


专辑名称: WESTLIFE 中文译名: 西城男孩同名专辑发行日期: 1999年11月1日发行地区: 英国及爱尔兰全球销量: 5,800,000 英国销量: 四白金英国专辑销量排行榜(UK Albums Chart) 成绩: No. 2曲目TRACK LISTING:01 Swear It Again 11 Miss You02 If I Let You Go 12 More Than Words03 Flying Without Wings 13 Open Your Heart04 Fool Again 14 Try Again05 No No 15 What I Want Is What I've Got06 I Don't Wanna Fight 16 We Are One07 Change The World 17 Can't Lose What You Never Had08 Moments09 Seasons In The Sun10 I Need You专辑名称: Coast to Coast 中文译名: 咫尺天涯发行日期: 2000年11月6日发行地区: 英国及爱尔兰全球销量: 7,600,000 英国销量: 七白金英国专辑销量排行榜(UK Albums Chart) 成绩: No. 1曲目TRACK LISTING:01 My Love 11 Puzzle Of My Heart02 What Makes A Man 12 Dreams Come True03 I Lay My Love On You 13 No Place That Far04 I Have A Dream (Remix) 14 Close Your Eyes05 Against All Odds (featuring Mariah Carey) 15 You Make Me Feel06 When You're Looking Like That 16 Loneliness Knows Me By Name07 Close 17 Fragile Heart08 Somebody Needs You 18 Every Little Thing You Do09 Angel's Wings 19 Don't Get Me Wrong10 Soledad专辑名称: World of Our Own 中文译名: 我们的世界发行日期: 2001年11月12日发行地区: 英国及爱尔兰全球销量: 6,800,000 英国销量: 四白金英国专辑销量排行榜(UK Albums Chart) 成绩: No. 1曲目TRACK LISTING:01 Queen Of My Heart 11 Drive (For All Time)02 Bop Bop Baby 12 If Your Heart's Not In It03 I Cry 13 When You Come Around04 Uptown Girl (Radio Edit) 14 Don't Say It's Too Late05 Why Do I Love You 15 Don't Let Me Go06 I Wanna Grow Old With You 16 Walk Away07 When You're Looking Like That (Single Remix) 17 Love Crime08 Evergreen 18 Imaginary Diva09 World Of Our Own 19 Angel (BONUS Bad Girls)10 To Be Loved专辑名称: Unbreakable-The Greatest Hits VOL. 1 中文译名: 真爱无敌新曲精选发行日期: 2002年11月11日发行地区: 英国及爱尔兰全球销量: 6,400,000 英国销量: 四白金英国专辑销量排行榜(UK Albums Chart) 成绩: No. 1曲目TRACK LISTING:01 Swear It Again 11 World of Our Own02 If I Let You Go 12 Bop Bop Baby03 Flying Without Wings 13 When You're Looking Like That04 I Have A Dream 14 Unbreakable05 Fool Again 15 Written In The Stars06 Against All Odds (With Mariah Carey) 16 How Does It Feel07 My Love 17 Tonight08 What Makes A Man 18 Love Takes Two09 Uptown Girl 19 Miss You Nights10 Queen of My Heart专辑名称: Turnaround 中文译名: 回首真爱发行日期: 2003年11月24日发行地区: 英国及爱尔兰全球销量: 4,600,000 英国销量: 三白金英国专辑销量排行榜(UK Albums Chart) 成绩: No. 1曲目TRACK LISTING:01 Mandy 11 Home02 Hey Whatever 12 Lost In You03 Heal 13 What Do They Know?04 Obvious05 When A Woman Loves A Man06 On My Shoulder07 Turn Around08 I Did it For You09 Thank You10 To Be With You专辑名称: Allow Us To Be Frank 中文译名: 纯爱年代发行日期: 2004年11月8日发行地区: 英国及爱尔兰全球销量: 3,400,000 英国销量: 三白金英国专辑销量排行榜(UK Albums Chart) 成绩: No. 3曲目TRACK LISTING:01 Ain't That A Kick In The Head 11 When I Fall In Love02 Fly Me To The Moon 12 Moon River03 Smile 13 That's Life04 Let There Be Love05 The Way You Look Tonight (feat Joanne Hindley)06 Come Fly With Me07 Mack The Knife08 I Left My Heart In San Francisco09 Summer Wind10 Clementine专辑名称: Face To Face 中文译名: 真情相对发行日期: 2005年10月31日发行地区: 英国及爱尔兰全球销量: 拭目以待英国销量: 拭目以待英国专辑销量排行榜(UK Albums Chart) 成绩: No.1曲目TRACK LISTING:01 You Raise Me Up 11 Change Your Mind02 When You Tell Me That You Love Me (F.Diana Ross) 12 Maybe Tomorrow03 Amazing04 That's Where You Find Love05 She's Back06 Desperado07 Colour My World08 In This Life09 Heart Without A Home10 Hit You With The Real Thing专辑名称:The Love Album歌手:Westlife (简介)唱片公司:新力博德曼语言:国语发片日:2006-10-13Westlife(西城男孩)在日本发行最新专辑,取名为《The Love Album》(爱情专辑)。



西城男孩的歌之最,爱西城的来看看吧!最耳熟能详的歌:Swear it again(这个不用说了,就算不熟悉西城的,听到那熟悉的旋律都会感动)最美丽MV的歌:If i let you go(mv真的很美,蓝天大海~kian、bryan、nicky的一头金发~)最萌人MV的歌:Fool again(一脸阳光的五只,还很年轻)最轻快激昂的歌:No no(这个~~)最动人深情的歌:I don't want to fight(貌似西城最长的一首歌5分10秒)最抒情经典的歌:Change the world(我咋才能改变世界?——我也在匪疑)最爱意层袭的歌:Moments(后面的和声,一层层的袭来,就像爱的浪花)最感人至深的歌:Seasons in the sun(这个经典呀,经典!)最清新言爱的歌:I need you(我班里某同学疯狂爱这个,她说听这个的感觉像初恋)最东方韵味的歌:Miss you(就是因为它爱上的westlife)最款款情深的歌:More than words(只是觉得,好冗长呀~然后k歌的时候老唱它)最直白说爱的歌:Open your heart(敞开心扉,坦白说爱)最经典哲理的歌:Try again(当你失落,只需再试一次,因为这首歌,我走出了曾经的阴霾)最朗朗上口的歌:What i want is what I've got(主语从句加表语从句)最轻柔感人的歌:We are one(感动~)最哲理调侃的歌:Can’t lose what you never had(总觉的是在给一个pl美眉唱的,但是很有哲理)最经典回味的歌:My love(这个不用说,基本听英文歌的都听过~集浪漫温柔美丽童话轻快激昂流行于一身的经典曲子)最深情动人的歌:What makes a man(呵呵,开头的ohoh~~~wu~~~yeah)最深情不移的歌:I lay my love on you(在日本拍的MV?哈哈)最励志哲理的歌:I have a dream(好励志,我经常唱,大家都会唱了,就那一个调~)最婉转动听的歌:Against all the odds(MC+WL双周冠军,经典经典)最动感欢快的歌:When you are looking like that(听后好振奋)最美妙旋律的歌:Close(不知为什么,我最从高音到低音的旋律情有独钟)最青春动感的歌:Somebody needs you(最后一句,被某同学成为xe)最美歌声的歌:Angel's wings(shane的声音好完美,歌词好完美!)最伤感经典的歌:Soledad(孤独呀,我唯一会的西班牙语~)最温柔怡人的歌:Puzzle of my heart(某同学最喜欢的)最电子另类的歌:Dreams come true(老觉得好机械呀~)最爱若磐石的歌:No place that far(为爱,穿过万水千山)最浪漫经典的歌:Close your eyes(闭上眼睛,遇见你)最轻柔动听的歌:You make me feel(前一段nicky的声音好完美)最无奈寂寞的歌:Loneliness knows me by name(寂寞上心头,是不是有一种无奈?)最脆弱伤心的歌:Fragile heart(一颗伤过的心)最动感优美的歌:Don’t get me wrong(某个视频的配乐)最声嘶力竭的歌:Queen of my heart(最后shane声嘶力竭在人群中唱)最古典的MV的歌:Bop bop baby(mv好精心呀)最使人感伤的歌:I cry(每次作业超多时,我都要唱这个)最灵动热烈的歌:Uptown girl(那个oh oh~~~~我们班的经常学歌里那样oh oh~)最轻快动听的歌:Uptown girl(每次听到,都会跟唱,为什么爱你,只因为,爱你)最情定终身的歌:I wanna grow old with you(一生相伴,白头偕老)最清新优雅的歌:Evergreen(第一个音,就捉住听者的心,好像那眼前出现茵茵的绿草)最酷帅MV的歌:World of our own(帅帅啊,美国版无视某些东西,四只也很帅啊啊~)最整齐和声的歌:Drive(啊,第一次和声被吓到了··)最动听旋律的歌:If your heart not init(曾经单曲循环n次)最动感上口的歌:When you come around(我同桌一唱这个歌就踢我板凳??)最灵动回转的歌:Don’t say it’s toolate(别说,已经太迟还是别说太迟?傻傻分不清)最平缓抒情的歌:Don't let me go(这个~很朗朗上口)最清新动听的歌:Walk away(好歌~)最怪异Mark的歌:Imaginary diva(听听就知其怪异,基本上时mark唱的)最空灵天籁的歌:Angel(灵魂的唱腔~)最伤感MV的歌:Unbreakable(MV里那个故事,好伤感)最梦幻清韵的歌:Written in the stars(拍成MV一定很美)最触动人心的歌:How does it feel(有天躺在床上,听着听着,哭了)最无法翻译的歌:Tonight(不信你翻译一下歌词,好邪恶呀~)最壮美旷达的歌:Love takes two(mark的声音!!)最冷门MV的歌:Miss you nights(好多人都没看过吧)最经典永恒的歌:Mandy(老歌新唱,意味深长,经典不会老)最“野蛮”?的歌:Hey whatever(mv好怪异~)最佳五和声的歌:Heal(救救我吧!明天就不能再碰电脑了)最清新宜人的歌:Obvious(mv好美呵呵~)最天籁之声的歌:When a women loves aman (很美)最温暖亲切的歌:On my shoulder(靠在我肩上,什么都不用想,好温暖啊)最重复回环的歌:Turn around(一直会换着某句歌词)最情非得已的歌:I did it for you(我能为你做些什么?什么都愿为你去做)最热情感谢的歌:Thank you(谢谢你,谢谢你,真的谢谢你)最动感好听的歌:To be with you(某天看见化学老师在那里跟着这个歌的节奏跳舞~)最平凡入心的歌:Home(嘿!你叫什么?)最平复吵架的歌:Why do they know(我们的事情,他们怎么会知道呢?)最“靡靡之音”的歌:Fly me to the moon(妈妈说,这歌好靡靡之音~)最催人奋进的歌:You raise me up(好感动的歌词)最不搭MV的歌:When you tell me that you love me(四个年轻的懒虫,一个老女人??)最神幻惊艳的歌:Amazing(MV里那个empty building~)最浪漫动人的歌:That’s where youfind love(爱你,在这里)最MJ韵律的歌:She’s back(真的很像MJ的歌)最悲壮神武的歌:Desperado(再向前一步)最Mark高音的歌:Colour my world(mark的高音,完美)最深情约定的歌:In this life(这一生,爱你)最丝丝伤情的歌:Heart without a home(失去了心之所属)最活力四射的歌:Hit you with thereal thing(十周年,永远的帅气)最咚咚咚咚的歌:Change your mind(为什么我每次一听都只记得前奏)最天籁Nicky的歌:Maybe tomorrow(nicky的那一句,仿佛从天上飞来的)最庄严真诚的歌:The rose(你就是我唯一的美丽玫瑰)最摄人心碎的歌:Total eclipse of theheart(心碎了么?)最深情感人的歌:All out of the love(“我们都失恋了?”——同学翻译)最佳表达爱的歌:You light up my life(是你点亮我的生活)最轻松自在的歌:Easy(轻松啊,就像周日的早上,很喜欢那段萨克斯的独奏)最一句歌词的歌:You are so beautiful(敢不敢说,就那一句??)最深情美妙的歌:Have you ever beenin love(以前一直以为这首歌和have you ever是一首歌~)最佳比喻爱的歌:Love can build abridge最经典旋律的歌:The dance最怅然若失的歌:All or nothing(一切都结束了么?我们只是朋友?)最怪异SM的歌:You’ve lost that loving feeling(后面好奇怪的shane mark的搭配)最思乡经典的歌:Home(浓浓思乡情)最壮阔经典的歌:Us against the world(mark的高音,太完美了,好动听的歌,经典!)最梦幻MV的歌:Something right(mv美丽!独特)最激动人心的歌:I'm already there(虽没有mv 但已经取得了很好的成绩,值得一听)最空灵动听的歌:When I ‘m with you(现在大爱这首歌,里面的钢琴声太棒了!)最多ever的歌:Have you ever(每次听就想到一篇英语课文~)最认定是你的歌:It‘s you (是你,改变我的世界)最亲切浪漫的歌:Catch my breath(吧里某位亲听见这首歌就想到他小时候~)最动感直白的歌:The easy way(这个~~~~I love you 唱了好多边)最庄严神圣的歌:I do(soplease believe me……好庄严的宣誓)最奇妙幻想的歌:Picture in my head(看穿生死,和你一起)最猜悟人心的歌:You must have had broken heart最经典摇滚的歌:What about now最旷达壮阔的歌:How to break a heart(那个haha,爱你,也要忘了你,你教会了我心碎)最离殇心碎的歌:Leaving(不忍离去,掷下离殇)最巧妙情节的歌:Shadows(看到你,但不是你,两份早餐,一份情思)最Mark情感的歌:Talk me down(独唱,独感)最飒气和声的歌:Where we are(啊啊啊,多美的壮阔景象)最Kian前奏的歌:Difference in me(那个前奏啊,我还以为是nicky呢··)最民风摇滚的歌:As love as my writteness(好像之前泄露的时候是这样评价的)最别样心碎的歌:Another world(每次唱到maybe it‘s another world的时候心碎了)最深情英雄的歌:No more heroes(让心站立成英雄)最隐隐伤心的歌:Sound of a broken heart(轻快的旋律中,听到了心碎的声音么?)最叩问心灵的歌:Sound of a broken heart(你会为我伸手么?我会看到你的一脸笑容,白白的牙齿,仅仅为我伸手)最思念亲人的歌:I ‘ll see you again(我会再见到你,kian 和nicky的父亲们,安息)最惊若飞鸿的歌:Beautiful tonight(后面的高音,就像绮丽的光束)最一生平安的歌:Safe(我会保护你安全)最沉吟澎湃的歌:Chance(开头的沉吟已经韵出来了风雨,抓住每一次机会)最灵动亲切的歌:I will reach you(总想着是歌迷伸出手,和wl四只一起挥动)最优美旋律的歌:Closer(我的一个同学就是大爱这个旋律)最慢拍摇滚的歌:The reason(为什么听了开头总觉得像一个酷酷的女郎?)最天般灵韵的歌:Tell me that‘s love(Mark 的一声轻哼,给我们戴上了天际)最痛心伤神的歌:I get weak(最后跪下了么?)最空灵哲理的歌:Before it‘s too late(太迟之前,做你想做的,不要错过)最轻盈含蕴的歌:Difference in me(啊啊啊,前奏太美了啊啊)最深切思父的歌:Too hard to say goodbye(爸爸,我没有让你走··)最酷帅飞扬的歌:Bad girls(到底是好女孩还是坏女孩)最惊鸿一瞥的歌:Everybody hurts(海地,祈福。

