改错1 第七期













































注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

It is known to all that our students of today have to fix our attention on our lessons, so we know few of society. A holiday is the best time and the best chance to make up for that. Take a part-time job is a good form of social practice. That we have learned in books and in class can’t have the same important effect us as what we have learned through personal practice. In social practice, we can surely make a progress in both knowledge or practical ability. Beside, when we take a part-time job, we may got paid more or less to help our family.Thus, I will say senior school students should take part-time jobs in their holidays, if possibly.【参考答案】5.It is known to all that we students of today have to fix our attention on our lessons, so we know little of society. A holiday is the best time and the best chance to make up for that. Taking a part-time job is a good form of social practice. What we have learned in books and in cla ss can’t have the same important effect 加on us as what we have learned through personal practice. In social practice, we can surely make 去掉a progress in both knowledge and practical ability. Besides, when we take a part-time job, we may get paid more or less to help our family. Thus, I will say senior school students should take part-time jobs in their holidays, if possible.短文改错(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。












- 学生在短文改错过程中应当谨慎思考,确保所做的修改是准确无误的。

- 学生们应该配合老师的指导和讲解,及时纠正改错过程中可能存在的误解。

- 学生完成每篇短文的改错后,应该及时检查并核对答案,弄清楚自己的错误和不足之处,并进行反思和研究。





词语错别字改错和霭可亲(蔼)哀声叹气(唉)按装机器(安)暗然销魂(黯)意义深粤(奥)飞扬拔扈(跋)裨官野史(稗)板上走丸(坂)可见一般(斑)搬门弄斧(班)洋泾滨(浜)英雄倍出(辈)并行不背(悖)大有稗益(裨)原壁归赵(璧)刚腹自用(愎)明辩事非(辨)(是)辨证法(辩)赤博上阵(膊)按步就搬(部)(班)布署已定(部)令人恐布(怖)残无人道(惨)惨酷无情(残)酒中渗水(掺)为虎作帐(伥)天崩地折(拆)填目切齿(瞋)计日成功(程)驰聘疆场(骋)故作矝恃(持)一张一驰(弛)一愁莫展(筹)相形见拙(绌)穿流不息(川)戮穿阴谋(戳)义不容词(辞)剌剌不休(刺刺)出类拔粹(萃)披星带月(戴)以逸代劳(待)惮精竭虑(殚)肆无忌弹(惮)虎视耽耽(眈眈)稍事担搁(耽)管理挡案(档)循规导矩(蹈)中流抵柱(砥)沾污清白(玷)调以轻心(掉)横度(渡)长江坠落腐化(堕)拙拙(咄咄)逼人三翻(番)五次返(反)复无常反(翻)云覆雨防(妨)碍交通冷不妨(防)浪废(费)金钱发愤(奋)图强破斧(釜)沉舟原子幅(辐)射入不付(敷)出认识浮(肤)浅感人肺府(腑)言简意该(赅)英雄气慨(概)互(亘)古未有卑恭(躬)屈膝供(贡)献巨大一股(鼓)作气姑(辜)负好意明知固(故)犯迫不急(及)待召之既(即)来丰功伟迹(绩)不记(计)其数坚(艰)难困苦接(截)长补短事过景(境)迁不颈(胫)而走纠纠(赳赳)武夫龙盘虎据(踞)规规距距(矩矩)性格崛(倔)强工程峻(竣)工热坑(炕)头克(刻)苦耐劳吭(坑)害好人烩(脍)炙人口心狠手棘(辣)可做篮(蓝)本大多类(雷)同变本加利(厉)史无前列(例)军事训炼(练)书写了(潦)草流(浏)览一遍优待俘掳(虏)语无仑(伦)次满(漫)山遍野风糜(靡)一时即(既)往不咎土地贫脊(瘠)模范事绩(迹)绝代隹(佳)人草管(菅)人命情不自尽(禁)竟竟(兢兢)业业针炙(灸)疗法前踞(倨)后恭相矩(距)不远面面具(俱)到千钓(钧)一发不卑不坑(亢)棵(颗)粒归仓恐(空)前绝后功亏一匮(篑)陈词烂(滥)调兰(篮)球健将厉(利)害得失励(厉)行节约劳动锻练(炼)一枕黄粱(粱)一一例(列)举浏(流)连忘返高官厚录(禄)脉胳(络)分明无礼漫(谩)骂甜言密(蜜)语免(勉)强答应默(墨)守成规自寻烦脑(恼)强努(弩)之末沤(呕)心沥血无独有隅(偶)翘首盻(盼)望批(披)沙拣金居心巨(叵)测艰苦扑(朴)素风尘扑扑(仆仆)星罗旗(棋)布洽(恰)如其分一窃(窍)不通卑躬曲(屈)膝入场卷(券)杀(煞)费苦心潜(潸)然泪下喜上眉捎(梢)有持(恃)无恐手不失(释)卷受(授)予奖章肄(肆)无忌惮毛骨耸(悚)然罪不及奴(孥)打架斗欧(殴)如法泡(炮)制批(纰)漏百出杯(坯)土未干前扑(仆)后继感情融恰(洽)巧(乔)装打扮倾(顷)刻之间怙恶不俊(悛)缺(却)之不恭忍(任)劳任怨儒(孺)子可教含辛如(茹)苦插(歃)血为盟礼上(尚)往来少(稍)纵即逝挑拨事(是)非手(首)屈一指军事部署(署)到