mount root权限参数
mount root权限参数
sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt.
su -。
mount方法1. 介绍在计算机科学中,mount方法是一种将外部设备或文件系统连接到操作系统中的过程。
2. 功能和作用mount方法的主要功能是将外部设备或文件系统与操作系统进行连接,以便操作系统可以读取、写入和管理其中的数据。
具体来说,mount方法可以实现以下几个作用:2.1 文件系统挂载在操作系统中,文件系统是一种用于组织和存储文件的方式。
2.2 设备挂载除了文件系统,mount方法还可以用于将外部设备连接到操作系统中。
2.3 虚拟文件系统挂载除了外部设备和文件系统,mount方法还可以用于挂载虚拟文件系统。
3. 使用方法mount方法的使用方法通常是通过操作系统提供的命令行工具或API来完成的。
以下是一些常见的使用方法示例:3.1 挂载文件系统在Linux系统中,可以使用mount命令来挂载文件系统。
命令的基本语法如下:mount [-t 文件系统类型] [-o 选项] 设备文件夹其中,文件系统类型表示要挂载的文件系统的类型,例如ext4、ntfs等;选项表示挂载选项,例如读写权限、访问控制等;设备表示要挂载的设备,例如硬盘、光盘等;文件夹表示挂载的目标文件夹。
mount参数范文``````参数说明:- -h,--help:显示mount命令的帮助信息。
- -V,--version:显示mount命令的版本信息。
- -l,--list:列出所有已挂载的文件系统。
- -fnrsvw:mount执行时的动作标志,可以组合使用,具体含义如下:--f:强制卸载目标设备或目录。
- --all:列出所有已挂载的文件系统,包括NFS和Pseudo文件系统。
- --tree:以树形结构显示文件系统的挂载关系。
- --target directory:指定要查看挂载点所在的文件系统。
- -o options:指定挂载过程中的选项,多个选项之间使用英文逗号分隔。
- -t type:指定要挂载的文件系统类型。
使用mount命令进行文件系统挂载的一般步骤如下:1. 创建挂载点:可以使用mkdir命令创建目录作为挂载点,例如`mkdir /mnt/usb`。
2. 确定要挂载的设备或目录:可以使用命令fdisk -l和df -h查看系统中的设备和文件系统信息。
3. 执行挂载操作:根据需要的挂载方式和文件系统类型,使用mount命令进行挂载操作,例如:- 挂载分区:`mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb`- 挂载ISO镜像文件:`mount -o loop /path/to/iso/file.iso/mnt/iso`- 挂载NFS共享:`mount -t nfs server:/share /mnt/nfs`- ro:以只读方式挂载文件系统。
- rw:以可读写方式挂载文件系统。
- remount:重新挂载目标设备或目录,一般用于修改挂载选项。
- sync:将文件系统以同步方式挂载,确保数据写入设备后再返回。
mount [-t 文件系统类型] [-o 附加选项] [-L 卷标名] [-U UUID] [-v] 设备文件名挂载点
mount /dev/sda6 /mnt
mount -t ntfs /dev/sda2 /mnt
以上是mount指令的基本用法,它还有很多高级选项和用法,可以通过man mount命令查看完整的帮助文档。
mount 读写
mount 读写什么是mount在计算机领域,mount(挂载)是指将一个文件系统连接到文件树的特定位置,使得操作系统可以访问该文件系统中的数据。
mount命令语法mount命令的基本语法如下:mount [-t 文件系统类型] [-o 特殊选项] 设备文件名挂载点其中,•-t 文件系统类型:指定要挂载的文件系统类型,默认情况下会自动检测。
•-o 特殊选项:指定特殊选项,比如读写权限、允许其他用户访问等。
mount命令的常用选项mount命令有许多可选的特殊选项,常用的选项如下:•-o ro:以只读方式挂载设备,即不能对设备进行写操作。
•-o rw:以读写方式挂载设备,即可以对设备进行读写操作。
•-o remount:重新挂载已经挂载的设备,可以修改挂载的特殊选项。
•-o noexec:禁止在该文件系统上执行可执行文件。
•-o nosuid:禁止使用setuid和setgid权限位。
•-o nodev:禁止创建设备文件。
然后使用mount命令将硬盘分区挂载到该目录下:$ sudo mkdir /mnt/mydisk$ sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/mydisk这样一来,我们就将/dev/sdb1这个硬盘分区挂载到了/mnt/mydisk这个目录下。
mount方法【原创版3篇】篇1 目录1.介绍 mount 方法的定义和作用2.解析 mount 方法的参数3.详述 mount 方法的工作原理4.展示 mount 方法的实例应用5.总结 mount 方法的特点和优缺点篇1正文一、介绍 mount 方法的定义和作用在计算机编程领域,mount 方法是将一个文件系统(file system)挂载到另一个文件系统上的过程。
二、解析 mount 方法的参数mount 方法通常需要两个参数:一个是要挂载的文件系统,另一个是挂载点(mount point)。
三、详述 mount 方法的工作原理mount 方法的工作原理是通过系统调用(system call)将文件系统驱动程序(file system driver)加载到内存中。
在加载文件系统驱动程序后,mount 方法会创建一个新的文件系统实例,并将其与挂载点目录关联。
四、展示 mount 方法的实例应用举个例子,假设我们有两个文件系统:/home 和/mnt。
我们可以使用mount 方法将/home 文件系统挂载到/mnt 目录上。
这样,我们就可以通过/mnt 目录访问/home 文件系统中的数据。
在 Linux 系统中,可以使用如下命令实现这个操作:```mount /home /mnt```五、总结 mount 方法的特点和优缺点mount 方法的特点是可以将一个文件系统挂载到另一个文件系统上,实现跨文件系统的数据访问。
它的基本格式为:mount [选项] 文件系统挂载点其中,文件系统可以是设备节点、设备文件或网络资源,挂载点是文件系统要挂载到的目录。
1. 挂载设备节点挂载设备节点是最常见的用法,设备节点可以是硬盘、U盘、CD-ROM等。
以下是一个例子:mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt上述命令将/dev/sdb1设备节点挂载到/mnt目录。
2. 挂载设备文件有时候,设备节点并不直接可用,需要通过设备文件来指定。
以下是一个例子:mount /dev/cdrom /mnt上述命令将/dev/cdrom设备文件挂载到/mnt目录。
3. 挂载网络资源在Linux中,我们也可以通过mount命令挂载网络资源,比如使用NFS挂载远程文件夹。
以下是一个例子:mount -t nfs /mnt上述命令将远程主机192.168.0.100上的/data文件夹挂载到/mnt目录。
它的基本格式为:umount [选项] 挂载点其中,挂载点指的是已经挂载的目录。
以下是一个例子:umount /mnt上述命令将/mnt目录下的文件系统进行卸载操作。
Linux中mount命令的作用1.简介在L in ux操作系统中,mo un t命令用于将存储设备或网络位置挂载(m ou nt)到文件系统的指定目录上。
通过m ou nt命令,我们可以将硬盘分区、US B存储设备、网络共享等连接到文件系统中,使得这些设备或位置上的数据能够被访问并与其他文件进行交互。
2.基本语法m o un t命令的基本语法如下:m o un t[-t文件系统类型][-o特殊选项]设备节点挂载点其中,主要选项包括:-`-t文件系统类型`:指定要挂载的设备的文件系统类型。
3.示例下面通过一些示例来介绍mo un t命令的作用:3.1挂载硬盘分区假设我们有一个分区设备`/de v/sd b1`,我们可以使用m oun t命令将其挂载到文件系统的指定目录上:m o un t/de v/sd b1/mn t这样,分区设备`/de v/s db1`中的数据就会被挂载到/m nt目录下,我们可以通过/mn t目录来访问和操作这些数据。
