Taylor Swift




2006 till now. CMA Horizon Award
Music Awards
Kids‘ Choice Awards
Academy of Country Music Award
songstress have broken up.
致下一个想要和泰勒·斯 威夫特交往的名人:在你和她 分手很久以后,一些你不想听 到的咆哮会突然冒出来,你可 要做好心理准备。
“If I’m gonna write songs
about my exes they can
write songs about me. That’s
about it”
Taylor swift
Taylor started writing songs and playing 12-string guitar when she was 12.
Quick Introduction
An American country music singer-songwriter, was born in1989.
how it works,” Taylor told
the new issue of InStyle
“既然我能写有关前男友的 歌,那么他们也就能写关于我 的歌。就应该是这样的。” 在 InStyle新刊的访谈中斯威夫特 这样说到。
“It’s not my fault if someone cheats and I write a song

taylor swift 精美PPT

taylor swift 精美PPT
两人的关系短短持续了三个月而宣布分 手。后来泰勒·洛特纳将自己的歉意写 在《Back To December》中。


冠军中杀出重围的乐坛新希望,Taylor swift“国民小公主”的魅力正 准备在全球开始蔓延。 Taylor10岁就立志当歌手,13岁时父母为了达成Taylor的音乐梦想,举 家搬到美国音乐重地纳什维尔,Taylor也成为Sony版权公司最年轻的 签约创作人。 Taylor17岁发行首张“同名专辑”立刻一炮而红,销售突破超过400万 张,创下令多少天王天后难以望其项背的惊人成绩,Taylor的创作才 华更让她入围格莱美最佳新人奖。 在MySpace上,斯威夫特已经被点击超越了2亿次。她还是在 MySpace的10佳音乐排行榜内,并且在乡村歌手排行上位于第一,成 为目前网络上最热门的歌手。 Taylor的歌曲一共付费下载 1100万次,更创下史上第一人在一年之内 连创 6 首发行首周空降前20名的纪录
她赢得了如今最大的歌迷 群:年轻人。她写歌的习 惯也成为捕获年轻人的杀 手锏,她以写自己的成长 经历闻名,歌曲里都是青 春的味道,这一点正好切 合了年轻歌迷的心,他们 能听懂歌曲的内容,自然 就会产生共鸣,从青春期 开始,这一路下来,会有 一批歌迷跟着她一起成长。 她很善于利用她年轻这个 优势。
美国乡村音乐创作型女歌手 歌手、演员、制作人、音乐创作人 第52届格莱美年度专辑 第54届格莱美最佳乡村歌手奖
代表作品《Love Story 》、《Mine》、《Speak

Taylor Swift简介

Taylor Swift简介

在多次自然灾害中, Taylor Swift积极捐款并 呼吁粉丝关注灾害救援工 作。
她曾捐款支持教育事业, 帮助提高贫困地区的教育 水平和资源。
Taylor Swift关注心理健 康问题,捐款支持相关机 构,帮助更多人获得心理 健康的帮助和治疗。
她也有可能参与舞台剧或音乐剧的演出,为观众呈现更多元化的 艺术形式。
Taylor Swift的知名度和影响力使她成为各大品牌的代言首选, 未来有望看到更多她与品牌的合作。
Taylor Swift一直积极维护音乐人的权益,她期待未来的音乐产业 能够更加重视版权保护,确保音乐人得到应有的回报。
Taylor Swift一直倡导女性权益, 致力于推动性别平等,呼吁社会
作为一位全球知名的女性艺人,她 以身作则,展示了女性在音乐行业 的力量和影响力。
通过她的歌曲和公开演讲,Taylor Swift多次为女性发声,反对性别歧 视和性骚扰,鼓励女性争取自己的 权益。
她善于享受生活,经常在社交媒体上分享自己的闲暇时光,如与好友聚会、度假旅行、户外运动等, 展现了她活泼开朗的一面。
Hale Waihona Puke 新专辑与音乐计划持续创新
Taylor Swift在未来的音乐计划中,将继续探索新的音乐风格和元 素,为粉丝带来多样化的音乐体验。

taylor swift简介

taylor swift简介

Love story歌词
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • •
We were both young when I first saw you 当我第一次看见你的时候,我们都还年轻 I closed my eyes and the flashback starts 我闭上眼睛,一幕幕往事又在脑海中重现 I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air 我站在阳台上,空气里,浓浓的,是夏天的味道 See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns 看见灯火,看见热闹的舞会,华丽的盛装 See you make your way through the crowd 看见你穿越人群向我走来 And say hello, 对我说“hello” little did I know 我却一无所知 That you were Romeo 当时我并不知道你是我的罗密欧 You were throwing pebbles 在你抛砖引玉向我示爱之后 And my daddy said “stay away from Juliet .” 我爸爸气急败坏地叫你离我远一点 And I was crying on the staircase 我却蜷坐在楼梯上偷偷地抹眼泪 Begging you “please don't go ” 祈求你不要离开 And I said 我说 Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone 罗密欧,带我走吧,一起去到一个我们可以相依相偎 的地方 I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run 我一直在等待(这一天),只有逃离才能让我们摆脱 束缚 You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess (到那时)我们就可以像王子和公主一样(快乐地在 一起) It's a love story, baby, just say yes 这是多么美好的爱情故事呀,亲爱的,答应我吧


2008年到2009年还有四首单曲发行,分别是《White Horse》, 《You Belong with Me》 "Fifteen"和"Fearless"。其中《You Belong with Me》是专辑中在公告牌最热100中排名最好的,最高排到第二。在Fearless巡回演唱会中,泰勒邀请了John Mayer、Faith Hill、Katy Perry等等作为演出的特邀嘉宾。《Taylor Swift:Journey to Fearless》是Taylor的演唱会电影,在电视上播出过,并发行了蓝光DVD。泰勒与其他歌手也有很多合作。在51届格莱美上和Miley Cyrus一起表演了《Fifteen》,在美国乡村音乐电视大奖上和T-pain一起表演了讽刺性的自创Rap歌曲《Thug Story》。和John Mayer一起合唱了John第四张专辑中的单曲《Half of My Heart》。和乐队Boys Like Girls一起合唱了"《wo Is Better Than One》。和Kellie Pickler一起写了"Best Days of Your Life" 并客串了MV。还为Miley Cyrus主演的电影《乖乖女是大明星》写了两首歌:《You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home》和《Crazier》。
泰勒小时候在美国宾夕法尼亚州蒙哥马利县一个11英亩的圣诞树农场度过。她在Alvernia Montessori学校上幼儿园。在她9岁时,全家搬到宾夕法尼亚州的Wyomissing,她常常和家人夏天去斯通港和新泽西度假。