westlife 部分歌曲歌词

westlife 部分歌曲歌词

as long as u love me.只要你爱我就好although loneliness has always been a friend of mine.孤独一直是我的朋友i'm leaving my life in ur hands.自从你离开我的生活people say i'm crazy that i am blind.朋友说我疯了太盲目risking it all in a glance.激情总是短暂的how you got me blind is still a mystery.你为何能使我如此盲目仍是个谜i can't get u out of my head.我就是无法忘了你don't care what is written in ur history.我不在乎你过去的种种as long as u're here with me.只要你陪在我身边i don't care who u are.我不在乎你是怎样个人where u're from.你从那里来what u did.你做过什么as long as u love me.只要你爱我就好who u are.你是怎样个人where u're from.你从那里来don't care what u did.我不在乎你做过什么as long as u love me.只要你爱我就好every little thing that u have said done.所有你说过的话和做过的事feels like it's deep within me.都深深的烙印在我心里doesn't really matter if u're on the run.我甚至于不在乎你是否就要逃开it seems like we're meant 2 be.我以为我们是一对的i've tried 2 hide it so that no one knows.我试着把感情隐藏起来不让任何人知道but i guess it shows.但我无法不流露真情when u look in 2 my eyes.当你凝视着我时what u did where u're comin from.你做过什么从那里来i don't care,as long as u love me,baby!我不在乎,只要你爱我就好,宝贝!Evergreen天长地久EyesLike a sunriseLike a rainfallDown my soulAnd I wonderI wonder why you look at me like that What you're thinkingWhat's behindDon't tell meBut it feels like love 你的双眸犹如朝阳好似雨珠灌注我的灵魂我想知道想知道你为何这样看着我你再想些什么对我隐瞒了什么算了还是别告诉我可是我觉得那是爱I'm gonna take this momentAnd make it last foreverI'm gonna give my heart away And pray we'll stay together Cause you're the one good reason You're the only girl that I need Cause you're more beautiful than I have ever seenI'm gonna take this nightAnd make it Evergreen我要保我这个片刻让他永远停留我要献上我的真心祈祷彼此紧紧相拥因为你是我最好的理由你是我唯一需要的女孩以为你比任何人都美丽我要把握今晚让记忆地久天长TouchLike a angelLike velvet to my skinAnd I wonderWonder why you wanna stay the night What you're dreamingWhat's behindDon't tell meBut it feels like love像天使般的抚摸浪丝绒般的触感我想知道今夜为何你想停留你在梦想什么对我隐瞒了什么算了还是别告诉我可是我觉得那是爱I lay my love on youjust a smile and the rain is gone你用仅仅一个微笑,让雨天放晴。

西城男孩歌词 westlife

西城男孩歌词 westlife

Nothing’s Gonna Change My Love For You (此情永不移)Nicky: If I had to live my life without you near meThe days would all be emptyThe nights would seem so longWith you I see forever oh so clearlyI might have been in love beforeBut it never felt this strongShane: Our dreams are young and we both knowThey’ll take us where we want to goHold me now touch me nowI don’t want to live without youAll: Nothing’s gonna change my love you for youYou oughta know by now how much I love youOne thing you can be sure ofI never ask for more than your loveNothing’s gonna change my love for youYou oughta know by now how much I love youThe world may change my whole life throug butNothing’s gonna change my love for youKian: If the road ahead is not so easyOur love will lead a way for usLike a guiding starAll: I’ll be there for you if you should need meKian: You don’t have change a thingI love you just the way you areShane: So come with me and share the viewI’ll help you see forever tooHold me now touch me nowI don’t want to live without youAll: Nothing’s gonna change my love you for youYou oughta know by now how much I love youOne thing you can be sure ofI never ask for more than your loveNothing’s gonna change my love for youYou oughta know by now how much I love youThe world may change my whole life throug butNothing’s gonna change my love for you Nothing’s gonna change my love you for you You oughta know by now how much I love you The world may change my whole life throug but Nothing’s gonna change my love f or youNothing’s gonna change my love for youYou oughta know by now how much I love you One thing you can be sure ofI never ask for more than your love Nothing’s gonna change my love for youYou oughta know by now how much I love you The world may change my whole life throug but Nothing’s gonna change my love for you Nothing’s gonna change my love for youYou oughta know by now how much I love you One thing you can be sure ofI never ask for more than your love Nothing’s Gonna Change My Love For You…My Love(我的爱)WestLife (西城男孩)An empty street 空旷的大街An empty house 空荡的房子A hold inside my heart 空洞的心I'm all alone 我是如此寂寞The rooms are getting smaller 无边的孤寂包围着我I wonder how 我不知道我怎么了I wonder why 我不明白为什么会这样I wonder where they are 我想知道它们在哪里The days we had 那些我们共度的日子The songs we sang together 我们共同吟唱过的歌曲Oh, yeahAnd oh my love 我的爱I'm holding on forever 我始终坚持着Reaching for a love that seems so far 但得到这一份爱却是那样遥不可及So I say a little prayer 于是我低声祈祷And hope my dreams will take me there 希望梦想能把我带到那儿Where the skies are blue 那里有湛蓝的天空To see you once again, my love在那里能与你再次相见,我的爱Over seas from coast to coast 翻越大海,从此岸到达彼岸Find the place I love the most 去找寻我钟爱的地方Where the fields are green 那里有翠绿的田野To see you once again 在那里能与你再次相见My love 我的爱I try to read 我努力阅读I go to work 我认真工作I'm laughing with my friends 我与朋友们欢笑着But I can't stop to keep myself from thinking 但我还是无法停止对你的思念Oh, no 无法停止I wonder how 我不知道我怎么了I wonder why 我不明白为什么会这样I wonder where they are 我想知道它们在哪里The days we had 那些我们共度的日子The songs we sang together 我们一起吟唱过的歌Oh, yeahAnd oh my love 我的爱I'm holding on forever 我始终坚持着Reaching for a love that seems so far 但得到一份爱却是那样遥不可及So I say a little prayer 所以我低声祈祷And hope my dreams will take me there 希望梦想能把我带到那儿Where the skies are blue 那里有湛蓝的天空To see you once again, my love 在那里能与你再次相见,我的爱Over seas from coast to coast 漂过大海翻山越岭Find the place I love the most 去找寻我钟爱的地方Where the fields are green 那里有翠绿的田野To see you once again 在那里能与你重逢To hold you in my arms 将你拥入怀中To promise you my love 向你许下诺言To tell you from the heart 发自内心地告诉你You are all I'm thinking of 我从没有停止过对你的想念Reaching for a love that seems so far 我仍然在找寻那份遥不可及的爱So I say a little prayer 于是我低声祈祷And hope my dreams will take me there 希望梦想能把我带到彼岸Where the skies are blue 那里有湛蓝的天空To see you once again, my love 在那里能与你再次相见,我的爱Over seas from coast to coast 漂过大海翻山越岭Find the place I love the most 去找寻我钟爱的地方Where the fields are green 在那里有翠绿的田野To see you once again 在那里能与你重逢My love 我的爱Say a little prayer 我低声祈祷Where the skies are blue 那里有湛蓝的天空To see you once again 在那里能与你再次相见Over seas from coast to coast 漂过大海翻山越岭Find the place I love the most 去找寻我钟爱的地方Where the fields are green 在那里有翠绿的田野To see you once again 在那里能与你再次相见My love 我的爱Soledad (孤独)WestLife (西城男孩)If only you could see the tears, in the world you left behind如果你能看到我悲伤,希望你留在我的世界里If only you could heal my heart, just one more time如果你能听到我心跳,希望你留给我更多时间Even when I close my eyes, there's an image of your face即使当我闭上双眼,还是你的身影你的脸And once again I come to realize, you're a loss I can't replace我再一次认识到,不能留住你是我的损失Shane (All):Soledad, it's a keeping for the lonely Since the day that you were gone自从你走了,留下了孤独Why did you leave me Soledad为什么离开我让我孤独In my heart you were the only, and your memory lives on你是我心里的唯一,我活在你的记忆里Why did you leave me为什么离开我Bryan:Soledad孤独Shane:Walking down the streets of nothingville, where our love was young and free走在寂寞的大街上,那里曾经有我们热烈的爱Can't believe just what an empty place, it has come to be不敢相信一切变得如此空虚I would give my life away, if it could only be the same我愿意献出我生命,只要一切回到从前Cause I can't still the voice inside of me (Ooh), that is calling out your name我仍然无法抹去内心呼喊你的声音,我呼喊着你的名字(Calling out your name)All (Mark):Soledad (Soledad), it's a keeping for the lonely Since the day that you were gone (you were gone)自从你走了,留下了孤独Why did you leave me Soledad为什么离开我,让我孤独In my heart you were the only, and your memory lives on (On) 你是我的唯一,我活在你的记忆里Why did you leave me为什么离开我,让我孤独Shane:Soledad孤独Mark:Time will never change the things you told me yeah时间不会改变你我的誓约After all we're meant to be love will bring us back to you with me毕竟我们的爱意会引领我们回到从前Bryan:If only you could see但愿你能知晓这一切…All (Bryan):Soledad (Soledad) 孤独It's a keeping for the lonely留下了孤独All (Mark):Since the day that you were gone (You were gone) 自从你走了Why did you leave me, Soledad (Oh no) 为什么离开我,让我孤独In my heart you were the only, and your memory lives on (Oh no) 你是我的唯一,我活在你的记忆里Why did you leave me (Soledad) 为什么要离开我?Soledad孤独All:Soledad (Soledad) 孤独It's a keeping for the lonely (Keeping for the lonely) 留下了孤独Since the day that you were gone自从你走了Why did you leave me Soledad? (Ooh why did you leave me) 为什么离开我,让我孤独Soledad (Soledad) 孤独In my heart you were the only (Heart you were the only) (Mark: Ooh) 你是我的唯一And your memory lives on (Lives on) 我活在你的记忆里Why did you leave me为什么要离开我?Soledad (Soledad) 孤独Why did you leave me为什么要离开我?Soledad孤独Puzzle Of My Heart (我的心之谜)WestLife (西城男孩)It's the way she fills my sensesIt's the perfume that she wearsI feel I'm losing my defencesTo the colour of her hairAnd every little piece of her is rightJust thinking about herTakes me through the nightEvery time we meetThe picture is completeEvery time we touchThe feeling is too muchShe's all i ever needTo fall in love againI knew it from the very startShe's the puzzle of my heartIt's the way she's always smilingThat makes me think she never criesI feel I'm losing my defencesTo the colour of her eyesAnd every little piece of her is rightEverytime we meetThe picture is completeEvery time we touchThe feeling is too muchShe's all I ever needTo fall in love againI knew it from the very start'She's the puzzle of my heartLike a miracle she's meant to beShe became the light inside of meAnd I can feel her like a memoryFrom long agoEvery time we meetThe picture is completeEvery time we touchThe feeling is too muchEvery time we meetThe picture is completeEvery time we touchThe feeling is too muchShe's all I ever needTo fall in love againI knew it from the very start She's the puzzle of my heart The Puzzle Of My Heart。

