
博爱版英语七年级下册要点短语及句子Unit5OurSchoolLifeTopic1 howdoyouusuallygotoschool1.attheschoolgate在学校13.goonfoot=walkto步大门口行2.HappyNewYear!新年快14.walktoschool走路上乐学3.Thesametoyou!也相同15.watchTV看电视祝你------16.doone`shomework做家庭4.looksverynice!看起来漂亮作业etoschool来上学17.seeamovie看bybike=ride(s)abike骑自行车电影7.gobysubway=take(s)18.Goodevening夜晚好thesubway=inasubway乘地铁19.wanttodosth想要做8.gobybus=take(s)abus某事/inabus/onabus乘公共20.whattime什么时汽车间9.byplane/byair/ina21.getup起plane/onaplane乘飞机床car/inacar/takeacar坐小汽22.onweekdays周末车23.ataboutsixo`clock11.bytrain/inatrain/ona在大概六点钟train/eon快点takeatrain乘火车25.It`stimeforclass该12.byship/byboat/ona上课了ship/boat/taketheship坐船26.It`stimetohaveclass该上课了27.knowabout认识---45.gotoschool去上学---的状况46.gotowork去上班28.schoollife学校生活47.schoolisover下学了29.Americanstudents美48.classisover下课了国学生49.inone`s free/spare30.takeayellowschoolbus time在某人的业余时间里乘一辆黄色的校车50.playbasketball打篮球31.have/haslunch吃午饭51.playsoccer踢足球32.atschool在学校,在上52.goswimming去游泳学53.goshopping去买东西33.eatout出门吃饭,上54.gofishing去垂钓馆子55.goskating去滑旱冰34.onschooldays在校期56.goskiing去溜冰间57.goclimbingmountains35.haveashortrest休去登山息一会儿58.gohiking去远足36.afterlunch午59.howoften多久一次餐后60.ballgames37.aftersupper/after球赛dinner晚餐后61.haveballgames举38.afterclass下课后行球赛39.afterschool下学后62.fourtimesayear40.listentomusic听音乐每年四次41.readbooks看书63.meetfriends见42.gotothepark去公园朋友43.gotothezoo去动物园64.onceaweek每周一44.gotothelibrary去图次书馆65.twiceaweek每73.have/hasdinner周两次吃晚餐66.threetimesaweek74.halfpastseven每周三次七点半67.Workmustcomefirst!75.aquarterpastfive五点过十五分工作(学习)一定放在第一76.gethome68.twentypastsix六点过到家二十分77.go/goestobed上69.attwentypastsix在六床睡觉点二十分78.aquartertoten十点过70.have/hasbreakfast十五分吃早餐79.driveacar开小汽71.have/haslunch车吃午饭80.theGreatWall长72.have/hassupper城吃晚餐Topic2Heisplayingsoccerontheplaygroundputerroom 6.inthelibrary电脑室在图书室2.dininghall7.inthedormitory食堂在宿舍里3.teachers`office8.inthedining教师办公室hall在食堂里4.classroom9.onthebuilding教课楼playground在操场上5.swimmingpool10.atthemoment=now此游泳池刻,此刻11.cleanthedormitory26.manystudents很多学生打扫宿舍27.dowellin=begoodat12.cleanthebedroom sth/doingsth在------做得打扫寝室好13.cleantheclassroom打28.dobetterin在------扫教室做得更好14.cleantheblackboard29.ontheshelf在擦黑板书架上15.makecards制30.return=giveback归作卡片还16.Wouldyouliketo---31.It’sapleasure不---用谢你想做------吗32.Thankyouallthesame17.Goodidea!好想法仍是要感谢你18.Seeyousoon一会儿33.lostandfound失物见招领处19.playcomputergames玩电脑34.looking for找寻游戏35.somemoney一些钱20.MayIborrow------36.apictureofmyfamily我能够借------吗一张全家福照片21.afew几个,一些37.thankyouallthesame仍是要22.Ren’ai Project English感谢你workbooks博爱英语练习册38.schoolstudentcard学23.ofcourse=sure=生卡certainly自然39.apairofpants一条裤24.ontime准时子25.intime实时40.apairofshoes一双鞋41.twopairs ofshoes两双鞋42.singingintheroom在房间里唱歌43.dancinginthegym在体育馆跳舞44.swimminginthegym在体育馆游泳45.showsbaround率领某人观光46. inthecenterof=inthemiddleof在--- ---的中间,在------的中央47.ontheleft在左侧48.ontheright在右侧49.nextto在------近邻,在------旁边,紧挨看,凑近50.atthebackof在------后部,在------后边51.near the playground在操场的邻近inthegym在体育馆里,在健身房里53.intheswimmingpool在游泳池里talkabouttheirfamilies讨论他们的家庭55.Attention,please!请注意!56.between------and------在------和------之间57.stampcollectionshow集邮展58.schoolhall学校大厅59.everySaturday每个星期六60.heisrunning他在跑步61.inpicture1在第一张照片里62.inpicture2在第二张照片里63.look(looks)happy看起来快乐64.loveswimming喜爱游泳65.talktoaJapanesegirl和一个日本女孩谈话66.playtheguitar弹吉它67.intheclassroom在教室69.inthedormitory在里宿舍里68.intheoffice在办公室70.ontheplayground里在操场Topic3 o urschoolisveryinteresting1.Whatday用来发问“星期14.Workingonmathproblems做几”数学题2.haveamusicclass上一15.speakingEnglish说英节音乐课语3.atteno`clock十点钟16.learningaboutthepast4.aquartertoeleven十点四认识过去十五分17.anEnglishbook一本英5.haveabiologylesson上语书一节生物课18.Whatdoyouthinkofit6.haveageography上=Howdoyoulikeit你感觉它一节地理课怎么样7.havea.lesson上一节体19.Difficultandboring难育课学并且无聊8.haveanartlesson上20.Whichsubject哪一门一节美术课课9.outdooractivities21.Easyandinteresting容户外活动易又风趣10.howmanylessons多少节课22.Favorite subject最11.everyweek每周喜爱的科目12.singinganddancin唱歌23.Myschoollife我跳舞的学校生活13.drawingpictures画画24.Atschool在学校39.bestwishes致以美里,在上学好的祝福25.Befriendlytosb=be40.readstories看故事书kindtosb对某人友善41.haveabiologyclass26.Inthemorning在上上生物课午,在清晨42.havebreakfast吃27.Intheafternoon在下午早餐28.IaftenspeakEnglish43.runontheplayground在操场withmyclassmates我常常和我的上跑步同学说英语44.haveaphysicsclass29.Afterschool下学后上物理课30.Playbasketballwith45.watchanimals赏析动myclassmates物和同学们打篮球46.playsocceratschool在学31.Ontheplayground在校踢足球操场上47.readabookathome在32.EveryTuesday每周二家看书33.EveryThursday每周四48.havedinnerinthe34.schoolnewpaper校报schooldinninghall在学校食35.SchoolTime校园时代堂吃晚餐36.Andsoon等等49.havedinnerathome在37.ScienceToday今世科学家吃晚餐38.Thanksbfordoingsth感谢某人做了某事Unit6OurLocalAreaTopic1Isthereasofainyourstudy1.Onthesecond15.Inthefrontofthehouse在floor在二楼房屋前