Billboard Music Awards告示牌音乐奖 (自2007起不再进行颁奖仪式,而直接根据Billboard年 数据成绩在其杂志上宣布,但2011年5月举行了颁奖典礼): 2009Billboard Music Awards Artist of the Year - Taylor Swift 2011 Billboard Music Awards Top Billboard 200 Artist:Taylor Swift Top Country Artist:Taylor Swift Top Country Album:Taylor Swift -- "Speak Now" MTV Video Music Award · MTV Video Music Awards 2008年度MTV音乐录影带 Best New Artist 最佳新人奖 - Taylor Swift 提名 · MTV Video Music Awards 2009年度MTV音乐录影带 颁奖典礼 Best Female Video 最佳女歌手 - You Belong With Me 获得(有史以来第一个乡村艺人在VMA上获得奖项)
Grammys格莱美音乐奖 2008 第50届格莱美音乐大奖: Best New Artist 最佳新人奖 - Taylor Swift 提名 2010 第52届格莱美音乐奖: Album of the Year 年度专辑 - Fearless 获得(有史以来 该奖项最年轻获得者) Record of the Year 年度制作 - You Belong With Me 提名 Song of the Year 年度单曲 - You Belong With Me 提名 Best Female Pop Vocal Performance 最佳流行女演唱人 You Belong With Me 提名 Best Pop Collaboration With Vocals 最佳流行合唱歌曲 Breathe feat.Colbie Caillat 提名 Best Country Album 最佳乡村专辑 - Fearless 获得 Best Female Country Vocal Performance 最佳乡村女演唱 人 - White Horse 获得 Best Country Song 最佳乡村歌曲- White Horse 获得 (第52届格莱美奖颁奖后被评为“创造了格莱美奖的奇迹”)


Taylor Swift小档案
◆ 泰勒·史薇芙特 (Taylor Swift) 明星介绍
泰勒·史薇芙特 (Taylor Swift) 是美国人气超高的女歌手。 泰勒·史薇芙特 (Taylor Swift) 清亮迷人的嗓音、出色的词曲创作才华令众多海报报友大为青睐。而泰勒·史薇芙特 (Taylor Swift) 精致美丽的外表和清丽脱俗的气质也让她成为报友粉丝心目中名副其实的“小仙子”。
从此之后,泰勒·史薇芙特 (Taylor Swift) 便端着吉他,唱着少女情怀,一路杀进流行乐坛,在Lady Gaga、布兰妮和碧昂斯等巨星称霸的乐坛中,清丽而纯美的泰勒·史薇芙特 (Taylor Swift) 反而显得独特而异常耀眼。2009年,泰勒·史薇芙特 (Taylor Swift) 成为了全美唱片销量最高的歌手;2010年,泰勒·史薇芙特 (Taylor Swift) 的第二张专辑《Fearless》获得第52届格莱美奖年度最佳专辑奖,年底她又发行了第三张个人专辑《Speak Now》,周销量即破百万,而2011年度她从“Speak Now Tour”巡演中共收入约3570万美元,荣登最赚钱的歌手宝座。
在史考特波尔凯达 (Scott Borchetta) 的帮助下,2006年冬天,乡村女歌手泰勒·史薇芙特 (Taylor Swift) 推出她的首支单曲,以当红乡村巨星提姆麦克罗(Tim McGraw)的名字当作标题,引起了广泛的注意,泰勒·史薇芙特 (Taylor Swift) 也因此也打进了乡村排行前十名。令人惊讶的是,紧接着发售的泰勒·史薇芙特 (Taylor Swift) 首张同名专辑里面的所有歌曲都是她亲自参与谱写的,而当时她才十五岁,凭借出众的才华,泰勒·史薇芙特 (Taylor Swift) 顺利引起了美国音乐界的注意。

