





步骤二:设置启动顺序1. 打开计算机的BIOS设置界面,一般可以通过按下"Del"或"F2"键来进入。

2. 在BIOS设置界面中找到"Boot"或"BIOS Boot"选项,并进入该菜单。

3. 找到"Boot Device Priority"或类似的选项,并选择"MCD3000"作为第一启动设备。



2. 在计算机重新启动时,屏幕上会显示"Press any key to boot from MCD3000"的提示信息。














MCD 201 系列 電氣接線圖 / 控制接線圖 .................................................................................................................... 12 操作與規劃 / 指示燈 / 故障說明 ......................................................................................................... 13
MCD softstarter series
Байду номын сангаасMCD 緩衝啟動器只要與主電源相連,就有潛 在危險。馬達或啟動器安裝不當將造成設備損 壞或重大傷亡,因此,應嚴格遵守本說明書的 說明以及國家和當地的法規與安全規範。
緩衝啟動器原理和應用說明 .................................................................................................. 3
降壓啟動概述 ......................................................................................................................................... 3 緩衝啟動控制類型 .................................................................................................................................. 4 認識緩衝啟動器額定 / MCD 型號選擇 .................................................................................................... 5 典型的應用............................................................................................................................................... 7


GPS 导航 2.8” QVGA 显示器
3.2MP AF 数字摄像头 &
支持Microsoft System Center Mobile Device Manager
坚固计算机 宽带连接器
Freedom to…
扫描增强应用 1D 条码扫描
•“VDC认为,充分证据证明——打算在供应 链应用环境中长期使用坚固设备,大多数情 况下,是更加符合成本效益的解决方案。”
移动计算机: 企业类相对于消费 者类设备
移动计算机: 企业类相对于消费 者类设备
在企业应用中 – 可靠性确实至关 重要
• 概述 – 商业手持 vs. 坚固设备
• 失败率多达 4 对 1 :商业设备对坚固设备
多种 CF 外设支持: RFID、 NFC、WWAN等等
GPS 导航 2.8” QVGA 显示器
支持Microsoft System Center Mobile Device Manager
坚固计算机 宽带连接器
FR68 & FR6000 关键的新特点
HP Ipaq
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Field Sales
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无机房电梯维修手册(None-machine room elevator maitainace manual)第一部分产品简介1.1电梯简介此类型号电梯是通力公司基于其碟式马达技术而开发的,并于上世纪9O年代中后期投放市场的新型电梯产品,产品采用LCE 逻辑控制方式和V3F 16es(早期产品) 或V3F 16L变频拖动系统。




电梯控制柜整体外形图如下:1.2 产品主要指标:•供电电压380±10VAC(China);•电梯的速度可达1米/秒;•最大载重可达 1000KG(2:1);•最大提升高度可达48米;•最多服务楼层可达16层;•可实现8台群控;•平层精度 ±5mm;•最低服务楼层为0.5米;•电梯检修运行速度0.3米/秒(默认)或 0.5米/秒;•电梯井道设定(自学习)速度和电梯纠正运行速度为0.25米/秒;•电梯再平层速度为0.03米/秒;第二部分电梯电气系统介绍无机房电梯的电气系统主要由以下几个部分组成:•控制系统•驱动系统•电源系统•安全回路系统•轿厢照明及通风系统•井道位置信息和部件•井道通讯系统,层显及外呼设备•轿厢内呼系统和显示设备•电梯群控和其他辅助功能•门机系统(见第三部分)2.1 电梯控制系统电梯控制系统(Lift Controlling Equipment)主要的主要功能由LCE CPU 控制板来执行。

LCE CPU控制板的主要功能有以下几个方面:•显示电梯目前的功能状态和位置信息。



OptiX OSN3000产品简述

OptiX OSN3000产品简述

华为OptiX OSN3000产品简述一.概况简介OptiX 2500+(Metro3000) STM-16 MADM/MSTP光传输系统(以下简称OptiX 2500+)设备是多业务传送平台(MSTP)设备。

该设备将SDH/ATM/以太网/DWDM技术融为一体;不但具有SDH设备灵活的组网和业务调度能力(MADM),而且通过对数据业务的二层处理,实现对ATM/以太网业务的接入、处理、传送和调度,在单台设备上实现话音、数据等多种业务的传输和处理.二.功能描述1. 大容量、多速率、多协议的接入:Metro3000系统高阶交叉能力为128 ×128 VC4,低阶交叉能力为2016 ×2016 VC12,可按VC-12、VC-3或VC-4级别进行各端口间的业务交叉连接,单子架具有96个STM-1的接入能力。



2. 强大的MADM,灵活的组网和配置能力:Metro3000系统配置相当灵活,每个网元既可配置为单个的STM-4/STM-16 TM或ADM系统,也可配置为STM-1、STM-4、STM-16接口组合的MADM系统,可实现多系统间的交叉连接,并具有从TDM业务到数据业务平滑过渡能力。






