以不锈钢磁力泵为例,以下是其具体参数:1.型号MCP-IO的流量为1. 5m3∕h,扬程为15m,功率为0. 37kW, 进口直径为25m∏b出口直径为20mni。
2.型号MCP-15的流量为3m3∕h,扬程为20m,功率为0. 75kW, 进口直径为32mπι,出口直径为25mπι.3.型号MCP-20的流量为6m3∕h,扬程为25m,功率为1. 5k肌进口直径为40πι∏b出口直径为32mπι.4.型号MCP-25的流量为IOm3∕h,扬程为30m,功率为2. 2kW, 进口直径为50∩ιπι,出口直径为40mni。
5.型号MCP-32的流量为15∏)3∕h,扬程为35m,功率为3kW,进口直径为65mm,出口直径为50mm o6.型号MCP-40的流量为20∏)3∕h,扬程为40m,功率为4kW,进口直径为80∩ιπι,出口直径为65πιπι°7.型号MCP-50的流量为30m3∕h,扬程为45m,功率为5. 5kW, 进口直径为IOOnInb出口直径为80πιπι°8.型号MCP-65的流量为50m3∕h,扬程为50m,功率为7. 5kW, 进口直径为125mπι,出口直径为IOOnIn1。
9.型号MCP-80的流量为80m3∕h,扬程为55m,功率为ΠkW, 进口直径为15OnInb出口直径为125πιπι.10.型号MCP-IOO的流量为IOOm3 ∕h,扬程为60m,功率为15kW, 进口直径为20OnInb出口直径为15OnIn1。
介质密度不超过1600kg∕ι∏3,介质粘度不超过30Pa ∙ s o 泵体材质则有不锈钢、铸铁、钛合金等多种选择。
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Hale Waihona Puke 目录1 3 点火装置系列
3 4 5
燃烧控制系列 工业烧咀系列 燃烧控制系列 火炬放散系列 热工产品配件 技术支持
7 8
计生产的一种点火器,适用于点煤气、沼气、液化 气、可燃性工业废气、天然气等各种气体燃料以及 醇基燃料,广泛应用于工业窑炉及大中型灶具的点 火。
行业大型或非标燃烧器的点火需求开发的一种点火 气枪,该点火气枪结构设计新颖、方便灵活、体积 小、重量轻、点火安全可靠、火焰大小可调、寿命 长、安装方便、不受环境、距离的影响,是一种理 想的点火装置。
用于燃气、轻油等燃烧器的点火安 全控制,该燃烧控制器主要配制 JZS-102紫外线火焰监测器和DGS20高能点火器。
是根据石化、治金、煤化工、 陶瓷等行业的需要,专门设计、 开发的一种火焰检测报警系统。 该产品配备JZS紫外线式火焰 检测器,具有有简单、可靠, 使用维护方便等特点,适用于 各种燃气、燃油燃烧器的火焰 检测及灭火报警。
JESD22 A118中文
JESD22 A118中文简介JESD22 A118是一项关于可焊性的标准,旨在评估电子元件和组件的可焊性特性。
本文将介绍JESD22 A118标准的主要内容和测试方法。
标准内容JESD22 A118标准涵盖了多个方面的可焊性测试,其中包括焊接表面处理、焊接温度、焊接时间、焊接材料、焊接质量评估等。
以下是对一些重要内容的简要介绍:焊接表面处理JESD22 A118要求在进行焊接之前,必须对焊接表面进行适当的处理。
焊接温度和时间针对不同类型的元件和组件,JESD22 A118规定了不同的焊接温度和时间。
焊接材料JESD22 A118要求使用合适的焊接材料,包括焊料和焊接剂。
焊接质量评估对于焊接后的元件和组件,JESD22 A118规定了一系列的质量评估方法。
测试方法JESD22 A118标准描述了一系列具体的测试方法和指导步骤。
USB线材资料带USB连接器的线材简称USB线材,USB是英文Universal Serial BU S的缩写,中文含义是“通用串行总线”。
无非直到近期,它才得到广泛地应用° 从1994年11月11 F1发表了USB V0.7版本以后,USB版本经历了多年的发展,到现在己经发展为2.0版本,成为目前电脑中的标准扩展接口。
U SB用一个4针插头作为标准插头,釆用菊花链形式可以把所有的外设连接起来,最多可以连接127个外部设备,并且不会损失带宽。
USB 具有传输速度快(USB1.1 是 12Mbps, USB2.0 是 480Mbps, USB3.0 是 5Gbps),使用方便,支持热插拔,连接灵便,独立供电等优点,可以连接鼠标、键盘、打印机、扫描仪、摄像头、闪存盘、MP3机、手机、数码相机、挪移硬盘、外置光软驱、USB网卡、ADSL Modem. Cable Modem 等,儿乎所有的外部设备。
The SD Series is a range of surge protection devices combining unparalleled packing densities, application versatility, proven reliable hybrid circuitry, simple installation and optional ‘loop disconnect’facilities – features which make the series the ultimate surge protection solution for process equipment, systems I/O and communications networks.The exceptionally high packing densities are the consequence of an ultra slim ‘footprint’ for individual modules which can thus ‘double-up’ as feedback terminals. Each module provides full hybrid surge protection for 2 and 3 wire loop protection.Modules with a comprehensive range of voltage ratings cover all process related signals such as RTDs, THCs, 4 to 20mA loops, telemetry outstations, shut-down systems and fire and gas detectors. Optional ‘loop disconnect’,is a feature which allows commissioning and maintenance to be carried out without removal of the surge protection device.This facility is provided by the SD07, SD16,SD32 and SD55 units. In addition, a thirdconnection on the field and safe side ofthe protector is provided in order toterminate screens safely.For three wire applications the speciallydesigned SD RTD(ResistanceTemperature Detector) and the SD32T3,(for separately powered 4-20mA loops)provide full 3-wire protection in a singlecompact unit. The recommended choicefor the protection of 3-wire pressuretransducers on low power circuits is theSD07R3.For higher bandwidth applications,theSDR series has been developed to meetthe demands of today’s highest speedcommunication systems.120V and 240V AC versionsare available for I/O andpower supplies up tothree Amps of loadcurrent.Telephone networks can be protected bythe SDPSTN.One simple manual operation clampsmodules securely onto DIN rail, whichautomatically provides the essential high-integrity earth connection.‘Top-hat’ (T-section) DIN rail is generallysuitable for mounting SD modulesalthough for adverse environments, aspecially-plated version is available fromMTL Surge Technologies. Acomprehensive range of mounting andearthing accessories can also besupplied, see page 7 for furtherdetails.Ultra-slim user-friendly devices for protecting electronic equipment and systems against surges on signal and I/O cablingSD SeriesO Range of ATEX Certified intrinsically safe surge protectorsO Ultra-slim space-saving design; easy installationO Multistage hybrid protection circuitry – 10kA maximum surge currentO Range of voltage ratings -- to suit all process I/O applicationsO High bandwidth, low resistance, RTD, PSTN and 3-wire transmitter versions availableGuide to applications and selectionAnalogue inputs(high-level)2-wire transmitters, 4-20mA, conventional and smartThe SPDs recommended for use with ‘conventional’and ‘smart’ 4-20mA transmitters(fed by a well-regulated supply) are the SD32 and SD55, the choice depending upon the maximum working voltage of the system (32V and 55V respectively). The diagram illustrates a prime example of an application for which the fuse/disconnect facility is particularly useful, however, both models are available in ‘X’versions without the optional fuse/disconnect feature.Analogue inputs(low-level)RTDsThese applications are best served using the SD RTD. F or optimum accuracy, the energising current should be chosen to ensure the voltage across the RTD does not exceed 1V over the full measurement range. When using a PT100 device, we recommend an energising current of 1mA.ac sensors, photocells, THCs, mV sources and turbine flowmetersThe SD07 or SD16 (depending upon the operational voltage) are the favoured choices for this application. SD07X and SD16X are also suitable.4561232xSD16X, SD32XPIVOVSD16 SD32 SD55SD16X SD32X SD55X (no fuse)456123SDVLogic signalOVSD07 SD16 SD32 SD55SD07X SD16X SD32X SD55X (no fuse)456123LED AlarmSD32X32V maxSD32SD32X(no fuse)IncomingtelephonelineModem,fax ortelephone456123Final output fromPLC,DCS,SCADAetc.110/120V acor220/240V acAnalogue outputsController outputs (I/P converters)F or this application, the recommendations are the SD16, SD32 and SD55 (and the equivalent ‘X’ versions), the final choice depending