简易版生育压力量表的汉化及信效度检验王 萌1,2,王晓丽1,汪梦迪1,2,万盈璐1*1.华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院,湖北430030;2.华中科技大学同济医学院护理学院T h e s i n i c i z a t i o na n d r e l i a b i l i t y a n d v a l i d i t y t e s t i n g of t h eC O M P I -F P S S W A N G M e ng ,W A N GX i a o l i ,W A N G M e n g d i ,W A NY i n gl u U n i o nH o s p i t a l ,T o n g j iM e d i c a l C o l l e g e ,H u a z h o n g U n i v e r s i t y o f S c i e n c e a n dT e c h n o l o g y,H u b e i 430030C h i n a C o r r e s p o n d i n g A u t h o r W A NY i n g l u ,E -m a i l :w a n y i n gl u @163.c o m K e y w o r d s C O M P I -F e r t i l i t y P r o b l e mS t r e s s S c a l e s ,C O M P I -F P S S ;a s s i s t e d r e p r o d u c t i o n ;f e r t i l i t yp r e s s u r e ;r e l i a b i l i t y ;v a l i d i t y ;n u r s i n g 摘要 目的:汉化简易版哥本哈根多中心社会心理不孕症生育压力量表(C OM P I -F P S S)并在辅助生殖技术助孕病人中进行信效度检验,为我国接受辅助生殖技术助孕病人提供科学可靠的压力测评量表㊂方法:对C OM P I -F P S S 进行翻译㊁回译㊁专家咨询㊁文化调适,选取266例接受辅助生殖技术助孕病人进行调查,对中文版量表进行项目分析和信效度检验㊂结果:中文简易版C OM P I -F P S S 量表共9个条目,条目水平的内容效度指数为0.85~1.00,问卷的内容效度指数为0.85;探索性因子分析提取到2个公因子,累积方差贡献率为65.1%;问卷的C r o n b a c h 's α系数为0.867,折半信度为0.806,临界比值为10.604~20.436,各条目与总分的P e a r s o n 相关系数为0.633~0.841㊂结论:中文简易版C OM P I -F P S S 有2个维度,共9个条目,具有良好信效度,可作为我国辅助生殖助孕群体生育压力的测量工具㊂关键词 简易版生育压力量表;辅助生殖;生育压力;信度;效度;护理d o i :10.12102/j.i s s n .2095-8668.2023.18.028 不孕症是指女性有正常性生活且无避孕措施的情况下一年以后未能成功受孕㊂据世界卫生组织(WHO )数据显示,截至2020年,全球约有10%的女性患有不孕症[1],其中一半的不孕夫妇寻求辅助生殖技术(a s s i s t e dr e p r o d u c t i v e t e c h n o l o g y,A R T )[2]㊂研究表明,在治疗期间,病人往往会受到社会舆论㊁家庭矛盾㊁经济等因素影响,心理压力较大,甚至影响其生活质量[3-4]㊂目前,国内多使用N e w t o n 等[5]编制的生育压力量表(F e r t i l i t y P r o b l e m I n v e n t o r y,F P I )对A R T 助孕病人进行生育压力评估,但该量表缺乏特异性,在正常人群以及不孕不育病人中均有应用[6-7],且条目多㊁耗时长,填写较麻烦㊂基于此,本研究引入简易版生育压力量表即哥本哈根多中心社会心理不孕症-生育压力量表(C o p e n h a g e nM u l t i -C e n t r e P s yc h o s o c i a l I n f e r t i l i t y -F e r t i l i t y P r o b l e m S t r e s sS c a l e ,C O M P I -F P S S )[8],并验证其中文版在我国接受A R T 助孕病人中的信效度,以期为A R T 助孕病人提供简短㊁可靠的特异性心理测评工具㊂1 研究方法1.1 量表汉化基金项目 2023年度湖北省自然科学基金计划项目,编号:2023A F B 1081作者简介 王萌,护士,硕士研究生在读*通讯作者 万盈璐,E -m a i l :w a n y i n gl u @163.c o m 引用信息 王萌,王晓丽,汪梦迪,等.简易版生育压力量表的汉化及信效度检验[J ].循证护理,2023,9(18):3371-3373.1.1.1 简易版C OM P I -F P S S 量表C OM P I -F P S S 量表是由S c h m i d t 等[9]研制出针对不孕病人心理状况的特异性量表,简易版C OM P I -F P S S 量表[8]是由S c h m i d t 等于2017年根据C OM P I -F P S S 量表简化而来,减少了量表条目,并未改变其可靠性㊂简易版C OM P I -F P S S 量表包括个人领域(条目1~3)㊁婚姻领域(条目4~6)㊁社会领域(条目7~9)3个维度,共9个条目㊂其中条目1和条目4采用L i k e r t 5级计分法,按照 非常不同意㊁有点不同意㊁既不同意也不反对㊁有点同意㊁强烈同意 依次赋值1㊁2㊁3㊁4㊁5分,其余条目按照 完全没有㊁有一点㊁有一些㊁很多 依次赋值1㊁2㊁3㊁4分,得分越高表明病人治疗期间压力越大,得分在前30%的病人被认为具有较高的生育压力㊂在丹麦㊁匈牙利㊁德国㊁希腊等国家多中心㊁大样本的调查显示,该量表具有可靠性㊁有效性以及跨性别不变性,验证性因子分析结果显示模型适配度良好㊂1.1.2 量表的翻译取得量表原作者授权后,按照B r i s l i n 模式对量表进行翻译[10]㊂具体过程如下:1)翻译:2名护理专业研究生根据原量表独立进行翻译,意思表述与原量表保持一致,得到2个版本后由研究者进行综合,形成翻译整合版量表;2)回译:邀请2名未看过原量表的具有海外留学经验的医学博士将初版量表回译成英文版,研究者将2个回译版本进行综合后与原量表进行对比㊁分析,形成回译整合版;3)将回译整合版量表在小组内经讨论做出修改后与原量表作者进行确认,形成中文版量表的初版㊂1.1.3 专家函询与文化调试㊃1733㊃循证护理2023年9月第9卷第18期(总第110期)Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.本研究进行2轮文化调试,共邀请10名专家对中文简易版C OM P I-F P S S初版进行函询㊂10名专家中,辅助生殖技术专家4名㊁妇产科专家3名㊁公共卫生学专家1名,护理教育专家2名㊂均为本科以上学历,其中硕士学历4名㊂各位专家根据自身丰富的临床经验或教学经验以及相关专业知识对量表各条目的相关性及文化符合程度进行评价,对表述有问题或相关性不强的题目进行修订,最终形成中文简易版C OM P I-F P S S㊂根据专家意见,在语言表达方面做出如下修改:将 不孕 均修改为 生育相关问题 ,以避免不必要的冲突;条目 不孕对身体方面造成的压力程度 修改为 生育相关检查和治疗对身体方面造成的压力程度 ;条目 不孕对处理公婆(岳父母)关系造成的压力程度 修改为 生育问题对处理和配偶父母关系造成的压力程度 ; 不孕对与朋友相处造成的压力程度 修改为 生育问题对自己和有孩子的朋友相处造成的压力程度 等㊂1.1.4预调查选取武汉市某三级甲等医院生殖门诊的20例A R T助孕病人进行预调查,在调查过程中询问该量表有无歧义㊁是否便于理解,形成最终的中文简易版C OM P I-F P S S㊂1.2量表的信效度检验1.2.1研究对象采用便利抽样法选取2022年4月 8月在辅助生殖门诊就诊的280例病人进行问卷调查㊂纳入标准:1)符合WHO对不孕不育的诊断标准[1];2)在生殖中心进入辅助生殖周期治疗;3)知情同意并自愿参加本研究㊂排除标准:1)存在精神类疾病㊂1.2.2资料收集研究者采用一般资料调查表㊁中文简易版C OM P I-F P S S进行纸质版问卷或问卷星调查㊂在调查前向病人介绍本次调查的目的㊁意义以及相关资料的保密性,同时介绍问卷填写方法和注意事项㊂调查对象独立填写后当场收回并检查有无缺项㊁漏项㊂剔除资料填写不全或填写时间少于60s的问卷㊂本研究共发放问卷280份,有效问卷266份,有效回收率为95%㊂1.3统计学方法数据由双人核对后录入,采用S P S S22.0软件对数据进行统计分析㊂一般资料采用频数㊁构成比(%)描述;采用相关性分析㊁临界比值法等评价量表条目的相关性和鉴别度;量表的信度采用C r o n b a c h'sα系数进行评价;量表的内容效度采用专家咨询法评价,结构效度采用探索性因子分析评价,检验水准α=0.05㊂2结果2.1研究对象一般资料本次研究共调查A R T助孕病人266例,年龄为(31.7ʃ4.5)岁;不孕年限:<2年122例(45.9%),2~ 5年91例(34.2%),>5年53例(19.9%);不孕原因:女性因素158例(59.4%),男性因素49例(18.4%),双方因素17例(6.4%),不明原因42例(15.8%);接受A R T治疗次数:1次182例(68.4%),2次或3次74例(27.8%),ȡ4次10例(3.8%);治疗方法:人工授精(a r t i f i c i a l i n s e m i n a t i o n,A I)42例(15.8%),体外受精胚胎移植(i nv i t r of e r t i l i z a t i o na n de m b r y ot r a n s f e r, I V F-E T)130例(48.9%),卵胞浆内单精子显微注射(I C S I)35例(13.2%),其他(植入前胚胎遗传学诊断技术㊁冻胚移植等)59例(22.2%)㊂2.2中文简易版C OM P I-F P S S的信效度检验结果2.2.1项目分析1)相关系数:量表各条目得分与量表总分的相关系数为0.633~0.841(P均<0.05),表明条目与量表同质性高,未有条目删除;2)临界比值:将中文简易版C OM P I-F P S S总分进行高低分组,前27%(ȡ22分) (高分组)与后27%(ɤ15分)(低分组)进行独立样本t 检验,各条目临界比为10.604~20.436,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001),表明该量表9个条目具有良好鉴别度,量表所有条目予以保留㊂2.2.2效度检验2.2.2.1内容效度本研究共邀请10名专家进行量表相关性评价,采用L i k e r t4级评分法,1分为不相关,4分为非常相关㊂第2轮专家询函结果显示,除第9条 生育问题对自己和朋友相处造成的压力程度 外,其余量表条目水平的内容效度指数(I-C V I)为0.85~1.00,量表水平的内容效度指数(S-C V I)为0.85(与原作者沟通后作者建议保留第9个条目)㊂2.2.2.2结构效度探索性因子分析显示,该量表KMO值为0.843, B a r t l e t t球形检验值为1283.353,P<0.01,表明中文简易版C OM P I-F P S S满足因子分析条件,可进行下一步分析㊂采用主成分分析法和方差最大旋转法提取特征值>1的公因子,结果显示共提取2个公因子,提取后分别命名为:社会家庭影响㊁个人影响,累积方差贡献率为65.1%㊂累计贡献率在60%以上即表示因子的可靠性,提示汉化后的量表有良好的结构效度㊂各条目因子载荷均>0.4,未有删除㊂见表1㊂㊃2733㊃C H I N E S EE V I D E N C E-B A S E D N U R S I N GS e p t e m b e r,2023V o l.9N o.18Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.表1 中文简易版C OM P I -F P S S 探索性因子分析结果 条目社会家庭影响个人影响1生育问题对处理家庭关系造成的压力程度0.8932生育问题对处理和配偶父母关系造成的压力程度0.8573生育问题对婚姻/夫妻关系造成的压力程度0.8074生育问题对夫妻间性生活造成的压力程度0.6935没有孩子给我们的婚姻/夫妻关系带来了危机0.5226生育问题对自己和有孩子的朋友相处造成的压力程度0.5197处理生育相关问题让我感到的压力程度0.8598生育相关检查和治疗对身体方面造成的压力程度0.7699生育相关检查和治疗对心理方面造成的压力程度0.7132.2.3 信度检验 中文简易版C OM P I -F P S S 的C r o n b a c h 'sα系数为0.867,量表各维度C r o n b a c h 'sα系数分别为0.842和0.771;折半信度S pe a r m a n -B r o w n 系数为0.806㊂该量表内部一致性较高,条目内在相关性较强,中文简易版C OM P I -F P S S 信度良好㊂3 讨论3.1 中文简易版C OM P I -F P S S 具有良好鉴别度和同质性本研究结果显示,中文简易版C OM P I -F P S S 各条目临界比值为10.604~20.436,P 均<0.001,表明该量表9个条目具有良好鉴别度,量表所有条目予以保留;量表各条目得分与总分的相关系数为0.633~0.841,均>0.4,表明该量表同质性较好㊂3.2 中文简易版C OM P I -F P S S 具有良好信度 信度是指量表所测得结果的可靠性,通常采用内部一致性㊁折半信度或重测信度等指标评价[11]㊂本研究结果显示,中文简易版C O M P I -F P S S 的C r o n b a c h 's α系数为0.867,各维度量表C r o n b a c h 's α系数为0.771,0.842,内部一致性较好,可信度高;折半信度为0.806㊂当量表的C r o n b a c h 's α系数>0.80,各维度C r o n b a c h 's α系数>0.70,折半信度>0.80时,认为量表内部一致性信度较好[12],表明中文简易版C OM P I -F P S S 具有良好的可靠性和稳定性㊂3.3 中文简易版C OM P I -F P S S 具有良好效度效度是指研究工具反映期望测量变量的程度,常用内容效度㊁结构效度等评价[11]㊂本研究中内容效度由10名专家评定,该量表I -C V I ȡ0.85,S -C V I 为0.85,处于较高水平㊂当内容效度指数>0.780时,表示量表内容效度较好[13];结构效度采用探索性因子分析,各因子载荷均>0.4,累积方差贡献率>60%,表明该量表结构效度较好㊂3.4 实用性目前,国内关于生育压力量表在正常人群㊁不孕不育病人等群体中均有使用,无特异性且条目数多,不方便填写㊂本研究引入仅9个条目简易版C OM P I -F P S S 对A R T 助孕病人进行压力评估,为其进行生育压力筛查提供了简短㊁方便㊁可靠的测评工具㊂4 小结中文简易版C OM P I -F P S S 信效度良好,经调试后可用于测评我国A R T 助孕病人的生育相关压力㊂该量表条目数量较少,作答时间短,便于填写,且信效度良好,可作为特异性评价工具适合在辅助生殖门诊开展使用,通过评估A R T 助孕病人的心理压力状况,提醒医务人员对压力较大病人及时给予心理干预,减轻其负面情绪㊂后期可扩大样本量以及样本来源进一步研究,以期为临床早期筛查生育压力较大的A R T 助孕病人和相关研究提供科学可靠的评价工具㊂参考文献:[1] K H A K B A Z A NZ ,M A A S O UM IR ,R A K H S H A E EZ ,e t a l .E x p l o r i n gr e pr o d u c t i v e h e a l t h e d u c a t i o n n e e d si ni n f e r t i l e w o m e ni nI r a n :a q u a l i t a t i v e s t u d y [J ].Y e b a n gU i h a k h o eC h i ,2020,53(5):353-361.[2] D U R A L O ,Y A S A C ,K E Y I F B ,e ta l .E f f e c to fi n f e r t i l i t y on q u a l i t y o fl i f e o f w o m e n :a v a l i d a t i o n s t u d y oft h e T u r k i s h F e r t i Q o L [J ].H u m a nF e r t i l i t y,2016,19(3):186-191.[3] X U H M ,O U Y A N GNY ,L I RQ ,e t a l .T h e e f f e c t s o f a n x i e t y an d d e pr e s s i o no ni nv i t r of e r t i l i s a t i o no u t c o m e so f i n f e r t i l eC h i n e s e w o m e n [J ].P s y c h o l o g y,H e a l t h &M e d i c i n e ,2017,22(1):37-43.[4] 史莉,罗丽燕,宋东红,等.体外受精-胚胎移植术后未妊娠患者生育压力与生活质量相关性研究[J ].国际生殖健康/计划生育杂志,2018,37(3):191-195.[5] N E WT O N C R ,S H E R R A R D W ,G L A V A C I .T h e F e r t i l i t yP r o b l e m I n v e n t o r y :m e a s u r i n gp e r c e i v e di n f e r t i l i t y-r e l a t e ds t r e s s [J ].F e r t i l i t y a n dS t e r i l i t y ,1999,72(1):54-62.