Westlife 全部歌曲列表

Westlife 全部歌曲列表

第一张:《Westlife》》<西城男孩同名专辑> 1999年11月1日发行1. Moments2. Seasons In The Sun3. I Need You4. Miss You5. More Than Words6. Open Your Heart7. Try Again8. What I Want Is What I've Got9. We Are One10. Can't Lose What You Never Had11. Swear It Again12. If I Let You Go13. Flying Without Wings14. Fool Again15. No No16. I Don't Wanna Fight17. Change The World第二张《Coast To Coast》<咫尺天涯> 2000年11月6日发行01.My Love02.What Makes A Man03.I Lay My Love On You04.Against All Odds(Featuring Mariah Carey)05.When You're Looking Like That06.Close07.Somebody Needs You08.Angel's Wings09.Soledad10.Puzzle Of My Heart11.Dreams Come True12.No Place That Far13.Close Your Eyes14.You Make Me Feel15.Loneliness Knows Me By Name16.Fragile Heart17.Every Little Thing You Do18.Nothing Is Impossible第三张《World Of Our Own》<我们的世界> 2001年11月12日发行1. Queen of my heart2. Bop bop baby3. I cry4. Uptown girl5. Why do I love you6. I wanna grow old with you7. When youre looking like that (single remix)8. Evergreen9. World of our own10. To be loved11. Drive12. If your heart's not in it13. When you come around14. Don't say it's too late15. Don't let me go16. Walk Away17. Love Crime18. Imaginary Diva19. Angel第四张《Unbreakable-The Greatest Hits VOL. 1》<真爱无敌新曲+精选>2002年11月11日发行1. Swear It Again2. If I Let You Go3. Flying Without Wings4. I Have A Dream (Remix)5. Fool Again (2000 Remix)6. Against All Odds (With Mariah Carey)7. My Love8. I Lay My Love On You9. Uptown Girl10. Queen Of My Heart11. World Of Our Own12. Bop Bop Baby13. When You're Looking Like That14. Unbreakable15. Written In The Stars16. How Does It Feel17. Tonight18. Love Takes Two19. Miss You Nights20. Flying Without Wings(with BoA)第五张《Turn Around》<回首真爱> 2003年11月24日发行1. Mandy2. Hey Whatever3. Heal4. Obvious5. When A Woman Loves A Man6. On My Shoulder7. Turn around8. I Did it For You9. Thank You10. To Be With You11. Home12. Lost In You13. What Do They Know第六张《Allow Us to Be Frank 》<纯爱年代> 2004年11月8日发行1. Aint That A Kick In The Head2. Fly Me To The Moon3. Smile4. Let There Be Love5. The Way You Look Tonight6. Come Fly With Me7. Mack The Knife8. I Left My Heart In San Francisco9. Summer Wind10. Clementine11. When I Fall In Love12. That's Life第七张《Face To Face 》<真情相对> 2005年10月31日发行1. You Raise Me Up2. When You Tell Me That You Love Me(with Diana Ross)3. Amazing4. That's Where You Find Love5. She's Back6. Desperado7. Colour My World8. In This Life9. Heart Without A Home10. Hit You With The Real Thing11. Change Your Mind单曲Swear It AgainIf I Let You GoFlying Without WingsFool AgainSeasons In the Sun/ I Have A Dream Against All OddsMy LoveUptown GirlWhat Makes A ManI Lay My Love On YouWhen You're Looking Like That Queen Of My HeartWorld Of Our OwnBop Bop BabyUnbreakableMiss You NightsTonightHey WhateverMandyObviousAin't That A Kick In The HeadFly Me To The MoonSmileBeyond The SeaYou Raise Me UpWhen You Tell Me That You Love Me AmazingWestlife 未发行单曲辑Con Lo Bien Que Te西班牙文版When You're Looking Like That 英文名From Coast To Coast Crying Girl From World of Our Own B-SIDEDon't Calm The Storm From Swear It Again EPDon't Get Me Wrong From Coast to Coast英国版Everybody Knows From Swear It Again EPForever From Swear It Again EPI Promise You ThatI'll Be There From What Make A Man B-SIDELet's Make Tonight Special From Swear It Again EPMy Girl From What Make A Man B-SIDEMy Private Movie From Westlife美国版BonusOn The Wings Of Love From Flying Without Wings B-SIDEReason For LivingThat's What It's All AboutUntil The End Of Time From Swear It Again EPWhat Becomes Of The Bhoken Hearted From What Make A Man B-SIDEWhere We BelongYou Don't Know From Bop Bop Baby B-SIDESTILL HEREMiss You When I'm Dreaming。



专辑 WESTLIFE同名专辑Westlife中文译名: 西城男孩同名专辑专辑风格: Pop 发行日期: 1999年9月29日发行地区: UK (已引进)英国专辑榜: 亚军唱片曲目:01 Swear It Again (4:07) 02 If I Let You Go (3:41) 03 Flying Without Wings (3:35) 04 Fool Again (3:55) 05 No No (3:14) 06 I Don't Wanna Fight (5:03) 07 Change The World (3:09) 08 Moments (4:16) 09 Seasons In The Sun (3:09) 10 I Need You (3:48) 11 Miss You (3:52) 12 More Than Words (3:54) 13 Open Your Heart (3:39) 14 Try Again (3:35) 15 What I Want Is What I've Got (3:32) 16 We Are One (3:44) 17 Can't Lose What You Never Had (4:21)Coast To Coast中文译名: 咫尺天涯专辑风格: Pop 发行日期: 2000年11月6日发行地区: UK & Ireland(已引进)英国专辑榜:冠军唱片曲目:01 My Love (3:51) 02 What Makes A Man (3:50) 03 I Lay My Love On You (3:28) 04 Against All Odds (Take a Look At Me Now) (3:20) 05 When You're Looking Like That (3:52) 06 Close (4:04) 07 Somebody Needs You (3:07) 08 Angels Wings (4:02) 09 Soledad (3:57) 10 Puzzle of My Heart (3:39) 11 Dreams Come True (3:06) 12 No Place That Far (3:12) 13 You Make Me Feel (3:38) 14 Loneliness Knows Me By Name (3:02) 15 Fragile Heart (2:59) 16 Every Little Thing You Do (4:07) 17 Uptown Girl (3:06) 在iTunes Store Ireland中还有18 I Have a Dream 19 My GirlWorld Of Our Own中文译名: 我们的世界专辑风格: Pop 发行日期: 2001年11月12日发行地区: UK & Ireland(已引进)英国专辑榜: 冠军唱片曲目:01 Queen of My Heart (4:19) 02 Bop Bop Baby (4:21) 03 I Cry (4:11) 05 Why Do I Love You (3:38) 06 I Wanna Grow Old With You (4:07)08 Evergreen (4:02) 09 World Of Our Own (3:31) 10 To Be Loved (3:19) 11 Drive (For All Time) (3:25) 12 If Your Heart's Not InIt (4:20) 13 When You Come Around (3:40) 14 Don't Say It's Too Late (4:11) 15 Don't Let Me Go (3:28) 16 Walk Away (3:58) 17 Love Crime (3:16) 18 Imaginary Diva (3:37) 19 Angel (4:22)20 Bad Girls (3:20)Unbreakable:The Greatest Hits Vol. 1中文译名: 真爱无敌新歌精选专辑风格: Pop 发行日期: 2002年11月11日发行地区: UK & Ireland(已引进)英国专辑榜: 冠军唱片曲目: 14 Unbreakable (4:32) 15 Written In the Stars (4:10) 16 How Does It Feel (4:16) 17 Tonight (4:31) 18 Love Takes Two (3:47) 19 Miss You Nights (3:10)Turnaround中文译名: 真爱回首发行日期: 2003年11月24日发行地区: UK & Ireland(未引进)英国专辑榜: 冠军唱片曲目: 01 Mandy (3:19) 02 Hey Whatever (3:29) 03 Heal (3:07) 04 Obvious (3:30) 05 When A Woman Loves A Man (3:37) 06 On My Shoulder (3:57) 07 Turn Around (4:21) 08 I Did it For You (3:31) 09 Thank You (4:02) 10 To Be With You 11 Home (3:20) 12 Lost In You (3:36) 13 What Do They Know? (3:17) (以上信息来自 iTunes Store UK) Allow Us To Be FrankAllow Us To Be Frank中文译名: 纯爱年代发行日期: 2004年11月8日发行地区: UK & Ireland (已引进)英国专辑榜: 季军唱片曲目: 01 Ain't That A Kick In The Head 02 Fly Me To The Moon 03 Smile 04 Let There Be Love 05 The Way You Look Tonight (feat. Joanne Hindley) 06 Come Fly With Me 07 Mack The Knife 08 I Left My Heart In San Francisco 09 Summer Wind 10 Clementine 11 When I Fall In Love 12 Moon River 13 That's Life Face To FaceFace To Face中文译名: 真情相对发行日期: 2005年10月31日发行地区: UK & Ireland(已引进)英国专辑榜: 冠军唱片曲目: 01 You Raise Me Up 02 When You Tell Me That You Love Me (feat.Diana Ross) 03 Amazing 04 That's Where You Find Love 05 She's Back 06 Desperado 07 Colour My World 08 In This Life 09 Heart Without A Home 10 Hit You With The Real Thing 11 Change Your Mind 12 Maybe Tomorrow The Love AlbumThe Love Album中文译名: 钟爱一生- 情歌自选辑/ 爱发行日期: 2006年11月20日发行地区: UK & Ireland (已引进)英国专辑榜: 冠军唱片曲目: 01 The Rose 02 Total Eclipse Of The Heart 03 All Out Of Love (feat. Delta Goodrem) 04 You Light Up My Life 05 Easy 06 You Are So Beautiful (To Me) 07 Have You Ever Been In Love 08 Love Can Build A Bridge 09 The Dance 10 All Or Nothing 11 You've Lost That Loving Feeling 12 Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You (Bonus Track) Back HomeBack Home中文译名:真情守候/ 回家发行日期: 2007年11月5日发行地区: UK & Ireland (已引进)英国专辑榜: 冠军唱片曲目: 01 Home 02 Us Against The World 03 Something Right 04 I'm Already There 05 When I'm With You 06 Have You Ever 07 It's You 08 Catch My Breath 09 The Easy Way 10 I Do 11 Pictures In My Head 12 You Must Have Had A Broken HeartWhere We AreWhere We Are 专辑名称:Where We Are 中文译名:爱在这里发行日期: 2009年11月27日发行地区:UK & Ireland(已引进)英国专辑榜:亚军唱片曲目: 01 What About Now 02 How To Break A Heart 03 Leaving 04 Shadows 05 Talk Me Down 06 Where We Are 07 The Difference 08 As Love Is My Witness 09 Another World 10 No More Heroes 11 Sound Of A Broken Heart 12 Reach Out 13 I'll See You Again。



昨日重现英文歌词及翻译第一篇:昨日重现英文歌词及翻译昨日重现英文歌词及翻译When I was young 当我年轻时I'd listen to the radio 我喜欢听收音机Waiting' for my favorite songs 等待我最喜爱的歌When they played I'd sing along 我常随着一起清唱It made me smile.笑容满面Those were such happy times 那段多么快乐的时光And not so long ago 并不遥远How I wondered where they'd gone 我是多么想知道他们去了哪儿But they're back again 但是它们又回来了Just like a long lost friend 像一位久未谋面的旧日朋友All the songs I loved so well.那些歌我依旧喜欢Every Sha-la-la-la每一声 Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines 仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they're starting' to sing's 当他们开始唱时So fine.如此欢畅When they get to the part 当他们唱到Where he's breakin' her heart 他让她伤心的那一段时It can really make me cry 我真的哭了Just like before 一如往昔It's yesterday once more.这是昨日的重现(Shoobie do lang lang)(Shoobie do lang lang)Lookin' back on how it was 回首过去的 In years gone by 那些时光And the good times that I had 我曾有过的欢乐Makes today seem rather sad 今天似乎更加悲伤So much has changed.一切都变了It was songs of love that 这就是那些跟着唱过的 I would sing to then 旧情歌And I'd memorize each word 我会记住每个字眼Those old melodies 那些古老旋律Still sound so good to me 对我仍然那么动听As they melt the years away.可以把岁月融化Every Sha-la-la-la 每一声Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o 每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines 依然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一个shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they're startin' to sing's 当他们开始唱时So fine.如此欢畅All my best memories 我所有的美好回忆Come back clearly to me 清晰地浮现在眼前Some can even make me cry.有些甚至让我泪流满面Just like before 一如往昔It's yesterday once more.这是昨日的重现Every Sha-la-la-la 每一声Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o 每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines 依然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一个shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they're startin' to sing's 当他们开始唱时So fine.如此欢畅Every Sha-la-la-la 每一声Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o 每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines 依然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一个shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they're startin' to sing's 当他们开始唱时So fine.如此欢畅第二篇:昨日重现英文歌词含中文翻译昨日重现英文歌词含中文翻译(Yesterday once more English lyric)2008-04-30 09:18 When I was young I'd listen to the radio 当我年少的时候,我总爱守在收音机旁Waiting for my favorite songs 等待着我最心爱的歌曲从收音机里轻轻流淌。



