病人需要冰块进行物理降温,取270g 水凝固成冰后使用,水全部变成冰后的体积为cm3。
(新高考)2022届高考考前冲刺卷数 学 (一)注意事项:1.答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。
2.选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。
第Ⅰ卷(选择题)一、单项选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.设集合{}05,U x x x =<<∈N ,{}2560M x x x =-+=,则U M =( ) A .{}2,3 B .{}1,5C .{}1,4D .{}2,3,5【答案】C【解析】由题设,{2,3}M =,{1,2,3,4}U =,所以{1,4}U M =,故选C . 2.复数z 在复平面内对应的点的坐标为(1,2)-,则i z ⋅=( ) A .2i -+ B .2i +C .2i --D .2i -【答案】D【解析】依题意12i z =-+,12i z =--,()i 12i i 2i z ⋅=--⋅=-,故选D .3.函数sin()()e ex xx f x π-=+的图象大致是( ) A . B .C .D .【答案】C 【解析】函数sin()()e e x x x f x π-=+定义域为R ,sin()sin()()()e e e ex xx x x x f x f x ππ-----===-++, 即()f x 是奇函数,A ,B 不满足;当(0,1)x ∈时,即0x ππ<<,则sin()0x π>, 而e e 0x x -+>,因此()0f x >,D 不满足,C 满足, 故选C .4.如图,在直三棱柱111ABC A B C -中,ABC △是直角三角形,且1AB BC AA ==,D 为棱11B C 的中点,点E 在棱BC 上,且4BC BE =,则异面直线AC 与DE 所成角的余弦值是( )A .3417B .3434C .105D .1010【答案】B【解析】如图所示,在棱BC 上取点F ,使CF BE =,连接11,,C F AF A F , 因为1AB BC AA ==,D 为棱11B C 的中点,点E 在棱BC 上,且4BC BE =,设14AB BC AA ===,可得1BE CF ==,3BF =,1142AC AC ==,2EF =, 在ABF △中,因为4,3AB BF ==,所以22435AF =+=, 在直角1A AF △中,221141A F AA AF =+=,在直角1C CF △中,221117C F CC CF =+=,此卷只装订不密封班级 姓名 准考证号 考场号 座位号因为D 是11B C 的中点,所以12C D =,所1EF C D =,又因为11BC B C ∥,所以1EF C D ∥,所以四边形1C DEF 是平行四边形, 所以1DE C F ∥,所以11A C F ∠是异面直线AC 与DE 所成的角,在11A C F △中,由余弦定理可得1132174134cos 3424217AC F +-∠==⨯⨯, 即异面直线AC 与DE 所成角的余弦值是3434,故选B .5.设等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,满足10a <,916S S =,则( ) A .0d < B .n S 的最小值为25SC .130a =D .满足0n S >的最大自然数n 的值为25【答案】C【解析】由于916S S =,101112131415160a a a a a a a ++++++=,∴上式中等差中项130a =,13110120a a a d -=-=>,即0d >,故A 错误; 由等差数列的性质可知2513250S a ==,110S a =<,即125S S <,故B 错误; 由以上分析可知C 正确,D 错误, 故选C .6.从编号分别为1、2、3、4、5、6、7的七个大小完全相同的小球中,随机取出三个小球,则至少有两个小球编号相邻的概率为( ) A .57B .35C .25D .13【答案】A【解析】随机取出三个小球共有3735C =种情况,任意两个小球编号都不相邻的基本事件有()1,3,5,()1,3,6,()1,3,7,()1,4,6,()1,4,7,()1,5,7,()2,4,6,()2,4,7,()2,5,7,()3,5,7共有10种,故所求概率为35105357-=,故选A . 7.已知函数()21ln ,02,0x x f x x x x x ⎧->⎪=⎨⎪+≤⎩,则函数[()1]y f f x =+的零点个数是( ) A .2 B .3 C .4 D .5【答案】D【解析】令()()21ln 1,011,0x x x t f x x x ⎧-+>⎪=+=⎨⎪+≤⎩. ①当0t >时,1()ln f t t t=-,则函数()f t 在(0,)+∞上单调递增,由于(1)10f =-<,1(2)ln 202f =->,由零点存在定理可知,存在1(1,2)t ∈,使得()10f t =;②当0t ≤时,2()2f t t t =+,由2()20f t t t =+=,解得2320t t =-=,. 作出函数()1t f x =+,直线120t t t t ==-=、、的图象如下图所示:由图象可知,直线1t t =与函数()1t f x =+的图象有两个交点; 直线0t =与函数()1t f x =+的图象有两个交点; 直线2t =-与函数()1t f x =+的图象有且只有一个交点, 综上所述,函数()1y f f x ⎡⎤=+⎣⎦的零点个数为5,故选D .8.已知两条直线1:2320l x y -+=,2:3230l x y -+=,有一动圆(圆心和半径都在变动)与12,l l 都相交,并且12,l l 被截在圆内的两条线段的长度分别是定值26,24,则动圆圆心的轨迹方程为( )A .()22165y x --= B .()22165x y --= C .()22165y x -+= D .()22165x y +-=【答案】D【解析】设动圆圆心(),P x y ,半径为r , 则P 到1l的距离1d =,P 到2l的距离2d =因为12,l l 被截在圆内的两条线段的长度分别是定值26,24,24∴==,化简后得222212169,144r d r d -=-=,相减得222125d d -=,将1d =,2d =()22165x y +-=,故选D .二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得5分,部分选对的得2分,有选错的得0分.9.下列命题中,正确的命题是( )A .数据1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10的70%分位数是7B .若随机变量1~6,3X B ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,则()4=9D X C .若事件A ,B 满足()()()1P AB P A P B ⎡⎤=⋅-⎣⎦,则A 与B 独立 D .若随机变量()2~2,X N σ,()10.68P X >=,则()230.18P x ≤<= 【答案】CD【解析】A :由1070%7⨯=,所以70%分位数是787.52+=,错误; B :由题设,()1146(1)333D X =⨯⨯-=,错误;C :因为()()()P AB P AB P A +=,即()()()P AB P A P AB =-, 又()()()[1]P AB P A P B =⋅-,即()()()()P A P B P A P AB =-, 所以()()()B P AB P A P =,故A 与B 独立,正确;D :由题设,()P X 关于2X =对称,所以()2(1)1230.182P X P x >-≤<==,正确,故选CD .10.已知函数()()cos 206f x x πωω⎛⎫=-> ⎪⎝⎭的最小正周期为2π,将()f x 的图象向左平移6π个单位长度,再把得到的曲线上各点的横坐标伸长到原来的2倍(纵坐标不变),得到函数()g x 的图象,则下列结论正确的是( ) A .()00g =B .()g x 在0,4π⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦单调递增 C .()g x 的图象关于4x π=-对称D .()g x 在,123ππ⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦上的最大值是1 【答案】AC【解析】由题意222ππω=,2ω=,所以()cos(4)6f x x π=-, 1()cos[4()]cos(4)sin 4662g x x x x πππ=+-=+=-,()sin 2g x x =-,(0)0g =,A 正确; 0,4x π⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦时,220,x π⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,sin 2y x =递增,()g x 递减,B 错;()sin()142g ππ-=--=是最大值,C 正确;,123x ππ⎡⎤∈-⎢⎥⎣⎦时,22,63x ππ⎡⎤∈-⎢⎥⎣⎦,sin 2y x =的最小值是12-,()g x 的最大值是12, D 错, 故选AC .11.已知抛物线24y x =的焦点为F ,过原点O 的动直线l 交抛物线于另一点P ,交抛物线的准线于点Q ,下列说法正确的是( ) A .若O 为线段PQ 中点,则2PF =B .若4PF =,则OP =C .存在直线l ,使得PF QF ⊥ D .PFQ △面积的最小值为2【答案】AD【解析】抛物线24y x =的准线为1x =-,焦点()1,0F , 若O 为PQ 中点,所以1P x =,所以12p PF x =+=,故A 正确;若4PF =,则413P x =-=,所以OP ===,故B 错误;设()2,2P a a ,则21,Q a ⎛⎫-- ⎪⎝⎭,所以()21,2FP a a =-,22,QF a ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭,所以22224220FP QF a a ⋅=-+=+>,所以FP 与FQ 不垂直,故C 错误;212112212PFQ P Q S a OF a y a a y =+=⋅⨯⨯=+⋅-≥△,当且仅当1a a=,即1a =±时,取等号, 所以PFQ △面积的最小值为2,故D 正确, 故选AD .12.