方2.Whynot=Why16.Inthekitchen在don`tyou厨房为何不------17.Inthestudy在3.Goupstairs上书斋楼18.Inthedinningroom在4.Godownstairs餐厅下楼19.Inthebedroom在5.Havealook看寝室一看20.Inthegarden在花园6.Amomentlater21.Behindthedoor在门后过了一会儿面ein,please22.Playwithhispetdog请进和他的宠物狗嬉戏8.Somanybooks这23.Playgames玩游戏么多的书24.Cleanthecar冲洗小汽9.Ontheshelf在车书架上25.Readbooks看书10.Youhaveanicestudy26.Havedinner吃饭你的书斋真漂亮!27.Talkabout讨论11.Diningroom餐厅28.Nearmydesk在我桌子旁12.Livingroom客堂29.Onyourdesk在你桌子上13.Onthefirstfloor30.Soon等等在一楼31.Myfamilyphoto我的全14.Cousins表姐家福照片妹,表兄弟32.Onthewall在墙上33.Putthemaway请把它们收起来54.Adiningroom一个餐厅放好55.Akitchen34.Putitaway,please一个厨房把它/它们收起来放好56.Abathroom一35.Lookafter=takecareof个卫生间照看照料57.IlikewatchingTVin36.Infrontthehouse房屋thelivingroom我喜爱在客堂里看前方电视37.Inthebottle瓶子里58.Iloveplayingonthe38.Nearthewindow窗户边computerinthestudy我喜爱在书39.Intheglass杯子里房里玩电脑40.Modelplanes飞机模型59.Inthedrawer在41.Underthebed床下抽屉里42.Howmanypairs多少双60.Onthechair43.Inthetree树上在椅子上44.Onthetree树上61.Underthechair45.Ontheshelf书架上在椅子下46.Ontheriver河里62.InpictureA47.Asmallgarden一个小图A里花园63.InpictureB48.Manybeautifulflower很多漂亮图B里的花64.Onthewalls49.Inthegarden花园里在墙上50.Abigtree一棵大树65.In在---51.Underthetree在树下---里面52.Verybeautiful特别漂亮66.On在------53.Alargelivingroom一上边个在客堂67.Behind在---74.Thethingsaroundyour---下边home68.Near在------房屋四周的事物邻近75.I`mverygladto我69.Nextto在---很快乐---旁边76.Getaletterfromsb=70.Inthefrontof在hearfromsb收到某人的来信------前方77.Tellsbaboutsth告诉某人71.Don`tputit/themhere对于某事78.Tellsbtodosth告诉某人别把它/它们放在这儿做某事72.Writealetter79.Tellsbsth告诉某人某事写一封信73.Describedifferentroomsinyourhome描绘你家不同的房间Topic2What`syourhomelike1.What`syourhome 5.Yourgrandparents你的爷爷like和奶奶你家是什么样的 6.Abigfarmhouse2.Anapartment田舍building一座公寓7.Inthecountry3.Atownhouse在乡村城镇住所8.Lookfor寻4.Livewithsb和找某从居住在一同9.Let`shelphim我们去帮助他吧10.Inourgroup在我们20.Housewithfour小组bedrooms四居室11.Forrent21.Quietdoubleroom安出租静的双人间12.Wanted22.Excuseme求租打搅了,打搅一下,屈驾,请13.Smallapartmentfor谅解students23.Yournewneighbor你小型学生公寓的新街坊14.¥850amonth每个月85024I`mlookingforastore元我在找一家商铺15.CallMs.Guan联系关女25.Onthestreetcorner在士街道拐角处16.Housewiththree26.Postofficebedrooms邮局一套三居室的房屋27.Bookstore17.Housewithfurniture书店forafamilyofthree合适三口28.Museum博之家,家具齐备的房屋物馆18.Lookingforaquiet29.Parkinglotdoubleroom求租一间寂静的双人泊车场间30.Supermarketunder¥300permonth商场月租低于300元31.Hospital19.Apartmentforafamily医院oftwo32.Bank合适两口之家的公寓银行33.Trainstation47.I`mreallysorryaboutthat十火车站分对不起34.Parkcars48.Mr.Smart斯马特泊车49.AttheendofElmRoa35.Keepmoney在榆树路的终点存钱50.Ontheright在右侧36.Taketrains51.Atalltree一棵大乘火车树37.Seeadoctor52.Mr.Jackson杰克逊先看医生生38.Buyfood53.Mr.Lee李先生买食品39.Mailletters54.Mr.Jones琼斯先生邮寄信55.Mr.Watson40.Buybooks华桑先生买书56.IliveinYushancun41.Keepandshowthings玉山村保留和陈设物件57.Aquietcommunity一个寂静的42.Bookstored书店社区43.Restaurant['rest?r?nt]58.Manyoldpeopleand饭馆familieswithyoungchildren44.Ihearyouplayingthe很多老人和有儿童的家庭piano59.Lotof=lotsof许我听到你在弹钢琴多45.Themusicisbeautiful60.Tallbuildings音乐很优美高楼46.I`mafaidit`stooloud61.Smallgardens唯恐声音有点儿大小花园62Inanapartmentbuilding71.Doyoulike living there 在一幢公寓里你喜爱住那边吗63.Closeto离------72.GreenCommunity Service近,紧挨着的Center64.NearXinhuaBookstore绿色社区服务中心73.Thisislindaspeaking.在新华书店邻近我是琳达65.Farfrom离------远74.Apartment606,building66.Notfarfrom离------S不远S幢606号房间67.Acommunityservice75.What`sthematter有center什么事吗一个社区服务中心76.Kitchenfan厨房排气68.Callitforhelp打电话扇向它求援77.Thereissomething69.Howisthecommunity wrongwith=Somethingiswrongwith社区是什么样的某人/某物出问题70.Livingnearyourhome78.Getsomeonetocheckit住在你家邻近派人去检查一下79.Rightnow立82.Thecostoflivingishig生刻,立刻活花费高80.From---to---从---83.Houseswithbigyards---到------带大院子的房屋81.Thetrafficisheavy84.Ahousewithagarden有花园交通拥堵的房屋Topic3HowcanIgettothebookstore1.Goupthis street11.On在------上totheend面沿着这条街向来走到终点12.Onthecornerof在---2.Onyour left在你---拐角处左侧13.Acrossfrom在------3.HowcanIget正对面to---14.Between---and---我如何才能去------4.GoalongXinhuan在------和------之间Street15.Nearthebridge在沿着新华路走桥的邻近5.Turnleftatthe16.Yuanmingyuan圆明园firststreet17.TsinghuaUniversity清在第一条街口向左转华大学6.Goacrossthe18.PekingUniversitybridge穿过桥北京大学7.It`saboutone19.HaidianBridgehundremetersalongontheright海淀桥20.BeisihuanRoad北顺着右侧走大概100米(就到)四环路8.Whichistheway21.Ren`aiEducationto---Institute哪一条是到------路博爱教育研究所9.Thepostoffice22.BayiSchool八一学邮局校10.I`mnewhere我对这儿不23.HaidianRoad熟海淀路24.Haidiantheater38.Trafficlights海淀影剧院交通灯25.DinghaoBuilding鼎39.Crosswalk人好大厦行横道26.Turnleftandwalkon40.Turnleft向左拐并向来往前走左转27.Youcan`tmissit你41.Norightturn禁不会错过的止右转28.BeitaiRoad北台路42.Noleftturn禁29.Be---awayfrom离止左转------远43.Turnright30.Needtodosth需右转要做某事44.Gostraight31.Takebus乘坐718路车直走32.Changetothe busat45.Noparking禁AnzhenBridge在安贞桥换乘108止泊车路车46.NoU-turn禁33.ThewaytoShuanxiu止调头Garden47.Crosswalk人去双秀花园的路行横道34.AtLiuliBridge48.Parking六里桥泊车35.Howfar“多49.Danger远”,问距离。