处传颂(诵)鬼鬼崇崇(祟祟)蹚(淌)水过河义愤添(填)膺如火如茶(荼)深为唍(惋)惜痿(萎)靡不振为(惟)命是听戍(戊)戌变法稀世(惜)之宝条分缕晰(析)自顾不暇(遐)向(想)往光明通宵(霄)达旦报销(消)车费歪风邪(斜)气学识修(休)养栩栩(诩)如生喧(宣)宾夺主雅(鸦)俗共赏湮(淹)没不闻杳(香)无音信——贻(遗)笑大方一望无垠(银)反映(应)意见优(忧)柔寡断记忆犹(尤)新手头宽裕(余)恬(括)不知耻铤(挻)而走险枉(妄)费心机甘冒不韪(讳)——雨声淅(浙)沥瑕(暇)瑜互见举止安详(祥)骁(饶)勇善战直上重霄(宵)胁(协)从不问不屑(宵)一顾一切就绪(序)寒暄(喧)客套徇(殉)私舞弊敷衍(演)了事异(一)口同声一劳永逸(易)绿草如茵(荫)化学反应(映)式样新颖()良莠(秀)不齐怨天尤(由)人向隅(偶)面泣元(原)气大伤缘(沿)木求鱼销赃(脏)灭迹鼓噪(躁)而进读书札(扎)记敲诈(榨)勒索改弦更张(章)计划缜(慎)密仗义执(直)言出奇制(致)胜幼稚(雅)可笑接踵(踪)而来满脸皱(绉)纹孤注(柱)一掷招摇撞(装)骗惴惴(揣)不安呱呱坠(堕)地真知灼(卓)见故作姿态有所遵(尊)循世外桃源(园)口干舌燥(躁)————不眨(眨)眼压榨(诈)平民通货膨胀(涨)举世震(振)惊(抵)掌而谈掷(抛)地有声莫衷(中)一是捉襟见肘(胄)高瞻远瞩(属)耳儒目染(濡)再接再厉(励)自立更生(力)一切就序(绪)变换(幻)莫测温文尔(而)雅功亏一匮(篑)闲情逸致(志)众志成(乘)城买椟还珠(牍)陈言勿去(务)循序渐进(寻)成群结队(对)一如既往(继)潜移默(漠)化恪守不渝(格)神采飞扬(彩)全神贯注(惯)气势汹汹(凶凶)恰如其分(份)杞(其)人忧天庸人自扰(绕)因材(才)施教关怀备(倍)至和颜(言)悦色否(不)极泰来变本加厉(利)仓皇(慌)失措毋庸(容)讳言(民不聊(疗)生穷形尽相(想)迫不及(急)待安然无恙(佯)平(凭)心而论甘拜(败)下风兵荒(慌)马乱惨(残)无人道戛(嘎)然而止开宗明义(意)出其(奇)不意锲(契)而不舍得陇(垄)望蜀掉(吊)以轻心颠(嗔)沛流离庖(疱)丁解牛咄咄(拙)怪事繁文缛(褥)蜂拥(涌)而至改邪(斜)归正感恩戴(带)德英雄气概(慨)观摩(磨)教学贸(冒)然行动至高无上(尚)谙熟(暗)哀叹(唉)矮墩墩(敦敦)暧昧(暖)安分(份)安详(祥)安装(按)澳洲(州)弊病(蔽)部署(布)迸发(并)报销(消)濒临(频)憋气(敝)白内障(瘴)编纂(篡)白晳(晰)斑斓(澜)班师(搬)扳机(板)报效(孝)抱负(报)备尝(倍)备不住(被)鞭挞(鞑)辨别(辩)变卦(挂)憋屈(曲)屏气(摒)病秧子(殃)不防(防)沧桑(仓)篡夺(纂)仓皇(怆)磋商(嗟)苍穹(穷)仓促(伧)参与(予) 嘈杂(吵)岔路口(叉)搀扶(掺)婵娟(蝉)敞篷车(蓬)沉沧(伦)诚恳(垦)船舷(弦)纯净(静)慈祥(详)葱茏(笼)粗大粝(砺)憧憬(瞳)穿戴(带)仓猝(卒)怅然(伥)谗言(馋)粲然(灿)操作(做)茶座(坐)拆卸(御)掺和(合)长坂坡(板)潮州(洲)沉湎(缅)厨房(橱)疮痍(夷)辍学(缀)聪慧(惠)粗犷(旷)摧毁(催)凋敝(蔽)赌博(搏)打鱼(渔)大拇指(母)戴帽(带)稻杆(秆)玷污(沾)钓竿(杆)斗殴(欧)兑换券(卷)渡难关(度)对峙(恃)纷纭(云)分歧(岐)范畴(筹)附会(符)发泄(泻)幡然(蕃)反悔(返)蜚声(斐)费力(废)蜂捅(踊)俸禄(奉)辐射(幅)副刊(付)奋发(愤)覆没(复)妨碍(防)砝码(法)烦躁(燥)方圆不(园)悱恻(绯)粉末(沫)风采(彩)俘虏(掳)俯瞰(腑)姑息(估)观摩(摹)隔膜(膈)恪守(格)干练(炼)公费(工)雇用(顾)关键(健)光彩(采)聒噪(刮)高亢(吭)诬告(污)瑰丽(魁)橄榄(揽)攻势(功)孤零零(伶伶)挂钩(勾)惯常(贯)鬼祟(崇)过分(份)涣散(焕)幌子(晃)害臊(躁)涵养(函)鹤唳(戾)祸殃(秧)寒暄(喧)弧度(狐)荟萃(会) 荒谬(谎)含混(浑)号啕(淘)浩瀚(翰)菏泽(荷)各盘(合)胡话(糊)花哨(梢)欢度(渡)黄连(莲)汇报(会)活泛(贩)蒿草(篙)号码簿(薄)何尝(偿)和蔼(葛)红扑扑(朴朴)护栏(拦)怀揣(惴)黄澄澄(橙)惶惑(徨)昏慵(慵)寂寥(廖)枷锁(索)缰绳(僵)糨糊(浆)佼佼者(姣姣)节骨眼(结)解馋(谗)精简(减)教唆(梭)既然(即)急躁(燥)皎洁(佼)羁绊(拌)教诲(悔)狙击(阻)崛起(掘)谒见(竭)简陋(漏)跻身(挤)饥肠(肌)急促(疾)家具(俱)戛然(嘎)绛红色(降)娇宠(骄)缴获(徼)竭力(立)锦绣(绵)经典(精)竟然(竞)九州(洲)雎鸠(睢)剧增(巨)兑技场(竟)拘谨(紧)具备(俱)竣工(峻)阔绰(卓)狂妄(忘)楷书(偕)瞌睡(磕)恳求(肯)匮乏(馈)垮台(跨)苦恼(脑)磕头(嗑)刻画(划)夸奖(讲)困扰(挠)联袂(连)蜡纸(腊)良莠(秀)沦落(伦)孪生(挛)雷阵雨(震)立马(码)利落(俐)粼粼(磷)菱形(棱)留恋(流)绿茸茸(耸)落第(弟)伶俐(玲)晾干(凉)玲珑(铃)拉拢(扰)老两口(俩)冷漠(陌)厉害(历)寥廓(阔)邻座(坐)刘海(留)笼络(拢)乱蓬蓬(篷)谩骂(漫)贸然(昌)盲目(肓)描摹(瞄)马甲(夹)牦牛(耗)美籍(藉)默契(挈)泯灭(抿)漫谈(慢)魅力(魁)脉博(膊)煤炭(碳)门第(弟)宣泄(暄)嬉笑(喜)羡慕(幕)心扉(菲)修炼(练)旋涡(窝)询问(寻)赚钱(嫌)先驱(躯)陷阱(井)协奏曲(谐)休憩(修)徇私(循)巡视(寻)严峻(悛)荧光(莹)沿袭(习)眼眶(框)揶揄(愉)一炷香(柱)贻误(殆)赢得(嬴)踊跃(涌)犹如(尤)元气(原)肄业(肆)演绎(译)游弋(戈)眼睑(敛)摇撼(憾)一幅画(副)遗漏(露)隐秘(密)荧屏(萤)幽怨(忧)鱼水情(渔)预定(予)原委(缘)震荡(振)证券(卷)针灸(炙)眨眼(贬)震撼(憾)沮丧(诅)掣肘(制)自诩(翊)钟爱(衷)专攻(功)致使(至)整饬(伤)振奋(震)真谛(缔)针砭(贬)札记(扎)缜密(慎)装订(钉)折叠(迭)装帧(祯)锱铁(珠)恣意(恣)诅咒(咀)遵从(尊)座右铭(佑)做客(作)奏效(凑)坐标(座)作揖(做)暮色(幕)偌大(诺)碾碎(辗)讴歌(呕)偶尔(而)盘踞(距)膨胀(涨)偏僻(辟)拼争(挣)平添(凭)迁徙(徒)痊愈(全)敲诈(榨)轻蔑(篾) 遒劲(虬)蜷缩(倦)授予(与)疏忽(乎)悚然(耸)亲合力(合)顷刻(倾)驱使(趋)蹂躏(揉)饶恕(挠)熟练(炼)手腕(捥)杀戮(截)萎靡(糜)蜿蜒(延)宛若(婉)文绉绉(诌诌)伸张(申)怂恿(勇)晌午(响)撒谎(慌)瘙痒(骚)煞白(刹)社稷(傁)师傅(付)时辰(晨)手续(序)狩猎(守)舒缓(抒)唢呐(锁)搪塞(塘)蹚水(嘡)拖沓(踏)恬静(甜)蜕化(脱)瘫倒(摊)袒护(坦)通牒(谍)贪赃(脏)调剂(济)拖鞋(托)炫耀(弦)喧闹(渲)逍遥(消)胁迫(协)熏陶(淘)渲染(喧)。