MCD3000系列软启动器 - 软启动知识_413

MCD3000系列软启动器 - 软启动知识_413
5T-CAV525-001×3�压电源电 源电 。置装动 起和置装制控机电体导半流交�求要的准标品产 2-4-749CEI 合符 CME 。闭关已器触接路旁 使即�能功护保机电的有所留保及流电机电定测能置装动启软 0003DCM 使以可这。接连器触接路旁与体导有内器动启软热过时作工止防以�器 触接路旁个一用使应�内箱机的境环风通有没在装安置装动启软如 路旁 。号信志标流电低/高和开出输�开断�行运出输 。器触接动制 CD 和路旁�路线 �制控可��序程编可�出输器电继个三 出输号信 。择选间之集数参机电个两在供�集数参 。位复 。令指的止停/动起�线四�冲脉的线双按可。止停/动起 入输路短 。板模孔带的线入引缆电于用个一括包�动移可板底 。GWA21-41/2m4-m5.2 为块子端�接连的供提卡制控 。GWA61-62/2m5.1-m41.0 为子端接连缆电制控 。栓 螺的套卸端缆定固可�纹螺带�型棒。器接连路旁和机电、源电 缆电 。馈反供提能功护保和应及护保机电多许为 也时同�馈反供提制控流电定恒的动起机电为�流电机电定测器压变流 电。闭关和动起的性常经及矩转动起的高理处置装动起使能�换转源电 行执体流闸个两的中位相个每。的制控理原割分位相受是压电机电 理原作工
识知动启软 - 器动启软列系 0003DCM
。器制控地本的屏示显带有 。度确精厂工的%5± 到达量定测流电的器动启软 0003DCM。转运确正可即准校场现需不 。数参个几整调需只�时护保和制控平水高在 。数参个一整调需只�中作操本基在 便方作操 备设它其何任加增要需不�时机电制控在 �隙间的 mm001 有只格规的大较�隙间无装安行并 。间 空的够足出留端封和封密缆电为�装安墙靠可置装动启软 0003DCM 便方装安 �括 包�点优的利有户用对列系一了加增置装动启软 0003DCM 的斯佛丹 。护保衡平不相 。向反止防。护保序相 。转堵的起引质杂部外于由出测检�护保转堵 。转空会不泵保确于合适�护保流电低 用应 。效有然依能功该�了换切源电使即�示显比分百的度 温大最以上器示显值数该。度温机电算计�测监临行进载负机电对 机电 �括包�护保的面全最了供提用应其机电为还它外另。的指一 屈首是它�点缺的止停和动起接直的机电了服克器动启软 0003DCM 便方作操及护保 。流电动起的求要到虑考须必还。格规寸尺的机电据根只应不型选 型选 欧千 8.2>�围范开断 入输阻电敏热 C�ASC�EC��定未�LU�准核 ℃0%01 �V004 �%51-/%01 �V032�压电制控 zH06/05�率频源电 �围范压电出指请时货定在 7T-CAV096-002×3



变频器品牌型号多年收藏整理的变频器说明书,全部为高清PDF版本,有需要的请发邮件到*****************索取!说明书部分目录如下:1.台安(TAIAN)变频器说明书E2 N2 V2 SV300 N310 S310 EV300 K1/N1 K200/K400 9300JS E2-EN 2.台达(DELTA)变频器说明书VFD-A VFD-B VFD-E VFD-F VFD-G VFD-L VFD-MVFD-S VFD-V VFD-VE VFD-EL VFD-B/P VFD-VL3.英威腾(INVT)变频器说明书G9/P9/GS/GL CHE CHF CHV CHV110 CHV160 CHV1804.汇菱(HUILING)变频器说明书 H30005.信捷(XINJE)变频器说明书 V5/F56.凯迪华能变频器说明书 CD20007.酷马(QMA)变频器说明书 Q5000 Q7000 Q90008.黎升同步控制器说明书 SAD240 SAD280 SAD280i9.三品(SANPIN)变频器说明书 SKJ SPRQ-33310.能士(NSA)变频器说明书 NSA20 NSA8011.台凌(TAILING)变频器说明书 TL80 TL100 TL100H12.力普变频器说明书 LP10013.安普(AMPLE)变频器说明书 AMP100014.誉强(YUQIANG)变频器说明书YQ3000-M YQ3000-A YQ3000-G YQ3000-A7(上) A7(中) A7(下)15.格立特(GREAT)变频器说明书VF10 VF11 VF15 VC300 VC3100 VC320016.RICH(利佳/艾瑞克)变频器说明书EI-MINI EI-450EI-450M EI-500EI-550EI-600EI-700EI-7001 EI-8001 EI Super N17.汇川(INOVANCE)变频器说明书MD021 MD280 MD300 MD300A MD320 MD33018.远川(YCDZ)变频器说明书YC-G YC-P TE580 软启动器19.紫日(CHZIRI)变频器说明书ZVF7 ZVF9 ZVF9V ZVF11 软启动20.森兰(SENLAN)变频器说明书SB12 SB40 SB50 SB60/61 SB60+/61+ SB61Z SB61Z+ SB70 SB80 SB100 SB200 BT12 BT4021.安邦信(AMBITION)变频器说明书G7/P9 G9/P9 V11 G11 E11 Z9/Z11 HVI22.普传(POWTRAN)变频器说明书168 PI97G PI7000/7100 PI7600/7800 PI766023.日业(SUNYE)变频器说明书。