[6] 刘敏,陶利琼,张佳,等.肿瘤科育龄护士生育压力现状调查与分析[J ].当代护士(上旬刊),2021,28(6):36-39.[7] 蔡艳娜,周飞京,孙致敏,等.不孕症女性生育压力与压力反应及应对方式的相关研究[J ].护理学杂志,2016,31(20):12-14.[8] S O B R A L MP ,C O S T A M E ,S C HM I D TL ,e t a l .C OM P I F e r t i l i t yP r o b l e m S t r e s s S c a l e si s a b r i e f ,v a l i d a n d r e l i a b l e t o o lf o ra s s e s s i n g s t r e s s i n p a t i e n t s s e e k i n g tr e a t m e n t [J ].H u m a n R e pr o d u c t i o n ,2017,32(2):375-382.[9] S C HM I D TL ,H O L S T E I NBE ,B O I V I NJ ,e t a l .P a t i e n t s 'a t t i t u d e s t om e d i c a la n d p s y c h o s o c i a la s p e c t so fc a r ei nf e r t i l i t y c l i n i c s :f i n d i n gs f r o mt h eC o p e n h a g e n M u l t i -c e n t r eP s y c h o s o c i a l I n f e r t i l i t y (C O M P I )r e s e a r c h p r o g r a m m e [J ].H u m a nR e pr o d u c t i o n ,2003,18(3):628-637.[10] J O N E SPS ,L E EJ W ,P H I L L I P SL R ,e ta l .A na d a pt a t i o no f B r i s l i n 's t r a n s l a t i o nm o d e l f o r c r o s s -c u l t u r a l r e s e a r c h [J ].N u r s i n gR e s e a r c h ,2001,50(5):300-304.[11] 刘学宗,张建,于书彦.关于量表的信度和效度[J ].首都医科大学学报,2001,22(4):314-317.[12] 李峥,刘宇.护理学研究方法[M ].北京:人民卫生出版社,2012:1.[13] 史静琤,莫显昆,孙振球.量表编制中内容效度指数的应用[J ].中南大学学报(医学版),2012,37(2):49-52.(收稿日期:2023-01-16;修回日期:2023-08-28)(本文编辑贾小越)㊃3733㊃循证护理2023年9月第9卷第18期(总第110期)Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.。
2024-2025 学年第一学期期中学情调查七年级英语考试时间:70 分钟说明:全卷共8页。
考试时间70 分钟,满分75 分。
第一部分选择题(共50 分)Ⅰ.单项选择(7.5分)i. 选择与音标内容相符的正确句子。
(共5小题,每小题0.5 分)( ) 1. /ɪt ɪz fʌntu biːɪn ðə bʊk ˈkɔːnər/A. It is fun to be in the Book Corner.B. It is fun to be in the Cook Corner.C. It is fun to be in the Book Club.( ) 2. / ðə siːɪz ɪmˈpɔːtnt səʊ wiːʃudprəˈtekt ɪt/A. The sea is important, so we can’t pollute it.B. The sea is dangerous, so we can’t practice in it.C. The sea is important, so we should protect it.( ) 3. / hɪɪzˈpɒpjələrbɪˈkɔːzəvhɪzˈpɜːsənlˈkwɒləti/A.He is popular because of his peaceful quality.B. He is popular because of his patient quality.C. He is popular because of his personal quality.( ) 4. /dəʊnt fəˈget tʊ pɪk ʌp ðə bæg/A.Don’t forget to pickup the bag.B. Don’t forget to pack the bag.C. Don’t forget the plastic bag.( ) 5. / ðə fɑːməzjuz sʌm dɒgz tʊ wɒtʃəʊvə ðeə lænd/A. The farmers work hard on their wide and wet land.B. The farmers use some dogs to watch over their land.C. The farmers use some tools to work their land.ii. 从下面每小题的A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。
V26运作全程实录及反思作者:蜥蜴团队来源:蜥蜴团队时间:2003-6-13 8:03:54点击:88从1998年到2002年,V26减肥沙淇晶走过了它的四个年头,销量也从当年最高月返款三千多万降到现在的区区数万。
幕起:无中生有的“国际大品牌”1997年初,当我们时隔半年再次见到哈慈美国公司总经理David时,都有点不敢相信自己的眼睛,原来的大胖子起码瘦了四十斤!David告诉我们,他最近一直在吃一种叫slim fast的减肥品,效果非常好。
职业直觉告诉我们,这个slim fast 是个大有可为的产品。
而以slim fast 为代表的新一代减肥食品以其口感好,副作用小,减肥效果好而逐步成为市场的主流产品。
一开始我们考虑引进slim fast品牌和成品到国内进行销售,但由于这不可避免地要花费大量的资金,还要牵扯大量的精力来和它进行谈判。
我们很快发现,其实slim fast也是由另外的生产企业进行贴牌生产的,其本身并不生产产品,核心技术也是生产商的。
运作中的V M wa r e 产品
• VMware ESX • VMware Virtual Center • VMware Converter • 本地操作系统:Windows Server 2003 • 客户操作系统:Windows Server 2000, Windows Server 2003,Linux • 虚拟应用:DHCP/DNS、文件服务器、打印服 务器、订单系统、病毒服务器、域控制器 • 在三台 HP DL585 组成的 VMware Farm 上部 署了十多台虚拟机,虚拟机存储在 SAN 上面, 通过 Virtual Center 进行统一调度和管理 •三台 HP 的 DL 585 • 整合了十多台虚拟机 • 服务器利用率从此前的 10% 上升到了 60%
VMware北京代表处 北京市东城区长安街一号东方 广场W2办公楼6层601 电话:+8610 85200148
© 2007 VMware,Inc. 保留所有权利。Vmware、VMware“箱状”徽标及设计、 VirtualSMP和VMotion都是VMware,Inc.在美国和/或其他法律辖区的注册商 标或商标。此处提到的所有其他商标和名称分别是其各自公司的商标。
通过 Virtual Center 管理系统,GE 医疗公司可以在这三台 DL585 之间自由迁移虚拟机,以实现资源调配的需要。平时的时候,三 台服务器上均衡运行着各个虚拟机;每到季度末,就利用 Virtual Center 将其他的虚拟机都迁移到两台服务器上,而只保留订单系 统,以满足峰值需要。 事实明,这样的迁移无需停止应用,瞬间就可以完成,并且 对所服务的 6000 多个客户端来说完全透明。最关键的是,它满 足了订单系统对计算资源的峰值需求。 因此,GE 医疗公司成功地减少了高端服务器的购买数量,并且 能够很方便地实现对服务器的管理。GE 医疗集团亚太区服务器 运维经理马国超表示,“通过实施虚拟化,我们实现了更加快 捷的资源调度,更加简便的管理,大幅度缩短了停机时间。”
人教版七年级英语上册期中综合素质评价(限时: 120分钟满分: 120分)第一部分(听力共30 分)I. 听选答案(共15 小题, 计20 分)第一节: 听下面10 段对话,每段对话后有一个问题, 读两遍。
请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题, 从所给的三个选项中选出问题的正确答案。
(共10 小题, 计10 分)( ) 1. A. White. B. Black. C. Blue.( ) 2. A. Mary’s cousin. B. Mary’s sister. C. Mary’s friend. ( ) 3. A. Helen’s. B. Mike’s. C. Peter’s.( ) 4. A. Jeff. B. Tony. C. John.( ) 5. A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. We don’t know. ( ) 6. A. Eric. B. Bob. C. Gina.( ) 7. A. On the table. B. On the bookcase. C. On the desk. ( ) 8. A. A book. B. A key. C. A picture.( ) 9. A. Brown. B. Miller. C. Smith.( ) 10. A. On the desk. B. In the classroom. C. Under the tree.第二节: 听下面两段材料, 包括一篇独白和一段对话,每段材料后有几道小题。
请根据材料的内容, 从题目所给的三个选项中选出问题的正确答案。
(共5 小题, 计10 分)听第1 段材料, 回答第11、12 小题。
( ) 11. Who is in the first photo with Dale’s parents?A. His brother.B. His sister.C. His cousin. ( ) 12. Where are Dale’s tapes?A. On the bed.B. On the desk.C. In the bookcase.听第2 段材料, 回答第13 至15 小题。
测验日期: BHS®中文版姓名: 婚姻状况: 年龄: 性别: 职业: 教育程度:作答说明:这份问卷包含20个句子,请您仔细读每一个句子,如果它反映了你在过去一周来(包括今天)的情况,请圈“是”;如果它不能反应你的状况,请圈“否”。
是 否2.我想放弃算了,因为我没办法让自己更好。
是 否3.当事情变糟的时候,我若想到情况不可能永远如此,我就会好受点。
是 否4.我不能想象10年后我会过什么生活。
是 否5.我有足够的时间去完成我想做的事。
是 否6.在将来我期待能顺利完成我最开心的事。
是 否7.我的将来似乎很灰暗。
是 否8.我特别幸运,而我期待在生命中仍会比一般人遇到更多好事。
是 否9.我就是碰不到好远,而也没有理由想我将来能碰到好运。
是 否10.我过去的经验让我能好好面对将来。
是 否11.摆在我的眼前全都是不愉快的事,而不是愉快的事情。
是 否12.我并不期待会得到我真正想要的。
是 否13.当我展望将来,我期待我会比现在快乐。
是 否14.事情总是不如我意。
是 否15.我对将来有很大的信心。
是 否16.我从来不能得到想要的东西,所以想要拥有任何东西是愚蠢的。
是 否17.我不可能会在将来得到任何真正的满足。
是 否18.我的将来是一片模糊和不确定。
是 否19.我期待将来如意的日子比不如意的多。
是 否20.因为我可能不会得到它,所以真正去追求任何东西也没有用。
是 否情绪自评量表(二)填表说明:请认真阅读下列常见焦虑症状,并根据最近一周您的情况(包括今天),在每一项右方圈住适当的数字,来表示它对你的影响程度。
影响程度:0=绝无1=轻度(无多大烦扰)2=中度(感到不适但尚能忍受)3=严重(勉强忍受或不能忍受)绝无轻度中度严重1. 麻木或刺痛0 1 2 32. 感觉发热0 1 2 33. 腿部颤抖0 1 2 34. 不能放松0 1 2 35. 害怕最坏的事情将会发生0 1 2 36. 头晕/头昏0 1 2 37. 心悸/心跳加快0 1 2 38. 心神不定0 1 2 39. 恐慌/害怕0 1 2 310. 紧张0 1 2 311. 感觉窒息0 1 2 312. 手抖0 1 2 313. 摇晃0 1 2 314. 害怕失去控制0 1 2 315. 呼吸困难0 1 2 316. 害怕死去0 1 2 317. 惊慌0 1 2 318. 消化不良/肠胃不适0 1 2 319. 昏厥/晕倒0 1 2 320. 脸发红0 1 2 321. 无故流汗0 1 2 3BECK 抑郁问卷项目1 0 我不感到忧愁。
flcas量表英文版Here's a draft of the FLCAS scale in English, adhering to the given requirements of being conversational, diverse in language characteristics, and free of transitional phrases or connectors:First things first, let's talk about your foreign language anxiety. Do you feel butterflies in your stomach when you're about to speak a foreign language? Or maybe your heart starts racing just thinking about it. That's normal, but we want to know how it affects you.So, how often do you find yourself avoiding speaking in that language? Like, do you try to switch back to your native tongue whenever possible? Or do you just stay silent to avoid making a mistake? We're not judging, just curious.Now, let's dig a bit deeper. How about when you're in a group conversation in a foreign language? Do you feel like you're drowning in a sea of words, or can you keep uppretty well? Sometimes, it's not just about understanding,it's also about feeling confident enough to contribute.Oh, and have you ever felt like everyone's judging your every word in a foreign language? Like, every littlemistake is being magnified and you're being watched closely? That can be really stressful, right? But remember, we'reall just learning.Lastly, think about the classroom setting. Does thefear of being called on in class keep you from paying attention?。
Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告惠思乐健康咨询(上海)有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:惠思乐健康咨询(上海)有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分惠思乐健康咨询(上海)有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。
1.2 企业画像类别内容行业研究和试验发展资质空产品服务康咨询服务(不含诊疗服务);病人陪护服务1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11 土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。
Mutterpass的中文翻译是从一个德语网站高低载的原文说明.只是有的处所翻译不精确,敬请斧正.感谢!Mutterpass母亲保健本Ihr Begleiter durch die Schwangerschaft您怀孕时代的相伴者。
Ein blaues, kleines Heft –und doch zu groß für viele Handtaschen –ist der amtliche Beweis: Sie sind schwanger! Aber was heissen all diese Fachausdrücke und was wirdalles eingetragen.一个蓝色的,小的簿子,大年夜到能够放到专门多的手提包里——是你怀孕的官方证实!然则在里面有专门多的专业术语和挂号的事项。
Auf den folgenden Seiten sehen Sie Abbildungen der einzelnen Inhalte desMutterpasses und bekommen eine Erklärung.随后的几页里您能够明白得一下母亲保健本里的零丁内容并获得专门多关于术语的说明。