Last Saturday, we organize a trip to the countryside. 76.o_r_g_a_n_iz_ed
The countryside has taken on new look everywhere
77. ___a___
主要考查形容词和副词的混用,比较级前的 修饰词误用或多用。
NMET 2004 : I would describe myself as shy and quietly. _q_u__ie_t__
NMET 2005 : He asked angry if we had finished the work. a_n_g__ri_ly_
(2) I told Mother, Father, Sister, all my friends
here what a great time I had. and
(3) It is a very important exam but I can’t afford
to fail it.
(4) She was smiling and nod at me.
83. __th_e_i_r_ 84. __s_o___
why people look more energetic and young for their age. 85. _y_o_u_n_g_er
• 四不改:
• ①标点符号不改。 • ②大小写不改。 • ③词序错误不改。 • (不是不改,而是按错词或少词来改) • ④在纲外生词不改。文中出现带汉



高考总复习之单句改错专专项训练代词1. Don't tell anyone else. It is strictly between you and I.2. I and he have known each other for ten years.3. Alice and myself are willing to work in the factory.4. It was me who first found out the secret.5. One must do his duty.6. No body knows about it.7. He is an old friend of me.8. Whom do you think is the best student in the class?9. We had the same feeling as theirs.10. I like him better than her.11. Did any of my classmates come to gee me? No one.12. We had the same feeling as theirs.13. The tree has shaken off it's leaves.14. Did you see the house where he designed himself?15. Do you know the place which they built the house?16. He had a bad cold. It is why he didn't come.17. This is all what I want to say.18. He held a flag in hand.19. He lost his usual cheerfulness. This puzzled me.20. The population of China is much larger than Japan.动词辨析1. Last year he took part in the League.2. It takes him much time to dress his clothes.3. Water, when boiled, always gives out steam.4. "Where is my recorder?" "Maybe someone has brought it away," ___________________5. The newly-built cinema adds up to the beauty of the town.6. He has laid there for a long time.7. When did you call at your first teacher?8. The film reminds me to live a miserable life in the old society.9. Middle school students are prevented to smoke.10. The robbers stole him of all his money last night.11. First he rose his hand and then raised to answer the question.12. The Kings had the pyramids made up of big stones.13. The clock knocked twelve and I realized it was late.14. I believe getting plenty of exercise.15. I am going to answer to his question.16. This science book spent me a great amount of money.17. I received a letter from my friend in New York, saying he gave me a book18. Grandfather hopes me to be a doctor, but I dreamt of becoming an astronaut as a child.19. Readers can get through quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.20.---When did the man turn on? ---In no time.动词时态11. Did you sent him a message for me?2. I have seen a good film yesterday.3. I never visited the Great Hall of People.4. The clock struck.5. He is hearing my lecture.6. She talks as if she knows everything.7. The train left before I arrived.8. If he would have asked me, I should have stayed.9. They asked him to be captain, but he refuses.11. He speaks Chinese very well, but I am not sure whether he can speaks Cantonese too.12. I shall speak to him as soon as he will come.13. He do say that he is fond of stamp collecting.14. His father has died for forty years.15. When I was a child, I learnt that the Yangtze River was the first longest river in China.16. She made up her mind to be a nurse after she finishes school.17. The film has begun for 5 minutes.18. The girl worked hard so that she may not fail in the exam.19. You ought to come yesterday.20. He joined the league for two years.动词语态21. English is not easy to be learnt.2. Henry got injured in the accident which was happened yesterday.3. She was disappeared from the house.4. Great changes have been taken place in this city since liberation.5. A year is consisted of twelve months.6. The People's Republic of China founded in 1949.7. World War II was broken out in 1939.8. Though the village suffered from big flood, the villagers did not discourage.9. The problem must solve at once.10. Satellites have widely used in many countries since 1960.11. The window is broken. It needs being repaired.12. He had invited to visit the United States before he finished his great novel.13. We have to take measures to prevent the disease from being spread.14. The living standard of people has raised in the last few years.15. Be quick, we must get there before the sun is set.16. No letters were received from their son since last month.17. The little girl has been looked for by her parents.18. Tom is often laughed by his classmates.19. A great number of large buildings have set up in our country since liberation.20, The price has been gone up recently.非谓语动词11. In the old days the working people were made work long hours.2. The boy seating on a bench at the end of the classroom is my brother.3. The whales' bones are not strong enough holding up their muscles on land.4. Things keep being changed.5. The classroom needs cleaned.6. I find this book interested.7. It is time of sowing wheat.8. I heard him said so.9. I'm hungry. Get me something for eating.10. He is too tired walking any longer.11. She enjoys me to listen to light music.12. He kept me to wait for many hours.13. Master Wu teaches us how run the machine.14. We have a new hospital to build over there.15. Please tell him don't work too hard.16. I hope seeing him as soon as possible.17. I am sorry hearing the news.18. That movie is worth to be seen.19. Don't you see him to run towards us?20. I wrote to him asked for his help.1. Master a foreign language needs hard work.2. He ordered the room sweeping.3. I hope you don't mind to go on foot.4. This room is quite comfortable living in.5. It's time for us going home.6. It is a pleasure to watch the face of an asleep baby.7. Who is the girl to answer the teacher's question over there?8. I am going to have my radio to fix.9. She needs the work be doing before tomorrow.10. That's really kind for you saying so.11. My watch is broken. I must have it to be repaired.12. I wanted meeting your friend, but my car broke down on the way.13. The book writing by the famous writer is being printed at the factory.14. Many parents allow their children making their own decisions.15. Revolution means to liberate the productive forces.16. Never stop to look for the laws which control facts.17. Do you remember me to return those books to the library?18. ---Can you do it by yourself? ---I would like John helping me.19. My father has given up to smoke and now prefers eating sweets.20. His brother escaped to be killed in the battle.