upon the operating voltage.Digital (on/off) inputsSwitchesSuitable SPDs for switches include the SD07, SD16, SD32 and SD55 modules – the choice depending upon the operating voltage of the system. The ‘X’ versions of these are also suitable. Digital (on/off) outputs Alarms, LEDs, solenoid valves, etcThe recommended choice for this application is the SD32 or SD32X.Telemetry (PSTN)Telemetry outstationsThe SD PSTN has been designed specifically for the protection of signals transmitted on public switched telephone networks.AC supplied equipmentPLC, I/O systemsFor systems on 110-120V ac, the SD150X is the recommended choice and for 220-240V ac systems, the SD275X is recommended.Controller outputs(I/P converters)SwitchesAlarms, LEDs,solenoid valves, etc.Telecom linePLC, I/O systemsFIELD CIRCUIT PROTECTED CIRCUIT32-wire transmitters or sensors4-20mA transmitters, conventional and smartWhere the TP48 is not an acceptable solution, either because of technical suitability or difficulties in mounting, the SD16X, SD32X and SD55X are an excellent alternative.3-wire transmitters or sensorsVibration Sensors and 4-20mA loop processcontrol systems invariably require threewire connections, when powered from anexternal source.This may be accomplished in one unit by usingthe SD32T3 three terminal Surge ProtectionDevice (SPD).Because the SD32T3 protects all threeconductors within the same unit, higherprotection is achieved, as the SPD hybridcircuitry is common to all three wires.The SD07R3 is available for the protection of 3-wire pressure transducers on low powercircuits.4-wire transmitters orsensorsFlow meters, level detectors, etc.4-wire systems such as level detectors requiretwo SDs, one for the supply and the other forthe transmitter output. Generally the voltagesacross the pairs are similar and so therecommended choice would be a pair ofSD16X, SD32X or SD55Xs. However, mainspowered transmitters should be protected withan SD150X or 275X (depending upon supplyvoltage) for the supply inputs.Loadcells are catered for by MTL SurgeTechnologies’ LC30 which is suitable for both 4and 6-wire load cells.series makes it the obvious choice for transmitter protection.The SDs within the junction box should be installed no further than one metre away but as close as possible to the sensor or transmitter they are protecting. A bond is required from the general mass of steelwork to the sensor or transmitter housing either using a flat short braid or a cable of at least 4mm2cross sectional area. In most instances this bond is automatically made by fixing the metallic transmitter housing to the plant structure. This bond ensures the voltage difference between the signal conductors and the transmitter housing is below the transmitter’s insulation rating. Please note that the transmitters or sensors are connected to the ‘Protected Equipment’ terminals of the SD and not the ‘Field Cables’.456123456123456123456123TP48SD32R (no fuse)SD32R (no fuse)SD32R (no fuse)TP48Communication systems protectionHigh speed data links between buildings or one part of a plant to another have become more common with the widespread use of smart transmitters and the increase in unmanned installations. The SD series has an SPD suitable for all process I/O applications with a choice of low resistance units, high bandwidth and a variety of voltage variants. The SDR series has been specially designed to meet the requirements for high speed data links with an extremely high bandwidth.Communication systemsRS232, RS422, RS485The recommended choice for these applications is the SD16R or SD32R depending on the maximum driver signal.Bus powered systemsThere are a variety of bus powered systems specially designed for the process industry. The ideal surge protection device for these systems is the SD32R as it has a very high bandwidth and a modest in-line resistance.Typical ApplicationsTable 1 shows suitable SD devices for different applications. In some applications alternative devices may be used, for example, where lower in-line resistance or a higher voltage power supply is used.Telematic have operationally tested therecommended SD series with representative highways listed but no formal approval for their use in systems by the respective bodies has been sought.RS232, RS422, RS485Bus powered systemsTable 1TP PROTECTED FIELD CIRCUITSD PROTECTED HOST CIRCUITPROTECTED FIELD CIRCUITSD PROTECTED HOST CIRCUITApplicationPreferred SPDAlternativeAllen Bradley Data Highway Plus SD16RFoundation Fieldbus 31.25kbits/s voltage mode SD32R 1.0/2.5 Mbits/s SD55R HART SD32X SD32, SD32R Honeywell DE SD32XSD32, SD32RLonWorks FFT-10SD32R LPT-10SD55R TP-78SD07R IS78†SD32R Modbus ‘& Modbus Plus (RS485)SD16R PROFIBUS DPSD32R PA (IEC 1158, 31.25 kbits/s)SD32R RS232SD16SD16XRS422SD07R RS423SD07R RS485SD07R WorldRP (IEC 1158)SD32R31.25 kbits/s voltage mode 1.0/2.5 Mbits/sSD55RThe SDs should be mounted on the field wiring side to ensure that any surges entering from the field do not damage any intrinsically safe barriers or galvanic isolators in the system. The SDs and IS interfaces should be mounted close to each other but on separate DIN rails in order to maintain the required 50mm clearance between safe area and hazardous area terminals.EarthingThe recommended earthing for field mounted devices has been illustrated previously but it is the earthing at the control panel that is more critical as there are usually a number of earthing systems, each with their own requirements. The earthing system illustrated here replaces the instrument 0V bond, the control system PSU bond and the IS earth with one single earth connection to meet all the design requirements and give the most effective protection against the effects of lightning induced surges.Zone 0 are considered real enough to require preventative measures. IEC 60079-14 (1996-12) Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres Part 14: Electrical installations in hazardous areas (other than mines) stresses the importance of SPDs in hazardous areas. An outdoor installation where there is a high likelihood of both lightning