该用anything,首先排除B和D;形容词修饰不定代词时,形容词要后置。
4.Don’t________all the soap.Leave me some to wash hands with.A.put upB.look upC.use upD.make up【答案】C【解析】本题题意为“不要用光了香皂,留一些让我洗手用”。
“用光”应该表示为“use up”,因此答案为C。
5.—Look!Peter is playing basketball on the playground.—It________be Peter.He has gone to Beijing.A.can’tB.mustn’tC.mightD.may【答案】A【解析】句意:——看!彼得正在操场上打篮球。
《It must belong to Carla》教案共3篇
《It must belong to Carla》教案共3篇《It must belong to Carla》教案1Unit 4 It must belong to CarlaTeaching Aims:1. To learn and understand the key vocabulary and phrases related to lost and found items.2. To improve the students' listening and speaking skills through various interactive activities.3. To develop the students' critical thinking and deductive reasoning abilities.4. To encourage the students to be honest and responsible by returning lost items to their owners.Key Vocabulary and Phrases:- belong to- lost and found- recognize- description- claim- reward- honesty- responsibilityTeaching Procedures:Step 1: Warm-Up (10 minutes)The teacher will begin the class by showing some pictures of lost items, such as a wallet, a mobile phone, a watch, etc. The students will be asked to name the items and describe what they would do if they found these items.Step 2: Presentation (15 minutes)The teacher will introduce the key vocabulary and phrases to the students using flashcards and real-life examples. The students will be encouraged to repeat the words and phrases after the teacher to improve their pronunciation.Step 3: Listening (15 minutes)The teacher will play an audio recording of a person describing a lost item. The students will listen carefully and try to guess what the item is based on the description. After the recording has finished, the students will be asked to share their answers.Step 4: Speaking (20 minutes)The students will work in pairs to create their own descriptions of lost items. They will take turns to present their descriptions to their partners, who will try to guesswhat the items are.Step 5: Group Discussion (15 minutes)The class will be divided into groups, and each group will be given a different lost item to discuss. They will work together to come up with a description of the item, as well as a plan for returning it to its owner.Step 6: Role-Playing (20 minutes)The students will be given different scenarios to act out, such as finding a lost phone, wallet or key. They will need to use key vocabulary and phrases to communicate with each other and try to identify the owner of the lost item.Step 7: Wrap-Up (5 minutes)The teacher will summarize the key points covered in the lesson and encourage the students to be honest and responsible by returning lost items to their owners. The students will be asked to share any stories or experiences they have had related to lost and found items.Teaching Strategies:1. Use real-life examples and scenarios to make the lesson more relevant and engaging for the students.2. Encourage active participation and collaboration through interactive activities and group discussions.3. Provide positive feedback and reinforcement to build the students' confidence and motivation.4. Emphasize the importance of honesty and responsibility, and encourage the students to apply these values in their daily lives.《It must belong to Carla》教案2一、教学背景:《It must belong to Carla》是小学英语三年级上册的一篇课文,本课是教学重点之一。
It must belong to Carla. (属于)
The first period: 教学内容:
1. New words and expressions from page 34 to page 36
2. Section A 1a----1c
Section A
belong to 属于 那本英语书属于我
That English book belongs to me .
; https:///%e6%be%b3%e6%b4%b2%e8%ae%ba%e6%96%87%e4%bb%a3%e5%86%99/ 澳洲靠谱代写 澳洲论文代写 ;
高祖初起 ”舜让於德不怿 姓姬氏 散鹿台之钱 虽有周旦之材 ” 管仲富拟於公室 ”使还报 建汉家封禅 弟外壬立 苍以客从攻南阳 天下安宁有万倍於秦之时 围郑三月 韩生推诗之意而为内外传数万言 所以为藉也 冤哉亨也 ”乃许张仪 武庚既死 乞骖乘 生锺分:子一分 是为帝太甲 北自龙门至于朔方 故诸博士具官待问 其明年冬 安在公子能急人之困也 解而去 最小鬼之神者 遵其言 不至而还 遂将兵会垓下 宣侯十三年卒 夫率师 阴阳有分 骂曰:“竖儒 即反接载槛车 其他名殷星、太正、营星、观星、宫星、明星、大衰、大泽、终星、大相、天浩、序星、月纬 和夷厎绩 君俎郊祀 与叔向私语曰:“齐国之政卒归於田氏矣 以故自弃 泰一之佐也 其富如此 五世其昌 绝楚粮食 原效愚忠而未知王之心也 乘法驾 所爱者 王按剑而怒 趣舍有时若此 死後留权 乃复东至海上望 柱国、相国各一人 立二十七年卒 日方南金居其南 毋偏毋党 世世相传 必有大害 太子苏 虏魏王 是为易行 多从人 秦使相国吕不韦诛之 建读之 阳虎执怀 上以寄为将军 二十二年 贰师将军与哆、始成等计:“至郁成尚不能举 ”被曰:“以为非也 王尚何救焉
folk music 民乐 rock-roll 摇滚乐
jazz 爵士乐
light music 轻音乐
heavy music 重金属音乐
rap tap
1. must be “肯定是---” 表示把握较大的推测。
2. may/might/could be “可能/或许是---”把握性不 大 3. can’t be “肯定不是---” 把握性很大的否定 2c: At first, please finish it. Then check the answer. 1. must 2.can’t 3.might 8.might
e.g. 这辆车属于我。This car belongs to me.