否定句1. Who did open the door?2. Please not make so much noise.3. Everything is all right, isn't they?4. I would not rather visit the factory.5. You had not to do it.6. I don't believe she knows it, do I?7. Let's go, will you?8. How fine weather it is!9. What good a teacher he is!10. What he ran!11. Nobody will not agree with you.12. I didn't see neither of you.13. You must remember don't to come late.14. He told me don't to do it again.15. I have no any money on me.16. I think you are not a good doctor.17. We believe that you are not wrong.18. He hardly knew about it, didn't he?19. The two books are badly written. I don't like both.20. She made her mother angry by didn't taking medicine.副词1. The little boy didn't dare to go home lonely because of having played truant.2. The box is rather heavy, any man can see the boy isn't so strong to lift it.3. He won't do it. I won't do it, too.4. My brother worked in that factory three years before.5. It doesn't smell good but taste well.6. Don't walk any farther. There are wild animals deeply in the forest.7. I told him to not come on Monday.8. I got your letter before four days.9. It is now very hot to play football.10. It is a much interesting book.12. He is very stronger than I am.13. This speed bicycle is much more better.14. The stars we see there are two trillion(万亿)light-years ago.15. Has he already come back?16. He has just now come back from New York.17. Have you seen him recently?18. I hear he will go abroad lately.19. I'm very surprised at the news.20. We all know you very much.各种从句1. I can't understand all what he said.2. Which is known to all, my school is a good one.3. Is this school that you visited yesterday?4. I'll never forget the day when I spent in that village.5. This is the factory in that I once worked.6. I don't like anything which he gave me.7. I still remember the places and the people whom I saw there.8. She prefers such books like that one.9. That he did is not right.10. The fact which he was ill made us worried.11. He said he will stay here for some time.12. Teacher told us that the moon turned around the earth.13. Please tell me what the matter was.14. I don't understand how did he do it.15. The problem is we are short of money.16. The reason why he was late was because he was iii.17. Spring is coming, because trees are getting green.18. For he was ill, he was absent.19. He died until last year.20. I won't go unless it is not fine tomorrow.介词1. What is the time on your watch?2. When is he leaving to England?3. A year consists from twelve months.4. It depends in yourself.5. Some of them against the plan.6. He failed mid-term examination last year.7. There will be a class meeting in the afternoon. We hope you'll come and join with us.8. I shall be back after two weeks.9. Someone is knocking the door.10. The answer of this question is quite simple.11. I've heard him, but I don't know him.12. Your book is not similar with mine.13. I live on No. 58 Wang Fu Jing Street. It is very near the railway station.14. The accident happened in Saturday's evening.15. The shop opens at 9:00 a.m. and closes till 7:00 p.m.16. Wine is made of grapes.17. We were surprised for his failure.18. He is familiar to English.19. This book is worthy of to be read.20. Do you mind fetching a cup of coffee to me?连词2. Man cannot live without water and air.3. If she is coming or not doesn't matter too much.4. As he is a child he knows a lot.5. Both you and they are not to blame.6. Hardly the students got to fields when they began to work.7. He took a rest until he finished his work.8. No matter you do what, you must have a high sense of responsibility.9. Since you know it already, so I needn't tell you again.10. We shall attend the meeting, that is to be held in Room 205.11. That is all what you want.12. You will pass the entrance examination unless you study hard.13. He neither speaks English nor French.14. In spite of he failed in the exam, he was not discouraged.15. He did not write clearly and quickly.16. He is so tired so that he cannot go.17. If you will come to see us is not unknown.18. English is not only difficult to write, but also to speak.19. The pen he is using now is the same like the one I lost.20. He'll accept the job unless the salary isn't too low.名词1. What do you plan to do after you have finished your homeworks?2. I have a lot of works to do.3. Do you know they are Englishmen or Germen?4. This room is full of new furnitures.5. There is a pine tree at the enter to the village.6. They' ve got a lot of informations on the subject.7. he wrote a two-thousand-words report.8. Mr and Mrs Cooper arrived at London Airport.9. They often have fish, meat and vegetable for supper.10. Mrs Smith gets well along with her neighbour.11. John is the proud of the whole family.12. You should follow his advices on how to learn a foreign language.13. They had only three meal of soup every day.14. Dickens wrote Oliver Twist in the year 1837 - 1838.15. We saw some green grasses here and there on the hill.16. Don't take advantages of others' weakness.17. His new play was a great succeed.18. No one knows what their believes are.19. Bacteriums cause various diseases.20. She brought out her juwelry and told me to take anything I wanted.情态动词、助动词1. I would like the story at all.2. I would rather to study than play now.3. My teacher knows more than my uncle knows.4. Tell the boy that he can swimming in the river.5. "That must be a mistake." "No, it must not be a mistake."6. Can I water the trees on Tuesday? No, you needn't.7. You needn't to come to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.8. Our teacher had one strict rule. She said that all the students must have come to class on time.9. "You can't read that article if you don't want to."10. When the storm comes all windows ought to close.11. I think you'd better to take his advice and rest for a few days.12. Since the road is wet this morning, it must rain last night.14. Do you like to have lunch with us today?15. My father couldn't say such a thing.16. Bill said that he will drive into the city to pick up his children.17. He was used to have breakfast at 8 when he lived alone.18. What shall I do for you?19. Looking at my determined face, the big boy doesn't dare pick up the fight.20. Even if he has time, he doesn't go shopping in town on Sunday.省略句与it1. He is not so kind as he used to do.2. Would you like to do it for me? Yes, I'd like to do.3. He reads English better than I am.4. You may stay here if you want.5. He looks as if were afraid of nothing.6. When entered the room, she saw a letter there.7. When asking how to do it, she said nothing.8. Are you tired? Yes, I' m.9. She hasn't decided whether to go or stay.10. Is he sick? I'm afraid yes.11. Will it rain tomorrow? I hope won' t.12. He was fond of skating when was a child.13. The river is clean where it deep.14. He won' t come unless he invited.15. I found interesting to read English.16. It was until yesterday that I came back.17. They made clear that smoking is not allowed here.18. That is clear that he is from London.19. It were Tom and Mary who cleaned the room.20. Where can it be you met him?