Taylor Swift泰勒斯威夫特介绍

Taylor Swift泰勒斯威夫特介绍

Taylor Swift1Background informationBirth name Taylor Alison SwiftBorn December 13, 1989 (age 25)Reading, Pennsylvania, U.S.Genres Country · country pop · pop · pop rock · synthpopOccupation(s) Singer · Songwriter · Composer · Actress · RecordProducer · MusicianInstruments Vocals · guitar · piano · banjo · ukuleleYears active 2004–presentLabels Big MachineWebsite 2Taylor Alison Swift (born December 13, 1989) is an American singer-songwriter and actress known for hit singles such as "Love Story", "You Belong with Me", "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together", "I Knew You Were Trouble", and "Shake It Off". With album and song sales exceeding 50 and 140 million, respectively according to her certified units,[1] she is one of the world's best-selling music artists. Her work has earned her seven Grammy Awards and seven Academy of Country Music Awards, among other accolades.Swift began her career as a teenager, releasing her debut album, Taylor Swift, in 2006. Rooted in country music, the album was well received by country audiences and led to pop crossover success. Her second album, Fearless (2008), achieved international success and won many awards, including the Grammy Award for Album of the Year. Her success continued with Speak Now (2010) and Red (2012). In 2014, she released 1989, and received both critical and commercial success. Self-described as her first "official" pop music album—Swift explained that her previous albums were infused with a pop sentiment—1989 was the best-selling album in the U.S. in 2014.[2]Swift's romantic relationships with celebrities such as Jake Gyllenhaal, Taylor Lautner, and John Mayer attracted attention in the mainstream media, to her disdain.[3] Outside of her music, she has acted in the films Valentine's Day (2010), The Lorax (2012), and The Giver (2014), as well as several television appearances. She is also noted for her philanthropic efforts and product endorsements.3Musical and vocal styleSwift's music contains elements of pop, pop rock and country.[299][299][300] She self-identified as a country artist until the 2014 release of 1989, which she has described as a "sonically cohesive pop album."[301][302] However, she intends to record further country music albums in the future.[302]Rolling Stone asserted that, "she might get played on the country station, but she's one of the few genuine rock stars we've got these days."[303] The New York Times noted that, "There isn't much in Ms. Swift's music to indicate country—a few banjo strums, a pair of cowboy boots worn onstage, a bedazzled guitar—but there's something in her winsome, vulnerable delivery that's unique to Nashville."[304] The New Yorker believes she is "considered part of Nashville's country-pop tradition only because she writes narrative songs with melodic clarity and dramatic shape—Nashville'sstock-in-trade."[305] The Guardian has said that Swift "cranks melodies out with the pitiless efficiency of a Scandinavian pop factory."[274]Swift's voice has been described as "sweet, but soft."[306] In studio recordings, the Los Angeles Times identifies Swift's "defining" vocal gesture as "the line that slides down like a contented sigh or up like a raised eyebrow, giving her beloved girl-time hits their air of easy intimacy."[137] Rolling Stone, in a Speak Now review, remarked: "Swift's voice is unaffected enough to mask how masterful she has become as a singer; she lowers her voice for the payoff lines in the classic mode of a shy girl trying to talk tough."[307] In another review of Speak Now, The Village Voice noted that her phrasing was previously "bland and muddled, but that's changed. She can still sound strained and thin, and often strays into a pitch that drives some people crazy; but she's learned how to make words sound like what they mean."[138]4Lyrical themes and styleFor a female to write about her feelings, and then be portrayed as some clingy, insane, desperate girlfriend in need of making you marry her and have kids with her, I think that's taking something that potentially should be celebrated – a woman writing about her feelings in a confessional way – that's taking it and turning it and twisting it into something that is frankly a little sexist."— Swift in response to criticism of her songwriting1989Swift's fifth studio album, 1989, was released on October 27, 2014.[210] She wrote one song alone and co-wrote the remaining 12 with Antonoff, Imogen Heap, Ryan Tedder, Martin, Shellback, and Ali Payami. Swift described 1989 as her first official pop release and parted ways with members of her longtime band.[211][212][213]Swift was inspired by the music of Peter Gabriel, Phil Collins, Annie Lennox, Madonna and Fine Young Cannibals.[214][215] Musically, the album is "driven by synths and drums in lieu of guitar." Rob Sheffield of Rolling Stone remarked: "Deeply weird, feverishly emotional, wildly enthusiastic, 1989 sounds exactly like Taylor Swift, even when it sounds like nothing she's ever tried before."[216] Molly Lambert of Grantland felt the "late-'80s album 1989 really resembles is Bruce Springsteen's Tunnel of Love," citing both artists' change of musical direction, shift in public image and split with longtime band members."[217] Alexis Petridis of The Guardian praised the album's "Springsteenesque narratives of escape and the kind of doomed romantic fatalism in which 60s girl groups dealt … On 1989 the reasons she's afforded the kind of respect denied to her peers are abundantly obvious." Jon Caramanica of The New York Times remarked that Swift was "making pop with almost no contemporary references" and "aiming somewhere even higher, a mode of timelessness that few true pop stars even bother aspiring to."[218]During the 1989 promotional campaign, Swift invited fans to secret album listening sessions at her houses in New York, Nashville, Los Angeles and Rhode Island. Her "expert" use of various social media platforms was also remarked upon by industry analysts.[219] 1989 sold 1.287 million copies in its first week of US release, debuting at number one on the Billboard 200 and making Swift the first and only act to have three albums sell more than one million copies in a week.[220] The first single, "Shake It Off", was released in August 2014 and spent four non-consecutive weeks at number one on the Billboard Hot 100.[210] She became the first female artist to succeed herself as number one on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart, when "Blank Space" succeeded "Shake It Off".[221] Swift served as an advisor for contestants on the seventh season of The Voice.[222]The 1989 World Tour will run from May to December 2015, visiting the US, Canada, the UK, the Republic of Ireland, Germany, Holland and Japan. Following the initial announcement of dates in November 2014,[223] Australian dates were added the following month.[224][225]5Swift has received many awards and honors, including seven Grammy Awards, 16 American Music Awards, 11 Country Music Association Awards, seven Academy of Country Music Awards, and 34 Billboard Music Awards. As a songwriter, she has been honored by the Nashville Songwriters Association and the Songwriters Hall of Fame.。

talor swift

talor swift
泰勒·斯威夫特 百科名片
泰勒·斯威夫特泰勒·斯威夫特,美国乡村音乐女创作歌手,会用木吉他、钢琴演奏。她在2006年与独立唱片公司Big Machine签约。曾获得美国乡村音乐协会奖年度最佳专辑奖等荣誉。
中文名: 泰勒·斯威夫特
外文名: Taylor Alison Swift
别名: 泰勒·艾莉森·史薇芙特
★Grammys格莱美: 50th Grammy Awards 2008 第50届格莱美音乐奖: Best New Artist 最佳新人奖 - Taylor Swift 提名52nd Grammy Awards 2010 第52届格莱美音乐奖: Album of the Year 年度专辑 - Fearless 获得(有史以来该奖项最年轻获得者) Record of the Year 年度制作 - You Belong With Me 提名 Song of the Year 年度单曲 - You Belong With Me 提名 Best Female Pop Vocal Performance 最佳流行女演唱人 - You Belong With Me 提名 Best Pop Collaboration With Vocals 最佳流行合唱歌曲 - Breathe feat.Colbie Caillat 提名 Best Country Album 最佳乡村专辑 - Fearless 获得 Best Female Country Vocal Performance 最佳乡村女演唱人 - White Horse 获得 Best Country Song 最佳乡村歌曲 - White Horse 获得 Taylor在第52届格莱美奖颁奖后被评为“创造了格莱美奖的奇迹” ★American Music

taylor swift 演讲稿

taylor swift 演讲稿

taylor swift 演讲稿摘要:1.介绍泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)2.泰勒·斯威夫特的成功经历3.泰勒·斯威夫特的品质与价值观4.泰勒·斯威夫特对年轻一代的鼓励与启示5.结论:泰勒·斯威夫特作为榜样的重要性正文:泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)是一位享有盛誉的美国歌手、词曲创作人和演员。
