induced transients and combustible gases requires the installation of SPDs to prevent possible ignition of the gases. Areas seen particularly at risk include flammable liquid storage tanks, effluent treatment plants, distillation columns in petrochemical works and gas pipelines.SPDs for transmitter protection should be installed in Zone 1 but sufficiently close to the Zone 0 boundary to prevent high voltages entering Zone 0. The distance from the SPD to Zone 0 should be less than one metre where possible. However, in practice the SPD would normally be mounted on the transmitter or sensor housing which usually lies in Zone 1and is very close to Zone 0. Because there is only a very small free volume, the SD Series is suitable for mounting in flameproof or explosion proof enclosures.Zone 2The SD series is suitable for protecting electrical circuits in Division 2, Zone 2 and can be used without affecting the safety aspects of the circuit.Non-incendive (low-current) circuits can be protected using any SD series unit mounted in either the safe or hazardous area including those with the fuse disconnect facility. Non arcing (high current) circuits can also be protected except that SPDs with the fuse disconnect facility may only be mounted in the safe area. F or use in these circuits the units must be mounted in a suitable enclosure, normally the minimum requirements are IP54 and 7Nm resistance to impact. The SD series is self certified by Telematic Ltd as being suitable for this purpose.CertificationIntroducing surge protection into Intrinsically Safe (IS) circuits is trouble free as long as the current and power parameters are not exceeded. In the SD Series, the SD**X, SD**R,SD**R3, SD RTD and SD**T3 all have ATEX certification for use in IS circuits located in Zones 0, 1 or 2. The certification parameters for the SD**X and SD**T3 are:EEx ia IIC T4, Li = 0.22mH Ii = 260mA for Ui up to 20V Ii = 175mA for Ui up to 26V Ii = 140mA for Ui up to 28V Ii = 65mA for Ui up to 60VThe certification parameters for the SD**R,SD**R3 and SD RTD are:EEx ia IIC T4, Li = 0Ii = 260mA for Ui up to 60VThe power rating for each of the above is dependent on the table shown below.Pi = 1W (–30°C to +75°C)Pi = 1.2W (–30°C to +60°C) Pi = 1.3W (–30°C to +40°C) The SD** Series are classifed as simple apparatus and are intended for use in Zone 2 or safe areas only, because their fuses are not fully encapsulated.SD Series mounting kits and accessories The SD Series has a full range of mounting kits and accessories to simplify installation and tagging of individual loops. Insulating spacers (ISP7000) are available to allow mounting of the units onto backplanes without compromising correct earthing practice.These are placed at regular intervals along the rail or at each end as required. Earth connections can be made to the DIN rail via the earth terminal (ETL7000). Weatherproof enclosures are also available with all the necessary mounting accessories to install the SD series surge protection devices.Two tagging systems are available. One consists of tagging strips (TAG57) with labels (TGL57) mounted on posts (IMB57) at each end of a row of surge protection devices (SPDs). The other consists of separate tagging identifiers (BRI7000) mounted on the tops of individual SPDs. Both methods can be used conjointly. Replaceable fuses or solid links are available in packs of 5 (SD-F25, SD-F05 and SD-LNK). 7BRI700012BIL7000/BIL7000LSpecification(all figures typical at 25°C unless otherwise stated)Note: all figures are typical at +25°C unless otherwise stated; *standard fuse; +over full working temperature range; †at 20mA with a 250mA standard fuse; ‡these units need external 3A fuses; ^Signal; **Power & Common; maximum energising current depends upon RTD resistance.ProtectionFull hybrid line to lineEach line to screen/groundNominal discharge surge current (I n )10kA (8/20µs),(not applicable to SD150X and SD275X)Nominal discharge surge current (I n )6.5kA (8/20µs),(SD150X and SD275X only)Reaction time (T a )Within nanoseconds (10–9s)RTD resistance range (SD RTD )10 to 1500ΩDegradation accuracy (SD RTD at 1mA)0.1% (RTD resistance >100Ω)0.1Ω(RTD resistance < 100Ω)Ambient temperature–30°C to +75°C (working)–40°C to +80°C (storage)Humidity5 to 95% RH (non-condensing)Terminals2.5mm 2(12 AWG)MountingT-section DIN-rail(35 x 7.5 or 35 x 15mm rail)Weight70g approximately Case flammability UL94 V-2EMC complianceTo Generic Immunity Standards, EN 50082, part 2 for industrial environments R&TTE complianceEN 50082-2 : 1995EN 41003 : 1999EN 60950 : 1992(not applicable to SD150X and SD275X)LVD complianceSD150X & SD275X EN 60950 : 1992EN 61010 : 1995SD PSTNEN 41003 : 1999IEC complianceEN 61643-21:2001To order specify -Order by module, as listed in the specification table and/or accessory part numbers as defined on page 7.Note: In accordance with our policy of continuous improvement,we reserve the right to change the product’s specification without notice.Definitions of terminology used in table 1Working voltage (U n )Maximum voltage between lines or lines/ground for the specified leakage current 2Maximum leakage current (I c )Maximum current drawn by the SPD at the。
Festo DGST-20-125-E1A 滑塊說明说明书
Mini 滑塊 DGST-20-125-E1A
料號: 8078869
特性 行程 活塞直徑 驅動單元的運作模式 緩衝 裝配位置 導向 設計結構
位置檢測 Operating pressure MPa 操作壓力 Operating pressure 最高速度 重複精度 操作模式 操作介質 注意: 操作和嚮導介質 耐腐蝕等級 CRC PWIS conformity 環境溫度 在端點位置的衝擊能量 緩衝長度 最大輸出力Fy 最大輸出力Fz 最大扭矩Mx 最大扭矩My 最大扭矩Mz Theoretical force at 0.6 MPa (6 bar, 87 psi), retracting Theoretical force at 0.6 MPa (6 bar, 87 psi), advance 運動質量 產品重量 安裝類型 氣壓連接 材料備註 Material cover Material seals Material of guide
2 Apparatus
The performance of this test requires equipment that is capable of providing the particular stress conditions to which the test samples will be subjected.
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Cautions : * Semiconductor relays don't provide any galvanic insulation between the load and the mains. * On inductive load put a free-wheeling diode (or clamp). * In case of many SSRs side by side, take a derating current in to account.