18. 谢谢你的辛苦工作_______________________ 19.了解。
20. 你认为。
的一些事情22.简单又有趣23.多少课24.多少牛奶25.他们在上什么课26.感谢某人做某事27.喜欢(喜爱)做某事Unit6 Topic11. 在二楼___________________2. 在---隔壁________________3. 为什么不到楼上来___________________4. 看一看(。
)___________________5. 在架子上_____________________6. 玩宠物狗____________________7. 你的书桌上有什么?__________________8. 把---收起来,放好_____________________9. 在房子前有一辆车________________________ 10. 在院子中心_____________________ 11.在---左边______________ 12.在浴室隔壁________________13.等等14.在瓶子中有些牛奶15在桌子上有一盏灯和两本书16.这儿有一张他的照片17.她的一个朋友18.很少人(学生)19.帮助某人做某事(2种)20.在。
前面(外部/内部)21.在树上(外来物/自身物)22.只有一点水23.许多模型飞机24.在墙上(表面上/墙里)Unit6 Topic21. 你的家是什么样的?___________________2.有两层楼的房子________________3. 在乡下___________________4. 带有花园的房子___________________5. 每个月在三百元以下_____________________6.租一间小公寓____________________7. 在街道拐角处__________________8. 停车场_____________________9.从。

4表示交通方式:nft步行bbat坐船bship坐船bair乘飞机bplane乘飞机btrain坐火车bsuba搭乘地铁bar坐小汽车bbus坐公共汽车bbie骑自行车taethesuba/bus/ar搭乘地铁;公共汽车;小汽车6driveaartr=gtrbar驾车去上班taeabustr=gtrbbus乘公共汽车去上班gtshlnft=altshl步行去上学7rideabie/hrse骑自行车;骑马8aftershl/lass放学以后;下以后9plathepian/guitar/vilin弹钢琴;吉他;小提琴plabasetball/ser/ftball 打篮球;踢足球;打橄榄球plaputergaes玩电脑游戏plaithaputer玩电脑plasprts做运动0nextt紧挨着,在…旁边1aplanfshl一幅我们学校的平面图2needas在工作日ateeends在周末3havebreafast/lunh/supper/dinner/eals 吃早餐;中餐;晚餐;正餐;一日三餐havelasses/lessns/aeeting上;上;开会4athTV/vies/gaes/theanials看电视;电影;比赛;动物readnvels/nespapers/bs看小说;报纸;书ashne’sfae/lthes洗脸;衣服6反义词:up–dn,earl–late近义词:quil–fastgetupearl早起belatefr迟到7thefirst/send/third/furthda第一;二;三;四天8leanthehuse清扫房子9表示建筑物〔尤其学校建筑物〕:ntheplagrund在操场atshl/he/table在学校;家里;桌旁inaputerr/teahers’ffie/lassrbuilding/g/librar/lab/anteen在电脑室;老师办公室;教学楼;体操馆;图书馆;实验室;食堂20arundsix’l=atabutsix’l大约在六点21频率副词:never,seld,seties,ften,usuall,alas二、重点句型:It’stietgetup该起床的时候了。
仁爱版英语七年级下册 Unit5_Topic1_短语句型归纳

Unit5 Topic1 短语句型归纳【短语集萃】the same to对……也一样come on快点儿;加油;来吧on foot走路,步行go to school 去上学on weekdays 在平日do (one’s) homework 做家庭作业watch TV 看电视at school在学校;在上课go to bed睡觉play basketball打篮球go swimming 去游泳listen to 听once a week 每周一次have lunch 吃午饭in one’s free time 在某人的业余时间the Great Wall 长城have classes 上课talk to 和……交谈be different from与……不同【典句必背】1. —Happy New Year! 新年快乐!—The same to you. 也祝你新年快乐!2. —How do you usually come to school? 你通常怎样来学校?—I usually come to school by subway.我通常乘地铁来学校。
3. Oh, it’s time for class. Come on! 噢,上课时间到了。
快点!4. —Michael, what time do you usually get up on weekdays? 迈克尔,你平日通常几点起床?—I always get up at about six o’cl ock. 我总是6点左右起床。
5. The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。
6. Maria sometimes takes the subway home. 玛利亚有时候乘地铁回家。
7. 一How often do you come to the library? 你多久来一次图书馆?—Three times a week.一周三次。