taylor swift

taylor swift

I love
or Alison Swift
Taylor Swift,22岁的年龄,27岁的嗓音。 与流行乐坛上的前辈相比,她的歌喉似 乎不那么早熟,甚至还带有些许邻家女 孩的甜美,但她以超乎同龄人的聪敏和 相当成熟的创作,赢得了众多乐迷的喝 彩。
自12岁起便开始苦练吉他,15岁 时开始参与专辑创作。 她生动的把一个青春期少女的生活 化为歌曲,每一首歌或多或少都装 载着她自己的故事,记载着她的伤 痕与历练。大家之所以喜欢她,并 非因为她的外貌多么出众,才华有 多么横溢,只是因为敢爱敢恨的她 用歌声说出了同龄人的心里话。
★家人:爸爸史考特Scott Swift /妈妈安卓儿 Andrea Swift /弟弟奥斯汀Austin Swift ★幸运数字:13 ★最喜欢的颜色:白色 ★最喜欢的食物:起司蛋糕、日本料理. ★最喜欢的穿着:飘逸的小洋装搭配靴子 ★最喜欢的季节:夏天 ★最爱的节日:圣诞节 ★最喜欢的电视影集:CSI犯罪现场、Law & Order: SVU法网游龙、实习医生(第二季结局 丹尼病逝,她连哭了好几天) ★最喜欢的电影:爱是你· 爱是我 ★最喜爱的歌手:Britney Spears布兰妮斯皮 尔斯 Tim McGraw提姆麦奎罗、Miranda Lambert米兰达蓝珀特 ★最喜欢的歌:Can’t Tell Me Nothin' by Tim McGraw (Can't Tell Me Nothing 是 Kanye West 的歌 )
泰勒· 斯威夫特的成功,首先得益于她的才华,至 少媒体上是这么说的。在接受《TIME》杂志的采访 时,泰勒说自己通常只需要花30分钟甚至更少的时 间就能创作完成一首歌曲,但也有人讽刺泰勒的创 作简直就像是儿歌。这不妨碍她2012年的新专辑 《red》首周发行便超过120万张好成绩,成为2002 年以来“首周最大卖的一张新碟”。 正因为泰勒的横空出世,这两年走向衰落的乡村音 乐又重新复出,特别是在年轻族群中,乡村音乐的 点击率明显上升。泰勒在接受采访时说,很多女孩 子过来告诉她:“以前从来没听过乡村音乐,甚至 不知道家乡有一个乡村音乐的电台,直到买了你的 专辑,现在我简直着迷了。”而且她才22岁!



B a c k to d e c e m b e r
斯威夫特的单曲《Back to December》被认为是 写给当红男星泰勒· 洛特纳的道歉曲。 斯威夫特曾在2009年底与泰勒-特洛一起拍摄电 影《Valentine's Day》,随后二人的恋情曝光,但在 12月份时二人友好分手。 斯威夫特在说到这首歌时表示:“这首歌献给一 位男士,他理应得到更多。他对于我可以说无可挑 剔,我们二人曾经有过一段完美的关系,可当时我 却没有非常用心对待他。”
L o v e s to ry —歌曲赏析
• 首张单曲《Love Story》就已经闯了个开门红,为整张 专辑的火热贩售做好了铺垫。轻轻拨动的班卓琴和吉他 和旋缓缓开场,《Love Story》以第一人称讲述了花季 少女的青春萌动。乡村叙事手法和清新的画面感让听众 对这禁忌而浪漫的爱恋感同身受:舞会人群里走过来打 招呼的对方,深夜花园里的秘密幽会,她渴望得到对方 的回应,她无所顾虑,她乞求和爱人一起远走他乡—— 发自内心的激烈情感由逐渐加重的摇滚编曲体现出来。 《红字》的典故和父亲阻挠让矛盾升温,可青春的叛逆 和固执让她仍然坚持自己的声音。与几年前Vanessa Calton相似主题的歌曲《Who’s To Say》不同的是, 《Love Story》是一个快乐的故事。在最后这迫不及待 而又进退两难的关键时,曲调突然升高,男主角拔出戒 指给出肯定答复,歌曲在欢快淋漓的小提琴音中结束— —再次体现出她不凡的词曲创作实力。
2012年10月22日,Taylor Swift发行了她的第 四张个人专辑《Red》。 首周售出120多万张,是1991年美国唱片市 场进入Nielsen SoundScan时代之后第18张单 周销量突破100万的唱片。让她成为史上唯 一有2张专辑在第一周卖出百万张的纪录保 持人。 专辑曲目: 1.State Of Grace 2.Red 3.Treacherous 4.I Knew You Were Trouble 5.All Too Well 6.22 7.I Almost Do 8.We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 9.Stay Stay Stay

Taylor Alison Swift

Taylor Alison Swift
Taylor Alison Swift
简介 其他信息 早年经历
演艺经历2 演艺经历3 图片
泰勒· 斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)
美国乡村音乐 著名创作女歌手、演 员。 1989年12月13日出生于美国宾夕法 尼亚州。2006年与独立唱片公司Big Machine签约并发行首张个人同名专辑。 第二张专辑《Fearless》于2008年11 月11日发行,在Billboard排行榜上一共 夺得11周冠军,首支单曲《Love Story》 更是提前两个月发行,在公告牌最热100 中最高排到第四,成为美国史上第二畅 销的乡村单曲。截至目前,《Fearless》 在美国销售量达到了650万张,亦是 Taylor在美国销量最高的专辑;同时该 专辑获得第52届格莱美年度最佳专辑奖。 截至2013年6月,Taylor一共发行四张 音乐专辑,总销量已经突破2200万张, 同时她以清新的气质、甜美的外表征服 了全球歌迷,是美国当红新生代代表歌 手之一。个人最新专辑《Red》已于 2012年10月22日发行
星座:射手座 血型:B型 身高:180cm 体重:56kg 国籍:美国 经纪公司:Big Machine Record 全名译名:泰勒· 艾莉森· 斯威夫特 音乐流派:Country、Pop、Popstep 现居住地:田纳西州,纳什维尔
在美国宾夕法尼亚州蒙哥马利县一个11英亩的圣诞树农场度过。她在Alvernia Montessori学校上幼儿园。在她9 岁时,全家搬到宾夕法尼亚州的Wyomissing,她常常和家人夏天去斯通港和新泽西度假,这也是她大部分童年记 忆形成的地方在看了乡村歌手Faith Hill的视频之后,Taylor很清楚的知道,她要去田纳西州乡村民谣之乡纳什维尔追寻自己 的音乐梦想。Taylor是从一位电脑维修员那里学习到吉他的,维修员教她如何演奏三和弦。在学完了这些三和弦 后,她受启发写了第一首歌《Lucky You》。她开始经常写歌并且用这来发泄她不适应学校的痛苦。其他小孩经 常欺负她,因此写的都是关于他们的歌。 她曾以一篇3页长的诗歌《我壁橱里的怪物》赢得了全国诗歌大赛,但这之后,她开始更专注于歌曲创作。2003

Taylor Swift个人资料

Taylor Swift个人资料

泰勒·斯威夫特泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift),1989年12月13日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州,美国乡村音乐、流行音乐创作女歌手、演员、慈善家。


