
过海关常用英语口语对话怎么说及翻译一、海关入境常用英语口语对话1. 询问目的地和行程•海关官员:Good morning. Where are you traveling to?•旅客:I am traveling to New York for a business trip. 翻译:旅客:我是去纽约出差的。
2. 询问入境目的•海关官员:What is the purpose of your visit?•旅客:I am here for a vacation. 翻译:旅客:我是来度假的。
3. 货物申报•海关官员:Do you have anything to declare?•旅客:No, I have nothing to declare. 翻译:旅客:没有,我没有需要申报的物品。
4. 预订住宿•海关官员:Where will you be staying during your visit?•旅客:I have booked a hotel in downtown. 翻译:旅客:我已经预订了市中心的酒店。
5. 询问食物携带•海关官员:Are you carrying any food items with you?•旅客:Yes, I have some snacks in my bag. 翻译:旅客:是的,我包里有些零食。
二、海关出境常用英语口语对话1. 检查证件•海关官员:Can I see your passport, please?•旅客:Sure, here you go. 翻译:旅客:好的,请看。
2. 询问离境原因•海关官员:What was the purpose of your visit to our country?•旅客:I came here for a business conference. 翻译:旅客:我来参加一个商务会议。
3. 行李检查•海关官员:May I check your luggage?•旅客:Of course, go ahead. 翻译:旅客:当然,检查吧。

护照和签证1.Passport, please.–请出示您的护照。
2.Here is my passport.–这是我的护照。
3.Do you have a visa?–您有签证吗?4.I have a tourist visa.–我持有旅游签证。
海关检查5.Are you traveling alone?–您是独自旅行吗?6.Yes, I am traveling alone.–是的,我独自旅行。
7.Where are you staying in the country?–您在该国住在哪里?8.I am staying at a hotel in the city.–我在城市里的一家酒店住宿。
购物和物品申报9.Did you purchase anything abroad?–您在国外购买了什么吗?10.Yes, I bought some souvenirs.–是的,我买了一些纪念品。
11.Do you have anything to declare?–您需要申报的物品吗?12.I have some gifts and personal items.–我有一些礼物和个人物品。
过海关的英语对话口语 出入海关常用英语对话

小编整理了出入海关常用英语对话,欢迎阅读!出入海关常用英语对话一A: Where is the luggage claim area?B: You can get to Baggage Claim by going down the escalator and following the signs.A: Don’t I have to clear Customs before I go get my bags?B: After you have picked up your bags, you will be directed to Customs.A: Do I need to have this Declarations form filled out before I get there?B: Do not get in the Customs and Immigration line until you have your passport out with your completed Declarations form.A: My brother won’t be staying in the but is continuing on to Mexico.B: Passengers continuing on should check in with the attendant on the left who will direct them to where they can connect with their next flight.A: Is there a restroom we can use in this area?B: Of course, right over there on your left.出入海关常用英语对话二海关: Good afternoon. Welcome to America.下午好!欢迎您来美国.弗兰克: Thanks.谢谢。

下面列举了一些常用的英语口语表达及其中文翻译:1.Passport, please.–请出示您的护照。
2.What is the purpose of your visit?–您来访的目的是什么?3.How long will you be staying?–您将停留多长时间?4.Where will you be staying?–您将住在哪里?5.Do you have anything to declare?–您有什么需要申报的物品吗?6.Are you traveling alone?–您是一个人旅行吗?7.Do you have a return ticket?–您有回程机票吗?8.May I see your itinerary?–我可以看一下您的行程安排吗?9.Please open your luggage for inspection.–请打开您的行李进行检查。
10.Have you visited this country before?–您之前来过这个国家吗?11.Welcome to our country. Enjoy your stay.–欢迎来到我们的国家。
12.Please fill out this form.–请填写这张表格。
13.Where are you flying from?–您从哪里飞来?14.Do you have any food items in your luggage?–您的行李里有食品吗?15.Is this your first time visiting this country?–这是您第一次来这个国家吗?16.May I see your invitation letter?–我可以看一下您的邀请函吗?17.Are you carrying any medication with you?–您随身携带药品吗?18.Are you here for business or pleasure?–您是来出差还是旅游?以上是一些在过海关时常用的英语口语表达及其中文翻译。

