



season011.Sky Blue And Black(第一集,Rechel看着窗外的雨)top of the world(第七集 carpenters经典曲目,到处都有下载)2.The Odd Couple(一个节目的主题曲,第十二集六个人在咖啡店里哼的那首)3.I Dream of Jeannie(也是十二集哼的,只不过Ross刚起了个头就被大家叫停了)4.New York Minute(老鹰乐队经典之一,马修在医院醒来抓住Ross手指时候的背景音乐)5.March From Bridge(著名口哨曲-桂河大桥,第十八集五个人帮Rechel 准备应聘信函的时候吹的)6.The lion sleeps tonight(马修喜欢听得那个,其实是狮子王立的音乐,建议听Zulu 歌手Soloman Linda那个版本,是Friends里面所用的) 接下来第二季1.Singing in the Rain - 雨中曲,很景点的老歌了,Ross和她的亚裔女友过夜后的早上轻舞街上的配乐2.I Go Blind - 来自 Hootie and the Blowfish 第五集Rros生日,Ross,Monica和Chandler去看Hootie & the Blowfish的演唱会,这是开场的第一首歌,当时另外三个朋友因为没有钱,只好在家里猜Joey的手指玩。

3.Beverly Hills Cop - 一段很有名的配乐,第十五集Ross玩keyboard 的时候的一段底乐。

4.YMCA - 第21集最后,Monica带假奶打工,其他五人去“捧场”,Joey 点歌让Monica和其他职员开始了一段“桌上舞蹈”,就是这首歌。

5.Copacabana - 第22集Rachel在参加 Barry 婚礼上楼内裤出糗,后来上台唱的那首歌。

第三季我常听的就一个Get Ready For This - 也是大家很熟悉的,第9集,他们玩Football的配乐。



《⽼友记(六⼈⾏)》 I ll be there for you 歌词翻译送给我的朋友们!I 'll be there for youSo no one told you life was gonna be this way [four claps]没⼈告诉你⽣活会是这样Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's D.O.A. (dead on arrival)你滑稽的⼯作,你的差劲,你半途⽽废的爱情It's like you're always stuck in second gear就像开车的时候卡在⼆档,⽆法迅速前⾏When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year当这⼀天、这⼀周、这⼀个⽉,甚⾄是这⼀年你都是这样的背兴!------------CHORUS:(合唱)----------but I'll be there for you但我会在你的⾝边陪着你(When the rain starts to pour)(当⼤⾬倾泻的时候)I'll be there for you我会在你的⾝边⽀持你(Like I've been there before)(就像我⼀直做的那样)I'll be there for you我会在你的⾝边陪伴你('Cause you're there for me too)(因为你也在我的⾝边陪着我)You're still in bed at ten and work began at eight⼯作本该在早上8点开始,但10点了你还在睡~You've burned your breakfast; so far, things are going great除了烧焦了你的早餐,⼀切都还很完美Your mother warned you there'd be days like these你妈妈警告过你,⽣活有时候会像这样不如意But she didn't tell you when the world has brought you down to your knees但她没告诉你当你⼼灰意冷的时候,我会在你的⾝边陪着你!CHORUS(合唱)No one could ever know me, no one could ever see me没有⼈可以了解我,没有⼈可以看透我Seems you're the only one who knows what it's like to be me似乎只有你知道我该是什么样的⼈Someone to face the day with, make it through all the rest with你是和我⼀起⾯对明天,⼀起打发时间Someone I'll always laugh with⼀起纵情欢笑的⼈。






《Friends》精选歌集下载-第1季1.Billy Don't Be A Hero - Bo Donaldson这首歌并没有出现在片子中,只是Ross的一段台词涉及到了,《Friends》读书笔记中也曾提到过,这是一首著名的反战歌曲,歌中有一句是“Billy,don't be a hero,come back,make me your wife。

”在剧中,乔伊劝罗斯忘记前妻再找新的女友,罗斯反问乔伊“Do the words'Billy,don't be a hero''mean anything to u?”这里罗斯把找新女友比喻成上战场。

2.Sky Blue And Black -Jackson Browne这应该是《Friends》第一首插曲了吧?失婚的Ross和逃婚的Rachel看着窗外的黑夜时所响起的歌曲。

3.My Guy - Shirelles出现在第十一集,Monica和Phoebe害一个帅哥被车撞了,她们照顾他的时候的背景歌曲。

4.The Odd Couple属于电视节目主题曲,音乐一旦想起你就会马上知道,剧中并没有播放原曲,不过却是六人用口技演奏的,出现在第十二集的开头。

5.I Dream of Jeannie出现场景同上,只不过Ross刚起了个头就被Chandle喊停了。

6.Bridge Over The River Kwai全球著名的口哨音乐——桂河大桥,第十八集开始的时候,大家帮Rachel准备履历表的时候合吹的。

7. The lion sleeps tonight还是第十八集,还记得Marcel最喜欢的那首歌吗?这首歌的版本也有好几个,《Friends》用的就是这首来自祖鲁歌手Soloman Linda的版本。

8.YOU'RE A BIG BOY NOW - JOHN SEBASTIAN第二十一集,Marcel被送上飞机的时候所响起的歌。



101 - ross和rach 各自在窗边看雨时的插曲【Sky Blue and Black】歌手Jackson Browne 专辑I'm Alive.104 - 男生们去看冰球比赛的插曲【Charge】是一首很老的歌经常在美国棒球和冰球比赛中播放107 - 停电时菲菲joey 和mon一起唱的歌(此时ross和rach在窗外和猫搏斗)【Top of the World】歌手The Carpenters.109 - joey的VD广告到处贴的背景音乐【Don't Stand So Close To Me】歌手The Police (菲比是他们的fan哈哈)ross对着carol的肚子唱的歌【Hey, Hey, We're the Monkeys】歌手The Monkeys110 - party刚开始时的背景音乐【Shiny Happy People】by R.E.M., from the album Out of Time.- 菲菲和david告别【Into Your Arms】by Lemonheads.111 - mon和菲菲照顾昏迷男【My Guy 】by Mary Wells.112 - 六个人一起哼的歌【The Odd Couple】- ross继续哼另外5个人不哼了的歌【I Dream of Jeannie.】115 - ross邀请bug lady(喜欢dirty talk的妞)去他家约会被猴子抓头发时的背景音乐【Girl, You'll Be a Woman Soon】by Neil Diamond.117 - 菲菲到达party之前的背景音乐【What's the Frequency, Kenneth?】by R.E.M.- ross和marcel在医院【New York Minute】by Don Henley of The Eagles118&212 - marcel的最爱歌曲【The lion sleeps tonight】又名Mbube, by Soloman Linda.119 - louisa用麻醉枪打marcel是电视剧"Shaft.的主题曲121 - marcel被带走【You're a Big Boy Now】by John Sebastian.124 - rach在机场等待ross【Take a Bow】by Madonna, from her album, Bedtime Stories.【第二季】201 --ross和rach在阳台上聊天背景音乐是老友主题曲i'll be there 4 u 的乐器变种版204 --ross和julie上床的第二天早上ross在街上手舞足蹈【Singing in the Rain,】by Gene Kelly. 是同名电影的主题曲205 --monchanross三人去看演唱会的开场曲【 I Go Blind.】206 --Stephanie 在酒吧唱的歌(菲比在街上捣乱)【 Angel of the Morning,】 by The Pretenders客串stephanie的Chrissie Hynde就是这个乐队的成员207 --mon强迫chan和她一起锻炼【 Macho Man】by The Village People.--ross和rach第一次kiss本来制作人打算在这里用208的u2 song with or without you 但是来不及买版权了囧。