仁爱版七年级英语下册短语归纳第一篇:仁爱版七年级英语下册短语归纳仁爱版七年级下英语短语归纳Unit 5 Our School Life Topic 1 how do you usually go to school ? 1.at the school gate 在学校大门口2.Happy New Year!新年快乐3.The same to you!也同样祝你------4.looks very nice!看起来漂亮e to school 来上学e by bike= ride(s)a bike 骑自行车7.go by subway=take(s)the subway= in a subway乘地铁 8.go by bus=take(s)a bus / in a bus / on a bus 乘公共汽车9.by plane / by air /in a plane / on a plane 乘飞机10.by car /in a car / take a car坐小汽车11.by train / in a train / on a train / take a train乘火车 12.by ship/by boat / on a ship/boat / take the ship 坐船13.go on foot=walk to 步行 14.walk to school 走路上学15.watch TV 看电视16.do one`s homework 做家庭作业17.see a movie 看电影18.Good evening 晚上好19.want to do sth 想要做某事20.what time 什么时间 21.get up起床22.on weekdays 周末23.at about six o’clock 在大约六点钟e on 快点25.It`s time for class 该上课了 26.It`s time to have class 该上课了27.know about 了解------的情况28.school life 学校生活29.American students 美国学生30.take a yellow school bus 乘一辆黄色的校车31.have/has lunch 吃午餐32.at school 在学校,在上学33.eat out外出吃饭,上馆子34.on school days 在校期间35.have a short rest休息一会儿36.after lunch午餐后37.after supper/after dinner 晚饭后38.after class下课后39.after school放学后 40.listen to music 听音乐 41.read books看书42.go to the park去公园43.go to the zoo去动物园 44.go to the library去图书馆45.go to school去上学 46.go to work去上班 47.school is over放学了 48.class is over下课了49.in one`s free/spare time在某人的业余时间里 50.play basketball51.play soccer52.go swimming53.go shopping54.go fishing55.go skating56.go skiing57.go climbing mountains 58.go hiking59.how often60.ball games61.have ball games62.four times a year63.meet friends64.once a week65.twice a week66.three times a week67.Work must come first!68.twenty past six69.at twenty past six70.have / has breakfast71.have / has lunch72.have / has supper73.have / has dinner74.half past seven75.a quarter past five打篮球踢足球去游泳去买东西去钓鱼去滑旱冰去滑冰去爬山去远足多久一次球赛举行球赛每年四次见朋友每周一次每周两次每周三次工作(学习)必须放在第一六点过二十分在六点二十分吃早餐吃午餐吃晚餐吃晚餐七点半五点过十五分76.get home到家77.go / goes to bed上床睡觉 78.a quarter to ten十点过十五分 79.drive a car开小汽车 80.the Great Wall长城Topic 2 He is playing soccer on the playgroundputer room电脑室 2.dining hall食堂3.teachers` office教师办公室 4.classroom building教学楼 5.swimming pool游泳池 6.in the library在图书馆 7.in the dormitory在宿舍里 8.in the dining hall在食堂里 9.on the playground在操场上 10.at the moment = now此刻,现在 11.clean the dormitory打扫宿舍 12.clean the bedroom打扫卧室 13.clean the classroom打扫教室 14.clean the blackboard擦黑板 15.make cards制作卡片16.Would you like to------? 你想做------吗? 17.Good idea! 好主意 18.See you soon一会儿见 19.play computer games玩电脑游戏20.May I borrow------我可以借------吗?21.a few几个,一些22.Ren’ai Project English workbooks 仁爱英语练习册23.of course = sure = certainly 当然 24.on time准时 25.in time及时26.many students许多学生27.do well in= be good at sth / doing sth 在------做得好 28.do better in在------做得更好 29.on the shelf在书架上 30.return = give back归还31.It’s a pleasure不用谢32.Thank you all the same还是要谢谢你 33.lost and found失物招领处 34.looking for寻找 35.some money一些钱36.a picture of my family一张全家福照片 37.thank you all the same还是要谢谢你 38.school student card学生卡 39.a pair of pants一条裤子 40.a pair of shoes一双鞋 41.two pairs of shoes两双鞋42.singing in the room在房间里唱歌 43.dancing in the gym在体育馆跳舞 44.swimming in the gym 在体育馆游泳 45.show sb around带领某人参观46.in the center of= in the middle of 在------的中间,在------的中央47.on the left48.on the right49.next to边,紧挨看,靠近50.at the back of51.near the playground52.in the gym53.in the swimming pool 54.talk about their families55.Attention, please!56.between------and------57.stamp collection show58.school hall59.every Saturday60.he is running61.in picture 162.in picture 263.look(looks)happy64.love swimming65.talk to a Japanese girl 66.play the guitar67.in the classroom68.in the office69.in the dormitory70.on the playground在左边在右边在------隔壁,在------旁在------后部,在------后面在操场的附近在体育馆里,在健身房里在游泳池里谈论他们的家庭请注意!在------和------之间集邮展学校大厅每个星期六他在跑步在第一张照片里在第二张照片里看起来高兴喜欢游泳和一个日本女孩交谈弹吉它在教室里在办公室里在宿舍里在操场上Topic 3 our school is very interesting 1.What day用来提问“星期几” 2.have a music class上一节音乐课 3.at ten o`clock十点钟4.a quarter to eleven十点四十五分 5.have a biology lesson上一节生物课 6.have a geography上一节地理课 7.have a P.E.lesson上一节体育课 8.have an art lesson上一节美术课 9.outdoor activities户外活动 10.how many lessons多少节课 11.every week每周12.singing and dancing唱歌跳舞 13.drawing pictures画画14.Working on math problems 做数学题 15.speaking English说英语16.learning about the past了解过去 17.an English book一本英语书18.What do you think of it = How do you like it ? 你觉得它怎么样?19.Difficult and boring难学而且乏味20.Which subject哪一门课21.Easy and interesting容易又有趣 22.Favorite subject最喜欢的科目 23.My school life我的学校生活 24.At school在学校里,在上学25.Be friendly to sb = be kind to sb对某人友好 26.In the morning在上午,在早晨 27.In the afternoon在下午28.I aften speak English with my classmates我经常和我的同学说英语29.After school放学后30.Play basketball with my classmates和同学们打篮球 31.On the playground在操场上 32.Every Tuesday每周二 33.Every Thursday每周四 34.school newpaper校报 35.School Time校园时代 36.And so on等等37.Science Today当代科学38.Thank sb for doing sth感谢某人做了某事39.best wishes致以美好的祝愿40.read stories看故事书 41.have a biology class上生物课 42.have breakfast吃早饭43.run on the playground在操场上跑步 44.have a physics class上物理课 45.watch animals观赏动物46.play soccer at school 在学校踢足球47.read a book at home在家看书48.have dinner in the school dinning hall 在学校食堂吃晚饭49.have dinner at home在家吃晚饭Unit 6 Our Local Area Topic 1 Is there a sofa in your study?1.On the second floor在二楼2.Why not =Why don`t you 为什么不------? 24.Clean the car25.Read books26.Have dinner27.Talk about28.Near my desk清洗小汽车看书吃饭谈论在我桌子旁 3.Go upstairs4.Go downstairs5.Have a look6.A moment latere in ,please8.So many books9.On the shelf10.You have a nice study 11.Dining room12.Living room13.On the first floor 14.Cousins15.In the front of the house 16.In the kitchen17.In the study18.In the dinning room 19.In the bedroom20.In the garden21.Behind the door22.Play with his pet dog 23.Play games上楼下楼看一看过了一会儿请进这么多的书在书架上你的书房真漂亮!餐厅客厅在一楼表姐妹,表兄弟在房子前面在厨房在书房在餐厅在卧室在花园在门后面和他的宠物狗玩耍玩游戏29.On your desk在你桌子上 30.So on等等31.My family photo我的全家福照片 32.On the wall在墙上33.Put them away请把它们收起来放好34.Put it away, please把它/它们收起来放好 35.Look after = take care of 照看,照顾36.In front the house房子前面 37.In the bottle瓶子里 38.Near the window窗户边 39.In the glass杯子里 40.Model planes飞机模型 41.Under the bed床下42.How many pairs多少双 43.In the tree树上 44.On the tree树上45.On the shelf书架上 46.On the river河里47.A small garden一个小花园 48.Many beautiful flowers 许多美丽的花 49.In the garden花园里50.A big tree一棵大树 51.Under the tree在树下 52.Very beautiful非常漂亮53.A large living room一个在客厅 54.A dining room一个餐厅 55.A kitchen一个厨房56.A bathroom一个卫生间57.I like watching TV in the living room我喜欢在客厅里看电视58.I love playing on the computer in the study我喜欢在书房里玩电脑59.In the drawer在抽屉里 60.On the chair在椅子上 61.Under the chair在椅子下 62.In picture A图A里 63.In picture B图B里 64.On the walls在墙上 65.In在------里面 66.On在------上面 67.Behind在------下面 68.Near在------附近 69.Next to在------旁边 70.In the front of在------前面71.Don`t put it / them here 别把它/它们放在这儿 72.Write a letter写一封信73.Describe different rooms in your home 描述你家不同的房间74.The things around your home 房子周围的事物75.I`m very glad to我很高兴76.Get a letter from sb= hear from sb 收到某人的来信 77.Tell sb about sth告诉某人关于某事 78.Tell sb to do sth告诉某人做某事 79.Tell sb sth告诉某人某事Topic 2 What`s your home like?1.What`s your home like? 你家是什么样的?2.An apartment building 一座公寓3.A town house城镇住宅4.Live with sb和某从居住在一起 5.Your grandparents你的爷爷和奶奶 6.A big farmhouse农舍 7.In the country在农村 8.Look for寻找9.Let`s help him我们去帮助他吧 10.In our group在我们小组 11.For rent出租 12.Wanted求租13.Small apartment for students 小型学生公寓14.¥850 a month每月850元 15.Call Ms.Zhang联系张女士16.House with three bedrooms 一套三居室的房子17.House with furniture for a family of three 适合三口之家,家具齐全的房子18.Looking for a quiet double room 求租一间安静的双人间under ¥300 per month 月租低于300元19.Apartment for a family of two 适合两口之家的公寓20.House with four bedrooms 四居室42.Bookstored书店 43.Restaurant ['restərənt]饭店44.I hear you playing the piano 我听到你在弹钢琴45.The music is beautiful 音乐很优美21.Quiet double room 22.Excuse me谅23.Your new neighbor 24.I`m looking for a store 25.On the street corner 26.Post office27.Bookstore28.Museum29.Parking lot30.Supermarket31.Hospital32.Bank33.Train station34.Park cars35.Keep money36.Take trains37.See a doctor38.Buy food39.Mail letters40.Buy books41.Keep and show things 安静的双人间打扰了,打扰一下,劳驾,请原你的新邻居我在找一家商店在街道拐角处邮局书店博物馆停车场超市医院银行火车站停车存钱乘火车看医生买食物邮寄信买书保存和陈列物品46.I`m afaid it`s too loud 恐怕声音有点儿大 47.I`m really sorry about that 十分抱歉 48.Mr.Smart斯马特49.At the end of Elm Road 在榆树路的尽头 50.On the right在右边 51.A tall tree一棵大树52.Mr.Jackson杰克逊先生53.Mr.Lee李先生54.Mr.Jones琼斯先生 55.Mr.Watson华桑先生 56.I live in Yushancun玉山村57.A quiet community一个安静的社区58.Many old people and famillies with young children许多老人和有小孩的家庭59.Lot of = lots of许多 60.Tall buildings高楼 61.Small gardens小花园62.In an apartment building 在一幢公寓里 63.Close to离------近,紧挨着的 64.Near Xinhua Bookstore 在新华书店附近 65.Far from离------远66.Not far from离------不远 67.A community service center 一个社区服务中心68.Call it for help打电话向它求助69.How is the community? 社区是什么样的?70.Living near your home 住在你家附近 71.Do you like living there? 你喜欢住那里吗?72.Green Community Service Center 绿色社区服务中心73.This is linda speaking.我是琳达74.Apartment 606,building A A幢606号房间 75.What`s the matter?有什么事吗? 76.Kitchen fan厨房排气扇77.There is something wrong with = Something is wrong with 某人/某物出问题,有毛病了78.Get someone to check it 派人去检查一下 79.Right now立刻,马上80.From---to---从------到------81.The traffic is heavy交通拥挤 82.The cost of living is high 生活费用高 83.Houses with big yards 带大院子的房子 84.A house with a garden 有花园的房子Topic 3 How can I get to the bookstore? 1.Go up this street to the end 沿着这条街一直走到尽头 2.On your left在你左边3.How can I get to---?我怎样才能去------? 4.Go along Xinhuan Street 沿着新华路走5.Turn left at the first street 在第一条街口向左转6.Go across the bridge穿过桥7.It`s about one hundre meters along on the right 顺着右边走大约100米(就到)8.Which is the way to---? 哪一条是到------路?9.The post office邮局10.I`m new here我对这儿不熟 11.On在------上面 12.On the corner of在------拐角处 13.Across from在------正对面14.Between---and---在------和------之间 15.Near the bridge在桥的附近 16.Yuanmingyuan圆明园 17.Tsinghua University清华大学 18.Peking University 北京大学 19.Haidian Bridge海淀桥 20.Beisihuan Road北四环路21.Ren`ai Education Institute 仁爱教育研究所 22.Bayi School八一学校 23.Haidian Road海淀路24.Haidian theater海淀影剧院 25.Dinghao Building 鼎好大厦26.Turn left and walk on 向左拐并一直往前走 27.You can`t miss it 你不会错过的 28.Beitai Road北台路 29.Be---away from离------远 30.Need to do sth需要做某事31.Take bus No.718乘坐718路车32.Change to the No.108 bus at Anzhen Bridge 在安贞桥换乘108路车33.The way to Shuanxiu Garden 去双秀花园的路34.At LiuliBridge六里桥 35.How far“多远”,问距离。