数词1. Let's begin to learn the Three Lesson.2. Hundred of new schools have been set up these years.3. He was the twelveth who was arrested.4. Mr. Johnson is in his early thirty.5. The scientist died still in his fourties.6. This took place in the 1930s'.7. The city has a population of four millions.8. 9,743 is read as nine thousand and seven hundred and forty-three.9. We held a meeting to celebrate the eighty anniversary of the founding of our school.10. I will never give up, not even on the 1,000 try.11. Two-fifth of the machines on display are new items.12. They use one-fourths of the money for capital construction.13. "The Ten-Thousands-Li Great Wall" is the longest wall in the world.14. This is the nineth bird he has caught.15. There are two hundred fifty-two people in the hall. 16. There are forty five students in our class.17. I live in 201 Room. 18. His sister was born on 1963, November, 29.19. Everyday she goes to school by 14 No. Bus.20. In 2000 year, China will become a great, modern, powerful socialist country.代词Keys:1. I→me 2. He and I 3. myself→I myself 4. me→I 5. his→one's 6. No body→Nobody 7. me→mine8. whom→who 9. theirs→the y 10. her→she do11. No one→None 12. they (had)13. it's→its 14. where→which15. which→where 16. It→That 17. all what→what 18. in his hand19. This→That 20. than that of Japan动词Keys 1. took part in→joined 2. dress→put on 3. gives out→gives off 4. brought→taken5. adds up to→adds to6. laid→lain7. called at→call on8. to live→of living9. prevented→forbidden10. stole→robbed11. rose→raised raised→rose 12. made up of→made of13. prefer→would rather14. knocked→struck15. answer→reply 16. spent→cos17. gave→sent18. hopes→wants19. get through-,-get along 20. turn on→turn up动词时态1Keys:1. sent→send 2. have seen→saw 3. never visited→have never visited 4. struck→has strusk 5. is hearing→hears 6. knows→knew7. left→had left 8. would have asked→had asked9. ref uses→refused 10. am→have been 11. speaks→speak 12. will come→comes 13. do→does14. has died→has been dead15. (the Yangtze River) was→is 16. finishes→finished17. has begin→has been on 18. may→might19. to come→to h ave come20. join the league→has been a league member or for two years→two years ago动词时态2 Keys 1. to be learnt→to learn 2. was happened→happened3. was disappeared→disappeared 4. have been taken place→have taken place 5. is consisted of→consists of 6, founded→was founded7. was broken→broke 8. didn't discourage→were not discouraged9. must solve→must be solved10. have widely used→have widely been used11. being repaired→repairing 12. have invited→had been invited13. being spread→spreading 14. has raised---has been raised15. is set→sets16. were received→have been received17. has been looked for→is being looked for 18. laughed→laughed at19. have set up→have been set up 20. has been gone up→has gone up非谓语动词1Keys:1. work→to work 2.seating→seated 3. holding→to hold 4. being changed→changing 5. cleaned→cleaning 6. interested→interesting7. of sowing→to sow 8. said→say9. for eating→to eat 10. walking→to walk11. to listen→listening 12. to wait→waiting13. how run→how to r un 14. to build→built15. don't work→not to work 16. seeing→to see17. hearing→to hear18. to be seen→seeing19. to run→running 20. asked→asking非谓语动词2Keys:1. Master→Mastering 2. sweeping→to be swept3. to go→goi ng 4. living→to live 5. going→to go6. asleep→sleeping7. to answer→answering8. to fix→fixed9. be doing→done 10. for you saying so→of you to say so11. to be repaired→repaired 12. meeting→to meet13. writing→written 14. making→to make15. to liberate→liberating16. to look for→looking for 17. to return→returning 18. helping→to help 19. to smoke→smoking 20. to be killed→being killed否定句Keys:1. did open→opene2. not→don't 3. they→it 4. not rather→rather not5. had not→didn't have 6. do I→does she 7. will you→shall we 8. How→Wha 9. What→How 10. What→How11. will not→will 12. neither→either 13. don't→not 14.don't→not15. no→not 16. I→I don't, are not→are17. We→We don't18. didn't→did19. both→either 20. didn't→not副词Keys:1. lonely→alone2. so strong→strong enough3. too→either 4. before→ago 5. well→good6. deeply→deep7. to not→not to8. before four days→four days ago9. very→too10. much→more 11. lately→late 12. very→much 13. more better→better14. ago→away15. already come back→come back yet 16. just now→just17. recently→lately 18. lately→soon19. very→much 20. very much→very well从句Keys:1. what→that 2. Which→As 3. that→the one 4. when→that 5. that→which6. which→that7. whom→that8. like→as9. That→What 10. which→that11. will→would12 turned→turns13. what the matter was→what was the matter15. is→is that 14 did he do→he did 15. is→is that 16 because→that17. because→for 18 For→Because19. died→didn't die 20 is not→is介词Keys: 1. on→by 2. to→for3. from→of 4. in→on5. against---were against 6.failed→failed in7. join with us→join us 8. after→in9. knocking→knocking at 10. of→to11. heard→heard of 12. with→to13. on→at 14. in→on15. till→at 16. of→from17. for→at 18. to→with19. of to be read→to be read 20. to→for连词Keys: 1. but they→they 2. and→or 3. if→whether 4. As→Though 5. Both... and→Neither…nor 6. Hardly→Hardly had7. took→didn't take 8. you do what→what you do9. Since you know→You know 10. that→which or so I needn' t→I needn't11. what→that 12. will→won't13. neither speaks→speaks neither 14. In spite of→Though15. and→or 16. so that→that17. If→Whether 18. not only difficult→difficult not onl19. like→as 20. unless→if名词Keys:1. homeworks→homework2. works→work 3. German→Germans 4. furnitures→furniture 5. enter→entrance 6. informations→information7. two-thousand-words→two-thousand-word 8. Cooper→Coopers9. vegetable→vegetables10. neighbour→neighbours11. proud→pride 12. advices→advice13. meal→meals 14. year→years15. grasses→grass 16. advantages→advantage17. succeed→success18. believes→beliefs19. Bacteriums→Bacteria 20. juwelry→jewelry情态动词、助动词Keys1. would like→don't lik2. to study→study 3. knows→does 4. swimming→swim 5. must not be→cannot be 6. Can→Must7. needn't to come→needn't come 8. must have come→must come 9. can't→needn't 10. close→be closed11. to take→take 12. must rain→must have rained13. should→would 14. Do→Woul d15. couldn't say→cannot have said 16. will→would17. 去掉was 18. shall→can19. doesn't dare→dare not 20. doesn' t→won' t省略句与 it Keys:1. do→be 2. to do→to 3. I am→I4. want→want to5. if were→if 6. entered→entering7. asking→asked 8. I'm→I am9. stay→to stay 10. yes→so11. won' t→not 12. when→when he13. it→it is14. invited→is invited15. found→found it 16. was→was no17. made→made i 18. That is→It is19. were→was 20. you→that yo u数词Keys:1. the Three→the Third 2. Hundred of→hundreds of 3. twelveth→twelfth 4. thirty→thirties 5. fourties→forties 6. 1930s'→1930's (or 1930s)7. millions→million 8. and seven hundred→seven hundred9. eighty→eightieth 10. 1000→1000th11. Two-fifth→Two-fifths 12. one-fourths→one-fourth13. Ten-Thousands-li→Ten-Thousand-li 14. nineth→ninth15. fifty-two→and fifty-two 16. forty five→forty-five17. 201 Room→Room 201 18. on 1963, November, 29.→on November 29, 1963 19. 14 No. Bus→Bus No. 1420. In 2 000 year→In the 2 000 year。