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标准编号:A100现行版本:D Jul 2013标准状态:现行标准项目:循环温湿度偏置寿命标准编号:A101现行版本:C Mar 2009标准状态:现行标准项目:稳态温湿度偏置寿命标准编号:A102现行版本:D Nov 2010标准状态:现行标准项目:加速水汽抵抗性-无偏置高压蒸煮标准编号:A103现行版本:D Dec 2010 标准状态:现行标准项目:高温贮存寿命标准编号:A104现行版本:D Mar 2009 标准状态:现行标准项目:温度循环标准编号:A105现行版本:C Jan 2004标准状态:现行标准项目:上电温循标准编号:A106现行版本:B Jun 2004标准状态:现行标准项目:热冲击标准编号:A107现行版本:C Apr 2013标准状态:现行标准项目:盐雾标准编号:A108现行版本:D Nov 2010标准状态:现行标准项目:温度,偏置电压,以及工作寿命标准编号:A109现行版本:B Nov 2011标准状态:现行,指向军标标准项目:密封标准编号:A110现行版本:D Nov 2010标准状态:现行标准项目:高加速温湿度应力试验(HAST)(有偏置电压未饱和高压蒸汽)标准编号:A111现行版本:A Nov 2010标准状态:被替代标准项目:安装在单面板底面的小型表贴固态器件耐浸焊能力的评价流程标准编号:A112现行版本:/标准状态:现行标准项目:塑封表贴器件水汽诱发的应力敏感性(被J-STD-020替代)标准编号:A113现行版本:XXX 2008标准状态:现行标准项目:塑封表贴器件可靠性试验前的预处理标准编号:A114现行版本:F Dec 2008标准状态:现行标准项目:静电放电敏感性试验(ESD)人体模型(HBM)标准编号:A115现行版本:C Nov 2010标准状态:现行标准项目:静电放电敏感性试验(ESD)机器模型(MM)标准编号:A117现行版本:C Oct 2011标准状态:现行标准项目:电可擦除可编程只读存储器(EEPROM)编程/擦除耐久性以及数据保持试验标准编号:A118现行版本:A Mar 2011标准状态:现行标准项目:加速水汽抵抗性——无偏压HAST(无偏置电压未饱和高压蒸汽)标准编号:A119现行版本:Nov 2004标准状态:现行标准项目:低温贮存寿命标准编号:A120现行版本:A XXX 2008标准状态:现行标准项目:用于集成电路的有机材料的水汽扩散率以及水溶解度试验方法标准编号:A121现行版本:A Jul 2008标准状态:现行标准项目:锡及锡合金表面镀层晶须生长的测试方法标准编号:A122现行版本:Aug 2007标准状态:现行标准项目:功率循环标准编号:B100现行版本:B Jun 2003 标准状态:现行标准项目:物理尺寸标准编号:B101现行版本:B Aug 2009 标准状态:现行标准项目:外部目检标准编号:B102现行版本:E Oct 2007 标准状态:现行标准项目:可焊性标准编号:B103现行版本:B Jun 2002 标准状态:现行标准项目:振动,变频标准编号:B104现行版本:C Nov 2004 标准状态:现行标准项目:机械冲击。
PNOZ mi1p}Configurable safety systems PNOZmultiThis document is a translation of the original document.All rights to this documentation are reserved by Pilz GmbH & Co. KG. Copies may be made for internal purposes. Suggestions and comments for improving this documentation will be gratefully received.Source code from third-party manufacturers or open source software has been used for some components. The relevant licence information is available on the Internet on the Pilz homepage.Pilz®, PIT®, PMI®, PNOZ®, Primo®, PSEN®, PSS®, PVIS®, SafetyBUS p®,SafetyEYE®, SafetyNET p®, the spirit of safety® are registered and protected trademarks of Pilz GmbH & Co. KG in some countries.SD means Secure Digital1.2Using the documentation4 1.3Definition of symbols42.2Unit features6 2.3Front view73.2System requirements8 3.3Safety regulations8 3.3.1Safety assessment8 3.3.2Use of qualified personnel9 3.3.3Warranty and liability9 3.3.4Disposal9 3.3.5For your safety94.2Functions10 4.3System reaction time10 4.4Block diagram105.2Dimensions in mm11 5.3Connecting the base unit and expansion modules126.2Preparing for operation13 6.3Connection13 6.4Connection example14 6.5Download modified project to the PNOZmulti system149.2Accessories201Introduction1.1Validity of documentationThis documentation is valid for the product PNOZ mi1p from Version 4.0 .This operating manual explains the function and operation, describes the installation andprovides guidelines on how to connect the product.1.2Using the documentationThis document is intended for instruction. Only install and commission the product if youhave read and understood this document. The document should be retained for future ref-erence.1.3Definition of symbolsInformation that is particularly important is identified as follows:NOTICEThis describes a situation in which the product or devices could be dam-aged and also provides information on preventive measures that can betaken. It also highlights areas within the text that are of particular import-ance.INFORMATIONThis gives advice on applications and provides information on special fea-tures.2Overview2.1Scope}Expansion module PNOZ mi1p}Jumper2.2Unit featuresThe product has the following features:}8 inputs for connecting:–E-STOP pushbuttons–Two-hand button–Safety gate limit switches–Start buttons–Light beam devices–Scanners–Enabling switches–PSEN–Operating mode selector switches}Can be configured in the PNOZmulti Configurator}LED indicator for:–Status of PNOZmulti}Max. 8 PNOZ mi1p units can be connected to the base unit}Test pulse outputs used to monitor shorts across the inputs}Plug-in connection terminals (either cage clamp terminal or screw terminal)}Coated version:Increased environmental requirements (see Technical details [ 16])2.3Front viewLegend:}Inputs I0 – I73Safety3.1Intended useThe expansion module may only be connected to a base unit from the PNOZmulti system(please refer to the document "PNOZmulti System Expansion" for details of the base unitsthat can be connected).The configurable small control systems PNOZmulti are used for the safety-related interrup-tion of safety circuits and are designed for use in:}E-STOP equipment}Safety circuits in accordance with VDE 0113 Part 1 and EN 60204-1The coated version of the product PNOZ mi1p is suitable for use where there are increasedenvironmental requirements (see Technical details [ 16]).The following is deemed improper use in particular:}Any component, technical or electrical modification to the product}Use of the product outside the areas described in this manual}Use of the product outside the technical details (see Technical details [ 16]).NOTICEEMC-compliant electrical installationThe product is designed for use in an industrial environment. The productmay cause interference if installed in other environments. If installed in otherenvironments, measures should be taken to comply with the applicablestandards and directives for the respective installation site with regard to in-terference.3.2System requirementsPlease refer to the "Product Modifications PNOZmulti" document in the "Version overview"section for details of which versions of the base unit and PNOZmulti Configurator can beused for this product.3.3Safety regulations3.3.1Safety assessmentBefore using a unit it is necessary to perform a safety assessment in accordance with theMachinery Directive.Functional safety is guaranteed for the product as a single component. However, this doesnot guarantee the functional safety of the overall plant/machine. In order to achieve the re-quired safety level for the overall plant/machine, define the safety requirements for theplant/machine and then define how these must be implemented from a technical and organ-isational standpoint.3.3.2Use of qualified personnelThe products may only be assembled, installed, programmed, commissioned, operated,maintained and decommissioned by competent persons.A competent person is someone who, because of their training, experience and current pro-fessional activity, has the specialist knowledge required to test, assess and operate thework equipment, devices, systems, plant and machinery in accordance with the generalstandards and guidelines for safety technology.It is the company’s responsibility only to employ personnel who:}Are familiar with the basic regulations concerning health and safety / accident preven-tion}Have read and understood the information provided in this description under "Safety"}And have a good knowledge of the generic and specialist standards applicable to the specific application.3.3.3Warranty and liabilityAll claims to warranty and liability will be rendered invalid if}The product was used contrary to the purpose for which it is intended}Damage can be attributed to not having followed the guidelines in the manual}Operating personnel are not suitably qualified}Any type of modification has been made (e.g. exchanging components on the PCB boards, soldering work etc.).3.3.4Disposalin the safety-re-}In safety-related applications, please comply with the mission time TMlated characteristic data.