Ihren Mutterpass bekommen Sie übringens von Ihrer Frauenärztin oder IhremFrauenarzt.趁便说一下,母亲保健本是由您的妇科大夫交给您的。
Für fachliche Informationen zu den einzelnen Einträgen in Ihrem Mutterpass sollten Sie aber immer die Beratung Ihres Arztes einholen.在您的母亲保健本中,您应当同时一向从您的大夫那边获得关于零丁挂号事项的专业信息。
2O25~2O26 REPORT
OIML Weights CarePacs商品说明书
O I M L W e i g h t sCarefully Designed CarePacs ®for Efficient Routine TestingW e i g h t sCarePacs ®Affordable Convenient Smart2TipRevolutionary Approach to Routine TestingR o u t i n e T e s t i n gRoutine testing by customers of balances and scales is a critical step to ensure precise and accurate weighing results. Balance calibrations by our ISO 17025 accredited service technicians are normally performed once or twice a year. Routine tests performed frequently by customers ensure accurate and reliableweighing procedures between these calibrations.Cost savings right from the start CarePacs ® only contain two weights – all you need for safe and accurate weighing processes between manufacturer-performed calibrations. This means signifi-cant savings on future purchases of CarePacs ® compared to the cost of an entire weight set with 20 or more weights.Guaranteed traceability Recalibration costs for CarePacs ® with two weights are much lower compared to costs of an entire weight set, of which only two to three weights are used regularly for testing. To ensure traceability of routine testing, all CarePacs ® are delivered with a calibration certificate.Time-saving testing approach Quick and easy-to-use testing approach of process tolerances up to 0.03% supported by manu-facturer SOP . SOP are supplied in small handy plastic envelopes and guide users step by step through testing procedures.Three sizes of CarePacs ® allow testing of balances up to 8 kg weighing capacity. Please consult /weights to quickly find the CarePacs ® that fit your balances.METTLER TOLEDO recommends recalibration of CarePacs ® at least once a year at an accredited calibration laboratory.Please carefully follow instruc-tions of SOP when performing routine tests.3Flexible testing approach with 3rd weightCarePacs ® come with an optional 3rd weight for customer-specific testing, e.g., minimum weight determination or testing at specific testing points. The third weight ranges in nominal value from 1 mg to 100 g.Ergonomic accessories for secure weight handlingErgonomic accessories such as tweezers and weight forks but also clean room approved gloves and cleaning cloths are standard with each CarePac ®. This allows professional weight handling and testing right from the first day without wasting time searching for the right tools.If you have not ordered a 3rd weight together with the initial purchase of the CarePac ®, you may order it at any time.All accessories may be ordered separately for professional han-dling of all OIML or ASTM knobweights.GWP supports Routine Testing Routine testing according to GWP ® depends on many factors with process tolerances, associated risks and laboratory practices being the most critical ones. Testing should be performed at (or close to) maximum load and at approximately 5% of the weighing range, or according to regulatory requirements.Good Weighing Practice™ is the firstglobal guideline for the selection, operation and testing of weighing systems.Factors influencing testing frequency• Balances without built-in adjust-ment weight and no regularly performed manufacturer calibra-tion require higher frequency for routine testing.• Balances without built-in adjust-ment weight require more frequent testing compared to balances with built-in adjustment mechanism.• Stringent process tolerances and associated higher risks generally require more frequent testing.Customer Benefits with Good Weighing Practice ™• More efficient testing • Reduced measurement deviations• Higher process safetyRoutine Testing by customer, e.g., daily or weekly Calibration by service technician, e.g., yearlyFor more informationLaboratory Weights• Single weights and weight sets• 1 mg – 50 kg, OIML Classes E1, E2, F1, F2, M1• 1 mg – 20 kg, ANSI/ASTM Classes 1,4• Vacuum melted steel for highest material purity and long term stability• Smooth surfaces through unique electrolytic adjustment process• Computer controlled weight calibrations performed by robots result in lowest uncertainty valuesAn Extensive Weight Portfolio at a Reasonable CostWhether you need weights in the mg range for routine testing of micro balances or larger weights in highest accuracy classes for mass determination, METTLER TOLEDO’s comprehensive weight portfolio offers the matching solution for your very specificrequirement.Industrial Weights• 1 kg – 5 tons, OIML Classes F1, F2, M1, M2, M3• 20 lb – 1000 lb, NIST Class F• Best price-benefit ratio of cast iron weights • Stainless steel weights for highest quality requirements in regulated industries • Stackable weights with calibrated and certified carrier• Heavy capacity weights for save stacking andhandlingCalibration Services• All METTLER TOLEDO Mass Labsaccredited for weight calibration according to ISO 17025• Cleaning, calibrating, and adjusting of weights• Reporting of conventional masscorrection, uncertainty and traceabilityFor quotes or technical information regarding weights, please contact your local METTLERTOLEDOorganizationorusetheemailaddress:**************Mettler-Toledo AGLaboratory & Weighing Technologies CH-8606 Greifensee Tel. +41 44 944 22 11Fax +41 44 944 30 60Subject to technical changes © 03/2010 Mettler-Toledo AG Printed in Switzerland 11796106Global MarCom Switzerland/weights。
sf-12 生活质量量表 中文版
Brief communicationIs the standard SF-12Health Survey valid and equivalent for a Chinese population?Cindy m1,Eileen Y.Y.Tse1&Barbara Gandek21Family Medicine Unit,the University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong SAR(E-mail:clklam@hku.hk);2IQOLA Project,Health Assessment Lab,Boston,MA USAAccepted in revised form15June2004AbstractIntroduction:Chinese is the world’s largest ethnic group but few health-related quality of life(HRQoL) measures have been tested on them.The aim of this study was to determine if the standard SF-12was valid and equivalent for a Chinese population.Methods:The SF-36data of2410Chinese adults randomly selected from the general population of Hong Kong(HK)were analysed.The Chinese(HK)specific SF-12 items and scoring algorithm were derived from the HK Chinese population data by multiple regressions. The SF-36PCS and MCS scores were used as criteria to assess the content and criterion validity of the SF-12.The standard and Chinese(HK)specific SF-12PCS and MCS scores were compared for equivalence. Results:The standard SF-12explained82%and89%of the variance of the SF-36PCS and MCS scores, respectively,and the effect size differences between the standard SF-36and SF-12scores were less than0.3. Six of the Chinese(HK)specific SF-12items were different from those of the standard SF-12,but the effect size differences between the Chinese(HK)specific and standard SF-12scores were mostly less than0.3. Conclusions:The standard SF-12was valid and equivalent for the Chinese,which would enable more Chinese to be included in clinical trials that measure HRQoL.Key words:Health-related quality of life,SF-12,Chinese,Validity,EquivalenceIntroductionChinese make up nearly a quarter of the world’s population.They should be included in global and cross-cultural clinical trials but this is often not possible in studies that measure health-related quality of life(HRQoL)because of language and cultural barriers.Most HRQoL measures are in English and originate from the Western culture,so they need to be translated and validated before they can be applied to the Chinese.The Chinese (Hong Kong)translation of the MOS36-item Short Form Health Survey(SF-36)and its physical and mental health summary(PCS and MCS) Scales have been shown to be valid and equivalent for the Chinese[1–5],but the length of the SF-36 limits its