过海关常用的英语对话准备过关•海关官员:Good morning.•旅客:Good morning.•海关官员:May I see your passport, please?•旅客:Sure, here you are.•海关官员:Thank you. How long will you be staying in the country?•旅客:I will be staying for two weeks.行李检查•海关官员:Do you have anything to declare?•旅客:No, I don’t have anything to declare.•海关官员:Are you bringing any food or agricultural products into the country?•旅客:No, I don’t have any food or agricultural products with me.安全检查•海关官员:Please put your bags on the conveyor belt for security check.•旅客:Sure, here you go.•海关官员:Do you have any liquids or gels in your hand luggage?•旅客:Yes, I have a small bottle of perfume.•海关官员:Please put it in a clear plastic bag for screening.最后检查•海关官员:Is this your first visit to our country?•旅客:Yes, it is my first time here.•海关官员:Enjoy your stay and have a safe trip!•旅客:Thank you, have a good day!通过以上对话,旅客可以顺利过关,顺利开始旅行。

1. 护照和签证 - Passport, please.(请出示您的护照。
) - Where are you from?(您来自哪里?) - What is the purpose of your visit?(您的访问目的是什么?) - How long do you plan to stay?(您计划停留多久?) - May I see your visa?(请出示您的签证。
)2. 行李检查 - Do you have anything to declare?(您有什么需要申报的物品吗?) - Any food or agricultural products with you?(您携带任何食品或农产品吗?) - Is this all your luggage?(这些是您的全部行李吗?) - May I have a look inside your bags?(我可以查看一下您的包裹吗?)3. 安全问题 - Have you packed your bags yourself?(您是自己整理行李的吗?) - Has anyone given you anything to carry?(有人让您带东西吗?) - Are you carrying any weapons?(您携带武器吗?) - Do you have any liquids in your carry-on?(您的随身行李中有液体吗?)4. 行程安排 - What is the address of your accommodation?(您的住宿地址是什么?) - Do you have a return ticket?(您有返程机票吗?) - What are your travel plans in our country?(您在我们国家有什么旅行计划?) - How will you be traveling within the country?(您在国内将如何旅行?)以上是一些常用的过海关英语口语,希望能在您的国际旅行中带来便利。

过海关常用英语口语对话1.询问是否有任何违禁品或食物带入:–海关官员:Good morning. Do you have anything to declare?–旅客:No, I don’t have anything to declare.–海关官员:Are you carrying any restricted items such as fruits or plants?–旅客:No, I don’t have any fruits or plants with me.2.检查护照和签证:–海关官员:May I see your passport and visa, please?–旅客:Sure, here it is.–海关官员:How long do you plan to stay in the country?–旅客:I will be staying for two weeks.3.询问旅行目的:–海关官员:What is the purpose of your visit?–旅客:I’m here for a vacation.–海关官员:Are you visiting friends or family?–旅客:I’m visiting friends.4.询问工作和住址:–海关官员:What do you do for a living?–旅客:I work as a teacher.–海关官员:Where will you be staying during your visit?–旅客:I will be staying at a hotel in the city. 5.检查行李:–海关官员:Can you please open your suitcase for inspection?–旅客:Of course, go ahead.–海关官员:Do you have any liquids or sharp objects in your bag?–旅客:No, I don’t have any liquids or sharp objects.6.结束对话:–海关官员:Thank you for your cooperation.Enjoy your stay!–旅客:Thank you. Have a good day!以上是过海关常用的英语口语对话,希望对你有所帮助。

护照、签证及机票1. Can I see your passport, please?请出示您的护照。
2. Here is my passport.这是我的护照。
3. Do you have a visa for your visit?您来访是否持有签证?4. Yes, here is my visa.是的,这是我的签证。
5. Could you please show me your return ticket?请出示您的回程机票。
6. Sure, here is my return ticket.当然,这是我的回程机票。
行李和申报1. Do you have anything to declare?您有需要申报的物品吗?2. I have nothing to declare.我没有需要申报的物品。
3. What is the purpose of your visit?您本次访问的目的是什么?4. I am here for tourism.我来旅游。
5. How long will you be staying in the country?您将在该国停留多长时间?6. I will be staying for two weeks.我将停留两周。
7. Are you carrying any restricted items?您携带有任何受限制的物品吗?8. No, I am not carrying any restricted items.不,我没有携带受限制的物品。
9. Can you please open your bag for inspection?请打开您的包进行检查。