定义:在区间I 上,若函数()y f x =是减函数,且()y xf x =是增函数,则称()y f x =在区间I 上是“弱减函数”.根据定义可得( ) A .()1f x x=在()0,∞+上是“弱减函数”B .()ex x f x =在()1,2上是“弱减函数”C .若()ln x f x x=在(),m +∞上是“弱减函数”,则e m ≥D .若()2cos f x x kx =+在0,2π⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭上是“弱减函数”,则213k ππ≤≤ 【答案】BCD【解析】对于A ,1y x =在()0,+∞上单调递减,()1y xf x ==不单调,故A 错误; 对于B ,()e x x f x =,()1ex xf x -'=在()1,2上,()0f x '<,函数()f x 单调递减,()2e x x y xf x ==,()2220e ex xx x x x y --'==>,∴y 在()1,2单调递增,故B 正确; 对于C ,若()ln x f x x =在(),m +∞单调递减,由()21ln 0xf x x-'==,得e x =, ∴e m ≥,()ln y xf x x ==在()0,+∞单调递增,故C 正确;对于D ,()2cos f x x kx =+在0,2π⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭上单调递减,()sin 20f x x kx '=-+≤在0,2x π⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭上恒成立minsin 2x k x ⎛⎫⇒≤ ⎪⎝⎭, 令()sin x h x x =,()2cos sin x x x h x x-'=,令()cos sin x x x x ϕ=-,()cos sin cos sin 0x x x x x x x ϕ'=--=-<,∴()x ϕ在0,2π⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭上单调递减,()()00x ϕϕ<=,∴()0h x '<,∴()h x 在0,2π⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭上单调递减,()22h x h ππ⎛⎫>= ⎪⎝⎭,∴212k k ππ≤⇒≤,()()3cos g x xf x x x kx ==+在0,2π⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭上单调递增,()2cos sin 30g x x x x kx =-+≥'在0,2x π⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭上恒成立,∴2maxsin cos 3x x x k x -⎛⎫≥ ⎪⎝⎭, 令()2sin cos x x x F x x -=,()23cos 2cos 0x x x F x x+'=>, ∴()F x 在0,2π⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭上单调递增,()22F x F ππ⎛⎫<= ⎪⎝⎭,∴2233k k ππ≥⇒≥,综上:213k ππ≤≤,故D 正确,故选BCD .第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)三、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分.13.已知向量()(),2λλ=∈R m ,()3,3=-n ,若()3⊥+n m n ,则实数λ=______. 【答案】20【解析】依题意()()()3,233,39,11λλ+=+-=-m n ,若()3⊥+n m n ,则()()()33,39,11327330λλ⋅+=-⋅-=-++=n m n ,解得20λ=, 故答案为20.14.将3封不同的信随机放入2个不同的信箱中,共有n 种不同的放法,则在nx ⎛ ⎝的展开式中,含2x 项的系数为________. 【答案】70【解析】由题意得328n ==,在8x ⎛ ⎝展开式中,818(r r r r T C x -+=, 当1822r r --=,即4r =时,该项为270x ,故答案为70.15.《数书九章》三斜求积术:“以小斜幂,并大斜幂,减中斜幂,余半之,自乘于上;以小斜幂乘大斜幂,减上,余四约一,为实,一为从隅,开平方得积”.秦九韶把三角形的三条边分别称为小斜、中斜和大斜,“术”即方法.以S ,a ,b ,c 分别表示三角形的面积,大斜,中斜,小斜;,,a b c h h h分别为对应的大斜,中斜,小斜上的高;则111222a b c S ah bh ch ====.若在ABC △中,2a h =,7b h =,c h =__________.【答案】3【解析】由a b c ah bh ch ==,知111::::8:7:5a b ca b c h h h ==,设8,7,5a k b k c k ===,则2S ===,又182S k =⨯=,∴2=,∴1k =,∴8,7,5a b c ===,∴2221cos 22a cb B ac +-==,又()0,B π∈,∴3B π=,∴该三角形外接圆的直径2sin 3b R B ===,.16.定义:若A ,B ,C ,D 为球面上四点,E ,F 分别是AB ,CD 的中点,则把以EF 为直径的球称为AB ,CD 的“伴随球”.已知A ,B ,C,D 是半径为2的球面上四点,AB CD ==AB ,CD 的“伴随球”的直径取值范围为__________;若A ,B ,C ,D 不共面,则四面体ABCD 体积的最大值为___________. 【答案】(]0,2,4【解析】设O 为,,,A B C D 所在球面的球心,∴2OA OC==. ∵AB CD ==,E F 分别是,AB CD 的中点, ∴OE AB ⊥,OE CD ⊥,且AE CF == ∴1OE OF ==,则E 、F 均是以O 为球心,1为半径的球面上的点, 若以EF 为直径作球,则02EF OE OF <≤+=, 即AB ,CD 的“伴随球”的直径取值范围是(0,2]. ∵E 是AB 中点,∴223A BCD A CDE CDE V V S d --==⋅△, d为点A 到平面CDE 距离,d AE ≤=,又12CDE S CD h =⋅△,h 为点E 到CD 距离,2h EF ≤≤,∴22323432A BCDV -⨯≤⨯⨯=,当且仅当,E O ,F 三点共线,且AB ⊥CD 时,等号成立. 故答案为(0,2],4.四、解答题:本大题共6个大题,共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.17.(10分)如图,ABC △中,角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,且22cos a c b C -=. (1)求角B 的大小;(2)已知3b =,若D 为ABC △外接圆劣弧AC 上一点,求AD DC +的最大值.【答案】(1)3π;(2)23 【解析】(1)法一:∵22cos a c b C -=, 由正弦定理得2sin()sin 2sin cos B C C B C +-=, ∴2(sin cos sin cos )sin 2sin cos B C C B C B C +-=, ∴()sin 2cos 10C B -=, ∵sin 0C ≠,∴1cos 2B =, 又∵0B π<<,∴3B π=. 法二:∵22cos a c b C -=,由余弦定理得22222222222a b c a c b a ac a b c ab +--=⋅⇒-=+-, ∴222a cb ac +-=,∴2221cos 22a cb B ac +-==,∵0B π<<,∴3B π=.(2)由(1)知,3B π=,而四边形ABCD 内角互补,则23ADC π∠=,法一:设DAC ∠θ=,则3DCA πθ∠=-,由正弦定理得232sin sinsin 33AD DC ACππθθ===⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭∴33AD πθ⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭,23DC θ=,∴23233cos 3232333AD DC ππθθθθθ⎛⎫⎛⎫+=-+=+=+≤ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭当且仅当3AD DC ==AD DC +的最大值为23法二:在ADC △中,23ADC π∠=,3AC =, 由余弦定理得22222cos 3AC AD DC AD DC π=+-⋅,∴22()()994AD DC AD DC AD DC ++=+⋅≤+,∴23AD DC +≤当且仅当3AD DC ==AD DC +的最大值为2318.(12分)已知数列{}n a 满足113a =,1111n n a a ++=+. (1)设1n nb a =,证明:{}n b 是等差数列; (2)设数列n a n ⎧⎫⎨⎬⎩⎭的前n 项和为n S ,求n S .【答案】(1)证明见解析;(2)()()3234212n n S n n +=-++.【解析】(1)因为111111111111111n n n n n n n n n n n n a b b a a a a a a a a a +++-=-=-=-=-=-++,∵1n nb a =,∴1113b a ==,所以数列{}n b 是以3为首项,1为公差的等差数列. (2)因为1113b a ==,所以3(1)12n b n n =+-⨯=+, 由12n n a =+,得12n a n =+, 故()1111222n a n n n n n ⎛⎫==- ⎪++⎝⎭, 所以1212n n a a a S n=++⋅⋅⋅+ 1111111111111112322423521122n n n n ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=-+-+-+⋅⋅⋅+-+- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪-++⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭ 11111111111232435112n n n n ⎛⎫=-+-+-+⋅⋅⋅+-+- ⎪-++⎝⎭()()111113113231221222124212n n n n n n n +⎛⎫⎛⎫=+--=--=- ⎪ ⎪++++++⎝⎭⎝⎭. 