cw1051锂电池保护芯片设计原理嘿,朋友们!今天咱来聊聊 cw1051 锂电池保护芯片设计原理这档子事儿。
这 cw1051 锂电池保护芯片啊,就像是锂电池的贴心小卫士。
你说这 cw1051 锂电池保护芯片是不是特别厉害呀!它虽然小小的,但是作用可大了去了。
所以啊,朋友们,可别小看了这 cw1051 锂电池保护芯片。
总之呢,这 cw1051 锂电池保护芯片设计原理虽然有点复杂,但是我们只要知道它是为了保护锂电池,让我们的生活更方便、更安全就好啦!希望大家以后在使用电子设备的时候,都能想到这个小小的保护芯片,感谢它为我们的生活带来的便利和安心哟!。
而锂电保护IC 则扮演着至关重要的角色,能够有效地保护锂电池免受过电压、过充、过放、过流和短路等异常情况的损害。
XB5352G 贴片SOT23-5 单节锂电池充电保护芯片 电源管理IC
XB5352G ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ One Cell Lithium-ion/Polymer Battery Protection ICGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe XB5352G product is a high integration solution for lithium-ion/polymer battery protection.XB5352G contains advanced power MOSFET, high-accuracy voltage detection circuits and delay circuits.XB5352G is put into an ultra-smallSOT23-5 package and only oneexternal component makes it an ideal solution in limited space of battery pack. XB5352G has all the protection functions required in the battery application including overcharging, overdischarging, overcurrent and load short circuiting protection etc. The accurate overcharging detection voltage ensures safe and full utilization charging. The low standby current drains little current from the cell while in storage.The device is not only targeted for digital cellular phones, but also for any otherLi-Ion and Li-Poly battery-powered information appliances requiring long-term battery life. FEATURES·Protection of Charger Reverse Connection·Protection of Battery Cell Reverse Connection·Integrate Advanced Power MOSFET with Equivalent of 45mΩ R SS(ON)·Ultra-small SOT23-5 Package ·Only One External Capacitor Required·Over-temperature Protection ·Overcharge Current Protection ·Two-step Overcurrent Detection: -Overdischarge Current-Load Short Circuiting·Charger Detection Function·0V Battery Charging Function- Delay Times are generated inside ·High-accuracy Voltage Detection ·Low Current Consumption- Operation Mode: 2.8μA typ.- Power-down Mode: 1.5μA typ. ·RoHS Compliant and Lead (Pb) FreeAPPLICATIONSOne-Cell Lithium-ion Battery PackLithium-Polymer Battery PackFigure 1. Typical Application CircuitORDERING INFORMATIONNote: “YW” is manufacture date code, “Y” means the year, “W” means the weekPIN CONFIGURATIONFigure 2. PIN ConfigurationPIN DESCRIPTIONABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Note: Do not exceed these limits to prevent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for long periods may affect device reliability.)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSTypicals and limits appearing in normal type apply for T A= 25o C, unless otherwise specifiedFigure 3. Functional Block Diagram FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONThe XB5352G monitors the voltage and current of a battery and protects it from being damaged due to overcharge voltage, overdischarge voltage, overdischarge current, and short circuit conditions by disconnecting the battery from the load or charger. These functions are required in order to operate the battery cell within specified limits.The device requires only one external capacitor. The MOSFET is integrated andits R SS(ON) is as low as45mΩtypical. Normal operating modeIf no exception condition is detected, charging and discharging can be carried out freely. This condition is called the normal operating mode.Overcharge ConditionWhen the battery voltage becomes higher than the overcharge detection voltage (V CU) during charging under normal conditionand the state continues for the overcharge detection delay time (t CU) or longer, theXB5352G turns the charging control FEToff to stop charging. This condition is called the overcharge condition. The overcharge condition is released in the following two cases:1, When the battery voltage drops below the overcharge release voltage (V CL), the XB5352G turns the charging control FET on and returns to the normal condition.2, When a load is connected and discharging starts, the XB5352G turns the charging control FET on and returns to the normal condition. The release mechanism is as follows: the discharging current flows through an internal parasitic diode of the charging FET immediately after a load is connected and discharging starts, and the VM pin voltage increases about 0.7 V (forward voltage of the diode) from the GND pin voltage momentarily. TheXB5352G detects this voltage and releases the overcharge condition. Consequently, in the case that the battery voltage is equal to or lower than the overcharge detection voltage (V CU), the XB5352G returns to the normal condition immediately, but in the case the battery voltage is higher than the overcharge detection voltage (V CU),the chip does not return to the normal condition until the battery voltage drops below the overcharge detection voltage (V CU) even if the load is connected. In addition, if the VM pin voltage is equal to or lower than the overcurrent 1 detection voltage when a load is connected and discharging starts, the chip does not return to the normal condition.Remark If the battery is charged to a voltage higher than the overcharge detection voltage (V CU) and the battery voltage does not drops below the overcharge detection voltage (V CU) even when a heavy load, which causes an overcurrent, is connected, the overcurrent 1 and overcurrent 2 do not work until the battery voltage drops below the overcharge detection voltage (V CU). Since an actual battery has, however, an internal impedance of several dozens of mΩ, and the battery voltage drops immediately after a heavy load which causes an overcurrent is connected, the overcurrent 1 and overcurrent 2 work. Detection of load short-circuiting works regardless of the battery voltage.Overdischarge ConditionWhen the battery voltage drops below the overdischarge detection voltage (V DL) during discharging under normal condition and it continues for the overdischarge detection delay time (t DL) or longer, theXB5352G turns the discharging control FET off and stops discharging. This condition is called overdischarge condition. After the discharging control FET is turned off, the VM pin is pulled up by the R VMD resistorbetween VM and VDD in XB5352G. Meanwhile when VM is bigger than 1.5V (typ.) (the load short-circuiting detection voltage), the current of the chip is reduced to the power-down current (I PDN). This condition is called power-down condition. The VM and VDD pins are shorted by theR VMD resistor in the IC under the overdischarge and power-down conditions. The power-down condition is released when a charger is connected and the potential difference between VM and VDD becomes 1.3 V (typ.) or higher (load short-circuiting detection voltage). At this time, the FET is still off. When the battery voltage becomes the overdischarge detection voltage (V DL) or higher (see note), the XB5352G turns the FET on and changes to the normal condition from the overdischarge condition.Remark If the VM pin voltage is no less than the charger detection voltage (V CHA), when the battery under overdischarge condition is connected to a charger, the overdischarge condition is released (the discharging control FET is turned on) as usual, provided that the battery voltage reaches the overdischarge release voltage (V DU) or higher. Overcurrent ConditionWhen the discharging current becomes equal to or higher than a specified value (the VM pin voltage is equal to or higher than the overcurrent detection voltage)during discharging under normal condition and the state continues for the overcurrent detection delay time or longer, theXB5352G turns off the discharging control FET to stop discharging. This