出国海关英语常用口语出国海关英语常用口语:1.入境时1.Good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/madam. May I see your passport and visa?早上好/下午好/晚上好,先生/女士。
2.Here they are.给您。
3.What's the purpose of your visit?您来访的目的是什么?4.I'm here for tourism/business/study.我来旅游/商务/学习。
5.How long will you be staying in our country?您将在我国停留多久?6.I will be staying for two weeks/a month/six months.我将停留两周/一个月/六个月。
2.申报物品时1.Do you have anything to declare?您有要申报的物品吗?2.No, I don't have anything to declare.没有,我没有要申报的物品。
3.I have some personal items that need to be declared, such as jewelry and electronics.我有一些需要申报的个人物品,比如珠宝和电子产品。
3.询问海关规定时1.Could you please tell me about the customs regulations for bringing in electronics?您能告诉我关于携带电子产品入境的海关规定吗?2.Are there any restrictions on bringing food into the country?带食物入境有什么限制吗?4.表达感谢和离开时1.Thank you for your assistance.感谢您的帮助。

出入海关常用英语对话Customs Clearance: A Common English Dialogue.Officer: Good afternoon, sir. Do you have anything to declare?Traveler: Good afternoon, officer. No, I don't have anything to declare.Officer: Could you please present your passport and customs declaration form?Traveler: Sure, here you go. (Hands over the documents)。
Officer: Thank you. Let me check these. (Examines the documents)。
Officer: You're visiting from the United States, correct?Traveler: Yes, that's correct. I'm here for a business trip.Officer: What's the purpose of your visit?Traveler: I'm attending a seminar at the local university.Officer: How long will you be staying?Traveler: I'll be here for about two weeks.Officer: Do you have any items that need to be inspected?Traveler: No, I don't. I only have my laptop and a few personal items.Officer: Alright. Please proceed to the next counter for your luggage check.Traveler: Thank you, officer. (Moves to the nextcounter)。

出入海关常用英语视对话Dialogue 1:At the Arrival GateTraveler: Certainly. Here it is.Customs Officer: Thank you. How long do you plan to stay in our country?Traveler: I'll be here for two weeks.Customs Officer: Do you have anything to declare?Traveler: No, I don't have anything to declare.Customs Officer: Okay. Enjoy your stay!Dialogue 2:Carrying Controlled SubstancesCustoms Officer: Good morning! May I see your bags, please?Traveler: Sure. Here they are.Customs Officer: Are these all your bags?Traveler: Yes, those are all mine.Customs Officer: Have you packed your bags yourself?Traveler: Yes, I have.Customs Officer: Are you carrying any prescription medications?Traveler: Yes, I have some prescription medications with me.Customs Officer: Please show me the prescriptions for these medications.Traveler: Here you go.Customs Officer: Thank you for your cooperation. Have a nice trip!Dialogue 3:Carrying Restricted ItemsCustoms Officer: Hello. Can I see your passport, please?Traveler: Of course. Here it is.Customs Officer: Thank you. Are you carrying any restricted items with you?Traveler: No, I don't have any restricted items.Customs Officer: I need to check your bags. Please open them for inspection.Traveler: All right. Go ahead.Customs Officer: Is this your laptop?Traveler: Yes, that's mine.Customs Officer: I see you have a large sum of money. Are you carrying more than $10,000?Customs Officer: Very well. You may go. Enjoy your stay!Dialogue 4:Bringing Agricultural ProductsCustoms Officer: Hi there! Can I see your passport, please?Traveler: Sure thing. Here you go.Customs Officer: Thank you. Have you been in contact with any animals during your trip?Traveler: No, I haven't been in contact with any animals.Customs Officer: Are you carrying any fruits, vegetables, or plants with you?Traveler: Yes, I have a few fruits in my bag.Customs Officer: We can't allow you to bring those fruits into the country due to agricultural restrictions. Please dispose of them.Traveler: Okay, I understand. Thank you for letting me know.Dialogue 5:Suspicious ActivityCustoms Officer: Good evening. Can I see your passport, please?Traveler: Here you go.Customs Officer: Thank you. Is everything in your bags your own property?Traveler: Yes, everything is mine.Customs Officer: Have you been to any other countries recently?Traveler: Yes, I've been to several countries in the past month.Traveler: Is there a problem?Customs Officer: We just need to ask you a few more questions and check your luggage thoroughly. It's a standard procedure.Traveler: All right, I understand.。