假设我们有一个I SO格式的光盘镜像文件`/p at h/to/i ma o`,我们可以使用m ou nt命令将其挂载到文件系统的指定目录上:m o un t-ti so9660-ol o op/p at h/to/i mag e.i so/m nt这样,光盘镜像文件中的数据就会被挂载到/mn t目录下,我们可以通过/mn t目录来访问和操作这些数据。
3.3挂载网络共享在网络环境中,我们可以使用mo un t命令挂载远程共享目录,以实现与远程文件的交互。
假设我们有一个网络共享目录`// ha re`,我们可以使用mo un t命令将其挂载到文件系统的指定目录上:m o un t-tc if s-o u se rn am e=us er,pa s sw or d=pa ss// are/mn t这样,远程共享目录中的数据就会被挂载到/mn t目录下,我们可以通过/mn t目录来访问和操作这些数据。
mount [选项] <设备> <挂载点>
-t <类型>:指定需要挂载的文件系统类型,如ext4、ntfs等
-o <选项>:指定挂载时的一些选项,如rw(读写)、ro(只读)、noexec(不允许执行文件)等
mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb1 /mnt
mount 中文意思是指「固定在…,镶嵌」的意思,mount 的名词复数为mounts。
mount 当作动词用的时候,三态分别为:过去式:mounted 过去分词:mounted 现在分词:mounting。
1.mount 固定在…,镶嵌
mount 的中文意思有不少,除了有「固定在…,镶嵌」,还有「登上、爬上」的意思。
The surveillance camera is mounted above the main door. 监视摄像机安装在大门的上方。
mount, mount 中文, mount 中文意思, mount 意思, mount 用法, mount 翻译。
1. 查看已挂载的文件系统在使用mount命令挂载和卸载文件系统之前,我们可以先使用mount命令来查看当前已经挂载的文件系统。
2. 使用mount命令挂载文件系统使用mount命令挂载文件系统需要指定两个参数,一个是待挂载的设备,另一个是挂载点。
假设我们有一个名为``/dev/sdb1``的分区,我们要将其挂载到``/mnt/data``目录下,可以使用以下命令:```sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/data```在执行该命令之前,需要确保``/mnt/data``目录已经存在。
3. 指定文件系统类型当我们挂载文件系统时,有时需要指定文件系统的类型。
例如,我们要将一个NTFS格式的分区挂载到``/mnt/windows``目录下,可以使用以下命令:```sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb2 /mnt/windows```通过指定文件系统类型,系统可以正确地解析文件系统的结构和特性。
4. 只读挂载文件系统默认情况下,mount命令将文件系统以读写模式挂载。
cmd中mount使用方法嘿,朋友们!今天咱来聊聊 cmd 中那个有点神秘又超实用的 mount 命令的使用方法。
你想想看啊,mount 就像是给电脑这个大仓库开了一扇特别的门,可以让不同的存储区域连接起来,变得好用极了。
首先呢,你得打开那个神秘的 cmd 窗口,就像打开了一个通往电脑内部世界的通道。
然后在里面输入相关的 mount 命令。
这时候你就可以用类似这样的命令:mount X: /mnt/directory 。
这里的 X 就是你要挂载的磁盘分区啦,而 /mnt/directory 就是那个放宝贝的架子,也就是目标目录。
这就好比是在电脑的世界里搭起了一座桥,让不同的地方能够连通起来,互相交流呢!你说神奇不神奇?而且哦,mount 命令还有很多其他的参数和用法呢,可以满足各种各样不同的需求。
如果一切顺利,那你就成功啦!怎么样,是不是觉得 cmd 中的 mount 命令很有意思呀?别再觉得它遥不可及啦,大胆去尝试,去探索,你会发现电脑的世界原来这么丰富多彩!就像你发现了一个新的宝藏一样令人兴奋呢!赶紧去试试吧,让你的电脑变得更加强大,更加好用!。
mount 读写
例如,如果我们想将名为/dev/sdb1的分区挂载到/mnt/data目录上,可以使用以下命令:mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/data这将把/dev/sdb1分区上的数据连接到/mnt/data目录上。
4.验证挂载:为了确保挂载成功,我们可以使用df -h命令来查看已经挂载的文件系统列表。
linux mount流程
linux mount流程
1. 准备文件系统,在进行挂载之前,首先需要准备好要挂载的文件系统。
2. 挂载点的准备,在Linux中,挂载点是文件系统连接到文件系统目录树的位置。
3. 执行挂载命令,一旦文件系统和挂载点准备就绪,就可以执行挂载命令了。
例如,如果要将名为`/dev/sdb1`的分区挂载到`/mnt/usb`目录,可以使用命令`sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb`。
4. 检查挂载结果,执行挂载命令后,系统会将指定的文件系统挂载到指定的挂载点上。
可以使用`df -h`命令查看当前已挂载的文
5. 自动挂载,在Linux中,还可以通过编辑`/etc/fstab`文件来实现开机自动挂载。
下面是mount命令的基本用法:```mount [-t 文件系统类型] [-o options] 设备名/源路径(必选) 目标路径(必选)```其中,“-t”选项用于指定文件系统类型,“-o”选项用于指定挂载选项。
1. 挂载文件系统要挂载一个文件系统,需要指定设备名或源路径以及目标路径。
下面是一个例子:```mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb```上述命令将/dev/sdb1设备挂载到/mnt/usb目录下。
2. 指定文件系统类型有时候,在挂载文件系统时需要指定文件系统的类型。
例如,要挂载FAT32格式的U盘,可以使用以下命令:```mount -t vfat /dev/sdc1 /mnt/usb```上述命令中,“-t”选项后的“vfat”表示文件系统类型为FAT32。
挂载(mount)深⼊理解⾸先引⽤⼀句 wiki 上的定义来开篇:Mounting takes place before a computer can use any kind of storage device (such as a hard drive, CD-ROM, or network share).The user or their operating system must make it accessible through the computer’s file system. A user can only access files on mounted media.意思是说, “挂载” 发⽣在计算机想要使⽤任何类型的存储设备 (如硬盘, CD-ROM, ⽹络设备) 之前. 操作系统必须将这个设备纳⼊⾃⼰的⽂件系统中去.要注意的是, 这⾥的存储设备不⼀定必须是外部的存储设备, 也可以是你安装系统的硬盘上的分区.例⼦先光看上⾯说的还不够, 先看个例⼦吧, 这个例⼦摘⾃ man mount, 在 man ⼿册中这个例⼦下的⼀句话⾮常好的解释了 mount 到底是什么.mount -t type device dir在这个例⼦下⾯有这么⼀句话:This tells the kernel to attch the filesystem fount on device(which is of type type) at the directory dir.这句话⾮常重要, 我们⼀定要明⽩, 挂载操作, 实际上是把设备device中的⽂件系统附加到dir上, 然后我们就可以通过访问dir来访问这个设备.