condition is called overcurrent condition. (The overcurrentincludes overcurrent, or load short-circuiting.)The VM and GND pins are shorted internally by the R VMS resistor under the overcurrent condition. When a load is connected, the VM pin voltage equals the VDD voltage due to the load.The overcurrent condition returns to the normal condition when the load is released and the impedance between the B+ and B- pins becomes higher than the automatic recoverable impedance. When the load is removed, the VM pin goes back to the GND potential since the VM pin is shorted the GND pin with the R VMS resistor. Detecting that the VM pin potential is lower than the overcurrent detection voltage(V IOV), the IC returns to the normal condition.Abnormal Charge Current DetectionIf the VM pin voltage drops below the charger detection voltage (V CHA) during charging under the normal condition and it continues for the overcharge detection delay time (t CU) or longer, the XB5352G turns the charging control FET off and stops charging. This action is called abnormal charge current detection. Abnormal charge current detection works when the discharging control FET is on and the VM pin voltage drops below the charger detection voltage (V CHA). When an abnormal charge current flows into a battery in the overdischarge condition, the XB5352G consequently turns the charging control FET off and stops charging after the battery voltage becomes the overdischarge detection voltage and the overcharge detection delay time (t CU) elapses.Abnormal charge current detection is released when the voltage difference between VM pin and GND pin becomes lower than the charger detection voltage (V CHA) by separating the charger. Since the 0 V battery charging function has higher priority than the abnormal charge current detection function, abnormal charge current may not be detected by the product with the 0 V battery charging function while the battery voltage is low.Load Short-circuiting conditionIf voltage of VM pin is equal or below short circuiting protection voltage (V SHORT), the XB5352G will stop discharging and battery is disconnected from load. The maximum delay time to switch current off is t SHORT. This status is released when voltage of VM pin is higher than short protection voltage (V SHORT), such as when disconnecting the load.Delay CircuitsThe detection delay time for overdischarge current 2 and load short-circuiting starts when overdischarge current 1 is detected. As soon as overdischarge current 2 or load short-circuiting is detected over detection delay time for overdischarge current 2 or load short- circuiting, the XB5352G stops discharging. When battery voltage falls below overdischarge detection voltage due to overdischarge current, the XB5352G stop discharging by overdischarge current detection. In this case the recovery of battery voltage is so slow that if battery voltage after overdischarge voltage detection delay time is still lower than overdischarge detection voltage, the XB5352G shifts to power-down.Figure 4. Overcurrent delay time0V Battery Charging Function (1) (2) (3) This function enables the charging of a connected battery whose voltage is 0 V by self-discharge. When a charger having 0 V battery start charging charger voltage(V0CHA) or higher is connected between B+ and B- pins, the charging control FET gate is fixed to VDD potential. When the voltage between the gate and the source of the charging control FET becomes equal to or higher than the turn-on voltage by the charger voltage, the charging control FET is turned on to start charging. At this time, the discharging control FET is off and the charging current flows through the internal parasitic diode in the discharging control FET. If the battery voltage becomes equal to or higher than the overdischarge release voltage (V DU), the normal condition returns. Note(1) Some battery providers do not recommend charging of completely discharged batteries. Please refer to battery providers before the selection of 0 V battery charging function.(2) The 0V battery charging function has higher priority than the abnormal charge current detection function. Consequently, a product with the 0 V battery charging function charges a battery and abnormal charge current cannot be detected during the battery voltage is low (at most 1.8 V or lower).(3) When a battery is connected to the IC for the first time, the IC may not enter the normal condition in which discharging is possible. In this case, set the VM pin voltage equal to the GND voltage (short the VM and GND pins or connect a charger) to enter the normal condition.TIMING CHART1.Overcharge and overdischarge detectionV V CU -V V DL +V V DL ONONCHARGEV DDV ov1V SS V VMFigure5-1 Overcharge and Overdischarge Voltage Detection2.Overdischarge current detectionV CU V CU -V HC V DL +V DH V DLONDISCHARGEOFFV DDV V ov2V ov1V SS(1)(4)(1)(1)(1)(4)(4)Figure5-2 Overdischarge Current DetectionRemark: (1) Normal condition (2) Overcharge voltage condition (3) Overdischarge voltage condition (4)Overcurrent condition3.Charger DetectionVV CU-VV DL+VV DLONV DDVMV SSVFigure5-3 Charger Detection4.Abnormal Charger DetectionVV CU-VV DL+VV DLONONCHARGEV DDVMV SSVFigure5-4 Abnormal Charger DetectionRemark: (1) Normal condition (2) Overcharge voltage condition (3) Overdischarge voltage condition (4)Overcurrent conditionTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Test based on XB5352G version, V BAT = 3.6V, T A= 25 C unless otherwise specified)Internal FET On-Resistance vs. Junction TemperatureTYPICAL APPLICATIONAs shown in Figure 6, the bold line is the high density current path which must be kept as short as possible. For thermal management, ensure that these trace widths are adequate. C1 is a decoupling capacitor which should be placed as close as possible to XB5352G.Fig 6 XB5352G in a Typical Battery Protection CircuitPrecautions• Pay attention to the operating conditions for input/output voltage and load current so that the power loss in XB5352G does not exceed the power dissipation of the package.• Do not apply an el ectrostatic discharge to this XB5352G that exceeds the performance ratings of the built-in electrostatic protection circuit.XB5352G______________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ________ _________ ____________ - 11 -PACKAGE OUTLINESOT23-5 PACKAGE OUTLINE AND DIMENSIONS。
锂离子电池保护电路1.什么是锂离子电池保护ic答:在锂离子电池使用过程中,过充电、过放电对锂电池的电性能都会造成一定的影响,为避免使用中出现这种现象,专门设计了一套电路,并用微电子技术把它小型化,成为一个芯片,该芯片俗称锂电池保护ic;2.保护ic外形是什么样的答:保护ic外形常用的有两种:一种称为SOT-23-5封装;另一种较薄,称TSSOP-8封装;3.Ic内部有些什么电路,能大概介绍一下吗答:ic内部的简化的逻辑图如下:其各个端口的功能简述如下:V DD:1;IC芯片电源输入端;2.锂电池电压采样点;V SS:1;IC芯片测量电路基准参考点;2.锂电池负极和IC连接点;D O:IC对放电MOS管的输出控制端C O:IC对充电MOS管的输出控制端V M:IC芯片对锂电池工作电流的采样输入端从简化的逻辑图可见:电池过充电、过放电,放电时电流过大过电流,外围电路短路,该ic都会检测出来,并驱动相应的电子器件动作;4.Ic有哪些主要技术指标答:1过充电检测电压:V CU±25mv2过充电恢复电压:V CL±30mv3 过放电检测电压:V DL±80mv4 过放电恢复电压:V DU±5 过电流检测电压:VIOV1±30mvVIOV2±6 短路检测电压:VSHORT7 过充电检测延时:tcu 1s 1 28 过放电检测延时:tdl 125ms 125 2509 过流延时:TioV1 8ms 4 8 16TioV2 2ms 1 2 410短路延时:Tshort 10us 10 50us11正常功耗:10PE 3uA 1 3 6uA12静电功耗:1PDN uA5.锂电池保护电路的PCB板上,除了保护ic外,还需要哪些元件,才能组成一个完整的保护PCB答:还需要作为开关功能用的两只场效应管、若干电阻、电容;6.场效应管是什么样子答:场效应管也称MOS FET,在锂电池保护PCB上,都是成对使用,因此制造商把两只独立的其内部接法如下图:答:MOS FET通常有三只脚,分别称为漏极D、源极S、栅极G;它在电子线路中的功能可用下图简单说明;电平,右图的开关就闭合;电流在之间通过;当栅极G得到的不是高电平,而是低电平,则之间开关看作开路,电流不能通过;8.常听人说MOS FET的内阻是多少、多少,到底什么是MOS FET的内阻答:如上图所示,之间的开关闭合时总存在一定的电阻,这个电阻相当于MOS FET的内阻,一般这个电阻很小,都在10~30mΩ之间;可见,电流通过MOS FET,由于存在内阻,根据欧姆定律,必然存在电压降,从而损耗掉一部份电能,可见MOS FET 的内阻应越小越好;9.