}When decommissioning, please comply with local regulations regarding the disposal of electronic devices (e.g. Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act).3.3.5For your safetyThe unit meets all the necessary conditions for safe operation. However, you should alwaysensure that the following safety requirements are met:}This operating manual only describes the basic functions of the unit. The expanded functions are described in the PNOZmulti Configurator's online help. Only use thesefunctions once you have read and understood the documentations.}Do not open the housing or make any unauthorised modifications.}Please make sure you shut down the supply voltage when performing maintenance work (e.g. exchanging contactors).4Function description4.1Integrated protection mechanismsThe relay conforms to the following safety criteria:}The circuit is redundant with built-in self-monitoring.}The safety function remains effective in the case of a component failure.4.2FunctionsThe expansion module provides additional inputs.The function of the inputs on the safety system depends on the safety circuit created usingthe PNOZmulti Configurator. A chip card is used to download the safety circuit to the baseunit. The base unit has 2 microcontrollers that monitor each other. They evaluate the inputcircuits on the base unit and expansion modules and switch the outputs on the base unitand expansion modules accordingly.The online help on the PNOZmulti Configurator contains descriptions of the operatingmodes and all the functions of the PNOZmulti safety system, plus connection examples.4.3System reaction timeCalculation of the maximum reaction time between an input switching off and a linked out-put in the system switching off is described in the document "PNOZmulti System Expan-sion".4.4Block diagram5Installation5.1General installation guidelines}The control system should be installed in a control cabinet with a protection type of at least IP54. Fit the control system to a horizontal mounting rail. The venting slots mustface upward and downward. Other mounting positions could destroy the control system.}Use the notches on the rear of the unit to attach it to a mounting rail. Connect the con-trol system to the mounting rail in an upright position, so that the earthing springs on thecontrol system are pressed on to the mounting rail.}The ambient temperature of the PNOZmulti units in the control cabinet must not exceed the figure stated in the technical details, otherwise air conditioning will be required.}To comply with EMC requirements, the mounting rail must have a low impedance con-nection to the control cabinet housing.5.2Dimensions in mm5.3Connecting the base unit and expansion modulesConnect the base unit and the expansion modules as described in the operating manualsfor the base modules.}The terminator must be fitted to the last expansion module}Install the expansion module in the position configured in the PNOZmulti Configurator.The position of the expansion modules is defined in the PNOZmulti Configurator. The ex-pansion modules are connected to the left or right of the base unit, depending on the type.Please refer to the document "PNOZmulti System Expansion" for details of the number ofmodules that can be connected to the base unit and the module types.6Commissioning6.1General wiring guidelinesThe wiring is defined in the circuit diagram of the PNOZmulti Configurator.Please note:}Information given in the Technical details [ 16] must be followed.}Use copper wire that can withstand 75° C.}The safety system and input circuits must always be supplied by a single power supply.The power supply must meet the regulations for extra low voltages with protective sep-aration.6.2Preparing for operationThe N/C contact on the trigger element (e.g. E-STOP) must be connected to the input cir-cuit. A short circuit in the input circuit may or may not be detected, depending on the config-uration and wiring. The test pulse outputs on the base unit must be used to detect shortsacross contacts. The input assignment is defined in the PNOZmulti Configurator.The input circuit should be connected as described in the table. The wiring at I0 and I1 is il-lustrated as an example; inputs I2 ... 17 are wired in a similar way.6.3ConnectionInput circuit6.4Connection example6.5Download modified project to the PNOZmulti systemAs soon as an additional expansion module has been connected to the system, the project must be amended using the PNOZmulti Configurator. Proceed as described in the operat-ing instructions for the base unit.NOTICEFor the commissioning and after every program change, you must check whether the safety devices are functioning correctly.7OperationWhen the supply voltage is switched on, the PNOZmulti safety system copies the configur-ation from the chip card.The LEDs “POWER”, “DIAG”, “FAULT”, “IFAULT” and “OFAULT” will light up on the baseunit.The PNOZmulti safety system is ready for operation when the "POWER" and "RUN" LEDson the base unit are lit continuously.Status indicators:}I0 ... I7 lights: Safety input I0 ... I7 carries a high signal.