明⽩了这⼀点, 我们就能明⽩ “挂载” 的本质了, 挂载的本质就是针对某⼀设备, 分析出其⽂件系统结构, 并根据其⽂件系统类型调⽤ linux 中相应的驱动, 处理其的元数据, 将这些信息附加到 linux 的⽬录树上呈现出来.明⽩这⼀点之后, 后⾯的 bind mount, loop mount 以及 remount 的区别就能够很清楚了.挂载点什么是挂载点呢? 还是先借⽤ Wiki 上的⼀句话:A mount point is a physical location in the partition used as a root filesystem.不幸的是, Wiki 上的这句话并不准确, 这句话的意思也就是说 “挂载点就是 root 分区中的⼀个位置”, 这句话错在 “root 分区” 上.我们知道在安装 Linux 系统时可能会为磁盘分多个区, 最普遍的情况就是很多⽤户会给 /home ⽬录单独分⼀个区. ⽽且有⼀部分⽤户还会在/home/username ⽬录下建⽴⼀个专门⽤来挂载各种设备的⽬录 (如 /home/username/mnt-point) ⽽不使⽤系统的 /mnt ⽬录. 那么这时候, 难道说 /home/username/mnt-point 这个⽬录就不是挂载点了吗? 显然它也是挂载点, 但它确并不是位于 root 分区 (即 / 分区).国外有, ⽤毫不装逼的⽅式说出了”挂载点”的本质:In simple words a mount point is a directory to access your data (files and folders) which is stored in your disks.所以说⽩了, 挂载点就是⼀个⽬录. 所以下⽂中当我应该说”挂载到某⼀挂载点”的时候我都直接说”挂载到某⼀⽬录”.假设备挂载 (loop mount)loop device明⽩ loop mount 之前, 最好先清除什么是 loop device, 有耐⼼的话可以参见中的条⽬, ⽐较长, 没耐⼼的话可以直接看我下⾯的描述, 简洁些.简单来说, loop device 能够提供将⼀个档案挂载到某⼀⽬录的功能. 这和 bind mount (下⽂会介绍) 有些类似, 但并不相同. 原始的 mount 只是为了将正常的设备挂载, bind mount 使得可以挂载⽬录, ⽽ loop device 使得可以挂载档案.在 linux 中, loop device 就是指 /dev/loop0, /dev/loop1, /dev/loop2 … 这些设备, 它们是虚假的设备(pseudo device), 不像 /dev/sda 在你的主机⾥物理存在. loop device 需要你在编译内核的时候将其静态编译或者编译为动态模块, 然后需要使⽤modprobe加载其模块(这个模块包含了loop device 的驱动程序以及 losetup 这种提供给⽤户来操作 loop device 的程序), 这时其驱动程序就回创建 /dev/loop0, /dev/loop1 … 这⼏个设备⽂件.档案注意, 我在说档案的时候, 指的是英⽂中的 archive, 它和⽂件 file 是不同的东西, 档案 archive 是⼀个打包的⽂件集, ⾥⾯⼀般包含许多⽂件, ⽐如 tar, jar, iso 就是常见的档案格式.⽤过 dd 的⼈应该知道, 这个强⼤的命令可以将整个磁盘或者磁盘分区克隆下来, 放到⼀个⽂件⾥, ⼀般, 这样的⽂件我们都以 .img 后缀为其命名并称这样的⽂件为镜像⽂件. 我所说的档案也包含这类情况.loop mountok, 明⽩了什么是 loop device, 也明⽩了档案是什么, 那么到底如何把⼀个档案挂载到某个⽬录下呢?实际上 loop mount 采取了⼀个瞒天过海的⽅式, 它先将这个档案映射到某个 loop device 上, 像这样:# losetup /dev/loop0 xxxx.iso通过这种⽅式来欺骗mount命令, 让mount命令以为 /dev/loop0 上⾯真的有设备. 这时运⾏mount就⾏了:# mount -t iso9660 /dev/loop0 /path/to/mount/point这么看起来, 当你想挂载某⼀个档案的时候(⽐如某个 iso), 你⾸先得把这个档案和某⼀个 loop device 关联起来, 使⽤ losetup 命令. 然后使⽤mount 命令将这个 loop device 设备挂载到某个⽬录上. 实际上不必这样,mount命令⾃⾝其实就有⼀个能把这两步合并的功能, 那就是这样:# mount -t iso9660 -o loop /dev/loop0 /path/to/mount/point最后我们再来想⼀想, 是不是所有的档案都可以⽤这种⽅式挂载? 显然不是的, 根据mount命令有个 -t 参数来看, 在挂载的时候是需要指定⽂件系统的类型的(不指定的话mount命令会⾃动识别), 还记得上⾯说的挂载的本质吗?"挂载操作, 实际上是把设备 _device_ 中的**⽂件系统**附加到 _dir_ 上,".不被识别的⽂件系统是不能被挂载的, 如果你没有加载 ReiserFS 模块, 那么挂载具有 ReiserFS ⽂件系统的设备时就会报 “unknown file system” 错误. 像上⾯说的 tar, jar, zip 这样的档案, 它们只是⼀种打包/压缩格式, 本⾝就不是⼀种⽂件系统格式, 当然是不能被 linux 识别的. 它们虽然可以映射到某⼀个 loop device, 但并不能被挂载.但是像 .iso ⽂件, 它⼀般包含 iso 9660 ⽂件系统, 都知道这是⼀种 CD 上采⽤的⽂件系统. 还有就是你可以使⽤ dd, mkfs 命令来创建⼀个ext2, ext3 等⽂件系统的档案. 这样的档案才是可以被挂载的.loop mount ⼀直以来是 Unix-like 系统下很有⽤的特性, 能帮助你当你拿到⼀个 iso ⽂件后, 不必将其刻录到 CD/DVD ⾥就能查看⾥⾯的内容. windows 下直到 windows 7 才⽀持这⼀特性, 在此之前都需要借助第三⽅软件如 Daemon Tools 来实现虚拟光驱的功能.绑定式挂载 (bind mount)上⾯所说的 “挂载” 都是指让你将某个设备挂载到某⼀⽬录, 不管这个设备是真实的物理设备, 还是假的 loop 设备, 它都是设备. ⽽ “绑定式挂载” 能够允许你将已经的存在⽬录挂载到另⼀⽬录. ⽐如:# mount --bind / /home/username/mnt-point这样, 你的 mnt-point ⽬录下也会有 etc, opt, usr 等⽬录, 这⼀过程我们称作 “将根⽬录绑定到 /home/username/mnt-point 上”, 所以, 你在⼀处改变⽬录下的内容的话, 在另⼀处也能够看到改变.需要注意的⼀点是如果根⽬录树下有某个⽬录是挂载到另⼀个磁盘分区的话, 那么它可能不会被绑定到新的⽬录下. ⽐如说如果 /usr 和 / 处于不同的磁盘分区(/ 在 sda1, /usr 在 sda2), 那么你可能会发现 /home/username/mnt-point/usr 是空的, 那么这时可以额外挂载⼀次来使得 /usr 也出现在 /home/username/mnt-point/usr:# mount --bind /usr /home/username/mnt-point/usr不过你也可以在⼀开始就执⾏:# mount --rbind / /home/username/mnt-point关于绑定式挂载,man 2 mount中的描述是 “使⼀个⽂件, 或者⼀个⽬录树在另⼀个⽬录上可见”. 这地⽅不太理解, 就我所知, 只能将⽬录绑定到⽬录, 不能将⽂件绑定到⽬录的. 我尝试过将⼀个普通的⽂件绑定到⽬录, 但报错了. 不知道 man ⼿册⾥这个说法是什么意思. 我只能这么理解:⽬录也是⽂件, 所以这种说法没错吧….重新挂载 (remount)借助于绑定式挂载, 可以实现有趣的效果, ⽐如说, 你可以将 / 绑定到 /, 将 /tmp/test/ 绑定到 /tmp/test/ (运⾏ mount 命令就能看到效果). 不过…这么⼲有个鸟⽤啊!! 谁这么⽆聊会去这么⼲啊!!