过海关英语口语对话大全1. 出发前的准备Before you head to the airport, make sure you have all your travel documents ready. This includes your passport, visa (if required), boarding pass, and any other relevant paperwork.2. Arrival at the AirportAs you approach the immigration counter, make sure to have your passport open to the photo page and your boarding pass ready.Immigration Officer: Good morning/afternoon/evening. May I see your passport and boarding pass, please?Traveler: Good morning/afternoon/evening. Here you go.Immigration Officer: Where are you flying to today?Traveler: I am flying to [destination].Immigration Officer: How long do you plan to stay there?Traveler: I plan to stay for [number of days/weeks].Immigration Officer: Do you have anything to declare?Traveler: No, I don’t have anything to declare.Immigration Officer: Enjoy your stay. Have a safe trip!Traveler: Thank you. Goodbye.3. Dealing with CustomsAfter clearing immigration, you may need to go through customs. Here’s a typical conversa tion at the customs counter:Customs Officer: Good morning/afternoon/evening. Do you have anything to declare?Traveler: No, I don’t have anything to declare.Customs Officer: Are you carrying any restricted items such as fruits, vegetables, or large amounts of cash?Traveler: No, I am not carrying any restricted items.Customs Officer: Okay, you can proceed. Have a nice day!Traveler: Thank you. Goodbye.4. Departure from the AirportWhen departing from the airport, you may need to show your passport and boarding pass at the security checkpoint. Here’s a sample conversation:Security Officer: Good morning/afternoon/evening. May I see your passport and boarding pass, please?Traveler: Good morning/afternoon/evening. Here you go.Security Officer: Did you pack your bags yourself?Traveler: Yes, I packed them myself.Security Officer: Has anyone given you anything to carry on their behalf?Traveler: No, nobody has given me anything to carry.Security Officer: You’re all set. Have a safe flight!Traveler: Thank you. Goodbye.ConclusionNavigating through customs and immigration can be a smooth process if you are prepared and follow the regulations.Remember to always be truthful and cooperative when interacting with immigration and customs officers. Safe travels!。

过海关常用英语对话集锦中英字幕Part 1: 出发前的准备1.Passenger: Good morning, officer. Could you please help me fill out this form? Officer: Of course, happy to help. What information do you need assistance with?2.Passenger: What documents do I need to have ready when I approach the border? Officer: You should have your passport, visa documentation, and any pertinent travel itineraries available for review.Part 2: 边检官与旅客之间的对话1.Officer: Good day, ma’am. May I see your passport and visa, please? Passenger: Sure, here you go.2.Officer: Where are you traveling from today? Passenger: I’m arriving from London, England.3.Officer: How long do you intend to stay in the country? Passenger: I plan to stay for two weeks for a vacation.4.Officer: What is the purpose of your visit? Passenger: I’m visiting friends and exploring the local attractions.5.Officer: Do you have anything to declare? Passenger: No, I have nothing to declare.6.Officer: Enjoy your stay, and welcome to our country. Passenger: Thank you, officer. Have a great day. Part 3: 应对常见问题1.Officer: Have you brought any food items with you? Passenger: Yes, I have some snacks in my bag.2.Officer: Are you carrying any restricted items inyour luggage? Passenger: No, I made sure to follow allregulations.3.Officer: Have you been to any farms or handledlivestock recently? Passenger: No, I have not been near any farms during my travels.Part 4: 重点提醒1.When engaging in conversation with border officers,always remain calm and courteous.2.Be honest and transparent about your travel plansand intentions.Remember, smooth interactions with border officers can contribute to a positive travel experience. Enjoy your journey and have a safe trip!。


