TAYLOR SWIFT的 用于english presentationPPT课件


taylor swift英语ppt介绍课前演讲

taylor swift英语ppt介绍课前演讲

IN 2008
IN 2010
IN 2012
IN 2006
H e r n e w a lb u m S p e a k N o w w a s re le a s e d . T h e so n g B a c k to D e c e m b e r m o v e d lo ts o f p e o p le . T h e so n g is a n a p o lo g y to h e r fo rm e r b o y frie n d T a y lo r L a u n d e r .
IN 2012
IN 2008
IN 2010
IN 2006
T a y lo r h a d a a m a z in g m a rk . S h e h a d h e r se c o n d a lb u m ca lle d F e a rle s s . T h e a lb u m sta y e d o n th e firs t se a t o f th e b illb o a rd fo r 11 w e e k s . It m ig h t b e a re c o rd . T h e so n g L o v e S to ry sta y e d in th e to p 10 o f b illb o a rd u n til Ja n u a ry a n d th e so n g Y o u b e lo n g w ith m e h a s sta y e d th e re u n til n o w ! It ’s re a lly a m a rv e l !THANK YOUTaylor Swift
——社工1301 刘思敏

Taylor Swift 英文介绍 PPT课件

Taylor Swift 英文介绍 PPT课件

NO.4 《speak now》
1. Mine 2. Sparks Fly 3. Back To December 4. Speak Now 5. Dear John 6. Mean 7. The Story Of Us 8. Never Grow Up 9. Enchanted 10. Better Than Revenge 11. Innocent 12. Haunted 13. Last Kiss 14. Long Live 15. Superman 16. If This Was A Movie
No.2 《Beautiful Eyes》
1. Beautiful Eyes 2. Should've Said No 3. Teardrops On My Guitar 4. Picture To Burn 5 .I'm Only Me When I'm With You 6. I Heart
19 year-old
10. The Way I Loved You
11. Forever & Always
12. The Best Day
13. Change
It’s fearless to have faith that someday things will change. Fearless is
having the courage to say goodbye to someone Who only hurts you, even if you can’t breathe without them. Letting go is fearless.---Taylor Swift
12. I'm Only Me When I'm With You

Taylor Swift泰勒 斯威夫特PPT课件

Taylor Swift泰勒 斯威夫特PPT课件
Probably mindless dreaming 也许是无谓的梦
If we loved again I swear I’d love you right 不过若我们再次相爱,我发誓我将好好爱 你
I’d go back in time and change it but I can’t 我回到那个时刻改变一切,但Hale Waihona Puke 终究不能19 year-old
The song Back to December moved lots of
people,as well as me.The song is an apologize to her former boyfriend Taylor Lautner.(泰 勒·洛特纳)
I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, so good to me, so right 我怀念你褐色的皮肤,温暖的微笑,对我 来说是那么的好,那么合适
was looking through an English website,I was listen this song.It was her real first song.The song tells the story of a girl who was an American West high school on a summer vacation fell in love with a boy.It was a beautiful but short-lived romance. The boy said, her eyes are brighter than the stars. They danced at night by the lake. Two people all like a country singer Tim McGraw.Lyrics sing

Taylor Swift 英文介绍(课堂PPT)

Taylor Swift    英文介绍(课堂PPT)
• Written or co-written every song on the album
• Known around the world by her music
• Taylor Swift was born and raised as the first child and only daughter of her family
Pennsylvania to Tennessee • Sign her first record deal
with a new record label
Quick Introduction
• Her music sounds both county and pop
• The first country singer ever to have two singles reach number one on the pop chart
• At the age of 10, Taylor began writing songs and singing them at contests, festivals, and fairs around her hometown.
• When she was 12 years old, she devoted an entire summer to writing a 350-page novel, which remains unpublished.
• At age 11, Taylor made her first trip to Nashville.
• She gave a copy to every label in town, but was rejected.