英文歌名介绍【Anaesthesia】Maximilian Hecker【Summer Days In Bloom】Maximilian Hecker力推!【end of May】Keren Ann【gotta have you】The Weepies调调很特别,我用它做过背景音乐。

【i remember】郭采洁我喜欢睡觉前听这首歌【Let's start from here】王若琳【Never Grow Old】The Cranberries【Tommai mai rub sak tee】Lydia(泰语)听听这个泰国女孩的声音吧。

【Disguise】Lene marlin【When You Say Nothing At All】Ronan Keating有个校内好友也推荐过呢。

【valder fields】Tamas Wells很柔。

【don't know why】Norah Joness很慵懒很舒服。


【seven years】Norah Jones觉得她的声音像阳光打在身上一样舒服。

【the story】Norah Jones有点爵士。


(二) 很High的鼓点,很High的节奏,很High的声音。

(Dance. DJ .Hip-hop.金属…)【Good Foot】Justin Timberlake & Timbaland他们不是第一次合作了,绝!【always come back to your love】Samantha mumba很久前就开始听了。

【Ba Yonga Wamba】Banaroo很有特点,听几遍就可以和着一起唱了。

【Bottle Pop】The Pussycat Dolls我喜欢【Takin' All Over The World】The Pussycat Dolls【Whatcha Think About That】The Pussycat Dolls【When I Grow Up】The Pussycat Dolls【Buckle Up n Chuggeluck】Heaven在QQ音乐上听到的,推荐,一定要调大音量。


Any other girl, I'm sure I'd be ok如果是其他的女孩,我确信不会在意
Tell me what makes a man告诉我什么使一个男人
Wanna give you all his heart想对你付出全心
Smile when you're around 当你在身边时微笑
and you're taking it out tonight而你今晚将把爱全带走
how am I supposed to leave you now我要如何才能离开你
when you're looking like that你的一颦一笑如此迷人
I can't believe what I just gave away我不感相信我竟然放弃了这般尤物
What am I doing without you 我怎能没有你的陪伴
And all of the things I've been looking for 所有我曾费心寻觅的事物
Have always been here outside of my door 其实一直就在我门外等待
And all of the time I'm looking for something new 所有追求新奇事物的时光
And all of the time I'm looking for something new 所有追求新奇事物的时光
What am I doing without you 怎能没有你的陪伴
03.What Makes A Man 心甘情愿(UK 排行榜No.2单曲)
This isn't goodbye 这不是再见



Westlife - i need youbaby,baby !i swear to youbaby,baby ! i`m here for youi don`t know why why i didthose things to you what went through my ming ? and i don`t know why why i brokeyour heart in two guess that i was blindbayby how i wishyou couid forgive mejust one more time babyand i sweari`ll be thereanytime you want me toi`ll be true here for youdon`t leave me lonelycos i need youyes l`ve been a foolnow i see the price to payi can`t run and hidecos i`m losing youand my chances slipped awaywith each time i liedbaby how i wishyou could forgive meone more time oh yeahbaby living without youwill tear me apartwhen i knowhow it could have beenbut i don`t carewhat it leads tolet`s make a new startand give love a chance to wincos baby i swearbaby,baby !i swear to youanytime you want me tobaby,baby !i`m here for youdon`t leave me lonelycos i need youyes baby i need youwestlife - flying without wingsone thing that makes it all completeyou find it in the strangets placesplaces you never thought it could be some find it in the faces of their chidlren some find it in their lovers eyeswho can deny the joy it bringswhen you find that special thingyou're flying without wingssome find it sharing every morningsome in their solitary livesyou find it in the words of othersa simple line can make you laugh or cry you find it in the deepest friendshipsthe kind you cherish all your lifeand when you know how much that means you've found that special thingyou're flying without wingsso impossible as it may seemyou've got to fight for every dream'cause who's to knowwhich one you let gowould have made you completewell for me it's waking up beside youto watch the sunrise on your faceto know that i can say i love youat any given time or placeit's little things that only i knowthose are the things that make you mine and it's like flying without wings'cause you're my special thingi'm flying without wingsyou're the place my life beginsand you'll be where it endsi'm flying without wingsand that's the joy you bringi'm flying without wingswestlife-us against the worldus against the world against the worldus against the world against the worldyou and i,we've been at it so long i still got the strongest fireyou and i,we still know how to talk know how to walk that wire sometimes i feel like the world is against methe sound of your voice, baby that''s what saves mewhen we''re together i feel so invinciblecause it''s us against the world you and me against them all if you listen to these words know that we are standing talli don''t ever see the day that i won''t catch you when you fall cause it''s us against the worldtonightus against the world against the worldthere'll be dayswe'll be on different sides but that doesn't last too longwe find ways to get it on track and know how to turn back on sometimes i feeli can't keep it together then you hold me closeand you make it betterwhen i'm with you i can feel so unbreakablecause it''s us against the world you and me against them all if you listen to these words know that we are standing talli don''t ever see the day that i won''t catch you when you fall cause it''s us against the worldtonightwe're not gonna break cause we both still believewe know what we've got and we've got what we need alright we're doing something rightcause it''s us against the world you and me against them all if you listen to these words know that we are standing talli don''t ever see the day that i won''t catch you when you fall us against the world me and you against them allif you listen to these words know that we are standing talli don''t ever see the day that i won''t catch you when you fall us against the worldyeah it's us against the world, babyus against the worldtonightwestlife - evergreeneyes like a sunriselike a rainfall down my souland i wonderi wonder why you look at me like thatwhat you're thinking what's behinddon't tell me but it feels like lovei'm gonna take this moment and make it last foreveri'm gonna give my heart away and pray we'll stay together cause you're the one good reason you're the only girl that i need cause you're more beautiful than i have ever seeni'm gonna take this nightand make it evergreentouch like a angel like velvet to my skinand i wonderwonder why you wanna stay the nightwhat you're dreaming what's behinddon't tell me but it feels like lovei'm gonna take this moment and make it last foreveri'm gonna give my heart away and pray we'll stay together cause you're the one good reason you're the only girl that i need cause you're more beautiful than i have ever seen(oh yeah!)i'm gonna take this nightand make it evergreenwoo.woo.woo.yeah!yeah!don't tell me,but it feels like lovei'm gonna take this moment and make it last forever (forever)i'm gonna give my heart away and pray we'll stay together cause you're the one good reason(oh! one good reason)you're the only girl that i needcause you're more beautiful than i have ever seen(oh!yeah) i'm gonna take this momentmake it last foreveri'm gonna give my heart away and pray we'll stay together cause you're the one good reason(oh! one good reason)you're the only girl that i needcause you're more beautiful than i have ever seen(ever seen,yeah!)i'm gonna take this nightand make it evergreenwoo...and make it evergreenwestlife - mandyi remember all my liferaining down as cold as ice,shadows of a mana face through a windowcrying in the nightthe night goes intomorning, just another dayhappy people pass my waylooking in their eyesi see a memoryi never realizedhow happy you made me oh mandywell you came and you gave without takingbut i sent you away, oh mandywell you kissed me and stopped me from shaking and i need you today, oh mandyi'm standing on the edge of timei've walked away when love was minecaught up in a world of uphill climbingtears are on my mindand nothing is rhyming, oh mandywell you came and you gave without takingbut i sent you away, oh mandywell you kissed me and stopped me from shaking and i need you today, oh mandy(music)yesterday's a dream i face the morningcrying on a breezethe pain is calling, oh mandywell you came and you gave without takingbut i sent you away, oh mandywell you kissed me and stopped me from shaking and i need you today, oh mandyyou came and you gave without takingbut i sent you away, oh mandyyou kissed me and stopped me from shaking and i need youoh mandy won't you listen to what i've got to say oh baby don't let me throw it all it awayoh mandy won't you listen to what i've got to say and i need you today...oh mandy...westlife - how to break a heartsince you're not worth my lovei haven't given upi'm stronger than that(i'm stronger than that)and though my heart will breaki'm takin' back my faithcos right now my world is spinnin' too fast but you won't be the end of meif you were the oneyou wouldn't hurt me so badyou gave me the worldgave me the world to take it all awayall you left me was yesterdayand this space in my heartnow it's slowly tearin' me aparti'm takin' all that i learned from youi'll make it something i'll never doi can't be who you areyou taught me how to break a hearti'll make it through this painmy dreams won't call your namei'm stronger than that(i'm stronger than that)cos i still know how to loveknow that will be enoughand this moment will fade into the past you won't be the end of meif you were the oneyou wouldn't hurt me so badyou gave me the worldi'm takin' all that i learned from youi'll make it something i'll never doi can't be who you areyou taught me how to break a hearti'm taking back my faithi'm taking back my lifei don't care for who you arecos you taught me how to break a heart how to break a hearthow to break a heartcos you taught me how to break a heartwestlife -obviousshane:yeah, ooooh...we started as friends but something happened inside menow i'm reading into everything but there's no sign you hear the lightning, babyyou don't ever notice me turning on my charm or wonder why i'm always where you are shane (westlife):i've made it obvious done everything but sing it(i've crushed on you so long, but on and on you get me wrong)i'm not so good with words and since you never noticethe way that we belong i'll say it in a love songbryan (westlife):i've heard you talk about (heard you talk about)how you want someone just like me (bryan echo: just like me)but everytime i ask you out (time i ask you out)we never move pass friendly, no noand you don't ever notice how i stare when we're aloneor wonder why i keep you on the phoneshane (westlife):i've made it obvious done everything but sing it(i've crushed on you so long but on and on you get me wrong)i'm not so good with words and since you never noticethe way that we belong i'll say it in a love songyeah...mark:you are my very first thought in the morningshane:and my last at nightfallmark:you are the love that came without warningmark shane:i need you, i want you to knowshane (westlife):i've made it obvious so finally i'll sing it(i've crushed on you so long)i'm not so good with words and since you never noticethe way that we belong i'll say it in a love songwestlife:and sing it until the day you're holding mei've wanted you so long but on and on you get me wrongi more then adore you but since you never seem to seeshane:but you never seem to see i'll say it in this love songwestlife - fool againbaby i know the story i've seen the pictureit's written all over your facetell me, what's the secret that you've been hiding and who's gonna take my placei should've seen it comin' i should've read the signs anyway, i guess it's overcan't believe that i'm the fool againi thought this love would never endhow was i to know you never told mecan't believe that i'm the fool againand i who thought you were my friendhow was i to know, you never told mebaby, you should've called mewhen you were lonely when you needed me to be there sadly, you never gave me to many chancesto show you how much i carei should've seen it comin' i should've read the signs anyway, i guess it's overcan't believe that i'm the fool againi thought this love would never endhow was i to know you never told mecan't believe that i'm the fool againand i who thought you were my friendhow was i to know, you never told meabout the pain and the tearsohooooo, if i could i wouldturn back the timeoh yeah...i should've seen it comin' i should've read the signs anyway, i guess it's overcan't believe that i'm the fool againi thought this love would never endhow was i to know you never told mecan't believe that i'm the fool againand i who thought you were my friendhow was i to know, you never told mecan't believe that i'm the fool againi thought this love would never endhow was i to know you never told mecan't believe that i'm the fool againand i who thought you were my friendhow was i to know, you never told mewestlife - if i let you go (extended version)day after day time pass awayn' i just can't get you off my mindnobody knows i hide it insidei keep on searching but i can't findthe courage to show to letting you knowi've never felt so much love beforeand once again i'm thinking abouttaking the easy way outbut if i let you go i will never knowwhat my life would be holding you close to mewill i ever see you smiling back at me (oh yeah)how will i know if i let you gonight after night i hear myself saywhy can't this feeling just fade away there's no one like you (no one like you) you speak to my heart (speak to my heart)its such a shame we're worlds aparti'm too shy to ask i'm too proud to losebut sooner or later i gotta chooseand once again i'm thinking about taking the easy way outbut if i let you go i will never knowwhat my life would be holding you close to mewill i ever see you smiling back at me (oh yeah)how will i know if i let you goif i let you go (ooh baby)but if i let you go i will never knowwhat my life would be holding you close to mewill i ever seeyou smiling back at me (oh yeah)how will i knowif i let you gobut if i let you goi will never knowwhat my life would beholding you close to mewill i ever see you smiling back at me (oh yeah)how will i know if i let you gowill i ever seeyou smiling back at me (oh yeah)how will i know if i let you gowestlife - open your hearti didn't mean yo let you down you have to belive iti don't know what went through my mind but now i can seethat i waited too longto tell you how much it mattersjust to be right here with youbut i couldn't think of anything betteri should have told you sobaby open your heartwon't you give me a second chanceand i'll be here foreveropen your heart let me show you how much i careand i will make you understandif you open your heart to love me once againi'll try to make it up to you i want you to knowbaby i swear that i'll be true and never let goif i waited too longto tell you how much it matters just to be right here with you but i couldn't think of anything betteri should have told you sobaby open your heartwon't you give me a second chanceand i'll be here foreveropen your heartlet me show you how much i careand i will make you understandif you open your heartto love me once againwe could relive this pain and sorrowbut we better do it in timestart over here and save tomorrowi wanna make you mineopen your heart with a chanceand i'll be here foreveropen your heart and i'll careand i will make you understandoh baby,if you open your heartto love me once againbaby open your heartwon't you give me a second chanceand i'll be here foreveropen your heartlet me show you how much i careand i will make you understandif you open your heart to love me once again。