MCD3000产品介绍丹佛斯软启动器MCD3000系列完美的软启动,保护及操作方便产品范围:7.5 - 800 kW主要功能:电流额定值适用于正常启动和重负载启动提供有 200-690 VAC 的型号通过内部电流斜坡上升实现电流极限软启动四种不同的、可自动调整的斜坡下降配置众多电动机保护功能内置本地控制面板(带显示屏)对参数实行密码保护直流制动功能:交流保护/过流保护——防止泵类空载/过载相序保护——防止意外反向运转电网失衡保护电机保护功能——旁路运行时的电机保护工作原理:电机电压是受相位分割原理控制的。





MCD3000软起动装置为电机和设备操作提供许多优点,其中包括: 灵活控制起动电流和转矩;平稳控制电流和电压,无跳动和不稳定过程;频繁的起/停,无机械损坏现象;适应起动的各种变化,增加了应用的灵活性;软停止控制,延长电机寿命;制动控制,延长电机寿命。

型号功率MCD3007-T5-B21-CV4 7.5KWMCD3015-T5-B21-CV4 15KWMCD3018-T5-B21-CV4 18.5KWMCD3022-T5-B21-CV4 22KWMCD3030-T5-B21-CV4 30KWMCD3037-T5-B21-CV4 37KWMCD3045-T5-B21-CV4 45KWMCD3055-T5-B21-CV4 55KW MCD3075-T5-C21-CV4 75KW MCD3090-T5-C21-CV4 90KW MCD3110-T5-C21-CV4 110KW MCD3132-T5-C21-CV4 132KW MCD3185-T5-C20-CV4 185KW MCD3220-T5-C20-CV4 220KW MCD3300-T5-C20-CV4 300KW MCD3315-T5-C20-CV4 315KW MCD3400-T5-C20-CV4 400KW MCD3500-T5-C20-CV4 500KW MCD3600-T5-C20-CV4 600KW MCD3700-T5-C20-CV4 700KW MCD3800-T5-C20-CV4 800KW MCD3007T5B21CV4 175G5002 MCD3007T7B21CV4 175G5003 MCD3015T5B21CV4 175G5006 MCD3015T7B21CV4 175G5007 MCD3018T5B21CV4 175G5010 MCD3018T7B21CV4 175G5011 MCD3022T5B21CV4 175G5014 MCD3022T7B21CV4 175G5015 MCD3030T5B21CV4 175G5018 MCD3030T7B21CV4 175G5019MCD3037T5B21CV4 175G5022 MCD3037T7B21CV4 175G5023 MCD3045T5B21CV4 175G5026 MCD3045T7B21CV4 175G5027 MCD3055T5B21CV4 175G5030 MCD3055T7B21CV4 175G5031 MCD3075T5C21CV4 175G5034 MCD3075T7C21CV4 175G5035 MCD3090T5C21CV4 175G5038 MCD3090T7C21CV4 175G5039 MCD3110T5C21CV4 175G5042 MCD3110T7C21CV4 175G5043 MCD3132T5C21CV4 175G5046 MCD3132T7C21CV4 175G5047 MCD3185T5C20CV4 175G5050 MCD3185T7C20CV4 175G5051 MCD3220T5C20CV4 175G5054 MCD3220T7C20CV4 175G5055 MCD3300T5C20CV4 175G5058 MCD3300T7C20CV4 175G5059 MCD3315T5C20CV4 175G5062 MCD3315T7C20CV4 175G5063 MCD3400T5C20CV4 175G5066 MCD3400T7C20CV4 175G5067 MCD3500T5C20CV4 175G5070 MCD3500T7C20CV4 175G5071 MCD3600T5C20CV4 175G5074 MCD3600T7C20CV4 175G5075 MCD3700T5C20CV4 175G5078 MCD3700T7C20CV4 175G5079 MCD3800T5C20CV4 175G5082 MCD3800T7C20CV4 175G5083。

通力电梯参数 (1)

通力电梯参数 (1)