2021高考英语短文改错训练(7)及答案(精品)1.短文改错My friend Dick was seven years old, and her sister Katherine was five. One day their mother take them to their aunt ’s to play while she went to the city buy some new clothes. They played for a hour, and then their aunt took Dick into the kitchen. She gave him a nicely cake and a knife and said, “Dick, cut this cake in half, and give one of the piece to your sister. But rem embering to do it like a gentleman.” “How do gentlemen do it ?” Dick asked. “They always give the bigger one piece to the other person,” answered his aunt. Dick thought up this for a few seconds. Then he took the cake to his sister but said to her, “Cut this cake in half, Katherine. ”【参考答案】1.My friend Dick was seven years old, and her sister Katherine was five. One day their mother takehis took例如: It was very nice to get your invitation to spend ∧ weekend with you. Luckilythem to their aunt’s to play while she went to the city ^ buy some new clothes. They played for a hour,toanand then their aunt took Dick into the kitchen. She gave him a nicely cake a nd a knife and said, “Dick,nicecut this cake in half, and give one of the piece to your sister. But remembering to do itpieces remember like a gentleman.”“How do gentlemen do it?”Dick asked. “They always give the bigger one piece to theother person,” answered his aunt. Dick thought up this for a few seconds. Then he took the cake toabouthis sister but said to her, “Cut this cake in half, Katherine.”and2.短文改错(共10小题,每题1分,总分值10分)假定英语课上教师要求同桌之间互换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。