小编精心收集了过海关的简短英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!过海关的简短英语对话篇1A: Where is the luggage claim area?B: You can get to Baggage Claim by going down the escalator and following the signs.A: Don’t I have to clear Customs before I go get my bags?B: After you have picked up your bags, you will be directed to Customs.A: Do I need to have this Declarations form filled out before I get there?B: Do not get in the Customs andImmigration line until you have your passport out with your completed Declarations form.A: My brother won’t be staying in the but is continuing on to Mexico.B: Passengers continuing on should check in with the attendant on the left who will direct them to where they can connect with their next flight.A: Is there a restroom we can use in this area?B: Of course, right over there on your left.过海关的简短英语对话篇2 A:Good morning, can I see your passport, please?上午好,我能看下你的护照吗?B:Here you are.给你。

关于入境海关英语对话情景带翻译出国旅游,出处都需要用到英语,其实当你还没迈进外国境内的时候就已经需要了,今天店铺在这里为大家分享一些关于入境海关英语对话,欢迎大家阅读!关于入境海关英语对话篇1A:Passport, please.请看一下护照。
B:Sure. Here it is.是的,在这。
A:Are you on a business trip or a pleasure trip?你是商务旅行还是观光?B:I'm here for sightseeing.我是来观光的。
A:How long do you plan to be here?你打算停留多久?B:About three weeks.大约三个礼拜。
A:Well, everything seems to be OK. Please go to customs next.嗯,都好了。
B:Thank you.谢谢。
关于入境海关英语对话篇2A: Anything to declare? 您有什么要申报的吗?B: No, nothing. 不,没有。
A: What’s this? Open this box, please. 这个是什么?请打开这个盒子。
B: Souvenir for my wife. 给我妻子的纪念品。
A: Is liquor or cigarette here? 里面有酒和香烟吗?B: One bottle of whisky and cigarette one carton. Is it taxable? 有一瓶威士忌和一条香烟。
需要缴税吗?A: No. It’s OK. 不,没有。
关于入境海关英语对话篇3A: Your passport, please. 请出示您的护照。
B: This one. 这个。
A: How long are you going to stay here? 您在此逗留多长时间?B: Two weeks. 两个星期A: Where are you going stay? 您此期间在哪里落脚?B: The Hilton Hotel in Paris. 巴黎的希尔顿酒店。

过海关英语情景对话完整版旅客A: Good morning, officer.海关官员B: Good morning. Where are you traveling from, sir?旅客A:I’m coming from New York.海关官员B: And what is the purpose of your visit to our country?旅客A:I’m here for a vacation. I plan to visit some tourist attractions.海关官员B: How long will you be staying in our country?旅客A: I will be here for two weeks.海关官员B: Do you have anything to declare?旅客A:No, I don’t have anything to declare.海关官员B: Do you have any food items or plants with you?旅客A: I have some snacks, but they are commercially packaged.海关官员B: That should be fine. Can I see your passport and completed declaration form, please?旅客A: Of course. Here you go.(旅客A递给海关官员B护照和填好的申报表)海关官员B: Thank you. Have a great stay in our country!旅客A: Thank you. Have a good day!(旅客A通过海关)这是一个标准的过海关英语情景对话,旅客A经过了海关官员B的询问和检查,最终成功通过海关。

Officer: May I see your passport please?海关人员:我可以看一下您的护照吗,Henry: Sure, Here you are. And this is the declaration form。
Officer: What’s the purpose of your visit?1海关人员:请问您此行的目的是什么,Henry: I’m here on business。
Officer: This visa is good for two weeks. How long will you be staying?海关人员:您的签证期限是两个星期,你打算待多长时间,Henry: For ten days。
Officer: And you will do some traveling while you are here?海关人员:这期间您会去旅行吗,Henry: Yes, I want to spend a couple days for traveling. I have friends there I will visit。
Officer: What do you have in the bag, sir?海关人员:先生,请问您的包里有些什么,Henry: Just camera, clothes, and some books。

(17)Freshfruitisnotallowedtobebroughtin.Accordingtotheregulation,youmu stbefined200USdollars.新鲜水果是不允许带人境的。
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Prepared on 22 November 2020