12. ZOMBIES - Time Of The Season
3.06 The One With The Flashback ,“Friends”中很有意思的部分,六人行成行前的故事,Rachel 在她的幻想里回去找 Chandler,hit the jukebox ,响起这首歌曲
13. BIG BAD VOODOO DADDY - Big Time Operator
8.08 The One With The Stripper ,Monica为Chandler跳脱衣舞时的伴奏曲子
11. BARRY MANILOW - Looks Like We Made It
2.13 The One After the Superbowl- part 2 ,Ross 和Marcel 分别的歌曲
04. LORETA - Trouble With Boys
Ross and Monica表演"Routine" 时的曲子
05. SOFT CELL - Tainted Love
10.11 The One Where The Stripper Cries ,那个年老色衰的Stripper表演时用的曲子,另一首是SYLVESTER - You Make Me Feel
02. CAKE - Never There
出现在5.18 TOW Rachel Smokes 一集中Rachel's birthday party上,演唱者名字叫CAKE,很有意思
03. SEMISONIC - Closing Time
出现在8.05 The One With Rachel's Date ,当时Rachel进入咖啡馆看Sexuality






1. 'You've Got a Friend' - 卡罗尔·金这首歌是卡罗尔·金于1971年演唱的,是一首非常著名的朋友情谊之歌。



2. 'Lean on Me' - 比尔·威瑟斯这首歌由比尔·威瑟斯于1972年演唱,它提醒我们在困难时刻,我们可以相互依靠。


3. 'That's What Friends Are For' - 爱黛儿·华顿和朋友们这首歌是1985年由爱黛儿·华顿和一些音乐界的巨星合作演唱的。



4. 'Count on Me' - 布鲁诺·马尔斯这首歌是布鲁诺·马尔斯于2010年演唱的,它表达了在朋友之间相互信任和依赖的重要性。


5. 'I'll Be There for You' - 保罗·安卡这首歌是保罗·安卡于1970年代演唱的,也是美剧《老友记》的主题曲。



例如,'Wind Beneath My Wings' - 贝特·米德勒、'Stand by Me' - 海伦·纳威和'Friends' - 马歇尔·马瑞瑟等等。





《prison break》为我打开了美剧之门,但真正让我称之经典的还只有《Friends》而已。

《Friends》没有《prison break》般的刺激,也没有《gossip girl》那样的青春时尚,但《Friends》却反映出了我们的生活,平淡、“肥皂”,却也真实。




Monica的控制欲和洁癖,Joey的“Joey dosen't share food”,Ross的咬文嚼字,Chandler难懂的黑色幽默……That is so me!赶在大学毕业之前,终于把10季的《Friends》看完了,共同经历了10年的风风雨雨之后,相信几个人的友谊已经坚不可摧。