acceptability in some clinical trials that need to measure a number of outcomes.The standard SF-12Health Survey(SF-12),an abbre-viated form of the SF-36that yields the PCS and MCS scores,is becoming a popular HRQoL measure in clinical trials because it can be com-pleted in a few minutes[6,7].The items and scoring algorithm of the standard SF-12were derived from data of a US general population survey in1990[6–8].The standard SF-12PCS and MCS scores are norm-based on the US general population whose mean is50and standard deviation(SD)is10[6,9].The12items include two from each of the physical functioning, role-physical,role-emotional and mental health scales and one item from each of the bodily pain, general health,vitality and social functioning scales of the SF-36.The items were selected by multiple regressions in order to explain the largest proportion of the total variance in the SF-36PCSQual Life Res(2005)14:539–547ÓSpringer2005and MCS scores.The response to each item is weighted separately by the PCS and MCS regres-sion coefficient and then summated to give the standard SF-12PCS and MCS scores,respectively.A small number and weighting of items may make a HRQoL measure more culture-sensitive [10,11].All previous studies on the validity and equivalence of the standard SF-12were carried out in Caucasian populations[8,12].There was very little data from any Chinese or Asian population whose cultures are quite different from those of the West.The rank orders by item mean of three(PF9, GH3and RE3)SF-36items were found to be different between the HK Chinese and US popu-lations[1].Although the differential item func-tioning(DIF)of a few items did not affect the validity of the SF-36Scales that summated all the items without weighting[1,13],they may have an effect on the validity and equivalence of the much shorter standard SF-12.The aim of this study was to determine if the standard SF-12was valid and equivalent for the Chinese population of Hong Kong,or whether a Chinese(HK)specific SF-12was needed.The standard SF-12is valid if it really measures the SF-36PCS and MCS scores,which are what it pur-ports to measure.The selected items should be representative and adequate in explaining the SF-36PCS and MCS scores(content validity),and the SF-12should give similar PCS and MCS scores as the SF-36(criterion validity).The standard SF-12 is equivalent if no more than three of the12items selected specifically from the Chinese(HK)popu-lation were different from those of the standard SF-12,as that found in other countries(item equivalence)[8];and if there is no important dif-ference between the results of the Chinese(HK) specific and standard scoring algorithms(mea-surement equivalence)[8,14,15].MethodsData of2410Chinese adults randomly selected from the general population of Hong Kong that were collected in the Chinese(Hong Kong)SF-36 norming survey in1998were used for analysis in this study.The detailed sampling and data collec-tion methods have been described in previous pa-pers[16,17].All subjects answered the Chinese (Hong Kong)translation of the SF-36and a structured questionnaire on sociodemographic data.Each subject was also asked to indicate whether he/she had ever been diagnosed by a doctor to have hypertension,diabetes mellitus, heart disease,stroke,chronic pulmonary disease, chronic joint disease,psychological illness or any other chronic disease.A subject was classified as not having any chronic disease if the responses to these chronic disease questions were all negative. Table1shows that the sociodemographic charac-teristics of the subjects were similar to those of the general adult population in Hong Kong[18].The sample was comparable to the US population sample[19]from which the standard SF-12was derived in mean age(42.9vs.43.6years)and sex distribution(47.8%vs.48%males).The Chinese(HK)specific SF-12items were selected by multiple regressions of the Chinese (HK)specific SF-36PCS and MCS scores derived from the HK Chinese adult population[3],based on the criteria of the International Quality of Life Assessment(IQOLA)Project for cross-cultural adaptation of the SF-12[8].The Chinese(HK) specific PCS and MCS regression constants and coefficients for each item response were obtained by regressing the Chinese(HK)specific SF-36PCS and MCS scores on the Chinese(HK)specific item scores.The SAS programme was used for the multiple regressions analyses.The SPSS Pro-gramme for Windows10.0(SPSS Inc.Chicago,IL, USA)was used for all other data analyses.The standard SF-12PCS and MCS scores were calculated by the standard algorithm described in the SF-12Manual[6].The Chinese(HK)specific and standard mean SF-12PCS and MCS scores were determined for all subjects and by self-re-ported chronic disease groups.Content validity was assessed by the proportion of total variance of the SF-36PCS and MCS scores explained by the SF-12PCS and MCS,and P90%was the expected standard[6,8].It was further assessed by Pearson correlations between the SF-12and SF-36PCS and MCS scores and the expected standard was P0.9[6,8].Effect size dif-ference between corresponding SF-12and SF-36 PCS and MCS scores was used to determine if the SF-12gave similar or different results from those of the SF-36(Criterion validity).Effect size dif-ference between the SF-36and SF-12scores was540calculated by dividing their difference by the standard deviation(SD)of the SF-36summary score.Measurement equivalence between the standard and Chinese(HK)specific SF-12wasfirst assessed by Pearson correlations(expected standard P0.9) and then the effect size differences between the standard and Chinese(HK)specific scores.The effect size difference was calculated by dividing the difference between the corresponding SF-12 scores by the SD of the Chinese(HK)specific SF-12score.The standard and Chinese(HK)SF-12 scores were also compared by chronic disease groups in order to determine if they performed differently in different groups.A spectrum of chronic diseases(Heart,chronic pulmonary,psy-chological and chronic joint)that are known to affect HRQoL were used as tracer conditions[20]. There is no consensus on what the minimally important difference(MID)in HRQoL scores should be.Kazis et al.showed that the effect size changes in scores measured by the Arthritis Im-pact Measurement Scale were mostly between0.3 and0.5in the treatment group[21];and Wyrwich showed that the MID of the Chronic Heart Failure Questionnaire scores corresponded to effect size changes of0.34–0.37[22].We therefore adopted Cohen’s moderate effect size of0.3–0.5as the MID in this study[23,24].ResultsThe Chinese(HK)specific SF-12PCS and MCS scalesFirst forward stepwise regressions of the Chinese (HK)specific SF-36PCS and MCS scores on the SF-36items selected two items each from the physical functioning(PF1,PF8)and mental health (MH3,MH4)scales,and one item each from the role-physical(RP3),bodily pain(BP1),social functioning(SF1)and role-emotional(RE3) scales.The second forward stepwise regressions, with the general health item(GH1)and the above items forced into the model,selected the remaining items(RP2,VT4and RE1)that explained the greatest variance of the HK Chinese specific SF-36 PCS and MCS scores.It is an IQOLA criterion that GH1should be included in all versions of SF-12because it is an item common to many HRQoL measures[8].Table2shows the Chinese(HK) specific SF-12items,in comparison with the standard SF-12items.The items that were differ-ent are shown in bold.The numbers in brackets correspond to the question numbers in the SF-36 Health Survey.Table3shows the regression coefficients of the Chinese(HK)specific SF-12items and those of theTable1.Sociodemographic characteristics of study sample compared with the Hong Kong general populationSampleN=2410Hong Kong general adult population a N=5,333,610Mean age(years)42.942.3Age group(years)18–4456.7%58.6%45–6423.7%27.4%65or above15.3%14.0%Refused to answer 4.2%0%Male47.8%48.3%Female52.2%51.7%Marital statusNow married58.0%59.4%Never married33.8%31.9%Widow/widower 