1700 x 1500 SEC 2.63 1000 1200 500 700 650 700 2350x1950 2600x2450
1500 x 1800 SEC 2.77 900 1100 450 650 600 650 2150x2150 2400x2650
备注:(1)选用 KDL16R,CH>2400 mm 时, TTC 不可用。
KONE 3000S MiniSpaceTM 销售指南
6 基本尺寸 (MCD)
6.1 水平尺寸: KONE 3000S MINISPACE 对重侧置
人乘/ 载重
额定 速度
(kg) (m/s)
≤ 1.75 2.0 2.0
≤ 1.75 2.0 2.0
≤ 1.75 2.0 2.0
≤ 1.75 2.0 2.0
800 1000 425 620 550 620 1975x1850 2240x2300
≤75 1200 x 1450
375 565 450 565 1825x1920 2130x2520 375 565 450 565 1825x1930 2130x2520
400 520 450 520 1850x2000 2040x2450
425 665 400 515 1825x1950 2180x2570 800 1000 425 665 400 515 1825x1950 2180x2570
425 820 425 570 1850x1950 2390x2500
≤75 1400 x 1200
425 665 550 665 1975x1800 2330x2270 425 665 550 665 1975x1800 2330x2270



*中心值由模条卡点之位置决定之,一般批次所标示之角度范围之中心值±20% 第五码之定义: 亮度 代码 0 1 2 3 6 9 A B 内容 0-10mcd 10-50mcd 50-100mcd 100-150mcd 150-200mcd 200-400mcd 400-600mcd 600-800mcd 备注 第四码之定义:胶体尺寸; 代码 3 5 8 1 E F G S P 内容 圆形 3mm;3 圆形 5mm;5 圆形 8mm;8 圆形 10mm;10 φ3 头食人鱼 φ5 头食人鱼 平头食人鱼 方形
备注 第四码之定义:胶体外形;
宜兴市新得利电子有限公司 宜兴市新得利电子有限公司 新得利
核准 审查 制订
代码 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
LED 型号系统制定准则
文件编号 日 期 版本
2009-4-12 2/4 页次
内容 无帽沿 有帽沿 平头 火山口(内凹型) 小草帽 钢盔型 椭圆形 2*5*7 方型 2*3*4 方型 5*5*7 方型 2*7*7 方型
备注 第五码之定义:角度 代码 0 1 2 3 6 9 A B T V E 内容 1~9 deg *(中心值) 15 deg *(中心值) 20 deg *(中心值) 30 deg *(中心值) 60deg *(中心值) 90 deg *(中心值) 100deg *(中心值) 110deg *(中心值) 120 deg *(中心值) 140 deg *(中心值) 180 deg *(中心值) 备注