19.(12分)如图1,在平面四边形PDCB 中,PD BC ∥,BA PD ⊥,1PA AB BC ===,12AD =.将PAB △沿BA 翻折到SAB △的位置,使得平面SAB ⊥平面ABCD ,如图2所示.(1)设平面SDC 与平面SAB 的交线为l ,求证:BC l ⊥;(2)在线段SC 上是否存在一点Q (点Q 不与端点重合),使得二面角Q BD C --的余弦值为66,请说明理由.【答案】(1)证明见解析;(2)存在点Q 为SC 的中点时,使得二面角Q BD C --的余弦值为66,理由见解析.【解析】(1)证明:延长,BA CD 相交于点E ,连接SE , 则SE 为平面SCD 与平面SBA 的交线l . 证明如下:由平面SAB ⊥平面ABCD ,BA AD ⊥,AD ⊂平面ABCD , 且平面SAB平面ABCD AB =,所以AD ⊥平面SAB ,又由AD BC ∥,所以BC ⊥平面SAB ,因为SE ⊂平面SAB ,所以BC SE ⊥,所以BC l ⊥. (2)解:由(1)知:,,SA AB AD AB SA AD ⊥⊥⊥,以A 为坐标原点,以,,AD AB AS 所在的直线分别为x 轴、y 轴和z 轴建立空间直角坐标系,如图所示,可得1(0,0,0),(0,1,0),(1,1,0),(,0,0),(0,0,1)2A B C D S ,则1(,1,0)2BD =-,设SQ SC λ=(其中01)λ<<,则(,,1)Q λλλ-,所以(,1,1)BQ λλλ=--,设平面QBD 的法向量为(,,)x y z =n ,则()()102110BD x y BQ x y z λλλ⎧⋅=-=⎪⎨⎪⋅=+-+-=⎩n n ,令2x =,可得131,1y z λλ-==-,所以13(2,1,)1λλ-=-n , 又由SA ⊥平面BDC ,所以平面BDC 的一个法向量为(0,0,1)=m ,则21361cos ,135()11λλλλ-⋅-==⋅-+⋅-m n m n m n ,解得12λ=, 所以存在点Q 为SC 的中点时,使得二面角Q BD C --6.20.(12分)某企业从生产的一批零件中抽取100件产品作为样本,检测其质量指标值m (其中:100400m ≤≤),得到频率分布直方图,并依据质量指标值划分等级如表所示:质量指标值m150≤m <350 100≤m <150或350≤m ≤400等级A 级B 级(1)根据频率分布直方图估计产品的质量指标值的60%分位数;(2)从样本的B 级零件中随机抽3件,记其中质量指标值在[350,400]的零件的件数为ξ,求ξ的分布列和数学期望;(3)该企业为节省检测成本,采用混装的方式将所有的零件按500个一箱包装,已知一个A 级零件的利润是10元,一个B 级零件的利润是5元,以样本分布的频率作为总体分布的概率,试估计每箱零件的利润.【答案】(1)2875.;(2)分布列见解析,数学期望为32;(3)每箱零件的利润是4750元.【解析】(1)前三组的频率和为00010002000350030.6++⨯=<(...).,前四组的频率和为030008500706+⨯=>...., 设60%分位数为x ,(250,300)x ∈,0.3(250)0.0080.6x +-⨯=,解得2875x =.,∴产品的质量指标值的60%分位数为2875.. (2)()0.0010.0015010010+⨯⨯=,所以样本的B 级零件个数为10个,质量指标值在[350,400]的零件为5个,故ξ可能取的值为0,1,2,3,相应的概率为30553101(0)12C C P C ξ===,()21553105112C C P C ξ===,()12553105212C C P C ξ===,03553101(3)12C C P C ξ===,随机变量ξ的分布列为ξ123P112512512112所以期望()1212122E ξ=++=. (3)设每箱零件中A 级零件有X 个,则B 级零件有()500X -个,每箱零件的利润为Y元,由题意知:()10550052500Y X X X =+-=+,由(2)知:每箱零件中B 级零件的概率为()0.0010.001500.1+⨯=,A 级零件的概率为10109-=..,所以()~500,0.9X B ,所以()5000.9450E X =⨯=, 所以()()()52500525004750E Y E X E X =+=+=(元), 所以每箱零件的利润是4750元.21.(12分)已知抛物线2:2(0)E x py p =>的焦点为F ,点11,4T ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭在E 上. (1)求TF ;(2)O 为坐标原点,E 上两点A 、B 处的切线交于点P ,P 在直线2y =-上,P A 、PB 分别交x 轴于M 、N 两点,记OAB △和PMN △的面积分别为1S 和2S .试探究:12S S 是否为定值?若是定值,求出该定值;若不是定值,说明理由.【答案】(1)54;(2)是,12S S 为定值2.【解析】(1)因为点11,4T ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭在E 上,于是112p =,解得2p =,所以15424p TF =+=.(2)抛物线方程为24x y =,故214y x =,所以12y x '=. 设A 、B 的坐标分别为211,4x x ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭、222,4x x ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,则P A 的方程为2111()24x x y x x =-+,即21124x x y x =-;同理PB 的方程为22224x x y x =-, 联立P A ,PB 方程得122P x x x +=,124P x xy =, 所以P 、M 、N 的坐标分别为1212,24x x x x+⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,1,02x ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,2,02x ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,则1224x x =-,128x x =-, 设AB 的直线方程为y kx b =+,联立24y kx bx y =+⎧⎨=⎩消去y 得2440x kx b --=,由韦达定理可知1248x x b =-=-,所以2b =, 故直线AB 过定点(0,2),所以11212122S x x x x =⋅⋅-=-,12122122222x x x x S -=⋅⋅-=,因此,122S S =,故12SS 为定值2. 22.(12分)已知函数2()1e x ax f x =-,0a ≠.(1)讨论()f x 的单调性;(2)当0x >,0a >时,e ()x f x bx ≥,证明:32e 27ab ≤. 【答案】(1)答案见解析;(2)证明见解析. 【解析】(1)()f x 的定义域为R ,()()()2222e e e e x xxxax x ax ax f x --'=-=.①当0a >时,当(,0)x ∈-∞或(2,)x ∈+∞时,()0f x '>,()f x 单调递增; 当(0,2)x ∈时,()0f x '<,()f x 单调递减.②当0a <时,当(,0)x ∈-∞或(2,)x ∈+∞时,()0f x '<,()f x 单调递减; 当(0,2)x ∈时,()0f x '>,()f x 单调递增.(2)由e ()x f x bx ≥,得2e 0x ax bx --≥,因为0x >,所以e 0x ax b x--≥, 令()()e 0xg x ax b x x =-->,则()()21e x x g x a x-'=-, 设()()()21e 0x x h x ax x-=->,则()()2322e 0xxx h x x-+'=>,所以()h x 在(0,)+∞上单调递增, 又因为()10h a =-<,()()()()21221e 1011aa a a h a a a a a a a +⋅++=->-=-=++,(由(1)知当1a =时,()()24210e f x f ≥=->,所以当0x >时,210ex x ->,即2e x x >.) 所以,存在0(1,1)x a ∈+,使得0()0h x =,即()0021e x x a x-=.所以,当0(0,)x x ∈时,()0g x '<,()g x 单调递减; 当0(,)x x ∈+∞时,()0g x '>,()g x 单调递增,所以()()0000e 0x g x g x ax b x ≥=--≥,所以()()000000001e 2e e xxx x x b x x x --≤-=,所以()()()222000033032e 12e x x x x x x ab xx-+---≤=.设()()()22332e 1xx x F x x x -+-=>,则()()()2322244232227106e e xx x x x x x x F x x x--+-+-'=-⋅=-⋅, 当312x <<时,()0F x '>,()F x 单调递增;当32x >时,()0F x '<,()F x 单调递减, 所以()332e 227F x F ⎛⎫≤= ⎪⎝⎭,所以32e 27ab ≤.。