泰勒斯威夫特 英文介绍PPT

泰勒斯威夫特 英文介绍PPT

Taylor Swift Album
《taylor swift》
《beautiful eyes》 《fearless》
《speak now》
No.1 《Taylor Swift》 曲目: 1. Tim McGraw 2. Picture to Burn 3. Teardrops on My Guitar 4. A Place in This World 5. Cold As You 6. The Outside 7. Tied Together With A Smile 8. Stay Beautiful 9. Should've Said No 10. Mary's Song (Oh My My My) 11. Our Song 12. I'm Only Me When I'm With You 13. Invisible 14. Perfectly Good Heart 15. Teardrops on My Guitar (pop version)
• At the age of 10, Taylor began writing songs and singing them at karaoke contests, festivals, and fairs around her hometown.
• At age 11, Taylor made her first trip to Nashville. • She gave a copy to every label in town, but was rejected. • Taylor started writing songs and playing 12string guitar when she was 12. • When Taylor was 15, she rejected RCA Records . • After performing at Nashville's songwriters' venue, she caught the attention of Scott Borchetta.



love story
We were both young when I first saw you 当我第一次看见你的时候,我们都还年轻 I closed my eyes and the flashback starts 我闭上眼睛,一幕幕往事又在脑海中重现 I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns 看见灯火,看见热闹的舞会,华丽的盛装 See you make your way through the crowd 看见你穿越人群向我走来 And say hello, 对我说“hello” little did I know 我却一无所知 That you were Romeo You were throwing pebbles 在你抛砖引玉向我示爱之后 And my daddy said “stay away from Juliet .” 我爸爸气急败坏地叫你离我远一点 And I was crying on the staircase 我却蜷坐在楼梯上偷偷地抹眼泪
Thank you
Because her grandmother used to be a professional opera actress and she fell in love with music from, particularly in rural areas, the ten years old start home in the area around performance, participate in the karaoke singing competition, and in the celebration win mass cheering. 因为她的祖母曾经是个专业的歌 剧演员,她爱上了音乐,特别是在 农村地区,十岁开始在性能、周 围地区参与卡拉ok唱歌比赛,赢得 群众欢呼和庆祝活动。



Taylor Swift's music style
Pop music
Pop music is a genre that is known for its catchy memories and upbeat tempo Taylor Swift's pop music style is characterized by its use of catch hooks, upbeat tempo, and commercial appeal Her pop songs of soft feature a strong beat and anatomical obstacles that are easy to sing along to
Country music has a strong emotional connection with its audience, often focusing on themes of love, heartbreak, and family Taylor Swift's country songs of exploring these themes, making them reconcile with fans who identify with the emotional depth of her Lyrics
classic of Taylor Swift.
Taylor Swift's influence
The impact of the music industry
Revolutionary impact
Innovative songwriting


Geuss who is she
Chinses name : 泰勒 斯威夫特 Name : Taylor Swift Nationality: America
Born date :1989-12-13 Height:180 cm Weight:56kg
.An American country pop singer .Singing with a guitar .Began writing songs at a very young age .Showing her talents at fairs .Sign her first record deal with a record label
经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量 Study Constantly, And You Will Know Everything. The More
You Know, The More Powerful You Will Be
"Love Story" was Taylor's first international single,
and it reached the top of the Billboard country chart. In Taylor’s Words :"This is a song I wrote when I was dating a guy who wasn’t exactly the popular choice. His situation was a little complicated, but I didn’t care. I started this song with the line This love is difficult, but it’s real. WhenLeabharlann 《Taylor Swift》



Pennsylvania. She is very young and
Taylor Alison Swift
beautiful. She is also very good at singing. Her songs are always countryside music, but now she is trying to play other types of music, like
motivated by her grandmother,who
was a professional opera singerI.mpressive picture and
Taylor began to stand on the stage and perform around her town at the age of ten. By the time she was
Taylor Swift
By Tina
Taylor Alison Swift is one of the most
popular singers in America. She was
born in December 3rd, 1989 in
rhythm blues [ˈrɪðəm bluz]
Taylor: A hardwoking childhood
Release [rɪ'li:s] 发布 Motivate [ˈmoʊtɪveɪt] 激励,激发天赋 Professional [prəˈfɛʃənəl] 职业的 Talent [ˈtælənt] 天资、 天赋 Compose [kəmˈpoʊz] 创作(乐曲) Bleed [blid] 流血 Stage [stedʒ] 舞台


56、极端的法规,就是极端的不公。 ——西 塞罗 57、法律一旦成为人们的需要,人们 就不再 配享受 自由了 。—— 毕达哥 拉斯 58、法律规定的惩罚不是为了私人的 利益, 而是为 了公共 的利益 ;一部 分靠有 害的强 制,一 部分靠 榜样的 效力。 ——格 老秀斯 59、假如没有法律他们会更快乐的话 ,那么 法律作 为一件 无用之 物自己 就会消 灭。— —洛克