伴随着几个人哭过笑过之后,不禁感慨,大学四年过去之后,我得到了什么?友情、爱情、学业,一事无成,或许我还是应该学会敞开心扉吧~《老友记》,永恒的经典~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------第一季第一集101 Pilot场景:What song was playing while Ross and Rachel were each looking out of their windows, during the rainstorm?歌曲名称:Sky Blue and Black演唱者:Jackson Browne专辑出处:I''m Alive.第一季第七集107 TOW The Blackout场景:What song where Phoebe, Joey, and Monica singing while Ross was fighting the cat?歌曲名称:Top of the World演唱者:The Carpenters.第一季第九集109 TOW Underdog Gets Away场景一:In the montage showing Joey''s V.D. poster all over the city 歌曲名称:Don''t Stand So Close To Me演唱者:The Police场景二:When Ross was singing to his unborn child(翻唱版)歌曲名称:Hey, We''re the Monkeys演唱者:The Monkeys.第一季第十集110 The One With The Monkey新年派对中的歌曲场景一:聚会开始歌曲名称:Shiny Happy People演唱者:R.E.M.专辑出处:Out of Time.场景二:The song which played while Chandler had photos with Janice and while Phoebe said goodbye to Scientist Guy歌曲名称:Into Your Arms演唱者:Lemonheads.第一季第十一集111 TOW Mrs. Bing场景:What song was while Monica and Phoebe took care of Coma Guy?歌曲名称:My Guy演唱者:Mary Wells.第一季第十二集112 The One With the Dozen Lasagnes场景:What TV themes are they humming?歌曲名称:The Odd Couple歌曲名称:I Dream of Jeannie第一季第十五集115 TOW the Stoned Guy场景:When Ross has Celia (the dirty talker) over, what music is playing?歌曲名称:Girl, You''ll Be a Woman演唱者:Neil Diamond.第一季第十七集117 TOW Two Parts场景一:What song was playing at the beginning of Phoebe''s party (before she arrived)?歌曲名称:What''s the Frequency演唱者:R.E.M.场景二What song (that went "In a New York Minute...") was playing when Ross and Marcel were in the hospital?歌曲名称:New York Minute演唱者:Don Henley专辑出处:The End of the Innocence.第一季第十八集118 The One With All the Poker场景:What did they whistle in the opening scene?歌曲名称:The theme music from the movie "Bridge on the River Kwai."第一季第十八集、第二季第十二集118 & 212 The One With All thePoker/The One After the Superbowl场景:What song did Marcel play in 118, which they also sang to get his attention at the movie set in 212?歌曲名称:The lion sleeps tonight(Mbube)演唱者:Zulu singer Soloman Linda.第一季第十九集119 The One Where The Monkey Gets Away场景:What music was playing when Louisa tried to shoot Marcel with a tranquilizer dart?歌曲名称:The theme from the original TV show, "Shaft."第一季第二十一集121 TOW the Fake Monica场景:What song was playing as Marcel was taken away?歌曲名称:You''re a Big Boy Now演唱者:John Sebastian.第一季第二十四集124 The One Where Rachel Finds Out场景:What song was playing while Rachel was waiting for Ross at the airport?歌曲名称:Take a Bow演唱者:Madonna专辑出处:Bedtime Stories.第二季第一集201 TOW Ross''s New Girlfriend场景:What music played when Ross and Rachel were talking on the balcony?歌曲名称:I''ll be there for you(演奏版)第二季第四集204 TOW Phoebe''s Husband场景:What music is playing when Ross dances in the street, the morning after sleeping with Julie?歌曲名称:Singing in the Rain(from the movie Singing in the Rain)演唱者:Gene Kelly.第二季第五集205 TOW Five Steaks and an Eggplant场景:What Hootie song opened the concert?歌曲名称:I Go Blind第二季第七集207 TOW Ross Finds Out场景一:What music is playing while Monica and Chandler work out? 歌曲名称:Macho Man,演唱者:The Village People.场景二:What music is playing when Chandler dances away from Monica at the end?歌曲名称:Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy演唱者:Tchaikovsky.专辑出处:胡桃夹子第二季第八集208 TOW The List场景:What song did Ross request on the radio? And What song followed it?歌曲名称:With or Without You,演唱者:U2专辑出处:The Joshua Tree.歌曲名称:It was followed演唱者:Grant Lee Buffalo第二季第十一集211 TOW The Lesbian Wedding场景一:What songs were used at the wedding & reception?歌曲名称:Trumpet Voluntary,演唱者:Jeremiah Clarke.场景二:Just before and while Ross danced with Susan,歌曲名称:Strangers in the Night演唱者:Frank Sinatra.第二季第十三集213 The One After the Superbowl场景一:What song was when Chandler left the restaurant, shielded the bathroom-stall door?歌曲名称:Love is like a wild bird专辑出处:卡门场景二:What song was playing while Ross spent his last day with Marcel?歌曲名称:Looks Like We Made It演唱者:Barry Manilow作曲:Richard Kerr作词:Will Jennings.第二季第五集214 TOW The Prom Video场景:What song did Ross play on his keyboard in the prom video? 歌曲名称:Axel F演唱者:Harold Faltermeye专辑出处:"Beverly Hill Cop" soundtrack.第二季第十五集215 The One Where Ross & Rachel... You Know - 场景:What song was playing when they... you know?歌曲名称:Wicked Game,演唱者:Chris Isaak专辑出处:Heart Shaped World.第二季第五集217 TOW Eddie Moves In场景:What song was playing when Chandler and Joey were looking through their windows, missing each other?歌曲名称:All by Myself,演唱者:Eric Carmen.第二季第五集221 TOW The Bullies场景:What song did Monica and her co-workers at the diner dance to?歌曲名称:YMCA演唱者:The Village People.第二季第二十二集222 The One With Two Parties场景:What song were featured in this episode?歌曲名称:Shoe Box演唱者:Barenaked Ladies歌曲名称:Sexuality,演唱者:K.D. Lang歌曲名称:Big Yellow Taxi演唱者:Joni Mitchell歌曲名称:It''s a Free World演唱者:R.E.M.歌曲名称:Good Intentions演唱者:Toad the Wet Sprocket第二季第五集Stain Yer Blood演唱者:Paul Westerberg第二季第二十三集223 The One With The Chicken Pox场景:What song played Ross came into Central Perk wearing the Navy uniform?歌曲名称:Theme from the movie An Officer and A Gentleman第二季第二十四集224 TOW Barry & Mindy''s Wedding场景:What song played after Rachel sang "Copa Cabana"?歌曲名称:Someone To Watch Over Me演唱者:Frank Sinatra专辑出处:Classic Sinatra: His Great Performances 1953-1960."第三季第六集306 The One With The Flashback场景:What song started playing when Rachel hit the jukebox in her fantasy about Chandler?歌曲名称:Time of The Season作词:Rod Argent演唱者:The Zombies (1969).第三季第八集308 TOW The Giant Poking Device场景:What song were Chandler and Phoebe singing at the end? 歌曲名称:Endless Love演唱者:Lionel Richie and Diana Ross.第三季第九集309 The One With All the FootballWhat songs were used during the football game?场景一:When they first decided to start playing "tough,"歌曲名称:Get Ready For This演唱者:2 Unlimited场景二:After they traded players, so it was girls against guys, and Phoebe was asking how they''re going to beat the boys歌曲名称:Misirlou,演唱者:Dick Dale and His Deltones.场景三:During the slow-motion final play歌曲名称:The Natural,演唱者:Randy Newman第三季第十五集315 TOW Ross and Rachel Take a Break场景:What song was played while Ross danced with & kissed the copy girl?歌曲名称:With or Without You,演唱者:U2.第三季第十八集318 TOW The Hypnosis Tape场景:What song played while Monica and Pete were in Italy at the Pizza shop?歌曲名称:That''s Amore演唱者:Dean Martin第四季第四集404 TOW The Ballroom Dancing场景:What music did Joey and Treeger dance, on the roof?歌曲名称:Night and Day演唱者:Frank Sinatra.第四季第五集405 The One With Joey''s New Girlfriend场景:What music was playing while Chandler chased Kathy down the street?歌曲名称:The theme from the original TV show, "The Mod Squad."第四季第十四集414 TOW Joey''s Dirty Day场景:What song played at the beginning of the strip club scene? 歌曲名称:It''s No Good演唱者:Depeche Mode专辑出处:Ultra第四季第十六集416 TOW the Fake Party场景一:What songs were playing at the party?