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Classification of Vocabulary
• Active Vocabulary: • speaking vocabulary • writing vocabulary • Passive Vocabulary: • reading vocabulary • guess vocabulary
• • • •
英语中只有三个前缀能决定词性: En- en 使……处于什么状态 Enslave embody endanger enrich Enlarge ensure endear
• Be- befriend benumb belittle • Becalm • A- a-主要用来使动词或名词变为表语 性的形容词 • Asleep astray astir afire afoot(徒 步)
• 表示时间的前缀
• Pre- prenatal • Post- post-war • Ex- exserviceman • Re- rebuild

• • • • • •
InterTrans- trans-Atlantic Super- superstructure(上层建筑) Over- overhead(在头顶上的) Sub- subway Under- underground
• Anti- anti-social anti-war • Counter- counter-revolution counter-charge • Re- react resist • Pro- pro-American Pro-communist
• 表示程度的前缀
• Super- superman superpower • Under- underfeed underdevelopment • Over- overcareful overdo
How Did You Do It?
• Dismissal, attendance, protection, decision, judgment, carriage, survival, linkage, building, performance, refusal, storage, declaration, exploration, painting.
Methods of Wordformation

• English affixes can be divided into prefixes and suffixes. • What is prefixes? • What is suffixes? • What are the most important productive prefixes and suffixes
• De• 1) reversing the action. • Desegregate,detrain,decentralize,degener ate. • Deregulate– to remove from regulation • They contend that only long-term deregulation of gas prices will encourage industry to drill new wells. • 2)depriving of 源自文库 Deform, defrost,deice,dehydrate,demagnetize
• Some of the most important productive prefixes are: • 1. Prefixes with negative meaning: • un-, dis-, in-, im-, ir-, il-, de• 2. Prefixes with other meaning varieties are: • Re-, mis-, anti-, ex, pre-, post-, fore-, self-, super, sub-, inter-, trans-, ultra-,semi-, vice-, uni-, bi, multi- auto-,
Some Examples for Unusual Prefix
• For example: • Non-scientific means relating to fields other than science. • Unscientific means not scientific( not used in scientific work,not showing scientific knowledge or familiarity with scientific methods.
More Challenges!
• Change the following verbs into nouns. • Dismiss, attend, protect, decide, judge, carry, survive, link, build, perform, refuse, store, declare, explore, paint.
• 英语的前缀和后缀在语法功能、语义、 以及与词根关系的密切程度上是不同的, 大多数后缀会改变词根的词性,大多数 前缀不影响词根的词性和其他语法范畴, 只是对词根的语义加以修饰或限制。从 这个意义上说,前缀的作用与副词相仿, 可以表示方式、态度、程度、时间、地 点、否定等概念。
•: • Mis- mislead miscaculate • Mal- maltreat malnutrition • Co- cooperate cochairman
Exercises 1
Form the opposites of the following by adding prefixes to them: resistible, contented, mobile, exact, literate, stop, comfortable, washed, payment, relevant, visible, honest, logical, modest.
• • • •
Shakespear 24,000 John Milton 16,000 Churchill 90,000 T.S. Eliot 100,000
Ways of Wordformation
• • • • • • • • Derivation(派生法) derivative Composition(复合法) compound Conversion(转化法) Abbreviation:(缩略法) clipped word(截短词) Initialism(首字母缩略词) Acronym(首字母拼音词) blend(拼缀词)
• • • • •
Multi- single, Mono- opposite, against Counter- many Mal- too much Over- bad, wrong.
Some Examples
• Multi-colored, multistory, monologue, monorail, counterattack, counterrevolution, malformation, malpractice, overeat, overexcited.
• Dis- the opposite of:disloyal, disobey • Un- reverse:unhorse, unwrap • Pseudo- false:pseudo-science, pseudomodern • Macro- large: macrocosm, macroeconomics • Super- greater or more than, superego, superstar,supernatural,superpower • Under- not enough, underdeveloped, underestimate , • Anti- being against, anti-nuclear, antigovernment • Inter- among, intermarriage.
Two More Notes
• 1. In eastwards, moonwards, eastwards, northwards, the “s” will be slipped in American English, but –
wards is very common in spoken AmE. • 2.Clockwise---in the direction in
which the hands of a clock move if looked at from the front. But education-wise means as far as education is concerned.
Match Work
• • • • • • • • Dis- greater or more than Un- among Pseudo- not enough Macro- being against Super- large Under- reverse Anti- false Inter- the opposite of
• Pick out the affixed words from the following sentences, and state the meaning of the affix in each case.
• 1. Don’t let the defrost too quickly. • 2. “In my happier nightmare”, he adds, “I see myself attending an anitplay with an antiaudience after a dinner prepared by an anticook” • 3.He was neither anti- nor pro-slavery although the air was stormy with abolition sentiment and its opposition.
Check Your Answers : )
• Irresistible, discontented,
immobile, inexact, impatient, illiterate, nonstop, uncomfortable, unwashed, nonpayment, Irrelevant, invisible, dishonest, illogical, immodest.