除内阻外,MOS管还有哪些主要技术指标答:MOS管有以下主要技术指标:1漏源极耐压值:V DSS 20V2漏栅极耐压值:V DGR20V3栅源极耐压值:V GSS 12V4漏极最大电流I D DC 6APolse 24A5漏源极内阻R DS VGS 2V I D 3A 22mΩ——45mΩVGS I D 3A 19mΩ——30mΩVGS 4V I D 3A 16mΩ——20mΩ10上图中B 是电池,P+、P-是电池块接充电器电源或与手机相接的正负极; 充电状态:充电时,充电电流由P+进入→B+→ MOS 1→MOS 2→P-;在充电的同时,ic 通过V cc 和R 1对电池连续进行测量;当检测到电池电压充电到时这个电压随不同ic 而异,ic 内的过充电检测电路将检测到的这个信号并将它转换成一系列的电平信号,其中的一个低电平信号传送到ic 的输出端CO,促使MOS 2关断,从而终止充电; 放电状态:放电时,放电电流从电池正极B+→P+→负载手机→P-→MOS 2→MOS 1→B-在放电的同时,ic 内的过放检测电路连续测量电池两端的电压,当电池电压随着用电时间的加长而下降到时这个电压值随不同的ic 而异,该检测电路输出信号,使输出端DO 为低电平,从而使MOS 1关断,终止电池放电;在某种特殊情况下,如果电池放电时,电流大于某一额定值,ic 内的过电流检测器会输出一个低电平信号到DO 端,使MOS 1在5~15ms 的时间内关断这个值随不同的电流和不同的MOS 管内阻而异;在极端情况下,P+、P-端发生短路,则ic 内部的短路检测电路,将会检测到这个信号,并将这个信号转换成低电平,输出到DO 端,从而使MOS 1在10~50us 的时间内关闭,从而切断电路;11.ic 的功耗是怎么回事怎样测量答:ic 是一个完整的电子线路,它在工作时要消耗掉一部份电能,当电池块在手机中工作时,ic 将从锂电池中以吸取电能,可见,要求ic 的功耗越小越好;电池电压V CU V CLV DUV DL保护IC 工作时序图ic的功耗是用消耗的电流来度量的,一般这个电流值在3~6uA之间;由电原理图可见,ic通过电阻R1,从电池中吸取电流,因此只要测量出R1两端的电压降V1,根据欧姆定律可算得ic的功耗,电流值为I=V1/R1;12.一般的电池块有四个输出端四个弹簧片接点,能介绍一下各自的功能吗答:一般的电池块外露有四个簧片接点,其中两点是P+、P-,另外两点各有不同;见下图:13.锂电池的保护PCB板有互换性吗答:答案是否定的,主要原因是:1不同的锂电生产厂生产的锂电的性能不一,从而所选用的ic也不一样,主要指过充电检测电压;2采用不同的MOS管由于其内阻不一,所以根据工作电流应选用不同的ic;3识别电阻不一样;14.保护电路的发展方向怎样答:一;向更小型化发展;1.MOS和ic封装在一起称MCPMuIti chip package2.MOS、ic、电阻、电容全部封装在一起称COBChip On Board二.二次保护电路在实际使用锂电池保护电路中,人们发现,由于某些电子元器件的失效,导致整个保护电以上是一节锂电池保护电路的基本概念, 2 、3、4节的锂电池保护电路与此类似;见下图;欢迎各位垂询谢谢。
锂电池保护IC(Integrated Circuit)方案是一种常用的解决方案,本文将详细介绍锂电池保护IC的原理、功能和应用。
XB5556A2 锂电保护芯片
XB5556A2 ______________________________________ ________________________________________________________ _________________________ One Cell Lithium-ion/Polymer Battery Protection ICGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe XB5556A2 product is a high integration solution for lithium-ion/polymer battery protection.XB5556A2 contains advanced power MOSFET, high-accuracy voltage detection circuits and delay circuits.XB5556A2 is put into an ultra-smallSOT23-5 package and only oneexternal component makes it an ideal solution in limited space of battery pack. XB5556A2 has all the protection functions required in the battery application including overcharging, overdischarging, overcurrent and load short circuiting protection etc. The accurate overcharging detection voltage ensures safe and full utilization charging. The low standby current drains little current from the cell while in storage.The device is not only targeted for digital cellular phones, but also for any otherLi-Ion and Li-Poly battery-powered information appliances requiring long-term battery life. FEATURES·Protection of Charger Reverse Connection·Protection of Battery Cell Reverse Connection·Integrate Advanced Power MOSFET with Equivalent of 37mΩ R SS(ON)·Ultra-small SOT23-5 Package ·Only One External Capacitor Required·Over-temperature Protection ·Overcharge Current Protection ·Two-step Overcurrent Detection: -Overdischarge Current-Load Short Circuiting·Charger Detection Function·0V Battery Charging Function- Delay Times are generated inside ·High-accuracy Voltage Detection ·Low Current Consumption- Operation Mode: 2.8μA typ.- Power-down Mode: 1.5μA typ. ·RoHS Compliant and Lead (Pb) FreeAPPLICATIONSOne-Cell Lithium-ion Battery PackLithium-Polymer Battery PackFigure 1. Typical Application CircuitORDERING INFORMATIONNote: “YW ” is manufacture date code, “Y ” means the year, “W ” means the weekPIN CONFIGURATIONFigure 2. PIN ConfigurationPIN DESCRIPTIONABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Note: Do not exceed these limits to prevent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for long periods may affect device reliability.)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSTypicals and limits appearing in normal type apply for T A= 25o C, unless otherwise specifiedDelay TimeFigure 3. Functional Block Diagram FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONThe XB5556A2 monitors the voltage and current of a battery and protects it from being damaged due to overcharge voltage, overdischarge voltage, overdischarge current, and short circuit conditions by disconnecting the battery from the load or charger. These functions are required in order to operate the battery cell within specified limits.The device requires only one external capacitor. The MOSFET is integrated and its R SS(ON) is as low as37mΩtypical.Normal operating modeIf no exception condition is detected, charging and discharging can be carried out freely. This condition is called the normal operating mode.Overcharge ConditionWhen the battery voltage becomes higher than the overcharge detection voltage (V CU) during charging under normal conditionand the state continues for the overcharge detection delay time (t CU) or longer, theXB5556A2 turns the charging control FET off to stop charging. This condition is called the overcharge condition. The overcharge condition is released in the following two cases:1, When the battery voltage drops below the overcharge release voltage (V CL), the XB5556A2 turns the charging control FET on and returns to the normal condition.2, When a load is connected and discharging starts, the XB5556A2 turns the charging control FET on and returns to the normal condition. The release mechanism is as follows: the discharging current flows through an internal parasitic diode of the charging FET immediately after a load is connected and discharging starts, and the VM pin voltage increases about 0.7 V (forward voltage of the diode) from the GND pin voltage momentarily. TheXB5556A2 detects this voltage and releases the overcharge condition. Consequently, in the case that the battery voltage is equal to or lower than the overcharge detection voltage (V CU), theXB5556returns to the normal condition immediately, but in the case the battery voltage is higher than the overcharge detection voltage (V CU),the chip does not return to the normal condition until the battery voltage drops below the overcharge detection voltage (V CU) even if the load is connected. In addition, if the VM pin voltage is equal to or lower than the overcurrent 1 detection voltage when a load is connected and discharging starts, the chip does not return to the normal condition.Remark If the battery is charged to a voltage higher than the overcharge detection voltage (V CU) and the battery voltage does not drops below the overcharge detection voltage (V CU) even when a heavy load, which causes an overcurrent, is connected, the overcurrent 1 and overcurrent 2 do not work until the battery voltage drops below the overcharge detection voltage (V CU). Since an actual battery has, however, an internal impedance of several dozens of mΩ, and the battery voltage drops immediately after a heavy load which causes an overcurrent is connected, the overcurrent 1 and overcurrent 2 work. Detection of load short-circuiting works regardless of the battery voltage. Overdischarge ConditionWhen the battery voltage drops below the overdischarge detection voltage (V DL) during discharging under normal condition and it continues for the overdischarge detection delay time (t DL) or longer, theXB5556A2 turns the discharging control FET off and stops discharging. This condition is called overdischarge condition. After the discharging control FET is turned off, the VM pin is pulled up by the R VMD resistorbetween VM and VDD in XB5556A2. Meanwhile when VM is bigger than 1.5V (typ.) (the load short-circuiting detection voltage), the current of the chip is reduced to the power-down current (I PDN). This condition is called power-down condition. The VM and VDD pins are shorted by the R VMD resistor in the IC under the overdischarge and power-down conditions. The power-down condition is released when a charger is connected and the potential difference