CDD3000双硬盘 DOCK 用户手册说明书

CDD3000双硬盘 DOCK 用户手册说明书

Dual Hard Drive Docking Station CDD3000User ManualIntroductionCDD3000 is a USB 3.0 dual-SATA 2.0 hard drive docking station. It supports simultaneous use of two 2.5” or 3.5” SATA hard disks for both data read and data write. It is also backward compatible with USB 2.0 and USB 1.1. It features One Touch Cloning, which clones your hard drive with touch of a button. One Touch Cloning copies data and system files from Source HDD to Target HDD, so if your Source HDD is bootable, so will your Target HDD.1) Power indicator 2) Slot ‘A’ indicator 3) Slot ‘B’ indicator 4) Clone processing indicator 5) Clone button 6) Slot ‘B’ 7) Slot ‘A’ 8) USB 3.0 input 9) Power switch (ON/OFF) 10) DC inputNote:When using E-SATA interface, the PC can only recognize one HDD in the docking station. If two HDDs are in the docking station, only Slot ‘A’ HDD will be recognized by the PC. If only one HDD is inserted to the dock, then you may use either Slot ’A’ or Slot ’B’.Function:•Complies with Gen2i/Gen2m of Serial ATA II Electrical Specification 2.6•Supports SATA II Asynchronous Signal Recovery (Hot Plug) feature•Supports SATA to SATA pass through•Complies with USB 3.0 Specification, USB Mass Storage Class, Bulk-Only Transport Specification•Supports USB Super-Speed/High-Speed/Full-Speed Operation •Supports USB HID operation•Supports USB2.0/USB3.0/eSATA power saving mode •Supports Dual LUN for USB2.0/USB3.0•One Touch Cloning•Easy to Install and Set-up•Design for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7, Mac OS X or later version.CLONE:Please note the below conditions before clone:-Slot ‘A’ = SOURCE HDD-Slot ‘B’ = TARGET HDD-TARGET HDD’s capacity MUST be larger than SOURCE HDD, otherwise the CLONE cannot be completed. (Same capacity is also not acceptable)-Before CLONE function starts, make sure you back up any important data in TARGET HDD; once CLONE started, all data from TARGET HDD will gone.-Once the docking station is connected to the PC via USB, One Touch Cloning will not be active. See Cloning with USB section for details.1)One Touch Cloninga) Insert source HDD to Slot ‘A’; target HDD to Slot ‘B’, and then turn on the powerb)Once the Slot indicators are on, that means CDD3000 is ready for cloning.c) Press and hold the clone button for 3 seconds until the indicator light is on, press the button once more for Clone confirmation. Cloning process begins.d) Clone progress indicator flashes and shows the progress (25%, 50%, 75%, 100%).e) Once cloning is finished, all progress indicators will light up.f) Turn off power and remove the HDDs carefully2) Cloning with USBSoftware Installation (Windows only)a) Please insert the CD drive and click “setup.exe”. Chooseb) Fill in the S/N # accordingly (you can find the S/N# on the cover of CD)c) Click “Install” to begin installationd) Installation progress is displayedClone from Source HDD to Target HDDa) Insert Source HDD and Target HDD into the docking station and connect CDD3000 to PC via USB cable. Turn on the power, and you can find the clone icon on the right bottom of window. Double click the CLONE Icon to start the program.CLONE Iconb) CloneDrive activated, click “Start”c) Press start to proceed with Cloned) Clone progress is displayede) Click “OK” once clone is finishedf) You should find the same contents of Source HDD in Target HDDg) If your target HDD has extra space, the system will allocate it to “unallocated” area automatically, please refer to the below picture. Windows system only allows a maximum of fourprimary partitions, if the original disc already exist fourprimarypartitions, then it can not distinguish the extra space but logical drives can have more than oneHDD Partitiona) Open Disk management and select the unallocated areab) Right click “New partition” for further actionc) “Next”d) Base on your need and click “Next”e) Please enter the new partition capacity and click “Next” for further actionf) Assign the drive letter and “Next”g) Select “Quick Format” to format the new partitionh) Click “Finish”i) m Partition completed, the new partition can be found.Limited WarrantyThis is to certify that this Product is free of congenital defects in materials and workmanship. Cirago’s Limited warranty provides the customer 1-year free service with the following conditions:1. Warranty service is valid only in the United States and only applies to Cirago Products.2. If you are having trouble with a product, before seeking limited warranty service, first following the troubleshooting procedures that Cirago or your reseller provides.Visit to download product drivers and troubleshooting instructions.3. If you are unable to correct the problem after following the troubleshooting instructions, please call the Cirago service hotline at 408-331-8824. Have your product’s serial number and your date of purchase available when you make the call to expedite service.4. If the problem cannot be corrected over the telephone, you must take the Product, or deliver the Product freight prepaid, in either its original packaging or packaging affording an equal degree of protection to Cirago’s service center together with a copy of your dated proof of purchase, a complete explanation of the problem and a return address. Do not include other items with the defective Product.5. Any Product received by Cirago's service center that is not covered by the limited warranty will be returned unrepaired.6. We are responsible for repairing or replacing parts that are considered manufacturing defects or damaged under normal user behavior by our technicians. These parts will be free of charge within the 1-year warranty period from the date of purchase.7. All damaged parts will become Cirago’s property.8. Free warranty service will not be provided if:i) The Product has been explicitly or implicitly modified, tampered with, altered or repaired in any way by persons other than our technicians or approved vendors; orii) The Product has been damaged due to misuse, negligence, accident, shipment, inserts or natural calamities; or iii) The Product has been installed, maintained or operated not in accordance with the instructions furnished by Cirago; or iv) Any damage, deterioration or malfunction is caused by power interruption or abnormal voltage input.9. Warranty will only be valid if the date of purchase on the warranty card corresponds with that of the official purchase receipt.10. The warranty card should be properly completed and mailed back to the address indicated within 14 Days of purchase.11. The original purchase receipt shall be provided upon request for service.12. Under no circumstances will Cirago be liable for any consequential damages caused in relation to the use of this product.13. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights which vary from state to state.For your convenience, Cirago has established a service hotline for frequently asked questions and service assistance or resolution of a service problem, or for product information or operation:Cirago Service CenterAddress: 611 Vaqueros Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94085Service : 408-331-8824。