5.8% 6.0%Divorced/separated 1.3% 2.7%Refused to answer 1.1%0%Educational levelNo schooling 6.9%8.4%Primary22.3%20.5%Secondary52.2%54.6%Tertiary17.8%16.4%Refused to answer0.9%0%Social class by occupationManagers andadministratorsN.A.10.7%bProfessional 3.1% 5.5%Associate professional14.7%15.0%Skilled worker35.4%33.5%cSemi-skilled worker24.6%15.0%dNon-skilled worker14.4%19.8%eRefused to answer7.7%0%a Data from the Hong Kong2001Population Census.b This occupation category is not applicable to the social classby occupation classification.c Craft workers,plant and machine operators and assemblers.d Service and shop sales workers.e Workers in elementary occupation,agriculture andfishery,and unclassified.541standard SF-12items,derived from the HK gen-eral Chinese population sample.The regression coefficient of the best response choice of each item is not shown because it is the indicator variable. The Chinese(HK)specific PCS and MCS regres-sion coefficients of each item response were used separately to weight each item response for the calculation of the PCS and MCS scores.The weight for the best response choice of each item is zero.Summation of the relevant Chinese(HK) specific regression constant and item response PCS and MCS regression coefficients would give the Chinese(HK)specific SF-12PCS and MCS scores, respectively.Content and criterion validity of the SF-12PCS and MCSThe R2in Table3indicates the proportion of total variance in the SF-36PCS or MCS score that was explained by the corresponding SF-12summary score.The standard SF-12PCS and MCS ex-plained82%and89%of the total variances of the standard SF-36PCS and MCS,respectively.The Chinese(HK)specific SF-12PCS and MCS ex-plained88%and90%of the total variances of the Chinese(HK)specific SF-36PCS and MCS, respectively.Table4shows the correlations between the SF-12and SF-36PCS and MCS scores.The correla-tions between the corresponding SF-36and SF-12 summary scores all reached the expected standard of0.9.The mean and standard deviation(SD)of the Chinese(HK)specific and standard SF12and SF-36PCS and MCS scores of the whole sample and by self-reported chronic disease groups are shown in Table5.The effect size differences(effect size1) between corresponding SF-36and SF-12scores were all less than0.3.Measurement equivalence between the chinese (HK)specific and standard SF-12As shown in Table4,the correlations between the corresponding standard and Chinese(HK)specific SF-12PCS and MCS scores were just short of0.9. The standard and Chinese(HK)specific SF-12 scores are compared in Table5.The mean stan-dard SF-12PCS and MCS for the overall HK Chinese population were50.2and48.4,respec-tively,which were similar to the US general pop-ulation means of50.The Chinese(HK)specific and standard SF-12detected similar significant differences between each chronic disease group and the‘no chronic disease’group.The largest difference between the Chinese(HK)specific and standard SF-12scoring algorithms was the PCS score of people reporting heart diseases,with an effect size of0.36.DiscussionThe standard SF-12did not satisfy the criterion on item equivalence for the Chinese population inTable2.The Chinese(HK)specific SF-12items compared with the standard SF-12itemsSF-36scales Chinese(HK)specific SF-12items Standard SF-12itemsPhysical functioning(PF)PF1(3a)Vigorous activities PF2(3b)Moderate activitiesPF8(3h)Walking several blocks PF4(3d)Climbing severalflights Role-physical(RP)RP2(4b)Accomplished less RP2(4b)Accomplished lessRP3(4c)Limited in kind of work RP3(4c)Limited in kind of workBodily pain(BP)BP1(7)How much bodily painhave you had BP2(8)how much did pain interfered with workGeneral health(GH)GH1(1)Your health is...GH1(1)Your health is...Vitality(VT)VT4(9i)Did you feel tired VT2(9e)Did you have a lot of energySocial functioning(SF)SF1(6)Extent social activitieswas interfered SF2(10)How much time social activities was interferedRole-emotional(RE)RE1(5a)Cut down time on work RE2(5b)Accomplish lessRE3(5c)Didn’t do work as carefully RE3(5c)Didn’t do work as carefully Mental health(MH)MH3(9d)Felt calm&peaceful MH3(9d)Felt calm&peacefulMH4(9f)Felt downhearted&blue MH4(9f)Felt downhearted&blue 542543Table3.Forward stepwise regressions of SF-36PCS and MCS scores on the SF-12item responsesItem_Response scores PCS regression coefficients MCS regression coefficientsChinese(HK)specific Standard Chinese(HK)specific StandardPF1_1)8.042639– 2.795780–PF1_2)3.641426– 1.121187–PF2_1–)6.609693– 3.461042PF2_2–)2.782074– 1.314947PF4_1–)6.269240– 2.586866PF4_2–)2.427698–0.752688PF8_1)16.203705–7.818665–PF8_2)7.963922– 3.164988–RP2_1)4.343623)4.390177)0.705448 1.022170RP3_1)5.044296)5.0474760.256528 1.278842BP1_1)17.012005– 3.635025–BP1_2.2)12.695771– 2.349628–BP1_3.1)9.002881– 1.931547–BP1_4.2)6.377284– 1.507313–BP1_5.4)3.772960–0.652800–BP2_1–)12.257268– 2.208989BP2_2–)10.594807– 2.500285BP2_3–)7.912197– 1.500170BP2_4–)4.970550– 1.033358GH1_1)8.704344)8.042873)0.8411670.184282GH1_2)5.382641)4.663071)1.133139)0.389631GH1_3.4)3.230279)2.706827)0.660725)0.349572GH1_4.4)1.936141)1.671905)0.7950150.330309VT2_1–)1.704222–)7.001461VT2_2–)1.355533–)5.031671VT2_3–)0.262164–)4.012001VT2_4–)0.150904–)2.677302VT2_5–0.150005–)1.396547VT4_1)2.301203–)6.694192–VT4_2)1.673615–)6.555417–VT4_3)1.217702–)4.965228–VT4_4)0.849186–)2.403254–VT4_5)0.495087–)1.041427–SF1_1 2.955278–)14.617923–SF1_2 1.116653–)12.142296–SF1_3 1.433979–)7.841254–SF1_40.861761–)4.676580–SF2_1–0.286656–)8.236227SF2_2–)0.189464–)6.857423SF2_3–0.193895–)5.284785SF2_4–0.482796–)3.301877RE1_1 2.468990–)6.099051–RE2_1– 2.747609–)6.981024RE3_1 1.642657 2.143392)5.120612)5.946570MH3_10.486081 2.865890)8.496928)8.255860MH3_2 1.644377 3.500893)8.257450)6.883770MH3_30.696675 2.694178)6.255882)5.404594MH3_40.864621 2.333822)4.238056)3.439909MH3_50.774435 1.609226)2.544268)1.943186MH4_10.851938 4.534201)12.868018)15.794343MH4_2)0.119061 2.494064)9.187208)12.925241MH4_3 1.319095 2.212045)7.247869)9.157472Hong Kong.Six items of the Chinese(HK)specific SF-12were different from those of the standard SF-12,suggesting some cultural differences in dif-ferential item functioning(DIF)of the SF-36be-tween the Chinese and US populations[13,25]. The number of items that were different between the standard and Chinese(HK)SF-12was larger than those found in nine European countries, probably because there are more differences be-tween the Chinese than European cultures and the US culture[8].No other country has selected PF1, BP1and RE1as the best SF-12items,which may reflect DIF that is unique to the Chinese culture. However,one must be cautious in generalising the results from this study to other Chinese popula-tions because the social system and people’s life style in Hong Kong are very different from those of Mainland China and other Chinese societies. Quality of life assessment is influenced not only by one’s ethnicity;it is also affected by social norms. Chinese populations living in different parts of the world may have developed different social expec-tations and standards of quality of life although they have the same cultural origin.Studies com-paring the population specific SF-12items between Chinese populations in Hong Kong,Mainland China,Taiwan,Singapore and Western countries could provide interesting information on whether DIF is ethnic or population specific.The standard SF-12PCS explained only82%of the total variance of the SF-36PCS score because three items(two from the physical functioning and one from the bodily pain scales)that contributed strongly to the standard SF-12PCS score were not the best items for the HK Chinese population. Despite this deficiency,there were very strong correlations(P0.9)between the standard SF-12 and SF-36PCS and MCS scores,and there were very small differences(effect size<0.3)between corresponding SF-36and standard SF-12scores in different groups of subjects.Thefindings supported the content and criterion validity of the standard SF-12for the Chinese population in Hong Kong. The mean standard SF-12PCS and MCS scores of the HK subjects were only0.2and1.6points different from the US population mean of50, suggesting that the standard SF-12was equivalent for this Chinese population.Pooling of the stan-dard SF-12data between the US and HK Chinese populations may be possible.Table3.