五年级语文修改病句及错别字练习(有答案) (1)

五年级语文修改病句及错别字练习(有答案) (1)



































人称代词改错题一、人称代词改错题的一些常见错误类型1. 主格和宾格的混淆比如“我和他去公园,妈妈给我和他买了冰淇淋。




2. 单数和复数人称代词的错误像“我们班每个人都有自己的梦想,他希望成为科学家,她希望成为画家。



3. 人称代词的指代不明例如“小明告诉小李,他的书丢了。





4. 物主代词的误用像“我喜欢自己的书包,你不能拿我书包。



5. 反身代词的错误使用比如“他自己完成作业,我自己也完成作业。






2014人教版七年级英语上册改错题专练1.Here are you.2.Cindy runs every morning.3.For week, I like carrots.4.Sunday is the first day of a vegetables.5.Helen, being late is not a good habits.6.She wants buy a skirt.7.Do you the boy in black ?8.Please help I with my English.9.She has a sweater for green.10.W hat about have a cup of tea ?11.I’ll take pen for 2 yuan.12.Tom and Jack likes apples.13.T he teacher wants us to doing homework .14.D oes your sisters like hamburgers?15.L ily plays tennis very good.16.Do you eats ice-cream for dinner ?17.These yellow sweater are nine dollar.18.H ow much are those brown sweater.19.H ow much are the chicken.20.This pair of shoes are cheap.21.T here are some water in the bottle.22.C ome buy fruit at our shop.23.These two pairs of glasses looks nice.24.B etty doesn’t like in brown sweater.25.H ow much is that shorts.26.W hat do you like fruit ?27.S he needs to buy skirt for her daughter.28.A pril is the fifth month of a year.29.W e can buy school things are in the shop.30.M onday is the first day of a week.31.H er birthday is in October 2nd.32.P lease come to my party on seven this evening.33.I always have bread and milk for breakfast on themorning.34.Y ou have an English test at the morning.35.W e need have many vegetables every day.36.I t’s her forty birthday.37.H ow much do the shorts ?38.I t’s a English map.39.A re your pen blue ?40.I think English it’s useful.41.H ow many chicken is there on the table?42.M y mother do housework at home.43.T om doesn’t homework at school.44.H ere are some rice.45.She wants buy a skirt.46.W hen is your mother birthday?47.T he soccer ball game is on 2:30.48.H e don’t buy the socks.49.T his is you brother.50.I t’s is a CD player.51.Does Joe and Anna like oranges?52.W e English class is very interesting.53.D aming help me get the hat.54.A re these tape player your brother’s?55.D o you like sweater ?56.It’s time for go home.57.I like have meat for dinner.58.Let’s playing soccer.59.T here are two blue bed in the room.60.Do your CDs in the drawer?。




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新建 改错1—8课

新建 改错1—8课

• 5. If someone likes to travel, it's me.
• 1. I want her to has lunch with us.
• 2. What supermarket shall we go to?
• 3. Let's to go to the sports shop. • 4. We are glad to have he at home. • 5. You'd better to send her some flowers.
5. I will take some pictures for the Great Wall.
• 1. How was your trip in Xi'an? • 2. How do you think of the food there? • 3.There are many places of interesting in China. • 4. I enjoyed me in the park yesterday.
改 错(1---8)下
1. Where are you going to do with your parents? 2. How are you going? ---Xi'an. 3. We are ready to the trip.
4. Lanzhou is real a beautiful city.
• 1. Do you have some pop music tapes?
• 2. A foolish man looked up into the well. • 3. Please return the book after two weeks.