歌曲名称:Brimful of Asha演唱者:T. Singh, of the group "Cornershop"场景二:After that song歌曲名称:The Impression That I Get,演唱者:The Mighty场景三:After the commercial break, when Phoebe and Joey were sitting in armchairs talking about meat, and then Rachel came in wearing her cheerleader outfit歌曲名称:6th Avenue Heartache,演唱者:The Wallflowers.第四季第十九集419 TOW all the Haste场景:What song does The Singing Man sing each morning?歌曲名称:Feels So Good演唱者:Chuck Mangione第四季第二十二集422 TOW the Worst Best Man Ever场景:What song was playing while Joey remembers all the good times he had with the Duck?歌曲名称:Weekend in New England演唱者:Barry Manilow作词:Randy Edelman.第四季第二十三集423 TOW Ross''s Wedding, part 1场景:What song played while Joey and Chandler first started touring London?歌曲名称:London Calling,演唱者:The Clash.歌曲名称:England Swings演唱者:Roger Miller第四季第二十四集424 TOW Ross''s Wedding, part 2场景:the music used just before the traditional wedding march歌曲名称:Walkaway演唱者:Cast专辑出处:1995 album, All Change第五季第四集504 TOW Phoebe Hates PBS -场景:What music played at the end when Monica and Chandler exited the closet?歌曲名称:Pizzicati演唱者:Leo Delibes专辑出处:from the ballet Sylvia第五季第七集507 TOW Ross Moves In -场景:What song was played at Danny''s party?歌曲名称:Every Word Means No演唱者:Smash Mouth第五季第十四集514 TOW Everyone Finds Out -场景:What song does Chandler put on, to which Phoebe dances seductively?演唱者:Semisonic第五季第十五集515 TOW The Girl Who Hits Joey -场景:What song does Ross play at his party, which no one attends? 歌曲名称:The Rockafeller Skank,演唱者:Fatboy Slim第五季第十八集518 TOW Rachel Smokes -场景:What songs played at Rachel''s birthday party?歌曲名称:Never There演唱者:Cake专辑出处:Prolonging The Magic歌曲名称:Jammin''演唱者:Bob Marley.第五季第十九集519 TOW Ross Can''t Flirt -场景:What song did Chandler sing on Joey''s video tape?第六季第一集601 The One After Vegas -场景:What song did Joey sing to Phoebe after they dropped of the hitchhiker?歌曲名称:Space Oddity演唱者:David Bowie.第五季第二十集520 TOW the Ride Along -场景:What music playing as Joey shielded Ross from the "gunshot"?歌曲名称:theme song from the 60''s cop show "Ironsides."第五季第二十二集522 TOW Joey''s Big Break -场景:What song was playing as Joey drove up to the Nevada movie location?歌曲名称:Horse With No Name,演唱者:America专辑出处:America.第五季第二十三、二十四集523/524 The One In Vegas -场景一:What song played when Phoebe, Chandler, and Monica first arrived in Vegas?歌曲名称:For The Love of Money,演唱者:The O''Jays.场景二:What song did Rachel dance naked?Love to Love演唱者:Donna Summer.场景三:What big "Vegas songs" and performers did they use?歌曲名称:It''s Not Unusual演唱者:Tom Jones歌曲名称:Danke Schoen演唱者:Wayne Newton歌曲名称:Everybody Loves Somebody,演唱者:Dean Martin歌曲名称:Viva, Las Vegas!演唱者:Elvis Presley第六季第六集606 The One On The Last Night -场景一:What song was playing went Chandler tried (but failed) to let Joey win at Foosball?歌曲名称:O Fortuna演唱者:Carl Orff.场景二:What song played at the end, when Rachel left, leaving Monica and Chandler alone together in their apartment?歌曲名称:I''ll be there for you.(吉他版本)第六季第十集610 TOW The Routine -场景一:when Monica and Ross were trying to get noticed演唱者:Every Word Means No演唱者:Smash Mouth.场景二:when Joey moved his energetic dance partner aside to go after Janine and "T all Guy"歌曲名称:I Wouldn''t Normally Do This Kind of Thing,演唱者:Robbie Williams.场景三:during Ross and Monica''s "Routine"歌曲名称:Trouble With Boys演唱者:Loreta场景四:when Joey and Janine finally got to kiss歌曲名称:modern version of Auld Lang Syne (the traditional New Years song)第六季第十五集615 TOW It Might Have Been, part 1 -场景:What music was used while fat Monica danced, during the end credits?歌曲名称:Shake Your Groove Thing,演唱者:Peaches and Herb第六季第十六集616 TOW It Might Have Been, part 2 -场景一:What music was playing during dinner for Monica and Dr. Roger?歌曲名称:Nocturne in E flat, Opus 9, Number 2,演唱者:Frederick Chopin.场景二:What music was playing when Rachel was as Joey''s apartment (getting drunk)?歌曲名称:That was View From the Other Side,演唱者:Duncan Sheik第六季第十七集617 The One With Unagi -场景:What was the first song on Chandler''s mixed tape (Valentine gift to Monica)?歌曲名称:The Way You Look Tonight, often performed演唱者:Tony Bennett(原唱:Frank Sinatra)第六季第十九集619 The One With Joey''s Fridge -场景:What song played while Ross danced with Elizabeth on MTV? 歌曲名称:Delicious,演唱者:Semisonic第六季第二十集620 The One With Mac & C.H.E.E.S.E. -场景:What song played during the Joey / Chandler hug sequence? 歌曲名称:You Really Got a Hold on Me演唱者:Smokey Robinson & the Miracles.第六季第六集625 The One With The Proposal, part 2 -场景:What music was playing at the end when Chandler and Monica were dancing?歌曲名称:Wonderful Tonight演唱者:Eric Clapton歌曲名称:He is Everything You Want,演唱者:Veritcal Horizon.第七季第十集710 TOW The Holiday Armadillo -场景:What music was playing at the end while they lit the candles? 歌曲名称:The Fiddler on the Roof第七季第十一集711 TOW All The Cheesecakes -场景:What music was used at the Geller''s cousin''s wedding?歌曲名称:Get Ready演唱者:Rare Earth第七季第十四集714 The One Where They All Turn Thirty -场景一:What music was playing at Monica''s surprise party?歌曲名称:Big Time Operator, from the album演唱者:Big Bad Voodoo Daddy专辑出处:This Beautiful Life场景二:What music was playing at the end when Ross and Joey finally got Ross''s car out of it''s parking spot?歌曲名称:theme song from the TV show "Route 66".第七季第十九集719 The One With Ross and Monica''s Cousin -场景:What song played everytime Cassie (Denise Richards)swung her hair around?歌曲名称:I''m Gonna to Love You演唱者:Barry White.第七季第二十二集722 The One With Chandler''s Dad -场景一:In the first Vegas scene歌曲名称:Believe,演唱者:Cher场景二Chandler''s Dad performed 2 songs歌曲名称:I Feel Pretty歌曲名称:It''s Raining Men演唱者:The Weathergirls.场景三:In the scene where Rachel was driving the Porsche and got pulled over by a cop歌曲名称:Ride Wit Me,演唱者:Nelly, also featuring City Spud第七季第二十四集724 The One With Monica and Chandler''s Wedding, Part 2 -场景一While Chandler walked down the aisle (and then Ross, Phoebe, and Rachel)歌曲名称:Groovy Kind of Love演唱者:Wayne Fontana and the Mindbenders.场景二:Monica''s walk down the aisle歌曲名称:My Love演唱者:Paul McCartney and Wings.场景三:After the ceremony finished, during the last few shots while Chandler歌曲名称:Everlong,演唱者:The Foo Fighters第八季开篇800 In NBC''s commercials, advertising the episodes of season 8,场景:What song was playing?歌曲名称:Only Time,演唱者:Enya专辑出处:Day Without Rain第八季第五集805 The One With Rachel''s Date -场景:What song played as Rachel entered the coffee shop and saw Ross with Mona?歌曲名称:Closing Time演唱者:Semisonic第八季第八集808 The One With The Stripper -场景:What music played while Monica stripped?歌曲名称:Let Me Blow Ya Mind,演唱者:Eve (also featuring Gwen Stefani)专辑出处:Scorpion第八季第十三集813 The One Where Chandler Takes a Bath -场景:What music played when Chandler was relaxing in the tub? 歌曲名称:Only Time,演唱者:Enya专辑出处:Day Without Rain第八季第二十四集824 The One Where Rachel Has a Baby, part 2 - 场景一:What music played after Rachel finally gave birth?歌曲名称:River of Tears,演唱者:Eric Clapton.场景二:What music played when Joey found the ring at the end? 歌曲名称:Sign on the Window,演唱者:Bob Dylan专辑出处:New Morning第九季开篇900 In NBC''s promos for season 9,What song was playing?歌曲名称:Let My Love Open The Door 演唱者:Pete Townshend歌曲名称:Come Along演唱者:Titiyo。