60、生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地 走到底 ,决不 回头。 ——左60、源自民的幸福是至高无个的法。— —西塞 罗
56、书不仅是生活,而且是现在、过 去和未 来文化 生活的 源泉。 ——库 法耶夫 57、生命不可能有两次,但许多人连一 次也不 善于度 过。— —吕凯 特 58、问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来 。—— 朱熹 59、我的努力求学没有得到别的好处, 只不过 是愈来 愈发觉 自己的 无知。 ——笛 卡儿


43、重复别人所说的话,只需要教育; 而要挑战别人所说的话,则需要头脑。—— 玛丽·佩蒂博恩·普尔
44、卓越的人一大优点是:在不利与艰 难的遭遇里百折不饶。——贝多芬
36、“不可能”这个字(法语是一个字 ),只 在愚人 的字典 中找得 到。--拿 破仑。 37、不要生气要争气,不要看破要突 破,不 要嫉妒 要欣赏 ,不要 托延要 积极, 不要心 动要行 动。 38、勤奋,机会,乐观是成功的三要 素。(注 意:传 统观念 认为勤 奋和机 会是成 功的要 素,但 是经过 统计学 和成功 人士的 分析得 出,乐 观是成 功的第 三要素 。
39、没有不老的誓言,没有不变的承 诺,踏 上旅途 ,义无 反顾。 40、对时间的价值没有没有深切认识 的人, 决不会 坚韧勤 勉。
41、学问是异常珍贵的东西,从任何源泉吸 收都不可耻。——阿卜·日·法拉兹
42、只有在人群中间,才能认识自 己。——德国



21 year-old
The Third Album
1. Mine 2. Sparks Fly 3. Back To December 4. Speak Now 5. Dear John 6. Mean 7. The Story Of Us 8. Never Grow Up 9. Enchanted 10. Better Than Revenge 11. Innocent 12. Haunted 13. Last Kiss 14. Long Live
23 year-old
The Fourth Album
1.State Of Grace 2. Red 3. Treacherous 4. I Knew You Were Trouble. 5. All Too Well 6. 22 7. I Almost Do 8. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 9. Stay Stay Stay 10. The Last Time 11. Holy Ground 12. Sad Beautiful Tragic 13. The Lucky One 14. Everything Has Changed 15. Starlight 16. Begin Again
→Taylor Swift always conquer every problem and then achieve success.. → Taylor Swift will be my example forever.
The end Thank You!!!
25 year-old
The Fifth Album
1. Welcome to New York 2. Blank Space 3. Style 4. out of the Woods 5. All You Had to Do Was Stay 6. Shake It Off 7. I Wish You Would 8. Bad Blood 9. Wildest Dreams 10. How You Get the Girl 11. This Love 12. I Know Places 13. Clean



When asked whether "infidelity" was a major non-negotiable, the blond beauty answered with a defiant"Yes!"
Taylor has shown the power of good songwriting with 此前领跑提名名单的小美女泰勒·斯威夫特成为最大赢家,她一人独揽8项大奖,其中还包括最佳艺人这一最为重量级的奖项。
• When she was 12 years old, she devoted an entire summer to writing a 350-page novel, which remains unpublished.
Taylor has come a long way in five years 音乐小天后泰勒•斯威夫特的完美蜕变
• Taylor Swift was born and raised as the first child and only daughter of her family
• At the age of 10, Taylor began writing songs and singing them at contests, festivals, and fairs around her hometown.
•When Taylor Swift first came to public notice she was a 17-year-old newcomer who loved singing to her own guitar. She was far more enthusiastic than accomplished, but had an undeniable spark.
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•In fact, I don’t usually gush about pop musicians, but …
•Heartfelt Music
she writes about things that are real and that most people can relate to: stupid ex boyfriends, having a
major crush on someone and never telling them, relationships, just being a teenager...
‘If you listen to my album,it is like reading my diary’
Forever&amack to December
You gave me roses,but I left them there to die.
Why do people
have favourite songs?
后 来
很 爱 很 爱 你
My misgivings
I am pretty in love with the fact
NO matter what happens,it
seems like music is what
connect people
The foundation of success lies in good habits
Everyone has his heart in beautiful
I guess…everyone has his favourite song/album/star..
Now!! A
stunningly gorgeous
pop music sensation is here……(๑→‫)←ܫ‬
Taylor Swift?!A popular country music singer?!
A college student use a singer as her class presentation’s theme!! Are you kiding me!!? It’s too shallow!! 18
It'S An Honor To Walk With You All The Way
Hi guys~ I am taylor
I feel very sorry if u…
•Want to know her in details •Have no interest in Taylor Swift
? WIhnyfdaocIta,pI pdroenci’at tgeuTsayhloarbSowuiftt…