欧昊斯 3000 系列底座 说明书

欧昊斯 3000 系列底座 说明书

Defender™ 3000 Series Base Instruction ManualComplianceThis product conforms to the EMC directive 89/336/EEC and the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC. Thecomplete declaration of Conformity is available from Ohaus CorporationDisposalI n conformance with the European Directive 2002/96 EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment(WEEE) this device may not be disposed of in domestic waste. This also applies to countries outside theEU, per their specific requirements.Please dispose of this product in accordance with local regulations at the collecting point specified forelectrical and electronic equipment.If you have any questions, please contact the responsible authority or the distributor from which youpurchased this device.Should this device be passed on to other parties (for private or professional use), the content of thisregulation must also be related.Thank you for your contribution to environmental protection.ISO 9001 RegistrationIn 1994, Ohaus Corporation, USA, was awarded a certificate of registration to ISO 9001 by Bureau Veritus Quality International (BVQI), confirming that the Ohaus quality management system is compliant with the ISO 9001 standard’s requirements. On May 15, 2003, Ohaus Corporation, USA, was re-registered to the ISO 9001:2000 standard.INTRODUCTIONThis manual covers installation, and maintenance instructions for the Ohaus Defender 3000 Series Base. Please read this manual completely before installation and operation.TMSAFETY PRECAUTIONSFor safe and dependable operation of this product, please comply with the following precautions:• Operate the base only under ambient conditions specified in these instructions • Ensure that the load cell cable does not pose an obstruction or tripping hazard • Do not operate the base in hazardous environments or unstable locations • Do not drop loads on the base• Do not lift the base by the top frame; always lift from the bottom frame when moving the base • Service should only be performed by authorized personnelINSTALLATIONUnpackingUnpack and inspect the product to make sure that all components have been included. The package includes the following:• Base • Weighing Pan • Warranty Card • Instruction ManualWhen purchased as a complete Defender 3000 Series Scale, will also include:• 3000 Series Indicator • Column AssemblyAssemblyWeighing PanPlace the weighing pan securely over the rubber load pads on the top frame of the base.Wiring ConnectionsConnect the load cell cable to an indicator using the wiring codes in Table 1 below. Refer to the indicator manual for information about load cell connections, setup and calibration.Note : When purchased as a Defender Series Scale, the base is already pre-wired to the 3000 Series Indicator.TABLE 1. SIX WIRE LOAD CELL CONNECTION.FUNCTION WIRE COLOR + Excitation Green - Excitation Black + Signal Red - Signal White + Sense Blue - Sense Brown Shield YellowSelecting the LocationTo ensure accuracy, proper performance and safety, locate and operate the base on a stable, level surface. Avoid locations withrapid temperature changes or excessive dust, air currents, vibrations, electromagnetic fields or heat.Level the base by adjusting the four leveling feet until the bubble in the level indicator (located at the rear of the base) is centered. A wrench may be needed to loosen the locking nut above each leveling foot. When the base is level, retighten the locking nuts up against the base to lock each foot into place.Note: Ensure that the base is level each time its location is changed.MAINTENANCECleaningThe base components should be kept clean and free of excessive material build up.