}I0 ... I7 does not light: Safety input I0 ... I7 carries a low signal.7.1MessagesLegendLED onLED flashesLED off8Technical detailsBG, CCC, CE, EAC (Eurasian),BG, CCC, CE, EAC (Eurasian),for Module supply Module supplyinternal Via base unit Via base unitVoltage5,0 V5,0 VKind DC DCVoltage tolerance-2 %/+2 %-2 %/+2 %Power consumption2,5 W2,5 WSignal level at "0"-3 - +5 V DC-3 - +5 V DCSignal level at "1"15 - 30 V DC15 - 30 V DCInput voltage in accordance withEN 61131-2 Type 124 V DC24 V DCMin. pulse duration18 ms18 msPulse suppression0,6 ms0,6 msMaximum input delay 4 ms 4 msSupply interruption before de-ener-gisation20 ms20 msSimultaneity, channel 1 and 2 max.3 s 3 sAmbient temperatureIn accordance with the standard EN 60068-2-14EN 60068-2-14Temperature range0 - 60 °C-25 - 60 °CForced convection in controlcabinet off55 °C–Storage temperatureIn accordance with the standard EN 60068-2-1/-2EN 60068-2-1/-2Temperature range-25 - 70 °C-25 - 70 °CClimatic suitabilityIn accordance with the standard EN 60068-2-30, EN 60068-2-78EN 60068-2-30, EN 60068-2-78 Humidity93 % r. h. at 40 °C93 % r. h. at 40 °C Condensation during operation Not permitted Short-termEMC EN 61131-2EN 61131-2In accordance with the standard EN 60068-2-6EN 60068-2-6 Frequency10,0 - 150,0 Hz5,0 - 500,0 Hz Acceleration1g1gBroadband noiseIn accordance with the standard–EN 60068-2-64 Frequency– 5 - 500 HzAcceleration–1,9grms Corrosive gas checkSO2: Concentration 10 ppm,duration 10 days, passive–DIN V 40046-36 H2S: Concentration 1 ppm, dur-ation 10 days, passive–DIN V 40046-37 Shock stressIn accordance with the standard EN 60068-2-27EN 60068-2-27 Acceleration15g15gDuration11 ms11 msMax. operating height above sealevel2000 m2000 mAirgap creepageIn accordance with the standard EN 61131-2EN 61131-2Overvoltage category III IIIPollution degree22Rated insulation voltage30 V30 VProtection typeIn accordance with the standard EN 60529EN 60529Mounting area (e.g. control cab-inet)IP54IP54Housing IP20IP20DIN railTop hat rail35 x 7,5 EN 5002235 x 7,5 EN 50022 Recess width27 mm27 mmMax. cable lengthMax. cable length per input1,0 km1,0 kmMaterialBottom PPO UL 94 V0PPO UL 94 V0 Front ABS UL 94 V0ABS UL 94 V0Connection type Spring-loaded terminal, screwterminal Spring-loaded terminal, screw terminalterminals1 core flexible0,25 - 1,50 mm², 24 - 16 AWG0,25 - 1,50 mm², 24 - 16 AWG2 core with the same cross sec-tion, flexible without crimp con-nectors or with TWIN crimp con-nectors0,25 - 0,75 mm², 24 - 20 AWG0,25 - 0,75 mm², 24 - 20 AWG Torque setting with screw terminals0,25 Nm0,25 NmStripping length with screw termin-als7 mm7 mmConductor cross section withspring-loaded terminals1 core flexible without crimpconnector0,25 - 1,50 mm², 24 - 16 AWG0,25 - 1,50 mm², 24 - 16 AWG1 core flexible with crimp con-nector0,25 - 0,75 mm², 24 - 20 AWG0,25 - 0,75 mm², 24 - 20 AWG Spring-loaded terminals: Terminalpoints per connection11Stripping length with spring-loadedterminals9 mm9 mmDimensionsHeight94,0 mm94,0 mmWidth22,5 mm22,5 mmDepth121,0 mm121,0 mmWeight120 g123 gWhere standards are undated, the 2008-03 latest editions shall apply.8.1Safety characteristic dataNOTICEYou must comply with the safety-related characteristic data in order toachieve the required safety level for your plant/machine.2-channel PL e Cat. 4SIL CL 32,90E-10SIL 34,50E-0620 Short circuit-formingsafety mats PL d Cat. 3SIL CL 21,81E-09SIL 29,34E-05201-ch., pulsedlight barrier PL e Cat. 4SIL CL 32,50E-10SIL 32,21E-0520All the units used within a safety function must be considered when calculating the safety characteristic data.INFORMATIONA safety function's SIL/PL values are not identical to the SIL/PL values ofthe units that are used and may be different. We recommend that you usethe PAScal software tool to calculate the safety function's SIL/PL values.Operating Manual PNOZ mi1p 20880-EN-06209Order reference 9.1Product9.2AccessoriesConnection terminalsTerminator, jumperSupportTechnical support is available from Pilz round the clock. Americas Brazil+55 11 97569-2804Canada+1 888-315-PILZ (315-7459)Mexico+52 55 5572 1300USA (toll-free)+1 877-PILZUSA (745-9872)Asia China+86 21 60880878-216 Japan+81 45 471-2281South Korea +82 31 450 0680Australia +61 3 95446300Europe Austria+43 1 7986263-0Belgium, Luxembourg +32 9 3217575France+33 3 88104000Germany+49 711 3409-444Ireland+353 21 4804983Italy+39 0362 1826711Scandinavia +45 74436332Spain+34 938497433Switzerland +41 62 88979-30The Netherlands +31 347 320477Turkey+90 216 5775552United Kingdom +44 1536 462203You can reach our international hotline on: +49 711 3409-444 ****************C M S E ®, I n d u r a N E T p ®, P A S 4000®, P A S c a l ®, P A S c o n fi g ®, P i l z ®, P I T ®, P L ID ®, P M C p r i m o ®, P M C p r o t e g o ®, P M C t e n d o ®, P M D ®, P M I ®, P N O Z ®, P r i m o ®, P SE N ®, P S S ®, P V I S ®, S a f e t y B U S p ®, S a f e t y E Y E ®, S a f e t y N E T p ®, T h E S P I r I T O f S A f E T Y ® a r e r e g i s t e r e d a n d p r o t e c t e d t r a d e m a r k s o f P i l z G m b h & C o . K G i n s o m e c o u n t r i e s . W e w o u l d p o i n t o u t t h a t p r o d u c t f e a t u r e s m a y v a r y f r o m t h e d e t a i l s s t a t e d i n t h i s d o c u m e n t , d e p e n d i n g o n t h e s t a t u s a t t h e t i m e o f p u b l i c a t i o n a n d t h e s c o p e o f t h e e q u i p m e n t . W e a c c e p t n o r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r t h e v a l i d i t y , a c c u r a c y a n d e n t i r e t y o f t h e t e x t a n d g r a p h i c s p r e s e n t e d i n t h i s i n f o r m a t i o n . P l e a s e c o n t a c t o u r T e c h n i c a l S u p p o r t i f y o u h a v e a n y q u e s t i o n s .Pilz develops environmentally-friendly products using ecological materials and energy-saving technologies. Offices and production facilities are ecologically designed, environmentally-aware and energy-saving. So Pilz offers sustainability, plus the security of using energy-efficient products and environmentally-friendly solutions.Pilz Gmbh & Co. KG felix-Wankel-Straße 2 73760 Ostfildern, Germany Tel.: +49 711 3409-0 fax: +49 711 3409-133 *************100X X X X -D E -0X 0-0-1-3-000, 2015-00 P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y © P i l z G m b h & C o . K G , 201520880-E N -06, 2016-04 P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y © P i l z G m b H & C o . K G , 2015。
1.DGS 概要1.1DGS 描述1.2DGS 功能特性1.3DGS 支持设备1.4数据处理流程1.5DGS 电脑配置要求推荐1.6编程人员要求2. DGS 安装3. DGS 卸载4. DGS 基本操作4.1启动和退出4.2DGS 环境设定4.3生产线和设备设定5.DGS 数据编制流程6.产品管理6.1CAD 数据输入6.2PCB 程序输入7.元件数据编辑8.项目管理8.1编制添加新的项目8.2优化项目设定学习大纲:※DGS 学习资料仅供学习参考.使用设备时请务必详细阅读随机&Panasonic培训中心提供的使用说明书并正确使用操作NPM-DGS ,通过计算机操作可以简单进行从CAD 数据到生产线平衡的元件分配,实现最佳化,是编制NPM生产线的实装数据的系统软件。
1.1DGS 描述①CAD 信息的获取•如果是ASCII 形式,进行CAD 数据的宏定义,则可获取固定长和可变长。
③PCB 的编辑•可在确认基板的图形形象的同时编辑基板数据。
∗下载时,需与LNB 之间连接网络。
⑥LWS (Line Work Station) 编辑器•LWS 编辑器是NPM-DGS 的子集,可以连接LNB,进行现场编辑操作。
⑦PPD (Produce Proven Data: 生产实际成绩数据) 编辑器•PPD 编辑器是NPM-DGS 的子集,可以对有生产实际成绩的数据进行现场编辑操作。
HD 火灾保护有限公司技术数据比例器控制器型号说明书