Unit 5 重点短语及句型Unit 5 Topic 11. the same to 对⋯ 也一样 3. go ⋯ on foot=walk 走路步行 5. on weekdays 在工作日 7. watch TV 看电视 9. go to bed 睡觉 11. go swimming 去游泳 13.once a week 每周一次 15.three times a week 一周三次17. in one ' s free/spare tim 在e 某 人的业余时间19. have classes 上课 21.be different from 与 ⋯不同 23. by plane 坐飞机 25. come ⋯ by bike=ride a bike 骑自行车 27. after school 放学后29. how often 多经常① --- Happy New Year! 新年快乐 !---The same to you. 你也一样。
(新年快乐 ! ) ② --How do you usually come to school?你通常怎样来上学的?--I usually come to school by subway. ③ O h, it ' s time for class. 噢,是时候上课了。
④ --How do you usually come to school? 你通常怎样来上学的?回答可以用 go/come...by+交通工具 来回答。
如--I usually come to school by subway/ by bike/ by bus/ by boat/by ship/ by plane/by car 或 I usually come to school on foot.频度副词 always,usually, often,sometimes,seldom 和 never. 频度副词用于一般 现在时,表示动作发生的频度,一般放在 be 动词后或谓语动词前。

仁爱版英语七年级下册知识点归纳英语七年级下册知识点归纳Unit 5 Topic1重点语法一般现在时(常与频度副词never, seldom, sometimes, often ,usually, always等连用)重点句型—How do you usually come to school?—I usually come to school by subway.—How often do you go to the library?—Once/Twice/Three times a week/Very often/Every day/Seldom重点详解1I always come to school by bus.by+交通工具名称,表示使用某种交通方式,中间不加限定词,如果交通工具前有a, the, my 等限定词,就不能用by,而是用in或是on.on the train=by train on his bike=by bike in my car=by car.巧辩异同on foot 与walk on foot “走路”,是介词短语,不能作谓语,只作方式状语,位于句末。
walk “走路”,是动词,可以作谓语。
go to…on foot= walk toI often go to school on foot. =I often walk to school.同样,go to….by bike = ride a bike togo to…. by car = drive a car togo to … by plane = fly togo to… by bus = take a bus to2 Come on! It’s time for class. come on “快点,加油,来吧”。
It’s time for sth. “该做某事了”,与 It’s time to do sth.意思一样。

仁爱版七年级下册英语复习知识点仁爱版七年级下册英语复习知识1重点语法There be句型Wh-questions重点句型What’s your home like? What’s the matter?Sorry, I can’t hear you. I’ll get someone to check it right now.There is something wrong with mykitchen fan.重点讲解1 house with three bedrooms.有三间卧室的房子。
with “有,带有”。
with还可以意为“和(某人/某物)在一起”2 apartment for a family of two.适合两口之家的公寓。
(1) for表示“给……”表示目的或功能。
Here is a letter foryou.(2)of的含义为“属于某人/某事物”。
She is a friend of Lily’s. = She is Lily’s friend.3 What’s the matter?怎么了?该句常用来询问某或某物出了什么什么问题或毛病;询问具体某人或某物出了什么问题时,还可以表达为:What’s the matter with sb./sth.某人或某物出了什么毛病。
What’s the matter? = What’swrong?4 Ihear you playing the piano.我听见你在弹钢琴。
hear…doing sth.“听见……在做某事”,强调正在进行的动作。
hearabout sth.听到关于某事物的消息 hear from sb.接到某人的来信、电话等hear of sb./sth.听到或知道某人或某事物的情况5 a lot of = lots of许多后接可数名词,相当于many;后接不可数名词,相当于much,用于肯定句中;但是注意:如果是否定句,则常用many或much.6 be far from… 离……远(抽象距离)be…away from…离……远(具体距离)My school is not far from thebookstore. The sea is 2 miles away fromthe hotel.7 There is something wrong with sb./sth.某人或某物出问题/有毛病了。

Unit 7 The Birthday PartyTopic 1 When is your birthday?Section A一. 重点词语be born出生二:重点句型1.When was she born? 她在什么时候出生?She was born in July, 1965. 她在1965年7月出生。
2.Where was she born? 他在哪里出生?In Wales, the UK. 他出生在英国,威尔士。
询问出生日期与地点句子:When/Where + was/were + 主语+ born?主语+ was/were + born + in/on…三:重点语法时间介词in/on/at用法介词in/on/at可以用于表示时间的名词前,有“在”的意思,用法如下:1)at用于钟点时刻前,意思为“在--- 时(刻)”,如at three O’clockat a quarter to six at noon at night at midnight2)in 用于泛指一天的上午,下午,晚上等,也用于某个较长的时间,如年,月,季节等,如in the morning/afternoon/evening in 2003, in the day/daytime.in还可以表示“从现在起一段时间以后”in a week3)on用于表示在具体的某一天以及某天的某段时间,如on Sundayon Children’s day , on the night of new year,on the morning\afternoon\ evening of …, on Sunday morningSection B一. 重点词语1. 序数词:①one — first two — second three — third(特殊1.2.3)②five — fifth twelve — twelfth(以ve结尾的)③eight — eighth nine — ninth (8去t,9去e)④twenty—twentieth thirty—thirtieth ninety—ninetieth(以ty结尾)⑤four—fourth fifteen—fifteenth one hundred—one hundredth(一般情况)2. plan/want to do sth:计划/想要做某事二:重点句型1.When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?= When were you born?2.What’s the date today? 今天几号?三:重点语法序数词变化规则1) 序数词1━19 除第一,第二,第三,第五,第八,第九, 第十二变化不规则外, 其余均由在基数词后加上-th。

仁爱版英语七年级下册知识点复习归纳(完整版)Ren'ai English n Grade 7 Unit 5 Topic 1 ReviewKey Grammar: Present Simple Tense (often used with frequency adverbs such as never。
always)Key XXX:How do you usually come to school?I usually come to school by subway.How often do you go to the library?XXX/Three times a week/Very often/Every day/SeldomXXX:1.I always come to school by bus。
"by" + means of XXX。
No article is used in een。
If there is an article before the means of XXX。
such as "a"。
"in" or "on" should beused instead。
For example。
"on the train" = "by train"。
"on his bike" = "by bike"。
"in my car" = "by car"。
Distinguishing "on foot" and "walk": "on foot" means "walking" and is a nal phrase that cannot be used as a predicate。

一、时间短语1. in the morning/afternoon/evening意为“在早上/下午/晚上”,例如:I usually go for a run in the morning.(我通常在早上去跑步。
)2. at night意为“在夜间”,例如:We usually watch TV at night.(我们通常在晚上看电视。
)3. on the weekend/on Saturday/on Sunday意为“在周末/星期六/星期天”,例如:I often go shopping on the weekend.(我常常在周末去购物。
)4. from...to...意为“从......到......”,例如:I study from Monday to Friday.(我从周一到周五学习。
)二、地点短语1. at home/at school/at the park意为“在家/在学校/在公园”,例如:I like to play with my dog at home.(我在家里喜欢和我的狗玩。
)2. in the city/in the country/in the mountains意为“在城市里/在农村里/在山里”,例如:We live in the city.(我们住在城市里。
)3. on the street/on the road/on the sidewalk意为“在街上/在路上/在人行道上”,例如:I like to walk on the sidewalk.(我喜欢在人行道上散步。
)4. by the seaside/by the lake/by the river意为“在海边/在湖边/在河边”,例如:We had a picnic by the river.(我们在河边野餐。