歌曲歌词中英对照下面是《昨日重现》的歌词和其对应的英文翻译:昨日重现作曲:杨宗纬作词:黄婕编曲:邱赫南谱曲:邱赫南Verse 1:昨天我们说好分开为什么今天你又回来你说你有话要对我说我知道那一句不会是再见Yesterday we agreed to part waysWhy did you come back today?You said you had something to tell meI know it won't be a goodbyePre-Chorus:一道恐惧落下悬崖我生活被你搅湖底忘了在爱里未满足你说要还我倔强A wave of fear falls off the cliffMy life is stirred at the bottom of a lake by youForgetting the unfulfilled loveYou said you wanted to return my stubbornnessChorus:昨日重现手刚松开心为什么疼成这样我们犯的错误一样故事还穿越不过去八十年Yesterday it repeats, my hand just let goWhy does my heart ache like this?We made the same mistakeThe story can't transcend past eighty yearsVerse 2:等了一段时间变沧海等满花开等天都变灰那苍白的脸那伤心的眼都知道我们在一起就很危险Waited for a while, the sea changedWaited for the flowers to bloom and the sky to turn grey That pale face, those sad eyesAll know that we are dangerous togetherPre-Chorus:我怕累积错误存在你怕珍贵的回忆被拆散忘了在爱里未满足你说要还我倔强I'm afraid of accumulating mistakesYou're afraid of precious memories being scattered Forgetting the unfulfilled loveYou said you wanted to return my stubbornnessChorus:昨日重现手刚松开心为什么疼成这样我们犯的错误一样故事还穿越不过去八十年Yesterday it repeats, my hand just let goWhy does my heart ache like this?We made the same mistakeThe story can't transcend past eighty yearsBridge:忘掉悲伤曾经要表现的皮囊你说你懂了爱如何继续伤Forget the sadness that the skin used to showYou said you understood how love continues to hurtChorus:昨日重现手刚松开心为什么疼成这样我们犯的错误一样故事还穿越不过去八十年Yesterday it repeats, my hand just let goWhy does my heart ache like this?We made the same mistakeThe story can't transcend past eighty years歌词分析和文化差异《昨日重现》这首歌曲以其深情的旋律和动人的歌词而广受欢迎。



个人档案:中文名:西城男孩全名: Shane Steven Filan生日: 1979-7-5 身高:175cm出生地点: Sligo General Hospital, North-West Ireland评价: 专注的、善于思考的人,在舞台上有惊人的信心全名:Bryan Nicholas Mcfadden生日:1980-4-12身高:186cm出生地点:Rotunda Hospital, Dublin, Southern Ireland评价:开放、有创造性全名: Nicholas Bernard James Adam Byrne生日: 1978-10-9身高: 175cm出生地点: Holles Street Hospital, Dublin, Southern Ireland评价: 热情的演出,善于交际的、好玩的人全名: Kian John Francis Egan生日: 1980-4-29身高: 175cm出生地点: Sligo General Hospital, North-West著名乐评人王晓峰先生曾经说过:如果一种革命性的音乐出现,随之而来的就是无数人加入到革命的行列,这样的例子屡见不鲜。

90年代Grunge乐走红,转瞬间美国的另类遍地皆是,Spice Girls把个性与流行乐结合在一起,于是就出现数不清的个性组合。


于是,当Five、A1、Westlife同时挤上同一个唱片架争强斗妍的时候,歌迷的选择不仅丰富了,也给善于喧哗的媒体摆开了一桌绝妙的酒西城男孩专辑:《Westlife》《Turnaround》《Coast To Coast》《World Of Our Own》《The Greatest Hits》《Allow US To Be Frank》《The Love Album 》《Face To Face》《Back Home》以上资源主要是来自网络大家分享的,个人收藏就这么多,还有别的专辑,本着分享的精神共享给大家,希望大家能够喜欢,当然更希望有别的专辑的朋友可以共享出来,呵呵,整一个西城男孩Westlife 全集,到时候,想必一定会功德无量,希望大家继续支持我的主题。



Evergreen - Backstreet BoysI ve been on the runslept under the sunfeeding off the cloudsand eating them like ice creamI ve been all aroundnever left this townblisters on my eyelids likeit s spring in parisIve seen everythingI ve dreamt every dreamI am every humanOh I m not even finishedLook how I goImpeccable flowwind in my face it hardly ever rains always on topI m coming upI m everything and I am everything I know it all don t know a thingI am changing still the sameI m every color I m every colorI am evergreenI ve been on the sidealways stayed aheadi m so very fast give me a speeding ticket me you cannot teachI just wanna knowI ve been tryin to stand butI will never growI ve seen everythingI ve dreamt every dreamI am every humanNo I m not even finishedLook how I goImpeccable flowwind in my face it hardly ever rains always on topI m coming upI m everything and I am everythingI know it all don t know a thingI am changing still the sameI m every color I m every colorI am evergreenThe truth is stranger than fiction when you re a walking contradiction when you re evergreenyou re always looking inyou re the first one leftbut you re back againdon t be afraid to askbut don t ask againwe ll forever lastwhen you re evergreenLook how I goImpeccable flowwind in my face it hardly ever rains always on topI m coming upI m everything and I am everything I know it all don t know a thingI am changing still the sameI m every color I m every colorI m every color I m every colorI m every color I m every colorI m every colorI am evergreen I am evergreen I am evergreen。

Westlife - 西域男孩

Westlife - 西域男孩

Shane是主唱 英文全名:Shane Steven Filan 是主唱 英文全名: 中文名:尚恩·斯蒂芬 菲南 昵称:老头 中文名:尚恩 斯蒂芬·菲南 昵称: 斯蒂芬 出生日期: 出生日期:1979年7月5日 年 月 日 出生地:爱尔兰, 出生地:爱尔兰,斯莱戈 (Sligo) 星座:巨蟹座 身高:175cm 星座: 身高: 家庭成员:父母,三个哥哥Finbarr, 家庭成员:父母,三个哥哥 , Peter,Liam,三个姐姐 Yvonne, , , , Denise,Mairead,妻子是 , ,妻子是Kian的 的 堂姐Gillian,女儿 堂姐 ,女儿Nicole Rose Filan 儿子Patrick Michael Filan, Shane Peter Flian 儿子 ,
Mark是主唱和高声部 英文全名:Markus Michael 是主唱和高声部 英文全名: Patrick Feehily 中文全名:马克 迈克尔 中文全名:马克·迈克尔 迈克尔· 帕特里克·菲海利 昵称: 帕特里克 菲海利 昵称:豚鼠 出生日期: 星座: 出生日期:1980.5.28 星座:双子座 身高: 出生地:爱尔兰, 身高:182cm 出生地:爱尔兰,斯莱戈 家庭成员:父母,两个弟弟Barry,Colin 家庭成员:父母,两个弟弟 男友是来自男子乐团V的 男友是来自男子乐团 的Kevin ,Mark 现和Kevin已订婚 现和 已订婚
注:本名Brian,为了便于签名将名字改成Bryபைடு நூலகம்n 本名 ,为了便于签名将名字改成
中文全名:布莱恩 尼古拉斯 尼古拉斯·麦克法丹 中文全名:布莱恩·尼古拉斯 麦克法丹 昵称: 出生日期: 昵称:BB 出生日期:1980年4月12日 年 月 日 出生地:爱尔兰,都柏林( 出生地:爱尔兰,都柏林(Dublin) ) 家庭成员:父母,一个妹妹Susan,原妻是原女子 家庭成员:父母,一个妹妹 , 乐团Atomic Kitten的成员 的成员Kerry,女儿 乐团 的成员 ,女儿Molly和Lily, 和 , 未婚妻是澳洲小天后Delta Goodrem,在恋爱七年后, 未婚妻是澳洲小天后 ,在恋爱七年后, 现已和Delta Goodrem分手 离队主要原因是很喜欢自己 分手.离队主要原因是很喜欢自己 现已和 分手 的创作,不喜欢翻唱,并且自己认为最好的单曲《 的创作,不喜欢翻唱,并且自己认为最好的单曲《Mandy》 》 获得了超低销量,所以以照顾家人的借口离队了。 获得了超低销量,所以以照顾家人的借口离队了。

昨日重现 歌词(带中文翻译)

昨日重现  歌词(带中文翻译)

昨日重现When I was young I'd listen to the radio当我年轻的时候我常守在收音机旁Waiting for my favorite songs等待着我爱的歌When they played I'd sing along,歌声响起我便同声和唱Itmakeme smile.歌声使我欢笑Those were such happy times and not so long ago那是多么美好的时光一切并不久远How I wondered where they'd gone.但已逝去了使我多么悲伤But they're back again just like a long lost friend而昔日的歌声重新出现就象一位久别的朋友All the songs I love so well.那些歌曾使我喜爱如狂Every shalala every wowo那每一个音符每一个音符那每一句歌词每一句歌词Still shines.仍绚丽如阳光Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing那每一首每一首所有的歌子So fine都如此绝妙悠扬When they get to the part当这歌声唱到where he s breaking her heart男孩使女孩怦然心动Itcanreally make me cry我便会泪流满面just like before.就如从前一样It'syesterday once more.歌声带回了昨日时光(Shoobie do lang lang)(Shoobie do lang lang)Looking back on how it was in years gone by逝去的昨日And the good times that had是那样的美好啊makestoday seem rather sad,今天却令我黯然神伤So much has changed.一切都已不在Itwassongs of love that I would sing to them我唱起那爱的歌And I'd memorize each word.每个字都不会忘Those old melodies still sound so good to me虽然幸福时光已经过去As they melt the years away那情调依然悠远久长Every shalala every wo woStill shines.仍绚丽如阳光。