TECHNICAL DATARATIO CONTROLLERMODEL Stainless Steel Construction:RCW-S, RCW-SM,RCF-S, RCF-SMBronze Construction:RCW-B, RCW-BMRCF-B, RCF-BMSIZE 65, 80,100,150 & 200 NB MAXIMUM SERVICE 14 kg/cm2 (200 psi); PRESSURE 12.3 kg/cm2 (175 psi)for UL & FM Approved models FACTORY HYDRO- 24.6 kg/cm2 (350 psi) STATIC TESTPRESSUREMOUNTING Between the flangesANSI B16.5 - 150# APPROVAL UL Listed and FM ApprovedFINISH Red RAL 3001 orNatural FinishORDERING SpecifyINFORMATION a) Model & Sizeb) Minimum and MaximumPressure and flow ratec) Induction Percentaged) Type of Foam Concentrateused DESCRIPTIONRatio Controller is used for proportioning foam concentrate into the water supply with a wide range of flow and pressure. The Ratio Controller is also used with Bladder Tank Proportioning System, Inline Balance Proportioning System and Skid Mounted Pump Balance Proportioning System. SPECIFICATIONThe Ratio Controller works on venturi principle. As the water flow passes through nozzle at the inlet of ratio controller, a low-pressure area is created between inlet nozzle and the down stream section called diffuser. This low-pressure area causes the foam concentrate to flow through a metering orifice at the concentrate inlet and into the low-pressure area.As the system demand varies, the water jet through Ratio Controller increases or decreases, which in turn varies the pressure at the low-pressure area of the Ratio Controller. This affects the corresponding pressure across the foam concentrate-metering orifice. The system requires same pressure of water and concentrate in order to balance the proportioning system.INSTALLATIONRatio Controller Model RCW is wafer style to be mounted in SCH40 pipe between two flanges while Model RCF has flanged end connection. Flow direction arrow is marked on the Ratio Controller.NOTE1) A minimum of five pipe diameter of straightunobstructed pipe is required at upstream and downstream of each ratio controller.2) Ratio Controller shall be installed between twoANSI 150# flanges with raised face or flat face. Gaskets, studs & flanges shall be provided by the installer.3) Provision shall be made in piping for removal ofRatio Controller.4) The pipes on upstream & downstream side ofthe Ratio Controller must be adequately supported and no strain shall be imposed on Ratio Controller.5)Ratio Controller is UL Listed/FM Approvedwith HD Bladder Tank,Refer to specific UL Listing / FM Approval data for more information.6) Ratio Controller is UL Listed for 2.1 to 12 bar pressure.7) For Flow data, when used with Inline Balancepressure proportioner, contact HD Fire Sales.RATIO CONTROLLER (FLANGE STYLE - RCF SERIES)Size Approximate Dimensions (in mm)‘A ‘‘B‘Ø ‘C‘‘D‘Ø ‘E‘‘F‘2½”80190Ø61.755M16 x 170 LONG 1” BSPT (F)/NPT (F)3”107.5190Ø7682.5M16 x 200 LONG 1½” BSPT (F)/NPT (F)4”126266Ø10190M16 x 220 LONG 1½” BSPT (F)/NPT (F)6”133330Ø15293.5M20 x 230 LONG 2” BSPT (F)/NPT (F)8”130340Ø20080M20 X 240 LONG2” BSPT (F)/NPT (F)Size Approximate Dimensions (in mm)‘A ‘‘B‘Ø ‘C‘‘F‘2½”19055M161” BSPT (F)/NPT (F)3”19082.5M161½” BSPT (F)/NPT (F)4”26690M161½” BSPT (F)/NPT (F)6”33093.5M202” BSPT (F)/NPT (F)8”34080M202” BSPT (F)/NPT (F)DIMENSIONSDIMENSIONSDimensions of Inlet / Outlet Flanges (F1) is as per ANSI B16.5 #150SizeModelUL ListedWafer StyleFlange StyleAFFF 3%AR-AFFF 3X3%65 NBRCW-B, RCW-SRCF-B, RCF-S 100 TO 1550421 TO 1460RCW-BM, RCW-SM RCF-BM, RCF-SM -----160 TO 58280 NBRCW-B, RCW-SRCF-B, RCF-S 260 TO 3000787 TO 3060RCW-BM, RCW-SM RCF-BM, RCF-SM ----------100 NBRCW-B, RCW-S RCF-B, RCF-S 650 TO 60001140 TO 6060150 NB RCW-B, RCW-SRCF-B, RCF-S 1200 TO 12000-----RCW-BM, RCW-SM RCF-BM, RCF-SM -----2370 TO 12210200 NBRCW-B, RCW-SRCF-B, RCF-S2750 TO 178602320 TO 17500SizeModelFM ApprovedWafer StyleFlange StyleAFFF 3%AR-AFFF 3X3%65 NBRCW-B, RCW-SRCF-B, RCF-S 102 TO 1590500 TO 1030RCW-BM, RCW-SM RCF-BM, RCF-SM -----165 TO 52880 NB RCW-B, RCW-SRCF-B, RCF-S 290 TO 2990-----RCW-BM, RCW-SM RCF-BM, RCF-SM -----820 TO 3080100 NB RCW-B, RCW-S RCF-B, RCF-S 600 TO 60501810 TO 6140150 NB RCW-B, RCW-S RCF-B, RCF-S 1200 TO 114605000 TO 12300RCW-BM, RCW-SM RCF-BM, RCF-SM ----------200 NBRCW-B, RCW-SRCF-B, RCF-S----------UL LISTED RATIO CONTROLLER FLOW RANGE (LPM)FM APPROVED RATIO CONTROLLER FLOW RANGE (LPM)FOAM SOLUTION FLOW, lpmI N L E T P R E S S U R E , p s i65 NB20040060080010001200140016002040608010012014016018080 NB0300900150021002700330020406080100120140160180FOAM SOLUTION FLOW, lpmI N L E T P R E S S U R E , p s iFOAM SOLUTION FLOW, lpmI N L E T P R E S S U R E , p s i150 NB020004000600080001000012000FOAM SOLUTION FLOW, lpm200 NB02000400060008000100001200020406080100120140160180FOAM SOLUTION FLOW, lpmI N L E T P R E S S U R E , p s i140001600018000100 NB050015002500350045005500650020406080100120140160180FOAM SOLUTION FLOW, lpm I N L E T P R E S S U R E , p s i65 NB (MODEL: RCW-B/ RCW-S/ RCF-B/ RCF-S)20040060080010001200140016002040608010012014016018080 NB (MODEL: RCW-B/ RCW-S/ RCF-B/ RCF-S)300900150021002700330020406080100120140160180FOAM SOLUTION FLOW, lpmI N L E T P R E S S U R E ,ps iFOAM SOLUTION FLOW, lpmI N L E T P R E S S U R E , p s i150 NB (MODEL: RCW-BM/ RCW-SM/ RCF-BM/ RCF-SM)2000400060008000100001200020406080100120140160180FOAM SOLUTION FLOW, lpmI N L E T P R E S S U R E , p s i200 NB (MODEL: RCW-B/ RCW-S/ RCF-B/ RCF-S)02000400060008000100001200020406080100120140160180FOAM SOLUTION FLOW, lpmI N L E T P R E S S U R E , p s i140001600018000FOAM SOLUTION FLOW, lpm65 NB (MODEL: RCW-BM/ RCW-SM/ RCF-BM/ RCF-SM)0200400600800100 NB (MODEL: RCW-B/ RCW-S/ RCF-B/ RCF-S)050015002500350045005500650020406080100120140160180INLET PRESSURE VS FOAM SOLUTION FLOWFM APPROVED, MODEL RCW-B / RCW-S / RCF-B / RCF-S(FOAM CONCENTRATE: AFFF 3%)FOAM SOLUTION FLOW, lpm I N L E T P R E S S U R E , p s i65 NB20040060080010001200140016002040608010012014016018080 NB0300900150021002700330020406080100120140160180FOAM SOLUTION FLOW, lpmI N L E T P R E S S U R E , p s iFOAM SOLUTION FLOW, lpm I N L E T P R E S S U R E , p s i150 NB020004000600080001000012000FOAM SOLUTION FLOW, lpm100 NB050015002500350045005500650020406080100120140160180I N L E T P R E S S U R E , p s i20406080100120140160180020004000600080001000012000FOAM SOLUTION FLOW, lpm20406080100120140160180I N L E T P R E S S U R E , p s i65 NB (MODEL: RCW-B/ RCW-S/ RCF-B/ RCF-S)65 NB (MODEL: RCW-BM/ RCW-SM/ RCF-BM/ RCF-SM)LIMITED WARRANTYHD FIRE PROTECT PVT. L TD. hereby referred to as HD FIRE warrants to the original purchaser of the fire protection products manufactured by HD FIRE and to any other person to whom such equipment is transferred, that such products will be free from defect in material and workmanship under normal use and care, for two (2) years from the date of shipment by HD FIRE. Products or Components supplied or used by HD FIRE, but manufactured by others, are warranted only to the extent of the manufacturer’s warranty. No warranty is given for product or components which have been subject to misuse, improper installation, corrosion, unauthorized repair , alteration or un-maintained. HD FIRE shall not be responsible for system design errors or improper installation or inaccurate or incomplete information supplied by buyer or buyer’s representatives.HD FIRE will repair or replace defective material free of charge, which is returned to our factory, transportation charge prepaid, provided