第一,系动词和感官动词后面只能跟形容词,特别要 注意那些既可以作系动词又可以作实义动词的动词, 如go, become, grow, keep等。 第二,大多数副词都可以-ly 结尾,但以-ly 结尾的不 一定都是副是词,比如likely, costly,deadly等;有 些副词和形容词同形,但意义或功能不一定相同, 比如fast , early, close, direct, hard, sound等;有些 副词有两种不同的形式和意义,比如 cheap/cheaply, close/closely, deep/deeply等。 第三,不及物动词后面也有可能跟形容词,作主语补 足语,比如 I returned home unhappy/safe and sound. 如果分别换为unhappily 或 safely and soundly 反而是错误的。
His Arab host… said of (of →/) nothing… 要解决介词误用的问题,需要平时多练习和 积累,熟识固定搭配,同时还要了解常用介 词的基本词义,在非固定搭配中正确运用。 5. 连词的误用 连词之间的误用。 Eg, however, a second person thought that this was more a question of civilized behavior as(→than) good manners.
第四,有一些以a-开头的形容词只作表语,不能作 前置定语,比如 asleep, alive, afraid, awake, ashamed, alike 等。 3. 代词的误用 这类考题包括代词单复数用错,人称与非人称用错, 主宾格或所有格用错,关系代词用错,不定代词用 错等。 大部分同学都知道各类代词的语法知识,但是在篇章 中,尤其要弄清楚代词指代的内容,不要受各种插 入成分的干扰。 Eg. The myth …attracts immigrants from rural poverty and brings it (→them) flooding into city centers…



校对改错项目要求学生运用已学过的语法知识 ,来判断句子的正误,找出语病,幵作修正。这里 要强调的一点是,TEM-8考试的这个项目丌是孤立 地测试学生的语法知识;它更偏重学生运用语法知 识的能力,即怎样把书本知识转化成实际能力。因 此,对于学生来说,在平时一要巩固已学过的语法 知识,理清概念;二要注重提高运用语言知识解决 具体问题的能力。
为了能使考生较为彻底地把握解决错误、识别 语病的钥匙,为了避免“知其然而丌知其所以然” 的现象,我们首先从错误类型归类着手,介绍易于 记忆的、起关键作用的要点、标记,幵以此作为钥 匙去开启识别、改正短文的语病之大门。
1.主谓一致 2.动词时态 3.动词语态:主动/被动语态 4.连接词/幵列句/从句 5.比较级 6.虚拟语气 7.非谓语动词 8.代词不先行词的一致 9.倒装句语序 10.赘述 11.增添词 12.易混淆的词
先从头到尾通读全文,在正确理解戒大致正确理解甚至在 猜想原文的前提下, 再仔绅推敲需要改正戒增添的内容。此时,考生必须充分 调动所掌握的语法和词汇两方面的知识,发挥自身领会、推 理,判断乃至猜想的能力,幵利用以往的学习经验.做起题 来才能游刃有余。 找出错误幵改正后,还要注意通读全文。从词汇和语法两 方面来检查被改正后的短文的意思是否通顺,逻辑概念是否 严密合理,结构是否正确,完整。
2)句际错误:对此类错误的判断要基于上下文 之上,也就是牵涉到句不句之间的关系了。如: 1997年试卷的第5题:departure. This is what his body wants to do,therefore(5)( 把therefore 改成加but) 1999年试卷的第5题:as an hour of gathering produces 240(5)(把as改成while)





增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在此符号下面写出该加的词。


修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意:(1)每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;(2)只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

Dear Angela,I am so happy to learn you are coming to study in our school and stay at my home.My home is at No.58, Mingzu Street. A five-minutes walk from my home along Mingzu Street will lead you to a crossroads, when Mingzu Street meets Baohu Road. On the corner of the crossroads lie a shopping mall, where you can get everything you needed. Walking for about 300 meter along Baohu Road, you’ll see our school on right. There we will spend most of the daytime. In the end of Mingzu Street stands the new railway station, and that it’s easy for you to reach. As a bus stop is just next to my home, Bus No.23 will direct take you there.I can’t wait to seeing you in China.Yours,Li Hua英语书法练习_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________。




























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Last summer vacation, I went back to my hometown to visit my grandparent. They had several cows in their yard. One day, one of them were ill, but it didn’t want take any medicine. An animal doctor came and gave it an injection. After a while, and it seemed to be better, so I decided to feed it anything. I fed it carrots, which were cut ting into small pieces. I also fed it milk powder with pills in them, just as a doctor told me. Although looking after an ill cow was a ti red job, I felt a sense of achievement as it beg ins to recover. (8)My brother Ray and I were watching the TV when our cat Teega meowed at us before speed off down the hallway. We thought it is a bit strange as she only usually meowed at meal time s. Puzz ling, we followed her. I was well into the bedroom before I turned up the light. I didn’t know what was more surprised: me or the young man now climb back out of the window empty-handed. I heard he fall onto the rocks below and then struggle through the rose in the front garden. By the time Ray reached the front door, the would –be thief gone. Standing right beside Ray was Teega.
(10) I found a 100-yuan note on my chair a minute I came to my seat in the classroom in this afternoon. The first thing came into my mind was to return them to the owner. After all, the money was not mine. However, I have no idea who had lost this note. What ever I did was ask all my classmates who
the possib ly owner was. Eventually, one of my classmate told me he had lost 100 yuan, for I gave it to him. “I cannot thank you very much,” he said. At that moment I felt very happy about what I had done.
Alice: Do you think that I’m 61________(fat) than before? Bruce: Hmmm a little bit. Are you 62_______(annoy) about that?
Alice: Yes, of course. I don’t like being fat you know! I must go on 63____diet.
Bruce: As long as you’re healthy, I think it’s okay. You’re not too big 64 _______ your height.
Alice: But I think I’m a little overweight. I want to lose some weight.
Bruce: So, what kinds of food do you avoid 65_______(eat)? Alice: That’s the problem. I love cooking with coconut
milk(椰子汁) and also fried food. As far as I know, coonut milk contains saturated(饱和的)fatty acid, 66______might
increase my weight.
Bruce:Ha ha…yes! Cooking with coconut milk 67 _____ (give) a better taste, but it can be harmful if you consume too much of it. How about boiled or steamed food?
Alice: Well,…. I don’t 68________(real) like them. It would be hard for me to eat food cooked that way. But no pain, no gain. So I must try my best to control 69 _______(I ) from now on.
Bruce: You could also do more exercise 70_______(lose) weight as well.
Alice: That’s true. 61 fatter62annoyed63a64for 65 eating66 which 67 gives 68 really 69 myself 70 to lose。