第二张专辑《Fearless》于2008年11月11日发行,在公告牌二百强专辑榜上一共获得11周冠军,并被美国唱片业协会认证为6倍铂金唱片[2]?,歌曲《Love Story》在美国公告牌百强单曲榜排名第四,同时该专辑获得第52届格莱美奖年度专辑。



中文名泰勒·斯威夫特外文名Taylor Swift别????名Taylor?Alison Swift;泰勒丝(台)国????籍美国民????族美利坚民族星????座射手座血????型B型身????高180cm体????重56kg出生地美国宾夕法尼亚州雷丁出生日期1989年12月13日职????业创作歌手、演员、制作人、配音演员、慈善家毕业院校亚伦学院经纪公司大机器唱片(Big Machine Records)代表作品Our Song、Love Story、You Belong With Me、Mine、I Knew You Were Trouble、22、Shake It Off主要成就第52届格莱美奖年度专辑北美洲单曲总销量第一第47届乡村音乐协会奖巅峰奖首周单曲销量最高的女歌手首位拥有两张首周百万销量专辑的女歌手出道地点美国宾夕法尼亚州怀奥米辛音乐类型乡村音乐、流行音乐、流行摇滚乐演奏乐器吉他、钢琴、尤克里里早年经历泰勒出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州的雷丁(Reading),在怀奥米辛(Wyomissing)长大至14岁。



taylorswift有哲理的话泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)是一位备受欢迎的音乐人和词曲创作人,她的歌曲深受年轻一代的喜爱。



1. “怀旧的事物被认为是最好的事物,但是我已经明白了,现在才是最好的时光。

”-《我们并不一样》2. “质疑自己让你变得比你想象中更加勇敢。

”-《领袖》3. “你需要冲破自己的界限,抛弃过去的梦想,不断追求新的、更好的目标,这才是人生最深刻的经历。

”-《我的梦想》4. “有时候我们需要放弃自己的目标,做出一些决定,并且相信这些决定。

”-《相信我》5. “我们不得不学会面对错误,也许压力也许伤害,但我们应该从中吸取教训,而不是痛苦。

”-《永远不会,永远不会拥有》6. “成功的秘诀是要持续不断地付出努力和坚持不懈,然后等待机会的降临。

”-《我与你》7. “任性是小时候的事,成年人需要学会面对责任和自己的错误。

”-《重新开始》8. “有时候我们需要忽略自己的心灵,接受事实,然后继续前行。

”-《让我们从头再来》9. “人生是一种跟随激情的旅程,不断寻找自己的目标和真正的意义。

”-《燃烧》10. “尽管我们每个人都有不同的背景和经历,但是我们可以一起组成一支强大的团队,突破任何难关。



Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift

2010至今 2010年,斯威夫特在全美民选奖中获得了最喜爱女艺 人奖。同年2月,她将到澳洲的5个城市进行“无所畏 惧巡回演唱会”(Fearless Tour)。开场秀将包括 Glorian。 斯威夫特的第三张专辑《Speak Now》即将于2010年10 月25日全球发行,这回史薇芙特独力完成专辑中的所 有歌曲。首波单曲《Mine》原定在8月16日正式发行, 但却于8月4日提前外流于网络上。唱片公司只好也提 早发行时间来因应这次的外流事件。 在2010年2 月19日,斯威夫特在iTunes上发表了《情人节》电影 原声带歌曲之一〈Today Was a Fairytale〉。
Байду номын сангаас
2007年11月7日,斯威夫特赢得了2007年乡村音乐协会最佳新人奖 (CMA Horizon Award)并且表演了她专辑里的第3首单曲《Our Song》。2007年12月22日,这首歌成为她在公告牌最热乡村音乐排 行榜第一的歌,而且是从第6跳跃到第1的。这是从1998年1月以来 到的最高跳幅,那时蒂姆· 麦格罗的〈Just to See You Smile〉,也是从第6跳跃到了第1.《Our Song》 在乡村排行榜上 占据了6周第1,并位于Billboard Hot 100排 行榜第16和 Billboard Pop 100排行榜第24位。斯威夫特也 录制了假期专辑 《Sounds of the Season: The Taylor Swift Holiday Collection》,该专辑于2007年10 月 16日 在Target 专卖店独有发行。这张专辑没有她的同名专辑 那么成功, 其混合了假日经典的《Last Christmas》 和蒂姆· 麦格罗的 原创歌曲。 斯威夫特得到了2008年的格莱美的最佳新人提名,但败于艾米· 怀恩 豪斯。《Picture to Burn》是她首张专辑中的第4首单曲。这首歌 在2008年初发行并在2008年春季的公告牌乡村排行榜上位于第3。