《We Are The Champions》:由Queen演唱,是一首激昂的、激励人心的歌曲,表达了友谊的力量和胜利的喜悦。

《Lean on Me》:由Bill Withers演唱,歌曲旋律简单,歌词直接表达了对朋友的信任和依赖。

《Count on Me》:由Bruno Mars演唱,歌曲鼓励人们互相帮助,携手共进。

《You've Got a Friend in Me》:由Randy Newman演唱,歌曲强调了朋友之间互相支持、相互依靠的重要性。

《I'll Be There for You》:由The Rembrandts演唱,是《老友记》的插曲,表现了友情的重要性和互助精神。





《Friends》精选歌集下载-第1季1.Billy Don't Be A Hero - Bo Donaldson这首歌并没有出现在片子中,只是Ross的一段台词涉及到了,《Friends》读书笔记中也曾提到过,这是一首著名的反战歌曲,歌中有一句是“Billy,don't be a hero,come back,make me your wife。

”在剧中,乔伊劝罗斯忘记前妻再找新的女友,罗斯反问乔伊“Do the words'Billy,don't be a hero''mean anything to u?”这里罗斯把找新女友比喻成上战场。

2.Sky Blue And Black -Jackson Browne这应该是《Friends》第一首插曲了吧?失婚的Ross和逃婚的Rachel看着窗外的黑夜时所响起的歌曲。

3.My Guy - Shirelles出现在第十一集,Monica和Phoebe害一个帅哥被车撞了,她们照顾他的时候的背景歌曲。

4.The Odd Couple属于电视节目主题曲,音乐一旦想起你就会马上知道,剧中并没有播放原曲,不过却是六人用口技演奏的,出现在第十二集的开头。

5.I Dream of Jeannie出现场景同上,只不过Ross刚起了个头就被Chandle喊停了。

6.Bridge Over The River Kwai全球著名的口哨音乐——桂河大桥,第十八集开始的时候,大家帮Rachel准备履历表的时候合吹的。

7. The lion sleeps tonight还是第十八集,还记得Marcel最喜欢的那首歌吗?这首歌的版本也有好几个,《Friends》用的就是这首来自祖鲁歌手Soloman Linda的版本。

8.YOU'RE A BIG BOY NOW - JOHN SEBASTIAN第二十一集,Marcel被送上飞机的时候所响起的歌。










其中,片尾曲《I'll Be There for You》由美国摇滚乐队The Rembrandts演唱,于1995年获得了最佳电视剧主题曲奖。
















第一季1.Sky Blue And Black(第一集,Rechel看着窗外的雨)top of the world(第七集 carpenters经典曲目,到处都有下载,强烈推荐)2.The Odd Couple(一个节目的主题曲,第十二集六个人在咖啡店里哼的那首)3.I Dream of Jeannie(也是十二集哼的,只不过Ross刚起了个头就被大家叫停了)4.New York Minute(老鹰乐队经典之一,马修在医院醒来抓住Ross手指时候的背景音乐)5.March From Bridge(著名口哨曲-桂河大桥,第十八集五个人帮Rechel准备应聘信函的时候吹的)6.The lion sleeps tonight(马修喜欢听得那个,其实是狮子王立的音乐,建议听Zulu 歌手Soloman Linda那个版本,是Friends里面所用的)第二季1.Singing in the Rain - 雨中曲,很景点的老歌了,Ross和她的亚裔女友过夜后的早上轻舞街上的配乐2.I Go Blind - 来自 Hootie and the Blowfish 第五集Rros生日,Ross,Monica和Chandler 去看Hootie & the Blowfish的演唱会,这是开场的第一首歌,当时另外三个朋友因为没有钱,只好在家里猜Joey的手指玩。