between VM and VDD becomes 1.3 V (typ.) or higher (load short-circuiting detection voltage). At this time, the FET is still off. When the batteryvoltage becomes the overdischargedetection voltage (V DL) or higher (see note), the XB5556A2 turns the FET on and changes to the normal condition from the overdischarge condition.Remark If the VM pin voltage is no less than the charger detection voltage (V CHA), when the battery under overdischarge condition is connected to a charger, the overdischarge condition is released (the discharging control FET is turned on) as usual, provided that the battery voltage reaches the overdischarge release voltage (V DU) or higher. Overcurrent ConditionWhen the discharging current becomes equal to or higher than a specified value (the VM pin voltage is equal to or higher than the overcurrent detection voltage) during discharging under normal condition and the state continues for the overcurrent detection delay time or longer, theXB5556A2 turns off the discharging control FET to stop discharging. This condition is called overcurrent condition. (The overcurrentincludes overcurrent, or load short-circuiting.)The VM and GND pins are shorted internally by the R VMS resistor under the overcurrent condition. When a load is connected, the VM pin voltage equals the VDD voltage due to the load.The overcurrent condition returns to the normal condition when the load is released and the impedance between the B+ and B- pins becomes higher than the automatic recoverable impedance. When the load is removed, the VM pin goes back to the GND potential since the VM pin is shorted the GND pin with the R VMS resistor. Detecting that the VM pin potential is lower than the overcurrent detection voltage(V IOV1), the IC returns to the normal condition.Abnormal Charge Current DetectionIf the VM pin voltage drops below the charger detection voltage (V CHA) during charging under the normal condition and it continues for the overcharge detection delay time (t CU) or longer, the XB5556A2 turns the charging control FET off and stops charging. This action is called abnormal charge current detection. Abnormal charge current detection works when the discharging control FET is on and the VM pin voltage drops below the charger detection voltage (V CHA). When an abnormal charge current flows into a battery in the overdischarge condition, the XB5556A2 consequently turns the chargingcontrol FET off and stops charging after the battery voltage becomes the overdischarge detection voltage and the overcharge detection delay time (t CU) elapses.Abnormal charge current detection is released when the voltage difference between VM pin and GND pin becomes lower than the charger detection voltage (V CHA) by separating the charger. Since the 0 V battery charging function has higher priority than the abnormal charge current detection function, abnormal charge current may not be detected by the product with the 0 V battery charging function while the battery voltage is low.Load Short-circuiting conditionIf voltage of VM pin is equal or below short circuiting protection voltage (V SHORT), the XB5556A2 will stop discharging and battery is disconnected from load. The maximum delay time to switch current off is t SHORT. This status is released when voltage of VM pin is higher than short protection voltage (V SHORT), such as when disconnecting the load.Delay CircuitsThe detection delay time for overdischargecurrent 2 and load short-circuiting startswhen overdischarge current 1 is detected. As soon as overdischarge current 2 or load short-circuiting is detected over detection delay time for overdischarge current 2 or load short- circuiting, the XB5556A2 stops discharging. When battery voltage falls below overdischarge detection voltage due to overdischarge current, the XB5556A2 stop discharging by overdischarge current detection. In this case the recovery of battery voltage is so slow that if battery voltage after overdischarge voltage detection delay time is still lower than overdischarge detection voltage, the XB5556A2 shifts to power-down.Figure 4. Overcurrent delay time0V Battery Charging Function (1) (2) (3)This function enables the charging of a connected battery whose voltage is 0 V by self-discharge. When a charger having 0 V battery start charging charger voltage(V0CHA) or higher is connected between B+ and B- pins, the charging control FET gate is fixed to VDD potential. When the voltage between the gate and the source of the charging control FET becomes equal to or higher than the turn-on voltage by the charger voltage, the charging control FET is turned on to start charging. At this time, the discharging control FET is off and the charging current flows through the internal parasitic diode in the discharging control FET. If the battery voltage becomes equal to or higher than the overdischarge release voltage (V DU), the normal condition returns. Note(1) Some battery providers do not recommend charging of completely discharged batteries. Please refer to battery providers before the selection of 0 V battery charging function.(2) The 0V battery charging function has higher priority than the abnormal charge current detection function. Consequently, a product with the 0 V battery charging function charges a battery and abnormal charge current cannot be detected during the battery voltage is low (at most 1.8 V or lower).(3) When a battery is connected to the IC for the first time, the IC may not enter the normal condition in which discharging is possible. In this case, set the VM pin voltage equal to the GND voltage (short the VM and GND pins or connect a charger) to enter the normal condition.TIMING CHART1.Overcharge and overdischarge detectionV V CU -V V DL +V V DL ONONCHARGEV DDV ov1V SS V VMFigure5-1 Overcharge and Overdischarge Voltage Detection2.Overdischarge current detectionV CU V CU -V HC V DL +V DH V DLONDISCHARGEOFFV DDV V ov2V ov1V SSFigure5-2 Overdischarge Current DetectionRemark: (1) Normal condition (2) Overcharge voltage condition (3) Overdischarge voltage condition (4)Overcurrent condition3.Charger DetectionVV CU -V V DL +V V DLONV DD V SS V VMFigure5-3 Charger Detection4. Abnormal Charger DetectionVV CU -V V DL +V V DLONONCHARGEV DDV SS V VMFigure5-4 Abnormal Charger DetectionRemark: (1) Normal condition (2) Overcharge voltage condition (3) Overdischarge voltage condition (4)Overcurrent conditionTYPICAL APPLICATIONAs shown in Figure 6, the bold line is the high density current path which must be kept as short as possible. For thermal management, ensure that these trace widths are adequate. C1is a decoupling capacitor which should be placed as close as possible to XB5556A2.Fig 6 XB5556A2 in a Typical Battery Protection CircuitPrecautions• Pay attention to the operating conditions for input/output voltage and load current so that the power loss in XB5556A2 does not exceed the power dissipation of the package.• Do not apply an el ectrostatic discharge to this XB5556A2 that exceeds the performanceratings of the built-in electrostatic protection circuit.XB5556A2______________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ___________________________ - 11 -REV0.2PACKAGE OUTLINESOT23-5 PACKAGE OUTLINE AND DIMENSIONS。
二、二合一锂电保护芯片的工作原理1. 过充保护当锂电池电压超过设定的过充保护电压时,二合一锂电保护芯片会立即切断电池与充电电源之间的连接,防止电池过充。
2. 过放保护当锂电池电压降至设定的过放保护电压时,二合一锂电保护芯片会切断电池与负载之间的连接,防止电池过放。
3. 过流保护当电池充放电电流超过设定的过流保护电流时,二合一锂电保护芯片会立即切断电池与负载或充电电源之间的连接,防止电流过大损坏电池。
4. 短路保护当电池与负载之间出现短路时,二合一锂电保护芯片会立即切断电池与负载之间的连接,防止电池短路造成的危险。
5. 温度保护二合一锂电保护芯片还具有温度保护功能。
*DNP 3.0 Protocol *Optional Functions
Figure 2:
US -
0.35” (8.9 mm)