taylor swift歌词集目录1. our song2.should've said no3. picture to burn4.teardrops on my guitar5.tim mcgraw6.forever & always7.breathe8.white horse9.you belong with me10.love story11. fearless1.歌曲:our song歌手:taylor swift 专辑:taylor swifti was riding shotgun with my hair undone in the front seat of his car he's got a one-hand feel on the steering wheelthe other on my hearti look around, turn the radio downhe says baby is something wrong?i say nothing i was just thinking how we don't have a songand he says...our song is the slamming screen door,sneakin' out late, tapping on your windowwhen you're on the phone and you talk real slowcause it's late and your mama don't knowour song is the way you laughthe first date "man, i didn't kiss her, but i should have"and when i got home ... before i said amenasking god if he could play it againi was walking up the front porch steps after everything the day had gone all wrong or been trampled onand lost and thrown awaygot to the hallway, well on my way to my lovin' bedi almost didn't notice all the rosesand the note that said...our song is the slamming screen door,sneakin' out late, tapping on your windowwhen you're on the phone and you talk real slowcause it's late and your mama don't knowour song is the way you laughthe first date "man, i didn't kiss her, but i should have"and when i got home ... before i said amenasking god if he could play it againi've heard every album, listened to the radiowaited for something to come alongthat was as good as our song...cause our song is the slamming screen doorsneaking out late, tapping on his windowwhen you're on the phone and you talk real slowcause it's late and your mama don't knowour song is the way you laughthe first date "man, i didn't kiss her, but i should have"and when i got home ... before i said amenasking god if he could play it again...i was riding shotgun with my hair undonein the front seat of his cari grabbed a pen and an old napkinand i... wrote down our song2.歌曲:should've said no歌手:taylor swift 专辑:taylor swiftit's strange to thinkthe songs we used to singthe smiles, the flowers, everything is goneyesterday i found about youeven now, just lookin' at youfeels wrongyou say that you'd take it all back give you one chanceit was a moment of weaknessand you said yesyou should've said noyou should've gone homeyou should've thought twice'fore you let it all goyou should've known that wordthat what you did with herwould get back to me(get back to me)and i should've been therein the back of your mindi shouldn't be askin' myself why you shouldn't be beggin'for forgiveness at my feetyou should've said no, babyand you might still have meyou can see that i've been cryin' baby, you knowall the right things to saybut do you honestlyexpect me to believewe could ever be the same?you say the past is the pastyou need one chanceit was a moment of weaknessand you said yesyou should've said noyou should've gone homeyou should've thought twice'fore you let it all goyou should've known that wordthat what you did with herwould get back to me(get back to me)and i should've been therein the back of your mindi shouldn't be askin' myself whyyou shouldn't be beggin'for forgiveness at my feetyou should've said no, babyand you might still have mei can't resistbefore you go, tell me thiswas it worth it?was she worth this?no, no, no, no, no, noyou should've said noyou should've gone homeyou should've thought twice'fore you let it all goyou should've known that wordthat what you did with herwould get back to me(get back to me)and i should've been therein the back of your mindi shouldn't be askin' myself whyyou shouldn't be beggin'for forgiveness at my feetyou should've said no, babyand you might still have me3.歌曲:picture to burn歌手:taylor swift 专辑:taylor swiftstate the obviousi didn't get my perfect fantasyi realize you love yourselfmore than you could ever love meso go and tell your friendsthat i'm obsessive and crazythats fine ill tell mine your gayand by the wayi hate that stupid old pickup truckyou never let me driveyou're a redneck heartbreak, who's really bad at lying so watch me strike a matchon all my wasted timeas far as i'm concernedyou're just another picture to burntheres no time for tearsi'm just sitting here planning my revengetheres nothing stopping mefrom going out with all of your best friendsand if you come around sayin sorry to memy daddy's gonna show you how sorry youll because i hate that stupid old pickup truckyou never let me driveyou're a redneck heartbreak, who's really bad at lying so watch me strike a matchon all my wasted timeas far as im concernedyoure just another picture to burnand if youre missin meyou better keep it to yourselfcause comin back around herewould be bad for your healthcause i hate that stupid old pickup truckyou never let me driveyou're a redneck heartbreak, who's really bad at lying so watch me strike a matchon all my wasted timein case you havent heardi really really hate that stupid old pickup truckyou never let me driveyou're a redneck heartbreak, who's really bad at lying so watch me strike a matchon all my wasted timeas far as im conceredyoure just another picture to burnburn burn burn baby burnjust another picture to burnbaby burn4.歌曲:teardrops on my guitar歌手:taylor swift 专辑:taylor swiftdrew looks at mei fake a smile so he won't seewhat i want, what i needand everything that we should bei'll bet she's beautifulthat girl he talks aboutand she's got everythingthat i've had to live withoutdrew talks to mei laugh,'cause it's so damn funnythat i can't even see anyonewhen he's with mehe says he's so in lovehe's finally got it righti wonder if he knowshe's all i think about at nighthe's the reason forthe teardrops on my guitarthe only thing that keeps me wishingon a wishing starhe's the song in the car i keep singingdon't know why i dodrew walks by mecan he tell that i can't breathe?and there he goes, so perfectlythe kind of flawless i wish i could beshe better hold him tightgive him all her lovelook in those beautiful eyesand know she's lucky'cause he's the reason forthe teardrops on my guitarthe only thing that keeps me wishingon a wishing starhe's the song in the car i keep singingdon't know why i doso i'll drive home aloneas i turn out the lighti'll put his picture downand maybe get some sleep tonight'cause he's the reason forthe teardrops on my guitarthe only one who's got enough of meto break my hearthe's the song in the car i keep singingdon't know why i dohe's the time taken upbut there's never enoughand he's all the i need to fall intodrew looks at mei fake a smile so he won't see5.歌曲:tim mcgraw歌手:taylor swift 专辑:taylor swiftYou said the way my blue eyes shinedPut those Georgia stars to shame that night I said, that's a lieJust a boy in a Chevy truckThat had a tendency of getting stuckOn backroads at nightAnd I was right there beside himAll summer longAnd then the time we woke up to find that summer'd goneBut when you think, Tim McGrawI hope you think my favorite songThe one we danced to all night longThe moon like a spotlight on the lakeWhen you think happinessI hope you think that little black dressThink of my head on your chestAnd my old faded blue jeansWhen you think Tim McGrawI hope you think of meSeptember saw a month of tearsAnd thanking God that you weren't hereTo see me like thatBut in a box beneath my bedIs a letter that you never readFrom three summers backIt's hard not to find it all a little bitter sweetAnd looking back on all of thatIt's nice to believeWhen you think, Tim McGrawI hope you think my favorite songThe one we danced to all night longThe moon like a spotlight on the lakeWhen you think happinessI hope you think that little black dressThink of my head on your chestAnd my old faded blue jeansWhen you think Tim McGrawI hope you think of meAnd I'm back for the first time since thenI'm standing on your streetAnd there's a letter left on your doorstepAnd the first thing that you'll readIs, when you think, Tim McGrawI hope you think my favorite songSome day you'll turn your radio onI hope it takes you back to that placeWhen you think happinessI hope you think that little black dressThink of my head on your chestAnd my old faded blue jeansWhen you think Tim McGrawI hope you think of meOh, think of meMmmm-hmmmm6.