(Continued)Item_Response scores PCS regression coefficients MCS regression coefficientsChinese(HK)specific Standard Chinese(HK)specific StandardMH4_40.987409 1.627192)4.368062)5.395771MH4_50.7170320.870407)2.320460)2.871620Constant60.17553455.55153462.74237861.557734R20.87660.82320.90170.8897Table4.Correlations between the SF-36and SF-12PCS and MCS scoresStd36PCS Std12MCS HK36MCS HK12PCSStd36MCS)0.1260.9380.9850.022Std12PCS0.897)0.073)0.0210.847HK36PCS0.9750.0500.0000.936HK12MCS)0.0490.8940.9500.040Notes:Std36PCS=SF-36PCS calculated by the standard(US)scoring algorithm.Std36MCS=SF-36MCS calculated by the standard(US)scoring algorithm.Std12PCS=SF-12PCS calculated by the standard(US)scoring algorithm.Std12MCS=SF-12 MCS calculated by the standard(US)scoring algorithm.HK36PCS=SF-36PCS calculated by the Chinese(HK)specific scoring algorithm.HK36MCS=SF-36MCS calculated by the Chinese(HK)specific scoring algorithm.HK12PCS=SF-12PCS calculated by the Chinese(HK)specific scoring algorithm.HK12MCS=SF-12MCS calculated by the Chinese(HK)specific scoring algorithm. 544As expected,the Chinese(HK)specific SF-12 had better psychometric properties than the stan-dard SF-12,which could imply better sensitivity and responsiveness for the Chinese.However,the Chinese(HK)specific SF-12did not seem to dif-ferentiate between‘chronic disease’and‘no chronic disease’groups better than the standard SF-12.The differences in the SF-12scores ob-tained by the two scoring algorithms were all smaller than the minimally important differenceTable5.Chinese(HK)specific and standard PCS and MCS scores by groupsMean(SD)Std PCS HK PCS Std MCS HK MCSAll subjects(n=2410)SF-3651.4(7.7)50.0(10.0)48.0(9.4)50.0(10.0)SF-1250.2(7.0)50.0(9.4)48.4(8.8)50.0(9.5)Effect size10.1600.040Effect size20.020.17No chronic disease(n=1493)SF-3653.8(5.5)53.5(6.7)48.6(8.7)50.5(9.2)SF-1252.3(4.8)53.2(6.3)49.1(8.1)50.6(8.8)Effect size10. size20.140.17Any chronic disease(n=917)SF-3647.4(8.9)44.3(11.8)47.0(10.4)49.2(11.1)SF-1246.9(8.5)*44.7(11.0)*47.4(9.8)*49.1(10.5)*Effect size10. size20.200.16Heart disease(n=94)SF-3641.7(11.0)36.0(14.7)46.9(10.2)49.2(10.9)SF-1241.8(10.6)*37.0(13.4)*46.7(9.4)48.7(10.9)Effect size10. size20.360.18Psychological diseases(n=94)SF-3645.8(9.6)41.6(12.9)40.2(10.8)41.6(11.8)SF-1245.4(9.0)*42.0(11.7)*41.4(10.1)*42.7(11.4)*Effect size10. size20.290.11Pulmonary diseases(n=128)SF-3646.6(10.9)43.6(14.2)44.6(10.6)46.0(11.1)SF-1246.3(10.6)*43.9(13.4)*44.4(10.4)*46.3(10.6)*Effect size10. size20.180.18Joint diseases(n=473)SF-3645.7(9.3)41.8(12.3)47.1(10.3)49.3(11.1)SF-1245.4(9.1)*42.6(11.4)*47.4(9.6)*49.0(10.7)*Effect size10. size20.250.15Notes:Std PCS=PCS score calculated by the standard(US)scoring algorithm;HK PCS¼PCS calculated by the Chinese(HK) specific scoring algorithm;Std MCS¼MCS calculated by the standard(US)scoring algorithm;HK MCS=MCS calculated by the Chinese(HK)specific scoring algorithm.Effect Size1difference between SF-12and SF-36summary score/SD of SF-36summary score.Effect Size2difference between standard and Chinese(HK)specific SF-12summary score/SD of the Chinese(HK)specific SF-12 summary score.*Difference between‘no chronic disease’and the disease group is significant by the two-sample t-test,with p<0.05.545(MID).Small improvements in cultural specificity and psychometric properties may not necessarily translate to real advantages in practice,and they have to be balanced against a decrease in inter-national comparability.This point has also been highlighted by Skevington et al.[26,27],who found that country specific items did not signifi-cantly improve the performance of the standard WHO Quality of Life(WHOQoL)Assessment Form.A major limitation of this cross-sectional study was that it could not assess the responsiveness of the standard and Chinese(HK)specific SF-12.The information on the sensitivity of the SF-12in discriminating between chronic disease groups was also limited by possible errors in subjects’self-reporting.Further studies are required to deter-mine the responsiveness and sensitivity of the standard SF-12and Chinese(HK)specific SF-12 as outcome measures in clinical trials.It should also be pointed out that subjects in this study answered the full SF-36Health Survey from which the data of the standard and Chinese(HK) specific SF-12were extracted.Further studies should be carried out to determine if people would answer the standard and Chinese(HK)specific SF-12differently if they are presented as two independent stand-alone surveys instead of embedded items of a longer questionnaire. ConclusionsThis was thefirst study to show that the standard SF-12Health Survey was valid and equivalent for a Chinese population.The standard SF-12items and scoring algorithm are recommended for the Chinese so that cross-cultural comparison and pooling of data are possible.The Chinese(HK) specific SF-12showed better psychometric prop-erties than the standard SF-12,thus,the Chinese (HK)specific SF-12may have a place in small local studies that require a more sensitive HRQoL measure instead of international comparability. We hope ourfindings will encourage more studies of the standard SF-12in Chinese popula-tions in other parts of China,Singapore and Western countries to provide more evidence in support of the use of this popular HRQoL mea-sure on the world’s largest ethnic group,so that Chinese can be included in more clinical trials. Further research on the population specific SF-12 items in different Chinese populations could pro-vide interesting information on whether differen-tial item functioning is ethnic or population specific.AcknowledgementsThe general population norming survey of the Chinese(Hong Kong)SF-36was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Hong Kong (EC842-96).It was funded by the Health Services Research Grant,the Government of Hong Kong SAR(HSRC#711026).I would like to thank Alex Chan,Willis Ho, Joanna Shing,Ka-Lai Chan,Wai-Hung Yu,June Chan,Chi-Kwan Wong,Wing-Yee Lai,Yick-Lok Chan and Hing-Wai Tsang,for their help in data collection and analysis.Parts of this paper have been submitted to the University of Hong Kong for the award of the Doctor of Medicine degree.Referencesm CLK,Gandek B,Ren XS,Chan MS.Tests of scalingassumptions and construct validity of the Chinese(HK) version of the SF-36Health Survey.J Clin Epidemiol1998;51:1139–1147.m CLK.Reliability and construct validity of 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贝利婴幼儿发展量表(BSID)欧阳家百(2021.03.07)(一)测验内容姓名性别年龄月永久通讯地址邮编父亲姓名职业文化程度父亲本胎胎龄岁母亲姓名职业文化程度母亲本胎胎龄岁家庭类型:单亲、核心、大家庭本胎为第胎第产独生子女母孕期病史与治疗史:母孕期情绪状况:1-3个月4-6个月7-9个月胎龄:周产式:出生时体重:克 Apgar评分分娩与出生时情况:8个月内喂养方式:母亲喂养月人工喂养月混合喂养月添加辅食月抚养情况:父母、(外)祖父母、保姆、其他出生后健康史:家庭与遗传病史:躯体发育情况:身高体重kg 出牙数个头围cm 胸围cm备注智力量表运动量表运动量表(※可偶尔观察到,△可在施测智力量表时观察)10.1抱起靠肩时抬头20.1抱起靠肩时调整姿势30.1侧头40.1爬起50.8△保留红环60.8※伸臂玩耍70.8※踢腿玩耍80.8头起竖起:垂直位9 1.6头部稳定地竖起10 1.7抬头(背悬位)11 1.8由侧卧转向仰卧12 2.2在俯卧位时用双臂撑起自己13 2.2支撑下坐起14 2.5保持头部稳定15 2.6※双手张开占优势16 3.3头平衡17 3.4※尺侧一手掌抓握方木18 3.5轻度支撑坐位19 4.3※由仰卧转向侧卧20 4.7努力想坐起21 5.0部分的拇指相对(桡侧一手掌)拾起方木22 5.1独坐片刻23 5.1※单手抽取24 5.2※转腕25 5.2牵拉坐起26 5.6△试图获取小糖丸27 5.7独立30秒钟或以上28 5.8由仰卧转向俯卧29 6.2稳定地独坐30 6.5独坐时协调好31 6.6※舀起小糖丸32 6.6△完全的拇指相对拾起方木337.0早期跨步运动347.5牵拉站起357.6※不完全的拇指相对抓糖丸367.6走路之前的行进方式(俯卧、手膝、手足、其他)378.3使两个勺子或方木在中线相碰388.5跨步运动398.6自己坐起408.6借助家具站起418.9精细地抓糖丸(灵巧地钳夹)429.6拍手(中线技巧)439.8坐下4410.0扶助下行走4511.1独站4612.0投球4712.1独走4812.4起立I 4913.2扶助下右足独站5013.7扶助下左足独站5114.1侧身走5214.5扶助上楼梯5314.7倒退走5415.1扶助下楼梯5517.6试图站在行木上5618.7左足独站5719.3单足踏在行木上走5819.9起立II 5920.1右足独站6021.1走直线:大致方向6123.1行木:双足站立62 24.0 踮脚走几步 63 24.3 独自上楼梯:双足64 24.4 双足跳离地面 65 25.3 独自下楼梯 66 25.6 行木:企图跨步67 25.6 倒行两米半 68 25.7 自第一级台阶下跳下 69 29.2 自第二级台阶下跳下70 29.8 踮脚走两米半71 29.9 跳远:10至35cm (记录距离)72 30+ 起立:III73 30+ 上楼梯:双足交替向前 74 30+ 行木:交替步伐走部分路程 75 30+ 保持双足走在直线上(两米半)76 30+ 跳远:35cm 至60cm 77 30+ 跳过:5cm 高的绳子 78 30+ 跳远:60cm 至85cm79 30+ 独脚跳两次以上 80 30+ 下楼梯:双足交替向前 8130+跳过20cm 高的绳子行为记录表行为记录表指导语:在完成智力和运动量表测验后立即填写此表,在每一项中圈出能够最好地描述儿童行为的等级,其他评论或特殊行为记录在每个项目右侧的空白处,该空白处也部分列出了能够被检查者看到的行为,表格末端的空白用来记录一些异常的行为和对该儿童作出的总的评价。