) #10-32
30° 16
512 /
AC Voltage Inputs
300 VL-N
300Vac ). 600 Vac
0.03 VA @ 67 V; 0.06 VA @ 120 V; 0.8 VA @ 300 V.
15 A
500 A 1
1250A 1
0.27 VA @ 5 A, 2.51 VA @ 15 A.
100 A 1
250A 1
0.13 VA @ 1 A, 1.31 VA @ 3 A.
1/4 15 30
缩小封装的 SOT-23-6 减小面板规格。 过低 的静态电流为 3uA 即 Vcc=3.9V。 过低的断电电 流为 0.3uA 即 Vcc=2.0V。 精确的过充电保护电压: AMI7101A 为 4.325 V±25mV AMI7101B 为 4.275 V±25mV AMI7101C 为 4.225 V±25mV AMI7101D 为 4.175 V±25mV 过充电模式下载入检测功能。 过高电流下两 级检测水平。
除了上述的锂电池保护IC功能之外,下面这些新的功能同 样值得关注: 1.充电时的过电流保护 当连接充电器进行充电时突然产生过电流(如充电器损 坏),电路立即进行过电流检测,此时Cout将由高转为低,功 率MOSFET由开转为切断,实现保护功能。
3.过电流/短路保护 过电流/ 过电流 需有低检测电压及高精密度的要求
因不明原因导致短路时必须立即停止放电。过电流的检测 是以功率MOSFET的Rds(on)为感应阻抗,以监视其电压的下 降,此时的电压若比过电流检测电压还高时即停止放电。为了 使功率MOSFET的Rds(on)在充电电流与放电电流时有效应用, 需使该阻抗值尽量低,目前该阻抗约为20mΩ~30mΩ,这样 过电流检测电压就可较低。 4.耐高电压 耐高电压 电池包与充电器连接时瞬间会有高压产生,因此保护IC应 满足耐高压的要求。 5.低电池功耗 低电池功耗 在保护状态时,其静态耗电流必须要小0.1µA。 6.零伏可充电 零伏可充电 有些电池在存放的过程中可能因为放太久或不正常的原因 导致电压低到0V,故保护IC需要在0V时也可以实现充电。
在过度放电的情况下,电解液因分解而导致电池特性劣化,并造 成充电次数的降低。采用锂电池保护IC可以避免过度放电现象产生, 实现电池保护功能。 过度放电保护IC原理:为了防止锂电池的过度放电状态,假设锂 电池接上负载,当锂电池电压低于其过度放电电压检测点(假定为 2.3V)时将激活过度放电保护,使功率MOSFET由开转变为切断而 截止放电,以避免电池过度放电现象产生,并将电池保持在低静态电 流的待机模式,此时的电流仅0.1µA。 当锂电池接上充电器,且此时锂电池电压高于过度放电电压时, 过度放电保护功能方可解除。另外,考虑到脉冲放电的情况,过放电 检测电路设有延迟时间以避免产生误动作。
1. 过充保护电压
2. 欠压保护电压
一般情况下,欠压保护电压设置在2.5V 至3.0V之间,但同样存在不同的设置要求。
3. 过流保护电流
4. 短路保护电流
5. 温度保护范围
XB5352G detects this voltage and releases the overcharge condition. Consequently, in the case that the battery voltage is equal to or lower than the overcharge detection voltage (VCU), the XB5352G returns to the normal condition immediately, but in the case the battery voltage is higher than the overcharge detection voltage (VCU),the chip does not return to the normal condition until the battery voltage drops below the overcharge detection voltage (VCU) even if the load is connected. In addition, if the VM pin voltage is equal to or lower than the overcurrent 1 detection voltage when a load is connected and discharging starts, the chip does not return to the normal condition.
Overdischarge Condition
When the battery voltage drops below the overdischarge detection voltage (VDL) during discharging under normal condition and it continues for the overdischarge detection delay time (tDL) or longer, the XB5352G turns the discharging control FET off and stops discharging. This condition is called overdischarge condition. After the discharging control FET is turned off, the VM pin is pulled up by the RVMD resistor between VM and VDD in XB5352G. Meanwhile when VM is bigger than 1.5
当从正常状态进入充电状态时,可以通过 VDD 检测到电池电压。当电池电压进入到这充电状态时,VDD 电压大于 VOCU,迟延时间超过 TOC,M2 关闭。 ¾ 释放过充电状态
进入过记电状态后,要解除过记电状态,进入正常状态,有两种方法。 z 如果电池自我放电,并且 VDD<VOCR,M2 开启,返回到正常状态。 z 在移去充电器,连接负载后,如果 VOCR<VDD<VOCU,VCSI>VOI1,M2 开启,返回到正常模式。 ¾ 过放电检测 当由正常状态进入放电状态时,可以通过 VDD 检测到电池电压。当电池电压进入过放电状态时,VDD 电 压小于 VODL,迟延时间超过 TOD,则 M1 关闭。 ¾ 释放断电模式 当电池在断电模式时,若连接入一个充电器,并且此时 VCH<VCSI<VOI2,VDD<VODR,M1 仍旧关闭, 但是释放断电模式。如果 VDD>VODR,M1 开启并返回到正常模式。或者当负载悬空,VDD 电压恢复到 VDD>VODR,M1 开启并返回到正常模式(自恢复功能)。 ¾ 充电检测 如果在断电模式有一个充电器连接电池,电压将变为 VCSI<VCH 和 VDD>VODL。M1 开启并返回到正常 模式。 ¾ 过电流/短路电流检测 在正常模式下,当放电电流太大时,由 CSI 管脚检测到电压大于 VOIX(VIO1 或 VIO2),并且迟延大于 TOIX(TIO1 或 TIO2),则代表过电流(短路)状态。M1 关闭,CSI 通过内部电阻 RCSIS 拉到 VSS。 ¾ 释放过电流/短路电流状态 当保护电路保持在过电流/短路电流状态时,移去负载或介于 VBAT+和 VBAT-之间的阻抗大于 500KΩ, 并且 VCSI<VOI1,那么 M1 开启,并返回到正常条件。 注:当电池第一次接上保护电路时,这个电路可能不会进入正常模式,此时无法放电。如果产生这种现象,使 CSI 管脚电压等于 VSS 电压(将 CSI 与 VSS 短路或连接充电器),就可以进入正常模式。
●手机●MP3 ●MP4 ●GPS●蓝牙耳机●电动玩具
产品方案特点:单芯片SOT23-5 封装;集成保护IC,对管MOS,周边器件;仅需一个外围器件,支持反接;负极保护,用户无需更换产品测试设备。
锂电保护芯片保护原理1. 引言锂电池是一种常见的可充电电池,具有高能量密度、长寿命、轻量化等优势,被广泛应用于移动设备、电动车辆等领域。
2. 锂电保护芯片的作用锂电保护芯片是一种集成了多个功能模块的微控制器芯片,其主要作用是对锂电池进行实时监测和保护。
3. 锂电保护芯片的基本原理锂电保护芯片通过与外部传感器和控制回路相连接来实现对锂电池的保护。
其基本原理如下:3.1 电压监测锂电保护芯片通过连接到锂电池的正负极,实时监测锂电池的电压。
3.2 温度监测锂电保护芯片还可以通过连接到温度传感器来实时监测锂电池的温度。
3.3 过流保护为了防止过大的充放电流导致锂电池损坏或发生事故,锂电保护芯片还可以通过连接到过流传感器来实时监测充放电流。
3.4 短路保护短路是锂电池常见的故障之一,可能导致严重的事故。
3.5 平衡充放电在多节串联的锂电池组中,由于不同单体之间存在微小差异,容易导致某些单体过充或过放。
锂电池保护原理锂电池保护板是对串联锂电池组的充放电保护;在充满电时能保证各单体电池之间的电压差异小于设定值一般±20mV,实现电池组各单体电池的均充,有效地改善了串联充电方式下的充电效果;同时检测电池组中各个单体电池的过压、欠压、过流、短路、过温状态,保护并延长电池使用寿命;欠压保护使每一单节电池在放电使用时避免电池因过放电而损坏;成品锂电池组成主要有两大部分,锂电池芯和保护板,锂电池芯主要由正极板、隔膜、负极板、电解液组成;正极板、隔膜、负极板缠绕或层叠,包装,灌注电解液,封装后即制成电芯,锂电池保护板的作用很多人都不知道,锂电池保护板,顾名思义就是保护锂电池用的,锂电池保护板的作用是保护电池不过放、不过充、不过流,还有就是输出短路保护;01锂电池保护板组成1、控制ic,2、开关管,另外还加一些微容和微阻而组成;控制ic 作用是对电池的保护,如达到保护条件就控制mos进行断开或闭合如电池达到过充、过放、短路、过流、等保护条件,其中mos管的作用就是开关作用,由控制ic开控制;锂电池可充型之所以需要保护,是由它本身特性决定的;由于锂电池本身的材料决定了它不能被过充、过放、过流、短路及超高温充放电,因此锂电池锂电组件总会跟着一块精致的保护板和一片电流保险器出现;锂电池的保护功能通常由保护电路板和PTC协同完成,保护板是由电子电路组成,在-40℃至+85℃的环境下时刻准确的监视电芯的电压和充放回路的电流;02保护板的工作原理1、过充保护及过充保护恢复当电池被充电使电压超过设定值VC,具体过充保护电压取决于IC后,VD1翻转使Cout变为低电平,T1截止,充电停止.当电池电压回落至VCR,具体过充保护恢复电压取决于IC时,Cout变为高电平,T1导通充电继续, VCR必须小于VC一个定值,以防止频繁跳变;2、过放保护及过放保护恢复当电池电压因放电而降低至设定值VD,具体过充保护电压取决于IC时, VD2翻转,以短时间延时后,使Dout变为低电平,T2截止,放电停止,当电池被置于充电时,内部或门被翻转而使T2再次导通为下次放电作好准备;3、过流、短路保护当电路充放回路电流超过设定值或被短路时,短路检测电路动作,使MOS管关断,电流截止;03保护板主要零件的功能介绍R1:基准供电电阻;与IC内部电阻构成分压电路,控制内部过充、过放电压比较器的电平翻转;一般在阻值为330Ω、470Ω比较多;当封装形式即用标准元件的长和宽来表示元件大小,如0402封装标识此元件的长和宽分别为和较大时,会用数字标识其阻值,如贴片电阻上数字标识473, 即表示其阻值为47000Ω即47KΩ第三位数表示在前两位后面加0的位数;R2:过流、短路检测电阻;通过检测VM端电压控制保护板的电流,焊接不良、损坏会造成电池过流、短路无保护,一般阻值为1KΩ、2KΩ较多;R3:ID识别电阻或NTC电阻前面有介绍或两者都有;总结:电阻在保护板中为黑色贴片,用万用表可测其阻值,当封装较大时其阻值会用数字表示,表示方法如上所述,当然电阻阻值一般都有偏差,每个电阻都有精度规格,如10KΩ电阻规格为+/-5%精度则其阻值为Ω-Ω范围内都为合格;C1、C2:由于电容两端电压不能突变,起瞬间稳压和滤波作用;总结:电容在保护板中为黄色贴片,封装形式0402较多,也有少数0603封装长,宽;用万用表检测其阻值一般为无穷大或MΩ级别;电容漏电会产生自耗电大,短路无自恢复现象;FUSE:普通FUSE或PTCPositive Temperature Coefficient的缩写,意思是正温度系数;防止不安全大电流和高温放电的发生,其中PTC有自恢复功能;总结:FUSE在保护板中一般为白色贴片,LITTE公司提供FUSE会在FUSE上标识字符D-T,字符表示意思为FUSE能承受的额定电流,如表示D额定电流为,S为4A,T为5A等;U1:控制IC;保护板所有功能都是IC通过监视连接在VDD-VSS间的电压差及VM-VSS间的电压差而控制C-MOS执行开关动作来实现的;Cout:过充控制端;通过MOS管T2栅极电压控制MOS管的开关;Dout:过放、过流、短路控制端;通过MOS管T1栅极电压控制MOS管的开关; VM:过流、短路保护电压检测端;通过检测VM端的电压实现电路的过流、短路保护UVM=IRMOSFET;总结:IC在保护板中一般为6个管脚的封装形式,其区别管脚的方法为:在封装体上标识黑点的附近为第1管脚,然后逆时针旋转分别为第2、3、4、5、6管脚;如封装体上无黑点标识,则正看封装体上字符左下为第1管脚,其余管脚逆时针类推C-MOS:场效应开关管;保护功能的实现者;连焊、虚焊、假焊、击穿时会造成电池无保护、无显示、输出电压低等不良现象;总结:CMOS在保护板中一般为8个管脚的封装形式,它时由两个MOS管构成,相当于两个开关,分别控制过充保护和过放、过流、短路保护;其管脚区分方法和IC 一样;在保护板正常情况下,Vdd为高电平,Vss、VM为低电平,Dout、Cout为高电平;当Vdd、Vss、VM任何一项参数变换时,Dout或Cout的电平将发生变化,此时MOSFET 执行相应的动作开、关电路,从而实现电路的保护和恢复功能;04保护板常见不良分析一、无显示、输出电压低、带不起负载:此类不良首先排除电芯不良电芯本来无电压或电压低,如果电芯不良则应测试保护板的自耗电,看是否是保护板自耗电过大导致电芯电压低;如果电芯电压正常,则是由于保护板整个回路不通元器件虚焊、假焊、FUSE不良、PCB板内部电路不通、过孔不通、MOS、IC损坏等;具体分析步骤如下:一、用万用表黑表笔接电芯负极,红表笔依次接FUSE、R1电阻两端,IC的Vdd、Dout、Cout端,P+端假设电芯电压为,逐段进行分析,此几个测试点都应为;若不是,则此段电路有问题;1. FUSE两端电压有变化:测试FUSE是否导通,若导通则是PCB板内部电路不通;若不导通则FUSE有问题来料不良、过流损坏MOS或IC控制失效、材质有问题在MOS或IC动作之前FUSE被烧坏,然后用导线短接FUSE,继续往后分析;2. R1电阻两端电压有变化:测试R1电阻值,若电阻值异常,则可能是虚焊,电阻本身断裂;若电阻值无异常,则可能是IC内部电阻出现问题;3. IC测试端电压有变化:Vdd端与R1电阻相连;Dout、Cout端异常,则是由于IC 虚焊或损坏;4. 