My love---西域男孩An empty street, an empty house,空空的街道,空空的房,a hole inside my heart,心里也是个空空的洞,I'm all alone, the rooms are getting smaller,我孤独的一个人,房间也变得越来越小,I wonder how, I wonder why,我不知道怎么回事,也不知道为什么,I wonder where they are,我不知道它们哪去了,the days we had,我们有过的好时光,the songs we sang together, oh yeah.我们一起唱过的歌,oh,yeah.and oh my love,还有你--我的最爱,I'm holding on forever,我一直在坚持,reaching for a love that seems so far. 想得到那份似乎遥不可及的爱.all:(合唱)So I say a little prayer,所以我低声祈祷,hope my dreams will take me there,希望我的梦会带我到那儿,where the skies are blue,那儿天空湛蓝,to see you once again ,my love,再次见到你,我的爱,over seas from coast to coast,漂洋过海,从一个海岸到到另一个海岸find the place I love the most,找到我最爱的地方,where the fields are green,那儿田野葱郁,i see you once again,my love.我再一次见到你,我的爱.bryan:(Bryan唱)I try to read, I go to work我设法去读书,去工作,i'm laughing with my friends,我和朋友们一起说说笑笑,but I can't stop to keep myself fromthinking, oh no,可我没法不想你,oh,no,I wonder how, i wonder why,我不知道怎么回事,我不知道为什么,I wonder where they are,我不知道它们哪去了,the days we had,我们有过的好时光,the songs we sang together, ohyeah.我们一起唱过的歌,oh yeah.and oh my love,和你--我的最爱,I'm holding on forever,我一直在坚持,reaching for a love that seems sofar.想要得到那份似乎遥不可及的爱.all:(合唱)so I say a little prayer,所以我低声音祈祷,hope my dreams will take me there, 希望我的梦会带我去那儿,where the skies are blue,那儿天空湛蓝,to see you once again my love,再一次见到你,我的爱,over seas from coast to coast,穿洋过海,从一个海岸到另一个海岸find the place i love the most,找到我最爱的地方,where the fields are green,那儿田野葱郁,see you once again再一次见到你.mark:(马克唱)to hold you in my arms,把你拥在怀里,to promise you my love,向你承诺我的爱,to tell you from afar,告诉你在遥远的地方,what I'm thinking of. 我在想什么reaching for a love that seems sofar.想得到一份似乎遥不可及的爱.all:(合唱)so I say a little prayer,所以我低声祈祷,hope my dreams will take me there,希望我的梦会带我去那儿,where the skies are blue,那儿天空湛蓝,see you once again my love,再一次见到你,我的爱,over seas from coast to coast,漂洋过海,find the place I love the most,去找到我最爱的地方,where the fields are green,那里田野葱郁,I see you once again,my love.我再一次见到你,我的爱.so I say a little prayer,所以我低声祈祷,hope my dreams will take me there,希望我的梦会带我到那儿,where the skies are blue,那儿天空湛蓝,see you once again my love,再一次见到你,我的爱,overseas from coast to coast,漂洋过海,从一个海岸到另一个海岸find the place i love the most,找到我最爱的地方,where the fields are green,那里田野葱郁,see you once again,my love.我再一次见到你,我的爱.Pretty BoyI lie awake at night晚上我躺在床上没有一点睡意See things in black and white世界对我来说只有黑与白I've only got you inside my mind你的形象无时无刻不在我脑中闪动You know you have made me blind我的眼里只有你I lie awake and pray我清醒地躺在床上祈祷that you will look my way祈祷你会看见我I have all this longing in my heart 我的心中充满渴望I knew it right from the star一开始我就知道tOh my pretty pretty boy I love you 我的漂亮男孩我爱你Like I never ever loved no one before you在你之前我从未这样爱过一个人Pretty pretty boy of mine我的漂亮男孩Just tell me you love me too告诉我你也爱我Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you 我的漂亮男孩我需要你Oh my pretty pretty boy I do我的漂亮男孩,是真的Let me inside make me stay right beside you让我进来让我留在你身旁I used to write your name我曾写下你的名字And put it in a frame并把它框起来And sometime I think I hear youcallRight from my bedroom wall有时我觉得我在我房间里听到了你的呼唤You stay a little while你待了一会儿And touch me with your smile 用你的微笑打动我的心And what can I say to make youmine我该说什么才能赢得你的心To reach out for you in time才能及时掳获你Oh my pretty pretty boy I love youLike I never ever loved no onebefore youPretty pretty boy of mineJust tell me you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boy I need youOh my pretty pretty boy I doLet me inside make me stay rightbeside you我的漂亮男孩我爱你在你之前我从未这样爱过一个人我的漂亮男孩告诉我你也爱我我的漂亮男孩我需要你我的漂亮男孩,是真的让我进来让我留在你身旁Oh pretty boy pretty boy pretty boySay you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boy I love youLike I never ever loved no onebefore youPretty pretty boy of mineJust tell me you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boy I need youOh my pretty pretty boy I doLet me inside make me stay rightbeside you我的漂亮男孩我爱你在你之前我从未这样爱过一个人我的漂亮男孩告诉我你也爱我我的漂亮男孩我需要你我的漂亮男孩,是真的让我进来让我留在你身旁God Is A Girlremembering me discover and see all over the world记得我在全世界寻找而领悟she's known as a girl to those who a free她是一个想得到自由的女孩the mind shall be key forgotten as the past思想将被封锁,忘记过去cause history will last使过去的事情继续延续……god is a girl上帝是一个女孩wherever you are无论你在何处do you believe it can you receive it 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗?god is a girl上帝是一个女孩whatever you say无论你说什么do you believe it can you receive it你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗?god is a girl上帝是一个女孩however you live无论你生活怎么样do you believe it can you receive it你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗?god is a girl上帝是一个女孩she's only a girl她仅仅是一个女孩do you believe it can you receive it你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗?she wants to shine forever in time她希望永远的闪耀着she is so driven she's always mine她是如此地被动……cleanly and free她永远是我的“纯洁”与“自由”she wants you to be a part of thefuture她希望未来的大部分时间里a girl like me有一个女孩会喜欢我there is a sky illuminating ussomeone is out there有天空照亮着我们,某人的离开that we truly trust才是我们真实的期待there is a rainbow for you and me有一道彩虹等着你和我a beautiful sunrise eternally一轮美丽的日出是那样的永恒!god is a girl上帝是一个女孩wherever you are无论你在何处do you believe it can you receive it你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗?god is a girl上帝是一个女孩whatever you say无论你说什么do you believe it can you receive it 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗?god is a girl上帝是一个女孩however you live无论你生活怎么样do you believe it can you receive it 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗?god is a girl上帝是一个女孩she's only a girl她仅仅是一个女孩do you believe it can you receive it 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗?(重复2遍)God is a girl~~~~上帝是一个女孩New Soul新的灵魂Im a new soul〖伴随着一颗纯洁的心灵〗I came to this strange world〖来到这个陌生的世界〗Hoping I could learn a bit abouthow to give and take〖期盼着能学到如何付出与收获〗But since I came here, felt the joyand the fear〖但自从来到这里体验了快乐与恐惧〗Finding myself making everypossible mistake〖发觉自己正在犯着所有可能的错误〗La, la, la, la (21x)La, la, la, la (21x)See Im a young soul in this verystrange world〖瞧在如此陌生的世界里我有着一颗年轻的灵魂〗Hoping I could learn a bit aboutwhat is true and fake〖期盼着能学到辨别真假的能力〗But why all this hate try toFinding trust and love is not alwayseasy to make〖感觉信任与真爱不是如此简单就能洋溢人间〗La, la, la, la (21x)La, la, la, la (21x)This is a happy end〖这是一个快乐结局〗Cause you dont understand〖因为你不明白〗Everything you have done〖你所做的所有事情〗Whys everything so wrong〖为何一切总是如此不如人意〗This is a happy end〖这是一个快乐的结局〗Come and give me your hand〖来吧让我们手牵手〗Ill take you far away〖我将会带你去遥远的彼岸〗Im a new soul〖带着一颗纯洁的心灵〗I came to this strange world〖闯入这个陌生的世界〗Hoping I could learn a bit abouthow to give and take〖期待着能学到一丝取舍精神〗But since I came here, felt the joyand the fear〖然而自从到达这里感受到所谓的幸福与恐惧〗Finding myself making everypossible mistake〖发觉自己正在不断地犯着可能的错误〗New soul... (la, la, la, la,...) 〖纯洁的心灵〗In this very strange world... 〖在这神秘陌生的世界里...〗Every possible mistake〖每一个可能的错误〗Possible mistake〖可能的错误〗Every possible mistake(Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes...)〖每一个可能的错误...〗pretty boy漂亮的男孩艾薇儿Avril Lavignei lie awake at night.我躺在床上夜不能寐.see thing in black white.所有的事情在脑海中如黑白电影般掠过.i've only got u inside my mind.我的心中只有你.u know u have made me blind.你知道你使我盲目.i lie awake pray.我躺在床上祈祷.that u will look my way.希望你能看我一眼.i have all this longing in my heart. 我的心中充满对你的渴望.i knew it right from the start.从一开始我就知道! oh my pretty pretty boy i want u.噢,我英俊漂亮的男孩,我如此迫切的需要你!like i never ever loved no onebefore u.就如同我过去不希望爱上任何人一样强烈.pretty pretty boy of mine.我英俊漂亮的男孩啊!just tell me u love me too.告诉我你也爱我好吗!oh my pretty pretty boy i need u.噢,我英俊漂亮的男孩,我如此需要你!oh my pretty pretty boy i do.噢,我英俊漂亮的男孩,我真的需要你!let me inside make me stay rightbeside u.让我进入你的心里并留在你身边.i used 2 write ur name.我过去总是写你的名字.and put it in a frame.并把它装裱起来.and sometime i think i hear u call.有时我会以为听到你的呼唤.right from my bedroom wall.从我卧室的墙上.u stay a little while.你停留片刻.and touch me with ur smile.你的微笑触动了我的心灵.and what can i say 2 make u mine ?我该说什么以把握住你?to reach out 4 u in time.以及时的为你出手.oh,pretty boy ! oh,pretty boy !噢,我英俊漂亮的男孩!say u love me too!说你也爱我好吗!Lenka- like a song<像一首歌>I can't forget you when you're gone我忘不了当你离去的时候Your like a song你就像一首歌That goes around in my head在我脑海中挥之不去And how I regret我是如此懊悔It's been so long已经过了这么久Oh what went wrong哦,到底是什么错了Could it be something I said会是我曾经说了什么吗Time, make it go faster时光,让它更快地流淌Or just rewind或是峰回路转To back when im wrapped in your arms 回到我与你臂弯相拥的时刻AhooohDum da di daDa da da dumDa da da dumDa da da dum da da di dumDa di dum dumDa da da dumDa da da dumDa da da dum la da da di da dum All afternoon long整个午后It's with meThe same song同一支歌伴着我You left a light onInside me你离去的光芒遗留在我心中My love我的爱I can Remember我忆起The way that it felt这种感觉To be holding on to you要我静待你Da dum da da di dumOoh dum di dumI can't forget you when you're gone我忘不了当你离去的时候Your like a song你就像一首歌That goes around in my head 在我脑海中挥之不去And how I regret我是如此懊悔It's been so long已经过了这么久Oh what went wrong哦,到底是什么错了Could it be something I said会是我曾经说了什么吗Time, make it go faster时光,让它更快地流淌Or just rewind或是峰回路转To come back to my happy heart.回到幸福溢满我的心田Just One Last Dance歌手:Sarah Connor 专辑:Key ToMy SoulJust one last dance....oh baby...justone last dance最后一曲哦亲爱的最后一曲We meet in the night in the Spanish café那个夜晚我们在西班牙咖啡馆相遇I look in your eyes just don't know what to say望着你的双眸心有千言竟无语It feels like I'm drowning in salty water泪水已令我尽陷沉溺A few hours left 'til the sun's gonna rise几个时辰过后阳光便要升起tomorrow will come an it's time to realize明日终将到来our love has finished forever爱情永远分离how I wish to come with you (wish to come with you)多想和你一起(和你一起)how I wish we make it through多想共同继续Just one last dance最后一曲before we say goodbye 再说别离when we sway and turn round andround and round一次次挥手转身it's like the first time初次相遇般难舍难离Just one more chance最后一曲hold me tight and keep me warm紧紧拥抱充满爱意cause the night is getting cold因夜已渐冷and I don't know where I belong我意乱情迷Just one last dance最后一曲The wine and the lights and theSpanish guitar夜光美酒琴声(吉它)响起I'll never forget how romantic theyare浪漫之夜永难忘记but I know, tomorrow I'll lose theone I love我知道明日将痛失吾爱There's no way to come with you永远不能再相偎相依it's the only thing to do舍此无它Just one last dance最后一曲before we say goodbye再说别离when we sway and turn round andround and round一次次挥手转身it's like the first time初次相遇般难舍难离Just one more chance再多一次机会hold me tight and keep me warm紧紧拥抱充满爱意cause the night is getting cold因夜已渐冷and I don't know where I belong我意乱情迷Just one last dance, just one morechance, just one last dance最后一曲最后一次最后一曲When I was young I'd listen to the radio 当年少时,我爱听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs 等待我最喜爱的歌When they played I'd sing along,当播放后,我喜欢一个人唱It make me smile 这让我开心的笑了Those were such happy times 像这样快乐的日子and not so long ago 没有多久How I wondered where they'd gone. 我想知道他们去了哪里But they're back again 但他们再次回来just like a long lost friend 像失去很久的朋友All the songs I love so well 所有的歌,我是这么的喜欢Every shalala shalalaevery wo'wo wo'wostill shines. 依然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-lingshing-a-ling-a-lingthat they're starting to sing so fine 他们开始唱歌,是这么美好When they get to the part 当他们分手where he's breaking her heart 当他让她伤心It can really make me cry 这些都让我哭了just like before. 就像从前一样It's yesterday once more. 昨日重现Looking back on 回首看how it was in years gone by 许多年过去了And the good times that had 这些好的时光makes today seem rather sad, 让今天更加难过So much has changed. 变了这么多It was songs of love 爱之歌that I would sing to them 我必须唱给他们听And I'd memorise each word. 我得记得每个字Those old melodies 这些古老的旋律still sound so good to me 我仍然认为非常好听As they melt the years away 如消失的许多年前一样Every shalala shalalaevery wo'wo wo'wostill shines. 依然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-lingshing-a-ling-a-lingthat they're starting to sing so fine他们开始唱歌,是这么美好All my best memorise come backclearly to me 我的所有美好记忆是这么清晰Some can even make me cry 一些让我哭泣just like before. 就像以前一样It's yesterday once more. 昨日重现《Proud Of You》挥着翅膀的女孩英文版Love in your eyes 带着眼眸中的爱Sitting silent by my side 默默坐在我身边Going on Holding hand 渐渐拉着我的手Walking through the nights 伴我穿过这黑夜*Hold me up Hold me tight 抱起我抱紧我Lift me up to touch the sky 高举我去触碰蓝天Teaching me to love with heart教给我用心去爱Helping me open my mind 帮助我打开心扉I can fly 我会飞翔I’m proud that I can fly 我为那飞翔而骄傲To give the best of mine 我要展现我的最美Till the end of the time 直到时间的尽头Believe me I can fly 相信我能飞翔I’m proud that I can fly 我为那飞翔而骄傲To give the best of mine 我要展现我的全部The heaven in the sky* 那是天堂in the sky Stars in the sky 那天空中的星辰Wishing once upon a time 希望能像从前一样Give me love Make me smile 让我欢笑给予我爱Till the end of life 直到生命消逝Repeat *重复Can’t you believe that you light upmy way 你可知道你照亮了我的道路No matter how that ease my path所以无论脚下的路有多么轻松I’ll never lose my faith 我都不会丢掉信念See me fly 来看着我飞翔I’m proud to fly up high 飞翔让我如此自豪Show you the best of mine 我要展现我的最美Till the end of the time 直到时间的尽头Believe me I can fly 相信我能飞翔I’m singing in the sky 我要在空中歌唱Show you the best of mine 献给你我的最美The heaven in the sky 那是天堂in the skyNothing can stop me 什么也不能阻止我Spread my wings so wide 展开我的翅膀so wideBRESSANONE(狼)布列瑟农here i stand in bressanone我站在布列瑟侬with the stars up in the sky密布着星光的苍穹下are they shining over brenner依稀的光照亮着布莱勒and upon the other side从天的那一边you would be a sweet surrender你送出甜蜜的笑(驻足凝望)i must go the other way谁将被迫离去and my train will carry me onward 离别的列车将带他远去though my heart would surely stay 只有跳跃的心不愿离去wo my heart would surely stay呜跳跃的心不愿离去now the clouds are flying by me我多想飞起and the moon is on the rise(融入)升起的月亮i have left stars behind me让群星环绕着我they were disamondsin your skies 它们将魂绕在你的星空里you would be a sweet surrender 你将送出甜蜜的笑(驻足凝望)i must go the other way谁将被迫离去and my train will carry me onward 离别的列车将带他远去though my heart would surely stay 只有跳跃的心不愿离去wo my heart would surely stay呜只有跳跃的心不愿离去cry on my shoulder在我肩上哭泣演唱:deutschl. Sucht den superstarif the hero never comes to you如果你的真命天子总是与你擦肩而过if you need someone you’re feelingblue如果你感到悲伤抑郁,需要一个依靠的肩膀,if you’re away from love and you’re alone如果你独自一人没有爱情的滋润if you call your friends andnobody’s home当你找寻你的朋友却无人在家守候you can run away but you can’thide你可以大步跑开但你不能逃避through a storm and through alonely night在暴风雨来临的孤独夜晚then i show you there’s a destiny那么我告诉你一切都是命中注定the best things in life 生活中的美好they’re free 是上天慷慨的赠与but if you wanna cry 但如果你要哭泣cry on my shoulder 我给你一个温暖的肩膀if you need someone who cares foryou如果你需要别人的关怀if you’re feeling sad your heartgets colder如果你感到忧伤你的心也逐渐冰凉yes I show you what real love cando我可以让你感受到真正的爱情if your sky is grey oh let me know如果你的天空是灰色请告诉我there’s a place in heaven wherewe’ll go在遥远的天堂一定有属于我们的某个地方if heaven is a million years away只要你愿意oh just call me and I make your day我能让你的人生充满色彩when the nights are getting cold and blue当夜晚渐渐寒冷渐渐变得令人忧郁when the days are getting hard for you当生活变得更加艰辛i will always stay here by your side我会一直陪在你的身边i promise you I’ll never hide我保证永远不会隐藏我的真爱but if you wanna cry但如果你要哭泣cry on my shoulder我给你一个温暖的肩膀if you need someone who cares for you如果你需要别人的关怀if you’re feeling sad your heart gets colder如果你感到忧伤你的心也逐渐冰凉yes I show you what real love can do我可以让你感受到真正的爱情but if you wanna cry 但如果你要哭泣cry on my shoulder 我给你一个温暖的肩膀if you need someone who cares foryou如果你需要别人的关怀if you’re feeling sad your heartgets colder如果你感到忧伤你的心也逐渐冰凉yes i show you what real love cando我可以让你感受到真正的爱情what real love can do 让爱指引前路what real love can dowhat love can dowhat love can dolove can doCasablanca卡萨布兰卡I fell in love with you我坠入了爱河Watching Casablanca与你一起看《卡萨布兰卡》时Back row of the drive-in show在露天汽车剧院后排In the flickering light摇曳的亮光中Pop-corn and cokes可乐与爆米花Beneath the stars在星空下Became champagne and caviar仿佛香槟和鱼子酱Making love爱意情长On the long hot summer's night漫长炎热的夏夜里I thought you fell in love with me我以为你也爱上了我Watching Casablanca与你一起看《卡萨布兰卡》时Holding hands beneath the paddlefan电扇下双手相拥In Rick'’s candle-lit cafe在Rick咖啡店的烛光下Hiding in the shadows from the spots躲在银幕的阴影里Moroccan moonlight in your eyes你的眼里映着摩洛哥的月光Making magic in the movie In my old Chevrolet在看电影时和你在我旧雪弗莱车中热吻Oh a kiss is still a kiss啊,《卡萨布兰卡》中的亲吻In Casablanca缠绵依旧A kiss is not a kiss without your sigh失去你的叹息,温情不再Please come back to me回到我的身边来In Casablanca随着《卡萨布兰卡》I love you more and more each day 时光虽流逝As time goes by 对你的爱恋却与日俱增I guess there are many brokenhearts我想,在卡萨布兰卡In Casablanca一定会有许多破碎的心You know I've never really beenthere你知道我不曾到过那儿So I don't know所以不得而知I guess our love story will never beseen我想,我俩的爱情故事永远不会出现On the big wide silver screen在银幕上But it hurt just as badly但是,看着你离我而去When I had to watch you go我的心一样痛楚Oh a kiss is still a kiss啊,《卡萨布兰卡》中的亲吻Edelweiss雪绒花Edelweiss, edelweiss,Every morning you greet me.每天清晨你问候我。