•Damp cloth with water and a mild detergent may be used to wipe clean the external surfaces—do not use acids,alkalis, strong solvents or abrasive materials and chemicalsTroubleshootingAside from installing components and leveling adjustments, the Defender Series Base does not require any other adjustments asshipped from the factory.Operational difficulties that may be encountered can often be traced to simple causes such as:•Loose or incorrect wiring connections•Obstructions to the base frame•Unstable environments•Incorrect calibration or setup of the indicatorIf the troubleshooting section does not resolve or describe your problem, contact your authorized Ohaus service agent. Forservice assistance or technical support in the United States call toll-free 1-800-526-0659 between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM EST.An Ohaus product service specialist will be available to provide assistance. Outside the USA, please visit our web site, to locate the Ohaus office nearest you.TECHNICAL DATATechnical SpecificationsThe technical data is valid under the following ambient conditions:Ambient temperature: -10ºC to +40 ºCRelative humidity: 10% to 90% relative humidity, non-condensingHeight above sea level: Up to 4,000mOperability is assured at ambient temperature -10ºC to +40 ºCTABLE 2a. SPECIFICATIONSD150BXD300BXD150BLD60BLMODEL D30BRD60BRCapacity 30 kg 60 kg 60 kg 150 kg 150 kg 300 kgResolution 6000d 6000d 6000d 7500d 7500d 6000dMaximumPan Dimensions 305 x 355 x 75 mm 420 x 550 x 80 mm 500 x 650 x 90 mmBase Construction Stainless Steel platform with painted steel frame and rubber leveling feetSafe Overload Capacity 125% of capacityRepeatability (std. deviation) 1dLinearity ±1d Load Cell Cable 2 m L x 6-wire 2.3 m L x 6-wireLoad Cell Type 350 Ohm, aluminum, single pointLoad Cell Excitation 5-15V DC/ACLoad Cell Rated Output 2mV/VLoad Cell Protection IP67Net Weight 9 kg 16 kg 28 kgShipping Weight 11 kg 19 kg 32 kgTABLE 2b. SPECIFICATIONSD150VXD300VXD150VLD60VLMODEL D30VRD60VRCapacity 30 kg 60 kg 60 kg 150 kg 150 kg 300 kgResolution 6000d 6000d 6000d 7500d 7500d 6000dMaximumPan Dimensions 305 x 355 x 75 mm 420 x 550 x 80 mm 500 x 650 x 90 mmBase Construction Stainless Steel platform with stainless steel frame and rubber leveling feetSafe Overload Capacity 125% of capacityRepeatability (std. deviation) 1dLinearity ±1d Load Cell Cable 2 m L x 6-wire 2.3 m L x 6-wireLoad Cell Type 350 Ohm, stainless steel, single pointLoad Cell Excitation 5-15V DC/ACLoad Cell Rated Output 2mV/VLoad Cell Protection IP67Net Weight 9 kg 21 kg 33 kgShipping Weight 11 kg 24 kg 37 kgDrawingsBase shown with 3000 series indicator and columnFigure 1. Defender Base Dimension Drawing.TABLE 3. DIMENSIONS.A B C D EBase Pan Depth Pan WidthHeight of Pan toSurface of Table*Height of Pan Depth Including Level Indicator D30BR, D60BR 355 mm 305 mm 123 mm 75 mm 380 mm D60BL, D150BL 550 mm 420 mm 136 mm 80 mm 575 mm D150BX, D300BX 650 mm 500 mm 143 mm 90 mm 675 mm D30VR, D60VR 355 mm 305 mm 119 mm 75 mm 380 mm D60VL, D150VL550 mm420 mm145 mm80 mm 575 mm D150VX, D300VX 650 mm 500 mm 154 mm 90 mm675 mm*For leveling purposes, the feet may be extended up to an additional 11mm.TABLE 4. ACCESSORIES.Description Part Number Column Kit, 35 cm painted steel 80251743 Column Kit, 70 cm painted steel 80251744 Column Kit, 35 cm stainless steel 80251745 Column Kit, 70 cm stainless steel80251746LIMITED WARRANTYOhaus products are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship from the date of delivery through the duration of the warranty period. During the warranty period Ohaus will repair, or, at its option, replace any component(s) that proves to be defective at no charge, provided that the product is returned, freight prepaid, to Ohaus. This warranty does not apply if the product has been damaged by accident or misuse, exposed to radioactive or corrosive materials, has foreign material penetrating to the inside of the product, or as a result of service or modification by other than Ohaus. In lieu of a properly returned warranty registration card, the warranty period shall begin on the date of shipment to the authorized dealer. No other express or implied warranty is given by Ohaus Corporation. Ohaus Corporation shall not be liable for any consequential damages.As warranty legislation differs from state to state and country to country, please contact Ohaus or your local Ohaus dealer for further details.*80251065*P/N 80251065 B ©2007 Ohaus Corporation, all rights reserved Printed in China。