若前面电压都无变化,测试B-到P+间的电压异常,则是由于保护板正极过孔不通;二、万用表红表笔接电芯正极,激活MOS管后,黑表笔依次接MOS管2、3脚,6、7脚,P-端;管2、3脚,6、7脚电压有变化,则表示MOS管异常;2.若MOS管电压无变化,P-端电压异常,则是由于保护板负极过孔不通;二、短路无保护:1. VM端电阻出现问题:可用万用表一表笔接IC2脚,一表笔接与VM端电阻相连的MOS管管脚,确认其电阻值大小;看电阻与IC、MOS管脚有无虚焊;2. IC、MOS异常:由于过放保护与过流、短路保护共用一个MOS管,若短路异常是由于MOS出现问题,则此板应无过放保护功能;3. 以上为正常状况下的不良,也可能出现IC与MOS配置不良引起的短路异常;如前期出现的BK-901,其型号为‘312D’的IC内延迟时间过长,导致在IC作出相应动作控制之前MOS或其它元器件已被损坏;注:其中确定IC或MOS是否发生异常最简易、直接的方法就是对有怀疑的元器件进行更换;三、短路保护无自恢复:1. 设计时所用IC本来没有自恢复功能,如G2J,G2Z等;2. 仪器设置短路恢复时间过短,或短路测试时未将负载移开,如用万用表电压档进行短路表笔短接后未将表笔从测试端移开万用表相当于一个几兆的负载;3. P+、P-间漏电,如焊盘之间存在带杂质的松香,带杂质的黄胶或P+、P-间电容被击穿,IC Vdd到Vss间被击穿.阻值只有几K到几百K;4. 如果以上都没问题,可能IC被击穿,可测试IC各管脚之间阻值;四、内阻大:1. 由于MOS内阻相对比较稳定,出现内阻大情况,首先怀疑的应该是FUSE或PTC 这些内阻相对比较容易发生变化的元器件;2. 如果FUSE或PTC阻值正常,则视保护板结构检测P+、P-焊盘与元器件面之间的过孔阻值,可能过孔出现微断现象,阻值较大;3. 如果以上多没有问题,就要怀疑MOS是否出现异常:首先确定焊接有没有问题;其次看板的厚度是否容易弯折,因为弯折时可能导致管脚焊接处异常;再将MOS管放到显微镜下观测是否破裂;最后用万用表测试MOS管脚阻值,看是否被击穿;五、ID异常:1. ID电阻本身由于虚焊、断裂或因电阻材质不过关而出现异常:可重新焊接电阻两端,若重焊后ID正常则是电阻虚焊,若断裂则电阻会在重焊后从中裂开;2. ID过孔不导通:可用万用表测试过孔两端;3. 内部线路出现问题:可刮开阻焊漆看内部电路有无断开、短路现象;。
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XB5351A_______________________________________________________________________________________________________One Cell Lithium-ion/Polymer Battery Protection ICGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe XB5351 series product is a high integration solution for lithium-ion/polymer battery protection. XB5351 contains advanced power MOSFET, high-accuracy voltage detection circuits and delay circuits. XB5351 is put into an ultra-small SOT23-5 package and only one external component makes it an ideal solution in limited space of battery pack.XB5351 has all the protection functions required in the battery application including overcharging, overdischarging, overcurrent and load short circuiting protection etc. The accurate overcharging detection voltage ensures safe and full utilization charging. The low standby current drains little current from the cell while in storage.The device is not only targeted for digital cellular phones, but also for any other Li-Ion and Li-Poly battery-powered information appliances requiring long-term battery life.FEATURES· Protection of Charger Reverse Connection· Protection of Battery Cell Reverse Connection· Integrate Advanced Power MOSFET with Equivalent of 54m Ω R DS(ON) · Ultra-small SOT23-5 Package · Only One External Capacitor Required· Over-temperature Protection · Overcharge Current Protection · Two-step Overcurrent Detection: -Overdischarge Current -Load Short Circuiting · Charger Detection Function · 0V Battery Charging Function - Delay Times are generated inside · High-accuracy Voltage Detection · Low Current Consumption- Operation Mode: 2.8μA typ. - Power-down Mode: 0.1μA max. · RoHS Compliant and Lead (Pb) FreeAPPLICATIONS• One-Cell Lithium-ion Battery Pack • Lithium-Polymer BatteryPackFigure 1. Typical Application Circuit深圳市思微半导体有限公司ORDERING INFORMATIONPART NUMBER Package Overcharg e Detection Voltage [V CU ] (V) Overcharge Release Voltage [V CL ] (V) Overdischarge Detection Voltage [V DL ] (V) Overdischarge Release Voltage [V DR ] (V) OvercurrentDetectionCurrent[I OV1] (A) Top MarkXB5351ASOT23-54.304.102.403.035351AYW (note)Note: “YW” is manufacture date code, “Y” means the year, “W” means the weekPIN CONFIGURATIONFigure 2. PIN ConfigurationPIN DESCRIPTIONXB5351 PIN NUMBERPIN NAMEPIN DESCRIPTION1 V T Test pin ;only for vendor not used by application 2GNDGround, connect the negative terminal of the battery to this pin3 VDD Power Supply4,5 VMThe negative terminal of the battery pack. The internal FET switch connects this terminal to GNDABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Note: Do not exceed these limits to prevent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for long periods may affect device reliability.) PARAMETER VALUE UNITVDD input pin voltage -0.3 to 6 V VM input pin voltage-6 to 10 V Operating Ambient Temperature -40 to 85°CMaximum Junction Temperature125 °CStorage Temperature-55 to 150 °CLead Temperature ( Soldering, 10 sec)300 °C Power Dissipation at T=25°C 0.4 WPackage Thermal Resistance (Junction to Ambient) θJA250 °C/W Package Thermal Resistance (Junction to Case) θJC130 °C/W ESD 2000 VELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSTypicals and limits appearing in normal type apply for T A=25o C, unless otherwise specifiedParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitDetection VoltageOvercharge Detection Voltage V CU4.25 4.30 4.35VOvercharge Release Voltage V CL 4.05 4.10 4.15VOverdischarge Detection Voltage V DL 2.3 2.4 2.5VOverdischarge Release Voltage V DR 2.9 3.0 3.1VCharger Detection Voltage V CHA-0.07-0.12 -0.2V Detection CurrentOverdischarge Current1 Detection IIOV1V DD=3.5V 2.1 3 3.9A Load Short-CircuitingDetectionI SHORT V DD=3.5V 10 2030 A Current ConsumptionCurrent Consumption in Normal Operation I OPE V DD=3.5VVM =0V2.8 6 μACurrent Consumption in power Down I PDN V DD=2.0VVM pin floating0.1 μAVM Internal ResistanceInternal Resistance between VM and V DD R VMD V DD=3.5VVM=1.0V320kΩInternal Resistance between VM and GND R VMS V DD=2.0VVM=1.0V100kΩFET on ResistanceEquivalent FET on Resistance R DS(ON)V DD=3.6V I VM=1.0A5463mΩOver Temperature ProtectionOver Temperature Protection T SHD+120Over Temperature Recovery Degree T SHD-100o CDetection Delay TimeOvercharge Voltage DetectionDelay Timet CU 130 200 mSOverdischarge Voltage DetectionDelay Timet DL 40 60 mSOverdischarge Current DetectionDelay Timet IOV V DD=3.5V 15 20 mSLoad Short-Circuiting DetectionDelay Timet SHORT V DD=3.5V 180 300 uSFigure 3. Functional Block DiagramFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONThe XB5351 monitors the voltage and current of a battery and protects it from being damaged due to overcharge voltage, overdischarge voltage, overdischarge current, and short circuit conditions by disconnecting the battery from the load or charger. These functions are required in order to operate the battery cell within specified limits.The device requires only one external capacitor. The MOSFET is integrated andits R DS(ON)is as low as54mΩtypical. Normal