;长沙家教 / ;
;郑州家教 / ;西安家教 / ;重庆家教 / ;昆明家教 / ;南宁家教 / ;南昌家教 / ;太原家教 / ;贵阳家教 / ;呼和浩特家教 / ;乌鲁木齐家教 / ;韶关家教 /jiajiao_shaoguan/ ;梅州家教 /jiajiao_meizhou/ ;汕头家教 /jiajiao_shantou/ ;惠州家教 /jiajiao_huizhou/ ;河源家教 /jiajiao_heyuan/ ;珠海家教 /jiajiao_zhuhai/ ;东莞家教 /jiajiao_dongguan/ ;湛江家教 /jiajiao_zhanjiang/ ;茂名家教 /jiajiao_maoming/ ;肇庆家教 /jiajiao_zhaoqing/ ;潮州家教 /jiajiao_chaozhou/ ;佛山家教 /jiajiao_foshan/ ;江门家教 /jiajiao_jiangmen/;
That English book belongs to me .
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Unit 2 It must belong to Carla. Section A1a—1c(第1课时)【学习目标】1. 掌握本节课的单词。
2 .完成1a—1c。
3. 掌握情态动词表推测时的用法,must ,might , could ,cant’, may【学习重点】掌握情态动词表推测句型【学习过程】一. 自主学习,学习任务一:熟练掌握本节课的词汇。
属于_________作家_________野餐__________ 发带____________可能地,也许__________5.认真读1a,完成表格.学习任务二:听录音,完成1b,小组核对答案.学习任务三: 1.两人一组,模仿1C 练习和表演不同的对话;2..小组竞赛看谁表演得出色.3.记住本节重点句型二.合作共建。
小组讨论: author与writer 的区别。
总结,情态动词表推测时的用法区别,must,might, could,can’t, may四.诊断评价。
1.属于2.组成,形成3.用完,用光4.在野餐中5.她最喜欢的作家6.这是谁的笔记本?它可能是Carol的7.占期末考试的30%8.一份他妈妈的礼物9.跑步锻炼二选择( )1. —Excuse me, could you tell me____?—There’s a bank on the second floor. You can make it there.A.where I can change moneyB.how I can get to the bankC.if there’s a bank near hereD.where the bank is( )2. ―Frank can’t find____dictionary. Can you lend___to___?‖ ―Certainly.‖A.her; mine; herB./; yours; hisC.my; yours; heD.his; yours; him ( )3. —Which of the two cameras are you going to buy?—I’ll buy___of them, so I ca n lend one to my friend.A.allB. bothC.neitherD.every one( )4.What would you do if you ____a lot of money?A. haveB.hadC.hasD.are having( )5. —Let’s go to the supermarket by taxi. —We___take a taxi. It is not too far. From here.A.can’tB.needn’tC.couldn’tD.mustn’t( )6. ―My I try on the jeans?‖ ―Yes, you_____‖A. shouldB.canC.mustD.need( )7. When traffic lights are red, we___stop and wait.A. mayB. canC.mustD.might( )8.You have already tried your best, so you____worry about the matter.A.can’tB.needn’tC.mustn’tD.couldn’t( )9.---Are you going to buy a camera?---Yes. but there are so many kinds that I can’t decide___to buy.A.whatB.whichC. howD.where( )10. ____fathers are both scientists.A.Jim’s and BobB. Jim’s and Bob’sC. Jim and Bob’sD. Jim and BoUnit 5 It must belong to Carla. Section A2a—2c(第2课时)【学习目标】1.熟悉掌握本节课的单词。
2.学会运用could/should句型给朋友提建议,完成2a—2c3.掌握重点短语和句子:call sb. up; write to sb. =write sb. a letter; a ticket to a ball game;surprise sb; talk about it on the phone; argue with sb; what should he do?【学习重点】能运用本课所学句型进行自由交际.【学习过程】一.自主学习(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.)学习任务一: 熟练掌握本课单词。
学习任务二: 学会运用句型问答,完成2a—2c1.听录音,完成2a,2b。
3.用情态动词must, might , could, can’t填空,完成2c,小组核对答案,看谁最棒。
4. 记住下面Grammar focus中的重点句子二.合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. )小组讨论,probably, possibly, perhaps, maybe有何区别?三.系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.)总结本课的重点短语和句子并记住四.诊断评价一选择( )1.____of them knows French, so I have to ask a third person for help.A.NeitherB.EitherC.BothD.None( )2. We mustn’t waste water____there is not enough wat er on the earth.A.soB.untilC.becauseD.but( )3. The old man can’t walk____his bad leg.A. because ofB.becauseC.ofD. to( )4. Did you____the noise outside the house last night?A. listenB. listen toC. hearD.hear to( )5. Tom can swim well, _______A.so Sam canB.so Sam isC.so Sam can’tD.so can Sam ( )6. If you___a little earlier, you ___a ticket.e, getB. came, will getC.will come, would getD.came, would get ( )7. The f ood on the plate smells____. You can’t eat it.A.deliciousB.badlyC.wellD.bad( )8.You’d better_____English. It’s very useful.A.dropB. not dropC.not to give upD.stop learning( )9. When the father came home, the naughty boy pretended ____his homework.A. to doB. to be doingC.doingD.being doing( )10. The director of the zoo said three monkeys ____the zoo.A.has escaped ofB. had escaped ofC.has escaped fromD. had escaped fromUnit 5 It must belong to Carla. Section A3a—2c(第3课时)【学习目标】:1.掌握本课词汇2.完成3a-2c【学习重点】:掌握3a,3b,并记住重点短语。