考前冲剌模拟试卷(一)C. What interestingD. What an interesting6. February is the monthis usually the coldest.A. the weatherB. whose weatherC. its weatherD. when the weather 7. The country life he was used to greatly since 1992.A. changeB. has changedC. changingD. have changed8. Mr. Reed made up his mind to devote all he had tosome schools for poor children.A. set upB. setting upC. have set upD. having set up9. There was a traffic jam, but she get to the destination in time. 总分合计人(签名)总分复核人(签名) 复查总分复查人(签名)A. couldB. mightC. ought toD. was able to10. “Do you thinkI should attend the lectureshe asked me. A. thatB. whetherC. ifD. whenPart I Vocabulary and Structure (1 x30 points)Directions: There are 30 incomplete statements in this part. You are required to completeeach one by choosing the most appropriate word or expression from the four choices marked A, B, C and D, then mark the corresponding letter on K the ANSWER SHEET.11 ・ a solution to the problem of water shortage, we have to put all our efforts together.A. To work outB. Working outC. Work outD. Being worked out12. Smith regrettedto the meeting yesterday.A. not goingB. not having been goingC. not to goD. not to be going13. A professor, along with some students,now working in the new laboratory.A. isB. wereC. areD. was14. Just as I was leaving the house, it occurred me that I had forgotten my keys.1. Word had come from the managera new transaction would be concluded. 2. 3. 4. A. whoB. thatC. whichD. when—Each of the students, working hard at his or her lessons,to go to university.A. onB. inC. atD. to15. Do you have any idea why he?A. is looked sadB. is looking sadC. looks sadlyD. looks sad16. My children are looking forward toa trip to Beijing next month. —So do I. A. hopeB. hopesC. hopingD. hopedMum is coming, what presentA. you expect has she got C. do you expect she has gotfor your birthday?B. you expect she has got D. do you expect has she got It is what you do rather than what you saymatters. A. thatB. whatC. whichD. thisA. makeB. makingC. be makingD. have made17. Numerous studies have shown thatthe teacher * s expectation, the greater theachievement of the student. 5. role she played in the film I No wonder she has won an Oscar.A. How interestingB. How an interestingA. the higherB. the highestC. as highD. the high18. We had a party last month and it was a lot of fun ? so let's have _________ _____ one this month.A. otherB. moreC. the otherD. another考帝冲利糅揪就盈(一)第2页(弗12页)考帝冲渤模秘试&(一)第1页(关12页)19. Why not to Professor Smith for advice? He is an expert in this field. A.go B. your going C. to go D・ you goOnly after the students have mastered the rules of pronunciation得分评卷人----------------------- P art n Reading Comprehension (2 x20 points)A. can they memorize words more easilyB. when can they memorize words more easilyC. then they can memorize words more easilyD. when they can memorize words more easilyThe city was destroyed in the earthquake in 1981.A , extremely B. virtually, we went to the seaside for a holiday.A. With the job finishedC. When the job finishedC. at leastD. by contrastB. With the job was finishedD. When the job has finishedMiss Main kept practicing until she finally herself for the job.A. affectedB. balancedC. qualifiedD. identifiedIn terms of artistic value, it is hard to say that one country ' s art form is greaterthanA. that of anotherC. one of anotherB.D.another oneone anotherThe decision made at the meeting was to my wishes.A. obviousB. persuasive C・ severe D. contraryThe governmentworking conditions.A. refusedto pressure from the trade union and decided to better theB. respondedC. roaredD. instructedThough badly damaged by fire, the ship tried toA. make forB. fish outher home port.C. bring backD. give way toUncle Sam is always proud of himself andA. powerfulB. loyalC.All of the people present agreed to discuss theSmith.A. but forB. exceptC.of others.horrible D. criticalissue at the next meetingas to D. thanMr.Martha felt that she really did not to be given such a great honor.A. reverseB. reserveC. deserveD. preserve考有冲利模揪试狄(一)第3页(关12页)Directions: There are4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions orincomplete statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C andD. You should decide on the best choice and then mark the corresponding letter onthe ANSWER SHEET.' Passage OneWhat do we talk about when we talk about money? We often think about what we can buy with the moneywe have, what we can' t buy because we don' t have enough and what we' re planning to buy when we havemore. We discuss the careers that bring us money and the expenses that take it away. We talk about our favoriteshops and restaurants ? the causes we support, the places we've been and seen. We share dreams that only moneycan make real.In short, we talk about everything but money itself. In daily life, money is still a major conversationaltaboo (禁忌).This is a shame, because money is as interesting as the things it does and buys? and the moreyou know about it, the more interesting it is.As a financial advisor, I , ve seen hundreds of people learn to control their money instead of letting itcontrol them and watched as they increased their freedom, power and security by handling money consciously.Wouldn51 you like to know that you' 11 always have enough money to live exactly as you want to? 