这就是 remount 存在的原因, 我们虽然可以通过绑定式挂载耍点⼩聪明, 将⾃⼰绑定到⾃⼰上, 但这与没绑定没有任何区别啊; 然⽽借助remount, 我们就可以在重新挂载的时候修改挂载的参数.remount 最常⽤的情况就是将⼀个⽂件系统由只读重新挂载为读写, 或者相反. ⽐如:# mount -o remount,rw /关于 remount 的详情, 可以看⼀下 man ⼿册, 这⾥就不多介绍了.supermount“超级挂载”, 这个项⽬的⽬的是让你能够免去⼿动 mount/umount 的过程, 达到 “插上 U 盘就开始拷⽂件” 以及 “拷完⽂件就拔掉 U 盘” 的效果.Update:经 Ubuntu 中⽂论坛 @astolia ⼤侠指正, 关于 “绑定式挂载”, 虽然不能将⼀个⽂件挂载到⽬录, 但确是可以将⼀个⽂件挂载到另⼀个⽂件的! ⽐如说这样:# touch /tmp/test # touch /tmp/test2# echo "hello mount" > /tmp/test# mount --bind /tmp/test /tmp/test2然后你再去查看 /tmp/test2, 会发现它也有 “hello mount” 这个内容. 所以这样⼀开始说的 “挂载点就是⽬录” 这个说法也不太对了….. 再次感谢@astolia ~~~⾮常好的⼀篇⽂章这篇⽂章也是参考1 中提到的⽂章, 由于写的太好, 为了防⽌其丢失, 我把它转到这⾥了, 下⾯那篇英⽂就是. 我之所以敢转这篇⽂章是因为这篇⽂章的版权声明停留在 2006 年, 它的主⼈⼤概是忘了更新. 我从这篇⽂章⾥摘取了⼏个⽐较重要的点作为笔记.在 “挂载” 的概念中, “设备” 可以是⼀个分区 (如 /dev/sda9), 可以是另⼀块磁盘, 可以是 CDROM, 软盘, USB, 磁带等等.“挂载点” 是⼀个⽬录, ⽽且往往是⼀个空⽬录, 但这不是必须的. 如果这个⽬录不是空的, 那么挂载之后, 这个⽬录中以前的内容会被 “隐藏” 起来变得不可访问.Mounting DefinitionMounting is the attaching of an additional filesystem to the currently accessible filesystem of a computer.A filesystem is a hierarchy of directories (also referred to as a directory tree) that is used to organize files on a computer orstorage media (e.g., a CDROM or floppy disk). On computers running Linux or other Unix-like operating systems, thedirectories start with the root directory, which is the directory that contains all other directories and files on the system andwhich is designated by a forward slash ( / ). The currently accessible filesystem is the filesystem that can be accessed ona computer at a given time.In order to gain access to files on a storage device, the user must first inform the operating system where in the directorytree to mount the device. A device in a mounting context can be a partition (i.e., a logically independent section) on a harddisk drive (HDD), a CDROM, a floppy disk, a USB (universal serial bus) key drive, a tape drive, or any other externalmedia. For example, to access the files on a CDROM, the user must inform the system to make the filesystem on theCDROM appear in some directory, typically /mnt/cdrom (which exists for this very purpose).The mount point is the directory (usually an empty one) in the currently accessible filesystem to which a additionalfilesystem is mounted. It becomes the root directory of the added directory tree, and that tree becomes accessible from thedirectory to which it is mounted (i.e., its mount point). Any original contents of a directory that is used as a mount pointbecome invisible and inaccessible while the filesystem is still mounted.The /mnt directory exists by default on all Unix-like systems. It, or usually its subdirectories (such as /mnt/floppy and/mnt/usb), are intended specifically for use as mount points for removable media such as CDROMs, USB key drives andfloppy disks.On some operating systems, everything is mounted automatically by default so that users are never even aware that thereis any such thing as mounting. Linux and other Unix-like systems can likewise be configured so that everything ismounted by default, as a major feature of such systems is that they are highly configurable. However, they are not usuallyset up this way, for both safety and security reasons. Moreover, only the root user (i.e., administrative user) is generallypermitted by default to mount devices and filesystems on such systems, likewise as safety and security measures.In the simplest case, such as on some personal computers, the entire filesystem on a computer running a Unix-likeoperating system resides on just a single partition, as is typical for Microsoft Windows systems. More commonly, it isspread across several partitions, possibly on different physical disks or even across a network. Thus, for example, thesystem may have one partition for the root directory, a