3.Beverly Hills Cop - 一段很有名的配乐,第十五集Ross玩keyboard的时候的一段底乐。

4.YMCA - 第21集最后,Monica带假奶打工,其他五人去“捧场”,Joey点歌让Monica和其他职员开始了一段“桌上舞蹈”,就是这首歌。

5.Copacabana - 第22集Rachel在参加 Barry 婚礼上楼内裤出糗,后来上台唱的那首歌。

第三季我常听的就一个Get Ready For This - 也是大家很熟悉的,第9集,他们玩Football的配乐。





这首歌曲出自电视剧《老友记》,由The Rembrandts演唱。


































2005-11-15 22:59:29来自: 小葱蘸大酱(都一处)据我所知,好像出过两张原声碟,尤其是第二张感觉剧中没怎么出现过。

其实还有很多插曲需要我们自己找的,下面就是二、背景中其他歌曲(为方便大家观看,英文内容未作调整)第一季第一集101 Pilot场景:What song was playing while Ross and Rachel were each looking out of their windows, during the rainstorm?歌曲名称:Sky Blue and Black演唱者:Jackson Browne专辑出处:I''m Alive.歌词:In the calling out to one anotherOf the lovers up and down the strandIn the sound of the waves and the criesOf the seagulls circling the sandIn the fragments of the songsCarried down the wind from some radioIn the murmuring of the city in the distanceOminous and lowI hear the sound of the world where we playedAnd the far too simple beautyOf the promises we madeIf you ever need holdingCall my name, and I''ll be thereIf you ever need holdingAnd no holding back, and I''ll see you throughSky Blue And BlackWhere the touch of the lover endsAnd the soul of the friend beginsThere''s a need to be separate and a need to be one And a struggle neither winsWhere you gave me the world I was inAnd a place I could make a standI could never see how you doubted meWhen I''d let go of you handYeah, and I was much younger thenAnd I must have thought that I would knowIf things were going to endAnd the heavens were rollingLike a wheel on a trackAnd our sky was unfoldingAnd it''ll never fold backSky Blue And BlackAnd I''d have fought the world for youIf I thought that you wanted me toOr put aside what was true or untrueIf I''d known that''s what you neededWhat you needed me to doBut the moment has passed by me nowTo have put away my prideAnd just come through for you somehowIf you ever need holdingCall my name, and I''ll be thereIf you ever need holdingAnd no holding back, I''ll see you throughYou''re the color of the skyReflected in each store-front window paneYou''re the whispering and the sighingOf my tires in the rainYou''re the hidden cost and the thing that''s lostIn everything I doYeah and I''ll never stop looking for youIn the sunlight and the shadowsAnd the faces on the avenueThat''s the way love is第一季第七集107 TOW The Blackout场景:What song where Phoebe, Joey, and Monica singing while Ross was fighting the cat?歌曲名称:Top of the World演唱者:The Carpenters.第一季第九集109 TOW Underdog Gets Away场景一:In the montage showing Joey''s V.D. poster all over the city歌曲名称:Don''t Stand So Close To Me演唱者:The Police场景二:When Ross was singing to his unborn child(翻唱版)歌曲名称:Hey, We''re the Monkeys演唱者:The Monkeys.第一季第十集110 The One With The Monkey新年派对中的歌曲场景一:聚会开始歌曲名称:Shiny Happy People演唱者:R.E.M.专辑出处:Out of Time.场景二:The song which played while Chandler had photos with Janice and while Phoebe said goodbye to Scientist Guy歌曲名称:Into Your Arms演唱者:Lemonheads.第一季第十一集111 TOW Mrs. Bing场景:What song was while Monica and Phoebe took care of Coma Guy?歌曲名称:My Guy演唱者:Mary Wells.第一季第十二集112 The One With the Dozen Lasagnes场景:What TV themes are they humming?歌曲名称:The Odd Couple歌曲名称:I Dream of Jeannie第一季第十五集115 TOW the Stoned Guy场景:When Ross has Celia (the dirty talker) over, what music is playing?歌曲名称:Girl, You''ll Be a Woman演唱者:Neil Diamond.第一季第十七集117 TOW Two Parts场景一:What song was playing at the beginning of Phoebe''s party (before she arrived)?歌曲名称:What''s the Frequency演唱者:R.E.M.场景二What song (that went "In a New York Minute...") was playing whenRoss and Marcel were in the hospital?歌曲名称:New York Minute演唱者:Don Henley专辑出处:The End of the Innocence.第一季第十八集118 The One With All the Poker场景:What did they whistle in the opening scene?歌曲名称:The theme music from the movie "Bridge on the River Kwai."第一季第十八集、第二季第十二集118 & 212 The One With All the Poker/The One After the Superbowl场景:What song did Marcel play in 118, which they also sang to get his attention at the movie set in 212?歌曲名称:The lion sleeps tonight(Mbube)演唱者:Zulu singer Soloman Linda.第一季第十九集119 The One Where The Monkey Gets Away场景:What music was playing when Louisa tried to shoot Marcel with a tranquilizer dart?歌曲名称:The theme from the original TV show, "Shaft."第一季第二十一集121 TOW the Fake Monica场景:What song was playing as Marcel was taken away?歌曲名称:You''re a Big Boy Now演唱者:John Sebastian.第一季第二十四集124 The One Where Rachel Finds Out场景:What song was playing while Rachel was waiting for Ross at the airport?歌曲名称:Take a Bow演唱者:Madonna专辑出处:Bedtime Stories.第二季第一集201 TOW Ross''s New Girlfriend场景:What music played when Ross and Rachel were talking on the balcony?歌曲名称:I''ll be there for you(演奏版)第二季第四集204 TOW Phoebe''s Husband场景:What music is playing when Ross dances in the street, the morning after sleeping with Julie?歌曲名称:Singing in the Rain(from the movie Singing in the Rain)演唱者:Gene Kelly.第二季第五集205 TOW Five Steaks and an Eggplant -场景:What Hootie song opened the concert?歌曲名称:I Go Blind第二季第七集207 TOW Ross Finds Out -场景一:What music is playing while Monica and Chandler work out?歌曲名称:Macho Man,演唱者:The Village People.场景二:What music is playing when Chandler dances away from Monica at the end?歌曲名称:Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy演唱者:Tchaikovsky.专辑出处:胡桃夹子第二季第八集208 TOW The List -场景:What song did Ross request on the radio? And What song followed it?歌曲名称:With or Without You,演唱者:U2专辑出处:The Joshua Tree.歌曲名称:It was followed演唱者:Grant Lee Buffalo歌词:With or Without YouSee the stone set in your eyesFeel the thorn twist in your sideI wait for youSleight of hand and twist of fateOn a bed of nails she makes me waitAnd I wait....without youWith or without youWith or without youThrough the storm we reach the shoreYou give it all but I want moreAnd I''m waiting for youWith or without youWith or without youI can''t liveWith or without youAnd you give yourself awayAnd you give yourself awayAnd you giveAnd you giveAnd you give yourself awayMy hands are tiedMy body bruised, she''s got me withNothing left to winAnd nothing else to loseWith or without youI can''t liveWith or without you第二季第十一集211 TOW The Lesbian Wedding -场景一:What songs were used at the wedding & reception?歌曲名称:Trumpet Voluntary,演唱者:Jeremiah Clarke.场景二:Just before and while Ross danced with Susan,歌曲名称:Strangers in the Night演唱者:Frank Sinatra.第二季第十三集213 The One After the Superbowl场景一:What song was when Chandler left the restaurant, shielded the bathroom-stall door?歌曲名称:Love is like a wild bird专辑出处:卡门场景二:What song was playing while Ross spent his last day with Marcel?歌曲名称:Looks Like We Made It演唱者:Barry Manilow作曲:Richard Kerr作词:Will Jennings.第二季第五集214 TOW The Prom Video -场景:What song did Ross play on his keyboard in the prom video?歌曲名称:Axel F演唱者:Harold Faltermeye专辑出处:"Beverly Hill Cop" soundtrack.第二季第十五集215 The One Where Ross & Rachel... You Know - 场景:What song was playing when they... you know?歌曲名称:Wicked Game,演唱者:Chris Isaak专辑出处:Heart Shaped World.歌词:The world was on fire and no one could save me but youIt''s strangeWhat desire will make foolish people doI never dreamed that I''d meet somebody like youI never dreamed that I''d love somebody like youChorus:I don''t wanna fall in loveNo I don''t wanna fall in lovewith youWhat a wicked game you played to make me feel this wayWhat a wicked thing to do to let me dream of youWhat a wicked thing to say you never felt this wayWhat a wicked thing to do to make me dream of youChorus:And I don''t wanna fall in loveNo I don''t wanna fall in lovewith youI never dreamed that I''d love somebody like youI never dreamed that I''d lose somebody like youChorus:No I don''t wanna fall in loveNo I don''t wanna fall in loveNobody else loves no one第二季第五集217 TOW Eddie Moves In -场景:What song was playing when Chandler and Joey were looking through their windows, missing each other?歌曲名称:All by Myself,演唱者:Eric Carmen.第二季第五集221 TOW The Bullies -场景:What song did Monica and her co-workers at the diner dance to?歌曲名称:YMCA演唱者:The Village People.第二季第二十二集222 The One With Two Parties -场景:What song were featured in this episode?歌曲名称:Shoe Box演唱者:Barenaked Ladies歌曲名称:Sexuality,演唱者:K.D. Lang歌曲名称:Big Yellow Taxi演唱者:Joni Mitchell歌曲名称:It''s a Free World演唱者:R.E.M.歌曲名称:Good Intentions演唱者:Toad the Wet Sprocket第二季第五集Stain Yer Blood演唱者:Paul Westerberg第二季第二十三集223 The One With The Chicken Pox -场景:What song played Ross came into Central Perk wearing the Navy uniform?歌曲名称:Theme from the movie An Officer and A Gentleman第二季第二十四集224 TOW Barry & Mindy''s Wedding -场景:What song played after Rachel sang "Copa Cabana"?歌曲名称:Someone To Watch Over Me演唱者:Frank Sinatra专辑出处:Classic Sinatra: His Great Performances 1953-1960."第三季第六集306 The One With The Flashback场景:What song started playing when Rachel hit the jukebox in her fantasy about Chandler?歌曲名称:Time of The Season作词:Rod Argent演唱者:The Zombies (1969).歌词"It''s the time of the season when love runs highIn this time, give it to me easyAnd let me try with pleasured handsTo take you in the sun to promised landsTo show you every oneIt''s the time of the season for lovingWhat''s your name?Who''s your daddy?Is he rich like me?Has he taken any timeTo show youWhat you need to live?Tell it to me slowlyTell youWhat I really want to knowIt''s the time of the season for loving(repeat last stanza)第三季第八集308 TOW The Giant Poking Device -场景:What song were Chandler and Phoebe singing at the end?歌曲名称:Endless Love演唱者:Lionel Richie and Diana Ross.第三季第九集309 The One With All the Football -What songs were used during the football game?场景一:When they first decided to start playing "tough,"歌曲名称:Get Ready For This演唱者:2 Unlimited场景二:After they traded players, so it was girls against guys, and Phoebe was asking how they''re going to beat the boys歌曲名称:Misirlou,演唱者:Dick Dale and His Deltones.场景三:During the slow-motion final play歌曲名称:The Natural,演唱者:Randy Newman第三季第十五集315 TOW Ross and Rachel Take a Break -场景:What song was played while Ross danced with & kissed the copy girl?歌曲名称:With or Without You,演唱者:U2.第三季第十八集318 TOW The Hypnosis Tape -场景:What song played while Monica and Pete were in Italy at the Pizza shop?歌曲名称:That''s Amore演唱者:Dean Martin第四季第四集404 TOW The Ballroom Dancing场景:What music did Joey and Treeger dance, on the roof?歌曲名称:Night and Day演唱者:Frank Sinatra.第四季第五集405 The One With Joey''s New Girlfriend -场景:What music was playing while Chandler chased Kathy down the street?