、You511 never be powerful in life until you 5 re powerful over your own money. Talking openly about it isthe first step.31.Which of the following is NOT discussed when we talk about money?A.The careers that bring us money.B.The causes we support.C.The dreams that only money can make real.D.Money itself.32.What can we know from the second paragraph?A.We should know more about money itself rather than avoid talking about it.B.Money itself can interest us and bring us happiness.C.The more money we earn, the more we should know about it.者噹冲利樸揪试彖(一)第4页(共12页)D. It is a shame that people talk too much about money.33.What does the writer want to say in the third paragraph?A.People should learn how to make money.B.People should know the value of money.C.People should learn to control their money.D.People should know how to use money to increase their power.34.The.writer5 s advice is that ・A.the more you talk about money, the more you can control itB.we should learn to be a good master of our money if we want to be powerful in lifeC.we should not be so worried about money if we want to have a free lifeD.the more money you have? the more powerful you are35.What will the writer probably talk about after the last paragraph?A.The importance of money.B.Money, power and security.C.The other steps for people to control money'.D.The steps for people to make money.The market is a concept. If you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale you are producing for the market. You might sell some to your neighbor and some to the manager of the local supermarket. But in either case, you are producing for the market. Your efforts are being directed by the market. If people stop buying tomatoes, you will stop producing them.If you take care of a sick person to earn money, you are producing for the market. If your father is a steel worker or a truck driver or a doctor or a grocer(食品商),he is producing goods or service for the market.When you spend your income, you are buying things from the market. You may spend money in stores, supermarkets, gas stations, and restaurants. Still you are buying from the market. When the local grocer hires you to drive the delivery truck, he is buying your labor in the labor market.The market may seem to be something abstract. But for each person or business who is making and selling something, it's very real. If nobody buys your tomatoes, it won' t be long before you get the message. The market is telling you something. It's telling you that you are using energies and resources in doing something the market doesn51 want you to do.36.Which of the following would be the best title?A.Selling and Buying考楠冲利樓揪就襄(一)第5页(普12页)B.What Is the MarketC.Eveiything You Do Is Producing for the MarketD.What the Market Can Do for YouAll of the following acts are producing for the market EXCEPT4A.working in a bankB. printing a bookC. attending a night schoolD. growing beans for saleYou are buying from the market when you .A.borrow a book from the libraryB. look after your childrenC.. drive to the seaside for a h olidayD. dine at a restaurantThe word u real n in the last paragraph (Line 2) most probably meansA.seriousB. genuineC. importantIn what way is the market very real for each person or business who ismaking and selling something?A.All of uscommunicate with one another nonvei'bally (不使用语言地),as well as with words. Most of the time we' re not aware that we are doing it. We gesture with elbows or a hand, meet someone else' s eyes and look away, change positions in a chair. These actions we assume are occasional. However in recent years researchers have discovered that there is a system to them almost as consistent and understandable as language.One important kind of body language is eye behavior. Americans are careful about how and when they meet one another * s eyes. In our normal conversation, each eye contact lasts only about a second before one or both of us look away. When two Americans look searchingly into each other5 s eyes, they become more intimate. Therefore, we carefully avoid this, except in suitable situations.Researchers who are engaged in the study of communication through body movement are not prepared to spell out a precise vocabulary of gestures. When an American rubs his nose, it may mean he is disagreeing with someone or refusing something. But there are other possible interpretations(解释),too. Another example: when a student in conversation with a professor holds the older man, s eyes a little longer than usual, it can be a sign of respect; it can