英文歌部分歌曲歌词及翻译歌曲:you raise me up歌手:westlife专辑:face to facewhen i am down and, oh my soul, so weary 失魂落魄的时候,我的灵魂疲惫不堪when troubles come and my heart burdened be 烦恼袭来的时候,我的内心充满负担then, i am still and wait here in the silence 孤寂中的我,在静静守候until you come and sit awhile with me等着你出现,坐在我身边you raise me up, so i can stand on mountains 你给了我依靠,我才能屹立于群山之巅you raise me up, to walk on stormy seas 你给了我依靠,我才能航行于波涛之间i am strong, when i am on your shoulders 靠着你坚实的臂膀,我变得多么强壮you raise me up, to more than i can be 你给了我依靠,使我不断超越极限you raise me up, so i can stand on mountains 你给了我依靠,我才能屹立于群山之巅you raise me up, to walk on stormy seas 你给了我依靠,我才能航行于波涛之间i am strong, when i am on your shoulders 靠着你坚实的臂膀,我变得多么强壮you raise me up, to more than i can be 你给了我依靠,使我不断超越极限you raise me up, so i can stand on mountains 你给了我依靠,我才能屹立于群山之巅you raise me up, to walk on stormy seas 你给了我依靠,我才能航行于波涛之间i am strong, when i am on your shoulders 靠着你坚实的臂膀,我变得多么强壮you raise me up, to more than i can be 你给了我依靠,使我不断超越极限you raise me up, so i can stand on mountains 你给了我依靠,我才能屹立于群山之巅you raise me up, to walk on stormy seas 你给了我依靠,我才能航行于波涛之间i am strong, when i am on your shoulders 靠着你坚实的臂膀,我变得多么强壮you raise me up, to more than i can be 你给了我依靠,使我不断超越极限you raise me up, to more than i can be 你给了我依靠,使我不断超越极限歌曲:Angel 歌手:WestlifeSpend all your time waiting - 耗尽你全部精力孤苦寻觅For that second chance - 只为了一次天使重现的机遇For a break that would make it okay - 静静的等待突破There's always some reason - 但为什么总有一些原因To feel not good enough - 要让我再次感受遗憾And it's hard at the end of the day - 临近午夜总是那么悲凉I need some distraction - 我需要一些慰藉Oh beautiful release - 哦,就像天使般的美丽Memories seep from my veins - 记忆从我的心底缓缓流溢And may be empty - 那或许就是空虚孤寂Oh and weightless and maybe - 哦,我乏力无劲,也许I'll find some peace tonight - 今晚我才能找到一些宁静In the arms of the angel - 倚傍在天使的肩膀上Fly away from here - 从这里飞向天际From this dark cold hotel room - 远离黑暗冷寂的房间And the endlessness that you fear - 和你惧怕的一切You are pulled from the wreckage - 你从绝望中挣脱Of your silent reverie - 留下寂静的幻想You're in the arms of the angel - 你在天使的肩膀上May you find some comfort here - 或许你能在这里将心抚平So tired of the straight line - 每天为工作事业奔波劳累And everywhere you turn - 犹豫在每个十字路口上Cause vultures and thieves at your back - 因为奸贼和小人总是在你身旁The storm keeps on twisting - 风暴总是不停延蔓Keep on buliding the lies - 继续编造着谎言That you make up for all that you lack - 继续为你的名利空耗心扉It don't make no difference - 那有什么区别Escape one last time - 最后不是也要远离尘世It's easier to believe - 那是多么简单的事情In this sweet madness - 陷入甜蜜的疯狂Oh, this glorious sadness - 哦,这么光荣的悲伤That brings me to my kness - 那带我去到天堂In the arms of the angel - 倚傍在天使的肩膀上Fly away from here - 从这里飞向天际From this dark cold hotel room - 远离黑暗冷寂的房间And the endlessness that you fear - 和你惧怕的一切You are pulled from the wreckage - 你从绝望中挣脱Of your silent reverie - 留下寂静的幻想You're in the arms of the angel - 你在天使的肩膀上May you find some comfort here - 或许你能在这里将心抚平In the arms of the angel - 倚傍在天使的肩膀上May you find some comfort here - 或许你能在这里将心抚平some comfort here - 在这里将心抚平P.S.其实westlife是翻唱的,原唱是Sarah McLachlan(莎拉·麦克拉克兰)歌曲:flying without wings歌手:westlife专辑:westlifeeverybody's looking for that something 每个人都在寻找某种one thing that makes it all complete 让一切完美的东西you find it in the strangets places 你将在最陌生的地方发现它places you never knew it could be 在那些你从没想到的地方some find it in the faces of their chidlren 有的在孩子的脸庞上some find it in their lovers eyes 有的在情人的眼睛里who can deny the joy it brings 谁又能否认它带来的喜悦when you found that special thing 当你发现那特殊的它时you're flying without wings虽无翅膀,你却在飞翔some find it sharing every morning 有的在每个共度的早晨some in their solitary lives 有的在孤独的生活里you find it in the words of others 你将在别人的话语里发现它a simple line can make you laugh or cry 简单的几个字就能让你欢笑或哭泣you find it in the deepest friendships 你将在最深的友谊里发现它the kind you cherish all your life 那种友谊你一生都会珍惜and when you know how much that means 当你知道那对你多重要you've found that special thing 你就已发现了那特殊的它you're flying without wings虽无翅膀,我却在飞翔so impossible as it may seem 所以,虽然看起来不可能you've got to fight for every dream 你必须为每个梦想奋斗'cause who's to know 因为谁能知道which one you let go would have made you complete 你放弃的那个梦想原本会使你完整well for me it's waking up beside you 喔,对我来说,它就是在你身边醒来to watch the sunrise on your face 看着你脸上的朝霞to know that i can say i love you 知道我能说我爱你at any given time or place 在任何特定的时间和地点it's little things that only i know 它就是只有我知道的小事those are the things that make you mine 这些事使你属于我and it's like flying without wings就像在飞翔,虽然没有翅膀'cause you're my special thing 因为你就是我特殊的那个它i'm flying without wings虽无翅膀,我却在飞翔you're the place my life begins 你是我生命开始的地方and you'll be where it ends 我的生命也将在你那儿结束i'm flying without wings虽无翅膀,我却在飞翔and that's the joy you bring 那是你带来的喜悦i'm flying without wings虽无翅膀,我却在飞翔歌名:My love歌手:Westlife专辑:Coast To CoastAn empty street 空寂的街道An empty house 空寂的房间A hole inside my heart 空寂的思念深藏在我的心中I'm all alone 孤孤单单The rooms are getting smaller 无尽的孤寂压迫着我I wonder how 我想知道怎样I wonder why 我想知道是何原因I wonder where they are 我想知道他们去哪了The days we had 那些我们在一起的时光The songs we sang together 那些我们共同吟唱的歌曲Oh yeah 哦耶And oh my love 还有你我的爱I'm holding on forever 我始终坚持着Reaching for a love that seems so far 但得到一份爱却是那样遥不可及So I say a little prayer 我稍稍向上帝祈求And hope my dreams will take me there 并希望我的梦能带我到那儿Where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love 那儿有湛蓝的天空还有你美丽的笑容我的爱Over seas and coast to coast 漂过大海翻越山岭To find a place I love the most 去找寻一个我最喜爱的地方Where the fields are green to see you once again, my love 那儿有翠绿的草原还有你醉人的眼神我的爱I try to read 我尝试阅读I go to work 我尽力工作I'm laughing with my friends 我和我的朋友逍遥狂欢But I can't stop to keep myself from thinking Oh no 但这一切都不能阻止我的幻想哦I wonder how 我想知道怎样I wonder why 我想知道是何原因I wonder where they are 我想知道他们在哪?The days we had 那些我们曾在一起的时光The songs we sang together Oh yeah 哪些我们曾共同吟唱的歌曲Where the fields are green to see you once again 那儿有翠绿的草原还有你醉人的眼神我的爱To hold you in my arms 我想抱紧你To promise you my love 我向你保证我的爱To tell you from the heart 我决不是在撒谎You're all I'm thinking of 你是我所想念的一切I'm reaching for a love that seems so far 但得到一份爱却是哪样遥不可及Say a little prayer 我稍稍向上帝祈求I dreams will take me there 并希望我的梦能带我到那儿Where the skies are blue to see you once again 那儿有湛蓝的天空还有你美丽的笑容Over seas and coast to coast 漂过大海翻越山岭To find a place I love the most 去找寻一个我最喜爱的地方Where the fields are green to see you once again 那儿有翠绿的草原还有你醉人的眼神My love 我的爱歌曲:seasons in the sun歌手:westlife专辑:with the lights outgoodbye to you, my trusted friend 再见了,我的挚友we've known each other since we were nine or ten 我们从孩提时就已相识,相知together we've climbed hills and trees 我们一起爬山爬树learned of love and a-b-c 学会去爱和其他基本知识skinned our hearts and skinned our knees 我们心意相同,情同手足goodbye my friend, it's hard to die 再见了朋友,我实在不愿意离去when all the birds are singing in the sky 当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱now that the spring is in the air 空气中弥漫着春天的气息pretty girls are every where 漂亮的女孩到处可见think of me and i'll be there.当你想起我时,我就会与你同在we had joy, we had fun 我们有过欢笑有过快乐we had seasons in the sun也曾共享阳光季节but the hills that we climb 但我们一起爬山的日子were just seasons out of time 的那些日子已经逝去goodbye, papa, please pray for me 再见了爸爸,请为我祈祷i was the black sheep of the family 我是家中最叛逆的小孩you tried to teach me right from wrong 你费尽心思教我分清是非too much wine and too much song 我却沉醉于歌酒狂欢中wonder how i got along 真不知道我以前是如何过日子的goodbye, papa, it's hard to die 再见了爸爸,我实在不愿意离去when all the birds are singing in the sky 当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱now that the spring is in the air 空气中弥漫着春天的气息little children every where 到处是嬉戏的小孩when you'll see them, i'll be there 当你看见他们,我就会与你同在we had joy, we had fun 我们有过欢笑有过快乐we had seasons in the sun也曾共享阳光季节but the wild and the song 但昔日的歌酒狂欢like the season has all gone 犹如季节更迭已消逝we had joy, we had fun 我们有过欢笑有过快乐we had seasons in the sun也曾共享阳光季节but the wild and the song 但昔日的歌酒狂欢like the season has all gone 犹如季节更迭已消逝goodbye, michelle, my little one 再见了蜜雪儿,我的小可爱you gave me love and helped me find the sun你给了我爱,帮我找到希望and every time that i was down 每当我意志消沉时you would always come around 你总会来到我的身边and get my feet back on the ground 鼓励我振作起来goodbye, michelle, it's hard to die 再见了蜜雪儿,我实在不愿意离去when all the birds are singing in the sky 当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱now that the spring is in the air 空气中弥漫着春天的气息with the flowers every where 到处都是美丽的花朵i wish that we could both be there 我希望我们都在那儿欢聚we had joy, we had fun 我们有过欢笑有过快乐we had seasons in the sun也曾共享阳光季节but the hills that we climb 但我们一起爬山的日子were just seasons out of time 已永逝不复返了we had joy, we had fun 我们有过欢笑有过快乐we had seasons in the sun也曾共享阳光季节but the wild and the song 但昔日的歌酒狂欢like the season has all gone 犹如季节更迭已消逝we had joy, we had fun 我们有过欢笑有过快乐we had seasons in the sun也曾共享阳光季节but the wild and the song,但昔日的歌酒狂欢like the season has all gone 犹如季节更迭已消逝歌曲:swear it again歌手:westlife专辑:swear it againI wanna know我想知道who ever told you I was letting go是谁告诉你我将离去of the only joy I had ever known离开我生命中唯一的幸福girl女孩they were lying它们在说谎just look around看看四周and all the people that we used to know我们曾经认识的每一个人have just given up the wanna let it go都纷纷放弃自己的爱but we're still trying只有我们仍然在努力so you should know this love we share你应该明白我们的爱was never made to die永远不会凋零I'm glad we're on this one-way street我为我们在一条永不回头的道路上而高兴just you and I 只有你和我just you and I只有你和我I'm never gonna say goodbye我永远不会离开你cause I never wanna see you cry因为我不想看到你哭泣I swore to you my love would remain我发誓我的爱会直到永远and I'd swear it all over again and I 我愿意再一次起誓I'm never gonna treat you bad我永远不会亏待你cause I never wanna see you sad因为我永远都不愿看到你伤心i swear to share your joys and you pain我发誓跟你一起分享幸福与痛苦and I'd swear it all over again我愿意再一次起誓some people say有人说that everything has got its place and time世事总有其归属与时空even the day must give way to the night白昼之后必定是黑夜but I'm not buying但是我不相信cause in your eyes因为在你的眼睛里i see a love that burns eternally我看到了爱情之火无尽的燃烧and if you see how beautiful you are to me如果你知道你在我的心中是多么的美丽you'll know I'm not lying你会知道我真的不是在说谎sure there'll be times we wanna say goodbye我们也有过分开的时刻but even if we tried但是只要我们努力there are some things won't be denied生命中有些美丽won't be denied 是永远我们放弃的歌曲:Miss You歌手:westlife专辑:westlifeI can't sleep, I just can't breathe 我无法入睡,我无法呼吸when your shadow is all over me baby当你的身影经过我,宝贝don't wanna be, a fool in your eyes不想成为,你眼中的傻瓜cause what we had was built on lies因为我们拥有的一切都是基于谎言and when our love seems to fade away当我们的爱似乎在流逝listen to me hear what I say请聆听我说的话I don't wanna feel the way that I do我不想有这样的感受I just wanna be right here with you我只是想在你身边I don't wanna see ,see us apart我不愿意看到我们分开I just wanna say it straight from my heart I miss you.我只是想从心底说出那句话我想你what would it take, for you to see如何能让你看到to make you understand that I'll always believe让你明白我一直相信you and I, can make it through你和我,可以度过难关.and I still know, I can't get over you因为我仍然知道,我不能离开你cause when our love seems to fade away因为我们的爱似乎在流逝listen to me hear what I say请倾听我所说的话I don't wanna feel the way that I do我不想有这样的感受I just wanna be right here with you我只是想在你身边I don't wanna see ,see us apart我不愿意看到我们分开I just wanna say it straight from my heart我只是想从心底说出那句话I miss you,I do.我想你,真的歌曲:i'll see you again歌手:westlife专辑:where we are歌曲:westlife - home歌手:westlife专辑:back homeAnother summer day 又一个夏天Has come and gone away 来了又走In Paris or Rome... 在巴黎或者罗马But I wanna go home 但是我只想回家...uhmMay be surrounded by 可能被成千上万的人A million people I 所拥戴追逐但我Still feel all alone 仍感到孤独I just wanna go home 我只想回家I miss you, you know 你知道我在想你And I've been keeping all the letters我保存所有That I wrote to you, 给你写的信Each one a line or two 每封只有寥寥数语I'm fine baby, how are you? 我很好宝贝你呢?I would send them but I know that 我会把他们寄给你It's just not enough 但我知道这不够My words were cold and flat 我的话语是如此冷淡And you deserve more than that 你应该得到更多Another aeroplane, another sunny place, 另一辆飞机另一个充满阳光的地方I'm lucky I know 我知道我是幸运的But I wanna go home 但我只想回家I've got to go home 我一定要回家Let me go home 让我回家!I'm just too far from where you are 我离你千山万水I got to come home 我一定要回家Let me go home 让我回家!I've had my run 结束了我的奔波Baby I'm done 宝贝我已经完成I wanna come home 我只想回家And I feel just like I'm living 我觉得我过着Someone else's life 另外一个人的生活It's like I just stepped outside 看起来我离开了你When everything was going right 当一切都将好转的时候And I know just why 我也明白You could not come along with me 为什么你不会跟随我来This was not your dream 因为这不是你的梦想But you always believed in me... 但是你总是对我深信不疑Another winter day 另一个冬天Has come and gone away 来了又走In either Paris or Rome 在巴黎或者罗马And I wanna go home 我想回家I miss you, you know 你知道我想你Let me go home 让我回家!I've had my run 结束了我的奔波Baby I'm done 宝贝我已经完成I wanna go home 我想回家Let me go home 让我回家!It'll all be alright 所有一切都会好的I'll be home tonight 我今晚就到家I'm coming back home 我马上就回家歌曲:shadows歌手:westlife专辑:where we are歌曲:mandy歌手:westlife专辑:turnaroundI remember all my life 回首往事Raining down as cold as ice 凄风冷雨Shadows of a man 孤单的身影A face through a window 凝神窗外Crying Druid Class elite skills in the night 黑暗中的泪水The night goes into 与夜色一同滑落Morning, just another day 黎明又是新的一天Happy people final fantasy 14 gil pass my way 快乐的人们掠过眼前Looking in their eyes 那些眼神I see a memory 唤起回忆I never realized 从未发现How happy you made me 你曾是我快乐的源泉Oh Mandy 曼蒂Well you came and you gave without taking 你为我付出不求索取But I sent you away, oh Mandy 但我却让你走远曼蒂Well you kissed me and stopped me from shaking 你给我温暖让我不再颤抖And I need you today, oh Mandy 我需要你曼蒂I'm standing on the edge of time 回首往事I walked away when love was mine 当爱在身边我却走远Caught up in a world of uphill climbing 去追寻征服的世界Tears are ff14 wiki on my mind 如今泪湿胸膛And nothing is rhyming 生活曲不成调Oh Mandy 曼蒂Well you came and you gave without taking 你为我付出不求索取But I sent you away, oh Mandy 但我却让你走远曼蒂Well you kissed me and stopped me from shaking 你给我温暖让我不再颤抖And I need you today, oh Mandy 我需要你曼蒂Yesterday's a dream 昨日恍然入梦I faced the morning 黎明到来Crying on the breeze 眼泪飘在风中The pain is calling 心仍在痛Oh Mandy 曼蒂Well you came and you gave without taking 你为我付出不求索取But I sent you away, oh Mandy 但我却让你走远曼蒂Well you kissed me and stopped me from shaking 你给我温暖让我不再颤抖And I need you today, oh Mandy 我需要你曼蒂Well you came and you gave without taking 你为我付出不求索取But I sent you away, oh Mandy 但我却让你走远曼蒂Well you kissed me and stopped me from shaking 你给我温暖让我不再颤抖And I need you 我需要你曼蒂Oh, Mandy won't you listen to what I've got to say 曼蒂能否请你听我的解释Oh, baby don't you let me throw it all away 曼蒂请听我满心的忏悔Oh, Mandy won't you listen to what I've got to say 曼蒂能否请你听我的解释And I need you today 我现在需要你Oh, Mandy 曼蒂chris medina-What Are WordsAnywhere you are, I am near 不管你在哪儿,我都会在你身边。