歌曲:forever & always歌手:taylor swift 专辑:fearlessonce upon a timei believe it was a tuesdaywhen i caught your eyewe caught onto somethingi hold onto the nightyou looked me in the eyeand told me you loved mewere you just kidding?cause it seems to methis thing is breaking downwe almost never speaki dont feel welcome anymorebaby what happenedplease tell me cause one second it was perfectnow youre halfway out the doorand i stare, at the phonehe still, hasnt calledand you feel so low you cant feel, nothing at alland you flashback to when he saidforever and alwaysoh, and it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrong it rains when youre here and it rains when youre gone cause i was there when you saidforever and alwayswas i out of line?did i say something way to honest?did you run and hide like a scared little boy?i looked into your eyes,thought i knew you for a minutenow im not so sureso heres to everythingcoming down to nothingheres to silencethat cuts me to the corewhere is this going?thought i knew for a minute but i dont anymoreand i stare, at the phonehe still, hasnt calledand you feel so low you cant feel, nothing at alland you flashback to when he saidforever and alwaysoh, and it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrong it rains when youre here and it rains when youre gone cause i was there when you saidforever and alwaysdid you mean it baby?i dont think soback up, baby back updid you forget everything?back up, baby back updid you forget everything?oh, and it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrong it rains when youre here and it rains when youre gone cause i was there when you saidforever and alwaysand i stare, at the phonehe still, hasnt calledand you feel so low you cant feel, nothing at alland you flashback to when we saidforever and alwaysand it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrongit rains when youre here and it rains when youre gone cause i was there when you saidforever and alwaysyou didnt mean it babyhe said forever and always7.歌曲:breathe歌手:taylor swift 专辑:fearlessi see your face in my mind as i drive away,cause none of us thought it was gonna end that way. people are people, and sometimes we change our minds.but it's killing me to see you go after all this time.music starts playin' like the end of a sad movie,it's the kinda ending you don't really wanna see.cause it's tragedy and it'll only bring you down,now i don't know what to be without you around.and we know it's never simple, never easy.never a clean break, noone here to save me.you're the only thing i know like the back of my hand, and i can't,breathe, without you,but i have to,breathe, without you,but i have to.never wanted this, never wanna see you hurt.every little bump in the road i tried to swerve.but people are people, and sometimes it doesn't work out, nothing we say is gonna save us from the fall out.and we know it's never simple, never easy.never a clean break, no one here to save me.you're the only thing i know like the back of my hand, and i can't,breathe, without you,but i have to,breathe, without you,but i have to.it's two a.m.feelin' like i just lost a friend.hope you know it's not easy,easy for me.it's two a.m.feelin' like i just lost a friend.hope you know this ain't easy,easy for me.and we know it's never simple, never easy.never a clean break, noone here to save me.ohhh i can't,breathe, without you,but i have to,breathe, without you,but i have to.breathe, without you,but i have to,sorry (oh) sorry (mmm)sorry (eh eh) sorry (mmm)sorry (eh eh) sorry (mmm)sorry8.歌曲:white horse歌手:taylor swift 专辑:fearlessso you're sorrythat face of an angelcomes out just when you need it toand i paced back and forth all this timecause i honestly believed in youholding onand days track onstupid girl,i should have known, i should have knowni am not a princes, this ain't a fairy talei'm not the one to sweep off her feet,lead her up the stairwellthis ain't hollywood, this is a small town,i was a dreamer before you went and let me downnow it too late for you and your white horse, to come aroundbaby i was naive,and lost in your eyesand never really had a chancei had so many dreamsabout you and mehappy endingsnow i knowi am not a princes, this ain't a fairy talei'm not the one to sweep off her feet,lead her up the stairwellthis ain't hollywood, this is a small town,i was a dreamer before you went and let me downnow it too late for you and your white horse, to come around now you are on your kneesbegging for forgiveness, begging for mejust like i always wanted but i'm sooo sorrycause i'm not your princess, this ain't a fairytalei'm gonna find someone somewherewho might actually treat me wellthis is a big world, that was a small townthere in my rearview mirror disappears nowand its too late for you and your white horsenow its too late for you and your white horseto catch me nowo whoa whoa whoaaa try and catch me nowoohit's too lateto catch me now9.歌曲:you belong with me歌手:taylor swift 专辑:fearlessyou're on the phone with your girlfriend, shes upset.shes going off about something that you said'cuz she doesn't, get your humor like i do...i'm in the room, it's a typical tuesday nighti'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't likeand she'll never know your story like i dobut she wears short skirtsi wear t-shirtsshe's cheer captainand i'm on the bleachersdreaming about the day when you wake upand find what you're looking forhas been here the whole timeif you could see that i'm the one who understands youbeen here all along so why can't you see, youyou belong with meyou belong with mewalkin' the streets with you and your worn-out jeansi can't help thinking this is how it ought to belaughing on a park bench, thinking to myselfhey isn't this easyand you've got a smile that could light up this whole town i haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down you say you're finei know you better then thathey whatcha doing with a girl like thatshe wears high heelsi wear sneakersshes cheer captain andi'm on the bleachersdreaming about the day when you wake up and findthat what you're looking forhas been here the whole timeif you could see that i'm the one who understands you been here all along so why can't you seeyou belong with mestanding by and waiting at your back doorall this time how could you not knowbaby....you belong with meyou belong with mei remember you drivin' to my housein the middle of the nighti'm the one who makes you laughwhen you know you're about to cryand i know your favorite songsand you tell me about your dreamsthink i know where you belongthink i know it's with me...can't you see that i'm the one who understands youbeen here all alongso why can't you seeyou belong with mestanding by and waiting at your back doorall this timehow could you not knowbaby you belong with meyou belong with meyou belong with mehave you ever thought just maybeyou belong with meyou belong with me...10.歌曲:love story歌手:taylor swiftwe were both young when i first saw youi close my eyes and the flashback startsi'm standing there on a balcony in summer airsee the lights, see the party, the ball gownssee you make your way through the crowdand say hello, little did i knowthat you were romeo, you were throwing pebblesand my daddy said stay away from julietand i was crying on the staircase, begging you please don't go and i saidromeo take me somewhere we can be alonei'll be waiting, all there's left to do is runyou'll be the prince and i'll be this princessit's a love storybaby, just say yesso i sneak out to the garden to see youwe keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knewso close your eyes, escape this town for a little whileoh, oh, oh'cause you were romeo, i was a scarlet letterand my daddy said stay away from julietbut you were everything to me, i was begging you please don't go and i saidromeo take me somewhere we can be alonei'll be waiting, all there's left to do is runyou'll be the prince and i'll be the princessit's a love storybaby, just say yesromeo save me try to tell me how it feelsthis might be stupid boy, but its so realdon't be afraid now we'll get out of this messit's a love storybaby, just say yesi got tired of waiting wondering if you were ever coming around my faith in you is betterwhen i met you on the outskirts of townand i saidromeo save me ive been feeling so aloneill keep waiting for you but you never comeis this in my head, i don't know what to thinkhe fell to the ground and pulled out a ringand saidmarry me juliet you'll never have to be alonei love you and that's all i really knowi talked to your dad you'll pick out a white dressit's a love storybaby, just say yesoh, oh, ohwe were both young when i first saw you11.歌曲:fearless歌手:taylor swiftthere's somethin''bout the waythe street looks when it's just rainedthere's a glow off the pavementwalk me to the carand you know i wanna ask you to dance right therein the middle of the parking lotyeahwe're drivin' down the roadi wonder if you knowi'm tryin' so hard not to get caught up nowbut you're just so coolrun your hands through your hairabsent mindedly makin' me want youand i don't know how it gets better than thisyou take my hand and drag me head firstfearlessand i don't know why when with you i dancein a storm in my best dressfearlessso baby drive slow'til we run out of road in this one horse towni wanna stay right here in this passenger's seat you put your eyes on mein this moment now capture every memoryand i don't know how it gets better than thisyou take my hand and drag me head firstfearlessand i don't know why but with you i'd dancein a storm in my best dressfearlesswell you stood there with me in the doorwaymy hands shakei'm not usually this way butyou pull me in i'm a little more braveit's the first kiss really somethin' it's fearless.and i don't know how it gets better than thisyou take my hand and drag me head firstfearlessand i don't know why but with you i'd dancein a storm in my best dressfearlessand i don't know how it gets better than thisyou take my hand and drag me head firstfearlessand i don't know why but with you i'd dancein a storm in my best dressfearless。