be a challenge to the professor5s authority;it can be something else entirely. The researchers look for patterns in the 考帝冲利模揪就襄(一)第6页(为12页)situation, not for a separate meaningful gesture. concreteIt tells you what to produce.It tells you how to grow tomatoes.It provides you with everything you need.It helps you save money.B.C.D.Communications between human beings would be just dull if it were all done with words.41.The main idea of this article is that .A.study of communication through body movement is a new scienceB.body movements are as important as words in communicationC.all of us communicate with one anotherD.eye behavior is the most important part in body language42.What do researchers think of body language?A.Body language can be understood and used by people in communication.B.Body language is more important than spoken language in communication.C.Body language has been discovered in recent years.D.Body language is the study of communication via body movement.43.The word "intimate” in paragraph two probably means.A.greatB. closeC. goodD. important44.According to the passage, you make an American person feel uncomfortable if you .A.meet his eyesB.avoid meeting his eyesC.stare into his eyes for one secondD.look into his eyes for a long time45 ・The sentence “ the researchers look for patterns in the situation, not for a separate meaningfulgesture^ means .A.the researchers explain the meaning of a gesture according to the situation in which it is usedB.the researchers believe that one gesture has only one meaningC.the researchers think that one gesture cannot be used in different situationsD.the researchers look for patterns in textbooks to explain the meaning of a gestureDream is a story that a person “watches" or even takes part in during sleep. Dream events are imaginary, but they are related to real experiences and needs in the dreamer5 s life. They seem real while they are taking place. Some dreams are pleasant ? others are annoying, and still others are frightening.Everyone dreams, but some persons never recall dreaming. Others remember only a little about 考晰冲利糅拟就*(一)第7页(关12页)a dream they had just before awakening andnothing about earlier dreams. No one recalls all his dreams.Dreams involve little logical thought. In most dreams, the dreamer cannot control what happens to him. The story may be confusing, and things happen that would not happen in real life. People see in most dreams, but they may also hear, smell, touch, and taste in their dreams. Most dreams occur in color, but persons who have been blind since birth do not see at all in dreams.Dreams are a product of the sleeper' s mind. They include events and feelings that he has experienced. Most dreams are related to events of the day before the dream and strong wishes of the dreamer. Many minor incidents of the hours before sleep appear in dreams. Few events more than two days old turn up. Deep wishes or fears—especially those held since childhood——often appear in dreams ?and many dreams fulfill such wishes. Events in the sleeper * s surroundings——a loud noise, for example, may become part of a dream, but they do not cause dreams.Some dreams involve deep feelings that a person may not realize he has. Psychiatrists (精彳申病医生)often use material from a patient9 s- dreams to help the person understand himself better.Dreaming may help maintain good learning ability ? memory and emotional adjustment. People who get plenty of sleep—but are awakened each time they begin to dream—become anxious and restless.46.This passage is mainly about ・A.why we dream during sleepB.how we dream during sleepC.what dreams areD.what benefits dreams bring to people47.Can people recall their dreams?A.Not all people can recall their dreams.B.None of the people can recall their dreams.C.People usually can recall the whole dream before awakening.D.People sometimes can recall all the dreams they have during the night.48.Which of the following is Not true about dreams?A.Dream is a confusing story which involves little logical thought.B.Dream is related to the dreamer J s real life.C.Dream is an imaginary story which seems real while taking place.D.Dream involves events that always happen in real life.49.According to this passage ? psychiatrists can .A. help the dreamer recall his earlier dreams’考晰冲利模淞就彖(一)第8页(共12页)B.make the sleeper dream logicallyC.help the dreamer understand himself betterD.help the sleeper fulfill his dreams50.Least possible events that appear in dreams are ___________ .A.minor incidents that happened hours before one goes to sleepB.minor incidents that happened more than two days agoC.the strong wishes a person has since childhoodD.the