second for the /usr directory, a third for the /home directory and afourth for use as swap space. (Swap space is a part of HDD that is used for virtual memory, which is the simulation ofadditional main memory).The only partition that can be accessed immediately after a computer boots (i.e., starts up) is the root partition, whichcontains the root directory, and usually at least a few other directories as well. The other partitions must be attached to thisroot filesystem in order for an entire, multiple-partition filesystem to be accessible. Thus, about midway through the bootprocess, the operating system makes these non-root partitions accessible by mounting them on to specified directories inthe root partition.Systems can be set up so that external storage devices can be mounted automatically upon insertion. This is convenientand is usually satisfactory for home computers. However, it can cause security problems, and thus it is usually not (or, atleast, should not be) permitted for networked computers in businesses and other organizations. Rather, such devices mustbe mounted manually after insertion, and such manual mounting can only be performed by the root account.Mounting can often be performed manually by the root user by merely using the mount command followed by the name of the device to be mounted and its mounting destination (but in some cases it is also necessary to specify the type offilesystem). For example, to mount the eighth partition on the first HDD, which is designated by /dev/hda8, using adirectory named /dir8 as the mount point, the following could be used:mount /dev/hda8 /dir8Removing the connection between the mounted device and the rest of the filesystem is referred to as unmounting. It is performed by running the umount (with no letter n after the first u) command, likewise followed by the name of the device to be unmounted and its mount point. For example, to unmount the eighth partition from the root filesystem, the following would be used:umount /dev/hda8 /dir8A list of the devices that are currently mounted can be seen by viewing the /etc/fstab file. This plain text configuration filealso shows the mount points and other information about the devices, and it is employed during the boot process to tell the system which partitions to automatically mount. It can be safely viewed by using the cat command, i.e.,cat /etc/fstab参考1. ⾮常好的解释了 “挂载” 的概念, 强烈推荐这篇⽂章:2. 维基, 也很好的解释了 “挂载” 的概念, 唯有⼀点不⾜的是对 “挂载点” 解释的不够好:)3. 其中有⼀句话不装逼的说出了 “挂载点” 是什么:4. 解释了 bind mount 的概念:。
一、mount命令概述mount命令是Linux系统中用于挂载文件系统的命令,它的基本语法如下所示:mount [-t fstype] [-o options] device dir其中,各选项的含义如下:-t:指定待挂载的文件系统类型,如果不指定该选项,则mount命令将尝试根据设备文件的格式自动推断文件系统类型。
1. 挂载一个磁盘分区假设我们需要将/dev/sdb1这个磁盘分区挂载到/mnt目录下,可以使用如下命令:$ sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt2. 挂载一个光盘镜像文件有时候,我们可能需要将一个光盘镜像文件挂载到系统中。
以ISO 镜像文件为例,可以使用如下命令:$ sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop /path/to/image.iso /mnt3. 挂载一个网络文件系统在Linux中,通过网络协议(如NFS、Samba等)可以将远程主机上的文件系统挂载到本地系统中。
以NFS为例,可以使用如下命令:$ sudo mount -t nfs server:/share /mnt4. 挂载一个临时文件系统有时候,我们需要将一个临时文件系统挂载到指定目录,以便进行一些特定的操作。
比如,我们可以将tmpfs挂载到/tmp目录下,从而创建一个基于内存的临时文件系统:$ sudo mount -t tmpfs none /tmp以上仅为几个常见的示例,mount命令还可以用于其他更多的文件系统挂载场景。