MIDIPLUS Dreamer61、88中英文说明书
MIDIPLUS Dreamer Series KeyboardOwner’s ManualENGLISH(page:1-14)中文(页:15-28)PrefaceThank you for purchasing Dreamer-series MIDI keyboard. This series includes two kinds of keyboard: Dreamer61 with 61keys and Dreamer88 with 88keys.The keys are semi-weighted and velocity sensitive.All the keys are designed aspiano-style keys which bring you an excellent piano feeling during playing.Typical interface design makes this device to be easily connected with your computer and other MIDI devices. In addition, Dreamer-series MIDI keyboard contains a built-in soundcard and has some touch controllers.These will make your musical creation or teaching to achieve a great effect.Dreamer61/88 can work at Windows system and Mac OSX system without any other special drivers.In order to make you more quickly and correctly work with the Dreamer keyboard,please read this manual carefully.1. You can find these in the package:●Dreamer series MIDI keyboard●USB cable●User's Manual●CDIf your package misses one of the above, please contact with the dealer you purchased.2. Dreamer Series Operation InstructionDuring play this device,please notice the following:●Do not use the device under the humid,corrosive,dusty and higher or lowertemperature environment.●Do not use the device in an unstable place where it might be fallen down.●The touch button responses delayed or LED blinks sometimeIf you find this problem, please power the device only by external poweradapter.3. DiagramFigure1.1 Diagram 4. Front PanelFigure 1.2 Front Panel1.Keyboard●With 61 or 88 semi-weighted and velocity sensitive keys.●By changing "Transpose" or "Octave" value,these 61/88 physical keys can beused as 128 logical keys.2.PitchBend Touch Bar●You can modulate the Pitch by moving your finger up and down on the PitchBendT ouch Bar.Moving up the pitch will increase and down the pitch will decrease.Release or touch the middle of the Bar,pitch unchanged.Just act as the custom PitchBend Wheel.3.Modulation Touch Bar●You can increase or decrease the vibration by moving your finger up and downon the Modulation T ouch Bar.Moving up the vibration will increase and down the vibration will decrease.Releasing will hold the vibration.Just act as the custom Modulation Wheel.4.6 editable Touch Buttons F1~F6●Normal Mode:The CC value will increase 1 each time when you touch a button.When touching the LED is on and releasing the LED is off.And the value will display on the LCD at the same time.The default functions of F1~F6 are:F1:Transpose F2:Octave F3:Chanel F4:Program F5:Volume F6:MIDI IN ●Edit Mode:T ouch and select the button you want to edit,then you can edit theselected button's function by turning the Encoder.(Only the selected button's LED will light on)5. LCD display●Power on display:LCD flickeringly displays with:Manufacture name,Productname and the Version of Firmware.●Standby display (Only at Normal Mode): First line:"MIDI IN:_ ",Second line:"Chl:_ Pro:_ ".Each parameter is short for: MIDI IN ON/OFF, Chanel, Program.●Operation display:Point out the current operated controller's informationFirst line:Controller's name,Second line:Parameter's CC Number and CC Value.6. Encoder●Normal Mode:you can use the Encoder to adjust the value of the last button youtouched.●Edit Mode:You can use the Encoder to configurate the function of the lastbutton you touched.7. Encoder Switch●The Encoder Switch is used to switch the Mode of the button. You can switchthe two Modes by pressing the Encoder Switch.(Power on the device,thedefault mode is Normal Mode.)5. Rear PanelFigure1.3 Rear Panel8. AUXOUT●You can monitor the audio(stereo) from this jack.9. EXPRESSSION Pedal●This jack allows you to connect an optional Expression Pedal to the keyboard.10. Sustain Pedal●This jack allows you to connect an optional Sustain Pedal to the keyboard.11. MIDI IN●This Jak is used to receive the external MIDI messages.If MIDI IN is ON,thedevice can receive MIDI message,while MIDI IN is OFF,the device rejects to receive any external MIDI messages.12. MIDI OUT●This jack is used to send MIDI messages to the external MIDI devices.13. USB port●This jack is used to connect the keyboard with the computer, to get power andcommunicate with the computer.14. External Power Supply●This jack is used to get the external power.6. Modes of Touch ButtonThe touch button has 2 Modes:Normal Mode and Edit Mode.Power on the device,the default mode is Normal Mode.You can switch the Mode by pressing the Encoder Switch.1. Normal ModeEach time you touch the button,the CC value of the button will change.By touching the LED is on and releasing the LED is off.And at this mode,the Encoder is used to change the selected button's CC value quickly( turn right to increase and left to decrease).For example,change the volume.The default button of "Volume"is F5.the following steps will help you.First,Select F5 button by touching.Second,touch F5 button one or more times,or turn the Encoder to achieve the volume.Note:By touching the button one or more times,you can tune the CC value slowly.If you want to change the value quickly,please use the Encoder.By turning the Encoder,the value can be changed from 0 to 127 or from 127 to 0.2. Edit ModeAt this Mode,you can select the button you want to edit by touching.When you touching a button,the CC value will not be changed and the LED under the button will light on.You can configurate the selected button by turning the Encoder.For example,edit the F5 button to a "Program" button.The following steps will help you.First,Press the Encoder Switch to switch to Edit Mode.Second,Select F5 button and the LED under it will light on.Third,Turn the Encoder.Stop turning when the LCD displays:Program.Forth,Press the Encoder Switch to switch to Normal Mode.Note:Switch to the Normal Mode,the edit will be stored in the memory.For the details of the function ID,please refer to Appendix 1.7. Factory ResetPress F2,F5 at the same time,then power on the device,it will restore to factory setting.During restore to factory setting,all LEDs will twinkle several times.Please refer to Appendix 2 for the factory settings.Appendix 1 Function ID code ListControlNumber Control Function Control Value Display0 Controller Off / "Controller Off"1 Bank Select 0~127 "Bank MSB"2 Modulation Wheel or Lever 0~127 "Mod.MSB"3 Breath Controller 0~127 "Breath MSB"4 Controller Change #3 0~127 "CC#3"5 Foot Controller 0~127 "Foot MSB"6 Portamento Time 0~127 "Port.TimeM"7 Data Entry MSB 0~127 "Data MSB"8 Channel Volume(formerlyMain Volume)0~127 "Volume MSB"9 Balance 0~127 "Balance MSB"10 Undefined 0~127 "CC#9"11 Pan 0~127 "Pan MSB"12 Expression Controller 0~127 "Exp.MSB",13 Effect Control 1 0~127 "Eff.1 MSB"14 Effect Control 2 0~127 "Eff.2 MSB"15 Controller Change #14 0~127 "CC#14"16 Controller Change #15 0~127 "CC#15"17 General Purpose Controller 1 0~127 "GPC.1"18 General Purpose Controller 2 0~127 "GPC.2"19 General Purpose Controller 3 0~127 "GPC.3"20 General Purpose Controller 4 0~127 "GPC.4"21~32 Controller Change #20~#31 0~127 "CC#20"~"CC#31"33 LSB for Control 0 (Bank Select) 0~127 "Bank LSB"34 LSB for Control 1 (ModulationWheel or Lever)0~127 "Mod.LSB"35 LSB for Control 2 (Breath Controller) 0~127 "Breath LSB"36 LSB for Control 3 (Undefined) 0~127 "CC#35"37 LSB for Control 4 (Foot Controller) 0~127 "Foot LSB"38 LSB for Control 5 (Portamento Time) 0~127 "Port.TimeL"39 LSB for Control 6 (Data Entry) 0~127 "Data LSB"40 LSB for Control 7 (Channel Volume,formerly Main Volume)0~127 "Volume LSB"41 LSB for Control 8 (Balance) 0~127 "Balance LSB"42 LSB for Control 9 (Undefined) 0~127 "CC#41"43 LSB for Control 10 (Pan) 0~127 "Pan LSB"44 LSB for Control 11 (Expression Controller) 0~127 "Exp.LSB"45 LSB for Control 12 (Effect control 1) 0~127 "Eff.1 LSB"46 LSB for Control 13 (Effect control 2) 0~127 "Eff.2 LSB"47 LSB for Control 14 (Undefined) 0~127 "CC#46"48 LSB for Control 15 (Undefined) 0~127 "CC#47"49 LSB for Control 16 (General PurposeController 1)0~127 "GPC.1"50 LSB for Control 17 (General PurposeController 2)0~127 "GPC.2"51 LSB for Control 18 (General PurposeController 3)0~127 "GPC.3"52 LSB for Control 19 (General PurposeController 4)0~127 "GPC.4"53~64 Controller Change #52~#63 0~127 "CC#52"~"CC#63"65 Damper Pedal on/off (Sustain) 0~127 "Sus.Pedal"66 Portamento On/Off 0~127 "Portamento"67 Sostenuto On/Off 0~127 "Sostenuto"68 Soft Pedal On/Off 0~127 "Soft Pedal"69 Legato Footswitch 0~127 "Leg.Pedal"70 Hold 2 0~127 "Hold2"71 Sound Controller 1 (default SoundVariation)0~127 "S.Var."72 Sound Controller 2 (defaultTimbre/Harmonic Intens.) )0~127 "S.Timbre"73 Sound Controller 3 (default Release Time) 0~127 "S.Rel.Time"74 Sound Controller 4 (default Attack Time) 0~127 "S.Att.Time"75 Sound Controller 5 (default Brightness) 0~127 "S.Bri."76 Sound Controller 6 (default Decay Time -see MMA RP-021)0~127 "Decay Time"77 Sound Controller 7 (default Vibrato Rate -see MMA RP-021)0~127 "Vib.Rate"78 Sound Controller 8 (default Vibrato Depth- see MMA RP-021)0~127 "Vib.Depth"79 Sound Controller 9 (default Vibrato Delay -see MMA RP-021)0~127 "Vib.Delay"80 Sound Controller 10 (default undefined -see MMA RP-021)0~127 "S.Cont.10"81 General Purpose Controller 5 0~127 "GPC.5"82 General Purpose Controller 6 0~127 "GPC.6"83 General Purpose Controller 7 0~127 "GPC.7"84 General Purpose Controller 8 0~127 "GPC.8"85 Portamento Control 0~127 "Port.Ctrl"86 Controller Change #85 0~127 "CC#85"87 Controller Change #86 0~127 "CC#86"88 Controller Change #87 0~127 "CC#87"89 High Resolution Velocity Prefix 0~127 "HRVP"90 Controller Change #89 0~127 "CC#89"91 Controller Change #90 0~127 "CC#90"92 Effects 1 Depth (default Reverb SendLevel - see MMA RP-023) (formerlyExternal Effects Depth)0~127 "Rev.Level"93 Effects 2 Depth (formerly TremoloDepth)0~127 "Tre.Depth"94 Effects 3 Depth (default Chorus SendLevel - see MMA RP-023) (formerlyChorus Depth)0~127 "Cho.Level"95 Effects 4 Depth (formerly Celeste[Detune] Depth)0~127 "Cel.Depth"96 Effects 5 Depth (formerly PhaserDepth)0~127 "Pha.Depth"97 Data Increment (Data Entry +1) (seeMMA RP-018)0~127 "Data +1"98 Data Decrement (Data Entry -1) (seeMMA RP-018)0~127 "Data -1"99 Non-Registered Parameter Number(NRPN) - LSB0~127 "NRPN MSB"100 Non-Registered Parameter Number(NRPN) - MSB0~127 "NRPN LSB"101 Registered Parameter Number(RPN) - LSB0~127 "RPN MSB"102 Registered Parameter Number(RPN) - MSB0~127 "RPN LSB"103~120 Controller Change #102~#119 0~127 "CC#102"~"CC#119"121 [Channel Mode Message] All SoundOff0~127 "All Sound Off"122 [Channel Mode Message] Reset AllControllers (See MMA RP-015)0~127 "All Ctrl Off"123 [Channel Mode Message] LocalControl On/Off0~127 "Local KeyB."124 [Channel Mode Message] All NotesOff0~127 "All Notes Off"125 [Channel Mode Message] Omni ModeOff (+ all notes off)0~127 "Omni Mode Off"126 [Channel Mode Message] Omni ModeOn (+ all notes off)0~127 "Omni Mode On"127 [Channel Mode Message] Mono ModeOn (+ poly off, + all notes off)0~127 "Mono Mode On"128 [Channel Mode Message] Poly ModeOn (+ mono off, +all notes off)0~127 "Poly Mode On"129 Channel Pressure 0~127 "Aftertouch" 130 Program 0~127 "Program" 131 Velocity Curve L/N/H "Vel Curve" 132 Global MIDI Channel 1~16 "Channel" 133 Octave -2~2 "Octave"134 Transpose -12~12 "Transpose" 135 MIDI IN Switch ON/OFF "MIDI IN"136 Stop / "MMC Stop" 137 Play / "MMC Play" 138 Deferred Play / "MMC Def Play" 139 Forward / "MMC Forward" 140 Rewind / "MMC Rewind" 141 Record Strobe / "MMC Rec Strobe" 142 Record Exit / "MMC Rec Exit" 143 Record Pause / "MMC Rec Pause" 144 Pause / "MMC Pause" 145 Eject / "MMC Eject" 146 Chase / "MMC Chase" 147 Command Error Reset / "MMC Error Reset"Appendix 2 Detail of Factory SettingParameter Factory Setting Value Extent RemarkVelocity Normal Curve Light NormalHeavyPower off save*Channel 0 0~15 Power off save* Program 0 0~127 Power off save* Transpose 0 -12~+12 Boot defaultOctave 0 -2~+2 Boot defaultVolume 64 0~127 Boot default MIDI IN ON ON/OFF Boot default Pitch Bend T ouch 4000 -8192~+8191 Boot default ModulationT ouch 0 0~127 Boot default Expression Pedal 0(Off) 0~127 Boot default Sustain Pedal Off On/Off Boot default T ouch button 1 Transpose 0~147* Power off save* T ouch button 2 Octave 0~147* Power off save* T ouch button 3 Channel 0~147* Power off save* T ouch button 4 Program 0~147* Power off save* T ouch button 5 Volume 0~147* Power off save* T ouch button 6 MIDI IN 0~147* Power off save*Remark:Power off save*:the edit will be stored in the memory. When restart the device,the button will have the function you had edited.Boot default:The current value do not store in the memory.Restart the device,the value is also the default.0~147*: Please r efer to “Function ID code List”.Appendix 3 Voice List0 (Grand)Piano 1 29 Overdriven Guitar 58 Tuba1 (Bright)Piano2 30 Distortion Guitar 59 Muted Trumpet2 (El. Grd)Piano3 31 Guitar harmonics 60 French Horn3 Honky-tok Piano 32 Acoustic Bass 61 Brass Section4 El. Piano 1 33 Finger Bass 62 Synth Brass 15 El. Piano 2 34 Picked Bass 63 Synth Brass 26 Harpsichord 35 Fretless Bass 64 Soprano Sax7 Clavi 36 Slap Bass1 65 Alto Sax8 Celesta 37 Slap Bass 2 66 T enor Sax9 Glockenspiel 38 Synth Bass 1 67 Baritone Sax10 Music Box 39 Synth Bass2 68 Oboe11 Vibraphone 40 Violin 69 English Horn12 Marimba 41 Viola 70 Bassoon13 Xylophone 42 Cello 71 Clarinet14 Tubular Bells 43 Contrabass 72 Piccolo15 Sanutur 44 Tremolo Strings 73 Flute16 Drawbar Organ 45 Pizzicato Strings 74 Recorder17 Percussive Organ 46 Orchestral Harp 75 Pan Flute18 Rock Organ 47 Timpani 76 Blown Bottle19 Church Organ 48 String Ensemble1 77 Shakubachi20 Reed Organ 49 String Ensemble 2 78 Whistle21 Accordion(french) 50 Synth Strings1 79 Ocarina22 Harmonica 51 Synth Strings2 80 Lead1(square)23 T ango Accordion 52 Choir Aahs 81 Lead2(sawtooth)24 Ac.Guitar(nylon) 53 Voice Oohs 82 Lead3(calliope)25 Ac.Guitar(steel) 54 Synth Voice 83 Lead4(chiff)26 El.Guitar(jazz) 55 Orchestra Hit 84 Lead5(charang)27 El.Guitar(clean) 56 Trumpet 85 Lead6(voice)28 El.Guitar(muted) 57 Trombone 86 Lead7(fifths)87 Lead8(bass+lead) 101 FX6(goblins) 115 Woodblock88 Pad1(fantasia) 102 FX7(echoes) 116 T aiko Drum89 Pad2(warm) 103 FX8(sci-fi) 117 Melodic T om90 Pad3(polysynth) 104 Sitar 118 Synth Drum91 Pad4(choir) 105 Banjo 119 Reverse Cymbal92 Pad5(bowed) 106 Shamisen 120 Gt. Fret Noise93 Pad6(metallic) 107 Koto 121 Breath Noise94 Pad7(halo) 108 Kalimba 122 Seashore95 Pad8(sweep) 109 Bagpipe 123 Bird Tweet96 FX1(rain) 110 Fiddle 124 T eleph. Ring97 FX2(soundtrack) 111 Shanai 125 Helicopter98 FX3(crystal) 112 Tinkle Bell 126 Applause99 FX4(atmosphere) 113 Agogo 127 Gunshot100 FX5(brightness) 114 Steel DrumsAppendix 4 Technical SpecificationsGeneralProduct Name Dreamer 61/88Keyboard 61/88 semi-weighted keyboard(Velocity and channel pressure sensitive)Display Custom LCD backlightButton 6 touch buttonsT ouch Bar PitchBend T ouch Bar,Modulation T ouch Bar Encoder Encoder with steps and switch(360 degree)Jacks MIDI IN/OUT jack,power jack,Expression and Sustain jack,USB,AUXOUT.Power Adapter DC 9V / 1A,2.00mm core Sound source Integrated an audio module Maximum Polyphon 64 notesInstruments Built-in 128 GM instruments Accessories User's Manual、USB cable、CD Inputs/OutputsMIDI IN 5-pin DIN*1MIDI OUT 5-pin DIN*1USB USB-BDV 9V IN 9V DC 1AAUX 1/4" audio outputExpression Pedal 1/4" pedal jackSustain Pedal 1/4" pedal jack前言感谢您购买Dreamer系列MIDI键盘。
Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告乐思馥香氛(上海)绿色生物科技有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:乐思馥香氛(上海)绿色生物科技有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分乐思馥香氛(上海)绿色生物科技有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。
1.2 企业画像类别内容行业科技推广和应用服务业-技术推广服务资质增值税一般纳税人产品服务术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标信息最多显示100条记录,如需更多信息请到企业大数据平台查询7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11 土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。
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