歌曲名称:The theme from the original TV show, "The Mod Squad."第四季第十四集414 TOW Joey''s Dirty Day -场景:What song played at the beginning of the strip club scene?歌曲名称:It''s No Good演唱者:Depeche Mode专辑出处:Ultra第四季第十六集416 TOW the Fake Party -场景一:What songs were playing at the party?歌曲名称:Brimful of Asha演唱者:T. Singh, of the group "Cornershop"场景二:After that song歌曲名称:The Impression That I Get,演唱者:The Mighty场景三:After the commercial break, when Phoebe and Joey were sitting in armchairs talking about meat, and then Rachel came in wearing hercheerleader outfit歌曲名称:6th Avenue Heartache,演唱者:The Wallflowers.第四季第十九集419 TOW all the Haste -场景:What song does The Singing Man sing each morning?歌曲名称:Feels So Good演唱者:Chuck Mangione第四季第二十二集422 TOW the Worst Best Man Ever -场景:What song was playing while Joey remembers all the good times he had with the Duck?歌曲名称:Weekend in New England演唱者:Barry Manilow作词:Randy Edelman.歌词:Last night, I waved goodbye, now it seems yearsI''m back in the city, where nothin'' is clearBut thoughts of me, holdin'' you, bringin'' us nearCHORUSAnd tell meWhen will our eyes meet?When can I touch you?When will this strong yearnin'' end?And when will I hold you again?Time in New England, took me awayLong rocky beaches and youby the bayWe started a story whose end must now waitCHORUSI feel the change comin'', I feel the wind blowI feel brave and daring!, I feel my blood flow, ohWith you I could bring out all the love that I haveWith you there''s a heaven, so earth ain''t so badCHORUS第四季第二十三集423 TOW Ross''s Wedding, part 1 -场景:What song played while Joey and Chandler first started touring London?歌曲名称:London Calling,演唱者:The Clash.歌曲名称:England Swings演唱者:Roger Miller第四季第二十四集424 TOW Ross''s Wedding, part 2 -场景:the music used just before the traditional wedding march歌曲名称:Walkaway演唱者:Cast专辑出处:1995 album, All Change第五季第四集504 TOW Phoebe Hates PBS -场景:What music played at the end when Monica and Chandler exited the closet?歌曲名称:Pizzicati演唱者:Leo Delibes专辑出处:from the ballet Sylvia第五季第七集507 TOW Ross Moves In -场景:What song was played at Danny''s party?歌曲名称:Every Word Means No演唱者:Smash Mouth第五季第十四集514 TOW Everyone Finds Out -场景:What song does Chandler put on, to which Phoebe dances seductively?演唱者:Semisonic歌词(作词作曲Dan Wilson)Out in the land where my dreams flew aroundI bulldozed the trees and set my feet on the groundPut a day in and a week would come outI didn''t have time for doubtThen when the whole thing went down the drainI learned that the future don''t always obeyNow I''m afraid to get back in the poolSomehow I''d feel like a foolMaking a PlanMaking a PlanHigh in the morning with climbing to doHigh in the turrets I''m thinking of youEverybody says it''s all for the bestSomehow I wouldn''t have guessedLittle dominions turn into dustSchemes blow away on a breeze of mistrustI''m not feeling sorry for little ol'' meBut I''m not about to beMaking a PlanMaking a PlanStop, you work your way up til you dropDown down until your ears go popWhat were we gonna do at the top?I forgotNow I can sit and watch the time flyAnd I''ll feel better when time has gone byAnd I''ll never again be blindsidedBy fateThe future will have to waitI only have time for todayAs long as I can delayMaking a PlanA PlanMaking a PlanA Plan第五季第十五集515 TOW The Girl Who Hits Joey -场景:What song does Ross play at his party, which no one attends? 歌曲名称:The Rockafeller Skank,演唱者:Fatboy Slim第五季第十八集518 TOW Rachel Smokes -场景:What songs played at Rachel''s birthday party?歌曲名称:Never There演唱者:Cake专辑出处:Prolonging The Magic歌曲名称:Jammin''演唱者:Bob Marley.第五季第十九集519 TOW Ross Can''t Flirt -场景:What song did Chandler sing on Joey''s video tape?第六季第一集601 The One After Vegas -场景:What song did Joey sing to Phoebe after they dropped of the hitchhiker?歌曲名称:Space Oddity演唱者:David Bowie.第五季第二十集520 TOW the Ride Along -场景:What music playing as Joey shielded Ross from the "gunshot"?歌曲名称:theme song from the 60''s cop show "Ironsides."第五季第二十二集522 TOW Joey''s Big Break -场景:What song was playing as Joey drove up to the Nevada movie location?歌曲名称:Horse With No Name,演唱者:America专辑出处:America.歌词:On the first part of the journeyI was looking at all the lifeThere were plants and birds and rocks and thingsThere was sand and hills and ringsThe first thing I met was a fly with a buzzAnd the sky with no cloudsThe heat was hot and the ground was dryBut the air was full of soundI''ve been through the desert on a horse with no nameIt felt good to be out of the rainIn the desert you can remember your name''Cause there ain''t no one for to give you no painLa, la ...After two days in the desert sunMy skin began to turn redAfter three days in the desert funI was looking at a river bedAnd the story it told of a river that flowedMade me sad to think it was deadYou see I''ve been through the desert on a horse with no name It felt good to be out of the rainIn the desert you can remember your name''Cause there ain''t no one for to give you no painLa, la ...After nine days I let the horse run free''Cause the desert had turned to seaThere were plants and birds and rocks and thingsthere was sand and hills and ringsThe ocean is a desert with it''s life undergroundAnd a perfect disguise aboveUnder the cities lies a heart made of groundBut the humans will give no loveYou see I''ve been through the desert on a horse with no name It felt good to be out of the rainIn the desert you can remember your name''Cause there ain''t no one for to give you no painLa, la ...第五季第二十三、二十四集523/524 The One In Vegas -场景一:What song played when Phoebe, Chandler, and Monica first arrived in Vegas?歌曲名称:For The Love of Money,演唱者:The O''Jays.场景二:What song did Rachel dance naked?Love to Love演唱者:Donna Summer.场景三:What big "Vegas songs" and performers did they use?歌曲名称:It''s Not Unusual演唱者:Tom Jones歌曲名称:Danke Schoen演唱者:Wayne Newton歌曲名称:Everybody Loves Somebody,演唱者:Dean Martin歌曲名称:Viva, Las Vegas!演唱者:Elvis Presley第六季第六集606 The One On The Last Night -场景一:What song was playing went Chandler tried (but failed) to let Joey win at Foosball?歌曲名称:O Fortuna演唱者:Carl Orff.场景二:What song played at the end, when Rachel left, leaving Monica and Chandler alone together in their apartment?歌曲名称:I''ll be there for you.(吉他版本)第六季第十集610 TOW The Routine -场景一:when Monica and Ross were trying to get noticed演唱者:Every Word Means No演唱者:Smash Mouth.场景二:when Joey moved his energetic dance partner aside to go after Janine and "Tall Guy"歌曲名称:I Wouldn''t Normally Do This Kind of Thing,演唱者:Robbie Williams.场景三:during Ross and Monica''s "Routine"歌曲名称:Trouble With Boys演唱者:Loreta场景四:when Joey and Janine finally got to kiss歌曲名称:modern version of Auld Lang Syne (the traditional New Years song)第六季第十五集615 TOW It Might Have Been, part 1 -场景:What music was used while fat Monica danced, during the end credits?歌曲名称:Shake Your Groove Thing,演唱者:Peaches and Herb第六季第十六集616 TOW It Might Have Been, part 2 -场景一:What music was playing during dinner for Monica and Dr. Roger?歌曲名称:Nocturne in E flat, Opus 9, Number 2,演唱者:Frederick Chopin.场景二:What music was playing when Rachel was as Joey''s apartment (getting drunk)?歌曲名称:That was View From the Other Side,演唱者:Duncan Sheik第六季第十七集617 The One With Unagi -场景:What was the first song on Chandler''s mixed tape (Valentine gift to Monica)?歌曲名称:The Way You Look Tonight, often performed演唱者:Tony Bennett(原唱:Frank Sinatra)第六季第十九集619 The One With Joey''s Fridge -场景:What song played while Ross danced with Elizabeth on MTV?歌曲名称:Delicious,演唱者:Semisonic第六季第二十集620 The One With Mac & C.H.E.E.S.E. -场景:What song played during the Joey / Chandler hug sequence?歌曲名称:You Really Got a Hold on Me演唱者:Smokey Robinson & the Miracles.第六季第六集625 The One With The Proposal, part 2 -场景:What music was playing at the end when Chandler and Monica were dancing?歌曲名称:Wonderful Tonight演唱者:Eric Clapton歌曲名称:He is Everything You Want,演唱者:Veritcal Horizon.第七季第十集710 TOW The Holiday Armadillo -场景:What music was playing at the end while they lit the candles?歌曲名称:The Fiddler on the Roof第七季第十一集711 TOW All The Cheesecakes -场景:What music was used at the Geller''s cousin''s wedding?歌曲名称:Get Ready演唱者:Rare Earth第七季第十四集714 The One Where They All Turn Thirty -场景一:What music was playing at Monica''s surprise party?歌曲名称:Big Time Operator, from the album演唱者:Big Bad Voodoo Daddy专辑出处:This Beautiful Life场景二:What music was playing at the end when Ross and Joey finally got Ross''s car out of it''s parking spot?歌曲名称:theme song from the TV show "Route 66".第七季第十九集719 The One With Ross and Monica''s Cousin -场景:What song played everytime Cassie (Denise Richards) swung her hair around?歌曲名称:I''m Gonna to Love You演唱者:Barry White.第七季第二十二集722 The One With Chandler''s Dad -场景一:In the first Vegas scene歌曲名称:Believe,演唱者:Cher场景二Chandler''s Dad performed 2 songs歌曲名称:I Feel Pretty歌曲名称:It''s Raining Men演唱者:The Weathergirls.场景三:In the scene where Rachel was driving the Porsche and got pulled over by a cop歌曲名称:Ride Wit Me,演唱者:Nelly, also featuring City Spud第七季第二十四集724 The One With Monica and Chandler''s Wedding, Part 2 -场景一While Chandler walked down the aisle (and then Ross, Phoebe, and Rachel)歌曲名称:Groovy Kind of Love演唱者:Wayne Fontana and the Mindbenders.场景二:Monica''s walk down the aisle歌曲名称:My Love演唱者:Paul McCartney and Wings.场景三:After the ceremony finished, during the last few shots while Chandler歌曲名称:Everlong,演唱者:The Foo Fighters第八季开篇800 In NBC''s commercials, advertising the episodes of season 8,场景:What song was playing?歌曲名称:Only Time,演唱者:Enya专辑出处:Day Without Rain第八季第五集805 The One With Rachel''s Date -场景:What song played as Rachel entered the coffee shop and saw Ross with Mona?歌曲名称:Closing Time演唱者:Semisonic第八季第八集808 The One With The Stripper -场景:What music played while Monica stripped?歌曲名称:Let Me Blow Ya Mind,演唱者:Eve (also featuring Gwen Stefani)专辑出处:Scorpion第八季第十三集813 The One Where Chandler Takes a Bath -场景:What music played when Chandler was relaxing in the tub? 歌曲名称:Only Time,演唱者:Enya专辑出处:Day Without Rain第八季第二十四集824 The One Where Rachel Has a Baby, part 2 - 场景一:What music played after Rachel finally gave birth?歌曲名称:River of Tears,演唱者:Eric Clapton.场景二:What music played when Joey found the ring at the end? 歌曲名称:Sign on the Window,演唱者:Bob Dylan专辑出处:New Morning第九季开篇900 In NBC''s promos for season 9,What song was playing?歌曲名称:Let My Love Open The Door演唱者:Pete Townshend歌曲名称:Come Along演唱者:Titiyo。