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Table 6-1: Linux Filesystem TypesFilesystem Type DescriptionSecond Extended filesystem ext2Most common Linux filesystemMinix filesystem minix Original Minix filesystem; rarely usedROM filesystem romfs A tiny read-only filesystem, mainly used forramdisksNetwork File System (NFS)NFS Allows access to remote files on network UMSDOS filesystem umsdos Installs Linux on an MS-DOS partitionDOS-FAT filesystem msdos Accesses MS-DOS filesVFAT filesystem Vfat Accesses Windows 95/98 filesNT filesystem Ntfs Accesses Windows NT filesHPFS filesystem Hpfs OS/2 filesystem/proc filesystem Proc Provides process information for psISO 9660 filesystem iso9660Used by most CD-ROMsTable 6-1: Linux Filesystem Types (continued)Filesystem Type Descripti onJoliet filesystem iso9660An extension to the ISO 9660 filesystem thatcan handle Unicode filenamesXenix filesystem xenix Accesses files from XenixSystem V filesystem Sysv Accesses files from System V variantsCoherent filesystem coherent Accesses files from CoherentUFS filesystem Ufs Accesses files from UFS filesystems, likethose on SunOS or BSDADFS filesystem Adfs Accesses files from Acorn partitionsAFFS filesystem Affs Accesses files from standard AmigaOSfilesystem partitionsApple Mac filesystem Hfs Accesses files from Apple MacintoshQNX4 filesystem qnx4Accesses files from a QNX4 partitionsNovell filesystem Ncpfs Accesses files from a Novell serverSMB filesystem smbfs Accesses files from a Windows forWorkgroups or Windows NT serverMounting FilesystemsIn order to access any filesystem under Linux, you must mount it on a certain directory. This makes the files on the filesystem appear as though they reside in the given directory, allowing you to access them.The mount command is used to do this and usually must be executed as root. ( ordinary users can use mount if the device is listed in the/etc/fstab file.)The format of this command is:# mount -t type device mount-pointwhere type is the type name of the filesystem as given in Table 6-1, device is the physical device where the filesystem resides (the device file in /dev), and mount-point is the directory on which to mount the filesystem. You have to create the directory before issuing mount.For example, if you have a Second Extended filesystem on the partition /dev/hda2, and wish to mount it on the directory /mnt, use the command: # mount -t ext2 /dev/hda2 /mntIf all goes well you should be able to access the filesystem under /mnt. Likewise, to mount a floppy that was created on a Windows system and therefore is in DOS format, you use the command:# mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mntThis makes the files available on an MS-DOS format floppy under /mnt.Use a command such as:# mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/cdrom /mnt-r Mount the file system read-only.Instead, this is also necessary if you are trying to mount a floppy that has the write-protect tab in place.The inverse of mounting a filesystem is, naturally, unmounting it. Unmounting a filesystem has two effects: it synchronizes the system's buffers with the actual contents of the filesystem on disk, and it makes the filesystem no longer available from its mount point. You are then free to mount another filesystem on that mount point.Unmounting is done with the umount command (note that the first ''n" is missing from the word "unmount"), as in:umount /dev/fd0to unmount the filesystem on /dev/fd0. Similarly, to unmount whatever filesystem is currently mounted on a particular directory, use a command such as:umount /mntIt is important to note that removable media, including floppies and CD-ROMs, should not be removed from the drive or swapped for another disk while mounted. This causes the system's information on the device to be out of sync with what's actually there and could lead to no end of trouble. Whenever you want to switch a floppy or CD-ROM, unmount it first, using the umount command, and then remount the device.Reads and writes to filesystems on floppies