仁爱英语七年级下册重点词组,重点句型及语法Unit 5 Our School LifeTopic1 How do you go to school?一、重点词语:1. wake up 醒来,唤醒 get up 起床2. go to school 去上学 go home 回家3. go dancing / shopping / skating / swimming 去跳舞;购物、滑冰;游泳go doing something 可用于表达去进行某种娱乐休闲活动。
4. 表示交通方式:on foot 步行by boat 坐船 by ship 坐船 by air 乘飞机by plane 乘飞机 by train 坐火车 by subway 搭乘地铁by car 坐小汽车 by bus 坐公共汽车 by bike 骑自行车5. take the subway / bus / car 搭乘地铁;公共汽车;小汽车6. drive a car to work = go to work by car 驾车去上班take a bus to work = go to work by bus 乘公共汽车去上班go to school on foot = walk to school 步行去上学7. ride a bike / horse 骑自行车;骑马8. after school / class 放学以后;下课以后9. play the piano / guitar / violin 弹钢琴;吉他;小提琴play basketball / soccer / football 打篮球;踢足球;打橄榄球play computer games 玩电脑游戏play with a computer 玩电脑play sports 做运动10. next to 紧挨着,在…旁边11. a plan of my school 一幅我们学校的平面图12. on weekdays 在工作日at weekends 在周末13. have breakfast / lunch / supper / dinner / meals 吃早餐;中餐;晚餐;正餐;一日三餐have classes / lessons / a meeting 上课;上课;开会14. watch TV / movies / games / the animals 看电视;电影;比赛;动物read novels / newspapers / books 看小说;报纸;书15. wash one’s face/ clothes 洗脸;衣服16. 反义词:up – down, early – late 近义词:quickly – fastget up early 早起be late for 迟到17. the first / second / third / fourth day 第一;二;三;四天18. clean the house 打扫房子19. 表示建筑物(尤其学校建筑物):on the playground 在操场at school / home / table 在学校;家里;桌旁in a computer room / teachers’ office / classroom building / gym / library / lab / canteen在电脑室;教师办公室;教学楼;体操馆;图书馆;实验室;食堂20. around six o’clock = at about six o’clock大约在六点21. 频率副词:never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always二、重点句型:1. It’s time to get up.该起床的时候了。

仁爱版七年级下册英语重点知识点总结(短语、句型、语法)Unit 5 Topic 1重点短语:1. on foot 步行go …on foot = walk ( to )…2.at the school gate在学校大门口3.on weekdays在平日,在工作日4.on weekends=on the weekend在周末5.after school 放学后6.after class 下课后7.after breakfast / lunch / supper早餐/ 午餐 / 晚餐后8.in one's free time在某人空闲时间9.have a rest 休息一下10.read books 读书11.go swimming 去游泳12.listen to music 听音乐13.watch TV 看电视14.do(one’s) homework 做作业15.go to the zoo / park去动物园/ 公园16.once a week 一周一次17.every day 每天18.have classes 上课19.for a little while 一会儿20.go to bed 上床睡觉e on 快点,加油,来吧22.get up 起床23.talk with / to s b.与某人谈话24.at school 在学校、在上课25.go to school 去上学26. and so on ……等等重点句型:1. --Happy New Year! --The same to you.2.--Your new bike looks very nice. --Thank you3.--How do you usually come to school? --I usually come to school by subway.4.--How often do you go to the library? --Once/Twice/Three timesa week/Very often/Every day/Seldom5.The early bird catches the worm.(谚语) 笨鸟先飞6.Work / Study must come first.工作/ 学习必须放在第一位!7.Classes begin at eight.=Class begins at eight.8.What time does the class begin?What time do the classes begin?9.We have no more time.我们没有更多的时间了。

七年级下册英语语法一、there be1. there be句型(一)(1)句型结构为:there be(is/are)+某物/某人+地点/时间(介词短语),意为“某处/某地有某人或某物”,表示存在的一种状态,句中be动词的选择由其后面的名词确定.有两种句式:①There is +单数名词/不可数名词+介词短语。
①There are +名词复数形式+介词短语。
(2)there be结构的否定句直接在be动词后面加not。
(3)there be结构的疑问形式直接把be动词提前,句末加问号。
肯定回答:Yes,there is/are.否定回答:No,there isn't/aren't .-Are there any books about Chinese history? 有关于中国历史的书吗?-Yes.there are./No,there aren't. 是的,有。
-Is there a computer in your study? 你的书房有电脑吗?-Yes,there is,/No,there isn't. 是的,有。
2. there be句型(二)(1)针对there be结构的名词提问,常常用what's+地点状语,名词无论是单数形式还是复数形式,be动词都用is,且常省略there。
如:There is a desk in the room. (对画线部分提问)房间里有张桌子。
—— What's in the room? 房间里面有什么?There are many students in the classroom.(对画线部分提问)教室里有许多学生。
—— 教室里面有什么?(2)针对there be结构中名词的数量提问,用how many或how much提问,后面要紧跟这个名词.如:There' s a coat on the bed(对画线部分提问)在床上有一件衣服。

仁爱版七年级下册英语短语重点短语:1. on foot 步行go …on foot = walk ( to )…2. at the school gate在学校大门口3. on weekdays在平日 ,在工作日4. on weekends=on the weekend在周末5. after school 放学后6. after class 下课后7. after breakfast / lunch / supper早餐 / 午餐/ 晚餐后8. in one's free time在某人空闲时间9. have a rest 休息一下10. read books 读书11. go swimming 去游泳12. listen to music 听音乐13. watch TV 看电视14. do(one’s)homework 做作业15. go to the zoo / park去动物园 / 公园16. once a week 一周一次17. every day 每天18. have classes 上课19. for a little while 一会儿20. go to bed 上床睡觉21. come on 快点,加油,来吧22. get up 起床23. talk with / to sb.与某人谈话24. at school 在学校、在上课25. go to school 去上学26. and so on ……等等重点句型:1. --Happy New Year!--The same to you.2. --Your new bike looks very nice.--Thank you.3. --How do you usually come to school?--I usually come to school by subway.4. --How often do you go to the library?--Once/Twice/Three times a week/Very often/Every day/Sedom6. The early bird catches the worm.(谚语) 笨鸟先飞7. Work / Study must come first.工作/ 学习必须放在第一位!8. Classes begin at eight.=Class begins at eight.9. What time does the class begin?What time do the classes begin?10. We have no more time.我们没有更多的时间了。