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RS485与PROFINET跨网通讯的实现杨少华【摘要】By taking Danfoss MCD3000 soft starter based on RS485 as an example, and combining characteristics of Anybus gateway, the key points and methods of communication between RS485 and PROFINET were introduced, detailed the key setupsteps ,gave communication program based Siemens Step7, and advanced a cross-network communication way in a total network. The application shows that is an economical and reliable means not special real-time requirements.%以基于RS485网络的Danfoss MCD3000软启动器为例,结合Anybus网关的特点,阐述了在RS485网络和PROFINET之间通讯的方法和要点,详细说明了关键设置步骤,并给出了Step7的通讯程序,为一网到底模式下跨网通讯提供了一种方式.经应用证明,在对实时性要求不是很高的情况下,这是一种经济可靠的通讯方式.【期刊名称】《电气传动》【年(卷),期】2011(041)005【总页数】3页(P55-57)【关键词】RS485;PROFINET;跨网通讯【作者】杨少华【作者单位】云南昆船设计研究院,云南,昆明650236【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP274随着自动化网络技术的发展,基于TCP/IP协议的现场总线如PROFINET,EthernetIP等逐渐得到推广和应用。

DAM-3000 数据采集模块用户手册(V6.1.11)说明书

DAM-3000 数据采集模块用户手册(V6.1.11)说明书




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MCD3000 设计指南. 王孟贤
MCD3000 设计指南. 王孟贤
丹 佛 斯 中 国 Danfoss China
MCD3000的运行不需要 输入接触器; 用户所在地的地方法规 可能要求使用交流接触器; 机械断路装置能够增加 操作人员的安全保障
MCD3000 设计指南. 王孟贤
丹 佛 斯 中 国 Danfoss China
MCD3000 设计指南. 王孟贤
丹 佛 斯 中 国 Danfoss China
选型步骤 1.
该选型方式以实际应用的典型 数据为依据。 * If the application operates outside standard MCD3000 ratings refer to the selection software instead of the published Current Ratings tables: - 10 starts per hour - 50% duty cycle - 40oC - <1000 meters
功率因数补偿器的安装要求 Power Factor Correction
*软启动器的输出端禁止连接功率 因数补偿器
过专用的接触器接到软启动器的进 线端,且只有当电机正常运转后才 能接通补偿器。
Power Factor Correction Capacitors
AC53a 4-20:50-10
(4.5 x FLC)
AC53b 4-20:340
(4.5 x FLC)
AC53a 4.5-30:50-10 AC53b 4.5-30:330
MCD3000 设计指南. 王孟贤
丹 佛 斯 中 国 Danfoss China
MCD3000额定值的计 算MCD3000 Ratings
MCD3000 设计指南. 王孟贤
丹 佛 斯 中 国 Danfoss China
大于直流制动方式的制动转矩 较低的电机温升
L1 B1 L2
L3 B3
比直流制动略微复杂和稍大的 投资
利用MCD3000的两个参数设置 区可以将系统的启动转矩和制 动转矩单独设置。
MCD3000 设计指南. 王孟贤
丹 佛 斯 中 国 Danfoss China
1)将MCD3000安装于控制柜里面时,必须保证足够的通风量。 2)软启动器的单位消耗量为 4.5瓦/每安陪电流。 3)用户手册中给出了软启动器在不同运行电流时所要求的的通 风量数据表格。 WinSTART provides calculation tool for enclsoure ventilation.
丹 佛 斯 中 国 Danfoss China
MCD3000 应用要点
MCD3000 设计指南. 王孟贤
丹 佛 斯 中 国 Danfoss China
必须对软启动器设置相应的指 标,以保证其可控硅 ( SCR )的结温 不超过 125℃
影响温升的主要因素有下列 7 条: - 启动电流; - 启动时间; - 启动频率 ( 单位时间内的 启动次数 ) - 关断时间; - 环境温度; - 海拔高度; - 电机电流.
对照操作手册给出的电流表 格选择MCD3000的型号
MCD3000 设计指南. 王孟贤
丹 佛 斯 中 国 Danfoss China
电机满载电流 FLC = 80 A
Continuous Ratings (Not bypassed), 40oC Ambient Temperature, < 1000 metres Model MCD3007 MCD3015 MCD3018 MCD3022 MCD3030 MCD3037 MCD3045 3.0 x FLC AC53a 3.0-30 : 50-10 20A 34A 39A 47A 68A 86A 86A 93A 4.0 x FLC AC53a 4.0-20 : 50-10 16A 28A 33A 40A 54A 70A 76A 4.5 x FLC AC53a 4.5-30 : 50-10 14A 25A 29A 35A 48A 61A 65A
MCD3000 设计指南. 王孟贤
丹 佛 斯 中 国 Danfoss China
一般选型方式: 用电机和机械负荷的经典数据选型。
精确选型方式: 以电机和负荷的实际数据计算所需的启动 电流。
-- 一般选型方式; -- 精确选型方式; -- 分析选型方式.
分析选型MCD3000 设计指南. 王孟贤
丹 佛 斯 中 国 Danfoss China
MCD3000 的技术条件
(3 x FLC)
(3 x FLC)
AC53a 3-30:50-10
(4 x FLC)
AC53b 3-30:330
(4 x FLC)
MCD3000分别按照 AC53a和AC53b设置3种负荷 条件。 该3种条件详细陈述在用户手 册中. 上述负荷条件的环境要求为: ---环境温度: 40oC ---海拔高度<1000米
输入端的交流接触器有助于 保护处于关断状态的软启动器的晶 闸管不受供电线路上冲击波的损害 。 供电系统中的功率因数补偿 装置往往是在高感抗回路中产生冲 击电压的重要原因之一,在此种情 况下,应该注意选择适当的交流接 触器以保护软启动器。
MCD3000 设计指南. 王孟贤
丹 佛 斯 中 国 Danfoss China
MCD3000 设计指南. 王孟贤
丹 佛 斯 中 国 Danfoss China
软启动器的指标 256A: AC53a 4.5 -30:70 -10
软启动器在 IEC-947-4-2的 使用编号为 AC53, 下列内容是 AC53 对软启动器运行工况作出的 规定: AC53a 适用于连续运行的 软启动器; AC53b 适用于旁路运行的 软启动器.
In addition to the published ratings, software is provided to allow calculation of starter current ratings under any operating conditions.
MCD3000 可以提供有关操作的计算软件.
MCD3000 设计指南. 王孟贤
丹 佛 斯 中 国 Danfoss China
Start Performance Modelling
For critical application circumstances motor current/speed and speed/torque curves can be used with the load‘s speed/torque curve to fully model start performance.
MCD3000 设计指南. 王孟贤
丹 佛 斯 中 国 Danfoss China
软启动器的指标 145A: AC53b 4.5 - 30: 570
关断时间Off Time 启动时间(秒)Start Time
(seconds) (multiple of FLC)
启动电流(满载电流的倍数)Start Current 软启动器的额定电流Starter Current Rating AC53b的规定
快速熔断器为选件,通常比 较昂贵。
快速熔断器必须能提供相应 的I 2 t保护能力,并能保证足够 的裕量允许启动电流的通过。
通常情况下,用户必须使用 设计手册建议使用的熔断器。在 特殊条件下,有时还需要使用多 种不同的熔断器同时保护软启动 器。
MCD3000 设计指南. 王孟贤
丹 佛 斯 中 国 Danfoss China
负载的占空比On-load Duty Cycle 启动时间(秒)Start Time
(seconds) (multiple of FLC)
启动电流(满载电流的倍数)Start Current 软启动器的额定电流Starter Current Rating AC53a 的规定
For operating conditions outside the normal parameters use WinSTART
MCD3000 设计指南. 王孟贤
丹 佛 斯 中 国 Danfoss China
MCD3000 设计指南. 王孟贤
丹 佛 斯 中 国 Danfoss China