strong fears a person has since childhood得分评卷人---------------------- Part JU Cloze (1x20 points)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage andmark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.Methods of studying vary; what works 51 for some students doesn, t work at all for others.The .only thing you can do is experiment 52 you find a system that does work for you. But two things are sure:53 else can do your studying for you, and unless you do find a system thatworks, you won't get through college. Meantime, there are a few rules that 54 for everybody. The first is that you don , t get 55 . The problem of studying, 56 enough to start with, becomes almost 57 when you are trying to do 58 in one weekend. 59 the fastest readers have trouble 60 that. And if you are behind in written work that must be 61 , the teacher who accepts it 62 late will probably not give you full credit. Perhaps he may hot accept it 63 . Getting behind in one class because you are spending so much time on another is reallyno 64 ・ Feeling pretty virtuous about the seven hours you spend on chemistry won51 65 onebit if the history teacher pops a quiz. And many freshmen do get into trouble by spending too much time on one class at the 66 of the others ? either because they like one class much better or because they find it so much harder that they think they should 67 all their time to it. 68 the reason, going whole work for one class and neglecting the rest of them is a mistake. If you face this 69 , begin with the shortest and easiest 70 , get them out of the way and' then go to themore difficult, time-consuming work.51. A. good B ・ easily C. sufficiently D. well52. A. until B. after C. while D. so考有冲利樓揪就欢(一)第9页(关12页)53. A. somebody B. nobody C. everybody D. anybody54. A. follow B. go C. operate D. work55. A. behind B. after C. slow D. later56. A. hardly B. unpleasant C. hard D. heavy57. A. improbable B. necessary C. impossible D. inevitable58. A. three week' s work B. three weeks' worksC. three weeks' workD. three week' s works59. A. Even B. Almost C. If D. With60. A. to do B. doing C. at doing D. with doing61. A. turned in B. turned up C. turned out D. given in62. A. very B. quite C. such D. too63. A. anyway B. either C ・at all D. too64. A. solution B. method C , answer D. excuse65. A. help B. encourage C. assist D. improve66. A. expense B. pay C. debt D. charge67. A. devote B. put C. spend D. take68. A. Whichever B. Whatever C ・ However D. Wherever69. A. attraction B. decision C ・ temptation D. dilemma70. A. arrangements B. way C. assignments D. class得分评卷人Part IV Error Correction(2 x 10 points)Directions: There are 10 sentences. Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C, and D. You are required to identify the one that is incorrect, and then write the correspondingletter and the correct answer on the ANSWER SHEET.71.All the woman doctors were shocked at the unexpected accidents.A ¥ C D一72.Because they had spent too many times discussing the problem, the students lost the opportunitygto catch the last bus to the hospital.D '考帝冲利模秘就散(~)第10页(達12页)73.Today is such beautiful day that many people go for an outing.- - - D74.Under no circumstances we shall stop the research we've begun.A B~~ E D75.Two days past before he realized that the task was beyond his capacity.~A B~~ ~~C~~ ~~D~76.As soon as we've finished supper, we511 all go to downtown to see the Sound of Music.- p —c~~ B77.Her name sounds familiar with me but I can? t tell who she is at the moment. A ~B~CPart M Writing (20 points)Directions: For this part you should write a composition entitled Spam Messages no less than• 150 words, based on the picture given below. Please write on the ANSWER SHEET.78.The director and manager of the department are veiy strict with the employees.A "H B__ ~D~79.On seeing an old man fell off, a young man rushed up to help him.T B .. C ... ~D~80.Great changes have taken place since I had visited the city."~A B C~ D得分评卷人---------------------- Part V Translation (20 points)(1)描述该图片;(2)分析原因和危害。
华腾冲刺卷语文考前冲刺模拟卷一答案1、下面表述有误的一项是( ) [单选题] *A.“人情小说”中的故事,趋于平凡、散漫、没有多少激烈冲突的日常生活图景,因而不能“出奇制胜”。
2、下列加括号词语使用正确的一项是()[单选题] *A.王立同学对这道数学题冥思苦想,终于(妙手偶得),有了答案。
(正确答案)D.歌曲《我和我的祖国》陶醉了每一个炎黄子孙,真是(哗众取宠)啊!3、下列词语中,加着重号字的注音不正确的一项是()[单选题] *A、崎岖(qí)隐瞒(mán)恬淡(tián)B、糜烂(mí)莅临(lì)粘贴(zhān)C、筵席(yán)潜伏(qiǎn)惶惑(huáng)(正确答案)D、矗立(chù)矜持(jīn)赎罪(shú)4、1四大文学体裁是指小说、诗歌、散文、戏剧。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错5、郁达夫与郭沫若、成仿吾发起成立的新文学团体是()[单选题] *新文学新闻社左翼作家联盟创造社(正确答案)6、下列语句不是出自《红楼梦》的一项是( ) [单选题] *A.字字看来皆是血,十年辛苦不寻常。
A.神学的教育目的论B.教育无目的论c.个人本位的教育目的论 D.社会本位的教育目的论6.蔡元培倡导的“以美育代宗教说”实质上是美育的()的代表。