仁爱版七年级下英语总复习材料Unit 5 Our School LifeTopic 1 how do you usually go to school ?1.at the school gate 在学校大门口2.Happy New Year! 新年快乐3.The same to you! 也同样祝你--- ---4.looks very nice! 看起来漂亮e to school 来上学e by bike= ride(s) a bike 骑自行车7.go by subway=take(s) the subway= in asubway乘地铁8.go by bus=take (s) a bus / in a bus / on abus 乘公共汽车9.by plane / by air /in a plane / on a plane乘飞机10.by car /in a car / take a car 坐小汽车11.by train / in a train / on a train / take atrain乘火车12.by ship/by boat / on a ship/boat / take theship 坐船13.go on foot=walk to 步行14.walk to school 走路上学15.watch TV 看电视16.do one`s homework 做家庭作业17.see a movie 看电影18.Good evening 晚上好19.want to do sth 想要做某事20.what time 什么时间21.get up起床22.on weekdays 周末23.at about six o’clock 在大约六点钟e on 快点25.It`s time for class 该上课了26.It`s time to have class 该上课了27.know about 了解--- --- 的情况28.school life 学校生活29.American students 美国学生30.take a yellow school bus 乘一辆黄色的校车31.have/has lunch 吃午餐32.at school 在学校,在上学33.eat out外出吃饭,上馆子34.on school days 在校期间35.have a short rest休息一会儿36.after lunch午餐后37.after supper/after dinner 晚饭后38.after class下课后39.after school放学后40.listen to music 听音乐41.read books看书42.go to the park 去公园43.go to the zoo去动物园44.go to the library去图书馆45.go to school去上学46.go to work去上班47.school is over 放学了48.class is over 下课了49.in one`s free/spare time50.在某人的业余时间里51.play basketball 打篮球52.play soccer 踢足球53.go swimming 去游泳54.go shopping 去买东西55.go fishing 去钓鱼56.go skating 去滑旱冰57.go skiing 去滑冰58.go climbing mountains 去爬山59.go hiking 去远足60.how often多久一次61.ball games 球赛62.have ball games 举行球赛63.four times a year 每年四次64.meet friends 见朋友65.once a week 每周一次66.twice a week 每周两次67.three times a week 每周三次68.Work must come first! 工作〔学习〕必须放在第一69.twenty past six 六点过二十分70.at twenty past six 在六点二十分71.have / has breakfast 吃早餐72.have / has lunch 吃午餐73.have / has supper 吃晚餐74.have / has dinner 吃晚餐75.half past seven 七点半76. a quarter past five 五点过十五分77.get home 到家78.go / goes to bed 上床睡觉79. a quarter to ten 十点过十五分80.drive a car 开小汽车81.the Great Wall 长城Topic 2 He is playing soccer on theplaygroundputer room 电脑室2.dining hall 食堂3.teachers` office 教师办公室4.classroom building 教学楼5.swimming pool 游泳池6.in the library 在图书馆7.in the dormitory 在宿舍里8.in the dining hall 在食堂里9.on the playground 在操场上10.at the moment = now此刻,现在11.clean the dormitory打扫宿舍12.clean the bedroom 打扫卧室13.clean the classroom 打扫教室14.clean the blackboard擦黑板15.make cards 制作卡片16.Would you like to --- --- ?17.你想做--- --- 吗?18.Good idea!好主意19.See you soon 一会儿见20.play computer games 玩电脑游戏21.May I borrow --- --- 我可以借--- ---吗?22. a few几个,一些23.Ren’ai Project English workbooks 仁爱英语练习册24.of course = sure = certainly 当然25.on time 准时26.in time 及时27.many students 许多学生28.do well in= be good at sth / doing sth在--- ---做得好29.do better in 在--- --- 做得更好30.31.on the shelf 在书架上32.return = give back 归还33.It’s a pleasure 不用谢34.Thank you all the same 还是要谢谢你35.lost and found 失物招领处36.looking for 寻找37.some money 一些钱38. a picture of my family 一张全家福照片39.thank you all the same 还是要谢谢你40.school student card 学生卡41. a pair of pants 一条裤子42. a pair of shoes 一双鞋43.two pairs of shoes 两双鞋44.singing in the room 在房间里唱歌45.dancing in the gym 在体育馆跳舞46.swimming in the gym 在体育馆游泳47.show sb around 带领某人参观48.in the center of= in the middle of 在------ 的中间,在--- --- 的中央49.on the left 在左边50.on the right 在右边51.next to 在--- --- 隔壁,在--- ---旁边,紧挨看,靠近52.at the back of 在--- ---后部,在--- --- 后53.near the playground 在操场的附近54.in the gym 在体育馆里,在健身房里55.in the swimming pool在游泳池里56.talk about their families 谈论他们家庭57.Attention, please ! 请注意!58.between --- and --在--- --- 和--- --- 之间59.stamp collection show 集邮展60.school hall 学校大厅61.every Saturday 每个星期六62.he is running 他在跑步63.in picture 1 在第一张照片里64.in picture 2 在第二张照片里65.look(looks) happy 看起来高兴66.love swimming 喜欢游泳67.talk to a Japanese girl和一个日本女孩交谈68.play the guitar 弹吉它69.in the classroom 在教室里70.in the office 在办公室里71.in the dormitory 在宿舍里72.on the playground 在操场上Topic 3 our school is very interesting1.What day 用来提问“星期几”2.have a music class 上一节音乐课3.at ten o`clock 十点钟4. a quarter to eleven 十点四十五分5.have a biology lesson上一节生物课6.have a geography 上一节地理课7.have a P.E. lesson 上一节体育课8.have an art lesson 上一节美术课9.outdoor activities 户外活动10.how many lessons 多少节课11.every week 每周12.singing and dancing唱歌跳舞13.drawing pictures 画画14.Working on math problems 做数学题15.speaking English 说英语16.learning about the past 了解过去17.an English book 一本英语书18.What do you think of it = How do youlike it ? 你觉得它怎么样?19.Difficult and boring 难学而且乏味20.Which subject 哪一门课21.Easy and interesting 容易又有趣22.Favorite subject 最喜欢的科目23.My school life 我的学校生活24.At school 在学校里,在上学25.Be friendly to sb = be kind to sb 对某人友好26.In the morning 在上午,在早晨27.In the afternoon 在下午28.I aften speak English with my classmates我经常和我的同学说英语29.After school 放学后30.Play basketball with my classmates和同学们打篮球31.On the playground 在操场上32.Every Tuesday 每周二33.Every Thursday 每周四34.school newpaper 校报35.School Time 校园时代36.And so on 等等37.Science Today 当代科学38.Thank sb for doing sth 感谢某人做了某事39.best wishes 致以美好的祝愿40.read stories 看故事书41.have a biology class 上生物课42.have breakfast 吃早饭43.run on the playground 在操场上跑步44.have a physics class上物理课45.watch animals 欣赏动物46.play soccer at school 在学校踢足球47.read a book at home 在家看书48.have dinner in the school dinning hall在学校食堂吃晚饭49.have dinner at home 在家吃晚饭Unit 6 Our Local AreaTopic 1 Is there a sofa in your study?1.On the second floor 在二楼2.Why not =Why don`t you为什么不--- --- ?3.Go upstairs 上楼4.Go downstairs 下楼5.Have a look 看一看6. A moment later 过了一会儿e in ,please 请进8.So many books 这么多的书9.On the shelf 在书架上10.You have a nice study你的书真漂亮!11.Dining room 餐厅12.Living room 客厅13.On the first floor 在一楼14.Cousins 表姐妹,表兄弟15.In the front of the house 在房子前面16.In the kitchen 在厨房17.In the study 在书房18.In the dinning room 在餐厅19.In the bedroom 在卧室20.In the garden 在花园21.Behind the door 在门后面22.Play with his pet dog和他的宠物狗玩耍23.Play games 玩游戏24.Clean the car 清洗小汽车25.Read books 看书26.Have dinner 吃饭27.Talk about 谈论28.Near my desk 在我桌子旁29.On your desk 在你桌子上30.So on 等等31.My family photo 我的全家福照片32.On the wall 在墙上33.Put them away 请把它们收起来放好34.Put it away,please把它/它们收起来放好35.Look after = take care of 照看,照顾36.In front the house 房子前面37.In the bottle 瓶子里38.Near the window 窗户边39.In the glass 杯子里40.Model planes 飞机模型41.Under the bed 床下42.How many pairs 多少双43.In the tree 树上44.On the tree 树上45.On the shelf 书架上46.On the river 河里47. A small garden 一个小花园48.Many beautiful flowers 许多美丽的花49.In the garden 花园里50. A big tree 一棵大树51.Under the tree 在树下52.Very beautiful 非常漂亮53. A large living room 一个在客厅54. A dining room 一个餐厅55. A kitchen 一个厨房56. A bathroom 一个卫生间57.I like watching TV in the living room我喜欢在客厅里看电视58.I love playing on the computer in thestudy我喜欢在书房里玩电脑59.In the drawer 在抽屉里60.On the chair 在椅子上61.Under the chair 在椅子下62.In picture A 图A里63.In picture B 图B里64.On the walls 在墙上65.In 在--- --- 里面66.On 在--- --- 上面67.Behind 在--- --- 下面68.Near 在--- --- 附近69.Next to 在--- --- 旁边70.In the front of 在--- --- 前面71.Don`t put it / them here 别把它/它们放在这儿72.Write a letter 写一封信73.Describe different rooms in your home描述你家不同的房间74.The things around your home 房子周围的事物75.I`m very glad to 我很高兴76.Get a letter from sb= hear from sb 收到某人的来信77.Tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事78.Tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事79.Tell sb sth 告诉某人某事Topic 2 What`s your home like?1.What`s your home like? 