operating modeIf no exception condition is detected, charging and discharging can be carried out freely. This condition is called the normal operating mode.Overcharge ConditionWhen the battery voltage becomes higher than the overcharge detection voltage (V CU) during charging under normal conditionand the state continues for the overcharge detection delay time (t CU) or longer, theXB5351 turns the charging control FET offto stop charging. This condition is called the overcharge condition. The overcharge condition is released in the following two cases:1, When the battery voltage drops below the overcharge release voltage (V CL), the XB5351 turns the charging control FET on and returns to the normal condition.2, When a load is connected and discharging starts, the XB5351 turns the charging control FET on and returns to the normal condition. The release mechanism is as follows: the discharging current flows through an internal parasitic diode of the charging FET immediately after a load is connected and discharging starts, and the VM pin voltage increases about 0.7 V (forward voltage of the diode) from the GND pin voltage momentarily. The XB5351 detects this voltage and releases the overcharge condition. Consequently, in the case that the battery voltage is equal to or lower than the overcharge detection voltage (V CU), the XB5351returns to the normal condition immediately, but in the case the battery voltage is higher than the overcharge detection voltage (V CU),the chip does not return to the normal condition until the battery voltage drops below the overcharge detection voltage (V CU) even if the load is connected. In addition, if the VM pin voltage is equal to or lower than the overcurrent 1 detection voltage when a load is connected and discharging starts, the chip does not return to the normal condition.Remark If the battery is charged to a voltage higher than the overcharge detection voltage (V CU) and the battery voltage does not drops below the overcharge detection voltage (V CU) even when a heavy load, which causes an overcurrent, is connected, the overcurrent 1 and overcurrent 2 do not work until the battery voltage drops below the overcharge detection voltage (V CU). Since an actual battery has, however, an internal impedance of several dozens of mΩ, and the battery voltage drops immediately after a heavy load which causes an overcurrent is connected, the overcurrent 1 and overcurrent 2 work. Detection of load short-circuiting works regardless of the battery voltage.Overdischarge ConditionWhen the battery voltage drops below the overdischarge detection voltage (V DL) during discharging under normal condition and it continues for the overdischarge detection delay time (t DL) or longer, theXB5351 turns the discharging control FET off and stops discharging. This condition is called overdischarge condition. After the discharging control FET is turned off, the VM pin is pulled up by the R VMD resistor between VM and VDD in XB5351. Meanwhile when VM is bigger than 1.5V (typ.) (the load short-circuiting detection voltage), the current of the chip is reduced to the power-down current (I PDN). This condition is called power-down condition. The VM and VDD pins are shorted by theR VMD resistor in the IC under the overdischarge and power-down conditions. The power-down condition is released when a charger is connected and the potential difference between VM and VDD becomes 1.3 V (typ.) or higher (load short-circuiting detection voltage). At this time, the FET is still off. When the battery voltage becomes the overdischarge detection voltage (V DL) or higher (see note), the XB5351 turns the FET on and changes to the normal condition from the overdischarge condition.Remark If the VM pin voltage is no less than the charger detection voltage (V CHA), when the battery under overdischarge condition is connected to a charger, the overdischarge condition is released (the discharging control FET is turned on) as usual, provided that the battery voltage reaches the overdischarge release voltage (V DU) or higher. Overcurrent ConditionWhen the discharging current becomes equal to or higher than a specified value (the VM pin voltage is equal to or higher than the overcurrent detection voltage)during discharging under normal condition and the state continues for the overcurrent detection delay time or longer, the XB5351 turns off the discharging control FET to stop discharging. This condition is called overcurrent condition. (The overcurrent includes overcurrent, or load short-circuiting.)The VM and GND pins are shorted internally by the R VMS resistor under the overcurrent condition. When a load is connected, the VM pin voltage equals the VDD voltage due to the load.The overcurrent condition returns to the normal condition when the load is released and the impedance between the B+ and B- pins becomes higher than the automatic recoverable impedance. When the load is removed, the VM pin goes back to the GND potential since the VM pin is shorted the GND pin with the R VMS resistor. Detecting that the VM pin potential is lower than the overcurrent detection voltage(V IOV), the IC returns to the normal condition.Abnormal Charge Current DetectionIf the VM pin voltage drops below the charger detection voltage (V CHA) during charging under the normal condition and it continues for the overcharge detection delay time (t CU) or longer, the XB5351 turns the charging control FET off and stops charging. This action is called abnormal charge current detection.Abnormal charge current detection works when the discharging control FET is on and the VM pin voltage drops below the charger detection voltage (V CHA). When an abnormal charge current flows into a battery in the overdischarge condition, the XB5351 consequently turns the charging control FET off and stops charging after the battery voltage becomes the overdischarge detection voltage and the overcharge detection delay time (t CU) elapses.Abnormal charge current detection is released when the voltage difference between VM pin and GND pin becomes lower than the charger detection voltage (V CHA) by separating the charger. Since the 0 V battery charging function has higher priority than the abnormal charge current detection function, abnormal charge current may not be detected