are buffered in memory as they are for hard drives. This means that when you read or write data to a floppy, there may not be any immediate drive activity. The system handles I/O on the floppy asynchronously and reads or writes data only when absolutely necessary. So if you copy a small file to a floppy, but the drive light doesn't come on, don't panic; the data will be written eventually. You can use the sync command to force the system to write all filesystem buffers to disk, causing a physical write of any buffered data. Unmounting a filesystem makes this happen as well.If you wish to allow mortal users to mount and unmount certain devices, you have two options. The first option is to include the u ser option for the device in /etc/fstab (described later in this section). This allows any user to use the mount and umount command for a given device. Another option is to use one of the mount frontends available for Linux. These programs run setuid root and allow ordinary users to mount certaindevices. In general, you wouldn't want normal users mounting and unmounting a hard drive partition, but use of CD-ROM and floppy drives might be more lenient on your system.There are quite a few things that can go wrong when attempting to mount a filesystem. Unfortunately, the mount command will give you the same error message in response to a number of problems:mount: wrong fs type, /dev/cdrom already mounted, /mnt busy, or other errorwrong fs type is simple enough: this means that you may have specified the wrong type to mount. If you don't specify a type, mount tries to guess the filesystem type from the superblock (this only works for minix, ext, ext2, xia and iso9660). If mount still cannot determine the type of the filesystem, it tries all the types for which drivers are included in the kernel (as listed in /proc/filesystems). If this still does not lead to success,mount fails. device already mounted means ju st that: the device is already mounted on another directory. You can find out what devices are mounted, and where, using the mount command with no arguments:rutabaga# mount/dev/hda2 on / type ext2 (rw) # read and write/dev/hda3 on /msdos type msdos (rw)/dev/cdrom on /cdrom type iso9660 (ro) # read-onlyHere, we see two hard-drive partitions, one of type ext2 and the other of type msdos, a CD-ROM mounted on /cdrom. The last field of each line (for example, (rw)) lists the options under which th e filesystem is mounted. More on these soon. Note that the CD-ROM device is mounted in /cdrom. If you use your CD-ROM often, it's convenient to create the directory /cdrom and mount the device there. /mnt is generally used to temporarily mount filesystems such as floppies.The error mount-point busy is rather odd. Essentially, it means there is some activity taking place under mount-point that prevents you from mounting a filesystem there. Usually, this means that there is an open file under this directory, or some process has its current working directory beneath mount-point. When using mount, be sure your root shell is not within mount-point; do a cd / to get to the top-level directory. Or, another filesystem could be mounted with the same mount-point. Use mount with no arguments to find out.Of course, other error isn't very helpful. There are several other cases in which mount could fail. If the filesystem in question has data or media errors of some kind, mount may report it is unable to read the filesystem's superblock, which is (under Unix-like filesystems) the portion of the filesystem that stores information on the files and attributes for the filesystem as a whole. If