你家是什么样的?2.An apartment building 一座公寓3. A town house 城镇住宅4.Live with sb 和某从居住在一起5.Your grandparents 你的爷爷和奶奶6. A big farmhouse 农舍7.In the country 在农村8.Look for 寻找9.Let`s help him 我们去帮助他吧10.In our group 在我们小组11.For rent 出租12.Wanted 求租13.Small apartment for students小型学生公寓14.¥850 a month 每月850元15.Call Ms. Zhang 联系张女士16.House with three bedrooms 一套三居室的房子17.House with furniture for a family of three适合三口之家,家具齐全的房子18.Looking for a quiet double room 求租一间安静的双人间under ¥300 per month 月租低于300元19.Apartment for a family of two 适合两口之家的公寓20.House with four bedrooms 四居室21.Quiet double room 安静的双人间22.Excuse me 打搅了,打搅一下,劳驾,23.Your new neighbor 你的新邻居24.I`m looking for a store我在找一家商店25.On the street corner 在街道拐角处26.Post office 邮局27.Bookstore 书店28.Museum 博物馆29.Parking lot 停车场30.Supermarket 超市31.Hospital 医院32.Bank 银行33.Train station 火车站34.Park cars 停车35.Keep money 存钱36.Take trains 乘火车37.See a doctor 看医生38.Buy food 买食物39.Mail letters 邮寄信40.Buy books 买书41.Keep and show things保存和陈列物品42.Bookstored 书店43.Restaurant ['restərənt] 饭店44.I`m afaid it`s too loud 恐怕声音有点儿大45.I`m really sorry about that 十分抱歉46.At the end of 、Road 在、、、路的尽头47.On the right 在右边48. A tall tree 一棵大树49.Lot of = lots of 许多50.Tall buildings 高楼51.Small gardens 小花园52.Close to 离--- --- 近,紧挨着的53.Far from 离--- --- 远54.Not far from 离--- --- 不远55.Call it for help 打向它求助56.How is the community? 社区是什么样的?57.Living near your home 住在你家附近58.Do you like living there?59.This is linda speaking. 我是琳达60.61.What`s the matter? 有什么事吗?62.There is something wrong with =Something is wrong with某人/某物出问题,有毛病了63.Right now 立刻,马上64.From--- to--- 从--- --- 到--- ---65.The traffic is heavy 交通拥挤66.The cost of living is high生活费用高67.Houses with big yards带大院子的房子68. A house with a garden 有花园的房子Topic 3 How can I get to the bookstore?1.Go up this street to the end 沿着这条街一直走到尽头2.On your left 在你左边3.How can I get to--?我怎样才能去--- --- ?4.Go along Xinhuan Street 沿着新华路走5.Turn left at the first street 在第一条街口向左转6.Go across the bridge 穿过桥7.It`s about one hundre meters along on theright 顺着右边走大约100米〔就到〕8.Which is the way to--- ? 哪一条是到--- --- 路?9.The post office 邮局10.I`m new here 我对这儿不熟11.On 在--- --- 上面12.On the corner of 在--- --- 拐角处13.Across from 在--- --- 正对面14.Between --- and --在--- --- 和--- ---之间15.Near the bridge 在桥的附近16.Turn left and walk on 向左拐并一直往前走17.You can`t miss it 你不会错过的18.Beitai Road 北台路19.Be --- away from 离--- --- 远20.Need to do sth 需要做某事21.Take bus No.718 乘坐718路车22.Change to the No.108 bus at AnzhenBridge 在安贞桥换乘108路车23.The way to Shuanxiu Garden 去双秀花园的路24.At Liuli Bridge 六里桥25.How far “多远”,问距离。
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Unit 5重点短语及句型Unit 5 Topic 11. the same to对…也一样2. come on 快点儿加油3.go…on foot=walk 走路步行4. go to school 去上学5. on weekdays在工作日6.do one’s homework做家庭作业7.watch TV看电视8.at school在学校9.go to bed睡觉10.play basketball 打篮球11.go swimming去游泳12. listen to听13. once a week每周一次14.twice a week 一周两次15.three times a week一周三次16.have lunch吃午饭17. in one’s free/spare time 在某人的业余时间18. the Great Wall长城19. have classes上课20.talk to sb 和某人交谈21.be different from 与…不同22. by subway坐地铁23. by plane坐飞机24. by train坐火车25. come …by bike=ride a bike骑自行车26.go…by bus=take a bus坐公共汽车27.after school放学后28. for a short time 一段短时间29. how often 多经常①--- Happy New Year! 新年快乐!---The same to you. 你也一样。
(新年快乐!)②--How do you usually come to school?你通常怎样来上学的?--I usually come to school by subway.③Oh, it’s time for class. 噢,是时候上课了。
④--How do you usually come to school?你通常怎样来上学的?回答可以用go/come...by+交通工具来回答。
如--I usually come to school by subway/ by bike/ by bus/ by boat/by ship/ by plane/by car或I usually come to school on foot.频度副词always,usually, often,sometimes,seldom 和never. 频度副词用于一般现在时,表示动作发生的频度,一般放在be动词后或谓语动词前。
⑤--What does Han Qing usually do after school?韩青放学后通常做什么?--He usually plays soccer, but he doesn’t play basketball.他通常踢足球,但他不打篮球。
注意:play soccer, play basketball, play+球类中间不能加a或the⑥---How often do you come to the library?你有多经常来图书馆?--- Three times a week.一周三次。
⑦--We’d like to know about the school life of American students.我们想了解一下美国的学校生活。
⑧What do they do in their free time?他们在空余时间做什么?⑨I’m sorry we have no more time. 很抱歉我们没更多的时间了。
⑩Nice talking to you.很高兴与你谈话。
1.make cards 制作卡片2.dining hall 餐厅3.swimming pool 游泳池4.do some cleaning打扫卫生5. of course 当然6. look for寻找7.on the shelf 在架子上8. on time准时按时9.show sb around 领某人参观10.a few 一些,少量11.at the back of 在…的背后12.draw pictures 绘画13. on the playground在操场上14.in the gym在健身房15. borrow sth from sb 向某人借某物16. look for 寻找17.have a soccer game 进行一场足球比赛18. one day 有一天①--What are you doing now?你现在在做什么?②Are you doing your homework?你现在正在做作业吗?③I’m making cards. 我正在制作卡片。
④Excuse me, may I borrow some English workbooks?打扰了,我可以借一些英语练习册吗?borrow sth. from sb.向某人借某物(借入)lend sth. to sb.借某物给某人(借出)⑤How long can I keep them?我可以借(这些书)多久呢?用How long 提问,只能用延续性动词keep回答,keep 在这里也是“借”的意思,Borrow和lend都是短暂性动词,不能与表示持续的时间状语连用。
如I want to borrow the book for two day s. ( ×)I want to keep the book for two days. ( √ )⑥The girl looks for the books on the shelves.那个女孩在书架上找书。
⑦A few students are running around the playground.一些学生正在围绕操场跑步。
A few 表示一些,几个,表示肯定。
如:I have a few friends.我有一些朋友。
He is new here, he has few friends here. 他是新来的,他几乎没有朋友。
⑧The boy is drawing pictures. He isn’t cleaning the blackboard.那个男孩正在画画,他不是在擦黑板。
现在进行时的基本结构是be+v.ing, 否定形式是在Be动词后加not.⑨He looks happy because he loves swimming.他看起来很高兴因为他很爱有用。
⑩I also want to visit it one day.我也想有一天去参观长城。
also意为“也”,一般放在句中;too也是“也”,但too放在句子末尾,前面用逗号隔开,either 用于否定句。
如:He likes reading, he also likes swimming.(also用于句中)He likes swimming, I like swimming, too.(too 用于肯定句)He doesn’t like swimming, I don’t like swimming, either.(either用于否定句)1. think of 认为2. work on致力于3.talk about 谈论4.be kind to sb对某人友好5.some other subjects 其他一些科目6.outdoor activity 户外活动7.tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事8.between…and在…和…之间9.from… to 从…到…10. learn sth from sb 从/向某人学习某事11. have a music class 上音乐课12. the next class 下一节课13.help each other 互相帮助14. like…best 最喜欢15.speak English with sb 和某人说英语16. thank you for doing sth谢谢你做某事①What day is it today? 今天是星期几?②—What class are they having? ----他们在上什么课?—They are having a music class. ----他们在上音乐课。
③What time does the next class begin? 下一节课什么时候开始?④H ow many lessons does he have every weekday?他每个平日要上多少节课?⑤I think you must like English very much. 我想你一定很喜欢英语。
⑥—What do you think of it? ----你认为它(英语)怎么样?—I don’t like it. It’s a little difficult.----我不喜欢。
⑦I like history very much because it’s very interesting.我非常喜欢历史,因为它很有趣。
⑧It’s time for class. 该上课了。
⑨—Which subject do you like best?你最喜欢哪门科目?—I like history best. 我最喜欢历史。
⑩At school, my teachers and classmates are very kind to me.be kind to...意为“对......友好”,相当于be friendly/nice to ...。
kind也可作名词,意为“种类”,如many different kinds of... 许多不同种类的......⒒I study Chinese, English, math, politics, art, history, geography, biology and some other subjects.other指“另外的,其他的”,常与复数名词或不可数名词连用,如:I like Lucy and some other students.我喜欢Lucy和一些其他同学。
⒓I can learn a lot from it. 我能从中学到很多(知识)。
⒔Thank you for your hard work. 感谢你的努力。
Unit 6重点短语及句型Unit 6 Topic 11. next to紧邻2. and so on 等等3. so many/much许多4. in front of在..(内部的)前面5. in the front of在..(外部的)前面6. put away把…收好7. look after照顾8. in the center of 在…中心9. model planes 飞机模型10.on the second floor 在二楼11. go upstairs 上楼12.have a look at sth 看一看某物13. on the wall在墙上14.play with 与…玩耍15. write to sb写信给某人①—Where is your bedroom? 你的卧室在哪儿?—It's on the second floor. There is a study next to my bedroom.它在二楼,有一个书房紧挨着我的卧室。