老友记》片头曲:为你我会在那里这首由Michael Skloff 作曲、Allee Willis 作词的歌曲原本是为迈克尔·斯蒂普和纳塔利-麦钱特度身定做的,但这两名歌手拒绝出演。

于是,剧组想到了由两名喜欢穿黑衣、戴墨镜的歌手丹尼-怀尔德(Danny Wilde)和菲尔-索利姆(Phil Solem)组成的“伦勃朗”乐团。

I'll Be There For You 为你,我会在那里So no one told you 没有人曾告诉过你,Life was gonna be this way 生活就是这样的。

Your job's a joke, 你的事业不成功,You're broke 一文不名,our love life's D.O.A, 爱情没有结果。

It's like you're always stuck in second gear 就像开车的时候卡在二档,无法迅速前进。

Oh when it hasn't been your day 当这一天、这一周、这一个月,Your week, your month, or even your year 甚至这一年你都很倒霉。

But I'll be there for you 但是我会在那里支持你,When the rain starts to pour 即使大雨倾盆。

I'll be there for you 我会在那里支持你,Like I've been there before 就像我以前一样。

I'll be there for you 我会在那里支持你,'Cause you're there for me, too 因为你也会是我坚强的后盾。

You're still in bed at ten 早上10点你还赖在床上,And work began at eight 即使8点就应该去上班。

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3.Here, There, and Everywhere - 还记得第十二集,Phoebe的婚礼吗?婚礼上的奏乐,原曲就是这首,只不过Friends是用的打击乐演奏的,很柔和温馨的一段音乐,好听。
4.Yellow Ledbetter - Final一集,Ross追错机场,Rachel第一次上飞机时候的音乐。
1.Trouble With Boys - 第六季第10集,Ross和Monica在新年舞会录影时跳routine的背景歌曲,很好听。
2.Wonderful Tonight - 第六季第25集,Chandler求婚后和Monica跳舞的时候
3.Big Time Operator - 第七季第14集,大家都三十了,这首歌是Monica的Party时候出现的,歌手Big Voodoo Daddy,歌不错。
3.Beverly Hills Cop - 一段很有名的配乐,第十五集Ross玩keyboard的时候的一段底乐。
4.YMCA - 第21集最后,Monica带假奶打工,其他五人去“捧场”,Joey点歌让Monica和其他职员开始了一段“桌上舞蹈”,就是这首歌。
5.Copacabana - 第22集Rachel在参加 Barry 婚礼上楼内裤出糗,后来上台唱的那首歌。
Get Ready For This - 也是大家很熟悉的,第9集,他们玩Football的配乐。
1.Impression That I Get - 第16集,Fake Party上的一段背景歌曲,快节奏的。
2.Weekend In New England - 第22集,鸭子吃了Ross的戒指需要动手术拿出来,开刀前三个大男人回忆和鸭子以前的好时光时候的背景音乐。
1.every word means no - 这首歌Friends里面,第7集Ross搬进Chandler他们那里的那集曾用过,第六季第十集他们参加新年舞会录制的时候也出现过。
2. Never There - 很好听很好听的一首歌,Ross住进新公寓的一集,这几放了好多好曲子,下面的一首也是
1.Sky Blue And Black(第一集,Rechel看着窗外的雨)
top of the world(第七集 carpenters经典曲目,到处都有下载,强烈推荐)
2.The Odd Couple(一个节目的主题曲,第十二集六个人在咖啡店里哼的那首)
3.I Dream of Jeannie(也是十二集哼的,只不过Ross刚起了个头就被大家叫停了)
3.Pink Panther - 也是全球家喻户晓的一段音乐,“顽皮豹”,Phoebe和那个老太太斗的时候的背景音乐,看过《成长的烦恼》的朋友,在那部剧集里有一集Mike为了获得两人的免费住宿带了一堆学生去滑雪(来安纳多 迪卡布里奥已经登场),然后在走廊揪那些窜来窜去的学生的一场戏,背景音乐也是这个。
4.New York Minute(老鹰乐队经典之一,马修在医院醒来抓住Ross手指时候的背景音乐)
5.March From Bridge(著名口哨曲-桂河大桥,第十八集五个人帮Rechel准备应聘信函的时候吹的)
6.The lion sleeps tonight(马修喜欢听得那个,其实是狮子王立的音乐,建议听Zulu 歌手Soloman Linda那个版本,是Friends里面所用的)
第五季最后一集 拉斯韦加斯之夜
1.Everybody Loves Somebody - Dean Martin的经典老歌,超级经典,喜欢美国老歌曲的人不容错过。
2.For the love of money - 哈哈,爱看美国片的对这首歌太熟悉不过了,《修女也疯狂2》里就有,不过Friends里面用的是Ojays演唱的版本
1.Singing in the Rain - 雨中曲,很景点的老歌了,Ross和她的亚裔女友过夜后的早上轻舞街上的配乐
2.I Go Blind - 来自 Hootie and the Blowfish 第五集Rros生日,Ross,Monica和Chandler去看Hootie & the Blowfish的演唱会,这是开场的第一首歌,当时另外三个朋友因为没有钱,只好在家里猜Joey的手指玩。
1.Baby Got Back - Ross唱错歌了,他竟然给Emma唱脏口Rap,可是Rachel后来也没办法必须唱这个才能逗Emma开心。
2.Delta Dawn - 第13集,Phoebe拖Monica去唱歌,Monica飚歌上瘾却走光,这首歌就是Monica唱的第一首歌,原唱Tanya Tucker。
3.Space Oddity - 以前玩过EA Sport FIFA足球游戏的可能会很耳熟,另外Ross进入新公寓办Party干等没人的时候用了这个背景音乐,来自David Bowie。
4.Horse With No Name - 吧里有人问过,就是第22集Joey开着Phoebe祖母的车(车上还有Phoebe祖母的骨灰盒)长途跋涉去拍戏,就是那时的背景歌曲。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
1.let me blow ya mind - 第八集,Monica给Chandle的单身派对请的舞者竟然是hooker,为了弥补Chandle,Monica开始自己跳,音乐就是这个。
2.Only Time - Enya 的歌,应该不用介绍了吧?第十二集Chandler泡盐浴的时候的音乐。
5.Embryonic Journey - 来自Jefferson Airplane,Friends最后的Final音乐。
1.Funkytown - 第十一集,就是Monica发现原来她的First kisser竟然是Ross的那集,这是舞会上的配乐。
2.tainted_love - 还是第十一集,Phoebe的单身派对,侏儒舞者身着警服跳脱衣物的第一段音乐,并不算得上好听,只是开始的配乐一响就会想起那场好笑的脱衣舞。