2023-2024学年河北高考考前冲刺数学模拟试题(一模)一、单选题1.设集合U =R ,集合{|24}A x x =-<<,集合{}2|7100B x x x =-+<,则U A B =I ð()A .{|22}x x -<<B .{|22}x x -<≤C .{|25}x x <<D .{|25}x x <≤【正确答案】B【分析】化简集合B ,根据集合的补集和交集的运算性质求U A B ð即可.【详解】不等式27100x x -+<的解集为{|25}x x <<,所以{|25}B x x =<<,故{|2U B x x =≤ð或5}x ³,又{|24}A x x =-<<,所以{|22}U A B x x =-<≤ ð,故选:B .2.已知复数z 满足12i 1z=-,则z 的共轭复数z 对应的点位于()A .第一象限B .第二象限C .第三象限D .第四象限【正确答案】D【分析】根据复数运算即可求得复数z ,再得共轭复数z ,根据复数的几何意义即可得答案.【详解】111i 2i 2z -==- ,11i 2z ∴=+,11i 2z ∴=-,故z 在复平面内对应的点11,2⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭位于第四象限.故选:D .3.若函数()af x x x=+()R a ∈在点(2,(2))f 处的切线为直线1:2l y x b =+,若直线l 与圆222:(0)C x y r r +=>相切,则r 的值为()A B C D .3【正确答案】A【分析】结合导数的几何意义列方程求a ,由切点坐标与切线的关系求b ,根据直线与圆的位置关系列方程求r .【详解】函数()af x x x =+的导函数2()1a f x x'=-,因为函数()f x 在点(2,(2))f 处的切线为直线1:2l y x b =+,所以1(2)142a f '=-=,解得2a =,2()f x x x∴=+,故(2)3f =,切点(2,3)在直线l 上,1322b ∴=⨯+,解得2b =,直线1:22l y x =+与圆222:(0)C x y r r +=>相切,∴圆心(0,0)到直线lr =,故选:A .4.已知向量(2,6)a = ,(1,)b λ=- .若//a b r r,则λ=()A .3B .3-C .13D .13-【正确答案】B【分析】根据向量平行的坐标表示,列式即可求得答案.【详解】因为向量(2,6)a = ,(1,)b λ=- ,//a b r r,所以26λ=-,解得3λ=-,故选:B .5.已知数列{}n a 的首项11a =,0n a >,前n 项和n S 满足2211120n n n n n n S S S S S S ----+--=,则数列{}n a 的前n 项和n S 为()A .(1)2n n +B .12n -C .221n -D .21n -【正确答案】A【分析】由题可得22n n n S a a =+,进而可得2211n n n n a a a a ++-=+,然后可得11n n a a +-=,利用等差数列的定义及求和公式即得.【详解】由2211120n n n n n n S S S S S S ----+--=得2211122n n n n n n n S S S S S S S ---=-++-,即()()2112n n n n n S S S S S --=-+-,所以22n n n S a a =+,所以21112n n n S a a +++=+,两式作差,得()221112n n n n n a a a a a +++=+-+,即2211n n n n a a a a ++-=+,所以()()1110n n n n a a a a ++--+=,所以11n n a a +-=或10n n a a ++=,又0n a >,故11n n a a +-=,所以数列{}n a 是以1为首项,1为公差的等差数列,所以数列{}n a 的前n 项和(1)(1)22n n n n n S n -+=+=.故选:A.6.如图,在正四棱台1111ABCD A B C D -中,棱1AA ,1BB ,的夹角为3π,2AB =,则棱1AA ,1CC 的夹角为()A .3πB .4πC .23πD .2π【正确答案】D【分析】由棱台的定义可知,分别延长1AA ,1BB ,1CC ,1DD 交于点P ,连接AC ,从而可得2PA PC ==,从而可求出答案.【详解】由棱台的定义可知,分别延长1AA ,1BB ,1CC ,1DD 交于点P ,连接AC ,如图,在正四棱台1111ABCD A B C D -中,棱1AA ,1BB 的夹角为3π,2AB =,所以△PAB 是边长为2的等边三角形,所以2PA PC ==.又在正方形ABCD 中,2AB =,则AC =所以222AC PA PC =+,所以PA PC ⊥,所以棱1AA ,1CC 的夹角为2π,7.已知定点(3,0)B ,点A 在圆22(1)4x y ++=上运动,则线段AB 的中点M 的轨迹方程是()A .22(1)1x y ++=B .22(2)4x y -+=C .22(1)1x y -+=D .22(2)4x y ++=【正确答案】C【分析】设(,)M x y 再表达出A 的坐标代入圆方程22(1)4x y ++=化简即可.【详解】设(,)M x y ,则(),A A A x y 满足3,(,)22A A x y x y +⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭.故232A Ax x y y =-⎧⎨=⎩.故23(2),A x y -.又点A 在圆22(1)4x y ++=上.故2222(231)(2)4(1)1x y x y -++=⇒-+=.故选:C本题主要考查了轨迹方程的求法,属于基础题型.8.设甲乘汽车、动车前往某目的地的概率分别为0.40.6、,汽车和动车正点到达目的地的概率分别为0.70.9、,则甲正点到达目的地的概率为()A .0.78B .0.8C .0.82D .0.84【正确答案】C【分析】设事件A 表示甲正点到达目的地,事件B 表示甲乘火车到达目的地,事件C 表示甲乘汽车到达目的地,由全概率公式求解即可.【详解】设事件A 表示甲正点到达目的地,事件B 表示甲乘动车到达目的地,事件C 表示甲乘汽车到达目的地,由题意知()0.6,()0.4,(|)0.9,(|)0.7P B P C P A B P A C ====.由全概率公式得()()(|)()(|) A P B P A B P C P A C =+=⨯+⨯0.280.540.82=+=。
初级会计职称《经济法基础》考前冲刺模拟卷(一)您的姓名: [填空题] *_________________________________一、单项选择题(本类题共24小题,每小题1.5分,共36分。
[单选题] *A.A县人民法院B.B县人民法院C.C县人民法院D.D县人民法院(正确答案)答案解析:1、D【解析】因公司设立、确认股东资格、分配利润、解散等纠纷提起的诉讼,由公司住所地人民法院管辖。
[单选题] *A.停止发售发票B.确认纳税主体(正确答案)C.税收保全措施D.停止出口退税权答案解析:2、B【解析】选项ACD:不属于征税行为,纳税人对具体行政行为不服的,可以申请行政复议,也可以直接向人民法院提起行政诉讼。
[单选题] *A.100(正确答案)B.320C.1280D.1500答案解析:3、A【解析】经济损失的赔偿,可从劳动者本人的工资中扣除。
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【第2题】A、B两数的和为2013,且大数除以小数的商为 且大数除以小数的商为7余13,则大小 则大小 两数的差为_______。
【第4题】“希”“望”“杯”按照下面顺序排列:希望希希望希希望望希望杯希 望希希望希希望望希望杯……,问前 2014个字里“希”比“望”多 了______个。
【第5题】明明在购物时发现一个有趣的现象,他每次付款时钱包内的钱数 正好是所付金额的5倍。他结账三次后结果钱包内还剩下64元。 在开始购物前他钱包内有________元。
模拟试题 【第1题】1 2 3 4 5 6 99 100 101 _______。 【第3题】电脑按照指示进行运算:如果数据是偶数,就将它除以 电脑按照指示进行运算 如果数据是偶数 就将它除以2;如果 如果 数据是奇数,就将它加3.这样继续进行了三次得出结果为27.原来 的数据所有可能的平均值是_______。
【第16题】 有一本连环画,16个小朋友都想先看,于是他们围成一圈(如 图),然后从某个小朋友开始沿顺时针方向进行1~3报数,凡报 3的人就退出圈子,余下的人继续进行,直到剩下最后一人,这 人就是第一个看书的人。如果第一个看书的人是A,那么最先报 的数是谁?
【第10题】 从正方形的顶点及各边中点这八个点选取三个点,可组成 从 方形的顶点及各边中点这 个点选取 个点,可组成_____ 个等腰三角形。
【第12题】 一列数从小到大排列,每相邻的两个数差相等。已知这列数中 最小的四个数和为36,最大的四个数和为 最大的四个数和为388,所有数的和为 所有数的和为13 78。请问,这列数共有_______项。
【第9题】甲、乙、丙三人拿出同样多的钱共买回一筐苹果.甲和丙都比乙多 拿了15千克苹果,并且分别给了乙 千克苹果 并且分别给了乙30元,那么每千克苹果 元 那么每千克苹果______ 元。
【第11题】在4×4的方格表中,每个格子最多只能画上一个“×”,要使 每行每列都恰好有三个格子有“×”。共有 每行每列都恰好有三个格子有 × 。共有________种不同的 画法。
【第7题】立方体的每条边都有颜色,不是红色就是黑色。如果立方体的每 个面至少有一条黑边 请问黑边的最小数目是_______。 个面至少有一条黑边,请问黑边的最小数目是
【第6题】今年的5月一共有4个星期三, 个星期三 4个星期六,那么今年的六一节是星 个星期六 那么今年的六一节是星 期______。
【第8题】一天在数学课上,大强问数学老师:“老师,您多大岁数?”老 师回答道:“今年我的岁数是你现在年龄的 师回答道: 今年我的岁数是你现在年龄的3倍。但是6年前我的 岁数是你当时年龄的5倍。”数学老师现在的年龄是______岁。
【第13题】 A、B两人买了相同张数的信纸。A在每个信封里装1张信纸,最 后用完所有的信封还剩40张信纸;B在每个信封里装3张信纸, 张信纸 最后用完所有的信纸还剩40个信封。他们都买了多少张信纸?
【第14题】 下图的小正方形边长为1厘米.这个图形的外沿的周长是多少厘 米?
【第15题】 菜农李爷爷每天都和王老板在市场进行交易。李爷爷骑车从菜园 出发,每分钟行200 00米,王老板从市区同时出发,每小时行60千 米,两人同时到达位于菜园和市区之间的市场。一日,李爷爷提 前半小时从菜园出发,但速度不变,此时王老板从市区出发,每 小时行90千米,两人仍同时到达市场。求李爷爷家的菜园到市区 的距离?