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I've been on the run 我一直在跑路
slept under the sun 在阳光下进入梦乡
feeding off the clouds and eating them like ice cream 从云中汲取营养,就像吃着冰淇淋一样I've been all around 我会一直在你身边
never left this town 永远不会离开这里
blisters on my eyelids like it's spring in paris 眼皮上起得水泡就像巴黎的春天
Ive seen everything, i've dreamt every dream 我看见了一切,每个梦境都是梦境
I am every human 我是个普通的人
Oh I'm not even finished 哦,我甚至还没有完成
Look how I go 看我怎样着手
Impeccable 无懈可击
flow wind in my face it hardly ever rains 在我脸庞掠过的风,天几乎没有下雨
always on top 永远在最高处
I'm coming up 我马上就上来
I'm everything and I am everything 我是全部,我就是全部
I know it all don’t know a thing 我事事精通而又事事不明
I am changing, still the same 我在改变,却又和以前一样
I'm every color I'm every color 我多姿多彩,我多姿多彩
I am evergreen 我活力永存(常青,这里引申为活力永存)
Ive been on the side 我在这边
always stayed ahead 永远排在最前
im so very fast give me a speeding ticket 我是如此的神速,请给我开一张超速罚单吧
me you cannot teach 你永远不能教会我
I just wanna know 我只是想知道
I've been tryin to stand but I will never grow 我试着顶天立地却从未长大过
when you're a walking contradiction 当你行事与常理相反
when you're evergreen 那么你将获得永生
you're always looking in你总是顺道拜访
you're the first one left 你是第一个离开的
but you're back again 但是你又是第一个回来
don't be afraid to ask 不要畏惧疑问
but don't ask again 但不要再次提问
we'll forever last when you're evergreen 我们将永远存在当你青春永驻~。