you attempt to mount a CD-ROM or floppy, and there's no CD-ROM or floppy in the drive, you will receive an error message such as:mount: /dev/cdrom is not a valid block deviceAlso, be sure the mount point you're trying to use (such as /mnt) exists. If not, you can simply create it with the mkdir command.The system automatically mounts several filesystems when the system boots. This is handled by the file /etc/fstab, which includes an entry for each filesystem that should be mounted at boot time. Each line in this file is of the format:device mount-point type optionsHere, device, mount-point, and type are equivalent to their meanings in the mount command, and options is a comma-separated list of options to use with the -o switch to mount.A sample /etc/fstab is shown here:# device directory type optionsLABEL=/ / ext3 defaults 1 1LABEL=/boot /boot ext3 defaults 1 2none /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0/dev/hda1 /dosC vfat defaults 0 0/dev/hda5 /dosD vfat defaults 0 0LABEL=/home /home ext3 defaults 1 2none /proc proc defaults 0 0none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0/dev/hdb2 swap swap defaults 0 0/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom udf,iso9660 noauto,owner,kudzu,ro 0 0The user option allows users other than root to mount the filesystem. If this option is present, a user can execute a command such as:mount /cdromto mount the device. Note that if you specify only a device or mount point (not both) to mount, it looks up the device or mount point in /etc/fstab and mounts the device with the parameters given there. This allows you to mount devices listed in /etc/fstab with ease.The option defaults should be used for most filesystems; it enables a number of other options, such as rw (read-write access), async (buffer I/O to the filesystem in memory asynchronously), and so forth. Unless you have a specific need to modify one of these parameters, use defaults for most filesystems, and ro for read-only devices such as CD-ROMs. Another potentially useful option is umask that lets you set the default mask for the permission bits, something that is especially useful with some foreign filesystems.The command mount -a will mount all filesystems listed in /etc/fstab. This command is executed at boot time by one of the scripts found in/etc/rc.d, such as rc.sysinit (or wherever your distribution stores its configuration files). This way, all filesystems listed in /etc/fstab will be available when the system starts up; your hard drive partitions, CD-ROM drive, and so on will all be mounted.There is an exception to this: the root filesystem. The root filesystem, mounted on /, usually contains the file /etc/fstab as well as the scripts in/etc/rc.d. In order for these to be available, the kernel itself must mount the root filesystem directly at boot time. The device containing the root filesystem is coded into the kernel image and can be altered using the rdev command. While the system boots, the kernel attempts to mount this device as the root filesystem, trying several filesystems types in succession (first Minix, then Extended, and so forth). If at boot time, the kernel prints an error message such as:VFS: Unable to mount root fsone of the following has happened:The root device coded into the kernel is incorrect.The kernel does not have support compiled in for the filesystem type of the root device.The root device is corrupt in some way./dev/sda/ Usb diskHow to set up NFS mount一:服务器端的设定(以LINUX为例)服务器端的设定都是在/etc/exports这个文件中进行设定的,设定格式如下:欲分享出去的目录 IP1(参数1,参数2) IP2(参数3,参数4)上面这个格式表示,同一个目录分享给两个不同的主机,但提供给这两台主机的权限和参数是不同的,所以分别设定两个主机得到的权限。