after our inspection the material is found to have been defective at the time of initial shipment from our works. HD FIRE shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential loss, damage or expense arising directly or indirectly from the use of the product including damages for injury to person, damages to property and penalties resulting from any products and components manufactured by HD FIRE. HD FIRE shall not be liable for any damages or labour charges or expense in making repair or adjustment to the product. HD FIRE shall not be liable for any damages or charges sustained in the adaptation or use of its engineering data & services. In no event shall HD Fire’s product liability exceed an amount equal to the sale price.The foregoing warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties and representation whether expressed, implied, oral or written, including but not limited to, any implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. All such other warranties and representations are hereby cancelled.NOTICE :The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest publication standards of NFPA or other similar organisations and also with the provision of government codes or ordinances wherever applicable.The information provided by us is to the best of our knowledge and belief, and consist of general guidelines only. Site handling and installation control is not in our scope. Hence we give no guarantee for result and take no liability for damages, loss or penalties whatsoever , resulting from our suggestion, information, recommendation or damages due to our product.Product development is a continuous programme of HD FIRE PROTECT PVT. L TD. and hence the right to modify any specification without prior notice is reserved with the company.D-6/2, ROAD NO. 34, WAGLE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, THANE 400 604, INDIA.• TEL: + (91) 22 2158 2600 • FAX: +(91) 22 2158 2602•EMAIL:***************• WEB: HD FIRE PROTECT PVT . LTD.Protecting What Matters Most to YouNote: Friction loss above 1 psi is plotted in the graph (flow range is as per given Table.。
DGS 控制系统
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
FI optional
PIS L P: T: barg °C FO PDIS L P: V: barg Nl/min
Discharge or a higher stage of the compressor max. 100°C
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
FI optional
Discharge or a higher stage of the compressor max.100°C
Michael Sattler, Dry Gas Seal Division, 07/1998
Michael Sattler, Dry Gas Seal Division, 07/1998
博格曼 干气密封(DGS) 控制系统介绍
Michael Sattler, Dry Gas Seal Division, 07/1998
不适用于严重漏水钻孔、瓦斯喷出钻孔及岩芯瓦斯含量测定。 2.2 主要技术指标 2.2.1 测定时间:<24h 2.2.2 井下取芯与井下解吸系统
(1)取芯管 取芯管直径:φ73、φ89 取芯深度:>30m 取芯钻孔倾角:>12°
PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建
2.2.5 煤样粉碎解吸系统
装料粒径:≤26mm 出料粒径:(80-200)目 工作电源:380V,50HZ 一次装料量:≤1000g/钵 粉碎时间:(3-5)min 电机功率:1.5kW 2.2.6 水分测定系统 最大荷载: 10g 分度值: 5mg 微分标尺读数范围: (0~1)g
钻机及钻杆配套性:取芯方式分为巷帮取样和迎头走向取样。①采用取芯管取样时:取 芯管包括单层取芯管、双层采煤管和改进型双层三种型号;根据取芯管尺寸先施工预定深度 的钻孔,钻孔直径由取芯管外径确定,如采用普通取芯管(外径 73mm)可施工直径为 90mm 的钻孔;采用双层采煤管与改进型双层取芯管(外径 89mm)可施工直径为 108mm 的钻孔, 可用于顺煤层和穿层取样。②采用 ZCY-50/5 型钻孔引射取样装置时:选择相配套钻机进行, 该取样方式仅用于顺煤层取样,严禁在岩层中钻进。 井下准备工作
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水分测定准确度: ±0.2g% 2.2.7 数据处理系统
软件运行环境:本软件运行系统为 windows XP、vista 系统,office 2003 版本; 软件主要功能:用户管理、瓦斯含量 W 值计算、常压吸附量 Wc 计算、瓦斯压力换算、 输出报表、重新计算和帮助。
1018材料标准摘要:1.1018 材料的概述2.1018 材料的标准3.1018 材料的应用正文:一、1018 材料的概述1018 材料是一种高强度、高韧性的合金材料,广泛应用于各种工程领域。
1018 材料的优越性能使其在石油化工、核工业、航空航天等领域具有广泛的应用前景。
二、1018 材料的标准1018 材料的标准主要由各国的材料标准机构制定,如美国的ASTM 标准、我国的GB 标准等。
这些标准规定了1018 材料的化学成分、力学性能、热处理工艺等方面的要求,以确保材料的质量和性能满足工程应用的需求。
在我国,1018 材料的标准主要由国家质量监督检验检疫总局和国家标准化管理委员会制定。
其中,GB/T 20878-2007《不锈钢和耐热钢钢号和化学成分》规定了1018 材料的化学成分,GB/T 20879-2007《不锈钢和耐热钢力学性能试验方法》规定了1018 材料的力学性能测试方法。
三、1018 材料的应用1018 材料因其良好的力学性能、耐腐蚀性能和焊接性能,在工程领域具有广泛的应用。
以下是一些典型的应用实例:1.石油化工领域:1018 材料可用于制造石油裂化炉、热交换器等设备,其耐高温、耐腐蚀性能使得1018 材料在石油化工领域具有优越的应用性能。
2.核工业:1018 材料可用于制造核电站的蒸汽发生器、堆内构件等部件,其高强度、高韧性和抗辐射性能使得1018 材料在核工业领域具有广泛的应用前景。
3.航空航天领域:1018 材料可用于制造航空发动机、涡轮叶片等部件,其高强度、高韧性和抗疲劳性能使得1018 材料在航空航天领域具有重要的应用价值。
综上所述,1018 材料凭借其优异的性能和广泛的应用领域,在工程领域具有重要的地位。
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IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions and dimensions
Type Marking on product Circuit Package
DGS 20-018A DGS 20-018A DGS 20-018AS DGS 20-018AS
DGSK 40-018A DGSK 40-018A Single
Common cathode
Symbol Conditions Maximum Ratings
V I FAV T C = 25°C; DC 23A I FAV T C = 90°C; DC
17A I FSM T VJ = 45°C; t p = 10 ms (50 Hz), sine
A T VJ -55...+175°C T stg -55...+150
°C P tot T C = 25°C
48W M d
mounting torque (Versions A only)
Pulse test: Pulse Width = 5 ms, Duty Cycle < 2.0 %
Data according to IEC 60747 and per diode unless otherwise specified
Gallium Arsenide Schottky Rectifier
I FAV = 23 A V RRM = 180 V C Junction = 33 pF
Symbol Conditions
Characteristic Values typ.max.
I R V R = V RRM ;T VJ = 25°C 2.0
mA V R = V RRM ;T VJ = 125°C 2.0mA V F I F = 7.5 A;T VJ = 125°C 0.8V I F = 7.5 A;
T VJ = 25°C
0.8 1.0
V C J V R = 100 V;T VJ = 125°C
pF R thJC 3.1
K/W R thCH TO-2200.5K/W Weight
Low forward voltage
•Very high switching speed •Low junction capacity of GaAs
- low reverse current peak at turn off •Soft turn off
•Temperature independent switching behaviour
•High temperature operation capability •Epoxy meets UL 94V-0Applications
•MHz switched mode power supplies (SMPs)
•Small size SMPs
•High frequency converters •Resonant converters
A = Anode, C = Cathode , TA
B = Cathode
TO-220 AB
TO-263 AB
C TO-220 AC
IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions and dimensions
s Fig. 3typ. thermal impedance junction to case
explanatory comparison of the basic operational behaviour of rectifier diodes and Gallium Arsenide Schottky diodes:
forward characteristics turn off characteristics
turn on characteristics
by majority + minority carriers V F (I F )
extraction of excess carriers causes temperature dependant reverse recovery (t rr , I RM , Q rr )delayed saturation leads to V FR Rectifier Diode
by majority carriers only V F (I F ), see Fig. 1
reverse current charges
junction capacity C J , see Fig. 2;not temperature dependant no turn on overvoltage peak
GaAs Schottky Diode Outline TO-220
(center pin for DGSK types only)
limeter Inches
Min.Max.Min.Max.A 12.7013.970.5000.550B 14.7316.000.5800.630C 9.9110.660.3900.420D 3.54 4.080.1390.161E 5.85 6.850.2300.270F 2.54 3.180.1000.125G 1.15 1.650.0450.065H 2.79 5.840.110
0.230J 0.64 1.010.0250.040K 2.54BSC 0.100BSC M 4.32 4.82
0.1700.190N 1.14 1.390.0450.055Q 0.380.560.0150.022R
2.29 2.79
Outline TO-263 AB
limeter Inches Min.Max.Min.Max.A 4.06 2.03 0.510.99.020.039b2 1.14 0.460.74.018.029c2 1.14 8.649.65.340.380D1
E 9.6510.29.380.405E1 2.54 BSC .100 BSC L 14.6115.88.575.625L1 2.29 1.02 1.27