taylor swift描写外貌作文

taylor swift描写外貌作文

taylor swift描写外貌作文taylor是天生的小美女,首先她是天生的金发蓝眼,这在欧美就是极受欢迎的美女长相,很多天生不是金发的女孩子都会花好长时间把头发染成金色。

身材纤细高挑,1米8的身高即使在欧美人群中也很亮眼,所以大部分时间我们看到的都是她的公主造型卷发,但是在YOU BELONG WITH ME里面她一人分饰两角,其中那个长发拉直染成棕色画着浓妆的造型,皮肤雪白细腻,五官立体且特色分明,尤其是那双深邃的宝石蓝色眼睛是很多小说里都会写到的“桃花眼”“狐狸眼”,我个人一直很想有一双睫毛浓密的桃花眼,放起电来杀伤力很大的。


Taylor Swift 泰勒.斯威夫特,美国乡村音乐、流行音乐创作型女歌手、音乐制作人、演员、慈善家。


才华横溢、年少成名九岁时,泰勒以一篇3页长的诗歌《我壁橱里的怪物》赢得了全国诗歌大赛,但她更专注于歌曲的创作十七岁时,推出同名专辑《 Taylor Swift 》,达到了公告牌乡村音乐专辑排行榜首位。






她是 taylorswift,她为自己代言。

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• 你变成了我的俘虏 • 你是我拥有过最好的东西
• (Hold on) Do you believe it? • (Hold on) We're gonna make it now • (Hold on) And I can see it • (Yeah, yeah, yeah) (I can see it now)
• 哦~~ • 我依然记得我们在凌晨吵的那场架 • 你说事情全部都失去了我们的控制
• I ran out crying and you followed me out into the street
• Braced myself for the goodbye
• 'Cause that's all I've ever known
• 《MINE》(我的真 爱)仅仅花5小时即 击败说唱天王 Eminem,天后 Rihanna和Katy Perry等人的新歌夺 得iTunes单曲榜冠 军 .《MINE》所属 专辑《SPEAK NOW》(爱的告白) 也空降告示牌冠军, 抱回4座格莱美奖等 70座奖项
•Mine - Taylor Swift
•Do you remember we were sitting there by the water •You put your arm around me for the first time
• 还记得我们曾经坐在水池边吗? • 你第一次用你的手臂把我紧紧搂 住
•You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter •You are the best thing that's ever been mine
• 向前倒带, 我们一起乘风破浪 • 在你家有一个专门放我的东西 的抽屉
• You learn my secrets and you figure out why I'm guarded • You said we'd never made my parents' mistakes
• 你知道了我的秘密, 也终于懂了 我的矜持 • 你说过我们永远不会犯我父母犯 过的过错
• • • • 你能相信吗? 我们会走到最后的 我已经看到我们的未来了 (是啊,是啊,是啊,我现在看到了)
•You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter •You are the best thing that's ever been mine
• 你变成了我的俘虏 • 你是我拥有过最好的东西
•Flash forward and we're taking on the world together •And there is a drawer of my things at your place
• Oh-oh-oh • Oh-oh-oh • You were in college working part time waiting tables • Left a small town never looked back
• 哦~~哦~~ • 你头也不回的离开了你所生活的那 个小镇,到大学里兼职当餐厅服务生
• But we've got bills to pay • We got nothing figured out • When it was hard to take • Yes, yes, this is what I thought about
• 但我们有账单要付 • 我们什么也没有弄清楚 • 当我们难以承受的时候 • 没错,这就是我所烦恼的
• I was a flight risk with a fear of falling • Wondering why we bother with love if it never lasts
• 我当时就是个飞行隐患,生怕会 随时坠落 • 想知道为什么我们y, Can you believe it? • As we're lying on the couch • The moment I could see it • Yes, yes, I can see it now
• 你变成了我的俘虏 • 你是我拥有过最好的东西
• Do you remember all the city lights on the water? • You saw me start to believe for the first time
• 还记得当整个城市的灯光在 水中浮现吗? • 你看到我第一次开始相信
•You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter •You are the best thing that's ever been mine
• 你变成了我的俘虏 • 你是我拥有过最好的东西
• Oh-oh-oh • And I remember that fight, 2:30 a.m. • You said everything was slipping right out of our hands
• (Hold on), we'll make it last • (Hold on, never turn back)
• 我们会走到最后的 • 永不回头,永不后悔
•(Hold on) You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter •(Hold on) You are the best thing that's ever been mine
• 我边哭边跑出门,然而你一直跟着我 到街上 • 我硬撑着道了别 • 因为这就是我所了解的一切
•And you took me by surprise •You said I'll never leave you alone
• 你让我大吃一惊 • 你说你永远不会让我孤身一 人
• You said, I remember how we felt sitting by the water • And every time I look at you, it's like the first time
• 你说你还记得我们是怎样坐在水 池旁的 • 你还说你记得每一次你看着我就 像第一次一样
• I fell in love with a careless man's careful daughter • She is the best thing that's ever been mine
• 你说你曾经喜欢上一个粗心的 爸爸的细心女儿 • 你说我是你拥有过最好的东西
• 我说,你能相信吗? 正如我们躺在沙发上 那一刻我能看到 是的,是的,我现在看到了
•Do you remember we were sitting there by the water •You put your arm around me for the first time
• 还记得我们曾经坐在水池边吗? • 你第一次用你的手臂把我紧紧搂 住