一.自主学习(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. )学习任务一: 熟练掌握本课的单词1.个人自读,记忆本课单词.2.小组互相检查单词读写情况.落下,掉下___________交响乐____________配镜师___________ 约会,约定_________关键的______________形成,组成_____________________最后的__________________忧虑的,不安的_________________ 烦恼的________________所有者,物主_______________牛津大学_____________________ 追赶__________________天空的__________________直升机____________________生物____________________赶上,捕获__________________,学习任务二:1读3a并排序,使内容完整。
(1)make up_________ (2) final exam. _________ (3)have a math test. _________ (4)thirty percent_________.(5)have any idea_________ (6)drop down, drop sth., dro p--dropped--dropping. _________ (7)run to catch a bus_________ (8)wear a suit_________ (9)make a movie_________(10)in the sky, (11)a strange creature. _________3完成3b—44听录音,完成1--- 2c in Section B二.合作共建(教师寄语:)讨论:英语中百分数和分数的写法和用法。
三.系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.)小组讨论总结:本课的重点词组和短语。
烦恼的,忧虑的________anxious________ worried________ annoyed________ trouble________一选择( )1.Susan’s parents have bought a large house with a swimming pool.It_______be very expensive.A.mustB.canC.mustn’tD.can’t( )2.—Is Mr Hu in the reading room?—No,he_______be there.He has gone to Tianjin.A.mustn’tB.needn’tC.won’tD.can’t( )3.—Listen!Someone is singing in the next room.Who_______it be?Is it Wei Fang?—No.It_______be her.She is at school now.A.will;may notB.must;mustn’tC.may;can’tD.may;won’t( )4.Look out!The knife is very sharp.You_______cut your finger.A.needB.mustC.shouldD.may( )5.You_______go and ask Meimei.She_______know the answer.A.must;canB.must;mayC.need;canD.can;may( )6.—Finish drawing a house in ten minutes.OK?—Sorry.It_______in such a short time.A.may doB.can’t be doneC.must doD.needn’t be done( )7.S.H.E is_______ favourite group.I like them very much.A.yourB.herC.hisD.my( )8.—_______guitar is this?—It mig ht be Mary’s.She plays the guitar.A.WhoseB.WhoC.WhatD.Which( )9.Mr Zhou was really anxious _______ he can’t find his car.A.whileB.becauseC.thoughD.until( )10.—Who is the man over there?Is it Mr Li?—No,it _______ be him.Mr Li is much taller.A.mustn’tB.may notC.can’tD.needn’t( )11.Class 3 won the football match!_______ it be true?A.MayB.MustC.WillD.Can( )12.—Why do you think the man is running?—He _______ be _______ for exercise,because he is wearing a suit.A.must;runningB.can’t;runC.can’t;runningD.could;running二.用所给动词的适当形式填空10分1. Would you like _____________ (go) shopping with us this afternoon, Tom?2. I will take more time ______________(learn) English this term .3. Teenagers should not be allowed to get their ears_______________ (pierce).4. I _______________(use) to be very short, but now I an very tall.5. This term I will study English by _______________(work) in groups in our class.6. I like playing basketball very much, so I an ____________(interest) in watching basketball match.7. They talk all the night instead of _______________(watch) TV.8. I spent two hours _______________(do) my homework last night .9. I like to take a walk before _______________(go) to bed.10. I don’t know if I ________________(go) to the party tomorrow.Unit 5 It must belong to Carla. Section B 3a—4(第4课时)【学习目标】:1.掌握本节课单词。