by the product with the 0 V battery charging function while the battery voltage is low.Load Short-circuiting conditionIf voltage of VM pin is equal or below short circuiting protection voltage (V SHORT), the XB5351 will stop discharging and battery is disconnected from load. The maximum delay time to switch current off is t SHORT. This status is released when voltage of VM pin is higher than short protection voltage (V SHORT), such as when disconnecting the load.Delay CircuitsThe detection delay time for overdischarge current 2 and load short-circuiting starts when overdischarge current 1 is detected. As soon as overdischarge current 2 or load short-circuiting is detected over detection delay time for overdischarge current 2 or load short- circuiting, the XB5351 stops discharging. When battery voltage falls below overdischarge detection voltage due to overdischarge current, the XB5351 stop discharging by overdischarge current detection. In this case the recovery of battery voltage is so slow that if battery voltage after overdischarge voltage detection delay time is still lower than overdischarge detection voltage, the XB5351 shifts to power-down.Figure 4. Overcurrent delay time0V Battery Charging Function (1) (2) (3) This function enables the charging of a connected battery whose voltage is 0 V by self-discharge. When a charger having 0 V battery start charging charger voltage(V0CHA) or higher is connected between B+ and B- pins, the charging control FET gate is fixed to VDD potential. When the voltage between the gate and the source of the charging control FET becomes equal to or higher than the turn-on voltage by the charger voltage, the charging control FET is turned on to start charging. At this time, the discharging control FET is off and the charging current flows through the internal parasitic diode in the discharging control FET. If the battery voltage becomes equal to or higher than the overdischarge release voltage (V DU), the normal condition returns. Note(1) Some battery providers do not recommend charging of completely discharged batteries. Please refer to battery providers before the selection of 0 V battery charging function.(2) The 0V battery charging function has higher priority than the abnormal charge current detection function. Consequently, a product with the 0 V battery charging function charges a battery and abnormal charge current cannot be detected during the battery voltage is low (at most 1.8 V or lower).(3) When a battery is connected to the IC for the first time, the IC may not enter the normal condition in which discharging is possible. In this case, set the VM pin voltage equal to the GND voltage (short the VM and GND pins or connect a charger) to enter the normal condition.TIMING CHART1.Overcharge and overdischarge detectionV V CU -V V DL +V V DL ONONCHARGEV DDV ov1V SS V VMFigure5-1 Overcharge and Overdischarge Voltage Detection2. Overdischarge current detectionV CUV CU -V HC V DL +V DH V DLONDISCHARGEOFF V DDV V ov2V ov1V SSFigure5-2 Overdischarge Current DetectionRemark: (1) Normal condition (2) Overcharge voltage condition (3) Overdischarge voltage condition (4)Overcurrent conditionDetection3. ChargerVV CU-VV DL+VV DLONV DDVMV SSVFigure5-3 Charger Detection4.Abnormal Charger DetectionVV CU-VV DL+VV DLONONCHARGEV DDVMV SSVFigure5-4 Abnormal Charger DetectionRemark: (1) Normal condition (2) Overcharge voltage condition (3) Overdischarge voltage condition (4)Overcurrent conditionTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Test based on XB5351A version, V BAT = 3.6V, T A= 25°C unless otherwise specified)Internal FET On-Resistance vs. Junction TemperatureTYPICAL APPLICATIONAs shown in Figure 6, the bold line is the high density current path which must be kept as short as possible. For thermal management, ensure that these trace widths are adequate. C1 is a decoupling capacitor which should be placed as close as possible to XB5351.Fig 6 XB5351 in a Typical Battery Protection CircuitPrecautions• Pay attention to the operating conditions for input/output voltage and load current so that the power loss in XB5351 does not exceed the power dissipation of the package.• Do not apply an electrostatic discharge to this XB5351 that exceeds the performance ratings of the built-in electrostatic protection circuit.XB5351A__________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________ PACKAGE OUTLINESOT23-5 PACKAGE OUTLINE AND DIMENSIONSDIMENSIONINMILIMETERSDIMENSIONIN INCHES SYMBOLMIN MAX MIN MAXA 1.050 1.2500.0410.049A1 0.0000.1000.0000.004A2 1.050 1.1500.0410.045b 0.3000.4000.0120.016c 0.1000.2000.0040.008D 2.820 3.0200.1110.119E 1.500 1.7000.0590.067E1 2.650 2.9500.1040.116e 0.950 TYP 0.037 TYPe1 1.800 2.0000.0710.079L 0.700 REF 0.028 REFL1 0.3000.6000.0120.024θ 0° 8° 0° 8°深圳市思微半导体有限公司XB5351A__________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________ DISCLAIMERThe information described herein is subject to change without notice.Xysemi Inc. is not responsible for any problems caused by circuits ordiagrams described herein whose ralated industial properties,patents,orother rights belong to third parties. The application circuit examplesexplain typical applications of the products, and do not guarantee thesuccess of any specific mass-production design.When the products described herein are regulated products subject to the Wassenaar Arrangement or other arrangements, they may not be exportedwithout authorization from the appropriate governmental authority.Use of the information described herein for other purposes and/orreproduction or copying without express permission of Xysemi Inc. isstrictly prohibited.The products described herein cannot be used as part of any device orequipment affecting the human body,such as exercise equipment ,medical equipment, security systems, gas equipment,or any aparatus installed inairplanes and other vehicles,without prior written pemission of Xysemi Inc.Although Xysemi Inc. exerts the greatest possible effort to ensure highquality and reliability, the failure or malfunction of semiconductor mayoccur. The use of these products should therefore give thoroughconsideration to safty design,including redundancy, fire-preventionmeasure and malfunction prevention, to prevent any accidents,fires,orcommunity damage that may ensue.。